GRADES 1 to 12
LOG Teaching Dates : JANUARY 20-24, 2025 Week 6 Quarter: 3RD QUARTER
E.Developing Mastery Identify what element of Determine what type Go back to the story DIRECTIONS: Using
plot is being presented in of conflict is in each “The Dreamer”, Try to the same rubric,
column A. Choose the of the following by evaluate it using the evaluate the story, “I
letter of the correct choosing the letter of rubric presented. Write Can Be a Star,” based
answer in column B. Write the correct answer your evidences/reasons on how the author
your answer on your inside the box below. why you rated each developed the
answer sheet. Write your answer on element 1, 2, or 3 on elements.
your answer sheet. your answer sheet.
1. Romeo teased
Kian in front of their
classmates. 2. Mang
Kanoy encountered a
mermaid while
fishing in the middle
of the sea. 1) Who is the main
3. “Will I help Issa character of the story?
though she bullies Does the main
me or I won’t lend a character undergo a
hand to her?” said great change? Cite
Mel to herself. evidences.
4. People of 2) Where is the
barangay Pagsubok setting? What are the
experienced words that tell where
landslide after they the setting is?
cut down trees a few 3) Enumerate the
months ago. important events in
5. A thief is keeping the story. Are the
himself hidden from
the public after he events in the plot
stole huge amount of properly sequenced?
money from a bank. 4) From whose point
of view is the story
written? First person,
second person, or
third person point of
view? 5) What is the
theme of the story? Is
it implicitly or explicitly
stated in the story? 6)
If given a chance to
develop the parts of
the story, “I Can Be a
Star”, how would it
be? Why?
F.Finding Practical application of Using the given parts of As you have Let us discuss your Let us discuss your
concepts and skills in daily living the story, make your own learned, plot is a reasons for each reasons for each
diagram to show the series of interrelated evaluation rating you evaluation rating you
elements of the plot. events that happen gave for each criterion. gave for each
in a story. A plot is Fill in the boxes on the criterion. Fill in the
like a string where second column with your boxes on the second
all the details of the ratings and in the boxes column with your
story are connected on third column, explain ratings and in the
to each other. You why you gave each boxes on third
have to follow that rating. column, explain why
string to reach the you gave each rating.
climax and the
ending of the story.
Now, let’s play with
words which are
connected to the
concept of “plot” in
stories. Look for ten
(10) interrelated
words. Write the
answers on your
answer sheet.
G.Making generalization and In order to appreciate and understand the story, it Since you have learned the five elements of a
abstraction about the lesson is important to determine the elements of a plot. story, you can now easily identify them in a story.
Most stories have plot. A plot is a sequence of You can point out the plot, where and when the
events. Each plot has the following elements: setting is, who the characters are, what the
Exposition, Rising and Falling Actions, Climax, and conflict of the story is, and what the overall theme
Resolution. A Conflict has five (5) major types is. You have also evaluated a story using a
namely: Character versus Character, Character rubric.
versus Nature, Character versus Society,
Character versus Themselves, and Character Having done that, did you find the rubric helpful in
versus Supernatural Forces. evaluating the story?
H.Evaluating learning Identify what element Read the story carefully. DIRECTIONS: Using
of plot is being the same rubric,
depicted in each given evaluate the story,
part of the story. Write “Two Pesos for
your answer on your Better Life,” based
answer sheet. on how the author
developed the
1. Who is the main
character of the story?
2. Where is the setting of
the story?
3. Enumerate the
important events in the
4. From whose point of
view is the story written?
5. What is the theme of
the story?
A.No. of learners who earned ______MARS ______MARS ______MARS ______MARS ______MARS
80% in the evaluation ______SATURN ______SATURN ______SATURN ______SATURN ______SATURN
B.No. of learners who require ______MARS ______MARS ______MARS ______MARS ______MARS
additional activities for ______SATURN ______SATURN ______SATURN ______SATURN ______SATURN
remediation who scored below ______NEPTUNE ______NEPTUNE ______NEPTUNE ______NEPTUNE ______NEPTUNE
C.Did the remedial lessons ______MARS ______MARS ______MARS ______MARS ______MARS
work? No. of learners who ______SATURN ______SATURN ______SATURN ______SATURN ______SATURN
have caught up with the lesson ______NEPTUNE ______NEPTUNE ______NEPTUNE ______NEPTUNE ______NEPTUNE
D.No. of learners who continue ______MARS ______MARS ______MARS ______MARS ______MARS
to require remediation ______SATURN ______SATURN ______SATURN ______SATURN ______SATURN
E.Which of my teaching Strategies used that work Strategies used that Strategies used that work Strategies used that Strategies used that
strategies worked well? Why well: work well: well: work well: work well:
did these work? __Group collaboration __Group collaboration __Group collaboration __Group collaboration __Group
__Games __Games __Games __Games collaboration
__Power Point __Power Point __Power Point Presentation __Power Point __Games
Presentation Presentation __Answering preliminary Presentation __Power Point
__Answering preliminary __Answering __activities/exercises __Answering Presentation
__activities/exercises preliminary __Discussion preliminary __Answering
__Discussion __activities/exercises __Think-Pair-Share __activities/exercises preliminary
__Think-Pair-Share __Discussion __Discussion __activities/
__Think-Pair-Share __Think-Pair-Share exercises