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Department of Electrical And Electronic






Time Allowed: 45 Minutes

1. In amplitude modulation, the 6. In a superheterodyne receiver, the
bandwidth required for intermediate frequency (IF) is
transmission is? produced by?
A) Twice the carrier frequency A) Mixing the input signal with a
B) Twice the highest frequency of the locally generated signal
modulating signal B) Amplifying the received signal
C) Equal to the carrier frequency C) Filtering out unwanted frequencies
D) Half the carrier frequency D) Demodulating the carrier signal
Answer: B) Twice the highest Answer: A) Mixing the input signal
frequency of the modulating signal with a locally generated signal
2. In digital communication, phase- 7. What is the advantage of using
shift keying (PSK) is preferred over Orthogonal Frequency Division
amplitude modulation because? Multiplexing (OFDM) in
A) It has better noise immunity communication systems?
B) It requires less power A) Reduced bandwidth
C) It occupies less bandwidth B) Resistance to frequency-selective
D) It is easier to implement fading
Answer: A) It has better noise C) Simpler modulation techniques
immunity D) Higher power consumption
3. In frequency modulation (FM), the Answer: B) Resistance to frequency-
frequency deviation is proportional selective fading
to? 8. The Nyquist rate is defined as?
A) The amplitude of the modulating A) Twice the bandwidth of the signal
signal B) Half the bandwidth of the signal
B) The frequency of the modulating C) Equal to the signal frequency
signal D) Twice the frequency of the carrier
C) The carrier frequency Answer: A) Twice the bandwidth of
D) The square of the carrier frequency the signal
Answer: A) The amplitude of the 9. The advantage of using Time
modulating signal Division Multiple Access (TDMA) in
4. The primary disadvantage of cellular networks is?
Frequency Division Multiplexing A) Increased bandwidth
(FDM) is? B) Simultaneous data transmission
A) Increased bandwidth usage C) Efficient use of available spectrum
B) Complexity in demodulation D) Low power consumption
C) Signal interference between Answer: C) Efficient use of available
channels spectrum
D) Requires complex filters 10. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in a
Answer: A) Increased bandwidth communication system is defined as
usage the ratio of?
5. A receiver’s sensitivity is defined as? A) Signal power to bandwidth
A) Its ability to amplify weak signals B) Signal power to noise power
B) The minimum signal power level it C) Bandwidth to noise power
can detect D) Noise power to signal power
C) Its ability to reject noise Answer: B) Signal power to noise
D) The frequency range it can receive power
Answer: B) The minimum signal
power level it can detect
11. A system with a transfer function 17. Which of the following is used to
G(s)=1s+2G(s) = improve the steady-state accuracy of
\frac{1}{s+2}G(s)=s+21 is? a control system?
A) Stable A) Proportional control
B) Unstable B) Integral control
C) Marginally stable C) Derivative control
D) Critically stable D) Phase-lead compensator
Answer: A) Stable Answer: B) Integral control
12. In a negative feedback control 18. In a state-space model, the system is
system, increasing the gain of the represented in terms of?
feedback will? A) Differential equations
A) Improve stability B) Transfer functions
B) Increase oscillations C) State variables
C) Reduce the system response D) Frequency response
D) Increase the bandwidth Answer: C) State variables
Answer: A) Improve stability 19. The Bode plot is used to analyze?
13. The Laplace transform is primarily A) Time-domain response
used to? B) Frequency-domain response
A) Solve differential equations C) Transfer functions
B) Solve algebraic equations D) Pole-zero locations
C) Design filters Answer: B) Frequency-domain
D) Analyze time-domain signals response
Answer: A) Solve differential 20. The transfer function of a system is
equations the ratio of?
14. In a second-order system, the A) Output to input in the time domain
damping ratio ζ\zetaζ affects the B) Input to output in the time domain
system’s? C) Output to input in the Laplace
A) Natural frequency domain
B) Overshoot and oscillations D) Input to output in the Laplace
C) Steady-state error domain
D) System gain Answer: C) Output to input in the
Answer: B) Overshoot and Laplace domain
15. A proportional-derivative (PD) 21. A JK flip-flop operates in the
controller is mainly used to? "toggle" mode when?
A) Improve steady-state error A) J = 1, K = 0
B) Improve transient response B) J = 0, K = 1
C) Increase the system gain C) J = 1, K = 1
D) Reduce oscillations D) J = 0, K = 0
Answer: B) Improve transient Answer: C) J = 1, K = 1
response 22. The primary advantage of CMOS
16. The poles of a stable control system technology over TTL is?
must lie? A) Lower speed
A) On the right half of the s-plane B) Lower power consumption
B) On the left half of the s-plane C) Higher voltage operation
C) On the imaginary axis D) Higher current consumption
D) Anywhere on the s-plane Answer: B) Lower power
Answer: B) On the left half of the s- consumption
23. A 4-bit synchronous counter can C) 5
count up to a maximum of? D) 6
A) 4 states Answer: B) 4
B) 8 states 30. An astable multivibrator has?
C) 15 states A) One stable state
D) 16 states B) Two stable states
Answer: C) 15 states C) No stable states
24. In a logic gate, the output of a NOR D) A single pulse output
gate is high when? Answer: C) No stable states
A) Any input is high
B) All inputs are high 31. The electric field strength is the
C) All inputs are low force experienced by a unit?
D) Any input is low A) Charge
Answer: C) All inputs are low B) Current
25. The hexadecimal representation of C) Mass
the binary number 11010110 is? D) Voltage
A) D6 Answer: A) Charge
B) A6 32. The speed of electromagnetic waves
C) F5 in a vacuum is approximately?
D) C3
Answer: A) D6
26. A D flip-flop is used for?
A) Edge-triggered data storage
B) Level-triggered data storage
C) Multiplexing
D) Demultiplexing
Answer: A) Edge-triggered data 33. Maxwell’s equations relate electric
storage and magnetic fields to?
27. In a digital system, propagation A) Voltage and current
delay is the time taken for? B) Charge density and current density
A) The output to stabilize after a C) Resistance and capacitance
change in input D) Frequency and wavelength
B) The signal to travel between two Answer: B) Charge density and
gates current density
C) Data to propagate through the 34. The skin effect in conductors refers
system to the tendency of alternating
D) A clock signal to reset current (AC) to?
Answer: A) The output to stabilize A) Flow uniformly throughout the
after a change in input conductor
28. Which of the following is a volatile B) Concentrate near the surface of the
memory? conductor
A) ROM C) Flow more easily through resistive
B) EPROM materials
C) SRAM D) Decrease in amplitude over time
D) Flash memory Answer: B) Concentrate near the
Answer: C) SRAM surface of the conductor
29. A 16:1 multiplexer has how many 35. A waveguide can only support
selection lines? certain frequencies called?
A) 3 A) Standing frequencies
B) 4 B) Cutoff frequencies
C) Resonant frequencies in which domain?
D) Transmission frequencies A) Time domain
Answer: B) Cutoff frequencies B) Frequency domain
36. The impedance of free space is C) Spatial domain
approximately? D) Laplace domain
A) 0 ohms Answer: B) Frequency domain
B) 50 ohms 42. In a discrete-time system, aliasing
C) 75 ohms occurs when?
