English Conversation

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I i


The Slovak Republic Bratislava The Slovak System of Government The Slovak System of Education Traditions. Holidays and Feastdays Science and Technology The Country Environmental Weather, Time Food

l3 t7

33 38

Health Character Description Clothes and Fashion Sports and Games Travelling Cultural Life in Our Town Music and the Fine Arts

52 58


77 82

42 47



The Slovak Republic

The Slovak Republic has entered the history, as a new country, on January l, 1993. It is located in Central Europe. Its area is 49,036 sq krn and the number of population is 5,356 207 people (on 3l December 1994). In the vicinity of the historical town of Kremnica, at the top of the Krahule hill, there is the geographical centre of Europe. The landscape of Slovakia is characterised by great diftbrence in height. The lowest lying place is the town of Streda nad Bodrogom (95 m above sea level) in eastern Slovakia, the highest point being the Gerlach Peak (2,655 m above sea level) in the High Tatra mountains. In northern and central Slovakia the countryside is hilly - covered with the Carpathian mountain range. In the south the Danube and East Slovakia Plains form important a-{ricultural areas. The Danube creates a waterway which connects Slovakia with the Black Sea ports and, through the Rhein - Main - Danube canal, also with the ports of western Europe. The climate is mild, the warmest areas being in the South Slovakian and East Slovakian Plains. The Slovak Republic is an industrial as well as agriculturalcountry. The greatest percentage is represented by the chemical, engineering and metallurgy industries. The food industry is mainly based on the production of local agricultural co-operatives and f'arms. As for the population make-up 85.7 per cent of the total are Slovaks, the rest consistin,e of the Hun-earian. Czech, Ruthenian, Ukrainian, German, Polish and Romany national minorities. From the historical point of view the territory of Slovakia has been inhabitecl by Slavonic tribes since the -5th century. At that tirne the oldest West Slavic national unit - Samo's Empire - appeared. By the end o[ the tlth centuty there were two princedorns on this territory: Pribina's Princedorn in Nitra and Mojmir's Princed<>rn in western Slovakia and in southern Moravia. In the years 813 to 833 the princedoms united and laid the loundation of the Great Mclravian Ernpire that became a powerful barrier a,eainst the Frankish expansion. At the invitation of a Great Moravian ruler, Cyril and Methodius arrived trom Byzantium in 863. They were the founders of the Slavic script and they brou-tht Chlistian reli-eion to this region.



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At the beginnin-e of the lOth century Great Moravia came to an end and Slovakia became part of the early feudal Hungarian state. In the following centuries the country went through hard times - Tartar and Turkish invasions, the latter lasting 150 years. In the years to follow Slovakia was the place of fiequent anti-f-eudal and anti-Habsburg uprisings. Nevertheless the l9th century brought a tirne of national revival when the Slovaks joined the struggle for the abolition of the feudal system and for the national emancipation of the suppressed nationalities in thc Austro-Hungarian monarchy, but without any success. They were led by such personalities as L. Stfr and J. M. Hurban. It was only the First World War that brought liberation - in l9l8 the Czechoslovak Republic ceune into bein-q. Following the Munich Treaty in 1938, a new state unit appeared in Slovakia - the Slovak State - which was recognised by many countries including the Vatican and the former Soviet Union. In 1944 the country was the place of the second largest anti-fascist uprising in Europe. In 1948 the power was taken over by the cotnmunists. The Prague Sprin-u in 1968 was oppressed by the invasion of the Warsaw Treaty troops, and it was not untill the "velvet revolution" in 1989 tl'rat the new democratic processes in all spheres of lif'e have started. The following development led to the splitting-up of the republic, and in 1993 two independent, sovereign states carne into being - the Slovak Republic zrnd the Czech Republic. Soon afterwards, Slovakia was officially recognised by 124 countries of the world during the first year of its existence, and 109 of them established diplomatic relations with it. The Slovak Republic has become a member of the most signiflcant international governmental organizations. It was accepted into the United Nations Organization, the Ccluncil of Europe, IMF (International Monetary Fund), EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development), Interpol, WHO etc.

Questions on the text:

12. When and why did the national revival begin'/ Where is the lowest lying place and where is the 13. Were the national emancipation effbrts successful'] 14. When was the Czechoslovak Republic established'l highest point? 4. Why is rhe river Danube important for the country? 15. What lbllowed the Munich Treaty'l 16. When did the second lar-uest uprising in Europe take 5. What kind of industry developed here?

l. 2. 3.

Where is the Slovak Republic situated? What is its area and number of population?


Who invaded the country in the tollowing years'l

place? 6. What is the population make-up like? 7. What was the name of the first state on our territory? 17. When and how was the Slovak Republic established'l 18. How many countries recognised it during the l'irst year 8. When did Cyril and Methodius come here'? of its existence? 9. What did they bring to this region? 10. What happened afier Great Moravia had come to 19. Which international governmental organizations is Slovakia a member of? an end?

landscape flrendskeip], mountain range [reind3], rule [ru:l], considerable [kan'siderebl], kingdom [kiqdaml, reign [rein], last, empire [empaie], princedom [prinsdam], uprising [apraizil], treaty ltri:ti]

1. which countries does the slovak Republic border on?
Say what language people speak in their country and name their capitals. Can you enumerate the other European countries, their people. language and capitals?

2. Do you know where these places are situated (continent, ocean, country)?
Hercegovina Iheetsegeuvi:ne], the Canary islands/Canaries Ike'neeriz], the Shetlands [Jetlendzl, the Orkneys [o:kniz]. the Channel Islands [tjenl], Siberia [sai'biarie], Silesia [sai'li:zie], the Crimea [krai'rnie], Rhinelancl [rainlend], Bav4ria Ibe'veerie], the Iberian Peninsula Iai'bierian pi'ninsjule], the Caucasus ['ko:kases], the Mediterranean Sea Irneilite'reiniep], the Pyrenees [pire'ni:z], the Alps [relps], Naples [neiplz], Nuremburg [njuerenbe:g]. Constance [konstens], the Danube, the Elbe, the Ore Mountains [o:], the Giant Mountains [d3aient], the Oder [eude], the Hebrides lrebridi:zl, the Carpathians Ika:'peiOianz], Gibraltar [d3i'bro:lte], Venice [benis], Munich [mjunik], Cairo Ikaierau]
the Vistula [vistjula]

3. Describe the location of any country which you


continent, island, peninsula [pi'ninsjule], jungle, desert, cape [keip], ocean, sea, seashore, sea coast, cliff, bay - the Bay of Biscay, the Hudson Bay, Botany Bay, gulf [galfl - the Gulf of Mexico, the Gulf Stream. strait lstreit], estuary [estjueri],lake, river, mountain range, highlands, lowlands, plain

4. Where are deposits of the following raw materials in our country?

raw materials [ro:]: quarry [kwori], brown coal, earth
gasr limestone flaimsteun], gravel, ceramic materials,

mineral salts.

5. What kinds of industries are developed in the Slovak Republic? Where?

engineering, metallurgy, chemical industry, glass industry, food industry, car industry, paper mills

6. What crops are grown in our country? What are the main agricultural areas?
Nature, exercise 9 for vocabulary).

(See also the ropic

7. Describe briefly history of our country:

7th cent.: Slavonic tribes [sle'vonik traibz], Samo's Empire (623) 9th cent.: mighty Imaity] Great Moravian Empire, centre of Slavonic culture, 863 - missionaries Cyril Isirel] and Methodius [mi'Oeudias] from Salonika [se'lonika] 10th cent.: disintegration ldis'inti' greisn] of Great Moravian Empire 1lth cent.: feudal Hungarian state 13th cent.: Tartar invasion, mining towns of Banskd Stiavnica and Kremnica, castles and fortresses 14th cent.: the Luxemburg dynasty

foundation of Academia Istropolitana 16th cent.: city 18th andl9th cent.: national revival [ri' vaivel]

the first Hungarian university

by Mathias Corvinus

beginning of the Habsburg dynasty, rebellions, Turkish invasion 1563, 1830 Bratislava became coronation


independent Czechoslovak Republic was established [is'trebliJat], first President T. G. Masaryk, M. R. Stefdnik
1939 1948

- L945

Slovak State, Iiberation

after a coup [ku:] by the communists our country a totalitarian [,tautreli'teerien] state, directed [di'rektid] by the Soviet Union


the Prague Spring, the programme of liberalization [,liberalai'zei[nf initiated li'nifieit] Alexander Dubiek ended with the invasion [in'vei3en] of the Soviet army and normalization


rbe. ians

lTth November 1989 the "velvet revolution" [velvit revo'lu:Jen], student demonstrations, pluralistic [,pluare'listik] state lst January 1993: the splitting [splitird of the republic, the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic

8. Give a short report on the climate in the Slovak Republic

(See also the topic Weather, Time for vocabulary)



9. What programme would you prepare for your friends from abroad for a week (two-week) stay
in the Slovak Republic?
(See also the topic Nature for further vocabulary and ideas)


- an interesting town - a natural beauty spot

a castle or a chateau a health resort




11. Say in your own words as much as possible about our country. You may follow this arrangement:

- location - surface (mountains, lowlands, rivers) - climate - natural riches

- history - system of government

economy (industry, agriculture, exports, irnports)

Bratislava is the capital of the Slovak Republic, the seat of the Presiclent, government and parliarnent. and the political, cultural and economic centre of the country. It spreads out on both banks of the river Danube, near the Austrian
and Hungarian borders, having almost half a million inhabitants. The history of Bratislava can be traced back into prehistory times. Castles and settlernents were built in the place where the river Danube meets the Carpathian Mountains. Bratislava was an important crossroads of military and trade routes which were used by many ethnic groups of di{ferent cultures and religions. The most important were the Celts wh6


a prehistoric town called oppidum. During the Great. Moravian Empire Bratislava Castlc to-eether with the nearby Devfn Castle were important strategic and administrative centres. Bratislava was granted the town privileges in l29l by

Kin,e Andrew


at the time of Turkish invasions of Central Europe, the Kin-edom of Hungary joined the Habsburg Monarchy and Bratislava became its capital city as well as the seat of the aristocracy and parliament. In 1563 Maximilian II became the first King of Hungary to be crowned in St Martin's Cathedral. He was already Kin_e of Bohemia and in 1564he became Holy Roman Emperor, that is, overlord of the whole Central Europe. During the next 300 years 19 kings and queens (among them queen Maria Theresia) were crowned in this cathedral. The last coronation was that of Ferdinand V in 1830. The last Hungarian parliarnentary session was held in Bratislava during the revolution of 1848. This assembly was very important for the Slovak nation because deputy Ludovit Strir made there his farnous speech defending the national rights of the Slovaks. Every century has left here some historical and cultural relics. The most valuable are those tiom the Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque periods. Medieval Bratislava Castle is the dominant building of the city. The first settlement u'as situated on the castle hill in the earlier Stone Age. The first Romanesque stone palace was built in the l2th century. The outer walls of the original Gothic castle together with the eastern gateway called "Korvinska brdna" have remained preserved till the present period. The Renaissance reconstruction took place in the l6th century. In the lSth century the castle hecame a luxurious royal palace. In 18l I it was almost completely destroyed by fire and remained in ruins for nearly 150 \ears. Today the renovated castle halls serve various ceremonial and representative sessions cll'the Slclvak national .ruthorities. The historical section of the Slovak National Museum is also installed here. The historical centre of Bratislava was once encircled by a line of fbrtifications lbnned by a wall and four entrance sf,teways. Michael's Gateway is the only one to be preserved. The Old Town Hall originally built in Gothic style served its purpose in the l4th century when it was the private hcuse of the town mayor Jacob. The picturesque Renaissance arcades in the courtyard ori-{inate fiorn the late l6th century, Also Gothic in its origin is the building of the Academia Istropolitana built by King Mathias Corvinus. St Martin's Cathedral (Gothic in style ) is situated just below the Castle Hill. The golden crown placed on r pillow at a height of 85 metres reminds us of its significant function as a coronation church. The rnost outstanding work cc tlre interior is the sculptural group demonstrating the well-known legend of St Martin. In Klariskd Street the Gothic Cturch of the Clarissa Order serves today as a concert hall. House of the Good Shepherd represents a precious remnant of a 1760 Rococo style buildin-q unique in Central

At the beginning of the l6th century,


Baroque and Renaissance in style are for example the Grassalkovic Palace, the seat of the President. the fryrcmont Palace, belonging to the Medical Faculty at present, and the Archbishop Summer Residence. the seat o1'the Grqernment. The Palace of the Hungarian Diet known as the place of Strir's famous speech is now the University

The most remarkable building of the Neo-Classical style is the Primate Palace built by the architect Melchior ffi.rii In 1903 it was purchased by the municipal authorities and served as a town hall. In its unique Hall of Mirrors the F=lx of Pressburg between Napoleon and the Austrian Emperor Franz I was signed in 1805, afier the Battle of Austerlitz. Th ryture -eallery contains a valuable collection of the famous Bratislava tapestries produced in En-sland in the lTth .+!,onu,A. They illustrate an ancient Greek tale about unfortunate love of Hera and Leander. But Bratislava is not only a historical city. New residential areas have been built on the outskirts. It is an important mrrL nrl. air and river transport junction. It also has a dense network of local transport which includes trams, buses and


Important national cultural, scientific and educational institutions are concentrated in Bratislava: the Slovak ilrocmol Theatre, the Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra, Lfcnica and SLUK folk ensembles, the Slovak National Gallery, rh $mah Academy of Science as well as universities like Comenius University, the Slovak Technical University, the 0[r:u,ersq of Economics, the Academy of Fine Arts and the Academy of Performing Arts, etc.


on the text:

$nm h{'

is Bratislava situated? How many inhabitants 2. What was known


WJren was Bratislava granted the town privileges?


Why did ir become capital city in 1563'1 Which famous queen was crowned in St Martin's
Cathedral'l When did the last coronation take place? What did L. Strir defend in his well-known speech in the Hungarian Diet'l What is the dominant building of the city'l When was it a luxurious royal palace? How does the castle serve to the public'l

Which places of interest are situated in the Old Town'l t2. Which treaty was signed in Bratislava in 1805 and where'l t3. What is the most valuable collection in the Primate

t4. What museums, galleries and concert halls in Bratislava can you name I 15. Which castle ruins in the environs are worth seein-u'l

What do you know about present-day Bratislava'l

t7. Which universities are situated here'l 18. What other sights and mernorials are not included in the



(vocabulary concerning history, see the topic The Slovak Republic)

the capital, city, town, be situated. spread, be found, on (the bank of) the river, valley, hill, city centre, outskirts [autske:ts], environs [enviranz, in'vaierenz], residential area, housing estate/(nu) neighbourhood, town walls, fortifications, gate, be founded, originate, establish, history goes/dates back, prophet/ess [prof it], to prophesy [profisai], sight, memorial, monument, go/do sightseeing, visit, be worth seeing, form a dominant, in the square, at the castle, chiteau [fre'teu], courtyard, enclosure [in'kla6e], church, convenUmonastery, cemetery, burial place,

place of pilgrimage [pilgrimidS], crypt, tomb/stone [tu:rn], sarcophagus [sa:'kotegas], palace, summer palace, spire/steeple [sti:pll /tower, carillon [kreriljen], treasure, jewels, crown, sceptre [septe], orb Io:b], sculpture, group of sculptures, equestrian [i'kwestrien] statue, observation tower/point, road, street, lane, boulevard [bu:l'va:], pedestrian precinct [pi'destrien pri siqkt], pub/inn/stylish tavern, walk/stroll

1. What would you like to see during a day's stay in Bratislava? Which place or sight in Bratislava do you find most charming? Describe it.

2. Write a programme for your foreign friend's stay in Bratislava.



3. Describe the centre of your town

size (smalVmedium-sized/large), have the form of a square/oblong/trapezium [tra'pi:zjern]/triangle/circle, irregular form, be surrounded by ancient [einJent] houses, there is a fountain [launtin], a plague lpleig| column [kolem] in the


square, in/at the corner, in the middle, at the lower/upper/further end of the street, on the right/left at the top/atop/at the bottom/next tolabove/below/ in the front/at the back, on the left(-hand)/opposite/right(-hand) side, outside/behind the house, town hall, coloured faqades [fe'sa:dz] /gables [geiblz]

4. Describe your town or the town where you go to school.


Include: location, number of inhabitants, history, sights, cultural facilities, sports facilities, transport, industry


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5. What would you show a foreigner in the environs of your town? 6. Practice asking directions and responding:
in Prague (if you can use a map or know P. well).
Excuse me please, how do I get to (the Hilton Hotel) /how far is (it to) ..... /where is ..... /can you tell rne the way to ..... /can you tell me where the nearest underground station is /which way do I go to (fbr) ..... /is this the ri-eht way to .....'l
take a bus/underground/trarr/go on foot, go right/to the right/left/to the left/straight ahead/down the street/up the hill/along this street/as far as the corner/(up) to the crossroads/crossing/traftic lights, keep left/on this side, turn ri_eht/left/to Oxfbrd

Try to explain to a fbrei-sner how to get around in your town or

Street, take the second turning to the right, cross/go across the street/bridge, opposite the railway station, the bus stop is over there, atlround the corner, on the opposite side of it is not far, it's a long way lrom here, ask on the way/ask about the way

7. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living in a big/small town.



The Slovak System of Government

The Slovak Republic is a sovereign, united, and democratic state. Its government is divided into three branches: legislative, represented by the Parliament, the executive, represented mainly by the Government and the President, and judicial, represented by courts at various levels. The Parliament officially called the National Council of the Slovak Republic consists of 150 members elected for a four-year term. Every citizen from the age of 18 can exercise the universal, equal, direct, and secret right to vote. The Council's main task is to pass laws, ratify international treaties, and decide on sending troops abroad. The National Council is a law-making body. A new law-to-be, a bill, can be proposed by a deputy. a -qroup of deputies. the government, or higher-level authorities. The bill goes to the Council where the deputies debate and ultirnately vote on it. The law (act) must be approved by the government and it must be signed by the head ol the National Council, the prime minister and the president. The president is elected every five years by the citizens of the Slovak Republic. He represents the state abroad and concludes foreign treaties. The president has also many duties in relation to other bodies of the sovernrlent: he appoints judges, generals of the army, ambassadors, university professors and other officials. He is the commander-in-chief of the army. In the law-making process he can exercise the power of veto which means not signing a bill within the assigned tirne and returning it to the Parliament. In relation to the judicial power he can grant a pardon to a convicted person or declare an amnesty. His task is also to call a general election. The leader of the winning party is then appointed the prirne minister and on his suggestion the president makes appointments of all the other members of the government. The government is composed of the prime minister (premier), the vice-prime ministers (vice-premiers ). and the ministers. The hierarchy of the executive branch goes further down to the local authorities where the municipality is the smallest unit. The municipal elections take place every four years. The winners form town councils. district authorities. etc. The head of the municipal council is called a mayor. The ministries, headed by ministers. enfbrce the laws made by the Parliament. Some of the ministries are: Interior, Foreign Affairs, Defence, Justice, A,sriculture, Finance. Transport. Labour and Social Affairs, Education. Culture, Health and others. The judicial power is divided into a system of courts, starting with the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court, and going down to the courts at all levels of regional government. The courts check the constitutionality of existin-q laws.They apply the law in practice in individual cases. They can nullity a law except tor a constitutional one. Jud-ues serve tor an unlimited period of time. must have a good reputation, and must be prot-essional lawyers. In the elections the citizens can choose from a variety of political parties (there are rlore than 100 registered parties in Slovakia), the left wing, moderate, Christian, national, fblk or right wing oriented ones. Sometirnes they can form a poste lection coalition while the rest of the parties are in opposition. The Government of the Slovak Republic has the authority to make rnajor policy on the matters of national economy and social security. Acting in the best interests of the nation, it is responsible for meeting the Government pro,sramme objectives within the scope of the adopted national budget. One of its duties is the torrnulation and management of the nation's foreign policy.

Questions on the text:

i. How is the Slovak system of government divided? l. How often are deputies elected? l. From what age do our citizens have the right to vote? { What is the main task of the Parliament? i How does a bill become an Act? : How is the president elected and what are his duties and

7. What does the government consist of and what

represent the judicial power'l 10. What do the courts apply and what do they check'l

is it

8. 9. What institutions

responsible for'l Who is a mayor?

nrercign [sovrin], legislative fiedSisletiv] branch [bra:ntfl, executive organ [ig'zekjutiv], judicial [fiu:'difl] power, cnrt [ko:t], elect [i'lekt], be elected, election, Deputy, bill, ladAct, government [gavenmont], Constitutional r-rn-*ti'tjuJenell and Supreme [sju:'pri:m] Court [ko:t], nullify [nalifai], political party


1. What body in our political system represents the legislative branch? How long a term do the Deputies serve? How does the Parliament work?
constitution, the Parliament, the Chamber of Deputies [tJeimbe ev depjutiz], be composed of/consist of, duty [dju:til of making laws [o:z], serve for 4(6) years,law-making body, pass laws, ratify [ratifai] treaties [tri:tiz], send troops [tru:ps] abroad, summon [samen]/dissolve [di'solv] the Parliament, be in session, adjourn [e'cl3e:n], lobby a deputy, lobbyist group

2. What must happen before a bill becomes a law?

propose [pre'pauz], introduce a bill, debate [di'beit] about st., send the bill to a committee [ke'mitil for study, take the vote/vote on st., take a secret ballot lbaelet], vote by ballot or by a show of hands, vote for/in favour of, vote against, abstain [eb'stein] from voting, abstentions, 5 people abstained, absolute/clear majority, a two-thirds majority is required, minority, pass/carry/approve a law, enact [i'nekt], pass an Act, oppose st. [e'peuz], reject [ri'dgekt], propose an amendment to st. [a'mendmont], pass in an amended form, sign a law

3. What are the duties of the Slovak President? What power does he exercise?
for five years, take one's oath [euO] of office, make an inaugural [i'no:gjurel] address represent the state abroad, conclude [ken'klu:d] treaties, appoint judges [d3adSizl, generals [d3enarelz] of [a'dres], the army, ambassadors, commander-in-chief of the army, exercise the power of veto [vi:teu]/veto a bill, grant a pardon, declare ldi'klea] an amnesty [remnesti], call a general election, appoint the members of the government
be elected, be/serve in office

4. Describe the system of political parties in the Slovak Republic

left-wing [wit] party, moderate [moderit], right-wing, major/main party, coalition, promote policy [pre'rneut polisil, opposition party, Christian [kristjen] party, hold a party congress, party leader, join a party,leave a party, member of a party, political affiliation [a,fili'eiJan], supporter, charge [tja:dS] with social climbing

5. Which of these issues do you think will be most important in the general election?
defence and disarmament tOi'f"n, end dis'a:mamont], the EEC (European Economic Community), education, health and social services, housing, immigration, race relations, inflation, law and order, public ownership and privatization [auneJip end praiveti'zeiJen], unemployment

6. Which of these descriptions do you think might be applied to our politicians?

trustworthy [trastwedi], competenVincompetent, tough, stubborn [staben], imaginative, resolute/irresolute, caring, in touch with ordinary people, sincere, honest, evasive [i'veisiv], arrogant, unscrupulous, tactless, social climber, turncoat

7. Who is your favourite politician? Why? What qualities should a dream politician have?
(See the topics Character Description for further vocabulary,



8. Which of these do you think will influence you most before you finally make up your mind
how to vote?
the policies of the parties, the personalities of the leaders/candidates, the candidates in your constituency, your traditional loyalty fioielti] to the party of your choice, none, others (which ones'l)

9. What does the executive branch consist of ?

the premier [premiee]lPrime Minister, vice-premiers, ministers, the leader of the winning party, resign fri'zain] from office, hand in one's resignation, relieve [ri'li:v] sb. of his post, interim government, puppet [papit] government, local

authorities [o'goritiz], municipality [mju,nisi'peliti], mayor [mea], town council Ikaunsl]


10. Describe the election programme of the party you feel inclined towards.





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Describe elections in our country.



universal franchize ffrnnt[aizl, universal, equal [i:kwel], direct and secret right to vote, have/exercise the right to vote, be entitled [in'taitld] to vote, a general election is held every four years, the public, voter/elector, electorate Ii'lektaret], outline/formulate/state the election programme, name/nominate/appoint a candidate Ikaendidit],launch an election campaign, pre-election meeting, organize a rally [raeli], election posters [peustazl, canvass fkaenvas] for votes, election pledges [plefiiz], (public-opinion) potl [peul], acceptable to (the) moderates as well as (the) extremists, make a well-prepared speech, persuade [pe'sweid] voters with a convincing argument, argue with an opponent, appeal [e'pi:l] to public opinion election/polling day: constituency [ken'stitjuensi], polling/voting district, be on the list of electors/electoral register, qualify for voting, go to the polls, polling station, vote by secret ballot, screen, booth [bu:d] (screened cabin), ballot t-papers), valid papers, votes cast, vote for a popular candidate, ballot box, put one's ballot in the ballot box, heavy/light poll, political apathy [repeOi], by-election





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Bxplain in English (use a dictionary if necessary):

the Cabinet. the Shadow Cabinet, by-election, universal franchise, constituency, social clirnber, coalition, booth, ballot-papers, universal, equal, direct and secret right to vote, grant a pardon, veto a bill, disarmament, amendment.
abstained, constitution, election pledges, canvass for votes, take one's oath.

13. Compare the system of government in our country with that in Great Britain and the USA.
(Use the book Some Basic Facts about the English Speaking Countries, Fragment 1995, by the same authors. if

- the legislative branches - the executive branches - the powers of the British Queen, the Slovak and American - the judicial branches - the party system

Presidents and the Slovak and British Prime Ministers


The Slovak System of Education

School attendance in the Slovak Republic is compulsory from the age from 6 to 15. Most children attend srare school, but there are also newly established private and church schools. Education at state schools up to l8 is free of charge. Private and church schools charge school fees. All schools are coeducational. Children in our school system do not wear uniforms. Handicapped children are educated separately. The school year starts on 2nd September and ends on 30th June of the following year. The school year is divided into two tertns (September - January, February - June). A school day is diff'erent at diff-erent types of schools. The avera-ue number of lessons at a secondary school is around thirty a week, primary schools have f'ewer lessons, while specialized schools often have more. Classes begin between 8 and 8.15 and there are from 4lo 6lessons in a row, followed by a lunch break, usually 45 minutes long, which is one period, and then afternoon classes. Afternoon classes end between 4 and 5 at the latest. Breaks between the lessons last from 5 to l5 minutes Pupils and students are evaluated by marks from 1 to 5, I is the best, 5 is the worst. Each tenn students get thcir school report with marks from both compulsory and elective subjects. Education in our country includes these stages: pre-school, primary, secondary and tertiary. Pre-school education is provided by crbches for children up to 3 years of age and nursery schools for children aged 3 to 6. Not many children attend crEches but quite a lot of them attend kindergartens. At 6 children start to _so to primary schools and they stay there until 15. At the age of l5 the pupils transter fiorn prirnary to secondary school. Some pupils, whose parents wish then to, can transfer to grammar schools at the age of I I atier they have passed an entrance examination.

At the


of 15 pupils

can choose among a variety of secondary schools:

a) grammar schools with general and rather academic education which prepare students for university study b) special schools which include technical colleges, specialized in building, chemistry, en-pineering etc.. business


academies, agricultural schools, nursing schools, music and art schools rvhich offer professional education and vocational schools training would-be workers for practical jobs. Secondary education usually lasts for 4 years and at grammar and specialized schools it is finished with a school-

leaving examination which is required by all universities and colleges. This examination is taken in four subjects


grammar schools (Slovak, a foreign language or mathematics and two optional subjects ch<lsen t}orn forei,en lan-eua-ees, science subjects or humanities) and in five or more subjects at specialized schools. The examination is held in May and is mostly oral except Slovak in which an essay is written about a month before. The oral part o1'the exam takes about two hours, half an hour for each subject. A student chooses one of 25 topics by drawing a number and after 15 tninutes' preparation he/she speaks on the topic and solves given tasks. After the graduates have passed their school-leavin-E exam they receive the School-Leaving Certificate and they can apply for study at universities and colleges.

Universities and colleges provide tertiary education which lasts frorn4 to 6 years. Each secclndary school -eraduate can apply for as many universities and colleges as he/she likes but before he/she is accepted they have to pass an entrance examination in the subjects in which the university specializes. The examination consists o1'a written test and an interview. Every large regional town in our country is a seat of a university or college now, but the oldest ones are the most renowned. Our oldest university is Komenskf University in Bratislava which was founded afier the World War I. Other well-known universities are in Ko5ice, PreSov, Banski{ Bystrica, Nitra, Zvolen,Zllinaand Trnava. Undergraduates can study a variety of subjects such as economics, foreign trade, architecture. law. journalisrn. the humanities, foreign languages, medicine, science, music, art, drama, engineering or computer science at various schools e.g. School of Economics orArchitecture, Law, Medical orScienceFaculty, Facultyof Journalism, Arts. Teachers'Training College, Art School, College of Agriculture, technical universities or polytechnics. The university or college students can enroll at three-year courses tor a Bachelor's Degree or four and five-year courses for a Master's Degree. Medicine usually takes 6 years. The university or colle-ee study is finished with a state exarnination and every undergraduate also has to write a thesis in order to receive a diplorna in a certain field of study. The diploma is handed over at a graduation ceremony. Doctoral Degrees are awarded afier another tew years ttf study. which
may be also individual, and completion of another thesis. Full-time university students are expected to bear the expense of their tuition and they must also pay for their accommodation and board. The students from distant places usually lodge at a hall of residence (donn). Only a lirnited number of students get a grant or a scholarship. For those who do not want to enter the university there are various types o1'two-year training courses such as for managers, businessmen, social workers, specialized nurses or language experts.

Questions on the text:

How long is compulsory school attendance in the Slovak Republic? 2. What types of schools are there? 3. What does pre-school and primary school education include? 4. What kinds of secondary schools are there and what education do they offer? 5. What is the school-leaving examination like?



On what basis are university or college



7. Which are our best known universities'l 8. What degrees can be awarded after finishing
a university or college'l 9. Are university studies tiee of charge? 10. Who are two-year training courses for'l

A school, a Classroom
School buildings in our country look very similar, only their size dif-fers dependirl-q on the nurnber of pupils or students attending them. They are usually large buildings with a few floors, often with a sportsground artached. In the basement or on the ground floor there are cloakrooms with students' lockers, a boiler room. zr workshop, a school canteen. sometimes also a fitness centre, a snackbar, a caretaker's flat or a gymnasium. On the other floors there are usually long hallways with rnany doors leadin-q to classrooms. teachers' olfices, laboratories, a common room, the head's and deputy head's clffices, the adrninistrative office, a school library. a computer room and toilets. The hallways and staircases are decorated with pictures, flowers and there are also notice-boards, some
cabinets and -elasscases. All classrooms in the Slovak Republic are almost the same. There are lar-ee windows opposite the door. rows of school desks and chairs with two aisles in between, a blackboard and a shelf with coloured and white chalk, a sponge and a cloth on the front wall, a teacher's desk, a bookcase, a notice board, a few pictures and a portrait of the president, a wash-basin, a mirror, a thermometer and a waste-paper basket. Subjects which need special equipment or aids are taught in special classrooms such as a chemistry, biology or physics laboratory, a music and an art room or a gymnasium. For teaching fbreign lan-eua-ees a lan-uuage lab is especially equipped with various audio-visual aids, such as maps, a tape or cassette recorder, a slide or overhead pr<ljectol, a screen and a video. Some schools also have an assembly hall. What is a lesson in a Slovak school like'l After the bell, when the teacher enters the room, the pupils or students stand up to greet him. He makes an entry in the class register, marks absent students and then he starts the lesson with revision of the previous lesson. He examines the pupils individually by asking them to come to the blackboard, they arre asked to reckon, do an exercise, explain a problem, respclnd to teacher's questions ol sometirnes the whole class takes
a written test.

The performance of the students who excel is usually perfect, they are fluent and creative. Sometimes the performance is rather disappointing both for the teacher and the student alike. The reasons ditt'er from not paying attention in class, not doing homework regularly and copying it in the break before the lesson, relying on one's pretty face, cutting classes and not working consistently and systematically to spoiling one's perf onnance due to nervousness. The results range from excellent, very good, good, satisfactory to failure. After examination the teacher explains a new subject matter and practises it with exercises. Bef ore the end of the lesson he sums up the topic and sets assignments for the next lesson. The teachers are supposed to follow the curriculum but they are free to choose textbooks for their students. Some students stay at school afier school hours and take palt in afier-school activities such as singing in the choir, drama club, arts club, reciting club or games.

