Chakras are energy points in your aura. They are centres of activity tht receive, assimilate and express your life force energy. In other words through your Chakras, you transmit and receive physical, emotional, and spiritual energy. The word itself is Sanskrit for wheel or disk. According to East Indian philosophy, you have seven major Chakras or psychic centers on your body. They are stacked in a column of energy that spans from the base of your spine to the top of your head. There are also minor chakras in the hands, feet, fingertips, and shoulders. Each chakra has a colour and particular energy associated with it.
The seven major chakras correlate with basic states of consciousness. Starting from the top they are as follows; Sahasrara or the crown chakra is generally considered to be the chakra of consciousness. it is located above the head outside the body. Ajna is considered to correspond to the third eye. Ajna is held as the chakra of time, awareness and of light. Located low on your forehead. Vishuddha or the throat chakra may be envisioned as relating to communication and growth, growth being a form of expression. Anahata or the heart chakra is related to complex emotion, compassion, love, equilibrium and well-being. It is located in the chest. Manipura or the solar plexus chakra is related to the transition from simple or base to complex emotion, energy, assimilation and digestion,
Swadhisthana or the sacral chakra is located in the lower belly and is related to base intuition, emotion, sexuality and creativity. Muladhara or the base or root chakra is related to instinct, security, survival, physical energy and also to basic human potentiality. This centre is located in the region between the genitals and the anus. Chakras
Chakras are points of great energy for one's aura. The word itself is Sanskrit for wheel or disk. According to East Indian philosophy, man possesses seven major Chakras or psychic centers on his body. Through our Chakras, we transmit and receive physical, emotional, and spiritual energy. These are the seven main chakras, the colors assciated with each one of them, and their energy focus:
Energy Focus
Red, black
Orange, bluegreen
Pink, green
Violet, golden-white
Single Chakra Therapy When you want to work on a specific Chakra, place a gemstone or strand of gemstones on it and keep them there from 3-20 minutes. You may use clear optical quality quartz for all of your chakras; however, here are the stones that others recommend on each chakra. 1. Root/Base Chakra: Black Onyx/Obsidian 2. Sex/Navel Chakra: Carnelian 3. Stomach/Solar Plexus Chakra: Citrine 4. Heart Chakra: Rose Quartz/Ruby 5. Throat Chakra: Indigo (translucent Sodalight)/Purple Rainbow Fluorite 6. Brow/Third Eye Chakra: Amethyst/Aquamarine/Lapis Lazuli/Clear Quartz 7. Crown Chakra: Amethyst/Clear Quartz If a stone ever feels uncomfortable, remove it immediately and replace it with a stone that fits you better. Chakra Balancing
Chakra Balancing Definition Chakra balancing is based on the ancient Indian belief in a series of seven chakras, or energy centers. Chakra is the Sanskrit word for wheel. These energy centers are believed to be located at specific points between the base of the spine and the top of the skull. Some esoteric systems include
additional chakras, said to extend beyond the physical body into the human auric field. Each chakra is believed to relate to particular organs of the body, ailments, colors, elements, and emotions. However, different systems or sources that use the idea of chakras may disagree about the details. The concept of chakras plays a key role in two ancient Indian healing systems (ayurvedic medicine and yoga) that are popular today. In recent decades, however, many modern therapies (like polarity therapy , therapeutic touch , process acupressure, core energetics, and color therapy ) have also incorporated the idea of chakras into their own visions of healing. Various approaches may be used to "balance" the chakras. Chakra balancing is believed to promote health by maximizing the flow of energy in the body, much as a tune-up enables a car to operate at peak efficiency. Origins Yoga - Chakras are part of the ancient belief system associated with yoga. These traditions were handed down orally for thousands of years before being codified by Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras, several centuries before Christ. Ayurveda - The ancient healing science of ayurveda is based on a collection of scriptures known as vedas (a Sanskrit word meaning knowledge or wisdom). Ayurveda literally means "life knowledge." It remained the predominant form of health care in India until the British colonial government tried to suppress it during the nineteenth century. Over the last half-century, however, a modernized form of ayurveda has gained considerable popularity in India. More recently, traditional ayurveda has been popularized in the West by such high-profile advocates as Deepak Chopra. Benefits Balancing the chakras is believed to promote general health and well-being by ensuring the free flow of life energy (also known as prana or qi) throughout the body. It is believed that blockages in the flow of this vital energy will eventually result in mental, emotional, and/or physical illness. By removing such blockages and maximizing energy flow, practitioners are said to enable body, mind, and spirit to function optimally. Some alternative practitioners, such as medical intuitives, say they can "read" a patient's chakras to detect imbalances and diagnose problems. This is also sometimes done using a pendulum. Yoga Just as the various forms of yoga attempt to mediate between the physical and spiritual realms, so the chakras are believed to operate as energy transformers. They are often shown as circles, spaced at intervals along the spine, or sometimes as funnels of energy. Specific chants or sounds associated with the different chakras are used in some yogic meditation practices as tools for healing and spiritual evolution. Each of the seven chakras is said to have specific physiological and metaphysical functions that relate to both the nature of the associated blockages and to the physical problems they produce. Base/root chakra (muladhara). The first chakra, located at the base of the spine, is linked with basic survival and with the adrenal glands. It is associated with the color red and the earth element. Second chakra (svadisthana). Thought to reside in the genital region, this chakra is linked with sexuality and with the reproductive system. It is associated with the color orange and the water
element. Third chakra (manipura). Situated near the navel, this chakra is linked with the pancreas and the solar plexus. It is associated with the color yellow, the fire element, and power in the world. Heart chakra (cnahata). The fourth chakra, associated with the heart and the immune system, is believed to be the seat of love and compassion. It is associated with the color green and the air element. Throat chakra (visuddha). The fifth chakra, situated in the throat area, is associated with the thyroid gland, the color blue, and communication. Brow/forehead chakra (ajna). The sixth chakra, also known as the "Third Eye," is said to reside in the forehead. It is associated with hormonal production, the color indigo, and intuition. Crown chakra (saha srara). The seventh chakra, located at the top of the skull, is associated with elevated spiritual consciousness, the pineal gland, and the color violet. Precautions In recent decades, yoga has gained widespread acceptance in the West as a tool for relaxation, stress reduction, increased flexibility and energy. However, there is no generally recognized scientific evidence for the existence of either chakras or prana. Side effects Although the concept of chakra balancing is harmless, any of the many contemporary therapies that include chakras may also use specific treatments or practices with potential side effects. Anyone exploring such therapies should be cautious and keep his or her healthcare provider informed of these therapies. Research & general acceptance Although there is a growing body of research documenting the positive effects of yoga and meditation, chakras have not been measured by scientific instruments. Support for the concept is based on anecdotal rather than scientific evidence. Chakra Balancing Working with Chakras
Chakra Balancing The major chakras are situated at: 1. MASTER: Base chakra (base of spine, between anus and genitals) 2. Spleen chakra (slightly below the belly button)
3. Solar Plexus chakra (1 hand-span above the belly button) 4. MASTER: Heart chakra (center of the chest) 5. Throat chakra (base of throat, above where it joins the chest) 6. Brow chakra (exact center of forehead) 7. MASTER: Crown chakra (whole top of head above the hairline) They are best imagined as roughly the size of the palm of your hand, except for the crown chakra, which is much larger. What Are Chakras? Chakras are non-physical organs that transform raw Kundalini energy into more subtle, and useable, forms of energy, of a different type. The chakras do not, themselves, contain energy. Raw energy is drawn up from the planet, by the minor chakras in the legs and feet, and fed into the main chakra system. Kundalini energy is, in essence, pure thought energy that permeates and binds the universe together. This living energy field can be tapped, more deeply, by the application of focused, creative will. It can be drawn into the human body and transformed, by the chakra system, into a more subtle and useable form of energy The chakras are attached to the spinal cord and nervous system via certain glands and nerve ganglia. The full chakra system is extremely complex. There are 3 master, 4 major and over 300 minor chakras in the human body. There are also several non-physical chakras situated outside of the body. Detailed maps of the chakra system and their connecting meridians and pathways have been used for thousands of years in Eastern mysticism and medicine, i.e., acupuncture. The chakra system is used with every psychic ability, no exceptions. Whatever the psychic ability, the method of development or the terminology used to describe it, it is all done the same way, through chakra stimulation. It is impossible to manifest any psychic ability without first stimulating the chakras. Many people will deny this, above, and claim they have never done any chakra, energy work, but still have psychic abilities. There are many ways to develop you, agreed, but they all, directly or indirectly, stimulate the chakra system. And let's not forget natural ability. Many people are born with naturally active chakras and hence, natural psychic ability. Mediums are people who exhibit psychic abilities when aided by a nonphysical spirit entity. This entity stimulates the chakras of the medium directly, by melding with the medium and causing psychic abilities, clairvoyance, channeling, healing, production of ectoplasm etc to manifest through the medium. This is why they are called Mediums or channels, i.e., they have the ability to become a passive vehicle for a spirit entity to affect, or communicate with, the physical world. You do not need a spirit entity to develop and use a psychic ability. If you learn to control your own chakras and energy, you can do these things on your own, with no spirit entity involved, and without the inherent risk involved with that method. Energy Raising and Chakra Balancing