D) 377 ohms A) The signal is sampled below the
Answer: D) 377 ohms Nyquist rate
37. In a transmission line, standing B) The signal is sampled above the
waves are caused by? Nyquist rate
A) Losses in the conductor C) The signal is bandwidth-limited
B) Reflection due to impedance D) The signal is passed through a low-
mismatch pass filter
C) Proper matching of the line to the Answer: A) The signal is sampled
load below the Nyquist rate
D) The velocity of propagation 43. A Finite Impulse Response (FIR)
Answer: B) Reflection due to filter is characterized by?
impedance mismatch A) Infinite response duration
38. The primary purpose of a balun in a B) Zero feedback
transmission system is to? C) High sensitivity to noise
A) Balance impedance between D) Phase distortion
components Answer: B) Zero feedback
B) Match impedance between balanced 44. In signal processing, convolution is
and unbalanced lines used to?
C) Filter out noise A) Multiply two signals together
D) Reduce signal attenuation B) Add two signals together
Answer: B) Match impedance C) Determine the output of a linear
between balanced and unbalanced system to a given input
lines D) Find the Fourier transform of a
39. The polarization of an signal
electromagnetic wave refers to the? Answer: C) Determine the output of
A) Frequency of the wave a linear system to a given input
B) Orientation of the electric field 45. A system with a transfer function
C) Wavelength of the wave that is non-causal means?
D) Direction of wave propagation A) The system is time-invariant
Answer: B) Orientation of the B) The system's output depends on
electric field future inputs
40. Which of the following materials is C) The system is linear
commonly used as a dielectric in D) The system's response occurs
capacitors? instantaneously
A) Copper Answer: B) The system's output
B) Iron depends on future inputs
C) Air 46. The z-transform is used primarily
D) Silver for analyzing signals in which
Answer: C) Air domain?
A) Time domain
41. The Fourier transform of a time- B) Frequency domain
domain signal provides information C) Spatial domain
D) Discrete-time domain C) Filtering out noise from the signal
Answer: D) Discrete-time domain D) Amplifying the signal for
47. The sampling theorem states that a transmission
signal can be reconstructed from its Answer: B) Mapping the sampled
samples if it is sampled at? values to a fixed set of discrete levels
A) Twice the bandwidth of the signal 52. In digital communication, BPSK
B) Half the bandwidth of the signal (Binary Phase Shift Keying)
C) A rate equal to the signal's transmits?
frequency A) 1 bit per symbol
D) Any rate greater than zero B) 2 bits per symbol
Answer: A) Twice the bandwidth of C) 3 bits per symbol
the signal D) 4 bits per symbol
48. Quantization noise occurs in digital Answer: A) 1 bit per symbol
systems due to? 53. Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
A) High-frequency distortion (QAM) combines which two
B) Sampling below the Nyquist rate techniques?
C) Rounding off continuous signal A) Frequency and amplitude
values to discrete levels modulation
D) Transmission delays B) Phase and amplitude modulation
Answer: C) Rounding off continuous C) Frequency and phase modulation
signal values to discrete levels D) Pulse and frequency modulation
49. A low-pass filter allows? Answer: B) Phase and amplitude
A) Only high-frequency signals to pass modulation
B) Signals above a certain frequency to 54. The primary function of a parity bit
pass in digital transmission is?
C) Signals below a certain frequency A) Data compression
to pass B) Error detection
D) All frequencies to pass equally C) Encryption
Answer: C) Signals below a certain D) Signal modulation
frequency to pass Answer: B) Error detection
50. A Discrete Fourier Transform 55. Which of the following is an
(DFT) is applied to convert? advantage of digital transmission
A) A continuous signal to a discrete over analog transmission?
signal A) Higher bandwidth
B) A time-domain signal to a B) Greater noise immunity
frequency-domain signal C) Simpler equipment
C) A digital signal to an analog signal D) Lower power consumption
D) A spatial signal to a time-domain Answer: B) Greater noise immunity
signal 56. In frequency-shift keying (FSK),
Answer: B) A time-domain signal to binary data is represented by?
a frequency-domain signal A) Variations in signal amplitude
B) Variations in signal frequency
C) Variations in signal phase
D) Pulse width changes
51. In Pulse Code Modulation (PCM), Answer: B) Variations in signal
quantization refers to? frequency
A) Sampling the signal at regular 57. In TDMA (Time Division Multiple
intervals Access), users are allocated?
B) Mapping the sampled values to a A) Different frequencies
fixed set of discrete levels B) Different time slots
C) Different modulation techniques C) Modulation
D) Different bandwidths D) Multiplexing
Answer: B) Different time slots Answer: A) Spreading
58. Shannon's Theorem defines the 63. The error-detection capability of a
maximum capacity of a channel Hamming code is determined by?
based on? A) The number of parity bits
A) Bandwidth and signal-to-noise ratio B) The modulation technique
B) Frequency and amplitude C) The number of redundancy bits
C) Bandwidth and power D) The number of transmitted bits
D) Signal power and distance Answer: A) The number of parity
Answer: A) Bandwidth and signal- bits
to-noise ratio 64. A CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check)
59. In a MIMO (Multiple Input is primarily used for?
Multiple Output) system, the A) Error correction
primary advantage is? B) Encryption
A) Increased power efficiency C) Error detection
B) Increased data rate and spectral D) Data compression
efficiency Answer: C) Error detection
C) Reduced interference 65. Which modulation technique is more
D) Reduced bandwidth requirement bandwidth-efficient than BPSK?
Answer: B) Increased data rate and A) ASK
spectral efficiency B) QPSK
60. A CDMA (Code Division Multiple C) FSK
Access) system distinguishes D) AM
between different users by? Answer: B) QPSK
A) Assigning different frequencies to 66. In GSM cellular communication,
each user data is transmitted using?
B) Assigning different time slots to A) TDMA
each user B) FDMA
C) Assigning unique spreading codes C) CDMA
to each user D) OFDMA
D) Using different modulation Answer: A) TDMA
techniques for each user 67. Which of the following is the main
Answer: C) Assigning unique advantage of using turbo codes in
spreading codes to each user digital communication?
A) Low latency
61. Which of the following modulation B) High error-correction capability
techniques is most commonly used in C) Low complexity
Wi-Fi communication standards? D) High bandwidth efficiency
A) BPSK Answer: B) High error-correction
B) QPSK capability
Answer: C) OFDM
62. In CDMA systems, what is the term 68. What is the primary function of an
used to describe the process of interleaver in a digital
spreading the signal across a wide communication system?
bandwidth? A) Modulation
A) Spreading B) Error correction
B) Coding C) Scrambling
D) Spread spectrum C) Unidirectional
Answer: C) Scrambling D) Circular
69. Orthogonal Frequency Division Answer: B) Bidirectional
Multiple Access (OFDMA) is 74. The term "beamwidth" in antenna
primarily used in which of the design refers to?
following technologies? A) The width of the main lobe of the
A) GSM radiation pattern
B) LTE B) The overall size of the antenna
C) CDMA C) The distance the signal travels
D) AMPS D) The maximum gain of the antenna
Answer: B) LTE Answer: A) The width of the main
70. What is the primary advantage of lobe of the radiation pattern
using LDPC (Low-Density Parity 75. The Friis transmission equation is
Check) codes? used to determine?
