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Consultant: Client: Contractor:

Transport Design and Supervision Works Sector Ethiopian Roads Authority Transport Infrastructure Construction Sector

Concrete Class: C-35 Mix Design No 2

1 Summary of requirements in Date casting 16/02/2017

Regarding to the concrete characteristics prescribed by the specifications used for

those basic datas are summarized in Table 1/1 as follow:
Table 1/1: Summary of requirements
Parameters Description Reference
Type of cement OPC (DANGOTE) _
cement content 400Kg/m3 to 550Kg/m3 SP & STS
Water Cement ratio Not to exceed 0.53 SP
Stand. Drawing (D-
Compressive strength (cylinder) (Mpa) 24
Method used A.C.I ACI 211.1-91
Nominal max. size of coarse agg.(mm) 20 _

2 Ingredient
2.1 Cement: used OPC produced from DANGOTE CEMENT FACTORY
Coarse aggregate:- The crushed coarse aggregate which are stocked at 57+000,
satisfactory for our project specification requirements.
Fine aggregate:- Natural Sand stocked at 0+900, satisfactory for our project
specification requirements
2.4. Water :- The test results attached for the concrete water issued by TCDSCo Consulting
Engineer's Laboratory indicate that satisfactory test results.
3 Laboratory quality test results
3.1 Please find the attached quality test results of :-
3.1.1 Coarse aggregate:- Gradation, Dry rodded density,Loose unit weight, specific gravity &
Absorption, LAA, Soundness, and Clay content.
3.1.2 Fine aggregate:- Gradation, F.M, silt clay content, sand equivalent, soundness, specific
gravity and absorption, loose unit weight

Contractor ME- Consultant ME:

Consultant: Lab. Tech_____________________
Dawit W. (B.Sc.)__________________ Tayachew M. (M.Sc.)____________________________
Consultant: Client: Contractor:
Transport Design and Supervision Works Sector Ethiopian Roads Authority Transport Infrastructure Construction Sector

4 Determination of Target Mean strength

4.1 The cylinderical target mean compressive strength at 28 days is given by the following
The minimum average strength of all samples should not be less than the required
average Strength (cylinderical):
Targat Mean Strength, fckr = fck+8.3 Mpa when 20.7MPa ≤ fck ≤34.5MPa =
24+8.3 = 32.3 Mpa (ACI 214R-02)
4.2 Required compressive strength ( cubical) = 1.25 * Cylinder strength = 32.3*1.25 = 40.4
Therefore, the minimum average strength of all samples should not be less than = 36.3MPa
(cylinder strength) or 45.4MPa (cube strength).
5 Laboratory design d
Coarse Aggregate Values FINE Aggregate Values
Bulk Specific gravity 2.787 Bulk Specific gravity 2.705
Water absorption(%) 0.97 Water absorption(%) 1.11
Dry rodded density(Kg/m ) 3
1708 Finess Modulus 3.00
Loose unit weight (Kg/m3) 1572 Loose unit weight (Kg/m3) 1384
N.M.C (%) 0.58 N.M.C (%) 3.20
water (kg/m )3
1000 Cement (O.P.C) (kg/m )3

6.1 -- The slump is required to be 25 to 75 mm.
6.2 -- The aggregate to be used has a nominal maximum size of 20 mm.
6.3 -- The concrete will be non-airentrained since the structure is not exposed to severe
weathering. From Table A1.5.3.3, the estimated mixing water for a slump of 25 to 75 mm in non-
air-entrained concrete made with 20 mm aggregate is found to be:
By interpolation = (75-50)*(205-190)/(100-50)+190 = 197.5 kg
6.4 -- The water-cement ratio for non-air- entrained concrete with a strength of 36.3 MPa is found
from Table Al.5.3.4(a) to be:
By interpolation = (36.3-40)*(0.47-0.42)/(35-40)+0.42 = 0.457
6.5 -- From the information developed in Steps 3 and 4, the required cement content is found to
be = 197.5/0.45 =
432 kg > 400 kg ok
Try cement= 440 kg

Contractor ME- Consultant ME:

Consultant: Lab. Tech_____________________
Dawit W. (B.Sc.)__________________ Tayachew M. (M.Sc.)____________________________
Consultant: Client: Contractor:
Transport Design and Supervision Works Sector Ethiopian Roads Authority Transport Infrastructure Construction Sector

6.6 -- The quantity of coarse aggregate is estimated from Table A For a fine aggregate
having a fineness modulus of 3.0 and a 20 mm nominal maximum size of coarse aggregate, the
table indicates that 0.60 m3 of coarse aggregate, on a dry-rodded basis, may be used in each
cubic meter of concrete.
The required dry mass is, therefore, = 0.60*1708 = 1025 kg dry
6.7. With the quantities of water, cement and coarse aggregate established, the remaining
material comprising the cubic meter of concrete must consist of fine aggregate and whatever air
will be entrapped. The required fine aggregate may be determined on the basis of either mass or
absolute volume as shown below:

6.7.1. Mass basis -- From Table A1., the mass of a cubic meter of non-air-entrained
concrete made with aggregate having a nominal maximum size of 20 mm is estimated to be
2345 kg. (For a first trial batch, exact adjustments of this value for usual differences in slump,
cement factor, and aggregate specific gravity are not critical). try 2500kg (from previous trials)
Masses already known are:
Ingredients Mass (kg)
Water (net mixing) 198
Cement 440
Coarse aggregate (dry) 1025
Total 1662

The mass of fine aggregate, therefore, is estimated to be = 2500-1662 = 838 kg dry

6.7.2--Absolute volume basis -- With the quantities of cement, water, and coarse aggregate
established, and the approximate entrapped air content (as opposed to purposely entrained air)
of 2 percent determined from Table Al.5.3.3, the sand content can be calculated as follows:

Contractor ME- Consultant ME:

Consultant: Lab. Tech_____________________
Dawit W. (B.Sc.)__________________ Tayachew M. (M.Sc.)____________________________
Consultant: Client: Contractor:
Transport Design and Supervision Works Sector Ethiopian Roads Authority Transport Infrastructure Construction Sector
Ingredients Gravit Volume (m3)
Water 198 1.000 0.198
Cement 440 3.150 0.140
Coarse aggregate (dry) 1025 2.787 0.368
Air (2%) - - 0.020
Total = 1662 0.725

