Emerging Technologies Merged
Emerging Technologies Merged
Emerging Technologies Merged
Classification of Energy
Energy is one of the major inputs for the economic development of any
country. In the case of the developing countries, the energy sector assumes a
critical importance in view of the ever- increasing energy needs requiring huge
investments to meet them.
Energy can be classified into several types based on the following criteria:
Our vehicles, machinery, and technology all rely on energy to function efficiently.
From cooking our meals to running industries, energy is a crucial part of our
daily lives.
As our population grows and technology advances, the demand for energy
continues to rise. Therefore, it is essential for us to explore and embrace
sustainable energy sources to meet our needs while preserving the health of our
planet for future generations.
The word Energy is taken from "energia" which is derived from the Greek
language, where "en" means "in," and "ergon" means "work" "activity " or
"operation" Therefore the term energy represents In-Work OR in-process.
The most basic definition of Energy states that “Energy is the capacity to do
work” This statement explains energy as the ability of a physical system to
perform work. In the context of physics, "work" refers to the application of a
force over a distance to move an object. Energy is what allows this work to be
done. When a physical system possesses energy, it has the potential to exert a
force and cause motion or changes in its surroundings.
For example, think of a car. The fuel in the car's tank contains chemical energy.
When the engine converts this chemical energy into mechanical energy, the car
can do work by moving forward. In this case, energy is transferred from the fuel
to the car's engine, which enables it to perform the work of propelling the car.
In order for an object to perform work, it must receive energy in some form.
When energy is transferred to an object, it gains the ability to do work. For
instance, to lift an object, you must transfer energy to it by applying a force. This
energy allows the object to overcome the force of gravity and move upward.
When energy is transferred from one object to another, the amount of energy
transferred can be quantified. This shows that energy has quantitative property.
The unit of energy in the MKS (Meter-Kilogram-Second) system is the Joule (J).
The Joule is the same unit of energy in both the SI (International System of
Units) and the MKS systems. It is defined as the amount of energy transferred
when a force of one Newton (N) is applied to move an object one meter (m) in
the direction of the force. Mathematically, it can be represented as:
Types of Energy
Nuclear Energy: Nuclear energy is the energy stored within the nucleus of an
atom. It is released through nuclear reactions, such as nuclear fission (splitting
of atomic nuclei) or nuclear fusion (combining atomic nuclei). Nuclear power
plants use nuclear reactions to produce heat, which is then converted into
Primary and secondary energy sources are terms used to categorize different
types of energy based on their origin and availability. Let's explain each of
them in detail with examples:
Primary energy sources are natural resources directly obtained from the
environment. These sources are in their raw and unconverted form and serve
as the basis for producing other forms of energy that we use in our daily lives.
Primary energy sources are considered inexhaustible or renewable if they can
be naturally restocked within a short period. They are classified into two main
a. Renewable Energy Sources:
b. Non-Renewable Energy Sources:
Secondary energy sources are derived from the conversion of primary energy
sources into more convenient and usable forms. These are the forms of energy
that we directly use in our everyday activities. Secondary energy sources are
produced through various processes, usually involving the transformation of
primary energy sources. Some common examples include:
Electricity, Gasoline and Diesel, Propane and Biofuels
In Breeder reactor nuclear plants, PWR (Pressurized Water Reactor), BWR
(Boiling Water Reactor), and AGCR (Advanced Gas-cooled Reactor) are
commonly used.
In Non-Breeder reactor type plants, Fast Breeder reactor and Thermal Breeder
reactor are used.
All these systems exist in the physical world and play a fundamental role in
understanding and explaining energy transformations and interactions.
For efficient and effective use of energy and its conservation, the Energy
Conservation Act of 2001 was ratified in India. This comprehensive regulation
aims to promote sustainable energy practices, reduce energy consumption, and
optimize the utilization of resources. Except Jammu and Kashmir, the act was
implemented across India in October 2001.
The EC Act 2001 establishes guidelines and regulations for various sectors,
including industries, commercial establishments, and households, to adopt
energy-efficient technologies and practices. The act also encourages the
implementation of renewable energy sources to reduce dependency on fossil
fuels and mitigate environmental impacts.
Through its provisions and incentives, the EC Act 2001 plays a crucial role in
fostering a greener and more sustainable energy landscape while driving
economic growth and energy security.
The Government of India set up Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) under
Ministry of Power on 1st March 2002 under the provisions of the Energy
Conservation Act, 2001.
The Powers of the Central Government under the proposed legislation are :
1. Norms and Standards: The Central Government is empowered to specify
the norms and energy consumption standards for various equipment,
appliances, or systems that consume, generate, transmit, or supply energy.
2. Description: It can designate specific equipment, appliances, or classes of
them that fall under the scope of the proposed legislation.
3. Mandatory Conformance: The Central Government has the authority to
prohibit the manufacture, sale, purchase, or import of equipment or appliances
that do not conform to the prescribed energy consumption standards.
The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) is the nodal Ministry of the
Government of India for all matters relating to new and renewable energy.
Its primary objective is to accelerate the adoption of clean and sustainable
energy options to meet the growing energy demands while reducing the
country's dependence on fossil fuels and mitigating environmental impacts.
1. Solar energy:
2. Wind energy:
Wind is air in motion. The movement of air takes place due to the convection
current set out in the atmosphere which is again due to heating of earth’s surface
by solar radiation, rotation of earth etc. The movement of air occurs both
horizontally and vertically.
The average annual wind density is 3 kW/m 2/day along costal lines of Gujarat,
western ghat central parts of India which may show a seasonal variation (i.e., in
winter it may go up to 10kW/m2/day).]
Since wind has a tremendous amount of energy, its energy can be converted into
mechanical or electrical energy using suitable devices, now days, wind energy s
converted in to electrical energy which is subsequently used for pumping water,
grinding of corns etc. As per available data dearly 20,000 mW of electricity can
be generated from wind. In Puri, wind farms are set up which can generate 550
kW of electricity.
3. Tidal energy:
The energy associated with the tides of the Ocean can be converted in to
electrical energy. France constructed the first tidal power plant in 1966. India
could take up Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) and by the process it
will be capable of generating 50,000 mW of electricity, to meet the power
requirements of remote oceanic islands and coastal towns. The Netherlands is
famous for windmills. In India, Gujarat and Tamil nadu have windmills. The
largest wind farm has been set at Kanyakumari which generates 380 mW of
4. Geothermal energy:
The geothermal energy may be defined as the heat energy obtainable from hot
rocks present inside the earth crust. At the deeper region of earth crust, the solid
rock gets melted in to magma, due to very high temperature. The magma layer
is pushed up due to some geological changes and get concentrated below the
earth crust. The places of hot magma concentration at fairly less depth are
known as hot spots.
These hot spots are known as sources of geothermal energy. Now a days, efforts
are being made to use this energy for generating power and creating
refrigeration etc. There are a quite few number of methods of harnessing
geothermal energy. Different sites of geothermal energy generation are Puga
(Ladakh), Tattapani (Suraguja, M.P.), Cambay Basin (Alkananda Valley,
The organic matters originated from living organisms (plants and animals) like
wood, cattle dung, sewage, agricultural wastes etc. are called as biomass. These
substances can be burnt to produce heat energy which can be used in the
generation of electricity. Thus, the energy produced from the biomass is known
as biomass energy.
There are three forms of biomass:
6. Biogas:
Biogas is an important source of energy to meet energy, requirements of rural
area. As per given data, around 22,420-million m3 of gas can be produced from
the large amount of cow dungs obtained in rural areas in a year. The gas is
generated by the action of bacteria on cow dung in absence of air (oxygen).
There are two types of biogas plants namely. Fixed done type and floating gas
holder type.
These plants are commonly known as Gobar gas plants because the usual raw
material is cow dung (Gobar). The methodology involves in the process is to
prepare a slurry of cow dung with water. Sometimes form waters can also be
added to the slurry.
The slurry is subjected to bacterial decomposition at 35 .C. There are about 330,
00 biogas plants in India. All India dung production is about 11.30 kg per cattle
and 11.60 kg per buffalo with about 67.10 m3 of gas per ton of wet dung.
7. Petro plants:
In order to release the pressure on mineral oils (a nonrenewable resource), the
scientists have discovered some potential plant species from which liquid
hydrocarbons can be extracted. The liquid hydrocarbons present in such plants
can be converted in to petroleum. Such plants are known as petro plants which
belong to families Apocynaceae, Ascalepiadaceae, Euphrobiaceae;
Convolvulaceae and Spontaceae. Still research is on to increase the biomass of
the petro plants and effective method of converting their hydrocarbons in
9. Baggasse-based plants:
Bagggasse is generated as a waste product in sugar mills. This can be utilised to
produce electrical energy. As per available data, the sugar mills in India can
generate about 2000 mW surplus electricity during crushing season.
Climate Change
The burning of fossil fuels for energy remains the world's No. 1 source of carbon
dioxide emissions. Solar power is sometimes described as a zero emissions or
emissions-free form of energy, and it is true that greenhouse gas emissions from
solar are negligible . However, the construction of new utility scale solar energy
projects is bound to result in some greenhouse gas emissions. This fact is
acknowledged in the Final Environmental Impact Statement for one proposed
solar farm in California. Water
Creating energy is a water intensive process. In the U.S., electricity production
accounts for more than 40 percent of all daily freshwater withdrawals. Solar
photovoltaic systems do not require any water to generate electricity. Some
solar thermal systems use water, but this water can be reused. Utility scale
parabolic and central tower solar energy systems use steam plants to produce
power, often relying on water for cooling . There is some concern that these
types of systems, when located in arid environments, could put a strain on local
water resources.
Solar irradiance (SI) is the power per unit area (watt per square metre, W/m2),
received from the Sun in the form of electromagnetic radiation as reported in
the wavelength range of the measuring instrument. Solar irradiance is often
integrated over a given time period in order to report the radiant energy emitted
into the surrounding environment (joule per square metre, J/m2), during that
time period. This integrated solar irradiance is called solar irradiation, solar
exposure, solar insolation, or insolation.
Energy is one of the major inputs for the economic development of any
country. In the case of the developing countries, the energy sector assumes a
It is a ‘capacity to do work’.
any country.
Fossil fuel like coal, oil & natural gas are main source of energy.
India became the world's third largest producer of electricity in the year
Classification of Energy
Energy is one of the major inputs for the economic development of any
country. In the case of the developing countries, the energy sector assumes a
The development of the electric energy’s chain of supply has evolved, moving
and distribution phases and the final use. Future development trends of the
electric network regarding planning and operation must consider the synergy
existing between each phase of the energy chain. The global primary energy
consumption at the end of 2003 was equivalent to 9741 million tonnes of oil.
Figure shows the worldwide energy consumption trend between 1965 and 2035.
limited and non-renewable energy resources (oil, carbon and gas), which
The primary energy consumption for few of the developed and developing
countries are shown in Table 1.1. It may be seen that India's absolute
1/1.6th time of Japan but 1.1, 1.3, 1.5 times that of Canada, France and U.K
population growth in the developing countries has kept the per capita energy
consumption low compared with that of highly industrialized developed
countries. The world average energy consumption per person is equivalent to
2.2 tonnes of coal. In industrialized countries, people use four to five times more
than the world average, and nine times more than the average for the developing
countries. An American uses 32 times more commercial energy than an Indian.
Coal dominates the energy mix in India, contributing to 55% of the total
primary energy production. Over the years, there has been a marked
in primary energy production from 20% to 17% during the same period.
Energy Supply
Coal Supply
India has huge coal reserves, at least 84,396 million tonnes of proven
recoverable reserves (at the end of 2003). This amounts to almost 8.6% of the
world reserves and it may last for about 230 years at the current Reserve to
Production (R/P) ratio. In contrast, the world's proven coal reserves are
expected to last only for 192 years at the current R/P ratio.
year are divided by the production in that year, the result is the length of
time that the remaining reserves would last if production were to continue at
that level.
India is the fourth largest producer of coal and lignite in the world. Coal
Oil accounts for about 36 % of India's total energy consumption. India today
is one of the top ten oil-guzzling nations in the world and will soon overtake
Korea as the third largest consumer of oil in Asia after China and Japan. The
against the current peak demand of about 110 million ton. In the current
million tons (MT), of which domestic production will be only 34 MT. India will
have to pay an oil bill of roughly $50 billion, assuming a weighted average
price of $50 per barrel of crude. In 2003- 04, against total export of $64
billion, oil imports accounted for $21 billion. India imports 70% of its crude
Natural gas accounts for about 8.9 per cent of energy consumption in the
country. The current demand for natural gas is about 96 million cubic
The all India installed capacity of electric power generating sta- tions under
hydro, 77,931 MW - thermal and 2,720 MW- nuclear and 1,869 MW- wind
(Ministry of Power). The gross generation of power in the year 2002-2003 stood
at 531 billion units (kWh).
generated in India. India has ten nuclear power reactors at five nuclear
power stations produc-ing electricity. More nuclear reactors have also been
India is endowed with a vast and viable hydro potential for power generation
of which only 15% has been harnessed so far. The share of hydropower in the
country's total generated units has steadily decreased and it presently stands
Final energy consumption is the actual energy demand at the user end. This
is the difference between primary energy consumption and the losses that
actual final energy consumption (past and projected) is given in Table 1.2.
as shown in the Figure 1.5. As seen from the figure, industry remains the
consumption is 49%.
Economic growth is desirable for developing countries, and energy is
one. The energy industry contributes to economic growth in two ways. First,
energy is an important sector of the economy that creates jobs and value by
The per capita energy consumption (see Figure 1.7) is too low for India as
average. The per capita consumption is likely to grow in India with growth in
Energy Intensity
indicates the development stage of the country. India's energy intensity is 3.7
times of Japan, 1.55 times of USA, times of Asia and 1.5 times of World
Long Term Energy Scenario for India
in India is expected to increase over the next 10-15 years; although new oil
and gas plants are planned, coal is expected to remain the dominant fuel for
ing the last decade, the gap between electricity supply and demand continues
to increase.
India's demand for petroleum products is likely to rise from 97.7 million
projections of the Tenth Five-Year Plan. The plan document puts compound
annual growth rate (CAGR) at 3.6 % during the plan peri- od. As shown inthe
figure 1.8, around 92% of India's total oil demand by 2020 has to be met by
Natural Gas
India's natural gas production is likely to rise from 86.56 million cmpd in
the primary tasks of an electric utility accurately always predicts load demand
shortage of around 14% and an energy deficit of 8.4%. Keeping this in view
mainland India. The grids were the Northern, Eastern, Western, North Eastern
when the North Eastern and Eastern grids were interconnected. The Western
Grid was interconnected with the grids in March 2003. The Northern grid was
connected operating at one frequency.[6] The sole remaining regional grid, the
per year (MTY) as on the year 2022 (P). This comprises of 37.18 MTY in
in the Public Sector, 4 in the Private sector and Joint Venture shown in
(Table 2.2).
2000 TMTPA more than from the last year. Public sector refineries have
TMT during 2020-21 which has increased to 2,41,703 TMT during 2021-
Hence, the overall Capacity utilization of the refineries which was 88.76%
the major share of installed capacity existing with utilities i.e. 82.84%
(Table 2.3).
Fundamentals of Energy Science
Lecture 3. Alternate Energy Resources
What are alternative energy sources?
Alternative energy refers to energy sources other than fossil fuels (such as
coal, petroleum, and diesel) and includes all renewable and nuclear energy
sources. Although nuclear energy is not as bad for the environment as fossil
fuels, it still isn’t classified as a renewable energy source because nuclear
material cannot be replenished within a human’s lifetime. Nuclear energy is
produced by using elements like uranium and thorium, which cannot be
replenished and have a finite amount in existence.
The major advantage of alternative energy technology is that it will not run
out. Our days using fossil fuels are numbered, and so all alternative energy
sources are beneficial over traditional sources. Another huge advantage is
that many of them do not require the same damaging and expensive
extraction techniques, as much of it is available to us here on the surface.
2. Wind energy: This is one of the cleanest and most accessible sources
of energy. Wind power is sustainable and does not release carbon
emissions as a by-product. It’s also entirely renewable, as there will
always be wind. Energy sources such as fossil fuels often fluctuate in
price. A typical wind farm repays its carbon footprint in around six
months or even less, which provides decades of zero-emission energy
that displaces fossil fuel energy.
1. Solar Energy
• A typical solar thermal plant captures the infrared radiation that falls
on the Earth and uses it to heat a thermodynamic fluid in order to
drive a heat engine.
• This fluid then transfers its heat to water, which then becomes
superheated steam.
• These systems use solar collector to concentrate the Sun's rays on one
point to achieve appropriately high temperatures.
Working Principle
• Reflector-
• Receivers-
• A typical solar thermal plant captures the infrared radiation that falls
on the Earth and uses it to heat a thermodynamic fluid in order to
drive a heat engine.
• This fluid then transfers its heat to water, which then becomes
superheated steam.
• These systems use solar collector to concentrate the Sun's rays on one
point to achieve appropriately high temperatures.
2. Wind Energy
• Three key factors affect the amount of energy a turbine can harness
from the wind
Modern Turbines
• The most common design of wind turbine, is the horizontal axis wind
turbine (HAWT). That is, the axis of rotation is parallel to the
• how they are aligned with the wind (free yaw or active yaw)
3. Biomass
• Biomass is a term for all organic material that stems from plants
(including algae, trees and crops). Biomass is produced by green
plants converting sunlight into plant material through photosynthesis
and includes all land- and water-based vegetation, as well as all
organic wastes.
• Biomass is the plant material derived from the reaction between CO2
in the air, water and sunlight, via photosynthesis, to produce
carbohydrates that form the building blocks of biomass.
• Fermentation
• Burning
Bacterial Decay
Burning biomass releases carbon dioxide, but growing plants for use
as biomass fuels may also help keep carbon dioxide levels balanced.
4. Tidal
Tidal power exploits energy drawn from the movement of ocean tides to
produce electricity. There are two scenarios in which tides can be tapped for
In the past, large-scale barrage systems dominated the tidal power scene.
But because of increasingly evident unfavourable environmental and
economic drawbacks with this technology, research into the field of tidal
power shifted from barrage systems to tidal current turbines in the last few
decades. This new technology leaves a smaller environmental footprint than
tidal barrages, as turbines are placed in offshore currents avoiding the need
to construct dams to capture the tides along ecologically fragile coastlines.
The gravitational force of attraction of the moon causes that the oceans
waters bulge on the side of the earth that faces the moon. The centrifugal
force produces the same effect but in the opposite side of the earth. On
these two sides it can be observe the maximum amplitudes of the tides (high
tides) and on midways of it occur the minimum amplitudes of the tides (low
As the earth rotates these two bulges travel at the same rate as the earth`s
rotation. The moon rotates around the earth with respect to the sun
approximately 29.5 days (lunar month) in the same direction that the earth
rotates every 24 hours. The rotation of the earth with respect to the moon is
approximately 24.48 hours (24 hours and 50 minutes) and is called lunar
day. This is the reason of why the tides advance approximately 50 minutes
each day.
In very simple terms a barrage is built at the entrance of a gulf and the
water levels vary on both sides of the small dam. Passages are made inside
the dam and water flows through these passages and turbines rotate due to
this flow of water under head of water. Thus, electricity is created using the
5. Geothermal.
Geothermal energy is the energy that comes from the deeper part of the
earth inside. It is due to the phenomenon of slow decaying of radioactive
particles present in the core of the earth. This leads to the formation of
geothermal energy. Earth has four parts or layers:
The crust of solid rock forms the continents and ocean floors. It is 15-
35 miles thick in the continental part and 3-5 miles thick in the parts
of the ocean.
More than 20 countries are utilising this natural energy today. Amongst
them, the USA is the biggest generator of geothermal energy in the world
with the most extensive geothermal field. We can divide the uses of
geothermal energy into three categories:
1. Direct Uses Of Geothermal Energy
After digging wells one or two miles deep into the ground, power
produces from geothermal energy by entering the hot water and steam
into it. This generated energy runs turbines connected to electricity
The USA, Indonesia, and the Philippines are successfully using this
energy. Apart from these countries, Kenya and Turkey are also
efficiently establishing geothermal energy plants.
6. Fuel cell
Working Principle
3. An electrolyte (a solution of H2SO4 for acidic fuel cell and KOH for
alkali fuel cells).
The basic feature of a fuel cell is that the fuel and the oxidant are
combined in the form of ions than in form of neutral molecules.
• A fuel cell is a device that uses hydrogen (or hydrogen-rich fuel) and
oxygen to create electricity by an electrochemical process.
• The electrons from the anode side of the cell cannot pass through the
membrane to the positively charged cathode; they must travel around
it via an electrical circuit to reach the other side of the cell. This
movement of electrons is an electrical current.
7. Hydrogen
Several new and emerging technologies were gaining prominence and had
the potential to reshape various industries. Here are some of the new
Energy Storage
Energy storage is the capture of energy produced at one time for use at a
later time to reduce imbalances between energy demand and energy
production. A device that stores energy is generally called
an accumulator or battery. Energy comes in multiple forms including
radiation, chemical, gravitational potential, electrical potential, electricity,
elevated temperature, latent heat and kinetic. Energy storage involves
converting energy from forms that are difficult to store to more conveniently
or economically storable forms. Some technologies provide short-term
energy storage, while others can endure for much longer. Bulk energy
storage is currently dominated by hydroelectric dams, both conventional as
well as pumped. Grid energy storage is a collection of methods used for
energy storage on a large scale within an electrical power grid. Common
examples of energy storage are the rechargeable battery, which stores
chemical energy readily convertible to electricity to operate a mobile phone;
the hydroelectric dam, which stores energy in a reservoir as
gravitational potential energy; and ice storage tanks, which store ice frozen
by cheaper energy at night to meet peak daytime demand for cooling. Green
hydrogen, from the electrolysis of water, is a more economical means of
long-term renewable energy storage in terms of capital expenditures than
pumped-storage hydroelectricity or batteries. Fossil fuels such as coal and
gasoline store ancient energy derived from sunlight by organisms that later
died, became buried and over time were then converted into these fuels.
Food (which is made by the same process as fossil fuels) is a form of energy
stored in chemical form.
Mechanical Methods
Energy can be stored in water pumped to a higher elevation using pumped
storage methods or by moving solid matter to higher locations (gravity
batteries). Other commercial mechanical methods include compressing
air and flywheels that convert electric energy into internal energy or kinetic
energy and then back again when electrical demand peaks.
Hydroelectric dams with reservoirs can be operated to provide
electricity at times of peak demand. Water is stored in the reservoir
during periods of low demand and released when demand is high. The net
effect is similar to pumped storage, but without the pumping loss.
Pumped hydro
At times of low electrical demand, excess generation capacity is used
to pump water from a lower source into a higher reservoir. When demand
grows, water is released back into a lower reservoir (or waterway or body of
water) through a turbine, generating electricity. Reversible turbine-
generator assemblies act as both a pump and turbine (usually a Francis
turbine design).
Compressed air
Compressed air energy storage (CAES) uses surplus energy to
compress air for subsequent electricity generation. Small-scale systems
have long been used in such applications as propulsion of mine
locomotives. The compressed air is stored in an underground reservoir,
such as a salt dome.
Flywheel energy storage (FES) works by accelerating a rotor (a flywheel)
to a very high speed, holding energy as rotational energy. When energy
is added the rotational speed of the flywheel increases, and when energy is
extracted, the speed declines, due to conservation of energy.
Changing the altitude of solid masses can store or release energy via
an elevating system driven by an electric motor/generator. Studies
suggest energy can begin to be released with as little as 1 second
warning, making the method a useful supplemental feed into an
electricity grid to balance load surges.
Thermal Methods
Thermal energy storage (TES) is the temporary storage or removal of heat.
Sensible heat thermal
Sensible heat storage takes advantage of sensible heat in a material to
store energy. Seasonal thermal energy storage (STES) allows heat or
cold to be used months after it was collected from waste energy or
natural sources.
Carnot battery
Electrical energy can be stored thermally by resistive heating or heat
pumps, and the stored heat can be converted back to electricity
via Rankine cycle or Brayton cycle. This technology has been studied to
retrofit coal-fired power plants into fossil- fuel free generation
systems. Coal-fired boilers are replaced by high-temperature heat storage
charged by excess electricity from renewable energy sources.
Electrochemical Methods
Rechargeable battery
A rechargeable battery comprises one or more electrochemical cells. It
is known as a 'secondary cell' because its electrochemical reactions are
electrically reversible. Rechargeable batteries come in many shapes and
sizes, ranging from button cells to megawatt grid systems.
Chemical Methods
Power to gas
Power to gas is the conversion of electricity to a gaseous fuel such as
hydrogen or methane. The three commercial methods use electricity to
reduce water into hydrogen and oxygen by means of electrolysis. In
the first method, hydrogen is injected into the natural gas grid or is used
for transportation. The second method is to combine the hydrogen
with carbon dioxide to produce methane.
Methane is the simplest hydrocarbon with the molecular formula CH4.
Methane is more easily stored and transported than hydrogen. Storage and
combustion infrastructure (pipelines, gasometers, power plants) are
mature. Methane combustion produces carbon dioxide (CO2) and water.
Power to liquid
Power to liquid is similar to power to gas except that the hydrogen is
converted into liquids such as methanol or ammonia. These are easier to
handle than gases, and requires fewer safety precautions than hydrogen.
They can be used for transportation, including aircraft, but also for
industrial purposes or in the power sector.
Aluminium has been proposed as an energy store by a number of
researchers. Its electrochemical equivalent (8.04 Ah/cm3) is nearly four
times greater than that of lithium (2.06 Ah/cm3). Energy can be
extracted from aluminium by reacting it with water to
generate hydrogen.
Electrical Methods
A capacitor (originally known as a 'condenser') is a passive two-
terminal electrical component used to store energy electrostatically. A
capacitor can store electric energy when disconnected from its charging
circuit, so it can be used like a temporary battery, or like other types
of rechargeable energy storage system. Capacitors are commonly used
in electronic devices to maintain power supply while batteries change.
Superconducting magnetics
Superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) systems store
energy in a magnetic field created by the flow of direct current in
a superconducting coil that has been cooled to a temperature below
its superconducting critical temperature.
Solar Dryers
Solar dryers are devices that use solar energy to dry substances,
especially food. Solar dryers use the heat from sun to remove the moisture
content of food substances. There are two general types of solar dryers:
Direct and indirect.
In indirect solar dryers, the black surface heats incoming air rather
than directly heating the substance to be dried. This heated air is then
passed over the substance to be dried and exits upwards often through
a chimney, taking moisture released from the substance with it. They can
be very simple, just a tilted cold frame with black cloth to an insulated
brick building with active ventilation and a back-up heating system. One
of the advantages of the indirect system is that it is easier to protect
the food, or other substance, from contamination whether wind-blown or by
birds, insects, or animals.
Electric Vehicles
An electric vehicle (EV) is a vehicle that uses one or more electric motors for
propulsion. It can be powered by a collector system, with electricity from
extravehicular sources, or it can be powered autonomously by
a battery (sometimes charged by solar panels, or by converting fuel to
electricity using fuel cells or a generator). EVs include, but are not limited to,
road and rail vehicles, surface and underwater vessels, electric aircraft,
and electric spacecraft. The electricity may be stored in the vehicle using a
battery, flywheel, or supercapacitors. Vehicles using internal combustion
engines usually only derive their energy from a single or a few sources,
usually non-renewable fossil fuels. A key advantage of electric vehicles
is regenerative braking, which recovers kinetic energy, typically lost
during friction braking as heat, as electricity restored to the on-board
There are many ways to generate electricity, of varying costs, efficiency and
ecological desirability.
i. Connection to generator plants
Direct connection to generation plants as is common
among electric trains, trams, trolleybuses and trolley
trucks. Online electric vehicle collects power from electric power
strips buried under the road surface through electromagnetic
Lithium-ion battery
Most electric vehicles use lithium-ion batteries (Li-Ions or LIBs).
Lithium ion batteries have higher energy density, longer life span and
higher power density than most other practical batteries. Complicating
factors include safety, durability, thermal breakdown, its environmental
impact and cost. Li-ion batteries should be used within safe temperature
and voltage ranges in order to operate safely and efficiently. Increasing the
battery's lifespan decreases effective costs. One technique is to operate
a subset of the battery cells at a time and switching these subsets.
Electric Motor
The power of a vehicle's electric motor, as in other machines, is
measured in kilowatts (kW). Electric motors can deliver their maximum
torque over a wide RPM range. This means that the performance of a
vehicle with a 100-kW electric motor exceeds that of a vehicle with a 100-
kW internal combustion engine, which can only deliver its maximum
torque within a limited range of engine speed. Efficiency of charging varies
considerably depending on the type of charger, and energy is lost
during the process of converting the electrical energy to mechanical
energy. Usually, direct current (DC) electricity is fed into a DC/AC inverter
where it is converted to alternating current (AC) electricity and this AC
electricity is connected to a 3-phase AC motor. For electric trains, forklift
trucks, and some electric cars, DC motors are often used. In some
cases, universal motors are used, and then AC or DC may be
employed. In recent production vehicles, various motor types have been
implemented; for instance, induction motors within Tesla Motor vehicles
and permanent magnet machines in the Nissan Leaf and Chevrolet Bolt.
Ground vehicles
a) Pure-electric vehicles
A pure-electric vehicle or all-electric vehicle is powered exclusively
through electric motors. The electricity may come from a battery (battery
electric vehicle), solar panel (solar vehicle) or fuel cell (fuel cell vehicle).
b) Hybrid EVs
The fixed nature of a rail line makes it relatively easy to power EVs through
permanent overhead lines or electrified third rails, eliminating the need for
heavy onboard batteries. Electric locomotives, electric multiple units,
electric trams (also called streetcars or trolleys), electric light rail systems,
and electric rapid transit are all in common use today, especially in Europe
and Asia. Since electric trains do not need to carry a heavy internal
combustion engine or large batteries, they can have very good power-to-
weight ratios. This allows high speed trains such as France's double-
deck TGVs to operate at speeds of 320 km/h (200 mph) or higher,
and electric locomotives to have a much higher power output than diesel
locomotives. In addition, they have higher short-term surge power for fast
acceleration, and using regenerative brakes can put braking power back into
the electrical grid rather than wasting it. Maglev trains are also nearly
always EVs.
Airborne EVs
Since the beginnings of aviation, electric power for aircraft has received a
great deal of experimentation. Currently, flying electric aircraft include
manned and unmanned aerial vehicles.
Seaborne EVs
Electric boats were popular around the turn of the 20th century. Interest in
quiet and potentially renewable marine transportation has steadily
increased since the late 20th century, as solar cells have
given motorboats the infinite range of sailboats. Electric motors can and
have also been used in sailboats instead of traditional diesel
engines. Electric ferries operate routinely. Submarines use batteries
(charged by diesel or gasoline engines at the surface), nuclear power, fuel
cells or Stirling engines to run electric motor-driven propellers.
Wind Turbines
A wind turbine is a device that converts the kinetic
energy of wind into electrical energy. As of 2020, hundreds of thousands
of large turbines, in installations known as wind farms, were generating over
650 gigawatts of power, with 60 GW added each year. Wind turbines are an
increasingly important source of intermittent renewable energy, and are
used in many countries to lower energy costs and reduce reliance on fossil
fuels. One study claimed that, as of 2009, wind had the "lowest relative
greenhouse gas emissions, the least water consumption demands and the
most favourable social impacts" compared
to photovoltaic, hydro, geothermal, coal and gas energy sources. Smaller
wind turbines are used for applications such as battery charging and remote
devices such as traffic warning signs. Larger turbines can contribute to a
domestic power supply while selling unused power back to the utility
supplier via the electrical grid. Wind turbines are manufactured in a wide
range of sizes, with either horizontal or vertical axes, though horizontal is
most common.
Let us understand - What are various types of wind
The Savonius wind turbine (SWT) is a drag-type vertical axis wind turbine
(VAWT). The common design includes a rotating shaft with two or three
scoops that catch the incoming wind. Due to its simplistic and robust design
and its relatively low efficiency it is used whenever reliability is more
important than efficiency. One reason for the low efficiency of a Savonius
wind turbine is that roughly only half of the turbine generates positive
torque, while the other side moves against the wind and thus produces
negative torque. A variant of SWT is the Harmony wind turbine with helix-
shaped blades and an automatic furling mechanism during high-speed wind
The Darrieus wind turbine is a lift-type vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT).
The original design included a number of curved aerofoil blades with the tips
attached on a rotating shaft. However, there are also designs that use
straight vertical airfoils, referred to as H-rotor or Giromill Darrieus wind
turbines. Furthermore, the blades of the Darrieus wind turbine can be
shaped into a helix to reduce the torque ripple effect on the turbine by
spreading the torque evenly over the revolution. Being lift-type devices, the
Darrieus wind turbines can extract more power from the wind than drag-
type wind turbines, such as the Savonius wind turbine.
Revolving Wing
Revolving wing wind turbines or rotating wing wind turbines are a new
category of lift-type vertical axis wind turbines (VAWT) which use 1 vertically
standing, non-helical airfoil to generate 360-degree rotation around a
vertical shaft that runs through the centre of the airfoil.
VAWTs offer a number of advantages over traditional horizontal-axis wind
turbines (HAWTs):
Omni-directional VAWTs may not need to track the wind. This means
they don't require a complex mechanism and motors to yaw the rotor
and pitch the blades.
Gearbox replacement and maintenance are simpler and more efficient,
because the gearbox is accessible at ground level instead of requiring the
operator work hundreds of feet in the air. Motor and gearbox failures
generally are significant operation and maintenance considerations.
Some designs can use screw pile foundations, which reduces the road
transport of concrete and the environmental impact of installation. Screw
piles can be fully recycled at end of life.
When the velocity of a VAWT wind turbine grows, so does the power,
however at a certain peak point, the power progressively decreases to zero
even while the wind turbine velocity is at its greatest.[clarification
needed] Such that, disc brakes are used to slow the velocity of a wind
turbine at high wind conditions. However, sometimes due to disc brake
overheating, the turbine can catch fire. VAWTs often suffer from dynamic
stall of the blades as the angle of attack varies rapidly. The blades of a
VAWT are fatigue-prone due to the wide variation in applied forces during
each rotation. The vertically oriented blades can twist and bend during each
turn, shortening their usable lifetimes. Other than the drag-types, VAWTs
have proven less reliable than HAWTs, although modern designs have
overcome many early issues.
What is “Renewable Energy” and where does it come from? We all think we
know and some of us may even be able to name some of the most prominent
sources of renewable energy, but do we really understand the purpose of each
type (such as how and where it is used), how much energy it can generate or
its wider economic or benefits? Here, we attempt to cut through the fog and
give a clear and decisive summary of the information presently available on
renewable energy and associated technologies. Put simply, renewable energies
are those generated from sources that do not have a finite end, or those that
can be recycled, typically from natural sources - like solar power, wind power
and water power. These are the examples that we think about most when we
hear the term “renewable energy” but they are not the only sources.
We use energy every day of our lives - our electronic devices require electricity
for power, our streetlights need the same for lighting, our vehicles require
gasoline and diesel. We fuel our homes with domestic oil, propane or electricity
from a national or local grid for lighting, heating and for powering our devices.
You're reading this article on a website that is hosted on a server that needs
power, as does the computer with which you are viewing the site. The places we
work use computers, phone networks, security systems and servers, as do our
shopping malls, parking lots, sports stadiums, cars, airplanes and so on. All of
these things require power from fuel.
The world is doing what it can to reduce carbon emissions and limit the global
average temperature change with a new agreement decided in 2015 at the Paris
Climate Summit (or COP21). To move forward, we also need to realize that
there is only so much that can possibly be done in limiting GHG output as the
human population only increases and puts more demands on our energy
infrastructure. To further help the environment and secure the future of the
planet for our children and their children, we need to move to renewable
sources for our energy generation.
Renewable energy is often used for electricity generation, heating and cooling.
Renewable energy projects are typically large-scale, but they are also suited
to rural and remote areas and developing countries, where energy is often
crucial in human development. Renewable energy is often deployed together
with further electrification, which has several benefits: electricity can move
heat or objects efficiently, and is clean at the point of consumption.
Renewable energy
Renewable energy is energy that has been derived from earth’s natural
resources that are not finite or exhaustible, such as wind and sunlight.
Renewable energy is an alternative to the traditional energy that relies on fossil
fuels, and it tends to be much less harmful to the environment.
There are different types of sources for power generation which is given below
in details. Hydro energy, small Hydro power, Biomass Power, Biopower, Urban
Industrial waste power, wing power, solar power
The rural population, the ultimate beneficiaries of the programmes, have little
role in deciding the design content of any renewable energy programme leading
to failure of the programmes in many cases. Further, the RET dissemination
has also failed to take into account the gender perspective during the planning
and implementation stages resulting in the limited success of the programme.
Absence of adequate database: Absence of reliable and adequate database of
the resources, weather and other environmental parameters in the region is a
chronic problem in implementation of the RET schemes.
The application of RETs being site-specific, reliable weather and resource
availability data plays a vital role during the implementation and operation of
the system. The absence of authentic information on physical and social
conditions of difficult and remote villages in most hilly areas of the NE region
has led to poor technical performance of the systems.
Financial barriers
The infrastructure bottleneck and remoteness of the region has made
installation costs of RETs very high even though, the region receives a higher
subsidy on the purchase of RET devices than the rest of India. Moreover, high
subsidies on the commercial fuels in spite of their environmental implications
has also slowed the pace of RET dissemination. The government subsidized
commercial fuel use does not take into account the efficiency of the device
(kerosene stove, lamp, etc).
Thus, the subsidy on fossil fuels (covert and overt) is largely responsible for the
unfavorable market economics bearing on RETs. Further, inefficient
technologies using traditional or commercial energy are bound to show better
attractiveness than RETs based on financial cost-benefit analysis. In view of
the need to promote sustainable development, it is not just the financial cost of
a renewable energy project, which is important, but also the attached social
and economic costs. Also, currently there is no mechanism in the region to
provide micro credit facility to the beneficiaries for installation of RETs.
Though at current market prices, RETs are unaffordable to the poor without
subsidy, but with appropriate financial support schemes the subsidy can be
gradually reduced and market for RETs may be developed in the region. The
higher financial stake in the ownership of the device also compels beneficiaries
to use the systems regularly and efficiently, as they have to repay the loan.
Experience in our country as well as globally has shown that micro credit
mechanisms assist in disseminating RETs more efficiently among the rural
people instead of direct capital subsidy.
Technological barriers
In many of the programmes, little attention has been paid to the issue of
matching technologies with peoples’ needs and resource availability of a
particular location. The suitability of a particular technology to either the
beneficiary or the place is usually not considered and technologies have been
promoted with the consideration that the users will modify their lifestyles in
accordance with the technology. This is evident from cases such as
constructing smokeless ICs where households use smoke for curing food and
drying wood, installing biogas plants in areas with paucity of cattle dung
and/or water, and installation of street lights in areas where people do not
venture out after sunset.
Except for some schemes funded by the NEC, and the biogas and IC
programmes implemented through the Khadi and Village Industries
Commission, the participation of NGOs in promoting renewables in the region
has been minimal. The strengths of the large number of NGOs working in the
rural development sector in the region have not been harnessed effectively.
Experience has shown that NGOs and rural entrepreneurs can contribute
significantly to successful promotion of RETs such as identification of
appropriate interventions, implementation, and repair and maintenance of the
installed systems.
Dissemination approach
Support systems:
Local technicians can be identified and their existing skills enhanced to repair
RET devices. More funds should be invested in local infrastructure creation
and imparting of technical skills to qualified local people as many devices fail
due to lack of prompt after sales service. Establishment of ‘energy service’
companies should be encouraged at district/block level for sale, installation,
and maintenance services of RETs where spare parts could be easily available.
This would ease the burden on the implementation agencies and make such
services easily accessible to the users. The respective state governments should
promote rural development schemes linked to the RETs, which encourage
entrepreneurs to take up manufacturing, installation, maintenance, monitoring
and awareness related jobs
The idea should not be only to survey the remote villages where grid
electrification may not be possible but to survey all villages and find out the
least cost option for ‘sustainable electrification’. There is also need to combine
resource mapping and GIS based rural planning models for determining the
scope and best location for implementing a project.
Because of the limited access to technical information, the users are unable to
take optimum advantages of devices. Capacity building is needed at the
grassroots level and persons/groups with interest in the technology need to be
identified, trained in its installation and maintenance, and then encouraged to
set up small business/ESCOs to sell and service the technology within the
local area.
A. Technical Issues
1. Power quality
a. Harmonics
b. Frequency and voltage fluctuation
2. Power fluctuation
3. Storage
4. Protection issues
6. Islanding
Apart from aforesaid technical issues some of the non-technical issues are also
presented in this paper.
B. Non-Technical Issues
3. RES technologies are excluded from the competition by giving them priority
to dispatch which discourage the installation of new power plant for reserve
The renewable energy sources such as solar, wind etc. has accelerated the
transition towards greener energy sources. The increasing number of renewable
energy sources and distributed generators requires new strategies for the
operation and management of the electricity grid in order to maintain or even
to improve the power-supply reliability and quality. Keeping in view of the
aforesaid some of the possible solutions have been proposed by researchers.
3. In case of irrigation load the load is fed during the night time or off-peak
load time and this is fed by conventional grid. On other hand power generated
by RES like solar PV is generated during day time so we can use this power for
irrigation purposes instead of storing the energy for later time which increases
the cost of the overall system. Using the solar water pumping for irrigation
gives very high efficiency approx 80% to 90% and the cost of solar water
pumping is much lesser than the induction motor pumping type.
4. In large solar PV plant output power is fluctuating during the whole day and
this power is fed to the grid and continuously fluctuating power gives rise to
the security concern to the grid for making stable grid. Solar PV plant owner
have to install the different type of storage system which gives additional cost
to the plant owner. Once the storage system is fully charged then this storage
elements gives no profit to the system owner. Therefore, solar based water
pumping system may be installed instead of storage system.
India’s energy-mix comprises both fossil fuels (coal, lignite, petroleum and
natural gas) and renewable energy sources (wind, solar, small hydro, biomass
etc.). The fossil fuels, with about three-fifths of the country’s power generation
capacity being dependent on vast indigenous reserves of coal. However,
electricity demand is higher during crop irrigation time and in summer when
cooling load for human comfort is extremely higher than the supply.
Solar Radiation
All the solar energy devices depend upon the electromagnetic radiation continuously being emitted
from the sun and striking the Earth surface. These are short wave radiations. When solar radiation
strikes the Earth’s surface, it gets absorbed and is re-emitted as long wavelength thermal radiation.
Thus, thermal radiations are a form of energy emission and depend solely on the temperature and
the characteristics of the emitting surface. The various forms of radiations differ only in
wavelength. If you study the spectrum of electromagnetic waves, the range of wavelength of
thermal radiation is, theoretically, from zero meter to infinity. A large part of thermal radiation has
wavelength in the range from about 0.1 μm to 100 μm(1μm = 10 -6 meter). The visible portion of
thermal radiation ranges from approximately 0.4 μm to 0.7 μm.
As solar radiation passes through the atmosphere, some of it is absorbed, some is scattered, and the
rest is reflected by the following:
Air molecules
Water vapor
Forest fires
The radiation reaching the Earth’s surface is called diffused solar radiation or simply diffused
radiation. The solar radiation which reaches the Earth's surface without being diffused is called
direct solar radiation or simply direct insolation. The sum of the diffused and direct insolation is
called global insolation. Atmospheric conditions can reduce direct insolation by about 10% on
clear, dry days and by 100% on thick, cloudy days.
The emissive power, Eb, of a black body is expressed by Stefan- Boltzman law defined as follows:
Eb T 4 …(1.4)
where σ = Stefan-Boltzmann constant = 5.67 x 10-8 W/m2.K4 and T is the temperature in degree
Incident Reflected
Radiation Radiation
Before we discuss solar radiation on a surface (horizontal or tilted), let us talk about the nature of
the solar radiation. The earth receives two types of solar radiation called beam and diffuse
radiation. These are defined in the following sections.
1.4.2 Beam Radiation or Direct Radiation
The radiation received by the Earth without any change in the direction is referred to as beam
radiation or direct radiation as shown in Fig. 1.4.1.
Beam Radiation
Insolation: Total amount of solar radiation per unit area per day reaching a part of the Earth is
called the ‘insolation’, a short form of “incident solar radiation”.
Solar insolation is defined as the amount of sunshine incident on the surface of the Earth per unit
area per day. You can determine the size of solar collectors provided the value of solar insolation is
known. If the value of solar insolation is less, the area of the collector will be large as compared to
the case where solar insolation is high.
Solar insolation is expressed in KWh/m2/day. It is the amount of solar energy which falls on a
square meter of Earth’s surface in a single day.
1.4.5 Irradiance
The rate at which radiations fall on a surface per unit area is called irradiance (W/m2).
In solar energy engineering, we come across the term extraterrestrial solar radiation and terrestrial
solar radiation. In order to understand these terms, let us consider terrestrial and extraterrestrial
regions as shown in Fig. 1.4.4.
Diffused Radiation
Region Long Wavelength Radiation
The intensity of extraterrestrial radiation measured at a plane normal to the radiation is given by
(Duffie and Beckman 1991).
I ext I sc [1 0.033 cos(360n / 365)] …(1.7)
Iext = extraterrestrial radiation
Isc = solar constant
n = day of the year (n = 1 for January 1, n= 365 for December 31)
Example 1.1
Evaluate the extraterrestrial solar radiation on January 1, June 22 and December 1.
For January 1, n = 1
For June 22, n = 174
For December 21, n = 355
Using Eq. (1.7), we get
For January 1:
Iext = 1367 [1 + 0.033 cos (360 x 1/365)] = 1412 W/m2
For June 22 :
Iext = 1367 [1 + 0.033 cos (360 x 174/365)] = 1322 W/m2
For December 21:
Iext = 1367 [1 + 0.033 cos (360 x 355/365)] = 1411 W/m2
The main components of solar radiation falling on the earth are the following:
Short wavelength (optical wavelengths) radiation from the Sun reaches the top of the
Clouds reflect 17% back into space. If the Earth gets more cloudy, as some climate models
predict, more radiation will be reflected back and less will reach the surface.
8% is scattered backwards by air molecules.
6% is actually directly reflected off the surface back into the space.
So the total reflectivity of the earth is 31% which is technically known as Albedo.
You may be wondering what happens to the remaining 69% of the incoming radiation that doesn’t
get reflected back. Here is the approximate break up:
19% gets absorbed directly by dust, ozone and water vapour in the upper atmosphere. This
region is also known as stratosphere and is heated by this absorbed radiation.
4% gets absorbed by the clouds located in the troposphere. This is lower part of the Earth’s
The remaining 46% of the sunlight that is incident on top of the earth’s atmosphere reaches
the surface.
Example 1.2
Estimate the average energy from the Sun that reaches the surface of the Earth.
Incident solar energy on the ground:
Average over the entire Earth = 170 W/m2 over a 24 hour day
8 hour summer day , 40 degree latitude = 600 W/m2
So this 8 hour will receive
8 hours* 600 W/m2 = 4800 Whr/m2 which equals 4.8 KWh /m2.
Ibn Ibn
Ibn = beam radiation at normal incidence
Is = beam radiation at horizontal surface
Ibi = beam radiation at tilted surface
If the ground and other surfaces seen by the tilted surface have a diffuse reflectivity τ g for both
beam and diffuse sky radiation, the amount of ground-reflected solar radiation on the tilted surface
is equal to τg (1- cos s)/2, of the total radiation (Ib + Id) on the horizontal surface.
The beam, diffuse, and reflected components, can be added to give the total incident radiation, I t ,
on a tilted surface. The total solar radiation on a horizontal surface, I, is the sum of horizontal beam
and diffuse radiation.
The computation of solar radiation on a horizontal or tilted surface is not an easy task and requires
a complete knowledge of solar geometry and earth sun relationships. However, there are
correlations available for estimation of solar radiations at horizontal surfaces. Ultimately we need
the values of monthly average of daily solar radiation on a horizontal surface.
The correlation for determining monthly average of daily solar radiation on a horizontal surface is
given by the following relation:
H n
ab ( ) …(1.8)
Ho N
H = monthly average daily total radiation on a horizontal surface
Ho = monthly average daily extraterrestrial radiation on a
horizontal surface
n = monthly average daily hours of bright sunshine hours
N = monthly average of the maximum possible daily hours of
bright sunshine hours
The a and b are the regression parameters and are given by
a 0.309 0.539 cos 0.0693 E0 0.290(n / N ) …(1.9)
b 1.527 1.027 cos 0.0926 E0 0.359(n / N ) …(1.10)
φ = latitude
E0 = elevation of the location above sea level in kilometers.
