Iso Pe4 Course Syllabi
Iso Pe4 Course Syllabi
Iso Pe4 Course Syllabi
A research-based academic institution committed to excellence and service in nurturing globally competitive workforce towards sustainable
Romblon State University shall nurture an academic environment that provides advanced education, higher technological and professional instruction
and technical expertise in agriculture and fisheries, forestry, engineering and technology, education, humanities, sciences and other relevant fields of study
and collaborate with other institutions and communities through responsive, relevant and research-based extension services.
Quality Policy
Romblon State University commits to provide higher education through quality instruction, research, production, and community-based extension
services that meet or exceed the requirements and expectations of the university’s stakeholders. It will comply with the international standards, applicable
statutory and regulatory requirements, and continually improved the quality management system’s effectiveness through periodic monitoring and
evaluation towards sustainable outcomes.
Core Values
2. Provide trainings and seminars in business and hotel industries to uplift the social and economic well-being of the students and the
community;3.Undertake research and extension services for socio-economic development; and
4.Promote and inculcate the ideals of the honest individuals for good governance and love for environment.
BSHM Objectives:
1. Provide students with strong management and service orientation as well as global perspective of hotel and restaurant operation;
2. Develop in the students the capability to conduct research and extension activities to address the needs for wide scope of knowledge that will nurture
and develop the HM;
3. Expose the students to competency-based curriculum and skill development program;
4. Inculcate desirable values through the develop of moral character with emphasis on work ethics. Self-discipline and self-reliance, and
5. Provide the students the necessary knowledge and skills to make them globally competitive preparation for gainful employment.
Course Description:
This course deals with some recreational activities wherein the students pursue for personal enjoyment, relaxation or personal satisfaction.
Recreation provides pleasure for the students not only for them but all people, but it may also make an important contribution to an individual’s
mental, physical, social and emotional pleasure.
Course Code: PE 4
Credit Units: 2
Prerequisites: PE 3
Program Outcomes:
1. Perform the different recreational activities.
2. Demonstrate recreational activities.
3. Acquire proper values in participating different recreational activity
Course Requirements:
In order to pass this course, you must:
A. Exercises (15%)
At the end of every topic / sub topic, an face to face submission of exercises will be required.
B. Attendance (10%)
Students’ attendance will be assessed depending on the number of assignments, and exercises they have submitted. Complete assignments and
exercises, complete attendance.
C. Assignment (20%)
There may be assignment for every topic / subtopic. It will be administered as assessment for learning or assessment of learning. Detailed guide
about the assignment is being presented in the face to face class.
Midterm Examination Final Examination Final Grade Percentage Rating Numerical Rating
Exercises 15% Exercises 15% 95-100 1.0
Quizzes 10% Quizzes 10% 91-95 1.25
Attendance 20 % Attendance 20 % FG = MG+FG 86-90 1.50
Activities/Class Participation 15% Activities/Class Participation 15% 2 81-85 1.75
Midterm Output/Practical 40% Final Output/Practical 40% 76-80 2.0
Performances Performances 71-75 2.25
Total 100% Total 100% 66-70 2.50
61-65 2.75
60 3.0
Conditional Failure 4.0
Below 60 (Failed) 5.0
Course Outline
Wee . Define recreational and Lesson 1 Definition of Recreation and
k leisure Activities. Leisure
1. Collaborative Learning
● Health Benefits of Recreational Activities
2. In class discussion 1. Reflective Thinking
.Enumerate the ● Importance of Recreational Activities 3. Sharing of ideas and information 2. Oral Recitation
classification of 4. Question and Answer 3. Short Quizzes
Recreational Activities 5. Student Presentation 4. Class participation
● Outdoor Activities
Week Understand the different
recreational activities
Lesson 4 1. Collaborative Learning 1. Reflective Thinking
Enumerate and categorize 2. In class discussion 2. Oral Recitation
the recreational activities ● Recreational Activities you can do for free 3. Sharing of ideas and information 3. Short Quizzes
● Recreational Activities that Requires 4. Question and Answer 4. Class participation
Foster social interaction Special Equipment 5. Student Presentation
with other in doing ● Recreational Activities that Requires
recreational activity Professional Guide
Performed recreational
Lesson 5
Know and understand the board
games. Chess: History
and Definition 1. Collaborative Learning
Value the objectives and rules of ● Objectives of the 2. In class discussion 1. Reflective Thinking
the chess. Games 3. Sharing of ideas and information 2. Oral Recitation
● Rules in Playing 4. Question and Answer 3. Short Quizzes
Perform the skills use in chess. Chess 5. Student Presentation 4. Class participation
● Chess Board and
4 Determine the chess board and Chess Pieces
Wee pieces.
Wee Lesson 6
k Identify the basics skills use in
playing traditional games. ● Definition of Traditional Games ● 1. Collaborative Learning 1. Reflective Thinking
Objectives of the Traditional Games
Value the origin and history of the ● Kinds of Traditional Games 2. In class discussion 2. Oral Recitation
different traditional games. 3. Sharing of ideas and information 3. Short Quizzes
4. Question and Answer 4. Class participation
5. Student Presentation
Prepared by:
Reviewed by:
I have read the course syllabus and I understand that I have to comply with the requirements of the course and the experience and the expectations
from me as a student in PE 4/Recreational Activities during the Second Semester of A.Y. 2024-2025. I am fully aware of the consequences of non-compliance
with the above-mentioned requirements and expectations.
Printed Name and Signature of Prof. / Instr./Lect./ Part-timer