Questions on the text:

l. What
kind of rooms can you find almost in every
school? 2. What does a normal classroom look like? 3. Describe a language laboratory. 4. What is a lesson in school like'l

5. How is a student's examination done'l 6. What can influence a student's performance and hclw'J 7. How does the lesson go on after examination'l 8. What kind of activities can students do after school'J

compulsory education, coeducational schools-crbche [kreiJ], nursery schooVkindergarten, priman'/secondary school, pupil, student, entrance examination, grammar/special (technical college, business academl'. agricultural, nursing, music art schools)/ vocational schools, school-leaving examination, School-Leaving Certificate. university/college, undergraduate [grredjuit], graduate [grredjueit] from, enroll [in'reul] at a universit5/ courlse, diploma, graduation ceremony, thesis [0i:sis], the expense of accommodation and board, hall of residence/dorm. cloakroom/cloak, boiler room, hallway, caretaker/ (nu) janitor [d3e'nita], rows of desks, aisle lail], sponge Ispanfi]. equip r,r'ith audio-visual aids, slide/overhead projector, screen, class register, performance, a mark/results. set homeu'orUassignment(s),

topic, curriculum [ke'rikjulem], after-school activity


1. Describe the course of a school year. How is a school day organized?
beginning/end of the school year, of the terms holidays - when and how long (autumn, Christrlas, half-year, spring, Easter, summer) special events (parent-teacher meetings, ski courses, sports courses, graduation ball, school-leaving exam. larewell party. school trips)

2. What school subjects are taught at your school?

Which of them do you have in your final fbrm'l Which of them are taught at primary school'l What is your favourite (least favourite) subject and why'l

compulsory, optional/elective, voluntary subjects. hurnanities/social sciences. science/natural sciences, maths /tnath, calculus (nu), physics, chernistry, biology, geography, history, computer science, civics, psycholo-uy, toreign languages: English. German, French, Russian, Spanish, Latin, mother tongue, the Slovnk lan-uuage. music. arts. physical education (PE), religious education (RE), needlework. home economy, workshop, sex education, seminar in Slovak literature/social studies, lab work in biology, conversation in English, driving lessons

3. Describe the system of education in the Slovak Republic. Compare it with the British and
American systems.
Include: - compulsory school attendance

types of schools pre-school education prirnary education

- secondary education - grammar schools - special schools - vocational schools

- curriculum - tertiary education (universities colleges) further education



Describe your education until now

(your friend's, father's, mother's, boss's, colleague's education)

5. Describe your school and your classroom.


- schoolbuilding (f1oors, size, old/new) - environs (school-yard, sportsground, swimming pool...) - entrance (hall, hallways, staircase) - classrooms, offices (head's and deputy-head's o., teachers'
o., common room)

caretaker's flat, boiler room)

yourclassloom (location, size, light/dark, windows f acing

east, west etc., view of)

other rooms (cloakroom, gymnasium, assembly hall,

fitness centre, school canteen, snackbar, workshop,

ceiling (lights, fluorescent lightin_u), floor (lino, parquets) furniture, equipment walls

6. Describe an ordinary lesson and a break:

the bell, enter the classroom, greet the teacher, excuse oneself, make an entry in the class register. mark the pupils
absent/late, revise-revision, check/correct homework, explain the new subjectmatter, take notes. practice grammar, discuss

problems, analyse a text, set/assign homework/assignments, do one's homework, hand in one's essay. set an examination paper, give extra work, sum up the topic, the lesson is over/has been cancelled, substitute for a colleague, make a row, prepare for the next lesson, eat one's snack, go to the loo[u:]


7, Practise various kinds of apology and give your reasons:

lesson c) you have to leave the lesson earlier


a) you are b) you are not prepared for today's


d) you have not brought your textbook (homework...) e) you were ill f) you can't go for a trip

I'm sorry I'm late /the bus was late/ I forgot to ...../I've left ..... - Excuse me for a moment please/for next v,,'eek/ibr afternoon lessons/for being late. - Excuse my coming late. - I'm afraid I won't be able to ..... . -I'd like to apologize. I was absent last


8. Describe in detail the course of an examination

oral/written exam(ination), examine, mark, tak an exam, pass with high marks, tail in the finals, put up one's hand, call on sb., ask sb. to corne to the blackboard, ask (additional) questions, answer questions/respond, in/correct response, make frequenvelementary mistakes, be accurate [a'kjurit], in/complete

9. What kind of student are you? What prformance are you able to achieve?
poor/bad/average/good/excellent student. poor/averagdsatisfactory performance, do very well in maths. at school. do bettcr. make a great etTort, excel in, make slow progress, have straight A's / ones, his marks are rather disappointing, deserve an A a B/ a one, a two, independent work, cheat [tJi:t], copy from sb., have difficulties/problems in Slovak, shirk [Ja:k] school/doing one's homework, cut classes, have detention [di\edan]/be detained (in school atier ordinary hours), not pay attention/do homework regularly/work consistently, systematically, spoil one's performance due to nervousness, be nervous/scared of failing/panic, worry about results, get a bad/good school report (AM report card). certificate, pass with

. , ,


10. Discuss good and bad qualities of pupils and teachers


(See also the topic Character Description).

hardworking/gifted/talented/exceptional/ambitious/lazylcareless/dull/inattentive/average/capable Ikeipebl], slow worker, well-behaved, un/disciplined conduct, behave [bi'heiv] badly, cheeky, talk back, make arow, tease [ti:z] schoolmates, fight. lie, cheat

ideal/(in)experienced/enthusiastic/demanding/conscientious/patient/lenient/strict teacher, stimulate pupils. train sb. to. educate, with a sense of humour, a model for, praise, scold [skauld] a pupil lbr being lazy, assign extra work, keep rigid discipline, keep in detention for talking in class, punish [panill

11. What are your (your friends') plans for the future? What would your parents like you to do?
study, apply

for a university, become an engineer/expert in, attend a post-graduate training sourse, take



un/employed, work as an au pair, get marded

12, Topics for discussion:

Would you introduce any other or abolish any compulsory, optional and voluntary subject? Why'l Which ones did you choose and why? 2. Would you like to be a teacher? Why? Is teaching a demandingjob? 3. My favourite secondary-school teacher. 4. My school-leaving exam. 5. What would you change in your class (discuss personal relations, the talents and results of the students...)? 6. What is most important when leaming a foreign language? (Which is the most efficient way? What do you find most difficult? Is it better to speak slowly but correctly or quickly and fluently regardless of mistakes? 7. In what ways should a teacher educate pupils? 8. What was teaching like a hundred years ago? What would you change now? 9. What I disliked most and liked best of all during my studies. 10. My happiest and worst moments while at school. I l. What will your reunion after ten years be like? What will you be like?



Traditiors, Holidays and Feastdays

The British are said to be conservative. In addition to the well-known fact that they still use their traditional system of weights and measures (they changed their currency into decimal as late as in I 97l). they drive on the lefi and they still

wear traditional school unifbrms at some schools, it is important to know that Britain is the oldest clemocracy in the worlci and that they consider the monarchy an inseparable part of their government. The British are renowned for their p6liteness and good table manners. Unlike the Slovaks, they like to converse at table. The En-elish word "gentleman" means an honest man with good manners. They do not shake hands and kiss hello so ofien as we do and are famous for their dry hurnour. Everybody knows the English saying "My house is my castle" which demonstrates their right to privacy. They are proud of theil isles which have given them a f-eeling of security. They call the strait between Britain and France the English Channel and the rest 6f Europe the Continent. The British are fond of pets (dogs, cats, caged birds) and children. Their mania for rea at any tirne of the day is world famous. Their country is notorious for rainy weather but on the other hand probably this wet and rnild climate makes the English lawns so green and fresh all the year round. People in Britain are allowed to walk on the grass and you can often see them picnicking on it. On the other hand the British are much advanced in science and technology. Many sports and ori_einated -eames or were perfected in Britain. The Americans are far from having the reputation of being conservative. The saying "Time is rnoney" ancl stories about self-made men show that they value progress, success and prosperity. The Arnericans ate not so reserved as rnany British people are. The Arnericans have a fondness for grandiosity, probably because they are such a vast country. Skyscrapers in many American cities and the way they cornpeted in height may be a good example. Both the British and the Americans observe holidays and feasts in which many ol the national customs and traditions have been preserved. In addition to various personal occasions such as a christening, birthday (also narneday in our countty) or a wedding, the holidays and feasts are a good opportunity fbr merrynaking, havin-p fun and a good time.

Great Britain
New Year's Day January I st - Titles and decorations are conferred by the sovereign. St. Valentine's Day February l4th - It is lovers' day. On this day young people send Valentine cards to a person of the opposite sex, usually anonymously, and exchange gifts. The cards have funny, loving or serious contents such as "l'll be your sweetheart, if you will be mine, all of my life I'll be your Valentine." Originally this day coffrmemorated the Roman priest who gave aid and comtort to the persecuted Christians befbre he was put to death. St. David's Day March lst (the patron saint of Wales) St. Patrick's Day March l Tth (the patron saint of Ireland). It is a public holiday in Ireland. People often wear shamrocks on that day.

All Fools'Day April lst - It is named after the custom of playing practical jokes and tricks on people and then you
Fool!" Baster

can shout


April" Spring feast of the Christian Church. Good Friday commemorates Jesus' crucifixion while Easter Sunday
commemorates the Resurrection of Jesus. It is connected with pre-Christian (Teutonic and Celtic) tradition, originally it was a festival celebrating the spring equinox. Easter eggs, dyed and decorated or made of confectionery, symbolizing new life, are given as presents. It is celebrated on Easter Sunday in Britain.

St. George's Day April 23rd (the patron saint of England) May Day May I - political parties of the lefi hold processions and public meetin-es

Mother's Day
2nd Sunday in May

Spring Bank Holiday Last Monday in May. Bank Holidays in England are also public holidays when banks and shops are closed. People spend Bank Holidays going fbr excursions, to the coast if possible. Londoners (real Coc-knelst take their farnilies to a big fair on Hampstead Heath The Queen's Official Birthday June (Saturday after June 9). There are various ceremonies associated rvith it. such as the cercruny of Troclpin-e the Colour (a ceremonial mounting of the guard in the presence of the soverei-sn r at the HtrFSc Guards Parade in London

honours all mothers



Father's Day
3rd Sunday in June - honours all fathers Summer Bank Holiday - last Monday in Augusr

ii $ T

Halloween October 31. Among the old Celts it was the last day o1'the year and the beginnin-e of winter when witches ancl ghosts were supposed to celebrate their rites. When the pagans were Christianized, the holiday was converted to the Eve of All Saints' Day when the Christian Church honours the memory of the dead. In Britain it is celebrated only in the North of England and in Scotland, but it is generally celebrated in the USA and Canada. Children celebrate it by dressin_e up in Halloween costumes with masks over their faces. Carrying baskets ol bags they go to their friends' and nei-ehbours' houses and they knock at the door or ring the bell. When people come to the door, children say "Trick or treat" which means "Give us a treat or we will play a trick on you". The people treat the children with sweets, truit or money. The most common trick is soaping the windows of houses and cars (i.e. drawing pictures on the windows with soap). A favourite custom is to make a jack-o'-lantern from a pumpkin which is scraped out and in which eyes, a nose and a mouth are cut and then a candle is lit inside. People sometimes give parties on Halloween. The guests wear fancy costumes and masks and the rooms are decorated with paper moons, witches and -ehosts. Guy Fawkes Day November 5th. The anniversary of the Gunpowder plot in 1 605 is celebrated with bonf ires, l'ireworks and the hurnin_u of guys (effigies of Guy Fawkes ( 1570 - 1606), an Errglish conspiratol who, with other- catholics. atternpted to blow up James I and Parliament). The plot was discovered and the conspirator executed. Remembrance Day November I L There is a ceremony at the Cenotaph in Whitehall, London, in which two minutes' silence honours rhose

killed in the two world Wars.

St. Andrew's Day November 30 (the patron saint of Scotland)

December 24 - Unlike the Continentals, the English have no traditional celebration on Christmas Eve. December 24 has never been a holiday but on the other hand it is the only day of the year reserved for the "office party". A lot of people spend the day shopping. Betore English chidren go to bed on Christrnas Eve, they hang up Christmas stockings at the end of their beds and believe that Santa Claus or Father Christmas rides through the air on a sled-ee drawn by reindeer and comes down the chimney and fills up the stockings with presents and toys. Larger things are found at the foot of their beds or under the Christmas tree. There is also a custom of leaving out mince pies for Father Christmas to eat when he comes down with presents. Christmas trees (conif-ers) in Britain are often decorated with fairy lights and bright coloured ornaments. Sweets and fruit or sparklers are not hung on the tree. In the rooms holly and ivy is hung as a decoration. It is supposed to date back to Teutonic times when evergreens were hung to allow wood spirits to shelter from the cold. A sprig of mistletoe is hung in a central position or over the door. If you catch a girl under it, you are allowed to kiss her. December 25 - The most festive day of Christmas is Christmas Day - In the morning children enjoy unwrappin_e presents and at midday Christmas dinner is a great occasion. It consists of roast turkey with chestnut stuffing and roast potatoes and Christrnas pudding. This is a special rich pudding made with lots of dried fruit, e_u-es. suet and very little flour. It is rnade well ahead before Christmas, boiled in a basin fbr hours and then heated again on Christmas Day. It will keep tor a long time. Sometimes brandy is poured over it and set alight and the puddin-e is served surrounded with blue tlames. There is also an old custom of stirring into the pudding, when it is being prepared, a coin. a thirnble and a ring to brin-e wealth, work and a wedding to those who find it. There are plenty of carols on the radio and TV and vmious protessional choirs sing carols in old people's homes, hospitals or outside churches. At teatime a huge fl'uit cake appears encrusted with marzipan and decorated with white icing. Mince-pies, a specialChristrnas sweet. are served as well. but there is no minced meat in them. These pies are small and round, containing a mixture of dried fruits soaked in lemon juice and brandy and covered with pastry and baked. They are served hot. On Christrnas Day the monarch addresses the nation and the Commonwealth on radio and television. December 26 is called Boxing Day from the custom in earlier times of giving postmen, milkmen, dustmen, newspaper boys and the like small sums of money, which they collected in their Christmas boxes. For children it marks the beginning of the pantomime season which ends at Easter. A pantomime is a traditional Christmas-time entertainment but it is not a play without words. A pantomime is a theatre show based on a fairy tale or traditional story with music. dancing, acrobatics and clowning. Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Peter Pan and Dick Wittington are the favourite fairy tales for drarnatization. Lots of people go visiting on Boxing Day or to parties in the evening. December 3l - Some nations celebrate New Year's Eve but for the English the rnost important holiday is Christmas. On New Year's Eve the English people stay up till rnidnight to see the old year out and drink a toast to the New Year. In London some people gather in Trafalgar Square and celebrate the coming of the New Yeal with sin-ein-e and dancing. Hogmanay - is the Scottish name for New Year's Eve which is more celebrated than Clrristmas. It be-uins with the arrival of the guests who have been invited to join the family to see in the New Year. They sit down to dinner which begins with haggis, Scotland's national dish (minced heart, lungs and liver of a sheep, boiled in a sheep's stomach with oatmeal). Before midnight many townsfolk gather in the square, they sing and dance in the Scottish style. At midnight


there is a great cheer, people cross arrns, link hands for a traditional song, "Auld Lan-u Syne". The .,First Foot" then sets out. In Scotland it is a common custom. It is considered lucky if a dark-haired man is the first to set foot in the house after midnight on New Year's Eve, bringing a coin, a piece of bread. and coal as a symbol of plenty in the corning

United States
There are no national holidays in the USA since each state has the ri-eht to decide about its own holidays. In practice, however, most states observe the federal public holidays (marked F in the text). It is also important to know that the American people are not only descendants of the British irnmigrants, there are many ethnic groups. These ethnic gl'oups have brought their own customs and traditions which may be quite different from those mentioned above. Their custolls differ especially about the holidays which were originally connected with religious feasts, such as Easter or Christmas.

Martin Luther King's Day

3rd Monday in January (F). M. L. King (1929 - 1968) was a black leader and civil-rights carnpai-ener. He dernanded racial equality. As an advocate of nonviolence he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. He was assassinated



Lincoln's birthday
February 12 - some states still celebrate it instead clf the Presidents' Day. St. Valentine's Day February 14

Washington's birthday
February 22 - commemorated by public ceremonies. Some states still celebrate it instead of the Presidents' Day. The Presidents' Day 3rd Monday in February (F) - on this day all presidents of the USA are honoured.


is not a national holiday. Most Americans spend Easter Sunday with the family. Many people,qive children dyed eg-es and sweets. In some families they organize an egg hunt - children look for eggs which the adults hid somewhere in the house, yard or garden. There is a traditional Easter Egg Roll in front of the White House in Washington on Easter


Mother's Day
2nd Sunday in May

Memorial Day
4th Monday in May (F). It honours Americans killed in all the past wars and most recently all the dead. Flowers and flags are placed on the graves of the (war) dead. It also marks the beginning of the summer season.

Father's Day
3rd Sunday in June Independence Day July 4 (F). Each city has its own ceremony and parades, band concerts and firework displays in the evening. This day commemorates the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, thus establishin-e Lhe USA.

Labor Day
I st Monday in September (F) summer season.

honours all the working people. It is celebrated by a day of rest. It marks the end of the

Columbus Day
October l2 (F). It is the anniversary of the discovery of America by Christopher Colurnbus in 1492. Halloween - October 31

November 11 (F)

honours the veterans of all wars.

4th Thursday in November (F) - national holiday in the USA and Canada (in October), first celebrated in 162l by the Pilgrim settlers of Plymouth Colony, Massachusetts, on their first harvest. Now it is an occasion tbr the whole farnily to be together. It is celebrated by a traditional dinner whose main course is roast turkey.

is not a national holiday in the USA but since most Americans are Christians, almost all shops are closed and people have a rest day on Christmas Day and New Year's Day. Americans of British ori-ein follow the same traditions as their ancestors. Unlike Christmas in our country, Christmas in the USA is not a f amily holiday, farnilies invite f}iends to join them at Christmas dinner and often give parties at Christmas-time. On Boxin-{ Day most shops are open although people have a day off. Besides the Christmas tree the Americans also decorate their houses with -earlands and wreaths and electric coloured lights inside and outside the house or on the trees in their -Eardens. The January sales begin just after Christmas both in the USA and in Britain. Most lar.ue shops sell otf their old stock at low or "bargain" prices.


Questions on the text:

l. What are the British people like? 2. What is typical of the Americans?
3. What personal anniversaries do people observe? 10. What does Guy Fawkes Day commemorate'l I l. On which days are war veterans and the dead hclnoured both in Britain and in the USA? 12. Is there any diff'erence between Christmas and Easter celebrations in Britain and the USA? 13. What kind of feast is Ho-emanay'? 14. What other holidays in comparison with the British ones are observed in the USA'I 15. What events do Independence Day and Thanksgivin-e

4. What does St. Valentine's Day commemorate? 5. How is All Fools'Day celebrated? 6. How do the British spend their Bank Holidays? 7. What kind of ceremony is there on the Queen's Official

8. How are Father's and Mother's Day celebrated? 9. Describe Halloween.

occasion [a'ke[en], christening [krisniq], Christian [kristjen], shamrock [Jamrok], Jesus' crucifixion [d3i:zesiz kru:si'fikJenl, Resurrection [reze'rekJan], Teutonic [tju'tonik], equinox [i:kwinoks], ceremony lserirnani], commemorate [ka'memereit], celebrate [selibreit], observe [eb'ze:v], witch [witI], ghost [geust], jack-o'-lantern ldSrekeu'leenten], candle [kaendl], bonfire, fireworks, decorate, ornament, sweets, Christmas tree, Cheers! [t[iez,], to your health, sparkler Ispa:kle], holly [holi], ivy [aivi], mistletoe [misltau], turkey with stuffing [stafiq], pudding [pudiq], suet Isjuit], carol [karel], choir [kwaie], encrusted with marzipan Iin'krastid wid ma:zi'pen], icing [aisifl, pantomime [pentemaim], fairy tale [f-eari teil], haggis [hregis], townsfolk [taunzfeuk], grave [greiv], parade [pe'reid], Christopher Columbus [kristefa ke'lambes], bargain price [ba:gin prais], garland [ga:lend]/wreath [ri:0], dyed [daid], eBBs, thrash [Orrefl with
a cane [kein]

L. Which of the holidays mentioned above do we observe too? Do we celebrate them in the same

) Make a list of holidays


and feasts which are observed

in our country, What do they

3. Describe

our Easter traditions. Are they different from the British and American ones?

4. How do you prepare for Christmas?

clean (up)/ tidy(up) the flaVthe house, clean the windows, wash glassware and porcelain/curtains Ike:tinzl. vetcuum-clean [vekjuem kli:n]/ hoover [hu:va] carpets, polish [polifl furniture, clean the shoes, put the wardrobes and drawers in order.

do Christmas shopping/buy/choose Christmas presents, buy Christmas paper and ribbons, wrap [raep] the presents.
write/send Christmas cards, geUdecorate the Christmas tree, decorate the flat, buy/get a carp. bake sweets

5. What birthday / Christmas presents do you like to get? What presents do you usually give and to whom? Which is better, to give or to get presents? Why?

6. What

is Christmas in your family like? Describe Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, Year's Bve, New Year's Day, and the Christmas meal. New


h fr


7. Write Christmas or New Year's greetings.

A Merry Christmas, A Happy New Year, All the best for the New Year, To wish you a Happy Christmas, Year, Season's greetings

Prosperous New

8. Write an invitation to a birthday party.

9. How can you congratulate someone on his/her birthday?

L0. What is the Slovak way of life? What is typical of the Slovak people?
Discuss relations among people, housing, typical food and drinks, customs and traditions

Science and Technology

From the beginning of people's existence they have used tools, various types of energy and materials, -eenerally for the purposes of production of nearly everything in our world. Almost every human process f or fbod ancJ shelter -uetting depends on complex technological systems. At present, modern industry largely depends on power, materials, machinery
and production processes. In early human history, the only power available was muscle power augmented by prirnitive tools, such as the wedge or lever. The invention of the wheel (about 300 B.C.) was followed by the watermill and windrnill ( l2th cent. A.D.). Not until the I 8th century did an alternative source of power appear in the f orm of the first workin-e steam engine developed and improved by James Watt. The steam engine and other technical advances made possible the replacement clf traditional agrarian economy by one dominated by machinery and manufacturing. The sudden acceleration of technical and economic development that began in Britain in the second half of the I 8th century is called the Industrial Revolution. This transferred the balance of political power from the landowner to the industrial capitalist and created an urban working class. The steam engine was originally developed for draining mines but was rapidly put to use in factories and on the railways. Hand-made products were replaced by machine-made products which increased in number, and together wrth faster transportation by means of a railway, this meant a significant chan-ee in industry. Michael Faraday's demonstration of the dynamo in I 83 I revealed the potential of the electrical motor and became the basis of electrical engineering. Electricity generated on a commercial scale was available trom the early 1880s and was used fbr electric motols which powered all kinds of machinery and for lighting, first by carbon arc lamp, invented by Franti5ek KiiZfk in l tt80. and by an electric bulb invented by Thomas A. Edison in 1879. Electricity is the most useful and most convenient form of energy, readily convertible into heat and light and used to power machines. Electricity can be generated in one place (power stations/plants) and distributed anywhere because it readily flows through wires. The invention of the internal-combustion engine by German scientist Nicholas Otto in 1876 enabled two Germans, Gottlieb Daimlel and Karl Benz to create the first petrol-driven motocar ( 1885). This invenl"ion made transport faster and more comfortable and significantly shortened travel time. The 1940s saw the explosion of the first atomic bomb and the subsequent developrnent o1'the nuclear power industry. Nuclear energy as well as natural gas, water power, oil and coal are current sources of ener-ey. Scientists try to increase the contribution of wind. tidal, solar and geothennic power. The earliest materials used by humans were wood, bone, horn, shell and stone. Metals were rare and difficult to obtain, although forms of bronze and iron were used in 6 000 B.C. and I 000 B.C. The introduction of the blast furnace in the l5th century enabled cast iron to be extracted, but this process remained expensive until charcoal was substituted by coke in 1709. This change ensured a plentiful supply of cheap iron at the start of the Industrial Revolution. Soon new materials were introduced, such as rubber, glass, leather, paper, bricks and porcelain and later, after the rnid- 1880s, entirely new synthetic materials appeared. First dyes, then plastic and celluloid and still later drugs were synthetized and synthetic fibres were made. This process still continues with the growth of -{enetic engineerin,u which enabled the production of synthetic insulin and growth hormones. Production process and equipment in the factories also changed as much as power and materials. The lathe (potter's wheel), known in antiquity, was not fully developed until the 18th century when it was used to produce objects of _{reat precision. The first attempts at automation were demonstrated in the lSth century when looms were contrcllled automatically by punched cards. The first moving assembly line appeared in 1870 in meat-packing factories in Chica-go II, USA, and then in the motor industry in 1913. At present, eletronic computers control fully automated plants (robotics). Plenty of inventions and discoveries have inf-luenced and changed human life, such as aircraft, radio, television, telephone, X-ray machines, radar, air-cushion vehicles (hovercrati), electric welding, phcltographs, birth-control methods, test-tube babies, penicillin and vitamin C. Undoubtedly the transistor, integrated circuit lsilicon chip) and laser were the three inventions that have had the greatest irnpact on modern-day lif-e. Electronic and microelectronic industries, space research and genetic engineering probably represent the branches where progress will continue most rapidly. Space flights represent a special application of modern technolo-ey and science. The first satellites were launched into orbit around Earth in 1957 by the Russians and soon the first man-operated spacecraft was put into orbit. In l96l Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first human in space aboard the spacecrafi Vostok l. In a few years manned missions to the Moon were achieved, the first being Apollo 11. The first people to step onto the Moon's surface on 20th

July 1969 were Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin. At present artificial satellites are used for scientic purposes,
communications, weather forecasting and military put'poses. Since the 1960s we have spoken about the scientific-technical revolution because at present both science and technology are the most important phenomena which can contribute to solving the problems of people on the earth: to find other alternative energy sources, to reduce pollution of all kinds and protect the environment, to f ind ways how to f'eed the constantly increasing number of people and to discover medicine against such diseases as cancer. AIDS or the latest Ebola virus which threaten the contemporary world.

Not all inventions and discoveries, however, have brought people improvement and innovation. Ballistic missiles, extra powerful laser weapons, nuclear and H-bombs and pollution of the environment are only a f-ew examples of how good ideas rnay be abused. Technology is dependent upon how people use it, under what circurnstances new ideas and inventions are introduced into life.

Questions on the text:

What does modern industry depend on?

9. What

synthetic materials were developed and when'J

2. What inventions augmented muscle power? 3. What phenomena stimulated the Industrial Revolution? 4. When did electricity begin to be used and why is it

10. What kind



machinery helped


the production


When and where was automation used for the first tirne'l and how'l

12. What inventions and discoveries changed human life 13. What do you know about space flights'l 14. What problems of mankind should science and
technology solve?

5. Which inventors and scientists affected the use of electricity'l 6. Why was the invention of the internal-combustion engine
so important?

7. What are the current and future energy sources? 8. How did materials change throughout human

15. Do you know of any abuses of scientiflc achievements'?

tool [tu:l], power [paue], shelter [Jelte], machinery [ma'Ji:neri], muscle power [masl pauel, augment [o:g'ment], alternative source [o:l'te:netiv so:s], manufacture [mrenju'faektfe] / manufacturing, acceleration [rek,sele'reifn], landowner firendeune], create [kri'eit], urban working class [a:ben], drain mines [drein mainz], home-made
production, machine-madeproduction, reveal [ri'vi:l], electrical engineering Ii'lektrikel end3i'nierirl], commercial scale Ike'me:fel skeil], carbon arc lamp [ka:ben a:k lamp], electric bulb [i'lektrik balb], distribute Idis'tribju:t], flow through wires [flau Oru: waiezfrinternal-combustion engine Iin'te:nel 'kem'bastJen endgin], petrol driven motorcar fpetreldrivn mauteka:], enable st. [i'neibl], explosion of a bomb [iks'ple6an ov a bom], current source of energy [so:s ev ened3i], blast furnace [bla:st fe:nis], charcoal [tJa:kaul], coke [keuk], synthetized drug [sin0itaizd drag], insulin [insjulin], growth hormone [greuO ho:maun], production process [pra'dakJan prausas], precision tool [pra'si3en]. automation [o:ta'meiJen], punched cards lpantjt ka:dz], assembly line [e'sembli lain], space research [speis ri'se:tJ], genetic engineering [d3i'netik end3e'nierirl], impact [impekt], Iaunch into orbit [o:ntJ inte o:bit], manned spacecraft Ispeiskra:ft], ballistic missiles Iba,listik'misailz], abuse [a'bj u z]

1. What sources of energy and what kinds of fuel do people use at present? What are other potential
sources? Where do we get coal, gas,

oil and uranium from'l

coal, oil, petroVgas (nv), natural gas, uranium Iu'reiniem], electricity, water-power, wind-power, nuclear power tidat [taidl], geothermal [d3io'Oe:mel] and solar lseule] power, windmill, watermill, to dam (up) a river, a dam [dae rn], mine coal, off-shore production, off-shore gas field/oil field, carry oiVgas by pipeline [paiplain], oil refinery

[ri'fainari], gas works

2. Where and how is electricity generated and distributed? What is it used for?
generate electricity [ilek'trisiti], alternating [o:lteneitirl]/direct current, coal-burning power plant [paue pla:nt], hydro-power plant, nuclear power plant, carry electricity through wires [waiez], supply power to the national grid [grid], convertible into heat and light,lighting, heating, to power machines, voltage [vaultid3l/live fiaiv]/dead

3. What inventions and discoveries have had the greatest impact on mankind?

Try to explain why.

steam engine [sti:m end3in]; electricity, car, aircraft, air-cushion vehicle Ivi:ikl], radar, radio, television, telephone,

X-ray machine, transistor, integrated circuit [inti'greitid sa:kit] (silicon chip), electric welding [weldirl], penicillin, vitamin C, test-tube babies, birth-control pills, printing, photography, laser, compact disc, radioactivity, blood
groups, others?


4. How do science and technology affect your own life? What invention or discovery important for you and why?

is (the most)

5. How much have technology and

science advanced since your parents were young?


6. What are/were these materials used for? What are objects around you made of

horn [ho:n], bone [beun], shell, stone, wood, bronze [bronz], iron [aien], cast [ka:st] iron, rubber [rabe], leather fledel, brick lbrik], porcelain [po:selin], dye [dai], celluloid [seljuloid], synthetic fibres [sin'Oetik faibez], synthetized drug
[sinOitaizd drag], plastic, glass, paper

7. What are these tools used for? Match the words with the pictures.
[i:va], wheel [wi:l],lathe [eid], potter's wheel,loom [u:m], weave [wi:v], knife/knives, hammer drive a nail [neil] in, saw [so:], drill [dril], chisel lt[izl], plane [plein], screw-driver, screw in, screw [skru:], [hame], sickle [sikl], scythe [said], mow [meu] grass, axe [eks], cuUchop [tJop]/split wood, paintbrush [peintbraf], paint, file [fail], spanner [sprne], tighten [tainen], pair of pliers [plaiaz], pair of pincers [pinsez], pull out, bend/twist wire, pair of scissors [sizez], spade [speid], dig, rake [reik], fork [fo:k], lift hay, straw [stro:], hoe [heu], shovel [favl], ladder [ede], wheel-barrow ['wi:l,bareu], broom [bru:m], sweep, pruners [pru:nez]/pruningscissors, watering can Machine tools (tools operated by power): lathe, drilling machine, power loom, jet loom
wedge [wed3], lever






a ir


a: t-l

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Who is Who in Science

1657), physician to James I and Charles I, who discovered the circulation of blood. He showed that it was caused by the muscular action of the heart. Sir Isaac Newton (1643 - 1727), English mathematician, physicist, astronomer and philosopher. He discovere{ the law of gravity, created calculus, discovered that white light is composed of many colours and developed the three standard laws of motion still in use today. His universal law of gravitation explained for the first time the phenomena of the universe, rhe tides and the motion of objects on the earth. From 1703 until his death he was President of the Royal Society, and was knighted in 1705. He was buried in Westminster Abbey.
as Halley's comet: he made contributions to the study of the moon and the motion of the stars. Henry Cavendish ( t Zl I - 1 810), English physicist who discovered hydrogen and detemined the compositions of warer and nitric acid. He also discovered the mass and density of the Earth. James Watt (1736 - I 81 9), Scottish engineer who developed a new type of steam engine ol'much greater efliciency than the previous types. He made Thomas Newcomen's stearr engine more efflcient by coolin-q the used steam in a condenser separate from the main cylinder.