A) Simplicity in decoding A) The noise figure of a
B) High error-detection capability communication system
C) Close-to-capacity performance B) The power received by an antenna
D) Low power consumption over a distance
Answer: C) Close-to-capacity C) The gain of an antenna
performance D) The bandwidth of a communication
71. The gain of an antenna is defined Answer: B) The power received by
as? an antenna over a distance
A) The power radiated by the antenna 76. In satellite communication, the term
B) The ratio of radiation intensity in a "footprint" refers to?
given direction to the radiation A) The power output of the satellite
intensity of an isotropic antenna B) The area on the Earth’s surface
C) The efficiency of power transfer where the satellite’s signal can be
from the transmitter to the antenna received
D) The ability of the antenna to receive C) The frequency range used by the
multiple frequencies satellite
Answer: B) The ratio of radiation D) The polarization of the satellite’s
intensity in a given direction to the signal
radiation intensity of an isotropic Answer: B) The area on the Earth’s
antenna surface where the satellite’s signal
72. A dipole antenna operates most can be received
efficiently when its length is 77. Which of the following techniques is
approximately? used to steer the beam of a phased
A) Equal to the wavelength of the array antenna?
signal A) Mechanical rotation
B) Half the wavelength of the signal B) Changing the phase of the signal
C) Double the wavelength of the signal feeding each element
D) A quarter of the wavelength of the C) Changing the frequency of the
signal signal
Answer: B) Half the wavelength of D) Changing the polarization of the
the signal signal
73. The radiation pattern of a dipole Answer: B) Changing the phase of
antenna is typically? the signal feeding each element
A) Omnidirectional 78. In microwave communication, the
B) Bidirectional line-of-sight distance is limited by?
A) The frequency of the signal C) Provide real-time clock
B) The curvature of the Earth functionality
C) The power of the transmitter D) Control peripheral devices
D) The size of the antenna Answer: A) Reset the system in case
Answer: B) The curvature of the of malfunction
Earth 84. In an embedded system, which type
79. The far-field region of an antenna is of memory is used to store the
the region where? program code?
A) The reactive near field dominates A) RAM
B) The radiation pattern is stable and B) ROM
well-defined C) EPROM
C) The antenna is most efficient D) Flash memory
D) The signal power is strongest Answer: D) Flash memory
Answer: B) The radiation pattern is 85. The term "interrupt" in a
stable and well-defined microcontroller refers to?
80. The concept of polarization in A) A break in power supply
antennas refers to? B) A temporary suspension of the main
A) The frequency of operation program to execute a high-priority task
B) The orientation of the electric field C) A delay in program execution
of the radiated wave D) A memory access error
C) The type of modulation used Answer: B) A temporary suspension
D) The phase difference between of the main program to execute a
transmitted and received signals high-priority task
Answer: B) The orientation of the 86. Which of the following is a feature of
electric field of the radiated wave an ARM processor used in many
81. The primary function of a A) Complex instruction set
microcontroller is to? B) High power consumption
A) Perform arithmetic operations C) Reduced instruction set computing
B) Control devices in embedded (RISC) architecture
systems D) Large number of transistors
C) Store large amounts of data Answer: C) Reduced instruction set
D) Transmit data over long distances computing (RISC) architecture
Answer: B) Control devices in 87. Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) in
embedded systems microcontrollers is commonly used
82. In a typical microcontroller, the for?
clock speed determines? A) Data communication
A) The amount of data it can store B) Controlling the speed of motors
B) The power consumption C) Signal modulation
C) The speed at which it executes D) Memory access
instructions Answer: B) Controlling the speed of
D) The number of input/output ports motors
Answer: C) The speed at which it
executes instructions
83. A watchdog timer in a
microcontroller is used to? 88. A UART (Universal Asynchronous
A) Reset the system in case of Receiver/Transmitter) is used for?
malfunction A) Synchronous data transfer
B) Monitor the temperature of the B) Asynchronous serial
microcontroller communication
C) Data compression D) Amplify signals
D) Parallel data transmission Answer: A) Convert AC to DC
Answer: B) Asynchronous serial 94. In a power electronics circuit, an
communication inverter is used to?
89. In an embedded system, the function A) Step up DC voltage
of a real-time operating system B) Convert DC to AC
(RTOS) is to? C) Step down AC voltage
A) Manage memory and storage D) Filter out noise
B) Ensure timely execution of tasks Answer: B) Convert DC to AC
C) Handle external communication 95. The efficiency of a transformer is
D) Provide user interfaces usually in the range of?
Answer: B) Ensure timely execution A) 50-60%
of tasks B) 60-70%
90. The SPI (Serial Peripheral C) 70-80%
Interface) protocol is mainly used D) 90-99%
for? Answer: D) 90-99%
A) Long-distance communication 96. Power factor correction is primarily
B) High-speed data transfer between used to?
microcontroller and peripherals A) Increase the voltage of a system
C) Wireless communication B) Decrease power losses in
D) Error detection and correction transmission
Answer: B) High-speed data transfer C) Reduce the current in a circuit
between microcontroller and D) Match the load impedance to the
peripherals source impedance
Answer: B) Decrease power losses in
91. The main function of a transformer transmission
in a power system is to? 97. A diode conducts current when?
A) Convert AC to DC A) Reverse biased
B) Step up or step down AC voltage B) Forward biased
levels C) Neither forward nor reverse biased
C) Store energy D) Forward or reverse biased equally
D) Control power flow Answer: B) Forward biased
Answer: B) Step up or step down 98. In an operational amplifier, the
AC voltage levels common mode rejection ratio
92. In a three-phase power system, the (CMRR) is a measure of?
line voltage is related to the phase A) The amplifier’s gain
voltage by? B) Its ability to reject input signals that
are common to both inputs
C) Its power consumption
D) The maximum output voltage
Answer: B) Its ability to reject input
signals that are common to both
99. A buck converter is used to?
A) Step up DC voltage
93. The purpose of a rectifier is to? B) Step down DC voltage
A) Convert AC to DC C) Convert AC to DC
B) Convert DC to AC D) Convert DC to AC
C) Store electrical energy Answer: B) Step down DC voltage
100. In a half-wave rectifier, the C) Twice the input frequency
output frequency is? D) None of the above
A) The same as the input frequency Answer: A) The same as the input
B) Half of the input frequency frequency

Time Allowed: 45 Minutes

1. Which modulation technique is most 7. Which filter is used in selecting the
immune to noise? desired frequency band in
A) Amplitude Modulation communication systems?
B) Frequency Modulation A) Band-stop filter
C) Phase Modulation B) Low-pass filter
D) Pulse Amplitude Modulation C) Band-pass filter
Answer: B) Frequency Modulation D) High-pass filter
2. Which of the following is a digital Answer: C) Band-pass filter
modulation technique? 8. In communication systems,
A) ASK multiplexing is used to?
B) FM A) Increase noise
C) PM B) Reduce bandwidth
D) AM C) Combine multiple signals into one
Answer: A) ASK D) Separate multiple signals
3. In FM radio, the bandwidth can be Answer: C) Combine multiple
calculated using which rule? signals into one
A) Carson's Rule 9. Which modulation is preferred for
B) Nyquist Theorem high-quality audio signal
C) Shannon's Law transmission?
D) Hartley’s Law A) AM
Answer: A) Carson's Rule B) DSB-SC
4. The modulation technique used in C) SSB
long-distance communication to D) FM
minimize noise is? Answer: D) FM
A) AM 10. Which of the following is a
B) FM disadvantage of AM compared to
D) PM A) AM has more complex receiver
Answer: C) PCM B) AM is more immune to noise
5. The capacity of a communication C) AM requires more bandwidth
channel can be increased by? D) AM has lower sound quality
A) Reducing noise Answer: D) AM has lower sound
B) Increasing bandwidth quality
C) Reducing power
D) Increasing noise 11. A signal is called energy signal if its
Answer: B) Increasing bandwidth energy is?
6. Shannon's capacity theorem is A) Finite
related to? B) Infinite
A) Modulation techniques C) Zero
B) Channel capacity D) None of the above
C) Antenna design Answer: A) Finite
D) Sampling rate 12. The Fourier transform of a
Answer: B) Channel capacity rectangular pulse is a?
A) Sinc function
B) Gaussian function
C) Delta function
D) Step function Answer: B) They are sampled
Answer: A) Sinc function signals
13. Which of the following systems is 19. Which domain does the Z-transform
linear? operate in?
