Annexure - I_0
Annexure - I_0
Annexure - I_0
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List of Subjects for Visiting Faculty / Expert
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List of Subjects for Visiting Faculty / Expert
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List of Subjects for Visiting Faculty / Expert
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List of Subjects for Visiting Faculty / Expert
The course will juxtapose the planet’s ability to sustain life with the factors that derail that ability
Elective Subject Sustainability Studies – like human consumption, waste generation, greenhouse effect, depletion of natural resources,
population explosion, poverty and inequity and discuss strategies and case studies.
This course in Yoga/meditation aims at inculcating rich Indian philosophies guiding individuals to
live happier and healthier lives. These techniques empower and strengthen one’s body to reduce
Elective Subject Yoga & Meditation Techniques
stress and become more efficient. It also promotes relaxation for clearer minds and better
decisionmaking ability.
This course will focus on appreciating the various forms of leadership and the qualities that go
Elective Subject Design Thinking into the making of a leader - It will also ender the meaning that leadership is more than the
position one holds.
This course will focus on appreciating the various forms of leadership and the qualities that go
Elective Subject Leadership into the making of a leader - It will also render the meaning that leadership is more than the
position one holds.
To be able to understand the basic principles of research and learn various methods available for
Elective Subject Research Methodology
collecting and analyzing data to aid critical thinking.
The course aims at studying the various aspects of human cognition and their impact on social
Elective Subject Psychology behaviour. It also seeks to relate psychological theory, concepts and methods to real life
This course will allow students to reach their creative potential by exploring space, narrative,
Elective Subject Theatre
rhythm & movement and understand the nuances of the selected art form.
This course will allow students to reach their creative potential by exploring space, narrative,
Elective Subject Music
rhythm & movement and understand the nuances of the selected art form.
This course will give a hands-on experience of maintaining functional, aesthetically pleasing
Elective Subject Landscaping & Gardening
outdoor spaces. This course will also engage students in active gardening.
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This course will help deepen the student’s understanding of self in relation to others. It will
enhance self confidence, enable dealing with barriers in the way of the social expression of
Elective Subject Personality Development individual personality, and infuse the traits of working in a team towards a common goal.
Improved self-concept and self confidence. Demonstration of understanding of group dynamics;
ability to work in a team for common goal. Ability to recognise and regulate stress.
Aim of the elective is to make participants able to understand, feel, experience and explore about
their Senses and realise about their potentials and uses/misuses, and help them to cultivate
habits for best use of senses to achieve excellence in their day to day on-going endeavours.
Elective Subject Making Sense of "Senses vs Self"
Students will be able to state the importance and benefits of having senses and sense organs.
Students will be able to describe the difference of having and non-having senses. Students will
realize their potentials and use/misuses of their senses and sense organs.
This course aims at understanding social relations, institutional structures of society and
behaviour through debate, dialogue and experiential learning. Ability to decipher the underlying
Elective Subject Sociology
principles at work in social relationships. Ability to apply principles of Sociology to the
understanding of institutions and social behaviour
Relevant Knowledge to Letterform and special terminology to design including calligraphy,
Fashion Communication Semiotics & Letterforms lettering and typography. The cultural significance of typography as a means to convey messages
and the application of semiotics with a focus on its use as a communication tool.
Fashion Communication Fashion in Print Media History of Print media & role of fashion in print media.
Fashion Communication Advance Fashion Styling The advance scope and outreach of styling in the fashion and lifestyle industry.
Fashion Communication Fashion Styling Types of styling, trends of fashion styling , thematic look creation & celebrity styling.
History of Fashion, psychology of fashion and knowledge of various costume, fashion looks and
Fashion Communication Fashion Culture & Costume
The course is designed to give overview of basic makeup techniques and to develop their skills in
Fashion Communication Hair & MakeUp
using those techniques
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Demonstrate skills for low fidelity prototyping and enhanced visual sense for high fidelity
Fashion Communication Interface Design
wireframe. to create digital visual user interface for applications on mobile, web and laptop.
The grammar of video production, principles of motion capturing, light and sound required for a
Fashion Communication Moving Images & Editing
video shoot.
The course is to make understand and visualize the commercially viable ideas to articulate
Fashion Communication Exhibition Design exhibition design, creative display ideas for brand promotion , Brand experienceand and brand
Basics of Calligraphy, handling of calligraphy pens to write different scripts, fundamental ways
Fashion Communication Calligraphy Workshop
and traditional techniques of designing a letterform.
Paper types and manipulation by using different techniques to design or to create
Fashion Communication Paper Engineering Workshop
communication solution.