The values of φ (latitude) and E0 (elevation of the location above sea level in kilometers) are given
in Table 1.6.1 for few locations.
Given, Imax = 2.5 A, Vmax= 0.5 V, solar intensity I(t) = 800 W/m2
Area of solar cell Ac = 10 cm x 10 cm = 100 cm2 =100 x 10-4 m2.
From Eq. (2.2) we have
Imax ×Vmax 2.5 × 0.5
Cell Efficiency = I(t)×Ac
= 800 × 100 × 10−4 = 𝟎. 𝟏𝟓𝟔
In percentage, efficiency = 0.156 x 100% = 15.6 %
Example 1.3 If a solar intensity of 500 W/m2 is incident on a solar cell of area 3 m2.
Calculate the power output of the cell. If the efficiency of cell is 12%.
Given, Solar intensity I (t) = 500 W/m2, Area of solar cell Ac = 3 m2,
Cell efficiency = 12% = 0.12
Pout Pout
We know that, Cell Efficiency = =
PinI(t)×Ac I(t)×Ac
Or, Power output, Pout= cell efficiency x I (t) x Ac= (0.12 x 500 x 3) Watt = 180 Watt
1.5.2 Working of Photovoltaic (Solar) Cell: Photovoltaic Effect
When a photovoltaic cell is exposed to sunlight, it produces voltage or current. It is called as
photovoltaic effect. A solar cell is essentially a p-n junction diode. A typical silicon solar cell consists
of a boron-doped p-type semiconductor and a phosphorous-doped n-type semiconductor. When these
two are connected, an electric field is created at the P-N junction. The Schematic diagram of typical
solar cell is presented in Fig. 1.4.
When sunlight strikes a solar cell, photons are absorbed. Some photons have energies greater than the
energy difference between the valance and conduction bands of the solar cell's semiconductor
material. After absorbing such a photon, an electron in the semiconductor material jumps to the
conduction band, forming an electron-hole pair. These are known as light-generated electrons and
holes. The electric field created at the p-n junction gives these electrons and holes momentum and
direction. The electron near the p-n junction moves to the n-type side, while the hole near the junction
moves to the p-type side. As a result, a potential difference is created between the two sides of the
junction, and if the two sides are connected by an external load, current flows from positive to
Fig.1.6 (a):Thin film solar cells Fig. 1.6 (b): Thin film cell laminated on the window
PV modules or solar panels are constructed by connecting solar cells in series to produce the desired
current and voltage. Photovoltaic panels are available in a variety of sizes and shapes, depending on
the desired power output. A typical crystalline PV module contains very thin silicon solar cells
(thickness of about 300 micron). A string of cells is placed between a top glass cover (toughened glass
with high transmittivity), an encapsulate (transparent and insulating layer of EVA (ethylene vinyl
acetate), and a back cover to provide strength and protect the cells from damage. The back cover is
made of an insulating teldar sheet or a transparent glass sheet. An outer metallic frame is attached for
strength and easy mounting on the structures. At the back of the module, a terminal box with positive
and negative strings is also installed.
There are two types of crystalline PV modules available, depending on whether the back cover is
opaque tedlar or transparent glass. I Glass-to-tedlar or opaque PV module with tedlar back cover and
ii) Gass-to-Glass or semi-transparent PV module with glass back cover, as shown in Figs. 1.9 (a) and
1.9 (b). The power outputof a PV module is affected by solar intensity, solar cell temperature, solar
cell electrical efficiency, and load resistance. The majority of module manufacturers produce modules
with 12 V or 24 V output voltage.
A solar power tower is a large-scale electricity generation system. It consists of a large tower that
serves as the primary receiver of solar energy. It works by directing the sun's rays to the top of the
central tower via thousands of mirrors. Heliostats are a large number of flat and sun tracking mirrors.
The heat transfer fluid is heated in a mounted heat exchanger after the receiver collects the sun's heat.
This hot fluid is then used to generate steam for a conventional steam turbine and generator at the
bottom of the tower, which generates electricity. Initially, water and steam were used as heat transfer
fluids in most solar power tower plants.To maximise temperature, some advanced designs employ
high temperature molten salts. Figure 1.11 depicts a schematic diagram of a typical solar power tower
Fig. 1.11: Solar power tower plant (Source: Solar Energy Technologies Office) Trough Solar Power Plant
The most common type of CSP device is a parabolic trough. It is essentially a solar thermal collector
that is used to concentrate the sun's rays along a specific line. It is made up of parabolic mirrors with
metallic polish on the concave side. Because of its parabolic shape, it can focus solar radiation along
the focal line of the trough. It is powerful enough to focus the sun’s rays.
Figure 1.12 depicts a schematic diagram of a parabolic trough solar power plant. It is made up of a
long metal receiver pipe filled with heat transfer fluid (HTF), usually synthetic oil. Pipe is installed
along the trough's focal line. When sunlight strikes the parabolic trough collectors, it is concentrated
along the receiver pipe. The receiver absorbs concentrated solar energy, and the temperature of HTF
inside the receiver pipe rises to around 390 degrees Celsius. The heat is then transferred from the HTF
to the working fluid (WF), which is typically water, via heat exchangers 1 (pre-heater) and 2. (boiler).
Superheated steam of water is produced as a result of this heat transfer. This steam is then used to
power the conventional steam turbine, which generates electricity via a generator. Exhausted steam is
allowed to pass through a condenser, where it is converted into water and then pumped back to the
heat exchanger via a pump. It is now the most commercially used and cost effective CSP plant.
power plants, these plants typically use a direct steam collection system rather than a heat transfer
fluid and heat exchanger to improve efficiency and lower costs.
Solar Photovoltaic Array:It converts sunlight directly into direct current (DC).
Charge Controller: It regulates battery charging and protects it from overcharging. A battery bank is
not always required in a PV system. It is only required if the PV system includes a battery bank.
Battery Bank:The energy produced by the PV array that is not immediately consumed is stored in a
battery bank. Few PV systems use the electricity generated immediately and do not require a battery
Inverter: It converts the direct current (DC) generated by the PV array to alternating current (AC)
(AC). This is necessary because most of our home appliances require AC power to function.
Utility Meter/Power Meter: It measures the electricity consumption by households or apartments.
Electric Grid: It is an interconnected network that distributes electricity from producers to
consumers. If the house is wired to the grid, any excess power generated after using and storing it in
the battery will be sent to the grid.
A PV power generation plant also requires a variety of balance of system (BOS) hardware, such as
wiring, overcurrent, safety and grounding equipment, surge protection and disconnect devices, and
other power processing equipment. Figure 1.15 depicts the main components of a PV power
generation system, as well as the relationships between them.
controller/ Utility meter
PV Array
During the summer, it is possible that the solar PV system produces more electricity than is required
by the consumer. This excess energy can be stored in batteries or fed directly into the utility grid via
the PV system. PV power generation systems are classified into two types based on their functional
and operational requirements, as well as how the components are connected to other power sources
and the grid:
(i) Grid connected or on grid PV systems
(ii) Stand Alone or off grid PV systems
1. Grid ConnectedPV Systems
Grid connected PV systems are also referred to as "on-grid," "grid-tied," or "utility-interactive." The
PV array in this PV system is linked to the local power grid via a power inverter. It works in tandem
with the electric utility grid. Extra power generated that is not required by users is fed into the utility
grid. Figure 1.16 depicts a block diagram of the main components of a grid-connected PV system. It is
made up of three major components: a PV array that converts solar energy into DC power, a grid-
connected inverter that converts DC power to AC power and also generates sinusoidal power that will
be used by local AC loads. The utility metre is also used to send any excess power to the power grid.
To record the electricity coming from or going to the utility grid, a bi-directional metre is required.
AC Load
Grid connected
AC Load/home
• active systems
• passive systems
Active solar systems rely upon moving mechanical parts in order to
transport heat. The collector is usually an all copper tube and fin absorber
enclosed with an insulated aluminum frame or "box", covered with a
glazing. The water is circulated through the solar panels.
The passive systems, on the other hand, use the sun’s energy to transport
heat. Passive systems can be divided into two types: Thermosyphon and
Collectors Storage. Passive solar systems are popular because of their
inherent simplicity and reliability. The storage tank is located on the roof
and heating effect of the sun causes warm water to circulate within it.
Solar water heaters are also classified based on their designs, location, heat
transfer mechanism etc and are discussed as follows:
• type of collector
• location of the collector
• location of the storage tank
• with and without pump
• method of heat transfer
A solar water heater basically consists of the following:
• a collector to collect solar energy
• an insulated tank to store the hot water
The solar collector could be Flat Plate Collector or Evacuated Tube
Collector. We will now discuss solar water heaters based on these
collectors’ types. For applications where the temperature requirements are
below 85 ºC, following three types of solar water heaters may be used:
• Collector-cum-storage solar water heater
• Natural circulation type solar water heater
• Forced circulation type solar water heater
Before we discuss these types of solar water heaters, let us first discuss the
ways of efficient use of solar energy and energy losses in a flat plate
Thermal Convention
The liquids and gases transfer heat by convection. Fireplaces produce
natural convention, warm air rises and are replaced by cold air. Most space
heating system operate via convective heat transfer (forced air).
Thermal Radiation
All materials absorb sunlight and heats up and then re-rediates that as
long wavelength infrared radiation (heat radiation). Sandstone dwellings
and walls absorb much sunlight during the day and then radiate that as heat
at night.
• Efficiency depends upon specific heat of material and its thermal
• Specific heat measure of how much energy a substance can store
Thermal conductivity measure of efficiency of heat transfer (i:e getting
it back when you want it).
The specific heat and thermal conductivity of some materials is given
in Table
Material Specific Heat Thermal Conductivity
(KJ/Kg ºC) (W/m ºC)
Water 4.19 0.596
Iron 0.502 62.764
Glass 0.67 1.05
Concrete 1.13 1.73
Aluminum 0.921 211
It mainly consists of the following components:
(a) a rectangular box covered by glass wool insulation around the bottom
and side walls
(b) one or two glass covers at the top (glazing)
The system works on the greenhouse principle. When solar radiation is
passed through the transparent cover or covers and impinges on the
blackened absorber plate of high absorptivity, it gets absorbed by the
absorber. The glass covers allow the short wave solar radiations to enter.
The thermal radiations (long wave radiations) are not allowed to escape by
the glazing. So the solar energy which enters inside is trapped and
absorbed by the water.
The underside of the absorber plate and the side casing are well insulated
to reduce conduction losses. In solar water heaters, the water tubes are
welded to the absorber plate, or they can be an integral part of the plate.
The water tubes are connected at both ends by large headers.
Functions of the Transparent Covers
In solar energy collectors, the transparent cover is used for the following
• to reduce convection losses from the absorber plate through the
stagnant air layer between the absorber plate and the glass
• to reduce radiation losses from the collector because the spectral
transmissivity of glass is such that it is transparent to short-wave
radiations but nearly opaque to long-wave thermal radiation emitted
by the interior of the collector.
• To further reduce radiation-convection losses when two or more
transparent covers are used.
Collector Tilt
We will now discuss the orientation of solar collectors for receiving
maximum solar radiations throughout the year. Flat-plate collectors are
usually permanently fixed in position and require no tracking of the sun.
The solar collectors should be oriented directly toward the equator, facing
south in the northern hemisphere and facing north in the southern
hemisphere. The optimum tilt angle of solar collectors is equal to the
latitude. For winter season, tilt angle should be approximately 10 to 15
more than the latitude. For summer season, tilt angle should be
approximately 10 to 15 less than the latitude.
Flat-plate collectors are useful in supplying thermal energy at moderate
temperatures; up to the normal boiling point of water (100 ºC). The major
applications of flat-plate collectors are in domestic hot water and space
heating, and to a lesser degree, in industrial processes. They can be
employed to supply hot water in absorption refrigeration systems for space
Solar Water Heaters based on Flat Plate Collectors
Solar water heaters based on flat plate collectors works on passive
concepts. Passive solar water heating systems are mainly of two types:
• Thermosyphon systems
• Integral Collectors Storage (ICS) systems.
Natural Circulation Type of Solar Water Heaters
The systematic diagram of a solar water heater is shown in Fig. . It consists
of the following components:
(a) insulated outer metallic box.
(b) metallic box is covered by a glass sheet called glazing.
• selectively coated black metallic absorber sheets with built in
• highly insulated water tank placed at a height above the collector
The solar radiations are absorbed by the absorber, the water in the tubes
gets heated and then moves up because of decrease in density and gets
stored in the insulated tank. The fresh water enters the solar collector by
thermosyphoning (natural flow). This process goes on till sunshine is
available. The hot water in the tank can retain its heat for 2-3 days
depending upon the insulation level of the tank. Nowadays, new polymer
flat plate collectors are available in Europe. These types of solar water
heaters are used for domestic applications and at the places where
electricity is not available.
To be Remembered :
The circulation of water takes place automatically and goes on until
temperature of collector water and that of the storage tank are equal.
The collector gives hot water in the range of 50-60 ºC
Special Features of a Venus Solar Water Heater are the following:
Collector Plate:
• High performance, specially coated collector plate to maximise heat
absorption from solar radiation.
• Water temperature up to 80º-85º can be realized in 3-4 hours of
bright sunshine.
• Unique Copper Inner Tank: No corrosion, lifelong trouble free
• Thick insulation of glass wool to minimize heat loss overnight
• Powder coated aluminium body prevents rusting and corrosion
• Rugged and sturdy construction design helps withstand adverse
weather conditions.
• Safer than electric heaters.
Fig. a Solar Water Heater
Economics of Solar Water Heaters
You will find that initially when compared to an electric heater, any Solar
Heater may sound slightly expensive. But a Solar water heater will pay
back its investment in 2-3 years.
For example: Consider a 100 LPD (liters per day capacity) water heater.
You may consider the following parameters:
• Total cost of Solar Water Heater : Rs.18,800
• Cost of Electric Water Heater : Rs.8,800
• Difference in initial cost = Rs. 10000
• A solar water of 100 LPD may replace two numbers of 25 Ltrs.
Electric Water Heater and works for 300 days/year resulting an
annual energy saving of 1200 KWh..
• Electric tariff = Rs.4.50/ KWh
• Annual cost of energy saved = Rs. 4.5 x 1200 = Rs. 5400
Payback period = (10000/5400) x 12 = 22 months
Forced Circulation Type of Solar Water Heaters
As the name implies, water in this type of solar water heater is pumped
using water pumps because these types of water heaters are used where
there is requirement of large amount of hot water. The large number of
solar collectors is used in series as per the water requirement. A schematic
diagram of such type of solar water heaters is shown in Fig. 3.4.4.
Water Water
storage out
Solar Radiation
Cold Water in
Water Pump
The useful gain of the solar collector, Qu, may be written as follows:
Qu mC p (To Ti ) (3.2)
m = flow rate of water, Kg./s
Cp = Specific heat of water, J/Kg. ºC
To = Outlet water temperature, ºC
Ti = Inlet water temperature, ºC
Now under steady state conditions, the energy balance at the collector
Useful heat delivered by solar collector
= Energy absorbed by the absorber surface of the collector – Heat loss
from the absorber to the surroundings.
Qu FR Ac [ I ( ) U L (Ti Ta )]
Ac = Collector area, m2
I = Solar radiation received on the collector surface, W/ m2
τ = Transmissivity of the glazing
α = Absorptivity of the absorber
UL = Collector overall heat loss coefficient, W/ m2 ºC
Using Eqns. (3.1), (3.2) and (3.3), you can arrive at the following relation:
Ti Ta
FR [( ) U L ( )]
The evacuated tube collectors are able to maintain their efficiency level
over a wide range of heating requirements and ambient temperatures.
Why evacuated tube solar collectors?
(1) The peak efficiency levels of flat plate collectors and that of
evacuated tube collectors are almost the same.
(2) The advantage of evacuated tube collectors become clear when
seen on annual basis: Less conductive and convective heat loses,
strong and long lasting, compact size
(3) On annual basis, the output per m2 of evacuated tube collector is
25 to 40% greater than the flat plate collector.
Advantages of Solar Water Heaters
There are numerous advantages of solar water heater. Some of them are
listed below:
Payback Period
Solar water heaters have different payback period depending upon the fuel
replaced; 2-3 years when electricity is replaced; 3-4 years when furnace
oil is replaced; 4-6 years when coal is replaced.
Fuel Savings
On an average, a 100 liters capacity of solar water heater can save about
1500 units of electricity annually. You know that sun is free.
Environmental Benefits
Solar hot water is a green and renewable heating system. It does not
release any harmful CO2 or other pollutants. On an average, a 100 liters
capacity of solar water heater can prevent 1.5 tonnes of CO2 annually.
Round the Clock Availability of Hot Water
A solar water heater can provide hot water round the clock depending upon
the size.
Maintenance and Fuel Costs Free
Solar water heaters are maintenance free and there are no operating costs.
Long Life
Solar water heater has long life (15-20 years).
Course Name: Emerging Technologies in Renewable Energy Sources.
Topic Name : Solar Air Heaters & Solar dryer
A solar collector is basically a heat exchanger, which absorbs the incident solar
radiation, convert it into heat and finally transfer this heat to a heat removal fluid
which is also called working fluid for an end use system.
If the working fluid is water, solar collector is called solar water heater .
If the working fluid is air, solar collector is called solar air heater.
(1) First type has nonporous absorber in which air stream does not flow through the
absorber plate.
(2) Second type has a porous absorber in which air stream flows through the absorber
The flow of the air is above the absorber. On the other hand, the air flow is below
the absorber in the solar air heater.
The selective coatings may be applied to the absorber to reduce the radiative
Ti Ta
FR [( ) e U L ( )]
• Increasing the convective heat transfer coefficient between the air stream
and the absorber plate
• Increasing the surface area to transfer heat from the absorber plate to the air
stream using fins etc.
The main disadvantage of nonporous solar air heater is the low transfer
between air and the absorber plate.
The heat transfer can be increased by roughing the surface of the absorber at
the rear, by adding fins or by making the absorber plate vee corrugated.
Solar Air Collectors with a Porous Absorber
The incoming air introduced from the upper surface of the matrix is first heated by
the upper layers.
The air stream gets heated while traveling through the matrix layers. The lower
matrix layers are hotter than the upper ones resulting into better heat transfer from
the matrix.
(b) The pressure drop for the porous matrix is usually much lower than the
nonporous absorber.
Applications of Solar Air Heating Systems
The air heated by solar collectors can be used in the following applications:
Space Heating
(1) If the solar radiation is available and the heating load is there, the room air is
circulated through the solar collectors and returned back to the room.
(2) When there is no space heating load, the air heated by the collectors is sent
through the pebble bed storage where the thermal energy carried by the hot air is
absorbed by the pebble bed for later use.
(3) When there is no sunlight but the space requires heating, the room air is
circulated through the pebble bed to meet the required heating load.
(4) When there is no sunlight or the stored energy is not sufficient to meet the
required heating load, then some auxiliary energy source is used to meet the extra
heating demand.
❖ Solar energy has tremendous potential among all the renewable energy
❖ Solar air heating systems are used mainly for drying applications.
❖ Solar dryers can be used in agriculture for food and crop drying and in
industries for drying chemicals etc.
❖ Solar drying can be used for the entire drying process or for supplementing
artificial drying systems, so reducing the total amount of fuel energy
Solar energy has tremendous potential among all the renewable energy sources. If
we are able to convert even a small fraction of it, it will turn out one of the best
energy source to the human society.
Solar air heating systems are used mainly for drying applications.
Solar dryers can be used in agriculture for food and crop drying and in industries
for drying chemicals etc.
Solar drying can be used for the entire drying process or for supplementing
artificial drying systems, so reducing the total amount of fuel energy required.
Whether it is open sun or solar drying or by any other method, drying implies the
partial removal of moisture i.e. water from the material. But when fuel fired
equipment is used in the process then the term dehydration is often used. The
conditions essential to both drying and dehydration include a supply of heat energy
to evaporate the water and a supply of air to carry away the water vapor produced.
A part of the solar radiation is reflected back, while the remaining part is
absorbed by the surface of the products.
The absorbed radiation is converted into the thermal energy and the temperature
of the product starts rising.
This leads to the loss of long wave radiations from the surface of the products to
ambient air through the moist air. Simultaneously, there is convective heat loss
due to blowing wind over the product.
It results in evaporation of moisture and its loss to the surrounding air and the
product gets dried.
• It results in evaporation of moisture and its loss to the surrounding air and the
product gets dried.
Open sun drying, though it is very economical, has many demerits. Some of them
are given below:
• Open sun drying requires presence of somebody at site throughout the drying
period, so that the products could be protected from birds, animals and adverse
weather conditions.
• The resulting dried products are not of high quality because of dusts and other
sediments present in the atmosphere etc.
Solar cabinet dryer mainly consist of a drying cabinet. One side of the cabinet is
glazed to let admit solar radiation in, which is converted into low grade thermal heat
raising the temperature of inside air, the drying chamber, and the material to be dried.
Usually, the solar radiation falls directly on the material being dried. The moisture
evaporated by solar heat is removed by air circulation. This is accomplished either
by designing to encourage natural convective air flow or by forcing circulation with
fans or blowers.
❖ One side of the cabinet is glazed to let admit solar radiation in, which is
converted into low grade thermal heat raising the temperature of inside air,
the drying chamber, and the material to be dried.
Dehydration of Fruits and Vegetable Products
Many fruits and vegetable products contain high moisture content and they
deteriorate or perish quickly. For example, fresh fruits, leafy vegetables etc perish
faster than potatoes etc. For the storage of these products for the larger duration,
their moisture content needs to be reduced by “drying” or “dehydration”.
• The dehydrated products can be sold in off-season thus fetching more money.
• The reduced weight and volume of the dehydrated products results in reduced
transportation costs.
The fruits and vegetable products can be dried by various ways. Air is widely used
as the drying medium because of many merits like its availability and convenience
in use. The principle components of solar drying system are the following:
Solar Air Collectors: Solar air collectors, also called solar air heaters are used to
heat for ambient air. There exists several designs of these solar air heaters (Bansal,
Ram Chandra and Malik 1984, Ram Chandra and Sodha, 1991, 1994, Sodha et al
Air Handling Unit: The air handling unit consists of a blower and suitable duct
work. The air handling unit takes heated air from the solar collectors and sends it to
the drying unit.
Drying Unit: The drying takes place in this unit, where heated air extracts
moisture from the product to be dried. A schematic diagram of a solar drying
unit is shown in Fig.
Drying Using Solar Energy
❖ Conventional dryers using conventional fuels may have certain merits over
the one based on renewable energy.
❖ Solar dryers, in which air is heated from solar energy, are the most viable
option for most of the developing countries which are within the belt of good
solar radiation.
These dryers operate efficiently and allow more control over the drying as compared
to open sun drying.
The humid air is allowed to pass out from the dryer through the chimney.
❖ If we use a fan to create the airflow, drying time is reduced considerably and
collector area required may also be reduced significantly.
❖ A forced circulation one tonne per day rice dryer has a blower of 500W
❖ The dryer is operated for 6 hours. Electricity consumed by the blower = 500
W x 6 h = 3000 Wh = 3 KWh.
❖ If the cost of electricity is Rs. 5/KWh, the electricity cost will be about Rs.15
per tonne of rice (to be dried).
PV Module
❖ Solar drying technologies are simple for improving the rate of drying over
traditional methods.
❖ Solar drying to the desired moisture levels reduces losses during storage and
increases the value of final output. Selling crops at the correct moisture level
increases their value.
❖ Solar drying systems are relatively cheap to install and have minimal
maintenance costs.
❖ The mechanised systems using new and renewable sources as fuels are
expensive to run.
❖ The solar air heaters are simple but the technology behind them needs to be
carefully understood, so that they can be operated efficiently, otherwise these
may be operated ineffectively.
Power in the Wind – Types of Wind Power Plants(WPPs)–Components of WPPs-Working of WPPs- Siting
of WPPs-Grid integration issues of WPPs.
Wind power or wind energy is the use of wind to provide the mechanical power through wind
turbines to operate electric generators. Wind power is a sustainable and renewable energy. Wind possesses
energy by virtue of its motion. Any device capable of slowing down the mass of moving air, like a sail or
propeller, can extract part of the energy and convert it into useful work. The spinning blades, attached to a
hub and a low-speed shaft, turn along with the blades. The rotating low-speed shaft is connected to a
gearbox that connects to a high-speed shaft on the opposite side of the gearbox. This high-speed shaft
connects to an electrical generator that converts the mechanical energy from the rotation of the blades into
electrical energy. The key characteristics of a good wind power site are high average wind speed, sufficient
separation from noise-sensitive neighbours, good grid connection, good site access, No special
environmental or landscape designations. The integration of wind into grid has certain challenges like,
Variability, Uncertainty, Location-specificity, Nonsynchronous generation, Low capacity factor.
Windmills: People have been using windmills for centuries to grind grain, pump water, and do other work.
Windmills generate mechanical energy, but they do not generate electricity.
Wind Turbines: In contrast to windmills, modern wind turbines are highly evolved machines with more
than 8,000 parts that harness wind's kinetic energy and convert it into electricity.
Wind farm: Oftentimes a large number of wind turbines are built close together, which is referred to as a
wind project or wind farm. A wind farm functions as a single power plant and sends electricity to the grid.
Windmills have been in use since 2000 B.C. and were first developed in Persia and China. Ancient
mariners sailed to distant lands by making use of winds. Farmers used wind power to pump water
and for grinding grains. Today the most popular use of wind energy is converting it to electrical
energy to meet the critical energy needs of the planet.
Power in the Wind
Wind results from the movement of air due to atmospheric pressure gradients. Wind flows from
regions of higher pressure to regions of lower pressure. The larger the atmospheric pressure gradient, the
higher the wind speed and thus, the greater the wind power that can be captured from the wind by means of
wind energy converting machinery. The generation and movement of wind are complicated due to a number
of factors. Among them, the most important factors are uneven solar heating, the Coriolis effect due to the
earth‘s self-rotation, and local geographical conditions.
Second, the earth‘s self-rotating axis has a tilt of about 23.5° with respect to its ecliptic plane. It is
the tilt of the earth‘s axis during the revolution around the sun that results in cyclic uneven heating, causing
the yearly cycle of seasonal weather changes.
Third, the earth‘s surface is covered with different types of materials such as vegetation, rock, sand,
water, ice/snow, etc., Each of these materials has different reflecting and absorbing rates to solar radiation,
leading to high temperature on some areas (e.g. deserts) and low temperature on others (e.g. iced lakes),
even at the same latitudes.
The fourth reason for uneven heating of solar radiation is due to the earth‘s topographic surface.
There are a large number of mountains, valleys, hills, etc. on the earth, resulting in different solar radiation
on the sunny and shady sides.
Coriolis effect
The earth‘s self-rotation is another important factor to affect wind direction and speed. The Coriolis
force, which is generated from the earth's self-rotation, deflects the direction of atmospheric movements. In
the north atmosphere wind is deflected to the right and in the south atmosphere to the left. The Coriolis force
depends on the earth‘s latitude; it is zero at the equator and reaches maximum values at the poles. In
addition, the amount of deflection on wind also depends on the wind speed; slowly blowing wind is
deflected only a small amount, while stronger wind is deflected more.
In large-scale atmospheric movements, the combination of the pressure gradient due to the uneven
solar radiation and the Coriolis force due to the earth‘s self rotation causes the single meridional cell to
break up into three convectional cells in each hemisphere: the Hadley cell, the Ferrel cell, and the Polar cell
as shown in Fig.2. Each cell has its own characteristic circulation pattern. In the Northern Hemisphere, the
Hadley cell circulation lies between the equator and north latitude 30°, dominating tropical and sub-tropical
climates. The hot air rises at the equator and flows toward the North Pole in the upper atmosphere. This
moving air is deflected by Coriolis force to create the northeast trade winds. At approximately north latitude
30°, Coriolis force becomes so strong to balance the pressure gradient force. As a result, the winds are
defected to the west.
The air accumulated at the upper atmosphere forms the subtropical high-pressure belt and thus sinks
back to the earth‘s surface, splitting into two components: one returns to the equator to close the loop of the
Hadley cell; another moves along the earth‘s surface toward North Pole to form the Ferrel Cell circulation,
which lies between north latitude 30° and 60°. The air circulates towards the North Pole along the earth‘s
surface until it collides with the cold air flowing from the North Pole at approximately north latitude 60°.
Under the influence of Coriolis force, the moving air in this zone is deflected to produce westerlies. The
Polar cell circulation lies between the North Pole and north latitude 60°. The cold air sinks down at the
North Pole and flows along the earth‘s surface toward the equator. Near north latitude 60°, the Coriolis
effect becomes significant to force the airflow to southwest.
Local geography
The roughness on the earth‘s surface is a result of both natural geography and manmade structures.
Frictional drag and obstructions near the earth‘s surface generally retard with wind speed and induce a
phenomenon known as wind shear. The rate at which wind speed increases with height varies on the basis of
local conditions of the topography, terrain, and climate, with the greatest rates of increases observed over the
roughest terrain. A reliable approximation is that wind speed increases about 10% with each doubling of
height. In addition, some special geographic structures can strongly enhance the wind intensity. For instance,
wind that blows through mountain passes can form mountain jets with high speeds.
Most of the modern wind turbines have 3 blades which can reach speeds at the tip of over 320 kph
(200 mph).
Wind power
Kinetic energy exists whenever an object of a given mass is in motion with a translational or
rotational speed. When air is in motion, the kinetic energy in moving air can be determined as
E k = mu 2 (1)
where m is the air mass and u is the mean wind speed over a suitable time period. The wind power can be
obtained by differentiating the kinetic energy in wind with respect to time, i.e.:
dE 1
Pw = k = mu 2 (2)
dt 2
However, only a small portion of wind power can be converted into electrical power. When wind
passes through a wind turbine and drives blades to rotate, the corresponding wind mass flowrate is
m = ρAu (3)
where ρ is the air density and A is the swept area of blades, as shown in Fig. 3 . Substituting (3) into (2), the
available power in wind Pw can be expressed as
Pw = ρAu 3 (4)
An examination of eqn (4) reveals that in order to obtain a higher wind power, it requires a higher
wind speed, a longer length of blades for gaining a larger swept area, and a higher air density. Because the
wind power output is proportional to the cubic power of the mean wind speed, a small variation in wind
speed can result in a large change in wind power.
Air density
Another important parameter that directly affects the wind power generation is the density of air,
which can be calculated from the equation of state:
ρ= (6)
where p is the local air pressure, R is the gas constant (287 J/kg-K for air), and T is the local air temperature
in K.
The hydrostatic equation states that whenever there is no vertical motion, the difference in pressure
between two heights is caused by the mass of the air layer:
dp = -ρg dz (7)
where g is the acceleration of gravity. Combining eqns (6) and (7), yields
dp g
=- dz (8)
p RT
The acceleration of gravity g decreases with the height above the earth‘s surface z:
g = g 0 1 - (9)
where g0 is the acceleration of gravity at the ground and D is the diameter of the earth. However, for the
acceleration of gravity g, the variation in height can be ignored because D is much larger than 4z.
In addition, temperature is inversely proportional to the height. Assume that dT /dz = c, it can be derived that
p = p0 (10)
where p0 and T0 are the air pressure and temperature at the ground, respectively.
Combining eqns (6) and (10), it gives
The largest wind turbine in the world is located in US in Hawaii. It stands 20 stories tall and has
blades the length of a football field.
Wind power density
Wind Power Density (WPD) is a quantitative measure of wind energy available at any location. It is the
mean annual power available per square meter of swept area of a turbine, and is calculated for different
heights above ground. Some of the wind resource assessments utilize 50m towers with sensors installed at
intermediate levels (10 m, 20 m, etc.). For large-scale wind plants, class rating of 4 or higher is preferred.
Calculation of wind power density includes the effect of wind velocity and air density.
Electric efficiency ηele – It encompasses all combined electric power losses in the converter,
switches, controls, and cables.
Therefore, the total power conversion efficiency from wind to electricity ηt is the production of these
parameters, i.e.:
ηt = Cp ηgear ηgen ηele (13)
The effective power output from a wind turbine to feed into a grid becomes
Peff = Cp ηgear ηgen ηelePw = ηtPw = ηt ρAu 3 (14)
Lanchester–Betz limit
The Betz limit is the theoretical maximum efficiency for a wind turbine, conjectured by German physicist
Albert Betz in 1919. Betz concluded that this value is 59.3%, meaning that atmost only 59.3% of the kinetic
energy from wind can be used to spin the turbine and generate electricity. In reality, turbines cannot reach
the Betz limit, and common efficiencies are in the 35-45% range. If a wind turbine was 100% efficient, then
all of the wind would have to stop completely upon contact with the turbine which is not practically
drag-based windmill that you can make at home. It works because the drag of the open, or concave, face of
the cylinder is greater than the drag on the closed or convex section.
Lift-based Wind Turbines
More energy can be extracted from wind using lift rather than drag, but this requires specially shaped
airfoil surfaces, like those used on airplane wings. The airfoil shape is designed to create a differential
pressure between the upper and lower surfaces, leading to a net force in the direction perpendicular to the
wind direction. Rotors of this type must be carefully oriented (the orientation is referred to as the rotor
pitch), to maintain their ability to harness the power of the wind as wind speed changes.
Cumulative installed capacity of wind power (as on 31.10.2019) in India is 37,090.03 MW.
Hybrid Wind Power Plants
Wind is not fully reliable so we cannot depend on wind alone for generation of power. The best bet
would be to combine a wind power plant with some other renewable source of energy, like solar energy.
That would be certainly a better idea and you can imagine that when there is a lot of heat, the solar
generators would do their job and when the sky is overcast and winds are blowing, the wind power plants
would take over. Such an arrangement is known as hybrid arrangement and is useful in regions where there
is a lot of heat and wind.
Wind Farms
As the name itself suggests, a wind farm is a collection of wind turbines which collectively power a
given area or utility harnessing the wind force in a collective manner thereby amplifying the effect of a
single unit.
These configurations are used at various locations depending on the conditions of the region and the
presence of other sources of electrical supply. An optimum mix would consist of an ingenious combination
of the various sources in the best possible manner.
HAWT Advantage
The tall tower base allows access to stronger wind in sites with wind shear. In some wind shear sites,
every ten meters up the wind speed can increase by 20% and the power output by 34%.
High efficiency, since the blades always move perpendicular to the wind, receiving power through
the whole rotation.
HAWT Disadvantages
Massive tower construction is required to support the heavy blades, gearbox, and generator.
Components of horizontal axis wind turbine (gearbox, rotor shaft and brake assembly) being lifted
into position.
Their height makes them obtrusively visible across large areas, disrupting the appearance of the
landscape and sometimes creating local opposition.
Download variants suffer from fatigue and structural failure caused by turbulence when a blade
passes through the tower‘s wind shadow (for this reason, the majority of HAWTs use an upwind
design, with the rotor facing the wind in front of the tower).
HAWTs require an additional yaw control mechanism to turn the blades toward the wind.
HAWTs generally require a braking or yawing device in high winds to stop the turbine from
spinning and destroying or damaging itself.
2. Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (VAWT)
Vertical wind turbines (VAWTs), have the main rotor shaft arranged vertically .The main advantage
of this arrangement is that the wind turbine does not need to be pointed into the wind. This makes them
suitable in places where the wind direction is highly variable or has turbulent winds. With a vertical axis, the
generator and other primary components can be placed near the ground, so the tower does not need to
support it, also makes maintenance easier. The main drawback of a VAWT is that, it generally creates drag
when rotating into the wind.
It is difficult to mount vertical-axis turbines on towers, meaning they are often installed nearer to the
base on which they rest, such as the ground or a building rooftop. The wind speed is slower at a lower
altitude, so less wind energy is available for a given size turbine. Air flow near the ground and other objects
can create turbulent flow, which can introduce issues of vibration, including noise and bearing wear which
may increase the maintenance or shorten its service life. However, when a turbine is mounted on a rooftop,
the building generally redirects wind over the roof and this can double the wind speed at the turbine. If the
height of the rooftop mounted turbine tower is approximately 50% of the building height, this is near the
optimum for maximum wind energy and minimum wind turbulence.
VAWT Advantages
No yaw mechanisms is needed
A VAWT can be located nearer the ground, making it easier to maintain the moving parts.
VAWTs have lower wind startup speeds than the typical HAWTs.
VAWTs may be built at locations where taller structures are prohibited.
VAWTs situated close to the ground can take advantage of locations where rooftops, means hilltops,
ridgelines, and passes funnel the wind and increase wind velocity.
VAWT Disadvantage
In contrast to HAWT, all vertical axis wind turbines, and most proposed airborne wind turbine
designs, involve various types of reciprocating actions, requiring airfoil surfaces to the wind leads to
inherently lower efficiency.
Most VAWTs have an average decreased efficiency from a common HAWT, mainly because of the
additional drag that they have as their blades rotate into the wind. Versions that reduce drag produce
more energy, especially those that funnel wind into the collector area.
Having rotors located close to the ground where wind speeds are lower and do not take advantage of
higher wind speeds above.
Because VAWTs are not commonly deployed due mainly to the serious disadvantage mentioned
above, they appear novel to those not familiar with the wind industry. This has often made them the
subject of wild claims and investment scams over the last 50 years.
Tamil Nadu with 9231.77 MW of installed wind capacity is well ahead of the rest and second
positioned Gujarat which has 7203.77 MW of wind generation capacity.
VAWT Subtypes
Darrieus Wind Turbine
Darrieus turbine has long, thin blades in the shape of loops connected to the top and bottom of the
axle; it is often called an ―eggbeater windmill‖ as shown in fig. 6. It is named after the French engineer
Georges Darrieus who patented the design in 1931. (It was manufactured by the US company FLoWind
which went bankrupt in 1997). The Darrieus turbine is characterized by its C-shaped rotor blades which give
it its eggbeater appearance. It is normally built with two or three blades.
Darrieus wind turbines are commonly called ―Eggbeater‖ turbines, because they look like a giant
eggbeater. They have good efficiency, but produce large torque ripple and cyclic stress on the tower, which
contributes to poor reliability. Also, they generally require some external power source, or an additional
savonius rotor, to start turning, because the starting torque is very low. The torque ripple is reduced by using
three or more blades which results in a higher solidity for the rotor. Solidity is measured by blade area over
the rotor area. Newer Darrieus type turbines are not help up by guy-wires but have an external superstructure
connected to the top bearing.
The tip speed ratio (TSR) indicates the rotating velocity of the turbines to the velocity of the wind. In
this case, the TSR has a higher value than 1, meaning that the velocity rotation here is greater than the
velocity of wind and generates less torque. This makes Darrieus turbines excellent electricity generators.
The turbine blades have to be reinforced in order to sustain the centrifugal forces generated during rotation,
but the generator itself accepts a lower amount of force than the Savorius type. A drawback to the Darrieus
wind turbines is the fact that they cannot start rotation on their own. A small motor, or another Savonius
turbine, maybe needed to initiate rotation.
The rotor shaft is vertical. Therefore it is possible to place the load, like a generator or a centrifugal
pump at ground level. As the generator housing is not rotating, the cable to the load is not twisted
and no brushes are requires for large twisting angles.
The rotor can take wind from every direction.
The visual acceptation for placing of the windmill on a building might be larger than for an
horizontal axis windmill.
Easily integrates into buildings.
Difficult start unlike the Savonius wind turbine.
Low efficiency.
Drag type wind turbines such as the Savonius turbine are less efficient at using the wind‘s energy
than lift-type wind turbines, which are the ones commonly used in wind farms. A Savonius is a drag type
turbine, they are commonly used in cases of high reliability in many things such as ventilation and
anemometers. Because they are a drag type turbine they are less efficiency than the common HAWT.
Savonius are excellent in areas of turbulent wind and self starting.
Having a vertical axis, the Savonius turbine continues to work effectively even if the wind changes
Because the Savonius design works well even at low wind speeds, there‘s no need for a tower or
other expensive structure to hold it in place, greatly reducing the initial setup cost.
The device is quiet, easy to build, and relatively small.
Because the turbine is close to the ground, maintenance is easy.
The scoop system used to capture the wind‘s energy is half as efficient as a conventional turbine,
resulting in less power generation.
Mupandal wind farm in Tamilnadu with 3000 turbines and total nominal power of 1,500,000 kW
is India’s largest Onshore wind farm
Components of WPPs
There are three categories of components: mechanical, electrical, and control. The following is a
brief description of the main components:
The tower is the physical structure that holds the wind turbine. It supports the rotor, nacelle, blades,
and other wind turbine equipment. Typical commercial wind towers are usually 50–120 m long and
they are constructed from concrete or reinforced steel.
Blades are physical structures, which are aerodynamically optimized to help capture the maximum
power from the wind in normal operation with a wind speed in the range of about 3–15 m/s. Each
blade is usually 20m or more in length, depending on the power level.
The nacelle is the enclosure of the wind turbine generator, gearbox and internal equipment. It
protects the turbine‘s internal components from the surrounding environment.
The rotor is the rotating part of the wind turbine. It transfers the energy in the wind to the shaft. The
rotor hub holds the wind turbine blades while connected to the gearbox via the low-speed shaft.
Pitch is the mechanism of adjusting the angle of attack of the rotor blades. Blades are turned in their
longitudinal axis to change the angle of attack according to the wind directions.
The shaft is divided into two types: low and high speed. The low-speed shaft transfers mechanical
energy from the rotor to the gearbox, while the high-speed shaft transfers mechanical energy from
gearbox to generator.
Yaw is the horizontal moving part of the turbine. It turns clockwise or anticlockwise to face the
wind. The yaw has two main parts: the yaw motor and the yaw drive. The yaw drive keeps the rotor
facing the wind when the wind direction varies. The yaw motor is used to move the yaw.
The brake is a mechanical part connected to the high-speed shaft in order to reduce the rotational
speed or stop the wind turbine over speeding or during emergency conditions.
Gearbox is a mechanical component that is used to increase or decrease the rotational speed. In wind
turbines, the gearbox is used to control the rotational speed of the generator.
The generator is the component that converts the mechanical energy from the rotor to electrical
energy. The most common electrical generators used in wind turbines are induction generators (IGs),
doubly fed induction generators (DFIGs), and permanent magnet synchronous generators (PMSGs).
The controller is the brain of the wind turbine. It monitors constantly the condition of the wind
turbine and controls the pitch and yaw systems to extract optimum power from the wind.
Anemometer is a type of sensor that is used to measure the wind speed. The wind speed information
may be necessary for maximum power tracking and protection in emergency cases.
The wind vane is a type of sensor that is used to measure the wind direction. The wind direction
information is important for the yaw control system to operate.
The purpose of pitch control is to maintain the optimum blade angle to achieve certain rotor speeds
or power output. You can use pitch adjustment to stall and furl, two methods of pitch control. By stalling a
wind turbine, you increase the angle of attack, which causes the flat side of the blade to face further into the
wind. Furling decreases the angle of attack, causing the edge of the blade to face the oncoming wind. Pitch
angle adjustment is the most effective way to limit output power by changing aerodynamic force on the
blade at high wind speeds. This maintains the turbine‘s safety in the event of high winds, loss of electrical
load, or other catastrophic events.
Yaw refers to the rotation of the entire wind turbine in the horizontal axis. Yaw control ensures that
the turbine is constantly facing into the wind to maximize the effective rotor area and, as a result, power.
Because wind direction can vary quickly, the turbine may misalign with the oncoming wind and cause
power output losses.
higher altitudes. One must be carefully to distinguish altitude from height above ground. They are not
the same except for a sea level WECS site.
6. Terrain and its aerodynamic: One should know about terrain of the site to be chosen. If the WECS is
to be placed near the top but not on the top of a not too blunt hill facing the prevailing wind, then it may
be possible to obtain a ‗speed-up‘ of the wind velocity over what it would otherwise be. Also the wind
here may not flow horizontal making it necessary to tip the axis of the rotor so that the aeroturbine is
always perpendicular to the actual wind flow.
It may be possible to make use of hills or mountains which channel the prevailing wind into a pass
region, thereby obtaining higher wind power.
7. Local Ecology: If the surface is base rock it may mean lower hub height hence lower structure cost. If
trees or grass or vegetation are present, all of which tend to destructure the wind, the higher hub heights
will be needed resulting in larges system costs that the bare ground case.
8. Distance to road or railways: This is another factor the system engineer must consider for heavy
machinery, structure, materials, blades and other apparatus will have to be moved into any choosen
WECS site.
9. Nearness of site to local centre/users: This obvious criterion minimizes transmission line length and
hence losses and cost. After applying all the previous string criteria, hopefully as one narrows the
proposed WECS sites to one or two they would be relatively near to the user of the generated electric
10. Nature of ground: Ground condition should be such that the foundation for a WECS are secured.
Ground surface should be stable. Erosion problem should not be there, as it could possibly later wash
out the foundation of a WECS, destroying the whole system.
11. Favourable land cost: Land cost should be favourable as this along with other siting costs, enters into
the total WECS system cost.
12. Other conditions such as icing problem, salt spray or blowing dust should not present at the site,
as they may affect aeroturbine blades or environmental is generally adverse to machinery and electrical
Nonsynchronous generation: Conventional generators provide voltage support and frequency
control to the grid. VRE generators can too, potentially, but it's an additional capital investment.
Low capacity factor: VRE plants only run when sun or wind cooperates. According to the Energy
Information Administration, in 2014 the average capacity factor — production relative to potential
— for utility-scale solar PV was around 28 percent; for wind, 34 percent. (By way of comparison,
the average capacity factor of US nuclear power was 92 percent; those plants are almost always
producing power.) Because of the low capacity factor of VRE, conventional plants are needed to take
up the slack, but because of the high output of VRE in peak hours, conventional plants sometimes
don't get to run as often as needed to recover costs.
Design and operation of the power system: Reserve capacities and balance management, short-
term forecasting of wind power, demand side management and storage and optimisation of system
Grid infrastructure issues: Optimisation of present infrastructure, extensions and reinforcements,
offshore grids and improved interconnection;
Grid connection of wind power: Grid codes and power quality and wind power plant capabilities;
Market redesign issues: Market aggregation and adapted market rules increase the market
flexibility particularly for cross-border exchange and operating the system closer to the delivery
Institutional issues: Stakeholder incentives, non-discriminatory third party grid access and
socialisation of costs
The cost of a single 225 KW or 250 KW which is widely preferred is about Rs. 1 Crore.
Flexible VRE: New technology enables wind turbines to "provide the full spectrum of balancing
services (synthetic inertial control, primary frequency control, and automatic generation control),"
and both wind turbines and solar panels can now offer voltage control.
Interconnected transmission networks: Wind and solar resources become less variable if
aggregated across a broader region. The bigger the geographical area linked up by power lines, the
more likely it is that the sun is shining or the wind is blowing somewhere within that area.
Grid Integration of wind farms and Power Quality Issues
The issue of power quality is of great importance to the wind turbines. The critical power quality
issues related to integration of wind farms are discussed below.
1. Issue of voltage variation: If a large proportion of the grid load is supplied by wind turbines, the output
variations due to wind speed changes can cause voltage variation, flicker effects in normal operation.
The voltage variation can occur in specific situation, as a result of load changes, and power produce
from turbine.
2. Issue of voltage dips: It is a sudden reduction in the voltage to a value between 1% & 90 % of the
nominal value after a short period of time, conventionally 1ms to 1min. This problem is considered in
the power quality and wind turbine generating system operation and computed according to the rule
given in IEC 61400-3-7 standard, ―Assessment of emission limit for fluctuating load‖.
3. Switching operation of wind turbine on the grid: Switching operations of wind turbine generating
system can cause voltage fluctuations and thus voltage sag, voltage swell that may cause significant
voltage variation. The acceptances of switching operation depend not only on grid voltage but also on
how often this may occur. The maximum number of above specified switching operation within 10-
minute period and 2-hr period are defined in IEC 61400-3-7 Standard.
4. Harmonics: The harmonics voltage and current should be limited to acceptable level at the point of
wind turbine connection in the system. This fact has lead to more stringent requirements regarding
power quality, such as Standard IEC 61000-3-2 or IEEE-519.
5. Flickers: Flicker is the one of the important power quality aspects in wind turbine generating system.
Flicker has widely been considered as a serious drawback and may limit for the maximum amount of
wind power generation that can be connected to the grid. Flicker is induced by voltage fluctuations,
which are caused by load flow changes in the grid. The flicker emission produced by grid-connected
variable-speed wind turbines with full-scale back-to-back converters during continuous operation and
mainly caused by fluctuations in the output power due to wind speed variations, the wind shear, and the
tower shadow effects.
6. Reactive power: Traditional wind turbines are equipped with induction generators. Induction generator
is preferred because they are inexpensive, rugged and requires little maintenance. Unfortunately
induction generators require reactive power from the grid to operate. The interactions between wind
turbine and power system network are important aspect of wind generation system.