A) y(t) = x²(t) A) Frequency domain
B) y(t) = sin(x(t)) B) Time domain
C) y(t) = 3x(t) C) S-domain
D) y(t) = exp(x(t)) D) Z-domain
Answer: C) y(t) = 3x(t) Answer: D) Z-domain
14. The convolution of two signals in 20. A system that is both linear and
time domain corresponds to? time-invariant is known as?
A) Multiplication in time domain A) Causal system
B) Addition in time domain B) LTI system
C) Convolution in frequency domain C) Stable system
D) Multiplication in frequency domain D) Non-linear system
Answer: D) Multiplication in Answer: B) LTI system
frequency domain
15. A system is said to be causal if the 21. The radiation pattern of a dipole
output depends on? antenna is?
A) Future inputs A) Omni-directional
B) Past and present inputs B) Bi-directional
C) Present and future inputs C) Unidirectional
D) None of the above D) None of the above
Answer: B) Past and present inputs Answer: B) Bi-directional
16. The Laplace transform is primarily 22. The antenna gain is usually
used for analyzing? measured in?
A) Time-invariant systems A) Decibels (dB)
B) Time-varying systems B) Hertz (Hz)
C) Linear systems C) Volts (V)
D) Non-linear systems D) Watts (W)
Answer: C) Linear systems Answer: A) Decibels (dB)
17. Which of the following is a 23. The distance between the points
continuous-time periodic signal? where the electric field is maximum
A) x(t) = cos(2πt) in a standing wave is?
B) x(t) = e^t A) Wavelength
C) x(t) = t² B) Half-wavelength
D) x(t) = sin(t) + t C) Quarter-wavelength
Answer: A) x(t) = cos(2πt) D) None of the above
18. Which of the following is true about Answer: B) Half-wavelength
discrete-time signals? 24. Which of the following is true about
A) They have infinite amplitude values wave polarization?
B) They are sampled signals A) Polarization is independent of
C) They are periodic signals antenna design
D) They cannot be represented by B) Polarization refers to the direction
sequences of the magnetic field
C) Polarization is important for signal
D) Polarization affects only satellite D) Noise interference
communication Answer: C) Variation in signal
Answer: C) Polarization is timing
important for signal reception
25. A Yagi-Uda antenna is commonly 31. Which of the following is the
used for? primary advantage of optical fiber
A) Satellite communication communication?
B) Radio broadcasting A) Low cost
C) Television reception B) Immunity to electromagnetic
D) Radar systems interference
Answer: C) Television reception C) High attenuation
D) Easy installation
26. Which technique converts analog Answer: B) Immunity to
signals into digital form for electromagnetic interference
communication? 32. The most commonly used material
A) Amplitude Modulation for optical fiber cores is?
B) Sampling A) Plastic
C) Pulse Modulation B) Copper
D) Quantization C) Glass
Answer: D) Quantization D) Rubber
27. Which of the following is a key Answer: C) Glass
advantage of digital communication 33. In optical fiber communication,
over analog communication? attenuation is mainly caused by?
A) Lower power requirements A) Reflection
B) Higher bandwidth B) Scattering
C) Noise immunity C) Diffraction
D) Simplicity D) Transmission
Answer: C) Noise immunity Answer: B) Scattering
28. The Nyquist theorem helps 34. The refractive index of the core is
determine the? generally?
A) Maximum bit rate A) Greater than the cladding
B) Minimum bit rate B) Less than the cladding
C) Sampling rate C) Equal to the cladding
D) Signal strength D) Independent of the cladding
Answer: C) Sampling rate Answer: A) Greater than the
29. In PCM, the quantization process cladding
introduces? 35. The phenomenon that allows light to
A) Noise propagate through an optical fiber
B) Distortion is?
C) Jitter A) Diffraction
D) Error B) Total internal reflection
Answer: B) Distortion C) Refraction
30. In digital transmission, jitter refers D) Scattering
to? Answer: B) Total internal reflection
A) Variation in signal strength 36. Which of the following can cause
B) Variation in signal phase signal distortion in optical fibers?
C) Variation in signal timing A) Modal dispersion
B) Frequency modulation B) Amplitude Modulation
C) AM interference C) Laplace transform
D) Channel multiplexing D) Fourier transform
Answer: A) Modal dispersion Answer: A) Finite Impulse Response
37. Wavelength Division Multiplexing (FIR)
(WDM) in optical communication is 43. The primary function of a Fast
used to? Fourier Transform (FFT) is to?
A) Increase signal power A) Convert a signal to time domain
B) Increase bandwidth utilization B) Perform convolution
C) Reduce interference C) Convert a signal to frequency
D) Increase attenuation domain
Answer: B) Increase bandwidth D) Perform modulation
utilization Answer: C) Convert a signal to
38. The optical window with the lowest frequency domain
attenuation for fiber optics is 44. In signal processing, down-sampling
around? is the process of?
A) 850 nm A) Increasing the sampling rate
B) 1300 nm B) Decreasing the sampling rate
C) 1550 nm C) Maintaining the sampling rate
D) 1100 nm D) Averaging the signal
Answer: C) 1550 nm Answer: B) Decreasing the sampling
39. The device used to convert optical rate
signals back into electrical signals 45. Which of the following is a
is? characteristic of an ideal low-pass
A) Optical modulator filter?
B) Optical demodulator A) Passes all frequencies
C) Photodetector B) Blocks all frequencies
D) Light amplifier C) Passes low frequencies and blocks
Answer: C) Photodetector high frequencies
40. Which optical component is used to D) Passes high frequencies and blocks
split or combine light in a fiber-optic low frequencies
network? Answer: C) Passes low frequencies
A) Amplifier and blocks high frequencies
B) Coupler 46. Aliasing occurs in digital signal
C) Attenuator processing when?
D) Oscillator A) The sampling rate is too low
Answer: B) Coupler B) The sampling rate is too high
C) There is too much noise
41. The z-transform is used to analyze? D) The signal is perfectly sampled
A) Continuous-time systems Answer: A) The sampling rate is too
B) Discrete-time systems low
C) Nonlinear systems 47. Which of the following is used for
D) Continuous signals noise reduction in DSP systems?
Answer: B) Discrete-time systems A) FFT
42. Which filter design technique is B) Low-pass filter
widely used in DSP systems? C) High-pass filter
A) Finite Impulse Response (FIR)
D) Band-pass filter C) Phase
Answer: B) Low-pass filter D) Pressure
48. A signal is said to be band-limited Answer: B) Proportional
if? 54. A system is said to be marginally
A) It has infinite frequency stable if?
components A) Its output grows exponentially
B) It has a finite range of frequencies B) Its output decays to zero
C) It has zero amplitude C) Its output oscillates without
D) It has all possible frequencies growing
Answer: B) It has a finite range of D) Its output remains constant
frequencies Answer: C) Its output oscillates
49. Quantization noise in digital without growing
communication refers to? 55. The transfer function of a system is
A) Noise from modulation a mathematical representation of?
B) Noise from sampling A) Time-domain behavior
C) Noise from quantization of an B) Frequency-domain behavior
analog signal C) Energy-domain behavior
D) Noise from bandwidth limitations D) Noise-domain behavior
Answer: C) Noise from quantization Answer: B) Frequency-domain
of an analog signal behavior
50. In DSP, what is the primary benefit 56. A root-locus plot helps in
of using FIR filters? understanding?
