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Influences of the economy, trade, technology innovation, and ICT on Malaysia's

carbon emissions

Conference Paper · August 2024


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1 author:

Asif Raihan
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia


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Influences of the economy, trade, technology innovation, and ICT on Malaysia’s
carbon emissions

Asif Raihan*

Institute of Climate Change, National University Malaysia, Bangi 43600, Selangor, Malaysia

*Corresponding author: asifraihan666@gmail.com, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9757-9730

Malaysia's swift economic expansion and industrial development are accompanied by notable concerns in terms of
environmental deterioration and the emission of carbon dioxide (CO 2). With the ongoing increase in urbanization,
there is a rising acknowledgment of the necessity to address CO2 emissions. Trade openness and globalization
stimulate economic activity, but they also intensify environmental concerns, such as the increase in CO2 emissions
from transportation and industry. The utilization of information communication technology (ICT), influenced by
infrastructure and laws, has the potential to either enhance energy efficiency or escalate energy consumption. This
study investigates the effects of economic growth, trade openness, technical innovation, and ICT on CO2 emissions in
Malaysia. The analysis utilizes data from the period spanning 1990 to 2020. This study utilized the Dynamic Ordinary
Least Squares (DOLS) method to examine the dynamic impacts of the variables under investigation. The analysis
reveals that the increase in CO2 emissions is influenced by economic growth, trade openness, and ICT. Technological
innovation significantly contributes to the reduction of CO2 emissions by promoting the use of greener technologies.
This study highlights the importance of implementing emission reduction policies in Malaysia. It recommends taking
actions such as providing incentives for the use of cleaner technology and improving energy infrastructure.
Additionally, it suggests the adoption of carbon pricing mechanisms for both production and trade, as well as the
implementation of awareness programs to promote behavioral changes that target the reduction of emissions.

Keywords: Economy; Technology; Environment; Trade; Energy; Sustainability

1. Introduction

In recent decades, climate change has become an increasing danger to sustainable development, sparking a
passionate global discussion [1-4]. The increasing environmental deterioration worldwide has highlighted the urgent
need to promote sustainable growth [5-8]. This has brought to the forefront concerns about the impact of environmental
constraints on progress and economic decisions [9-12]. The recent surge in emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs)
has elevated environmental contaminants to a prominent position among global concerns, signifying a substantial and
urgent issue [13-16]. Remarkably, despite the predicted outcomes of uncontrolled GHG emissions, it continues to
increase without any reduction [17-20]. This persistent path has exerted a significant impact on environmental policy,
intertwined with the intricacies of economic expansion and CO2 emissions [21-24]. In light of the urgent climate
problem, economies around the world must prioritize sustainable economic growth [25-28]. The importance of this
emphasis cannot be overstated, as sustainable development cannot be achieved unless environmental sustainability is
adequately established [29-32]. The increase in CO2 emissions is closely linked to the rising consumption of fossil
fuels, which is a direct result of the recent rapid growth of modern industrial society [33-36]. The milestones include
the formation of the UNFCCC in 1992, the Tokyo Protocol in 1997, the important Copenhagen Agreement of 2009,
the China-USA Agreement of 2014, and the eagerly awaited Paris Agreement scheduled for 2015.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) highlights the crucial importance of innovation and
technological improvement in reducing carbon emissions, emphasizing that the speed and magnitude of technological
growth will determine the extent of future carbon reduction. Moreover, ICT has a dual function: it is essential for the
process of industrialization, which has a significant effect on the environment and propels economic progress [37,38].
While several experts argue that there is a strong and inverse relationship between the growth of the ICT industry and
the release of CO2 into the atmosphere, others emphasize its importance in overseeing, controlling, and transitioning
to an environmentally friendly economy in the face of climate change [39]. Although ICT plays a significant role in
developed countries, its impact on pollution is still not clearly understood [40]. Significantly, certain studies highlight

that ICT has the ability to improve environmental management and manufacturing processes, providing a promising
opportunity for environmental advantages [41].
Malaysia has established a challenging objective to reduce the intensity of GHG emissions by 45% by the year
2030. This target comprises a 35% reduction that will be implemented regardless of any conditions and an additional
10% decrease that is contingent upon certain conditions being met [42,43]. The 12th Malaysia Plan sets forward a
clear objective of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, demonstrating a strong dedication to this path [44,45].
However, if Malaysia does not take a proactive and comprehensive strategy to address climate change, there is a risk
that it will not be able to meet its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) as outlined in the Paris Agreement
[46-51]. In order to fulfill its obligations, Malaysia must protect carbon sinks and accelerate the shift from fossil fuel-
dependent energy to renewable and alternative sources [52-54]. The transition from agriculture to industry in Malaysia
between 1970 and 1980 had a profound impact on the country's energy consumption patterns, changing its trajectory
[43]. Given the increasing importance of the energy-intensive services sector in Malaysia's GDP, it is a significant
challenge to achieve a 45% decrease in emission intensity without a significant shift towards low-carbon technologies
Many studies in the field of empirical research have analyzed environmental degradation by focusing on CO2
emissions and ecological footprint indicators [56-59]. Nevertheless, there have been few studies that have thoroughly
examined the collective influence of sustainable economic growth, technical innovation, trade openness, and ICT on
Malaysia's CO2 emissions. The present research aims to address this gap by closely examining the complex interplay
between sustainable economic growth, trade liberalization, technical innovation, ICT, and CO2 emissions in Malaysia.
Using the DOLS technique, this study offers a thorough examination of complex relationships.
The research provides a wide range of new viewpoints that greatly improve the understanding of environmental
sustainability and economic advancement in Malaysia. The study offers a comprehensive understanding of the
combined impacts of the economy, commerce, technology innovation, and ICT on CO2 emissions by examining their
interrelationship. This detailed research provides valuable insights into the complex interrelationships among these
variables, contributing to a thorough understanding of their influence on emissions. The study's finding that technical
innovation has the ability to significantly decrease CO2 emissions by implementing cleaner technology provides a
fresh viewpoint. This discovery implies the potential for the Ministry of Science and Technology to create ICT
frameworks that prioritize environmental awareness, thus promoting sustainable development. Examining the impacts
of technological innovation, economic growth, and ICT on CO2 emissions enhances our understanding of the complex
interrelationships within a nation's development trajectory. The discovery emphasizes the significance of harmonizing
technical advancement with the objectives of environmental sustainability. The study's examination of the influence
of ICT usage on CO2 emissions provides insight into the significant role of digitalization in shaping environmental
results in Malaysia. This viewpoint provides vital perspectives for policymakers and industry participants. In addition
to its factual conclusions, the report offers specific policy recommendations aimed at reducing emissions and
promoting sustainable development. These suggestions, such as facilitating the incorporation of renewable energy and
establishing funding mechanisms for environmentally friendly information and communication technology, provide
realistic approaches for policymakers to address environmental issues while fostering sustainable economic

