A103. ST Basic
A103. ST Basic
A103. ST Basic
1. A soap film of surface tension 3 ´ 10 -2 Nm -1 formed in rectangular frame, can support a straw.
The length of the film is 10 cm. Mass of the straw the film can support is
(a) 0.06 gm (b) 0.6 gm (c) 6 gm (d) 60 gm
2. Energy required to form a soap bubble of diameter 20 cm will be (Surface tension for soap
solution is 30 dynes/cm)
(a) 12000 pergs (b) 1200 p ergs (c) 2400 p ergs (d) 24000 p ergs
3. If the work done in blowing a bubble of volume V is W, then the work done in blowing the
bubble of volume 2V from the same soap solution will be
(a) W/2 (b) 2W (c) 3
2W (d) 3
4. Surface tension of soap solution is 2 ×10-2 N/m. The work done in producing a soap bubble of
radius 2 cm is
(a) 64 p ´ 10 -6 J (b) 32p ´ 10 -6 J (c) 16 p ´ 10 -6 J (d) 8p ´ 10 -6 J
5. Excess pressure inside a soap bubble is three times that of the other bubble, then the ratio of
their volumes will be
(a) 1 : 3 (b) 1 : 9 (c) 1 : 27 (d) 1 : 81
6. When a capillary tube is dipped in water it rises upto 8 cm in the tube. What happens when the
tube is pushed down such that its end is only 5 cm above the outside water level
(a) The radius of the meniscus increases and therefore water does not overflow
(b) The radius of the meniscus decreases and therefore water does not overflow
(c) The water forms a droplet on top of the tube but does not overflow
(d) The water start overflowing
7. A bubble of 8 mm diameter is formed in the air. The surface tension of soap solution is 30
dynes/cm. The excess pressure inside the bubble is
(a) 150 dynes/cm2 (b) 300 dynes/cm2 (c) 3 × 10–3dynes/cm2 (d) 12 dynes/cm2
8. The height upto which water will rise in a capillary tube will be
(a) Maximum when water temperature is 4°C
(b) Maximum when water temperature is 0°C
(c) Minimum when water temperature is 4°C
(d) Same at all temperatures
9. Water rises to a height of 10 cm in capillary tube and mercury falls to a depth of 3.112 cm in the
same capillary tube. If the density of mercury is 13.6 and the angle of contact for mercury is
135°, the ratio of surface tension of water and mercury is
(a) 1 : 0.15 (b) 1 : 3 (c) 1 : 6 (d) 1.5 : 1
10. The angle of contact between glass and water is 0o and it rises in a capillary upto 6 cm when its
surface tension is 70 dynes/cm. Another liquid of surface tension 140 dynes/cm, angle of contact
60o and relative density 2 will rise in the same capillary by
(a) 12 cm (b) 24 cm (c)3 cm (d) 6 cm
11. A drop of water breaks into two droplets of equal size. In this process, which of the following
statement is correct
(a) The sum of temperature of the two droplets together is
equal to the original temperature of the drop
(b) The sum of masses of the two droplets is equal to the original mass of the drop
(c) The sum of the radii of two droplets is equal to the radius of the original drop
(d) The sum of the surface areas of the two droplets is equal to the surface area of the original
12. A soap bubble of radius R is blown. After heating the solution a second bubble of radius 2R is
blown. The work required to blow the second bubble in comparison to that required for the
first bubble is
(a) Double
(b) Slightly less than double
(c) Slightly less than four times
(d) Slightly more than four times
13. A false statement is
(a) Angle of contact q < 90 ° , if cohesive force < adhesive force
(b) Angle of contact q > 90°, , if cohesive force > adhesive force
(c) Angle of contact q = 90°, if cohesive force = adhesive force
(d) If the radius of capillary is reduced to half, the rise of liquid column becomes four times
14. The diameter of rain-drop is 0.02 cm. If surface tension of water be 72 ´ 10 -3 newton per metre, then
the pressure difference of external and internal surfaces of the drop will be
(a) 1 . 44 ´ 10 4 dyne - cm -2 (b) 1 . 44 ´ 10 4 newton - m -2
15. Water rises to a height of 16.3 cm in a capillary of height 18 cm above the water level. If the tube
is cut at a height of 12 cm
(a) Water will come as a fountain from the capillary tube
(b) Water will stay at a height of 12 cm in the capillary tube
(c) The height of the water in the capillary will be 10.3 cm
(d) Water will flow down the sides of the capillary tube
16. There is a horizontal film of soap solution. On it a thread is placed in the form of a loop. The
film is pierced inside the loop and the thread becomes a circular loop of radius R. If the surface
tension of the loop be T, then what will be the tension in the thread
(a) pR 2 / T (b) pR 2 T (c) 2pRT (d) 2 RT
17. A large number of water drops each of radius r combine to have a drop of radius R. If the
surface tension is T and the mechanical equivalent of heat is J, then the rise in temperature will
2T 3T 3T æ 1 1 ö 2T æ 1 1 ö
(a) (b) (c) ç - ÷ (d) ç - ÷
rJ RJ J èr Rø J èr Rø
18. An air bubble in a water tank rises from the bottom to the top. Which of the following
statements are true (Multiple Correct)
(a)Bubble rises upwards because pressure at the bottom is less than that at the top.
(b) Bubble rises upwards because pressure at the bottom is greater than that at the top.
(c) As the bubble rises, its size increases
(d) As the bubble rises, its size decreases
19. In a surface tension experiment with a capillary tube water rises upto 0.1 m. If the same
experiment is repeated on an artificial satellite, which is revolving around the earth, water will
rise in the capillary tube upto a height of
(a) 0.1 m (b) 0.2 m (c) 0.98 m (d) Full length of the capillary tube
20. The correct curve between the height or depression h of liquid in a capillary tube and its radius
h h
(a) (b)
r r
h h
(c) (d)
r r
21. A soap bubble is blown with the help of a mechanical pump at the mouth of a tube. The pump
produces a certain increase per minute in the volume of the bubble, irrespective of its internal
pressure. The graph between the pressure inside the soap bubble and time t will be-
(a) (b)
t t
(c) (d)
t t
22. Which graph represents the variation of surface tension with temperature over small
temperature ranges for water
(a) S.T. (b)
Temp Temp
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25