Sit, or lie down, do the relaxation exercise and clear your mind with breath awareness. Focus your awareness in your feet. Use your HANDS to pull energy up from your feet, through your legs, to the base chakra. Imagine you are gripping energy and pulling it up through you. Just like you did when you used these HANDS with breath awareness and color breathing, pulling air and energy into your lungs. Note: Try and imagine your HANDS are inside your legs and just inside the front of your torso as you do this. Use breath awareness as an aide to energy raising. Draw energy up through you, with the inhale, and hold it in place on the exhale. Do this over and over again, pulling energy to the Base chakra, for at least a few minutes. You may or may not feel anything while you do this. Even if you don't, you are still drawing some energy with this exercise. The amount of energy drawn up through you will increase as the chakras develop with time and use. From the feet, up the legs to the base center, is a natural path for the energy that flows through you. This energy will stimulate your chakras and they will transform this, basic energy, into energy of a different type. This transformed energy will then flow into your subtle bodies, energizing them. With practice, you will actually FEEL this energy tingling and surging through you. Chakra Balancing - Chakra Stimulation Opening a chakra: Your imaginary HANDS are used for this. Imagine you are tearing open a bread roll at the site of a chakra when you are asked to do this. You don't have to visualize anything, just FEEL like you are doing this, as if you were doing it in real life without looking at what you are doing. Chakras are non-physical centers, so you need a non-physical method to stimulate them. This is achieved by focusing your awareness in the area of a chakra and using your mind to manipulate it. You need a localized, mental opening effect in a chakra to stimulate it; this tearing open action, with your imaginary HANDS, provides it. By moving your point of awareness to the site of a chakra and causing a mental opening effect with your HANDS, you are directly stimulating the chakra. Note: Do the energy raising exercise, as above, before stimulating the chakras. Use breath awareness to aide your HANDS in pulling energy into each chakra, i.e., draw energy UP on the inhale and HOLD it on the exhale, with all the chakra stimulation exercises below. 1. Base chakra: Raise energy up to your Base chakra. Use your HANDS to open it. Pull energy INTO the Base chakra. Repeat this first step, thoroughly, seven times. 2. Spleen chakra: Draw energy from the feet, through the Base chakra and on up to the Spleen chakra. Open the Spleen chakra. Repeat this three times, starting at feet. 3. Solar Plexus chakra: Draw energy from the feet, through the Base and Spleen chakras and on up to the Solar Plexus chakra. Open the Solar Plexus chakra. Repeat this three times, starting at feet. 4. Heart chakra: Draw energy up from the feet, through the Base, Spleen and Solar Plexus chakras and on up to the Heart chakra. Open the Heart chakra. Repeat this three times, starting at feet. 5. Throat chakra: Draw energy up from the feet, through the Base, Spleen, Solar Plexus and heart chakras to the Throat chakra. Open the Throat chakra. Repeat this three times, starting at feet.
6. Brow chakra: Draw energy up from the feet, through the Base, Spleen, Solar Plexus, Heart and Throat chakras to the Brow chakra. Open the Brow chakra. Repeat this three times, starting at feet. 7. Crown chakra: Draw energy up to the Crown chakra as in the previous step. Open the Crown chakra. This chakra is much larger than the others (whole top of head, above hairline). Imagine you have a much larger, flatter bread roll inside the top of your head and are tearing it open with your HANDS, or like you are tearing your scalp open. Repeat this entire process twice, starting with the feet. Note: Try your best not to tense any muscles during these exercises. You may, however, feel a slight internal contracting, a feeling that is NOT muscular while you are stimulating your chakras. These are the glands and nerve ganglia, linked to the chakras, contracting in response to the stimulation. This internal contracting is normal. The Base, or Root chakra, is a MASTER chakra and THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE TO ACTIVATE. This chakra is the doorway for the Kundalini energy. Unless this is opened sufficiently, the energy cannot flow into the other chakras. I suggest you concentrate most of your time and energy into stimulating your Base chakra, at least in the early stages of chakra development. Note: When I first started raising energy and developing my chakras, many years ago, I didn't feel ANY sensation for several months. Many people, though, have reported to me strong energy and chakra sensation the first time they used them. Some people have more natural chakra activity than others. Lack of any sensation, though, will not stop you from stimulating and developing them, even if, as was my case, you feel nothing at first. I did not have ANY natural chakra activity or ANY natural psychic ability when I first started energy work. Stop And Check Check your muscles for any tensing during the energy raising and chakra stimulation exercises, and re-relaxes as needed. Your muscles will automatically try and respond to the mental action of pulling energy up through you. Remember that this is ALL mental, your body must stay calm and relaxed throughout. Chakra Sensations The sensations you will feel in your chakras can vary, according to the degree of activity occurring in them, i.e., your physical make up, natural ability, concentration and relaxation skills affect this. It can vary from a gentle warmth, a localized pressure, or bubbling (like stomach wind), a localized dizziness, a tingling, a gentle pulsing, to a heavier throbbing, or a combination of some or all of the above. The heavier the thrumming, the more active the chakra. If you place your hand on a chakra, when it is active, you will actually feel the flesh pulsing. Some of the chakras, when active, can cause other odd, localized sensations: Base chakra: You may feel a very slight burning or tingling, or a cramping, like you have been riding a bicycle for too long, to begin with. Once it is working properly, you will feel a gentle pulsing or throbbing between your legs, at the site of the chakra.
Solar Plexus Chakra: This can sometimes cause a shortness of breath feeling, which can cause you to hyperventilate. This will pass, with time and use, as the chakra stabilizes. Heart Chakra: The heart chakra merits special mention due to the strong, and sometimes frightening, sensation it can cause. When strongly activated it can feel like your heart is racing at an impossible rate. It is a powerful sensation. Try and ignore this when it happens, it won't hurt you. It is not your heart racing but the chakra working. I know this is easier said than done, ignoring it, but with practice and familiarity you can. This racing is more apparent in the early stages of development. I think this is caused by a lack of energy flowing from the lower centers. In a way it is like a pump racing, when it does not have enough fluid to pump. The heart chakra, when fully operational, feels like: Place one hand on your chest, with your finger tips resting in the middle of it over your heart. Tap your fingers on your chest, in time with your heart. Increase this rate until you are tapping as fast and hard as your fingers can move. Note: Your actual heart rate does NOT speed up with this racing sensation. If you hook yourself up to a heart monitor, you will see that your heat beat hardly changes at all. Throat Chakra: The throbbing in it can cause a very mild choking feeling, because of the sensitive area it is in. This feels something like having an emotional lump in the base of your throat. Crown Chakra: When fully active it feels like a thousand soft, warm fingers gently massaging the inside of the top of your head, above the hairline, and extending down in the center of the forehead, to include the brow chakra, which is part of it. This sensation is the reason the Buddhists call it "The Thousand Petalled Lotus". Note: You may feel a stronger sensation in some chakras and little or none in others. Concentrate on the lowest ones with the least sensation. This will help balance the energy flow in the Chakra systems. If you are unbalanced, during projection the inactive chakras can cause failure, i.e., you may get your body partly loose but find you are stuck to your body at the site of the inactive chakra. If this happens, concentrate on stimulating the inactive chakra prior to projection. Psychic Abilities After beginning chakra work, you may find psychic abilities start to grow in you. This is a natural offshoot of stimulating the chakras. In my next series, on more advanced energy work, I will show how to develop and use some of these abilities and how to raise the Kundalini. Practice -- Some relaxation, breath awareness, concentration and mental hands exercises should, ideally, be carried out daily. They can be done anywhere and anytime you have a few minutes to spare. Charka Chart Find Out More From This Chakra Chart...
Here is a Chakra Chart showing the 7 main chakras. The first chakra is located at the base of the spine and is associated with red. It is the chakra that governs our physical existence, our bodies and our health. The second chakra is located in the area of the womb (or thereabouts for men) and is associated with the color orange. This chakra governs creativity, and some say emotion. The third chakra is located at the solar plexus and is associated with the color gold (yellow). It is associated with the will or desire. The fourth chakra (the middle chakra in the chain of seven) is the heart chakra and is associated with the color green, and also the color rose, which is the "color of love." This chakra is connected with emotion and human love. The fifth chakra is located at the throat and is a bright blue. It governs communication and personal magnetism. It is the chakra that most influences intercommunication and our "personas." It is also the link between emotion and thought. The sixth chakra is located at the third eye (mid-forehead) and is indigo (deep purply/blue). This chakra is associated with thought (though some say the third chakra governs thought) and with vision, particularly psychic vision. It is also the chakra of spiritual love and connection. The seventh chakra is at the crown of the head, and is violet fading to white further away from the body. This chakra is our connection to our "higher selves" and to the "divine." It is associated with wisdom and integration of our eternal selves with our current physical selves. It is like our umbilical cord to "God."
