Evaluation of Antidiabetic Potential Of
Evaluation of Antidiabetic Potential Of
Evaluation of Antidiabetic Potential Of
Abstract: Diabetes is a common, chronic and expensive disease that is threatening the health of generations of people all around the
world. Diabetes mellitus is a disorder that affects the body’s ability to make or use insulin and it remains an incurable disorder in spite of
intense research. Prophetic Medicine is the total authentic Hadith narrated by the Prophet (peace be upon him), which carries incredible
values for the administration of diabetes. The present study aimed to develop a new formulation from Prophetic Medicine and to
evaluate its therapeutic potential for the effective use in diabetes for avoiding major adverse effects in animal model. Towards this aim,
diabetes was induced to Balb/c mice with the injection of streptozotocin (160 mg/kg). The mice were treated with the formulation of
Prophetic medicine (PMFD) at the doses of 200, 400, 600 mg/kg and metformin at dose of 200 mg/kg orally. The glucose levels were
measured on first day for 3 hours, second and third day for 2 hours and 2 weeks before and after treatment with the PMFD.
Non-diabetic mice were used as a negative control and diabetic mice without treatment was used as a positive control .The formulation
(PMFD) at the dose of 200, 400 and 600 mg/kg shows significant reduction in post-prandial plasma glucose level and body weight,
whereas metformin of 200 kg/mg shows significant reduction of glucose level on second and third day.Thus, the present formulation of
Prophetic medicine can be recommended for the prevention and treatment of diabetes. This data can support for biomedical research
efforts that can lead to prevention, treatment and possibly even cures for diabetes.
Keywords: Diabetes Multiuse, Prophetic medicine, Plasma Glucose level, Balb/c mice, Body Weight Streptozotocin , Metformin
3.2.1 Collection of materials used for the formulation of Extraction of olive leaves
antidiabetic of Prophetic medicine. Olive leaves powder of 200 g was added to 500 ml of 80%
The materials that have been used in this study are ethanol and shake the flask twice a day to mix the material
Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum), Ginger (Zingiber with each other and alcohol changed every two days for two
officinale), Black seed (Nigella sativa), Olive leaves (Olea weeks. At last day of extraction, all olive leaves extract was
European), Barley (Hordeum vulgare L), Olive oil, Apple filtered using filter paper. Finally, extraction was dried by
cider vinegar and Pure Honey. Most of materials were dried used heating mantle at 400C temperature.
and crushed into powder and measured, whereas ginger was
washed, cut into small pieces and dried under sun light for Extraction of ginger
one week then crushed into powder and measured. Ginger powder of 150 g was added to 400 ml of 80 %
ethanol and shake the flask twice a day to mix the material
3.2.2 Extraction of materials used in the formulation of with each other and alcohol changed every two days for two
antidibetic Prophetic medicine weeks. At last day of extraction, all ginger extract was
The Extraction of materials performed by grinding and filtered using filter paper. Finally, extracted ginger was dried
drying of each material into the powder and proceeds with by using heating mantle at 40 0C temperature. All extracted
extraction. All flasks containing the mixture of material samples of PMFD kept in fridge until it prepared the
powders in ethanol were kept in a dark place for all formulation.
extraction processing.
3.2.3 Preparation of formulated Prophetic medicine Extraction of cinnamon After three weeks of processing PMFD materials, different
The extraction of Cinnamon was performed by adding 300 g quantity of each PM extracted material was measured
separately by using electrical balance. Cinnamon (2 g),
Volume 6 Issue 3, March 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20171623 DOI: 10.21275/ART20171623 858
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
Black seed (2 g), Barley (1 g), Olive leaves (2 g), Ginger (3 with PMFD. Blood glucose levels was measured also for
g), Olive oil (5ml), Apple cider vinegar (1 ml), and Pure non-diabetic, diabetic and metformin group. For all the 6
Honey (15 ml) were mixed together in a beaker. Finally, groups blood glucose level were measured on first day
mixer of formulation was kept in the fridge until further use. before and after 3 hours, second and third days before and
