Venth Seme Ter B.Tec - (: SE H Engineering) Degree Examination December 2010
Venth Seme Ter B.Tec - (: SE H Engineering) Degree Examination December 2010
Venth Seme Ter B.Tec - (: SE H Engineering) Degree Examination December 2010
Answer all questions. 1. (a) An event has six possible outcomes with probabilities
PI = 1/2, P2 = 1/4, P3 = 1/8, P4 = 1/16, Ps = 1/32 and P6 = 1/32. Find the entropy of the system.
Also find the rate of information if there are 16outcomes/sec. (b) Describe the discrete Noisy Channel. (c) Explain the significance of the generator matrix in a linear block code. (d) Compare the error detection and correction capabilities of a cycliccode with linear block code. (e) Define groups and fields with examples. (f) What are the advantages and disadvantages of BCH over other codes? (g) Explain about convolutional codes. (h) Explain the concept of maximum likelihood decoding.
2. (a) A source emits six messages with probabilities: (i) 0.3,0.25,0.15,0.12,0.1 and 0.08 respectively. Find the 4-ary Huffman code, average word length, code efficiency and redundancy. (11 marks) (ii) Determine the channel capacity of a standard 4 kHz telephone line with a 32 dB SNR. (4 marks)
(b) A source is transmitting two symbols A and B with P (A) = 1/16 an,d P (B) = 15/16 . Design the code. Which would provide a transmission efficiency of around 70%. 3. (a) (i) Derive the mathematical structure of Linear block code. (ii) A (15, 5) cyclic code has a generator polynomial g(x) = 1 + x + x2 + xS + x8 + xlO Draw the encoder of this code, find the code polynomial for message polynomial 1 + x2 + x4 Determine whether V (x)
= 1 + x4
0 0 1 0
0] 0 . 0 1
Find all code words of the code, H, syndrome decoding table .and comment on the error decting and correcting capabilities of the code. (ii) Design a encoder for an (8,5) code with g(x) = 1 + x + x2 + x3 . Determine the codeword for message 10101 using this encoder. 4. (a) (i) Explain about primitive polynomial and extension field with examples. (ii) Explain how encoding of data is carried out using RS code with an example?
(b) (i) Write the encoding of BCH and decoding of RS code with an example. (ii) Describe the properties offinite field arithmetic. 5. (a) (i) Construct the state diagram, tree diagram and trellis diagram for K = 3, rate Y2 code generated by :
gl (x)
+ x2, gdx)
= 1 + x,
g3 (x)
= 1+ x
+ x2
(b) (i) Write briefly about interleaved convolutional codes. (ii) Find the free distance of the encoder by the transfer function method described by
and g2(X)=X+x2.