Chakras Colors Therapy Each of us posses seven spinning energy centers called chakras. Each chakra has its own quality and quantity of energy depending on how open or closed it is. Color therapy in a variety of forms can be used to open blocked chakras. Chakra 1: Muladhara The root chakra is located at the base of the spine. This chakra deals with human potential, primitive energy, basic survival needs and our foundations. Red is the color associated with this chakra. A significant lack of energy here can make people weak and self-destructive. Chakra 2: Svadhisthana The second chakra is located just slightly below the navel, or belly button. This chakra is the center of our sexual drive and emotions. The color of this chakra is orange. A deficiency of energy here may cause a person to be immobilized by fear, burdened by guilt or distrustful. Chakra 3: Manipura The third chakra is located at the solar plexus and relates to will, power, and social identification. This chakra's color is yellow. A lack of energy here may result in depression and confusion. Chakra 4: Anahata The fourth chakra is located over the heart and relates to love, balance, compassion, and self expression. Green, and sometimes pink, is the color of this chakra. Little energy in this chakra may cause paranoia and indecision. Chakra 5: Vishuddha The fifth chakra is located at the throat and relates to communication, creativity, and self identification. The color here is blue. A blocked chakra here can cause a person to be devious and manipulative. Chakra 6: Ajna The sixth chakra is located between the eyebrows at the third eye position relating to mind, intuition, and heightened self awareness. Violet is the color here. Insufficient amounts of energy here can cause a person to be oversensitive and afraid of success. Chakra 7: Sahasrara The seventh, or crown chakra, is located at the top of the head and deals with the experience of selfrealization, wisdom, understanding, and enlightenment. Enlightenment is the culmination of all the other chakras and thus is depicted by white. A deficiency of energy here may cause a person to become catatonic. The first three chakras are concerned primarily with physical concerns, where as the last three
charkas are concerned with more spiritual matters. The fourth, or the heart chakra, balances the physical and the spiritual. Color Therapy Color therapy can take a variety of forms including light, clothing and minerals. Colored light therapy may be as simple as buying a colored light bulb from the hardware store. People with an interest in theatre may extend the idea to flood lights and a colored gel, a thick piece of plastic. Even the stained glass windows of your local church can help you get the colored light you are looking for. Clothing can also effect a person. To help alleviate depression, wear colors like orange, yellow, or pink. Black is a color of mystery and should reflect that mood. An erotic atmosphere can be created with red and orange colors. To counteract nervousness, surround yourself with blues and greens. Minerals and jewelry can also help enhance your mood. Lower chakra stones are best worn as anklets, belt buckles, rings or bracelets. The fourth and fifth chakra minerals are best worn as necklaces over the heart or chokers around the throat. Sixth and seventh chakra stones are best in earrings or hair pieces. The chakra stones are generally the same color that is associated with the individual chakras. The following is a partial list of chakra stones: * Chakra 1: Red - red garnet, black obsidian, smoky quartz * Chakra 2: Orange - tiger's eye, carnelian * Chakra 3: Yellow - citrine * Chakra 4: Green - malachite, green jade, rose quartz * Chakra 5: Blue - sodalite, azurite * Chakra 6: Violet - lapis, flourite * Chakra 7: White - amethyst, clear quartz Select the chakra stones in such a way to enhance your mood much the same way you would select colors for your clothing. Chakra Healing With Reiki Find Out More About Chakra Healing Here...
Chakra healing with Reiki Purpose: to absorb cosmic energy and distribute it evenly. (Energy transformers) Chakra healing Reiki is a safe way to start the Kundulini process. As energy rises, life progresses from earthly to spiritual, a step in human growth. Yoga and Eastern meditation techniques also stimulate the Kundulini energy. However, done without proper supervision and guidance of your own readiness, a surge of too much energy can be harmful (disorientation, depravity, physical pain, mental breakdown).
First Chakra---Root located at base if spine area of coccyx. Issues: survival, security, safety, ability to be grounded to earth plane. Physical functions influence: excretion and digestion; small intestine and colon; kidneys; sex glands/drive; reproduction; hips, legs, lower back rectum uterus. Ailments: constipation; diarrhea; colitis; knees; sciatica; vaginal; hemorrhoids; prostate; ovarian; uterine; chronic fatigue. Root Issues: accidents; homelessness; suicidal tendencies; panic. Blockages: not belonging; not belonging (no roots); not able to make a living; not able to materialize goals. Second Chakra---Svadhisthana located just above genitals. Issues: sexuality, self esteem, personal power; need to control, extent hold onto emotions or let go. Physical functions influence: ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes, pelvic, lumbar spine, kidneys, bladder, and large intestine. Center for cleansing, purification, health; Endocrine function-liver, pancreas, spleen; metabolism, digestion, detoxification, immunity, balance of blood sugar. Ailments: female reproductive, infertility, spinal disc, arthritis, urinary tract and kidney, diabetes, cancer. Blockages: fear or difficulty with menstruation; menopause; need to mother or be mothered; relationship issues. Third Chakra---Manipura located two fingers above naval. Issues: when open, allows person to function normally even in time of distress; ability to connect, have long term relationships, love of family, home. Physical functions: influences adrenal glands, profound effect on sympathetic nervous system, muscular energy, heartbeat, digestion, circulation, mood. Ailments: Excessive abuse of adrenaline from stress produces ulcer, nervous disorders and chronic fatigue. Blockages: Prevents energy from moving past diaphragm, energy cannot be transmuted from more mundane frequencies to those of subtle bodies and spiritual awareness. Cuts a person off from awareness of I AM self. Exclusive development of ego in consciousness. Fourth Chakra---Anahata located eighth cervical vertebra of spine opposite region of heart. Issues: move beyond diaphragm, from outer courtyard to inner of body temple. Begin to recognize "self" is beyond definition, a source of light, love, human and divine. Allows one to sympathize with vibrations of other astral entities so can instinctively understand energies and atmospheres; can combine with Anja center and project rays of healing, manifest miracles; gateway to astral body and
hence regulator of emotional life. Physical functions: Influences thymus, located in center of chest behind upper breast bone, whose main function is proper utilization of amino competence factor which helps create immunity to disease. Ailments: heart, lungs, circulation, shoulders, upper back, immunity, stroke, angina and arthritis Blockages: distorted proportion of anger, pain and fear; abuse other people; feel unloved, rejected, jealousy, grief, loneliness, relationship difficulties. Fifth Chakra---Visudda located base of neck by third cervical vertebra, just below throat by Adams apple. Issues: When open, become aware of mental body, can separate mental from lower (astral, etheric and physical) allowing for detachment, perception of dharma. Awareness that internal worlds are real; controls ability of expression; heavier frequencies of anger, pain and fear are transmuted into unconditional joy. Physical functions: Influences thyroid-balance of entire nervous system, metabolism, muscular control and body heat production. Ailments: headaches, migraines, sore throat, thyroid, TMJ, gums and teeth, ears, stiff neck, flu. Blockages: inability to express feelings/ability to listen; exaggeration or crying. Sixth Chakra-Anja located between eyebrows/third eye. Issues: see clairvoyantly: communicate telepathically; heal through mental projection; can create new realities consciously to conform to dharma and resulting unconditional joy; flows of prana meet and distribute; clairvoyance, paranormal knowing. Physical function: pituitary master control center of mind/body affects all other endocrines. Ailments: eyes, face, brain, lymphatic, endocrine systems; cataracts, vision, hormone, mental, Parkinson's Alzheimer's Seventh Chakra---Sahasara (Thousand petal lotus) located at crown of head Physical function: pineal gland Issues: merge personal energy field with universal; merge feminine and masculine principals; not time, eternal presence; cosmic consciousness, enlightenment. Ailments: Psychosis Chakras THE SEVEN ENERGY CENTRES
Recently, while considering the chakras, I wondered, How many people know what a chakra is? Are they aware that a chakra, is an energy centre, whos state, affects our state of being? There are seven chakras, and one night, I awoke with the inspiration, The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World! I knew that the Chakras, were somehow connected to the Wonders. After researching the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, I learnt two things Although six no longer physically exist, each Wonder still resonates a strong energy where it once stood. Each Wonder correlates with a particular chakra, proving that everything and everyone is somehow connected. We, as human beings, and those Wonders, are made up of energy powerful yet subtle. Energy exists with or without the solidity of physical matter, but physical matter cannot exist without energy. The state of dis-ease is caused by energy blockage. When energy does not flow freely within us, it can create pain and a general sense of unwellness. Our Chakras, meaning spinning wheels, are simply the centres in which energy is housed, and distributed to other parts of our Being. They can close down due to stress, and this in turn can create disease. The Chakras take in Universal energy, and transmute it to a level that our bodies can use, to heal any imbalances. Belief systems and negative thinking play a big part in the functioning of our Chakras, and any imbalances can be healed, by way of colour visualization and positive affirmations. There are seven main chakras within the human body, each with a particular colour, connected to certain emotions. The Base Chakra is the first of the seven. It is located below the pelvic floor, is red in colour and when balanced, fills you with a sense of being fully grounded, and present in the now. Imbalances in the Base Chakra affect the physical body. It is linked to the solid aspects of bone, muscle and flesh. If there is disease in the solid parts of the body, the origins may be traced back to the problems connected with the Base, such as self-esteem, self-acceptance and survival issues. Resulting problems, can manifest in painful hips, legs and feet, which can deplete energy within the body. The Seven Wonders parallel to the Base Chakra, is the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. King Nebuchadnezzar, who ruled the city of Babylon for 43 years, began building the Garden in 605BC as a gift for his homesick wife, who had come from a green, rugged and mountainous land. He hoped that the Garden, would help feel more at home and grounded. Thus, we have the correlation between the Base Chakra and the energy of Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Colour visualization, is a great tool for healing and balancing the chakras. With the Base Chakra, begin by drawing in white light to clear, and then red light to replenish. Positive affirmations are powerful, especially when used in conjunction with colour healing. Some suggested Base chakra