A) Simple design A) Time-domain response
B) Stability B) Frequency-domain stability
C) Infinite memory C) System stability based on pole
D) Non-linearity locations
Answer: B) Stability D) System stability based on gain
51. A control system is said to be Answer: C) System stability based
unstable if the output? on pole locations
A) Decays to zero 57. The characteristic equation of a
B) Oscillates continuously control system is obtained from?
C) Grows without bound A) Transfer function denominator
D) Returns to its initial state B) Transfer function numerator
Answer: C) Grows without bound C) Open loop gain
52. Which of the following is a key D) Feedback loop
characteristic of a closed-loop Answer: A) Transfer function
control system? denominator
A) Open loop gain 58. In control theory, a Bode plot
B) Feedback provides information about?
C) No feedback A) Time-domain response
D) Infinite gain B) Frequency response
Answer: B) Feedback C) System energy
53. In a PID controller, the ‘P’ stands D) System poles
for? Answer: B) Frequency response
A) Position
B) Proportional
59. Nyquist criteria is used for 65. Microwave communication systems
determining? often use which type of modulation?
A) Stability of a system A) AM
B) Time response B) FM
C) State of a system C) QAM
D) Steady-state error D) PWM
Answer: A) Stability of a system Answer: C) QAM
60. A state-space representation of a
system is primarily used for? 66. The unit of electric field intensity is?
A) Analyzing linear systems A) Newton per meter
B) Non-linear systems B) Volt per meter
C) Time-invariant systems C) Tesla
D) Complex systems with multiple D) Weber
inputs and outputs Answer: B) Volt per meter
Answer: D) Complex systems with 67. Maxwell’s equations are used to
multiple inputs and outputs describe?
A) Quantum mechanical systems
61. A waveguide is used to carry which B) Electromagnetic fields
type of signals? C) Fluid dynamics
A) Audio signals D) Thermal conductivity
B) Low-frequency signals Answer: B) Electromagnetic fields
C) Microwave signals 68. The speed of electromagnetic waves
D) Digital signals in a vacuum is?
Answer: C) Microwave signals A) 3 × 10^8 m/s
62. The dominant mode of propagation B) 2 × 10^8 m/s
in rectangular waveguides is? C) 1.5 × 10^8 m/s
A) TE10 D) 3 × 10^6 m/s
B) TE11 Answer: A) 3 × 10^8 m/s
C) TM01
D) TM10
Answer: A) TE10
63. Microwave antennas are typically 69. A plane wave propagating in free
used for? space has which characteristic
A) Long-wave radio transmission impedance?
B) Point-to-point communication A) 377 ohms
C) FM radio B) 100 ohms
D) AM transmission C) 50 ohms
Answer: B) Point-to-point D) 1 ohm
communication Answer: A) 377 ohms
64. Which of the following is a 70. The phenomenon of light bending
characteristic of microwave when it passes from one medium to
communication? another is known as?
A) High bandwidth A) Reflection
B) Low frequency B) Diffraction
C) Large antennas C) Refraction
D) High attenuation D) Scattering
Answer: A) High bandwidth Answer: C) Refraction
71. Which of the following describes the 76. Which type of wireless
polarization of an electromagnetic communication technology is widely
wave? used for short-range
A) The orientation of the electric field communication?
B) The orientation of the magnetic A) Wi-Fi
field B) Satellite communication
C) The frequency of the wave C) Microwave communication
D) The amplitude of the wave D) FM radio
Answer: A) The orientation of the Answer: A) Wi-Fi
electric field 77. Which frequency range is used for
72. The magnetic field intensity around 5G wireless networks?
a long straight conductor is? A) 300 MHz – 1 GHz
A) Directly proportional to current B) 1 GHz – 3 GHz
B) Inversely proportional to the C) 24 GHz – 100 GHz
distance from the conductor D) 3 GHz – 6 GHz
C) Proportional to the square of the Answer: C) 24 GHz – 100 GHz
current 78. Which of the following techniques is
D) Both A and B used in cellular communication to
Answer: D) Both A and B support multiple users?
73. The energy stored in the electric A) Frequency Division Multiplexing
field of a capacitor is given by? (FDM)
A) W = ½ CV² B) Time Division Multiplexing (TDM)
B) W = CV C) Code Division Multiple Access
C) W = ½ LI² (CDMA)
D) W = I²R D) Pulse Code Modulation (PCM)
Answer: A) W = ½ CV² Answer: C) Code Division Multiple
Access (CDMA)
79. In a cellular network, handoff refers
74. In a uniform plane wave, the ratio of A) Transmitting data between two base
the electric field to the magnetic field stations
is called? B) Transferring an active call or data
A) Wave impedance session from one cell to another
B) Propagation constant C) The process of error correction
C) Wavelength D) Reducing network congestion
D) Phase shift Answer: B) Transferring an active
Answer: A) Wave impedance call or data session from one cell to
75. Faraday's Law of Induction states another
that the induced voltage in a circuit 80. What is the typical frequency range
is proportional to? for Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11)
A) The change in magnetic flux communication?
B) The change in electric field A) 300 MHz
C) The resistance of the circuit B) 1 GHz
D) The capacitance of the circuit C) 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz
Answer: A) The change in magnetic D) 100 GHz
flux Answer: C) 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz
81. Which of the following is an 87. Which semiconductor material is
advantage of OFDM (Orthogonal most commonly used for VLSI
Frequency Division Multiplexing)? circuits?
A) High bandwidth efficiency A) Silicon
B) High power consumption B) Gallium Arsenide
C) Low bandwidth efficiency C) Germanium
D) High latency D) Indium Phosphide
Answer: A) High bandwidth Answer: A) Silicon
efficiency 88. Which of the following is a primary
82. Which modulation technique is characteristic of MOSFETs used in
commonly used in GSM systems? VLSI circuits?
A) 64-QAM A) High power consumption
B) GMSK B) High input impedance
C) FSK C) Low input impedance
D) BPSK D) Slow switching speed
Answer: B) GMSK Answer: B) High input impedance
83. Bluetooth operates in which 89. Which logic gate is considered the
frequency band? universal gate in digital circuits?
A) 1 GHz A) AND
B) 2.4 GHz B) OR
C) 900 MHz C) XOR
D) 5 GHz D) NAND
Answer: B) 2.4 GHz Answer: D) NAND
84. The capacity of a wireless channel
can be increased by using?
A) More power
B) More bandwidth 90. The technology used to design highly
C) Higher antenna gain dense integrated circuits in
D) Larger antenna size microelectronics is called?
Answer: B) More bandwidth A) Bipolar Junction Transistor
85. Which of the following describes the B) Very Large Scale Integration
propagation of radio waves around (VLSI)
the curvature of the Earth? C) Discrete Component Design
A) Diffraction D) Microcontroller-based Design
B) Reflection Answer: B) Very Large Scale
C) Refraction Integration (VLSI)
D) Scattering 91. In VLSI circuits, parasitic
Answer: A) Diffraction capacitance can cause?
A) Decreased propagation delay
86. The main advantage of CMOS B) Increased signal speed
technology in VLSI design is? C) Increased propagation delay
A) Low power consumption D) No effect on circuit performance
B) High power consumption Answer: C) Increased propagation
C) High speed delay
D) Low speed 92. Scaling in VLSI design refers to?
Answer: A) Low power consumption A) Increasing the size of transistors
B) Reducing the size of transistors
C) Increasing the speed of transistors 97. Thevenin’s theorem is used to?
D) Reducing the power consumption A) Simplify a complex circuit to a
Answer: B) Reducing the size of voltage source and a resistance
transistors B) Reduce resistances in parallel
93. The basic building block of a VLSI C) Maximize power transfer
circuit is? D) Determine equivalent capacitance
A) Resistor Answer: A) Simplify a complex
B) Diode circuit to a voltage source and a
C) Transistor resistance
D) Inductor 98. Which of the following is true about
Answer: C) Transistor resonance in AC circuits?