Sir William Harvey (1578 -

Edmund Halley (1656 - 1742) astronomer, who was the first to predict the return of a comet since known

Robert Fulton (1765 - l8l5) American engineer and inventor. He pioneered steam navi-eation with his Clennont, the first commercially successful steamboat which appeared on the Hudson 1807. He experimented with submarines and torpedoes. and built the Fulton, the first steam warship. Humphry Davy (1775 - 1829) English chemist who discovered the elernents socliurn, poterssium. calcium. boron,
magnesium, strontium and barium and proposed that hydrogen is present in all acids.

George Stephenson ( l78l

built the world's first public passenger railway (1821) between Stockton and Darlington. Michael Faraday (1791 - 1867) English chemist and physicist who is known especially tor the discovery of the transformation of energy from mechanical to electrical which led to the later discovery of the electric generator. He also investigated electrolysis. He experimented with electromagnetism and discovered the induction ol electric currents and made the first dynamo. Charles Darwin (1809 - 1882) English scientist who developed the modern theory of evolution and proposed the principle of natural selection. After research in South America and the Galiipagos Islands as a naturalist Darwin published On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection and later Descent of Man. He explained that the many species of living creatures are not the result of acts of creation, but have developed from slight diff'erences in individuals due to their special surroundings and their struggle for existence. His theory aroused bitter controversy because it was interpreted as saying that we were descended trom monkeys and the Church took it as an attack on the validity of the Scriptures. But Darwin lived to see his theories widely accepted. Thomas Alva Edison (1547 - 1931), American inventor with over 1000 patents. In Menlo Park, New Jersey. he produced his most important inventions, including the electric bulb in 1879. He constructed a system of electric power distribution for consumers, the telephone transmitter, and the phonograph. Alexander Graham Bell (1847 - 1922), Scottish inventor, who patented his invention of the telephone in 1876. Brnest Rutherford ( 1 87 | - 1937) New Zealand physicist, a pioneer of modern atomic science. His rnain research was in the field of radioactivity, and he discovered alpha, beta and gamma rays. He named the nucleus. and was the f irst to recognize the ionizing nature of the atom. He was awarded the Nobel prize in 1908. Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955) German born US physicist. He profoundly influenced science in many fields, such as radiation physics and thermodynamics, but is best known for formulating the theories of relativity ( 1905 and I 915). He is also distinguished for his work for peace and justice. He received the Nobel prize in l92l . In l9 I I he became a lecturer in theoretical physics in Prague, in 1933 he emigrated to the USA and became professor of mathematics in Princeton, New

848) English engineer who constructed the f irst successful stealn locomotive ( I tt l4) and

Sir Alexander Fleming (1881 Chain.

1928, although it did not come into use

1955), Scottish bacteriologist, who discovered the first antibiotic drug, penicillin in until 1941 . In 1945 he won the Nobel prize with Howard W. Florey and Ernst B.

Linus Carl Pauling (1901 - ), American

chemist who investigated the properties and uses of vitamin C ars related to human health. He was awarded the Nobel Prize f or Chemistry in 1954. As he was an outspoken opponent of nuclear testing. he also received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1962. James Dewey Watson (1928 - ) American biologist whose research on the molecular structure ol DNA and the genetic code, in collaboration with Francis Crick, earned hirn a shared Nobel prtze in 1962. He was born in Chicago. After attending public schools in his native town, he entered the university there in 1943, when only 16. When he had graduated, he did work in genetics at Indiana University and received his PhD in 1950. Then he went to Europe and wclrked at the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge, Great Britain, from l95l to 1953. There he met Francis Crick and Maurice Wilkins, and tl're collaboration resulted in the discovery of a structure for DNA in 1953. DNA (desoxyribonucleic acid) is the molecule of heredity, and to know its structure enables science to know how the torms of lif'e are transmitted f}om one generation to the next one. The forms of life are passed on in the cells of the double helix from the parents to the next generation. This major scientific advance in genetics led to the awarding of the 1962 Nobel Prize to the whole team.


J. Watson became the youngest ever holder

of the Nobel Prize. After his return to the USA he became professor of biolo_ey at Harvard University, Cambrid,ee. His discovery stirnulated a rapid development of genetic en-{ineerin-g in America.

physician [fi'ziJan], physicist Ifizisist], chemist [kemist], mathematician [maeOirne'tifen], engineer fend3i'nie], bacteriologist Ibek,tieri'olod3ist],circulation of blood [se:kju'leifn ev blad], gravity Igrreviti], gravitation Iurrevi'reifen],
calculus [ke lkjules], motion [rneuJen], phenomenon [fi'nominan] - phenomena, tide [taid], be knighted Inaitidl, mass Imres], hydrogen Ihaidrifien], nitric acid [naitrik resid], efficiency Ii'fiJensi], efficient, condenser Iken'densa], cylinder Isilinde], steam navigation Isti:rn naevi'geiJan], steamboat, submarine Isabmeri:n], torpedo Ito:'pi:deu] steam warship [wo:Jip], steam locomotive fleuke'meutiv], passanger railway [reilwei], element, sodium fseudjam], potassium [pe'tesjem], calcium [krlsiem], boron [bo:ron], magnesium [mreg'ni:zjem], strontium [stronJiem], barium [beeriernl, hydrogen Ihaidrifien], acid [esid], induction Iin'dakJenl, electric current Ii'lektrik karent], theory of evolution [0iari ev i:ve'lu:fenl, principle of natural selection [nretJerel si'lekfan], Descent of Man ldi'sent av rnen], species [spi:Ji:z], struggle Istragl], descend Idi'send], Scriptures [skriptJez),ray Irei], ionizing nature Iaienaizirl neitJe], thermodynamics [0e:meudai'nemiks], antibiotic drug lrentibai'otik drag], properties of vitamin C [propetiz ev vitamin si:1, telephone transmitter [telifeun tr&nz'mite], DNA (desoxyribonucleic acid) [dez'oksi,raibeunju:'kli:ik rsid], molecule of heredity [molikju:l av he'redeti], cell [sel], double helix [dabl hi:liks]

8. What British, American and Slovak inventors or discoverers do you know? What field of science were they involved in?
Use ditferent verbs: be awarded/receieve the Nobel prize for, be known for, invent, explain, develop. discclver. predict. fonnulate, experiment with, construct, detennine, pioneer, learn, patent, investi-qate

9. Associate each invention or idea with a name:


Pasteurization (process of rnaking dairy products fl'ee of microorganisms)

2. Dynamite [dainamait] 3. Radioactivity 4. Space travel 5. Lightning conductor [ken'dakte] 6. Petrol-driven car 7. The sun is the centre of the solar system 8. First circumnavigation of the world 9. Free association method and interpretation of

- 1642) b) Georg Johann Mendel (1822 - l8U4) c) Louis Pasteur (1822 - 1895) d) Alf}ed Nobel ( 1833 - 1896) e) orville wright (l 871 - 1948), wilbur wright (l 867 - t9l2) 0 Gottlieb Dairnler ( I 834 - 1900). Karl Benz (1844 - 1929) s) Julius Robert Oppenheirner (1904 - 1961) h) Ferdinand Magellan ( 1480 - 1521) i) Sigisnund Freud (l 865 - 1939) j) Nicolaus August Orro ( 1832 - l89l ) k) Yuri Gagarin (1934 - 1968)
a) Galileo Galilei ( 1564 r) Benjamin Franklin ( 1706

10. Internal-combustion engine I L Development of the atomic bomb 12. The first successful powered flight (1903) 13. Founder of genetics

m) Marie ( 1867

1934) and Pierre ( ltt59


1906) Curie

10. Which of Jules Verne's technological and scientific predictions haye come true?
What kind of inventions can still be found only in science fiction? What would you like to be discovered, invented, thought out or designed?

1L. Topics for minitalks:

l. Are scientists happier than other people'l Why - why not? 2. The importance fbr mankind of the invention of writing and printing. 3. What were the most important prerequisities of civilization'l (development of speech, the use of l'ire, agriculture and pottery, the domestication of animals...) 4. What can man do in order to survive on the Earth'l (consult the topic Environmental protection fbr vocabulary if


12. Give more information about a scientist or inventor whom you choose. Try to explain the substance of any invention or discovery (or how an apparatus which you choose works):

- When was it achieved -

and by whom?
was the invention/discovery achieved?

-Howdoes it work? How

What improvement did it bring'l

- How do you start it'J - What is the apparatus used for? - How does it work'l


The Country
People who like outin-es and hiking have a wide choice in our country. Except for the sea. the Slovak Republic has almost everything to offer.

Slovakia is a peculiar country of mountains and forests, woods and backwoods. mineral waters and spas, natural and artificial lakes.The highest ground above sea level is the High Tatras. From its hi-ehest peak Gerlach one can see steep

rocky slopes, wooded hillsides, glacial valleys and mountain lakes or mountain meadows with rare specirnens of flora growin-e only in this region. Much of this area is protected as a natural reserve.

If you set out on a trip along tourist footpaths, you can adrnire mountain strearns, gorges, warterfalls and wild lif'e. The Low Tatra mountains are situated in picturesque valleys of the rivers Viih and Hron. When you are not very eager to walk, you can be lifted by a saddle cableway to the Chopok peak. The Little Fatra mountains are known fbr their bizarre rock fonnations, deep holes and a rivulet cascading through the rock-pass called Tiesiava. A region of a special beauty is the Slovak Paradise where ladder clirnbing is ofien the only possibility how to continue a hiking tour. You can also flnd karst caves in Slovakia, such as Dob5inskii Ice Caves or Domica Caves with its underground


one is tired of people and civilization, there is no better way to regain new energy than to set out on a hikin_e

trip in the country. As I am not used to hiking and partly because I did not want to carry a heavy rucksack with food. a sleeping bag. a pad or a tent, I decided to take a one-day trip. I got up at dawn because I had a long way ahead. First I had to get to the starting point of the trail. From the
windows of the train I could see cornfields and meadows with grazing deer and hares; clumps of oaks, beeches and birches along the way; a shallow stream fringed with alder trees and willows, lonely farms and villages. From the station the tourist sign showed the direction along the path amon-q village gardens. The sun had risen and dewdrops glistened in the grass and on the leaves. Fruit trees were in full blossom and were coming into leaf, shrubs had buds on them and flowers in the flower-beds and rockgardens were in bloom. Honey-bees were busy gathering pollen from them. People had a lot to do both in their gardens, digging, weeding, planting vegetables in the patches and sowing seeds and in the fields, ploughing and drilling corn. On a chimney of an old cottage, storks had already arrived back frorn the south to their nest. A short way beyond the village at the edge of a wood, a group of campers was rnaking their late breakfast fire. Someone was carrying water in a fire-blackened pot from a nearby spring. As it was still spring, they did not sleep outside as usual but in a hut. The edge of the wood was full of bushes including raspbery bushes, elderberry bushes and hawthorn. Before long the path began to rise up to a small spruce-wooded area. As the temperature went up, insects began to bother me and I had to use an insect repellent. The path led me into the wood and there I could tully enjoy bird songs, a woodpecker pecking at the bark of the trees and the calling of a cuckoo. Along the path I saw ferns and a big anthill and I had to step very carefully as a few uprooted trees lay there afier the last windstorm. When I had climbed to the top of the hill, suddenly a clearing appeared in front o1'me. I sat down on a stump and had my lunch and then I had a rest on the moss. The sun was shining, the sky was clear and I could hear a cricket chirpin-e in the grass, the wind murmuring in the trees and a streaffr bubbling somewhere on the other side ol the hill. As my way continued and sloped down, the trees became scant and an open view of a valley and neighbouring hills spread out in fiont of me. At the bottom there was a lake into which the stream flowed. The shores of the lake were over-grown with reeds and on the opposite rock the ruins of a castle towered to the sky. The sun was slowly setting and in its rays the landscape looked very romantic. As I descended along the path to the valley and walked across the meadows I could hear fiogs accompanying me on my way to the station. I almost lost my way and was happy to meet a gamekeeper so that I could ask about the way to the village. When I got home before dusk I felt physically rather tired but emotionally refreshed arrd ready to start a new

working week.

Questions on the text:


2. 3. 4. 5.

What natural beauties can our country offer? What can you see in the mountains? How can you -qet to the Chopok peak'l What are the Little Tatra mountains known fbr? What beauties does the Slovak Paradies boast of? 6. What is interesting about the Domica Caves'l 7. What did the hiker see fiom the train?

8. What did the gardens, fields and the village look like? 9. Who did the hiker see on the way'l [0. Describe the way through the wood. I l. What happened at the top o1'the hill'/ I 2. What view could the hiker see from the other side of the

13. How does the countryside look at dusk'l


outing, trip. hiking, mountain range [mauntin reind3], have its source [so:s], sea level, peak [pi:k], steep Isti:p], glacial valleys [gleisjal vreliz], rare specimens of flora [ree spesiminz of f'lo:ra], national reserve [ri'ze:v], footpath Ifutpa:01, wild lit'e Iwaildlaifl, primeval forest [prai'mi:vel forist], boulder [beulde], scatter [skrete], foot of the mountains, slope, slope down, pastureland Ipa:stfelrendf,graze [greiz], inland, gently rolling country, barren rocks [breran roks], sandstone. bizarre Ibi'za:], karst caves Ika:st keivel, stalagmite Istalagmait], stalagtite [stalaktait], abyss [e'bis], rucksack ['raksrk], pad Ipred], trail Itreil], shallow [Jreleu], fringe [fiind3], tourist sign [tuerist sain], dewdrops [dju:drops], glisten [glisn], pollen [polin], chimney [tJirnni], hut Ihat]. insect repellent [ri'pelent], peck Ipek], ferns [fe:nz], uprooted trees [ap'ru:tid tri:z], moss [mos], wind murmurs [wincl me:moz], bubble

[babl], scant [skrent], reeds [ri:dz], descend [di'send], dusk [dask]


What words can you use to describe a landscape?

continent, island, peninsula [pi'ninsjule], plain, flat ground, highlands, high ground, hill, hillside, slope, mountain, rock, valley, gorge [go:d3], abyss [e'bis], cave [keiv], extinct volcano [iks'tirlkt vol'keineu], field, meadow, pasture [pa:stJe], balk [bo:k], wood, edge of wood, forest, grove [greuv], clump of trees, clearing, jungle, desert, ocean, sea! seashore, sea coast, cliff, lake, shore of a lake, bank of a river, stream [stri:rn], torrent [tclrent], waterfall, rapids, spring, source, flow, confluance [konfluens], lead into, estuary [esdueri], mouth, swamp

2. Choose any territory on a map and describe it in detail. 3. Describe your favourite beauty spot in the country.

4. What deciduous and coniferous trees and bushes grow in our country?
deciduous [di'sidjuos]

acacia [e'keiJe], alder [o:lda], ash [afl, aspen [respen], beech [bi:tfl, birch [be:tJ], hornbeam [ho:nbi:m], chestnut [tJesnat], elm,larch fia:tfl,lime [aim], maple [rneipl], oak [auk], poplar [popla], rowan [rauenl, willow Iwileu] - pussy willows

leafy trees:

coniferous trees [keu'niferes]

conifersl spruce [spru:s],

[u:] shrubs fJrabzl: bushes lbufiz] blackthorn [blekOo:n], elderberry [eldeberi], hawthorn lho:0o:nl, hazel-bush [heizl buj] - catkins [kretkins], wild-rose


[f'e:], pine [pain], yew


5. What parts does a plant consist of ? Choose one and describe it. Label the pictures:
root [ru:t], stem [stem], trunk [traqk], bark [ba:k], stump [sramp], branch [bra:ntJ], twig [twig], cone [keun], needle, leaf/leaves, flower, nut, shell, kernel [ke:nel], stone, peel. skin, seed, fruit, core pulp [ko:1, pip
tpip.l, [pa'p]


6. What kinds of berries grow in our country? Which of them do we collect? bilberry [bilberi]' blackberry [blakberi], cranberry [kranberi], currant [karent], elderberry leldeberil, gooseberry [gu:sberi]' raspberry [ra:zberi], rowanberry [raunberi], strawberry [stro:beri]

7. What flowers do you know? Divide them into wild and garden ones, choose one and describe it.
wild and garden flowers: buttercup [batekap], marsh marigold [ma:J merigeuld], violet, cornflower, forget-me-not, anemone [e'nemeni], lily-of-the-valley, primrose [primreuz], dandelion [daendilaien], snowdrop, snowflake, crocus Ikreukes], iris Iaiels], rose' tulip [du:lip], daffodil [drefedil], narcissus [na:'sises], lily [ili], carnation [ka:'neiJen], chrysanthemum

[kri'sren0emem], daisy, ox-eye-daisy, dahlia [deilia], rock plants, be in bloom, (flower-)bud, a bunch IbantJ] of flowers

8. What do people plant in their gardens? What would you like to plant in your garden? fruit trees:
apple tree, pear tree, plum tree, cherry t., wild cherry t., peach t., apricot t., be in blossom, come into leaf, have buds lbadz], orchard [o:tIed]

currants' gooseberries,lilac [lailek], rhododendron Ireude'dendren], azalea [e'zeilja], forsythia Ifo:sai0iel, ivy Iaivi], strawberries vegetables: beetroot, beans, carrots [karets], celeriac Isi'leriak], cucumber Ikju:karnba], garlic Iga:lik],leek Ili:k], parsley [pa:sli], peas [pi:z]' pepper [pepe], onion [anjen], Iettuce [etis], tomato, potato, turnip [te:nip], cabbage [krebidg], savoy [se'voi], Brussels sprouts [braslz sprauts], broccoli [brokeli], horse radish, radish [rredifl, cauliflower [kolif'laue], kohlrabi ['keul'ra:bi j turnip-cabbage, spinach [spinidg], asparagus [es'prerages]

herbs [he:bz]: dill [dil], chives lt[aivz], marjoram [ma:d3erem], parsley

9. What crops are grown in the Slovak Republic? Where are they grown?
plant productionr land under crops

corn, grain [grein]:

wheat [wi:t]' barley, oats [euts], rYe [rai], maize [meiz], rice, soya beans,legumes [legiu:mz] peas,lentils [lentilz], beans; sunflower, mustard, rape, hops, potatoes, sugar-beet [Jugabi:t], flax [flrcks], clover [kleuve], vine/vineyard, poppy seed

10. What work must be done in the garden and in the fields every season? Describe how the countryside changes during the seasons. What tools and machinery help people?

- spade [speid], plough [plau], hoe [heu], rake [reik], sow [seu] -sowed-sown/sowecl the seeds - sowing machine, grow' plant [pla:nt] seedlings, reap [ri:p] corn with a reaper, scythe [said], sickle [sikl], mow grass with a mower Imeue], make hay [hei], weed, flower bed, vegetable patch [pretJ], harvest corn/combine-harvester [ha:viste], pick fruit, gather grapes, dig up potatoes with a potato digger, collect bales lbeilz] of straw [stro:1, make a stack lstrekl of straw, store grain in a silo [saileu], spread manure [me'njue], water, watering can, hose lheuzl, fertilizer Ife:tilaize], prune [pru:n], pruning-scissors/pruners
11. Can you enumerate domestic animals and their young? How can they be useful and what profit do they yield?
livestock production [pre'dakJen], cattle (pig, fish) -breeding, herd [ha:d] of cattle, flock [flok] of sheep cow/bull calf/calves [ka:f, ka:vz], horse-foal [feul], sheep-lamb, goat [haut] - kid, pig - piggy, tom cat/pussy cat - kitten, dog-pup [pap]/puppy, rabbit, poultry (sg.) [paultri], fowls (pl.) [faulz], cock tkokl /hen-chicken, duck - duckling, goose/geese - gosling, pidgeon [pidzan] /dove [dav] - squab [skwob], turkey/turkey hen

dig [dig]

L2. What animals live in the wild in our country? Which of them are mammals, amphibians, fish, reptiles, rodents and predators?
game (birds and animals to hunt and shoot), gamekeeper, forester. hunt [hant], deer [di:e]. roe deer [reu]: roe buck [reu bakl, doe [deu]; stag [steg], hind [haind], fawn [fo:n], fallow [freleu] deer, reindeer [reindiel, elk [elkl / moose [mu:sl (AM), otter [ote], beaver [bi:ve], badger [bredge], hamster [hremste], hedgehog IhedSho-e], squirrel [skwirel]. bear Ibeel, fox, hare [hee], boar [bo:], frog [frog], bat [baet], rat, mouse/mice, mole [meul], wolf [wulfl, snake, grass snake. adder [rede] /common viper [vaipe], bite, creep fkri:p], hiss, poison. poisonous [poizenes]. fish, carp, pike [paik], salmon

[sanen], trout [traut], eel [i:l],lizard [ized])

13. What kinds of birds do you know? Which of them

stay here during winter, which of them migrate? Which of them are predatory birds? Which of them are song birds? Which of them are waterfowl? Which of them do you see and feed in winter?

blackbird, finch [fintfl, bunting [bantiq], jay [d3ei], magpie [magpai], cuckoo [kuku:], nightingale [naitir1-eeil], skylark [skaila:k] sparrow [spereu], swallow [swolau], thrush [0rafl, robin [robin], woodpecker [wudpeke], starling [sta:lir[ tit [tit], stork [sto:k], raven [reivn], crow [kreu], owl [aul], falcon [to:lken], eagle, hawk [ho:k], vulture IvaltJal, (sea-)gull [gal], swan [swon], pheasant [fezent], partridge [pa:trid3], turtle-dove [te:tl dav], nest, budgie IbadSi]

14. Do you know all these insects? Do all of them live in our country? Where and when can you find thern? Which of them are pests and which of them are harmless? Which of them do you detest or are you afraid
Insects (nv bugs [bagz]), harmful [ha:mtel], harmless [ha:rnles], pest [pest], have an aversion to, be afraid of, to fear, flea ffli:], louse/lice [aus, lais], spider [spaide], spin a web, fly [flai], horsefly, butterfly,lady bird (Rv lady bug), fire fly, dragon fly, mosquito [mes'ki:teu]/gnat [nret] AM, may beetle lbi:tl] (AM nraybug), bee/honeybee, bumble bee [bambl bi:1, wasp Iwosp], Colorado beetle/potato beetle, beetle lbi:tl], grasshopper [gra:shope], tick [tik], transfer a disease, scorpion Isko:pjen], ant, ant-hill, cricket [krikit], chirp ltfe:p], snail [sneil], shell, earthworm [e:Owe:m], caterpillar I kae tap i le ], bite-bit-bitten, stin g-stun g-stun g

15. Choose an animal and describe it, say where

it lives and what it feeds on:

size, appearance: head, eyes, ears, mouth, whiskers [wiskez], body,legs, tail [teil], paw [po:], fur [fe:], wing [wit], beak [bi:k], bill, claw [klo:], feathers [fedez]


domestic animal, wild animal, field, wood, water, tree, cave etc. food:
omnivorous creature [om'nivares cri:tJe], feed on seeds, insects, small animals, rodents, eat fruit, vegetables, nuts, hunt, chase, wait in hiding, hibernation [haibe:'neiJen], hibernate [haiba:neit]


What is your favourite region for hiking and why? Describe your last hiking trip.


Environmental protection
Civilization has brought people many advantages but its products als<l pollute and damage the environrnent in which we live. Britain has been implementing policies to protect the environrnent against pollution from industry and other sources for more than a century, while in the Slovak Republic we are only at the beginning. Pollution affects air, warer, land, forests, people, animals and plants. Technology has an important role to play in reducing pollution and developing new lneans for reducing harmlul emissions. It can be used to protect the environment in several ways, including basic chan-ees which result in less waste or pollution and developing ways to recycle materials. Waste materials which were previously clurnped can be cgpverted into useful products. "End-of-pipe" systems can be installed to clean up emissions. And cleaner or less halnful alternative products may be manufactured. Air pollution is the biggest problem in large cities and in areas with concentrated industrial production. Emissions range from smoke, dust, and smells to car and lorry exhausts. Srnoke contains sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide ancl carbgn dioxide which are produced by coal-fired power stations and industrial plants burnin-{ fossil l'uels. Substances such as sulphur dioxide (SOr) and nitrogen oxide (NO) can cause major changes in the environment which can lead to climate changes. These substances mix with water vapour in the atmosphere and form sulphuric acid and nitric acid. Sunli_uht turns these acids into poisonous oxidants which fall in the torm of rain (acid rain) or snow onto trees and -eraclually kill thern. Trees are vitally irnportant for our life because they are the lungs of our planet. They absorb carbon dioxide lrorn the air and give out oxygen in return. In some parts of the world, such as Asia and South America, trees are not threatened by pollution, but by people. The great rain forests are being destroyed for firewood and buikling materials. Since the Amazon rain forest covers an area as large as the whole of Europe and contains one third of the world's trees, scientists believe that it provides 50 per cent of the world's annual production of oxygen. If we lose tropical torests. it will become more difflcult, perhaps even impossible, to breathe. With more carbon dioxide in the air, the temperature will rise; the icecaps at the North and South Poles will melt, and the sea level will rise which will result in the flooding of many coasral

Several gases have been identified as contributing to the "greenhouse effect", which can also cause climate change. Without this ,,greenhouse effect" there could be no lif-e on earth because the earth is wanned up naturally by the atmosphere which traps solar radiation. But manmade atmospheric emissions, such as carbon dioxide (produced by burnin_u fossil fuels). nitrogen oxides (from car exhausts), CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons from aerosol and refrigerators), methane (a byproduct of agriculture frorn rice, cattle and sheep) and water vapour prevent the heat from excaping. The result is a rise in the Earth's temperature, the melting of arctic ice and the flooding of areas situated near sea level. Ozone is another air pollutant that contributes to the "greenhouse effect" at lower atmospheric levels.



produced by the reaction of sunlight on car exhaust fumes and is a rnajor air pollutant in hot summers. On the ground level ozone can cause asthma attacks, corrosion of certain materials and stunted growth of plants which lowers the yields of some crops. On the other hand, ozone forms a layer in the upper atmosphere which protects lif'e on Eerrth from ultraviolet rays, which is a cause of skin cancer. A continent-sized hole has f ormed over Antarctica as a result of darnage of the ozone layer, caused in part by CFCs. Smoke from coal fires which causes smog, also represents a considerable problern in large cities and threatens life. How can the problems of air pollution be solved'l First of all, people should try to use alternative sources of energy, such as solar, water, wind, geothermal and perhaps tidal energies, or at least to burn srnokeless fuels - carbon dioxide emitted by power plants and industrial plants can be reduced by energy etficiency in the generation of power, lbr example by means of combined heat and power schemes to use waste heat from power stations rlore efficiently as well as by switching from coal to high-efficiency gas-fired plants. In industry energy efficiency can be reached by means of low energy lighting or by looking for other sources of energy such as solar energy (mostly for domestic heating) or energy coming fiom rnethane from landfill waste sites, which will also contribute to reducing the threat ol -ulobal wanning. There are more ways to reduce air pollution caused by road traffic. First it is possible to switch freight from road to railways and to support public transportation. Also, people should be encoura-eed to drive at the speed lirnit in order tcl use fuel more efficiently. Another way is to encourage tree planting, because trees absorb carbon dioxide. Then all new petrol-driven cars will have to be fitted with three-way catalytic converters in their exhaust systems which turn dan_eerous gases (oxides of nitrogen - NO*, hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide) into CO", nitro-{en and water vapour. The l'irst commercial autocatalysts in the world were made in Britain in l974.Lead emissions can fall if we reduce lead content in petrol and encourage the use of unleaded petrol. All new cars are also built to run on unleaded petrol and developed countries use a tax advantage to favour the use of it. Among the measures which can reduce the amount of sulphur dioxide are switching from coal to -eas for power generation, greater use of low-sulphur coal, and installation of flue gas desulphurisation plants at some power stations. Water pollution results from harmful industrial processes and households, from pesticides and otlrer chemicals (e.g. fertilizers) used in agriculture, from waste disposal sites, substandard sewage treatment plants and fiom ships. Concentrations of heavy metals, such as mercury, cadmium, lead, or copper are increasin-e. Nitrate can pollute inland waters by leaching from f armland. Much of this comes from organic nitrogen in the soil but some also frorn organic arrd inor,uanic




If we want to have cleaner waterways, some measures must be taken. First, dischar-ees to water frcxn industrial processes should be controlled and the number of sewage treatment plants should be increased. We should also find technologies for saving water and reduce the amount of chemicals. New technologies shoukJ develop environmentally ft'iendly pesticides. Pollution occurring from waste silage effluent or slurry leaking and entering watercourses should be minimized or stopped. To prevent nitrate leaching into water, fanners can change their farming practices. for example by growing "green cover" crops in the autumn to take up residual nitrogen.Internationalagreements control oil discharges and dumping of land-generated wastes. Oil and chernical spills from ships at sea are dealt with by chernical dispersants spread
onto it from specially equipped aircrafl. Soil can become contaminated as a result of industrial waste and other causes. Much domestic rubbish is disposed in landfills. Waste disposal should be controlled and maintained properly. How do we reduce the waste which seerns of to -qrow more and more'l Before waste is landfilled, it can be treated in other ways to reduce the volunre o1'landfill it takes up - e.g. it can be shredded or compressed into bales. But in many cases landfill can be avoided by re-using, recycling or energy recovery from the waste rnaterial. A great deal of industrial waste has traditionally been reclairned. Not only bottle bins or containers. but also can containers. plastic containers and paper containers should be installed where the public can deposit used glass containers. cans, plastic and waste paper for recycling. Dornestic rubbish should be sorted out too. Kitchen garbage and galden waste of organic origin can be composted and turned into fertilizer. Organic waste in landfills can be re-used in the form of bio-sas u'hich comes from natural decay. Litter, dust and rubbish in the streets also threaten the environment. Everybody knows that it is u rong to littcr h'ut many people still do it. The law should be stricter on those who break the rule and flnes should be introduced lor dumpinr

Land can also become contaminated by radioactive substances. More than 80 pr-r cent ot'radiation to \r hich the public is exposed, corles from natural sources. Only about a thousandth of the total comes lrom the disposal or discharge of radioactive waste. Strict controls should be placed over the storage. use and disposal of radioactive substances. The storage of spent nuclear tuel is being discussed, but generally such waste has to be stored in concrete blocks tbr at least 50 years to allow much of the heat and radioactivity to decay. People should also be aware of the hazard posed by naturally-occurring radon gas. Noise poses a considerable problem for many people. It results in stress, lack of concentreltion, def'ective hearing or sleeplessness. Neighbourhood noise can be tackled in various ways. First of all, we should be considerate to one another. Noise from new motor vehicles and aircrafi is regulated. Airport services are restricted at ni-eht. Environmental protection should also include animal and plant protection because the balancc ol species o1' plants and animals has also been affected by human activities, Some animals are protected (bats. badgers). others (otters, solne species of birds, such as owls) are bred in captivity for release in the wild so they have the best chance of survival. The introduction of new species (e.g. Colorado beetle or the grey squirrel) should be strictly controlled or even prohibited, because their increase in number can easily slip out of control. The establishment of National Parks and nature reserves provide protection, and also provide opportunities for outdoor recreation. Contaminated land sites are reclaimed and turned into parks. Trees are protected and new ones are planted. Green belts have been established around major cities in Britain (London, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Manchester) to provide some place for recreation and also to assist in urban regeneration. What is the way out of these problems? It is evident that life, health and the environment are closely bound together. Let us hope that common sense will win over ignorant and unscrupulous people. Remedies will not only be achieved by the important decisions of politicians but also by our everyday behaviour.