The scope of trend forecasting in the global and local fashion industry, factors influencing societal
Fashion Communication Trend Spotting and research
trends, trend spotting & analyzing of trends.
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List of Subjects for Visiting Faculty / Expert
The subject will inculcate the principle and related technical competencies. To integrate garment
components into an ensemble through construction. To explore creative stylization of
Fashion Design Garment Construction – Apparel
components and their finishing. To develop proficiency in assembling and combining different
components of a garment – necklines, collars, sleeves, plackets, zippers and pockets.
Identify the synergy between the phenomena of celebrity and culture; Develop skills to analyse
and interpret the modes of creation and expression of celebrity-hood; Interpret the individual
and stylist-driven public appearances in terms of image-creation. Investigate celebrity events and
Image Creation & Styling - lifestyle and craft them into blogs, trend-setter stories, iconic lifestyles etc. Analyse key elements
Fashion Design
Celebrity culture of the sartorial styles of iconic persons using suitable fashion terminology i.e. Fashion as
Celebrity<-> Celebrity Fashion. Undertake live projects with celebrities which will develop the
ability to understand the requirements and challenges of styling for specific events, developing
inter-personal skills
(Image Creation & Styling) - The subject aims to explore varied forms of performing arts, theatre and cinema as a medium to
Fashion Design
Costume for Performing Arts understand iconology, aesthetics and image creation to ideate and build costume/s contextually.
Fashion Exploration-Trade This subject aims at enabling students to understand the technical representations of fashion and
Fashion Design
Sketching apparel, required for the apparel industry.
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List of Subjects for Visiting Faculty / Expert
Big Data, Business Analytics, To make the students understand different tools of higher order statistical analysis and use them
Master of Fashion
Advanced IT and Digital for business decision making. To expose the students to the different web analytics techniques
Management and to make them understand how they are used in the fashion industry
Acquire knowledge and skills: Models, qualities and skill set required for the successful business
Master of Fashion Entrepreneurship, Business
Policies and Schemes of central & state govt., financial institutions required in setting up of
Management Models And Success Stories
To provide opportunities to students to acquire knowledge in the key product groups chosen
Special Product Group And
Master of Fashion (from the list given below). The student is expected to acquire comprehensive knowledge in each
Heritage Products & Cluster
Management of the product groups chosen in order to be able to effectively apply it when planning the
Awareness Workshop
marketing activities for the same.
Acquire knowledge and skills: Importance of Entrepreneurship and Characteristics of
Master of Fashion Entrepreneur, Qualities and skill set required for the generation of idea, identification and
Retail Entrepreneurship
Management selection of opportunity in fashion (Apparel, Textile and Accessories) as well as making effective
business model
This subject is about Data creation ,Data manipulation, representation and management
Master of Fashion Fundamentals of Database
technique and database model. Students will Learn and use RDBMS by using MS-Access and SQL
Technology Management Systems
Commands for Queries and will Understand the concepts of Data mining .
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List of Subjects for Visiting Faculty / Expert
The aim of the subject in each deepening specialization (DS) is to enable the students to integrate
Master of Fashion
Integrated Minor Project their learning outcome in major and deepening specialization subjects to develop a solution
which is either a product or service.
This course introduces the technological trends, concepts and its impact on global apparel
Advanced Technology & manufacturing. Students will understand the automatic workstations and it’s economic analysis.
Master of Fashion
Concepts in Apparel Some of the major topics for deliberation are Industry 4.0, Process costing in manufacturing,
Manufacturing Automation in Sewing Technology, Technology of Dry Finishing (including jeans finishing),
Technology of Waterless Dyeing , Effluent Treatment Technology, Green Building Technology etc.
The aim of the subject is to make students understand the central role of Quality in Fashion
business and to impart knowledge about best practices of Quality Control & Management. The
subject covers topics like Evolution of Quality, Definitions of Quality, Role of Standards and
Master of Fashion Apparel Quality Procedures &
Specifications in Quality, types of Inspection and Testing , Quality standards of apparel
Technology Practices
companies, Quality procedures in Apparel manufacturing, apparel Product Quality & Safety
regulations, Cost of Quality, Seven classic tools of Quality Control, New Management & Planning
tools, Advanced Quality Practices like six sigma, lean practices, etc.
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List of Subjects for Visiting Faculty / Expert
Familiarize with origin, motifs, colours, tools, equipment and technology used for embroidered
and resist dyed textiles of India. Sensitize students to the Indian traditional textile crafts through
Textile Design Textile Heritage of India appreciation of its unique method of making process, regional values and adaptation by the
brands/designers/industry. Role of various Government and Non-Government agencies for the
promotion/revival of the craft.
