Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Chapter 5
1 Understand the scope of e-commerce crime and security problems, the key dimensions
of e-commerce security, and the tension between security and other values.
Cybercrime against e-commerce sites is growing rapidly, the amount of losses is growing, and
the management of e-commerce sites must prepare for a variety of criminal assaults.
There are six key dimensions to e-commerce security: integrity, nonrepudiation, authenticity,
confidentiality, privacy, and availability.
Although computer security is considered necessary to protect e-commerce activities, it is not
without a downside. Two major areas where there are tensions between security and website
operations are:
1. Ease of use—The more security measures that are added to an e-commerce site, the more
difficult it is to use and the slower the site becomes, hampering ease of use. Security is purchased
at the price of slowing down processors and adding significantly to data storage demands. Too
much security can harm profitability, while not enough can potentially put a company out of
2. Public safety—There is a tension between the claims of individuals to act anonymously and
the needs of public officials to maintain public safety that can be threatened by criminals or
5.3 Describe how technology helps secure Internet communications channels and protect
networks, servers, and clients.
Encryption is the process of transforming plain text or data into cipher text that cannot be read
by anyone other than the sender and the receiver.
Encryption can provide four of the six key dimensions of e-commerce security: message
integrity, nonrepudiation, authentication, and confidentiality.
There are a variety of different forms of encryption technology currently in use. They include:
1. Symmetric key cryptography—Both the sender and the receiver use the same key to encrypt
and decrypt a message.
2. Public key cryptography—Two mathematically related digital keys are used: a public key and
a private key.
The private key is kept secret by the owner, and the public key is widely disseminated. Both keys
can be used to encrypt and decrypt a message. Once the keys are used to encrypt a message, the
same keys cannot be used to unencrypt the message.
3. Public key cryptography using digital signatures and hash digests—This method uses a
mathematical algorithm called a hash function to produce a fixed-length number called a hash
4. Digital envelope—This method uses symmetric cryptography to encrypt and decrypt the
document, but public key cryptography to encrypt and send the symmetric key.
5. Digital certificates and public key infrastructure—This method relies on certification
authorities who issue, verify, and guarantee digital certificates (a digital document that contains
the name of the subject or company, the subject’s public key, a digital certificate serial number,
an expiration date, an issuance date, the digital signature of the certification authority, and other
identifying information).
5.4 Appreciate the importance of policies, procedures, and laws in creating security.
In order to minimize security threats, e-commerce firms must develop a coherent corporate
policy that takes into account the nature of the risks, the information assets that need protecting,
and the procedures and technologies required to address the risk, as well as implementation and
auditing mechanisms.
Public laws and active enforcement of cybercrime statutes also are required to both raise the
costs of illegal behavior on the Internet and guard against corporate abuse of information.
The key steps in developing a security plan are:
1. Perform a risk assessment—an assessment of the risks and points of vulnerability.
2. Develop a security policy—a set of statements prioritizing the information risks, identifying
acceptable risk targets, and identifying the mechanisms for achieving these targets.
3. Create an implementation plan—a plan that determines how you will translate the levels of
acceptable risk into a set of tools, technologies, policies, and procedures.
4. Create a security team—the individuals who will be responsible for ongoing maintenance,
audits, and improvements.
5. Perform periodic security audits—routine reviews of access logs and any unusual patterns of
5.6 Describe the features and functionality of electronic billing presentment and payment
Electronic billing presentment and payment (EBPP) systems are a form of online payment
systems for monthly bills. EBPP services allow consumers to view bills electronically and pay
them through electronic funds transfers from bank or credit card accounts.
Major players in the EBPP marketspace include: online banking, biller-direct systems, mobile
payment systems, and consolidators.
Q U E S T I O N S and Answer
Q1) Why is it less risky to steal online? Explain some of the ways criminals deceive
consumers and merchants.
A1) The potential for anonymity on the Internet can allow criminals to assume identities that
look legitimate and at the same time, shield them from law enforcement agencies. Using these
assumed identities, criminals can place fraudulent orders with online merchants, intercept e-mail,
steal customer information, and shut down e-commerce sites using software viruses.
Q2) Explain why an e-commerce site might not want to report being the target of
A2) E-commerce sites are often hesitant to report that they have been the target of
cybercriminals because companies fear losing the trust of consumers. The actual amount of
crime is difficult to estimate because of these fears.
Q3) Give an example of security breaches as they relate to each of the six dimensions of
e -commerce security. For instance, what would be a privacy incident?
A3) 1. Integrity: This is the ability to ensure that information being displayed on a Web site or
being transmitted/received over the Internet has not been altered in any way by an
unauthorized party. One type of integrity security breach would be an unauthorized person
intercepting and redirecting a bank wire transfer into a different account.