Questions on the text:

13. How do catalytic converters work'l What areas does pollution atfect? 14. How does water pollution occur'l What is the role of technology in reducing pollution'l 15, What can be done to reduce water pollution? What causes air pollution and what kind of I6. How is land pollution caused'? emissions are emitted into the air? 17. What are the possibilities of re-usin-e waste materials'l How can acid rain be caused'? 18. How can we -eet rid of waste of all kinds'l How does acid rain affect our environment? 19. What can be done with rubbish in the streets'? for lite on earth'l Why are trees important 20. How can we prevent contamiation from radioactive Explain the "-ereenhouse effect". waste? How does ozone act in the atmosphere? What kind of climate changes can air pollution cause? 2l. What causes noise pollution and how can we reduce it? 22. What kind of protection do animals and plants need'l What are the ways of reducing air pollution? 23. Why are green belts around large cities established? How does car exhaust pollute the environment'l What measures can we take to reduce air pollution by
road traffic?


environment [in'vaierenmant], pollute [pe'lu:t], pollution [pe'lu:Jen], pollutant [pe'lu:tent], contaminate Iken'tremineit], contaminant [ken'trminent], emit Ii'mit], emission [i'mifan], poison [poizan], poisonous [poizenes], global [,uleubel] warming' measure [me3e], dump [damp], dumping, discharge [dis'tfa:d3], waste [weistl, rubbish [rabifl, garbage [ga:bifi]' disposal [dis'peuzel], leak [i:k], fossil fuel [fbsl fjuel], efficiency [i'fiJansi], sewage [sju:icl3], sewage treatment works/plant, exhaust fumes [ig'zo:st fju:mz], ultraviolet rays Ialtrevailetreiz],catalytic converter Ikaete'litik ken'va:tel, autocatalyst [o:ta'kntalist], unleaded [an'ledid] petrol, be disposed of [dis'peuzd], waste disposal, tandfill, shred, compress, litter, litter bin, storage [sto:rid3], store, radon [reidan], power generation [paue d3ene'reiJen], dispersant [dis'pe:sont], recycle [ri'saikl], recovery [ri'kaveri], compost Ikompostl, natural decay InetJerl di'kei], flue gas desulphurisation [f1u: grs disalfjuerai'zeifn] plant

1. Find the written form of the chemicals in the text:
[ka:ben mo'noksaid] Ika:ben dai'oksaid] Ihyidro'ka:ben] Isalfe dai'oksaid] Inaitred3an oksaid] [oksidgen] Iklore'fluereka:ban] fwo:te veipe]

Inaitrik resid]
[sal'fJuerik resid] Imi:Oein]



Ikope] lreidenl


2. What are the main air pollutants and where do they come from?
Match the source with the pollutant: smoke, dust, smell, exhausts [ig'zo:sts], soot [sut]. methane. chlorofluorocarbons
power plants aerosols [eerasol] ........., cars, lorries ........., by-product from raisin_q cattle refri_terators households ........., factories burning fossil fuels ........,., coal fire, cigarettes ........., quarries Ikworiz]

3. What are the ways of reducing air pollution? Refer to the text:


b) c) d) and

......... to

.. from

landfill waste sites .. and support

e) to encourage ...........

....... because trees

.. in petrol and encourage the use


g) h)

to fit cars with ........ to reduce to reduce the amount

coal and by installation of

of sulphur dioxide by the use of

4. What

causes water

pollution and how can it be reduced? Refer to the text:

suitable measures

b) chemicals

fromagriculture (f'ertilizers) lfe:tilaize], pesticides fpestisaidz]-

d) waste disposal sites [weist dis'peuzl saits] (silage effluent Isailidg'efluent] e) oil and chemical spills [spilz] from ships



5. How can soil become contaminated? How can we avoid landfills? Refer to the text:
a) in order to reduce the volume of landfill, we can... b) by reclaiming [ri'kleimiq] which means c) people can deposit [di'pozit] used glass containers, d) kitchen garbage and garden waste can be e) organic waste in landfills can be ...........

cans, plastic, waste paper in ............

and turned into ......... ....... in the form of.............

6. What does animal and plant protection involve?

balance of species [spi:Ji:z], affect [e'f'ekt], bat [bret], badger lbaedge], otter [ote], owl [eul], be bred in captivity [krep'tiviti], release [ri'li:s] in the wild, Colorado beetle lbi:tl], squirrel [skwiral], slip out of control, establish national parks and nature reserves [ri'ze:vz], reclaim [ri'kleirn] land, green belts

7. What can you personally do to protect the environment?

save water (have a shower rather than a bath) save energy (switch off the light when leavin-e)

sort out waste and put it into containers provided, compost kitchen garbage use deodorant sprays without CFC gases




put litter only into litter bins. not in the street not be noisy in the woods. nclt pick flou'ers and hranch,.-. not use many f'ertilizers in the gardc'n use public transport or unleaded prtrol

8. What environment would you like to live in? Whatenvironrnent'*'ill vour*seneration

grobabll inherir.l\th1

is the environment bound with our health and life? What rneasures should we take to improve the environrrrnt.)


Weather, Time
The Slovak Republic has a moderate continental climate. There are some dift'erences between summer and winter but they are not so big. A year is divided into four seasons: spring, summer, autumn (fall) and winter. Each season lasts about three months and is attractive in some way. Spring begins on the 2lst March. Manypeople consider spring and summer the most beautiful seasons of the year and that is why or that is just because they usually fall in love in spring and take their holicJay in summer. Nature begins to awake fiom its long winter sleep and new life begins. Nights shorter ancl days get lon_Eer. -eet There is more sunshine and it becomes warmer and warmer. The thaw sets in, the snow melts and rivers and strearns swell and there may be f'loods in the regions through which the rivers pass. Soon in gardens and woods the first flowers appear: white snowdrops and snowflakes, yellow marsh marigolds, dandelions and daffodils, blue forget-me-nots. coloured crocuses and tulips, purple violets, and catkins and chestnuts corne into blossom. Birds such as swallows, starlings, cuckoos come back from the south and we can hearr their singing again.
The weather in spring, especially in April is really unpredictable and changeable. The ternperatures are often below

zeto at night although days may be quite warm. Sometimes the sun shines and soon after it is overcast or it sleets. pours with rain or it may even snow. One cannot go out without a raincoat ancl a thick sweater, boots. a cap or even -uloves. But when it clears up, the air is fresh and people go for walks and enjoy the goocl weather. June 2l is the date when summer begins. Scholchildren love this season best because they have two rnonths' holidays ahead. Everybody starts to be more interested in the weather because people set out on journeys and take holidays. The temperature rises to 25"C or more and we may have many fine days in a row. In the mornin-u there is often clew, the sky is clear and bright, it is sunny and dead cahn, no wind blows and sometimes we suffer from a heat wave which means that the weather is sultry, hot and dry and even the water is too warm to bring lefreshment to swimmers. If it stays fine toct long, it becomes unbearable and we wish the rain would come. When the drou-eht lasts too long the land becomes arid and both people and nature long for rain. In summer rain often comes in the form of a storm. All of a sudden the sky clouds over, it dark and cools -uets down, abreeze changes into a strong wind and the storm is about to break. Then there is a crash of thunder ancl a flash of lightning and a heavy downpour. People who happen to be outside seek shelter from the rain but still otten they _Eet wer ro the skin. It is dangerous to stand under a tree during a storm because the lightning might hit it. Occirsionally a windstonn can rise and it starts hailing or there is a cloudburst. After the storm dies down a rainbow may appear in the sky and you can see pools of water and puddles everywhere. Summer is also the tirne fbr strawberries, bilberries. raspberries. blackberries and cranberries and the harvest of corn. At the beginning of September when the school year begins, sufilmer in reality is over and on the 23rd Septernber autumn comes. In autumn the sun sets earlier and rises later and days get shorter. The nice weather breaks althou-qh we can still enjoy a f-ew fine days of Indian summer. In the gardens it is the time of harvest, we pick apples, pears and plums as well as gather potatoes and sugar beet. Grass turns yellow and gets dry. We are delighted with the colours of leafy trees in the woods. The leaves of maples, birches, ashes, beeches, oaks and larches becclme tinted yellow. orange. brown and red and make a lovely contrast with evergreen conifers (firs, pines, spruces). Many people go rnushroorning. This colourful period does not last long because soon the trees shed their leaves and by Novernber they will be bare. Birds flock together and set out on the journey to the south. In autumn the weather is unsettled, the sky is ofien cloudy, mornin-es are dull and it looks like rain. It usually does not clear up by day. As the temperature continues to drop, it becomes damp, chilly, wet and rainy and it may dnzzle. There may be passing showers, sometimes it rains on and off fbr a lon-{ time, or it rains steadily. People refer to the weather as awful, wretched or nasty. The first frosts come and in the morning there may be hoarfrost on the grass andhaze or fog, and a cold wind blows from the north. In the highlands the velocity of wind is usually higher and a strong wind or a windstonn may cause devastation. No wonder that in such a weather one may get cold easily and catch a cold or flu. According to the calendar, winter comes on December 21, but in fact it ofien begins earlier. Typical winter weather brings snowfall, icy wind and hard frosts. We can enjoy skiing in the mountains and hills covered with a thick layer of flul'ly snow and we adrnire the winter landscape. Sornetimes the wind piles up snowdrifts along the roads and snowploughs rnust be used to clear the snow and make the blocked roads passable again. Children enjoy their winter pleasures, such as throwing snowballs, building snowfilen, sledging, sliding and skatin-{ on lakes and streams that are fl'ozen over. The temperature sometimes drops to as low as some 20"C below zero and then the frclst binds the ground, the snow crunclres underfoot, the hands get numb and stiff and fingers tingle with cold. If people go out without caps ernd rnittens rlr slovcs. they can sulfer f}om frostbite. The roads become icy and slippery and it makes driving hazardous because you can skid easily. It often snows but it is pleasant to watch snowl'lakes from a cosy warm room and icicles that hang trom the rool'. In such a severe and long winter gardeners often become worried about their fruit trces and -ramekcepers about the game which may freeze to death and that is why they have to feed the anirnals. Fortunately winters like that are rare in the temperate zone. As the clirnate gets warmer, we rniss a real winter more and more. But no matter what kind of winter it is, finally the frost lets up and the thaw sets in. the snow melts and paths are full of rnud and slush. Spring corles earlier to the lowland while in the highlands snow-capped hills and rnountains look beautiful till April.


il t

$ g xi

But sometimes even in summer icy winds start blowing and it pours with rain and we shiver with cold in the tents and curse the weather because our holiday is spoilt. Nature is unpredictable ancl you can never rely upon the weather, which
makes it a frequent topic of a conversation.


Questions on the text:

1. Why are spring and summer preferred by most people? 2. What is the countryside like in spring? 3. What spring flowers can you name?

4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

What kind of birds do you know'l What is the weather like in spring? What kind of weather is typical of summer?
Describe a storm.

10. What trees do not change colour in autumn and what trees do? I 1. What kind of fruit and vegetables do we harvest in autumn'J 12. Why do people ofien curse the weather in autumn'l 13. What are typical children's winter garnes'l 14. What is typical winter weather like'l 15. Why is it dangerous to drive in winter'J 16. How can people, animals and trees sul'fer in winter'l

17. How does the countryside change when the thaw sets in'l
18. How can the weather spoil a trip or holiday'/

What berries do people collect in summer'l 9. How does the weather change in autumn'l

days get shorter/longer, weather becomes warmer, the sky is clear, it keeps fine. sunshine. rind. dood- storm- tbc nice weather is breaking, it is turning bad, Indian summer, the sun set9rises. zunse L sunrise. grass urc yclo'r erd dry, leafy trees, thick layer of snow, the frost breaks up, icy road. road coated nith ice. 15q rhrr [tr: j scb -. f b thawing [0o:ifl, snow melts [melts], swell-swelled+wollen [su'el, s*'eld, s*'auln]. a/to flood It]adJ. cm into Hm [blosem], temperature [tempritJe] rises/goes up/temperature drops [dropsJ/ gocs dorn/fd]r dew [dju:|, rnbcarebh [an'beerabl], harvest [ha:vist], conifers [konifez], go mushrooming [gao nnfru:miql, tres shed leaves [Jed li:r'zJ, bare [bee], flock [flok] together, unsettled [an'setld], awful [o:fal], wretched [retjid], nasty [na:sti], dull [dal], snowplough [sneuplau], gamekeeper [geimki:pa], shiver [Jrve] with cold, curse [ka:s] the weather, mud [madJ, slush [slafl

L. Describe various kinds of weather in different ways:
a) rainy weather
to cloud over, be/become overcast [euvek:st], it looks like rain, wet, humid [hjumid], rainy, chilly ltIrli], it is drizzling [drizlirl], passing showers, it is pouring [po:rir1] with rain, it has been raining on and off for a long time, a/to sleet

Isli:t], downpour [daunpo:], cloudburst Iklaudbe:st]

b) sunny weather clear and bright sky, sunshine, the sun is shining [Jainiq], sunny, dry, drought, heat wave, great heat, sultry heat lsaltri hi:t], stifling heat [staiflirl hi:t], the weather is dead calm c) windy weather
a cold wind is blowing, breeze [bri:z], a strong wind, windstorm, hurricane [hariken], blow-blew-blown [bleu, blu:


d) foggy weather thin mist [Oin mist], haze [heiz], be hazy, dense fog, be foggy, to ascend [e'send], to descend ldi'send]

children's winter games slide Islaid], sled(ge) [sled, sled3], toboggan [ta'bogn], skate, ski, throw snowballs, build snowmen

f) winter landscape
hoarfrost ['ho:'frost], a hard frost comes, a lake frozen over, the frost has bound the ground, freeze-froze-frozen Itri:2, freuz, fi'euzan], freeze over, freeze to death, the frost lets up/breaks up, snow crunches [krantJiz], snowflake Isnaufleik], to snow, snowfall, fluffy snow [flafi], snowdrift [sneudrift], piled up by the wind, icicle [aisikl], feed g) What inconveniences may winter weather bring? the hands get numb [nam], stiff [stifl, fingers tingle with cold [tiryel1, mittens [mitns], frostbite [trostbait], slippery lsliparil, it is slippery outside, skid [skid], pavements and roads are icy


2. Name

(See the topic Nature

as many items of each of the following as you know. for vocabulary if necessary.)
b) spring



c) birds

3. What season of the year do you prefer and why?

(Include temperature, sunshine, wind, rain, countryside, people's activities)

4. How does the weather influence our mood, health,travelling?

good/bad weather, be in one's best mood, be in a good/bad temper, feel well/unwell, be optimistic/pessimistic, encourage sb to work. be inclined to work. feel happy, merry, sad, sentimental, melancholic, be full of energy, active, take pleasure in small joys, cheer up, be eager to do things, take a rosy view, be a man of action. dull weather, see everything in dark colours, have problems, be slow, sleepy, lazy, tired, to depress, depression, be moody, be out of humour/spirits, be in a -uood/bad mood, heart attack

5. Compare the climate in the Slovak Republic, Great Britain, USA, Canada and Australia.
(Use the book Some Basic Facts about the English Speaking Countries by the same authors moderate, temperate, subtropical, continental, oceanic, arctic, dry, humid




6. Do you understand these weather forecasts? What season do they refer to?
morning it will turn more cloudy with perhaps a few showers or stolrns occuring mostly in the east. But during the day it will clear up and it will be sunny and hot. Wind light south-westerly. Temperature lOoC at night, 25"C by day. 2. It will be sunny at times. However there will be some showers most of these occurring in the morning. The showers will become occasional and light during the afternoon. Wind moderate westerly. Temperature 7oC. 3. General outlook. Many places will be clear and frosty, allowing ice patches to develop on the roads. At daybreak there will be some scattered showers about, especially in the morning. In between the showers there will be some sunshine. It will be quite a cold day, this allowing snow to develop in the north particularly on the hills and higher ground.

I. It will be dry, clear and warm for much of the night, but towards

7. Describe the weather in Europe and the forecast for the next day. What today? What is the outlook for tomorrow?
Pay attention to these structures:

is the weather forecast

There is sunshine in Spain. (noun) It will be sunny in Spain. (adjective) The sun will shine in Spain. (verb) It will rain in Spain.

Today: In the morning it was ..... Later in the day it got ..... Now it's getting..... In the evening (ni-eht) .....

Tomorrorv: I think it'll bc- ..... It ma1 .....

It's going lo .....

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8. What is the best way of forecasting the weather?

Example: A red sunset usually means stormy weather

Can you forecast the weather from clouds, the moon or the behavior of birds and insects? Do you know any superstitions or sayings (proverbs) about the weather? the next day.

A ring around the moon is a sign of coming rain or snow.

Thunderstorms sometimes cause milk to sour.

- barometer, thermometer, weather house, rheumatism - the evening sky, a star - lit (starless) night, full moon, a circle around - satellite, weather balloon, weatherchart or any other scientific way - centenary calendar, sayings and proverbs about the weather

the moon (sun), behavior of anirnals...

9. Describe changes of the weather during a weekend, the weather on a trip or a storm.
a strong wind rises, get dark, cool down, the storm is about to break, to hail [heil]/hail/hailstone/hailstorm, heavy downpour [daunpo:], cloudburst [klaudbast], seek [si:k] shelter [Jeltel, get wet to the skin, the thunder [0ande] rolls, a crash of thunder, the lightning fiaitniq] has struck a tree/at a lightning conductor, a flash ltlaef] of lightning, the

storm dies down, clear up, rainbow

10. Act short dialogues about time:

Can you tell me the time, please? Could you tell me the right time, please? What time is it? What time is it by your watch? What's the time? Have you got the time, please? Would you mind telling me the time, please'l

two o'clock sharp

past two by my watch not tw<l o'clock yet at seven sharp (e-ract\' at seven) twenty to three/a quarter to three

How time flies.

The time drags. take (up) much time take up sb's time It's a waste of time. on time/in time every other day time signal I have no watch on me.

by half past eight half past two/a quarter past two It's getting on for ten.
Just gone six. on the stroke of seven for the time being in no tirne

suddenly/all of a sudden one hour fasVfive minutes slow my watch is fast/slow


Use these expressions

in a sentence or in a context:

by day, in the day-time, in the morning, at day-break, at sunrise, at dawn [do:n], at noon (at midday), at lunchtime, at sunset, at dusk, tonight, at midnight, on Sunday night, tomorrow night, last night, late at night, get dark age, era [iere], epoch [i:pok], in the course of the century, all the year round, leap'year [li:p], season' in spring, at the height of summer, Indian summer, in the depth of winter, what date is it (what's the date'/), July the first (the first of July), it falls on a Monday, in two weeks' time


For many people in our country food, eating, sometimes also cooking, is a downright pleasure. There ale some people who eat just once a day - they have one continuous meal, others are figure-conscious and try to fast, cut down on some tat and sugar, or go on a slimming diet. For many others cooking and eating is a nuisance and they do not care much about meals. On the whole we eat more than the British or Americans do and our fbod is known to be less healthy. The Slovaks are used to eating many floury, sweet and fatty meals, such as dumplings, pastry (cakes, sweets), fat pork and sausages. Our food should consist of more vegetables, fruit, lean meat, poultry and fish which woulcl supply our bodies with more vitarnins and minerals. There is no expression in English for "dobrf chut"', which perhaps reflects the En-ulish attitude to food.

In different parts if Britain people have diff-erent eating habits. They have five or six rneals a clay: breakfast, elevenses (a morning snack), lunch, tea, dinner and later perhaps supper. The British like to begin the day with a nice cup of coffee or tea in bed early in the morning. Then rhey have a leisurely breakfast, they do not like to hurry. Unlike the Slovaks who have their morning cup o1'coffbe or tea, a roll or a slice of btead, some cheese, salami, or a cake in haste, the English take their time having breakfast. The renowned English breakfast starts with a glass of juice and a cereal, usually cornflakes with rnilk or cream and sugar, or porridge. This will be followed by fried or grilled bacon and eggs, sausages and -erilled tomatoes or spicy beans in tomato sauce, or kippers. They round off with many cups of coffee rather than tea ancl buttered tclast and marmalade (the toast is not fried but dry and by marmalade they mean preserves made of citrus fl'uits, usually oranges, containing small pieces of orange peel which give it a slightly bitter flavour). But such a substantial breakfast is not as common as it used to be, it is served in hotels or reastilurants if you ask for English breakfast or at weekends when people have tnore time. For most Englishrnen breakl'ast is a bowl of cereal lollowed by toast and marmalade, and coff'ee or tea, of course. In the middle of the morning they have elevenses. which is usually not more than a cup of coft'ee and hiscuits. Sometimes, often at weekends. when they get up later, they have brunch. a combination meal u hich r\ crrr'n l'or breakf.r.rr and lunch. The midday rneal is generally called lunch and is usually fairl-v- light. Ii it is the main rrr.rl t f rhe &l - "r :r.-r''r r. at Christmas or may be on Sunday, it is called dinner. Lunch often consists of a hot dish r for erarrgle rtup rf lrru ga: Ls carte in a restaurant), a salad, ham and cheese sandwiches. pizza. hamburgers and a de;sert- The :rrup ;3n he ;tr's:rn lus:. vegetable or chicken) or thick, such as cream of tomato, cauliflower. celery or mushroom. The Slovak midday rneal is the main meal of the day (the English would call it dinner rhen). \\-e can hare ir an home, at (works) canteens or dining halls, cafeterias or in a restaurant. It is usually a three-course nreal r,r'hich consisrs of soup, the main course and a dessert. An aperitif and an hors d'oeuvre are served only on festive occassions. As lor soup we can choose from bouillon, clear (beef, chicken, vegetable, with liver-balls) soups and thick soups (potato. tripe and tish soup, crearn of mushroom, celery, cauliflower or tomato). The Slovak menu ofien offers roast pork with dumplings or potato dumplings and cabbage or sauerkraut. Another typical main dish is a liied pork chop with boiled potatoes or chips and a vegetable (lettuce, cucumber or tomato) salad, Vienna steak with potato salad or goulash with dumplin_es. Sometimes another Slovak speciality is prepared - dumplings with cottage cheese. As a dessert fruit (li'esh or stewed), plain or with whipped cream, ice cream, sundaes, or custard with fruit are cornmonly eaten. Slovak beer or any of the sofi drinks (mineral water, coke, lemonade, juice or just soda) are served with it. Around four o'clock it is teatime. While in our country an afternon snack is not coffnrlon, in Britain it is a special occasion. The traditional tea consists of thin slices of white or brown bread and butter with cheese, lish or ham, perhaps some vegetables, and jam (made of other kinds of fruit than citruses), cakes, f ruit pies, biscuits and tea or coff'ee which in England are drunk with rnilk unless you ask for black coffee or only tea. Nowadays many people do not eat much at teatime but they have at least one cup of cof'fee or tea. The hot dinner which is served around 7 o'clock may have three or four courses. It consists of soup or some other starter, then the main course (meat and fish with vegetables) which is followed by a dessert and finally perhaps cheese and biscuits. The meat may be a stew, chops, a meat pie, a roast joint or fish if it is Sunday, with potatoes and one or two of the other vegetables (carrots, beans, peas, Brussels sprouts, cabbage or broccoli). Beef and rnutton or lamb are much more favoured than pork. As a dessert they may have lruit, fruit salad, fiuit pie, fruit cake, pudding with custard, jelly with cream, trifle or ice cream. With the meal they may have beer, cider or wine. They finish their dinner with coffbe rather than tea. Eating habits in the North of England and Scotland differ sli,ehtly. Between five and six they may have high tea. Sorne light dish as fish (fresh, tinned or srnoked), ham, sausages, eggs or cheese is lollowed by horne made bread, buns. biscuits, cakes and cups ol'coffee and tea. Later in the evening more tea. cocoa, milk, sandwiches. bread and butter. cheese. cakes and biscuits may be eaten as supper. Also people in the South rnay have supper if they stay up late at ni_eht. It consists of sandwiches, cold meat, vegetables, sofile milk, tea or coffee. The Slovak evening meal is not so nutritious if people have a hot rneal at rnidday. It rnay be sorne cold meat, ralami, ham, cheese, eggs, bread or rolls and some vegetables. Some people prefer a hot rneal too. They rnay have pancakes. fntato pancakes, p\zza, stews or goulash with bread, casseroles, risotto or pasta with rneat sauce. Some people rnay have .r similar dish as at midday except soup, althou-gh some thick soup with bread may be a separate evening meal.


On some special occasions such as Christmas, traditional fbod is served both in Britain and in our country. Fish soup, fried carp and potato salad are commonly made for Christmas Eve. As a dessert home made sweets and apple strudel are served. There is no traditional meal for Christmas Day, but many lamilies prepare roast _qoose with clumplings and cabbage. Wiener schnitzel with potato salad, or roast turkey with potatoes. There is a superstition about New Year's Day dinner. You should not have any poultry on that day, otherwise you will miss your goocl luck in the next year. The British Christmas Day meal is roast turkey with chestnut stufflng, potatoes and the renowned Christmas puclding and mince pies
as a sweet.

When travelling we cannot observe the traditional scheme of daily meals. Usually we have to eat out, in a restaurant, a cafeteria, a snack bar, a fast food restaurant, or just at a refreshment stall in the street. You can get frankfurters with a slice of bread and mustard, hot dogs, hamburgers, chips or pancakes and some drinks there. In the past the British cuisine did not enjoy a very good reputation. But it has improved considerably. Also the renowned English picnic has changed because people like more comfort today.

Questions on the text:

l. Compare different attitudes to food and eating. 2. Why is our food considered to be unhealthy? 3. How does breakfast in our country differ from the British breakfast?
4. What do elevenses and brunch mean'l 5. What does the Slovak and British midday meal look

6. What does traditional English tea consist of'? 7. When and where is high tea served'l 8. Compare the British and Slovak evening meal. 9. What do people in Britain and irr our counry eat at
Christmas tirne'l 10. Where and what do people eat when they travel'/ I l. What do you know about eating habits in the USA'/



uncounrable, C


food (U, that which can be eaten by people or animals), foodstuff (C, material used as food), meal (C, occasion of eatin-e, food that is eaten), course (C, one of the several parts of a meal, e.g. fish), dish (C, shallow, flat-bottomed vessel of earthenware, glass, metal from which food is served at table; food brought to table on or in a dish), cook, make/prepare a meal, menu, be hungry, be thirsty, appetizer [epitaize] (taken in order to give an appetite), starter, hors d'oeuvre [o:'de:vez], (dishes or food served at the beginning of a meal as a relish), soup, main course dish, dessert [di'ze:t], soft drinks, spices, dumplings, gravy (uice which comes from meat while it is cooking, sauce made trorn this), sauce (liquid or serni-liquid preparation served with some kinds of food to give flavour), flavour (U, sensation of taste and smell, distinctive taste,-U, C, quality of substance made known by taste, e.g. by putting some on the tongue), preserve [pri'z.e:v], cutlet (thick slice of meat or flsh cooked separately for one person), chop (thick slice of meat with a bone in it, cooked lor one person), stuffing/stuffed, pastry, pasta, pie (meat or fruit covered with paste and baked in a deep dish),lean/fat meat, nutritious Inu:triJes], cuisine [kvi'zi:n], nourishment InariJmont], teetotaller [ti:teutle], table cloth, canteen, cafeteria.
snack bar, restaurant

1. Group the following words into these categories:

Giblets [dsiblits]:

Cereals Isiarielz]: Fast food: Others:

tripe [traip] soup, cream of mushroom, chicken bouillon [bujoq], fish soup, steak, veal paprika [vi:l paeprike], leg
of lamb, Vienna steak/Wiener schnitzel [wi:naJnicl] (AM), casserole [kresereul], stew [stju:], goulash [-eu:lreJ], oysters [oistez], mutton, kidney [kidni], braised [breizd] liver, poultry [peultri], roast turkey [te:ki], leg of venison [e_u ev venznl, fish fingers/sticks (nv), custard [kasted], fillet [filit] of plaice [pleis], a pork chop, (meat)/ball, jelly, rice, spaghetti [spe'geti], pasta [pa:ste], noodles, roast potatoes, clear soup, thick soup, chocolate cake, gingerbread ldlindge bred], sundae [sandei], pancake [prenkeik], trifle [traifl] (sweet dish made ol white of eggs, crealn, cake, jarn), cornflakes, porridge [poridg], vanilla ice, scrambled eggs lskraembld], grilled chicken, bread and butter, soft boiled egBs, sponge [spanfi] cake, cheese cake, pistachio ice cream [pis'ta:Jiau], pineapple [painrepll, ice, plain water, rum,


soft drink, dry wines, black coffee, strong tea, aperitif [e'peritit] (nv), champagne fJrem'pein], scotch and soda, cognac [konjrek], vodka, bottled and draught [dra:fi] beer, instant coffee, buttermilk, Turkish coffee, jelly and cream [kri:rnl, pizza [pice], risotto [ri'zoteu], fried carp and potato salad, vegetable soup, salami [se'la:mi], sausages [sosid3iz], prawns [pro:nz], shrimps [Jrirnps], rabbit, doughnut [daunat], kipper, pAt6 [pa:tei], frankfurter [ti'erlkfa:tel, ham, bacon, roast meat loaf, veal cutlet [katlit], rumpsteak [ramsteik], sirloin [se:loin] with cream sauce [so:s], mackerel [rnaekreel], gammon rolls [geman reulz],stuffed pork chop [stattpo:k tjop], beef, apple strudel [stru:dl],melon, pickled gherkins [ge:kinz]

) Add some more vegetables

and fruits (for other vocabulary see Nature, ex. 8, 9)

Enumerate root/leafy vegetables, legumes and fruits.

3. Which of the following kitchen equipment have you got in your kitchen? What do you use the

objects for? What else have you got and what do you need it for? Try

to match each verb with a suitable noun where nouns are missing (e. g.put the potatoes in the pot, make the meat balls .....):

put, add, wash, use, make, cover, pour cut (into srnall cubes), peel, slice, chop, fry, roast (meat), bake (a cake), stew, heat, stir [sta:1, mix, knead Ini:dl. rise. yeast dough, batter [breta], work the dough [deu], roll out with a rolling pin, boil, simmer, melt. dissolve. sprinkle. garnish [ga:niJ], grate [greit] on a grater, strain [strein] with a strainer, mince [rnins] rvith a mincer. beat flat. bread. season, warm up, whip with a whisk, mash, grease, grill, smoke/smoked meat cup, saucer, bowl, plate, glass, knife, fork, spoon, teaspoon, bottle and tin opener. garlic pressr lemon squeczcr [skwi:ze], kitchen scales [skeilz], corkscrew [ko:kskru:], whisk [wisk]. wooden spoons. soup ladle fleidll.lirl. prcssurr tprefe] cooker, saucepan, frying pan, casserole, pot, teapot, dish, baking tin gas/electric stove, microwave [rnaikrauweiv] oven [avan], coffee-maker, dish-washer, (hand-held ] dectric mirer. n-ash up, wash the dishes

4. What meals can you cook? How do you prepare them?

dish or a typical Slovak dish).

What's your favourite dish'l Do you know all the

words for the ingredients and spices? Study the following recipe and then write a recipe of your own (tol your favourite

baking powder, yeast [ji:st], vinegar [vinige], mustard lmastad], Worcester sauce [wuste'so:s], soya sauce [soie], dressing, fat, margarine ['ma:d3a'ri:n], oil, bacon, raisin [reizn], currant [karent], spices [spaisiz], allspice, caraway (seed) lkaerawei], curry powder, pepper, paprika, chilli powder, cinnamon, cloves [kleuvz], bay [bei], basil lbrezil], nutmeg [natmeg], mace [meis], sage [seidg], rosemary [rauzrnari], a clove of garlic

Broccoli Pudding Ingredients: 1.5 kg broccoli

500 g potatoes 500 g tomatoes

I large onion olive oil



I glass


2. 3. 4.

5. 6.

Wash the broccoli and cut into f-lowerets. Peel and slice the potatoes and the onion. Chop the tomatoes roughly. Put a few tablespoons olive oil in the bottom of a f-lameproof dish and add onion, potatoes, broccoli and tornatoes in layers, ending with a layer ot tomatoes. Spoon oil over top of vegetables, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Add I glass water, cover and cook slowly on top of stove or in oven 180 "C for about one hour, until vegetables are tender. Shake the dish from time to time during cooking. Serve immediately in the cooking dish.

5. Do you understand this menu? Practice dialogues in a restaurant.

Discuss the taste of the food (use the following structures):

\\'hat would you like/will you have'l \\'hich do you prefer/like better, A or B'l Id like to have ..... And you? \f,'hat does the ..... taste like'l Hou'do you like the .....'l
Hou''g the .....?

