Market Survey On Soft Drinks
Market Survey On Soft Drinks
Market Survey On Soft Drinks
1. Which brand do you think of when you hear the word SOFT DRINKS? 1. _____________ 2. ______________ 3. ______________ 2. Which soft drink do you usually consume? (Tick only one)
Sprite Mirinda
300ml 355ml (can) 500ml (pet bottle) 1.5L 2L No, I usually switch over
9. Tick only once each of these factors on basis of their importance in influencing your decision to buy Soft drinks Factors 1.Very imp 2.Imp 3.Neutral 4.Not imp 5.Not at all imp
Affordable Price Taste Fizz Flavor Packaging &design Brand value/Brand name Availability & convenience Frequency of ads Celebrity Endorsements Promotion schemes/discounts Cleanliness of can/bottle Calories/ Sugar content
10. For each of the factors give scores out of 5 for the soft drinks you have used on the following scale. ( 1-lowest score.5-highest score) (Please fill all the cells) factors Fizz Flavor Taste Brand Value Packaging and design Price Pepsi CoKe Thumbs up Sprite Mirinda Mountain Dew Other (specify)
11.a) To what extent are you satisfied with youre the current brand of soft drink on the basis of following parameters? (1-not at all satisfied 2-unsatisfied 4-satisfied 5-very much satisfied) Factors Fizz Flavor Taste Brand Value Packaging and design Price 3- neutral
11. b)How much importance do you give to the following parameters when it comes to buying a new brand of Soft Drink? (1-not at all important neutral 4- important Factors Fizz Flavor Taste Brand Value Packaging and design Price 2-not important 35-very important) Importance level
Satisfaction level
12.Please tick in the box according to your preference (strongly agree) A car is a necessity rather than luxury. I go for exercising (gym or leisure sports) regularly I go to a restaurant regularly I go for movies regularly I visit art galleries and museums regularly I feel foreign products are always superior in quality Take public transportation daily I visit parlour/spa regularly I prefer to use email than writing (agree) (neutral) (disagree) (strongly disagree)
a letter I always buy quality products I frequently go out on weekends I prefer fast food &ready to use food I think twice before buying anything A computer is a necessity rather than luxury I feel that reputation of the company whose product I buy should be good Advertisement play an imp role in decision making
Personal Details
1 .Age: 2.Sex : Less than 19 Male 20-30 31-40 Female Less than 10000 11000-20000 41000-50000 Graduate 21000-30000 above 50000 P.G & above 31000-40000 41-50 above 50
4.Qualification :
Govt. Employed
Private Job
Other _________________