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The subject introduces students to the apparel, accessories and home product categories and
Introduction to Textiles for segments, in the Indian and international market. This knowledge will enable students to select
Textile Design
Apparel & Home their Deepening Specialisation in semester IV, and subsequently assist them to apply the product
knowledge to interpret industry design briefs and execute design projects.
To introduce the students to fabrics and their uses along with its components and
sustainability.To enable the students to articulate the fibre content, yarn count, construction,
Textile Design Fabric Studies
GSM, surface techniques used, dyes and techniques used, finishes and end uses of the collected
fabric samples.
To enhance the understanding for development of prints, colorways, assorted and coordinated
collections following the design process. To understand the application of various hand and
digital techniques and tools. To develop an analytical and methodical approach to a design
Textile Design Advanced Print Design problem, brief, trend research, market research, brand research and the end product research.
To integrate an innovative, experimetnal use of mixed media hand techniqques with digital
techniques for the develpment of all-over, engineered designs, coordinates and colourways. To
develop an ability to design printed collections as per different styles and methods of printing.
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List of Subjects for Visiting Faculty / Expert
Build understanding of the concept, relevance and importance of sustainability in the area of
fashion and texties.
Familiarize with the vocabulary of the sustainability issues related to textile industry as prescribed
Textile Design Sustainable Design in Textiles
by UNDP Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
Sensitize and understand the role of material diversity, ecological sustainability and ethical
practices in the textile and fashion industry.
Print Design Project: Apparel & To understand product specific print design development
Fashion Accessories To learn print placement and layouts for apparel and fashion accessories
Textile Design
To analyze the requied look and apply techniques for developing unique designs.
To develop Industry ready print collection
To understand Industry product specific print design development
To learn print manipulation specific to home and spaces industry.
Print Design Project: Home & To analyze the requied look and apply techniques for developing unique designs.
Textile Design
Spaces To develop Industry ready print collection
Deepen the understanding of fabrics and product realization for home products and accessories.
To introduce students to different types of floor coverings and understand design development
Textile Design Floor Coverings
and the process of making.
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List of Subjects for Visiting Faculty / Expert
To introduce compound woven structures (Multilayered fabric) and its development on CAD. To
introduce Computer Aided Design for weaving of jacquard. To integrate the CAD for weaving and
actual weaving of fabric (swatches). To make samples on tabletop loom/semi-automatic
computerized loom/ fully automatic loom.
To familiarize students to the digital textile design development processes. To develop the digital
textile design skills for print, embroidery, quilted and laser cut textiles. Develop an aptitude to
Textile Design Digital Design in Textiles
digitally illustrate application of their textile design ideas as per the product specialization.
To compile a body of work that has been done in various courses and showcase it in a
Textile Design Portfolio Design professional folio. To develop a unique design philosophy and identity. To learn to use
combination of digital tools/software for effective visual communication and presentation.
To develop design collection exploring various weaving techniques based on a realistic industry
Weave Design Project: Apparel & brief. To exercise amalgamation and application of design process, forecast study, fabric
Textile Design
Fashion Accessories properties and brand/market study with product specifications while creating a woven fabric
collection for apparel.
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List of Subjects for Visiting Faculty / Expert
To initiate the process to become a design thinker and team building group exercises. To be able
to understand the practice of Creative, Critical & Integrative thinking in design domains. To make
Master of Design Design Thinking & Methods
‘Design Thinking’ as part of any design activation towards achieving proficiency, value creation &
To develop the ability of Perception. To interpret and visualize the design concept. To learn to
communicate through visual solutions. To be able to communicate the design concepts in visual
Visualization & Digital form digitally. To Develop Skills and experience in Vector Graphics to create complex vector
Master of Design
Representation illustrations for print and web-based media. To understand Graphic Design and to achieve
competence in Computer Graphics. To Integrate effective visualization methods to transform
data into meaningful information.
To develop an understanding of Design for society. To know the theories of Social Innovation. To
Introduction to Social Design
Master of Design learn the tools for community building, networking and collaboration. To inculcate social
(Historical and Contemporary)
To sensitize the students to the Planet needs and Global scenario. To sensitize the students to
Sustainable Systems &
Master of Design sustainability concepts in Craft and other sectors. To enable the students to problem solving with
Craft Studies
System Thinking
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To create strategic managerial ability for creative industries through understanding of best design
management practices. To create an environment for best usage of creative approaches for the
growth curve of the company. To provide an opportunity to interact with industry members,
Master of Design Strategic Design Management
consumers of the chosen domain, learn sensibilities of Design, management and inter-
relationships. To create domain, consumer and business understanding creative intervention and
design innovation
To develop understanding of the origins and the history of design. To know the skills and
Master of Design Design Philosophy and Critique aptitudes for practice of design. To use the historical knowledge in contemporary design projects.