affirmations are Mother earth supports and nurtures me with love All is very, very well in my world I am filled with health and vitality. The second chakra, is known as the Spleen Chakra. It is located in the lower stomach area, is orange in colour, and is connected with the Base. When the Base chakra is filled with a sense of being good enough and grounded, one of its gifts to the Spleen Chakra, is a feeling of high self worth. If the foundations of security have not been laid at Base level, then this will cause imbalance and blockage in the Spleen chakra. Consciousness of sexuality and sexual choices are related to the Spleen chakra, as well as the acceptance of what it means, to be a woman or man in our culture. Blockages in the Spleen can begin to take place as a child, if one is held back from creating in some way. As a result, you can grow up feeling unaccepted, and lack the courage to take risks. The Seven Wonders parallel matching the Spleen chakra, is the Temple of Artemis. It was a shrine to the Goddess of Artemis, said to be built around 800BC. Artemis was the goddess of fertility and birth. This correlates with the creative energy,of the Spleen chakra. Healing any imbalances in the Spleen chakra can be done by visualizing the colour white, as it fills and clears the chakra, followed by orange to replenish. The following affirmations can be used to assist the healing I create my own reality with love I love and approve of myself I am loved and supported by all the people in my life. The third of the seven chakras is the Solar Plexus chakra. It is yellow in colour, located just below the breastbone, and is the center of self-identity and self worth. Healing of the Solar Plexus, can assist in releasing anger related issues, due to the limitations that may have been placed on you, while growing up. The Seven Wonders match is The Colossus of Rhodes, which carries with it the energy of survival, and was a symbol of the city being an important economic center in the Ancient World. It ruled economic decisions for the island of Rhodes. This parallels the intuitive decisions made when the Solar Plexus chakra is well balanced. To balance the Solar Plexus chakra, fill it with white light to clear and yellow light to strengthen. In some cases, this can help to alleviate and prevent stress breakdowns. The following are helpful affirmations I am a beloved child of God I am filled with clarity of mind and I make decisions that are for my highest good
I now and always live the life I am meant to live, in love and compassion. The Heart chakra is the fourth of the seven chakras. It is located in the heart center above the Solar Plexus, and is green in colour. Imbalances can occur in this chakra as a result of taking on responsibility of others, and neglecting your own needs. This can happen at an early age, should a child take on responsibility for family members. As a carer, the child forgets to play and the Heart chakra can close down. At a physical level, it can trigger asthma and allergic conditions. The Seven Wonders match for the Heart chakra is The Maussoleum of Halicarnassus. The city of Halicarnassus, was ruled by Hecatomnus, who died in 377BC, and left control of the Kingdom to his son, Mausolus. He and his queen, Artemisia, then ruled for 24 years. The beautiful Maussoleum was built, in honour of Hecatomnus, and statues of Mausolus and his beloved Queen Artemisia, stood within the pinnacles. The energy of this Wonder is love. When the Heart chakra is functioning normally, one is usually very good at loving. It is the central chakra and the meeting place for the energies. This energy centre when balanced, gives you the feeling of peace with yourself, and the environment. One method of healing, is to clear the chakra with white light and then bring green light in to replenish. Affirmations to assist are I am an expression of unconditional love I open myself to the good that exists in every human being I open myself to the Divine and I am richly blessed. The fifth chakra is the Throat chakra. It is blue in colour, and is the centre of creative expression. It is linked with the Spleen chakra, in that any self-esteem issues will block both the Spleen and Throat chakra. For example, holding back from expressing a talent can cause blockage in the Spleen chakra. This is because such suppression can fill you with a sense of low self worth. Both chakras need to be cleansed and replenished with colour. The correlating Wonder for the Throat chakra is The Statue of Zeus. Its energy is that of expression and creativity. On a physical level, the Olympics, which were first started in 776BC, were held at the shrine of Zeus, and were a true expression of creativity and competitiveness. Though the temple and statue were destroyed, the stadium now stands at the site. Keeping in mind that the Throat chakra is strongly linked with the Spleen chakra, it is important to work with both when healing. For the Throat, draw white light in for clearing, and the colour blue to strengthen. The following affirmations can assist I communicate freely in truth and love I am free to be me I express my passion, and live my life purpose, with ease and grace. The sixth chakra is the Third Eye chakra. This energy centre is indigo coloured, and located in the middle of the forehead. A well-balanced and open Third Eye chakra, brings about a feeling of completeness, inspiration and insight. It is linked to the Solar Plexus chakra, because both have a connection with light and vision. Third Eye imbalances can often result in suffering from guilt. Balancing any Third Eye blockages, helps strengthen the relationship between the personality and
the spirit. The great Pyramids of Giza is, at the age of 4500 years old, the only one of the Seven Wonders still standing, and resonates most strongly with the Third Eye chakra. Both carry the energy of observation and seeing beyond. The Pyramid was set up as an astronomical observatory and until the 19th century, was the tallest building in the world. The correlation between the Pyramids and the Third Eye Chakra, is the energy of strength and insight. We, as humans, can achieve this by maintaining a state of balance and wellbeing. It enables us to see true beauty, and helps to keep man made structures in balance and harmony with nature. To heal any Third Eye blockages, bring through white light to clear, followed by indigo (dark blue/purple) to strengthen and open the chakra. Try these affirmations to assist I see all things with insight and inspiration There is beauty in all that I see I am divinely guided in every moment, and in all areas of my life. The seventh chakra is the Crown. It is located at the crown of the head, and is violet in colour. Connected with the Third Eye chakra, a state of bliss can be achieved through opening and healing both, leaving you with a sense of oneness in Mind, Body and Spirit. States of confusion are usually a result of blockages in these chakras. Balancing them unblocks the channels, allowing in the flow of light, strength, clarity and joy, from Divine Source. The final of the Seven Wonders that correlates with the Crown Chakra is The Great Pharos Lighthouse. Both carry the energy of being the Entrance of Light. The Pharos was the Great Lighthouse of Alexandria, built in 290BC, and was a means to guide many trade ships into the busy harbours. So too, the Crown Chakra is the entrance, through which divine light can travel into our Being. This enables healing to take place wherever it is needed. To maintain balance in the Crown, bring down white light to clear, and violet light to replenish. Affirmations, which can enhance the healing are I am one with all and all is one with me I am divinely inspired to live as I am meant to live I see the truth in all and all is love. Colour visualization is a very effective way to heal the Chakras, along with the power of positive affirmations. All chakras are connected in some way, and an imbalance in one can affect another. Rebalancing one chakra, can bring about the healing in another. This brings me to a very important and final pointthat everything and everyone is connected. Our Chakras, all Human Beings, and yes, even The Seven Wonders of the World, are connected. It is only physical matter, that creates the illusion of separateness. In essence, there is only love, and this love is channeled down as a form of energy, into our Being. It can heal any imbalances and blockages that we carry. As we travel through life, there are always going to be shakeups and readjustments. With
Chakra Meditation Here is a Chakra Meditation for clearing and charging your Chakras
Chakra Meditation For Clearing and Charging Chakras I use this type of meditation whenever I need to "recharge" and when beginning astral projection practice and sometimes when beginning psychic readings. More commonly I used a grounding meditation when performing readings. Both are effective and powerful. Lie or sit in a relaxed and comfortable position, as you would for any meditation. Your spine should be straight and your head in alignment with your body. This meditation is in script mode, should one want to tape it and listen to it while performing the meditation. It is preferable to learn about energy and the methods of balancing, cleansing and charging the chakras and allow one's own inner voice to lead the meditation. The following is just one way of performing this balancing. Allow your meditations to evolve and to reflect your individual values and beliefs. If taped, a slow, deliberate pace should be used with a mild voice and the appropriate pauses. The body should already be relaxed and the mind tranquil when beginning this meditation. Eyes are closed. "Now that you are relaxed and feeling very much at peace, take a moment to ground yourself here in this moment, in this body, in this place, in this time......Take some deep breaths....In.... and out....In....and out....Follow the breath as it flows toward your nostrils, as it enters your nose, as it fills your lungs and then as it is expelled. That's it, just relax into this quiet moment. Breathe in...follow your breath... and out. In....and out. Feel where your body meets the (chair/bed/floor). Become aware of your body from head to toe, of your weight, of the heaviness of your limbs. Now focus on the area at the base of the spine, the area between your legs. This is the root chakra. It's energy is red, and it governs your physical body, your physical health and vitality. In your mind, study the appearance of this chakra...note it's color and vitality. Mentally envision the chakra and note any symbolic symptons of dis/ease. Have you been caring well for your body? If your chakra is dusty, dirty, torn, or otherwise less than a perfectly brilliant red whirling vortex, imagine your hands (or those of a guide) working on the chakra. If it is dirty, clean away the dirt and throw it into an imaginary pail with a lid. Allow those hands to repair any imperfections, and when the chakra is clean, mentally take the pail and hurl it into the sun. Watch it as it travels through space and then bursts into a zillion bits of energy upon solar contact. Allow the sun to recycle this energy back into the universe. Now turn your attention back to the root chakra. It is a clean and red. You are surrounded by infinite root energy. Imagine the room glowing red with this energy, feel it's strength and power. See red swirls of energy flowing to your root chakra. You can feel this as a tingling as the energy fills your