7. Location of wind turbine: The way of connecting wind turbine into the electric power system highly
influences the impact of the wind turbine generating system on the power quality. As a rule, the impact
on power quality at the consumer‘s terminal for the wind turbine generating system (WTGS) located
close to the load is higher than WTGS connected away, that is connected to H.V. or EHV system.
8. Low voltage ride through capability: The impact of the wind generation on the power system will no
longer be negligible if high penetration levels are going to be reached. The extent to which wind power
can be integrated into the power system without affecting the overall stable operation depends on the
technology available to mitigate the possible negative impacts such as loss of generation for frequency
support, voltage flicker, voltage and power variation due to the variable speed of the wind and the risk
of instability due to lower degree of controllability.
9. IEC recommendation: For consistent and replicable documentation of power quality characteristic of
wind turbine, the international Electro-technical Commission IEC-61400-21 was developed and today,
most of the large wind turbine manufactures provide power quality characteristic data accordingly. IEC
61400-21 describe the procedures for determine the power quality characteristics of wind turbines.
Classification of Wind Energy Conversion Systems and Wind Turbine Components
Mupandal wind farm in Tamilnadu with 3000 turbines and total nominal power of 1,500,000 kW
is India’s largest Onshore wind farm
Components of WPPs
There are three categories of components: mechanical, electrical, and control. The following is a
brief description of the main components:
The tower is the physical structure that holds the wind turbine. It supports the rotor, nacelle, blades,
and other wind turbine equipment. Typical commercial wind towers are usually 50–120 m long and
they are constructed from concrete or reinforced steel.
Blades are physical structures, which are aerodynamically optimized to help capture the maximum
power from the wind in normal operation with a wind speed in the range of about 3–15 m/s. Each
blade is usually 20m or more in length, depending on the power level.
The nacelle is the enclosure of the wind turbine generator, gearbox and internal equipment. It
protects the turbine‘s internal components from the surrounding environment.
The rotor is the rotating part of the wind turbine. It transfers the energy in the wind to the shaft. The
rotor hub holds the wind turbine blades while connected to the gearbox via the low-speed shaft.
Pitch is the mechanism of adjusting the angle of attack of the rotor blades. Blades are turned in their
longitudinal axis to change the angle of attack according to the wind directions.
The shaft is divided into two types: low and high speed. The low-speed shaft transfers mechanical
energy from the rotor to the gearbox, while the high-speed shaft transfers mechanical energy from
gearbox to generator.
Yaw is the horizontal moving part of the turbine. It turns clockwise or anticlockwise to face the
wind. The yaw has two main parts: the yaw motor and the yaw drive. The yaw drive keeps the rotor
facing the wind when the wind direction varies. The yaw motor is used to move the yaw.
The brake is a mechanical part connected to the high-speed shaft in order to reduce the rotational
speed or stop the wind turbine over speeding or during emergency conditions.
Gearbox is a mechanical component that is used to increase or decrease the rotational speed. In wind
turbines, the gearbox is used to control the rotational speed of the generator.
The generator is the component that converts the mechanical energy from the rotor to electrical
energy. The most common electrical generators used in wind turbines are induction generators (IGs),
doubly fed induction generators (DFIGs), and permanent magnet synchronous generators (PMSGs).
The controller is the brain of the wind turbine. It monitors constantly the condition of the wind
turbine and controls the pitch and yaw systems to extract optimum power from the wind.
Anemometer is a type of sensor that is used to measure the wind speed. The wind speed information
may be necessary for maximum power tracking and protection in emergency cases.
The wind vane is a type of sensor that is used to measure the wind direction. The wind direction
information is important for the yaw control system to operate.
The purpose of pitch control is to maintain the optimum blade angle to achieve certain rotor speeds
or power output. You can use pitch adjustment to stall and furl, two methods of pitch control. By stalling a
wind turbine, you increase the angle of attack, which causes the flat side of the blade to face further into the
wind. Furling decreases the angle of attack, causing the edge of the blade to face the oncoming wind. Pitch
angle adjustment is the most effective way to limit output power by changing aerodynamic force on the
blade at high wind speeds. This maintains the turbine‘s safety in the event of high winds, loss of electrical
load, or other catastrophic events.
Yaw refers to the rotation of the entire wind turbine in the horizontal axis. Yaw control ensures that
the turbine is constantly facing into the wind to maximize the effective rotor area and, as a result, power.
Because wind direction can vary quickly, the turbine may misalign with the oncoming wind and cause
power output losses.
higher altitudes. One must be carefully to distinguish altitude from height above ground. They are not
the same except for a sea level WECS site.
6. Terrain and its aerodynamic: One should know about terrain of the site to be chosen. If the WECS is
to be placed near the top but not on the top of a not too blunt hill facing the prevailing wind, then it may
be possible to obtain a ‗speed-up‘ of the wind velocity over what it would otherwise be. Also the wind
here may not flow horizontal making it necessary to tip the axis of the rotor so that the aeroturbine is
always perpendicular to the actual wind flow.
It may be possible to make use of hills or mountains which channel the prevailing wind into a pass
region, thereby obtaining higher wind power.
7. Local Ecology: If the surface is base rock it may mean lower hub height hence lower structure cost. If
trees or grass or vegetation are present, all of which tend to destructure the wind, the higher hub heights
will be needed resulting in larges system costs that the bare ground case.
8. Distance to road or railways: This is another factor the system engineer must consider for heavy
machinery, structure, materials, blades and other apparatus will have to be moved into any choosen
WECS site.
9. Nearness of site to local centre/users: This obvious criterion minimizes transmission line length and
hence losses and cost. After applying all the previous string criteria, hopefully as one narrows the
proposed WECS sites to one or two they would be relatively near to the user of the generated electric
10. Nature of ground: Ground condition should be such that the foundation for a WECS are secured.
Ground surface should be stable. Erosion problem should not be there, as it could possibly later wash
out the foundation of a WECS, destroying the whole system.
11. Favourable land cost: Land cost should be favourable as this along with other siting costs, enters into
the total WECS system cost.
12. Other conditions such as icing problem, salt spray or blowing dust should not present at the site,
as they may affect aeroturbine blades or environmental is generally adverse to machinery and electrical
Nonsynchronous generation: Conventional generators provide voltage support and frequency
control to the grid. VRE generators can too, potentially, but it's an additional capital investment.
Low capacity factor: VRE plants only run when sun or wind cooperates. According to the Energy
Information Administration, in 2014 the average capacity factor — production relative to potential
— for utility-scale solar PV was around 28 percent; for wind, 34 percent. (By way of comparison,
the average capacity factor of US nuclear power was 92 percent; those plants are almost always
producing power.) Because of the low capacity factor of VRE, conventional plants are needed to take
up the slack, but because of the high output of VRE in peak hours, conventional plants sometimes
don't get to run as often as needed to recover costs.
Design and operation of the power system: Reserve capacities and balance management, short-
term forecasting of wind power, demand side management and storage and optimisation of system
Grid infrastructure issues: Optimisation of present infrastructure, extensions and reinforcements,
offshore grids and improved interconnection;
Grid connection of wind power: Grid codes and power quality and wind power plant capabilities;
Market redesign issues: Market aggregation and adapted market rules increase the market
flexibility particularly for cross-border exchange and operating the system closer to the delivery
Institutional issues: Stakeholder incentives, non-discriminatory third party grid access and
socialisation of costs
The cost of a single 225 KW or 250 KW which is widely preferred is about Rs. 1 Crore.
Flexible VRE: New technology enables wind turbines to "provide the full spectrum of balancing
services (synthetic inertial control, primary frequency control, and automatic generation control),"
and both wind turbines and solar panels can now offer voltage control.
Interconnected transmission networks: Wind and solar resources become less variable if
aggregated across a broader region. The bigger the geographical area linked up by power lines, the
more likely it is that the sun is shining or the wind is blowing somewhere within that area.
Grid Integration of wind farms and Power Quality Issues
The issue of power quality is of great importance to the wind turbines. The critical power quality
issues related to integration of wind farms are discussed below.
1. Issue of voltage variation: If a large proportion of the grid load is supplied by wind turbines, the output
variations due to wind speed changes can cause voltage variation, flicker effects in normal operation.
The voltage variation can occur in specific situation, as a result of load changes, and power produce
from turbine.
2. Issue of voltage dips: It is a sudden reduction in the voltage to a value between 1% & 90 % of the
nominal value after a short period of time, conventionally 1ms to 1min. This problem is considered in
the power quality and wind turbine generating system operation and computed according to the rule
given in IEC 61400-3-7 standard, ―Assessment of emission limit for fluctuating load‖.
3. Switching operation of wind turbine on the grid: Switching operations of wind turbine generating
system can cause voltage fluctuations and thus voltage sag, voltage swell that may cause significant
voltage variation. The acceptances of switching operation depend not only on grid voltage but also on
how often this may occur. The maximum number of above specified switching operation within 10-
minute period and 2-hr period are defined in IEC 61400-3-7 Standard.
4. Harmonics: The harmonics voltage and current should be limited to acceptable level at the point of
wind turbine connection in the system. This fact has lead to more stringent requirements regarding
power quality, such as Standard IEC 61000-3-2 or IEEE-519.
5. Flickers: Flicker is the one of the important power quality aspects in wind turbine generating system.
Flicker has widely been considered as a serious drawback and may limit for the maximum amount of
wind power generation that can be connected to the grid. Flicker is induced by voltage fluctuations,
which are caused by load flow changes in the grid. The flicker emission produced by grid-connected
variable-speed wind turbines with full-scale back-to-back converters during continuous operation and
mainly caused by fluctuations in the output power due to wind speed variations, the wind shear, and the
tower shadow effects.
6. Reactive power: Traditional wind turbines are equipped with induction generators. Induction generator
is preferred because they are inexpensive, rugged and requires little maintenance. Unfortunately
induction generators require reactive power from the grid to operate. The interactions between wind
turbine and power system network are important aspect of wind generation system.
7. Location of wind turbine: The way of connecting wind turbine into the electric power system highly
influences the impact of the wind turbine generating system on the power quality. As a rule, the impact
on power quality at the consumer‘s terminal for the wind turbine generating system (WTGS) located
close to the load is higher than WTGS connected away, that is connected to H.V. or EHV system.
8. Low voltage ride through capability: The impact of the wind generation on the power system will no
longer be negligible if high penetration levels are going to be reached. The extent to which wind power
can be integrated into the power system without affecting the overall stable operation depends on the
technology available to mitigate the possible negative impacts such as loss of generation for frequency
support, voltage flicker, voltage and power variation due to the variable speed of the wind and the risk
of instability due to lower degree of controllability.
9. IEC recommendation: For consistent and replicable documentation of power quality characteristic of
wind turbine, the international Electro-technical Commission IEC-61400-21 was developed and today,
most of the large wind turbine manufactures provide power quality characteristic data accordingly. IEC
61400-21 describe the procedures for determine the power quality characteristics of wind turbines.
Wind Characteristics
Wind characteris cs refer to the proper es and behaviors of the wind as it flows through the
atmosphere. These characteris cs play a crucial role in determining the feasibility and efficiency
of wind energy genera on. The important wind characteris cs are as follows:
1. Wind Speed:
Wind speed is the measurement of the velocity at which the air is moving in the atmosphere. It's
a fundamental parameter used to characterize the intensity of wind at a specific loca on and
me. It's typically measured in meters per second (m/s). It can change rapidly due to
Wind speed is influenced by factors like pressure gradients, temperature differences, terrain
features, and local geographic condi ons. It is a primary factor influencing the amount of energy
that can be captured from the wind by wind turbines.
Cut-in wind speed: The speed at which turbine start genera ng power.
Rated wind speed: The speed at which turbine produce their maximum rated power.
Cut-out wind speed: The wind speed above which turbines may shut down to avoid damage from
excessive forces.
Wind direc on indicates the compass direc on from which the wind is coming. It's typically
measured in degrees clockwise from true north. Wind direc on is cri cal for aligning wind
turbine arrays to face into the prevailing wind, maximizing energy capture.
Wind Rose: It is a graphical representa on that displays the frequency and distribu on of wind
direc ons at a specific loca on over a given me period. It provides valuable informa on about
prevailing wind pa erns, which is useful for various applica ons, including urban planning,
agriculture, and wind energy site selec on.
3. Wind Shear
Wind shear refers to the change in wind speed and/or direc on over a short distance in the
atmosphere, typically in the ver cal direc on. It can occur at various al tudes and is o en
associated with changes in weather pa erns, topography, and atmospheric condi ons.
Turbulence caused by wind shear can create uneven loading on the turbine blades, leading to
increased wear and fa gue.
4. Turbulence:
Turbulence refers to irregular fluctua ons in wind speed and direc on caused by factors like
terrain, buildings, and atmospheric condi ons. Turbulence affects the load distribu on on wind
turbine blades and can contribute to wear and fa gue.
Turbulence disrupts the smooth airflow over the blades, reducing their efficiency in capturing
wind energy. This phenomenon is o en referred to as "turbine aerodynamic performance
degrada on. "Reduced efficiency can lead to lower power output and decreased overall energy
genera on.
Wind dura on refers to the length of me during which a certain wind speed or range of wind
speeds is sustained. Longer dura ons of strong and consistent wind are ideal for wind energy
genera on. Wind dura on is used in frequency analysis to determine the probability of specific
wind speeds occurring over different me periods.
It is used to calculate the amount of energy generated at different wind speeds and the
corresponding dura on.
6. Frequency Distribu on:
Wind speed frequency distribu on represents how o en different wind speeds occur over a
specific period at a par cular loca on. The collected wind speed data is analyzed to create a
frequency distribu on. The data is categorized into bins or intervals of wind speed ranges.
The shape of the frequency distribu on curve provides insights into the prevailing wind pa erns
at the loca on. The Weibull distribu on is a probability distribu on commonly used in the field
of wind energy to model the frequency distribu on of wind speeds at a specific loca on.
It provides a sta s cal representa on of how wind speeds vary over me, which is essen al for
assessing the wind energy poten al of a site, designing wind turbines, and op mizing opera onal
strategies. The Weibull distribu on is par cularly well-suited for modeling wind speed frequency
distribu ons because of its flexibility and ability to fit a wide range of wind data.
The shape parameter of the Weibull distribu on determines the shape of the distribu on curve.
A lower shape parameter results in a broader distribu on with lower wind speeds being more
frequent, while a higher shape parameter leads to a narrower distribu on with higher wind
speeds being more frequent.
The scale parameter of the Weibull distribu on represents the wind speed at which the
probability density func on reaches its maximum value.
By integra ng the product of wind speed and power curve over the distribu on, the average
annual energy output can be calculated.
7. Wind Power Density:
Wind power density is the amount of energy available in the wind per unit area.
Wind Power Density (W/m²) = 0.5 * Air Density (kg/m³) * Wind Speed (m/s)^3
The total amount of electrical energy generated by a wind turbine or a wind farm over the course
of a year. It is a key metric used to evaluate the performance and economic viability of a wind
energy project. AEP takes into account factors such as the wind resource at the location, the
efficiency of the wind turbine(s), and any downtime or maintenance periods.
AEP (kWh) = Wind Power Density (W/m²) * Area (m²) * Capacity Factor * Hours in a Year
Capacity Factor: It represents the efficiency of the wind turbine in converting the available wind
energy into electricity. It's the ratio of actual energy output to the maximum possible output if the
turbine operated at its rated capacity continuously. It's expressed as a decimal (0 to 1).
9. Tip Speed Ra o
It is used to describe the performance and efficiency of a wind turbine. It's a dimensionless ratio
that compares the speed of the tip of the wind turbine blade to the speed of the wind. The tip
speed ratio helps in determining the optimal rotational speed of the wind turbine for maximum
energy capture. It can be calculated using
Gusts are rapid and temporary increases in wind speed. Gus ness is caused by weather
phenomena like squalls or changes in atmospheric stability. Wind turbines are designed to
withstand gusts without compromising their structural integrity.
11. Seasonal and Annual Wind Pa erns:
Wind pa erns varies across different seasons of the year due to changes in atmospheric
condi ons and pressure systems. Cold air from polar regions can lead to more frequent low-
pressure systems and stronger winds. Summer winds are influenced by temperature differen als
between land and sea.
Annual wind pa erns consider the wind behavior over the en re year, encompassing all seasons.
Analyzing annual pa erns helps in understanding the long-term wind resource poten al.
Analyzing both seasonal and annual wind pa erns is essen al for comprehensive wind resource
assessment and effec ve project management in wind energy.
Simulation tools help engineers design and optimize wind turbine components for maximum
efficiency and durability. These tools simulate the aerodynamic behavior of turbine blades, the
mechanical dynamics of components like the gearbox and generator, and overall turbine
Simulation tools model the structural behavior of wind turbine components under various loads,
including wind, gravity, and mechanical forces. This ensures that the components are designed to
withstand the stresses they will encounter over their operational lifetime.
Simulation tools are used to develop, test, and fine-tune these control algorithms before
implementation in real turbines. They are also used to study the interactions between wind farms
and the grid, including power quality, voltage stability, and grid behavior during various scenarios.
They provide a pla orm for hands-on learning without the need for physical prototypes.
Simula on tools, combined with financial models, help in assessing the economic
feasibility of wind energy projects.
They es mate the expected energy produc on, opera onal costs, and revenue genera on
over the project's life me.
Maintenance and Condi on Monitoring: Simula on tools can be used to predict
maintenance needs and assess the health of wind turbine components.
The widely used simula on tools in the wind energy sector are as follows:
WAsP (Wind Atlas Analysis and Applica on Program): WAsP is a widely used so ware for wind
resource assessment. It helps in analyzing wind data to determine the wind energy poten al of a
par cular site. WAsP uses a Gaussian model to simulate the wind flow based on the input data.
Run the model to calculate the wind flow at various heights and loca ons across the site.
WindPRO: WindPRO is a so ware suite used for wind farm design, site assessment, and energy
produc on es ma on. It combines wind resource data with turbine specifica ons to provide
insights into project feasibility and op miza on. WindPRO provides visualiza on tools to help you
see how the turbines will be posi oned on the site.
FAST (Fa gue, Aerodynamics, Structures, and Turbulence): FAST is another so ware developed
by NREL. It's used for simula ng the behavior of land-based and offshore wind turbines under
various condi ons, including wind and wave loading.
Bladed: Bladed, simula on tool is used for wind turbine design and analysis. It provides detailed
modeling of aerodynamics, structural dynamics, control systems, and other factors influencing
wind turbine performance.
SIMPACK: SIMPACK is a mul -body simula on so ware used for analyzing the dynamics of
complex mechanical and mechatronic systems, including wind turbines. It can be used to model
the interac ons between various components of a wind turbine, such as the rotor, gearbox, and
ANSYS Wind Energy: The ANSYS suite includes tools for computa onal fluid dynamics (CFD)
simula ons, which are valuable for understanding the complex flow pa erns around wind
turbines and assessing their aerodynamic performance.
SAM (System Advisor Model): SAM, developed by NREL, is a free so ware tool used for modeling
renewable energy systems, including wind farms. It helps in evalua ng the financial and technical
feasibility of wind energy projects.
HAWC2: HAWC2, developed by the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), is a simula on tool
focused on the dynamic behavior of wind turbines. It's used for studying the complex interac ons
between the turbine components and the surrounding environment.
WindSim: WindSim specializes in wind farm design, op miza on, and layout simula ons by
modeling flow over complex terrain and considering wake effects.
Wind control and forces
Wind energy technology refers to a various methods, systems, and equipment used to harness
the kine c energy from the wind and convert it into usable electricity.
Wind Turbine:
A wind turbine is a device that converts the kine c energy from the wind into mechanical energy,
which is then further transformed into electrical energy for various applica ons. Wind turbines
are a key technology in the field of wind energy, allowing us to harness the power of the wind to
generate electricity. They come in various sizes and designs, from small residen al turbines to
large u lity-scale installa ons.
Wind turbines can be classified into two main types based on their axis of rota on:
Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines (HAWT): These turbines have blades that rotate around a
horizontal axis, like the blades of an airplane propeller. They are the most common type of wind
turbine. It consists of several key components that work together to capture wind energy and
convert it into electrical power.
Ver cal Axis Wind Turbines (VAWT): These turbines have blades that rotate around a ver cal
axis. They are less common, they have advantages in terms of easier maintenance and less
sensi vity to wind direc on changes.
Rotor Blades: The rotor blades are aerodynamically designed structures that capture the kine c
energy of the wind. They are usually made of composite materials or fiberglass and come in
various lengths and shapes. The number of blades can vary, with most turbines having two or
three blades.
Hub: The hub is the central component to which the rotor blades are a ached. It transfers the
rota onal energy from the blades to the main sha .
Main Sha : The main sha is a sturdy metal sha that runs ver cally from the hub down to the
nacelle. It transfers the rota onal mo on generated by the spinning blades to the generator.
Gearbox: In some wind turbine designs, a gearbox is used to increase the rota onal speed of the
main sha before it reaches the generator. This allows the generator to operate at a higher speed
and efficiency, op mizing power genera on. However, many modern turbines use direct-drive
generators, elimina ng the need for a gearbox.
Generator: The generator is a crucial component that converts the mechanical energy from the
spinning main sha into electrical energy. This process is achieved through electromagne c
induc on. Generators in wind turbines are o en synchronous or asynchronous types, depending
on the turbine design and applica on.
Nacelle: The nacelle is a protec ve housing that contains various cri cal components of the wind
turbine, including the generator, gearbox (if present), drive train, and control systems. It is usually
located at the top of the tower and can rotate to face the wind direc on.
Yaw System: The yaw system allows the nacelle and rotor to rotate around a ver cal axis to face
the wind. This system includes yaw motors, sensors, and controls that ensure the turbine is
properly aligned with the wind direc on for op mal energy capture.
Tower: The tower is a tall, cylindrical structure that supports the en re turbine assembly. The
tower height can vary depending on the turbine's size and loca on. Taller towers allow turbines
to access higher and more consistent wind speeds.
Anemometer and Wind Vane: These instruments are o en mounted at the top of the nacelle to
measure wind speed and direc on. The data they provide helps the turbine's control system
adjust its yaw angle to align with the wind direc on.
Controller and Sensors: Modern wind turbines are equipped with sophis cated control systems
that monitor various parameters, such as wind speed, power output, and temperature. These
systems make real- me adjustments to op mize the turbine's performance, protect it from
extreme condi ons, and ensure safe opera on.
Founda on: The founda on anchors the turbine to the ground and provides stability to the tower.
It needs to be strong enough to support the weight of the en re turbine and withstand the forces
generated by wind and other environmental factors.
Wind turbine control systems involve a combina on of hardware, so ware, and sensors to
manage the turbine's performance and interac ons with the grid. The various aspects and
methods of controlling wind turbines:
1. Pitch Control:
Pitch control involves adjus ng the angle of the turbine's rotor blades to op mize energy capture
and prevent overspeeding during high winds. The Sensors installed measures the wind speed and
other parameters to determine the appropriate blade pitch angle. Control systems automa cally
adjust blade pitch angles individually or collec vely based on real- me data.
2. Yaw Control
Yaw control adjusts the orienta on of the turbine's nacelle to ensure that the rotor blades face
into the wind for op mal energy capture. Wind direc on sensors provide input to the control
system, which adjusts the yaw mechanism to align the turbine with the wind.
3. Generator Control:
Generator control ensures that the electrical output of the turbine matches the grid's
requirements. It regulates the generator's rota onal speed and output voltage to maintain grid
stability and prevent overloading.
Wind turbines are equipped with mechanisms to limit power output during extreme wind
condi ons to protect the turbine from damage and prevent grid instability. This can include pitch
adjustments, par al blade feathering, or braking systems.
Wind turbines are o en equipped with remote monitoring systems that allow operators to
monitor performance, diagnose issues, and make adjustments remotely. Remote control enables
efficient management of mul ple turbines across different loca ons.
Wind turbines communicate with each other and with a central control center to coordinate their
opera on and respond to grid demands.
Wind turbines can provide auxiliary services to the grid, such as frequency regula on and voltage
control, to enhance grid stability. Grid codes and regula ons dictate how wind turbines interact
with the grid, including requirements for voltage and frequency control.
Advanced control systems use op miza on algorithms to predict wind condi ons, turbine
performance, and grid requirements. These algorithms adjust turbine se ngs in real- me to
maximize energy produc on and revenue.
Leading edge: It is the side of the blade that faces the wind first as the blade rotates. It is the edge
that encounters the air first and experiences the ini al impact of the wind.
Trailing edge: It is the edge that follows the leading edge as the blade moves through the air. It is
the edge that trails behind and experiences the airflow a er it has passed over the airfoil's curved
The chord: It is the width of the airfoil measured from one side to the other, perpendicular to the
direc on of the airflow.
Camber: It refers to the curvature or asymmetry of an airfoil's shape, specifically the curvature of
its upper and lower surfaces. (Please refer figure shown).
Posi ve Camber:
Posi ve camber means that the airfoil's upper surface is curved more than its lower surface.
Posi ve camber generates li by crea ng a pressure difference between the upper and lower
surfaces, pushing the airfoil upward.
Nega ve Camber:
Nega ve camber means that the airfoil's lower surface is curved more than its upper surface.
Nega ve camber can also generate li , albeit typically to a lesser extent than posi ve camber.
Li Force:
Li force is generated by the pressure difference between the upper and lower surfaces of the
rotor blades. It is responsible for the upward mo on of an aircra wing or a wind turbine blade.
In wind turbines, li force is harnessed to create rota onal mo on. The shape of the blade (airfoil)
and its angle of a ack determine the li generated.
When the wind passes over the blade, the pressure difference between the front and back of the
blade causes the li forces. A major component of the li force acts in the ever-changing
tangen al direc on as the rotor rotates.
Li forces have a can lever beam effect on the blade, causing the maximum stress at the joint
between the blade and the hub which is connected to the main sha of the wind turbine. The
drag forces and the li forces are perpendicular to each other; and act as a can lever beam effects
on the blades.
Drag Force:
Drag force is a resistance force exerted by the air on the surface of a blade. Drag force opposes
the forward mo on of the blades. While it's an undesirable force in most applica ons, some drag
is necessary to generate li . Drag forces have a can lever beam effect on the blade, causing the
maximum stress at the joint between the blade and the hub which is connected to the main sha
of the wind turbine.
Centrifugal Force:
centrifugal force is exerted on the rotor blades as they rotate. It puts stress on the blades and
requires them to be strong enough to withstand the force. The velocity of each par cle inside the
blade changes direc on as the rotor rotates. This change of direc on is a form of accelera on of
the par cle toward the center, or axis, that the blade revolves around. This accelera on is caused
by the centripetal force. The centrifugal forces vary with the size, shape, and mass density of the
blade, as well as the angular speed of the rotor. Centrifugal forces increase rapidly as the rotor
gains speed.
Gravity Force:
In wind turbines, gravity force affects the en re structure, including the tower and blades.
Structural integrity is crucial to counteract the gravita onal force.
Torsional Force:
Wind turbine blades experience torsional forces due to wind fluctua ons. These forces can lead
to fa gue and wear on the blades over me.
Wind Load:
Wind load refers to the forces exerted by the wind on the surface of the turbine, including the
blades, nacelle, and tower. Wind load can put stress on the structure and influence the turbine's
overall stability.
Cyclic Loading:
Cyclic loading occurs due to fluctua ons in wind speed and direc on, causing the turbine
components to experience repe ve loading and unloading. Cyclic loading can lead to fa gue
and wear on materials over me, affec ng the lifespan of the turbine.
The maximum stress caused by the drag forces, the li forces, the centrifugal forces, and the
gravita onal forces, concentrates at the joint between the blade and the hub.
Wind Resource Assessment
Wind Resource Assessment- it can be understood as the process of evaluating the
potential energy that can be harnessed from the wind in a particular geographic
area. Overall, wind resource assessment is a multidisciplinary process that
combines meteorology, statistics and engineering analysis to provide critical
information for decision-making in wind energy projects. The wind resource
assessment can be classified into two techniques
1. Traditional techniques
2. Advance Technique (which consist of remote sensing techniques such as)
The wind vane uses a potentiometer type transducer that outputs an electrical
signal relative to the location of the vane. This electrical signal is transmitted by
means of wire to a data logger and relates the vane's position to a known reference
point (usually north).
The flow of air near the anemometers is significantly affected by the masts used in
wind resource measurement. This effect is known as the “tower shadow”.
Tower shadow effect can be reduced by selecting the higher reading of two
anemometers at each height as the value of the measured wind speed for each
averaging period.
Data Analysis
Uncertainty Analysis
More quantitative and accurate remote sensing techniques for wind energy
applications include sound and light wave propagation and backscatter detection-
based devices such as SODAR, LiDAR and Satellite-based Sea surface wave
SODAR, stands for "Sonic Detection and Ranging" or "Sonic Ranging and Detection,"
is a remote sensing technology used in various applications, including wind energy.
In wind energy, SODAR systems are employed to gather information about vertical
wind profiles, which is valuable for wind resource assessment, wind turbine
micrositing, and wind farm optimization. SODAR plays a crucial role in wind energy
applications by providing detailed vertical wind profiles, optimizing turbine
placement and layout, assisting in wind resource assessment, and contributing to
the operational efficiency of wind farms
SODAR devices are employed to assess the wind resource at potential wind farm
sites. These devices use sound waves to measure wind speed and direction at
different altitudes above the ground. SODAR systems typically consist of multiple
microphones that emit sound waves vertically into the atmosphere. By measuring
the time it takes for the sound waves to be reflected back by atmospheric
turbulence, SODAR can determine wind speed profiles up to several hundred
meters above the ground.
It also measures the vertical profiles of wind speed and direction, which is crucial
for understanding how wind conditions change with altitude. This information helps
in identifying the optimal hub height for wind turbines within a wind farm.
SODAR data assists in determining the optimal layout of wind turbines within a wind
farm. By understanding the vertical wind profile, developers can arrange turbines
to minimize wake effects, where one turbine's wake affects the performance of
downstream turbines.
SODAR is particularly useful for offshore wind energy projects, where accessing and
maintaining meteorological towers can be challenging. SODAR systems mounted on
buoys or platforms can provide valuable wind data for designing, operating, and
maintaining offshore wind farms.
LiDAR, stands for "Light Detection and Ranging," is a remote sensing technology
that uses laser light to measure distances and create detailed 3D maps of the
environment. In the context of wind energy, LiDAR technology has found numerous
applications for wind resource assessment, turbine performance optimization, and
operational monitoring in both onshore and offshore wind farms.
LiDAR devices can be deployed on meteorological masts or on standalone platforms
to measure wind characteristics at different heights above the ground. LiDAR
provides accurate and comprehensive wind speed and direction data, enabling the
creation of detailed vertical wind profiles. This data is crucial for assessing the wind
resource potential of a site, including variations with altitude.
Traditional meteorological towers have limitations in capturing wind data at higher
altitudes. LiDAR technology allows for accurate measurements at hub height and
beyond, which is essential for optimizing turbine placement and determining the
most suitable hub height for maximum energy capture.
LiDAR data helps in optimizing the layout and placement of wind turbines within a
wind farm. By analyzing wind patterns and wake effects, developers can
strategically position turbines to minimize the impact of one turbine's wake on the
performance of neighboring turbines.
Data measured by LiDAR assists in designing the overall layout of a wind farm by
considering factors such as terrain, topography, and wind conditions. This ensures
that turbines are situated in locations that provide optimal energy production and
operational efficiency.
LiDAR data can be used to create high-resolution wind resource maps that depict
wind speed and direction across a specific area. These maps offer valuable insights
into the spatial distribution of wind energy potential.
LiDAR technology is particularly valuable for offshore wind farms where installing
traditional meteorological masts is challenging and expensive. Floating LiDAR units
placed on buoys or platforms provide accurate wind data for offshore wind resource
assessments and operational monitoring.
Operational Monitoring: LiDAR devices can be installed on individual wind turbines
to continuously monitor their performance. By tracking changes in wind conditions
and turbine behavior, operators can optimize energy production, predict
maintenance needs, and extend the lifespan of the turbines.
Wind Turbine Control: LiDAR data can be integrated into wind turbine control
systems to adjust turbine settings in real-time based on the detected wind
conditions. This enables turbines to operate efficiently and safely in varying wind
Lidar-Assisted Lidar: Some advanced LiDAR systems use multiple units in tandem,
with one acting as a reference and the others as measurement devices. This
approach can enhance data accuracy and provide redundancy.
Data Validation and Calibration: LiDAR measurements can be used to validate and
calibrate data from other remote sensing technologies and meteorological towers,
ensuring the accuracy of wind resource assessments.
Short-Term and Long-Term Forecasting: LiDAR data can contribute to short-term
and long-term wind forecasting, aiding wind farm operators in making informed
decisions about energy production and grid integration.
Biomass Conversion Technologies
Biomass has always been an important energy source for the country considering the benefits
it offers. It is renewable, widely available, carbon-neutral and has the potential to provide
significant employment in the rural areas. Biomass is also capable of providing firm
energy. About 32% of the total primary energy use in the country is still derived from biomass
and more than 70% of the country’s population depends upon it for its energy needs. Ministry
of New and Renewable Energy has realized the potential and role of biomass energy in the
Indian context and hence has initiated a number of programmes for promotion of efficient
technologies for its use in various sectors of the economy to ensure derivation of maximum
benefits. For efficient utilization of biomass, bagasse-based cogeneration in sugar mills and
biomass power generation have been taken up under biomass power and cogeneration
Biomass power & cogeneration programme is implemented with the main objective of
promoting technologies for optimum use of country’s biomass resources for grid power
generation. Biomass materials used for power generation include bagasse, rice husk, straw,
cotton stalk, coconut shells, soya husk, de-oiled cakes, coffee waste, jute wastes, groundnut
shells, saw dust etc.
As per a recent study sponsored by MNRE, the current availability of biomass in India is
estimated at about 750 million metric tonnes per year. The Study indicated estimated surplus
biomass availability at about 230 million metric tonnes per annum covering agricultural
residues corresponding to a potential of about 28 GW. This apart, about 14 GW additional
power could be generated through bagasse-based cogeneration in the country’s 550 Sugar
mills, if these sugar mills were to adopt technically and economically optimal levels of
cogeneration for extracting power from the bagasse produced by them.
Bioenergy is a source of energy from the organic material that makes up plants, known as
biomass. Biomass contains carbon absorbed by plants through photosynthesis. When this
biomass is used to produce energy, the carbon is released during combustion and simply returns
to the atmosphere, making modern bioenergy a promising near zero-emission fuel.
Modern bioenergy is the largest source of renewable energy globally, accounting for 55% of
renewable energy and over 6% of global energy supply. The Net Zero Emissions by 2050
Scenario sees a rapid increase in the use of bioenergy to displace fossil fuels by 2030. Use of
modern bioenergy has increased on average by about 7% per year between 2010 and 2021, and
is on an upward trend.
More efforts are needed to accelerate modern bioenergy deployment to get on track with the
Net Zero Scenario, which sees deployment increase by 10% per year between 2021 and 2030,
while simultaneously ensuring that bioenergy production does not incur negative social and
environmental consequences. Bioenergy is an important pillar of decarbonisation in the energy
transition as a near zero-emission fuel. Bioenergy is useful because there is flexibility in the
contexts and sectors it can be used in, from solid bioenergy and biogases combusted for power
and heat in homes and industrial plants to liquid biofuels used in cars, ships and airplanes.
Furthermore, it can often take advantage of existing infrastructure – for instance, biomethane
can use existing natural gas pipelines and end-user equipment, while many drop-in liquid
biofuels can use existing oil distribution networks and be used in vehicles with only minor
Generation and Installed Capacity of Biomass Power
The Government of India has set an ambitious target of 175 GW renewable power installed
capacity by the end of 2022, therefore making it one of the most progressive renewable energy
policies in the world. This target aims to install a total of 10 GW worth of Bioenergy capacity.
India’s Bioenergy potential is tremendously high and driven largely by overpopulation and vast
agricultural pastures. Experts estimate peg this at a total of 25 GW. India is one of the biggest
economies with a growing population, big capacities of field and plantation biomass, industrial
biomass, forest biomass, urban waste biomass and aquatic biomass. In addition, the demand
for electricity is growing every year due to economic growth, increasing prosperity and
urbanization, rise in per capita consumption and massive rural electrification infrastructure.
Another critical factor to consider is that India is highly dependent on crude oil imports, with
an approximately 82 percent of total crude oil imports used to fulfil the domestic consumption
demand, which makes this susceptible to price shocks due unforeseen escalations in crude oil
prices. Therefore, it seems to be only logical to combine the potential in Bioenergy as a cheaper,
greener source of power, with the increasing demand for electricity across the country.
Bioenergy so far is especially prominent in rural India since agricultural residues such as straw
and cow dung are easily available. As per the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
(“MNRE”), about 32 percent of the total primary energy use in the country is derived from
biomass and more than 70 percent of the country’s population, in one way or the other, depends
upon it for their energy needs in the rural regions.
coal-based power generation in the region in the past decade. Installers and system providers
usually hold stock of major equipment in inventory. However, manufacturers faced bottlenecks
and shortages owing to limited production in countries during the COVID-19 crisis.
Furthermore, upcoming biomass power projects witnessed delays in commissioning due to the
disruption in the supply chain and halt of on-site construction activities caused by the
imposition of lockdowns in severely affected areas.
Technology Insights
On the basis of technologies, the global market for biomass power has been further categorized
into combustion, gasification, and anaerobic digestion. In terms of revenue, the combustion
segment dominated the market in 2021 and accounted for the maximum share of more than
88.0% of the global revenue. The trend is expected to continue in the future with the segment
registering a steady growth rate over the forecast period. Biomass feedstock is directly
combusted in a furnace with air, to convert water into steam. The produced steam is used to
drive a steam turbine to generate electricity.
The combustion technology has a non-complex operation and operates at a lesser cost
compared to other advanced biomass power technologies. This is expected to drive the demand
for combustion technology in the market over other available technologies. Biomass power can
be used for power generation, lighting, heating, and cooking gas applications. These factors
are expected to boost the growth of the anaerobic digestion technology segment over the
forecast period. However, the gasification technology segment is estimated to register the
fastest CAGR over the forecast period.
Feedstock Insights
On the basis of feedstock, the global market has been further segmented into solid
biofuel, liquid biofuel, and biogas. In terms of revenue, the solid biofuel segment accounted
for the maximum revenue share of 85.5% in 2021. The segment will expand further at a steady
CAGR retaining its leading position throughout the forecast period. The easy availability and
low cost of solid biofuel shave resulted in their higher adoption over liquid biofuels and biogas
for power generation applications. On the other hand, the liquid biofuel segment is projected
to record the fastest growth rate during the forecast period.
The biogas segment accounted for the second-largest market share, in terms of revenue, in 2021
owing to its higher calorific value and ability to be produced and utilized in remote areas. The
segment is expected to grow at a steady growth rate during the forecast period. Biogas is
majorly composed of methane and carbon dioxide, which is produced by the process of
anaerobic digestion and it can be also produced through the thermal process of solid biofuel.
Biomass power can be utilized for various applications, such as power generation, heating, and
The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted India’s energy use; our updated assessment shows an
estimated fall of about 5% in the country’s energy demand in 2020 due to lockdowns and
related restrictions, with coal and oil use suffering the biggest falls. The pandemic has also hit
investment in the energy sector, which fell by an estimated 15% in 2020, exacerbating financial
strains across the board, in particular among India’s electricity distribution companies. How
long the impacts last will depend on how quickly the spread of the virus is brought under
control, and on the policy responses and recovery strategies that are put in place.
Over 80%of India’s energy needs are met by three fuels: coal, oil and solid biomass. Coal has
underpinned the expansion of electricity generation and industry, and remains the largest single
fuel in the energy mix. Oil consumption and imports have grown rapidly on account of rising
vehicle ownership and road transport use. Biomass, primarily fuelwood, makes up a declining
share of the energy mix, but is still widely used as a cooking fuel. Despite recent success in
expanding coverage of LPG in rural areas, 660 million Indians have not fully switched to
modern, clean cooking fuels or technologies.
India is the third-largest global emitter of CO2, despite low per capita CO2 emissions. The
carbon intensity of its power sector in particular is well above the global average. Additionally,
particulate matter emissions are a major factor in air pollution, which has emerged as one of
India’s most sensitive social and environmental issues: in 2019, there were well over
one million premature deaths related to ambient and household air pollution.
Origin of Biomass
Biomass is a term used in several contexts: in the context of ecology it means living organisms,
and in the context of bioenergy it means matter from recently living (but now dead) organisms.
In the latter context, there are variations in how biomass is defined, e.g. only from plants,[2] or
from plants and algae, or from plants and animals. The vast majority of biomass used for
bioenergy does come from plants. Bioenergy is a type of renewable energy with potential to
assist with climate change mitigation.
Biomass (ecology), the mass of living biological organisms in a given area or ecosystem at a
given time. This can be the biomass of particular species or the biomass of a
particular community or habitat.
Biomass (energy), biomass used for energy production or in other words: biological mass used
as a renewable energy source (usually produced
through agriculture, forestry or aquaculture methods). Bioenergy, energy sources derived from
biological material
Biomass is also used as a term for the mass of microorganisms that are used to produce
industrial products like enzymes and medicines.
Examples of emerging bioproducts or biobased products include biofuels, bioenergy, biochar,
starch-based and cellulose-based ethanol, bio-based adhesives, biochemicals, bioplastics, etc.
Biological wastewater treatment
In biological wastewater treatment processes, such as the activated sludge process, the term
"biomass" is used to denote the mass of bacteria and other microorganisms that break down
pollutants in wastewater. The biomass forms part of sewage sludge.
What is Biomass?
Organic matter produced by “recently living” plants and their derivatives – includes forest
residues, crops, crop residues, energy crops, animal manure etc. Plants produce their own
energy to sustain their day-to-day lives through a process called photosynthesis. Energy from
sunlight is used to convert water from the soil and CO2 from the atmosphere into simple sugars
(sucrose and glucose), which are then converted into complex starches for energy storage or
into cellulose and hemicellulose. Hence, biomass can be classified as indirectly stored solar
energy. There are three plant elements of plant growth: photosynthesis, respiration, and
transpiration, Photorespiration might occur at times under high light and heat conditions.
Photosynthesis, the process by which green plants and certain other organisms
transform light energy into chemical energy. During photosynthesis in green plants,
light energy is captured and used to convert water, carbon dioxide, and minerals
into oxygen and energy-rich organic compounds. It would be impossible to overestimate the
importance of photosynthesis in the maintenance of life on Earth. If photosynthesis ceased,
there would soon be little food or other organic matter on Earth. Most organisms would
disappear, and in time Earth’s atmosphere would become nearly devoid of gaseous oxygen.
The only organisms able to exist under such conditions would be the chemosynthetic bacteria,
which can utilize the chemical energy of certain inorganic compounds and thus are not
dependent on the conversion of light energy. energy produced by photosynthesis carried out by
plants millions of years ago is responsible for the fossil fuels (i.e., coal, oil, and gas) that
power industrial society. In past ages, green plants and small organisms that fed on plants
increased faster than they were consumed, and their remains were deposited in Earth’s crust by
sedimentation and other geological processes. There, protected from oxidation, these organic
remains were slowly converted to fossil fuels. Mean energy efficiency of photosynthesis is
about 6.8%.
Fig.- 6. Process of Photosynthesis
Respiration is a metabolic process that occurs in all organisms. It is a biochemical process that
occurs within the cells of organisms. In this process, the energy is produced by the breakdown
of glucose which is further used by cells to perform various functions. Every living species,
from a single-celled organism to dominant multicellular organisms, performs respiration. It
is the opposite of photosynthesis, where the stored carbohydrates are oxidized to produce
energy. This energy is used for cell growth and building new tissues.
Fig. – 7. Process of Respiration
Types of Respiration
Transpiration is the biological process by which water is lost in the form of water vapour from
the aerial parts of the plants.” Like all living organism, plants also require an excretory system
to discharge excess water from their body. This process of elimination of excess water from
the plant body is known as transpiration. It is generally the evaporation of water from the
surface of the leaves.
During the process of transpiration, water molecules in the plant tissues are removed from the
aerial parts of the plants. Only a small amount of water absorbed by the plants is utilized in
growth and development. The rest is eliminated in the form of transpiration.
It is responsible for:
Transporting minerals from soil throughout the plant
Cooling the plant through evaporation
Moving sugars and plant chemicals
Maintaining the cell pressure (pressure exerted by fluids in a plant cell)
There needs to be a delicate balance between the three processes for a plant to grow and be
Factors Affecting Transpiration in Plants
Different factors affecting the rate of transpiration are:
Cellular Factors
The cellular factors affecting the rate of transpiration are:
Environmental Factors
1. Light,
2. Humidity,
3. Temperature,
4. Atmospheric pressure,
5. Wind speed or velocity.
Relative Humidity
The amount of water vapour present in the air at a particular time and temperature is expressed
as a percentage of the amount required for saturation at the same temperature. The rate of
transpiration is inversely proportional to relative humidity. More the relative humidity less is
the transpirate rate.
A high temperature lowers the relative humidity and opens the stomata even in darkness. As a
result, the rate of transpiration increases.
The stomata open during the day and close in the dark. Presence of light is directly proportional
to the rate of transpiration.
If the air is still, the transpiration rate is low. This is because the water vapour accumulates
around the transpiring organs and reduce the diffusion pressure deficit of the air.
If the air is moving, the saturated air around the leaves is removed and the transpiration rate
Water Availability
The transpiration rate is directly proportional to the absorption of water by the roots from the
soil. A decrease in water absorption causes the closure of stomata and wilting, thereby reducing
the rate of transpiration.
Surface Area of the Leaves
A leaf having more surface area will show more transpiration rate than the leaf with a lesser
surface area.
Biomass Sources
Biomass comes from a variety of sources. Some of the different types of biomass example are:
Animal Waste
Animal waste is an important source of nutrients and renewable energy and is a valuable
biomass feedstock. Animal waste has chemical energy stored in it just like plants and when it
is burnt, it releases bioenergy in the form of heat and fuel. Animal wastes are generally the
excreted materials from living animals and can also include hay, straw, organic debris and
wood shavings.
Forestry Residues
It is the residue which is left over from logging operations that may include branches, tree tops,
sawdust and stumps. These can be obtained in two forms including primary forestry residues
and secondary forestry residues. Forest residues comprise of branches, tops and
unmerchantable wood left after cleaning, final felling or thinning of forest stands.
Wood Wastes
It is the portion of the waste stream which comprises discarded wood products, stumps, whole
trees or pruned branches obtained during park or street maintenance. Therefore, a vast portion
of wood waste can be collected to use as biomass and bioenergy production.
Industrial Wastes
It is defined as the waste which is generated by manufacturing or industrial processes. It
includes a variety of waste including dirt, gravel, cafeteria garbage, concrete and masonry,
scrap metals, oil solvents, trash, chemicals, wood, weed grass, trees, etc. A careful selection of
the industrial waste to generate bioenergy is advised for prevention to bad impact on human
Fig. – 10. Conversion Cycle of Biomass Energy
1.Renewable sources
For the last couple of centuries, the world has heavily relied on fossil fuels such as coal and oil
for industry, transport, and to power our homes. These resources are finite: simply put, once
we exploit the world’s fossil fuel resources, it will be impossible to get any more.
Furthermore, this point may be closer than you think: scientists predict that at our current rates
of consumption, we’ll run out of known reserves of oil by 2052, gas by 2060, and coal by 2090.
Clearly, this is not sustainable, so we need to find renewable sources of energy. One of the
advantages of biomass is the fact that it is renewable.
Biomass, whether wood, plant, or animal material, can be sourced over and over again, making
it a renewable resource. Biomass is considered a renewable source of energy as compared to
other forms of energy. This is mainly due to the raw material that is used, which is available
throughout. Its purchase and redevelopment are easy.
Productions of biomass energy are comparatively cheaper than fossil fuels. The raw material
is available cheaply. Hence the low cost of electricity generation reduces the bills of the
common man. This makes biomass energy more attractive.
3.Variety of Products
Biomass can be used to create different products, such as methane gas and biodiesel, among
other types of fuels. It can also be used to produce secondary forms of energy, such as heating
steam turbines to generate electricity.
Biomass energy is versatile as it produces so many products. Biomass can be converted into
various forms, presence & absence of oxygens. Some of the byproducts are ethanols, biogas,
syngas, bio-oil, and bio-char.
Additionally, biomass is a more reliable source of energy than fossil fuels, especially as the
latter are getting more and more scarce. While the international community is increasingly
relying on exploratory drilling and mining to find new sources of coal and oil.