I'd like .....

I'll haveA'd rather I pref'er .....


That's the ..... like?

It's tasty/very nice/too hot/too thicUrnuch too spicy/rather I i gh tl y co ld/overcooo ked /rather b i tter/s o u r /j u s t l'i n e/ri -eht/s offTrnuch too sweet/ too rich/ tender/ tough/too fatl slightly burnt /well done/ /underdone It tastes nice/like dishwash./ It's absolutely tasteless. There's not enough salt in it.


We proudly offer some of our finest entrees, complete with dessert and a
Potato Soup or Garden Salad. M0lIllAY'FRl[[Y,

non-alcoholic beverage, plus your choice of one: French 0nion Soup, Baked

4:00'8:00 PM

STUTFED CHICKEN BREAST Filled with savory herb and garlic cheese. Lightly-breaded. sauteed and topped with dill butter sauce. With Houlihan s Smashed Potatoes and sugar
snap peas.


CAJUltl SHRIMP Lightly-fried shrimp with creamy cole slaw. natural+ut fries and Cajun sauce.
TOP SlRL0lN STEAK Topped with fresh sauteed
mushrooms. Served with Houlihan s Smashed Potatoes.

*SlZZLlt{G FAJITAS Char-grilled beef. chicken

or combination with bell peppers, onion, fresh pico de gallo, guacamole, sour cream, cheddar cheese and mild salsa. Served on a sizzling hot skillet.

SHRIMP AND ABTICH0KE GRILLE Skewered shrimp and artichoke hearts simply seasoned with lresh herbs and
grilled, Served on "7-vegetable" rice pilaf. CHICKEN FINGERS With creamy cole slaw and natural-cut fries, Honey-mustard sauce for dipping.

BARBECUED BACK RIBS Tender and meaty. Char-broiled and basted in tangy Kansas City-style barbecue sauce. With creamy cole slaw and natural-cut fries.

SHRIMP LINGUINE Sauteed shrimp in fresh basil-garlic sauce with chopped tomatoes and aged Bomano cheese

P0Lt0 Medallions of boneless chicken breast sauteed in olive oil with fresh garlic, mushrooms, bell peppers and spicy ltalian sauiage. Served over vermicelli pasta in a light vegetable and wine glaze.
GRILLED CHICKEN BREAST Boneless double breast marinated in garlic and herbs. Served with Houlihan s Smashed Potatoes and sugar snap peas. CHlCKEttl AilD BR0CG0LI Your choice of lightly-fried or char-grilled boneless breast and steamed broccoli atop vermicelli pasta. Topped with Allredo sauce and aged
Romano cheese.

*CHICKEN STIR-FBY Strips of marinated boneless breast

stir-fried in peanut oil with crisp, fresh vegetables and egg noodles in soy-sherry wine sauce.

*FRESH VEGETABLE STIR-FRY Carrots, zucchini, broccoli, bok choy, water chestnuts, snow peas, green onions and bell peppers stir-fried in peanut oil with egg noodles in soy-sherry wine sauce. GRILIED CHICKEN FETTUCCINE Strips of char-grilled chicken breast in roasted red pepper cream sauce sauteed with fresh garlic, scallions, snow peas and aged Bomano cheese. Topped with sun-dried tomato-walnut pesto.










o Corc dirGketFitr

6. Explain the difference in English:

food-meal-course-dish-(meat)dish-(wooden)dish,(breakfast)roll-(gammon)roll, lunch-dinner,marmalade -jam,pie-cake,sauce-gravy,roast-bake,heat-warmup,melt-dissolve,mix-stir,dou,eh-hatter.appetizer-starter

hors d'oeuvre, chop

cutlet, salami


7. Match the offers or requests with suitable responses:

to drink? Will you pass me the salt, please'/ Another piece ol'cake'J Shall I rnake cup of coff'ee? Another slice of bread? Help yourself to some more cake. One lurnp, or two'] Cocktail'l Or whisky'] Some more gravy'l Would you care for some cheese? Responses: I will. That would be lovety.No,thank you. Yes, please. No, thank you. I think I've had enou-rh. I'd rather have beer. Here you are. Yes, please, it's delicious. Two please. I'd like some rnineral water.

Offers (requests): What would you like



8. Describe the eating habits in your family. What you prefer to eat, how o disease or disordcr), prepares meals in your family, if you are on a diet (what kind), if you observe healthy nourishment.

9. Topics

for discussion:
3. What to eat abroad, native food or Slovak fbod'l 4. How to make good coffee/tea. 5.

l. Eating habits and health.


What's the best slimrning diet? What are the principles of a healthy diet?

What to serve unexpected visitors.


Everybody in our country has the right to choose a doctor and many people go to one farnily doctor. At present two types of health facilities operate in this country: state and private ones. Medical care is provided for our citizens from birth to death. Each of us is looked after even before birth under the scheme called prenatal care which includes medical check-ups before the child is born and then maternity ward services. Soon after birth each child is vaccinated against such illnesses as tuberculosis (TB), cliphtheria, tetanus, whoopin_e cou_{h, polio and later smallpox. Due to vaccination and better hygiene these illnesses have either disappeared or are not fatal any
more. Each school child is under medical supervision which means that he or she has to undergo a series of prevcntive medical and dental check ups where his body is examined, his teeth checked and eyesight tested. When we grow out of our children's diseases such as a cold, otitis, measles. mumps, rubeola ol chicken-pox we do not have to -go to the doctor so often. If we are not hypochondriacs we try to get over our cold easily by stayin-u in bed. taking pills. keeping warm, sweating. gargling and drinkin-e herbal tea with honey or lemon. But sornctirnes if a patient is tryin-u to overcome a feverish sickness without staying in bed and curin-{ it properly, he takes a risk. as the illness often leaves very dangerous aftereffects. If we still feel unwell, we finally decide to see a physician who is called a General Practitioner (GP). It is better to make an appointment with the doctor in his surgery tirne (during his office hours) if we want to avoid long waiting in the waiting room which may ofien be crowded. Then the nurse says "Next please" and invites us into the consultin-u roorn. The nurse has to look for our medical record and wants to see our insurance card and then takes our temperature. Then we are ready to enter the surgery (consulting room). The doctor usually asks what the trouble is and then asks us to strip to the waist because he or she must examine our chest and throat. The doctor wants to know if we have a temperature. a good appetite and where we feel pain. Then he or she listens to our lungs and heart and we have to take a deep breath or stop breathing according to his orders. He also wants us to open our mouth and say "Ah" to see if our tonsils are red. Sometimes he or she checks the blood pressure and feels the pulse, takes the blood count and throat culture or puts urine throu,eh lab tests. We have to say how we feel. if we have a headache, a sore throat, a cold, a cou,eh. or if we are sick and hoarse. Finally the doctor diagnoses the case and therapy and prescribes a medicine. Most often we suffer from a corlmon infection such as flu, tonsilitis, bronchitis or pneumonia. At the phannacy (at the chemist's in Britain) we get antibiotics, vitamins, pain relievers and gargle. We can also buy some medicinal herbs to prepare herbal tea. In more serious cases of if we get injured we can call the doctor to our home. Sometimes we may be taken to hospital by an ambulance. In case of unconsciousness or heart attack the patient is put on a stretcher. For car accidents a special helicopter may be called up. Sornetimes it is necessary to give first aid such irs mouth-to-rnouth resuscitatiorl. to stop bleeding or fix fractures. In the hospital the injured people are examined and X-rayed at a casualty ward (emergency roorn). Serious cases are immediately operated on in the operating theatre (room). Before the operation the patient must pass several tests and then just before the operation he is anaesthetized by means of an injection or inhalation of a narcotic. After the operation a scar often remains. The patient is sometimes sent to a health resort or a spa for rehabilitation. There he undergoes water treatment, takes baths, massage, remedial exercises and drinks the waters. However, there are fatal illnesses like cancer or AIDS which are incurable so far. But the best way to cure yourself of a disease is not to catch it, because prevention is better than cure. We can keep our health by physical trainin-e. hardening our body, through sport, regular daily routine, sufficient sleep, wholesotne food and avoiding alcohol, cigarettes and stress.

Questions on the text:


What care is provided to our citizens during their life


8. How do you describe your troubles if you have flu or

say after the examination'J 10. What kind of medicine can we get at the pharrnacy'? I L How are serious patients treated'l 12. What is meant by first aid'/ 13. How is a patient prepared for an opelation'? 14. What treatment ofien lollows an operation? 15. How can everybody keep his or her health'l

What diseases are we vaccinated against? 3. What are considered to be children's illnesses'l 4. How can we cure a cold without going to a doctor? 5. What does a nurse usually do before you enter
a surgery'l

9. What does the doctor

What does the doctor want us to do before and during

the examination?

7. What intormatiort is he interested in?

Healthy, ill:
ill, feel ill/unwell, be down with flu, catch a cold/some infection, sick child, feel sick, airsick, carsick, seasick, get better/well/rid of, be gone, go away, grow worse, recover from [ri'kave], recovery,
be healthy/well, patient, falUbecome





disorder, illness (opposite of health, continuous disease), disease [di'zi:z] (medical feverish sickness, fatal [feitl] disease, hypochondriac [haipo'kondrirek]


ailment [eilmentl

(slight disease or 4isorder),



Pains and signs: pain [pein] (noun - I've got a pain in my wrist.) hurt (verb - with all parts of the body - My wrist hurts. I hurt myself. It won't hurt you.)

ache [eik] (noun and verb - continuous pain - I've got a headache. My head aches.) sore [so:] (adjective - I've got sore feet.) slight/severe pain, painful, painless, sneeze [sni:z], sweat [swet], have a running nose, blow one's nose, have

a poor/good appetite



Medical examination [ig,zremi'neifn] : prenatal care [pri:'neitl], check up [tIek ap], medical supervision Isju:pe'vi3n], general practitioner (Cp) fprak'tiJene],
physician [fi'ziJn], nurse, doctor, works doctor, surgery time Isa:dJeri] (office hours - AM), surgery (doctor's consulting roorr/office - AM), waiting room, make/have an appointment with, strip to the waist fweist], examine the chest. take a deep breath, take/check the blood pressure [blad prefa], take/feel the pulse [pals], take the blood count Iblad 'kaunr i. throat culture, put urine through lab tests [tests], take the temperature ltempritJa], I have/run a temperature/fer er. I have 38.5 (thirty eight point five celsius), his temperature has risen/dropped







Treatment [tri :tmant] : treat, cure, to cure, incurable ['in'kjuerebl], therapy, diagnose [daiagnauz]. prescribe a medkir -rnerAan - tetr medicine/drug, injection [in'd3ekJen]/shoUjab [dgreb], inhalation [inha'leiJn]. swdlor e teblet srry b bcd- fGdorr. be on a diet, be on the pill (women), use pills, have a complete rest, it u'orks s-onders. it res no good- 6cre's rot-S
like..., aftereffects [a:ftere'fekts], be vaccinated, hygiene [haidJi:nl, sickness benefit

1. Describe

your illness (or your friend's if you are healthy).


Everybody in our country has the right to choose a doctor and many people go to one farnily doctor'. At present two types of health facilities operate in this country: state and private ones. Medical care is provided for our citizens from birth to death. Each of us is looked after even before birth under the scheme called prenatal care which includes medical check-ups before the child is born and then maternity ward services. Soon after birth each child is vaccinated against such illnesses as tuberculosis (TB), cliphtheria, tetanus, whoopin_{ cough, polio and later smallpox. Due to vaccination and better hygiene these illnesses have either disappeared or are not l'atal any
more. Each school child is under medical supervision which means that he or she has to undergo a series of preventive medical and dental check ups where his body is examined, his teeth checked and eyesight tested. When we grow out of our children's diseases such as a cold, otitis, measles. mumps. r'ube<lla or chicken-pox we do not have to -qo to the doctor so often. If we are not hypochondriacs we try to -set over our cold easily by stzrying in bed. taking pills. keeping warm, sweating, gargling and drinkin-e herbal tea with honey or lemon. But sometirnes if a patient is trying to overcome a f'everish sickness without staying in bed and curin-e it properly. he takes a risk, as the illness often leaves very dangerous aftereffects. If we still feel unwell, we finally decide to see a physician who is called a General Practitioner (GP). It is better to make an appointment with the doctor in his surgery tirne (durin_e his office hours) if we want to avoid long waiting in the waiting room which may ofien be crowded. Then the nurse says "Next please" and invites us into the consultin_{ roorn. The nurse has to look for our medical record and wants to see our insurance card and then takes our temperature. Then we are ready to enter the surgery (consulting room). The doctor usually asks what the trouble is and then asks us to strip to the waist because he or she must examine our chest and throat. The doctor wants to know if we have a temperature. a -{ood appetite and where we f'eel pain. Then he or she listens to our lungs and heart and we have to take a deep breath or stop breathing according to his orders. He also wants us to open our mouth and say "Ah" to see if our tonsils are red. Sometimes he or she checks the blood pressure and feels the pulse, takes the blood count and throat culture or puts urine thrclugh lab tests. We have to say how we feel, if we have a headache, a sore throat, a cold, a cough. or if we are sick and hoarse. Finally the doctor diagnoses the case and therapy and prescribes a medicine. Most often we suffer from a cornmon

infection such as flu, tonsilitis, bronchitis or pneumonia. At the phannacy (at the chemist's in Britain) we get antibiotics, vitarnins, pain relievers and gargle. We can also buy some medicinal herbs to prepare herbal tea. In more serious cases of if we get injured we can call the doctor to our home. Sometinres we may be taken to hospital by an ambulance. In case of unconsciousness or heart attack the patient is put on a stretcher. For car acc,idents a special helicopter may be called up. Sornetimes it is necessary to give first aid such as rnouth-to-mouth resuscitation. to stop bleeding or fix fractures. In the hospital the injured people are examined and X-rayed at a casualty ward (emergency room). Serious cases are immediately operated on in the operating theatre (room). Before the operation the patient must pass several tests and then just before the operation he is anaesthetized by means of an injection or inhalation of a narcotic. Afier the operation a scar often remains. The patient is sometimes sent to a health resort or a spa for rehabilitation. There he under-eoes wal.er treatment, takes baths, massage, remedial exercises and drinks the waters. However, there are fatal illnesses like cancer or AIDS which are incurable so far. But the best way to cure yourself of a disease is not to catch it, because prevention is better than cure. We can keep our health by physical trainin-e, hardening our body, through sport, regular daily routine, sufficient sleep, wholesorne food and avoiding alcohol. cigarettes and stress.

Questions on the text:

What care is provided to our citizens during their life time'l 2. What diseases are we vaccinated against? 3. What are considered to be children's illnesses'l 4. How can we cure a cold without going to a doctor? 5. What does a nurse usually do before you enter
a surgery'? 6. 7.


8. How do you describe your troubles if you have flu or

say after the examination'J 10. What kind of medicine can we ,qet at the phannacy'?

9. What does the doctor

How are serious patients treated'l

What is meant by first aid'l
a patient prepared tbr an operation'l What treatment olien follows an operation? How can everybody keep his ol her health'l

What does the doctor want us to do before and during

the examination?

12. 13. 14. 15.

How is

What information is he interested in?

Healthy, ill:
be healthy/well, patient, falVbecome ill, feel ill/unwell, be down with flu, catch a cold/some infection, sick child, feel sick, airsick, carsick, seasick, get better/well/rid of, be gone, go away, grow worse, recover from [ri'kave], recovery,


disorder, illness (opposite of health, continuous disease), disease [di'zi:z) (meclical ternr), ailment [eilmantl feverish sickness, fatal lf-eitl] disease, hypochondriac [haipo'kondrirek]

(slighr disease or disorder),

Pains and signs: pain [pein] (noun - I've got a pain in my wrist.) hurt (verb - with all parts of the body - My wrist hurts. I hurt myself. It won't hurt you.)

ache [eik] (noun and verb - continuous pain - I've got a headache. My head aches,) sore [so:] (adjective - I've got sore feet.) slight/severe pain, painful, painless, sneeze [sni:z], sweat [swet], have a running nose, blow one's nose, have
a poor/good appetite

Medical examination [ig,zremi'neiJn] :

prenatal care [pri:'neitll, check up [tlek ap], medical supervision [sju:pe'vi3n], general practitioner (cp) [prak'tiJenel, physician [ti'ziJn], nurse, doctor, works doctor, surgery time Isa:d3ari] (office hours - AM), surgery (doctor's consultinc roorn/office - AM), waiting room, make/have an appointment with, strip to the waist [weist], examine the chest. take

adeepbreath,take/checkthebloodpressure[bladpreJo],take/feelthepulse[pals],takethebloodcountIhhd kauntr. throat culture, put urine through lab tests [tests], take the temperature [tempritJaJ. I have/run a temprature fer er.

I have 38.5 (thirty eight point five celsius), his temperature has risen/dropped Treatment
treat, cure, to cure, incurable ['in'kjuerabl], therapy, diagnose [daiagnauzJ. prescribe a medkin ]rrntan - *r medicine/drug, injection [in'd3ekJan]/shoUjab [fiaeb], inhalation Iinha'leiJn]. swallow a teblei- sney in bcd- h dorl. be on a diet, be on the pill (women), use pills, have a complete rest it worls wonders it was no good. thcre's Doati4
Iike..., aftereffects [a:ftere'fekts], be vaccinated, hygiene lhaid3i:n], sickness benefit
[tri :tment] :

L. Describe

your illness (or your friend's if you are healthy).

2. Complete the dialogues with suitable responses (use different ones):

Doctor: Hello. What's the problem?

You: Well, D: Does it hurt badly?


D: D:

tired and sleepy.

a fever, cou-ehing badly,


You: I'm running

OK. Open

sneeze, feel


How long have you had this? I'd like to examine you. Take off your shirt, please.
No, it doesn't look too bad. It's just normal tonsilitis. Here's a prescription for some medicine. Take it three times daily. Come to see me next Tuesday.



me to swallow and I ache all over. Strip ........ .....; take ............ and now stop You: Is it very serious, doctor'l D: No, ....................; it's just ......: get this medicine from ....... and ..................a day. You: Am I allowed to go to school? D: No, ........ wanrr and drink You'll ...........soon. In a week you ......... ... again.


You: "Ah." It hurts

3. What children's

diseases have you had and what diseases have you been vaccinated against?

What common ailments do children have? mumps [mamps], measles lmi:zlzJrrubeola [rubiale], chicken-pox [tfiken poks]rscarletfever [sca:let'fi:ve], be a scarlet fever carrier, otitis [eu'taitis], vaccination certificate [vreksi'neifn so:tifikit], tuberculosis [tju:,ba:kju'lausis], tetanus Itetenes], polio [peuliau], smallpox [srno:lpoks], diphtheria [dif0ierie], whooping cough Ihu:pi11kofl, rabies [reibi:z]

4. What diseases do most people suffer from?

Which of them have you had, how did you get them and what medicine did you take or how did you cure
What diseases do you consider very serious/not so serious nowadays? Which of them must be treated in hospital? What diseases can one catch very easily? What illnesses do old people suffer from? What diseases require an operation? What occupational diseases may occur among white-collar workers?

have a cold, (the) flu, cough, a sore throat, to cough, bronchitis [bron'kaitis], tonsilitis [tonsi'laitis], pneumonia [nju:'meunia], be hoarse [ho:s], lack of appetite, vomit, have stomachache, heartburn, nausea [no:sje], indigestion Iindi'd3estJan], constipation Ikonsti'peiJan], diarrhoea [daia'ria], ulcer Ialse], bilious attack Ibiljes e'trek], appendicitis
Ie,pendi'saitis], jaundice [dgo:ndis], backache, slipped disc, rheumatism [ru:metizrn], earache, encephalitis [ensefe'laitis], be dizzy [dizi], veneral disease [vi'niarial], typhoid fever [taifoid], plague [pleig], cholera [kolere]

5. What

diseases are considered to be

ttcivilizational diseases"? what

causes them? How can they be


mental disorders:
nervous breakdown, stress, depression, a headache, insomnia [in'somnie], suffer from nerves
diseases of the blood system: high blood pressure. a heart attack, anaemia [a'ni:mje], leukaemia [ju:'ki:mie], varicose veins [vrerikeus veinz]

skin diseases: rash [rafl, acne [rekni], eczema [eksime], itch, scratch, pimple [pimpl], scurvy [ske:vil
backache. defectivehearing, allergy, overweight, asthma [resme], diabetes [daia'bi:tiz], malignanttumours fme'lignent du:mezl, cancer [kaense]. drug addiction [drag e'dikJan], drug addict [e'dikt], be addicted to alcohol, die of an overdose, break the habit, veneral diseases, AIDS, hectic life style, Iack of vitamins, polluted environment, unhealthy

daily routine, insufficient sleep

6. What does a healthy life style mean?

have a regular daily routine, sufflcient sleep, take a rest, overwork, avoid excitement, -qet excited, no smoking, no or little alcohol, healthy, wholesome food, be on adiet, physical training, go in for spol'ts, go lor walks, take a walk, jo_egin,e, harden the body


7. What is meant by wholesome food? What is your idea of wholesome food?

- enough/a lot of vitamins, eat fruit and raw vegetables, drink good water - eat slowly. take time to eat, eat more times a day in srnall amounts, eat at a nicely set table - not eat smoked meat and sausages (or a little), not drink spirits. little salt and spices, little or no coff-eine - eatpreferablyleanmeat,fish,poultry,cereals,fibrousfood,darkbreadinsteadof whiteflourpastries(rolls.buns.cakes). ve,eetable oil and butter avoid fat meat, animal fat and high calorie dishes

8. What health facilities are there in your town? Who works there? What

diseases are cured

health centre, policlinic - general practitioner (cp), nurse, hospital (outpatients'department, inpatients'department), ward [wo:d], internal department - intern [in'te:n], surgical dept. - surgeon [sed3en], dental dept. - dentist, eye dept. - oculist [okjulist], dermatology dept. - dermatologist [de:ma'tolad3ist], ear and throat dept. - ear and throat specialist, paediatry -paediatrist [pi:di'etrist], maternity hospital [ma'te:niti] -gynaecologist [-eaini'kolad3ist]. mental
hospital -psychiatrist [sai'kaietrist], mental specialist, infectious diseases dept., casualty Ikasjualtil u'ard. emergenc]' ward, night emergency service, general hospital, children's hospital, teaching hospital. sanatorium. health rcsorr. spa, water treatment, take a bath, massage [meesa:3], remedial [ri'mi:djal] exercises

9. What have you got in your medicine

sickness pills, pain


medicine chest [tlest], pharmacy [fa:masi], dispensing chemist's.

druptort r-\\tr. ritemir. fceOr**gGcp-*?

disinfection, antiseptic, nose d-pe, e5ierash. dressing, tddict b.trd4c band aid, cotton wool, medicinal herbs, medicinal charcod [tJa:kaulJ, bicarbonate of soda [bai'ka:banit lbrendidS],



ov seudal, gargle [ga:gl], boric acid [bo:rik e sid], peroxide [pa'roksaid], sticking plaster/tape [pla:sta/ teip], pad [pad],

thermometer [Oe'momite], sling [sliq], ointment [ointmant],laxative fieksetiv]

10. Can you describe a human body and its internal organs (write their names to the arrows)?


face, hair, eyes, eye lid, ears, cheeks, chin, mouth, Iips, tooth/teeth, tongue, neck/throat, forehead [forid], eye brows [ai brauz], eye lashes [ln[iz), temple [templ]

back, bottom/backside/buttocks [bateks], waist, hips, belly/tummy, navel [neivel], chest ltJest], breast [brest], abdomen [eb'deumen]

Iimbs [imz]: leg, thigh [0ai], knee [ni:], calf/calves [ka:f, ka:vz], shin ankle [reqkl], fooUfeet, heel [hi:l], sole [seul], toe, big toe arm, shoulders [Jeauldez], armpit, elbow [elbeu], forearm, wrist [rist], hand, palm [pa:m], fingers (thurnb [Oam],
index finger, middle finger, ring finger, little finger) genitals [dSenitlz] skeleton [skelitan], backbone, bone [beun], joint [dJoint], rib [rib], skull [skal]

internal organs:

nervous system, nerve, brain, spinal chord [spainl ko:d] circulation of blood [sa:kjuleiJen of blad], blood vessels [veselz], arteries [a:teriz], veins [veinz], blood cell [cel] muscle [masl], tendon [tenden], ligament fiigamant], gland [glend], thyroid gland fOairoid] heart.lungs [ar1z], bronchi [bronkai], stomach [stamek], intestines [in'testinz],large and small intestine, appendix, liver [ive], gall bladder [go:l bleda], kidneys lkidniz], bladder [blrede], spleen [spli:n]

blood, urine Iuerin], stool [stu:l], saliva [sa'laive], bile [bail]

11. What injuries can happen at home or during sports activities? How can they be treated?
be injured, be wounded, hurt oneself have/get a bruise [bru:z], bruise one's arm, black eye, get a bump [bamp], bumped head, bump one's head against a beam, have/get a blister [bliste], pinch one's finger [fiqga], run/get a splitter into a finger [splite], cut one's finger

on a knife, burn one's hand on an iron, a nasty burn, be scalded [sko:ldid], swell-swelled-swollen [swel-sweldswaulenl, swollen ankle, inflamed finger [in'fleimd], sprain an ankle laenkl], sprained ankle, dislocate a leg, stretch a ligament, tear a leg muscle, scrape a knee, cramps [kranps], brainshake/concussion [kan'kafen], be concussed, be bitten by, blood poisoning, faint [f-eint], be airsick/seasick/carsick, sunstroke, heatstroke [hi:tstrauk], have/get frostbite, slip, fall over, fall off, stumble over st. [stambl], a fracture [frektfe], break/fracture a bone, a rib, split Isplit] bone

12. What serious injuries can happen? How can they happen? How can they be treated?
have a fracture, break one's leg, a fractured/broken arm, fix the leg in plaster (cast), fix/put the finger in splints, have/put an arm in a sling, an/to X-ray, walk on crutches [kratJiz], faint, be unconscious [an'konJes], regain consciousness [ri'gein konfesnes], bring/come round, put a patient on a stretcher [stretfa], call an ambulance, operate on a patient for appendicitis, operating theatre, give/get an anaesthetic [renis'0etik], breath a narcotic [na:'kotikl, to anaesthetize a patient, cleanse the wound [klenz, wu:nd], sew [seu] up the wound, take out the stitches, scar [ska:], scar over, heal, dress the wound, bandage (up), rebandage [ri'brendidS], blood transfusion, blood donor ldauna] give first aid: mouth-to-mouth resuscitation [ri,sasi'teiJan], artificial breathing [bri:di11], stop bleeding [bli:diq], fix a fracture, apply a plaster cast, be badly hurt, get injured, injure one's hand, hurt oneself, death by drowning [drauniq], die of wounds, die of an overdose, moan [meun], groan [-ereun], cry in pain

13. How often do you go to a dentist's and oculist's and what treatment can people get there? twice a year, once every two months, dental check up, have toothache, a painful tooth, drill a rotten [rotn] tooth, fill
the tooth, crown a tooth, make/fix a denture [dentJe], make/fix a brace [breis]/braces, uneven teeth, wisdom tooth, the tooth comes loose, sound teeth eyesight, be short-sighted [Jo:t saitid], colour-blind ['kale blaind], wear glasses, my eyes are sore/smart, strain one's sight [sait], dust irritates my eyes, jab one's eye [d3eb], have a sty [stai]

L4. Minitalks 1. What are the symptoms of the following ailments: a cold, flu, bronchitis.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

rheumatism, heart trouble, sunstroke, food poisoning? Describe your local health centre, polyclinic and hospital. What ailments are cured in Slovak spas? Choose several parts of the body and say what can happen to them. How would you persuade a heavy smoker to give up srnoking? You can act a dialogue if you like. What are the most common causes of death'l


15. Act dialogues between a doctor and a patient using the following phrases:
What's the matter with you?

I've got a bad cough (a stomachache, a cold, a terrible headache, a sore throat, an infection in my eye, sore eyes,
indigestion, an upset stomach...)

What's troubling you? Where do you t'eel the pain?


I feel sick, tired, unwell, ill ... I've got a pain in my chest/back ... I feel ... I sneeze and cough. I have trouble with rny stomach ... I've got something wrong with rny fin_uer/eye ... I can't move it. There's something wrong with my elbow/neck. My gall bladder is troubling (bothering) me.

My stomach is giving me pain.


I am hoarse/run-down




When did it start?

Have you had it long? Does it hurt all the time? Have you got a temperature? Have you got any other troubles (complaints)'l

My leg hurts/aches. I slipped and I have broken my arm. It started ...

Not long. since last week.
No, only when I touch it (rvhen I s*-allou - hefore,aner



Yes. I took m1' temperature in the rrrrning anJ rt nai -1..t5 'C

I don't sleep w'ell. I have no appetire

ad I snear a lor

Let me examine you.A'd like to examine you. Take off your shirt./Strip to the waist.
Does it hurt when I press here'l

Yes, a little. Is it serious?

Is it painful? Don't worry. It's nothing serious but you must stay in bed for a few days.

How long must I stay away from school (work ...)?

Thank you, Doctor. When shall I call


some medicine for you and the nurse will give you an injection.

I'll prescribe


Medical care in the Slovak Republic, Great Britain and the USA
Although medical care in our country is basically free of charge, the government encoura-qes all citizens to be responsible for their health and has introduced a system in which the patient partly shares the cost of some treatment and medicine. According to law, all citizens are covered by health insurance. Though there are several health insurance companies, both state and private, most people belong to the General Health Insurance Company. The Health Insulance System is curently undergoing some changes. Ernployers pay health insurance for their employees but plivate persons must pay for their insurance themselves while the state pays the insurance tbr children and retired people. In Britain, the National Health Service provides free health care to all people in the country. Everybody is fi'ee to choose a general practitioner (GP) in his own home area and be registered on his list. In towns it is usual for three or four GPs to join together in partnership and thus share the cost of expensive medical technology. If you need special treatrnent. the doctor will send you to see a specialist at the local hospital. In an emer-qency. you can call an ambulance by dialling 999 from any telephone. In England, the companies also pay insurance for their employees and the government for other people. In the United States, there are two diff'erent types of health insurance. Most people have private health insurance. If you have a fractured arm, a heart attack, or even a blister, it is possible to choose your doctor and have treatment. You pay the doctor, and then send the bill fbr the treatment to your insurance company. They will then send you the rnoney. The problem is that private health insurance in expensive, expecially fbr treatment that needs specialists, such as treatment lor heart attacks. If one is poor, the government will pay the doctor for treatment. Many people, however, are not poor. but do not have the money to pay for private health insurance because it is very expensive. If they l-all ill, they must pay for it themselves. This is a big problem now in the USA. because a hospital must take care of people. il'they fall very ill, even if they do not have the money, and this is difficult for many hospitals.

Questions on the text:

l. What is the health system in our country like? 2. Describe the system of health care in Britain and the USA.
3. What system of health cale would you like to have'/

Character f)escription
My Friend
I have always had rnany friends around since I began to attend nursery school. But most of rny relationships ended going to the same school. From that tirne on, only rny triendship with Lucy survived. She is my best friend and I think I know her fairly well. I met her for the first time in the fourth form. She didn't look very pretty. She had fl'eckles, red wavy hair, she was wearing -elasses and a brace and was a bit heavier than her classmates. All of this made her clumsy and shy. She was very sensitive about boys who laughed at her awkwardness. One time I stood up for her and frorn that time on we have been friends. Since that time her appearance has chan-eed very much, but her character has remained the same. She has grown up into a beauty. She is medium height, slender and well-proportioned. Her hair has got darker into a chestnut shade. She wears it long to her shoulders. sometimes loose, sometimes done in a chignon. Her face has soft t'eatures, her freckles have disappeared, but her complexion remains pale as before. Instead of glasses she wears contact lenses, which allow her sparkling hazel-green eyes to shine. She has a small straight nose and a rather wide mouth but her enchantin-e smile shows her straight white teeth and makes her face look really charming. No one could say her walk or -qestures are clumsy any
as soon as we stopped




Lucy has nice manners. She is sincere, but polite, tactful, amiable, and helpful. She is not easily angered. touchy, or hot tempered. Experience from her childhood has taught her to be patient and not to show off. She has still remained a bit withdrawn, irresolute, and reluctant in some situations but on the other hand she is dutiful and consistent ars far as her priorities are concerned. It is rather difficult for her to make new aquaintances. She is still a little suspicious and wary when people praise her. But she is warm-hearted, good-natured, tolerant and sensitive to other people's shortcomin-us. She always tries to help when necessary and loves animals. These are the qualities of her character which I like her fbr. At school she does fairly well. She is bright, attentive and keen to learn new things if she is interested. She tries hard to achieve good marks but sometimes her hobbies are lnore important for her than school. [n this re-eard she laoks enough will to learn things which she does not much like. She manages to achieve A's and B's, thou-eh. She likes physical work and is not at alllazy. Unlike me, she always has her room neat and clean because she does not rnind doing housework. Lucy is an ardent lover of horses. She is a member of a riding club and every minute of her spare time she devotes to horses. Her parents are sometimes cross with her hecause she neglects her other duties but she stays finn in her interest. Apart from that, like other girls of her age, she likes dancing, singing, playing the -euitar, and listening to modern music. She is not a sporty girl, but she plays volleyball and cycles a little. She is a rather poor table-tennis player. We spend quite a lot of tirne together. She understands my problerns and I can rely upon her. We go to the cinema, to concerts or we go dancing. Sometimes we just stroll around town and talk about all sorts of things. Mostly we have the same view of things and even if we argue we always find a compromise. Although she has her faults, nobody is pertect. I like her and I hope we shall stay friends in the future.