Solid Volume of Fine aggregate = 1-Total = 1.0-0.725 = 0.275 m3

Required weight of dry Fine aggregate = 0.275*2.705*1000 = 744 kg dry

6.7.3--Batch masses per cubic meter of concrete calculated on the two methods are
compared below: Mass Basis Volume Basis
Item (kg/m3) (kg/m3)
Water (net mixing) 198 198
Cement 440 440
Coarse aggregate (dry) 1025 1025
Fine aggregate (dry) 838 744
Total = 2500 2406

6.8. Moiture Adjustment:

Coarse Aggregate (wet) = 1025*(1+0.58/100) = 1025 kg
Fine aggregate (wet) = 744*(1+3.2/100) = 744 kg
Water to be added = 198-CA*(NMC-Abs)-FA*(NMC-Abs) = see Table below.
Where: NMC = natural moisture content, Abs = water absorption.
Aggregate type Absorption(% ) Free Added Water (kg)
Coarse Aggregate 0.971 0.58 -4
Fine Aggregate 1.112 3.20 16 186
Designed Water 198

Contractor ME- Consultant ME:

Consultant: Lab. Tech_____________________
Dawit W. (B.Sc.)__________________ Tayachew M. (M.Sc.)____________________________
Consultant: Client: Contractor:
Transport Design and Supervision Works Sector Ethiopian Roads Authority Transport Infrastructure Construction Sector
6.8.1. The Estimated batch masses for a cubic meter of concrete are:
Ingredients Mass (kg)
Water (to be added) 186
Cement 440
Coarse aggregate (wet) 1025
Fine Aggregate (wet) 744
Total 2395

6.9. For the Laboratory Trial Batch:

Batch Volume (m3) = 0.027
Concrte Ingredient kg/1m3 kg/0.027m3
Water added 186 5.02
Cement 440 11.88
Coarse Aggregate (wet) 1025 27.67
Fine Aggregate (wet) 744 20.10
Total = 64.66

6.9.1. The concrete has a measured slump of 60 mm and unit mass of 2537kg/m3. It is judged to
be satisfactory from the standpoint of workability and finishing properties. To provide proper yield
and other characteristics for future batches, the following adjustments are made: Since the yield of the trial batch was 64.66/2537 = 0.025 m3

and the mixing water content was 5.02 (added) +0 (on coarse aggregate) + 0.420 (on fine
aggregate) = 5.441kg, the mixing water required for a cubic meter of concrete with the same
slump as the trial batch should be:

Added water On coarse Agg. On Fine Agg. Mixing water

5.02 0.000 0.420 5.441
Mixing water per 1m concrete = 5.441/yield =
213 kg

Contractor ME- Consultant ME:

Consultant: Lab. Tech_____________________
Dawit W. (B.Sc.)__________________ Tayachew M. (M.Sc.)____________________________
Consultant: Client: Contractor:
Transport Design and Supervision Works Sector Ethiopian Roads Authority Transport Infrastructure Construction Sector
With the increased mixing water, additional cement will be required to provide the desired water-
cement ratio of 0.457. The new cement content becomes:
The new Cement Content =213/0.457 = 467 kg workability was found to be satisfactory, the quantity of coarse

aggregate per unit volume of concrete will be maintained the same as in the trial
batch. The amount of coarse aggregate per cubic meter becomes:

Coarse agg. =27.67/0.025 = 1085 kg wet

1085/1.0058 = 1079 kg dry
1079*1.0097= 1090 kg SSD
Re-estimation of fine aggregate:
Concrte Ingredient per 1m3 Volume (m3)
Water added 213 0.213
Cement 467 0.148
Coarse Aggregate (dry) 1079 0.387
Total 0.749

Contractor ME- Consultant ME:

Consultant: Lab. Tech_____________________
Dawit W. (B.Sc.)__________________ Tayachew M. (M.Sc.)____________________________
Consultant: Client: Contractor:
Transport Design and Supervision Works Sector Ethiopian Roads Authority Transport Infrastructure Construction Sector
Volume of fine aggregate required =1.000-0.749 = 0.251 m3
Mass of fine aggregate (dry basis) = 0.251*2.705*1000 = 679 kg The adjusted basic batch weights per cubic meter of concrete, then, are:
Concrte Ingredients Mass (kg)
Water (net mixing) 213
Cement 467
Coarse Aggregate (dry) 1079
Fine Aggregate (dry) 679
Total 2439

6.10. Mass of Each ingredient per bag (50Kg) of cement

Conversion Factor = 9.3
Ingredients Mass,Kg
Water 22.9
Cement 50.0
Coares aggregate (dry) 115.5
Fine aggregate (dry) 72.7

Box Size Determination:

For a Bag [50Kg] of Cement: box dimens40cm*50cm*Box Height
Box Recommended
Mass, Loose Volume
Ingredients Loose Unit Height Box size
Kg (m3)
Weight (kg/m )
3 (cm) (cm*cm*cm)
Water 22.9 1000 0.0229 - 22.9 Liters
Cement 50.0 3150 0.0159 - 50kg bag #1
Coares aggregate (dry) 115.5 1572 0.0735 36.7 18.4*40*50 #2
Fine aggregate (dry) 72.7 1384 0.0525 26.3 13.1*40*50 #2

Contractor ME- Consultant ME:

Consultant: Lab. Tech_____________________
Dawit W. (B.Sc.)__________________ Tayachew M. (M.Sc.)____________________________
Client: ERA Consultant: TDSWS

Project: Dimma-Rad Bridge Roadupgrading project


Proportions per one time mixing
Cement (Muger) (480kg/m3) = 100kg
Coarse Aggregate = 4*17.5cm*40cm*50cm
Fine Aggregate = 4*12.3cm*40cm*50cm
Water = 45 kg or Liters
Proportions per one time mixing
Cement (Muger with MF) = 100kg
Coarse Aggregate = 4*17.5cm*40cm*50cm
Fine Aggregate = 4*12.3cm*40cm*50cm
Water = 32 kg or Liters
Mega Flow = 1.90 Liters
Proportions per one time mixing
Cement (Derba) (485kg/m3) = 100kg
Coarse Aggregate = 4*17.3cm*40cm*50cm
Fine Aggregate = 4*12.0cm*40cm*50cm
Water = 45 kg or Liters
Proportions per one time mixing
Cement (Derba with MF) = 100kg
Coarse Aggregate = 4*17.3cm*40cm*50cm
Fine Aggregate = 4*12.0cm*40cm*50cm
Water = 32 kg or Liters
Mega Flow = 1.90 Liters

Approved by Pavement/ Material Engineer: TAYACHEW M.