Another one of the advantages of biomass is that, when used for fuel, it is a carbon-neutral
process. Although carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are emitted through combusting,
processing or otherwise using biomass, this is believed to be offset by the carbon absorbed by
the plants forests grown to create the raw materials.
This claim relies heavily on the European Union (EU) classifying biomass as a carbon-neutral
form of energy under their Emissions Trading System (ETS).
However, there is a growing argument, including within the European scientific community,
that biomass is not carbon neutral. Even industry leaders have admitted that not all types of
biomass are carbon neutral.
Others argue that although biomass is often not carbon-neutral when used for fuel, it is a low-
carbon fuel that produces less carbon pollution than fossil fuels. However, even if biomass can
be favorably compared to fossil fuels in this regard, there’s no contest when it comes to cleaner
forms of renewable energy.
Furthermore, unregulated burning and dumping of organic materials can cause land, water,
and air pollution. For example, wood will break down quickly and cleanly in a natural
environment, but in landfill it takes longer to decompose, and when it does, it gives off the
greenhouse gas methane.
You can recycle wood and other organic materials, but it’s not always easy to do. Using these
materials as a fuel is another way to keep them out of landfill by giving people an economic
incentive to do so, which is yet another of the advantages of biomass
Biomass typically doesn’t require too much processing to turn it into fuel. Furthermore, it is
much easier to extract than fossil fuels, an expensive and intensive process.
While converting organic materials into higher-grade materials can be pretty intensive, there
are cheap and relatively easy ways to harness biomass as a fuel, namely through combustion.
Through combustion, whether in a home fireplace or an industrial power plant, the biomass
generates heat, light, or electricity. Not only is this a form of renewable energy that can be used
at home, but it’s also an affordable and accessible way for small-scale industry to access
renewable energy.
6.Clean Gas
Biomass energy is a clean gas as compared to other forms of energy. Greenhouse gases are not
emitted during the combustion of organic matter—minimal pollution results. During the
process, less amount of carbon is emitted, which plants absorb for their survival and life cycle.
These practices have uncertain returns, as you cannot be certain how much fuel you will find,
if any at all. On the other hand, planting crops gives almost guaranteed returns.
Biomass power plants are often dispatchable, meaning they can be activated or shut down in
response to demand. This makes them ideal for use in parallel to renewable energy plants: we
can use them to supplement solar, wind, or hydroelectric power at times of low production or
peak demand, yet another of the many advantages of biomass.
This could help to mitigate concerns around other forms of renewable energy such as wind and
solar, which are often seen as unreliable.
For biomass to be used as fuel, it usually needs to be processed first. These processes generate
varying amounts of carbon dioxide, a damaging greenhouse gas.
Further harmful emissions are generated when using the biofuel. In particular, biofuels tend to
generate methane, a greenhouse that is even worse for the climate than CO2.
Therefore, biomass is not really a viable alternative to fossil fuels if we want to curb global
warming. Arguably, we’d be better off investing in clean, renewable forms of energy such as
solar, wind, and hydroelectricity.
Along with carbon dioxide and methane, converting and using biomass into fuel can generate
a range of polluting gasses, including:
Acrolein formaldehyde
Hydrochloric acid
Hydrofluoric acid
Other hazardous air pollutants (HAPs)
HAPs are a group of 187 toxins that have been closely linked to cancer as well as reproductive
problems and birth defects. Furthermore, these materials can be very damaging to the natural
environment, poisoning land and marine animals.
3. It contributes to deforestation
Although wood is a renewable resource, it is also a precious one. In the US, we’ve already cut
down 94% of our old-growth forests, partly because we’ve cleared land for other purposes, and
partly because we’ve harvested the wood for fuel, paper, and other uses.
Today, we’re still clearing old growth forests for quick-growing monocultures such as pine and
eucalyptus. These plantations cannot replicate the diverse ecosystems they replace, displacing
animals and leading to species extinction.
Additionally, they’re much less efficient as carbon sinks than the forests they replace, so have
a negative impact on the climate.
Furthermore, wood is not the only type of biomass that can contribute to deforestation.
Growing crops like corn or beets for biofuels needs space – and lots of it, if we want to use
biofuels on a large scale. In our already overcrowded planet, this translates into clearing forests
and other natural habitats.
wanted to use biomass to power homes, energy plants would need to be set up in urban centers
for ease of energy use. This would generate significant amounts of traffic and pollution,
arguably creating more problems than it solves. What’s more, these biomass energy plants
would take up large footprints within our towns and cities – a planning nightmare for new
population centers, and virtually impossible in existing ones!
Furthermore, biomass energy plants would need to be located close to sources of biomass
material production to make them viable. Otherwise, this would mean transporting organic
materials long distance, and potentially using more energy to do so than the plant generates.
When it comes to biodiesel products such as ethanol, these are arguably less efficient that
gasoline, meaning that many people are reluctant to use them. There is also some evidence that
using ethanol can damage combustion engines over the long term. Furthermore, most ethanol-
based fuels contain some proportion of gasoline. So, although this is a way to reduce our
reliance on fossil fuels and make our current supplies last longer, it’s not a long-term
Maintenance of Biogas Plant
What is biogas?
How is biogas produced?
Biogas plant
Biogas production steps
How to maintain biogas production
Fuel properties
Applications, Advantages and Disadvantages
The Biogas Industry has started flourishing and will play an important role in the energy mix of
India’s renewable energy portfolio. We proudly want to say that we have succeeded with different
phases to ensure the sustainable growth of the Biogas industry for the past 8 years. And, we hope
to continue doing that for years to come and make our family bigger and make biogas industry a
frontrunner of the renewable energy sector.
There is ample potential of setting up biogas plants considering the livestock population of 512.06
million, which includes about 300 million (299.98 million) total population of bovines (comprising
of cattle, buffalo, Mithun and yak). The livestock sector contributes about significantly to India’s
GDP and will continue to increase. The dissemination of biogas technology is a boon for Indian
farmers with its direct and collateral benefits.
Biogas is a mixture of methane, CO2 and small quantities of other gases produced by anaerobic
digestion of organic matter in an oxygen-free environment. The precise composition of biogas
depends on the type of feedstock and the production pathway; these include the following main
Fig.1- Process of Biogas Production and Uses
These are airtight systems (e.g., containers or tanks) in which organic material, diluted in water, is
broken down by naturally occurring micro-organisms. Contaminants and moisture are usually
removed prior to use of the biogas.
Landfill gas recovery systems
The decomposition of municipal solid waste (MSW) under anaerobic conditions at landfill sites
produces biogas. This can be captured using pipes and extraction wells along with compressors to
induce flow to a central collection point.
Wastewater treatment plants
These plants can be equipped to recover organic matter, solids, and nutrients such as nitrogen and
phosphorus from sewage sludge. With further treatment, the sewage sludge can be used as an input
to produce biogas in an anaerobic digester.
The methane content of biogas typically ranges from 45% to 75% by volume, with most of the
remainder being CO2. This variation means that the energy content of biogas can vary; the lower
heating value (LHV) is between 16 (MJ/m3) and 28 MJ/m3. Biogas can be used directly to produce
electricity and heat or as an energy source for cooking.
Biomethane (also known as “renewable natural gas”) is a near-pure source of methane produced
either by “upgrading” biogas (a process that removes any CO 2 and other contaminants present in
the biogas) or through the gasification of solid biomass followed by methanation:
Upgrading biogas
This accounts for around 90% of total biomethane produced worldwide today. Upgrading
technologies make use of the different properties of the various gases contained within biogas to
separate them, with water scrubbing and membrane separation accounting for almost 60% of
biomethane production globally today.
Biomethane has an LHV of around 36 MJ/m3. It is identical from natural gas and so can be used
without the need for any changes in transmission and distribution infrastructure or end-user
equipment, and is fully compatible for use in natural gas vehicles.
Providing a renewable and reliable source of power has typically been the easiest route to market
for biogas, given incentives such as feed-in-tariffs, subsidy grants and tax relief schemes that can
also support the development of rural areas. The economic case for biogas improves when
biodigesters are favourably located – e.g., close to feedstock sources, electricity networks and local
heat offtake – or where co-benefits, such as the ability of biogas plants to treat wastewater with
high levels of organic pollutants, are recognized and remunerated.
Such co-benefits from biogas production can address a suite of sustainability priorities in
developing economies, which are set to capture three-quarters of the growth in global biogas
production. China, already producing almost a third of the global total, is seeking to expand rural
biogas production to reduce air pollution from coal use while improving waste management
practices, with plans to reach a level of nearly 17 (Million Tonne of oil equivalent) by 2030 (from
around 7 (Million Tonne of oil equivalent) today. India has offered to provide financial support to
local biogas co-generation plants and has overseen the deployment of more than 5 million
household biogas units for clean cooking. The prospects for biogas are further galvanized by wider
bioenergy targets in countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. These countries are
seeking to develop a biogas market by leveraging vast quantities of available residues produced
from certain industry sectors, such as the palm oil industry.
Biogas also provides an important option to support clean energy commitments at community
level, especially where access to national electricity grids is more challenging, or where there is a
large requirement for heat that cannot be met by renewable electricity. There is also a considerable
push to develop biogas for clean cooking. By 2030, around 200 million people move away from
the traditional use of biomass through biogas, half of whom are in Africa.
Biogas production in the SDS ultimately comes from thousands of local, small-scale facilities,
compared with the traditional large-scale centralized infrastructure that meets most energy service
demand today. While this has several co-benefits for rural communities, it also creates challenges
for scaling up output, as larger plants require more sophisticated co-operative models and are also
more exposed to the variability of different waste streams. It is also less certain that biogas
digesters can undergo the type of factory-style modular fabrication that has driven down the
manufacturing costs of other renewable technologies, such as solar PV.
Fig. 2- Biogas consumption by end use of 2018 and Biogas installed power capacity 2010-2018
The purpose of industrial biogas production is the collection of biomethane, usually for fuel.
Industrial biogas is produced either;
Biogas plants are reliable source of decentralized Renewable Energy for heating, cooking as well
as generating electricity/ power generation and thermal energy application alternatives in our
country. In order to promote this Decentralized Renewable Energy Source (DRES)
of power generation, specifically in the small capacity range (3 kW to 250 kW) and thermal
energy for heating/cooling from the biogas produced from Biogas plants of 30 M3 to 2500 M3 size,
operated based on the availability of required quantity of biodegradable organic waste(s).
The organic bio-degradable wastes from various sources such as cattle dung/ animal wastes, food
& kitchen waste, poultry dropping waste, agro-industry waste etc. are the feed stock for Biogas
plants. These plants are especially beneficial for meeting Off-grid Power requirements for
individual dairy and poultry plants, dairy co-operatives for operation of dairy equipment and other
electrical, thermal and cooling energy requirements for plant operation. The installations of such
biogas systems replace diesel in DG sets and also reduce the electricity bills of the individual
farmers/ beneficiary, entrepreneurs, dairy farmer, dairy co-operatives thereby helping to increase
the income of farmers/ end users. The nutrient enriched organic bio-manure is another stream of
income generation from biogas projects and at the same time saving in the expenditure of chemical
fertilizers by reduction of use of chemical fertilizers and other profitable ventures like organic
Biogas in India has been traditionally based on dairy manure as feed stock and these "gobar" gas
plants have been in operation for a long period of time, especially in rural India. In the last 2–3
decades, research organizations with a focus on rural energy security have enhanced the design of
the systems resulting in newer efficient low-cost designs such as the Deenabandhu model.
The Deenabandhu Model is a new biogas-production model popular in India. (Deenabandhu means
"friend of the helpless".) The unit usually has a capacity of 2 to 3 cubic meters. It is constructed
using bricks or by a ferrocement mixture. In India, the brick model costs slightly more than the
ferrocement model; however, India's Ministry of New and Renewable Energy offers some subsidy
per model constructed.
Source Insights
The municipal source segment led the market and accounted for 41.45% revenue share in 2022.
The growing usage of these municipal solid waste (MSW) in the production of biogas to reduce
landfills and greenhouse emissions is expected to support the market demand over the forecast
The industrial segment is expected to witness significant growth over the estimated period. The
growing interest in finding effective means to obtain bio-products and biofuel from industrial food
waste coupled with an increasing need for wastewater treatment in the industrial sector is expected
to fuel the market demand over the forecast period.
Application Insights
The electricity application segment led the market and accounted for about 30% revenue share in
2022. The growing attention to the use of renewable energy, particularly in the electric power
sector, has significantly increased the use of biogas for electricity generation.
In 2019, approximately 220 million kWh of electricity was generated using biogas (from 24
livestock and dairy operations) and from industrial and sewage wastewater treatment facility
approx. 1 billion kWh of electricity was produced. Biogas in the country qualifies as a renewable
energy fuel to generate electricity as per the state renewable electricity standards (RES).
Upgrade biogas application is expected to grow significantly over the forecast period owing to the
rising demand for biofuel in various end-use industries including automotive, which is expected
to fuel the market demand. Upgrade biogas is produced by converting biogas into biomethane by
removing hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, water, and contaminants from the biogas.
Regional Insights
Europe was the dominant regional segment in 2021 and accounted for about 41% of the revenue
share in 2022. The European biogas industry is growing owing to technological developments and
increasing investments in the region's refinery industry. Companies across Europe are investing
huge capital in research and development of biogas production from existing sources and planning
to increase the share of feedstock over the next few years. This will fuel the market growth of
biogas across the region.
In Italy, the market is driven by the efforts of the government to move toward decarbonization. For
instance, in March 2021, Eni SpA (BIT: ENI) agreed to buy an Italian biogas company from FRI-
EL Greenpower, a Gostner family holding, through its circular economy subsidiary, ‘Eco fuel’.
The acquisition, however, is yet to be approved by the relevant antitrust authorities.
India Market of Biogas Power
India biogas market size was valued at USD 1.40 billion in 2021. The market is expected to grow
from USD 1.47 billion in 2022 to USD 2.25 Billion in 2029 at a CAGR of 6.3% in the 2022-2029
period. The potential for compressed biogas production from various sources in India is estimated
at about 62 million tonnes per annum and also help bring down dependency on crude oil imports.
India biogas market is expected to grow from $1.47 billion in 2022 to $2.25 Billion in 2029 at a
CAGR of 6.3% in forecast period, 2022-2029.
In India, Nepal, Pakistan and Bangladesh biogas produced from the anaerobic digestion
of manure in small-scale digestion facilities is called gobar gas; it is estimated that such facilities
exist in over 2 million households in India, 50,000 in Bangladesh and thousands in Pakistan,
particularly North Punjab, due to the thriving population of livestock. The digester is an airtight
circular pit made of concrete with a pipe connection. The manure is directed to the pit, usually
straight from the cattle shed. The pit is filled with a required quantity of wastewater. The gas pipe
is connected to the kitchen fireplace through control valves. The combustion of this biogas has
very little odour or smoke. Owing to simplicity in implementation and use of cheap raw materials
in villages, it is one of the most environmentally sound energy sources for rural needs. One type
of these system is the Sintex Digester. Some designs use vermiculture to further enhance the slurry
produced by the biogas plant for use as compost.
Fig-4 Biogas CBG plants and production capacity
In Nepal, the government provides subsidies to build biogas plant at home.
After this, the biogas is ready for use by enterprises and consumers, for example in a liquefied
form or following injection into the gas pipeline network.
Hydrolytic fermentative
The hydrolysis stage is the first in biogas production. It is the one that simplifies the obtaining
of carbon to the microorganisms present in the biological consortium of the biological reactor.
Making organic matter accessible to microorganisms accelerates the process of obtaining biogas,
as well as its greater purity.
In The Production Of Biogas The next step of anaerobic digestion involves acidogenic bacteria.
They break down the sugars, fatty acids, and amino acids from the previous step into acids such
as acetic acid, propionic acid, butyric acid, and alcohols, ammonia, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and
hydrogen sulfide.
Acetogenesis is the process whereby acetate, a derivative of acetic acid, is created by acetogenic
organisms from carbon and energy sources.
During this stage, acetogenic microbes catabolize most breakdown products from acidogenesis
into acetic acid, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide. Acetogenic bacteria, therefore, digest the biomass
to products that methanogenic bacteria can utilize to create methane.
In this step, obligate anaerobic methane producing bacteria produce Methane gas as the major end
product along with Carbon dioxide, Hydrogen and traces of other gases. Methanogenesis has six
major pathways, each converting a different substrate into Methane gas.
The six major substrates used are Carbon dioxide, Formic acid, Acetic acid, Methanol,
Methylamine, and Dimethyl sulphate.
The acetic acid produced in the previous stages is converted into methane and carbon dioxide by
a group of microorganisms called “Methanogens”. In other words, it is process of production of
methane by methanogens. They are obligatory anaerobic and very sensitive to environmental
changes. Methanogens utilize the intermediate products of the preceding stages and convert them
into methane, carbon dioxide, and water. It is these components that make up the majority of the
biogas emitted from the system. Methanogenesis is sensitive to both high and low pH’s and occurs
between pH 6.5 and pH 8.
Methanogenesis is the final step of anaerobic decomposition, in which methanogenic bacteria
create methane, using the products of acetogenesis, as well as some of the products of hydrolysis
and acidogenesis.
There are two ways acetic acid and carbon dioxide, the two major products of the first three stages
of anaerobic decomposition, come together to form methane in methanogenesis.
In the first, carbon dioxide reacts with hydrogen to form methane and water. Acetic acid breaks
down into methane and carbon dioxide in the second and more critical way. This stage results in
methane and carbon dioxide forming. These are the two major products of anaerobic digestion and
two significant components of biogas.
Fig.6 Stages of biogas production
How to Maintain Biogas Production
The Optimization of Biogas Production
pH Balance Maintenance
Microorganisms are all sensitive to pH and in a biogas digester, each group lives most healthily at
different pH ranges. maintaining the pH balance within certain ranges aids in the optimization of
biogas production.
To maintain a constant supply of gas, it is necessary to maintain a suitable pH range in the digester.
pH of the slurry changes at various stages of the digestion. In the initial acid formation stage in the
fermentation process, the pH is around 6 or less and much of CO2 is given off. In the latter 2-3
weeks times, the pH increases as the volatile acid and N2 compounds are digested and CH4 is
produced. The digester is usually buffered if the pH is maintained between 6.5 and 7.5. In this pH
range, the micro – organisms will be very active and digestion will be very efficient. If the pH
range is between 4 and 6 it is called acidic. If it is between 9 and 10 it is called alkaline. Both these
are detrimental to the methanogenic (Methane production) organisms.
Temperature Control
Temperature affects the rate of reaction happening inside the digester. Increase in the ambient
temperature increases the rate of reaction thus increasing the biogas production as well. Methane
bacteria work best at a temperature of 350 – 380 C. The fall in gas production starts at 200C and
stops at a temperature of 10 0C. Studies showed that 2.25 m3 of gas was produced from 4.25m3 of
cattle dung every day when the digester temperature was 250C. When the temperature rose to
28.30C the gas production was increased by 50 per cent to 3.75 m3 per day
1. Temperature is a very important factor in any process as it influences the rate of reaction.
Anaerobic digestion microbial activity is sensitive to temperature.
2. The rate of metabolism for microorganism growth falls into 3, temperature ranges, these
(a) Psychrophilic,
(b) Mesophilic, and
(c) Thermophilic
C: N Ratio
It is generally accepted that microorganisms use carbon 25 to 30 times more rapidly than nitrogen.
As a result, it is required that care is taken by carefully balancing the C: N ratio in the feedstock
when the digester is fed. The composition of the feed should be maintained so as to keep the C: N
ratio in the digester tank within the desired range. A low C: N ratio may result in ammonium
inhibition, especially for nitrogen-rich substrates. The optimum C: N ratio quoted online is
generally thought to be in the range of 20 to 30.
The ratio of carbon to nitrogen present in the feed material is called C:N ratio. It is a crucial factor
in maintaining perfect environment for digestion. Carbon is used for energy and nitrogen for
building the cell structure. Optimum condition for anaerobic digestion to take place ranges from
20 to 30:1. This means the bacteria use up carbon about 20 to 30 times faster than they use up
nitrogen. When there is too much carbon in the raw wastes, nitrogen will be used up first and
carbon left over. This will make the digestion slow down and eventually stops. On the other hand
if there is too much nitrogen, the carbon soon becomes exhausted and fermentation stops. The
nitrogen left over will combine with hydrogen to form ammonia. This can kill or inhibit the growth
of bacteria specially the methane producers
Feed rate
One of the prerequisites of good digestion is the uniform feeding of the digester so that the micro
– organisms are kept in a relatively constant organic solids concentration at all times. Therefore,
the digester must be fed at the same time every day with a balanced feed on the same quality and
Organic Loading Rate
The organic loading rate is the amount of solids (rate of feeding) added into the digester per unit
volume per day and is normally described as the OLR, in units of kg VS/L.day.
Hydraulic Retention Time
Hydraulic retention time (HRT) is the average time a solids or slurry particle spends in the digester
during the anaerobic digestion process. HRT differs depending on the type of substrate and climate
condition with which the anaerobic digestion is performed.
For example, tropical climate countries have shorter HRT between 30 and 50 days, whereas, in
colder climates and cooler digesters, the necessary HRT can rise to as much as 100 days. CSTR
HRTs are seldom less than 15 days.
It is the theoretical time that particular volume of feedstock remains in the digester. In other words,
retention time describes the length of time the material is subjected to the anaerobic reaction. It is
calculated as the volume of digester divided by the feedstock added per day and it is expressed in
days. Under anaerobic condition, the decomposition of the organic substances is slow and hence
need to keep for long time to complete the digestion. In case of Indian digesters, where the feed
stock is diluted with equal composition, so demarcation prevails between solid and liquid. In this
case, biomass in the form of bacteria is washed out; hence the solid retention time (SRT) is equal
to hydraulic retention time (HRT).
Under certain circumstances, nutrients can play a vital role when considering the optimization of
biogas production. The bioreactor microorganisms require very small quantities of some elements
known as “micronutrients” for their growth. Their presence can be crucial to maintaining a stable
population within the microorganisms which perform anaerobic digestion.
Food waste digesters, solely fed with food waste, were found to run for a long period, maybe 1 to
2 years before mysteriously slowing down. Ultimately, most failed altogether and had to be
emptied and restarted.
The major nutrients required by the bacteria in the digester are, C, H2, O2, N2, P and S, of these
nutrients N2 and P are always in short supply and therefore to maintain proper balance of nutrients
an extra raw material rich in phosphorus (night soil, chopped leguminous plants) should be added
along with the cow dung to obtain maximum production of gas.
Surface Area/ Particle Size
Particle sizes of the substrate and the presence of some fibrous materials may also have a
significant influence on the gas production rate. It is, therefore, necessary that the particle size of
the substrate be not too large as it may result in the digester clogging and difficulty experienced
by the microbes in breaking down the substrate.
Though small quantities of mineral ions like sodium, potassium stimulates the growth of bacteria,
the high concentration of heavy metals and detergents have negative impact in gas production rate.
Detergents like soap, antibiotics, and organic solvents are toxic to the growth of microbes inside
the digester. Addition of these substances along with the feed stock should be avoided.
Degree of mixing
Bacteria in the digester have very limited reach to their food, it is necessary that the slurry is
properly mixed and bacteria get their food supply. It is found that slight mixing improves the
fermentation, however a violent slurry agitation retards the digestion.
Diameter to depth ratio
Studies reveal that gas production per unit volume of digester capacity was maximum, when the
diameter to depth ratio was in the range of 0.66 to 1.00. One reason may be that because in a simple
unstirred single stage digester the temperature varies at different depths. The most activity
digesting sludge is in the lower half of the digester and this is less affected by changes in night and
day temperature.
Total solid content
The raw cow dung contains 80-82% of moisture. The balance 18-20% is termed as total solids.
The cow dung is mixed usually in the proportion of 1:1 in order to bring the total solid content to
8-10%. This adjustment of total solid content helps in digesting the materials at the faster rate and
also in deciding the mixing of the various crop residues as feed stocks in biogas digester.
Fuel Properties
Biogas is a mixture of different components and the composition varies depending upon
the characteristics of feed materials, amount of degradation, etc. Biogas predominantly
consists of 50 to 70 per cent methane, 30 to 40 per cent carbon dioxide and low amount
of other gases. Methane is a combustible gas. The energy content of biogas depends on
the amount of methane it contains. Methane content varies from about 50 percent to 70
Properties Range
1. Biogas used as fuel Used to generate electricity
2. Biogas is used to run any type of heat engine in order to generate electrical and mechanical
3. Producing high quality fertilizer.
4. Reducing water and air pollution.
Advantages of Biogas
Biogas is very advantageous which we will study below:
1. Non-polluting: Biogas burns without smoke; therefore, it evolves no harmful gas such as
CO2, CO, NO2, and SO2.
2. Reduces Landfills: The slurry which produces after the production of biogas, we can use
it as manure in fields. The technique of disposal is safe and effective and henceforth, no
space gets wasted in the form of landfills.
3. Inexpensive technology: A Biogas plant does not require an expensive installation cost
and become self-sufficient within a time span of 3-4 months.
4. Creates employment: It also creates work opportunity for thousands of people, especially
in rural areas.
5. Renewable source of energy: We consider it to be a renewable source of energy as the
production depends on the production of waste which is an endless process.
Disadvantages of Biogas
In addition to having many advantages, there are also some disadvantages of biogas. They
are as follows:
1. Inefficient on a large scale: As it is difficult to boost the efficiency of biogas, it is not
economically feasible to use biogas on a large scale.
2. Contains impurities: It comprises a lot of impurities which are difficult to control even
after putting it through many rounds of purification. When we compress biogas to use as
fuel, it proves to be extremely corrosive to the container.
3. Unstable and hazardous: When methane comes in contact with oxygen it reacts violently
to create carbon dioxide. As a result, the highly inflammable nature of methane makes it
susceptible to explosions.
Biofuels are the fuels which are derived from biomass that is, plant or algae material or animal
waste. Since such feedstock material can be replenished readily, biofuel is considered to be a
source of renewable energy, unlike fossil fuels such as petroleum, coal and natural gas. Biofuels
are commonly advocated as a cost-effective and environmentally benign alternative to
petroleum and other fossil fuels, particularly within the context of rising petroleum prices and
increased concern over the contributions made by fossil fuels to global warming. Many critics
express concerns about the scope of the expansion of certain biofuels because of the economic
and environmental costs associated with the refining process and the potential removal of vast
areas of arable land from food production.
Liquid Biofuels :-Liquid biofuels refer to any renewable fuel in liquid form. They are mainly
used as transport fuels. Notable examples of liquid biofuels are biodiesel, bio methanol,
bioethanol, biobutanol, bio propanol, bio-oil, jet fuel, etc. Some of the features and benefits
that have escalated research and helped popularize the application of liquid biofuels include
the following : (i) their high combustibility, (ii) they are safer and easy to store, (iii) they are
easy to transport with pipelines, (iv) they are safer to transport compared to petrol, (v) they
are relatively inexpensive, (v) they have a high energy to mass ratio, (vi) their storage
stability, and (vii) they are reasonably nonexplosive.
Gaseous Biofuels :-Biogas/biomethane, biohydrogen, and bio syngas are the commonest
examples of gaseous biofuels. They have a wide variety of applications, including for thermal,
transport, and heat uses and electricity/power generation. Over the years, gaseous biofuels have
been extensively studied and utilized due to the many benefits derivable from them, which
include: (i) higher reactivity, (ii) generation of less waste when applied, (iii) the fewer oxidants
required, (iv) the simplicity of the reactors, and (v) ease of control.
Advanced Biofuels :-The conversion technologies for most advanced biofuels are still
generally at the research and development, demonstration, or early commercial stages. Major
examples include hydrotreated vegetable oil, lignocellulosic bioethanol, biomass-generated
esters, microalgae biodiesel, and biohydrogen. Bearing in mind the challenges of shortages of
feedstock, the interference of some feedstocks with the food chain, and the poor cost
competitiveness associated with conventional biofuels, investment in and production of
advanced biofuels from inedible feedstocks has become an encouraging alternative. However,
the adaptation and commercialization of advanced biofuel are hampered by poor fuel
Feedstocks for biofuel production are divided into three categories in terms of their
generation: first-generation feedstock, second-generation feedstock, and third-generation
feedstock. The choice of feedstock has a huge influence on the development and utilization of
biofuel as a substitute for FB fuels. Feedstocks are chosen based on price, hydrocarbon content,
and biodegradability. For example, edible feedstocks and those containing pure sugars are
relatively expensive. Simple sugars are preferred as feedstocks because they are easy to
decompose with microbes while lignocellulosic biomasses are selected based on their relative
The following are some of the characters for the efficient bio-fuels:
a) Kinematic viscosity
b) Density
c) Calorific value
d) Melt or pour point
e) Cloud point
f) Flash point
g) Acid value
h) Iodine value
i) Cetane number
j) Stability – oxidative, storage and thermal
k) Carbon residue
l) Ash percentage
m) Sulphur percentage
Kinematic viscosity
Viscosity represents flow characteristics and the tendency of fluids to deform with
stress. Viscosity affects injector lubrication and fuel atomization. Fuels with low viscosity may
not provide sufficient lubrication for the precision fit of fuel injection pumps, resulting in
leakage or increased wear. Fuel atomization is also affected by fuel viscosity. Diesel fuels with
high viscosity tend to form larger droplets on injection which can cause poor combustion,
increased exhaust smoke and emissions.
It’s the mass of the substance per unit volume. Oils that are denser contain more energy.
For example, petrol and diesel fuels give comparable energy by weight, but diesel is denser
and hence gives more energy per litre. Biodiesel is generally denser than diesel fuel with sample
values ranging between 877 kg/m3 to 884 kg/m3 compared with diesel at 835 kg/m3. Thus,
density of the final product depends mostly on the feedstock used.
Calorific Value
Heat of combustion Heating Value or Heat of Combustion, is the amount of heating energy
released by the combustion of a unit value of fuels. One of the most important determinants of
heating value is moisture content. Liquid biofuels however have bulk densities comparable to
those for fossil fuels.
Melt point or Pour point Melt or pour point
It refers to the temperature at which the oil in solid form starts to melt or pour. In case where
the temperatures fall below the melt point, the entire fuel system including all fuel lines and
fuel tank will need to be heated.
Cloud point
The temperature at which an oil starts to solidify is known as the cloud point. While operating
an engine at temperatures below an oil’s cloud point, heating will be necessary in order to avoid
waxing of the fuel.
Flash point (FP)
The flash point temperature of diesel fuel is the minimum temperature at which the fuel will
ignite (flash) on application of an ignition source. Flash point varies inversely with the fuel’s
volatility. Minimum flash point temperatures are required for proper safety and handling of
diesel fuel. The flash point determines the flammability of the material. Neat biodiesel has a
flash point (150°C) well above the flash point of petroleum-based diesel fuel (±70°C).
Acid value
The total acid number is an indication of the presence of free fatty acids formed due to oil
degradation and combustion. It can also result from improper manufacturing, through
remaining catalyst or excessive neutralization.
Iodine value
It is an index of the number of double bonds in biodiesel, and therefore is a parameter that
quantifies the degree of unsaturation of biodiesel. It is reported in terms of the grams of iodine
that will react with 100 grams of a fat or oil under specified condition. It is a value of the
amount of iodine, measured in grams, absorbed by 100 grams of given oil. It is commonly used
as a measure of the chemical stability properties of different biodiesel fuels against such
Aniline point/Cetane number (CN)
It is a relative measure of the interval between the beginning of injection and auto-ignition of
the fuel. The higher the cetane number, the shorter the delay interval and the greater its
combustibility. Fuels with low Cetane Numbers will result in difficult starting, noise and
exhaust smoke. In general, diesel engines will operate better on fuels with Cetane Numbers
above 50. Cetane number is usually measured directly using a test engine. Cetane tests provide
information on the ignition quality of a diesel fuel. No.2 diesel fuel usually has a cetane rating
between 45 and 50 while vegetable oil is 35 to 45. Biodiesel is usually have in between 50 to
Biodiesel ages more quickly than petroleum diesel fuel due to the chemical structure of fatty
acids and methyl esters present in biodiesel. Typically, there are fourteen types of fatty acid
methyl ester in the biodiesel. The individual proportion of presence of these esters in the fuel
affects the final properties of biodiesel. Poor oxidation stability can cause fuel thickening,
formation of gums and sediments which in turn can cause filter clogging and injector fouling.
Thermal degradation occurs at high temperature and degrades hyper peroxide in the fuel more
rapidly than oxidative degradation. Biodiesel and biodiesel blends are much more thermally
stable than diesel. Biodiesel and its blends should not be stored in a storage tank or vehicle tank
more than 6 months. Depending upon the storage temperature and other conditions suggest the
use of appropriate antioxidants.
Carbon residue
This indicates the tendency of fuel to form carbon deposits in an engine. An important indicator
of the quality of biodiesel is the carbon residue, which corresponds to the content of glycerides,
free fatty acids, soaps, polymers and remaining catalyst.
Ash Percentage
Ash is a measure of the amount of metals contained in the fuel. High concentrations of these
materials can cause injector tip plugging, combustion deposits and injection system wear. The
ash content is important for the heating value, as heating value decreases with increasing ash
content. Ash content for bio-fuels is typically lower than for most coals, and sulphur content is
much lower than for many fossil fuels.
Sulfur percentage
The percentage by weight, of sulfur in the fuel sulfur content is limited by law to very small
percentages for diesel fuel used in on-road applications. First use vegetable oil and animal fat-
based biodiesel has less than 15 ppm sulphur. Many researchers claim that pure biodiesel is
essentially sulphur free and therefore biodiesel is an ultra-low sulphur fuel.
Application of biofuels
Biofuels have a wide range of applications,
The specific application of biofuels will depend on the availability of feedstocks, the cost of
production, and the environmental regulations in the region. However, biofuels have the
potential to play a major role in reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and combatting climate
Here are some of the most common types of biofuels and their applications:
Ethanol: Ethanol is a biofuel that is produced from corn, sugarcane, or other crops. It
can be used as a substitute for gasoline in vehicles, and it can also be used to make
alcoholic beverages.
Biodiesel: Biodiesel is a biofuel that is produced from vegetable oils or animal fats. It
can be used as a substitute for diesel fuel in vehicles, and it is also a good lubricant.
Biogas: Biogas is a gaseous biofuel that is produced from the anaerobic digestion of
biomass. It can be used to generate electricity, heat homes, and cook food.
Hydrogen: Hydrogen is a clean-burning fuel that can be produced from biomass. It
can be used in fuel cells to generate electricity, and it can also be used to power
The use of biofuels is growing rapidly, and it is expected to continue to grow in the coming
years. As the technology continues to develop, biofuels are becoming more affordable and
efficient, making them a more attractive option for transportation, electricity generation, and
There are many reasons why we need biofuels. Here are some of the most important ones:
To reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are a finite resource that is becoming
increasingly expensive and difficult to extract. Biofuels, on the other hand, are renewable and
can be produced from a variety of sources, such as corn, sugarcane, and wood.
To combat climate change. Biofuels produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions than fossil fuels.
This is because the carbon dioxide that is released when biofuels are burned is the same carbon
dioxide that was absorbed by the plants that were used to produce the biofuel.
To improve energy security. Biofuels can help to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. This
is because biofuels can be produced domestically, from a variety of sources.
To create jobs. The production and use of biofuels can create jobs in the agricultural,
transportation, and energy sectors.
To improve air quality. Biofuels can help to improve air quality by reducing emissions of
pollutants such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter.
Overall, biofuels have the potential to make a significant contribution to reducing our reliance
on fossil fuels, combating climate change, improving energy security, and creating jobs. As the
technology continues to develop, biofuels are likely to become even more important in the
years to come.
Biofuels can help to reduce rural poverty. The production of biofuels can create jobs in rural
areas, which can help to reduce poverty and improve the standard of living.
Biofuels can help to protect the environment. Biofuels can help to reduce deforestation and
land degradation, as they can be produced from agricultural waste and other non-food crops.
Biofuels can help to improve food security. Biofuels can be produced from food crops, but they
can also be produced from non-food crops. This means that biofuels can be produced without
competing with food production.
Despite the benefits, there are also some challenges associated with biofuels. These challenges
The production of biofuels can have a negative impact on land use and water resources. If
biofuels are produced from food crops, it can lead to deforestation and land degradation. If
biofuels are produced from non-food crops, it can lead to competition for water resources.
The cost of biofuels can be high. The cost of biofuels is still higher than the cost of fossil fuels.
This is due to the high cost of production and the limited availability of feedstocks.
The environmental impact of biofuels is still being debated. Some studies have shown that
biofuels can have a negative impact on the environment, while other studies have shown that
they can have a positive impact. The environmental impact of biofuels is likely to vary
depending on the type of biofuel, the feedstock used, and the production process.
Overall, biofuels have the potential to be a valuable part of the energy mix. However, it is
important to carefully consider the challenges and potential risks associated with biofuels
before making a decision about their use.
What is biogas.
Biogas is a mixture of gases, primarily consisting of methane, carbon dioxide and hydrogen
sulphide, produced from raw materials such as agricultural waste, manure, municipal
waste, plant material, sewage, green waste, wastewater, and food waste. It is a renewable
energy source. Biogas is produced by anaerobic digestion with anaerobic
organisms or methanogen inside an anaerobic digester, biodigester or a bioreactor. Biogas is
primarily methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) and may have small amounts of hydrogen
sulfide (H2S), moisture and siloxanes. The gases methane, hydrogen, and carbon
monoxide (CO) can be combusted or oxidized with oxygen. This energy release allows biogas
to be used as a fuel; it can be used in fuel cells and for any heating purpose, such as cooking.
It can also be used in a gas engine to convert the energy in the gas into electricity and heat.
Biogas can be compressed after removal of carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide, the same
way as natural gas is compressed to CNG, and used to power motor vehicles. It qualifies for
renewable energy subsidies in some parts of the world. Biogas can be cleaned and upgraded to
natural gas standards, when it becomes bio-methane. Biogas is considered to be a renewable
resource because its production-and-use cycle is continuous, and it generates no net carbon
dioxide. As the organic material grows, it is converted and used. It then regrows in a continually
repeating cycle. From a carbon perspective, as much carbon dioxide is absorbed from the
atmosphere in the growth of the primary bio-resource as is released, when the material is
ultimately converted to energy. Biogas can also be a source of atmospheric carbon capture
when combined with thermal decomposition.
Energy can be obtained from biomass.
The three main processes by which energy can be obtained from biomass are:
Both direct consumption and bacterial decomposition make energy that can be used to generate
heat to power generators. To make biomass into liquid or gaseous fuels, biofuels must be
converted from their original form. The most basic way to do this is through fermentation of
crops that are high in sugar (starch) or fat into ethanol, which can be mixed directly with
gasoline to power cars. Oilseed crops like canola or sunflowers are used to make biofuels. For
a more advanced process that requires breaking down the cell walls of plants into their most
basic chemical form, energy producers use a two-step process: deconstruction followed
by synthesis and upgrading. The first step, deconstruction, breaks the biomass down into its
most simple components and can happen at either low or high temperatures. High temperature
deconstruction includes:
In which biomass is broken down without oxygen to make bio-oil and biochar.
Hydrothermal liquefaction
In this wet biomass, such as algae, sewage, or a liquid slurry of feedstock, to make bio-
The second step, synthesis and upgrading, then rebuilds these components into usable fuel
(either liquid or gas). There are many types of synthesis and upgrading, and they vary based
on which products come out of deconstruction and what types of compounds are being made.
Properties Range
Calorific Value
The calorific value of LFG can be defined as the amount of heat produced on combusting a
unit volume of gas and can be expressed in kcal/m3, kJ/m3, or BTU/ft3. Calorific value
depends directly on the methane content of LFG, i.e., the higher the methane content, the
greater the calorific value. Average heating value of biogas= 22.6 MJ/m3.
Flash Point
Flash point is the minimum temperature at which the gas can be ignited. It is measured in °C.
The density of a gas usually involves combining the formula for density (mass divided by
volume) and the ideal gas law (PV = nRT). ρ = PM/RT, where M is molar mass. The ideal gas
law is a good approximation of the behavior of real gases.
Lower Explosive Limit (LEL)
The Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) is the lowest concentration of a gas or vapor that will burn
in air. The Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) varies from gas to gas, but for most flammable gases
it is less than 5% by volume.
Critical Temperature and Pressure
The critical temperature of a substance is the temperature at and above which vapor of the
substance cannot be liquefied, no matter how much pressure is applied. It is measured in °C.
The critical pressure of a substance is the pressure required to liquefy a gas at its critical
Difference between Biofuel and biogas
Biofuel and biogas are both renewable energy sources that are produced from biomass, but they
have some key differences.
Biofuel is a liquid or gaseous fuel that is produced from biomass through a variety of
processes, such as fermentation, pyrolysis, and gasification. Ethanol, biodiesel, and
biogas are all examples of biofuels.
Biogas is a gaseous fuel that is produced from the anaerobic digestion of biomass.
Anaerobic digestion is a process in which microorganisms break down biomass in the
absence of oxygen. The main components of biogas are methane (CH4), carbon dioxide
(CO2), and hydrogen sulfide (H2S).
Biofuels are typically used as transportation fuels, while biogas is more commonly used for
electricity generation, heating, and cooking. Biogas can also be upgraded to produce
biomethane, which is a clean-burning fuel that can be used in natural gas pipelines and vehicles.
Both biofuels and biogas are considered to be renewable energy sources, but they have different
environmental impacts. Biofuels typically have lower greenhouse gas emissions than fossil
fuels, but they can also have a negative impact on land use and water resources. Biogas has
lower greenhouse gas emissions than fossil fuels and does not require land for cultivation, but
it can produce air pollution if it is not properly managed.
Ultimately, the best choice of renewable energy source will depend on the specific application
and environmental concerns. Biofuel may be a better choice for transportation, while biogas
may be a better choice for electricity generation or heating. It is important to weigh the
advantages and disadvantages of each option carefully before making a decision.
Cooking: Biogas can be used as a cooking fuel. It is a clean-burning fuel that produces
less pollution than traditional fuels such as wood or kerosene.
Heating: Biogas can be used to heat homes and businesses. It can be burned directly, or
it can be converted into electricity or heat.
Electricity generation: Biogas can be used to generate electricity. It can be burned
directly in a generator, or it can be converted into biomethane, which can then be used
in natural gas pipelines and vehicles.
Transportation: Biogas can be used to power vehicles. It can be compressed into
biomethane, which can then be used in vehicles that are designed to run on natural gas.
Industrial applications: Biogas can be used in a variety of industrial applications, such
as manufacturing, agriculture, and construction. It can be burned directly, or it can be
converted into biomethane or other products.
Waste treatment: Biogas can be used to treat wastewater. It can be used to generate
methane, which can then be used to fuel a digester that treats wastewater.
Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of biofuel and biogas:
o Renewable energy source
o Lower greenhouse gas emissions than fossil fuels
o Can be produced from a variety of biomass feedstocks, such as corn, sugarcane,
and wood
o Can be used in existing vehicles and infrastructure
o Can help to reduce dependence on foreign oil
o Can have a negative impact on land use and water resources
o Can be more expensive than fossil fuels
o Can require significant upfront investment
o Can be less energy-efficient than fossil fuels
o Renewable energy source
o Lower greenhouse gas emissions than fossil fuels
o Does not require land for cultivation
o Can be used for electricity generation, heating, and cooking
o Can be upgraded to produce biomethane, which is a clean-burning fuel that can
be used in natural gas pipelines and vehicles
o Can produce air pollution if not properly managed
o Can be more expensive than fossil fuels
o Can require significant upfront investment
o Can be less energy-efficient than fossil fuels
o The production of biofuel can have a negative impact on land use and water
resources, especially if it is produced from food crops.
o Biofuel can be more expensive than fossil fuels, especially if it is made from
non-food crops.
o The upfront investment in biofuel production can be significant.
o Biofuel can be less energy-efficient than fossil fuels.
o Biogas can produce air pollution if it is not properly managed.
o Biogas can be more expensive than fossil fuels, especially if it is produced from
non-food crops.
o The upfront investment in biogas production can be significant.
o Biogas can be less energy-efficient than fossil fuels.
Despite the challenges, biofuel and biogas are both promising renewable energy sources that
have the potential to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and combat climate change. As the
technology continues to develop, these sources of energy are likely to become more affordable
and efficient, making them even more attractive options for the future.
Biogas plant Site Selection
Biogas Digester :- A biogas digestor uses natural anaerobic decomposition of organic matter
under controlled conditions. The digestor is usually a large, sealed container for the organic
matter. For example: manure from livestock or poultry, green waste from agriculture, sewage
or food waste. This is digested by bacteria in the absence of oxygen to produce a gas containing
methane and carbon dioxide. The gas is piped away from the digestor and burnt to produce
heat energy.
Organic Matter: Organic matter, organic material, or natural organic matter refers to the large
source of carbon-based compounds found within natural and engineered, terrestrial, and aquatic
As we know that the sunlight is the primary requirement for a biodigester plant to start
producing biogas as it supplies the necessary heat to raise the temperature of the organic matter
and start the fermentation process. Next requirement is the availability of a source of water
near the biodigester unit (should be situated at about 20 minutes from the biodigester unit). The
biodigester unit should be situated close to the kitchen, so that the biomass can be continuously
charged to the biodigester unit and biogas can be constantly produced from the digester. The
biodigester should have enough space to make a compost pit where the decay process can be
done continuously to produce biogas intermittently. The site selection for a biogas plant is an
important decision that can have a significant impact on the success of the project. There are a
number of factors to consider when choosing a site, including:
Sunny Place Water Source within 20 Closeness to Kitchen
Availability of feedstock: The biogas plant will need a steady supply of feedstock, such as
manure, agricultural waste, or food waste. The site should be located in an area where there is
a plentiful supply of feedstock that is easily accessible. The availability of feedstock for biogas
plants varies depending on the location of the plant. In general, there are four main types of
feedstock that can be used for biogas production:
i. Animal manure: Manure from livestock, such as cattle, pigs, and chickens, is a good
source of feedstock for biogas plants. It is readily available in many areas and has a
high methane content.
ii. Agricultural waste: Crop residues, such as corn stalks and wheat straw, can also be
used as feedstock for biogas plants. They are a good source of cellulose, which can be
converted into biogas by anaerobic bacteria.
iii. Food waste: Food waste from restaurants, grocery stores, and homes can also be used
as feedstock for biogas plants. It is a good source of carbohydrates, which can be
converted into biogas by anaerobic bacteria.
iv. Wastewater sludge: Wastewater sludge from wastewater treatment plants is a good
source of feedstock for biogas plants. It contains a variety of organic materials that
can be converted into biogas by anaerobic bacteria.
Land availability: The site will need to be large enough to accommodate the biogas plant and
its associated infrastructure, such as digesters, storage tanks, and pipelines. The site should also
be level and has good drainage. The land availability for biogas plants varies depending on the
location of the plant. In general, the amount of land required for a biogas plant will depend on
the size of the plant and the type of feedstock that will be used. For example, a small biogas
plant that uses animal manure as feedstock may only require a few acres of land. However, a
large biogas plant that uses agricultural waste or food waste as feedstock may require several
hundred acres of land. The land required for a biogas plant should be level and have good
drainage. It should also be located near a source of feedstock and have access to water and
electricity. In some cases, it may be possible to co-locate a biogas plant with other agricultural
or industrial facilities. This can help to reduce the amount of land required for the biogas plant
and can also help to reduce the environmental impact of the plant.
Some factors to consider when evaluating land availability for a biogas plant:
i. Size of the plant: The amount of land required for a biogas plant will depend on its size.
A small biogas plant may only require a few acres of land, while a large biogas plant
may require several hundred acres of land.
ii. Type of feedstock: The type of feedstock that will be used for the biogas plant will also
affect the amount of land required. Animal manure is a relatively compact feedstock,
so it requires less land than agricultural waste or food waste.
iii. Location: The location of the biogas plant will also affect the amount of land required.
Land in rural areas is generally less expensive than land in urban areas.
iv. Zoning: The land must be zoned for industrial or agricultural use.
v. Permits: The necessary permits must be obtained before construction can begin.
By carefully considering all of these factors, it is possible to identify land that is suitable for a
biogas plant.
Access to utilities: The biogas plant will need access to water, electricity, and natural gas (if it
will be used to generate electricity). The site should be located near these utilities to minimize
the cost of construction and operation. Biogas plants require access to a number of utilities in
order to operate, including:
i. Water: Water is used to clean the biogas plant, to cool the digesters, and to produce
ii. Electricity: Electricity is used to power the pumps, fans, and other equipment in the
biogas plant.
iii. Natural gas: Natural gas may be used to heat the digesters or to generate electricity.
iv. Telecommunications: Telecommunications are needed to monitor the biogas plant and
to communicate with the control centre.