Questions on the text:

Where did the writer meet her friend for the first time? 2. On what occasion did she stand up tor her? 3. What is Lucy's appearance now? 4. What is hei disposition /temperament)?


5. What is her character'] (attitude to other people.

herself, tnorals, work)

6. What are Lucy's hobbies'l 7. What do the two girls have in common'l 8. Why does the writer like Lucy'l

My Boyfriend
We met at the disco for the first time. Mark was handsome, tall and slim with broad shoulders. He had wavy dark hair and deep blue eyes. I liked him at first sight and I think he was attracted to me too, because soon afier we had arrived he asked me for a dance. We spent most of the evening together. I liked him because he was friendly, thoughtful and polite. He could tell witty stories and was amusing. As we came to know each other better, we began to love each other. Mark is three years older than L He is intelligent and has many different skills. He studies law at the university, and he is in-eenious and practical. He is able to repair his bike and motorbike and to cook as well. Despite his abilities, he is still modest, has nice manners, and is likeable. You take to him the very moment you see him. He is not self-centred, on the contrary, he is sensitive to other people's problems, tries to understand them and help if he can. He is open and honest. He does not get irritated easily and very rarely is in a bad mood. He has a sense of humour and his whole disposition is optimistic. He does not like to deal with problems

until they appear.

Though we have many things in common (dancing, music. travelling, nature, foreign languages) and share the I must say that he also has some faults. He spends too much money on unnecessary thin-us and is not very orderly. But, I still love hirn and I hope I won't lose him.
same opinions,


Questions on the text:

l. Why was the girl attracted to Mark?
2. What is he like in reality?

4. Describe his character. 5. What do they have in common'l

3. What is his disposition and abilities?

Our Class



At lirst glance our class is very like any other. There are 30 of us alto-eether. l5 girls and l5 boys. 0fcoursc I know only some of them well, but in the course of time these have become my triends. But when we came into the classroom on the first day of school we were complete, sports training, dancing lessons, so that a f'eeling of f'ellowship has
grown up arlon_q us, and it will be hard to break up. On looking more closely, you can see that our class has its leaders and losers, people who are always ready to -set involved and those who drag behind: the active and the passive, and those who are just average. On the whole we stick to_{ether though, and work as a team. The contrasting interests - on the one hand the intellectuals. experts in the sciences or humanities, and on the other the sportsmen and body-builders - are pretty evenly balanced. Most of us trv to achieve that ideal harmony of mind and body.

j, il,


One_{oodteatureofourclassisthateverybodykeepstheirpromisesandpeopleseldomlie.Solidantr issorrrthr:tg
we value highly, so none of us would ever tell tales or fawn on the teachers. Of course there are quarrels rtrrrr-lirrr: r rr .Fr.:.l. fights, but they pass and we are friends again. As in other classes. somebody rnv occasionalll cheat &t te.lt.i rrr iLrp .i*r..' though it doesn't happen often. All the same, we get on well with our teachers. and thel sa1 thel like ter-hrns outr;!&-r. [rr].

Questions on the text:

l. How many students are there in the class? 2. What events brought the students closer together? 3. What kind of characters can you find in that class?
4. What are the most valued features in the class? 5. What negative points does the class have'l 6. How does the class get on with the teachers'l

Appearance [a'pierens] Temperament:
disposition [dispo'ziJan], optimist, pessimist, emotional, moody [mu:di], touchy [tatJi], nervy [ne:vi], good/bad tempered, good-natured, warm-hearted, composed, calm, quiet, lively, energetic [ene'd3etik], jolly [dSoli]' cheerful, pleasant, withdrawn [widdro:n], hesitating, sad, neurotic [nju'rotik], querulous [kwerules.], quarrelsome [kworelsam], content(ed), petty-minded [maindid], furious Ifjueries], (un)stable, silent, talkative, get irritated easily, be cross with sb., argue, have a sense of humour, humorous, be fond of gossip

awkwardness [o:kwednas], funny

Character: attitude to people

im/polite, tactful, amiable leimiebla], helpful, un/friendly, sociable, nice, kind, sensitive to people's shortcomings, in/tolerant, amusing, entertaining, shy, thoughtless, tender [tende], suspicious [ses'piJes], wary Iweari], cautious Iko:Jas], stern, considerate, thoughtful, trusting, un/faithful, hospitable, greedy [-eri:di], calculating Ikrelkjuleitirl], stingy Istind3i], reserved, understand people's problems, find a compromise [komprarraizl, generous Id3eneres], sympathetic Isimpe'Oetik],love animals, bold [bauld], sly [slai], cunning Ikaniq], impudent Iimpjudentl, cheeky, rude, cruel, mean

attitude to morals
dis/honest [onist], mischievous [mistJi:ves], open, sincere, frank, hypocrite Ihipakrit], tricky, liar, principled attitude to work dutifut [dju:tiful], consistent [kan'sistent], un/conscientious, precise [pri'sais], punctual fpanktJuel], lazy, keen to/on, neglect Ini'glekt] one's duties, indulgent Iin'dald3ent], hard working, industrious Iin'dastriez], careful/careless, orderlyltidy attitude to oneself self-confident, conceited [kan'si:tid], proud, modest, underestimating, un/selfish, egoistic, vain, stubborn [stabenl, self-centred, snobbish, choosy, boast, show off

independent, ir/resolute [ir'rezalu:t], dis/obedient, brave, timid [timid], earnest [e:nist], ardent Ia:dent], reluctant

Iri'laktent], lack will, naughty [no:ti], self-controlled, im/patient

talents, abilities
well educated, intelligent, clever, bright/smart, attentive, ingenious Iin'd3i:nias], wise, inquisitive Iin'kvizitiv], witty, practical, reasonable [ri:zanebl], sensible Isensibl], curious [kjuerias], dull [dal], foolish, silly, stupid


L. Describe the appearance of your parents, brothers, sisters, friends or a character from a book, film:
age baby, toddler [todla], aged ten, youngster, teenager, adult, look thirty, under forty. over fifty, middle age/aged, in the prime of his/her life, elderly person, aged man tall, medium height, short, srnall slim, slender, very thin, skinny, a neat figure, be rnediurn built, plurnp [plarnpl, full-iigured. be overweight, heavy, fat, stout, thickset, giant [dgaient], dwarf [dwo:tl upright posture [postfe], stoopy [stu:py], bandy [brendi]-legged. have a shapely body. wellproportioned [wel pre'po:Jend], have an athletic build, broad shoulders beautitul, pretty, cute [kju:t], attractive, charming [tJa:min] gorgeous [go:d3asl, -qood-looking. handsome, elegant, rornantic, homely-looking, plain. look like a sportsman, sexy, have above average looks long (to the shoulders), short, straight, wavy, curly, permed [pemd], fringe lfrindJ], chignon [Ji:njoq], loose [u:z], pony-tail, plait light/fair/blond, dark, dark-haired, auburn [o:ben], light/dark brown, red/-ein-{er [dgind3a], grey, greyish, tinted beard [biad], sideboards, moustache [mas'ta:fl, bald lbold] headed, he's balding, be getting bald round, oval, angular [engjule], coarse Iko:s]/soft features, nondescript, wrinkled friqkld], freckles

height figure

good looks





unconcerned, bold [beuld]/sly [slai] look, look cheerful, gloomy, sad, grim, solemn/poker face, enchanting [in'tfa:ntiq] /heart stopping smile, giggle [,ei-eli, grin, chuckle Itfakl], burst out laughin-e, frown [fraun], blush with embarrasement [blal wid im'breresment]

eyes nose

mouth voice gait/walk


skin complexion

plump, hollow [holeu], protruding cheek-bones blue-eyed, deep blue, dark, grey, hazel, hazel-green, sparkling [spa:kli11] straight, hooked, aquiline [aekwilain], snub wide, small, narrow. sensual lips, even teeth faint [f-eint], shrill [Jril], husky [haski], harsh [ha:J], mumble [mambl] trip [trip], slouch [slautf], hobble [hobl] nimble, clumsy [klamzi], awkward [ok'kwed] pale, tanned, dark
wear glasses, contact lenses, a'nrace, cross-eyed, short-sighted, blind [blaind] in the right eye, be hard of hearing, deaf [defl and dumb, stammer [stema], lisp, limp, lame in the right leg, crippled, hunch-backed

2. Match the correct adjective with the following description:

cautious. conceited. curious, dull, dutiful, foolish. furious. impudent, indulgent, ingenious. inquisitive. irresolute, irritable, lively, mischievous, modest, precise, punctual, reluctant. self-confident, stern, stubborn, sympathetic. tender, wary

too careful, fussy about details careful, taking care, paying attention to. thinkin-q of doing something at the time fixed, neither early nor late slow in understanding

without reason. sense

undecided, hesitating

easily annoyed or made angry believing in one's own abilities diflicult to deal with, determined, obstinate gratitying one's own desires sharing the feelings of others, feelin,e pity or tenderness delicate, easily hurt or damaged, quickly f'eeling pain violent, uncontrolled eager to know, learn clever and skilful (at rnaking or inventin-e) fond of inquiring into other people's affairs full of over-high opinion of, too much pride in oneself doin-e one's duty well, showing respect and obediance
shamelessly rude, rr"rdely disrespectful


cautious, looking out for possible danger or trouble (slow to act because) unwilling or disinclined to do st. demanding and enforcing obedience full of life and spirit having a not too high opinion of one's merits and abilities causing injury or damage on purpose

3. Give synonyms for the following adjectives (consult

dictionary if necessary):

brilliant lbriliant], calm, charming [tJa:mirfl, cheeky [tIi:ki], considerate [ken'sidarit], credulous [kredju:les], entertaining [enta'teining], impolite, industrious, jolly, likable flaikebl], loyal floiel], quiet, ruthless [ru:Olisl. sad,
sensible, silly, sincere, smart, sociable [seuJebl], lively Iaivli], caring, wary, withdrawn, witty

4. Give antonyms for the following adjectives (consult

dictionary if necessary):

brave, careful [keaful], composed [kam'pauzd], conceited, content(ed), faithful [f'ei0ful], forgiving [f'a'gir ir1l. good-tempered, honest, impatient [im'peiJent], impolite, interesting, hard working, lenient fli:njant1. obedient [e'bi:djent], ready to, resolute, reserved [ri'ze:vd], stupid, suspicious, talkative, thoughtful. unconcerned 'ankan .a n':'. unconscientious [an,konfi'enfes], unpleasant, untidy [an'taidi]

5. Bxplain the meaning or describe behaviour of a person rr'ho is tconsult e


dfictinrr I

jealous [d3elas], envious [envies], proud [praud], quarrehome [krroralsaml, raru hcartcd. ve- [reinl fcryfeUa snobbish, superficial [sju:pe'fiJel] wise, witty, ambitious, [am'biJas], generous [ftenaas], greedy [gri:dil. semsh [selfif], moody lmu:di], optimistic, pessimistic, unprejudiced [an'pred3udist]. hypocritical [hipe'kritikal]. cruel

6. Form antonyms with prefixes and suffixes:

obedient, tidy, pleasant. resolute, honest, happy, conscientious. helpful, careful, thoughtless, faithful, sincere, polite, tactless

7. Enumerate A) a few personal qualities and B) qualities describing attitude towards:

a) bad b) good c) temperamental

e) other people

f) work
g) morals

d) intellectual (talents) ...........

h) yourself ..............

8. How should your dream partner look?

Height: Appearance: Figure: Education: primary secondary university/college Character: Hobbies, interests:
What advertisement would you answer and why?


Colour of hair: Colour of eyes:

/ doesn't matter

9. What makes people look for their partner by means of a newspaper advertisement?
Are you 19 to 257 Do you believe that the most important factor in a relationship is the ability to trust one another? Are you willing to devote yourself totally to your loved one? If so, please listen on. My name is Diana. I'm an l8 yeal old receptionist, medium build and I have brown hair
Hey, all you guys, 18to24.I'm l9 yrs. old,5'2" tall & I have long brown hair &hazel eyes. I'm a full-tirne student who also has a jclb. I'm looking for someclne to spend rny tirne with, who is fun. loving & an honest person with a good sense of humour, morals & kind o1'a happy-golucky type. I like all types ol sports and different sporting events, basketball, roller blading in the park, going to hockey games & rnainly hanging around outdoors, swirnming etc. If interested. call Rick Box 6927.

| & dark brown eyes. My interests include singing, dancing, I movies. some acting. I'rn looking for a possible long term I relationship, I am looking for someone who enjoys the same I things, who is honest, attractive and intelligent and who 1 knows what he wants in life. If you think, we may have

anything in common, please call. Box 4923.



name is Jack, I'm26 yrs. old & I have long brown hair, green eyes &

medium athletic build. I'm self-employed, hard worker, energetic & I love to travel, the outdoors, love to dance, swim, just about anything with the right person. I'm very open, honest, loyal, not into head games, so if you are, don't waste your time. I'm looking tor a friend, lover, soul mate, a romantic fool. If you think this is it & you think we could talk, call Box 6864.

My name is Steve. I'm a 24 yr. old, very attractive white male, 6'3" tall, 180 lbs. & I have a well defined body. I ztlso have a college
degree & am professionally employed. I like to have fun, go to the movies, dine out, like bowling, tennis & I also play basketball. If interested, leave me a message at Box 2631.

Serious, sexy, quiet, open, giving, caring, Iovin-e, these are just a few of the many words that describe me. My name is Celia. I'm seeking a very open, romantic, giving man, who is unattached, pref'erably a non-drinker and non-smoker. If you feel you are that and would care to investigate further, call me at Box 5001.

How would you write your personal advertisement in a newspaper?

lnclude your age, looks, interests, character and what kind of person you are looking for (and why).

10. What is your temperament like? What are positive and negative points of your character in your or other people's opinion?
a) temperament

d) work
e) towards yourself g) talents

t) will
g) intellectual abilities

b) attitude towards other people c) morals


11. Discuss the qualities of an ideal husband, wife, boss, secretary, teacher, mother, father, mother-in-law, good friend.
An ideal husband is supposed to be He must be ........... .. or .........
He should always be I think he should

I think so too. And

he's also expected to be ........... That's right. And he must never be ................. or


I don't think so. I don't think he has to be

It's most irnportant for him to be

12. Write a character description of your friend, father, mother, brother, sister, boy(girl)friend, teacher or a literary character.

a) appearance b) temperament c) character (attitude

towards other people, morals,

him/herself, work, his/her will)

d) talents, abilities, attitude to work, will e) interests, hobbies 0 (what you have in common) s) why you like/dislike the person

13. How would you characterize your class?

Clothes and Fashion

People have different attitudes to f ashion. Some are indift'erent, they do not care what they wear, others, especially women, are very choosy and particular about what to wear and like to spend a lot of money on clothes. Sorne people buy ready-made clothes, others prefer to have them made to measure or buy thern at second-hand shops. some have excellent taste in dress and are always dressed perf'ectly, others are slovenly in dress. There are sorle people who want to be dressed according to the latest fashion at all costs even if it does not suit them. It seems that it is a hobby lbr them to follow the tashion magazines and see what a few leading designers in Paris, Rome, London or New York present. For some people fashion is a matter of differentiation. the eagerness to distinguish oneself from one's tellows, tor others it is a need to match their ideal model by imitating his/her appearance. Different factors which have influenced the styles of clothing, such as geography, clirnate, poverty and wealth have played their role. We can also note how rich people altered their clothes with every tancy of their tailor while the po<lr people's garments changed slowly. Then the cheap manufacture of cloth and the invention of the sewing machine brought about a revolution. Ready made clothes have become relatively cheap and now tashionable trends are irnitated all over the world. On the other hand all of this resulted in a kind or unifonnity. It is hard to tell class, prot'ession or even sex by the

form of dress.
Fashion concerns not only clothes, but also hair style, make-up and accessories, such as shoes, handbags, gloves, belts, hats. scarfs or jewellery and glasses. Clothing, footwear and cosmetic manufacturers as well as jewellery makers and hairdressers need to make money. Styles, cuts, designs and particularly the length of clothes change very quickly because dressmakin-e has become big business nowadays. Tight-titting miniskirts may be in at one time, soon to be replaced by midcalf length and loose dress or maxi-style. Fashions often revert to older styles; what is out of fashion, funny or ridiculous now, rnay look romantic a few decades later. But the fashions never repeat themselves quite in the same way. There can be a whole ran-ee of distinctive features. We could note various types of neckline (high or low, oval, V-neck, boat neck, tie or polo neck, with collar or collarless), and various cuts of sleeves (inset, raglan, dropped shoulder or batwing). The dress may have a classic line, A-line or be straight, the waistline may be natural, high or low. At one time straight or slit skirts are in, at another full, bell-shaped or divided skirts become trendy. There is also a variety of materials the dress can be made of - traditional natural materials such as cotton. wool, linen, silk and the vast collection of new fabrics based on man-ffrade fibres. But everybody usually looks for f irst class, washable, non-iron, crease- and shrink-resistant fabric. Their design can be plain or patterned (flowered, geometric, striped, checked, dotted or spotted) and taken from the whole spectrum of colours running trom the brightest and most -qarish to the coolest and most subdued. The way we dress also depends on our taste, on the season and the proper occasion. We should know what kind of accessories complement the dress and what colours match each other. In summer we wear light sumfiler dresses, loose blouses with a low neckline and with short sleeves or without sleeves, skirts gathered at the waist or bell-shaped, cropped trousers, shorts or Bermuda shorts and various T-shirts, and on our feet we pull on sandals, mules, slippers or plimsolls. When we go swimrning we put on a swim suit (bikini, one-piece or two-piece) or trunks, sometimes a heach -eown and a straw hat. In winter we need to wear sornething warm - suits, tl'ousers, jeans, woollies, cardigans, polo neck sweaters, jumpers, anoraks and parkas, winter coats and jackets, sometimes even a fur coat, gloves and mittens, caps, hoods, hats, scarfs and mufflers. And boots of course. On special occasions we like to be dressed properly too. When we go to a concert or to the theatre we pref'er to be dressed up. We wear an evening dress, which consists of a dark suit, a light shirt and a tie or a bowtie. sometimes a dinner jacket, an evening gown, court shoes and pumps. For sports we put on sports wear, such as jeans, shorts, T-shirts. blazers, parkas, track suits and to the mountains a waterproof jacket or anorak and sports shoes (trainers, plimsolls, heavy boots or skishoes). At home we like to feel comfortable, and so we prefer leisure wear - slacks, jeans and T-shirts and on our feet slippers or mules. To school we wear something practical and plain. The rnost favourite wear of teena-qers include jeans or trousers, shirts and T-shirts of different colours, sweatshirts or pullovers and trainers. For workshop or cleanin-u jobs we must put on an apron, overall or overalls. Special kinds of clothes are uniforms and costumes. Uniforms are worn particularly by prof'essionals such as the police, the armed forces, health workers, sometimes workers of a certain firm. It is still a tradition in somc schools in Britain (mostly private ones) to wear a school uniform. It usually consists of a white shirt and grey or dark trousers and a dark sweater or blazer with a school badge on the breast pocket and perhaps a cap (fbr youn,eer boys). Unlike the boys who do not mind wearing uniforms because they do not dift'er very much from ordinary clothes, the -eirls cornplain about them and hate wearing them. A girl's uniform looks quite different from an ordinary girl's dress since it consists of a plain coat. a blouse and a skirt in some dark colour, such as grey, navy blue or brown. Girls would preter ordinary clothes to express their personality or perhaps they just feel more comfortable in jeans and a T-shirt. The argument f or unifonns is that they prevent competition among the girls and hide differences in family incomes. Costumes on the other hand reflect the style of a past time. Apart from the theatre they are not seen very often. only on special occasions. Scotsmen are well-known for their national costume which consists of a kilt (a shori skirt with many pressed pleats), knee-length woollen socks, a cap and a sporran (a fur-covered bag worn as a purse). The kilt is made of tartan, a kind of woollen cloth woven in stripes of various colours which cross at right angles so as to fbnn a pattern. The difference is in the colours and the width of the stripes. Most tartans have either green or red as the dorninant colour.


The tashion changes so fast that often we face the question of what to clo with clothes which we do not need alty longer. It is easy to discard worn-out clothes but what to do with unworn clothes which you do not like any more'l People in the west often arrange a jumble or garage sale but it is not a custom in our country yet. Sorne people store them up in their wardrobe if they have enough room, pass them down to somebody younger or give them to a charity or_{anization. Women who can do needlework (sew, knit, crochet or embroider) often remake an old dress and alter it into a new stylish moclel which is admired by their colleagues as if it was bought in a boutique. Some people do not choose their dress with regard to the latest fashion. they apply a wait-and-see attitude and wear what suits them. what is healthy and what they can afford. The most important thing is that such dresses are neat and clean, they look smart and elegant and they feel comtortable.

Questions on the text:

l. What attitudes do people have to fashion? 2. What factors have influenced the way of dressing? 3. What does fashion include? 4. What changes in fashion very quickly?
5. What kind of materials, patterns and coloul can be used'.) 6. How does the season influence clothes'/ 7. What kind of clothes do we wear on various occasion:'.' 8. What can we do with an old dress'.)


choosy/particular about,look smart/elegant, worn-ouUunworn, feel comfortable. be drtsstd

the latest (current) fashion/slovenly [slavnli], be dressed rp, have excellentrlor t stc. rtertlarc c. F (un)dressed/put on st./take off, dress/clothes/garmenU (sports) ouffit,lincdleuDdr-r.undcrrcer. !*F rter.ryorls wearrleisure wear,casual lkrgjuel] wearrknitwear [nitwea], rcady-madedotheslmadetomcasre,ler-mdefibrcs [f aibez] /fabrics [frebriks]/ materials, natural materials, pattern, style, cuf design, colours, line. neckline, plein/casud


[stailifl, smarUeleganUextravaganUworn-out dress, suitlfiUmatch/go with, loose [u:s] /tighUclose fitting accessories [ek'sesariz], hair style, jewellery [d3u:alri], make-up, be in (fashion) /out (of fashion), become (un)fashionable, be on the way out, replace st. with st., reflect the period, prevail [pri'veil], modify lmodifai], imitate, revert [ri've:t], second-hand shop, jumble [dSambl] sale/garage sale, pass/lrand down, discard, needlework, alter [o:lte], remake, make a dress, sew - sewed - sewed/sewn [sau, saud, seun], sew on, sewing machine, embroider [im'broide], knit, crochet [krauJet], thread [0red], needle [ni:dl], scissors [sizez] tailor's Iteilez] /dressmaker's, clothing/footwear industry

1. Which of the attitudes to fashion mentioned in the text applies to you?

2. What do you do with clothes you do not need any longer? Which of the possibilities in the text do you think is best? 3. On what occasions do we wear these garments? Which of them belong to men's wear, ladies wear, underwear, knitwear, night wear, sports wear casual wear or leisure wear?
suit [sju:t], tweed/leather/subde Isweid]/ denim jacket, dinner jacket/tuxedo (nu) [tak'si:deu], waistcoat/vest

(a pair of; trousers/pants (AM) /slacks, jeans, cropped trousers, vest, pants/panties/knickers Inikaz], long johns, bra,

slip, suspender belt, twin-set, a cocktaiVparty/evening/wedding/button through/button-fronU two piece/allpurpose/a best dress, top, (trouser) suit, blouse lblauz], jumper [d3ampel, cardigan [ka:di,eenl
sweater [swete], woollies, pullover, anorak [eneraek], raincoat, cape, short/full length/three quarter/winter/lined/ unlined/fur coat, parka [pa:ka], overall [euvaro:l], overalls [euvero:lz], apron [eipran], (a pair of) pyjamas [pe'd3a:mez], night dress/gown/shirt, dressing/beach/nighUevening gown [gaunl, leisure suit, track suit, shorts, Bermuda [be'mju:de] shorts, shirt [Je:t] sweatshirt, T-shirt lti:Ia:t], top, straight/slit/divided/ pleated/wrap over/gathered/bell-shaped skirt [ske:t], swim suiUbikini [bi'ki:ni], trunks [trarlks], blazer Ibleize]

4. What footwear do we wear and on what occasions? Label the

leather/suEde/hand-made shoes, heel [hi:l], sole, the uppers, laces [eisiz], courUflaVlace-ups/walking/heavy/ outdoor/running/sports shoes, lodmedium/high-heeled shoes, stiletto [sti'letau] - heeled shoes, slippers [slipez],

mules [mju:lz], sandals [srendlz], trainers, plimsolls [plirnselz], ski shoes, clogs, pumps
ankle/knee-length/high boots, Wellingtons/wellies/ rubber boots/rubbers, pull onislip on


5. What kind of materials and patterns do we use? What qualities
should fabrics have'l What kind of garmenr
are they best for? What colours match together'l Do you know what kind of colours these are'l

natural materials [me'tierielz]: cotton (velvet [velvit], corduroy [ko:deroi], denim, satin Isretin], muslin fmazlin]), linen [inin], wooUwoollen (tweed, jersey [d3ezi], angora [rer1go:ra]), silk, leather, subde, rubber, fur man-made fabrics [febriks]: nylon, acrylic [e'krilik], polyester, fur fabric, poly cotton (mixture of cotton and
polyester), man-made fibres [menmeid faibaz], coarse, soft, transparent, flimsy [flirnzi] pattern [paeten]: woven [wauven], textured [tekstJad], printed [printid], lace fleisl, flowered/striped/checked/ spotted/dotted/geometric/plain, non-iron, shrink - resistant [JLiqk], crease-resistant [kri:s ri'zistent], washable [woJebl], durable [djuerabl], waterproof, colour fast, match/go with, colour scheme, spectrum, brighUgarish Igearifl/pastel [paes'tel]/subdued Isab'dju:d], navy blue/canary yellow/khaki Ika:ki]/purple/pink/scarleUbeige Ibei3]/whitish/creamy

6. Do you know what all these accessories are? What kind

vocabulary see Character Description

of garment can they complement'l What kind of jewellery do you like to wear'l What kind of make-up do you use'l What hairstyle do you preler and why'l (For other


shorUankle4<nee-length socks, stockings, patterned/fine/heavy tights, tie, bowtie [beutai], scarf, muffler [maflel, ear muffs, handkerchief /cleanex (nu), subde gloves fglavz)lmittens, hat, cap, stradbowler hat, hood [hu:d], belt, buckle lbakl], sash [srefl, (lean on a) stick, (telescopic) umbrella [am'brele], braces [breisez]/ suspenders [ses'pendez] (AM), handbag, shoes, glasses, jewellery [d3u:elri], jewel, necklace Ineklis], bracelet [breislat], brooch [breutJ], pin, ear-ring, ring, pendant, costume jewellery, semi/precious stone, make-up, cosmetics, go with one's complexion, put on/apply one's lipstick/mascara [me s'ka:ra] / powder, use eye shadow [Jredau]/rouge [ru:3]/eye brow pencil, do/paint one's nails with nail varnish [va:niJ], scent [sent], scented, perfume [pe'fju:m], perfumed [pe'fju:rnd], cologne [ke'leun], deodorant [di:'euderent], hair style/hairdo, hairdresser's, rinse, bleach [bli:tfl, tint, have/ask for a haircut/a shampoo [frern'pu:]/a
set, set one's hair with curlers [ka:lez]

7. Perform

fashion show in your class.

Comment on each student's dress, shoes and other accessories and use
narned Mary has a ..... on.

the following vocabulary:

Start like this: Welcome to our fashion show. Model number one is wearing ..... The rnodel A model named Fantasy in blue ..... .
Iength: waistline: neckline: cut of sleeves: ornaments:

mini (skirt)/mid calf/midi/maxi line: classic, straight, A-line natural, high, low with a collar lkole]/without a collar/collarless, round/pointed [pointid] collar, high/low/ovall boat/
stand-up/tie/polo neck, V-neck

with/without sleeves, shorVlong/inseVraglan/dropped shoulder/batwin-e sleeves

button (button front/through), hole, patch lpretfl,pockets, strapless/with straps lstrseps], pleats [pli:ts],

folds Ifauldz]



8. Name the pictures

(garment, material, pattern, cut and design):

__, _/



ffisffig. &+ uffiJffiNd#

4 jumper/dress

9. Describe in detail how you dress or undress:

get dressed/get changed/take off one's hat, put on st./pull over/pull on, shoes/(un)tie the shoe/laces/unlace the shoes/lace the shoes up/unbutton/button up a shirVundo one's shirt/zip up/unzip/undo a zip(fastener), a press stud Istad], hooks Ihu:ksl

10. A) Say what each of these articles protects:


sunglasses, gloves, a scarf, a muffler, a hood, a raincoat, pumps, ablazer. ti-ehts

B) Explain the differences:


stocking/shoes - boots/cardigan evening gown/pants - panties - trousers sock


- costume/try -

try on/coat-jacket/dressinu goun

11. What would you take with you if you were going on a two weeks' holiday in the mountains, at the seaside, in the country. 12. How do you keep your clothes and shoes in order?
soiled/dirty garments/clothes/linen, get soiled/dirty, wash

in the washing

machine/by hand, hand wash, do the

washing/laundry, launder (= wash and press), send to a laundry/to the wash, the laundry/the clothes, bed-linen/underwear. be in the wash, wash-basin, washing powder/soap send to the dry-cleaner's/dry cleaning, press/iron, soak the laundry, rinse, bleach [bli:tJ], drip-dry it shrinks with washing, wring wrung wrung, wringing machine, drylair clothing, bed-clothes, get dry, clean/cream/polish shoes, darn socks, stow away [steu]/put clothes into a wardrobe

13. Act dialogues in a clothes shop or a shoe shop.


14. Describe your attitude to fashion and your wardrobe.

Include what you like to wear at home, to school, when going to the theatre. to a ball, your favourite colours, dress material. style, what kind of accessories, make-up, hair style, cosmetics and jewellery you use, where you like shopping, what new gannents you would like to buy..........


