Down I Go v1.10
Down I Go v1.10
Down I Go v1.10
Solitaire rules for Down We Go. Use the card oracles below to convert a random dungeon to a deck of cards.
Rumors Doors Partially tuck this card beneath the adjoining room horizontally.
Keep track of Rumors. When you think Rumor is resolved, cross it off and roll on the table below. (Roll a d6, on a 1 it’s magically locked on a 2 or 3 it is mundanely locked.)
1d6 Result Stairs & Partially tuck this card beneath the adjoining room horizontally. Tuck the matching
1 You fall into a trap. Draw directly from the Awoken Inhabitants. Passages stairs partially beneath the adjoining room. Stairs connect to another level. Passages need not.
2-3 You were misled. Take -1 to your next save and Something Happens. Rooms Place the card beside the adjoining room vertically partially concealing any connecting
4-5 The Rumor foreshadowed a darker secret. Discover a new Rumor. doors. Paint a picture using the sights sounds and smells. Populate by drawing 1d4 cards
(1 on re-entry) from the Wandering Inhabitant Deck.
6 Your instincts fared you well. You find something useful and a new Rumor about it.
Down I Go is created by Cameron Frament for use with Down We Go TTRPG. This work
Random Choose or roll randomly on the dressing for the given motif. Then shuffle the card back
is based on Down We Go (, and licensed for our use under CC BY 4.0 Dressing into the Wandering Inhabitant deck.
International. This product is not associated with Plus One Exp or Apes of Wrath. Awoken Shuffle the card into the Wandering Inhabitant Deck.
Discard cards when they are no longer relevant to the game. If something is hidden to you feel free to shuffle it back in.