root chakra. As the energy swirls in your chakra grows large and deep red and strong. Allow the energy to fill your chakra until it is so vital that it extends several feet out from your body. In your mind you can see your root chakra, a brilliant red swirling vortex of physical energy. Now turn your focus up to your abdomen, to the area of the "womb." (Or where the womb would be if you're a man). This is the orange chakra, that which controls clear thinking and creativity. Take a moment to observe the chakra. Note it's color, it's vitality. Is it clean and strong? Or is there work to be done here? Allow those invisible hands to cleanse the chakra, to repair or heal it. Discard any imperfections in the pail, and send the pail to the sun to recycle the energy. Now focus on the orange chakra again. It is now clean and whole, and a bright orange. Call out to the universe for orange creative energy and feel the space around you begin to glow orange. With a tingle you feel the energy begin to swirl into your chakra, charging it with vitality, with creativity, with clearthought. Watch as your orange chakra grows and whirls, until it extends out from your body for several feet, just as the red root chakra is still whirling and strong. Now, turn from the red chakra, up through the orange chakra, to the solar plexus. This is the heart of the yellow chakra, that which governs will and ambition. Take a few moments to examine this chakra. Note it's color and appearance. Have you been lazy of late, or perhaps too driven? Examine your will through this chakra. Allow the invisible hands to cleanse the chakra and heal it, discarding any imperfections or impurities in the pail. Send the pail to the sun for recycling. Now return your attention to the yellow chakra, that of will. It is now clean and a bright yellow. 'Universe, send me yellow energy, will energy, energy to achieve my goals, to work for that which I value and desire.' Feel the yellow energy surrounding your body, and with a tingle feel the energy swirl into your solar plexus. In your mind you can see your red/root chakra glowing, whirling, your orange/womb chakra pulsing brilliantly, and your yellow/solar plexus chakra glowing strongly, extending several feet out from your body. Now turn your attention to the middle of your chest, to the heart chakra, the green chakra. You may feel an instant wave of emotion. This chakra governs your feelings, your emotional connections to others and to the universe, to life itself. Examine this chakra. Note it's color, vitality, any impurities. Gently allow those invisible hands to cleanse and purify the chakra. Reflect a moment on how you've been feeling emotionally lately. Are there bindings holding in pain? Or is the chakra tight and hard with anger? Release any tensions, imperfections or impurities to the pail. Send them to the sun for recyclying. They are still yours if you choose to hold them, but for now, release any pain or anger. Now focus back on the heart chakra. It is clean and a beautiful green color. It whirls strongly and evenly. 'Universe, send me green energy for my heart! Open my heart to the world, to all beings big and small, with compassion for our shared experiences and journey. Fill my heart with love energy, that I may in turn give love to others.' Feel the green energy whirling into your heart. Watch the chakra grow and glow and spin with this new energy. From the red chakra through the orange chakra through the yellow chakra through the green chakra, your chakras are cleansed and charged and huge with energy. Now focus on the throat, center of the blue chakra which governs communication and personal magnetism. Examine the chakra, noting the color and any imperfections... Perhaps you haven't been
honoring your own beliefs and speaking out when you should. Or perhaps you've been talking over others, or not listening well. Perhaps you've been feeling shy and afraid to extend your energy in communication. Allow the hands to heal and cleanse the chakra and when finished, send the impurities to the sun for recycling. Now the chakra is clean and strong and bright blue. Feel the air fill with blue universal energy. Feel the throat open as this energy swirls into the throat chakra. This energy charges your aura with magnetism, drawing others to you. Feel your throat open with this swirling, strong blue energy. Now focus on the middle of your forehead, the third eye. This chakra is indigo and governs psychic vision and intuition. Examine the chakra for imperfections. Perhaps it is locked up due to fear. Perhaps it no longer spins out of neglect/stagnation. Allow the hands to cleanse the chakra, to heal any imperfections and recycle them in the sun. Now look at the chakra. It is a beautiful deep indigo, clean and whirling. There is psychic energy available to you beyond measure. Feel it charge the air, swirl in and around and fill your third eye chakra with deep, vital indigo energy. Feel the third eye open, and note any mental visions as this occurs. Now is a good time to pray for increased psychic power. Note the red/root chakra, the orange/womb chakra, bright, strong, big! Move your attention up to the yellow/solar plexus chakra, to the green/heart chakra, open and brilliant, to the blue/throat chakra and the indigo/third eye chakra. Your chakras are huge, whirling, and fully charged. Now focus your attention at the crown of your head. This chakra is violet near the body, fading to white further away. This chakra governs your connection to the universe/God/Goddess/The Creator, etc... This chakra is like an umbilical cord to "home." Reflect on your spirituality of late, examine the chakra and allow any healing needed. In my experience this chakra generally needs much less work than the others. Allow the hands to heal, to cleanse, and recycle the discarded energy in the sun. Now examine the chakra. It is brilliantly violet, glowing white around the outside. Mentally reach out to that which you consider your "source..." to "God" or the Universe. Feel the response, the energy flowing back to you. Pray for the peace and joy of a strong crown chakra connection. Feel the violet energy flowing in, a loving embrace of your whole self, of your soul. See the crown chakra grow enormous, and the white energy surround your body. All your chakras are now clean, charged and in balance. From the red/root chakra, to the orange/womb chakra, to the yellow/solar plexus chakra, to the green/heart chakra, to the blue/throat chakra, to the deep purple/third eye to the violet/crown, your chakras are spinning and whirling, full of energy and vitality. See the white energy that extends up and out from the crown chakra enveloping your whole body in a egg of white energy. You are completely refreshed, calm, and peaceful. Your energy is balanced. You are full of vitality. Introduction to Chakras Chakras, Spinning wheels of consciousness that spin within the human body
Chakras are gateways to the physical body. There are many chakras throughout the whole body and auric field. These chakras influence us physically, emotionally and spiritually. Seven main chakras influence vital organs as well as emotional states. The Base Chakra governs the lower back, legs and lower spine. The colour most seen and vibrates with this chakra is RED. Emotionally, motivation, being active and energetic. When not functioning properly, depression and lack of motivation, tiredness, stiff and sore joints. Working with this chakra with healing can help a person gain energy to motivate change in their lives. The Sacral Chakra governs the sexual organs, bladder, bowel and lower intestine. The colour most seen to vibrate with this chakra is ORANGE. Emotionally, creativity, passion and artistic pursuits. Sexual and relationship issues arise when this chakra is not functioning properly. Problems with erections, sexual orgasms and many sexual illnesses. Working with this chakra with healing can help deal with sexual, issues, relationship problems as well as open their creative and artistic side. The Solar chakra governs our upper intestine, liver, gall bladder, pancreas and mid spinal cord. This is a very powerful centre that vibrates out powerful, positive energy. Emotionally it gives us courage self will, determination and aids us in succeeding. We store things in this centre. So when it is not functioning, we can store up pain, grief, envy, anger and stubbornness. The colour that vibrates with this chakra is YELLOW. Working with this chakra with healing can help raise their awareness, give them self control, will power and courage. The Heart Chakra governs our heart, lungs and surrounding organs, especially our circulation, our veins and the blood that flows life force through our bodies... Emotionally it influences our feelings of love, hate, anger, joy etc. Working with this chakra can help promote healing on all levels. Because most events that cause illness are emotional one's, working with healing, positive thought affirmation and Reiki, Seichim and Ki Manna can help to release blocks and promote faster healing and emotional stability. The colours that vibrates with this chakra are GREEN and PINK. The Throat Chakra governs the throat area, base of the neck, thyroid and lymph glands. Emotionally it governs communication, writing, singing and expression. When not functioning properly, there may be problems with the above mentioned organs as well as self lies and a lack of expression in verbalising their needs and ideas.. Working with this chakra in healing will open communication and self expression up. It will help people clear the air with unsaid words and bring the truth out. The colour that vibrates well with this chakra is BLUE The Third Eye Chakra governs the eyes, ears, nasal passage, teeth and facial muscles. Emotionally it tranfers the feelings we have inside us into thoughts. When not functioning properly all the above organs are affected. Working with this chakra can help with sleeplessness, stress caused through mental imbalances and many mental emotional issues. The colour that vibrates well with this chakra is PURPLE The Crown Chakra is our connection to the divine. It is also said to be the exit and entrance for the soul to exit and enter the body. Associated with this chakra is belief, hope and destiny. The stars, the universe and star seed connections. All our extra sensors beyond our psychic sense are activated with this chakra. Working with this chakra will open a person to their spiritual quest. It will clear
