2024 accomplishment reports.docx PAGSAOGAN ES.docxnew
2024 accomplishment reports.docx PAGSAOGAN ES.docxnew
2024 accomplishment reports.docx PAGSAOGAN ES.docxnew
Department of Education
Region VIII
Division of Samar
District of Wright I
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VIII
Division of Samar
District of Wright I
I. Introduction
This year at Pagsaogan Elementary School,has been more than just
numbers and statistics; it's been about the growth and development of
our students, the dedication of our teachers, and the unwavering support
of our families. This annual report celebrates the human element of our
school – the laughter, the challenges overcome, and the collective
triumphs that have shaped our year. It's a story of teamwork, resilience,
and the pursuit of excellence. This report highlights some of our
accomplishments, but it also reflects the spirit of collaboration and
commitment that makes our school so special.
Pagsaogan Elementary School is guided with the mission and vision
and core values of the Department of Education. Based on the School
Improvement Plan which is the basis and blue print of different programs
and project of the school it shows that the 3 comparative years of
enrolment of the school changes due to some reasons brought about of
the opening of a complete elementary of the nearby barangay.
The school is optimistic on the full implementation of the different
Projects and programs, the Brgy. Officials of Pagsaogan and the local
government unit of municipality of Paranas Are our great partners in
achieving the goals of the school.
Parents, teachers, and community people also give their full support in
the realization of the programs and projects to be implemented and to be
realized and they give their 100% assurance that they well make the best
effort and hard work in sustaining all the schools mission and vision
objectives and other related outcomes such as the following;
Shaping a vision of Academic success for all pupils/students
Creating climate hospitable to education
Cultivating leadership in others
Improving instruction
Managing people, data and processes
Adapting of the new normal situation
Modular Modality of learning situation
To sustain enrolment from kinder to Grade VI.
Increase number of contextualize modular learning materials
Provide enough printer, bond papers, ink and other learning
To increase academic performance of pupils in terms of Mean and
MPS per quarter in all grade level
To develop pupils talent, skills in different sports activity
To improve the reading performance level of learners to 85%
independent reader in Mother Tongue for Grade I, Filipino for Grade
2 and English for Grade 3-6
To zeroed out non-reader pupils
Increased participation of stakeholders in school
Improve schools physical aspects
Improve classrooms and other facilities
Provide teachers instructional materials as well as the pupils
maintain cleanliness and orderliness in school
Other related activities pertaining and sustaining school
improvement and development.
Pagsaogan Elementary School was established as complete
elementary advocating the literacy and numeracy development,
where academic and quality education offers to the clientele to
further implement and advocate, Whereas, Section 2: Republic
Act No. 9155, otherwise known as the Governance of Basic
Education Act of 2001, provides:
“It is hereby declared the policy of the state to protect and promote
the rights of
all citizens to quality basic education and to make such education
accessible to all by providing
all Filipino children a free and compulsory education in the
Elementary level
and free education in the high school level.”
The Pagsaogan Elementary School was established in 1900 by the
people of its barangay and land was donated by the Baccol family.
The school has evolved over the years to meet the changing of the
community, specifically the school converted to primary to complete
elementary grade level, awarded as best implementing schools in
LAPG in year 2016. The school was a recipient of Coca-coal
Foundation, School Bag Program of UNICEF and MCDO recipient of
learning materials of all the learners.
51 51
Number of Learners
Source: https://lis.deped.gov.ph
Table 1 presents the comparative data on enrollment of Pagsaogan
Elementary School S.Y. 2018-2022. The foregoing data presented that the
enrollment was fluctuated gradually due to transfer of residents and the
creation of a complete grade level in a nearby barangay. The most
enrollment that the school had was School Year 2019-2020 while the
fewest were enrolled for the school year which S.Y. 2021-2022. However,
at present, the school find time to promote school programs in order to
increase enrollment and participation rate of pupils like hanging of
tarpaulins inside the barangay areas, Brgy. Mapping, conduct early
registration, daily tracking of pupil’s attendance and Bandello through
Brgy. Trumpa and FB page online information.