The availability of these utilities is an important factor to consider when planning a biogas
plant. It is important to ensure that there is a reliable supply of water, electricity, and natural
gas (if needed). If the utilities are not available or are too expensive, the biogas plant may not
be economically viable. In some cases, it may be possible to co-locate a biogas plant with other
facilities that require the same utilities. This can help to reduce the cost of utilities and can also
help to reduce the environmental impact of the biogas plant. Here are some factors to consider
when evaluating access to utilities for a biogas plant:
iii. Infrastructure: The necessary infrastructure, such as pipelines and power lines, must be
in place.
iv. Permits: The necessary permits must be obtained before construction can begin.
Zoning and permitting: The site should be zoned for industrial or agricultural use and the
necessary permits should be obtained before construction can begin. Zoning and permitting are
important considerations for any biogas plant project. The specific requirements will vary
depending on the location of the plant, but in general, the following steps will need to be taken:
i. Check the zoning regulations: The first step is to check the zoning regulations for the
proposed site. Biogas plants are typically classified as industrial or agricultural
facilities, so they will need to be located in a zoned area that allows for that type of use.
ii. Obtain a zoning permit: Once the zoning regulations have been checked, a zoning
permit will need to be obtained from the local government. This permit will allow the
biogas plant to be constructed and operated in the proposed location.
iv. Obtain construction permits: Once the zoning and environmental permits have been
obtained, construction permits will need to be obtained from the local government. This
permit will allow the biogas plant to be constructed in accordance with the approved
plans and specifications.
v. Obtain operating permits: Once the biogas plant is constructed, operating permits will
need to be obtained from the local government. These permits will allow the biogas
plant to operate and will typically include requirements for emissions control, odour
control, and safety.
The zoning and permitting process can be complex and time-consuming, so it is important to
start the process early. It is also important to work with a qualified engineer and attorney to
ensure that all of the necessary permits are obtained. Here are some additional tips for
navigating the zoning and permitting process for a biogas plant:
i. Consult with a qualified engineer: An engineer can help you assess the zoning and
permitting requirements for a biogas plant on a particular site and can provide guidance
on the design criteria.
ii. Work with a qualified attorney: An attorney can help you navigate the zoning and
permitting process and can represent you in front of the local government.
iii. Start the process early: The zoning and permitting process can take several months or
even years, so it is important to start the process early.
iv. Be prepared to provide information: The local government will require you to provide
information about the biogas plant, such as the size of the plant, the type of feedstock
that will be used, and the emissions that will be generated.
v. Be prepared to make changes: The local government may require you to make changes
to the biogas plant design or operating plan in order to comply with the zoning and
permitting requirements.
By following these tips, We can increase the chances of successfully navigating the zoning and
permitting process for our biogas plant. Here are some specific zoning and permitting
requirements that may apply to biogas plants:
ii. Environmental permits: Environmental permits may be required for biogas plants,
depending on the type of feedstock that will be used and the size of the plant. The state
or federal government may issue these permits, and they will typically address air
emissions, water quality, and noise pollution.
iii. Construction permits: Construction permits will be required from the local government
before any construction can begin on the biogas plant. These permits will ensure that
the plant is constructed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications.
iv. Operating permits: Operating permits will be required from the local government before
the biogas plant can begin operating. These permits will typically address emissions
control, odour control, and safety.
The specific zoning and permitting requirements for biogas plants will vary depending on the
location of the plant. It is important to check with the local government to determine the
specific requirements for your project.
Environmental impact: The site should be selected in a way that minimizes the environmental
impact of the biogas plant. This includes considering factors such as air quality, water quality,
and noise pollution. The environmental impact of biogas plant site selection can be significant.
The site should be selected in a way that minimizes the environmental impact of the plant,
including air emissions, water quality, and noise pollution.
Here are some factors to consider when selecting a site for a biogas plant:
i. Air emissions: Biogas plants can emit methane, a greenhouse gas that is 25 times more
potent than carbon dioxide. The site should be selected in an area with good air quality
and away from sensitive receptors, such as schools and hospitals.
ii. Water quality: Biogas plants can produce wastewater, which can contain pollutants
such as ammonia and nitrates. The site should be selected in an area with good water
quality and away from surface water bodies.
iii. Noise pollution: Biogas plants can be noisy, especially during construction and
operation. The site should be selected in an area with low noise levels and away from
residential areas.
Compost Pit: Compost pits are used to make manures and fertile compounds by dumping
decaying biodegradable items.
Steps involved in construction of a biodigester plant.
Dome Plastering
So, the first step in construction of a biodigester unit is the layout plan making. The layout plan
tells us about the division or proposed division of land into plots, roads, open spaces, amenities,
etc. Layout plan of digester plant is made using lime or ash. The inlet, digester, outlet and
compost units should be fixed properly in a layout plan. After making of layout, the digging of
pits for inlet, digester, outlet and compost units should be done as per the measurement.
Step 2: Soling
The second step is soling which basically means arranging or hand packing of rubble stones or
bricks one adjacent to another, to provide a cushion and a stable strong subbase to the
foundation and footing, before concreting work. Soling of the digester floor should be done on
a stable and compact floor. Pour a layer of concrete over stone or brick layer formed by soling.
The third step is construction of a round wall which means we need to construct a wall having
a circular shape. For constructing a round wall, place a ½ inch GI pipe vertically at the centre.
Now, place another pipe horizontally and tie it with the vertical pipe. Now, we can construct
the round wall using the tied pipes by taking measurement from the centre.
After constructing the round wall, the next step is to construct the digester. Once the pit is
completed the level of the digester floor should be in hard or natural soil. Take the radius with
1 cm more for plastering. The first layer of the round wall should be from the width where as
others from the length of the brick. There should be proper back filling by adding little water
and gentle tapping. Stone wall should be as close as the mud wall. The concrete ratio should
be from 1:4 to 1:6 depending on the quality of the sand. The inlet pipe should be placed 35cm.
above from the floor of the digester. After completing the brick wall, it should be plastered
with 1:3 concrete and should be 10 mm thick.
Next construct the dome of the digester which is a rounded shape forming the roof of a building
or structure, typically with a circular base. There should be proper back filling before making
mud dome. Measure the height from the bottom of the digester to the top of the dome, mark
them and fill mud up to that level. Now replace ½ inch GI pipe 50 cm. buried in the mud dome.
Use template for making proper shape of the dome. Put thin layer of sand on top of the dome.
½ inch GI pipe to be replaced with main gas pipe. The dome should be casted with 1:3:3
concrete. The thickness of the dome should be 6 – 8 cm. at the centre and 25 cm. at the edges.
Protect it from the sun and pour water 4-5 times a day for about a week. Make turret on the
second day of casting dome. Remove mud from the digester after about a week.
The sixth step is inlet construction. Inlet of biodigester is a place used to charge organic matter
into the digester. For constructing inlet, place mixing machine in the inlet tank. The surface of
the floor of inlet should be 5 cm above from the overflow of the slurry level. The height of the
inlet pit should be 50 – 100 cm. If mixing machine is placed the blade of the machine to the
wall should be not more than 2 cm gap.
Seventh step is outlet construction, which is used to discharge the biogas out from the digester
plant. For outlet construction, the floor of the outlet should be stable. The size of the outlet
should be as given in the drawing. It should be plastered with 1:3 cement sand ratio. The wall
should be properly back filling. It should be slightly above the ground. The cover of the outlet
can be made at the time of casting dome. These slabs should also be cured properly. The
thickness of the slab should be 3 inch and should be casted on plain floor or on top of plastic
After outlet comes the compost pit construction. There should be 2 compost pits about 1 m far
from the outlet chamber. It should not be more than 1 m. depth and the distance of two pits
should be minimum of 50 cm.
In the ninth step, we will construct the stove which is an apparatus for cooking or heating that
operates by burning fuel. The stove should be placed in a convenient place. It should be cleaned
every day. Air adjusting hole should be easily opened. Rubber hose pipe should be changed if
it is damaged.
The tenth step is pipeline construction. While constructing pipeline, all the pipe fittings should
be done using Teflon tape. Avoid unnecessary fitting and union. The pipe line should be 1 foot
below the ground level.
The next step is water drain pit construction. Water drain pit is constructed to drain out water
from the biodigester unit. It should be placed at the lowest level of the pipe line. The wall of
the drain pit should be 40 cm x 40 cm. (inside) and 50 cm. depth. The wall should be about 5
cm. above the ground level. The water drain should be placed 30 cm. below the ground level.
The cover of the pit should be 66 cm. x 66 cm. The twelfth step is dome plastering. For
plastering dome, it should be cleaned with water and wire brush. Once we remove mud from
the dome, apply a layer of cement water solution. Plaster 10 mm thick with 1:2 cement sand
ratio. Plaster 5 mm thick with 1:1 cement sand ratio on the next day. Mix 1.5 portion of paint
with 20 portion of cement and apply inside the dome. Mix 1 portion of acrylic plastic emulsion
paint with 2 portion of cement and apply inside the dome with the help of brush.
Step 12: Gas pipe, main gas valve and turret construction
The second last step involves placing a gas pipe, main gas valve and turret construction. Gas
pipe is a passage to carry gas from inside the digester to the desired location. Main gas valve
is attached to alter the gas flow from the digester. Turret is a pipe attached from the dome,
which is connected to the outlet section to discharge gas from the dome to the outlet. ½ inch
pipe placed at the centre of the dome should be replaced with main gas pipe while casting
dome. Turret should be constructed next day on the top of the dome and should be 50 cm high
and 36 cm radius. Main gas valve should be placed right after the main gas pipe. There should
not be any unnecessary fittings between main gas pipe and gas valve. Main gas valve should
be closed when gas is not using.
The last step is to fill the top portion of the dome. Top filling of the dome is done to protect the
dome from cold and get more gas. This is done by covering it with mud (40 cm high).
Fig.3 Constructional details of Biogas Plant
For concreting dome, the ratio should be 1:3:3. Should not use concrete older than
two hours.
Dome should be protected from sun and needs about 6 days for setting.
The plastering of the dome is very important.
The gobar gas is not competed unless, these is no top filling, no slab on outlet and
no compost pit.
In this method, we take a 200 liters drum to develop slurry required to be fed into the
biodigester. pH value of the drum is first determined before adding any material to the drum.
Once the pH value is determined, fill the drum with one-part manure and one-part water and
allow it to develop an anaerobic digestion community of microorganisms. Monitor the pH of
the drum after adding slurry. Once required pH is obtained transfer slurry from drum to
pH value: pH is a measure of how acidic/basic a sample is. The range goes from 0 - 14, with
7 being neutral. pH of less than 7 indicate acidity, whereas a pH of greater than 7 indicates a
base. pH is really a measure of the relative amount of free hydrogen and hydroxyl ions in the
In this method, the biodigester is filled with water and loaded with manure regularly at a
constant loading rate. The reason for adding water is that, it dilutes the acidity of the slurry
thereby easing the process of biogas formation. Lack of water or insufficient water would have
led to formation of inhibitory intermediates (acids) and byproducts which otherwise would
have prevented methane formation (biogas). The process is time consuming and is limited
really to substrates with a large population of methane-producing organisms like fresh manures.
Once the biodigester begins producing methane (test this by igniting the gas) begin feeding
food waste at a lower rate slowly building up to the designed feeding rate.
In this method, the contents of rumen are removed to fill 10% of the volume of the biodigester
and the other 90% with tap water (any water except distilled or deionized). The biodigester is
fed at the calculated rate and within a few days, one would expect biogas to be produced.
Rumen: It is a part in the stomach region of animals such as cows, goats, sheep, buffalos, and
llamas which is used to soften food in their stomach. Rumen of a cow contains half to a quarter
of the methanogen population of anaerobic sludge in a tank or plug flow manure digester.
Rumen could be obtained from a slaughterhouse or if a dairy sciences unit is available from a
fistulated cow.
In this method, fill up the biodigester with 5-20% manure and water and then let the slurry sit
in a sort of "batch" process. When biogas begins to evolve from the slurry, then you may begin
to feed the biodigester at the recommended rate. Care and monitoring of the pH need to be
considered because using the "batch" start-up method can easily overload and imbalance the
biodigester causing a drop in pH.
Maintain the biogas production through Biodigester Plants
This cow dung creates problem in the environment if it is not managed properly. But the
organic waste cow dung could be converted into resource by applying proper recycling system.
It is well known that waste management helps to clean up the physical environment and the
society may get benefit from solid waste management. Waste produced from livestock
farming significantly enhanced agriculture and the farming showed sustainable agriculture
compare to conventional agriculture. Cow dung produced from dairy farming is a cheap and
easily available bioresource is used as bio-fertilizer, biopesticide, burning fuel, as cleansing
agent and as mosquito repellent. Any type of organic waste could be used for biogas production
and vermicomposting. Generally, vermicompost is produced by using earthworm and cow
dung for nutrient recycling, is used in agricultural fields for crop production.
Biogas technology is considered as one of the best technologies for treating organic waste to
recover both materials and energy from organic waste. Using of agricultural wastes for biogas
and bio-diesel production through recycling is a promising approach that will have economic,
environmental and social impact. Biogas production is highly beneficial as compared to
other renewable energy sources. Biogas production does not create
Harmful components e.g. sulphur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide
(NO2) or other particles.
Is constructed as per the drawing given
Construction of any part or structure is the joining of many sub-parts into one main structure.
In a biogas plant, construction is the most critical part of the making of a project because it
entails the actualization of the idea to be a tangible project. Biogas plant construction is
comprised of many activities, all interlinked into one major activity. Following considerations
should be made to properly construct a biodigester plant:
Studying the materials for construction of the biogas site together with their acceptable
Planning the biogas layout, where the steps are explained and the methodology for the
construction of the biogas plant is illustrated.
Project installation and implementation: The actual construction of the biogas plant
takes place according to a well-laid-out plan.
Biogas leakage is a major concern for biogas plants, as it can lead to environmental pollution
and safety hazards. Here are some steps that can be taken to prevent leakage through pipelines
in biogas plants:
i. Use high-quality pipes: The pipes used in biogas plants should be made from high-
quality materials that are resistant to corrosion and leaks. Stainless steel and PVC pipes
are two good options.
ii. Install proper joints: The joints between pipes should be properly installed and sealed
to prevent leaks. Welded joints are the most reliable option, but flanged joints can also
be used if properly sealed.
iii. Inspect pipes regularly: The pipes in biogas plants should be inspected regularly for
signs of damage or leaks. Any defects should be repaired immediately.
iv. Use pressure sensors: Pressure sensors can be installed in the pipelines to monitor for
leaks. If a leak is detected, the sensor will sound an alarm and the biogas flow will be
shut down.
v. Install odour detection systems: Odour detection systems can be installed to detect leaks
of biogas. If a leak is detected, the system will sound an alarm and the biogas flow will
be shut down.
vi. Train staff: The staff who operate and maintain the biogas plant should be trained on
how to prevent and detect leaks. They should also be aware of the safety hazards
associated with biogas leaks.
By following these steps, it is possible to significantly reduce the risk of leakage through
pipelines in biogas plants. Here are some additional tips for preventing leakage through
pipelines in biogas plants:
1. Use a leak detection dog: A leak detection dog can be used to sniff out leaks in biogas
pipelines. This is a good option for plants that are located in remote areas or that have
a large number of pipelines.
2. Use a gas tracer: A gas tracer can be injected into the biogas pipeline. If there is a leak,
the tracer will be released into the atmosphere and can be detected by a gas detector.
3. Install a flare system: A flare system can be installed to burn off any biogas that leaks
from the pipeline. This is a good option for plants that are located in areas with a lot of
air traffic or that have sensitive receptors nearby.
4. When using PVC pipes, use Teflon tapes to properly seal joints.
5. Do not lay the pipes on the bare floor. This is to avoid damages leading to leakages.
6. The artisan should avoid fittings other than a pipe-nipple between the main gas pipe
fitted in the dome and the main gas valve to avoid the risk of gas leakage. An engineer
should choose a good quality pipe in the installation of a biogas project. Choice of pipe
is very important, first to prevent damage which will lead to gas leakage and secondly
to prolong the life of the system.
7. Check for gas leakage in all pipe joints and in the entire pipeline as soon as gas
production in the digester starts. A simple rule of thumb is to use soap solution. Mix
powdered soap in water to form a foam. Thereafter, apply the foam on all joints, valves,
measuring devices flow, and pressure measuring devices and pumps. If you witness that
the foam is either moving or breaking, then there is gas leakage. Quickly shut off the
main gas valve on the turret, then disengage the joint before properly sealing it again.
Thereafter, carry out the foam testing again until you are sure the joint is properly
8. Adequate top filling on the dome.
9. Pipe line 1 feet below the ground level.
10. Adequate gas production and the user satisfied with the plant.
11. Maintain an optimum temperature inside the digester.
12. Regularly check the pH of the biodigester.
13. Test the gas pressure in the biodigester.
14. Supply nutrients like Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Sulphur, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron,
Nickel, Cobalt and Zinc.
15. Test the nutrients and toxicity of system from time to time. Test the gas in the
biodigester for gas combustibility.
Biomass Conversation
Biomass can be regarded as any organic material that originated from plants or animals. The
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in 2005, defined it as follows;
“A non-fossilized and biodegradable organic material originating from plants, animals and
micro-organisms. This shall also include products, by-products, residues and waste from
agriculture, forestry and related industries as well as the non-fossilized and biodegradable
organic fractions of industrial and municipal wastes”.
The world’s energy demand has been steadily increasing in the last several decades. This is
due to rapid increase in industrialization, population and the quest for improvement of the
living standards for societies. On the other hand, this has caused an irreversible damage to the
environment which leads to global warming, and climate change. These issues have been the
topic of discussion among scientist and policy makers at national and international levels on
how to mitigate the problem. The modern society is emphasizing on shift from non-renewable
to renewable energy (such as wind, solar, tide, geothermal and biomass) in their search for
energy source. Before the discovery of fossil fuels such as petroleum products, coal, and natural
gas, biomass was the main source of energy for heating and cooking. Biomass is the term used
to describe all materials that contain carbon in an organic form. This organic form of carbon
can be transformed into inorganic through photosynthesis by forming bonds with other
elements such as hydrogen, and oxygen using solar energy. The demolishing of these bonds
(molecules) through physical or biological means, causes a closure in the cycle and making
CO2 to be regenerated. During the regeneration process, energy is released which can be
converted into other forms of energy. Therefore, as long as this equilibrium is maintained
between use and regeneration, biomass is a renewable or inexhaustible source of energy .
Biomass is expected to be the leading form of energy with a significant global energy load of
about 10–15%. However, biomass has a share of about 90% of total energy requirements for
remote and rural areas of the developing countries. Therefore, it is likely to remain the future
leading source of energy feedstock for the developing countries since about 90% of the world
population is expected to live in the developing world by 2050.
Biomass conversion?
Biomass conversion to biogas is a natural process that utilizes a consortium of anaerobic
bacteria working in equilibrium to degrade complex biomass into simpler compounds, which
are then converted to biogas and a liquid residue rich in very useful metabolites. The biogas is
typically biomethane, but in recent years the option of co-producing biohydrogen in the
whole anaerobic process has been explored for commercial viability because of the
significantly higher value of hydrogen. Even if produced in relatively small volumes not yet
profitable to be marketed on its own, biohydrogen can be added to biomethane to produce
biohythane, which has higher combustive properties than methane alone. Applying the
anaerobic process for the purposeful conversion of biomass to biogas requires process
engineering approaches in designing and operating favorable system conditions for high yield
and productivity. The anaerobic process applications and the advancements made to add value
to the products. Maximizing the biogas options with biomethane, biohydrogen, and biohythane
also results in a better digested sludge residue, which can be further exploited for income
generation and to make the entire process a system with zero emission.
Principles of Combustion
Combustion is familiar to all of us, but many do not realize that it is essentially a chemical
reaction. In the process of combustion, two ingredients (biomass and oxygen) are combined in
a high temperature environment to form carbon dioxide, water vapor, and heat.
The amount of heat that is produced varies depending on species, climate, and other factors,
but it is generally about 20 MJ of energy per dry kilogram of biomass.
In order for combustion to be efficient and clean, the ingredients must be well mixed at the
right temperatures for the right amount of time. Practically speaking, this means that you need
the right amount of fuel, the right amount of air, and the right conditions.
Water content in biomass is an important factor when it comes to combustion. The best burning
fuels are dry. However, biomass almost always includes some amount of moisture. For
example, green wood chips are usually about 50% water and 50% dry matter. Fresh leaves
from a plant can be as high as 95% moisture and 5% dry matter. Ideally, biomass should be no
more than 20% moisture.
A feedstock is merely the fuel that will be burned for energy. While wood is the most common
feedstock for biomass combustion, almost any plant material can be used as a combustion
Biomass can often benefit from a certain amount of processing to make it more suitable as a
combustion fuel. This includes sizing, drying, and/or densification. There are currently three
types of biomass conversion technologies available that can result in specific energy and
potentially renewables products.
Modern practices that have allowed biomass feedstocks an early and cheap entry point into the
energy market is the practice of co-firing a fossil fuel, usually coal, with a biomass feedstock.
There are many advantages to co-firing, especially where the power output is output. First,
where the conversion facility is located near an agro-industrial or forestry product processing
plant, there is a large amount of low-cost biomass residue available. These residues may
represent a low-cost fuel feedstock, although there may be other opportunity costs. Second, it
is now widely accepted that fossil-fuel power plants are generally highly polluting in terms of
sulfur, CO2, and other GHGs. The use of existing equipment, perhaps with some modifications,
and co-firing with biomass could represent a cost-effective means to meet more stringent
emissions targets. The low sulfur and nitrogen relative to coal content of biomass fuels and
near-zero net CO2 emission levels allow biomass to offset the high sulfur and carbon content
of fossil fuels.
Third, if an agro-industrial or forestry processing plant wants to make more efficient use of
residues generated by co-generation electricity, but has a highly seasonal component to its
operation schedule, co-firing with fossil fuels would allow economic production—electricity
throughout the year. Agro-industrial processors such as the cane sugar industry can produce
large amounts of electricity during the harvesting & processing season; & however, during the
off-season, the plants will remain idle. This has two drawbacks; first, it is an inefficient use of
equipment that has a limited lifespan, and second, power distribution utilities will not pay the
full premium for power supplies that cannot be relied upon for year-round production.
In other words, the distribution utility needs a guarantee of supply throughout the year and,
therefore, may have to invest in its production capacity to cover off-season gaps in supply,
along with associated costs in equipment and fuel. If, however, agro-processors can guarantee
a year-round power supply through the burning of alternative fuels, it will make efficient use
of its equipment & receive premium payments for its electricity by the distribution facility.
Conversion Technologies
There are a number of technological options available to make use of a wide variety of biomass
types as a renewable energy source. Conversion technologies may release the energy directly,
in the form of heat or electricity, or may convert it to another form, such as liquid biofuel or
combustible biogas. While for some classes of biomass resource there may be a number of
usage options, for others there may only one appropriate technology.
Fig.4- Classification of Biomass conversion methods
Thermo-chemical conversion
Thermal conversion: Thermochemical processing is the use of heat to promote chemical
transformations of biomass into energy and chemical products. Thermals biomass conversion
processes use heat as the key mechanism to upgrade biomass into better and more practical
Energy created by burning biomass (fuel wood) is particularly suited for countries where the
fuel wood grows more rapidly, e.g., tropical countries. Biomass cofiring with coal, by contrast,
typically occurs at efficiencies near those of the coal combustor.
There are a number of other less common, more experimental thermal processes that may offer
benefits such as hydrothermal upgrading (HTU) and hydro processing. Some have been
developed for use on high moisture content biomass, including aqueous slurries, and allow
them to be converted into more convenient forms.
Process of heating biomass in the absence of air is known as pyrolysis. During this process, the
biomass is transformed into solid, liquid, and gaseous fractions. Using flash pyrolysis, which
could convert the biomass into bio-crude with a maximum efficiency of 80%, Bio oil can be
produced using pyrolysis. Bio-oil may be used in turbines and engines, as well as a feedstock
for industries.
The biomass feedstocks are subjected to high temperatures at low oxygen levels, thus
preventing complete combustion, and can be done under pressure. Biomass is degraded into
single carbon molecules, and H2 is producing a gaseous mixture called “producer gas.” Carbon
dioxide can also be produced, but it is reduced back to CO and H 2 O under the pyrolytic
conditions of the reactor; This water further aids in the reaction. Liquid phase products arise
from temperatures that are too low to break down all long-chain carbon molecules, resulting in
the production of tar, oil, methanol, acetone.
Once all the volatiles is removed, the residual biomass takes the form of char which is virtually
pure carbon. Pyrolysis has recently attracted attention for the productions of liquid fuels from
cellulosic feedstocks by “fast” & “flashes” pyrolysis in which the biomass has a shorts
residence time in the reactor. A more detailed understanding of the physicals and chemical
properties that govern pyrolytic reactions has allowed optimization of the reactor conditions
required for this type of pyrolysis. Further work is now focusing on the use of high-pressure
reactor conditions to produce hydrogen and on low-pressures catalytic techniques requiring
zeolites for alcohols production from pyrolytic oil.
Fig.6- Pyrolysis Process
The products of gasification are a mixture of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane,
hydrogen and various hydrocarbons, which can then be used directly in gas turbines, and
boilers, or used as precursors for synthesising a wide range of other chemicals.
These phases are spatially separated in the gasifiers, with the gasifier design relying heavily on
the feedstock characteristics. The gasification requires a temperature of around 800 °C and is
carried out in a closed top or open top gasifier. These gasifiers can be operated at atmospheric
pressures or higher. The gas’s energy density is typically less than 5.6 MJ/m3, lower than
natural gas at 38 MJ/m3, which provides only 60% of the diesel’s power rating when used in
modified diesel engines.
Gasification technology had existed since the turn of the century when coal was extensively
gasified in Britain and elsewhere in homes for electricity generation and cooking, and lighting.
The gasifier was used extensively for transport in Europe during World War II due to oil
shortages, with a closed top design being the predominant one.
Gasification of biomass takes place in a restricted supply of oxygen and occurs through initial
devolatilization of the biomass, combustion of the volatile material and char, and further
reduction to produce a fuel gas rich in carbon monoxide and hydrogen. This combustible gas
has a lower calorific value than natural gas but can still be used as fuel for boilers, for engines,
and potentially for combustion turbines after cleaning the gas stream of tars and particulates.
There are two main types of gasifiers that can be used to carry out this conversion, fixed bed
gasifiers and fluidized bed gasifiers. The conversion of biomass into a combustible gas involves
a two-stage process. The first, which is called pyrolysis, takes place below 600°C, when
volatile components contained within the biomass are released. These may include organic
compounds, hydrogen, carbon monoxide, tars and water vapour.
Biomass in an oxygen-rich atmosphere is known to as combustion. It is used in a number of
processes and equipment, including furnaces, burners, steam-turbines, and boilers, to convert
chemical-energy that is stored in biomass into heat energy, mechanical energy, and
electric power generation. Despite any kind of biomass could be burned, it is only feasible to
burn biomass when the humidity is under 50%. Biochemical conversion methodologies are
more suited to high moisture content biomass. Combustion and gasification, operating together
to produce a net efficiency of 40 to 50 percent ensures a high conversion rate.
Conventional combustion technologies raise steam through the combustion of biomass. This
steam may then be expanded through a conventional turbo-alternator to produce electricity. A
number of combustion technology variants have been developed. Underfeed stokers are
suitable for small scale boilers up to 6 MWth.
Grate type boilers are widely deployed. They have relatively low investment costs, low
operating costs and good operation at partial loads. However, they can have higher NOx
emissions and decreased efficiencies due to the requirement of excess air, and they have lower
Fluidized bed combustors (FBC), which use a bed of hot inert material such as sand, are a more
recent development. Bubbling FBCs are generally used at 10-30 MWth capacity,
while Circulating FBCs are more applicable at larger scales. Advantages of FBCs are that they
can tolerate a wider range of poor-quality fuel, while emitting lower NOx levels.
During combustion, the volatiles and char are partially burned in air or oxygen to generate heat
and carbon dioxide. In the reduction phase, carbon dioxide absorbs heat and reacts with the
remaining char to produce carbon monoxide (producer gas). The presence of water vapour in
a gasifier result in the production of hydrogen as a secondary fuel component.
Hydrothermal liquefaction of biomass is the thermochemical conversion of biomass into liquid
fuels by processing in a hot, pressurized water environment for sufficient time to break down
the solid biopolymeric structure to mainly liquid components. Typical hydrothermal processing
conditions are 523–647 K of temperature and operating pressures from 4 to 22 MPa of pressure.
Closely related processing in supercritical water conditions (>647 K and >22 MPa) will not be
discussed in this review, except in the context of aqueous phase processing.
The process is meant to provide a means for treating wet materials without drying and to access
ionic reaction conditions by maintaining a liquid water processing medium. The temperature
is sufficient to initiate pyrolytic mechanisms in biopolymers while the pressure is sufficient to
maintain a liquid water processing phase.
Hydrothermal processing is divided into three separate processes, depending on the severity of
the operating conditions. At temperatures below 520 K, it is known as hydrothermal
carbonization. The main product is a hydrochar which has a similar property to that of a low
rank coal. In the case of microalgae, the hydrochar is largely produced from the carbohydrate
and protein fractions and the lipid fraction is still intact making it possible to extract the lipids
prior to hydrothermal carbonization.
At intermediate temperature ranges between 520 and 647 K, the process is defined as
hydrothermal liquefaction resulting in the production of a liquid fuel known as biocrude.
Biocrude is similar to petroleum crude and can be upgraded to the whole distillate range of
petroleum derived fuel products. At higher temperatures above 647 K gasification reactions
start to dominate and the process is defined as hydrothermal gasification, resulting in the
production of a synthetic fuel gas.
It is a process that generates a liquid from solid or a gas or that generates a non- liquid phase
which behaves in accordance with fluid dynamics.
This technology has the potential to produce high-quality products of greater energy density.
This product should also require less processing to produces marketable products. Catalytic
liquefactions are a low-temperature, high-pressure thermochemical biomass conversion
process performed in the liquid phase. This requires either a catalyst or a high hydrogen partial
pressure. Technical problems have limited the opportunities for this technology so far.
Bio-chemical conversion
Biochemical conversion makes use of the enzymes of bacteria and other micro-organisms to
break down biomass. In most cases micro-organisms are used to perform the conversion
Biochemical processes take place when there are chance encounters between enzymes and
substrates. The use of microbes to produce ethanol is an ancient art. However, in recent times
such organisms have been regarded as biochemical “factories” for the treatment and conversion
of most forms of human-generated organic wastes. The use of microbes to produce ethanol is
an ancient art. However, in recent times such organisms have been regarded as biochemical
“factories” for the treatment and conversion of most forms of human-generated organic wastes.
Microbials engineering has encouraged the use of fermentation techniques aerobic and
anaerobic for use in the production of energy (biogas) and fertilizer and in the removal of
unwanted products from water and waste streams.
1. Anaerobic Digestion
2. Ethanol Fermentation
Anaerobic digestion
Hydrocarbon is immediately converted to a biogas, during anaerobic digestion. It consists
primarily of methane and CO2, with tiny quantities of other gases including H2S.Bacteria
metabolize biomass in aerobic environment, forming a gas with energy equal to 20–40percent
of the material’s lower heating value. Anaerobic digestion is an extensively utilized,
commercially tested technology that produces grid connected electricity with a least capacity
of 1 MW.
Anaerobic reactors are commonly used to produce methane-containing biogas from manure
(human and animal) and crop residues. They use mixed methanogenic bacterial cultures that
are characterized by defined optimum temperature ranges for growth. These mixed cultures
allow digesters to operate over a wide temperature range, i.e. from 0°C to above 60°C. When
working well, the bacteria convert about 90% of the feedstock energy content into biogas
(containing about 55% methane), an easily usable energy source for cooking and lighting. The
sludge produced after the manure passes through the digester is non-toxic and odorless.
In addition, it loses relatively little nitrogen or other nutrients during the digestion process,
making it a good fertilizer. In fact, digester sludge has a higher nitrogen content than animal
manure left to dry in the field; Many nitrogen compounds in fresh manure evaporate during
drying in the sun. On the other hand, some of the nitrogen in the digested sludge is vaporized,
and some of the nitrogen’s are converted into urea. Urea is more readily accessible by the plant
than many nitrogen compounds found in dung, and thus the fertilizer value of sludge may
actually be higher than that of fresh dung.
Various types of anaerobic digesters were widely distributed throughout India and China.
Extension programs promote biogas plants as ideal candidates for rural use because of their
energy and fertilizer production efficiencies as well as their superior health benefits. The health
benefits mainly arise from the cleaner combustion products of biogas, unlike other biomass or
fossil fuels that can be used in the domestic environment, with an estimated 5 to 6 million units
now in use in these two countries.
The reliability problem has arisen from a number of problems such as manufacturing defects,
the mixed nature of bacterial populations, the need for a digester for water, and the maintenance
of an optimal nitrogen ratio of the medium. Another problem is the demand for dung from the
digester, which may have alternative uses. Modern designs have addressed many of these
problems, and digesters are becoming useful again, especially with regard to the ability of
digesters to remove toxic nutrients such as nitrates from the water supply; The levels of which
are now more strictly controlled in many industrialized countries. The combination of energy
production with the potential to increase crop yields makes biogas technology a good candidate
for more widespread use now to demonstrate reliable operation. Recent Danish business
experience with large-scale digesters provides useful examples.
Ethanol Fermentation
Sugar crops and starch crops are fermented commercially on a massive scale to make ethanol
In a lot of places. The biomass is degraded, enzymes convert the starch to sugars, and sugars
are converted into ethanol by yeast. Distillation is an energy-intensive process used to purify
ethanol; it can yield 450 liters of ethanol from one thousand kg of dry corn. This method’s solid
waste product can be fed to pets, and sugar cane molasses can be used for later gasification.
Ethanol is primarily used as a substitute for imported oil to reduce their dependence on
imported energy supplies. Substantial gains made in fermentation technologies now produce
ethanol for use as an economically competitive given some assumptions and environmentally
friendly petroleum substitute and fuel enhancer.
For example, in Brazil, subsidies for alcohol production are now seen as detrimental to the
stability of the ethanol market and thus obsolete and made with environmental benefits. The
long-term future and expansion of this program made it a priority for the Zimbabwean
Sugarcane is the most commonly used feedstock in developing countries due to its high
productivity when sufficient water is supplied. Where water availability is limited, sweets
sorghum or cassava may become the preferred feedstock. Other benefits of sugarcane feedstock
include high residue energy efficiencies and modern management practices that allow
sustainable and environmentally sustainable production while allowing for the sustainable
production of sugar. Other feedstocks include saccharide-rich beet, and carbohydrate-rich
potatoes, wheat, and maize. One of the most promising fermentation techniques recently
identified is the “bio still” process that utilizes centrifugal yeast reformation and continuous
evaporative removal of ethanol.
This allows the fermentation mediums to be continuously sterilized & minimizes water usage.
The bio still processes markedly reduces the production of stillage, while the non-stop nature
of the fermentation process allows substrate concentrations to be kept consistently at optimal
levels, and hence the fermentation efficiency is maximized. {Hall, 1991} Improved varieties
of yeasts produced through clonal selection techniques also have increased tolerance levels to
the yeast’s alcohol concentration, again improving efficiency.
Chemical conversion
A range of chemical processes may be used to convert biomass into other forms, such as to
produce a fuel that is more conveniently used, transported or stored, or to exploit some property
of the process itself.
In most cases, the first step involves gasification, which step generally is the most expensive
and involves the greatest technical risk. Biomass is more difficult to feed into a pressure vessel
than coal or any liquid. Therefore, biomass gasification is frequently done at atmospheric
pressure and causes combustion of biomass to produce a combustible gas consisting of carbon
monoxide, hydrogen, and traces of methane.
This gas mixture, called a producer gas, can provide fuel for various vital processes, such as
internal combustion engines, as well as substitute for furnace oil in direct heat applications.
Because any biomass material can undergo gasification, this process is far more attractive than
ethanol or biomass production, where only particular biomass materials can be used to produce
a fuel. In addition, biomass gasification is a desirable process due to the ease at which it can
convert solid waste (such as wastes available on a farm) into producer gas, which is a very
usable fuel.
Converting vegetable oils, animal fats, and greases into fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) to
produce biodiesel.
to the reaction mixture. However, it can also be done using certain enzyme catalysts (such as
When catalyzed by an acid catalyst, this reaction proceeds via the conversion of the carbonyl
group through the donation of a proton to it. On the other hand, base catalysts take a proton
away from the alcohol group, resulting in the formation of a highly nucleophilic alkoxide ion.
It can be noted that methyl & ethyl esters can be used to form esters with relatively large alkoxy
groups via the process of transesterification. This is usually done by heating the ester (methyl
or ethyl) with the acid/base catalyst and the alcohol having a large alkoxy group, and
subsequently evaporating off the smaller alcohol in order to drive the equilibrium reaction in
the required direction.
Breaking down polysaccharides (such as cellulose and starch) into glucose and other simple
sugars that can be used as platform chemicals.
Hydrogenation is a chemical reaction between molecular hydrogen (H2) and another compound
or element, usually in the presence of a catalyst such as nickel, palladium or platinum. The
process is commonly employed to reduce or saturate organic compounds.
Hydrogenation has three components, the unsaturated substrate, the hydrogen (or hydrogen
source) and, invariably, a catalyst. The reduction reaction is carried out at different
temperatures and pressures depending upon the substrate and the activity of the catalyst.
Adding hydrogen to biomass to increase its energy density and stability.
Electrochemical conversion
Progress and Potential
The design of electrochemical systems that can effectively and efficiently drive conversions of
biomass-derived platform chemicals into high-value chemicals presents great opportunity, both
from the environmental and economic standpoints. While the desirability of these technologies
is tremendous, much work needs to be done in the fabrication of functional materials that can
deliver superior performances with regard to reaction rates and selectivity. In this focused
review, we discuss the mechanistic reaction pathways for the oxidation/reduction processes as
well as tools, such as operando characterization techniques and theoretical calculations, for
understanding generations of intermediate/products. We evaluate strategies for catalyst and
system design yielding enhancements in performance and, finally, present outlooks for the
future, aimed to further advance the field.
23.1 Introduction to OTEC
23.2 Methods of Ocean Thermal Electric Power Generation
23.3 Merits and Demerits of OTEC
23.4 Bio-Fouling
23.5 Site Selection of OTEC
23.6 Prospects of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Systems In India
The main criteria to determinate optimal site or zones are their location to be less
than 10–15 km offshore and the thermal difference (TD) to be equal to or greater
than 20°C. Furthermore, other criteria are the distance to the cold-water pump area
that should not exceed 10 km (for onshore plants) as well as the social and
economic factors that exist in these communities. Finally, the importance of this
technology is to provide electricity in the isolated coastal areas as well as other
subproducts generated, such as fresh water, seawater air-conditioning (SWAC),
cold agriculture (ColdAg), and aquaculture, among others. That is why it is also
imperative to calculate the net electric generation given by a particular area and
the contribution to social development [16].
The ministry of new and renewable energy (MNRE) in India has declared that
ocean energy is officially a renewable energy source and now falls under
Renewable Purchase Obligations (RPO).
This recent Policy change offers new opportunities for OTEC in India.
The RPO states power suppliers are required to procure a part of their power from
renewable sources. By including Ocean Power as a renewable source, investing in
OTEC is made more attractive. This development stimulates research and funding.
National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT), the leading OTEC institute in
India with an OTEC test lab and multiple operating low temperature thermal
desalination (LTTD) plants, is said to be thrilled about these policy developments.
India has the potential to generate 180,000 MW using OTEC, which demonstrates
the prospects for OTEC in India in the future [17].
24.0 Objectives
24.1 Introduction
24.2 Principle of Geothermal Energy Working, Usage and Technological Aspects
24.3 Geothermal Gradients
24.4 Estimate Geothermal Energy or Power
24.4.1 Geothermal Resources Estimation
24.4.2 Nature of geothermal fields
24.5Geothermal Sources, Energy and Technologies Used
24.5.1 Hydrothermal resources
Vapour dominated or dry steam power plants/fields
Liquid dominated systems or wet steam power plants/fields
(Liquid dominated high temperature systems/power plant –
Flash steam open system, Binary cycle system)
Total Flow Concept System
Liquid dominated low temperature systems (Geothermal fluids)
24.5.2 Geopressured Resources
24.5.3 Petro thermal Systems or Hot dry rock (HDR) Resources
24.5.4 Magma Resources (Molten rock chamber systems)
24.5.5 Hybrid Geothermal Fossil Systems
24.6 Prime Movers for Geothermal Energy Conversion
24.7 Geothermal Energy Production and Economics
24.8 Economics of Geothermal Energy
24.9Applications of Geothermal Energy
24.10 Multipurpose Total Energy Utilization of Geothermal Resources
24.11 Advantages and Disadvantages of Geothermal Energy
24.12 Geothermal Energy and the Environment
24.13 Geothermal Energy in India and Abroad
24.14 Conclusions
24.15 Glossary
24.16 Answer to Check Your Progress
24.17 References and Further Readings
Oil industry drills 5,000 to 10,000 m with the temperature greater than 350 OC.
Generally, their associated electronic systems struggle as many of their
components or parts performance deteriorates at the high temperature (HT). At
many sites, the geological faults lead to higher temperatures also.
A potential geothermal source region should have high thermal gradient. The
temperature difference within the earth depends on:
Thermal gradient is defined as the ratio of heat flux and thermal conductivity.
Fig. 1 shows the variation in geothermal gradients. The figures are based on
measurements within a few Km of earth’s surface. Almost half of the hot spring
sites identified by the GSI are in the Himalayan region, mainly in the
Did you know? northwestern sector where post-Tertiary granite intrusions are considered to be
Geothermal energy responsible for the high thermal gradient (> 100OC/Km) and heat flow
is the almost (> 468 MW/m2) (Chandrasekharam, 2000).
unlimited amount
of heat generated Curve 1: It represents average uniform gradient.
by the Earth's core.
Even in geothermal
areas are
dependent on a
reservoir of hot
water, the volume
taken out can be
reinjected, making
it a sustainable
energy source.
Fig.1. Geothermal gradients
. Contd…
Curve 5: It represents leaks in the solid impermeable rocks in the form of
springs of hot boiling water discharged in huge quantities to
ground surface. In some locations production of steam occurs at
lower depths and steam is released to the surface in the form of
geysers and furmaroles (holes where volcanic gases released) as
shown in curve 5. Such locations are very few in number.
(a) (b)
Fig.2(a) & 2(b). Temperature variations with depth & different layers
Mantle is about 2,700 Kms thick and surrounding the earth’s core. It is thought
to be partly rock and partly magma. The outermost layer of the earth, the
insulating crust, is not one continuous layer of rock, like the shell of an egg, but
is broken into pieces called plates. Continental drift is the large horizontal
movements of slabs of continents to one another and to the ocean basins at the
rate of about one inch per year during few episodes of geologic time.
. Contd…
Magma (fully/partially molten rock) may reach quite close to the surface
where the crust is thinned, faulted, or fractured by plate tectonics. When this
near-surface heat is passed to water, a usable form of Geotherm is produced.
Geothermal energy is of two types; the high grade and low the grade Geotherm.
The high-grade Geotherm is the heat due to the earth’s pressure that converts
water into steam. The low-grade Geotherm is the heat within the earth’s crust.
This heat is actually stored solar energy.
Geothermal energy
available sources:
- Generally, it’s
available deep
underground at a
depth beyond about
80 Km. Hence, it is
not possible to
- In a few locations in
the world, layers are
at depths 300 to
3000 m. Such
locations are called
Geothermal fields.
Since the temperature difference exists between earth’s core and upper surface
of the earth, there is a constant heat flow between these two with an average
value of 63kW/Km2 or 0.063kW/m2, with 80kW/Km2 maximum level. If this Question
heat flow is taken into account the annual available energy could be 3X1020J. How does
24.4.2 Nature of geothermal fields geothermal energy
We know that the volcanoes, hot springs, furmaroles and geysers are the visible
forms of geothermal energy. It is a regular part of the energy flow within the Answer
Earth’s depths. Usually it is deep underground and we cannot see most of it.
There may be no clues above ground to what exists below ground. Geothermal energy
works by using heat
Thermal energy is used by taking heat from geothermal reservoirs restored by from the core of
natural recharge. Reservoirs that are naturally adequately hot and permeable are earth. Geothermal
called hydrothermal reservoirs, whereas those are adequately hot but need plants are generally
artificial improvement of a rock permeability are called engineered (enhanced) set up near hot
geothermal systems (EGS). Geotherm can be used to produce power or directly springs to produce
for processes. EGS technique reduces the obstructions by allowing for the power from the
creation of hydrothermal reservoirs in deep, hot but naturally dry geological readily available
formations. It can also extend the life of natural reservoirs. steam.
We can recover this heat (from visible geothermal form) as steam or hot water and
use it for various applications, like power generation and direct heat applications.
However, the Geotherm can be used productively in both on- and off-grid
developments, and is especially useful in rural electrification schemes.
Low temperature (LT) geothermal energy has been utilized for many purposes,
both direct uses and “cascade” methods power plants. Heat may come from co-
generation with a geothermal power plant or from smaller wells or heat exchangers
in earthed. Cascade methods utilize the hot water leftover from HT applications
(e.g., electricity generation) in sequentially LT processes, which may consider
binary systems to produce further electricity and direct heat uses (bathing &
swimming, space heating, including central heating, greenhouse, process heat;
aquaculture pond & crops drying etc.). Initially in Iceland it was used for bathing,
washing and space heating in the middle of 18th century. Direct heating in all its
forms is far more effective than electricity generation and places less demanding
heat requirements on the resource. As a result, geothermal heating is economical
over a much wider geographical area than geothermal power.
Most of the commercial-grade production geothermal energy is reaped along
What are the localized “geothermal systems”, where the heat flow is near sufficient to the
geothermal fluids? surface that hot water or steam is able to climb either to the surface, or to depths
that we can reach by drilling. There are four kinds of technologies used for various
geothermal resources:
- Hot water,
a. Hydrothermal or hydro-geothermal energy resources:
- Hot brine, (i) Vapour dominated or dry steam power plants/fields;
(ii) Liquid dominated system or wet steam power plants/fields;
- Wet steam, and (iii) Hot-water fields.
- Mixture of above. b. Geopressured;
c. Petro thermal systems or Hot dry rock (HDR) resources; and
d. Magma resources (Molten rock chamber systems).
Today hydrothermal resources are the best and only kind in wide use. Other 3
resources are still in the infant stages of progress. For centuries, natural geothermal
fluids have been used for bathing and cooking, but it was not until the early 1900s
that Geotherm was used for industrial purposes and for the electricity generation in
the Larderello steam fields of Italy. In all cases where Geotherm is utilized, certain
conditions must be met before one has a viable geothermal resource. First
requirement is accessibility. This is usually achieved by drilling to depths of
interest, frequently using conventional methods similar to those used to extract oil
and gas from underground reservoirs. The second one is sufficient reservoir
effectiveness, which depends on the type of geothermal system being utilized. In
some cases, as depicted in Fig. 3, one needs to have adequate quantities of hot,
pressurized natural fluid contained in a confined aquifer with high rock
permeability (to transmit groundwater) and porosity to safeguard long-term
production at economically justifiable levels from a drilled well.
In other situations, one only needs to have an adequately hot rock reservoir What are the
whose permeability can be enhanced to establish a system for extracting energy different types of
at acceptable levels. The term hot is relative, as it depends on the specific geothermal energy
utilization. The geothermal resource actually stretches continuity in at least three
dimensions: temperature, depth, and permeability/porosity. Answer
24.5.1 Hydrothermal resources - Hydrothermal: Hot
The common ingredients water (hydro) and heat (thermal) are present in the water and steam, hot
hydrothermal resources. Steam and hot water are naturally produced where brine.
magma rises sufficiently close to the surface to heat groundwater trapped in
- Petrothermal: Hot
fractured or porous rocks, or when water moves at great depth along faults. The
dry rock (HDR).
different energy requirements are fulfilled using these resources depending on
their temperature and how deep they are.
Fig.4 shows a schematic diagram representing how the ‘hot springs (geysers)’
are produced through hot magma (molten mass), the fractured crystalline rocks,
permissible rocks and trickling ground water.
. Contd…
‘hot water’ is used for heating space and process. The water present in the
permeable medium is heated by convection process and convective heat flow
occurs across hot rocks to water present in permeable rock.
(i) Geyser geothermal field in California; (ii) Wairakei field in New Zealand;
(iii) Landerello field in Italy etc.