2. Literature review

2.1. Economy and emission

Economic activity exerts a substantial impact on CO2 emissions, while industries that are highly specialized tend
to produce a greater amount of CO2 per unit of production, which is generally associated with economic expansion
[60-62]. As economies grow, the interconnection between economic expansion and CO2 emissions gradually causes
ecological damage [63,64]. This growth leads to adverse consequences, such as decreased agricultural output,
heightened insecurity, higher illness rates, and poverty, primarily caused by climate change [65,66]. Paradoxically, the
industries and agricultural sectors, which are especially vulnerable to climate change, are the main sources of its
occurrence [67,68]. Approximately 73% of GHG emissions are generated by energy consumption associated with
industrial and agricultural activities [69,70]. As a result, climate change obstructs economic advancement and well-
being, requiring immediate implementation of mitigation solutions in these industries [71-77]. Economic growth and
development have a significant impact on environmental degradation and the release of CO2 emissions [78]. There is
a positive correlation between the increase in wealth per person and the rise in environmental deterioration [79]. The
correlation between economic growth and long-term energy use and emissions underscores the interdependence of
energy, the environment, and economic advancement [80]. Trade liberalization has a double effect on emissions. It

has the ability to decrease emissions by implementing methodological reforms, but it could also potentially lead to an
increase in emissions due to the relationship between income and pollution [81]. Environmental factors are crucial for
promoting sustainable economic growth [82]. To achieve a balance between growth and environmental conservation,
it is essential to employ strategic approaches that consider the intricate relationship between economic expansion, CO2
emissions, and environmental restrictions.

2.2. Trade and emission

The rise of clean energy, mostly propelled by renewable sources, in conjunction with the ongoing progress of
globalization and trade liberalization, has resulted in substantial changes in the structure of energy, trade, economy,
and society [83-85]. The change has been accompanied by the expansion of service industries and the process of
urbanization [86]. The increasing trade openness has a significant and beneficial effect on national economies,
particularly when taking into account the interconnectedness of financial systems, which enhances economic growth
[87]. Nevertheless, commercial openness has two distinct drawbacks. Although it stimulates economic expansion, it
also has a detrimental impact on the ecology and climate [88]. The relationship between trade and carbon emissions
is still a subject of controversy, whether it is direct or indirect. Literature frequently emphasizes the direct
environmental impact of commerce, possibly neglecting the influence of socio-economic issues [89]. The impact of
trade on emissions is significantly affected by foreign direct investment (FDI). Previous research have produced
diverse findings, indicating that trade openness can have either a detrimental impact on the environment [90-93] or
contribute to the reduction of pollution [94-98].

2.3. ICT and emission

ICT's increasing influence on the global GDP spans a wide range of industries [99]. Although it has positive impacts
on economic growth, it also has drawbacks in terms of resource restrictions and environmental challenges [100]. The
relationship between technology and the environment is intricate. ICT has a crucial role in promoting ecological
sustainability by enhancing energy efficiency and reducing GHG emissions in sectors such as power, transport, and
building [101]. ICT is crucial for addressing the impacts of climate change and promoting a sustainable, circular
economy [102]. The increase in internet users in Malaysia over the past 25 years has corresponded with a rise in energy
consumption, economic growth, population, and GHG emissions [103]. The ICT industry's contribution to
GHG emissions increases as a result of the manufacture of ICT components that are linked to the environment [103].
The growing use of gadgets, such as computers, smartphones, and online connectivity, results in a greater need for
energy, which is a major contributor to environmental degradation [103]. The expanding economy and rising energy
use have given rise to substantial environmental issues [104-106]. The expansion of the Internet has the potential to
reduce urban emissions by improving industrial infrastructure, promoting environmentally friendly innovation, and
strengthening environmental legislation [107-109]. In addition, the Internet has the potential to guide resource-
dependent cities towards a path of low-carbon growth [110-113].

