10.Surface Tension

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Surface Tension-Medium

1. A wooden stick 2m long is floating on the surface of water. 7. Radius of a soap bubble is increased from R to 2R work done
The surface tension of water 0.07 N/m. By putting soap in this process in terms of surface tension is
solution on one side of the sticks the surface tension is
24 πR2 S (b)48 πR2 S 2
(c) 12 πR S
(d) 36 πR S
reduced to 0.06 N/m. The net force on the stick will be
(a) 0.07 N (b) 0.06 N (c) 0.01 N (d) 0.02 N
8. Pressure inside two soap bubbles are 1.01 and 1.02
2. A thin metal disc of radius r floats on water surface and bends atmospheres. Ratio between their volumes is
3 3
the surface downwards along the perimeter making an angle  (a) 102 : 101 (b)(102) :(101) (c) 8 : 1 (d)
with vertical edge of disc. If the disc displaces a weight of
water W and surface tension of water is T, then the weight of 2:1
metal disc is
(a) 2rT + W (b) 2rTcos – W 9. The excess pressure inside an air bubble of radius r just below
(c) 2rTcos + W (d) W – 2rTcos the surface of water is P1. The excess pressure inside a drop of
the same radius just outside the surface is P 2. If T is surface
tension then
3. A 10 cm long wire is placed horizontally on the surface of P1 =2 P 2
−2 (b) P1 =P2
water and is gently pulled up with a force of 2×10 N to (a)
keep the wire in equilibrium. The surface tension in Nm –1 of P2 =2 P 1
water is (d) P2 =0 , P1 ≠0
(a) 0.1 N/m (b) 0.2 N/m
(c) 0.001 N/m (d) 0.002 N/m
10. Water rises to a height of 10cm in a capillary tube and

4. There is a horizontal film of soap solution. On it a thread is mercury falls to a depth of 3.5cm in the same capillary tube.
placed in the form of a loop. The film is pierced inside the If the density of mercury is 13.6 gm/cc and its angle of
loop and the thread becomes a circular loop of radius R. If the o
contact is 135 and density of water is 1 gm/cc and its angle
surface tension of the loop be T, then what will be the tension o
in the thread of contact is 0 , then the ratio of surface tensions of the two
2 2 o
(a) πR /T (b) πR T (c) 2RT (d) 2RT liquids is (cos 135 =0 .7 )
(a) 1 : 14 (b) 5 : 34 (c) 1 : 5 (d) 5 : 27
5. A liquid is filled into a tube with semi-elliptical cross-section
as shown in the figure. The ratio of the surface tension forces 11. Water rises in a vertical capillary tube upto a height of 2.0
on the curved part and the plane part of the tube in vertical o
cm. If the tube is inclined at an angle of 60 with the
position will be vertical, then upto what length the water will rise in the tube
(a) 2.0 cm (b) 4.0 cm (c) √ 3 cm (d) 2 √2

12. Two capillary tubes of same diameter are kept vertically one
π (a+b ) 2 πa πa each in two liquids whose relative densities are 0.8 and 0.6
and surface tensions are 60 and 50 dyne/cm respectively.
4b (b) b (c) 4 b (d) h1
π (a−b) Ratio of heights of liquids in the two tubes h2 is
4b 10 3 10 9
9 (b) 10 (c) 3 (d) 10
6. A liquid film is formed over a frame ABCD as shown in
figure. Wire CD can slide without friction. The mass to be
hung from CD to keep it in equilibrium is 13. A capillary tube of radius R is immersed in water and water
rises in it to a height H. Mass of water in the capillary tube is
Liquid film M. If the radius of the tube is doubled, mass of water that will
D C rise in the capillary tube will now be
(a) M (b) 2M (c) M/2 (d) 4M

Tl 2Tl g
(a) g (b) g (c) 2Tl (d) T  l 14. Water rises to a height h in a capillary at the surface of earth.
On the surface of the moon the height of water column in the
same capillary will be

