Beyond the Wall Threat Pack the Vengeful Wyrm
Beyond the Wall Threat Pack the Vengeful Wyrm
Beyond the Wall Threat Pack the Vengeful Wyrm
The Vengeful Wyrm is a mighty adversary from legend. Randomly determine one of the characters to be the
It makes its lair in the region of the characters’ home, inheritor of this bloodline. Any other characters related
and has slept for many generations of men. Now it is to the wyrm-blooded individual are therefore also
beginning to stir, hunt, and look for treasure for its related. These characters can sense when the dragon is
bed. Even the heroes of old could not stand against the near, getting an immediate sense of its presence when it
Wyrm, but the characters must find a way to protect the is within one mile. This can serve to help them hide from
village from this mighty beast. To complicate matters, the Wyrm when it is in its wrath. Characters descended
the bloodline of the Vengeful Wyrm runs through the from the dragon can even home in on its precise loca-
human inhabitants of the land, and blood calls to blood. tion by making a successful Wisdom check, given they’re
within that one mile limit. However, the Wyrm will
This Threat Pack will create a very powerful villain in recognize its own; it can detect its descendants by smell,
your campaign. The Wyrm begins rather inactive, and its and its perverse sense of family will ensure the beast
attacks grow in frequency at a slow pace. However, the pay close attention to its kin. It is up to GM and group
Vengeful Wyrm will prove an almost impossible foe for preference whether the characters know that they are
your characters to face. This Threat therefore is a good related by blood to the Vengeful Wyrm.
choice for a long-running campaign.
The third table in every playbook determines an NPC
During Character Creation with whom the chosen character has a special connec-
Many generations ago, the Wyrm took the shape of a tion. One of the NPCs determined in this manner has
mortal, and at least one of the characters bears the blood recently stumbled upon the lair of the Vengeful Wyrm,
of dragons. The Vengeful Wyrm desires its mortal kin, and knows where it sleeps. This NPC is reluctant to
wanting them for servants and playthings. speak of the matter, as a great fear gripped him and he
ran from the location.
1d6 How did the Vengeful Wyrm affect your childhood? Gain
1 When the dragon first flew from its lair and went hunting, you were in its path
-1 Str, +1 Con
and were scorched by its fire.
2 When you were growing up, stories of the Wyrm fascinated you more than any -1 Wis,
others, and you have learned everything you could of the beast. Skill: Dragon Lore
3 You met the dragon alone one evening by chance. You were frozen with terror,
-1 Cha,
convinced of your death, but the dragon said you were too small to eat, and spoke
Skill: Riddles
with you instead. It laughed and said it enjoyed your company.
4 Your grandparents told you recently that you are descended from a mighty hero
who died in combat with the Vengeful Wyrm, and warned you that the beast -1 Int, +1 Str
remembers its foes.
5 You lost your little finger while trying to save one of the village’s sheep from the -1 Dex,
hunting Wrym. Skill: Animal Ken
6 During that month you spent sick playing chess, a stranger with red eyes and hair
came and challenged you to a game, which you promptly lost. When the stranger -1 Con, +1 Int
left, you heard the flapping of great leather wings.
94 Further Afield
The Dragon’s Lair to transport home, and are likely to wreck the economy
The Vengeful Wyrm’s lair is beneath one of the major of any place other than perhaps the largest of cities or
locations on the campaign map. Unless the location is kingdoms. For certain, there is more than enough trea-
extremely secluded, the entrances to the lair are hidden. sure here to make all of the characters kings of their
The lair will have a minimum of two such entrances, own realms.
one human sized, and one large enough for the dragon
to squeeze its massive body through. If it is at all appro- Imminence and Schemes
priate for the location of the lair, there will also be a The Vengeful Wyrm is a destructive beast with few goals
third entrance located in the ceiling through which the beyond feeding, gathering its family members, and
Wyrm can fly. acquiring treasure. At the beginning of the campaign the
characters may be able to avoid the Wyrm and go about
The tunnels twist and turn and defy mapping. Instead of their adventures. As the campaign progress, the dragon
using a set map for the lair, make sure that the following will become more and more active, until it is impossible
important locations are present and describe to the char- for the characters to ignore the beast’s predations.
acters the confusing passages between.
The Vengeful Wyrm begins the campaign with an Immi-
The man-sized entrance to the lair passes directly by a nence Rating of 1. Mark a date on the calendar every
chamber occupied by the Dragon Born servants of the six months thereafter. Alternatively, use the solstices
Wyrm. The servants live in a single chamber, and the or equinoxes if you find it more convenient to do so.
Dragon Born like to place traps near their home; they On each of these dates, the Wyrm’s Imminence rating
are particularly fond of placing lit braziers throughout increases by 1 as it increases its activity in the world and
and using their Flame Charm spell to direct the flames ceases its long periods of sleep. It uses the following acti-
outward and burn any unwary intruders. The fires are vation table, regardless of its Imminence rating:
small but burn hot, and cause 1d6 damage if directed at
the characters. 1d6 Threat Effects
1 A random village or settlement other than
A series of twisting caverns lead to the central chamber the characters’ home village is burned by the
of the lair, an enormous, roughly circular room filled Vengeful Wyrm.
with the treasure hoard of the Vengeful Wyrm. The
2 A farm at the characters’ home village loses its
caverns wind back on themselves numerous times and
crops and livestock to the beast, or a large swath
lead ever downward. Several of the twisting caverns lead
of the village’s hunting grounds are turned to
to small ledges overlooking this central chamber, while
ash. Meat will be even scarcer this winter.
others lead to the ground floor. This is where the dragon
3 The Vengeful Wyrm is out and about. If the
sleeps. If there is an aerial entrance to the lair, it is in the
characters have an encounter this week it will
ceiling of this chamber.
be with the Wyrm itself. They should probably
hide when this happens.
A hidden door within this chamber leads to a smaller
room which houses the dragon’s more delicate treasures, 4 The Wyrm sends agents looking for his descen-
such as its spellbooks, scrolls, and tapestries. The Wyrm dents. If one of the characters is a descendent of
must change into human form in order to access this the Wyrm, then any encounter rolls this week
room, and likes to do so frequently so that it might bask will be with 1d6 Dragon Born.
in its hoard. 5 The Wyrm sends agents to a city or village
looking for delicate artifacts to add to his hoard,
The amount of treasure contained in the Vengeful such as books or scrolls.
Wyrm’s lair is beyond calculation. The gamemaster 6 The Wyrm comes to a human settlement in
can place any number of magical items here. The coins, human form to challenge people in games and
gems, and other valuables will make the characters rich contests. If the characters are at home, they will
beyond comparison. They will require concerted effort probably be the ones challenged.
96 Further Afield
The Vengeful Wyrm
Hit Dice: 18d10 (101 HP)
AC: 30
Attack: +18 to hit, 1d10 (claw), 6d6 (bite)
Alignment: Neutral
XP: 18,000
Breath Weapon: use once every five rounds: damage d12+36,
engulfs those in near range, victims may save for half damage
Dragon Fear: foes save versus polymorph or fear, -3 to all rolls or flee
Flight: the Wyrm may fly on its huge wings
Magician: as a mage of 4th level , with Intelligence and Wisdom of 16
Smell Kin: when in Near range, the Wyrm can smell its descendants
Swift: up to two claw attacks and one bite per round, 1 per opponent in near range
Transformation: adopt human form at will, but always appears somewhat dragonic and fiery
True Name: this dragon has a true name which gives its foes power over it