2.4. Technology innovation and emission

The technology effect refers to the continuous development and use of new technologies, which promote greater
resource efficiency and productivity while reducing the negative impact of industry operations on the environment
[114]. State-of-the-art technology is crucial for the growth of an economy, both in terms of environmental
sustainability and economic development [115]. Researchers have thoroughly examined the influence of technical
advancements on the release of CO2, linking it to the growing global capacity for innovation [116-118]. Government
officials and researchers have been increasingly conscious of the potential of technical innovation to decrease CO2
emissions, which has led to continuous breakthroughs in technology [119]. Prior research has examined the impact of
patents on emissions as a substitute for measuring technical advancement [114-121]. Nevertheless, it is important to
acknowledge that technological progress has been linked to increased CO2 emissions [122,123]. On the other hand,
green technological breakthroughs have been shown to have a negative correlation with CO2 emissions [114-121].

3. Methodology

3.1. Data

This study examined the long-run relationships among CO2 emissions, economic growth, technical innovation,
trade openness, and ICT. This was accomplished by employing the DOLS strategy, which is a sophisticated
econometric technique used to analyze time series data. The DOLS technique is used to analyze and understand the
dynamic relationships between variables, particularly in the context of long-term correlations among economic or
time series variables. In order to achieve the research goals, time series data for the period from 1990 to 2020 were
obtained from the World Development Indicator (WDI) dataset, specifically for Malaysia. The variables with their
logarithmic forms, and measurement units are presented in Table 1. In addition, Figure 1 depicts the yearly patterns
of the variables. Most variables demonstrate evident rising trends over time. Nevertheless, the level of trade openness
has an inconsistent pattern.

Table 1. Description of the variables

Variables Description Logarithmic forms Units
CO2 CO2 emissions LCO2 Metric tons per capita
GDP Economic growth LGDP GDP per capita (current US$)
Information communication Mobile cellular subscriptions (per
technology 100 people)
The sum of exports and imports of
TO Trade openness LTO
goods and services (% of GDP)
Number of patent applications
TI Technological innovation LTI
(residents and non-residents)

Figure 1. Annual trends of the study variables

3.2. Empirical model

The present study used the following economic functions to determine the dynamic impacts of economic growth,
ICT, trade, and technological innovation on CO2 emissions at time t:

CO2t = ƒ (GDPt; ICTt; TOt; TIt) (1)

The next equation depicts the econometric model:

CO2t = τ0 + τ1 GDPt + τ2 ICTt + τ3 TOt + τ4 TIt + εt (2)

where τ0 and εt stand for intercept and error term, respectively. In addition, τ1, τ2, τ3, and τ4 denote the coefficients.
The logarithmic arrangement of the econometric model is presented below:

LCO2t = τ0 + τ1 LGDPt + τ2 LICTt + τ3 LTOt + τ4 LTIt + εt (3)

3.3. Unit root test

Avoiding spurious regression necessitates the use of a unit root test. It checks that variables in regression are
stationary by differencing them and using stationary processes to estimate the equation of interest. Empirical literature
acknowledges the need to define the sequence of integration before looking into cointegration among variables
[124,125]. According to some studies, it is critical to use more than one unit root test to evaluate the integration order
of the series since unit root tests have different potency depending on the sample size [126-130]. To detect the
autoregressive unit root, this investigation used the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test, the Dickey-Fuller
generalized least squares (DF-GLS) test, and the Phillips-Perron (P-P) test. The unit root test was used in this study to
ensure that no variable exceeded the order of integration and to support the use of the DOLS technique over traditional
cointegration methods.

3.4. DOLS regression

The present study employed DOLS, an extended equation of ordinary least squares estimation to analyze the time
series data. To regulate endogeneity and calculate standard deviations using a covariance matrix of errors that is
resistant to serial correlation, the DOLS cointegration test incorporates explanatory variables as well as leads and lags
of their initial difference terms [131-135]. The fact that the leads and lags of the distinct terms are included
demonstrates that the error term is orthogonalized. Because the standard deviations of the DOLS estimator have a
normal asymptotic distribution, they provide a reliable test for the statistical significance of the variables [136-140].
When a mixed order of integration occurs, the DOLS approach is effective at allowing individual variables in the
cointegrated outline to be integrated by estimating the dependent variable on explanatory variables in levels, leads,
and lags [141-145].
The DOLS estimation's main advantage, however, is the presence of mixed-order integration of individual
variables in the cointegrated outline. For example, in DOLS estimation, one of the I(1) variables was regressed against
other variables, some of which was I(1) variables with leads (p) and lags (-p) of the first difference, while others were
I(0) variables with a constant term [146-150]. As a result of aggregating the leads and lags among explanatory
variables, this estimate solves small sample bias, endogeneity, and autocorrelation issues [151-156]. Thus, after
confirming cointegration among the variables, the study proceeds with the DOLS estimation of the long-run
coefficient by using Equation (4):

ΔLCO2t = τ0 + τ1 LCO2t−1 + τ2 LGDPt−1 + τ3 LICTt−1 + +τ4 LTOt−1 + τ5 LTIt−1 + ∑ γ1 ΔLCO2t−i

q q q q

+ ∑ γ2 ΔLGDPt−i + ∑ γ3 ΔLICTt−i + ∑ γ4 ΔLTOt−i + ∑ γ5 ΔLTIt−i + εt

i=1 i=1 i=1 i=1
where Δ is the first difference operator and q is the optimum lag length.

4. Results and discussion

Before initiating any regression analysis, it is essential to thoroughly scrutinize the fundamental attributes of the
variables and their relationships. The outcomes of the summary measures amid variables are shown in Table 2 with
the statistical values of different normality tests (skewness, probability, kurtosis, and Jarque-Bera) used. The skewness
values close to zero imply that all the variables adhere to normality. Furthermore, the findings indicate that all the

series are platykurtic as their kurtosis values are less than 3. In addition, the smaller values of the Jarque-Bera and
probability values greater than 0.05 reveal that all the parameters are normal.

