Beyond the Wall Threat Pack the Vengeful Wyrm

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The Vengeful Wyrm

The Vengeful Wyrm is a mighty adversary from legend. Randomly determine one of the characters to be the
It makes its lair in the region of the characters’ home, inheritor of this bloodline. Any other characters related
and has slept for many generations of men. Now it is to the wyrm-blooded individual are therefore also
beginning to stir, hunt, and look for treasure for its related. These characters can sense when the dragon is
bed. Even the heroes of old could not stand against the near, getting an immediate sense of its presence when it
Wyrm, but the characters must find a way to protect the is within one mile. This can serve to help them hide from
village from this mighty beast. To complicate matters, the Wyrm when it is in its wrath. Characters descended
the bloodline of the Vengeful Wyrm runs through the from the dragon can even home in on its precise loca-
human inhabitants of the land, and blood calls to blood. tion by making a successful Wisdom check, given they’re
within that one mile limit. However, the Wyrm will
This Threat Pack will create a very powerful villain in recognize its own; it can detect its descendants by smell,
your campaign. The Wyrm begins rather inactive, and its and its perverse sense of family will ensure the beast
attacks grow in frequency at a slow pace. However, the pay close attention to its kin. It is up to GM and group
Vengeful Wyrm will prove an almost impossible foe for preference whether the characters know that they are
your characters to face. This Threat therefore is a good related by blood to the Vengeful Wyrm.
choice for a long-running campaign.
The third table in every playbook determines an NPC
During Character Creation with whom the chosen character has a special connec-
Many generations ago, the Wyrm took the shape of a tion. One of the NPCs determined in this manner has
mortal, and at least one of the characters bears the blood recently stumbled upon the lair of the Vengeful Wyrm,
of dragons. The Vengeful Wyrm desires its mortal kin, and knows where it sleeps. This NPC is reluctant to
wanting them for servants and playthings. speak of the matter, as a great fear gripped him and he
ran from the location.

1d6 How did the Vengeful Wyrm affect your childhood? Gain
1 When the dragon first flew from its lair and went hunting, you were in its path
-1 Str, +1 Con
and were scorched by its fire.
2 When you were growing up, stories of the Wyrm fascinated you more than any -1 Wis,
others, and you have learned everything you could of the beast. Skill: Dragon Lore
3 You met the dragon alone one evening by chance. You were frozen with terror,
-1 Cha,
convinced of your death, but the dragon said you were too small to eat, and spoke
Skill: Riddles
with you instead. It laughed and said it enjoyed your company.
4 Your grandparents told you recently that you are descended from a mighty hero
who died in combat with the Vengeful Wyrm, and warned you that the beast -1 Int, +1 Str
remembers its foes.
5 You lost your little finger while trying to save one of the village’s sheep from the -1 Dex,
hunting Wrym. Skill: Animal Ken
6 During that month you spent sick playing chess, a stranger with red eyes and hair
came and challenged you to a game, which you promptly lost. When the stranger -1 Con, +1 Int
left, you heard the flapping of great leather wings.