Employer: Consultant: ECDSWC; Contractor:
Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) Transport Design Supervision Works Sector ECWC; TIC
Concrete Class: C-35 Mix Design No 1

1 Summary of requirements in specification Date casted_____________

Regarding to the concrete characteristics prescribed by the specifications used for those basic datas are summarized in Table 1/1 as follow:
Table 1/1: Summary of requirements
Parameters Description Reference
Type of cement OPC (Mugher) _
400Kg/m3 to
cement content SP & STS

Water Cement ratio Not to exceed 0.53 SP

Compressive strength
28 Drawing (D-
(cylinder) (Mpa)

Method used A.C.I ACI 211.1-91

Nominal max. size of coarse

20 _

2 Ingredient

2.1 Cement: used OPC produced from MUGHER CEMENT FACTORY

Coarse aggregate:- The crushed coarse aggregate which are stocked at 126+000, satisfactory for our project specification requirements.
2.3 Fine aggregate:- Natural Sand stocked at 126+000, satisfactory for our project specification requirements

2.4. Water :- The test results attached for the concrete water issued by TCDSCo Consulting Engineer's Laboratory indicate that satisfactory test results.
3 Laboratory quality test results
3.1 Please find the attached quality test results of :-
Coarse aggregate:- Gradation, Dry rodded density,Loose unit weight, specific gravity & Absorption, LAA, Soundness, PSV and Clay content.
3.1.2 Fine aggregate:- Gradation, F.M, silt clay content, sand equivalent, soundness, specific gravity and absorption, loose unit weight

4 Determination of Target Mean strength

4.1 The cylinderical target mean compressive strength at 28 days is given by the following equation:
The minimum average strength of all samples should not be less than the required average Strength (cylinderical):
Targat Mean Strength, fckr = fck+8.3 Mpa when 20.7MPa ≤ fck ≤34.5MPa = 28+8.3 = 36.3 Mpa (ACI 214R-02)

4.2 Required compressive strength ( cubical) = 1.25 * Cylinder strength = 36.3*1.25 = 45.4 Mpa

Therefore, the minimum average strength of all samples should not be less than = 36.3MPa (cylinder strength) or 45.4MPa (cube strength).

5 Laboratory design data

Coarse Aggregate Values FINE Aggregate Values

Specific gravity (SSD) 2.669 Specific gravity (SSD) 2.670

Water absorption(%) 0.90 Water absorption(%) 2.03

Dry rodded density(Kg/m3) 1662 Finess Modulus 3.00

Loose unit weight
Loose unit weight (Kg/m3) 1485 (Kg/m3) 1460
N.M.C (%) 0.30 N.M.C (%) 4.60
Specific gr. Of Cement
Specific gravity of water 1.00 (O.P.C) 3.15

project: Dima-Raad Bridge Road Upgrading Designed by Tayachew Melisew (p/me) August 2016
Employer: Consultant: ECDSWC; Contractor:
Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) Transport Design Supervision Works Sector ECWC; TIC


6.1 -- The slump is required to be 25 to 50 mm.

6.2 -- The aggregate to be used has a nominal maximum size of 20 mm.
6.3 -- The concrete will be non-airentrained since the structure is not exposed to severe weathering. From Table A1.5.3.3, the estimated mixing water for a
slump of 25 to 75 mm in non-air-entrained concrete made with 20 mm aggregate is found to be =
190 kg

6.4 -- The water-cement ratio for non-air- entrained concrete with a strength of 36.3 MPa is found from Table Al.5.3.4(a) to be 0.45.
6.5 -- From the information developed in Steps 3 and 4, the required cement content is found to be = 190/0.45 =
422 kg > 400 kg OK!
Try cement= 460 kg and Water = 460*0.45 = 207 kg

6.6 -- The quantity of coarse aggregate is estimated from Table A For a fine aggregate having a fineness modulus of 3.0 and a 20 mm nominal maximum
size of coarse aggregate, the table indicates that 0.60 m3 of coarse aggregate, on a dry-rodded basis, may be used in each cubic meter of concrete.
The required dry mass is, therefore, = 0.60*1662 = 997 kg dry

6.7 -- With the quantities of water, cement and coarse aggregate established, the remaining material comprising the cubic meter of concrete must consist of fine
aggregate and whatever air will be entrapped. The required fine aggregate may be determined on the basis of either mass or absolute volume as shown below:

6.7.1--Mass basis -- From Table A1., the mass of a cubic meter of non-air-entrained concrete made with aggregate having a nominal
maximum size of 20 mm is estimated to be 2345 kg. (For a first trial batch, exact adjustments of this value for usual differences in slump,
cement factor, and aggregate specific gravity are not critical). Masses already known are:

Ingredients Mass (kg)

Water (net mixing) 207
Cement 460
Coarse aggregate 997
Total 1664

The mass of fine aggregate, therefore, is estimated to be = 2345-1664 = 681 kg dry

6.7.2--Absolute volume basis -- With the quantities of cement, water, and coarse aggregate established, and the approximate entrapped air content (as
opposed to purposely entrained air) of 2 percent determined from Table Al.5.3.3, the sand content can be calculated as follows:

Ingredients Mass (kg) Sp. Gravity (m3)
Water 207 1.000 0.207
Cement 460 3.150 0.146
Coarse agg. 997 2.669 0.374
Air (2%) - - 0.020
Total = 1664 0.747