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10.Surface Tension-Medium

(a) 6h (b) 6 (c) h (d) Zero 22. Two soap bubbles of radii r1 and r2 equal to 4cm and 5cm are
touching each other over a common surface
S1 S2 (shown in
15. Water risesupto a height h in a capillary on the surface of figure). Its radius will be
earth in stationary condition. Value of h increases if this tube S1
is taken 4 cm 5 cm
(a) On sun
(b) On poles S2
(c) In a lift going upward with acceleration
(a) 4 cm (b) 20 cm (c) 5 cm (d) 4.5
(d) In a lift going downward with acceleration

16. If the surface tension of water is 0.06 N/m, then the capillary
23. On dipping one end of a capillary in liquid and inclining the
(θ=0o ) o o
capillary at an angles 30 and 60 with the vertical, the
rise in a tube of diameter 1mm is
(a) 1.22 cm (b) 2.44 cm (c) 3.12 cm (d) 3.86 cm lengths of liquid columns in it are found to be
l 1 and l 2
respectively. The ratio of
l 1 and l 2 is
17. Two capillaries made of same material but of different radii
1 : √3 (b) 1 : √ 2 (c) √ 2:1 (d) √ 3 :1
are dipped in a liquid. The rise of liquid in one capillary is
2.2cm and that in the other is 6.6cm. The ratio of their radii is
(a) 9 : 1 (b) 1 : 9 (c) 3 : 1 (d) 1 : 3
24. A drop of water of volume V is pressed between the two glass
plates so as to spread to an area A. If T is the surface tension,
18. The lower end of a capillary tube is at a depth of 12cm and the normal force required to separate the glass plates is
the water rises 3cm in it. The mouth pressure required to blow TA 2 2TA 2 4 TA 2 TA 2
an air bubble at the lower end will be X cm of water column V (b) V (c) V (d) 2 V
where X is (a)
(a) 3 (b) 9 (c) 12 (d) 15

25. If a liquid does not wet glass, its angle of contact is:
19. The lower end of a capillary tube of radius r is placed
vertically in water. Then with the rise of water in the (a) Zero (b) Acute (c) Obtuse (d) Right
capillary, heat evolved is angle
π 2 r 2 h2 πr 2 h2 dg
+ dg +
J (b) 2J 26. When a loaded boat enters into the sea from a river, it rises
(a) because:
(a) There is more water in the sea than in river
πr 2 h2 dg πr 2 h2 dg
− − (b) Sea water is denser than river
2J (d) J
(c )There is difference of temperature
(d) Sea is deeper than river

20. Water rises in a capillary tube to a certain height such that the
27. Two rain drops reach the earth with the terminal velocities in
upward force due to surface tension is balanced by
the ratio 4 : 9. The ratio of radii is :
75×10−4 N force due to the weight of the liquid. If the (a) 4 : 9 (b) 2 : 3 (c) 3 : 2 (d) 9 : 4
surface tension of water is 6×10 N /m , the inner
circumference of the capillary must be 28. If two soap bubbles of different radii are connected by a tube,
−2 −2 (a) Air flows from the bigger bubble to the smaller
1.25×10 m (b) 0.50×10 m
(a) bubble till the sizes become equal
6.5×10−2 m (d) 12.5×10
m (b) Air flows from bigger bubble to the smaller bubble
(c) till the sizes air interchanged
(c) Air flows from the smaller bubble to the bigger
21. The radii of two soap bubbles are r 1 and r2. In isothermal (d) There is no flow of air
conditions, two meet together in vacuum. Then the radius of
the resultant bubble is given by
R=(r 1 + r 2 )/2 29. The surface tension of a liquid is 5 N/m. If a film is held on a
(b) R=r 1 (r 1 r 2 +r 2 ) ring of area 0.02 m2, its total surface energy is about -
(a) 5 × 10–2 J (b) 2.5 × 10–2 J
R2 =r 21 + r 22 (d) R=r 1 +r 2
(c) (c) 2 × 10–1 J (d) 3 × 10–1 J

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10.Surface Tension-Medium

30. A very narrow capillary tube records a rise of 20 cm when 38. A capillary tube (P) is dipped in water. Another identical tube
dipped in water. When the area of cross section is reduced to (Q) is dipped in a soap water solution. Which of the following
one fourth of the former value, water will rise to a height of- shows the relative nature of the liquids columns in the two
(a) 10 cm (b) 20 cm (c) 40 cm (d) 80 cm tubes?