The vapour dominated reservoirs produce dry saturated steam of pressure above
atmosphere and at high temperature about 350OC.
Fig. 5 shows a dry steam open system.
What makes a site
good for geothermal
power plant?
Hot brine from the reservoir arrive the well head at lower pressure using
throttling process. The low quality of mixture is improved by throttling
it in flash separator. So, the dry saturated steam is separated and
supplied to the ‘steam turbine’, which produces electricity through a
The electricity generation from such system can be made more economical by
associating chemical or processing industry with power plant to make use of
brine and gases effluent.
Limitations: Following are the limitations of flash steam open system as
compared to vapour dominated system:
1. Much larger total mass flow rates through the well required.
2. Owing to large amount of flows, there is a great degree of ground
surface subsidence.
3. A greater degree of precipitation of minerals from the brine results in
the necessity for design of valves, pumps, separator internals, and other
equipment for operation under scaling conditions.
The steam turbine is isolated in the binary cycle concept from corrosive or non-
corrosive materials and/or to accommodate higher concentration of non-
condensable gases.
A binary cycle plant system is used when the water in a hot water reservoir is
not sufficiently hot to flash into steam. Instead, a fluid that expands when Did you know?
warmed using this lower-temperature hot water. The turbine is powered from
Range of
the expanded, pressurized fluid. After cooling, the fluid is recycled and heated
repeatedly. power plants
Fig.7 illustrates a hot water closed (binary) system. About 50% of hydrothermal installed
water is in the temperature range of 153-205OC. In this system, a ‘heat capacity: 5
exchanger’ is used to transfer the heat partially from the brine to vaporize the MW to 400 MW.
secondary working fluid. Expansion through a ‘turbine’ to a lower pressure is
fixed by the heat loss temperature which gives the ways for electricity
. Contd…
This system was first installed by Soviet Union in 1967 on Kamchatka
Peninsula having capacity of 680 kilowatts (kWe). The first binary cycle
built in USA is of 11 megawatts (MWe) capacity in California and second
one at Raft-river-Idalio, is of a capacity 10 MWe.
In such a system, both ‘kinetic energy’ and ‘heat energy of the steam-liquid’
mixture, generated by flashing the geothermal brine, are effectively used. The
overall efficiency for conversion into ‘power’ should be greater than other
methods in which only the heat content of the brine is used.
What is Hybrid
This system follows the principle of the ‘Lysholm machine (two phase
power plant?
expander)’, known in this connection as the helical (or screw) expander or
Some geothermal mixed phase expander.
fields produce
Fig. 8 shows a schematic diagram of a liquid dominated total flow concept.
boiling water as
well as steam,
which are also used
in electricity
production. In this
system of power
generation, the
flashed and binary
systems are
integrated to make
use of both steam Fig.8. Schematic diagram of a liquid dominated total flow concept system
and hot water.
Efficiency of hybrid The run-off geothermal well hot brine is throttled where it becomes a two-
power plants is phase mixture of inferior quality. The two phases at this point are not
however less than separated and the full flow is expanded in the ‘mixed phase expander’
that of the dry (turbine) which is coupled with generator which produces electrical power.
steam plants. The mixer from the expander/turbine is discharged into condenser. Then the
brine condensate is re-injected into the well.
(b) Liquid-dominated low temperature systems (Geothermal fluids):
(i) To supply heat for commercial, homes and agricultural buildings including
greenhouses and animal shelters.
(ii) Hot water may also be used for refrigeration and air-conditioning.
Did you know?
24.5.2 Geopressured Resources Under the right
The geopressued resources contain moderate temperature (160OC) brine conditions, water
containing dissolved methane (CH4). These are trapped under high pressure can seep into these
(nearly 1000 bar) in a deep sedimentary formation sealed between impermeable hot rock segments,
occurring in the
layers of shale and clay at depths of 2 Kms to 10 Kms.
formation of high
At geopressure, the dissolved CH4 gas is usually 1.9-3.8 m3 per cubic metre of temperature
water. CH4 gas is released from water on the earth surface because the pressure at geothermal systems
earth surface is lower. Therefore, the CH4 gas is separated from brine by simple containing hot
and economical gravity segregation method and flaming of CH4 also generates water, water and
energy. steam or steam, at
500-3000 m depths.
When tapped by boring wells, three (3) sources of energy are available:
I. Thermal;
II. Mechanical-as pressure; and
III. Chemical-as methane.
The major resource area is along the Louisiana and Texas coast which is
about 1200 Kms in length. The potential of geopressured energy in this
area is 240 GWe (gigawatt) of electricity maximum for 30 years.
These systems are composed of hot dry rock (HDR) but no water inside earth.
They represent by far the largest geothermal resources available.
The rock, available at moderate depths, has very low permeability and requires to
be cracked to increase its heat transfer surface area.
The recovery of heat from HDR involves drilling deep into hot rocks, then
cracking it to form cavity or fractures. This can be achieved by:
The thermal energy of the HDR is extracted by pumping water or fluid through
a well at the lower part of the fractured rock to become hot and withdrawn by
another well at a distance. The temperature of the rock at a depth of 5 Kms is
about 200OC. To achieve steady flow of high temperature water, the injection
Did you know? and extracting wells are joined to form a circulating loop. When heat is
extracted through water, the rock cools down and due to temperature gradient
In 2019, a pilot- between rocks, new cracks are developed.
scale project in
Gujarat was HDR technique is in operation near Valles Caldera, USA, where
started by the fractures are made at a depth of 2.76 Kms and temperature at the
Centre of location is about 185OC.
Excellence for
Geothermal Energy 24.5.4 Magma Resources (Molten-rock-chamber systems)
(CEGE). Similarly,
other proposed At some places, especially in the sector of relatively recent volcanic activity,
areas have been partially molten or fully molten rock (i.e. magma) occurs at a moderate depth
subjected to more (less than 5 Kms). The large volume and very high temperature above 650OC
exploration in make magma substantial geothermal resources. It can be used for extraction
India. and subsequent use of thermal energy.
This resource has not been used yet due to the reason that the existing
technology does not allow recovery of heat from these resources (magma
technology requires special manufacturing technology).
Fig.9. Geothermal preheat hybrid with conventional plant Did you know?
In this system, the geothermal heat heats the feed water throughout the LT Geothermal
steam end before an open type (without lid) deaerating heater. It is followed by energy is an
a boiler feed pump and two seal type feed water heaters with outlets cascaded massive,
backward. These get heat from the steam bled from HP (high pressure) stages underused heat
of turbine. No steam is bled from LP (low pressure) stages because ‘geothermal and power
brine’ attains this function. resource that
is clean (emits
little or no GHGs),
CONVERSION system availability
of 95%), and in-
Geothermal energy is put to work in number of places around the world. The
house grown
prime movers can be categorized used in geothermal power plants are,
(making us less
I. Impulse/Reaction machines: dependent on
Axial flow – Rateau steam, Curtis. imported oil).
Radial outflow – Rotating nozzle, Hero’s turbine.
Radial inflow – Francis turbine, multiple disk drag turbine.
Multiple disc turbine – Bladeless impulse or reaction drag turbine.
Geothermal energy is put to work in number of places around the world. The
estimated temperature of the geothermal reservoir in HGB is higher than 260OC. It
shows the highest geothermal gradient in India: more than 100OC/Km and 100
MW/m2 heat flow. The power produced (shortage 43000 MW) through
nonconventional sources has been far less than the 136 GW installed capacity (in
2020; from 24000 MW installed in 2012) of power plant. This gap between demand,
power supply can tackle successfully, economically with the help and utilization of
Geotherm resources. These plants can be combined with no adverse effect.
Did you know?
The well known Geotherm origins in USA are positioned in western states and
The profitable Hawaii. Some averagely hot geothermal resources also exist in the Dakotas, along the
harnessing of three states. Most Geotherm is established in 4 states - Hawaii, Utah, California and
Geotherm could Nevada. The total installed capacity of geothermal power plants in the USA was
be done in the reported about 4,000 MWe in 2020. These power plants range in size from a few
seven key hundred kilowatts to more than 130 MWe. Geotherm produced 18 billion kWh of
locations: electricity, or 0.3% of the electricity used in this country in 1994. Still, this was
- Puga Valley, sufficient to fulfill the electricity needs of over 3 million households. California got
Ladakh in the 6% of its power from Geotherm. Their supporters had said that its production will
Himalayas; grow in 1993s despite the fact that Geotherm production culminated in 1987 and had
- Sohana, in since decreased. They had also estimated at least 400 MWe more capacity for next 5
Rajasthan, years and deliver 10% of power of western USA by the end of the century.
Haryana; - West
Maharashtra- Initial installation costs for geothermal power plants are high because geothermal
Goa; - Cambay, wells and power plants must be installed at the same time. But the cost of generating
in Gujarat; - The electricity over time is minimized because the price and availability of the fuel is
Son, Narmada, steady and predictable. The fuel does not have to be imported or transported to the
and Tapi belt power plant. The power plant closely resides on top of its Geotherm well. The capital
(SONATA); cost of generating power from geothermal sources in India is estimated to be US$1.6–
- The Godavari; 2.0 million per MWe, but the operating cost is minimal. New plants currently are
and - The
generating electricity from 0.05$ to 0.08$/kWh. Once the capital costs have been
Mahanadi belts.
recovered price of electricity can decrease and become lower than 0.05$/kWh. The
price of geothermal is within range of other electricity options available today when
the costs of the lifetime of the plant are worked out. Geothermal power plants are also
excellent avenues of base load power (minimum amount) that electric utility
companies must supply to grid all day long. These plants sell electricity through grid
all the time, not only during off-peak and peak (highest level) durations.
In USA, geothermal electricity cost was between 7.8-22.5¢ (One dollar equals 100
cents) per kWh in 2016. Geothermal plants can produce power as cheaply as some
conventional power plants. It costs was reduced to 4.5 to 7 cents/kWh to produce
electricity from hydrothermal systems in next 2-3 years. In comparison, new coal-
fired plants produce power at about 4 cents/kWh. On average, power generated
from Geotherm is estimated to cost less than one third of that generated from
hydro-electric plant. Geothermal plants that initiate installation before Jan. 1, 2021
are eligible for the Renewable Electricity Production Tax Credit (PTC) at 2.5
¢/kWh. Advances in technology, resulted over the past decade, mean that the
Geotherm can now play a significant role in our transition to a carbon neutral
Did you know?
economy. Until recently, utilities were needed to purchase the least-cost power,
Under the
overlooking environmental impacts. Federal/state energy and environmental
agencies are reviewing ways to give priority to nonpolluting sources such as
Energy Policy,
New and
Energy of India
The general characteristics of geothermal energy that make it of major importance
(MNRE) has
for both power production and direct use include:
proposed to
- Global disposition; it is reachable to both developed and developing countries.
provide grants
- Environmentally benign type; it emits low sulphur, CO2 and other greenhouse
for geothermal
gases (GHGs). energy project
- Indigenous nature; it is independent of external supply and demand effects and for generating
variations in exchange rates. - power,
Independence of weather and season. industrial use,
- Contribution to the development of widened power sub-sectors. public use like
The primary areas where geothermal energy is being utilized are:
I. Direct use as heating systems in industrial processes: Geotherm is used to
space heating,
heat water from reservoirs or springs near the surface.
cooking, etc.,
II. Electricity generation by power plants: This operation requires water or
and Ground
steam at very HT. Geothermal power plants have proved useful for ‘base-load
Source Heating
power supply’. These kinds of operating plants are mainly entering the market
where medium sized plants are required with low capital cost, short installation
period and life-long fuel (geothermal heat).
III. Geothermal heat pumps (in space heating for buildings): The Geotherm is
used where stable ground or water temperatures near the Earth's surface are
available to regulate temperatures in a building above ground. A heat pump is
a mechanical device used for heating and cooling purposes. It works on the concept that
heat can be extracted from a warmer to a cooler temperature. These pumps use the earth
to warm, cool us in the winter and summer. These are energy efficient, environmentally
clean, and cost effective systems for temperature control. Other various applications of
geothermal energy are:
Mushroom culture.
Production of salt from sea.
Paper and Plastic manufacturing.
Crop drying and Timber seasoning.
What is Sewage heat treatment.
‘Heat Greenhouse cultivation using discharge from a geothermal field.
pump’? Utilization of greater proportion of geothermal resource base depends on achieving one
or more of the following techniques:
You may be
familiar with 1. Breakthrough in drilling technology that would permit low-cost drilling of bores
one of the of depths greater than 3 Km.
most widely 2. Development of techniques for artificial stimulation that would increase the
used ‘heat productivity of the geothermal reservoirs.
pump’ in 3. Technical advances that would allow electrical generation from low-temperature
your home. and LP reservoirs.
It is your
4. Expansion of the use of low-grade geothermal resources for space heating and air
conditioning, product processing, agriculture, and desalination schemes.
It extracts
5. Maintenance of the Geotherm system that is environmentally acceptable to
the heat
human being.
from the
It could result in the following:
and throws
it outside 1. Steam separated in a conventional manner and used to transport cheap water.
which you
2. CO2 extracted from the gases are used for refrigeration and food processing.
can feel if
you put your 3. H2S refined to get sulphur.
hand behind 4. Hot waters form the wells could transport a desalination plant (one such plant is in
it. operation at EI Tatio in northern Chile); the fresh water would not only fulfill the
needs of the local population, but has a high selling value for irrigation.
5. The hot water would also provide refrigeration and air conditioning. Finally, the
effluent from the desalination could be applied to mineral extraction and the resulting
minerals processed in taking advantage of the availability of cheap electricity.
24.11.1. Advantages of Geothermal energy:
I. It is flexible in its use and assured source of energy.
II. Its availability is independent of the weather.
III. Geothermal plants need small land area.
IV. It supplies a greater amount of net energy from its system than other
alternative or conventional systems.
V. It is cheaper compared to energy available from other sources both zero
fuels and fossil fuels.
VI. Using Geotherm directly for heating purposes can be up to 70% more Did you know?
efficient than LT geothermal heat supports in many applications.
Following are the
VII. It has the highest annual load factor of 85-90% compared to 45-50% for
present practice with
fossil fuel plants.
geological energy
VIII. It has a natural stock, hence no extra storage systems are necessary.
source identification,
IX. It leads to negligible pollution compared to other traditional energy
exploration and
sources. utilization:
X. Once built, geothermal power station operating costs are small making - Geothermal energy
geothermal generated power much cheaper. preferably tapped
XI. Ground-based geothermal heat pumps for cooling and heating can be near faults.
used almost anywhere. - Deep drills already
being made for oil
24.11.2. Disadvantages of Geothermal energy: industry.
Hot water springs The industrial exploitation of a Geothermal system is based on the heat mining
represents heat from the rocks using the geothermal fluids as vectors, without any specific process
energy coming of CO2 generation. Geothermal plants emit 1-4% little CO2 (fossil-fuel power
out of the earth stations emit 1000-2000 times as much), no NOx, no SPM, and very low amounts
from a large body of SO2. Steam and flash power plants drift mostly water vapor. Geothermal plants
molten rock that do not burn fuels to produce power as do fossil fuel plants.
has been pushed
Geothermal plants, on the other side, drift only about 1-3% of the SOx that coal/oil-
up into upper
fired plants do. Well-designed, built (in deserts, crop fields & mountain forests)
crust of the earth
binary plants have no emissions at all. Geothermal development is often allowed on
by geological
public lands because it does not significantly affect the environment. Before
permission is granted, however, studies must be made to determine what effect a
plant may have on the climate. Geothermal features in parks, such as the geysers
and fumaroles in USA, are legally protected and not tapped there.
Some progress has been made in India on drawing Geotherm on a commercial
scale. Engineers from GSI have drilled about 50 shallow promising geothermal
wells at altitude of 4500 metres above sea level for steam in the Puga valley in
Ladakh, J&K. It may be possible to operate a 5 MW power station. Out of
extended about 40 sq. Km, 5 sq. Km. is active. A combination of wet and dry to the
tune of 170 tonnes/hour of hot water and 20 tonnes/hour of dry steam (superheated
steam suitable for running steam turbines) is available. This is sufficient to operate
a small power station to light the local residences. The geothermal heat can also be
applied for space heating in the valley as the temperature here, especially during
winter, goes down to 35 degrees below freezing point. There are no other energy
sources in Ladakh and coal, petroleum etc. have to be conveyed. It can also be used
for mushroom cultivation, poultry farming and pashmina wool processing which
need a warmer climate. In addition, there are good deposits of borax and sulphur.
Sulphur in natural form is found in this vicinity and in the whole of India.
22 Contd…
Check Your Progress 3
Select True or False.
There are many hot water springs in India. In North they occur in Ladakh and
Himachal Pradesh. In Western parts they are located in the Cambay region of
Gujarat and Maharastra. They are also found in Singbhum of Jharkhand while
there are some in Assam. The water from a hot spring at Garampani, near Jawai,
Assam is so hot in summer that rice hold in muslin bag gets worked in no time.
The GSI has so far identified about 350 hot spring sites which can be explored as
avenues of Geotherm. The engineers have commissioned an experimental 1 kWe
generator running on hot water spring Geotherm in the Puga area.
Many countries with hot springs have registered their potential for power
and heat production. Iceland, New Zealand, Italy, USA and Russia have
Question achieved remarkable progress in the geothermal energy application.
What is the
The Italian power plant at Landerello was started in 1904 on a small scale but it
difference between
produced 540 MWe of electricity in 2012, equivalent to burning 1.5 million tonnes
installed capacity
of oil in a year. New Zealand started exploration in 1950 and the Wairakei power
electricity generation
and electricity
station produced 175 MWe till that year, which is equal to 0.7 million tonnes of oil
per year. Then the power production in Calirornia, USA, began in 1960 and has
touched 50 MWe. In the Philippines the drillers struck HP, high temperature steam
Answer at about 200 m only at Tiwi, a tiny village nestled at the base of the volcano
Malino, in 1967. By January, 1976, the first geothermal plant at Tiwi began
Installed capacity of
producing 55 MWe. Russia reported that a geothermal power plant with a capacity
electricity generation
11 MWe was operating for nearly 25 years and undertaking construction another
is the maximum
plant of 200 MWe at Mutnovsky.
electric output
(without exceeding At present, 35 countries of the world use Geotherm of about 15000 MWe
design level given in for space heating, industrial and agricultural applications, whereas 21
Nameplate) an countries utilize Geotherm for electricity generation.
generator/power According to the IRENA and the GGA, the global geothermal power generation
plant can produce (operated) capacity reached at 15,608 MWe level (which is less than actual
under specific installed capacity) at the end of year 2020. The current pandemic situation clearly
conditions. Electricity slowed down development with limited growth reported. Turkey reports nearly all
generation is the geothermal power generation capacity added in 2020. The following 8 current
amount of actual Indian projects and Top 10 (as ThinkGeoEnergy source) geothermal countries
electricity a have operated generating geothermal units (above 600 MWe) by the end of year
generator produces 2020. The geothermal power is forecasted to be 19331 MWe in the world by 2025.
during a specific The roadmap envisions that the geothermal electricity generation could reach 1400
period of time. TWh per year, i.e. around 3.5% of global power production by 2050. Geothermal
heat could contribute 5.8 EJ annually by 2050.
Geothermal Field Estimated (min.) reservoir
No. Status
in India Temp (Approx)
Check Your Progress 5
Give the term for the following.
1. Method for using hot, dry rock to bring out hydrothermal fluid.
2. Power plant that uses hydrothermal fluids at temperatures above
360 °C which flashes into steam as it enters the plant.
3. Power plant that uses steam at temperatures above 100°C.
4. Water that has been heated by the Earth and usually contains
dissolved gasses and minerals.
5. Equipment that permits the exchange of energy into or out of a
hydrothermal fluid.
Geothermal energy is heat derived within the sub-surface of the earth. Water
and/or steam transfer the Geotherm to the Earth’s surface. Deep production
wells are drilled in the geothermal fields. The hot steam/water/brine is
extracted from the geothermal layers by production wells, by ‘pumping’ or by
‘natural pressure’. Geothermal science and technology focuses on
fundamental, applied research and innovative project formulation needed to
deploy technologies for developing and combining Geotherm as one
important element in the future energy portfolio. It serves to scrutinize the
interaction of individual system components while taking the entire process
into account, from the development of the reservoir to the economic provision
of Geotherm. Heat delivery from geothermal outlets increased by an average
rate of about 9% per annum over the past decade, primarily due to rapid
growth in the application of ground source heat pumps also. Use of Geotherm
for integrated heat and power is also on the increase. However, for power,
generation high or medium temperature resources are needed, which are
usually identified close to tectonically active regions.
Technologies used for various geothermal resource types: Dry steam sources,
Wet steam sources, Hot water resources, Hot dry rocks, Geopressurized
sources and Hot magma sources. Depending on its characteristics, geothermal
energy can be used for heating and cooling purposes or be mobilized to
generate clean and green electricity. Geotherm operation, utilization and its
enhancement demands to improve the characterization of geothermal
resources, technologies for regulating fracture networks and revamping
subsurface approach, and advance hybrid systems. Geotechnologies thus have
a key role to play in realizing targets in energy security, economic
development in number of countries and mitigating climate change.
India has reasonably good potential for geothermal. But, geothermal power
projects has not been exploited at all till date, due to various of reasons, the
chief being the availability of huge coal at low costs. However, with
increasing environmental issues with coal based projects, India will need to
start depending on clean and eco-friendly energy sources in future, one of
which could be geothermal.
25.1 Introduction
25.2 Tidal Energy
25.2.1 The Nature of the Resource
25.2.2 Physics on Tidal Energy
25.2.3 Components of Tidal Energy Generation System
25.2.4 Power Generation Technical Factors
25.2.5 Environmental Impacts of Tidal Energy
25.2.6 Tidal Energy Potential
25.2.7 Merits and Demerits of Tidal Energy System
25.2.8 Prospectus of Tidal Energy System in India
Tidal power is a form of hydropower that converts the energy of tides into
useful forms of power - mainly electricity. This is the only form of energy
whose source is the moon.Tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the
moon and sun, and the rotation of the Earth. Thus, tidal energy is the
utilization of the moon and sun's gravitational forces – as tides are formed by
the gravitational pull of the moon and sun on the oceans of the rotating earth.
Figure 25.1:
Figure 25.2:
Tidal Stream:
A Tidal Stream Generation system reduces some of the environmental effects of
tidal barrages by using turbine generators beneath the surface of the water. It is
very similar in many ways to the principles of wind power generation. Horizontal
turbine generators called “tidal turbines” or “marine current turbines” are placed
on the ocean floor, the stream currents flow across the turbine blades powering a
generator much like how wind turns the blades of wind power turbines. In fact, in
some tidal stream generation areas the sea bed looks just like underwater wind
farm with arrays of tidal stream generators covering large areas.
Figure 2.3:
The generated tidal electricity is then transmitted to the shore via long underwater
electrical cables called submarine cables. These offshore tidal turbines can be
either partially or fully submerged beneath the surface of the water, with partially
submerged turbines being easier and less costly for maintenance [7].
Unlike off-shore wind power which can suffer from storms or heavy sea damage,
tidal stream turbines operate just below the sea surface or are fixed to the sea bed.
Tidal streams are formed by the horizontal fast flowing volumes of water caused
by the ebb and flow of the tide as the profile of the sea bed causes the water to
speed up as it approaches the shoreline.
As water is much denser than air and has a much slower flow rate, tidal stream
turbines have much smaller diameters and higher tip speed rates compared to an
equivalent wind turbine. Tidal stream turbines generate tidal power on both the
ebb and flow of the tide. One of the disadvantages of Tidal Stream Generation is
that as the turbines are submerged under the surface of the water they can create
hazards to navigation and shipping.
Tidal current turbines:
The earliest tidal current turbine in China was developed and tested in 1970s. The
turbine was similar to a ship propeller and further researches into the components
of the unit were not able to be carried out at the same time.
25.2.5 Environmental Impacts of Tidal Energy
The main environmental concerns with tidal energy are from the turbine blades
striking or entangling marine organisms, as higher speed flowing water increases
the risk of organisms being pulled near or through these devices.
As with all offshore renewable energies, there is also a concern about how the
creation of electromagnetic fields and acoustic outputs may affect marine
organisms. Because these devices are in the water, the acoustic output can be
greater than those created with offshore wind energy. Depending on the frequency
and amplitude of sound generated by the tidal energy devices, this acoustic output
can have varying effects on marine mammals (particularly those who echolocate
to communicate and navigate in the marine environment such
as dolphins and whales). Tidal energy removal can also cause environmental
concerns such as degrading far field water quality and disrupting sediment
processes. Depending on the size of the project, these effects can range from small
traces of sediment build up near the tidal device to severely affecting nearshore
ecosystems and processes.
25.2.6 Tidal Energy Potential:
Estimation for tidal power may be conducted using suitable and ideal locations on
the seashore. The water stores during high tides in the form of basin at the ocean
surface. The energy potential for a tide height of R meter above the sea level is
specified as [3]:
= ℎ ℎ
where denotes the density of seawater (kg/m2) and g denotes the gravitational
constant (9.81 m/s2). This represents that the energy available is dependent on the
volume of water. The potential energy contained in a volume of water is the potential
energy is [4];
= ℎ
This energy will be store in the Plants and power developed in a day can be
estimated by diving it with time of day.
25.2.7 Merits and Demerits of Tidal Energy System:
Following are the merits for tidal energy system;
1. it is an environmentally friendly way to generate electric power from ocean
2. Periodic availability of tides makes tidal energy a highly predictable source of
3. Tidal energy has a high energy density.
4. Tidal power plant has low cost of its operation and maintenance.
5. It is an inexhaustible source of energy.
Following are the merits for tidal energy system;
1. The cost of developing tidal power plant is very high.
2. The tidal power plant disturbs the marine living species life.
3. The tidal power plants may be constructed on a very specific locations in ocean
depending on the available amount of tide.
4. the tidal power plant has variable intensity of sea waves.
25.2.8 Prospects of Tidal Energy System in India
As per a study conducted by the Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai in
association with CRISIL Risk and Infrastructure Solutions Limited in December
2014, the tidal power potential is estimated at around 12,455 MW in India. The
potential areas with low/medium tidal wave strength are in the Gulf of Khambat,
Gulf of Kutch & southern regions in Gujarat, Palk Bay- Mannar Channel in Tamil
Nadu, and Hoogly river, South Haldia & Sunderbans in West Bengal. Tidal
energy is still in Research & Development (R&D) phase and has not been
implemented on a commercial scale in India. The earlier efforts for harnessing
tidal power were not successful due to high capital cost ranging from Rs. 30 crore
to Rs. 60 crore per MW [9].
Emerging Technologies in Renewable Energy
Sources- Basic and Early Designs of Solar
Distillation (Part-I)
1. Introduction 1
1.1 The possible technologies in Solar Thermal Applications are 1
1.2 Sources of Water Pollution 1
1.3 Effects of Water Pollution 2
1.4 Need of Drinking Water 2
1.5 Why Distillation 3
1.6 Water purification techniques 3
1.7 Solar Still 4
1.8 What is solar distillation 4
1.9 Classification of Solar Distillation 5
1.10 Advantages of Solar Distillation 5
1.11 Working of the Passive single slope conventional Solar Distillation 5
1.12 Heat and Mass Transfer involved in Conventional Solar Still 7
1.13 Use of Distilled Water 7
1.14 Drawbacks of Solar Distillation 8
1.15 Simple single slope Solar Still 10
1.16 Main factors responsible for producing potable water 10
1.17 Types of Solar Still on the basis of energy use 10
1.18 Some existing designs of Passive Solar Stills 11
1.18.1 Single Slope Solar Still 11
1.18.2 Double Slope Solar Still 11
1.18.3 Hemispherical Solar Still 12
1.18.4 Spherical Solar Still 13
1.18.5 Triangular Pyramid Solar Still 13
1.18.6 Multi-wick Solar Still 14
1.18.7 Concave-Wick Solar Still 15
1.18.8 Inclined Wick-Type Solar Water-Distillation System 15
1.18.9 Tilted-Wick Solar Still with Flat-Plate Bottom Reflector 16
1.18.10 Conical Solar Still 17
1.19 Some existing designs of Active Solar Stills 17
1.19.1 Solar still coupled with flat plate collector 17
1.19.2 Solar still coupled with parabolic concentrator 18
1.19.4 Solar still coupled with evacuated tube collector 18
1.20 Simple Mathematics Involved 19
References 20
1 Introduction
Several emerging technologies in renewable energy were gaining attention for their potential
to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and contribute to a more sustainable energy future. Here
are some emerging technologies in renewable energy
• Advanced Solar Technologies
• Energy Storage
• Wind Energy
• Ocean Energy
• Geothermal Energy
• Hydrogen and Fuel Cells
• Smart Grid and Energy Management
1.1 The possible technologies in Solar Thermal Applications are
1.3 Effects of Water Pollution
Drinking water scarcity is one of the most serious issues confronting both emerging and
developing countries throughout the world. According to a report only 3% of fresh water is
available in earth out of which about 68.7% are in the form of icecaps and glaciers, about 30.1%
is ground water, 0.3% is surface water and 0.9% are in other form (Fig.1). The challenge is to
make the 3% of fresh water available to us clean and contaminated free that can be used for
drinking. Although commercial purification procedures such as membrane distillation, reverse
osmosis, multi-stage flash distillation, and electrodialysis are available, solar distillation may
be the most cost-effective choice. A solar still is a water purification device that uses solar
energy. The biggest issue with solar still is its poor productivity. On a hot day, it produces
around 2-3 L/m2 of pure water, which is one of the major reasons for its non-commercialization.
However, researchers are around the globe are working to enhance the production output of
solar distillation system.
1.5 Why Distillation
Distillation is a widely used separation process that is employed for various purposes across
different industries. The primary reason for using distillation is to separate components of a
mixture based on their differences in volatility, or more specifically, their boiling points.
1.6 Water purification techniques
Water purification is a critical process to ensure access to clean and safe drinking water.
Various techniques are employed to remove impurities, contaminants, and pathogens from
water. The choice of water purification method depends on the quality of the source water and
the specific contaminants present. Here are some common water purification techniques:
Mechanical Filtration: Water is passed through a porous material or a filter to physically
remove particles and impurities. Common filter media include sand, gravel, ceramic, or
membranes with different pore sizes.
Activated Carbon Filtration: Activated carbon adsorbs organic compounds, chlorine, and
some heavy metals, improving taste and Odor of water.
Simple Boiling: Boiling water kills bacteria, viruses, and parasites, making it safe for drinking.
However, boiling does not remove chemical contaminants.
Simple Distillation: Water is heated to create steam, which is then cooled and condensed back
into liquid form. This process removes contaminants with higher boiling points, leaving
purified water.
Reverse Osmosis (RO): Membrane Filtration: RO systems use a semi-permeable membrane
to remove ions, molecules, and larger particles, providing effective removal of salts, bacteria,
and many other contaminants.
UV-C Light Exposure: UV light is used to inactivate microorganisms by damaging their
DNA, preventing them from reproducing. UV disinfection is effective against bacteria, viruses,
and parasites.
Chemical Disinfection: Chlorine compounds, such as chlorine gas or sodium hypochlorite,
are added to water to kill bacteria and viruses. Chlorination is a common method for large-
scale water treatment.
Solar distillation
Solar distillation is a method of water purification that utilizes solar energy to convert water
from various sources, such as seawater, brackish water, or contaminated water, into vapor and
then condenses the vapor back into liquid form, producing purified water. This process is
particularly useful in regions with limited access to clean and fresh water. Solar distillation can
take various forms, and here are some common types:
1.7 Solar Still:
Basic Concept: A solar still is a simple device that typically consists of a transparent cover, a
basin to hold water, and a condensation surface. The transparent cover allows sunlight to pass
through and heat the water in the basin.
Operation: Solar radiation heats the water, causing it to evaporate. The water vapor then
condenses on the inner surface of the transparent cover, forming droplets that collect and flow
into a collection container as purified water.
Applications: Solar stills are often used for small-scale, decentralized water purification in
arid or remote areas.
1.8 What is solar distillation
Solar distillation is a water purification process that utilizes solar energy to convert water
from various sources into vapor and then condenses the vapor back into liquid form, producing
purified water. This method is particularly effective in regions where access to clean and fresh
water is limited. The basic principle behind solar distillation involves using the sun's energy to
heat water, causing it to evaporate, and then collecting the condensed vapor as purified water.
The process typically involves the following steps:
Solar Radiation Absorption: A solar distillation system typically consists of a transparent
cover, a basin to hold the water, and a condensation surface. The transparent cover allows
sunlight to pass through and heat the water in the basin.
Evaporation: Solar radiation heats the water in the basin, causing it to evaporate. As the water
vapor rises, it leaves behind contaminants, salts, and impurities.
Condensation: The water vapor rises and comes into contact with the inner surface of the
transparent cover. This surface is usually cooler than the evaporating water, leading to
condensation of the vapor. The condensed water forms droplets on the inner surface.
Collection: The droplets of condensed water run down the inner surface of the cover and are
collected in a gutter or a collection container. This collected water is now purified, as the
distillation process effectively separates the water from impurities and contaminants.
Solar distillation can take different forms, and the design may vary based on the specific
application and scale of water purification needed. Some common types of solar distillation
systems include solar stills, multiple-effect solar stills, solar desalination, and solar-assisted
multi-effect distillation. Key advantages of solar distillation include its simplicity,
sustainability, and the ability to operate in remote or off-grid areas where conventional energy
sources may be limited. However, the water production rate is typically lower compared to
some other water purification methods, and the efficiency depends on factors such as sunlight
intensity, ambient temperature, and system design.
Solar distillation is often used in arid regions, for emergency water supply, and in
situations where access to clean water is a challenge. Ongoing research and development aim
to improve the efficiency and scalability of solar distillation technologies for broader
application in water-scarce areas.
Solar distillation can be classified into different types based on the design, scale, and specific
applications. Here are some common classifications of solar distillation systems:
The passive single slope conventional solar still is a relatively simple and low-cost design
for solar distillation. Here is a general overview of how it works (fig. 2):
Fig.2 Single slop solar still
Collection and Storage: The collected water is directed to a storage container or collection
point, providing a source of purified water.
Key Points:
The single slope design allows for a simple and cost-effective construction, making it
suitable for small-scale applications and regions with limited resources. The angle of the slope
is crucial to maximize solar exposure and enhance the distillation process. This passive solar
still operates without the need for external energy sources or complex mechanisms. While the
passive single slope solar still is relatively straightforward, its efficiency can be influenced by
factors such as the local climate, the angle of the slope, and the quality of the transparent cover
material. Modifications and improvements can be made to enhance its performance, and
ongoing research aims to optimize passive solar still designs for better water production in
various conditions.
1.12 Heat and Mass Transfer involved in Conventional Solar Still
a) Internal heat transfer: Internal heat transfer is responsible for the transfer of water
from basin to glass in the mode of Evaporation, Convection, Radiation
b) External heat transfer: External heat transfer is responsible for the heat loss from the
glass to cool the glass in the mode of Conduction, Convection, Radiation.
1.13 Use of Distilled Water
Distilled water, which is purified through the process of distillation, has various applications
across different industries and everyday activities due to its high purity. Here are some common
uses of distilled water:
Chemical Analysis: Distilled water is often used in laboratories for preparing chemical
solutions and conducting experiments where the absence of impurities is crucial.
Medical Laboratories: In medical and biological laboratories, distilled water is used for
preparing reagents, diluting samples, and cleaning equipment.
Medical Procedures: Distilled water is used in various medical procedures, such as wound
cleaning and certain surgical processes, where sterile and pure water is essential.
Pharmaceutical Production: Pharmaceutical companies use distilled water in the production
of medications to ensure the absence of contaminants.
Cosmetic Formulation: Distilled water is a common ingredient in the formulation of
cosmetics and personal care products, including skincare items, shampoos, and lotions.
Battery Maintenance: Distilled water is used in automotive batteries to top up electrolyte
levels. The high purity of distilled water helps prevent the buildup of impurities that could
affect battery performance.
Steam Irons and Humidifiers: Distilled water is recommended for use in steam irons and
humidifiers to prevent mineral deposits that can accumulate over time.
Film Development: Distilled water is used in the process of film development in photography
to ensure that impurities do not affect the quality of the images.
Industrial Applications: Distilled water is used in lead-acid batteries, commonly found in
uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems, for maintaining the electrolyte levels and
ensuring optimal battery performance.
Circuit Board Manufacturing: Distilled water is used in the electronics industry, especially
during the manufacturing of circuit boards, to prevent mineral deposits that could interfere with
electronic components.
Car Radiators: In some instances, distilled water is recommended for use in car radiators to
prevent mineral buildup that could lead to cooling system inefficiencies.
Hydroponics: Distilled water is used in hydroponic systems to provide plants with a nutrient
solution free from impurities and minerals.
Irons and Steamers: Distilled water is often recommended for use in irons and garment
steamers to prevent mineral deposits that can clog the appliances.
It's important to note that while distilled water is suitable for certain applications that require
high purity, it may lack essential minerals that are present in natural water. Therefore, for
human consumption and certain biological processes, it's generally recommended to obtain
minerals through a balanced diet and consume water that meets regulatory standards for
While solar distillation offers a sustainable and energy-efficient method for water
purification, it is not without its drawbacks. Here are some of the limitations and drawbacks
associated with solar distillation:
Low Water Production Rates: One of the main drawbacks of solar distillation is its relatively
low water production rates. The process relies on natural solar energy, and the rate of water
evaporation and condensation is limited by the available sunlight. As a result, solar stills may
not be suitable for meeting high water demand.
Dependence on Weather Conditions: Solar distillation is highly dependent on weather
conditions, particularly sunlight. Cloudy or overcast days can significantly reduce the
efficiency of solar stills, affecting their water production capability. In regions with inconsistent
sunlight, this dependence can be a significant drawback.
Large Land Footprint: To achieve meaningful water production, solar stills may require a
large land area. This can be impractical for densely populated urban areas where land is limited
or expensive.
Sensitivity to Dust and Debris: The transparent covers of solar stills are prone to accumulating
dust and debris, reducing the efficiency of sunlight absorption. Regular cleaning may be
required to maintain optimal performance.
Initial Capital Cost: While solar distillation is often considered a low-cost technology, the
initial capital cost for setting up solar stills, especially in larger installations, can be a factor.
This may limit widespread adoption in economically constrained regions.
Seasonal Variations: Seasonal variations in sunlight duration and intensity can impact the
performance of solar stills. During winter or in high-latitude regions with shorter daylight
hours, water production may decrease.
Limited Applicability for Saline Water: Conventional solar stills may not be the most
efficient solution for desalination of seawater or highly saline water. More specialized
desalination technologies may be required for such applications.
Energy-Intensive Materials for Cover Construction: The construction of the transparent
cover in solar stills may require energy-intensive materials, such as certain plastics or glass.
The environmental impact of manufacturing and disposal of these materials should be
Difficulty in Scaling Up: Scaling up solar distillation systems to meet the water demands of
larger populations can be challenging. Achieving higher water production rates may require
complex engineering solutions.
Limited Temperature Control: Solar stills may have limited control over the temperature
within the system. This can impact the efficiency of water vaporization and condensation
Despite these drawbacks, ongoing research and development aim to address some of
these challenges and enhance the efficiency and applicability of solar distillation for water
purification. Hybrid systems and innovative designs are being explored to overcome the
limitations associated with conventional solar stills.
1.15 Simple single slope Solar Still
The sun's radiant heat is absorbed by a basin and subsequently transferred to the water
within, causing it to heat up and eventually evaporate. This vapor then undergoes condensation
upon contact with a cooler surface, which is at a lower temperature compared to the water. As
a result, it accumulates as distilled water. This process effectively separates the water vapor
from any dissolved impurities or substances. The condensed water emerges as pure and distilled
1.18 Some existing designs of Passive Solar Stills
1.18.1 Single Slope Solar Still
As evident, the construction of a single-slope solar still is a straightforward simple
process. It involves assembling a fiber-reinforced plastic (FRP) body with an inner surface
coated in black paint, capped by a transparent glass top cover. The optimal orientation of the
solar still is crucial to harness the highest amount of solar radiation, typically aligning its
inclination with the latitude of the specific location.
Fig.5 Double slope solar still
1.18.3 Hemispherical Solar Still
A hemispherical solar still is a type of solar still design that employs a hemispherical
shape to enhance the collection and concentration of solar energy for water desalination or
purification. The basic principle of a solar still involves using the sun's energy to evaporate
water, and then condensing the vapor to obtain fresh, purified water.
1.18.4 Spherical Solar Still
It comprises a circular basin crafted from aluminum and an absorber plate coated with
black paint to maximize solar radiation absorption. A typical absorber plate, measuring 0.4
square meters in area and 0.61 meters in diameter, is if employed for containing saline water
within the basin. The circular basin is positioned in the middle of the spherical rings at a height
of 0.28 meters relative to the total height of the solar still, which is 0.68 meters. The system
has demonstrated a maximum efficiency of 22% under the climatic conditions in Coimbatore,
India. The same varies with season and location
Fig.7 Triangular Pyramid Solar Still
Consequently, for the same basin area, condensation in the pyramid-shaped solar still is higher,
as the condensing area in the pyramid shape is greater. This presents an additional advantage.
1.18.6 Multi-wick Solar Still
The amount of water in the basin plays a significant role in determining the heating
rate. In the case of a wick-type solar still, the water mass in the basin is intentionally kept
minimal, essentially in the form of wetness on the wick. This deliberate approach accelerates
the heating process, resulting in faster evaporation and, consequently, an increased production
This stands as a major advantage of wick-type solar stills. In multiple wick solar stills, multiple
layers of cloth wicks are stacked on top of each other. One end of the jute cloth sheets is
submerged in the water reservoir, while the other ends are spread across the base of the solar
still. To ensure optimal capillary action, it is essential to thoroughly wet the jute cloth before
laying it out on the solar still's base. To harness the maximum solar radiation, the surface is
angled precisely, allowing the jute cloth to draw water from the reservoir through capillary
action to the upper end of the inclined surface. A glass cover is then positioned over the unit
to facilitate the condensation of vapor on its inner surface. Multiple wick solar stills exhibit
superior performance and are cost-effective to construct, resulting in an improvement of 20%
to 45% compared to single-slope solar stills.
1.18.7 Concave-Wick Solar Still
To enhance the performance of the wick-type solar still, the concave wick-type solar still has
been introduced. The concave-shaped wick basin effectively increases the surface area for
maximum solar radiation. When maintained at this optimal tilt angle, the performance of the
inclined wick solar still surpasses that of traditional wick-type solar stills.
The solar still comprises several key components: a transparent glass cover, bottom insulation,
a flat-plate bottom reflector, and an evaporative wick. The flat-plate bottom reflector, crafted
from highly reflective materials, extends from the lower edge of the solar still.
Optimal daily water yield occurs under specific conditions: a reflector inclination of 50 degrees
during the summer solstice, 30 degrees during the spring and autumn equinoxes, and 20 degrees
on the winter solstice. The increase in daily water yield is most pronounced during the summer
solstice, at 25%, and least during the winter solstice, at 10%, when a bottom reflector is
incorporated into the design. When the reflector is inclined at 35 degrees, the average daily
water yield over four days increases by approximately 13% compared to the conventional
tilted-wick solar still.
Fig.13 Solar still coupled with flat plate collector
A "solar still coupled with a flat plate collector" is a combination of two solar technologies: a
solar still and a flat plate solar collector. This hybrid system is designed to harness solar energy
for both water purification and generation of hot water.
Fig.15 Solar still coupled with evacuated tube collector
1.20 Simple Mathematics Involved
A is the collector area (the area of the transparent cover) in square meters (m²).
G is the solar irradiance (solar energy flux) in watts per square meter (W/m²).
η is the efficiency of the collector, which depends on factors like the angle of the cover and
its transmittance.
[1] Tiwari GN, Sahota Lovedeep. Advanced Solar-Distillation Systems. Springer 2017.
[2] Rubioa E, Porta MA, Fernandez JL. Cavity geometry influence on mass flow rate for
single and double slope solar stills. Appl Therm Eng 2000; 20:1105–11.
[3] Tiwari GN, Bapeshwara Rao VSV. Transient performance of a single basin solar still
with water flowing over the glass cover. Desalination 1984; 49:231–41.
[4] Dhiman NK, Tiwari GN. Effect of water flowing over the glass cover of a multi-wick
solar still. Energy Convers Manag 1990; 30:245–50.
[5] Abu-Hijleh Bassam AK. Enhanced solar still performance using water film cooling of
the glass cover. Desalination 1996; 107:235–44.
[6] Lawrence SA, Gupta SP, Tiwari GN. Effect of heat capacity on the performance of solar
still with water flow over the glass cover. Energy Convers Manag 1990; 30(3): 277–85.
[7] Sherwood TK, Pigford RL, Wilke CH. Mass transfer. New York: McGraw Hill; 1975.
[9] Badran OO. Experimental study of the enhancement parameters on a single slope solar
still productivity. Desalination 2007;209(1–3):136–43.
[10] Anil Kr. Tiwari, G.N. Tiwari, Effect of water depths on heat and mass transfer in a
passive solar still: in summer climatic condition, Desalination, Volume 195, Issues 1–
3,2006, Pages 78-94, ISSN 0011-9164.
[11] Anil Kr. Tiwari, G.N. Tiwari, Thermal modeling based on solar fraction and
experimental study of the annual and seasonal performance of a single slope passive
solar still: The effect of water depths, Desalination, Volume 207, Issues 1–3, 2007,
Pages 184-204, ISSN 0011-9164
[12] Anil Kr. Tiwari, G.N. Tiwari, Effect of the condensing cover's slope on internal heat
and mass transfer in distillation: an indoor simulation, Desalination, Volume 180, Issues
1–3, 2005, Pages 73-88, ISSN 0011-9164.
[13] Aneesh Somwanshi, Anil Kumar Tiwari, Mahendra Singh Sodha, Feasibility of earth
heat storage for all weather conditioning of open swimming pool water, Energy
Conversion and Management, Volume 68, 2013, Pages 89-95, ISSN 0196-8904.
Emerging Technologies in Renewable Energy Sources
– Recent Advancement in Solar Distillation (Part II)
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Description of Proposed System 2
1.2 Results and Discussion 2
1.3 Conclusions 3
1.4 Productivity from solar still 3
1.5 Recent developments in passive still designs 4
1.5.1 Multiple effect diffusion still 4
1.5.2 Tubular type solar still 4
1.5.3 Chimney type solar still 5
1.5.4 Stepped solar still 5
1.5.5 Solar still with separate condenser 6
1.6 Recent developments in active solar still 6
1.6.1 Solar still coupled with solar concentrator 6
1.6.2 Solar still coupled with Air cooler 7
1.6.3 Solar still coupled with solar concentrator 7
1.6.4 Solar still coupled with Solar Pond 8
1.6.5 Solar still coupled with PVT system 8
1.7 Some others methods of enhancing output of solar still 9
1.7.1 Using Black dye with water in basin 9
1.7.2 Using of Reflectors with black dye in the basin 9
1.7.3 Using Fins in the basin of solar still 10
1.7.4 Using Strip-fins attached on Absorber Plate 11
1.7.5 Small solar distillation plant cooled by water from garden fountain 11
References 12
1. Introduction
In the field of solar distillation, which involves using solar energy for water purification through
distillation processes, has seen various advancements. Keep in mind that there may have been
further developments since then. Here are some recent advancements in solar distillation:
Advanced Materials for Solar Absorption: Researchers have been exploring new materials
with enhanced solar absorption properties. Nanomaterials, such as nanoparticles and
nanocomposites, are being investigated to improve the efficiency of solar collectors in solar
distillation systems.
Photothermal Nanomaterials: The use of photothermal nanomaterials, which can efficiently
convert solar energy into heat, has shown promise. These materials can be incorporated into the
distillation system to enhance the absorption of sunlight and improve the overall efficiency of
the process.
Advanced Solar Collector Designs: Innovations in solar collector designs, such as
concentrating solar collectors and compound parabolic concentrators (CPCs), aim to increase
the concentration of solar energy on the distillation surface, leading to higher temperatures and
improved distillation rates.
Integration with Other Technologies: Researchers are exploring the integration of solar
distillation with other technologies, such as photovoltaics and advanced energy storage systems.
This integration can enhance the reliability and round-the-clock operation of solar distillation
Innovations in Basin and Solar Still Designs: Advances in the design of solar stills and basins
aim to maximize the collection and utilization of solar energy. Improved shapes, materials, and
geometries contribute to better heat absorption and more efficient water evaporation.
Utilization of Phase Change Materials (PCMs): The incorporation of phase change materials
in solar distillation systems is being studied. PCMs can store and release thermal energy during
phase transitions, contributing to temperature regulation and improved overall efficiency.
