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Reference to the context:

1. “We can‟t do that on Earth”

 Where the lines are taken from?

 Who said this and to whom?
 What were said to be not done on Earth?

2. “You shall see soon enough”

 Where the lines are taken from?

 Who said this and to whom?
 What could be seen afterwards?

3. “Ah well goodbye

I‟m off and he rose towards the tranquil sky”

 Where the lines are taken from?

 Who said this and to whom?
 What did the listener do afterwards?

Answer the following questions: (each carrying 2 marks)

1. What were the lights that filled the room of Alan?

2. How did Alan and the alien communicate with each other?

3. Where the alien come from?

4. How did the aliens travel from one place to another?

5. Who claimed to be the best hunter according to a clam?

6.Who was spreading mean-spirited tales among the animal world?

7. What the little kite afraid of?

Answer the following questions: (each carrying 4 marks)

1. Describe the appearance of the alien.

2. How was Zogol‟s world different from Earth?

3. Why the clams could not speak after getting Beaver‟s punishment?
4. Why did the animal choose Beaver to find a solution to the problem?

5. Why do you think the big kite flew away?

Answer the following questions: (each carrying 5 marks)

1. Describe Spookle and Globo.

2. Describe Zogol‟s house.

3. How can clams be spotted in the beach?

4. What punishments were given to the clam.

5. How did the little kite feel when he started to fly?




1. There is nothing to worry about. (State the kind of sentence and change it into

2. He received _____ University degree. (Fill in the blanks with appropriate article)

3. Rishi brought a _____ of fish with them for their regular meals. (Fill in the blanks
with a collective noun)

4. Can a baby feed ______? (Fill in the blanks with appropriate reflexive pronoun)

5. The driver stopped the car. (Identify the verb to be Transitive or Intransitive)

6.Ramesh ______ have forgotten to write to his mother. (Fill in the blanks with
appropriate modal suggesting weak possibility)

7. Come here _____ (from/by/into) 10 p.m. (Choose the correct alternative of


8. We went early to the circus. We could not get a seat. (Join the sentences with
correct conjunction)

9. One of the dancers _____ (have//has) missed the dance step. (Choose the
correct verb)

10. Platinum is the _______ (more precious/ most precious) of all metals.


1. Write a paragraph within 80-100 words using the following points on “THE

Points: Importance of trees – cradle of civilization – deforestation causes damage

to environment – trees create pollution-free atmosphere – prevents soil erosion
and flood – provides essential items of life.

2. Write a paragraph within 80-100 words using the following points on


Points: A healthy habit – a good start for a whole day‟s work – greater and closer
contact with nature – independent exercise – conclusion.

3. Write a biographical sketch on MAHATMA GANDHI using the following points:

Name: Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

Date of birth: 2nd October 1868

Place of Birth: Porbander, Gujrat

Education: Matriculation in Gujrat, bar-at-law in England

Life in S.Africa: Legal practice, ill-treatment by Europeans, Satyagraha

Return to India: 1915

Achievements: Non-violent struggle against the British, Non-co-operation,1960,

Salt Campaign-1930, Quit India Movement-1942, jailed many a times, fasting on a
number of occasions, secular ideals, mass leader, simple lifestyle, love for
mankind, great patriot, India becomes free on 1947

Death: 30th January 1948 in Delhi, fell to the bullet of the assassin.

4. Write a biographical sketch on “ SWAMI VIVEKANANDA” using the following


Born; 12th January,1863

Parents: Biswanath Dutta and Bhubaneshwari Devi

Early name: Narendranath

Education: passed B.A from Scottish Church College

Life: met Ramakrishna, became his disciple, a monk, travelled widely

in India, then to Chicago in 1893, a great orator, a preacher of Hindu religion in its
new connotation, set up Ramakrishna Mission in 1897

Death: 4th July 1902

5. Write a letter to your friend giving him/her a description of Annual Function ‟16
held in your school. You can use the following points:

Occasion of the function – date, time and place -- a short description – part played
by you – your impression.

6. Write a letter to your friend about “YOUR HOBBY “ with the help f following

Introduction – selection – reasons of selection – your feeling.

7. Suppose you are the Secretary o School Welfare Committee. „Tree Plantation
Day‟ will be observed in your school. Draft a notice to the students for their active

8. You are the Secretary of a Local Club. It will organize a „Blood Donation Camp‟.
Write a notice about it. Include the following points:

Why to donate blood – date and time – the venue – who can participate – whom to



1. You are the head boy/ head girl of your school. Write a notice for the students of your school
informing them that a magic show will be held at your school.