Table 2. Summary statistics of the variables

Mean 1.75 8.69 3.45 5.12 8.56
Median 1.86 8.62 4.30 5.09 8.69
Maximum 2.04 9.32 4.99 5.40 8.95
Minimum 1.13 7.83 0.00 4.76 7.74
Std. Dev. 0.26 0.49 1.71 0.19 0.38
Skewness -0.81 -0.07 -0.89 -0.20 -0.15
Kurtosis 2.48 1.57 2.38 1.77 2.38
Jarque-Bera 3.71 2.67 4.54 2.14 4.16
Probability 0.16 0.26 0.10 0.34 0.32

Table 3 displays the results of the unit root testing. The ADF, DF-GLS, and P-P tests consistently indicate the
statistical significance of the variables when they are differenced once. Based on the results indicating stationarity, it
is advised to use the DOLS econometric technique, which can handle variables that are stationary both in their original
form and in their initial differences.

Table 3. The results of unit root tests

Logarithmic form of the variables LCO2 LGDP LICT LTO LTI
Log levels -3.25 -1.45 -0.87 -0.11 -2.46
Log first difference -6.32*** -4.58*** -4.14*** -4.01*** -6.03***
Log levels -0.64 -0.38 -1.47 -0.50 -1.55
Log first difference -4.06*** -4.67*** -3.90*** -3.85*** -6.13***
Log levels -5.69*** -1.45 -0.87 -0.19 -2.41
Log first difference -6.30*** -4.52*** -4.14*** -4.07*** -6.20***

Table 4 displays the observed results on the long-run effects of independent factors on CO2 emissions in Malaysia.
The DOLS findings reveal a significant and positive association between economic growth and CO2 emissions. This
implies that the process of economic expansion is a contributing factor to the degradation of the environment. The
finding is consistent with previous studies [155-158]. The results also indicate a significant and positive relationship
between trade openness and CO2 emissions. This is corroborated by the prior investigations [159,160]. Moreover,
there exists a significant and positive correlation between ICT and CO2 emissions. Previous studies also indicated that
the progress of ICT is a major factor in the rise of CO2 emissions, which are connected to higher energy usage and
economic growth, thus, in turn, worsening environmental issues [103].

Table 4. The outcomes of the DOLS estimation

Variables Coefficient Standard error t-statistic p-value
LGDP 0.120427*** 0.020312 5.928841 0.0000
LTO 0.125237*** 0.012543 9.984306 0.0000
LICT 0.123174*** 0.005943 20.72753 0.0000
LTI -0.119879*** 0.012663 -9.466778 0.0000
C 0.559902 0.784454 0.713747 0.4820
R2 0.9828
Adjusted R2 0.9809
F-statistic 80.576 0.0000
Root mean squared error (RMSE) 0.0338
Mean absolute error (MAE) 0.0268

The calculation indicated that technological advancement had a markedly adverse impact on CO2 emissions. The
outcome corresponds to the findings derived from the prior investigations [161]. Countries can develop more effective

measures for mitigating the negative impacts on environmental quality by fostering technological innovation. This
technique entails improving energy efficiency and reducing energy usage. In addition, countries can utilize technical
breakthroughs to enhance the efficiency of their current energy sources. Moreover, technical innovation plays a pivotal
role in fostering the advancement of novel environmentally sustainable energy sources. Therefore, it is crucial to focus
on innovations that are expressly designed to enhance energy efficiency and facilitate the shift toward renewable
energy sources [162,163]. These specific advancements can promote the acceptance of renewable energy while
concurrently decreasing dependence on fossil fuels.
Moreover, it is noteworthy that the signs of the estimated coefficients are consistent both theoretically and
practically. The investigation also used a variety of diagnostic tests to assess the goodness of fit of the estimated model.
First, the R2 and adjusted R2 values suggest that the estimated regression model fits quite well. This means that the
independent variables may account for 98 percent of the dependent variable's change variation. Second, the F- statistic
has a p-value of 0.0000, indicating that the model's linear relationship is statistically significant. Third, the root mean
square error (RMSE) and mean absolute error (MAE) values are near zero and non-negative, indicating that the DOLS
model's outputs are a near-perfect match to the data.