Solid Volume of Fine aggregate = 1-Total = 1.0-0.747 = 0.253 m3

Required weight of dry Fine aggregate = 0.253*2.67*1000 = 676 kg

Estimation of fine aggregate content using Eq. 6.7.1--- In the SI, the formula for calculation of fresh concrete mass per cubic meter is:
U m 10 G a (100  A )  C m (1  a )  W m ( G a  1) .......... 6 .7 .1
Um =unit mass of fresh concrete (kg/m3)
Ga =weighted average specific gravity of combined fine and coarse aggregate (bulk SSD)
Gc = specific gravity of Cement (generally 3.15)
A = air content (%)
Wm =mixing water requirement (kg/m3)
Cm = Cement requirement (kg/m3)
Ga = 2.67
Gc = 3.15
A= 2.0 %
Wm = 207 kg/m3
Cm = 460 kg/m3 Um = 2341 kg/m3

The mass of fine aggregate, therefore, is estimated to be = 2341-1664 = 676 kg dry

6.7.3--Batch masses per cubic meter of concrete calculated on the two bases are compared below:

Item Volume Basis

Mass Basis (kg/m3) (kg/m3)
Water (net mixing) 207 207
Cement 460 460
Coarse aggregate 997 997
Fine aggregate 681 676
Total = 2345 2341 OK!!!

6.8 -- Tests indicate total moisture of 0.3 percent in the coarse aggregate and 4.6 percent in the fine aggregate. If the trial batch proportions
based on assumed concrete mass are used, the adjusted aggregate masses become:
Coarse aggregate = 997*1.003 = 1000 kg/m3 wet
Fine aggregates = 676*1.046 = 708 kg/m3 wet

project: Dima-Raad Bridge Road Upgrading Designed by Tayachew Melisew (p/me) August 2016
Employer: Consultant: ECDSWC; Contractor:
Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) Transport Design Supervision Works Sector ECWC; TIC
Absorbed water does not become part of the mixing water and must be excluded from the adjustment in added water. Thus, surface water
contributed by the coarse aggregate amounts to 0.2-0.90 = -0.7 percent; by the fine aggregate 5.6-2.03 = 3.57 percent. The estimated
requirement for added water, therefore, becomes:

Aggregate free water: Total (kg)

FA = 676*(5.6-2.03)/100 = 17
CA = 997*(0.2-0.90)/100 = -6
Added Water = Water in the Design -Aggregate free water = 207-17 = 196 kg/m3

adjusted concrete ingredients

Volume Basis
Add Water 196
Cement 460
Coarse aggregate (wet) 1000
Fine aggregate (wet) 708
Total = 2363

6.9 -- For the laboratory trial batch, it is found convenient to scale the masses down to produce = 0.020m3 of concrete. the calculated quantity
of water to be added was 216*0.020 = 3.80 kg, the amount actually used in an effort to obtain the desired 25 to 75 mm slump is 3.80 kg. The
batch as mixed, therefore, consists of:
0.020 m3
Ingredient Trial batch (kg)
Water 3.91
Cement 9.20
Coarse aggregate 20.00
Fine aggregate 14.15
Total = 47.27

The concrete has a measured slump of 50 mm and unit mass of 2383 kg/m3. It is judged to be satisfactory from the standpoint of workability and finishing
properties. To provide proper yield and other characteristics for future batches, the following adjustments are made:
Yield (Y) of the trial batch was = 47.27/2363 = 0.02000 m3
Design Yield (Yd) = 1.000 m3
Relative Yield (Ry) = Y/Yd = 0.02000

A1. The estimated mixing water to produce the same slump as the trial batch will be equal to the net amount of mixing water used divided by the yield
of the trial batch in m3. If slump of the trial batch was not correct, increase or decrease the re-estimated water content by 2 kg/m3 of concrete for each increase
or decrease of 10 mm in slump desired.

and the mixing water content was 3.80 (added) +997*(0.2-0.9)/100*0.020 (on coarse aggregate) + 676*(5.6-2.03)/100*0.020 (on fine aggregate) = 3.80 kg, the
mixing water required for a cubic meter of concrete with the same slump as the trial batch should be:

Where The mixing water = AW/TB + [CA*(NMC-WAC)+FA*(NMC-WAC)]/100

TB = Trial Batch NMC = natural moisture content CA = coarse Aggregate
FA = Fine Aggregate WAC = Water Absorbing Capacity

Aggregate Free water

Item Added water Coarse Agg. Fine Agg. Total
NMC-WAC (+) - 0.00 2.57
Mixixng Water 196 0 17 213

Since workability was found to be satisfactory, the quantity of coarse aggregate per unit volume of concrete will be maintained the same as in the trial batch.
The amount of coarse aggregate per cubic meter becomes = 20.21/0.02025 = 1000 kg wet
= 998/1.001 = 997 kg dry
= 997*1.009 = 1006 kg SSD

The volume of ingredients other than air in the original trial batch was
volume m3
Water = 216*0.02025/1000 = 0.0039
Cement = 479*0.02025/3150 = 0.0029
Coarse aggregate (dry) =997*0.0203/2669 = 0.0075
Fine aggregate (dry) = 676*0.0203/2670 = 0.0051
Total = 0.0194

Since the yield was also 0.0201 m3, there was 0.00015m3 air in the concrete detectable within the precision of the unit mass test and significant figures of the
calculations. With the proportions of all components except fine aggregate established, the determination of adjusted cubic meter batch quantities can be
completed as follows:

Ingredients Mass (kg) Volume (m3)
Water 213 1000 0.213
Cement 473 3150 0.150
Coares agg. (dry) 997 2669 0.374
Air (0.015%) - - 0.0002
Total = 0.737

project: Dima-Raad Bridge Road Upgrading Designed by Tayachew Melisew (p/me) August 2016
Employer: Consultant: ECDSWC; Contractor:
Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) Transport Design Supervision Works Sector ECWC; TIC
Volume of fine aggregate required = 1.0 - 0.737 = 0.263 m3
Mass of fine aggregate (dry basis) = 0.258*2670 = 702 kg dry
702*1.046 = 734 kg SSD
Final adjusted concrete ingredients
Ingredients Mass (kg/m3)
Water 213
Cement 473
Coares aggregate (SSD) 1006
Fine aggregate (SSD) 734
Total = 2427