2. You are the head boy/ head girl of your school. Write a notice for the students of your
informing them about the annual sports meet.

3. Write a letter to your friend describing a circus show you have enjoyed recently.

4. Write a letter to your friend about your visit to a place of historical interest.

5. Write a paragraph on ( within 100 words) " The Season I

like most"

6. Write a paragraph on ( within 100 words) A Visit to a fair".

7. Write a biography on 'Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose' based on the following points:

Birth: 1858, nNovember 30

Place: Rarikhal in Dhaka

Education: Village'pathsala', Entrance Exam, St. Xavier's school, St. Xavier's college,Cambridge

Service: Professor of Presidency College, Scientist.

Special Information: A patriot,interest in literature.

Death: November 23, 1937.

8. Write a biography on 'Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay' based on the following points:

Birth: 15th September, 1876 at Debnandapur i Hooghly.

Education: Early education at Bhagalpur, passed Entrance Examination, could not continue
His books: Borodidi, Srikanta, Pather Dabi, Debdas, Ramer Sumati, Bindur Chhele, etc.

Features of his writings: Highlighted common people, particularly women and oppressed and
down trodden in lucid language.

Death: 16th January, 1937.

9. Make a poster on :

To raise awareness about child labour.

10. Make a poster on:

Blood Donation Camp

1. Separate the Subject and Predicate:

He has a gold chain.

2. Supply suitable form of Adjective:

i. Prevention is ____ than cure.(good)

ii. Akbar had a ___ reign .(large)

3. Fill in the blanks with the/a/an:

_____ Principal of our school is very strict.

4. Put a suitable verb:

The sun _____ in the east. (rises, is rising)

5. Put a verb in agreement with its subject:

Ten kilometers ____ a long distance. (is/are)

6. Fill in the blanks with Prepositions:

i. He goes to the office ___ foot.

7. Fill in the blanks with Conjunctions:

i. Wait ___ I return.

ii. Don't go outside ____ it rains.

8. Identify the Transitive or Intransitive Sentences:

i. The boy is flying a kite.

ii. She walked hurriedly.


Read the following extract and answer the following questions:- (3x3=9)

1.“ As he looked at the others high over his head;”

A. From where the above extract is taken?

B. Who is ‘he’ in the extract?

C. Why did ‘he’ look at others?

2. “Never again will you spread your mean spirited tales.”

A. Who says this?
B. Who is the speaker talking to?

C. Why does the speaker say to?

3. “ Zogol and Alan ran out of the house towards the field and into the red-orange glow.”
A. Why did Zogol and Alan run out of the house?

B. What did they find in the field?

C. Were they happy?

Answer the following questions (30-40 words):- (2marks each)

1. What did the clam say to the Eagle?

2. Why did the animals choose Beaver to find a solution to the problem?

3. Why did Alan wake up at midnight?

4. Describe the planet Pegasi 5.

5. What was the little afraid of?

6. When did the little kite decide to fly high?

7. What was the big kite’s fear?

Answer the following questions (80 – 100 words):- (4 marks each)

1. How can you spot clams in the beach?

2. Was Alan happy to get Zogol? Why?

3. What did the big kite say to the little kite?

4. What made the little kite to start its journey?

5. Why did the animals hate the clams?

Answer the following questions(100 – 120 words):- (5 marks each)

1. What did Beaver do with the clams?

2. Describe the little kite’s bravery

3. Describe the creatures in the story “ Alan and the Alien “ which came out of the

4. Why did Raven call everyone for a meeting?

5. What was Alan’s experience in Pegasi 5?


खण्ड - क (व्याकरण)