5. Conclusion and policy implications

This study examines the effects of technical innovation, economic growth, trade, and ICT on CO2 emissions in
Malaysia from 1990 to 2020. The findings of the DOLS model indicate that ICT, trade openness, and economic
expansion have a dual effect on CO2 emissions, leading to both temporary and permanent increases. Furthermore, it
has been discovered that technical progress effectively reduces emissions. Technological innovation reduces energy
consumption and decreases CO2 emissions due to its energy-saving capabilities.
The correlation between economic growth and energy use is significant. To achieve Malaysia's goals of reducing
CO2 emissions and promoting economic growth, it may be necessary to implement a widespread shift from less
energy-efficient to more energy-efficient technology. Implementing coordinated public-private initiatives and
programs can expedite this shift by fostering the development of renewable and energy-efficient technology. The
results of this study have important policy implications for Malaysia, which is a developing country. Malaysia should
give priority to doing research and implementing eco-friendly technologies in order to achieve a short-term decrease
in CO2 emissions through the use of clean innovations. Furthermore, in order to address the long-term impacts of
technical innovation, economic growth, and ICT on emissions, it is advisable to adopt a well-rounded strategy to
advance technology. Promoting the use of cleaner technology while simultaneously reducing the negative
consequences of bad changes can foster sustainable economic development.
Furthermore, the utilization of ICT for the purpose of reducing emissions highlights the significance of
digitalization. Investing in the expansion of digital infrastructure and implementing technology-driven solutions can
improve operational efficiency and decrease emissions. Furthermore, recognizing the substantial influence of
economic growth on carbon emissions implies the need to synchronize economic development with emission
reduction efforts by using cleaner industrial processes and adopting green practices. Furthermore, acknowledging the
correlation between trade openness and emissions underscores the importance of integrating environmental factors
into trade policies. Malaysia can adopt sustainable trade practices that focus on producing resources efficiently and
consuming responsibly. Furthermore, a comprehensive strategy that incorporates policies from several sectors can
effectively tackle the interdependence of factors that contribute to emissions.
Furthermore, in light of the issues posed by unfavorable technology breakthroughs and rising emissions, it is worth
considering the implementation of carbon pricing mechanisms and social initiatives aimed at raising awareness.
Furthermore, by giving priority to the shift towards low-carbon technologies through the implementation of incentives
for renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, and clean industrial methods, we may effectively harness the emission
reduction capabilities of technical advancements. Furthermore, long-term policy planning has the capacity to
encompass both immediate advantages and enduring enhancements to the environment. Furthermore, engaging in
international collaboration facilitates the sharing of optimal methodologies, cutting-edge technology, and the exchange
of knowledge, so expediting the progress toward sustainable development.
Nevertheless, this study has certain constraints. First and foremost, it exclusively concentrates on utilizing the
DOLS approach. Subsequent research endeavors could investigate different methodological approaches. Furthermore,
this study investigates the correlation between technical advancement, economic expansion, trade liberalization, ICT,
and CO2 emissions inside a certain nation. Future research has the potential to broaden its focus by making
comparisons between different countries, including additional factors, and extending the duration of the study.


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environmental sustainability: A case study from Nawabganj Sal Forest, Bangladesh. Journal of Agriculture Sustainability and Environment,
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30. Raihan, A. (2023). A review of tropical blue carbon ecosystems for climate change mitigation. Journal of Environmental Science and
Economics, 2(4), 14-36.
31. Raihan, A. (2023). A review on the integrative approach for economic valuation of forest ecosystem services. Journal of Environmental
Science and Economics, 2(3), 1-18.
32. Raihan, A., Muhtasim, D. A., Farhana, S., Hasan, M. A. U., Paul, A., & Faruk, O. (2022). Toward environmental sustainability: Nexus between
tourism, economic growth, energy use and carbon emissions in Singapore. Global Sustainability Research, 1(2), 53-65.
33. Raihan, A., Zimon, G., Alam, M. M., Khan, M. R., & Sadowska, B. (2024). Nexus between nuclear energy, economic growth, and greenhouse
gas emissions in India. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 14(2), 172-182.