after 2 hours and 2 weeks before and after treatment in
3.2.4 Induction of diabetes in Balb/c mice by administrated mice.
Diabetes was induced in Balb/c mice by a single 3.2.7 Measurement of body weight
intraperitoneal injection of 160 mg/kg weight of 0.1 M Body weight of mice was measured on the first and last
streptozotocin. STZ was prepared in 0.1 M citrate buffer by days of the experiment (before and after treatment with
dissolving 2.1 g of citric acid and 2.94 g of sodium citrate in PMFD) by using Electric balance.
100 ml of distilled water. The pH was adjusted to 4.5 by
proper addition of concentrated NaOH/HCL using a 3.3 Data analysis
calibrated pH meter (Ballester et al., 2004). After 48 hours
of induction of diabetes, One touch Glucometer and Statistical Analysis was performed by using IBM SPSS 22
compatible glucometer strips were used for the version software. The results for blood glucose level were
determination of blood glucose levels in over-night fasted presented as mean ± S.D (standard deviation). One way
mice. analysis of variance (ANOVA) test was used in this study.
Differences were considered statistically significant at P <
Blood samples were collected from dorsal vein of the tail of 0.05.
conscious mice. Diabetes was allowed to stabilize for 5 days
before the commencement of intervention. Thereafter, the 4. Results
blood glucose level of all animals in each experimental
group was assessed. Animals were checked for clinical signs The current research was done in lab environment at
of drug toxicity such as tremors, diarrhea, weakness, weight Lincoln University. Total 18 mice were used in this project,
loss and death. which were equally divided into 6 different groups that is 3
mice each group.
3.2.5 Treatment of mice with prophetic medicine
formula (PMFD) Diabetes was induced in Balb/c mice with the i.p.
After preparation of final prophetic medicine formula administration of streptozotocin. The administration of
(PMFD) then, all Balb/c mice were divided into 6 prophetic medicine formula (PMFD) given to group 3, 4 and
experimental groups and different doses of PMFD was 5 groups as 200, 400 and 600 mg/kg dose. Group 6 diabetic
given as listed below. mice were treated with metformin at dose of 200 mg/kg.
Non-diabetic Mice (group-1) used as a negative control and
Group 1: Non-diabetic Mice (negative control-1) diabetic mice without treatment was used as a positive
Group 2: Diabetic Mice without treatment (positive control- control (group-2). Blood glucose levels of each mice of all
2) the groups were measured on first day before and after
Group 3: Diabetic mice treated with PMFD (200 mg/kg) treatment of 3 hours, second and third day before and after
Group 4: Diabetic mice treated with PMFD (400 mg/kg) treatment of 2 hours, and after 2 weeks. Body weight of
Group 5: Diabetic mice treated with PMFD (600 mg/kg) mice were measured on 2nd week before and after treatment
Group 6: Diabetic mice treated with metformin (standard. with PMFD.
Antidiabetic drug) at dose of 200 mg/kg.
4.1 Result of PMFD on blood glucose levels in
Nondiabetic (group-1) and diabetic (group-2) mice was STZ-induced Balb/c mice 3 hours after treatment of
administrated with distilled water daily and group 3, 4 & 5 diabetic mice
was administrated orally with (PMFD) with 200, 400 and
600 mg/kg doses. Metformin group-6 mice was treated with The STZ-induced Balb/c mice were treated with PMFD and
metformin drug orally. Each dose of PMFD and metaformin blood glucose level was recorded at on first day before and
was diluted after 3 hours of treatment. The data on (figure 1) clearly
with 4 ml of distilled water. shows that the glucose level was decreased in all the mice of
each group. The positive control mice blood glucose level
3.2.6 Measurement of blood glucose levels was found to be increased. However, the statistical
Blood glucose level of each mice of all groups was significance test shows that only results of group 3, 4 and 5
measured by using one touch glucometer. The blood were significant and group 6 results were insignificant
samples were collected from the tail vein of mice by using (Table 3).
sterile needle . Blood glucose level of each mice was
measured before and after the treatment of diabetic mice
(An asterisk signifies a statistically significant difference change in glucose level in PMFD Balb/c mice before and after 3
hours of administration at P < 0.05.).
