What is the Specialty of a Chameleon and a Moth
What is the Specialty of a Chameleon and a Moth
What is the Specialty of a Chameleon and a Moth
Why do they
need that special quality?
The specialty of a chameleon is its ability to change color, a process called camouflage.
This helps the chameleon to blend in with its surroundings, making it nearly invisible to
predators. It also helps the chameleon to sneak up on its prey.
The specialty of the moth in the picture is its remarkable resemblance to a leaf. This is an
example of mimicry, where the moth has evolved to look like a leaf to avoid predators. The
moth's body shape, color, and patterns all contribute to its leaf-like appearance, allowing it
to blend in with its surroundings and avoid detection.
3.Why do the small fish always move in a group and form into a round ball?
The common ability or skill among the animals mentioned (chameleon, tortoise, small fish,
birds, and camel) is their incredible ability to adapt and survive in their respective
Each of these animals has unique features, behaviors, or physical characteristics that
enable them to thrive in their habitats, whether it's the desert, ocean, forest, or elsewhere.
This adaptability is a testament to the amazing diversity and resilience of life on our planet!
1. Adjustment
2. Change
3. Acceptance
4. Flexibility
5. Resilience
6. Modification
7. Transformation
8. Coping
9. Tolerance
10. Survival