94. Which type of memory is generally A) It occurs when the inductive
used for storing the BIOS in reactance equals the capacitive
computers? reactance
A) RAM B) It occurs when the resistance equals
B) ROM the reactance
C) EEPROM C) It occurs at very low frequencies
D) Cache D) It causes energy dissipation
Answer: C) EEPROM Answer: A) It occurs when the
95. Which process technology is used to inductive reactance equals the
manufacture modern transistors in capacitive reactance
VLSI circuits? 99. In a series RLC circuit, the quality
A) CMOS factor (Q) is a measure of?
B) TTL A) Energy loss in the system
C) ECL B) Energy stored in the system
D) LSI C) Bandwidth
Answer: A) CMOS D) Frequency shift
Answer: B) Energy stored in the
96. Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL) system
states that the sum of currents 100. Superposition theorem can be
entering a node is equal to? applied to circuits containing?
A) Zero A) Only AC sources
B) The sum of the resistances B) Only DC sources
C) The sum of voltages C) Both AC and DC sources
D) Infinity D) Non-linear components
Answer: A) Zero Answer: C) Both AC and DC

Time Allowed: 45 Minutes

1. Amplitude Modulation (AM) is a Answer: C) Phase Shift Keying
technique where? (PSK)
A) Frequency of the carrier wave is 7. The Shannon-Hartley theorem
varied relates to?
B) Amplitude of the carrier wave is A) The maximum data rate of a
varied communication channel
C) Phase of the carrier wave is varied B) The minimum bandwidth required
D) Frequency of the modulating signal for communication
is varied C) The noise in a digital
Answer: B) Amplitude of the carrier communication system
wave is varied D) The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
2. Frequency Modulation (FM) has an Answer: A) The maximum data rate
advantage over AM in terms of? of a communication channel
A) Better noise immunity 8. In digital communication, the bit
B) Lower bandwidth requirement error rate (BER) is primarily
C) Simpler receiver design affected by?
D) Lower power consumption A) The bandwidth of the system
Answer: A) Better noise immunity B) The modulation scheme used
3. The primary purpose of a modulator C) The power of the transmitted signal
in a communication system is to? D) The noise in the communication
A) Convert digital signals to analog channel
B) Shift the signal to a higher Answer: D) The noise in the
frequency for transmission communication channel
C) Amplify the signal 9. Which type of multiplexing is used
D) Filter the signal in fiber optic communication?
Answer: B) Shift the signal to a A) Time Division Multiplexing (TDM)
higher frequency for transmission B) Frequency Division Multiplexing
4. In Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM)
(FDM), channels are separated by? C) Wavelength Division Multiplexing
A) Time slots (WDM)
B) Guard bands D) Code Division Multiplexing (CDM)
C) Frequency bands Answer: C) Wavelength Division
D) Phase differences Multiplexing (WDM)
Answer: B) Guard bands 10. In satellite communication, the term
5. In Pulse Code Modulation (PCM), "uplink" refers to?
which process is used to convert A) Transmission from satellite to earth
analog signals to digital? station
A) Modulation B) Transmission from earth station to
B) Sampling, quantizing, and encoding satellite
C) Amplification C) Communication between satellites
D) Multiplexing D) Frequency shift in signal
Answer: B) Sampling, quantizing, transmission
and encoding Answer: B) Transmission from earth
6. Which digital modulation technique station to satellite
is least susceptible to noise?
A) Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) 11. The directivity of an antenna is
B) Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) defined as?
C) Phase Shift Keying (PSK) A) The ability of the antenna to direct
D) Quadrature Amplitude Modulation energy in all directions
(QAM) B) The power radiated by the antenna
in a particular direction Answer: A) The height of the
C) The efficiency of the antenna transmitting and receiving antennas
D) The ratio of the maximum radiation 17. The gain of an antenna is defined as
intensity to the average radiation the ratio of?
intensity A) Power input to power output
Answer: D) The ratio of the B) Power radiated in a particular
maximum radiation intensity to the direction to the power radiated in all
average radiation intensity directions
12. The radiation pattern of a dipole C) Efficiency of the antenna
antenna is? D) Frequency of operation
A) Omnidirectional Answer: B) Power radiated in a
B) Directional particular direction to the power
C) Bidirectional radiated in all directions
D) Isotropic 18. The term "beamwidth" of an
Answer: C) Bidirectional antenna refers to?
13. An isotropic antenna is an antenna A) The width of the main lobe of the
that? radiation pattern
A) Radiates equally in all directions B) The width of the sidelobes of the
B) Radiates more in one direction radiation pattern
C) Is a highly directional antenna C) The maximum power that can be
D) Has high gain in a specific direction transmitted
Answer: A) Radiates equally in all D) The bandwidth of the antenna
directions Answer: A) The width of the main
14. Which of the following describes the lobe of the radiation pattern
ground wave propagation? 19. A Yagi-Uda antenna is primarily
A) It is ideal for short-range used for?
communication A) Satellite communication
B) It follows the curvature of the Earth B) Long-distance TV reception
C) It is not affected by atmospheric C) FM radio broadcasting
conditions D) Point-to-point communication
D) It is used for satellite Answer: B) Long-distance TV
communication reception
Answer: B) It follows the curvature 20. A helical antenna is generally used
of the Earth for?
15. Skywave propagation is best suited A) High-frequency communication
for? B) Circular polarization
A) Very high frequencies (VHF) C) Low-frequency communication
B) Medium frequencies (MF) D) Directional communication
C) Low frequencies (LF) Answer: B) Circular polarization
D) High frequencies (HF)
Answer: D) High frequencies (HF) 21. The voltage gain of an operational
16. Which of the following is the amplifier in the open-loop
primary factor affecting space wave configuration is?
propagation? A) Very low
A) The height of the transmitting and B) Zero
receiving antennas C) Unity
B) The power of the transmitted signal D) Very high
C) The bandwidth of the signal Answer: D) Very high
D) The type of modulation used 22. In a PN-junction diode, the depletion
region is formed by?
A) Majority carriers only B) Frequency division
B) Minority carriers only C) Latching data
C) Both majority and minority carriers D) Multiplexing
D) External voltage Answer: C) Latching data
Answer: C) Both majority and 29. Which logic gate produces a high
minority carriers output when any one or more of its
23. A Zener diode is primarily used in? inputs are high?
A) Rectification A) AND gate
B) Clipping circuits B) OR gate
C) Voltage regulation C) NOR gate
D) Signal amplification D) NAND gate
Answer: C) Voltage regulation Answer: B) OR gate
24. Which of the following is true for a 30. A 4-bit counter can count up to a
Class B amplifier? maximum value of?
A) It conducts for the entire input A) 8
signal B) 16
B) It conducts for more than half the C) 15
input signal D) 31
C) It conducts for less than half the Answer: C) 15
input signal
D) It conducts for exactly half the 31. In Time Division Multiplexing
input signal (TDM), multiple signals are
Answer: D) It conducts for exactly transmitted by?
half the input signal A) Allocating different frequencies
25. In an n-channel MOSFET, the drain B) Sharing the time slots on the same
current increases when? frequency
A) The gate-source voltage increases C) Using different polarizations
B) The source-drain voltage decreases D) Using different antennas
C) The threshold voltage decreases Answer: B) Sharing the time slots on
D) The channel resistance increases the same frequency
Answer: A) The gate-source voltage 32. The Nyquist theorem is used to
increases determine?
