10TH SCHOLARS AK (2)_969
10TH SCHOLARS AK (2)_969
10TH SCHOLARS AK (2)_969
3. Where does the scene take place? Which line denotes the power of music? (3)
Ans: The scene takes place in a room in Portia’s house in Belmont. The line that denotes
the power of music is, “Let music sound while he doth make his choice”.
5. Give any two figure of speech from 3rd paragraphs and explain? (3)
Ans: Gazed and gazed – Repetition
‘gazed is repeated’
‘daffodils is compared to wealth’
The waves beside them danced- Personification
Waves are given the human quality of dancing.
What wealth the show to me had brought- Inversion
The sentence is not in a correct order for poetic effect. “The correct order will be what
wealth the show had brought to me”
In such a jocund company- Transferred Epithet
here the company is not jocund but the poet is jocund with the company
6. What does the term ‘inward eye’ refer to? What is the significance of the ‘inward
eye’ in the poem? (3)
Ans: The ‘inward eye’ refers to the imagination or the soul of the poet. Whenever he is
thoughtless or in a pensive mood, the image of these daffodils flash upon the inward
eye filling him with cheer. Thus, the ‘inward eye’ is mentioned to convey the fact that
the vision of the beautiful flowers was etched in the memory of the poet.
7. What was the significance of the slippers that the little match girl more at the start
of the story? (3)
Ans: the slippers that the little match girl wore at the start of the story held a
sentimental value because they belonged to her mother. They also kept her feet from
becoming cold and much numb.
10. Identify the archaic words from the poem and give their meaning. (2)
Ans: Writest-writes
12. What kind of a person was Abou Ben Adhem? Describe his character with example
from the poem? (4)
Ans: Abou Ben Adhem, originally a king of Balkh, had renounced his kingdom and given
up his life of luxury to lead a simple life devoted to the service of his fellow beings. He
had attained a great level of spirituality and was at peace with himself. This can be
clearly seen that he was not afraid at the sight of the angel. When he heard that his
name was not in the list of the people who loved God, he did not get angry or upset.
This shows that he was very humble. His love for people was true and selfless and
therefore his name appeared on top of the list of people whom God had loved and