Table 2a
Latest MPS Data on the First Quarter Examination
SY 2022-2023
Grade Tot MTB/ Engli Math Scien Filipi Aral. MAPE TLE/ Esp Over-
Level al MLE sh ce no Pan. H EPP all
GRADE 9 88.6 86.4 85.4 85.3 87.3 88.66
I 8% 5% 8% 2% 6%
GRADE 14 88.1 79.7 85.4 84.0 84.4 84.3 86.5 85.48
2 0% 7% 7% 3% 7% 0% 3%
GRADE 13 89.0 84.8 83.2 84.8 84.9 87.2 86.7 89.0 86.19
3 9% 3% 6% 3% 4% 6% 7% 0%
GRADE 12 85.1 79.4 85.3 86.7 80.6 84.0 84.5 88.5 84.31
4 8% 4% 8% 1% 7% 0% 1% 6%
GRADE 12 86.8 87.8 87.6 87.8 84.8 89.8 85.6 89.9 87.55
5 4% 4% 6% 4% 4% 4% 6% 4%
GRADE 12 84% 79.8 85% 86.8 85.8 87.5 85.0 89.6 85.46
6 4% 4% 4% 0% 0% 6%
TOTAL 72 88.6 84.1 83.7 85.6 86.0 84.7 86.2 85.0 88.4
AVE. 1% 2% 2% 2% 7% 6% 9% 6% 9%
Table 2b
Latest MPS Data on the Second Quarter Examination
SY 2022-2023
Grade Tot MTB/ Engli Math Scien Filipi Aral. MAPE TLE/ Esp Over-
Level al MLE sh ce no Pan. H EPP all
GRADE 9 88.6 86.4 85.4 85.3 87.3 88.66
I 8% 5% 8% 2% 6%
GRADE 14 88.1 79.7 85.4 84.0 84.4 84.3 86.5 85.48
2 0% 7% 7% 3% 7% 0% 3%
GRADE 13 89.0 84.8 83.2 84.8 84.9 87.2 86.7 89.0 86.19
3 9% 3% 6% 3% 4% 6% 7% 0%
GRADE 12 85.1 79.4 85.3 86.7 80.6 84.0 84.5 88.5 84.31
4 8% 4% 8% 1% 7% 0% 1% 6%
GRADE 12 86.8 87.8 87.6 87.8 84.8 89.8 85.6 89.9 87.55
5 4% 4% 6% 4% 4% 4% 6% 4%
GRADE 12 84% 79.8 85% 86.8 85.8 87.5 85.0 89.6 85.46
6 4% 4% 4% 0% 0% 6%
TOTAL 72 88.6 84.1 83.7 85.6 86.0 84.7 86.2 85.0 88.4
AVE. 1% 2% 2% 2% 7% 6% 9% 6% 9%
Source: School data report of Mean & MPS
The table above shows the latest National Achievement Test result
(Grade 6) of SY 2014 - 2015. Based on the result, Math (91.23) has the
highest MPS result followed by Filipino (88.65) and English (87.88).
However, Araling Panlipunan (73.56) has the lowest MPS result followed
by Science (75.16). Due to intense monitoring on scheduled reviews and
class observations positive result was evident. However, the school still
needs to provide interventions to increase the performance in Aral.
Panlipunan and Science.
Table 3
Comparative Data for Reading Proficiency/Competency
Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA)
(Pre- Assessment SY 2022-2023)
Table 4
Comparative Data on Key Stage 2 Learners Reading Proficiency
in English and Filipino
Reading Level
English Filipino
Grade Level
4 72 28 0% 58 42% 0%
% % %
5 61 33 6% 33 45% 22%
% % %
6 59 23 18% 36 32% 32%
% % %
SOURCE: School CRLA & EGRA Coordinator of Reading Assessment Result
Phil-IRI Reading Level (English) Profeciency of Grades 4-6
100% 0 1
90% 4
80% 6
70% 5
30% 11 13
Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6
30% 25
20% 8
Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6
Table 5
Comparative Data on Key Stage 1 Learners’ Numeracy Level
Numeracy Level
Grade ENROLLMENT S.Y. Non- Numerates Highly
Level 2022-2023 Numerates Numerates
Male Female
Grade 2 0% 88% 0%
Grade 3 0% 100% 0%
Grade 4 0%
Grade 5 0%
Grade 6 0%
Total 0%
* Pre- assessment data SY 2022-2023 Source: School pre-test result of
numeracy level (Math Coordinator.
We dream of Filipinos
Who passionately love their country
And whose values and competencies enable them to realize
full potential and contribute meaningfully
to building the nation.`
As learner-centered public institution the
Department of Education consistently improves itself
to be better serve its stakeholders
To protect and promote the right of every
Filipino to quality, equitable, culture-based and
complete basic education where:
Students learn in a child-friendly, gender
sensitive, safe and
motivating environment
Teachers facilitate learning and constantly
nurture every learner
Administrators and staff, as stewards of the
institution, ensure on enabling and supportive
environment for effective learning to happen.
Family, community and other stakeholders are
actively engaged and share responsibility for
developing life-long learners.