Different solar water desalination processes, such as active and passive basin type solar stills
and systems working on humidification-dehumidification principle, have been used to produce
fresh water from saline water Among these processes, solar water desalination systems based
on humidification-dehumidification technique is one of the simple and most efficient techniques
and performance of these systems have been studied and improved by several researchers.
The humidification–dehumidification process (HD) is an interesting technique adapted for
water desalination when the demand is decentralized.
1.1 Description of Proposed System
The proposed solar water desalination system with the humidification-dehumidification
technique consists of a double-pass flat plate solar air heater with two glass covers, humidifying
tower, storage tank and dehumidifying exchanger.
The above result shows the superiority of double pass solar air heater over single pass solar
air heater particularly for proposed desalination system
The productivity of the system increases by increasing the air mass flow rate to an optimum
value and decreases after that value. This mass flow rate of air (0.03 kg/hr productivity 5.5
kg/h) is optimum value after this any increase in it does not contribute to productivity
It is clear that up to optimum mass flow rate of 0.03 kg/h system gives a 400 % increase in
productivity with 200 % increase in air mass flow rate.
After that even with 70% increase in mass flow rate over the optimized value 40% decrease
productivity can be observed
1.3 Conclusions
The proposed process has several attractive features, which include
1. operation at low temperature,
2. ability to utilize sustainable energy sources, i.e. solar and geothermal,
3. and requirements of low technology level
1.4 Productivity from solar still
Output of solar still mainly depends on the temperature difference between the basin water and
glass cover.
The more temperature difference increases the rate of water evaporation from the basin of solar
still thus results in increasing the condensation of water. Thus, increase in the distillate output
vice versa the lower temperature difference lowers the output of solar still.
This temperature difference can be increased by either
• Increasing the temperature of water in the basin (Active or Passive ways)
• Decreasing the temperature of glass cover (Flowing cooled water)
• Combination of both stated points i.e. increasing the basin water temperature and
decreasing cover temperature together.
1.5 Recent developments in passive still designs
1.5.1 Multiple effect diffusion still
The distillate output is generated through condensation, occurring both beneath the double-
glazed glass cover and on the inner surface of the vertical metallic wall. On the opposite side
of this wall, wicks transport saline water. As the saline water contacts the metallic surface, it
cools and subsequently evaporates due to heating. Simultaneously, on the opposite side, cooling
induces condensation
Fig.3 Tubular type solar still
Due to gravity effect, the condensed water flow down over the inner surface of transparent
tubular cover and stored in the collector provided at the bottom point of trough.
Fig.5 Stepped solar still
1.5.5 Solar still with separate condenser
The separate condenser other than the conventional glass cover through which radiation is
received, helps to increase the temperature differential between the basin water and condenser
cover that finally lead to increase the rate of condensation which enhances the amount of
distillate output produces per unit area.
Fig.7 Solar still coupled with solar concentrator
1.6.2 Solar still coupled with Air cooler
To harness the cooling effect of the water in the cooler tank, which maintains a Wet-Bulb
Temperature (WBT) corresponding to the Dry-Bulb Temperature (DBT), Somwanshi and
Tiwari proposed integrating the solar still with an air cooler system.
Fig.9 Solar still coupled with solar concentrator
1.6.4 Solar still coupled with Solar Pond
The annual average values of the daily productivity and efficiency of the still with the Solar
pond were found to be higher than those obtained without the SSP by 52.36% and 43.80%,
Fig.11 Solar still coupled with PVT system
1.7 Some others methods of enhancing output of solar still
1.7.1 Using Black dye with water in basin
To increase the water temperature in the basin Sodha et.al. suggest to use black dye in the basin,
by doing this they found that the productivity increases about 48% by using black dye for 14cm
water depth.
Fig.13 Using of Reflectors with black dye in the basin
1.7.3 Using Fins in the basin of solar still
Omara et.al experimentally compared the performance of conventional solar still, finned solar
still and corrugated solar still. They found with finned and corrugated solar still the productivity
increased approximately by 40% and 21% respectively. In this case the daily efficiency for
finned, corrugated and conventional solar stills were approximately 47.5%, 41%and 35%
1.7.4 Using Strip-fins attached on Absorber Plate
Ayuthaya et al. suggested to use strip- fins on absorber plate they found that the productivity
of the modified solar still was increased by 15.5%, compared to that of a conventional still.
Fig.16 Small solar distillation plant cooled by water from garden fountain
[1] Sodha, M.S., Nayak, J.K., Tiwari, G.N. and Kumar, A. Double basin solar still,
Energy Conversion 1980; 20(1),23.
[2] Sodha, M.S., Nayak, J.K., Singh, U. Tiwari G.N. Thermal Performance of solar still.
Journal of Energy 1981;5,331
[3] Prakash, J. and Kavanthekar, A. K. Performance prediction of a regenerative solar
still, International Journal of Solar and Wind Technology. 1986; 3, 119.
[4] Rai, S. N. and Tiwari, G. N. Single basin solar still coupled with flat plate collector.
Energy Conservation and Management. 1982, 23, 145.
[5] Zaki, G. M., Radhwan, A. M. and Balbeid, A. O. Analysis of assisted coupled solar
still, Personal communication, 1991.
[6] Fernandez J. L. and Chargoy, N. Multi-stage indirectly heated solar still, Solar
energy. 1990; 44, 215.
[7] Singh AK, Tiwari GN. Thermal evaluation of regenerative active solar distillation
under thermosyphon mode. Energy Convers Manag 1993; 34:697–706.
[8] Kumar Sanjeev, Tiwari GN. Optimization of daily yield for an active double effect
distillation with water flow. Energy Convers Manag 1999; 40:703–15.
[9] Abdullah AS. Improving the performance of stepped solar still. Desalination 2013;
[10] Dhiman NK, Tiwari GN. Effect of water flowing over the glass cover of a multi-
wick solar still. Energy Convers Manag 1990; 30:245–50.
[11] Abu-Hijleh Bassam AK. Enhanced solar still performance using water film cooling
of the glass cover. Desalination 1996; 107:235–44.
[12] Lawrence SA, Gupta SP, Tiwari GN. Effect of heat capacity on the performance of
solar still with water flow over the glass cover. Energy Convers Manag 1990; 30(3):
[13] Sherwood TK, Pigford RL, Wilke CH. Mass transfer. New York: McGraw Hill;
[14] Janarthanan B, Chandrasekaran J, Kumar S. Performance of floating cum tilted wick
type solar still with the effect of water flowing over the glass cover. Desalination
2006; 190:51–62.
[15] Badran OO. Experimental study of the enhancement parameters on a single slope
solar still productivity. Desalination 2007;209(1–3):136–43.
[16] Somwanshi, Aneesh, and Rupesh Shrivastava. "Thermal analysis of a closed loop
inclined wick solar still (CLIWSS) with an additional heat storage water reservoir."
Solar Energy 262 (2023): 111902.
[17] Yeh HM, Wei TS, Tung MN. Energy balances in double-effect wick-type solar
distillers. Energy 1988;13(2):115–20.
[18] Yeh HM, Chen ZF. Energy balances in wick-type energy balances in double- effect
solar distillers with air flow through the second-effect unit. Energy
[19] Rajaseenivasan T, Ilango T, Murugavel KK. Comparative study of double basin and
single basin solar still. Desalination 2013; 309:27–31.
[20] Yadav YP, Jha LK. A double basin solar still coupled to a collector and operating in
the thermosyphon mode. Energy 1989; 14:653–9.
[21] Yadav YP. Transient analysis of double basin solar still integrated with collector.
Desalination 1989; 71:151–64.
Emerging Technologies in Renewable Energy Sources
– Passive Heating & Cooling of Buildings (Part-III)
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Serious Problem in Modern Century 2
1.2 Need of fresh air 3
1.3 Natural ventilation 4
1.4 Types of natural ventilation 4
1.5 Description of Proposed System 6
1.6 Determination of ventilation flow rate for Hostel Building-A of NIT Raipur India 7
1.7 Conclusions 8
1.8 Importance of Passive Heating 9
1.9 Various Strategies for Passive Heating 9
1.10 Various Passive Cooling/Heating Techniques 9
1.10.1 Heat Protection 9
1.10.2 Heat Modulation 9
1.10.3 Heat Dissipation 9
1.11 Heat protection techniques 10
1.11.1 Landscaping and vegetation 10
1.11.2 Water surface 11
1.11.3 Solar control 11
1.11.4 Aperture control 12
1.11.5 Glazing 12
1.11.6 Shading 13
1.12 Heat modulation techniques 13
1.12.1 PCM integration in wallboard/Ceiling/ Roof 13
1.12.2 Free cooling 14
1.13 Heat dissipation techniques 14
1.13.1 Convective cooling 14
1.13.2 Wind driven ventilation 15
1.13.3 Trombe wall 15
1.13.4 Solar chimney 16
1.13.5 Evaporative cooling 16
1.13.6 Radiative cooling 17
1.13.7 Geothermal Heating/cooling of buildings 17
References 18
1. Introduction
Passive heating and cooling technologies play a crucial role in enhancing energy efficiency
and sustainability in buildings. These technologies leverage natural processes and design
principles to reduce the need for active mechanical systems, thereby minimizing energy
consumption. Here are some emerging technologies in passive heating and cooling of
Phase Change Materials (PCMs): PCMs absorb and release thermal energy during phase
transitions (solid to liquid and vice versa). They can be incorporated into building materials to
regulate indoor temperatures by storing and releasing heat.
Smart Windows: Electrochromic and thermochromic windows can dynamically control the
amount of light and heat entering a building. These windows can automatically adjust their
transparency based on external conditions or user preferences.
Natural Ventilation: Designing buildings to maximize natural ventilation can reduce the
reliance on mechanical systems for cooling. Utilizing strategic building orientation, window
placement, and cross-ventilation can optimize airflow.
Green Roofs and Walls: Vegetated roofs and walls provide insulation and shade, reducing the
heat absorbed by buildings. They also contribute to improved air quality and biodiversity.
Solar Chimneys: Solar chimneys use the principle of natural convection to enhance airflow.
Warm air rises in a vertical chimney, creating a flow that can be used for passive ventilation
and cooling.
Radiant Cooling: Radiant cooling systems use cold surfaces, such as chilled ceilings or floors,
to absorb heat from occupants and the surrounding environment. This method can be more
energy-efficient than traditional air conditioning.
Passive Solar Design: Designing buildings to maximize the capture of solar heat during the
winter and minimize it during the summer is a fundamental approach. This includes optimizing
window placement, using thermal mass, and incorporating shading devices.
Thermal Storage: Thermal storage systems store excess heat during the day and release it
during cooler periods. This can be achieved through materials like water, concrete, or using
underground thermal storage.
Daylight Harvesting: Integrating daylight harvesting systems involves optimizing natural
light in a building to reduce the need for artificial lighting. This not only saves energy but also
positively impacts occupants' well-being.
Passive House Standards: The Passive House (Passivhaus) standard emphasizes high levels
of insulation, airtightness, and heat recovery ventilation to achieve energy efficiency in
These emerging technologies contribute to more sustainable and energy-efficient buildings,
aligning with global efforts to mitigate climate change and reduce reliance on non-renewable
energy sources. As technology continues to advance, further innovations in passive heating and
cooling are likely to emerge.
1.1 Serious Problem in Modern Century
One of the serious problems in the modern century is the ongoing global environmental
crisis, which includes issues such as climate change, biodiversity loss, deforestation, pollution,
and resource depletion. These environmental challenges pose significant threats to the
wellbeing of the planet and its inhabitants. Here are some key aspects of the environmental
Climate Change: The Earth's climate is changing at an unprecedented rate, primarily due to
human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes.
Rising temperatures, extreme weather events, sea-level rise, and disruptions to ecosystems are
some of the consequences of climate change.
Biodiversity Loss: Human activities, including habitat destruction, pollution, and climate
change, are leading to a rapid decline in biodiversity.
The loss of species and ecosystems has far-reaching implications for ecosystem stability, food
security, and human well-being.
Pollution: Air, water, and soil pollution from industrial activities, agriculture, and improper
waste disposal are major environmental concerns.
Pollution adversely affects human health, ecosystems, and wildlife, leading to a range of
environmental and public health problems.
Deforestation: Widespread clearing of forests for agriculture, logging, and urban development
is a significant driver of habitat loss and contributes to climate change.
Deforestation also threatens numerous plant and animal species, disrupts local communities,
and diminishes vital ecosystem services.
Resource Depletion: The unsustainable extraction and consumption of natural resources,
including minerals, water, and fossil fuels, contribute to resource depletion and environmental
degradation. Overexploitation of resources can lead to long-term environmental damage and
exacerbate social and economic inequalities.
Waste Management: Improper disposal and accumulation of waste, including plastic
pollution, electronic waste, and hazardous materials, pose serious environmental challenges.
Inadequate waste management practices contribute to pollution and harm ecosystems, wildlife,
and human health.
1.2 Need of fresh air
The need for fresh air is fundamental to human health and well-being. Here are several reasons
why access to fresh air is essential:
Oxygen Supply: Humans and many other organisms require oxygen for cellular respiration, a
process that produces energy for the body. Fresh air provides a constant supply of oxygen
necessary for sustaining life.
Respiratory Health: Breathing in fresh air is crucial for maintaining healthy respiratory
function. Clean air helps prevent respiratory issues, and adequate oxygen levels are necessary
for lung health.
Removal of Indoor Pollutants: Indoor environments can accumulate pollutants, such as
volatile organic compounds (VOCs), mold spores, and other allergens. Fresh air helps dilute
and remove these pollutants, promoting a healthier indoor environment.
Boosts Immune System: Exposure to fresh air and outdoor environments has been associated
with a strengthened immune system. Spending time in nature may help the body build
resistance to illnesses and infections.
Improved Cognitive Function: Fresh air has been linked to improved cognitive function,
concentration, and mental clarity. Good air quality enhances overall brain performance and can
positively impact mood.
Temperature Regulation: Proper ventilation with fresh air helps regulate indoor temperatures.
This is important for maintaining thermal comfort and avoiding conditions of overheating or
excessive cold, which can impact health.
Reduction of Indoor Odors: Fresh air circulation helps eliminate indoor odors and prevents
the buildup of stale air. This is particularly important in enclosed spaces where odors can
become concentrated.
Enhanced Sleep Quality: Exposure to fresh air, especially in the evening, can contribute to
better sleep. Well-ventilated bedrooms promote a more comfortable and conducive sleep
Stress Reduction: Spending time outdoors and breathing in fresh air is known to have stress-
reducing effects. Nature walks and outdoor activities can help relax the mind and body.
Supports Physical Activity: Engaging in physical activities, whether indoors or outdoors,
benefits from access to fresh air. Adequate ventilation supports endurance and overall exercise
Prevents Sick Building Syndrome: In closed environments, inadequate ventilation can lead
to Sick Building Syndrome, characterized by symptoms like headaches, fatigue, and respiratory
issues. Fresh air exchange helps prevent such issues.
1.3 Natural ventilation
Ventilation is the intentional introduction of fresh ambient air into a space and removal of old
• If Ventilation is performed without a fan or other mechanical devices it is Natural
• Air flow is caused by pressure differences between the building and its surrounding, it
is Natural Ventilation.
• Pressure difference is created from the natural forces.
1.4 Types of natural ventilation
Natural ventilation comes in various forms, each leveraging different mechanisms to
allow fresh air into buildings and promote air circulation. Here are some common types of
natural ventilation:
Cross-Ventilation: Cross-ventilation is achieved by strategically placing openings, such as
windows or doors, on opposite sides of a building. This allows prevailing winds to flow through
the building, facilitating the exchange of indoor and outdoor air.
Fig.1 Cross-Ventilation
Stack Ventilation (Stack Effect): The stack effect relies on the principle that warm air rises.
Openings at the base and top of a building capitalize on this principle. Warm air inside the
building naturally rises and exits through upper openings, drawing in cooler air from lower
Roof Ventilation: Roof ventilation involves incorporating openings or vents in the roof to
allow warm air to escape.
Solar Chimneys: Solar chimneys utilize the sun's heat to create an updraft, promoting natural
ventilation. As the air inside the chimney heats up, it rises, creating a flow that draws in cooler
air from the building's interior. This can be effective in releasing trapped hot air and promoting
overall air circulation. The effectiveness of these natural ventilation strategies depends on
factors such as building design, local climate, and the surrounding environment. Integrating
multiple strategies or using a hybrid approach with mechanical ventilation systems can further
enhance overall building performance.
1.5 Description of Proposed System
The system consists of a metallic plate clamped to the vertical wall with insulation between
them and glass plate in front of metallic wall.
1.6 Determination of ventilation flow rate for Hostel Building-A of NIT Raipur India
Hostel rooms under consideration were of 4.4m X 3.2m X 3.2 m the volume of each room
comes out 45.056 m3. The total number of rooms are 52, total volume of air to be ventilated is
2342.912 m3 Since hostel building is used for residential purpose, ventilation rate is taken as
10 ACH.
So, ventilation rate required in cubic meter per second is given by the formula
Thus, number of exhaust fan required to ventilate Hostel Building of NIT Raipur is 14
(𝐴𝐶𝐻)𝑋 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑏𝑢𝑖𝑙𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 3 10𝑋2342.912 3
𝑉= 𝑚 /𝑠𝑒𝑐 = 𝑚 /𝑠𝑒𝑐 = 6.51𝑚3 /𝑠𝑒𝑐
3600 3600
July 0.1093
August 0.1089
September 0.1101
October 0.1071
November 0.1130
December 0.1126
January 0.1147
February 0.1184
The length of the wall on which the solar metallic wall can be mounted is 26 m on south side
that is enough to mount 61 numbers of solar metallic walls on Hostel Building of NIT Raipur.
Thus, volumetric air flow rate produced by 61 solar metallic walls = 0.1071x61 m3/sec = 6.533
m3/sec The lowest value of average volumetric air flow rate (0.1071 m3/sec) is being selected
for the calculation of energy savings because this will be minimum energy saved by using one
solar metallic wall.
Therefore, number of solar metallic wall required to produce ventilation rate of 6.51 m3/sec
=6.51/0.1071= 60.78 = 61
The whole building can be ventilated by using 61 solar metallic walls and thus the required
number of exhaust fan which is 14, can be replaced by solar metallic walls.
Thus, energy saved per day by using solar metallic wall = 14x0.9 kWh = 12.6 kWh
Energy saved in a month = 12x30 = 378 kWh
Since natural ventilation is provided during mild climatic conditions, energy can be saved in a
year for only 8 months (from July to February)
Thus, energy saved in a year = 8x378 = 3024 kWh
(if proposed solar metallic walls are used.)
Saving in cost and payback period of solar metallic wall.
It has been found that by using solar metallic wall the energy saved in a month is 378 kWh thus
the Rupees saved in a month is (100x4) + (278x4.8) = Rs 1734.4 (= USD 27), finally the total
amount saved in a year is 1734.4x8 = Rs 13,872 (= USD 215)
Thus, payback period of solar metallic wall = 106299 / 13875.2 = 7.66 years,
It means if solar metallic wall is used it will repay the expenses occur for its fabrication and
installation within 7 years and 8 months.
Carbon Credit
The amount of energy saved will reduce the corresponding coal consumption and thus
ultimately reduce the carbon dioxide to be liberated in atmosphere.
The possible emission of CO2 emitted = (44/12) × (0.4×1.57) = 2.303 tonnes per year.
Thus, this amount of CO2 is not emitted to the environment if solar metallic wall is used in
hostel –A of NIT
1.7 Conclusions
1. With increase in the air gap of solar metallic wall, the volumetric air flow rate increases
significantly. About 62% increase in air flow rate observed for increase in air gap from
0.1 m to 0.2 m.
2. With increase in the height of solar metallic wall, the volumetric air flow rate increases
significantly. About 57% increase in volumetric air flow rate is observed for increase
in height from 1 m to 2 m.
3. About 45% more volumetric air flow rate is obtained using aluminium for solar metallic
wall as compared to copper.
4. About 2.3% higher value of outlet air temperature is obtained on using aluminium as
compared to use copper as metallic wall.
5. The amount of energy saved is 3024 kWh per year to ventilate the Hostel Building of
NIT Raipur using solar metallic wall.
6. Payback period of the same has been found 7 years and 8 months and about 2.303
tonnes per year of CO2 is reduced to be liberated in atmosphere that causes global
1.8 Importance of Passive Heating
Passive heating is the cheapest way to heat the home. It is achievable and low cost when
designed into a new home or addition, Appropriate for all climates where winter heating is
required, Achievable when buying an existing house or apartment, by looking for good
orientation and shading.
1.9 Various Strategies for Passive Heating
• Trombe wall
• Earth air heat exchanger
• Ventilation
Fig.4 Classification of Various Passive Cooling Techniques
1.11.2 Water surface
Water surface which includes ponds, sprays, pools or water fountain can provide passive
cooling to the building. The roof pond technique is a cheap, nontoxic and popular passive
cooling technique as water is an ideal thermal mass having high volumetric heat capacity. The
vapor pressure difference between the water surface and the surrounding air is the driving force
for a roof pond cooling action.
1.11.4 Aperture control
Aperture control refers to modify the space or openings through which solar radiation passes
to the building interior. It is possible by either accurate sizing of opening or modifying the
orientation of the openings present on building envelope.
Fig.9 Glazing
1.11.6 Shading
Shading is one of the passive techniques which protects the building from solar heat gains,
increases the daylight hour. It reduces the use of artificial lightening which directly contributes
towards a reduction in heat generated within the building.
Fig.10 Shading
Wallboard is generally made of wood pulp, plaster or gypsum and used popularly in building
applications. Relatively low cost of wallboard makes it very suitable for PCM applications.
PCM is integrated with wallboard and installed in place of ordinary wallboards during
construction or refurbishment. Performance of PCM wallboards depends on many factors such
as melting temperature of PCM, latent heat per unit volume, impregnation method, climatic
conditions, etc.
1.12.2 Free cooling
Passive cooling in the building can be achieved when a day time heat gain of the building is
released at night through intake of outdoor cool air. In other words, colder nocturnal air is
circulated in a building during night ventilation which cools the indoor air and building
In this passive cooling technique, excess heat of the building is rejected to the suitable
environmental heat sink at a lower temperature. Available environmental heat sinks are ambient
air, water, and sky. Based on the available environmental heat sink, this technique is further
classified as convective cooling, evaporative cooling, and radiative cooling.
1.13.1 Convective cooling
Convection causes warm air to rise, drawing in cool air. Convective air movement improves
cross-ventilation and overcomes many of the limitations of unreliable cooling breezes. Even
when there is no breeze, convection allows heat to leave a building via clerestory windows,
roof ventilators and vented ridges, eaves, gables and ceilings.
1.13.2 Wind driven ventilation
Wind ventilation is the easiest, most common, and often least expensive form of passive
cooling and ventilation. Successful wind ventilation is determined by having high thermal
comfort and adequate fresh air for the ventilated spaces, while having little or no energy use
for active HVAC cooling and ventilation
A Trombe wall is a south-facing concrete or masonry wall blackened and covered on the
exterior by glazing. It is a massive thermal wall that collects and stores solar energy. The stored
energy is transferred to the inside building for winter heating or facilitates room air movement
for summer cooling. The standard Trombe wall places a glass panel approximately 2 to 5
centimeters from a 10 to 41 centimeter thick dark masonry wall, often made of bricks, stone,
or concrete. The wall absorbs solar heat, which is then slowly released into the home.
1.13.4 Solar chimney
The solar chimney is mainly utilized for enhancing daytime ventilation as a passive cooling or
passive heating in a building. It is usually installed at the rooftop or attached to walls. Air
movement inside the solar chimney is generated by buoyancy forces which draw cooler air
inside the building and pushes hot air towards top of the chimney cavity.
1.13.6 Radiative cooling
Passive radiative cooling is a natural phenomenon that occurs when a surface radiates more
heat to the sky than it absorbs from the sun or the environment. This can lower the surface
temperature below the ambient air temperature or even below the dew point or freezing point.
Passive radiative cooling only occurs at night in nature because during the day, the solar
radiation is stronger than the outgoing radiation.
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Course Name: Emerging Technologies in Renewable Energy
Topic Name : Fuel cell Technology
1.1 Introduction
A fuel cell is an electrochemical device that converts the chemical energy of a fuel into
electrical energy through an electrochemical reaction of hydrogen-containing fuel with oxygen
or another oxidizing agent.
From this Fig. 1 we can see the generalized structure of Fuel cell.
• When fuel and air are allowed to pass through channels they react when they come in
contact together across a porous membrane that is a electrolyte which separates them.
• This reaction results in a transfer of electrons and ions across the electrolyte from the
anode to the cathode.
• If an external load is attached to this arrangement, a complete circuit is formed and a
voltage is generated from the flow of this electrical current.
• The voltage generated by a single cell is typically rather small that is less than 1 volt
so many cells are connected in series to create a useful voltage.
1.2 Components of Fuel cell
The essential components of Fuel cell can be seen from fig. 2
1. Electrode: It is an thin catalyst layer pressed between the ionomer membrane and
Porous, electrically conductive substrate.
2. Electrolyte: It is a chemical compound that conducts ions from one electrode to the
other side of a fuel cell.
3. Catalyst: It is a substance that cause or speed up the chemical reaction without itself
be affected.
4. Bipolar plates: It is connecting the anode of one cell to the cathode of adjacent cell.
5. Gas diffusion layer: It is a layer between the catalyst layer and a bipolar plate also
called electrode substrate or diffuser or current collector.
1.3 Relationship between Electrolysis and Fuel cell
The relation between electrolysis and fuel cell can be seen from fig. 3
Water electrolysis and fuel cells are two closely related electrochemical processes that involve
the splitting up of water and its components, hydrogen and oxygen, to produce either electricity
(in the case of fuel cells) or hydrogen and oxygen gases (in the case of water electrolysis).
It is a process that splits water (H 2O) into its constituent elements, hydrogen (H 2) and oxygen
(O2), using an electrical current. It is essentially the reverse of the chemical reaction that occurs
in a fuel cell.
2. Anode: At the anode, water molecules lose electrons and are oxidized to form oxygen
gas (O2) and positively charged hydrogen ions (H+).
3. Cathode: At the cathode, hydrogen ions (H+) gain electrons and are reduced to form
hydrogen gas (H2).
5. Hydrogen and Oxygen Generation: Hydrogen gas is generated at the cathode, while
oxygen gas is generated at the anode. These gases can be collected and used for
various applications, such as fuel for fuel cells or industrial processes.
Fuel cells are devices that use hydrogen (or other fuels) and oxygen to produce electricity
through an electrochemical reaction. The key components of a fuel cell include an anode,
cathode, and an electrolyte, similar to an electrolyzer. However, in a fuel cell, the primary
purpose is to generate electricity rather than produce hydrogen and oxygen.
1. Purpose: Water electrolysis is used to produce hydrogen and oxygen gases, whereas
fuel cells use hydrogen (or other fuels) and oxygen to generate electricity.
2. Direction of Reaction: Water electrolysis is the forward reaction, splitting water into
its components, while a fuel cell operates in the reverse direction, combining
hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity.
3. Energy Input: In water electrolysis, electrical energy is supplied to drive the process.
In fuel cells, the energy is produced as a result of the electrochemical reactions.
Both water electrolysis and fuel cells play important roles in the emerging hydrogen economy,
with water electrolysis being a key method for producing hydrogen for fuel cell applications,
which can be particularly important in clean energy and transportation sectors.
1.4 Categorization of electrochemical process
1. Dry Cell:
• Characteristics: Dry cells are compact and portable electrochemical cells that
use a paste or gel-like electrolyte rather than a liquid one. They have a sealed
design to prevent leakage.
2. Wet Cell:
• Characteristics: Reserve cells are a type of dry cell that uses a small quantity
of mercury in the electrolyte. They are known for their long shelf life and
stable voltage output.
• Use: These cells are used in applications requiring consistent voltage over an
extended period, such as hearing aids, cameras, and memory backup in
electronic devices.
4. Fuel Cell:
These different types of cells have unique characteristics and applications. Dry cells are popular
for their portability and are commonly used in consumer electronics. Wet cells are larger and
more suitable for applications where size and weight are not constraints. Reserve cells are
specialized dry cells with a stable voltage output. Fuel cells represent a su stainable and efficient
technology for electricity generation, often used in environmentally friendly applications like
hydrogen-powered vehicles and clean energy generation.
4. Continuous supplied with fuel and 4. Contains a limited amount of fuel
oxygen from an external source and oxidant and these two
which makes it work for a long time components decreases with time, so
period this device cannot supply electrical
energy for a long period of time.
5. External fuel supply such as natural 5. No external fuel is need
gas, methanol, or renewable sources
like electrolysis is required.
6. They cannot be recharged 6. They can be recharged
7. Harmful waste products are not 7. Harmful waste products are formed
8. Higher energy density 8. Comparatively, lowered current
9. Lighter and more compact 9. Comparatively bulkier and heavier
10. Higher efficiency in converting fuel 10. Efficiency can vary based on the
to electricity, especially in larger- type of battery and the
scale applications. charging/discharging conditions.
11. Required infrastructure for hydrogen 11. Relis on existing electric
production, distribution and storage, infrastructure for charging, which is
which can be challenged to establish generally more widespread and
on a large scale. established.
✓ Fuel cells are different from batteries. Fuel cell requires a continuous source of fuel
and oxygen (usually from air) to sustain the chemical reaction, whereas in a battery
the chemical energy comes from chemicals already present within the battery.
✓ Fuel cells can produce electricity continuously for as long as fuel and oxygen are
1.6 Working Principle of Fuel cell
The working principle of fuel can be understood from this fig. 5.
1. Anode (Negative Electrode): Hydrogen gas (H2) is supplied to the anode. At the
anode, hydrogen molecules are split into protons (H+) and electrons (e-). This process
is known as oxidation:
3. Cathode (Positive Electrode): Oxygen (O2) or air is supplied to the cathode. At the
cathode, oxygen molecules combine with protons and electrons from the anode to
form water (H2O). This process is known as reduction:
4. Electron Flow: Electrons released at the anode cannot pass through the electrolyte.
Instead, they are forced to travel through an external electrical circuit to reach the
cathode. This flow of electrons through the external circuit generates electrical current
(electricity), which can be used to power devices or systems.
5. Electricity Generation: The flow of electrons through the external circuit generates
electrical power that can be used for various applications, from small electronic
devices to vehicles and stationary power generation.
6. Heat Generation: Along with electricity, fuel cells also produce heat as a byproduct
of the electrochemical reactions. This heat can be harnessed for various purposes,
such as heating water or providing climate control in vehicles or buildings.
The classification of fuel cell is generally done on the basis of various properties, such as type
of catalyst, membrane or electrolyte, operating temperature, Anode material, Species Transfer,
Fuel to be supplied at anode side, Fuel handling capacity, Power range, Advantages and
disadvantages, application, and lastly on the basis of efficiency. This is tabulated in table 2
1. Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC): These fuel cells use a solid
polymer electrolyte membrane, typically made of a Nafion. They operate at relatively
low temperatures (60-100°C) and are commonly used in vehicles and portable
electronics due to their quick start-up time and high-power density.
2. Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC): DMFCs use methanol as the fuel and operate at
low to moderate temperatures. They are used in portable electronic devices, such as
laptop batteries and small power generators.
3. Alkaline Fuel Cell (AFC): AFCs use an alkaline electrolyte (usually potassium
hydroxide) and were one of the earliest types of fuel cells used in the U.S. space
program and military applications. They are not as commonly used today but find
applications in specialized niche areas.
4. Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell (PAFC): PAFCs use a phosphoric acid electrolyte and
operate at moderate temperatures (around 150-200°C). They are often used for
combined heat and power (CHP) applications in buildings and industrial settings.
5. Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell (MCFC): MCFCs operate at high temperatures (around
600-650°C) and use a molten carbonate salt as the electrolyte. They are used for
stationary power generation and are well-suited for industrial applications due to their
ability to handle impure fuels.
6. Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC): SOFCs operate at high temperatures (typically around
800-1000°C) and use a solid oxide electrolyte. They are known for their high efficiency
and are often used for stationary power generation and in applications where waste heat
can be utilized.
Each type of fuel cell has its advantages and disadvantages, making them suitable for different
applications based on factors like temperature requirements, efficiency, and the type of fuel
they can utilize.
• The output voltage across the fuel cell is given by Nernst Potential
• In cell, the actual voltage reduces due to presence of irreversibility. This irreversibility
is due to various losses also termed as “polarization”.
• Here three types of polarizations occur i.e. Ohmic, Activation and Concentration
which are specified as under.
• The Activation polarization reflect the kinetics of reactions taking place on the
electrode surface.
• Concentration polarization this is due to the resistance to the transport of reactant
species approaching the three phase boundary “TPB” and the transport of product
species leaving the TPB .
Here ics and ias represents the exchange current density across the cathode and anode.
The overall work Wfc produced by the fuel cell can be computed the above equation.
Here 𝑛̅ represent number of fuel cells, LHV represents Lower heating value of fuel, 𝑚̇ f
represents mass flow rate of fuel.
1.9 Performance curve of Fuel cell
A fuel cell performance curve is a graphical representation that illustrates the relationship
between the electrical output of a fuel cell and its operating conditions, typically voltage and
current as shown in fig 6. This curve is essential for characterizing the performance of a fuel
cell under various loads and helps users understand how it operates across different power
It has been seen that with increasing operating temperatures, the performance of fuel cells
increases due to a decrease in activation, ohmic, and concentration losses.
Automotive: Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) are becoming popular as eco -friendly
alternatives to internal combustion engine cars. FCVs have extensive ranges, fast refuelling,
and no exhaust emissions.
Public transit buses and commercial vehicles employ hydrogen fuel cell technology for clean,
efficient urban transportation and freight carrying.
Fig.7 Application of Fuel cell
Residential: Fuel cell CHP systems may generate electricity and heat for space heating and hot
water in houses. This improves energy efficiency and lowers power bills.
Commercial and Industrial: Data centres and hospitals employ fuel cells for backup power.
They provide primary electricity for rural areas and grid backup during high demand.
Portable Electronics: Fuel cells last longer than batteries in computers, cellphones, and
camping gear.
Emergency Backup: Fuel cells power important systems during grid disruptions, assuring
service continuity.
NASA and other space organisations utilise fuel cells to power spacecraft and satellites and
provide people with energy and water.
Military Applications: Fuel cells power drones, submarines, and field generators, extending
operating capabilities without refuelling.
Material Handling:
Industrial fuel cell forklifts and warehousing equipment have longer operational periods, faster
refuelling, and lower emissions than lead-acid battery-powered equipment replaced by fuel
Fuel cells are being investigated for clean propulsion in ships, ferries, tractors, and construction
Grid-stored energy:
Remote/Offline Power:
Fuel cells produce dependable energy in remote weather stations, telecommunications towers,
and isolated villages without substantial infrastructure.
1.11 Power Spectrum of Fuel cell
The power spectrum of a fuel cell refers to the range of power outputs that a fuel cell can deliver
under various operating conditions and configurations. The power spectrum of a fuel cell can
vary significantly depending on several factors, including the type of fuel cell, its size, design,
and the specific application it is used for. Here are some key points related to the power
spectrum of fuel cells:
1. Type of Fuel Cell: Different types of fuel cells, such as proton exchange membrane
(PEM) fuel cells, solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs), alkaline fuel cells, and molten
carbonate fuel cells, have varying power spectra. Some may be better suited for high -
power applications, while others excel in low-power or high-efficiency applications.
3. Size and Configuration: The physical size and configuration of the fuel cell stack play
a role in its power spectrum. Smaller fuel cells may be limited in their power output
compared to larger systems.
4. Load Requirements: The power spectrum of a fuel cell must match the power
requirements of the device or system it is intended to power. Fuel cell systems can be
designed to meet a wide range of power demands, from small electronic devices to large
vehicles and stationary power generation.
5. Efficiency: Fuel cells are known for their high efficiency, especially in converting
chemical energy into electricity. The power spectrum often includes a range of power
outputs while maintaining a high level of efficiency.
6. Transient Response: Fuel cells can have varying transient responses, which refer to
their ability to respond quickly to changes in power demand. Some fuel cells may have
fast transient responses suitable for applications like electric vehicles, while others may
be better for steady-state power generation.
7. Hybrid Systems: In some applications, fuel cells are used in hybrid configurations with
other power sources, such as batteries or supercapacitors. This allows for a broader
power spectrum and improved system performance.
8. Scalability: The power spectrum of a fuel cell can be extended by stacking multiple
cells in series or parallel, enabling scalability to meet the power requirements of
different applications.
9. Durability and Reliability: The power spectrum should consider the durability and
reliability of the fuel cell under various operating conditions and over its lifespan.
Course Name: Emerging Technologies in Renewable Energy
Topic Name : Hydrogen Energy Production
2.1 Introduction to hydrogen Energy
• Hydrogen energy is a versatile and promising form of clean energy derived from hydrogen gas
• Hydrogen, the lightest and most abundant element in the universe, can be produced through
various methods and has applications in transportation, power g eneration, industry, and
• Its advantages include zero emissions when produced using renewable energy, energy storage
capabilities, and versatility.
• However, challenges such as production efficiency, storage, transportation, and cost must be
addressed to fully harness its potential in the transition to a sustainable energy future.
1. Abundance: Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, making up about
75% of its elemental mass.
2. Clean Energy: When used as a fuel, hydrogen produces only water vapor as a byproduct,
making it a clean and environmentally friendly energy source.
4. High Energy Density: Hydrogen has a high energy-to-weight ratio, making it an efficient
energy carrier for a wide range of applications.
5. Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions: When produced using renewable energy sources,
hydrogen has zero greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to efforts to combat climate
6. Energy Storage: Hydrogen can be stored for long periods and used when needed, making
it a valuable energy storage solution for intermittent renewable energy sources.
7. Hydrogen Fuel Cells: Fuel cells that use hydrogen as a fuel can generate electricity with
high efficiency and low emissions, suitable for a variety of applications, including vehicles
and stationary power generation.
11. Alternative to Fossil Fuels: Hydrogen can replace fossil fuels for heating and
transportation, reducing reliance on carbon-intensive energy sources.
12. Infrastructure Development: The adoption of hydrogen as an energy carrier requires the
development of specialized infrastructure for production, storage, and distribution.
These features make hydrogen a promising candidate for a sustainable energy future, particularly
when produced and utilized in ways that minimize environmental impact and contribute to
decarbonization efforts.
2.3 Methods of Hydrogen Production
Hydrogen can be produced through various methods, here we discuss 9 methods such as
Steam Methane Reforming (SMR): Steam Methane Reforming (SMR) is a widely used
industrial process for the production of hydrogen gas (H 2) from natural gas (methane, CH 4). It's
one of the primary methods for large-scale hydrogen production and is commonly employed in
various industries, including chemical manufacturing, petroleum refining, and hydrogen fuel
The whole process works in 7 stages i.e. Methane Feed stock, Steam and Heat, Che
1. Methane Feedstock: The primary feedstock for SMR is natural gas, which primarily
consists of methane (CH4). This methane is typically extracted from natural gas reserves
or obtained as a byproduct of other processes, such as oil refining.
2. Steam Generation: Steam (H2O) is generated by heating water. This steam will be a
crucial reactant in the reforming process. The high-temperature steam provides the
necessary energy for the endothermic reforming reactions.
3. Reforming Reaction: In the reforming reactor, methane (CH 4) and steam (H2O) are
introduced at elevated temperatures (typically around 700-900°C) and moderate pressures.
The primary chemical reactions that occur during SMR are as follows:
This reaction consumes heat, making it endothermic. It converts methane and steam into carbon
monoxide (CO) and hydrogen (H 2).
CO + H2O → CO2 + H2
This reaction is exothermic and helps to shift the CO/H 2 ratio towards more hydrogen and less
carbon monoxide.
4. Heat Exchange: The endothermic reforming reaction absorbs heat, which is typically
provided by the combustion of a portion of the natural gas or another fuel source. Heat
exchangers are used to recover some of this heat to preheat the incoming reactants and
generate steam.
5. Product Separation: The product stream leaving the reformer contains hydrogen, carbon
monoxide, carbon dioxide, and some unreacted methane. Various separation processes,
such as pressure swing adsorption (PSA) or membrane separation, are used to purify and
separate hydrogen from the other gases.
6. Carbon Dioxide Capture (Optional): In some applications, carbon dioxide (CO2) capture
may be integrated into the process to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This is important,
especially if the hydrogen is intended for use in clean energy applications or fuel cell
7. Byproduct Utilization: Carbon dioxide produced during the process can be utilized in
various ways, such as for enhanced oil recovery or in chemical processes.
Steam Methane Reforming is a well-established method for hydrogen production, but it does have
some drawbacks. It is energy-intensive due to the need for high temperatures, and it produces
carbon dioxide as a byproduct, which can contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. Research is
ongoing to develop more efficient and cleaner methods for hydrogen production, such as
electrolysis powered by renewable energy sources.
2.3.2 Electrolysis
Electrolysis: Electrolysis is a clean and green method of hydrogen production that uses
electricity to split water (H 2O) into hydrogen and oxygen
Fig. 2 Electrolysis
Electrolyzer: Electrolysis takes place in an electrolyzer, which consists of two electrodes,
typically made of materials like platinum or iridium, and an electrolyte solution.
• Electric Current: When an electric current is applied to the electrodes, water molecules
at the cathode (negative electrode) are reduced to form hydrogen gas (H 2), while water
molecules at the anode (positive electrode) are oxidized to produce oxygen gas (O 2).
• Gas Separation: Hydrogen gas is collected at the cathode, while oxygen gas is collected
at the anode. They are usually separated by a membrane or physically collected in separate
• Purity: The hydrogen produced through electrolysis is typically of high purity, with
minimal contaminants.
Thermochemical Processes:
Fig. 4 Thermochemical conversion
Combustion gasification for hydrogen production is a process that involves the conversion of
carbonaceous materials, such as coal, biomass, or municipal solid waste, into a hydrogen -rich gas
(syngas) through a combination of combustion and gasification processes. Here's a brief o verview
of combustion gasification for hydrogen production:
1. Combustion: In the initial combustion phase, a portion of the feedstock is burned in the
presence of oxygen to produce high temperatures and heat. This step provides the thermal
energy needed for subsequent gasification.
3. Gas Cleanup: The produced syngas contains impurities such as tar, particulates, sulfur
compounds, and other contaminants. Gas cleanup processes, such as filtration, scrubbing,
or catalytic conversion, are employed to remove these impurities, ensuring that the syngas
meets the desired quality standards.
4. Syngas Utilization: The cleaned syngas, enriched in hydrogen and carbon monoxide, can
be utilized in various ways. It can be used as a feedstock for chemical processes, such as
the production of synthetic fuels or chemicals. Alternatively, the syn gas can be used for
power generation in gas turbines or combined heat and power (CHP) systems. Moreover,
hydrogen can be separated from the syngas for specific applications.
Pyrolysis hydrogen production is a thermochemical process that generates hydrogen gas (H2)
from organic materials through high-temperature decomposition in the absence of oxygen or with
limited oxygen supply.
Here's a concise overview of the key points regarding pyrolysis hydrogen production:
Process: Pyrolysis involves subjecting organic feedstocks, such as biomass, plastics, or organic
waste, to elevated temperatures (typically 300°C to 800°C) in a controlled environment, which
prevents combustion.
Reactions: During pyrolysis, the feedstock undergoes thermal decomposition, leading to the
release of hydrogen gas as one of the primary products, along with other gases like carbon
monoxide, methane, and volatile hydrocarbons.
Syngas Formation: The gas produced during pyrolysis, often called "syngas" (synthetic gas),
contains a mixture of gases, including hydrogen. The composition of syngas depends on the
feedstock and process conditions.
Impurities: Syngas generated through pyrolysis may contain impurities, such as tars, particulates,
and other contaminants, which require removal through gas cleanup processes.
Hydrogen Separation: The hydrogen-rich syngas can be further processed to separate and
concentrate the hydrogen. Technologies like pressure swing adsorption (PSA) or membrane
separation are used for this purpose.
Hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) is a thermochemical process that converts wet biomass, such
as algae, sewage sludge, or other organic materials containing high water content, into a range of
valuable products, including hydrogen gas (H 2). Here's a brief overview of hydrothermal
liquefaction for hydrogen production:
Reactions: Under the high-temperature and high-pressure conditions, complex chemical reactions
occur, including the decomposition of organic materials and the reforming of molecules. These
reactions lead to the production of a mixture of products, including liquid bio -oil, gaseous products
(including hydrogen), and solid residues.
Hydrogen Production: Hydrogen gas is one of the gaseous products generated during
hydrothermal liquefaction. It is produced through the decomposition of organic matter, with water
(H2O) serving as the source of hydrogen atoms. The hydrogen-rich gas can be separated and
collected for various applications.
Other Products: Besides hydrogen, hydrothermal liquefaction can yield liquid bio-oil, which can
be further processed into biofuels or chemicals, and solid residues that may have applications as
biochar or as a source of nutrients.
• Feedstock: These microorganisms are provided with a suitable feedstock, often organic
matter or wastewater containing organic compounds.
Biological hydrogen production methods are still in the research and development phase and may
have specific requirements for temperature, pH, and nutrient conditions to optimize hydrogen
These are the basic working principles of some common methods of hy drogen production. Each
method has its advantages and limitations, making them suitable for different applications and
• Photoelectrochemical Cell: The heart of this process is a photoelectrochemical cell, which
consists of a semiconductor material as the photoanode and a counter electrode.
• Sunlight Absorption: When sunlight (photons) strikes the photoanode, it excites electrons
within the semiconductor material, creating electron-hole pairs.
• Water Splitting Reaction: These excited electrons are then used to catalyze the water-
splitting reaction at the photoanode, where water molecules are oxidized to produce oxygen
gas (O2).
• Gas Separation: The hydrogen and oxygen gases generated at the respective electrodes
are separated and collected for use.
PEC water splitting is an attractive method for clean hydrogen production, although it faces
challenges in terms of efficiency and materials development.
• Catalyst: A catalyst, often made from metal oxides, is used to facilitate the reaction.
Common catalysts include cerium oxide or iron oxide.
• Gas Separation: The hydrogen and oxygen gases are separated and collected for their
respective applications.
High-temperature water splitting is efficient but requires high energy input due to the elevated
temperatures involved. It is often used in conjunction with concentrated solar energy or nuclear
reactors to provide the necessary heat.
Hydrogen Production from Biomass: Hydrogen can be produced from biomass through various
processes such as gasification or reforming.
Here's a simplified overview:
• Biomass Feedstock: Biomass, which can include organic materials like wood, crop
residues, or waste, is used as the feedstock.
• Gas Cleanup: After the gasification or reforming, the hydrogen-containing gas stream is
cleaned to remove impurities.
• Hydrogen Collection: The purified hydrogen gas is collected for various applications.
Hydrogen production from biomass is renewable and can be considered carbon -neutral if the
biomass is sustainably sourced and managed.
Hydrogen Production from Nuclear Power: Nuclear reactors can produce high-temperature
heat, which can be used for high-temperature electrolysis or thermochemical hydrogen production.
• Nuclear Heat: Nuclear reactors generate a significant amount of heat during operation at
very high temperature reactor.
• Gas Separation: The produced hydrogen gas is separated and collected for use.
Hydrogen production from nuclear power offers the advantage of a continuous and reliable heat
source but requires specialized infrastructure and safety considerations.
Hydrogen Production from Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells (SOEC): Hydrogen production from
Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells (SOEC) is a clean and efficient method that utilizes electricity to
split water (H2O) into hydrogen (H 2) and oxygen (O2). SOECs are a type of solid oxide fuel cell
operated in reverse mode.
1. At the Anode (Oxidation): At the anode, negatively charged oxygen ions (O 2-)
migrate through the solid electrolyte toward the anode-electrolyte interface. At the
interface, oxygen ions combine with electrons from the external circuit to form
oxygen gas (O 2).
(protons, H+) move through the solid electrolyte toward the cathode -electrolyte
interface. At the interface, protons combine with electrons from the external circuit
to produce hydrogen gas (H2).
• Gas Separation: Hydrogen gas is collected at the cathode side of the SOEC, while oxygen
gas is collected at the anode side. Both gases are separated to avoid mixing.
• Hydrogen Purity: The hydrogen produced through SOEC is typically of high purity, as it
is free from contaminants or byproducts. The oxygen gas generated can also be of high
purity and may have other industrial applications.
Key advantages of hydrogen production from SOEC include high energy efficiency, the potential
for utilizing renewable electricity sources, and the ability to provide grid balancing services by
using surplus electricity to produce hydrogen during periods of excess power generation. SOEC
technology holds promise for clean and sustainable hydrogen production as part of a broader
strategy for green hydrogen generation.