The Vengeful Wyrm 93

Finally, at least one character should make a roll on the locations in the area: a small well on the grounds, the
above table as their fourth roll during character creation. base of the standing stone itself, and a bridge over a
nearby stream.
On the Campaign Map
After the characters have determined all of the major If the characters are able to discover these three stones
locations on the campaign map, secretly mark one of and put them back in their proper places in the house,
them as the lair of the Vengeful Wyrm. It is likely that a small nook in the corner of the house will be revealed.
this is a remote location, such as a far away mountain Contained in the nook is a small leather bag the size of a
or cave complex. However, it is not out of the realm of man’s fist. The bag is magical, and nothing placed within
possibility that the dragon sleeps beneath any number it will spoil. Within the bag is a pristine bronze key. This
of locations, including a major city or human settle- key plays an important role in completing the artifact
ment. In such a case, come up with a convenient means described below.
of entrance and egress for the dragon; the locals may or
may not realize what lives beneath them. In all cases, the Scalebreaker
GM will have to determine how the dragon interacts with There is a mighty but broken artifact in the land, a
the other creatures or secrets at the location. magical sword made to slay the Vengeful Wyrm and
its kin. Named Scalebreaker, its blade and hilt are now
Additionally, the GM should choose two other major separated and housed in two different locations, both
locations created by the players which are quite far apart difficult to find. The gamemaster should place these two
from one another. These should be the resting places treasures at major or minor locations across the map.
of the two pieces of the magical sword, Scalebreaker, Diligent characters might be able to discover clues about
detailed below. the sword and its locations if they study hard enough or
ask the right questions.
Finally, the GM should add the Scorched Stone minor
location somewhere roughly two days’ travel from the Wherever the gamemaster places the blade and hilt of
characters’ home village. This location is presented in the Dragonslayer Sword, the key found at the site of the
full below Scorched Stone opens a vault containing the hilt of the
sword. On its own, the hilt gives its possessor a +5 to all
The Scorched Stone saves versus breath weapon.
This minor location is the site of an ancient and famous
battle in which a hero and a simple farmer fought against The blade is housed elsewhere. On its own, the blade is
the Vengeful Wyrm and drove the beast back to its lair relatively useless, but if attached to an ordinary hilt, it
using a magical sword. A standing stone was erected in becomes a +3 longsword.
commemoration of the battle.
Combining the two pieces of the sword is not difficult, and
The Scorched Stone is an opportunity for players to any skilled blacksmith can manage it. Once completed,
search for clues and solve a little puzzle. Along the way, Scalebreaker becomes significantly more powerful. The
Intelligence checks for searching and Wisdom checks whole weapon is a +3 longsword, does double damage to
for noticing details may be called for. Let the players use all dragons and all who bear their blood, grants its wielder
their wits to put things together, but do not be afraid to +2 AC, and gives a +5 bonus to all saving throws versus
use ability score checks in a pinch. breath weapon. More importantly, the bearer instantly
knows the true name of the Vengeful Wyrm.
The farmer’s house was made of stone and still stands,
though it is very dilapidated from neglect. There is There is a drawback to this mighty weapon. The Vengeful
an inscription on the standing stone in a very ancient Wyrm can sense the presence of this blade and hates that
language. Assuming the characters are able to decipher character with a passion. Anyone within about a mile
this description, they will learn that three stones of the of the dragon will immediately be known to the beast
farmer’s house were removed and used in three other unless it is in a deep sleep.

94 Further Afield
The Dragon’s Lair to transport home, and are likely to wreck the economy
The Vengeful Wyrm’s lair is beneath one of the major of any place other than perhaps the largest of cities or
locations on the campaign map. Unless the location is kingdoms. For certain, there is more than enough trea-
extremely secluded, the entrances to the lair are hidden. sure here to make all of the characters kings of their
The lair will have a minimum of two such entrances, own realms.
one human sized, and one large enough for the dragon
to squeeze its massive body through. If it is at all appro- Imminence and Schemes
priate for the location of the lair, there will also be a The Vengeful Wyrm is a destructive beast with few goals
third entrance located in the ceiling through which the beyond feeding, gathering its family members, and
Wyrm can fly. acquiring treasure. At the beginning of the campaign the
characters may be able to avoid the Wyrm and go about
The tunnels twist and turn and defy mapping. Instead of their adventures. As the campaign progress, the dragon
using a set map for the lair, make sure that the following will become more and more active, until it is impossible
important locations are present and describe to the char- for the characters to ignore the beast’s predations.
acters the confusing passages between.
The Vengeful Wyrm begins the campaign with an Immi-
The man-sized entrance to the lair passes directly by a nence Rating of 1. Mark a date on the calendar every
chamber occupied by the Dragon Born servants of the six months thereafter. Alternatively, use the solstices
Wyrm. The servants live in a single chamber, and the or equinoxes if you find it more convenient to do so.
Dragon Born like to place traps near their home; they On each of these dates, the Wyrm’s Imminence rating
are particularly fond of placing lit braziers throughout increases by 1 as it increases its activity in the world and
and using their Flame Charm spell to direct the flames ceases its long periods of sleep. It uses the following acti-
outward and burn any unwary intruders. The fires are vation table, regardless of its Imminence rating:
small but burn hot, and cause 1d6 damage if directed at
the characters. 1d6 Threat Effects
1 A random village or settlement other than
A series of twisting caverns lead to the central chamber the characters’ home village is burned by the
of the lair, an enormous, roughly circular room filled Vengeful Wyrm.
with the treasure hoard of the Vengeful Wyrm. The
2 A farm at the characters’ home village loses its
caverns wind back on themselves numerous times and
crops and livestock to the beast, or a large swath
lead ever downward. Several of the twisting caverns lead
of the village’s hunting grounds are turned to
to small ledges overlooking this central chamber, while
ash. Meat will be even scarcer this winter.
others lead to the ground floor. This is where the dragon
3 The Vengeful Wyrm is out and about. If the
sleeps. If there is an aerial entrance to the lair, it is in the
characters have an encounter this week it will
ceiling of this chamber.
be with the Wyrm itself. They should probably
hide when this happens.
A hidden door within this chamber leads to a smaller
room which houses the dragon’s more delicate treasures, 4 The Wyrm sends agents looking for his descen-
such as its spellbooks, scrolls, and tapestries. The Wyrm dents. If one of the characters is a descendent of
must change into human form in order to access this the Wyrm, then any encounter rolls this week
room, and likes to do so frequently so that it might bask will be with 1d6 Dragon Born.
in its hoard. 5 The Wyrm sends agents to a city or village
looking for delicate artifacts to add to his hoard,
The amount of treasure contained in the Vengeful such as books or scrolls.
Wyrm’s lair is beyond calculation. The gamemaster 6 The Wyrm comes to a human settlement in
can place any number of magical items here. The coins, human form to challenge people in games and
gems, and other valuables will make the characters rich contests. If the characters are at home, they will
beyond comparison. They will require concerted effort probably be the ones challenged.