To acquire the skills for evaluation of the design process/artefact.
To initiate the process to become a design thinker and team building group exercises. To be able
to understand the practice of Creative, Critical & Integrative thinking in design & Technology
Master of Design Creative & Lateral Thinking
domains. To make ‘Design Thinking’ as part of any product activation towards achieving
proficiency, value creation & Innovation.
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List of Subjects for Visiting Faculty / Expert
Understand research in the context of design methods and thinking. Will provide opportunities in
the product and service industries through application of user and trend research. Develop ability
Master of Design Design Research Methods
in taking informed design decisions through research. Design research will also help to gain
insight and empathy of the stakeholders.
To prepare students to handle sustainability in real life situations panning grassroot level to
corporate organizations. To convert the constraints into sustainable opportunities. To sensitize
Master of Design Design for Sustainability
students to the Design for sustainability and give insight to regional sensibilities and diversities,
resources and environment.
Explore and Grow. Research on issues and challenges being faced in the design realm of the
chosen domain. Identification of design problems and articulation of the project proposal.
Understanding the importance of Resume, power of Networking and different parameters
Industry Guided Project Proposal
Master of Design (example: strategies/projections) and structures to design a project proposal. Ability to think
(with fairs/seminars)
analytically by application of knowledge based on research, discussions and industry interface.
Apply analytical, critical, creative and strategic thinking to industry’s design problems and
research within complex and unfamiliar contexts and concerns.
To understand the scope and definition of luxury as a lifestyle need. To be able to understand
and connect to the luxury products conceptualization and development process. To develop an
Master of Design Design as Luxury
idea of ‘Indianness’ in the luxury brand market. To redefine the idea of craftsmanship in India to
global acceptance as luxury products.
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List of Subjects for Visiting Faculty / Expert
To understand impact of designs on the various strata of society. To investigate design and design
practices social life. To evaluate ethical practices in the production and consumption of design. To
Master of Design Socially Responsible Design
formulate socially beneficial design strategies. To decrease the incidence of distress in social
space caused by inappropriate design.
To understand the cognitive and instructional aspects in a human interactive space. To conceive
Master of Design Interface Design and design a user centric graphic user interface (GUI). To visualize, design and interpret interface
elements. To develop intuitive digital design strategy.
To understand Brand with respect to design language. To understand brand marketing theories
with respect to design language. To interact with industries and able to identify design gaps for
Master of Design Brand Positioning product or services. To read and interpret case studies that support strategic design management
in brands. To develop critical thinking skills with respect to design in brands. To develop
understanding of market/ consumers requirements in terms of design strategy.
To understand the definition and methods of curation. To curate and communicate the values
Curatorial Practices (Creatie and
Master of Design and Ideas of design. To develop ability of planning and organizing exhibitions. To bridge the gap
Cultural Industries)
between contemporary design and society.
To understand the dynamics of forecast with the fashion premise. To understand ‘Zeitgeist’ as a
Master of Design Using Forecast for Fashion
framework for identifying trends. To identify the role of forecasting within brand ethos.
To understand the multi-faceted dynamics within the world of fashion where trend is constant.
To be able to understand the breadth & depth of forecasting process
Master of Design Trends Research & Forecasting
• To cultivate skills in analyzing new trends for achieving proficiency in their application as well as
reporting for the design industry
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List of Subjects for Visiting Faculty / Expert
To bring industry in the classroom as part of different subjects in the form of lecture series which
would help generating classroom projects, industry visits etc. Understand the Deepening
Specialization which the students wish to work. Understand the industry related to the
Master of Design Introduction to Industry Practices
Deepening Specialization (industry know –how). Provide students with the understanding of
practical knowledge and transferable skills required to be at the forefront of global services,
design research and development in either an industrial or academic environment.
To initiate the process to become a design thinker after learning lateral thinking techniques. To
be able to understand the practice of Creative, Critical & Integrative thinking in the area of
Master of Design Design Thinking
problem definition and initiation. To make ‘Design Thinking’ as part of any design activation
towards achieving proficiency, value creation & Innovation.
To understand the challenges faced by differently abled people in the design environment
• To identify special needs of various categories of people with different abilities
• To formulate solutions to make specially abled people to interact and perform in the built
Master of Design Design for Special Needs
• To provide strategies to effortlessly include designs for the specially abled in the socially
interactive spaces.
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