34. Raihan, A. (2023). The Influence of Digital Transformation on Environmental Sustainability. Proceedings of The 2023 PhD International
Conference on Digital Transformation and Sustainable Development, 16th-17th December 2023, Changsha University of Science &
Technology, China.
35. Raihan, A. (2023). Energy-economy-environment nexus toward sustainable and green development. Proceedings of The Belt & road Forum:
The 8th International Conference on Energy Finance, 8th-9th September 2023, Xi’an University of Technology, China.
36. Raihan, A., Ridwan, M., Tanchangya, T., Rahman, J., & Ahmad, S. (2023). Environmental Effects of China’s Nuclear Energy within the
Framework of Environmental Kuznets Curve and Pollution Haven Hypothesis. Journal of Environmental and Energy Economics, 2(1), 1-12.
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38. Raihan, A. (2023). The role of ICT and FDI on the Indian economy. Proceedings of The Pacific Rim Conference for Digital Technology and
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39. Lahouel, B. B., Taleb, L., Zaied, Y. B., & Managi, S. (2021). Does ICT change the relationship between total factor productivity and CO2
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40. Raihan, A., Tanchangya, T., Rahman, J., Ridwan, M., & Ahmad, S. (2022). The influence of Information and Communication Technologies,
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41. Shaaban-Nejad, S., & Shirazi, F. (2022). ICT and environmental sustainability: A comparative study. Sustainability, 14(14), 8651.
42. Raihan, A., Begum, R. A., & Said, M. N. M. (2021). A meta-analysis of the economic value of forest carbon stock. Geografia–Malaysian
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43. Raihan, A., Begum, R. A., Said, M. N. M., & Pereira, J. J. (2022). Dynamic impacts of energy use, agricultural land expansion, and
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44. Raihan, A., Voumik, L.C., Esquivias, M.A., Ridzuan, A.R., Yusoff, N.Y.M., Fadzilah, A.H.H., & Malayaranjan, S. (2023). Energy trails of
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45. Raihan, A., Begum, R. A., Said, M. N. M., & Pereira, J. J. (2021). Assessment of carbon stock in forest biomass and emission reduction
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46. Raihan, A., Begum, R. A., Said, M. N. M., & Abdullah, S. M. S. (2018). Climate change mitigation options in the forestry sector of Malaysia.
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47. Raihan, A., Begum, R. A., & Said, M. N. M. (2019). Climate Change Mitigation Potential in the Forestry sector of Malaysia. Proceedings of
CWMD International Conference 2019, 19th – 21st September 2019, Kumamoto University, Japan.
48. Raihan, A., Begum, R. A., Said, M. N. M., & Abdullah, S. M. S. (2019). Economic assessment of climate change mitigation through the
forestry sector of Malaysia. Proceedings of Institute of Climate Change Research Colloquium 2019, 8th August 2019, UKM, Malaysia.
49. Raihan, A., Begum, R. A., Said, M. N. M., & Abdullah, S. M. S. (2018). Climate change mitigation potential in Malaysia's forest sector.
Proceedings of Institute of Climate Change Research Colloquium 2018, 11th – 13th August 2018, Melaka, Malaysia.
50. Raihan, A., Begum, R. A., Said, M. N. M., & Abdullah, S. M. S. (2017). A review on forest carbon sequestration as a cost-effective way to
mitigate global climate change. Proceedings of Institute of Climate Change Research Colloquium 2017, 1st – 3rd October 2017, Felda
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51. Jaafar, W. S. W. M., Maulud, K. N. A., Kamarulzaman, A. M. M., Raihan, A., Sah, S. M., Ahmad, A., Saad, S. N. M., Azmi, A. T. M., Syukri,
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52. Raihan, A., & Said, M. N. M. (2022). Cost–benefit analysis of climate change mitigation measures in the forestry sector of Peninsular
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53. Raihan, A., Pereira, J. J., Begum, R. A., & Rasiah, R. (2023). The economic impact of water supply disruption from the Selangor River,
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54. Raihan, A., Voumik, L. C., Akter, S., Ridzuan, A. R., Fahlevi, M., Aljuaid, M., & Saniuk, S. (2024). Taking flight: Exploring the relationship
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55. Raihan, A., Voumik, L. C., Yusma, N., & Ridzuan, A. R. (2023). The nexus between international tourist arrivals and energy use towards
sustainable tourism in Malaysia. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 11, 575.
56. Raihan, A. (2023). Nexus between economy, technology, and ecological footprint in China. Journal of Economy and Technology, 1, 94-107.
57. Raihan, A. (2024). Energy, economy, financial development, and ecological footprint in Singapore. Energy Economics Letters, 11(1), 29-40.
58. Raihan, A. (2024). Dynamic impacts of public-private partnership investment in energy, economic growth, renewable energy, and financial
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59. Raihan, A. (2024). Nexus between natural resources, financial development, economic growth, and ecological footprint in Malaysia.
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60. Raihan, A. (2024). Influences of foreign direct investment and carbon emission on economic growth in Vietnam. Journal of Environmental
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61. Raihan, A. (2023). Energy, economy, and environment nexus: New evidence from China. Energy Technologies and Environment, 1(1), 68-
62. Raihan, A., Muhtasim, D. A., Pavel, M. I., Faruk, O., & Rahman, M. (2022). Dynamic impacts of economic growth, renewable energy use,
urbanization, and tourism on carbon dioxide emissions in Argentina. Environmental Processes, 9(2), 38.
63. Raihan, A. (2023). An econometric evaluation of the effects of economic growth, energy use, and agricultural value added on carbon dioxide
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64. Raihan, A., Rashid, M., Voumik, L. C., Akter, S., & Esquivias, M. A. (2023). The dynamic impacts of economic growth, financial
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65. Raihan, A. (2024). A review of digital agriculture toward food security and environmental sustainability. Proceedings of The International
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66. Akter, S., Voumik, L. C., Rahman, M. H., Raihan, A., & Zimon, G. (2023). GDP, health expenditure, industrialization, education and
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67. Raihan, A. (2024). A review of recent advances, challenges, and potential future directions of climate-smart agriculture. Proceedings of The