Figure 1: Comparison of change in blood glucose level in STZ-induced Balb/c mice before and after 3 hours of PMFD
treatment(1st day)
4.2 Result of PMFD on blood glucose levels in treatment to diabetic mice. The positive control mice blood
STZ-induced Balb/c mice 2 hours after treatment (2 nd glucose levels were found to be increased. The results show
day) to diabetic mice. that the blood glucose level in all the mice were reduced
(Figure 2). All the results found to be statistically significant
The blood glucose level was measured for each mice of all (Table 4).
groups on second day before and after 2 hours of PMFD
Table 4: Effect of PMFD on blood glucose levels in STZ-induced Balb/c mice after 2 hours treatment (2nd day) to diabetic
(An asterisk signifies a statistically significant difference change in glucose level in PMFD Balb/c mice before and after 2
hours of administration at P < 0.05.).
Figure 2: Comparison of change in blood glucose level in STZ-induced Balb/c mice before and after 2 hours of PMFD
treatment (2nd day)
4.3 Result of PMFD on blood glucose levels in levels were reduced after the treatment of PMFD in group 3,
STZ-induced Balb/c mice 2 hours after treatment (3th 4, 5 and 6 compared to before treated mice (Figure 3). The
day) to diabetic mice. positive control mice blood glucose level was found to be
increased. All the results found to be statistically significant
From the results, the effect of PMFD treatment on change in (Table 5).
glucose level in diabetic Balb/c mice before and after 2
hours of administration on third day shows that the glucose
Table 5: Effect of PMFD on blood glucose levels in STZ-induced Balb/c mice after 2 hours treatment (3th day) to diabetic mice
(An asterisk signifies a statistically significant difference change in glucose level in PMFD Balb/c mice before and after 2
hours (3th day) of administration at P < 0.05.)
Figure 3: Comparison of change in blood glucose level in STZ-induced Balb/c mice before and after 2 hours of PMFD
treatment (3th day)
compared to before treatment mice (Figure 4). The positive
4.4 Result of PMFD on blood glucose levels in control mice blood glucose level was found to be increased.
STZ-induced Balb/c mice after 2 week’s treatment to All the group’s results show statically significant reduction in
diabetic mice blood glucose level (Table 6).
Table 6: Effect of PMFD on blood glucose levels in STZ-induced Balb/c mice after 2 weeks treatment to diabetic mice
(An asterisk signifies a statistically significant difference change in glucose level in PMFD Balb/c mice before and after 2 weeks
of administration at P < 0.05.).
Figure 4: Comparison of change in blood glucose level in STZ-induced Balb/c mice before and after 2 weeks of PMFD
Table 7: Effect of PMFD on body weight in STZ-induced Balb/c mice after 2 weeks treatment to diabetic mice (An asterisk
signifies a statistically significant difference change in body weight in PMFD Balb/c mice before and after 2 weeks of
administration at P < 0.05.)
Figure 5: Comparison of change in body weight in STZ-induced Balb/c mice a before and after 2 weeks of PMFD treatment .
Author Profile
Eman Elaswed, received the ( higher professional diploma)
degrees in Branch of Medical Analysis from The higher Institute
for medical Professions at AlJMAIL in the academic year
2009/2010. She pursued study for the Master’s degree in
Biotechnology in the Department of Biotechnology in Lincoln
University College, Malaysia, and this paper is part of her thesis
results in Biotechnology.