Pag asa
Pagdama at pag-unawa sa damdamin ng iba
Pagmamalasakit sa kapwa
Pagpapahalaga sa kalikasa
Pangangalaga sa kapaligiran
Pananagutang Panlipunan
Pagkakapantaypantay ng lahat ng tao
Pagmamalasakit sa kabutihan ng nakakarami
Checked weekly
teachers AWA 2 4 4 teachers Checked
their weekly AWA
distribution of 1 4 4 teachers are 100%
modules and distributed their
worksheets weekly modules to
Program in the 1 4 100% teachers give
new normal their reading
remediation modules to
Conduct Home pupils
following health 1 4 4 teachers conducted
protocol home visitation in the
new normal
Conducted SLAC
once a month 1 4 4shh Submitted soft
through virtual and hard copy of SLAC
with ACR attendance
and pictures
Quarterly Conduct
of Portfolio Day 4 4 100% Conducted of
school Portfolio Day
checked teachers 70 150 80 Conducted
prepared modules monitoring and
and worksheets checking of worksheets
and modules
Send and attend
online training 4 teachers were able
and development 1 4 to attend different
of teachers online training and
programs of their
professional growth
Submit monthly and development in the
reports (ORS, MAR, new normal
SISAR) 8 12 12 monthly reports
submitted in a year
Conduct conference like
with teachers ORS,MAR,IMSP,SISAR
virtual/zoom and 4 10 10 conference conducted
other approach with teachers through
through blended virtual/zoom and other
learning modality. approach through blended
learning modality
Monitor the
progress of RRE
interventions in the 6 has been Monitored the
2 6 progress of RRE
new normal
interventions in the new
Provide virtual or normal
mentoring and 2 4
coaching sessions 4 Provided and conducted
to teachers who virtual or face-to-face
needs technical mentoring and coaching
assistance. sessions to teachers who
needs technical assistance
Conduct School
Based Training 1 2 2 INSET were conducted
Program (INSET)in about School INTEREM
the new normal under DEPED ORDER No.
038 S. of 2020
Conduct teacher’s
conference and 3 7 7 conducted teacher’s
other related virtual/face to face
concerns through conference and meeting
virtual for important issues
and concern
Conduct mid-year
review and
performance of 0 1 1 mid-year review
teachers conducted for teachers
Encourage and
promote teacher’s
position from 1 2 2 teachers have been
teacher 1 to promoted from teacher
teacher position to teacher 2 & 3
Submit and
liquidated all
school fund/MOOE
1 4 4 and 100% liquidated
and accomplished
Construction of
Bulletins, SBM
Cabinets for
artifacts and 1 0 School target for this
documents year
Construction of
1 0 Target for this school
Procured teachers year
classroom needs
4 conducted Quarterly
1 4 of SMEA and submitted
to the district office
during our DisMEA
various related works/
activities that
contribute to the
attainment of school
goals and objectives.
awards received
Submitted and
1 4 received project
Private and from LGU CASH/in
public Kind
1 2 2 Private and
Here are some of the innovations and initiative of the
Solupan Elementary ensure that the quality education must be served to our clientele and
to empower the learners, teaching force, and stakeholders in order to create effective,
productive and well developed in terms of academic performance, teachers performance,
participation of parents in school activity, program, and projects. The school further shows
the culture of the community, working hand in hand of the barangay people and the teaching
force where the heart of every learners should be mold into a holistic individual. And the
following should be a guide for future direction;
Set date and time for every activity
List down all the important and most needs of the school
Make a plan for every activity and give responsibilities to all the concerned
Point out the different problems arises and give a concrete solution.
Identify the factors that affect the performance of the pupils, classrooms problems and
teacher’s problems.
Present all the school resources and funds for transparency purposes
Get involve all the school personnel, parents and stakeholder for a better partnership.
List priorities of school improvement plan for better improvement and adjustment
Coordinate teachers, parents, barangay officials and stakeholders for the collaboration
of making programs and projects successful and possible
Set priorities to set up better outcome for the benefits of school children and the
whole school community
Make interventions on the process of conducting school programs, projects not
accomplished within a year or in a quarter to facilitate in the future plans.
Have an open communication to accept and gathered opinion coming from the group
and teammate.
Emphasize the most priority and most needs of the school and the school children as
Attain SBM level of practice
Promote teachers form Teacher 2 to Teacher 3, Teacher 3 to Master Teacher 1
Capacitate every teacher in content and pedagogy through attending different
trainings online.
Provide conducive school environment for children, teachers and parents with zero
COVID cases
With the full implementation of the program and project of the school, pupils are the
one benefited in terms academic performance, skills, values and the holistic individual that
the school wants to shapes on them. The very main goal of teachers is to give them the full
potential in order to become a productive citizen. The front liner of the implementation of
programs and projects which is the teachers are also empowered and owning the
responsibility to more highly competent in teaching reading, skills in literacy and numeracy
as well as the whole rounded aspect of being an individual. Learners must be proficient
readers resulting to high academic performance in quarterly assessments, more wins in
contests and a huge rate in the NAT and stakeholders will be empowered with a sense of co-
ownership and responsibility.
Through the different projects of the school anchored with the different KRA’s that a
school must be given priorities it stand as a strong bridge of unity and strengthened the
relationship among co-workers, relations to the parents and stakeholders and create more
innovations to take all the possibilities that will cater the demands and needs of our school
Additional attributes that influence effective schools include time to learn, teacher
quality, and parental trust. Research supports the view that the more time a student spends
learning, and the more efficiently that time is used, the higher their achievement.
Prepared by:
District Supervisor
KRA 5: Parents Involvement and
Community Partnership
Monthly Pentakasi
Stakeholders Turnover Ceremony for the Brgy. Road Project
District Federated Induction Together with the Brgy. Official and GPTA Officers
of Pagsaogan
Partnership with the Different Organization
School Feeding programs Sponsors
Attended Brgy. Session
Grades III&IV
Grades V& VI Class Observation
KRA 4: School Leadership and
Management Operation