31. Water rises to a height of 16.3 cm in a capillary of height 18

cm. If the tube is cut at a height of 12 cm , then- (b)
(a) Water will come as a fountain from the capillary
(b) Water will stay at a height of 12 cm in capillary
(c) The height of the water in the tube will be 10.3 cm
(d) Water will flow down the sides of the capillary tube
32. When detergent is added to water, surface tension of solution (c)
(a) Remain same as that of detergent (b) Is reduced
(c) Increased (d) May decrease or increase
39. A metallic wire of density  floats horizontal in water. The
depending upon type of detergent maximum radius of the wire sothat the wire may not sink will
be : (surface tension of water = T and angle of contact  = 00)
33. With rise in temperature- -

√ √ √ √
(a) Surface tension increases 2T 4T T Tρ
(b) Surface tension decreases πρ g (b) ρg (c) πρ g (d) πg
(c) Surface tension may become zero if temperature
reaches the critical value
(d) (b) and (c) both
40. In the bottom of a vessel with mercury of density  there is a
round hole of radius r. At what maximum height of the
34. Which water is having detergent dissolved in it mercury layer will the liquid still not flow out through this
hole? (Surface tension = T) -
T T 2T 4T
rρg (b) 2rρg (c) rρg (d) rρg

(a) P (b) Q (c) Both (d) Data 41. In a U-tube the radii of two columns are respectively r and r .
1 2
insufficient When a liquid of density ( = 0º) is filled in it, a level
difference of h is observed on two arms, then the surface
35. In a capillary tube, water rises to a height of 4 cm. If the tension of the liquid is -
cross-sectional area of the tube were one-fourth, water would ρ ghr 1 r 2
have risen to a height of- (a) 2(r 2 – r 1 ) (b) hg (r2– r1)
(a) 2 cm (b) 4 cm (c) 8 cm (d) 16
cm hρg( r 2 – r 1 ) hρg
2 (d) 2(r 2 – r 1)

36. A mercury pallet is trapped between two horizontal glass (c)

plate having small space between them. The shape of mercury
pallet is best described by-
42. A coaxial cylinder made of glass is immersed in liquid of
surface tension ‘S’. Radius of inner and outer surface of
(b) cylinder are R1 and R2 respectively. Height till which liquid
(a) will rise is (Density of liquid is )-
2S 2S
R 2 ρg (b) R 1 ρg
(c) (a)
S 2S
37. The pressure inside two soap bubbles are 1.02 atm. and 1.03
atm. respectively. The ratio of their volumes is - ( R2 −R1 ) ρg (d) ( R2 −R1 ) ρg
(a) 102 : 103 (b) 103 : 102 (c)
(c) (103)3 : (102)3 (d) 27 : 8
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10.Surface Tension-Medium

of contact are 'T' and zero respectively then the weight of

43. A conical pipe shown in figure have a water drop. The drop mosquito is-
will tend to move towards- Ta Ta
8T.a (b) 16  Ta (c) 8 (d) 16 π

(a) Tapered end (b) Wider end

50. A very narrow capillary tube records a rise of 20 cm when
(c) In any direction (d) No tendency to dipped in water. When the area of cross-section is reduced to
move one-fourth of former value, water will rise to a height of -
(a) 10 cm (b) 20 cm (c) 40 cm (d) 80 cm
44. Graph between the mass of liquid inside the capillary and
radius of capillary is – 51. Find the excess pressure on one side of a soap film of surface
tension T over that on the other side r 1 and r2 are radii of two
surfaces –

(a) (b)

[ 1 1

r1 r2 ] (b) 2T
( 1 1
r1 r2 )
(a) 2 T
(c) (d)