26. The main function of a flip-flop in A) The minimum bandwidth required
digital circuits is to? for a signal
A) Perform logic operations B) The maximum data rate for a
B) Store binary data noiseless channel
C) Generate clock pulses C) The noise power in a
D) Control signal amplification communication system
Answer: B) Store binary data D) The optimal modulation technique
27. A Schmitt trigger is a circuit that? Answer: B) The maximum data rate
A) Acts as a voltage regulator for a noiseless channel
B) Converts analog signals to digital 33. Which of the following is true about
C) Amplifies weak signals phase modulation (PM)?
D) Provides hysteresis to reduce noise A) The amplitude of the carrier wave is
sensitivity varied
Answer: D) Provides hysteresis to B) The phase of the carrier wave is
reduce noise sensitivity varied
28. The D flip-flop is commonly used C) The frequency of the carrier wave is
for? varied
A) Binary addition D) It is less efficient than AM
Answer: B) The phase of the carrier 39. The Laplace transform is primarily
wave is varied used to?
34. In a digital communication system, A) Convert a time-domain signal into
sampling is done at a rate that is? its frequency domain
A) Less than the Nyquist rate B) Solve differential equations
B) Equal to the Nyquist rate C) Reduce noise in communication
C) Double the Nyquist rate systems
D) Variable based on the system D) Analyze AC circuits
Answer: B) Equal to the Nyquist Answer: B) Solve differential
rate equations
35. Quadrature Amplitude Modulation 40. Which of the following is an energy
(QAM) is a combination of which signal?
two modulation techniques? A) A sine wave
A) Frequency and amplitude B) A rectangular pulse
modulation C) A step signal
B) Phase and amplitude modulation D) A constant signal
C) Frequency and phase modulation Answer: B) A rectangular pulse
D) Frequency and time modulation 41. For a system to be causal, it must
Answer: B) Phase and amplitude satisfy the condition that?
modulation A) The output depends only on past
and present inputs
36. A signal is said to be periodic if? B) The output depends on future inputs
A) It repeats at regular intervals C) The system is time-variant
B) It is non-repetitive D) The system has memory
C) It has finite energy Answer: A) The output depends only
D) It exists only for a finite duration on past and present inputs
Answer: A) It repeats at regular 42. In frequency modulation (FM), the
intervals bandwidth is proportional to?
37. The Fourier transform of a time- A) The amplitude of the modulating
domain signal gives information signal
about? B) The frequency of the modulating
A) The energy of the signal signal
B) The time duration of the signal C) The square of the carrier frequency
C) The frequency components of the D) The modulation index
signal Answer: D) The modulation index
D) The amplitude of the signal 43. The Z-transform is primarily used
Answer: C) The frequency in?
components of the signal A) Continuous-time systems
38. A Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) B) Discrete-time systems
system is characterized by? C) Analog circuits
A) Non-linear behavior and time- D) Power systems
varying responses Answer: B) Discrete-time systems
B) Superposition principle and time- 44. The impulse response of an LTI
invariance system provides information about?
C) Memoryless behavior and non- A) The energy of the signal
causality B) The system's output for any input
D) Exponential growth C) The system's response to a step
Answer: B) Superposition principle input
and time-invariance D) The stability of the system
Answer: B) The system's output for 50. The open-loop transfer function of a
any input system is given by G(s)H(s). The
45. The convolution of two signals in the closed-loop transfer function is?
time domain corresponds to which
operation in the frequency domain?
A) Addition
B) Subtraction
C) Multiplication
D) Convolution
Answer: C) Multiplication

46. A system is said to be stable if?

A) Its output increases exponentially
51. The phase margin of a system
B) Its output decays to zero for a
bounded input
A) How far the system is from
C) Its output oscillates continuously
D) Its output does not change
B) The bandwidth of the system
Answer: B) Its output decays to zero
C) The gain of the system
for a bounded input
D) The frequency response
47. The transfer function of a system is
Answer: A) How far the system is
the ratio of?
A) Output to input in the frequency from instability
domain 52. A proportional-integral-derivative
B) Input to output in the time domain (PID) controller improves?
A) System stability
C) Time constant to damping ratio
B) Transient response, steady-state
D) Poles to zeros
error, and overshoot
Answer: A) Output to input in the
C) System delay
frequency domain
D) Noise immunity
48. The root locus technique is used to
Answer: B) Transient response,
A) The stability of a system steady-state error, and overshoot
B) The transient response of a system 53. In a Bode plot, the slope of the
C) The frequency response of a system magnitude plot for a first-order
D) The bandwidth of a system system is?
A) 0 dB/decade
Answer: A) The stability of a system
B) -20 dB/decade
49. In a negative feedback control
C) -40 dB/decade
system, the effect of feedback is to?
D) +20 dB/decade
A) Decrease stability
B) Increase gain Answer: B) -20 dB/decade
C) Reduce the overall system gain but 54. The Nyquist criterion is used to
improve stability determine?
A) The stability of a closed-loop
D) Increase noise
Answer: C) Reduce the overall
B) The frequency response of a system
system gain but improve stability
C) The gain of a system
D) The transient response of a system
Answer: A) The stability of a closed-
loop system
55. The damping ratio in a second-order
system affects the?
A) Natural frequency of oscillation
B) Stability of the system 61. The Miller effect in amplifiers refers
C) Overshoot and settling time to the phenomenon where?
D) Bandwidth of the system A) Feedback capacitance is multiplied
Answer: C) Overshoot and settling due to amplification
time B) The gain of the amplifier increases
C) The input resistance decreases
56. The primary use of a thyristor in D) Oscillation occurs
power electronics is for? Answer: A) Feedback capacitance is
A) Voltage regulation multiplied due to amplification
B) Switching and controlling high 62. The bandwidth of an operational
power amplifier is determined by?
C) Amplification A) Its input resistance
D) Signal modulation B) The power supply voltage
Answer: B) Switching and C) The unity gain frequency
controlling high power D) The feedback resistor
57. Which component is commonly used Answer: C) The unity gain
for frequency stabilization in frequency
oscillators? 63. The primary function of a voltage
A) Inductor regulator is to?
B) Capacitor A) Increase the voltage of a signal
C) Crystal B) Maintain a constant output voltage
D) Resistor regardless of input voltage changes
Answer: C) Crystal C) Stabilize the frequency of the
58. A differential amplifier is used to output signal
amplify? D) Convert AC to DC
A) The sum of two input signals Answer: B) Maintain a constant
B) The difference between two input output voltage regardless of input
signals voltage changes
C) The product of two input signals 64. A rectifier converts?
D) The average of two input signals A) DC to AC
Answer: B) The difference between B) AC to DC
two input signals C) High frequency to low frequency
D) Low voltage to high voltage
59. In a MOSFET, the channel is Answer: B) AC to DC
controlled by the voltage applied to? 65. In a BJT, the region where both the
A) The drain base-emitter and base-collector
B) The gate junctions are forward biased is
C) The source called?
D) The substrate A) Cutoff region
Answer: B) The gate B) Saturation region
60. The main advantage of a CMOS C) Active region
technology over NMOS and PMOS D) Breakdown region
technologies is? Answer: B) Saturation region
A) Higher power consumption 66. The transconductance of a field-
B) Higher noise margin effect transistor (FET) is defined as?
C) Lower power consumption A) The ratio of the output current to
D) Lower speed the input voltage
Answer: C) Lower power B) The ratio of the output current to
consumption the input current
C) The change in output current per
unit change in gate-source voltage C) Henry
D) The input resistance of the FET D) Coulomb
Answer: C) The change in output Answer: A) Tesla
current per unit change in gate- 73. The displacement current in
source voltage Maxwell's equations accounts for?