The Vengeful Wyrm 95

Player Actions Hit Dice: 18d10 (101 HP)
Unimpressed with intrigue or indirect pressures, AC: 30
the Wyrm is likely to continue in its rampages until Attack: +18 to hit, 1d10/6d6 damage (claw/bite)
destroyed or somehow compelled to sleep for another Alignment: Neutral
generation. However, the beast does have a strong sense XP: 18,000
of self-presevation, and will likely go into hiding and Notes: Breath Weapon (once every five rounds the
nurse its wounds if attacked. Therefore, if the PCs (or Wyrm may breathe fire, causing d12+36 points of
another group of heroes) manage to significantly harm damage to all in near range; targets who pass a saving
the dragon, causing 20 or more points of damage in an throw take only half damage), Dragon Fear (all foes must
encounter, its Imminence rating will decrease by 1. If make a saving throw versus polymorph or be gripped
reduced to zero Imminence in this manner, the Vengeful by a powerful physical fear, receiving a -3 penalty to all
Wyrm will return to Imminence 1 as usual after six rolls unless they flee the dragon’s presence), Flight (the
months of sleep. Wyrm may fly on its huge wings), Magician (the Wyrm
may cast cantrips, spells, and rituals as a mage of 4th
If the characters are desperate to stop the Vengeful level and is assumed to have an Intelligence and Wisdom
Wyrm’s rampages but do not wish to resort to violence of 16 if needed to make a test), Smell Kin (when in Near
(a wise group of heroes indeed!), then the gamemaster range, the Vengeful Wyrm can smell its descendants and
is encouraged to come up with another way that the immediately identify them), Swift (the Wyrm gains a
Wyrm might be forced into far away lands or back into number of attacks equal to the number of opponents in
its slumber. Perhaps there is a powerful ritual which will close range of it, up to a maximum of two claw attacks
cause the beast to sleep for fifty generations of men, or and one bite), Transformation (the Wyrm can adopt
perhaps a mate could be found for the Wyrm in a distant human form at will, though it always appears somewhat
land uninhabited by men. Alternatively, if the characters dragonic and fiery), True Name (the Wyrm has a true
do wish to rid the world of the dragon forever but fear name which gives his foes power over him)
facing it themselves, they may be able to mobilize a great
army and find some way to help the soldiers approach The Dragon Born
the Wyrm’s lair unnoticed. These mortal descendants of the Vengeful Wyrm guard
its lair, gather treasures for their master, and leave it
Whatever approach the players choose, the Wyrm is a offerings. Their draconic master has taught them some
very formidable foe, and it should prove no easier to deal spells so that they may better protect its lair and commu-
with the monster by using these other methods than it nicate with one another. The Dragon Born have set traps
is to face it in combat. Solving this problem will be very, throughout the lair so that they can take advantage of
very difficult. their Flam Charm spell, and they use Whispering Wind
to let each other and their master know of impending
NPCs and Monsters dangers. They typically travel in packs of three or four
when out and about, but the Wyrm may have gathered
The Vengeful Wyrm as many as twenty to its lair.
The Wyrm itself is a massive beast, a creature of legend.
The dragon is a difficult challenge even for experienced Hit Dice: 2d8 (9 HP)
heroes, and the group will have to leverage every advan- AC: 12
tage available to them in order to defeat the it. The stats Attack: +2 to hit, 1d8 (sword)
below are for a useful example dragon, but the GM Alignment: Chaotic
should tailor the dragon to its part in the campaign. XP: 100
You could just change out its breath weapon for the Notes: Smell Kin (when in Near range, a Dragon Born
water dweller trait to make a decent ocean dragon, or can smell its relations and immediately identify them),
you can design a weaker or different dragon using the Spellcasting (a Dragon Born may cast two spells per day
Making Dragons rules on p.103 of the ‘Bestiary’ booklet as a level 2 mage and knows the Flame Charm and Whis-
of Beyond the Wall and Other Adventures. pering Wind spells)