45. If one increases the volume of a soap bubble the surface

tension of the bubble-
[ 1 1

r1 r2 ] (d) T
[ ]
1 1
r1 r2

(a) Increase (b) Decrease (c) T

(c) Remains the same (d) Becomes zero
52. A 10 cm long wire is brought 20 cm up in a liquid of surface
46. A water drop is divided into eight equal droplets the pressure tension 40 dyne cm–1. Find the work done against surface
difference between the inner and outer side of the big drop tension-
will be - (a) 0.8 m J (b) 1.6 m J (c) 1.2 m J (d) 3.2 m J
(a) Same as for smaller droplet
(b) 1/2 of that for smaller droplet 53. Neglecting gravity, the potential energy of a molecule of
liquid on the surface of liquid as compared to a molecule
(c) 1/4 of that for smaller droplet
inside liquid is :
(d) Twice that for smaller droplet
(a) greater (b) less
47. The work done to get 'n' smaller equal size spherical drops (c) equal (d) depending on the liquid sometimes
from a bigger size spherical drop of water is proportional to - more, sometimes less
1 1
2/ 3 1/ 3
(a) n –1 (b) n –1 (c) n1/3 –1 (d) n4/3 – 1
54. A thread is tied slightly loose to a wire frame as shown in the
48. In a capillary tube experiment, a vertical 30 cm long capillary figure. And the frame is dipped into a soap solution and taken
tube is dipped in water. The water rises up to a height of 10 out. The frame is completely covered with the film. When the
cm due to capillary action. If water temperature increases then portion A is punctured with a pin, then the thread :
new height of water column in capillary becomes–
(a) 30 cm (b) Greater than 10 cm
(c) Equal to 10 cm (d) Less than 10 cm

49. A mosquito with 8 legs stands on water surface and each leg
makes depression of radius 'a'. If the surface tension and angle
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10.Surface Tension-Medium

(d) surface tension makes the surface behave as a

stretched membrane.

59. At critical temperature, the surface tension of a liquid :

(a) is zero
(b) is infinity
(c) is same as that at any other temperature
(d) cannot be determined

60. The force required to drag a circular flat plate of radius 5 cm

just touching the surface of water is (ST of water is 75

(a) 30 dyne (b) 60 dyne

(c) 750 dyne (d) 750 dyne
(a) becomes convex towards A
(b) becomes concave towards A
(c) remains in the initial position 61. A 10 cm long wire is placed horizontally on the surface of
(d) either (a) or (b) depending on size of A water and is gently pulled up with a force of 2 × 10 –2 N to
w.r.t. B keep the wire in equilibrium. The surface tension, of water in
Nm–1 is

(a) 0.1 (b) 0.2

55. In a surface tension experiment with a capillary tube, water
rises upto 0.1 m. If the same experiment is repeated in an (c) 0.001 (d) 0.002
artificial satellite, which is revolving around the earth ; water
will rise in the capillary tube upto a height of : 62. The work done in increasing the size of a rectangular soap
film with dimensions 8 cm × 3.75 cm to 10 cm × 6 cm is 2 ×
(a) 0.1 m (b) 0.2 m 10–4 J. The surface tension of the film liquid in N/m is :
(c) 0.98 m (d) full length of tube
(a) 1.65 × 10–2 (b) 3.3 × 10–2
(c) 6.6 × 10–2 (d) 8.25 × 10–2
56. The surface tension of a liquid is 5 N/m. If a film is held on a
ring of area 0.02 m2, its surface energy is about :
63. Due to the property of surface tension liquid tries to:
(a) 5 × 10–2 J (b) 2.5 × 10–2 J
(c) 2 × 10–1 J (d) 3 × 10–1 J (a) increase the volume
(b) decrease the volume
(c) increase the surface area
57. Water rises in a capillary tube to a height h. it will rise to a (d) decrease the surface area
height more than h
64. A thin metal disc of radius r floats on water surface and bends
(a) on the surface of sun
the water surface downwards along the perimeter making an
(b) in a lift moving down with an acceleration angle  with vertical edge of the disc. If the disc displaces a
(c) at the poles weight of water W and surface tension of water is T, then the
(d) in a lift moving up with an acceleration. weight of metal disc is :