6.10.. Mass of Each ingredient per bag (50Kg) of cement

Conversion Factor = 9.5
Ingredients Mass,Kg
Water 22.5
Cement 50.0
Coares aggregate (SSD) 106.3
Fine aggregate (SSD) 77.6

Box Size Determination

For a Bag [50Kg] of Cement
Box Dimension = 40cm*50cm*Box Height
Loose Unit Loose Volume Box Height Recommended Box
Ingredients Mass,Kg Weight
[Kg/m3] [m3] [cm] Size[cm*cm*cm]
Water 22.5 1000 0.0225 - 22.5 Liters or kg
Cement 50.0 3150 0.0159 - 50kg bag ……....#1
Coares aggregate (dry) 106.3 1485 0.0716 35.8 17.8*40*50…...#2
Fine aggregate (dry) 77.6 1460 0.0531 26.6 13.3*40*50…...#2

project: Dima-Raad Bridge Road Upgrading Designed by Tayachew Melisew (p/me) August 2016
Employer: Consultant: ECDSWC; Contractor:
Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) Transport Design Supervision Works Sector ECWC; TIC
Samples Taken from first trial Reinforced Concrete Pipe Production at 126+000 LHS with Cement content of 478kg/m3

Casting date

Testing date
Actual Compressive
Strength (Mpa) Required
Trial Target Mean
Age of concrete in Days SLUMP (mm) Weight (gm) Density (Kg/m3) Strength
No. Strength (Mpa)
Individual Average

1 7 9129 2705 30.4


2 7 9093 2694 38.4


3 7 9143 2709 31.7

33.45 25
4 7 8638 2559 32.7
5 7 8747 2592 33.1
6 7 9053 2682 34.4
Average 50 & 65 8967 2657 33.45 45.4
7 28 46.7


8 28 48.1
9 28 46.5
50.4 35
10 28 54.7
11 28 53.4
12 28 53.1

An appropriate general equation for predicting compressive strength at any time t (ACI 209):

f c (t )  f c (28)
4  0.85t


For Contractor For Consultant

Lab. Tech Lab. Tech

Sign; Sign;

Checked by Material Eng. Approved by Material Eng.

Sign; Sign;

project: Dima-Raad Bridge Road Upgrading Designed by Tayachew Melisew (p/me) August 2016
Employer: Consultant: ECDSWC; Contractor:
Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) Transport Design and Supervision Works Sector ECWC; TIC
Concrete Class: C-35 Mix Design No 1

1 Summary of requirements in specification Date casted: 30/08/2016

Regarding to the concrete characteristics prescribed by the specifications used for those basic datas are summarized in Table 1/1 as follow:
Table 1/1: Summary of requirements
Parameters Description Reference
Type of cement OPC (Mugher) _
400Kg/m3 to
cement content SP & STS

Water Cement ratio Not to exceed 0.53 SP

Compressive strength
28 Drawing (D-
(cylinder) (Mpa)

Method used A.C.I ACI 211.1-91

Nominal max. size of coarse

20 _

2 Ingredient

2.1 Cement: used OPC produced from MUGHER CEMENT FACTORY

Coarse aggregate:- The crushed coarse aggregate which are stocked at 126+000, satisfactory for our project specification requirements.
2.3 Fine aggregate:- Natural Sand stocked at 126+000, satisfactory for our project specification requirements

2.4. Water :- The test results attached for the concrete water issued by TCDSCo Consulting Engineer's Laboratory indicate that satisfactory test results.
3 Laboratory quality test results
3.1 Please find the attached quality test results of :-
Coarse aggregate:- Gradation, Dry rodded density,Loose unit weight, specific gravity & Absorption, LAA, Soundness, PSV and Clay content.
Fine aggregate:- Gradation, F.M, silt clay content, sand equivalent, soundness, specific gravity and absorption, loose unit weight

4 Determination of Target Mean strength

4.1 The cylinderical target mean compressive strength at 28 days is given by the following equation:
The minimum average strength of all samples should not be less than the required average Strength (cylinderical):
Targat Mean Strength, fckr = fck+8.3 Mpa when 20.7MPa ≤ fck ≤34.5MPa = 28+8.3 = 36.3 Mpa (ACI 214R-02)

4.2 Required compressive strength ( cubical) = 1.25 * Cylinder strength = 36.3*1.25 = 45.4 Mpa

Therefore, the minimum average strength of all samples should not be less than = 36.3MPa (cylinder strength) or 45.4MPa (cube strength).

5 Laboratory design data

Coarse Aggregate Values FINE Aggregate Values

Specific gravity 2.669 Specific gravity 2.670
Water absorption(%) 0.90 Water absorption(%) 2.03

Dry rodded density(Kg/m3) 1662 Finess Modulus 3.00

Loose unit weight
Loose unit weight (Kg/m3) 1485 (Kg/m3) 1460
N.M.C (%) 0.30 N.M.C (%) 4.60
Specific gr. Of Cement
Specific gravity of water 1.00 (O.P.C) 3.15

project: Dima-Raad Bridge Road Upgrading Designed by Tayachew Melisew (p/me) August 2016
Employer: Consultant: ECDSWC; Contractor:
Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) Transport Design and Supervision Works Sector ECWC; TIC


6.1 -- The slump is required to be 25 to 50 mm.

