A flow meter is a device that monitors a fluid's flow rate. Flow meters are devices for
measuring the linear, nonlinear, mass, or volumetric flow rate of a gas or liquid. Flow meters
may also be referred to as flow gauges or flow measuring equipment. Accurate flow
measurements of gases and liquids are essential for better process control and quality. In
general, two types of flow meters are often used in industries.Mass Flowmeters and
Volumetric Flowmeters.Flow Measurement and Instrumentation is committed to
communicating the most recent research findings on all aspects of flow measurement in both
closed and open channels. The design of flow measurement systems entails a wide range of
multidisciplinary activities, including computational modeling of the flow sensor, fluid flow,
and sensor/fluid interactions; the development of advanced transducer systems and their
associated signal processing; and laboratory and field evaluation of the overall system under
ideal and disturbed conditions. The use of mathematical and computer modeling to
investigate the interaction of fluid dynamics with flowmeters, including flowmeter behavior,
better flowmeter design, and installation issues.
This study focuses on flow measuring techniques and the use of flow injection to enhance
process noise. In an experimental flow loop, the novel approach is explicitly created and
validated. The original approach has a problem in that the crucial correlated component for
estimating delay time is polluted by uncorrelated noise, resulting in mistakes in delay time
estimate and, ultimately, flow rate prediction, especially under situations with higher main
flow rates. A low SNR can be viewed as such a circumstance. Synthetic signals are used to
validate the link between Spent nuclear fuel and Cross-correlation function flow estimate
ability. The results show that increasing the Spent nuclear fuel is the key to better flow
estimate. This article analyzes the quantification of the impacts on this specific experiment
flow loop, and a higher-fidelity Computational Fluid Dynamics simulation model is being
constructed to further investigate the ideal sensor site under varying main flow rates.
Q α √∆P
Orifice plate:
The orifice plate is a device used to restrict the fluid and make a
pressure difference between the upstream & downstream sides so that
the volume flow rate can be measured. In most cases, stainless steel is
used to make an orifice plate though it can be made of any material.
The flat plates which are used to construct the orifice plate are 1/16 to
1/8 inch thick. They're usually mounted between two flanges and
fitted in a straight stretch of smooth pipe to prevent flow patterns
from being disrupted by fittings and valves.
There are three kinds of orifice plates are used. These are:
I. Concentric
II. Eccentric
III. Segmental
It is the most commonly used among the three types of the orifice
meter. It is called concentric because the orifice is equidistant to the
pipe’s inside diameter. The concentric bore is sharp-edged which
offers near-perfect line contact between the plate and the fluid with
minimal friction drag near the boundary. The fluid converges as it
goes through the orifice, and the velocity of the fluid reaches its
maximum value. The pressure also decreases and becomes lowest.
The velocity drops back to its previous value when the fluid diverges
to cover the full pipe area. As the pressure loss is irrecoverable, the
output pressure will never equal the input pressure and becomes 60%
to 80% of the original input amount. The pressure difference which is
created due to the orifice plate is measured and the differential
pressure is proportional to the flow rate.
Figure 4: Eccentric
orifice plate
Venturi tube :
The Venturi tube is a fluid obstructing device that is installed in the
pipe. It creates a pressure difference that is proportional to the flow
The venture's entrance is shaped like a cylinder to fit the size of the
pipe through which fluid flows. Following the inlet section, there is a
converging conical segment with a 19' to 23' included angle. This
conical section decreases the area of the fluid stream as a result
velocity increases and pressure decreases. There is a cylindrical throat
after the converging section and the throat has a minimum area.
Therefore, pressure is lowest in the center of the cylindrical throat and
the lowest value of the pressure is measured. The pressure
difference is measured between the upstream of the
entrance cone and the center of the cylindrical throat.
Figure 5: Venturi tube
Pilot tube
Nutating disc
Nutating disc flow meters are one of the most common types of
positive displacement flow meters. A precision-machined chamber, a
center ball, moveable disc, and counter mechanism construct the
device. The disc is an intrinsic part of the inside-the-chamber
ball/sphere. To convert nutating motion/ eccentric spinning motion of
the ball into the rotational motion of the shaft, a tiny pin is connected
to the ball. In a specially built chamber, the disc is pivoted at the
geometric center and allowed to nutate or wobble. The appropriate
sealing and minimal leakage are ensured by the regulated clearance
between the disc and the chamber.
Liquid flows into a precision-machined chamber containing a
nutating disc (wobbles). The disc's location splits the chamber into
sections with precise volumes. The disc wobbles due to liquid
pressure, and a roller cam forces the nutating disc to complete a cycle.
As the volume of fluid necessary to complete one revolution of the
nutating disc is known, the total flow through the disc can be
determined by multiplying the number of disc revolutions by the
known volume of fluid.