their head of chatter and they will hear their own divine inner self. The colours that vibrate are all colours, WHITE AND GOLD. There are many, many minor chakras that also govern muscles and main points of the body. I view all chakras as important to a person's health and growth. Working with chakras with healing and meditation can influence a person's well - being A healer recognises the importance of working with the chakras. The chakra allows us to go deep within the core of a person and bring out the issues and illness to heal them. Some of the minor chakras in the feet, knees, hands and shoulders, when worked on can help with pain relief, earth balancing and muscles and nerve calming. Inner Healing with Chakras Find out more about Inner Healing
When we work with the belief behind the power of the chakras and their meanings on a physical, mental and spiritual level, we cover just about every problem you can imagine. Our way of dealing with pain, fear and stressful issues that cause us not to function in a positive way, is the way to go when all the other conventional methods have not worked. We approach these issues in a way in which we teach people how to heal themselves. How? By taking back their own personal power. We do it in a way that is not stressful and does not cause a lot of pain. By using imaginative and creative meditation. It is almost subliminal in its effect. We teach that if your life is crappy, that you can learn to paint a different, more positive way of life and deal with the problems we all face in a more effective manner. If you cannot recognise the problem within the mind, inner healing will work with your subconscious and create a healing experience. Once trust has been established, then this healing can be spread over the whole body. This causes the mind to come to the party and healing takes place on all levels. I do not pretend to be trained by the normal standards on helping people. My experience comes by associating and working with people as a Reiki - Seichim and Ki Manna Master and Alternative Therapist. My experience comes from life itself. I have not got all the answers, but I do know what I know, and that knowledge is that we have been living in a life that has been covered and sheltered from the reality of our true self. The solution is to learn about awareness. Awareness is when we realise that something is wrong with ourselves and our lives, because we are not happy. We become aware. This is the first step to healing. The second step is to find out how to release ourselves from self imposed entrapment. The solution comes by learning how to unlock and release our pain, fear and worry. Through experience, I know that inner healing will help bring this about. With inner healing we learn how to slow our minds . We learn how to relax. We learn how to put ourselves in a state where we can work through all our problems in a gentle and loving way. We teach you an alternative method of healing using a different type of wisdom that can enhance your life. I use all sorts of unconventional methods to do this. The most important thing is that while you are trying to heal yourself, you will have fun doing it. In the past we have made it hard on ourselves I hope to bring back the joy of living and to make it less difficult. The third step is to learn to bring
back your personal power. When you have regained your power , you are able to heal your life. Nobody but you can fix your problems. People can teach you how to become aware, and they can show you ways to deal with your problems, but when it comes to the crunch, you are the only one who can right your life . You have to learn to take responsibility for your own life. The first method I use is a program that teaches you about the chakras and their meanings in our lives on the physical level. We then discuss the emotional effects the chakras create when unbalanced and we learn how to balance them. This brings about healing on the spiritual level. This level is the most powerful. Our spiritual level is where we, ourselves, make our own judgments and decisions upon which we reach a state of peace. This peace brings us an awareness of our problems. We then face these problems in a way that is fun, relaxing and healing. We are unable to heal if our mind is in a state of confusion, fear and worry. Firstly, we slow the mind . When that is done, we are able to look at things in a more balanced way. Our head is clear and we can recognise and face the truth behind our problems. The Base Chakra The base chakra is the energy centre which controls our energy levels, our connection to the earth and our ambitions. Also our legs, lower back and the base of our spine. There is an old saying that we use when we are in trouble. That saying is, that we must get to the root of the problem so that we can heal the situation. This is true in the physical, mental and spiritual. The base chakra is the root of our manifestation, our existence. When we learn about our base or root chakra we come to understand that this centre is the base to past - lives, and our present. It is our connection to the earth and to the physical. How we function on this level depends on how this centre is working. If we are tired, run down and lack ambition and drive, it is because this centre is not working or absorbing enough positive energy to help us sustain the high levels needed to work, play, think and feel. We need to reconnect to this centre and work with it on a daily basis. To do this, we have to invoke inner healing that comes from ourselves. This chakra needs to be flooded with positive energy and positive love. Love comes from the heart centre and flows through the body and out through the aura. How others perceive us or react to us is because of the energy that we emanate from our auras. Love is an energy that is able to heal any sickness, emotional stress and fear that we have locked inside. Love is an energy that is pure, cleansing and can be quite exhilarating. We all know about emotional love, especially when we first fall in love. However, there is more to this emotion. This energy when properly functioning becomes unconditional. When this happens it becomes a healing energy that can create miracles and change your life around for the better. We all have this energy inside of us. We have to learn how to open it up inside and send it out. But first we must learn how to use it on ourselves. I know that we would all like to fly in the heavens, free from all worries, sickness and stress, but I believe that we can do this on our earthly existence. Our base chakra is the centre that can help us achieve health, groundedness and vitality. This chakra can also unlock our past - lives to help bring old talents and wisdom into this lifetime. This chakra can also remove any past- life negative patterns and pain that might be hindering our
present life. In many old cultures they believe in the wheel of life. We believe that we go through cycles of birth, death and re-birth. Throughout one lifetime we experience these cycles many times. Each time we go through a death there is a chance to re-create our birth in a more healing and positive way. The base is our root. our connection to the earth, who we are as humans and how we live our life in each birth and death cycle. When we heal this chakra and have it pulsating with positive healing energy we are able to heal our past, and we learn to function in a vibrant and alive way for the present and the future. On a physical level, this chakra can be the cause of back ache, leg aches, overweight, underweight, anemia and so on. These problems arise as emotional baggage that we store in our back, spine and legs. When we have no energy and lack ambition and drive, it is because we have no connectivness to ourselves and our Mother earth. By learning to become connected to the physical we can eliminate many back, leg and circulation problems. These areas become affected because we store in and hold onto our emotional baggage. With inner healing we can open ourselves up to any problems we have in this area. With creative visualisation we become open and exposed to the higher levels of consciousness that these chakras respond to positively. With the use of colours, we can expose ourselves to vitality, energy and healing that is activated when we wear certain colours and use them in our lives. Red represents life, fire, growth and the burning away of negativity and weakness. Red is the earth, the soil, the stones and trees. Red makes you wake up and feel alive. The colour red heals, regenerates and inspires enthusiasm and a will to live. Dancing, music, and drumming also opens up and brings in positive healing energy into our base chakra. We all have an eternal beat, that when we tap into, helps us to become open and alive once more. We sometimes become unbalanced due to the fact that we have lost our personal beat. Through song, dance and physical movement we can become aligned once more. The stone people are the oldest spirit clans alive on earth. These people are the earth and as such, hold the key to our evolution. They hold our secrets and our past - lives. Through the use of the stone people we are able to work with each chakra to unlock and heal any blockages that we are holding within our being. When we place them on our energy centres they activate and connect you back to the earth. Clear quartz is a good crystal that is good for healing with the base chakra. Clear quartz brings clarity and understanding. It will help you to unlock any past burdens, fears and baggage that you are holding onto. This crystal will also unlock wisdom and knowledge that you have also stored away. Through the use of animal awareness and their spiritual wisdom we can also heal our energy centres through spiritual contact with these animals. If you need to learn about groundedness and stability, you would call on the turtle and her ways. Any four legged animal would help you to reconnect in some special way. The Sacral Chakra The sacral chakra is the energy centre that controls your passions. It also controls your sexual needs. It also activates the abundance that you allow into your life for fulfillment of your desires. It governs your lower sexual organs, your bladder, bowel and lower intestine. This centre is where you fund your creativity on the physical level. When functioning positively, it creates a sense of well-being which is your ability to feel good about yourself. When this chakra is aligned and balanced, your emotions are stable and you are able to express your true feelings to others without fear or exaggeration.