6.2 -- The aggregate to be used has a nominal maximum size of 20 mm.
6.3 -- The concrete will be non-airentrained since the structure is not exposed to severe weathering. From Table A1.5.3.3, the estimated mixing water for a
slump of 25 to 75 mm in non-air-entrained concrete made with 20 mm aggregate is found to be =
190 kg
6.4 -- The water-cement ratio for non-air- entrained concrete with a strength of 36.3 MPa is found from Table Al.5.3.4(a) to be = 0.45

6.5 -- From the information developed in Steps 3 and 4, the required cement content is found to be = 190/0.45 =
422 kg > 400 kg OK!
Try cement= 460 kg

6.6 -- The quantity of coarse aggregate is estimated from Table A For a fine aggregate having a fineness modulus of 3.0 and a 20 mm nominal maximum
size of coarse aggregate, the table indicates that 0.60 m3 of coarse aggregate, on a dry-rodded basis, may be used in each cubic meter of concrete.
The required dry mass is, therefore, = 0.60*1662 = 997 kg dry

6.7 -- With the quantities of water, cement and coarse aggregate established, the remaining material comprising the cubic meter of concrete must consist of fine
aggregate and whatever air will be entrapped. The required fine aggregate may be determined on the basis of either mass or absolute volume as shown below:

6.7.1--Mass basis -- From Table A1., the mass of a cubic meter of non-air-entrained concrete made with aggregate having a nominal
maximum size of 20 mm is estimated to be 2345 kg. (For a first trial batch, exact adjustments of this value for usual differences in slump,
cement factor, and aggregate specific gravity are not critical). Masses already known are:

Ingredients Mass (kg)

Water (net mixing) 190
Cement 460
Coarse aggregate 997
Total 1647

The mass of fine aggregate, therefore, is estimated to be = 2345-1664 = 698 kg dry

6.7.2--Absolute volume basis -- With the quantities of cement, water, and coarse aggregate established, and the approximate entrapped air content (as
opposed to purposely entrained air) of 2 percent determined from Table Al.5.3.3, the sand content can be calculated as follows:

Ingredients Mass (kg) Sp. Gravity (m3)
Water 190 1.000 0.190
Cement 460 3.150 0.146
Coarse agg. 997 2.669 0.374
Air (2%) - - 0.020
Total = 1647 0.730

Solid Volume of Fine aggregate = 1-Total = 1.0-0.730 = 0.270 m3

Required weight of dry Fine aggregate = 0.270*2.67*1000 = 722 kg

Estimation of fine aggregate content using Eq. 6.7.1--- In the SI, the formula for calculation of fresh concrete mass per cubic meter is:
U m 10 G a (100  A )  C m (1  )  W m ( G a  1) .......... 6 .7 .1
Um =unit mass of fresh concrete (kg/m3)
Ga =weighted average specific gravity of combined fine and coarse aggregate (bulk SSD)
Gc = specific gravity of Cement (generally 3.15)
A = air content (%)
Wm =mixing water requirement (kg/m3)
Cm = Cement requirement (kg/m3)
Ga = 2.67
Gc = 3.15
A= 2.0 %
Wm = 190 kg/m3
Cm = 460 kg/m3 Um = 2369 kg/m3

The mass of fine aggregate, therefore, is estimated to be = 2341-1664 = 722 kg dry

6.7.3--Batch masses per cubic meter of concrete calculated on the two bases are compared below:

Item Volume Basis

Mass Basis (kg/m3) (kg/m3)
Water (net mixing) 190 190
Cement 460 460
Coarse aggregate 997 997
Fine aggregate 698 722
Total = 2345 2369 OK!!!

6.8 -- Tests indicate total moisture of 0.3 percent in the coarse aggregate and 4.6 percent in the fine aggregate. If the trial batch proportions
based on assumed concrete mass are used, the adjusted aggregate masses become:
Coarse aggregate = 997*1.003 = 1000 kg/m3 wet
Fine aggregates = 676*1.046 = 755 kg/m3 wet

project: Dima-Raad Bridge Road Upgrading Designed by Tayachew Melisew (p/me) August 2016
Employer: Consultant: ECDSWC; Contractor:
Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) Transport Design and Supervision Works Sector ECWC; TIC
Absorbed water does not become part of the mixing water and must be excluded from the adjustment in added water. Thus, surface water
contributed by the coarse aggregate amounts to 0.1-0.90 = -0.8 percent; by the fine aggregate 2.6-2.03 = 0.57 percent. The estimated
requirement for added water, therefore, becomes:

Aggregate Surface water: Total (kg)

FA = 722*(2.6-2.03)/100 = 19
CA = 997*(0.1-0.90)/100 = -6
Added Water = Water in the Design -Aggregate free water = 190-13 = 177 kg/m3
The estimated batch masses for a cubic meter of concrete are:
Volume Basis
Add Water 177
Cement 460
Coarse aggregate (wet) 1000
Fine aggregate (wet) 755
Total = 2393

6.9 -- For the laboratory trial batch, it is found convenient to scale the masses down to produce = 0.027m3 of concrete. the calculated quantity
of water to be added was 194*0.027 = 5.23 kg, the amount actually used in an effort to obtain the desired 25 to 75 mm slump is 5.23 kg. The
batch as mixed, therefore, consists of:
0.027 m3
Ingredient Trial batch (kg)
Water 4.79
Cement 12.42
Coarse aggregate 27.01
Fine aggregate 20.39
Total = 64.60

The concrete has a measured slump of 50 mm and unit mass of 2383 kg/m3. It is judged to be satisfactory from the standpoint of workability and finishing
properties. To provide proper yield and other characteristics for future batches, the following adjustments are made:
Yield (Y) of the trial batch was = 64.60/2656.8 = 0.024 m3

Since the yield was also 0.027 m3, there was 0.003m3 air in the concrete detectable within the precision of the unit mass test and significant figures of the
calculations. With the proportions of all components except fine aggregate established, the determination of adjusted cubic meter batch quantities can be
completed as follows:
Detacted Air Content in the fresh concrete (%) =Trial Batch-Yield = 0.0027
The Re-estimated batch masses based on the above yield for a cubic meter of concrete are:

Ingredients Mass (kg) Volume (m3)
Mixing Water 197 1000 0.197
Cement 438 3150 0.139
Coares agg. (wet) 1111 2669 0.416
Air (%) - - 0.0027
Total = 0.755
Volume of fine aggregate required = 1.0 - 0.785 = 0.245 m3
Mass of fine aggregate (dry basis) = 0.215*2670 = 655 kg wet

Final adjusted concrete ingredients

Ingredients Mass (kg/m3)
Mixing Water 197
Cement 438
Coares agg. (wet) 1111
Fine aggregate (dry) 655
Total = 2400