(a) 2 rT + W
58. Insects are able to run on the surface of water because : (b) 2 rT cos – W
(c) 2 rT cos + W
(a) insects have less weight (d) W – 2 rT cos
(b) insects swim on water
(c) due to Archimede’s upthrust

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10.Surface Tension-Medium

65. A thin wire is bent in the form of a ring of diameter 3.0 cm.
The ring is placed horizontally on the surface of soap 72. A soap - bubble with a radius ‘r’ is placed on another bubble
solution and then raised up slowly. Upward force necessary to with a radius R (figure). Angles between the films at the
break the film formed between the ring and the solution is – points of contact will be –

(a) 6T dyne (b) 2T dyne

(c) 4T dyne (d) 3T dyne

66. Two water droplets combine to form a large drop. In this

process energy is :

(a) liberated
(b) absorbed
(c) neither liberated nor absorbed (a) 1200 (b) 300
(d) sometimes liberated and sometimes absorbed (c) 450 (d) 900

67. A spherical liquid drop of radius R is divided into 8 equal 73. A liquid rises in a capillary tube when the angle of contact is :
droplets. If the surface tension is T, then work done in the
(a) acute (b) obtuse
process will be :
(c) /2 radian (d)  radian
(a) 2R2T (b) 3R2T
(c) 4R2T (d) 2RT2
74. The lower end of a capillary tube touches a liquid whose
angle of contact is 900,the liquid
68. The shape of a liquid drop is spherical due to its property of :
(a) rises into the tube
(a) surface tension (b) density (b) depreses in mouth or tube
(c) viscosity (d) temperature (c) may rise or fall inside
(d) neither rises nor falls inside the tube
69. The energy required to blow a bubble of radius 4 cm and 3
cm in the same liquid is in the ratio of :
75. Liquid rises in a capillary tube up to a height of 50 mm. The
(a) 4 : 3 (b) 3 : 4 reading along the tube when the capillary tube is tilted to an
(c) 16 : 9 (d) 64 : 27 angle of 450is :

(a) 50 mm (b) mm
70. A number of small drops of mercury adiabatically coalesce to (c) zero (d) none of these
form a single drop. The temperature of the drop will

(a) increase (b) remain same

76. When a cylindrical tube is dipped vertically into a liquid, the
(c) decrease (d) depend on size.
angle of contact is 1400. When the tube is dipped with an
inclination of 400, then the angle of contact is :
(a) 1000 (b) 1400
71. When charge is given to a soap bubble, it shows : (c) 1800 (d) 600
(a) a decrease in size
77. Radius of a capillary is 2 × 10 –3 m. A liquid of weight 6.28 ×
(b) no change in size
10–4 N may remain in the tube if surface tension of the liquid
(c) an increase in size will be :
(d) sometimes an increase and sometimes a
decreases in size depending on charge (a) 5 × 10–3 N/m (b) 5 × 10–2 N/m
(c) 5 N/m (d) 50 N/m

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10.Surface Tension-Medium

83. Two unequal soap bubbles are formed one on each side of a
78. A thin metal ring of internal radius 8 cm and external radius 9 tube closed in the middle by a tap. What happens when the
cm is supported horizontally from the pan of a balance so that tap is opened to put the two bubbles in communication ?
it comes in contact with water in a glass vessel. It is found
that an extra weight of 7.48 g is required to pull the ring out (a) No air passes in any direction as the pressure are
of water. The surface tension of water is the same on two sides of the tap
(b) Larger bubble shrinks and smaller bubble
(a) 80 × 10–3 N/m increases in size till they become equal in size
(b) 75 × 10–3 N/m (c) Smaller bubble gradually collapses and the
(c) 65 × 10–3 N/m bigger one increases in size
(d) 70 × 10–3 N/m (d) None of the above