When you learn about your personal expression you become more self confident, in yourself and your dealings with others. When functioning properly - you become open, expressive, creative and spontaneous. When negative and not functioning positively, you may have a low self esteem and may think that you are ugly and that you have nothing worth giving to others. You could have a low sex drive and find it hard to communicate and respond to your own, and the opposite sex. These kind of people deny themselves pleasure and can become martyrs. They may also give of themselves and their bodies without any real emotion. This sets up patterns of self sacrifice. The Sacral is also about ourselves as men and woman. For a woman it is all about our femininity. For men their masculinity. This energy centre has caused a lot of conflict and emotional pain for many people within this age of awareness. This is because it has been flooded with too much sexual responsibility. This centre is all about passion, freedom and personal expression which can sometimes be mistaken purely for sexuality. We have a right to express ourselves and our feelings, but we have to learn that sometimes passion is related to artistic and creative pursuits rather than sex, and relationships with others. We have focused all of our desires and passions onto others, and we have neglected to allow the energy to flow within ourselves. Even though this chakra is all about the physical love that we experience with others, it is much more. We have over focused on this area and shut down the other attributes that this energy centre has to offer. A lot of stomach dis-orders happen because this chakra is dysfunctional. This is because there are issues with others and how we relate and express emotions outside of ourselves. Sexual abuse also causes this chakra to become unbalanced. People who suffer sexual related diseases are caused through the chakra becoming exposed and vulnerable to negativity. When we flood this chakra with healing energy, we experience well - being, which is when we love and appreciate ourselves and our body. When we focus on this chakra and heal ourselves, we may find ourselves questioning our feelings towards our friends and lovers. The veil has lifted and we may find that once we have become healed, that these people in our lives are not giving to us enough. By recognising and working with unconditional love and healing we can recreate our friendships and relationships to way that our emotions and needs are met. We can heal our past and make way for our future. When working positively, we are able to experience more happy and fulfilling friendships and relationships. We are more open, understanding and compassionate. We learn to open our creative side and we become filled with a desire to learn about art, music, dance and spirituality. We are more open to nature and all her wisdom and beauty. Our creative talents open, and we begin to explore new horizons. The colour orange is a powerful colour that invokes passion, creativity and vibrancy. The more colourful and bright the orange the more avant-gare you feel. The more earthly and brown looking the orange the more connected to the earth and mother nature. Orange is a mixture of powerful red and willful yellow. Power and will ignite together to create an explosion of strength self esteem and vitality. When you use this colour with your sacral chakra, you are able to invoke this energy into your body. This will create an effect of joy, self expression, freedom and fun. Music, song and dance that has a stimulating and passionate rhythm will also help to unlock your inner passions and your true personality. Painting, writing and drawing will also help you to learn how to express your inner feelings by allowing you to release any inhibitions that you may have hidden inside of you. By expressing this way, you are able to view your true feelings without any interference or conditioning
from others. This chakra is also an earth connecting chakra like the base. Working on this chakra will also help you to remain focused and grounded. However, it will also help you with your ability to interact with all beings that reside upon the earth. This chakra is good for healing relationship issues, healing minor stomach and digestive orders and help your reproductive organs to function properly. The Solar Chakra The solar chakra controls our will, our personal power. It also controls our upper intestines and upper back and spine. The say our true wisdom comes from the healthy workings of this chakra. It brings us our strength, our courage and our will to succeed, achieve and survive. The Solar chakra, when functioning negatively can cause a person to be very fearful. They suffer from a low self esteem. They have very little self worth. They may allow others to push them around and control them. They can become very indecisive, fearing to make any decisions or commitments to anyone or anything. Because the Solar governs the stomach, many ulcers and stomach di-orders are caused by stress that is caused by excessive worry over the future. When this chakra is not functioning properly, we become very fearful. We carry many burdens and worries for the future and this can cause back problems as well. The old saying "whose burdens are you carrying on your back" have a very symbolic meaning to this centre. You can become a slave to others needs and wants, which is common when you are within a relationship and have children. They may not do it deliberately, but others can take away your own power because theirs needs seem more important than yours at the time. This sets the pattern up for a person. They allow their energy to flow towards others instead of empowering themselves. We can give out a little of our power, but we get into to a routine where we become relied upon. We all like to be needed by others. It makes us feel good to have others that rely upon us, but we can get into the habit of giving all our power away and this is what causes us to become weakened. Some people go the opposite way with the power that comes from this centre. They like to control others to an extent that they become overbearing, controlling and manipulative. This is when they have recognised that their power may be stronger than others. They pray on people whose centres are not functioning positively and these people have become Codependent. This makes the person with too much power enjoy a sense of power and control over these types of people. Many people who are overbearing choose people in their lives that they can control because it hides their own lack of self worth. Many drug problems come from this centre, when not functioning positively. Also some overweight and underweight problems manifest because people cover themselves in protection to hide away their low self esteem. We are a race of people of different shapes and sizes, not all of us are built to be tall, slim and beautiful, but some people become so obsessed with their looks and their bodies because of their own lack of self worth. It is good to have pride in yourself and wear things and do things positively to your body, however we must do it for ourselves and not because of what others think of us. We have to learn to recognise what are our needs and wants, and not what others expect out of us.When functioning positively, we have a sense of our own self worth. We meet our own needs and then we give to others without giving our own personal power away. We do not compromise on our own values because others do not believe in our ways. We are neither controlling, manipulative, hard or weak. We find an equal balance in ourselves that makes us feel secure. We make the right choices and decisions in a balanced and fair fashion. We associate with people who accept us for who we are. We are confident and are able to express ourselves with
honesty and integrity. We fight for our rights and we also have a sense of what is wrong and what is right in life. We speak the truth and we share our wisdom with others without over shadowing another's view or life style. We are neither racial or judgmental. Many famous people who fight for the rights of others and try to make positive changes in our world use their Solar chakra in a positive and empowering way. We have all met people who, have in them, strength and a strong vibrant personality that makes us want to make changes in ourselves and our world. We are all capable of being like this too. Through inner healing, we are able to open up the repressed emotions and feelings that we have buried inside. We are all spiritual warriors. Inside us all is a strong, wise and loving individual that is capable of dealing with and healing any negative situation we are facing. If we need strength and courage to face the day, we do not look at others, instead we look into ourselves for this courage and wisdom. We must learn to accept responsibility for our own actions and in the way we deal with our lives. We have to face up to the weaknesses that we have allowed into our lives. If someone has done wrong to us or hurts us emotionally then it was because we gave out an energy that said "hear I am hurt me" I know this sounds harsh but if you look deep into this you will see the truth behind it. We create our own actions and then others react to our actions Everybody in the world today has given away their personal power. This is why the world is in such a mess. It is time to take back our personal power and our own inner wisdom. This chakra is also an earth base chakra. Working on this chakra will help us to stay focused, strong and grounded to our beliefs, goals and dreams. This chakra gives us the courage and will to face each day. We must open this chakra to meditation. With the Solar, we must learn to go within and focus on our own needs and wants. Meditation slows the mind down and helps us to gain focus and clarity on our inner workings. This chakra responds to soft gentle music, sounds and movement, like walking and swimming. The solar responds to water because water has a cleansing and clearing effect. Also a healthy diet, with only little amounts of meat, but a lot of fruits, vegetables and pasta help keep this area cleansed. A good crystal to work with is the clear quartz crystal, fluorite, agate and chysophase. These crystals help to bring clarity, and purification, order and balancing to this chakra. They help to release any blockages and give you the wisdom behind why they had occurred. By wearing yellow or having this colour in our environment, helps you to show the world that you are at peace with yourself. This colour shows others that you are an individual who is strong in character, but gentle in spirit. The Lion represents leadership, control and self esteem. By focusing on this animal as your guide and protector you can invoke his spirit into your own. The Heart Chakra The heart chakra is situated in and around the heart area of our physical body. The heart pumps the flow of blood that is needed to keep us alive. Without the heart we can not function on the physical plain. This one organ controls many other parts on the body. The blood rushes through our veins and feeds our body with nutrients to sustain our well-being. This area is what we call the main centre or control panel for our body. This area also governs the lungs. We need our lungs to breathe in the life force energy of oxygen. Without air our physical bodies would die. On a physical level we have problems with our heart, blood, circulation and the vessels that carry the blood, also our lungs and how we breathe. We have ribs that protect these areas, these also become weakened when this