6.10.. Mass of Each ingredient per bag (50Kg) of cement

Conversion Factor = 8.8
Ingredients Mass,Kg
Water 22.5
Cement 50.0
Coares aggregate (dry) 126.8
Fine aggregate (dry) 74.8

Box Size Determination

For a Bag [50Kg] of Cement
Box Dimension = 40cm*50cm*Box Height
Loose Unit Loose Volume Box Height Recommended Box
Ingredients Mass,Kg Weight
[Kg/m3] [m3] [cm] Size[cm*cm*cm]
Water 22.5 1000 0.0225 - 22.5 Liters or kg
Cement 50.0 3150 0.0159 - 50kg bag ……....#1
Coares aggregate (dry) 126.8 1485 0.0854 42.7 19.5*40*50…...#2
Fine aggregate (dry) 74.8 1460 0.0512 25.6 10.3*40*50…...#2

project: Dima-Raad Bridge Road Upgrading Designed by Tayachew Melisew (p/me) August 2016
Employer: Consultant: ECDSWC; Contractor:
Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) Transport Design and Supervision Works Sector ECWC; TIC
Samples Taken from first trial Reinforced Concrete Pipe Production at 126+000 LHS with Cement content of 478kg/m3

Casting date

Testing date
Actual Compressive
Strength (Mpa) Target Mean Required
Age of concrete in Days SLUMP (mm) Weight (gm) Density (Kg/m3) Cube Strength Strength
(Mpa) (Mpa)
Individual Average

1 7 9129 2705 30.4


2 7 9093 2694 38.4


3 7 9143 2709 31.7

33.45 25
4 7 8638 2559 32.7
5 7 8747 2592 33.1
6 7 9053 2682 34.4
Average 50 & 65 8967 2656.9 33.45 45.4
7 28 46.7


8 28 48.1
9 28 46.5
50.4 35
10 28 54.7
11 28 53.4
12 28 53.1

For Contractor For Consultant

Lab. Tech Lab. Tech

Sign; Sign;

Checked by Material Eng. Dawit Approved by Material Eng. Tayachew Melisew

Sign; Sign;

project: Dima-Raad Bridge Road Upgrading Designed by Tayachew Melisew (p/me) August 2016
Employer: Consultant: ECDSWC; Contractor:
Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) Transport Design Supervision Works Sector ECWC; TIC
Concrete Class: C-35 Mix Design No 1

1 Summary of requirements in specification Date casted_____________

Regarding to the concrete characteristics prescribed by the specifications used for those basic datas are summarized in Table 1/1 as follow:
Table 1/1: Summary of requirements
Parameters Description Reference
Type of cement OPC (Mugher) _
400Kg/m3 to
cement content SP & STS

Water Cement ratio Not to exceed 0.53 SP

Compressive strength Stand. Drawing

(cylinder) (Mpa) (D-01)

Method used A.C.I ACI 211.1-91

Nominal max. size of coarse
20 _

2 Ingredient

2.1 Cement: used OPC produced from MUGHER CEMENT FACTORY

Coarse aggregate:- The crushed coarse aggregate which are stocked at 126+000, satisfactory for our project specification requirements.
2.3 Fine aggregate:- Natural Sand stocked at 126+000, satisfactory for our project specification requirements

2.4. Water :- The test results attached for the concrete water issued by TCDSCo Consulting Engineer's Laboratory indicate that satisfactory test results.
3 Laboratory quality test results
3.1 Please find the attached quality test results of :-
Coarse aggregate:- Gradation, Dry rodded density,Loose unit weight, specific gravity & Absorption, LAA, Soundness, PSV and Clay content.
Fine aggregate:- Gradation, F.M, silt clay content, sand equivalent, soundness, specific gravity and absorption, loose unit weight

4 Determination of Target Mean strength

4.1 The cylinderical target mean compressive strength at 28 days is given by the following equation:
The minimum average strength of all samples should not be less than the required average Strength (cylinderical):
Targat Mean Strength, fckr = fck+8.3 Mpa when 20.7MPa ≤ fck ≤34.5MPa = 28+8.3 = 36.3 Mpa (ACI 214R-02)

4.2 Required compressive strength ( cubical) = 1.25 * Cylinder strength = 36.3*1.25 = 45.4 Mpa

Therefore, the minimum average strength of all samples should not be less than = 36.3MPa (cylinder strength) or 45.4MPa (cube strength).

5 Laboratory design data

Coarse Aggregate Values FINE Aggregate Values

Bulk Specific gravity 2.669 Bulk Specific gravity 2.670

Water absorption(%) 0.90 Water absorption(%) 2.03

Dry rodded density(Kg/m ) 3

1662 Finess Modulus 3.00
Loose unit weight
Loose unit weight (Kg/m3) 1485 (Kg/m3) 1460
N.M.C (%) 0.30 N.M.C (%) 4.60
Specific gr. Of Cement
Specific gravity of water 1.00 (O.P.C) 3.15

project: Dima-Raad Bridge Road Upgrading Designed by Tayachew Melisew (p/me) August 2016
Employer: Consultant: ECDSWC; Contractor:
Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) Transport Design Supervision Works Sector ECWC; TIC


6.1 -- The slump is required to be 25 to 75 mm.