1. बाषा किसे िहते हैं ? 1

2. बाषा िे बेदों िे नाभ लरखिए । 1
3. भौखिि औय लरखित बाषा भें अॊतय स्ऩष्ट िीजिए । 2
4. वततनी किसे िहते हैं ? 1
5. भानि बाषा किसे िहते हैं ? 2
6. सॊऩित बाषा किसे िहते हैं ? 2
7. लरपऩ किसे िहते हैं ? 1
8. व्माियण किसे िहते हैं ? 1
9. तत्सभ शब्द किसे िहते हैं ? उदाहयण दीजिए । 2
10. रूढ़ शब्द किसे िहते हैं ? उदाहयण दीजिए । 2
11. मौगिि शब्द किसे िहते हैं ? उदाहयण दीजिए । 2
12. मोिरूढ़ शब्द किसे िहते हैं ? उदाहयण दीजिए । 2
13. उऩसित किसे िहते हैं ? 1
14. प्रत्मम किसे िहते हैं ? 1
15. वचन किसे िहते हैं ? उदाहयण दीजिए । 2
16. ऩरु
ु षवाचि सवतनाभ किसे िहते हैं ? उदाहयण दीजिए । 2
17. सॊफॊधवाचि सवतनाभ किसे िहते हैं ? उदाहयण दीजिए । 2
18. ननिवाचि सवतनाभ किसे िहते हैं ? उदाहयण दीजिए । 2
19. िण
ु वाचि पवशेषण किसे िहते हैं ? उदाहयण दीजिए । 2
20. सॊख्मावाचि पवशेषण किसे िहते हैं ? 1
21. सावतनालभि पवशेषण किसे िहते हैं ? 1
22. किमापवशेषण किसे िहते हैं ? उदाहयण दीजिए । 2
23. सॊफॊधफोधि शब्द किसे िहते हैं ? उदाहयण दीजिए । 2
24. सभुच्चमफोधि किसे िहते हैं ? 1

खण्ड - ख (पाठमाऱा)

25. सभाचाय-ऩत्र ऩढ़ने से क्मा राब हैं ? 2

26. ऩाित भें फच्चे क्मा िय यहे थे ? 1
27. गचॊिू िौन था ? 1
28. रयॊिू िो हहॊदी ऩाठभारा से क्मा ियना था ? 1
29. सपर होने िे लरए क्मा होना िरूयी है ? 2
30. पूर औय िाॉटे भें क्मा-क्मा सभानताएॉ हैं ? 2
31. िाॉटे क्मा ियते हैं ? 2
32. अलभत िी िऺा टूय ऩय िहाॉ िा यही थी ? 1
33. फस भें फच्चों िो िाने िे लरए क्मा हदमा िमा ? 1
34. चाम िे ऩौधे कितने रॊफे होते हैं ? 1
35. अॊत भें चाम डडब्फों भें िैसे बयी िा यही थी ? 2
36. रयॊिू स्िूर फस क्मों नहीॊ ऩिड़ ऩामा ? 1
37. स्िूर से रौटने ऩय रयॊिू ने क्मा किमा ? 2
38. पूर सफिे भन िो किस प्रिाय िश
ु िय दे ता है ? 1
39. अलभत भें अऩूवत उत्साह क्मों झरि यहा था ? 2
40. चाम िी िेती िे लरए िैसे भौसभ िी ज़रूयत होती है ? 1

1>Answer the following questions: (1×10=10)

i) What instrument is used to measure hotness or coldness of a thing?
ii) What is the normal body temperature in degree Fahrenheit?
iii) Find the average of 18, 24, 29 and 52.
iv) Find the ratio of Rs 20 and Rs 88.
v) Find the speed when, distance is 142 km and time is 2 hours.
vi) Determine the time taken when distance is 7150 km and speed is 780 km/hr.
vii) Find out the even numbers of the following:
917, 186, 423, 928
viii) Write the first five multiples of 15.
ix) Write all prime numbers between 91 and 100.
x) Use the symbols >, =, < of the following:
(a) XV ______ 19 (b) 29 ______ XXX

2>Solve the following questions: (2×10=20)

i) One day the minimum temperature in Bombay was recorded as 80.6˚ F. What was the temperature
in degree Celsius of Bombay on that day?
ii) Find the average of first ten odd numbers.
iii) A group of preschoolers has 8 boys and 24 girls. What is the ratio of girls to all children?
iv) Sayon ran 500 meter in 100 second. Find the speed in km per hour.
v) Write the multiples of 6 which are greater than 20 and less than 50.
vi) Write the factors of 72.
vii) Find the L.C.M of 10, 20 and 25.
viii) Convert into decimal: 810/15
ix) Convert into mixed fraction: 42.325
x) Multiply: 14/5 by 10

3>Solve the following questions: (3×10=30)

i) Simplify:
(a) 11/5 + 4/21 of 42 – 18/5 ÷ 27/45
(b) {( 101/3– 2/9 ) ÷ 5/18 } of ( 3/8 + 1/4)
ii) Multiply: 0.46 by 52
iii) Divide: 66/12 by 1/12
iv) Multiply: 902 × 78
v) Divide: 6009 ÷ 17
vi) Add: Rs 86.27, Rs 30.17 and Rs 29
vii) Subtract : 73.77 m and 57.49 m
viii) Multiply: 0.42 × 0.06 × 2.3 × 0.02
ix) Divide: 0.22 ÷ 0.044
x) Find the H.C.F of 216, 1260, 540 and 252