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68. Debnath, B., Taha, M. R., Siraj, M. T., Jahin, M. F., Ovi, S. I., Bari, A. B. M. M., Islam, A. R. M. T., & Raihan, A. (2024). A grey approach to
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69. Raihan, A. (2023). An econometric assessment of the relationship between meat consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in the United
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70. Raihan, A. (2023). The influence of meat consumption on greenhouse gas emissions in Argentina. Resources, Conservation & Recycling
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71. Raihan, A. (2023). Economic growth and carbon emission nexus: the function of tourism in Brazil. Journal of Economic Statistics, 1(2), 68-
72. Raihan, A. (2023). A review of agroforestry as a sustainable and resilient agriculture. Journal of Agriculture Sustainability and Environment,
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73. Raihan, A. (2024). A Systematic Review of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Agriculture for Evidence-Based Decision Making and
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74. Raihan, A. (2024). The potential of agroforestry in South Asian countries towards achieving the climate goals. Asian Journal of Forestry, 8(1),
75. Rahman, M. S., Rahman, M. A., Amin, M. H. A., & Raihan, A. (2017). Effect of water stress on the shoot morphology and root architecture
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76. Shamsuzzaman, M., Rahman, M. S., & Raihan, A. (2016). Effect of phosphorus and potassium on the growth of Ghora Neem (Melia azedarach
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77. Rahman, M. S., Fatematuzzora, Raihan, A. (2016). Growth and quality of pineapple at different orientations and distances under litchi based
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78. Raihan, A., Voumik, L. C., Mohajan, B., Rahman, M. S., & Zaman, M. R. (2023). Economy-energy-environment nexus: the potential of
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79. Raihan, A. (2024). The interrelationship amid carbon emissions, tourism, economy, and energy use in Brazil. Carbon Research, 3, 11.
80. Raihan, A. (2024). Environmental impacts of the economy, tourism, and energy consumption in Kuwait. Kuwait Journal of Science, 51(4),
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82. Raihan, A., & Bari, A. B. M. M. (2024). Energy-economy-environment nexus in China: The role of renewable energies toward carbon
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83. Raihan, A., Sarker, T., & Zimon, G. (2024). An investigation on the prospects, challenges and policy consequences of renewable energy
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84. Raihan, A. (2023). An overview of the energy segment of Indonesia: present situation, prospects, and forthcoming advancements in renewable
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85. Ghosh, S., Hossain, M. S., Voumik, L. C., Raihan, A., Ridzuan, A. R., & Esquivias, M. A. (2023). Unveiling the Spillover Effects of
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86. Raihan, A., Atasoy, F. G., Atasoy, M., Ridwan, M., & Paul, A. (2022). The role of green energy, globalization, urbanization, and economic
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87. Raihan, A., Voumik, L. C., Rahman, M. H., & Esquivias, M. A. (2023). Unraveling the interplay between globalization, financial development,
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88. Voumik, L. C., Rahman, M. H., Rahman, M. M., Ridwan, M., Akter, S., & Raihan, A. (2023). Toward a sustainable future: Examining the
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89. Raihan, A. (2023). Nexus between economic growth, natural resources rents, trade globalization, financial development, and carbon emissions
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90. Akhayere, E., Kartal, M. T., Adebayo, T. S., & Kavaz, D. (2023). Role of energy consumption and trade openness towards environmental
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102. Raihan, A. (2023). Nexus between information technology and economic growth: new insights from India. Journal of Information Economics,
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103. Raihan, A. (2023). Economy-energy-environment nexus: the role of information and communication technology towards green development
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104. Ridwan, M., Raihan, A., Ahmad, S., Karmakar, S., & Paul, P. (2023). Environmental Sustainability in France: The Role of Alternative and
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105. Voumik, L. C., Islam, M. J., & Raihan, A. (2022). Electricity production sources and CO2 emission in OECD countries: static and dynamic
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106. Raihan, A. (2023). A comprehensive review of artificial intelligence and machine learning applications in energy consumption and production.
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114. Raihan, A., Muhtasim, D. A., Pavel, M. I., Faruk, O., & Rahman, M. (2022). An econometric analysis of the potential emission reduction
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115. Raihan, A. (2023). The influences of renewable energy, globalization, technological innovations, and forests on emission reduction in
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116. Ahmad, S., Raihan, A., & Ridwan, M. (2024). Role of economy, technology, and renewable energy toward carbon neutrality in China. Journal
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117. Raihan, A., Bala, S., Akter, A., Ridwan, M., Eleais, M., & Chakma, P. (2024). Advancing environmental sustainability in the G-7: The impact
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118. Raihan, A. (2023). Green energy and technological innovation towards a low-carbon economy in Bangladesh. Green and Low-Carbon
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119. Raihan, A., & Voumik, L. C. (2022). Carbon emission dynamics in India due to financial development, renewable energy utilization,
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120. Raihan, A., & Voumik, L. C. (2022). Carbon emission reduction potential of renewable energy, remittance, and technological innovation:
empirical evidence from China. Journal of Technology Innovations and Energy, 1(4), 25-36.
121. Raihan, A. (2023). Nexus between Greenhouse gas emissions and its determinants: the role of renewable energy and technological innovations
towards green development in South Korea. Innovation and Green Development, 2(3), 100066.
122. Milindi, C. B., & Inglesi-Lotz, R. (2023). Impact of technological progress on carbon emissions in different country income groups. Energy
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124. Raihan, A. (2024). The influences of economic progress, natural resources, and capitalization on financial development in the United States.
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125. Raihan, A. (2023). Exploring Environmental Kuznets Curve and Pollution Haven Hypothesis in Bangladesh: The Impact of Foreign Direct
Investment. Journal of Environmental Science and Economics, 2(1), 25-36.
126. Sultana, T., Hossain, M. S., Voumik, L. C., & Raihan, A. (2023). Does globalization escalate the carbon emissions? Empirical evidence from
selected next-11 countries. Energy Reports, 10, 86-98.
127. Voumik, L. C., Mimi, M. B., & Raihan, A. (2023). Nexus between urbanization, industrialization, natural resources rent, and anthropogenic