84. A soap bubble of diameter 8 mm is formed in air. The surface

79. A soap bubble of radius r1 is placed on another soap bubble of tension of liquid is 30 dyne/cm. The excess pressure inside
radius r2(r1 < r2)/ The radius R of the soapy film separating the soap bubble is :
the two bubbles is :
(a) 150 dyne/cm2
(b) 300 dyne/cm2
(a) r1 + r2 (b)
(c) 3 × 10–3 dyne/cm2
(d) 12 dyne/cm2
(c) (r13 + r23) (d)

85. A capillary tube of radius R is immeresed in water and water

80. A water drop is divided into 8 equal droplets. The pressure rises in it to a height H. Mass of water in capillary tube is M.
difference between the inner and outer side of the big drop as if the radius of the tube is doubled, mass of water that will
compared to smaller drops will be : rise in capillary tube will be
(a) 2M (b) M
(a) same as for smaller droplet
(b) 1/2 of that for smaller droplet (c) (d) 4M
(c) 1/4 of that for smaller droplet
(d) twice that for smaller droplet
86. Water rises in a vertical capillary tube upto a length of 10 cm.
If the tube is inclined at 45°, the length of water column risen
in the tube will be :
81. Excess pressure in a soap bubble of radius r is proportional
to : (a) 10 cm (b) cm
(c) cm (d) 20 cm
(a) (b)
(c) r (d) r2
87. Radius of a capillary is 2 × 10 –3 m. A liquid of weight 6.28 ×
10–4 N may remain in the capillary, then the surface tension
82. If two soap bubbles of different radii are connected by a tube : of liquid will be :
(a) 5 × 10–3 N/m (b) 5 × 10–2 N/m
(c) 5 N/m (d) 50 N/m
(a) air flows from the bigger bubble to the smaller
bubble till the sizes become equal
88. In a 18 cm long capillary tube water rises upto 16.3 cm
(b) air flows from bigger bubble to the smaller
height. If tube is cut at a height of 12 cm then:
bubble till the sizes are interchanged
(c) air flows from the smaller bubble to the bigger (a) Water will eject out as fountain from capillary
(d) there is no flow of air tube.
(b) Water will remain at 12 cm in capillary tube
(c) Height of water in capillary tube will be 10.3 cm
(d) Level of water will fall down from capillary tube
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10.Surface Tension-Medium

92. Three surfaces of liquids are shown here. Find the correct
statements :
89. It is easy to wash clothes in hot water because is :

(a) Surface tension is more

(b) Surface tension is less
(c) Consumes less soap (a) the surface tension of liquid A is infinite and
(d) Floating forces come in to play such a surface is not practically possible.
(b) in case of liquid B, the resultant force on a
molecule on the surface would be downward, and
90. A 20 cm long capillary tube is dipped in water. The water the surface is concave.
rises upto 8 cm. If the entire arrangement is put in a freely (c)in case of liquid C, the resultant force due to
falling elevator, the length of water column in the capillary
surface tension is directed downwards
tube will be :
(a) 8 cm (b) 10 cm (d)the surfaces of all three liquids A, B and C are in
(c) 4 cm (d) 20 cm equilibrium and so the net force due to surface
tension in the same
91. A capillary tube (a) is dipped in water. Another
identical tube (b) is dipped in a soap-water
solution.Which of the following shows the relative
nature of the liquid columns in the two tubes ? 93. The radii of the two columns in U-tube are r1 and r2. When a
liquid of density  (angle of contact is 00) is filled in it, the
(a) level difference of liquid in two arms is h. The surface tension
of liquid is :
(g = acceleration due to gravity) :

(a) (b)

(b) (c) (d)

94. A soap bubble in vacuum has a radius of 3 cm and another

soap bubble in vacuum has a radius of
4 cm. If the two bubbles coalesce under isothermal conditions
then the radius of the new bubble is :
(c) (a) 2.3 cm (b) 4.5 cm
(c) 5 cm (d) 7 cm