4> Answer the following questions: (4×10=40)

i) A cubical of wood was cut into 8 equal cubes of sides 4 cm. What is the volume of the block of wood?
ii) How many bricks will be required to lay a path 120 m long and 2.4 m broad if a brick is 24 cm long and
15 cm wide?
iii) Ryan covered a distance of 42 km in 3 hours and a further distance of 44 km in 4 hours. Find his
average speed.
iv) Sourav had two boxes of pencils with 14 pencils in each box. He gave 6 pencils to his brother. How
many pencils did Sourav have left?
v) Of the 125 children in 5th grade, three-fifth has a mobile phone. How many children do not have a
mobile phone?
Vi) The length, breadth and height of a room are 6 m 80 cm, 5 m 10 cm and 3 m 40 cm respectively. Find
the longest tape which can measure the dimensions of the room exactly.
vii) Find the greatest number of 5-digits which on being divided by 9, 12, 24 and 45 leaves 3, 6, 18 and
39 as remainders respectively.
viii) Draw a pictograph to represent the following data use a circle to represent 10 students.

Class vi vii viii ix x

No. of students 50 60 40 80 70

ix) Show that 1120 and 735 are divisible by 5 but 518 is not divisible by 5.
x) Mary had 41 baseball cards and 8 were torn. Tim gave Mary 47 new baseball cards. How many
baseball cards does Mary have now?

General Instructions:
(i) All questions are compulsory.
(ii) The question paper consists of 40 questions divided into four sections –
A, B, C and D.
(iii) Section A contains 10 questions of 1 mark each. Section B contains 10
questions of 2 marks each. Section C contains 10 questions of 3 marks
each. Section D contains 10 questions of 4 marks each.
(iv) Use of calculators is not permitted.


Question number 1 to 10 carry 1 mark each.

1. Fill in the blanks: XXX ÷ XXX = ……
2. Write in expanded form: 78654321.
3. Add: 456456 + 367890.
4. Multiply: 569 ˟ 1000.
5. Find the ratio of 45 ml and 81 ml.
6. Find the speed if Distance = 90 km and Time = 2 hours.
1 1
7. Fill in the blanks: 2 ˟ = ˟ …..
7 7
8. Find: 4 ÷
9. Find the average of 45, 50 and 22.
10. Write the multiplicative inverse of .

Question number 11 to 20 carry 2 mark each.

11. Find the HCF of 64 and 80.
12. Convert 36 km per hour in meters per second.
13. Find the area of the rectangle whose length = 15m and breadth = 12m.
14. Find the volume of the cube whose edge is 5 cm.
15. Find the sum of 90.250 kg + 186.450 kg + 8.700 kg + 42.500 kg.
16. Simplify: 5 ˟ {19 – (15 – 6)}.
2 9 4
17. Multiply: ˟ ˟ .
3 16 27
18. Complete the number pattern: 3, 6, 9, ……, ……
19. Find the average of first four odd numbers.
20. Find the volume of the cuboid whose length = 5 m, breadth = 4 m, height =
3 m.


Question number 21 to 30 carry 3 mark each.

21. Simplify: 3125 ÷ 125 – 2055 ÷ 411 – 20.
22. A factory produces 13780 bulbs every day. How many bulbs will be
produced in 278 days?
23. Show that 1120 is divisible by 5, but 518 is not divisible by 5(Use
divisibility rule).
24. A student has to reach school in 15 minutes. If the school is 800 meters
away, at what speed should he walk?
25. Find the volume of a cube whose volume is three times the volume of a
cuboid of dimensions 15 cm ˟ 12 cm ˟ 10 cm.
26. Find the area of the floor in square meters whose each side is 800 cm.
27. The sum of two numbers is 67890581. If one of them is 34216789, find the
other number. Also find which number is greater.
28. There are 125 apples in an orchard. Each tree has 40 branches. There are 20
apples on each branch. How many apples are there in the orchard?
29. The HCF of two numbers is 4, their LCM is 24 and one of the numbers is 8.
Find the other number.
30. Find the greatest number that will divide each of 90, 108 and 126 without
leaving a remainder.


Question number 31 to 40 carry 4 mark each.

