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Streszczenie. Przedstawiono analizę właściwości systemu energii wiatrowej bazującego na igeneratorze DFIG w obwodzie IGBT z zastosowaniem
odpornego sterowania typu backstepping BSC I sterowania ślizgowego SMC. Zastosowano nieliniową technikę sterowania. Badania symulacyjne
wykazały odporność systemu zarówno w warunkach zdrowych jak i przy pojawieniu się błędów. System przetwarzania energii wiatrowej z
odpornym sterowaniem bazującym na analizie prądu w układzie IGBT
Keywords: open-switch fault, robust control techniques, system performance, current analyses.
Słowa kluczowe: energia wiatrowa, generator DGIG, odporne sterowanie
The expression of the power coefficient is: The basic equation of the dynamic allows determining
the evolution of the mechanical speed from the overall
116 ( ) mechanical torque Cmec applied to the rotor:
(4) Cp =0.5176( -0.4β)exp λi +0.0068λi
λi dΩ mec
(7) J. = C mec
Where the coefficients of the equation (4) depend on the dt
considered turbine where: J –overall inertia of the rotor of the generator:
With: J turbine
(8) J= + J generator
(5) 1 1 0.035 G2
= -
λi λ +0.008β 1+ β 3 And G –gain of the speed multiplier.
The mechanical torque takes into account, the
electromagnetic torque Cem produced by the generator; the
The relation between Cp and λ for the given values of the
torque of the viscous frictions Cvis and the torque coming
angle of orientation of the blades β is represented by the
from the multiplier Cg.
following figure 2:
(9) Cmec = Cg - Cem - Cvis
(10) J
K PΩmec =
(11) F
K iΩmec =
Fig.2. Pitch angle β effect on the aerodynamic coefficient of power τ
From the power, the wind turbine torque is given by:
(6) Paer ρ.S.v 1
C aer = = Cp. .
Ωturbine 2 Ωturbine
rd σLr Ls 2 sd
σLr Ls
σLr σLr L2s
M sr 1
+(ω s - ω)irq - V sd + V rd
σLr L s σLr
M sr R M
irq = ωΦ sd + s sr Φ sq - (ω s - ω)ir d +
σL L
r s σLr L2s
- R r + R s M sr i - M sr V + 1 V
Fig.3. Block diagram of the turbine model With MPPT Control where: σ –Blondel dispersion coefficient given as:
σ = 1 - M sr2 Lr .Ls
with: Rs and Rr -stator and rotor resistances, Ls and Lr -stator
and rotor inductances, Msr -mutual inductance between
stator and rotor, ωs and ωr -stator and rotor angular speed,
Cr –load torque.
Φs = Ls isd + M sr ird
The flux equations in the d-q reference are: 0= L i +M i
(20) s sq sr rq
Φ rd = L r ird + M sr isd
va 2 - 1 - 1 δ1
(24) vd c -1 2 - 1 δ
vb = 3 2
vc -1 - 1 2 δ3
With: va, vb, vc –output phase voltages, δ1, δ2, δ3 - PWM top
switches gates control signals, vdc -DC bus voltage.
v fd = R f .i fd + L f i fd + e fd Fig.5. Block diagram of the PI indirect control with power loop
v = R .i + L i +e
fq f fq f fq fq
e fd = ωs .L f .i fq
e fq = -ωs .L f .i fd +vsq
Fig.6. Closed loop for PI currents regulation
Vfdq and ifdq–grid currents and voltages in the d-q reference,
Lf and Rf –inductance and resistance of the filter.
Pf = vsq .i fq
(34) kic =
(29) τ1
Q f = vsq .i fd
(30) Pf = Prectifier = Pcapacitor + Pinverter with:
(42) v=
1 2 2
e1 - e2
Where the current errors e1 and e2 are given as:
Fig.8. Block diagram of the hybrid BSC
e = i ref - i
1 rq rq 2.2 SMC applied to the DFIG-WECS
e 2 = ird - ird
The SMC is another powerful nonlinear controller, which
attracts many researchers and has been successfully
The derivatives of these errors are: applied in the DFIG-WECS [13], [21], with the idea to attract
the states of the DFIG-WECS in a suitable selected area
• ref• • then design a control law that maintain the system in this
e1 = irq - irq area [22].
A) Selection of the sliding surfaces s(Ps) and s(Qs)
• ref
• •
e 2 = ird - i rd The rotor currents irq and ird are respectively images of the
active and reactive powers. For that, the powers control
areas expression is:
B) Convergence condition When replacing the currents irq and ref
irq by their
(52) ref
Ls .Lr .σ ref V .M
s Qs = ird -ird (63) Vrqeq = - .Ps +Rr .irq + g.ωs .Lr .σ.ird + g s sr
Vs .M sr Ls
Through the convergence mode, the condition s x .s x 0
When replacing the currents ird and ref
ird by their
should be verified with the relation (64):
expressions, it is found:
(64) Vrqattr = Lr .σ.v1 .sgn s Ps
Vs Ls 1 Vrd - Rr .ird +
(53) s Qs = - .Qref -
ωs .Msr Vs .Msr s Lr .σ +g.ωs .Lr .σ.irq Where the product term: (Lr.σ.v1)–a positive gain.
Vs Ls
Fig.13. Stator reactive power The model of the applied wind profile reference [23] is
expressed by a summation of several harmonics in a
deterministic form given by:
Fig.26. Rotor current ira under fault B) Applied fault at time t = 1.06 s with a zoom of one period:
Fig.27. Rotor current irb under fault Fig.32. Rotor current ira under fault
The present paper proposes the study of the
Fig.36. Measured stator reactive powers under fault performance of a DFIG-WECS under healthy and faulty
conditions, where the fault is introduced as an open-circuit
fault in the RSC IGBT switches. A performance comparison
is carried out to analyze the behavior of the DFIG-WECS
under healthy and faulty cases by proposing the use of
three RSC control strategies. First a classical indirect PI
controller based on the pole compensation is presented and
considered as a reference well known approach, then both
a hybrid BSC technique based on the stability theory of
Lyapunov and a hybrid SMC technique are used. In the
healthy case, the BSC and SMC techniques show a good
power decoupling performance compared to the PI
controller. For the faulty case, the performances of the three
control techniques are proposed to investigate how to deal
Fig.37. DFIG rotor mechanical speed under fault with the RSC open-circuit fault presence. It is found that