95. Two parallel glass plates are dipped partly in the liquid of
density ‘d’. keeping them vertical. If the distance between the
plates is ‘x’, Surface tension for liquid is T & angle of contact
is  then rise of liquid between the plates due to capillary
action will be :

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

96. The work done to get n smaller equal size spherical drops
from a bigger size spherical drop of water is proportional to :
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10.Surface Tension-Medium

(a) surface tension

(a) (b)
(b) density
(c) n1/3 – 1 (d) n4/3 – 1 (c) angle of contact between the surface and the
97. In a vessel equal masses of alcohol (sp. gravity 0.8) and water (d) viscosity
are mixed together. A capillary tube of radius 1 mm is dipped
vertically in it. If the mixture rises to a height 5 cm in the
capillary tube, the surface tension of the mixture is :
102.A certain number of spherical drops of a liquid of radius 'r'
(a) 217.9 dyne/cm coalesce to form a single drop of radius 'R' and volume 'V'. If
(b) 234.18 dyne/cm 'T' is the surface tension of the liquid then:
(c) 107.9 dyne/cm
(d) 10.79 dyne/cm
(a) Energy = 4VT is released.

98. A spherical soap bubble of radius 1.0 cm is formed inside (b) Energy = 3VT is released.
another of radius 2 cm. If a single soap bubble is formed
which maintains the same pressure difference as inside the
smaller and outside the larger bubble, the radius of this (c) Energy = 3VT is released.
bubble is (d) Energy is neither released nor absorbed.

(a) 0.005 m (b) 0.05 m 103.Water rises to a height 'h' in capillary tube. If the length of
(c) 0.0067 m (d) 0.067 m capaillary tube above the surface of water is made less than 'h'
then :

99. A body floats in liquid contained in a beaker. If the whole (a) water rises upto the top of capillary tube and
system (shown in fig.) falls under gravity then the up-thrust stays there without overflowing
on the body is- (b) water rises upto a point a little below the top and
stays there
(c) water does not rise at all.
(d) Water rises upto the tip of capillary tube and
then starts overflowing like fountain.

104.A rectangular film of liquid is extended from (4 cm × 2cm) to

(5 cm × 4 cm). If the work done is 3 × 10 –4 J, the value of the
(a) 2 mg (b) zero
surface tension of the liquid i
(c) mg (d) less than mg (a) 8.0 Nm–1 (b) 0.250 N m–1
(c)0.125 Nm (d) 0.2 Nm–1

100.A vessel containing water is given a constant acceleration a

towards the right, along a straight horizontal path. Which of 105.Three liquids of densities  1, 2 and 3 (with  1 > 2 > 3),
the following diagram represents the surface of the liquid having the same value of surface tension T, rise to the same
height in three identical capillaries. The angles of contact 1,
2 and 3 obey
a a a a (a) > 1 > 2 > 3 < 2
(A) (B) (C) (D) (b) 2 > 1 > 2 > 3 0
(a) A (b) B
(c) C (d) D (c) 0 1 < 2 < 3 < 2
101.The wettability of a surface by a liquid depends primarily on : (d) 2 < 1 > 2 > 3 < 
H.N. 481 Sector 4 Keshavepura kota Rajasthan : 9099002757 / 9694418782
10.Surface Tension-Medium

106.A soap bubble, having radius of 1 mm, is blown from a

detergent solution having a surface tension of 2.5×10 –2N/m.
The pressure inside the bubble equals at a point Z0 below the
free surface of water in a container. Taking g = 10 m/s 2,
density of water = 103 kg/m3 , the value of Z0 is :
(a) 0.5 cm (b) 100 cm
(c) 10 cm (d) 1 cm

107.Assume that a drop of liquid evaporates by decreasing in its

surface energy, so that its temperature remains unchanged.
What should be the minimum radius of the drop for this to be
possible ? The surface tension is T, density of liquid is  and
L is its latent heat of vaporization. (a) L/T (b)

(c) T/L (d) 2T/L

H.N. 481 Sector 4 Keshavepura kota Rajasthan : 9099002757 / 9694418782

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