31. The data about the type of CDs sold on a particular day is shown below in
the table:
Type of CD Film Rhyme Bhajan Game VCD
Number sold 547 28 52 184 106

a) Which type of CD sold the least?

b) Which type of CD sold the maximum?
c) What was the difference between the highest and the lowest selling type
d) What was the total number of CDs sold?

32. How many bricks each 25 cm long, 10 cm wide and 7.5 cm thick, will be
required for a wall 15 m long, 2.5 m wide and 1.25 m thick?
33. Find the area of the following figure:
1 cm

4 cm

2 cm

5 cm
34. Two sprinters run the same race of 100 meters. One runs at a speed of 10
meters per second and the other runs at the speed of 8 meters per second. By
what time will the first sprinter beat the other sprinter?
35. Sanjeev secured the following marks in an examination:
Hindi English Mathematics Science Drawing
65 78 98 92 82

a) Find the average marks.

b) In how many subjects were the marks higher than the average marks?
c) In how many subjects were the marks lower than the average marks?
d) What is the difference between the highest and lowest marks?

36. The maximum temperature on a day is 113° F and the minimum

temperature is 86 ° F. What is the difference of these temperatures in Celsius
37. Draw a pictograph to represent the following data. Use a circle to represent
100 students.
Name of A B C D E
Number of 500 650 475 550 525

38. Two book contain 1395 and 2232 pages respectively. The books are divided
in chapters. Each chapter of the first book has 93 pages and that of the
second book has 124 pages. How many more chapters are there in one book
than the other?
3 3 1 3
39. Simplify: [2 + 5 ˟ { + ( - )}] + .
2 4 10 2
40. The time taken to reach school by 5 students of a class are given below.
Represent the data by a bar graph on the graph paper.
Name Ankita Sneha Tanisha Riddhi Srijita
Time(in 20 30 10 40 60



1. What is called embryo? (1)

2. What are called runners? Give example.(2)
3. Explain Grafting and Layering.(2+2=4)
4. What are called microscopic?(1)
5. Name two mammals who breathe through lungs in water?(2)
6. What is migration ? What do you know about ‘champion of migration’ ?(1+2=3)
7. What is sternum?(1)
8. What is the average weight of human brain and how many nerves are there in it ?
9. Write a short note on human ear, tongue and skin.(4)
10. What are called nutrients?(1)
11. What is called vaccine?(2)
12. Write the symptoms and food sources of Kwashiorkor and Marasmus.(2+2=4)
13. What is blister? How do we get relief from it ? (1+1=2)
14. Explain sling and splint.(1+1=2)
15. Write a short note on fire extinguisher.(2)
16. Explain briefly on different layers of earth.(4)
17. What is called humidity?(1)
18. What is called distillation ?write about its steps of purification of water.(1+3=4)
19. What are called dwarf planet? Give example.(1)
20. Explain solar eclipse with proper diagram.(4)
21. What is chandrayaan-1 mission? (3)
22. What are green house effect and global warming? (2+2=4)
23. Shortly explain “The Exxon-Valdez oil spill” accident.(3)
24. Explain land and noise pollution.(2+2=4)
25. How many ways we can save our environment?(Write atleast 4 possible ways). (4)
26. What are focus and epicentre of earthquake?(1+1=2)
27. Who had made the instrument first which can detect the earthquake?(1)
28. What is geothermal energy? (1)
29. What is Tsunami and its destruction.(1+2=3)
30. What is drip irrigation? (2)
31. Why pumice rocks can float on water? (2)
32. What is the meaning of ‘ignis’ ? (1)
33. In which rock granite transforms? Write its uses.(1+1=2)
34. Write the difference between magma and lava.(2)
35. Write the names of ores of aluminium, copper and iron. (1*3=3)
36. Write the names of gemstones of colour red, white and green.(1*3=3)
37. What is nanotechnology? (2)
38. What is the difference between atom and molecule? (1)
39. Explain shortly about the process evaporation and its advantage in our daily life. (2+2=4)
40. How do dew and mist form in nature ?(4)

1. Name the original inhabitants of Greenland.
2. Where is Saudi Arabia situated in Asia?
3. What is an oasis?
4. One word answer-
i) Rocks and loose soil sliding down a hill slope______.
ii) Scientific study of earthquakes __________.
iii) Shortage of food due to drought leads to a _______.
5. What are volcanic eruptions?
6. Name one of the easiest and safest methods of waste
7. What are toupigs?
8. What are parkas?
9. What are huskies?
10. Name a country where earth quake occurs very