Sports and Games

Sports are one of the most popular leisure time activites. This is rminly fu n tb hthqql-;lql fitbothphysicallyandmentally'SuchaformofrelaxationaSSportSisrefreshing.canHP&d'trits.*

of one's skills and strength. Last but not least, during sports events one can meet a lor of rw poqlh dcbtffi to be a winner or a loser. The increase of interest in sports is best illustrated by the appearance of ever new sports facilities. It is inpcrrr to note that besides taking an active part in sports it is also possible just to watch sports events as a spectator or play rh pools (bet money on certain sports results). Usually all sports and garnes are further differentiated into two groups according to where they can be practised. Indoor sports include for example gymnastics, table tennis. boxing, wrestling etc. On the other hand, among outdoor sports are skiing (down-hill, cross-country, slalom, skijump), sleddin-e, hiking, rock clirnbing, horse riding, -{olf, and some aquatic sports such as rowin-e or windsurfing. Non-professional cycling, or ridin-u a (mountain) bike. which is one of the most popular activities, is also enjoyed out of doors (on the roads or paths). But most sports and almost all -eames can be done both indoors and outdoors. Meetings in all the track and field events (sprints, middle and long distance runs. hurdling, high and long jump, pole vault, shot put, javelin and discus throw) take place in summer stadiums as well as in athletic halls. Also one of the healthiest sports, swimming, and figure skating do not actually demand a roofed room. One can easily recognize that those sports which can be done only on ice or snow (skating, skiing etc.) are winter sports whereas all the rest we call summer or all-season sports. The -eames are usually all-season activities, and they are practised both indoors and outdoors. The most nurr,L-rous group of garnes are the ball games. Let us mention the individual games in the order in which thel' are popular in Great Britain, the United States, and the Slovak Republic. The British are great lovers of competitive sports. and u'hen thel' are neither playing nor watching games they like to talk about them. England was also the first home of many popular modern games. Among these, football is the most wide spread. As is commonly known. in this collective two Leams of I I -same members play with a ball on a grass playing field. The purpose is to kick the ball so as to ,qet it into the opposite goal. In Britain there are a great number of clubs (some of them are Aston Villa, Crystal Palace. Manchester United. Arsenal, Queens Park Rangers), and in London there is one of the world's biggest football stadiums - the Wembley Arena. Football is played all over the world. In the United States, however, it is called soccer (derived fiom the nerme Association Football). Rugby tootball is also very popular. This game was first played at Rugby (a town) School, England. Thus the is of Scottish ori-ein, cricket was and still rernains an En-tlish national -qarne. name. In this game the ball is oval. While -eolf Next to soccer the chief spectator sport is horse-racin-e. The best known steeple-cha-se race is the Gleat National, run at Aintree near Liverpool. Another annual sporting event that the British look forward to ea-eerly is the famous university rowing race between Oxford and Cambridge, which is held on the river Thames. The lawn tennis season reaches its peak every year at the Wimbledon tournament which is played in London in early June. For relaxation squash is also played. In the USA most sports and games have been to a great extent commercionalized. The four fbrernost professional there are American football. baseball, basketball, and ice-hockey (it has its roots in Canada, though). These -qames ,qames are turned into big shows in which the sports stars make a lot of money. American football diff'ers trom European mainly in the shape of the ball (oval). the way in which it is carried by the players (in the hands), and the fbrrn of scorin,e (touchdowns at field goals). Other sports such as the tormer Indian game lacrosse or field hockey are also popular. In our country ball games rank arnong the most popular ones. They include especially tootball. volleyball, basketball, handball, and tennis. Besides this ice-hockey is played at a very high level here too. Our country has produced many sportsmen who have achieved success in top international competitions. In our town there are rather many sports facilities available. We can visit both the sumrner stadium which serves as a track and football field, and the ice-rink where one can skate. Next to the summer stadium a tew clay tennis and volleyball courts and a handball playground can be found. For indoor activities there is a modern sports hall and several fitness centres around the town. The only fault is that we have no indoor swimrning pool yet. Besides many other srnall fields elsewhere in the town and a few gymnasiums near the schools there is a ski-tow on a nearby hill at the skiers' disposal. Our physical training lessons are twice or three times a week. Usually betore the lesson starts we change into sports wear such as T-shirts, shorts, track pants, sweatshirts, and sneakers in a dressing room. When the weather is -uood. our lessons are usually filled with running, jurnping or simply playing games. But first we must trlways do a little warm-up exercise (for those who do not do morning exercises it is especially necessary). In winter or in bad weather. though. we -so to the gym and do gyrnnastics. Our gym is fully equipped - there are many apparatuses there (wallbars, horizontal bar. parallel bars, beam, rings, vaulting horse, mats, springboards, climbing rope and pole). The Olympic Games (the Olympics) were already held in ancient Greece. At that time they put emphasis on the ideal of an all-round developed person. The Olympics were renewed by Pierre de Coubertin about a hundred years ago and today as well as in ancient times they take place every four years. Since 1924 there are two parts to the games - the winter part and the summer part - which alternate once every tw<l years.


My Attitude to Sports
Sports and games have always played an important role in rny lif'e and even now they are my nurnber one hobby. Since my early childhood I was keen on such sports as running, tennis, table tennis, and badminton. I used to play just tor the sake of playing and it was great fun. I also learned to swim when I was very young. Since then swirnming is my most favourite sport. When I was six I received my first bike fiom my parents and up to now I cycling fbr lon_e distances at -eo least once a week. I used to go with my parents almost every winter to the mountains where I soon a good opportunity -uot to ski. My parents also took me skating when the lake was fiozen over. Later I became more interested in various ball games. I started to play football in a club and I kept playing for' 5 rlore years. We had practices three times a week and it always meant a lot of running so I finally -qave up. Then it was volleyball and basketball that attracted me as I was growin,e taller and taller. Every Friday tny fiiends and I had a volleyball session in one of the local gyrns. In my everyday life, though, I only sometimes do mornin,e exercises, sclmetimes zr f'ew push-ups, sit-ups or knee-bends and fiom time to time I go jogging around the pond in the evenings. Althou-ch I never really got any prtze or award in sports, I still like to do them just for fun. I also tried body building which has becorne fashionable in these days but I haven't the patience and persistence to go to the fitness centre re-eularly. I almost tbr-eot one which -qame gives me a lot of pleasure - chess. Although the nurnber of games I've lost and won are in balance, I don't consider rnyself an extremely good player. As for watching sports, I love to go to see the rnatches of our ice-hockey team and besides that there is always something on TV like tennis tournaments or world championships in all kinds of sports and games.

Questions on the text:

l. Why is sport
a good way to


6. What sports and games do people in our country enjoy'l

2. Can you name any indoor and outdoor sports



7. What sports facilities are described in the text'?


What is the structure of

PE (physical education) lesson'l

3. What sports events can be practised winter/all the year round? 5. What sports and games

in summer/in 9. What sports and

4. What sports and games are popular in Great


games did the writer do in his childhood? 10. How did his interests concernin-q sport develop later'?

popular with the Americans'l

contest, competition, tournament, championship, Olympic Games, match, compete, record, record breaker/holder, top-level sportsman, runner, racer, jumper, jogger, event, discipline, ball games, athletics, winter/summer sports,

indoor/outdoor sports, gymnasium (hall), sportsfield, sportsground, playground, sports stadium, ice-rink,
do/play/take up sports, games; apparatus, professional/amateur sportsman

1. Describe sports facilities in your town:
winter/summer stadium, sports hall, sportsground, ice-rink, tennis court, golf/ski (down-hill, cross-country) race course, (indoor) swimming pool, fitness/bowling/ski centre, ski jump, sauna [saune]

2. Describe the equipment of your gym. What sports and games can you play there?
PE lesson look like? Which of the exercises can you do and what is your record?

What does your

dressing room (T-shirts, shorts, track pants, track suit, sweatshirts, gyrn shoes, plimsolls. sneakers, spikes), warm-up exercises, apparatus work, horizontal bar, parallel bars. (balance) beam, rings, (srnall) vaultin-e Ivo:ltiq] horse, rnats Imrets]. springboards, climbing rope, pole, wallbars. clubs, push-up, knee-bend, sit-up, head stand, head sprin-e, hand stand, bend the trunk backwards/forwards, stride vault. stretch the arms sideways

3. Are all of these aquatic sports?

(indoor) swimming pool, swimming (backstroke, breaststroke. butterfly, crawl, freestyle), water polo, spring-board/platform diving [daiviq], boating, rowing [reuirl], water skiing, windsurfing, sailing, canoeing [ke'nu:iq], yacht Iot], sail [seil], underwater diving

4. Describe

a footbalUrugby/ice hockey/tennis game.

tbotball field/pitch, toss a coin, kick-off, pass, attack, score a goal, goalkeeper, hit the cross bar (goalpost), equalize [i:kwelaiz], eliminate [i'limineit], win/lose/tie/(draw), cup final, who's playing who?, 2 : 0 (two to nil), 2:2(two both), drop
to the lOth place ice-rink, puck [pak], stick, helmet, strip, tennis court, racket, net, serve, set, game, love


5. Do you know how/where some of these games are played? What equipment do you need?
cricket, baseball (bat. base), basketball. volleyball, handball, golf (golf course, golf club. hole). bowling(bowls. bowling centre), squash, curling, billiards [biljadz]/pool, chess (chess board, figures)

6. Which of these sports and games do you play/have you played/do you like/are you a fan ofldo you watch on TV? Are they summer/winter. indoor/outdoor sports and games'l Can you fbrrn verbs f}om the
nouns? Do you know the top-sportsmen in any of these events?

athletics [reO'letiks], boxing, wrestling [restlil], weight lifting, track and field events, 100-metre run, 10,000 metre walk, 110 metre hurdles [he:dlz], 400 metre relay [ri:lei], marathon [rnaereOen], high/long/tripple jump, discus [diskas] /hammer /javelin [dSevlin] throw, shot put, decathlon [di'kreOlon], track/starting line/starUfinish/On your marks-get set-go/ Ready-steady-go, winner, loser, fencing [fensiq], cycling, rock climbing/mountaineering [maunti'nieriq], hiking, (horse) racing, greyhound racing [greihaund], archery [a:tJari], judo, karate Ike'ra:ti:], yoga, rowing, motor racing, sky-diving, gliding [glaidiq], skateboarding, skiing (down-hill, cross country, slalom), ski jump. go skating, speed/figure skating, ice dancing, free skating, compulsory figures, bobsledding Ibohsledirl]. toboganning
Ite'bogeniq], curling, squash, lacrosse

7. Name the sports and games:

4\ iA\

n v-.







.'//' :,- \' ,1/-'














8. Describe your sports/skiing course and the equipment which you needed (how long the course Iasted, where it was, what your every day schedule was)

9. What do you know about the Olympic Games?

(history (Greece, modern), aim, symbol of 5 rings, participants (professionals'1, amateurs'1, paid?), next summer/winter Olympic Games)

10. What kind of sports and games do you need this equipment for? Match them together.
archery, body building. canoeing, cross-country skiing, cycling. discus throw, f'encin-8, football, gymnastics, horse racing. hurdle race. ice-hockey, jogging, judo, modern gymnastics, motor racing, platforrn divin-8, pole vault, -ereyhound racing, rowing, running, shooting, shot put, skating, swimming, table tennis, tennis, windsurtin_e
a pack

of hounds

balance beam bar bells bat

discus goal gun -

hoop [hu:p]
hurdles mat oar -



paddle lpaedl] pole puck race course racket -

ski sticks/hinding

sunfin_e board


crash helmet

swirn suit/trunks swimmin-{ pool track suit wire mask -

1.L. Have

you got a favourite sportsman/sportswoman?

Say more about him/her.

(what sports discipline does he/she do, how long, his/her beginnings/best achievements. medals, personal qualities, why you like him/her)

12. Topics for discussions:

2. Football rowdies. 3. Renowned sports events (championships,


Various fonns of getting


7. What sports terminology is taken from En-slish'l 8. What sports and games do the Slovak people excel in']


contests, 9. Do you know

any famous record holders'] 10. Should sport be protessionalized and commercialized?

4. Prestigious football and ice hockey clubs in our

country, abroad. 5. Sports harmful to your health (give reasons). 6. Explain the rules of a game you know best.

11. Comment on the sports clubs and their results in your town.

13. Describe your attitude to sport and sports facilities in your home town. (What sports

did you begin

with, which of them do you do now, how long, for fun or in a team, what sports and games are you good atldo you do in summer/in winter/would you like to take up if you had more free time/do you watch cln television/on what occasion, what equipment do you need, describe your PE lesson in summer/in winter).


to school. to work or visiting ftiends. There are two ways of travelling: one is using our own means o1' transport and the other is to rely on the public transportation services. People and goods can be transported by land, by air or by water. The main fact that speaks for water transport are the relatively small costs. That is why rivers, seas, and oceans are continuously being filled with new cargo and passenger vessels. Ferries, ocean liners and other steamboats take quite a long period of time to carry you to the place of destination, though. The advantage is that one can take almost as much luggage as one likes. In general not many people have the courage to board a ship because although the trip is inexpensive
they can still become sea-sick. People travel in order to reach places that are close or far away, they travel for fun or ll'oln necessity. Travellin_e takes up more time in our lives than most of us imagine. An everyday tonn of travelling rnay be -eoing shoppin-u, commuting

Unlike sea travel, going by air consumes huge sums of money but is the fastest way of travelline. An air ticket ensures us a comfortable seat on the plane which can fly us to any place in the world within a few hours. The air transportation system is thus the one most strictly dependent on the timetable. At the airport we -so through rhe passporr control and security check, have our luggage (which has a limited wei-uht, of course) checked and then rvait unril rhe pleni-' is ready for take-off. When we are lucky and our flight is neither cancelled nor postponed rve carr lcxrk torurrrj ttr .r .:ir' landing on the runway of another airport. For private use helicopters are usually bought. Land off-ers the greatest variety of means of transport. There are motor road vehicles and hi;r;lcs r'rn j) .,r8 :,riic and rail on the other. As personal vehicles, motorcycles and cars are the most popular. There lrc :l:.. .{iH rrts-lmr ,.,{ transport on four wheels - buses and trolleybuses. Of rail vehicles. which are alnpst exclu*:rr eir Jesgrcrj :tr lrllmXn; iir,nrc" we could mention trains, trams, and the underground. Cars and motorbikes are expensive to purchase and in addition one also has to 5n) fcr ftrd- rfu$ rf rhe vcfrrcilc has a bi,e consumption, costs a lot of money as well. For short and middle distances a car is fast erxrugfr io as m [o grr l{rl tired by travelling, unless we get into a traffic jam. Also the space for lu-e,eage in ttre tnrnk of the r--ar is quire lar3e The tsr thing about cars is that they will take you almost anywhere at any tirne. Modern cars rvith soft seas and a lot of spar'e t-tx the le-es are sometimes even more comfortable than the interior of a plane. To get a driver's licence one must knou' hou' to drive and know the traffic rules well. One of the rules says that cars are to be driven on the right side of the road. This isn't true in Great Britain and the USA, there people drive on the left. The most trequent public means of transport are buses and trains. The network of bus and train stops covers most inhabited places. Public transport is cheaper, but also less comfbrtable. The bus and train stops in major cities are called stations. An ordinary railway station looks like this: a big hall with a ticket office where one can buy a single or a return ticket and a seat reservation, the departures and arrivals board, a left luggage office or lockers, telephones. waiting hall(s), a restaurant. a drink (soda or coffee) machine, a book-stall, a barber's shop, a lavatory and a few llowers around a little fountain. From this hall one goes through the underpassage directly onto the ri,eht plattbrm. From the platfbrm we -qet on the train and look for a free seat in the (non-)smoking compartment. If all the seats are occupied we must rlove into another carriage and try again there. When we are seated and the train starts, we can spend the tirne talking with a fellow passen-qer, observe the landscape out of the window, eat some food, play cards with a friend or sleep. When the conductol'comes we hand him the tickets and he checks thern. There are no conductors on many trains in Britain, but you usually hand over your ticket to a ticket collector after the journey before leaving the platforrn. After the train's arrival we can -eet olT. In big cities underground (subways) with several ditferent tracks have been built in order to relieve the trams and buses (the most interesting of them are the famous double-deckers in London). They are the fastest rleans of urbran transportation and the underground trains usually go every flve minutes on average. Many workers and pupils depend on the underground every rnorning. It can take them at a low rate from the suburbs to the city and back. The taxi (or cabs) in bi-e cities can just be called by phone or hailed while they pass by in the stleet. When travelling on vacation we should look for accommodation appropriate to our demands. In the lirst place there are hotels and motels which differ in price and comfbrt (both are on a slightly lower level in rnotels). Before our arrival we should make a reservation, book a room in such a hotel. We can get bed and breakfast or full board at a daily or weekly rate. All this can be taken care of at the reception desk where the desk clerk arran-qes everything necessary. Then we can enjoy our stay with the help of some of the hotel's services - a restaurant, a bar, a coffee shop, a travel desk. a theatre ticket office, a hairdresser's shop and beauty salon or sports facilities like a swimming p<lol or a fitness centre. The motels are situated mostly by the roads. The guest can park his car at the door of his own room. A special kind of accommodation for young people are youth hostels (mainly in Great Britain) where it is possible to stay overnight at a low rate but only for a limited number of times. Some tourists prefer to stay at a farm or they rent a roorn on their own.

Who is Who in Exploration

Sir Francis Drake (c.
1545 - 1596) English buccaneer and explorer. In 1577 - 80 he circurnnavigated the -qlobe in the Golden Hind. During his last expedition to the West Indies he died o1'dysentry off the Panama coast. Walter Raleigh (1552 - 1618) English adventurer. His atternpts to establish a colony in Vir,einia. North Arnerica. were unsuccessful. Under James I he was irnprisoned in the Tower of London <ln a charge of conspiracy. In I 6l 6 he was released to lead a gold-seeking expedition to the Orinoco River, which tailed, and he was beheaded on his return.

c. 16 I I ) English explorer and navigator. He made two unsuccessf ul atternpts to flnd the Northeast to China. In 1609 he reached New York Bay and sailed up the river which now bears his name ancl explored it. He died at sea when he was set adrift in a boat by a mutinous crew. James Cook (1728 - 1779) English navigator and explorer. He lead three expeditions to the southern hemisphere and discovered Australia and New Zealand. He was killed by the natives in Hawaii. David Livingstone (1813 - 1873) Scottish missionary explorer. He was the first European to explore many parts o1 Central Passa-ee

Henry Hudson (c. 1565 -

and East Africa.

Arnerican explorer of Welsh origin Henry Stanley ( 1841 - 1904) joined hirn in l87l and they explored Alrica ro,eerher. Stanley made four expeditions to Africa and working for the New York Herald he was asked by his editor to l'ind the ailing Livin-estone. which he did on his second expedition.

Questions on the text:


Why and how do people travel?

2. What are the advantages of water transport? 3. Why don't people use airplanes more'l 4. What are the means of local transport?

6. What is good about using the under_uround'? 7. Where can we find accommodation and of what standard'l 8. Who are the most renowned explorers and what did they

5. What does

journey by train/bus include'l

passanger/goods transport, publicAocal/land/sea/air transport, go by boat/train/plane, the underground/air, go on fooUhorseback/a bike/a motorcycle/a sledge, fly/flight, ride, drive, vehicle, traffic, traffic lights, traffic jam, lorry/truck tRv), motorway/express highway track (AM), filling/petrol tncl/gas (AM), station, pump, car-park/parking lot tnMt /lay-by, railway station/junction, bus stop/station, travel via, change at, get on/into, get off/out, ticket collector/guard/conductor, taken/free, occupied/vacant, carriage, compartment, seat, see sb. to the station, see sb. off (at the station), go/come to meet at, Iuggage fiagift] sg., bag, suitcase, stay overnight, accommodation, go to work/for a trip, commute [ke'mju:t]/commuter, airport, board the (air) plane, jet plane, (hand) luggage, air ticket, first class/economy class, boarding pass, check-in, inquiry about one's flight, take off/land, carry out a security check, crew, air hostess, on board plane, customs inspection, passport control


What means of passenger transport can you name?


Give their advantages and disadvantages (with regarcl

to speed and time, comfort, luggage space, fare, consumption of fuel). Which of thern do you use and on what


What accidents may happen on the road, on the sea, in the air?
Do you know the Highway Code? Do you know of any differences in driving in our country and in Great Britain'l How can we prevent road accidents happening'l What would you do if any people were injured in a car accident'l Do you ever hitchhike? Is it saf'e to give a lift to a hitchhiker? What kind of people are the best drivers'l Is motoring a pleasure lor
you? Why (not)'l What is the best way to learn to drive? (How) do you manage not to pay the fine when a policeman stops you'l

car crash/accident, plane crash, sink, hijack [hai'd3rek] a plane, get a driving licence, take a driving course, bad roads, be in a bad/perfect shape, (not) know the Highway code, land up in a ditch [ditl], cross to the other side, speeding, break the speed limit, overtaking, drive carelessly, have brakes out of order, overlook the road sign, slippery road, fog, wind, rain, have a skid, fall asleep when driving, be drunk, bump into a car, get a ticket for speeding, traffic offence, get a puncture, fix a flat tyre, knock sb. down, run sb. over, stricter driving test, a higher age limit for young drivers, set a low speed limit, ban motor bikes, build safer cars

3. Describe a railway station in a large town. What kind of trains go through them? What kind of carriages does a train have? Describe a carriage interior.
goods/passenger trains, fast/through/express/slow train, locomotive, guard's van, mail van, dininglbuffet [bufei], restaurant car, sleeping car, sleeper, rear/front carriage, nonsmoker/non-smoking compartment Ikern'pa:trnentl, first class/second class compartment, berth [beeO], couchette Iku:'fet], corridoor, aisle Iail],look for a vacant Iveiknt] seat, corner/window seat, reserve a seat, seat reservation (ticket), rack

main hall, waiting room, ticket office (booking ol'fice), single ticket/one way ticket (nv) /return ticket, inquiry Iin'kwaieri] office/information desk,left luggage office /(nv) checkroom; refreshment room/buffet, row of lockers,


a drink machine, barber's shop. bmtstlf. buaor-T rmcn's noom, ladies' room, restroom (nu);, entrance, underpass/subway, platform, tari rent


4. What kind of information can !'txr ggt in an inquiry office?

departure/arrival [e'raivl]. apfivrls and departures board, Ieave/depart. arrive on time, come in time. be delayed/overdue/behind the time. timetable. schedule [skedSul], a two-hour delay,leeway Ii:wei];catch a train. miss one's connection, railway guide. nert connection - when is the next train'l When is the London train due'}, change to another train, break one's journey'

5. Act dialogues.
1. At the booking office: A single / a return to ..... How much is a return to ..... 'l

3. On the platform: Which platlonn does the ..... train leave frorn'l Which train do I take for .....?
Is this the train to ..... Is the train on time? Is the train delayed?


Lt the inquiry office:

What time does the first morning train to ..... go? When's the next one? Is it a throu-eh train or do I have to change? Where do I have to change? What's the connection like? Does it stop at .....? For how long? What tirne does this train reach ..... ? Are there seat reservations for the 7 o'clock train to ..........? Is there a sleepin_e/dining car on this train'? I'd like to book one seat (a couchette) for the
Leeds express for Sunday, the tenth of

4. On the

please help rne with this bag/put rny suitcase on the

Excuse me, is there a free seat/is this window seat taken/this is my seat, I've got a seat reservation.

Will you


rack/keep the seat for me/keep an eye on my ba-q lor a few minutes'l Would you rnind if I pulled down (up) the window /turn on (off) the heat, switch on (o11) the light'l Mind if I lefi the window open / I closed the window'?/I open the door for a moment? May I borrow your newspaper / smoke here'.)

6. Minitalks:
t. What kind of information can you get in a travel agency or an information bureau? Book a tour/trip abroad in a travel agency. What country would you like to visit and why?
4. What are your holiday plans'?
5. 6.

What would your dream holidays look like l How is it possible to sped a holidal''l

7. Describe your trip by bus /train lttre starting point, the place of destination. conncction. the r.ul'*a! iutrr,e. tickets, on the train..........) or your jOurney abroad. (What country/countries harc rtru rrsrtal'\ti.ren-\\-h.t rreans of transport did you use? Who organized the tour'J How much did it cost'l Hos long did it t rkg'\tler-E J1J r'\r
cross the trontier? What was the passport control and custolns inspection like'l Hou long dld r'tru s..11 .afr.'.ir.: " \l'f,,it was your accomodation like'? What about the meals'? What interestin-q places and sight-s did ytru ;sg ' \\*::i.,ac JlJ I' t- 't.r --:ijr. ::-.: ' best'? What surprised you'/ What did you dislike'l What souvenirs did you bur"l \\'ould lcxr rei,'rmrenc .r,r. What did you pack for the trip'/

8. Describe a journey by plane or by boat if you have made one. Describe an airport and crossing the frontier by train (car). 9. Where can you get a room when you travel? How do you reserve a room? What services can you expect? Describe a stay in a hotel.
hotel, boarding house (B&B - bed and breakfast), resort hotel, tourist horne, youth hostel, motel book/reserve a room, in the name of .....; have no vacancy, book early/rnake early bookin,E; be l'ull up/fully booked. receptionist, reception desk, check irVsign the guest book/complete a registration form, accommodate/lod-ee a guest, single/double room for one ni-eht/with a bath/shower, get one's key, a room at ..... a night, includin-e breaklast, reasonable price, discount, give a tip, ask for the bill, pay and check out, check-out time, full board, have no eatin-e l'acilities, have one's suit pressed/some laundry done, 24-hour room service, possibility of havin-e tood and drink brought to your room, night bar, beauty salon [selon], air conditioning, car hire service, private car park, sun terrace, uncrowded beach


Cultural Life in Our Town




- Radio and TV - Literature

Cultural life in our town is not so rich as in large cities. In spite of that, there are some ways of spendin_e leisure time. We can go to the cinerta, to the theatre. dancing, or we can stay at home and listen to the laclio. watch television and read books. There are two cinemas here which offer film shows twice a day all the year round. On Sunday afternoons they show special films for children. The repertory of the cinemas is not specialized, the films do not have a lon-u run and they change every two days. In the past it was necessary to book the tickets for a perfbrmance in advance if you wanted to avoid long queuing in front of the box office. The cinemas were often packed and the tickets were sold out. Since that tirne attendance has declined partly due to the fact that people have less free time and arelazier to leave their homes. They pref'er watching television or video to going to the cinema. The cinemas do not draw lar-ee zrudiences nowadays also on account of their repertory f ocused on presenting comrnercial, action fihns which do not interest rlore dernanding cinema_roers. The last reason, but not the least, may be high admission. Nowadays we can get the tickets strai_eht awav at the cinema. aht-ur half an hour befbre the performance. Some people like to sit at the back but I usually buy tickets to the middlc' of rhe lcnrl row from where I can see better than from a seat next to the -eangway. Before I decide to -so to the cinema- I ;htrxc- lhe :: * very carefully. I do not like violence and blood and I arn fond of witty comedies. pslchological dramr rn'c i.:s :.r:'$;i young people above all. I also follow the reviews and try to go and see first-run or highll regarded lrlrrs cr dr-ric nnil-:r won an Oscar or another award at festivals, and then I compare my impression u-ith the oificral relrcn I .urn ,sur*.:, g,ed nir see films directed by my favourite directors, such as MiloS Forman. Jiif Menzel and \\'(xrJ) -\Ileri On actermrm I rnrffll mr let slip the opportunity to watch famous films of the -eolden HollSr'ood era sith srsh sr^rn .l: Lurenr Olrrs- C-ilctrr Garbo, Spencer Tracy. Katherine Hepburn, Henry Fonda. or rrore recent ones, J*-k Nx*rrls.rr Plrl NcrrruL Rilhcrr Redtord and Meryl Streep. I like silent films with Charlie Chaplin. too. I n\'er go to sa a trlm hased on a $qn aficr I hare read the story because then I am usually disappointed by the fllm. I prefer foreign filrm ntrich are not dutrhod hut proridod only with subtitles because it is a -eood opportunity for me to test my knowledge of foreign langua-ees. Srnall towns provide little opportunity to see theatre performances. There is not a perrnanent theatre building in our town and so when theatre companies come to give a pertormance here they act on the stage of our cultural house. I like matter what is on the programme because I like the atmosphere of the theatre. -eoing to the theatre, the opera or to a ballet no People usually colne dressed up, they take off their coats in the cloakroom and there they can also hire opera glasses from the cloakroom attendant. Then an attendant shows us to our seat. It is rather difflcult to get tickets to the stalls. and from the pit you cannot see so well, that is why I preter to sit in the boxes (but they are quite expensive). or in the dress circle. Students often buy cheaper tickets to the upper circle or balcony or stand in the -eods. When we have sat down we usually read the programme to see the cast, that is who stars in the play or opera and who plays the supporting roles. We want to know a synopsis of the opera, who designed the stage scenery and costumes and who rehearsed the perfonnance and when the premiere was. Then the musicians come in and begin to tune their instruments and soon the conductor appears and the orchestra starts to play an overture. The lights go out. The curtain goes up and the pertormance begins. During the interval, between two acts, we can walk in the foyer, buy some refreshments and share clpinions of the performance with our friends. When the opera is over, the audience bursts into applause. The opera sin-eers are called out and sometimes there are many curtain calls. Musicians at concerts often have to give encores. When I was little I really loved puppet shows, now I prefer operas, ballets and plays. In the cultural house dancing lessons, discos, balls, concerts and book sales are also held. When I was in the third form I took dancing lessons there too. Since then I have been fond of dancing and I became a member ol'a dancin-t club. We learned both standard dances. such as the polka, Viennese waltz, waltz, foxtrot or tan-so and Latin Americtin ones such as the jive, rumba, cha cha and some disco and modern dances. Now I have no time lor the dancin-c club. onl1, I go occasionally to a disco in the youth club. Concerts of classical charnber music and recitals are held in the concert hall in the Town Hall. Pop music concL'rts are usually given in the cultural house. There is also a beautiful Baroque church where people -qo to listen to church and organ music. Our town also has a picture gallery which specializes in book illustrations, and a library. When I do not feel like going anywhere I watch television and listen to the radio or read books. I am not a TV addict and am not one of those who spend hours in front of the screen. For some people it has become a mattel'of social status to have a satellite or a cable TV and first class video and TV set. Some people need a radio or TV as a background noise and they hardly know what is on the programme. In my opinion, television can contribute positively to the nation's education and to the country fblks, it really brings culture ri-eht to their hornes. I like to watch TV news, comments on home and foreign affairs, travelogues, natural science programmes and good old films. Sports f ans certainly enjoy live broadcasts of interesting sports events. I do not like films to be interrupted by commercials. When we travel a portable transistor can be a good companion. In comparison to a TV set, radio has at least two advantages. We need not sit in front of it and yet we can still enjoy listening to it while we have to do everyday boring tasks. And it can be as quick as possible in covering an event. Most of us switch on the radio to hear lhe tirne signal, mornin-e news, press review, or some good music or a hit parade. Some other programmes, such as popular talks, phone-ins or discussions with well known personalities can be very interesting, too.

In comparison with the passive consumption of TV culture, reading is a hi-ehly active hobby. During our life we meet both flction and nonfiction. When we read for pleasure, we usually pick up a book of fiction, such as novels (science

fiction, westerns, travel books, thrillers, crime fiction, psychological and historical novels, adventure tales, Iove stories).
short stories and tales or poetry. There are various ways to choose a book for reading. Some of us reacl a book for its subject and setting, others for the author or on personal recommendation. Also reasons why we read may be diffbrent - we read for relaxation and pleasure, or we look for infonnation and advice. We can buy books. or we can bclrrow them liom friencls and from a library. If we need information, it is good to have various dictionaries, outlines, encyclopedias, technical and scientific literature, atlases, textbooks, biographies. autobiographies and history and art books at hand.