The choice of hydrogen production method depends on factors like feedstock availability, energy
source, cost considerations, and environmental goals. As the demand for hydrogen grows and
renewable energy becomes more prevalent, there is a growing emphasis on producing "green
hydrogen" through methods like electrolysis and biomass conversion to reduce carbon emissions
associated with hydrogen production.
Certainly, hydrogen storage methods can be grouped into two main categories: physical-based
methods and material-based methods.
1. Compressed Hydrogen Gas (CH 2): In this method, hydrogen gas is physically
compressed at high pressures into storage tanks. The working principle is straightforward:
the energy is stored by packing hydrogen molecules closely together under pressure. When
needed, the high-pressure hydrogen can be released and used in various applications, such
as fueling vehicles with fuel cell technology.
2. Cold/Cryo Compressed Hydrogen: In this hybrid method, hydrogen gas is first cooled to
cryogenic temperatures and then compressed. The working principle combines the benefits
of both cryogenic storage and compression. Cooling the gas reduces its volume, making it
easier to compress and store at high pressure. This approach provides an efficient way to
store hydrogen at high densities for various applications.
Fig. 17 Adsorbent Method
2. Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers (LOHCs): LOHCs are organic compounds that can
reversibly absorb and release hydrogen through catalytic reactions. The working principle
centers on chemical bonding. Hydrogen is chemically bonded to the LOHC molecule when
storing, and the release process involves breaking these chemical bonds under specific
conditions, such as with the aid of a catalyst.
3. Interstitial Hydrides: Certain metals, like palladium, can absorb hydrogen atoms into the
gaps (interstitial sites) of their crystal lattice. The working principle relies on the formation
of metal hydrides, where hydrogen atoms are integrated into the metal's atomic structure.
To release hydrogen, the metal hydride is heated or exposed to lower pressures, causing
the hydrogen atoms to desorb from the metal lattice.
In summary, these hydrogen storage methods employ various physical and chemical mechanisms
to store and release hydrogen for different applications. The choice of method depends on factors
like energy density, safety, efficiency, and suitability for specific use cases.
Question 1: What is the primary feedstock used in the Steam Methane Reforming (SMR) process
for hydrogen production?
Question 2: In which method of hydrogen production is electricity used to split water into
hydrogen and oxygen?
Answer: Electrolysis.
Question 3: Which high-temperature process involves the decomposition of water into hydrogen
and oxygen using ceramic materials as catalysts?
Question 4: What type of cells are used in Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells (SOEC) for hydrogen
Answer: Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells (SOEC) use solid oxide fuel cells operated in reverse
Question 5: How does the working principle of biological hydrogen production differ from other
Course Name: Emerging Technologies in Renewable Energy
Topic Name: Hybrid Energy System
3.1 Introduction
A hybrid energy system is a combination of two or more different energy sources or technologies
that work together to generate, store, and deliver energy for various applications, including
electricity generation, heating, cooling, or transportation. These systems are designed to optimize
energy production, improve efficiency, and enhance reliability by integrating multiple energy
System 1 is representing a solar panel which convert solar energy into electrical energy. System 2
is representing a wind turbine, which convert wind energy into electricity. Now the two systems
are integrated with each other, called as Solar-wind hybrid energy system. This hybrid systems
generates large amounts of electricity.
Fig 1. Hybridization
1. Primary Energy Sources: These are the main sources of energy in the hybrid system.
They can include renewable sources like solar panels, wind turbines, or biomass, as well
as conventional sources like fossil fuels or nuclear power.
2. Energy Storage: Hybrid systems often include energy storage solutions such as batteries,
thermal storage, or pumped hydro storage. Energy storage allows excess energy
generated during periods of high availability to be stored for later use when energy
production is lower.
3. Control and Monitoring Systems: Advanced control and monitoring systems are
essential for optimizing the operation of the hybrid system. These systems adjust the
energy sources and storage elements in real-time based on demand, availability, and other
factors to maximize efficiency and reliability.
2. Increased Efficiency: Hybrid systems can achieve higher overall energy efficiency by
using the most appropriate energy source for each situation, reducing waste and
optimizing energy production.
Here are some common applications of hybrid energy systems, given in fig 3.:
• Off-Grid Homes and Cabins: Hybrid energy systems can provide reliable
electricity to remote or off-grid residences by combining solar panels with wind
turbines, generators, or energy storage systems.
2. Rural Electrification:
• Microgrids for Villages: Hybrid systems are used to electrify rural and remote
areas where access to the main power grid is limited. They often integrate solar,
wind, and diesel generators.
• Island Power: Many islands and coastal regions use hybrid energy systems to
reduce reliance on expensive imported fossil fuels and transition to renewable
energy sources.
4. Telecommunications:
• Cell Towers: Remote cell towers often employ hybrid systems to ensure
uninterrupted power supply, combining solar panels, batteries, and backup
5. Military Applications:
• Forward Operating Bases: Hybrid energy systems are used in military operations
to reduce the logistical burden of fuel delivery and minimize the environmental
• Mining Operations: Remote mines can use hybrid systems to power their
operations, combining renewable energy sources with traditional generators.
• Agricultural Facilities: Greenhouses and farms can employ hybrid energy systems
to reduce energy costs and enhance sustainability.
7. Transportation:
• Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs): HEVs combine internal combustion engines
with electric propulsion systems to improve fuel efficiency and reduce emissions.
8. Maritime Industry:
• Hybrid Ships: Hybrid power systems in ships integrate various energy sources,
such as diesel engines, batteries, and even wind or solar, to reduce fuel
consumption and emissions.
9. Data Centers:
• Backup Power: Data centers often use hybrid systems to ensure uninterrupted
power during outages, combining grid power with on-site generators and energy
• Remote Sensors and Instruments: Hybrid energy systems are used to power
equipment and sensors in remote or environmentally sensitive locations for
research and monitoring purposes.
• Mobile Power Units: Hybrid systems provide essential power during disaster
relief efforts, combining solar, wind, or generator power with energy storage.
• Smart Grids: Utility companies are exploring hybrid grid solutions that combine
traditional grid infrastructure with distributed energy resources like solar and
wind to improve grid resilience and reliability.
Fig 3. Applications of Hybrid Energy System
Hybrid energy systems are versatile and adaptable, making them a valuable solution in various
sectors where energy reliability, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness are critical considerations.
They play a significant role in reducing reliance on fossil fuels and mitigating the environmental
impact of energy production
Hybridization in the context of power generation systems is the integration of multiple sources of
energy to create a more efficient, reliable, and sustainable energy solution. Switching between
sources when one is inactive reduces the unpredictability inherent in renewable energy and
improves the stability of the electricity supplied.
1. Enhanced Reliability: Hybrid systems can provide more reliable energy supply by
combining multiple sources. This is particularly important in critical applications where
uninterrupted power is essential, such as hospitals, data centers, and remote installations.
4. Environmental Benefits: Hybrid systems can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and
environmental impact. Incorporating renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind,
into hybrid systems helps lower carbon footprints and mitigates pollution.
6. Flexible Deployment: Hybrid systems can be customized to meet specific needs and
challenges. They can be designed for a wide range of applications, from remote power
generation to grid integration and transportation.
7. Load Matching: Hybrid systems can be optimized to match energy production with
energy demand. For instance, combining solar panels with energy storage can ensure
power availability during peak demand times or when solar energy production is low.
8. Peak Shaving: In hybrid systems with energy storage, excess energy can be stored when
production is high and released during peak demand periods, helping to reduce electricity
10. Remote Access: In off-grid or remote locations, hybrid systems can provide access to
reliable power sources, enabling development and improving the quality of life for
communities that lack connection to the traditional grid.
11. Reduced Transmission Losses: By generating power closer to the point of use, hybrid
systems can reduce energy losses associated with long-distance transmission, which is
especially beneficial in remote areas.
12. Technological Synergy: Combining different technologies can lead to synergy, where the
strengths of one technology compensate for the weaknesses of another. For example,
using renewable energy sources with energy storage can overcome intermittent energy
13. Grid Stability: In grid-connected applications, hybrid systems can contribute to grid
stability by providing backup power during grid outages or by supporting the grid with
distributed generation.
Overall, hybrid systems offer a versatile and adaptable approach to meeting energy needs
efficiently, sustainably, and reliably across a wide range of applications, contributing to
economic, environmental, and energy security benefits.
Here various distributed power generation system is illustrated in fig 4. Combination of these
system converts into hybrid systems. Renewable, non renewable and Stroage systems are
combined together for the hybridization. In renewable Solar, wind, hydro, biomass, tidal, various
systems are considered. Whereas, in non renewable: Micro turbine, combustion engine, gas
turbine systems are considered. And lastly for storage: fywheel, batteries, Superconducting
magnetic energy storage
Fig 5 illustrates the practical model and Fig 6 illustrates the block diagram of “Solar-Wind
Hybrid Energy System”. This hybrid energy system operates by harnessing energy from both
sunlight and wind. Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity, while wind turbines capture the
kinetic energy of the wind. The electricity generated from both sources is then combined,
allowing for a more consistent power output as solar and wind resources often complement each
other. Optionally, excess energy can be stored in batteries for later use, and the system can be
connected to the electrical grid to export surplus power or draw from it when needed. A control
and monitoring system oversees the operation of the components, ensuring efficient energy
generation and distribution. This integration of solar and wind power sources provides a reliable
and sustainable solution for areas with varying weather conditions or fluctuating energy
A fuel cell-gas turbine hybrid system (shown in fig 7) combines the benefits of both fuel cell and
gas turbine technologies for efficient electricity generation. In this system, a f uel cell converts
hydrogen-rich fuel (usually natural gas) directly into electricity through an electroche mical
process, offering high efficiency and low emissions. The waste heat from the fuel cell is then
used to drive a gas turbine, further generating additional electricity through a conventional
combustion process. This setup, known as a combined cycle, significantly enhances overall
efficiency by utilizing both the chemical reaction in the fuel cell and the combustion process in
the gas turbine. The system's flexibility allows for a seamless transition between dif ferent load
demands, making it a promising solution for power generation with reduced environmental
impact and increased energy efficiency.
3.9 Hybrid System 3 (Hydro-Solar Hybrid System)
The integration of rainfall based hydro system with solar PV-battery is very interesting (Shown
in Fig 8). When the PV system fails to produce power due to rain, the hydro system will still be
producing power by utilizing rainwater. Thus, the novel hybrid PV-Battery-hydro system,
presented in this study, can ensure the high reliability of power supply with less numbers of
expensive batteries. Further, when the PV-battery-hydro system with pumped-storage system is
optimized, it can lead to generate reliable power with comparative lower unit cost.
The system would be convenient in rural communities, where farms have large amounts of
biomass in the form of agricultural waste that can be combined with solar power to close the
urban-rural electricity gap and help the environment in the process. A Solar Biomass hybrid
system combines solar energy and biomass energy technologies to generate electricity (shown in
fig 9). Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity through photovoltaic cells, while biomass
energy is produced by burning organic materials. Both sources contribute to a shared electrical
output. Optionally, excess energy can be stored in batteries, and the system can be connected to
the grid for exporting surplus power or drawing from it as needed. This integration ensures a
reliable power supply, as solar energy provides a steady source during the day, while biomass
offers consistent energy regardless of weather conditions.
A Fuel Cell-Solar hybrid system operates by harnessing energy from sunlight and converting it
into electricity through solar panels, which generate direct current (DC) power. The detail
connections are given in fig 10. This electricity is then converted into alternating current (AC)
using an inverter. Simultaneously, surplus electricity can be used to perform water electrolysis,
producing hydrogen for later use. The generated hydrogen is stored and fed into a fuel cell,
where it reacts with oxygen from the air to produce electricity through an electrochemical
process. This electricity is then converted to AC if necessary. The system also includes
components for load distribution, battery storage (optional), and a control and monitoring system
to manage the operation of all elements.
Course Name: Emerging Technologies in Renewable Energy Sources
Topic Name: Fuel Cell Integration
• Fuel cell integration refers to the process of incorporating fuel cell technology into
various applications, systems, and industries to generate electricity, provide power, or
meet specific energy needs.
• Fuel cells are electrochemical devices that convert the chemical energy of a fuel (usually
hydrogen) and an oxidizing agent (usually oxygen from the air) into electrical energy,
heat, and water.
• They offer a clean and efficient alternative to traditional combustion -based power
generation and have a wide range of potential applications, from transportation and
stationary power generation to portable electronics and backup power systems.
• Integrating fuel cells into these applications involves designing, engineering, and
implementing systems that harness the unique capabilities of fuel cells while addressing
technical, economic, and logistical challenges.
• This integration can lead to reduced greenhouse gas emissions, increased energy
efficiency, and improved energy reliability, making fuel cells a promising so lution f or a
sustainable and clean energy future.
4.2Advantages of fuel cell integration
The integration of fuel cells into vehicles is an important technological advancement that holds
several potential benefits seen from fig. 1. Fuel cells are electrochemical devices that convert
hydrogen and oxygen into electricity, with water and heat as the byproducts. When integrated
into vehicles, fuel cells can offer several advantages:
2. Efficiency: Fuel cells are highly efficient in converting the chemical energy of hydrogen
into electricity, typically more efficient than internal combustion engines. This efficiency
can lead to improved fuel economy and longer driving ranges compared to traditional
gasoline or diesel vehicles.
3. Reduced Dependence on Fossil Fuels: Hydrogen, the primary fuel for fuel cells, can be
produced from a variety of sources, including renewable energy and natural gas. This
diversification of fuel sources can reduce dependence on fossil f uels and contribute to
energy security.
4. Quick Refueling: Fuel cell vehicles can be refueled quickly, similar to conventional
vehicles. Hydrogen refueling stations can fill a tank in a matter of minutes, which is
faster than charging an electric vehicle, offering convenience to drivers.
5. Extended Driving Range: Fuel cell vehicles often have longer driving ranges compared
to battery electric vehicles (BEVs). This makes them suitable for applications where long
distances between refueling are necessary, such as certain types of commercial vehicles.
6. High-Power Applications: Fuel cells are suitable for high-power applications, which can
be important for heavy-duty and commercial vehicles like buses, trucks, and trains.
7. Quiet Operation: Fuel cell vehicles are quieter than internal combustion engine vehicles.
The absence of engine noise contributes to a quieter and more comfortable driving
8. Reduced Heat Emissions: Unlike internal combustion engines, fuel cells produce less
waste heat. This can help reduce the urban heat island effect in densely populated areas.
• High Initial Costs: Fuel cell systems can be expensive to manufacture and install,
making them less competitive with other power generation technologies.
• Supply Chain Resilience: The supply chain for hydrogen and fuel cell
components needs to be robust to ensure uninterrupted operation.
• Cell Durability: Fuel cells have limited lifespans and can degrade over time due
to factors like fuel impurities, temperature fluctuations, and electrode catalyst
degradation. Prolonging their durability is crucial to reducing maintenance and
replacement costs.
• Size Constraints: In applications like automotive and aerospace, the size and
weight of fuel cell systems must be minimized to ensu re practicality and
8. Infrastructure Development:
• Awareness and Acceptance: Educating the public and stakeholders about the
benefits and safety of fuel cell technology is crucial for its wider acceptance and
Addressing these challenges requires collaborative efforts from governments, industries, and
research institutions to advance fuel cell technology, reduce costs, and build the necessary
infrastructure for its integration into various applications.
In thermal systems, which involve the transfer of heat energy for various applications, can f ace
several issues that impact their performance and efficiency. These issues can vary depending on
the specific type of thermal system and its application. Here are some common issues in thermal
1. Heat Losses:
• Heat Exchangers and Boilers: Scaling and fouling on heat exchange surfaces
can decrease heat transfer efficiency, requiring more energy to maintain desired
3. Incomplete Combustion:
4. Uneven Heating/Cooling:
5. Equipment Sizing:
• Oversized or Undersized Equipment: Incorrectly sized heating or cooling
equipment can lead to inefficiencies and discomfort due to inadequate or
excessive heating or cooling.
• Steam Systems: Steam trap failures in industrial steam systems can cause energy
losses, reduced heat transfer, and potential equipment damage.
8. Leakage:
• Duct or Pipe Leaks: Leaks in ductwork or piping systems for heating and
cooling can lead to energy wastage and reduced system effectiveness.
9. Sediment Buildup:
• Water Heaters: Sediment buildup in water heaters can reduce efficiency and
increase energy consumption.
• Extreme Weather Conditions: Extremely hot or cold weather can strain HVAC
systems, reducing their efficiency and effectiveness.
• Missed Heat Recovery: Failing to capture and utilize waste heat from processes
can lead to lost energy-saving opportunities.
• Piping and Heat Exchanger Damage: Corrosion and erosion can damage pipes
and heat exchanger components, reducing their lifespan and efficiency.
Implementing energy-efficient practices and technologies can help mitigate these challenges and
optimize the performance of thermal systems.
Through hybridiation the issue related to system performance can be addeses effectively.
Throguh Fuel cell hybridization issues realted to lack of power, waste heat utlization, size and
weight ratio, fuel compatibilty, power range can be address perfectly.
The fig. 3 shows the fuel cell integration with other application make hybrid thermal system.
Fig. 4 shows the Integration of Fuel cell (SOFC) with another fuel cell (PEMFC)
Air and fuel are compressed to the desired pressure which passes through the heat exchanger and
enters the SOFC stack cathode and anode side respectively. Recirculating compressed fuel
supports steam reforming reaction. At this point, SOFC creates some electricity, and the
remaining fuel can be used for other applications. Here PEMFC integrates with SOFC to makes
hybrid system. Some of the unused fuel is cool & is again pass through the high-temperature
water–gas shift (HT-WGS) reaction and then through the Low Temperature-WGS. These two
procedures can cut carbon monoxide significantly and condenser receives rich hydrogen. To
decrease exhaust gas temperature, humidity the air coming from the compressor which is
available for SOFC at the cathode side. Finally, hydrogen enters the PEMFC stack from the
anode and reacts with humidified air at the cathode to generate electricity.
4.5.2 Integration of Fuel cell (SOFC) with fuel cell Gas Turbine and Steam Turbine
The system uses both fuel and air recuperation utilizing the GT exhausts prior to steam
production in the HRSG of the ST cycle (single pressure). The system schematic is shown in Fig.
3. 30% fuel reforming is considered in the PR which is achieved by mixing steam extracted from
the ST at the desired pressure. Fuel (Methane) and air are compressed in the fuel compressor
(FC) and air compressor (AC) respectively. Certain amount of compressed fuel is fed into the
SOFC anode via the FR and the PR. The amount of steam extracted for mixing with the fuel
prior to its entry to the PR is taken as 2.5 times of the fuel flow rate (FFR). Some additional
amount of compressed fuel flows directly into the combustor (by-passing the FR, PR and the
SOFC) which is burnt along with the SOFC off residual fuels (hydrogen, methane and carbon
monoxide) and excess air. This is done mainly to increase the power output from the GT and
particularly the ST plant. The compressed air stream is preheated in the air recuperator (AR)
before it is fed into the SOFC cathode.
The proposed system consists of a stack of tubular solid oxide fuel cell with direct internal
reforming, an afterburner chamber, an air compressor, a fuel compressor, a water pump, and
three recuperators. The energies utilized in a building include the heating, cooling, and the
electrical loads, and the proposed SOFC-CHP system should be able to provide them. The heat
obtained from the third recuperator can supply the heating load and the sanitary warm water of a
building in the winter time. In the summer, this generated heat can be used in a warm -water
absorption chiller to provide the cooling load and the sanitary warm water of a building. The
electricity produced by the fuel cell can be utilized as the electrical load that the building needs.
4.5.4 Integration of Fuel cell (SOFC), Brayton Cycle with Cheng Cycle
Cheng cycle is an exhaust heat recovery cycle for specially optimizing the performance of
Brayton cycle. Fig. 5 shows a configuration of Cheng cycle combined with SOFC and Brayton
cycle. A heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) is added for producing the steam, which is
injected into the gases before the turbine. The exhaust heat is utilized in HRSG, thus increasing
the system energy efficiency. Because the turbine is a mass-flow device, combining the steam
with the high-temperature gases will increase the total electrical power produced. Part of the
steam produced in the HRSG can also be used for steam load. Therefore, Cheng cycle is a good
option for following the electrical loads or steam loads via controlling the steam injection.
Simulation results showed that the addition of a Cheng cycle to the pressurized SOFC/Brayton
cycle improved the electrical efficiency by 1–3%. But Cheng cycle decreases the temperature in
the interior of the turbine, which permits to gain more efficiency via increasing the temperature
of the fuel combustion.
4.5.5 Integration of a SOFC that uses indirect heat transfer.
In this configuration we have 1 Fuel cell (SOFC), 2 Heat exchanger, and two closed power cycle.
An alternative thermal coupling scheme involves indirect heat transfer. As shown in Fig 6. the
indirect thermal coupling scheme includes two closed cycles. Aside from the SOFC cycle, the
other closed cycle may be a thermal power generation plant (Rankine cycle, Brayton cycle or
TPV) or a thermal utilization module (such as the combined heat and power (CHP) system with a
refrigeration cycle). The two cycles operate at different pressures and with different working
media. Often in the applications of CHP and refrigeration systems, the hot SOFC exhaust gas is
first channeled to an air pre-heater HE2 and then to HE1. This mainly depends on the operating
temperature of the closed cycles.
Course Name: Emerging Technologies in Renewable Energy
Topic Name: Fuel Cell Technology: Hybrid Vehicles
5.1 Introduction
Hybridization is a technology that involves combining two or more different power sources or
energy systems to work together in a synergistic manner.
In the context of vehicles, hybridization refers to the integration of an internal combustion engine
(typically petrol or diesel) with an electric propulsion system.
The combination allows the vehicle to operate on either or both of these power sources, offering
advantages in terms of fuel efficiency, emissions reduction, and overall performance.
The goal of hybridization in the automotive industry is often to create more environmentally
friendly and energy-efficient vehicles while retaining the convenience and range associated with
traditional vehicles.
1. Environmental Concerns: One of the primary reasons for the need for hybridization is
the growing concern over environmental issues, particularly related to the transportation
sector. Conventional vehicles powered solely by internal combustion engines are m ajor
contributors to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Hybrid vehicles help address
this problem by reducing emissions and improving fuel economy.
2. Energy Efficiency: Hybrid vehicles utilize electric power, which is highly efficient and
can be generated from various sources, including renewable energy. This efficiency
contributes to reducing our dependence on fossil fuels and mitigating the impact of
energy resource depletion.
3. Transition to Electric Mobility: While fully electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming
increasingly popular, the infrastructure for charging EVs is still developing in many
regions. Hybrids offer a transitional solution by providing the benefits of electric
propulsion while retaining the convenience of refueling at traditional gas stations.
1. Improved Fuel Efficiency: Hybrid technology will continue to evolve, resulting in even
greater fuel efficiency. As battery technology improves, hybrids will be able to operate
for longer distances on electric power alone, further reducing fuel consumption.
2. Emissions Reduction: Hybrid vehicles will play a critical role in meeting increasingly
stringent emissions regulations. They will continue to contribute to lowering harmful
emissions and supporting the global effort to combat climate change.
4. Enhanced Performance: Future hybrids may offer improved performance, with more
powerful electric motors providing quicker acceleration and better overall driving
In summary, hybridization is a vital technology in today's era due to its role in addressing
environmental concerns, improving energy efficiency, and facilitating the transition to cleaner
transportation. Its future significance lies in continued advancements that promise even greater
fuel efficiency, reduced emissions, and a more sustainable and diversified transportation
• Mild hybrid
• Full hybrid
• Plug-in hybrid
A mild hybrid vehicle, also known as a "light hybrid" or "42-volt hybrid," is a type of hybrid car
that combines a traditional internal combustion engine (usually a gasoline or diesel engine) with
a small electric motor and a 42-volt electrical system. Unlike full hybrid or plug-in hybrid
vehicles, mild hybrids have a relatively small electric motor and a sm aller battery pack.
Here are some key characteristics and features of mild hybrid vehicles:
1. Electric Component: Mild hybrids have a small electric motor, often referred to as a
"belt-alternator-starter" (BAS) or an integrated starter-generator.
3. Electric Power Assistance: The electric motor in a mild hybrid primarily serves to
provide additional power to assist the internal combustion engine, especially during
acceleration or when climbing hills. It helps reduce the load on the engine, improving
fuel efficiency.
4. Engine Start-Stop: Mild hybrids often have engine start-stop systems that automatically
shut off the engine when the vehicle comes to a stop, such as at traffic lights. The electric
motor can quickly restart the engine when needed, conserving fuel during idle periods.
5. Limited Electric-Only Driving: Mild hybrids do not typically offer long electric-only
driving ranges like full hybrids or plug-in hybrids. The electric motor's power is relatively
low, and it is primarily used to supplement the engine rather than drive the vehicle on its
6. Improved Fuel Efficiency: Mild hybrids are designed to improve fuel efficiency and
reduce emissions compared to traditional internal combustion engine vehicles . They
achieve this by optimizing the engine's operation and providing extra power when
7. Simplified Hybrid System: Mild hybrids are less complex and less expensive to
manufacture than full hybrids and plug-in hybrids because they have smaller batteries and
electric motors.
8. Limited All-Electric Mode: Some mild hybrid vehicles may have a limited "coast and
glide" mode where the engine temporarily shuts off, and the vehicle coasts using stored
electrical energy. However, this electric-only mode is usually brief and occurs at low
Mild hybrid technology is often used in a wide range of vehicle types, including compact cars,
sedans, and SUVs, It provides a cost-effective way to improve fuel efficiency and reduce the
carbon footprint of internal combustion engine vehicles while still offering the convenience and
range of traditional gasoline or diesel-powered cars.
• The Honda Accord are example of mild hybrid is shown in fig. 1.
A full hybrid vehicle, also known simply as a "hybrid" or a "strong hybrid," is a type of vehicle
that combines two or more power sources to propel the vehicle. These power sources typically
include an internal combustion engine (usually gasoline) and an electric motor, along with a
high-capacity battery pack. Full hybrids are known for their ability to operate in electric-only
mode, as well as in a combined mode where both the engine and electric motor work together.
• Electric Component: Full hybrids have a more substantial electric motor and a larger
battery pack compared to mild hybrids.
• Electric Propulsion: Can operate on electric power alone at low speeds and for short
• Regenerative Braking: Captures and stores energy during braking, enhancing overall
• Seamless Switching: Can seamlessly transition between electric and internal combustion
• Fuel Efficiency: Full hybrids excel in fuel efficiency, especially in stop-and-go traffic
and urban driving.
• The Toyota Prius and Ford Fusion Hybrid are well-known examples of full hybrids, given
in fig. 2.
Toyota Plus Honda Insight
A plug-in hybrid vehicle, often referred to as a PHEV (Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle), is a type
of hybrid car that combines an internal combustion engine (usually gasoline or diesel) with an
electric motor and a larger battery pack. The distinctive feature of a PHEV is its ability to charge
the battery by plugging it into an external power source, such as a standard electrical outlet or a
charging station.
• Electric Component: Plug-in hybrids have a larger battery pack than full hybrids, and
they can be externally charged.
• Extended Electric Range: Can operate on electric power alone for an extended range
(typically between 20 to 50 miles or more).
• Hybrid Mode: Switches to a hybrid mode using the internal combustion engine when the
electric range is depleted.
• External Charging: Can be charged from an external power source, like a wall outlet or
a charging station.
• Versatility: Offers the flexibility of electric-only driving for short trips and the
convenience of hybrid operation for longer journeys.
Chevrolet Volt
BMW i3
• The Chevrolet Volt (discontinued), Toyota Prius Prime, and the BMW 330e are examples
of plug-in hybrids, shown in fig. 3.
In summary, the key differences lie in the size and capability of the electric components, the
ability to operate on electric power alone, and the external charging capability. Mild hybrids
provide limited electric assistance, full hybrids offer more significant electric power, and plug-in
hybrids provide an extended electric-only driving range with the ability to recharge externally.
• Configuration: In a series hybrid system, the internal combustion engine is used solely
as a generator to produce electricity.
• Power Sources: The electric motor is the primary source of propulsion, powered by
electricity generated by the internal combustion engine.
• Operation:
• Fuel Efficiency: Series hybrids can be highly fuel-efficient, especially in situations where
the internal combustion engine operates at its most efficient RPM range.
• Reduced Emissions: The primary propulsion source is the electric motor, leading to lower
emissions compared to traditional vehicles.
• Configuration: In a parallel hybrid system, both the internal combustion engine (ICE)
and the electric motor are mechanically connected to the vehicle's transmission.
• Power Sources: The vehicle can be powered by the internal combustion engine, the
electric motor, or a combination of both simultaneously.
• Modes of Operation:
• Electric Mode: The vehicle can operate on electric power alone, suitable for low -
speed and short-distance driving.
• Combination Mode: Both the internal combustion engine and the electric motor
work together to provide additional power during acceleration or high -speed
• Efficiency: The parallel configuration allows for efficient power distribution and
utilization of both power sources.
• Flexibility: The ability to operate on different power sources provides flexibility and
optimization for various driving conditions.
• Configuration: The power split hybrid system uses a planetary gear set to blend power
from the internal combustion engine and the electric motor, shown in fig. 6.
• Power Distribution: The planetary gear set allows for variable power distribution
between the internal combustion engine and the electric motor.
• Modes of Operation:
• Combination Mode: Both the internal combustion engine and the electric motor
contribute to propulsion.
• Engine-Only Mode: The internal combustion engine can power the vehicle
• Smooth Transitions: The planetary gear set enables seamless transitions between different
power modes, providing a smooth and efficient driving experience.
• Optimized Performance: The system can automatically adjust power distribution based
on driving conditions, optimizing performance and efficiency.
• Mechanism: When the vehicle slows down or brakes, the electric motor operates in
reverse as a generator, converting the kinetic energy into electricity.
• Storage: The generated electricity is then stored in the vehicle's battery for later use.
• Improved Efficiency: By reclaiming energy during braking, regenerative braking
improves overall efficiency and reduces energy waste.
• Extended Range: The captured energy can be used to supplement the electric powertrain,
potentially increasing the overall electric driving range.
• Energy Efficiency: Autonomous driving systems can optimize energy usage by leveraging
hybrid systems, choosing the most energy-efficient mode based on traffic conditions and
driving scenarios.
• Enhanced Safety: Hybrid systems can enhance safety during autonomous operation by
providing redundant power sources and increasing overall system reliability.
• Energy Density and Fast Charging: Future trends include improvements in energy
density, allowing for more extended electric-only ranges, and faster charging capabilities
to reduce downtime.
• Extended Electric Range: Higher energy density batteries will enable hybrids to cover
longer distances in electric-only mode, reducing reliance on internal combustion engines.
• Reduced Charging Time: Faster charging times enhance the convenience of plug-in
hybrids, making them more attractive to consumers.
• Cost Considerations: While advancements are being made, the cost of advanced battery
technologies remains a challenge. Ongoing efforts are directed toward making these
technologies more cost-effective.
• Combining Hydrogen Fuel Cells with Hybrid Systems: Hydrogen fuel cell hybrids are
emerging as a potential alternative to traditional hybrids, combining the benefits of
hydrogen fuel cells with electric drivetrains, shown in fig. 10.
• Efficient Energy Conversion: Hydrogen fuel cells generate electricity through the
electrochemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen, offering a clean and efficient
power source.
• Zero Emissions: Hydrogen fuel cells produce electricity without emitting harmful
pollutants, contributing to a cleaner environment.
• Quick Refueling: Hydrogen fuel cells can be refueled quickly, addressing one of the
limitations of battery electric vehicles.
• Costs and Efficiency: Hydrogen production and fuel cell technology are currently more
expensive and less efficient than some other alternatives.
In any industry, the three top operating expenses are often found to be
energy (both electrical and thermal), labour and materials. If one were to
relate to the manageability of the cost or potential cost savings in each of the
above components, energy would invariably emerge as a top ranker, and
thus energy management function constitutes a strategic area for cost
reduction. Energy Audit will help to understand more about the ways energy
and fuel are used in any industry, and help in identifying the areas where
waste can occur and where scope for improvement exists. The Energy Audit
would give a positive orientation to the energy cost reduction, preventive
maintenance and quality control programmes which are vital for production
and utility activities. Such an audit programme will help to keep focus on
variations which occur in the energy costs, availability and reliability of
supply of energy, decide on appropriate energy mix, identify energy
conservation technologies, retrofit for energy conservation equipment etc. In
general, Energy Audit is the translation of conservation ideas into realities,
by lending technically feasible solutions with economic and other
organizational considerations within a specified time frame. The primary
objective of Energy Audit is to determine ways to reduce energy
consumption per unit of product output or to lower operating costs. Energy
Audit provides a " bench-mark" (Reference point) for managing energy in the
organization and also provides the basis for planning a more effective use of
energy throughout the organization.
Now, let us understand what are the various energy audit strategies…?
The type of Energy Audit to be performed depends on: - Function and type of
industry - Depth to which final audit is needed, and - Potential and
magnitude of cost reduction desired Thus Energy Audit can be classified
into the following three types. i) Preliminary Audit ii) Targeted Audit and iii)
Detailed Audit.
1. Scheduled Maintenance:
2. Preventive Maintenance:
3. Predictive Maintenance:
4. Corrective Maintenance:
Corrective maintenance is performed in response to equipment malfunctions
or breakdowns. While preventive maintenance aims to reduce the need for
corrective actions, occasional failures may still occur. Quality equipment
maintenance addresses these issues promptly to restore the equipment to
optimal performance.
Regular inspections and audits are essential to assess the overall condition
of the equipment and identify any signs of wear, damage, or inefficiencies.
These inspections help prioritize maintenance tasks and guide decision-
making on necessary repairs or replacements.
Using genuine OEM parts for repairs and replacements ensures the
equipment retains its intended performance and reduces the risk of
compatibility issues.
Targeted energy audits are mostly based upon the outcome of the
preliminary audit results. They provide data and detailed analysis on
specified target projects. As an example, an organisation may target its
lighting system or boiler system or compressed air system with a view to
bring about energy savings. Targeted audits therefore involve detailed
surveys of the target subjects/areas with analysis of the energy flows and
costs associated with those targets.
Detailed Energy Audit
Plan of action:
Plan and organise. Walk through audit. Informal interview with energy
manager, production/plant manager.
Plan of action:
Building up cooperation. Issue questionnaire for each department.
Orientation, awareness creation.
Plan of action:
Primary data gathering, Process Flow Diagram, & Energy Utility Diagram.
Historic data analysis, Baseline data collection. Prepare process flow charts.
All service utilities system diagram (Example: Single line power distribution,
compressed air & steam distribution.) Design, operating data and schedule
of operation. Annual Energy Bill and energy consumption pattern (Refer
manual, log sheet, name plate, interview)
Plan of action:
Plan of action:
Trials/Experiments: 24 hours power monitoring (MD, PF, kWh etc.), Load
variations trends in pumps, fan compressors etc. Boiler/Efficiency trials for
(4-8 hours), Furnace Efficiency trials and Equipment's Performance
experiments etc.
Plan of action:
Plan of action:
Plan of action:
Plan of action:
Plan of action:
Plan of Action:
One critical aspect of quality control is ensuring that the existing equipment
and systems are properly maintained. Regular maintenance helps prevent
energy waste due to malfunctions, leaks, or inefficiencies. Implementing a
robust maintenance schedule ensures that all equipment operates optimally
and as per manufacturer specifications.
In some cases, energy audits may identify opportunities for fuel substitution.
This involves replacing conventional energy sources with cleaner, more
sustainable alternatives. For instance, transitioning from fossil fuels to
renewable energy sources like solar, wind, or biomass can reduce
greenhouse gas emissions and minimize environmental impact.
Compliance and Safety: Quality control ensures that energy audits comply
with industry standards, regulations, and safety guidelines, promoting safe
and effective energy-saving measures.
1. Scheduled Maintenance:
2. Preventive Maintenance:
3. Predictive Maintenance:
4. Corrective Maintenance:
Regular inspections and audits are essential to assess the overall condition
of the equipment and identify any signs of wear, damage, or inefficiencies.
These inspections help prioritize maintenance tasks and guide decision-
making on necessary repairs or replacements.
Using genuine OEM parts for repairs and replacements ensures the
equipment retains its intended performance and reduces the risk of
compatibility issues.
7. Financial Analysis:
Conducting a financial analysis helps determine the payback period for the
investment in energy-efficient equipment. It allows organizations to evaluate
the financial feasibility and long-term benefits of the substitution.
Proper training for staff and operators on using the new equipment
optimally is essential. This helps ensure that the equipment is operated
efficiently and that all energy-saving features are utilized effectively.
Storage and Handling: Different fuels have specific storage and handling
requirements, which must be considered during the substitution process to
ensure safety and efficiency.
Using wood pellets or biomass as a substitute for heating oil or natural gas
in residential heating systems.
Quality control and recycling play vital roles in energy management as they
contribute to environmental sustainability, resource conservation, and
overall efficiency. Integrating quality control measures into recycling
practices ensures that the recycling process is efficient, effective, and
environmentally responsible. Let's explore how quality control and recycling
are essential components of energy management:
Material Testing and Analysis: Quality control may involve material testing
and analysis to ensure that the recycled materials meet the required
standards and are suitable for their intended applications.
3. Waste-to-Energy Technologies:
Quality control and recycling are also integrated into life cycle assessments
of products and materials. LCAs analyze the environmental impact of a
product or material throughout its entire life cycle, from raw material
extraction to manufacturing, use, and disposal (including recycling). This
helps identify opportunities for recycling and improved material choices to
reduce the overall environmental footprint.
Energy audit survey items are the specific aspects or components that
energy auditors assess and evaluate during an energy audit. These items
cover various aspects of energy consumption, energy efficiency, and energy-
saving opportunities within a building, facility, or industrial process. The
purpose of energy audit survey items is to identify areas where energy is
being used inefficiently and to recommend measures for improving energy
efficiency and reducing energy consumption.
The specific energy audit survey items may vary depending on the type of
audit (e.g., residential, commercial, industrial) and the scope of the
assessment. However, some common energy audit survey items include:
Natural Gas or Fuel Oil Usage: Auditors assess the consumption of natural
gas or fuel oil for heating, hot water, and industrial processes.
Water Heating Systems: This item focuses on the efficiency of water heating
systems, including water heaters and boilers.
1. Buildings:
Building Envelope: Assess the insulation levels, windows, doors, and roofing
to identify areas of potential heat gain or loss.
2. Lightings:
Lighting Fixture Types: Identify the types of lighting fixtures used and their
energy efficiency.
HVAC System Type: Determine the type and capacity of the HVAC system to
evaluate its efficiency.
Air Filters and Maintenance: Assess the condition of air filters and verify if
regular maintenance is being carried out.
Insulation: Check the insulation of furnaces and ovens to reduce heat losses
during operation.
Leak Detection: Identify and fix compressed air leaks to reduce wastage and
energy consumption.
Energy audit survey items for buildings, lightings, HVAC, furnaces & ovens,
boilers and steam lines, compressed air distribution lines, chillers and
chilled water distribution lines, and process water generation and
distribution lines are essential for identifying energy-saving opportunities
and optimizing energy efficiency in various sectors. By conducting
comprehensive energy audits and implementing recommended energy-
saving measures, organizations and industries can achieve significant cost
savings and contribute to environmental sustainability.
1. Buildings:
Lighting Fixture Types: Energy auditors identify the types of lighting fixtures
used and evaluate their energy efficiency. They may recommend replacing
older fixtures with more efficient alternatives.
HVAC System Type: Energy auditors determine the type and capacity of the
HVAC system and evaluate its efficiency. This may include checking the
efficiency ratings of heating and cooling equipment.
Air Filters and Maintenance: Assessing the condition of air filters and
verifying regular maintenance is essential to ensure optimal HVAC
performance and energy efficiency.
Energy audits for furnaces and ovens are common in industrial settings,
where these equipment are extensively used. The following aspects are
Compressed air systems are widely used in industrial facilities for various
applications. Energy audits for compressed air distribution lines focus on
the following:
A motor is a device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy,
producing motion or rotational movement. It is a fundamental component in
various machines and devices used in everyday life and industrial
applications. Motors are crucial for driving mechanical systems, automation,
and transportation.
The basic principle behind the operation of a motor involves the interaction
of magnetic fields generated by electrical currents. When an electric current
passes through a conductor placed within a magnetic field, a force is exerted
on the conductor, causing it to move. By arranging conductors and
magnetic fields in specific configurations, motors can generate continuous
There are several types of motors, each designed for specific applications
based on their operational principles and characteristics. Here are some of
the various types of motors:
5. Hermetic Motors: Hermetic motors are designed for sealing against the
outside environment. They are commonly used in refrigeration compressors
and air conditioning systems.
Each type of motor has its advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of
motor depends on the specific requirements of the application, such as
speed, torque, efficiency, and cost.
Application of Motor
Industrial Machinery: .
HVAC Systems:
Home Appliances:
Automotive Industry: .
Aerospace and Aviation:
Power Tools:
Pumps and Fans:
Electric Generators: .
Marine Applications:
Medical Devices:
Space Exploration:
7. Magnetic Induction (B) vs. Magnetic Field (H): Magnetic induction (B)
includes the effects of both free currents and magnetization currents
in a magnetic material, while magnetic field (H) only accounts for the
free currents.
8. Magnetic Materials: Materials can be classified into paramagnetic,
diamagnetic, and ferromagnetic based on their responses to magnetic
9. Ampère's Circuital Law: Ampère's law relates the magnetic field
around a closed loop to the electric current passing through the loop.
10. Faraday's Law: Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction
states that a changing magnetic field induces an electromotive force
(emf) or voltage in a closed loop.
11. Lorentz Force Law: The Lorentz force law describes the force
experienced by a charged particle moving in a magnetic field.
12. Magnetic Flux and Gauss's Law: Gauss's law for magnetism
states that the net magnetic flux through any closed surface is zero.
Induction Motor
An induction motor is an AC (alternating current)electric motor in which the
electric current in the rotor needed to produce torque is obtained by
electromagnetic induction from the magnetic field of the stator winding. An
induction motor can therefore be made without electrical connections to the
An induction motor consists of two main components: the stator and the
1. Stator: The stator is the stationary part of the motor and consists of a
laminated steel core with evenly spaced slots. Copper or aluminium
windings are placed in these slots, which are connected to form three-
phase windings. When a three-phase AC voltage is applied to the
stator windings, a rotating magnetic field is created in the air gap
between the stator and rotor.
2. Rotor: The rotor is the rotating part of the motor and is usually made
of a cylindricall aminated steel core with evenly spaced slots. The rotor
can be of two types:
Wound Rotor: This type has a rotor winding connected to slip rings,
allowing external control of the rotor resistance and speed. Wound
rotor motors offer additional control capabilities but are less common.
The interaction between the rotating magnetic field of the stator and the
induced magnetic field of the rotor causes a torque to be generated,
propelling the rotor to rotate. The rotor rotates at a speed slightly lower than
the speed of the rotating magnetic field, a phenomenon known as slip.
Both types of induction motors are widely used across industries due to
their efficiency, reliability, and versatility. The choice between squirrel-cage
and wound rotor induction motors depends on specific application
requirements, such as speed control, starting torque, and cost
1. Copper Loss (I²R Loss): This loss occurs in the stator and rotor
windings due to the resistance of the conductors. When current flows
through the windings, some of the electrical energy is converted into
heat due to the resistance of the copper wires. Copper losses are
proportional to the square of the current (I²) and are predominant at
full load.
2. Iron Loss (Core Loss): Induction motors have a laminated steel core in
the stator and rotor to reduce eddy current losses. However, there are
still some losses due to hysteresis and eddy currents within the core
material. These losses are present regardless of the load and
contribute to the motor's no-load losses.
3. Mechanical Losses: Mechanical losses occur due to friction and
windage within the motor. Friction losses include bearing friction and
losses in mechanical couplings, while windage losses are caused by
air resistance to rotating parts. These losses are dependent on the
motor's speed and load.
4. Stator Iron Loss (Stator Core Loss): This loss specifically refers to the
iron losses in the stator core due to hysteresis and eddy currents. It is
a part of the overall iron loss mentioned earlier.
5. Rotor Windage Loss: This loss is due to the air resistance experienced
by the rotor as it rotates within the stator's magnetic field. It
contributes to the overall mechanical losses.
6. Stray Load Loss: This is the additional loss caused by magnetic fields
interacting with conductive parts outside the motor, such as the
motor frame or nearby conductive materials.
7. Stator and Rotor Leakage Inductance Loss: Induction motors have
leakage inductances associated with the stator and rotor windings.
The current flowing through these inductances produces a loss in the
8. Load-Dependent Losses: Other losses might be load-dependent and
arise due to factors like skin effect, proximity effect, and additional
losses caused by harmonic currents at partial load conditions.
Motor Efficiency
Motor efficiency refers to the ratio of mechanical output power to the
electrical input power in an electric motor. It is a critical performance
parameter that measures how effectively a motor converts electrical energy
into useful mechanical work. Higher motor efficiency indicates that less
energy is wasted as heat or other losses, making the motor more economical
and environmentally friendly.
Motor efficiency varies depending on the type, size, and load conditions of
the motor. Different types of motors have different inherent efficiencies, with
some motors being more efficient than others.
1. Power Output:
2. Torque:
3. Speed:
4. Efficiency:
5. Power Factor:
6. Starting Torque:
7. Overload Capacity:
8. Temperature Rise:
9. Inertia:
10. Noise and Vibration:
11. Reliability and Durability:
12. Size and Weight:
13. Control and Feedback:
1. Motor Type and Design: Different types of motors (e.g., DC, AC,
induction, synchronous, etc.) have distinct design characteristics that
influence their efficiency, speed, torque, and overall performance.
2. Motor Size and Power Rating: The physical size and power rating of
the motor determine its capacity to handle loads and the amount of
mechanical work it can produce.
3. Load Characteristics: The type of load connected to the motor
(constant torque, variable torque, constant speed, etc.) affects its
performance and efficiency.
4. Operating Voltage and Frequency: The motor's performance is
influenced by the voltage and frequency of the power supply it receives.
5. Operating Speed: The speed at which the motor operates affects its
efficiency and power consumption. Different motors have specific
speed-torque characteristics.
6. Operating Temperature: The motor's performance can be affected by
ambient temperature and the ability of its cooling system to dissipate
7. Efficiency and Power Factor: These parameters indicate how effectively
the motor converts electrical energy into useful mechanical work and
how efficiently it uses the supplied power.
8. Starting and Stopping: The method used for motor starting and
stopping (e.g., direct-on-line starting, soft starters, variable frequency
drives) can impact its efficiency and mechanical stress.
9. Motor Control: The type of motor control used (e.g., open-loop, closed-
loop, vector control) affects the motor's ability to maintain speed and
torque accuracy.
10. Load Torque Variations: A motor's performance can be
influenced by variations in load torque during operation.
11. Mechanical and Electrical Losses: These include copper losses,
iron losses, and frictional losses, which can affect motor efficiency.
12. Insulation and Windings: The quality of insulation and winding
design plays a role in the motor's reliability and ability to handle
varying loads and conditions.
13. Operating Environment: Factors such as humidity, dust, and
corrosive substances in the operating environment can impact motor
performance and lifespan.
14. Maintenance and Service: Regular maintenance and timely
repairs or replacements can help maintain the motor's performance
and extend its operational life.
By considering these factors and selecting the appropriate motor for the
specific application, users can achieve optimal motor performance, efficiency,
and reliability while minimizing energy consumption and operating costs.
Rewinding of motor
Rewinding of a motor refers to the process of replacing or repairing the
electrical windings in the stator or rotor of the motor. Over time, due to
various factors like wear and tear, overheating, electrical faults, or damage,
the motor windings may deteriorate or fail, leading to decreased performance
or motor failure. Rewinding is a common method to restore the motor's
functionality and efficiency without the need to replace the entire motor.
Remember, these motors are not simple pieces of equipment. This rewinding
process needs to be done to a very precise standard of quality to ensure
maximum results, especially if the motors need to be operating at a very
specific standard.
By stripping these wires away, they can be replaced with a fresh set of
windings, restoring the motor to full (or higher) efficiency. The wires need to
be rewound through the stator and reinstalled alongside any other replaced
components, getting the motor back to its original state.
While this might just seem like a simple repair job, motor rewinding is a
very specific process that can take some experience to do correctly.
Rewinding a motor incorrectly could potentially lead to problems further
down the line, including issues with the motor not functioning as intended.
By keeping these points in mind, you can ensure a smooth and successful
motor replacement, which will lead to optimal performance, improved
efficiency, and reduced risk of premature failure.