1. What separates Greenland from the northern islands of
2. What is the difference between kayak and Umiak?
3. Name the following-
i) Capital of Saudi Arabia_________
ii) Capital of Greenland __________
iii) A holy city of Saudi Arabia _______
iv) Funnel-shaped storm_________
4. How floods occur?
5. Define-
i) Focus
ii) Epicenter
6. List 4 precautions that one should follow during an
7. Differentiate between seismograph and seismology.
8. What causes tsunami?
9. What is an ice-berg?
10. Name the two continuous bodies of sand in Saudi

1. What is waste management? List some environmental
friendly methods of waste management.
2. Suggest some measures to prevent drought.
3. Greenland is often called the ‘Land of Midnight Sun’. Why?
4. How camel is a useful animal in desert?
5. What is compost? How is it produced?
6. How is open dumping different from landfill?
7. Ranjan said that he saw an avalanche when he went to
Rajasthan. Is this true? Give reason for your answer.
8. Why there is a shortage of water in Saudi Arabia?
9. Name the surrounding countries of Saudi Arabia.
10. What is the effect of the climate on the vegetation of

1. What are the main causes of flood? Write two ways in
which flood can be controlled?
2. Explain the three R’s of waste management.
3. Describe the life of Bedouins.
4. Why should we not dump waste in open?
5. List 4 names of natural disaster and define each one of
6. List 6 ways that we should do to protect our environment.
7. What measures should we take to prepare far a cyclone?
8. Write a short note on igloos.
9. In what way has the discovery of petroleum helped the
people of Saudi Arabia?
10. Locate on a world map-
i) The Atacama desert
ii) The Kalahari desert
iii) The Great Australian desert
iv) The Thar desert.




1. The Richter scale measures the intensity of an ___________.

(a) Cyclone (b) Earthquake (c) Tsunami (d) Flood

2. The method of dumping waste in ditches and covering them with soil is known as __________.

(a) burning (b) open dumping (c) landfills (d) compost

3. The capital of Greenland is ___________.

(a) Nuuk (b) Denmark (c) Sisimiut (d) Illulissat

4. The sea lies to the west of Saudi Arabia is ____________.

(a) Black Sea (b) Gulf of Aden (c) Arabian Sea (d) Red Sea

5. Scarcity of food and water due to failure of crops leads to a ______________.

(a) Drought (b) Famine (c) Flood (d) Landslide

6. Drought occurs when there is ___________.

(a)Heavy rainfall (b) No rainfall (c) moderate rainfall (d) limited rainfall

7. _________ is used as manure by farmers.

(a) Landfills (b) Open dumping (c) Compost (d) None of these

8. During Summers, inuits live in __________.

(a) Igloos (b) Toupigs (c) Huts (d) Buildings

9. During an earthquake stay __________.

(a) under a tree (b) on an open field (c) near a building (d) over the tree

10. _________ is a biodegradable thing.

(a) Plastic (b) Glass (c) Aluminium (d) Paper

II. Answer the following questions in brief:

1. What are icebergs?

2. How is compost produced?
3. Why is there a shortage of water in Saudi Arabia?
4. How does open dumping pollute the environment?
5. Why are huskies important in Greenland?
6. What is open dumping?
7. What is the difference between focus and epicenter?
8. Why do men in Saudi Arabia wear white clothes?
9. What is manure?
10. Write two activities that are harmful for the environment.

III. Answer the following questions:

1. How has petroleum changed the lifestyle of the people in Saudi Arabia?
2. Write three ways in which floods can be controlled.
3. What is recycling? How does it save the environment?
4. Where is Greenland situated in the world? Why is it white?
5. Write three activities by which we can protect the environment.
6. What are igloos? How are they made?
7. What is waste management?
8. Who are Bedouins? How do they live?
9. List the wild life creatures of Saudi Arabia and Greenland.
10. What types of plants grow in Saudi Arabia?
11. Write neighbouring countries of Saudi Arabia.

IV. Answer the following questions:

1. Write a short description of the important cities of Saudi Arabia.

2. Write five sentences on Greenland.
3. Write a short description on the most effective method of waste management, that is, the three
4. How do we prevent ourselves from Cyclone?
5. How can we apply the waste management at home?
6. What are the different types of wastes? How do they differ from each other?
7. How do floods occur? How is it harmful?
8. How can we prevent drought?
9. Why are earthquakes so destructive? What precautions can we take during an earthquake?
10. Write a short note on the Inuits.

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