Who is Who in Films and the Theatre

Academy Award - an annual cinema award in rnany categories given since 1927 by the American Acaderny of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. The award is the cinerna's most prestigious syrnbol taking the lonn of a ,sold plated statuette.
nicknamed Oscar since


David Griffith

- 1948) American film director, one of the rnost influential figures in the developrnent of cinerna as an art. He made hundreds of "one-reelers" between 1908 and l9 13, in which he pioneered the techniques of rnasking. fade-out, fade-in, tlashback, crosscut, close up, and long shot. Afier much experimentation with photography and new techniques came his masterpiece as a director, The Birth of a Nation ( 1915), about the aftermath of the Civil War, later criticized as degrading to blacks. In l9l6 he made another well known film, Intolerance, and in l92l the first successl'ul sound film called The Jazz Singer. Charlie Chaplin ( 1889 - 1917) English film actor and director. He made his reputation as a trzrmp with a srnud-ue moustache, bowler hat, and a twirling cane in silent comedies f rom the mid- l9l0s, including the Gold Rush ( 1925) and City Lights ( l93l ). His work often contrasts buffonery with pathos. and his later films comhine dialo-uuc with mime and music, as in The Great Dictator (1940) and Limelight ( 1952 - an Oscar for Chaplin's musical theme). Alfred Hitchcock ( I 899 - 1980) British fihn director who became a US citizen in I 955. He was a master of the suspense thriller and a supreme technician and visual artist. He was known for his meticulously drawn storyboards that determined his camera angles - Rebecca (1940), Psycho (1960), Birds (1963). Baron Laurence Olivier (1907 - 1989) English actor and director, for many years associated with the Old Vic Theatre, he was the director of the National Theatre Company (1963 - 1973). His sta-ue roles include Harnlet. Richard III and Henry V. His acting and direction of fihned Shakespeare's plays received critical acclaim. Olivier appeared on screen in rnany films, including Wuthering Heights ( 1939). Rebecca ( 1940), Henry V (1944), Harnlet ( 1948). The Olivier Theatre, part of the National Theatre on the South Bank, London, is named after him. Woody Allen ( 1935 -) American film director and actor, known for his self-deprecatin-e parody and offbeat humour. His filrns include Annie Hall (1971 - three Acaderny Awards). Since the late 1970s, Allen has rnixed his output of comedies with straight dramas, such as Another Woman ( 1988). One of his latest films is Husbands and Wives (1992).
( 1875

Questions on the text:

l. What cultural facilities are there in your town? 2. Why do people visit the cinema less often than before? 3. What kind of tilms do the cinemas offer? 4. What kind of films does the writer like? 5. What is an Oscar'l 6. What is special ahout the atmosphere in a theatre'l 7. What tickets to the theatre can you buy? 8. What do you learn from a programme? 9. How can you spend intervals'J
10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. What kind of perfbrmances can you see at thc theatre'l What were youl'dancin-u lessons like'l What kind of programmes does television off'er'l What are the advantages of radio'? Why do we read books ? What kind of books can we choose from'l

What do you know about David Griffith. Alfred Hitchcock, Charlie Chaplin, Laurence Olivier and
Woody Allen'l


go to the cinema/to the pictures/to the movies (AMl/to the theatre/to a


perform/performance, repertory [repeteri], be on the programme/on TV/on the radio, be running, have a long run, re-run, be a box office success, be sold ouUpacked, attendance [e'tendens] has declined, draw large audiences [o:djansiz], presenUshodmake a film, shoota scene [Ju:tesi:n], screen a novel, to film in Africa, first-run films, follow the reviews, direct [di'rekt], director, dubbed film, subtitles hire opera glasses,leave one's coat in the cloakroom, usher [da] /usher/(ette) [aJe'ret], attendant, tickets, programme, cast a play, cast [ka:st], star, supporting role, synopsis [si'nopsis], design the stage scenery/costumes, rehearse

[ri'ha:s], rehearsal [ri'he:sl], premiere [premje]n interval [inteval], stage lsteid3], curtain [ke:tin], auditorium
[o:di'to:riem], foyer [foiei], play, act/actorlactress, a role, puppet show [papit Jeu], ballet [brelei], applaud [e'plo:d], applause [e'plo:zl, clap [klep], burst into applause, be called out, there were many curtain calls, encore [ar1ko:], give encores, Viennese waltz [vie'ni:z wo:ls], tango [trengeu], rumba [ramba], cha cha [tJa:tfa],


satellite Isretelait], cable TV Ikeibl'ti:'vi:], broadcast Ibro:dkast], tale lteil], silenUsound/colour/black and white/wide screen films, cartoon [ka:'tu:n], silent comedy, buffonery [be'fu:neri], pathos [pei0os], twirling cane [twe:lir1 kein], meticulously [mi'tikjulesli], self-deprecating parody fself 'deprikeitirl prerody]

1. What kind of films (plays) do you/young people/elderly people like? Why?
sentimental love stories, thriller/horror films, psychological dramas, science fiction, travelogues, comedies. happy end. documentaries, short films, puppet films (shows), bio-uraphical stories, animated cartoons, historical stories, silent comeclies (cartoons), newsreels. advertising fihn, trailer, lull-length fihn

2. What film or play has made the deepest impression on you? Give your reasons. What makes a good film/play?
a good story developed with great art; outstanding director; camerawork: scenic eftects: all-srar ca\r: g(\il .r.r.
perfect/superb performance/acting; give a good/unforgettable perfbrmance: perf'ect creation ol'rhe learjinc ;hg:.l;:c: :-:*e title role. the acting in the film is very good; crowd scenes; astonishing perlormance of the :runrrrrn. rhnll;ns !: .,i- 3r ii-,places; unusual shots of wild animals; of the sea: film music: sound effects: editing: funnr,/h.''nng dra.l*l:rrs. {r;n,t rndh an unusual/topical problem; present a new point of: critical vieu' of the subject: originaliry: .rn rrnsn"al ry1rnnr"tt xu) dnr problem; the expression of a new idea/of some universal truth. it's not mv tl\le- no{ up ro nr.rch- rt &Egimt r31u;5 !\6fi&gg /be disappointed /trash [trreJ]

3. How is a film made?

film/rnovie (AM), film/movie maker, cinema/movie theater, motion-picture theatre, find/think out a subject/theme: rvrire rhe script/screenplay; film a novel; make a novel into a film; make a film based on a story: screen version; make minor changes: abrid-ee; leave out a minor scene, simplify the plot; find a director/producer/financial backing; cast the actors: choose the location; design the costumes and the setting, build the sets, hire the extras for crowd scenes. make the film on location. in a studio: edit the fllm; compose and record the rnusic; dub [dab] a film into Slovak; provide with subtitles ['sab'taitlz]. record a number of copies; give the film wide publicity, distribute the film in rnany copies; enter a fihn in a festival: show the {ilm at international l'estivals; win a prizelan award in the category ot' ..........; attract -eeneral attention; draw lar_ee audiences: be a box office success; be a failure, accept with mixed feelings

4. Describe a theatre you know well

a) the size and the number it can seat b) the decclration of the theatre building and the interior/the style, the colour scheme, the paintings, lighting,


c) d)

loakrooms, spacious/narrow foyers stage and technical facilities (a revolving stage, good/bad acoustics for music, speech the management, repertory (classics or living writers), actors

5. How do you buy tickets? Act dialogues.

box office, ticket agency, secure/get tickets, book beforehand, buy in advance. have it reserved. s'hat's on thc prosramme at the National Theatre, a ticket for today/toni-eht/tomorrow night/fbr the lOth June/toda\,'s matinec [mrtineil. tor nerr Friday, a seat in the stalls [sto:ls], in the pit/in a box/in the dress circle/in the upper circle/in the balconr/standing rtxrl'11i111 the -eods. a seat at the back/at the end of the row/next to the gangway, f"20 a ticket, stand/queue [kju:] at rhe bor ol'l'i;e.
be sold out

6. Topics for minitalks l, Theatres in London, New York, Bratislava. 2. Theatle-going versus cinema-going versus television. 3. The best known international theatre and film festivals. 4. Do film versions of books stirnulate people to read thern'l 5. To what extent do fihn versions of books accord with the

Review a film/play you have seen recently. Give a short history of fihns f}orn the beginning till now (silent f., sound f .(1927), black and white f.,colour f., wide screen f., co-productions, future possibilities). 10. Your favourite actor/actress/writer/TV. radio

Should violence be shown in fllms'l What are the best fllms/plays you have ever seen'l

Commercials on television, yes or no'l

7. Outline the plot of a famous play/film/book in a few sentences and let the others and the author of the work.
The story is quite complicated and sad. (William Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet)

guess the


Example: The action takes place in a well-known town in Italy. The heroes are two young people whcl love


8. If you were engaged in broadcasting, how would you prepare the programme for one day?
What educational purposes can radio and TV fulfil'l What sports progalnmes do you like best'l What is your opinion of TV serials? What do you like to watch on television? What do you listen to on the radio'l Cornment on radio and TV

horne/foreign news, weather torecast, time signal, sport, warning to rnotorists, today's papers, poetry readings. magarzines. broadcast for housewives/for schools/for fanners/for youth. evening entertainment. running commentaries on sports events, music. hit parades, English by radio, radio/TV plays. discussions with well-known personalities, popular science programmes (space research, medical talks, wild lif'e, environment), travelogues. video clips, films, langua-ee courses, serials

9. What is your favourite book? What kind of literature do you read? nonfiction Inon'fikJn]: technical and scientific literature, encyclopedia Ien,saikle'pi:djel, atlas,
auto/biography [o:tebai'ogrefi], traveVarUhistory/cookery
(cook AM)


books, diary, memoirs Irnemwa:z], educational


fiction: prose [preuz], poetry [peuitri], juvenile [d3u:vinail] literature, folk literature, anthology [rcn'0olad3i], novel
Inovl], short story, tale [teil], novella [neu'vela], romance [reu'mens] (a story of love, adventure, strange happenings etc., often set in a distant time or place, whose events are happier or grander or more exciting than those of real lit'e); legend, science fiction, crime fiction, spy [spai] novel, thriller, western, psychological [saikelodSikl] /historical novel, lyricaUepic [epik] poem, epic [epik], a book of poetry book: title, author, genre [Sd:te], topic, centred on the theme of, setting, story, plot, character, content, conflict, idea, language, composition basic subject, the author is concerned with st., deal with, go into st., contain, tackle a controversial [kontre've:fll subject, aim [eim] to show, inquire into st. Iin'kwaie], narrate/narration Inre'reiJn], depict [di'pikt], portray [po:'treil, picture st., bring to life, account of a marriage, evoke Ii'vauk] the atmosphere of st., describe/description Idis'kripJan|, lively description, present, give a vivid picture of, vivid Ivivid] depiction of reality, concentrate/focus on st. Ifaukes], the story is set in the time of ....., it is laid/set in/placed, be interested in personal relationships [ri'leifenJips], trace

[treis], the development of (the relationship), the story is fictitious [fik'tifl, develop the love motif [rneu'ti:ll, main/subsidiary [seb'sidjeri] motif, simple/complicated/complex/confused plot, no plot, it lacks a plot, loose composition, loosely constructed, digression [dai'greJan], the story proceeds fpreu'si:dz] as follows, flashback. retrospect ['retreuspekt], allusion to st. [e'lju:3an], slow-moving story, lengthy, (get off) a slow start, the tragedy is relieved with humour (wit), surprising turn at the end, culminate in st. [kalminait], the climax in the scene ....., happy/tragic/open/ unexpected ending, the message is not clear, publish, print, publishing house, revierv a book criticize, analyse ['rnelaiz], contribute/contribution, How do you fancy .....?, readable, it reads well,I was impressed, fascinating, amusing, unusual, exciting, thrilling, mysterious, inspiring, depressing, moving, funny, witty, have a good laugh, make no demands; sophisticated lsoflstikeitid], command of language, brilliant/superb style/stylist, enrich [in'ri tJ, en-] with colloquialisms [ke' laukwielizmz]

10. Describe cultural life in your town (or the town where you go to school), your attitude to the cinema, theatre and literature. Write about your favourite book (title, author, genre, topic, settin-q, characters.
story, plot, content, conflict, idea, language, cornposition) and your impressions.


Music and the Fine Arts

Even if we are not concertgoers and experts in the fine arts, we live in the world surrounded by rnusic and architecture without actually realizing it. We come into contact with music all our lives. When we are little, we listen to lullabies sung by our mother and soon we try to sing some songs ourselves. When we reach school age many of us take sorle music lessons at a music school. If we have musical talent, in a few years we can learn to play a musical instrument fairly well. Many children start playing the piano or a wind instrument, such as the recorder, the pipe, the flute, the clarinet, the oboe or the bassoon, or they blow a trumpet, play the accordion or a string instrument (the violin, the viola or the violoncello). From tirne to time they show their skill at playing the instrument at a concert which is held for their parents. They often play to the piano accompaniment of their teacher. Later, under the influence of recorded pop music broadcast by the radio and TV their affection and taste may change. Teenagers often start to play the guitar, the banjo, the bass, the drums or the keyboard and many of them dream of founding a band and giving concerts to a large audience. At the age of 16 or l7 rnany young people also take dancing lessons and develop a liking for dance music. But most of us remain only listeners to music. Large towns offer a better opportunity to enjoy performances of both serious and pop music. They often invite renowned syrnphonic orchestras with outstanding conductors and hold music festivals, such as the Edinbur,sh Festival of Music and the Arts or the Bratislava Music Festival. These orchestras usually have in their repertoire music by noted composers of all styles and periods. We can also listen to church, organ and chamber music, operas, operettas and musicals. Stars of pop, jazz and rock music usually give their concerts in large concert halls or sports stadiums. People in the country and in small towns do not usually have such a wide choice unless artists and orchestras from large towns are invited. Festivals of country music and brass band music are sometimes held and at Christrnas time carols are often heard. If there is a choir (male, f'emale. children's or mixed) people go to listen to its perfomance. At any tirne of the day we can listen to recorded music of all genres on the radio. Young people like to buy or exchange cassettes, LPs or compact discs by their favourite singers and composers. They often watch music programmes on TV and the Top of the Pops. In our everyday life we also meet with works of the fine arts, either architecture, sculptures or painting. When we see both secular and ecclesiastical buildings, such as castles, chdteaux, palaces, country mansions, thatched cottages, half-timbered houses, gables and faEades of the houses, churches, cathedrals, chapels, monasteries or cemeteries, we must admire the art of architecture of the old builder-masters, masons and wood carvers and their f'eelin-e for beauty. In museums and art galleries, which display sculptures and paintings, we look with pleasure at statues and sculptural groups cut in sandstone, granite, marble, carved in wood or moulded in clay, plaster or bronze. or have a hi-qh re_eard for paintings (landscapes, life size portraits, still lifes, sketches, miniatures) painted in oil and in watercokrurs, drawings, _eraphic art (prints), engravings, etchings or woodcuts. Even people who are not fond of the fine arts meet examples of thern when they look at book illustrations or cartoons and photographs in their favourite magazine.

Questions on the text:

1. When do we first rneet with music in our life? 2. What musical instruments can we learn to play at

towns offer?

3. What possibilities of listening to music do

music 4. What possibilities


do people in srnall towns have'? 5. Where do we meet with works of fine art'] 6. What can we see in art galleries and museums'l

concertgoer, give a concert,lullaby Ialebai], folk [f-auk] song, carol [kaerel], opera [eupera], operetta Iopa'rete], piece of music, orchestra [o:kistre], brass/jazz band, choir [kwaie], soloist Iseuleuist], improvize Iirnprevaiz], improvisation firnpravai'zei[n], play a musical instrument, classicaVserious music, instrumentaU symphonic/chamber [tJeimbe]/ church/organ/dance/country/rocWjazzJpop/recorded music, mass [rnas], compose [kem'pouz]/composer/composition,

sing/singer, conducUconductor, accompany/to the accompaniment of, the fine arts, architecture fa:kitektfe], architectural style, sculpture [skalptJe], (equestrian) statue, sculptural group, sandstone/granite [-trrcnit]/marble/ bronze/clay/plaster/wood, cuUmould [meuld]/ carve [ka:v], painting, landcape firendskeip]/portrait Ipo:trit]/ miniatures [miniatJe]/sketch/still life, drawings, graphic [graefik] arVprint, engraving [in'greiviq], etching [etJirl], woodcut, cartoon [ka:'tu:n], chAteau [fe'teu]/ chateaux [Jre'teuz], mansion [mrenJen], thatched [0retft], half-timbered
Iha:f timbed],

Read the following information and then try to talk about Slovak musicians and artists, using the vocabulary from the text.

Who is Who in Music

Henry Purcell (1659 - 1695) Englich Baroque composer. He wrote more than 500 works
(Dido and Aeneas) to cantatas and church music.
rarngin-{ l'rom secular operas


- 1982) Polish-American pianist. He studied in Warsaw and Berlin and appeared with the world's major syrnphony orchestras specializing in the music of Chopin, Debussy and Spanish composers. George Gershwin ( 1898 - 1937) Arnerican composer who wrote both serious rnusic, such as the tone poem Rhapsody in Blue ( 1924). and popular musicals and songs, many with lyrics by his brother Ira Gershwin. including "S Wonderful" and "I Got Rhythm". His opera Porgy and Bess, an ambitious work that incorporated jazzrhythms and popular song styles in an operatic format, was his masterpiece. Louis Armstrong (1901 - l97l) American cornet and trumpet player and singer, born in New Orleans. His Chica-eo recordings in the 1920s brought him recognition for his warm and pure trumpet tone, his skill at improvisation and his quirky, gravelly voice. He firmly established the pre-eminence of the virtuoso lazz soloist. He is also credited with the invention of scat singing (vocalizing meaningless syllables chosen fbr their sound), Benjamin Britten (1913 - 1976) British composer of the mid 20th century. In 1976 he was created a lit'e peer. He often wrote for the individual voice tor example the role in the opera Peter Grimes ( 1945) Yehudi Menuhin (1916 - ) Arnerican violinist and conductor who moved to London in 1959 and became a British subjcct in 1985. A child prodigy, he achieved great depth of interpretation. He conducted his own chamber orchestra and t'oundr-'d schools in En-tland and Switzerland, for training youn-q musicians. Ella Fitzgerald (1918 - ) Arnerican jazz singer, recognized as one of the finest. most lvrical rr''icc' in Lrzz. trr'ti ,r-. . work and with big bands. She is celebrated for her smooth interpretations of Gershuin's sons: Leonard Bernstein ( 191 8 - 1990) American composer, conductor and pianist. one t-rf the rrrxi 3ieitr-Ir- drc -, 3r-\Lli ri .,' American musicians in the 20th century. His works, which established a rogue lor resli-iti{- --omi:rrarrslr rhcrmrr. r'rrr:ltilrri,rsymphonies, ballets, and scores for musicals, such as West Side Storl t l9-i7 '. Frctm l9iE lo l9-{:, lts r!6. mru$rctu c@illr of the New York Philharmonic. Elvis Presley ( 1935 - 1977) American sin-eer and guitarist. ttrc rrrxt inflwntial pvfcrrrr od thc nl*.-oJ-oor0 crr. l-'fi his recordings for Sun Records in Memphis. Tennessee. and earll his such as -l-ore nr Tender- bc sercd n dtrrfuJ vocal style, influenced by southern blues, gospel music. country music. and rhlthm ard blrrc- In ilre t95(h ht rhs m& four fllms (e. g. Loving You). The Beatles is a famous British pop group from 1960 to 1970. The members. all born in Liverpool. were John Lcnnon (1940 - 1980 - rhythrn quitar, vocals), Paul McCartney (1942 - bass, vocals), George Harrison (1943 - lead guitar. vocals), and Ringo Starr (Richard Starley, 1940 - drums). They used songs written largely by Lennon and McCartney, and they dominated rock music and pop culture in the 1960s. Almost every single and album released by 1967 reached number one in the United Kingdom charts. They also starred in two films - A Hard Day's Night (1964) and Help. Their songs Love me Do, Yellow Submarine and especially Yesterday are world famous. Who is Who in the Fine Arts
Hans Holbein (1497 /98 - 1543) German painter and woodcut artist. He was born in Augsberg but lrom I 536 he was court painter to England's Henry VIII. He also painted portraits of Thomas More and Thomas Cromwell and miniature portraits. Inigo Jones (1573 - 1652) English architect. He studied in Italy and was influenced by the works of Palladio. In l6l9 he designed his English Renaissance masterpiece, the Banqueting House in Whitehall, London. Wenceslas Hollar (1607 - 1677) Bohemian engraver active in England from 1631 . He was the first landscape en-qraver to work in England and recorded views of London before the Great Fire of 1666. Sir Christopher Wren (1632- 1723) English architect, designer of St. Paul's Cathedral. London. built trom 1675 to 1710. and many other London churches (St. Mary-Le-Bow), the Royal Exchange and the Sheldonian Thetre in Oxf ord. He studied mathematics, and became a professor of astronomy at Oxford University. His opportunity as an architect came after the Great Fire and he became the main architect of the Baroque period. William Hogarth (1697 - 1764) English painter and engraver who produced portraits, remarkably direct and lull of character, and moralizing genre scenes (Marriage b la Mode, 1745). Joshua Reynolds (1723 - 1792) English portrait painter who often borrowed classical poses, for example "Mrs. Siddons Tragic Muse" (1794). Thomas Gainsborough (1727 - 1788) English landscape and portrait painter. He was one of the first British artists to follow the Dutch in painting realistic landscapes rather than irnaginative Italianate scenery. His portraits of high societl include the portraits of the actor David Garrick, the royal family or the dramatist Richard Sheridan.
as the

Artur Rubinstein (1887

JohnNash (1752-1835)EnglisharchitectwholaidoutRegent'sPark,London,repairedandenlargedBuckin-QhamPalace
for which he designed the Marble Arch, and rebuilt Brighton Pavilion in flamboyant oriental style. William Turner (1775 - l85l) English landscape painter who painted romantic landscapes with the subject often transformed in scale and flooded with brilliant, hazy light. Many later works anticipate hnpressiottisttt, for example Rain.
Steam and Speed ( I 844). Many of Turner's most dramatic works are set in Europe or at sea. Most of his works are displayed in the Clore Gallery extension to the Tate Gallery of London. He letl 300 paintings,20,000 watercolours and 19,000


John Constable (1776

1837) English landscape painter. He painted scenes of his native Suffolk, as well as castles, and coastal scenes. Constable inherited the Dutch tradition of realism, but he aimed to capture the momentary cathedrals changes of Blitish scenery, such as in The White Horse. His paintings were remarkable for their atmospheric ettbcts and were admired by French artists. His many sketches are often considered among his best work.


- 1986) British sculptor. His subjects include the reclinin-E nude, mother and child groups and interlocking abstract fonns. Many of his post-World War II works are in bronze or marble, such as a Reclinin-e Figure outside the Unesco building in Paris, often designed to be placed in landscape settin-Es. Andy Warhol (1928 - 1987) American Pop artist and filmrnaker. He rnade his name in the 1960s with paintin-ss of Campbell soup cans, Coca cola bottles, and film stars. His fihns (Sleep, 1963) have a stron-q documentary and improvisational element. Later he was primarily a society portraitist.
1. Topics for minitalks:
l. What kind of music and orchestras can we listen to? 2. What music festivals do you know more about? 3. What does an opera performance consist of?
4. Tell the contents of your favourite opera. 5. What composer/painter do you know more facts about'J 6. Describe a picture which you like.

Henry Moore (1898

the Prague Spring Festival, international festival, beginning on May 12 (the day when BedFich Smetana died), opens with a six-part cycle of symphonic poems My country, concerts within the framework of a festival, competition of

young artists, win the title Prague Spring Festival Laureate, tune, melody,lyrics [iriks],lyricisUsong writer, set to music, anthem [ren0ern], overture [auvetjue], acts, chorus [ko:ras], aria [a:rie],libretto flibreteu], soprano [sa'pra:neu]o alto [relteu], tenor [tene], baritone [breriteun], bass lbeis], sing the part of, interpretation Iin,tepri'teiJen], interpret Iin'ta:prit], string quartet, recital [ri'saitl], sharp, flat, major, minor, concerto Iken'tfe:teu] in B-flat minor, trio Itri:eul in F-major, sonata in C-sharp minor

2. What kind of instruments can you find in a jazzlbrass band or in a symphony orchestra?
Are any of them missin-e in the followin-e list'l Try to f ind the English words for thern in a dictionary. Match the words with the pictures. Are all of them represented by a picture'l Which groups do they belong to?

piano, wind/string [strifl/brass [bra:s]/percussion lpe'kafn] instruments, trumpet [trarnpit], saxophone [sreksefeun], French horn [fientJ ho:n], flute [t1u:t], recorder, violin [vaia'lin], guitar, banjo, viola [vi'eule], (violon)cello [vaielen'tJeleu], harp [ha:p], cymbals [simbelz], drum, accordion [e'ko:djen], keyboard, bass [beis], oboe [aubeu], clarinet [klreri'net], bassoon [be'su:n], organ [o:gan], mouthorgan, bagpipes [bregpaips], whistle lwisl], dulcimer


'--r--r (l


3. Name some famous concert halls, museums and art galleries both in the Slovak Republic and Great Britain and the USA.

4. Describe your last visit to a castle, ch0teau or a church.

steep rock, walls, fortifications [fo:tifi'keiJanz], stronghold, bastion [brestian], moat [meut] filled with water, drawbridge, battlements, gate, inner court [ko:t], watchtower, dungeon [dand3en], donjon [dondgan], turret [tarit], hold sb. prisoner, coat of arms, emblem, armoury, armour [a:ma], tapestry [tepistril, fresco [fresceu], cathedral Ike'0i:drel], basilica Ibe'zilike], rotunda Irau'tande], pilgrimage [pilgrirnifi] church, chapel [tfepl], belfry [bellri], dome [daum], spire [spaie], nave [neiv], choir [kwaia], altar [o:lta], vault/ing [vo:lt(iq)], supported by pillars [pilez], round/pointed arch [a:tfl, hold sacred relics [reliks], pulpit [pulpit], font [fbnt], stained-glass fsteind ,ula:s] window, tomb [tu:m], tombstone, monument, crypt, sarcophagus [sa:koteges], cloister, doorway, (village) cross, wayside shrine [Jrain], date from/back to the 17th century, come into use, resemble st., well preserved, convert into, rebuild/reconstruct, the ruins of, collapse [ka'lreps]


5. Describe and comment on architectural styles, describe ancient buildings in your town.
What styles do you know'l When do they appear? What characteristic f'eatures do they show'l What kind of buildin-es were built'l Can you name any examples and well-known master builders and architects'l What is your opinion of contemporary architecture (in your town)'l Is there much architectural variety in the churches in the town where you live (are studyin-e)'l

the Romanesque [reume'nesk] style (GB Norman) - the I lth to l3th century - rounded arches, round and small windows, massive walls and pillars, lack of ornament, little sculpture inside, wall paintings, later carved doorways, ecclesiastical [i'kli:zi'restikell, buildings/ basilicas, rotundas, monasteries, St George's Rotunda in Skalica, Diakovce Basilica, Durham Cathedral the Gothic style the 12th to l5th cent. (l3th to l6th in GB), the highest of all styles, pointed arches, stained-glass windows, elaborate vaulted roofs, cathedrals, churches, monasteries, castles, St Vitus Cathedral in Prague. St Elizabeth's Cathedral in Ko5ice, St Martin's Cathedral in Bratislava, wooden altar in St Jacob's Church in Levoca (made by Master Paul)

In GB three stages: Early English characterized by simplicity (Salisbury Cathedral), Decorated Gothic. distinguished b1 n;h ornamentation in the windows and vaults (Lincoln, Exeter, York and Wells Cathedrals ). and Perpen611;u1[pe:pen'dikjula] Gothic - plain, with large windows, slender nave pillars and fan vaultins i King: Collcge Ch;re . ::.
Cambridge, chapels in Windsor, Westminster and Gloucester Cathedral) Renaissance [re'neisens] style the the l5th to l6th cent. (in GB Tudor and Jacobean architecture typical of halt-tinrherod mn&lle{!.&s. [r.'llsrc-.. uru Renaissance style introduced by Inigo Jones about 1620 - the Palladian st1'ler. in Bolrerrua rmtil l6fi-i- rcurori or classical architecture, lower buildings with simple faEades. ornarrEnted b1* gratltti [rerc fi:trj ard srrrcr i$ltiljhorizontal lines, windows and doorways have a square or rectangular form. chiteaux. srxrrrEr palres- 1nla-a- r-ruzens houses, few churches (with sirnple rectangular walls and light interior). town halls in kvoca- Bardeix and Brarislara chateaus in Fridovce, Betlanovce, Moravany, etc., the Banqueting House in l-ondon the Baroque style 1600 - 1750 (in Bohemia after 1620) based on Classical models, rich, assymetric and extravagant decoration. often in gold and marble, bent, oval and curved lines, in the interior contrast between dark and light, many sculptures, chAteaux. palaces, citizens houses, churches, monasteries, the monastery and church in Sa5tin, Grassalkovic and Archbishop Palaces in Bratislava, wooden churches in Eastern Slovakia, St Paul's Cathedral in London by Christopher Wren, the Dientzenhofer f'aurily, G. Santini, Fischer von Erlach the Rococo [ra'kaukau] style 1730 - 1710, extends the Baroque style tending towards lightness, elegance, delicacy and decorative charm based on S-curves and scroll [skreul] -like forms, uses naturalistic elements (shells, flowers, trees), pastel colours, the House of the Good Shepherd in Bratislava, many country manors in Britain the Neo-Classical style 1170 - 1840 (in GB in the 18th and lgth centuries) focused on the more severe classical idiom, straight lines, light colours, little decoration, chdteaux, theatres, triumphal arches, gates, spas. strongholds. Primate Palace in Bratislava. Forgilc and Dessewtfy Palaces in Ko5ice, chateau in Topoldianky, the US Capitol, the Marble Arch in London. seaside resorrs (Brighton, Ramsgare), John Nash, Robert Adam (in GB the period of 17 l4 - | 830 is called Georgian period and 1805 - 1830 Regency period) the Neo-Gothic style (the Neo-Renaissance style, the Neo-Baroque style) until the end of the l gth century, Gothic (Renaissance, Baroque) revival evident in churches (St Patrick's Cathedral in New York) and public buildings (Houses of Parliament in London) the Art Nouveau [a:t nu'veu] style 1890 - 1910 marked by sinuous lines and stylized flowers and foliage and by sinuous [sinjues], flowing shapes for the buildings and interior design (Antonio Gaudi in Spain - Church of the Holy Family in Barcelona, Du5an Jurkovid. It was primarily a decorative two-dimensional style and pervaded the visual arts (theatrical posters by Alfons Mucha).

the Modernist style also known as Functionalisrn - beginning in the 1900s with the Vienna school, used spare lines and fbnns, ernphasis on rationalism and the elimination of ornament, makes use of new materials (glass, steel, concrete) and construction techniques [tek'ni:ks], F. L. Wright, Le Corbusier the Post-Modernist style the 1980s, emerged in the USA, the UK and Japan. rejects functionalism in tavour of an eclectic mixture of styles and motifs, uses parody, irony and illusion the High Tech style the 1980s - expresses ideals of modern movement through highly developed structure and technical innovation, Lloyds Building in the City of London (R. Roger)

6. Describe your attitude to music and the fine arts:

How did your taste change with your age? What kind of music, architecture and fine arts do you like now and why'l Who is your favourite singer, group, composer, painter or sculptor'l Give more information about thern. Describe your last visit to a concert, opera or your impressions of an art exhibition.


GottheinerovS, T. - Tryml, S.: Handbook of English Conversation, SPN, Praha 1985 Hornby, A. S.: Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English. Oxford University Press. Oxfbrd l99l Hornby, A. S. -Gatenby, E. V. -Wakefield, H.: The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English. Oxfbrd University
Press. London 1967

The Hutchinson Encyclopedia. Helicon Publishing, Oxford 1992 Jones, D. - Gimson, A. C.: Everyman's English Pronouncing Dictionary. Dent & Sons LTD, London 1967 Justovd. H.: Wir wiederholen ftirs Abitur. Fragment, Havlidk0v Brod I994 Kollmanov6,,L. - Bubenikov6, L. - Jindra, M.: iesko-anglick6 konverzace, SPN, Praha, 1965 Kollmanov{,L. - Slabii, D. - Hlavsov6, J.: New Ways to Spoken English. SPN, Praha 1982 Loyda, V.: English Conversational Topics for Students. Motiv, Praha 1994 Odehnalov6, J.: Reading Material for the Graduation Exam. Priih, Praha Peprnik, J.: Anglicky jazyk pro filology l,2.SPN, Praha 1984, 1987 Peprnik, J. - Nangonov6, S. - Sparling, D.: Anglidtina pro jazykov6 Skoly 3, 4. SPN, Praha 1984, 1988 Propagadnd materii{ly o Slovenskej republike

Jana Chud6 a Tom65 Chudf

Topics for English Conversation

Nilvrh obrilky ARCHITO
Jazykov6 korektriry anglidtiny Norah Hronkovii, Matt Christopher, Jodi Nordlund Na slovenskd podmienky upravila Katarfna Jurikovd


@ lggT nakladatelstvi FRAGMENT, eeskri republika

O Tomii5 Chudf @ Jana Chudti

Slovak edition @ Vydavatel'stvo Priroda, s. r. o., Bratislava 2001 VSetky priiva vyhradend. Nijakd dast'tejto knihy sa nesmie rozSirovat' bez pisomndho srihlasu rnalrtcl'ov autorskfch prdr. Prvd slovenskd vydanie Vydalo Vydavatel'stvo Pr(roda, s. r. o., Bratislava v roku 2001 Zodpovednil redaktorka Magdaldna Belanovil Technickii redaktorka Ol'ga Urbanikovd

Vytladila NIKARA Krupina

Cislo publikdcie 8036


rsBN 80-07-00429-7


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