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128. Raihan, A., Voumik, L. C., Zimon, G., Sadowska, B., Rashid, M., & Akter, S. (2024). Prioritising sustainability: how economic growth, energy
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129. Golo, M. A., Han, D., Lorente, D. B., Raihan, A., & Altin, M. (2024). Uncovering the Origins of Environmental Vulnerabilities: A Study of
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130. Raihan, A. (2024). Dynamic impacts of economic growth, renewable energy, natural resources, and globalization toward environmental
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and health expenditure: empirical evidence from Bangladesh. Carbon Research, 1(1), 30.
132. Raihan, A., & Tuspekova, A. (2022). The nexus between economic growth, energy use, urbanization, tourism, and carbon dioxide emissions:
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133. Raihan, A., & Tuspekova, A. (2022). Nexus between economic growth, energy use, agricultural productivity, and carbon dioxide emissions:
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134. Raihan, A., Muhtasim, D. A., Khan, M. N. A., Pavel, M. I., & Faruk, O. (2022). Nexus between carbon emissions, economic growth, renewable
energy use, and technological innovation towards achieving environmental sustainability in Bangladesh. Cleaner Energy Systems, 3, 100032.
135. Raihan, A., & Tuspekova, A. (2022). Role of economic growth, renewable energy, and technological innovation to achieve environmental
sustainability in Kazakhstan. Current Research in Environmental Sustainability, 4, 100165.
136. Raihan, A., & Tuspekova, A. (2023). The role of renewable energy and technological innovations toward achieving Iceland’s goal of carbon
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137. Raihan, A., Muhtasim, D. A., Farhana, S., Pavel, M. I., Faruk, O., & Mahmood, A. (2022). Nexus between carbon emissions, economic
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sustainability in Bangladesh. Energy and Climate Change, 3, 100080.
138. Raihan, A., Pavel, M. I., Muhtasim, D. A., Farhana, S., Faruk, O., & Paul, A. (2023). The role of renewable energy use, technological
innovation, and forest cover toward green development: Evidence from Indonesia. Innovation and Green Development, 2(1), 100035.
139. Raihan, A., & Tuspekova, A. (2023). Towards net zero emissions by 2050: the role of renewable energy, technological innovations, and forests
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140. Raihan, A., Muhtasim, D. A., Farhana, S., Hasan, M. A. U., Pavel, M. I., Faruk, O., Rahman, M., & Mahmood, A. (2022). Nexus between
economic growth, energy use, urbanization, agricultural productivity, and carbon dioxide emissions: New insights from Bangladesh. Energy
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141. Raihan, A., Ibrahim, S., & Muhtasim, D. A. (2023). Dynamic impacts of economic growth, energy use, tourism, and agricultural productivity
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142. Raihan, A., & Tuspekova, A. (2022). Towards sustainability: dynamic nexus between carbon emission and its determining factors in Mexico.
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143. Raihan, A., & Tuspekova, A. (2022). Dynamic impacts of economic growth, renewable energy use, urbanization, industrialization, tourism,
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144. Raihan, A., Muhtasim, D. A., Farhana, S., Hasan, M. A. U., Pavel, M. I., Faruk, O., Rahman, M., & Mahmood, A. (2023). An econometric
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145. Raihan, A., & Tuspekova, A. (2022). Dynamic impacts of economic growth, energy use, urbanization, agricultural productivity, and forested
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146. Raihan, A., & Tuspekova, A. (2022). Nexus between emission reduction factors and anthropogenic carbon emissions in India. Anthropocene
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147. Raihan, A., & Tuspekova, A. (2022). Nexus between energy use, industrialization, forest area, and carbon dioxide emissions: new insights
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148. Raihan, A., Muhtasim, D. A., Farhana, S., Rahman, M., Hasan, M. A. U., Paul, A., & Faruk, O. (2023). Dynamic linkages between
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149. Raihan, A., & Tuspekova, A. (2022). Dynamic impacts of economic growth, energy use, urbanization, tourism, agricultural value-added, and
forested area on carbon dioxide emissions in Brazil. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 12(4), 794-814.
150. Raihan, A., & Tuspekova, A. (2022). The nexus between economic growth, renewable energy use, agricultural land expansion, and carbon
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151. Raihan, A. (2023). The contribution of economic development, renewable energy, technical advancements, and forestry to Uruguay's objective
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152. Raihan, A. (2023). Toward sustainable and green development in Chile: dynamic influences of carbon emission reduction variables.
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153. Raihan, A. (2023). The dynamic nexus between economic growth, renewable energy use, urbanization, industrialization, tourism, agricultural
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154. Raihan, A., Hasan, M. A., Voumik, L. C., Pattak, D. C., Akter, S., & Ridwan, M. (2024). Sustainability in Vietnam: Examining Economic
Growth, Energy, Innovation, Agriculture, and Forests' Impact on CO2 Emissions. World Development Sustainability, 4, 100164.
155. Raihan, A., & Tuspekova, A. (2022). Toward a sustainable environment: Nexus between economic growth, renewable energy use, forested
area, and carbon emissions in Malaysia. Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances, 15, 200096.
156. Begum, R. A., Raihan, A., & Said, M. N. M. (2020). Dynamic impacts of economic growth and forested area on carbon dioxide emissions in
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157. Raihan, A. (2024). The influence of tourism on the road to achieving carbon neutrality and environmental sustainability in Malaysia: the role
of renewable energy. Sustainability Analytics and Modeling, 4, 100028.
158. Raihan, A., Voumik, L. C., Ridwan, M., Ridzuan, A. R., Jaaffar, A. H., & Yusof, N. Y. M. (2023). From growth to green: navigating the
complexities of economic development, energy sources, health spending, and carbon emissions in Malaysia. Energy Reports, 10, 4318-4331.
159. Raihan, A., Tanchangya, T., Rahman, J., & Ridwan, M. (2024). The Influence of Agriculture, Renewable Energy, International Trade, and
Economic Growth on India’s Environmental Sustainability. Journal of Environmental and Energy Economics, 3(1), 37-53.
160. Sultana, T., Hossain, M. S., Voumik, L. C., & Raihan, A. (2023). Democracy, green energy, trade, and environmental progress in South Asia:
Advanced quantile regression perspective. Heliyon, 9(10), e20488.
161. Raihan, A., Begum, R. A., Said, M. N. M., & Pereira, J. J. (2022). Relationship between economic growth, renewable energy use, technological
innovation, and carbon emission toward achieving Malaysia’s Paris agreement. Environment Systems and Decisions, 42, 586-607.
162. Raihan, A. (2023). A concise review of technologies for converting forest biomass to bioenergy. Journal of Technology Innovations and
Energy, 2(3), 10-36.
163. Voumik, L. C., Ridwan, M., Rahman, M. H., & Raihan, A. (2023). An Investigation into the Primary Causes of Carbon Dioxide Releases in
Kenya: Does Renewable Energy Matter to Reduce Carbon Emission?. Renewable Energy Focus, 47, 100491.


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