6.2 -- The aggregate to be used has a nominal maximum size of 20 mm.
6.3 -- The concrete will be non-airentrained since the structure is not exposed to severe weathering. From Table A1.5.3.3, the estimated mixing water for a slump of
25 to 75 mm in non-air-entrained concrete made with 20 mm aggregate is found to be =
198 kg
6.4 -- The water-cement ratio for non-air- entrained concrete with a strength of 36.3 MPa is found from Table Al.5.3.4(a) to be = 0.45

6.5 -- From the information developed in Steps 3 and 4, the required cement content is found to be = 190/0.45 =
440 kg > 400 kg OK!
Try cement= 460 kg

6.6 -- The quantity of coarse aggregate is estimated from Table A For a fine aggregate having a fineness modulus of 3.0 and a 20 mm nominal maximum
size of coarse aggregate, the table indicates that 0.60 m 3 of coarse aggregate, on a dry-rodded basis, may be used in each cubic meter of concrete.
The required dry mass is, therefore, = 0.60*1662 = 997 kg dry
997*(1+0.9/100) = 1006 kg SSD

6.7 -- With the quantities of water, cement and coarse aggregate established, the remaining material comprising the cubic meter of concrete must consist of fine
aggregate and whatever air will be entrapped. The required fine aggregate may be determined on the basis of either mass or absolute volume as shown below:

6.7.1--Mass basis -- From Table A1., the mass of a cubic meter of non-air-entrained concrete made with aggregate having a nominal
maximum size of 20 mm is estimated to be 2345 kg. (For a first trial batch, exact adjustments of this value for usual differences in slump, cement
factor, and aggregate specific gravity are not critical). try 2500kg (from previous trials) Masses already known are:

Ingredients Mass (kg)

Water (net mixing) 198
Cement 460
Coarse aggregate 1006
Total 1664

The mass of fine aggregate, therefore, is estimated to be = 2500-1664 = 836 kg SSD

836/(1+2.03/100) = 819 kg dry
6.7.2--Absolute volume basis -- With the quantities of cement, water, and coarse aggregate established, and the approximate entrapped air content (as opposed
to purposely entrained air) of 2 percent determined from Table Al.5.3.3, the sand content can be calculated as follows:

Ingredients Mass (kg) Sp. Gravity Volume (m3)

Water 198 1.000 0.198
Cement 460 3.150 0.146
Coarse agg. 1006 2.669 0.377
Air (2%) - - 0.020
Total = 1664 0.741

Solid Volume of Fine aggregate = 1-Total = 1.0-0.738 = 0.259 m3

Required weight of dry Fine aggregate = 0.262*2.67*1000 = 691 kg SSD
691/1.0203 = 678 kg dry

6.7.3--Batch masses per cubic meter of concrete calculated on the two methods are compared below:

Mass Basis (kg/m3) Volume Basis (kg/m3)
Wet Dry Wet Dry
Water (net mixing) 198 198 198 198
Cement 460 460 460 460
Coarse aggregate (wet) 1006 997 1006 997
Fine aggregate (wet) 836 819 691 678
Total = 2500 2474 2356 2333

Moisture Add Water

Aggregate type Absorption(% )
content(%) Agg. Free water (kg)
Coarse Aggregate 0.90 0.30 0
Fine Aggregate 2.03 4.60 17 215
Designed Water - - 198

Adjusted Cement = 215/0.45 = 478.7 kg/m3

Calculation of Fine aggregate by absolute volume method:

Ingredients Mass (kg) Sp. Gravity Volume (m3)
Water 215 1.000 0.215
Cement 460 3.150 0.146
Coarse agg. 1006 2.669 0.377
Air (2%) - - 0.020
Total = 0.758

Volume of fine aggregate required = 1.0 - 0.764 = 0.242 m3

Mass of fine aggregate (dry basis) = 0.258*2670 = 645 kg dry
658 kg wet

6.7.4. Laboratory batch (0.027 m3)

Batch Volume (m3)= 0.027

Concrte Ingredient per 1m3 per 0.027m3
Water added 215 5.82
Cement 479 12.93
Coarse (wet) 1006 27.17
Fine (wet) 658 17.77
Total = 63.68

Yield (Y) of the trial batch was = 63.68/2656.8 = 0.024 m3

Air content (m3) = 0.003 that is the mix contains air of 0.3%

project: Dima-Raad Bridge Road Upgrading Designed by Tayachew Melisew (p/me) August 2016
Employer: Consultant: ECDSWC; Contractor:
Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) Transport Design Supervision Works Sector ECWC; TIC

Final adjusted concrete ingredients

Ingredients Mass (kg/m3)
Water 215
Cement 479
Coares aggregate (wet) 1006
Fine aggregate (wet) 658
Total = 2358

6.10.. Mass of Each ingredient per bag (50Kg) of cement

Conversion Factor = 9.6
Ingredients Mass,Kg
Water 22.5
Cement 50.0
Coares aggregate (wet) 105.1
Fine aggregate (wet) 68.7

Box Size Determination

For a Bag [50Kg] of Cement: Box Dimension = 40cm*50cm*Box Height
Loose Unit Loose Volume Box Height Recommended Box
Ingredients Mass,Kg Weight
[Kg/m3] [m3] [cm] Size[cm*cm*cm]
Water 22.5 1000 0.0225 - 22.5 Liters or kg
Cement 50.0 3150 0.0159 - 50kg bag ……....#1
Coares aggregate (wet) 105.1 1485 0.0708 35.4 17.7*40*50…...#2
Fine aggregate (wet) 68.7 1460 0.0471 23.5 11.8*40*50…...#2

project: Dima-Raad Bridge Road Upgrading Designed by Tayachew Melisew (p/me) August 2016
Employer: Consultant: ECDSWC; Contractor:
Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) Transport Design Supervision Works Sector ECWC; TIC
Samples Taken from first trial Reinforced Concrete Pipe Production at 126+000 LHS with Cement content of 478kg/m 3

Casting date

Testing date
Actual Compressive
Strength (Mpa) Required
Trial Target Mean
Age of concrete in Days SLUMP (mm) Weight (gm) Density (Kg/m3) Strength
No. Strength (Mpa)
Individual Average

1 7 9129 2705 30.4


2 7 9093 2694 38.4

3 7 9143 2709 31.7
33.45 25
4 7 8638 2559 32.7
5 7 8747 2592 33.1
6 7 9053 2682 34.4
Average 50 & 65 8967 2657 33.45 45.4
7 28 46.7


8 28 48.1
9 28 46.5
50.4 35
10 28 54.7
11 28 53.4
12 28 53.1

An appropriate general equation for predicting compressive strength at any time t (ACI 209):

f c (t )  f c (28)
4  0.85t


For Contractor For Consultant

Lab. Tech Lab. Tech

Sign; Sign;

Checked by Material Eng. Approved by Material Eng.

Sign; Sign;

project: Dima-Raad Bridge Road Upgrading Designed by Tayachew Melisew (p/me) August 2016

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