67. A Darlington transistor A) The time-varying magnetic field
configuration is known for B) The time-varying electric field
providing? C) The static electric field
A) Low current gain D) The static magnetic field
B) High voltage gain Answer: B) The time-varying
C) Very high current gain electric field
D) Low power dissipation 74. A plane electromagnetic wave
Answer: C) Very high current gain propagating through free space has
68. The efficiency of a Class A amplifier its electric field and magnetic field?
is typically? A) Perpendicular to each other and to
A) Very high, around 80-90% the direction of propagation
B) Low, around 25-30% B) Parallel to each other and to the
C) Moderate, around 50-60% direction of propagation
D) Variable depending on load C) Perpendicular to each other but
Answer: B) Low, around 25-30% parallel to the direction of propagation
69. In an RC low-pass filter, the cutoff D) Oscillating in the same plane
frequency is determined by? Answer: A) Perpendicular to each
A) The resistance only other and to the direction of
B) The capacitance only propagation
C) Both resistance and capacitance 75. In a dielectric material, the relative
D) The input voltage permittivity is defined as?
Answer: C) Both resistance and A) The ratio of the electric field in the
capacitance vacuum to that in the material
70. A Schottky diode is primarily used B) The ratio of the electric
for? displacement field in the material to
A) Voltage regulation the electric field intensity
B) Fast switching applications C) The electric field strength in the
C) High power rectification material
D) Signal amplification D) The capacitance of the material
Answer: B) Fast switching Answer: B) The ratio of the electric
applications displacement field in the material to
the electric field intensity
71. Gauss's law relates the electric flux 76. The skin effect in conductors refers
through a closed surface to? to?
A) The charge enclosed within the A) The phenomenon where current is
surface uniformly distributed across the cross-
B) The potential difference across the section of the conductor
surface B) The increase in resistance with
C) The magnetic field intensity increasing frequency due to current
D) The time-varying electric field being confined near the surface of the
Answer: A) The charge enclosed conductor
within the surface C) The tendency of current to flow in
72. The unit of magnetic flux density is? the core of the conductor at high
A) Tesla frequencies
B) Weber D) The decrease in inductance at high
frequencies C) Discrete-time systems
Answer: B) The increase in D) Power systems
resistance with increasing frequency Answer: C) Discrete-time systems
due to current being confined near 83. The Fourier series is used to
the surface of the conductor express?
77. Which law states that a change in A) A continuous signal in terms of its
magnetic flux induces an frequency components
electromotive force (EMF)? B) A discrete signal in terms of its time
A) Ampere’s Law components
B) Faraday’s Law of Induction C) A system's transfer function
C) Coulomb’s Law D) The convolution of two signals
D) Gauss’s Law Answer: A) A continuous signal in
Answer: B) Faraday’s Law of terms of its frequency components
Induction 84. In a DSP system, aliasing can be
78. The intrinsic impedance of free prevented by?
space is approximately? A) Increasing the sampling rate
A) 50 ohms B) Decreasing the signal bandwidth
B) 100 ohms C) Using an anti-aliasing filter
C) 120 ohms D) Using a low-pass filter at the output
D) 377 ohms Answer: C) Using an anti-aliasing
Answer: D) 377 ohms filter
79. In electromagnetic wave 85. The DFT (Discrete Fourier
propagation, attenuation is mainly Transform) is used to analyze?
caused by? A) Time-domain signals
A) Reflection B) Frequency-domain signals
B) Refraction C) Digital filters
C) Absorption by the medium D) Power systems
D) Diffraction Answer: B) Frequency-domain
Answer: C) Absorption by the signals
80. A waveguide is used for? 86. Which of the following modulation
A) Amplifying signals techniques is most bandwidth
B) Attenuating signals efficient?
C) Directing electromagnetic waves A) Amplitude modulation (AM)
D) Converting DC to AC B) Frequency modulation (FM)
Answer: C) Directing C) Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
electromagnetic waves (QAM)
D) Pulse Code Modulation (PCM)
81. A digital filter that has a finite Answer: C) Quadrature Amplitude
number of non-zero terms in its Modulation (QAM)
impulse response is called a(n)? 87. The Shannon-Hartley theorem is
A) FIR filter used to determine?
B) IIR filter A) Maximum channel capacity
C) Analog filter B) Minimum bandwidth for a signal
D) Low-pass filter C) Maximum noise level in a channel
Answer: A) FIR filter D) Required power for transmission
82. The z-domain representation is Answer: A) Maximum channel
useful for analyzing? capacity
A) Continuous-time systems 88. Which type of error detection and
B) Analog circuits correction is used in deep-space
communication? 93. In Frequency Hopping Spread
A) Hamming codes Spectrum (FHSS), the frequency of
B) Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) the carrier signal?
C) Reed-Solomon codes A) Changes in a predetermined
D) Parity check sequence
Answer: C) Reed-Solomon codes B) Remains constant
89. In a spread spectrum C) Varies randomly
communication system, the primary D) Changes with the signal amplitude
advantage is? Answer: A) Changes in a
A) Higher data rates predetermined sequence
B) Resistance to interference and 94. Which of the following multiple
jamming access techniques is used in 4G
C) Reduced bandwidth requirement LTE?
D) Simplicity of implementation A) Time Division Multiple Access
Answer: B) Resistance to (TDMA)
interference and jamming B) Code Division Multiple Access
90. The term "fading" in (CDMA)
communication refers to? C) Orthogonal Frequency Division
A) The gradual loss of power in a Multiple Access (OFDMA)
signal over time D) Space Division Multiple Access
B) The rapid variation in signal (SDMA)
strength over time or space Answer: C) Orthogonal Frequency
C) The increase in signal power due to Division Multiple Access (OFDMA)
noise 95. The term "bit error rate" (BER) in
D) The distortion of a signal due to digital communication is defined as?
Doppler shift A) The number of bits transmitted per
Answer: B) The rapid variation in second
signal strength over time or space B) The ratio of incorrect bits received
91. Which of the following is used in to the total number of bits transmitted
cellular networks to reduce C) The number of bits lost during
interference between adjacent cells? transmission
A) Frequency Division Multiplexing D) The number of bits required to
(FDM) detect an error
B) Code Division Multiple Access Answer: B) The ratio of incorrect
(CDMA) bits received to the total number of
C) Frequency reuse bits transmitted
D) Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) 96. What is the key advantage of using
Answer: C) Frequency reuse digital modulation over analog
92. A signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 30 modulation?
dB means that? A) Higher data rates
A) The noise power is 30 times higher B) Improved noise immunity
than the signal power C) Simpler implementation
B) The signal power is 30 times higher D) Less bandwidth requirement
than the noise power Answer: B) Improved noise
C) The signal power is 1000 times immunity
higher than the noise power
D) The noise power is 1000 times 97. A multiplexer (MUX) is a device
higher than the signal power that?
Answer: C) The signal power is 1000 A) Converts digital signals to analog
times higher than the noise power signals
B) Selects one of many input signals A) Transmitting data between systems
and forwards it to a single output B) Synchronizing the operation of
C) Amplifies a digital signal different components
D) Divides one input signal into C) Amplifying signals
multiple output signals D) Storing data in memory
Answer: B) Selects one of many Answer: B) Synchronizing the
input signals and forwards it to a operation of different components
single output 100. In a D flip-flop, the output Q
98. In a 4-bit binary counter, how many changes state when?
different states can be represented? A) The input changes
A) 4 B) The clock signal transitions from
B) 8 low to high
C) 16 C) The clock signal transitions from
D) 32 high to low
Answer: C) 16 D) The enable signal is active
99. A digital system's clock signal is Answer: B) The clock signal
used for? transitions from low to high

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