96 Further Afield
The Vengeful Wyrm

Threat Effects: Appearance:

A random village or settlement other than the characters’
1 home is burned by the Wyrm. Peculiar tastes:
A farm at the characters’ home village loses its crops and
livestock to the beast, or a large swath of the village’s
2 hunting grounds are turned to ash. Meat will be even
scarcer this winter.
The Vengeful Wyrm is out and about. If the characters Scalebreaker
3 have an encounter this week it will be with the Wyrm.
They should probably hide.
The Blade • +3 longsword
The Wyrm sends agents looking for his descendants. If
one of the characters is a descendent of the Wyrm, then
4 any encounter rolls this week will be with 1d6 Dragon The Hilt • +5 save vs breath weapon
The Wyrm sends agents to a city or village looking for
5 delicate artifacts to add to his hoard, such as books or Assembled • +3 to hit and damage
scrolls. • 2 damage to dragons and dragonkind
The Wyrm comes to a human settlement in human form • +2 AC
to challenge people in games and contests. If the charac- • +5 save vs breath weapons
6 ters are at home, they will probably be the ones chal- • the true name of the Vengeful Wyrm
lenged. • Wyrm knows sword's location if nearby

The Dragon's Lair

LOCATIONS The Dragonborn
The Wyrm Sleeps Beneath ______________ Number Appearing: 3-4
Its Lair Contains Hit Dice: 2d8 (9 HP)
The Chamber of the Dragon Born AC: 12
Traps: Braziers + Flame Charm: 1d6 damage Attack: +2 to hit, 1d8 (sword)
Many Twisting Caverns Alignment: Lawful
Chase scenes (DEX) XP: 100
Risk of getting lost (WIS) Smell Kin: identify relations by smell in Near range.
The Massive Central Chamber Spellcasting: 2 a day of Flame Charm and Whispering Wind
The Dragon's Rest: Face the Wyrm
Overlooks: Spying and Sneaking
The Hoard
Concealed Treasure Room

Hit Dice: 18d10 (101 HP)
AC: 30
Attack: +18 to hit, 1d10 (claw), 6d6 (bite)
Alignment: Neutral
XP: 18,000
Breath Weapon: use once every five rounds: damage d12+36,
engulfs those in near range, victims may save for half damage
Dragon Fear: foes save versus polymorph or fear, -3 to all rolls or flee
Flight: the Wyrm may fly on its huge wings
Magician: as a mage of 4th level , with Intelligence and Wisdom of 16
Smell Kin: when in Near range, the Wyrm can smell its descendants
Swift: up to two claw attacks and one bite per round, 1 per opponent in near range
Transformation: adopt human form at will, but always appears somewhat dragonic and fiery
True Name: this dragon has a true name which gives its foes power over it

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