centre is not functioning properly. On a mental level, the heart chakra functions on an emotional basis, our feelings and how we express them towards ourselves and to others. How we think gets turned into how we behave with our feelings on this level. When someone has acted badly towards us, the mind processes these actions and then sends these waves of information to our heart centre, who then in turns, sends them out as feelings of anger, fear or betrayal. When someone tells us that we are beautiful, our mind does the same. It sends these messages to the mind and the brain sends them to our heart centre and we experience feelings of love, joy and happiness, in return we emanate this energy out into our aura toward others. When we smile and radiate love outwards the whole world smiles back at us. It is the same when we are in a negative mood. The same energy comes outwards and lashes onto those around us. We have to learn just how powerful our feelings are, not only to ourselves, but to everyone we encounter. On a spiritual level this also causes an effect. When one person is negative and sends that negativity out, others who have vulnerable heart centres, and lets be honest I think we all suffer from a vulnerable heart centre, connects to this energy, and it feeds their soul and creates a global network of negativity. That is why the world is filled up with so much negativity, so much hatred and racism and also a lack of love and respect for our Mother Earth. How we think is how we become. It is our manifestation, our existence. How we feel is also apart of this story, for how we feel is how we react. Reactions are what caused good and bad changes in our lives today. There are two types of love that are created from this centre. The first is the love that we have for our children, our friends, outside family and our lovers. This love comes from a sense on wanting and needing these people in our lives. We love and cherish our children because they are apart of us, we created them and we want what is best for them. We want to cherish them and protect them from all evil. This is natural. However sometimes this energy becomes so conditional that we put too many expectations onto them. We smother them and over protect them. The love we feel for our children should have some conditions, but it should also be unconditional as well. The love we feel for our partners is a love as they say has captured our hearts. Each of us are separate planets. separate universes, when we meet another, these planets collide and one becomes two. Our ways and their ways are different and this causes dramas and pain. We expect too much from the other and they do the same to us as well We have to learn to love and accept each other in our own separate ways We have to learn how to find a middle road when we are involved with another person emotionally. You cannot make this type of love unconditional, but through compassion, understanding and acceptance you can make it more fulfilling and whole. This centre governs and supports our feelings both negative and positive on the conditional love area. A lot of spiritual people have a hard time when they decide to become healers and spiritualist on the unconditional level. You can not mix unconditional love with conditional love. It is like mixing oil and water. We live in a society that has rules and regulations, as well as moral obligations. Conditional love was created from this society. We have based these ideals on the ways we were taught. It is very hard to make sudden changes from conditional too unconditional. Because we are evolving rather quickly spiritually, we think that this area will move into the spirit at the same pace. This is wrong. We have to slowly and gently move. Our feelings are so sensitive that kid gloves are needed and when we try and push too hard, we fail and that failure leads us to walk away from the spirit. There is nothing that you can do, or any pills or healing that will help rush you. You have to
find a middle road with these two loves. Allow them to take you to your own personal level of awareness. Give it time and they will emerge together to create a very powerful and uplifting experience, that will carry you on the wings of healing. Unconditional love is all about acceptance, joy, happiness, spiritual fulfillment, healing and wisdom. With unconditional love you do not control or take away from others, instead you give out positive, uplifting and healing love, to yourselves and to others. This love, when functioning properly will heal yourself, your family, friends and even the world. It will take away any pain, sickness or emotional trauma that you have had in your past and in your present You future will come alive. When functioning on the negative this chakra makes it hard for us to feel any real emotions. You feel your lovers, children, family and friends will not offer any richness or reward in your life. When this centre is fragile it becomes vulnerable to pain, fear, sickness and a lack of life. We suffer from envy, jealousy, hatred and closed heartedness. We become dramatic and all turn into drama queens demanding attention but refusing to give out in return. The world owes me, but I owe the world nothing in return. When functioning in the positive, this centre offers us real love, real friendships and true joy for those that are apart of us. We become spontaneous with our emotions. Our hearts are full and we want to share that love with anyone who wishes to feel it's presence. We are kind, supportive, caring and understanding of others and their ways. We accept others and love them for who they really are. We lean to love and appreciate our Mother Earth and all of her creatures. Just as the ribs protect our hearts, on a spiritual level we want to place a protection around our world. Just as the lungs give us air to live we also long to provide a service that will allow others to breathe in the beauty and wonders of true love. We embrace the brotherhood and sisterhood of mankind, by accepting all beings and loving them the way they deserve to be loved and honoured. Love brings peace to the world and all the conflict that is going on in this time of awareness. Love brings harmony that stops all the conflicts that are raging at this time. Love brings about healing on all levels and in all areas of our life. The heart centre functions both in the physical and the spiritual levels. It belongs both on Mother Earth and in the havens. This centre loves and appreciates music, dance yoga, self expression and drumming. The drum is like a heart beat and this centre responds to the vibrations that come from the drum. It helps to realign your internal rhythm, making you strong and connected to your own self and to the earth we live upon. This centre also loves trees and anything that gives off a green energy. Trees hold the wisdom and healing knowledge of our wonderful earth. Our roots and our connections all come from the knowledge and healing that these beings have to offer. The colour green also allows you to have an earthly existence. This colour creates your identify and also heals you with its connections to the earth. Green is a powerful healing energy that helps you to release and heal in a way that you gain spiritual understanding. The colour Pink is also used to help you heal this centre when you need a gentle caring and nurturing energy. The stone people have also provided a very loving and powerful crystal called Rose Quartz. The rose quartz promotes a gentle healing energy for those who have a lot of emotional trauma and need a more softer and gentler approach to their pain. All these tools are provided from the earth and from our creator. When we use them all combined together we create total healing, for ourselves and for the world. The Throat Chakra
The throat chakra is situated in the neck area of the body. On a physical level this chakra governs the throat, thyroid, mouth, teeth, tongue, and jaw. The problems that we have on this level are, sore throats, over and under active thyroids that can lead to a lack of energy, vitality, overweight and underweight problems. This chakra governs what we place into our body with food and other substances. We use the throat to eat and drink. If we place unhealthy things into this centre, it can cause the rest of our body to become out of balance. On other levels like the emotional and spiritual this can cause confusement and blockages to our creativity and our emotions. Because this centre also governs our creativity, sometimes having a bad diet and abusing it with drugs and alcohol can cause problems in this area. However, when we place healthy substances into this area, we can create healing, which can enhance our verbal creativity. We come alive and vibrant in what we say and how we act. On an emotional level this chakra governs the aspects of communication, willpower, truthfulness and creativity. If we cannot express ourselves through our voice to others, we can become reclusive, shy and retreating in nature. On the other side we can become loud and overly verbal that can cause us to become aggressive, overbearing and deceitful. All these problems can cloud our self expression. This can make us hide our true selves away from others. This energy centre is very sensitive and can become unbalanced at an early age. As babies, the only way we could communicate our needs to our parents was through crying and screaming. We did not know how to communicate in any other way. If we were chastised and ignored, our needs were not met and this caused our throat chakra to start closing down. The cycle of conditioning had begun. Our true self expression was starting to become denied. As young children, we were loud and vocal, running around screaming and yelling and enjoying life without the restrictions that adults have. However, our parents and elders found us too loud and made us become quiet and this too caused our self expression to close down even more. Throughout our childhood we have had to suppress our true expression. Which shut down sections of our true creativity. As adults, we have been suppressed by all the conditions that were placed on us while we were growing up. We have become so conditioned not to express our true selves, that we no longer know who is the real person we truly are. The positive attributes of this chakra on the emotional level are when we speak the truth, know the truth and act upon that truth. In a way, what we say can sometimes determine to the outside world what they think of us. Through our verbal actions we express our true being. Our personality shines outwards for the world to see through spoken communication. The throat chakra also governs our voice. Through our voice we can speak either truth or lies. When we speak in truth, we live in truth. When we speak in lies, we live in lies. When we act and communicate in a suppressed and negative state, our living environment lacks lustre and creativity. When we are open and creative, our living environment becomes open and creative as well. On a spiritual level this chakra governs freedom and expression. This is a type of freedom where we are fully opened and can communicate with all beings and spirits. On a spiritual level the throat chakra governs the doorway to peace on earth. How? By communicating with all beings we learn the truth, and when we learn the truth, we live the truth. The colour that responds to this chakra is turquoise or pale blue. When we look up at the sky, we see a beautiful blue colour. The colour blue vibrates an energy through the body that embraces the ideals of openness and the unlimited freedom that is available to all us. Blue embodies a sense of
self expression. Blue is the colour of wisdom, healing and freedom. We have been granted the gift of sound that comes from our vocal cords and up through the throat. This sound turns into words and singing. Through using the voice in song, we can create a vibration that travels through our whole body. This sound and rhythm enters into our soul and clears away negative energy blockages that accumulate when we are sick or under emotional stress. Through song, we are able to heal the body in a creative and inspiring way. Through the use of words that are creative and uplifting like poetry and story telling we are able to inspire ourselves and others. When the throat chakra is functioning in a positive manner, we are able to communicate words and verbal rhythms that send out loving and positive vibrations to the world. These vibrations and energies enter other beings and inspires them to feel positive and uplifted. Not only does song and poetry heal us, it can also heal the whole planet. It is important to recognise this energy centre as a major emotional and spiritual healing tool. We open our mouths to breathe in life giving air, we open our mouths to release out stale negative air. On a spiritual level we use a method of breathing for releasing any negative or emotional trauma, Breathe in life, breathe out death, breathe in love, breathe out hate. This chakra is vital for healing work that uses the release method. When we express ourselves in an honest, loving and creative way, we create a positive and uplifting enjoyment of our lives that enrich our whole being. We have a reason for living. That reason is to gain the most out of our lives. Through inner healing with creative visualisation we can learn to open this centre up to our true potential. With singing, and storytelling and poetry we can learn about our creativity. A good stone being that we can use on this chakra is agate, especially blue lace agate. You can also use the amethyst quartz to provide you with inspiration. Any crystal that has a blue in its body will enhance your self expression. The agate family provide you with the power to cleanse and clear out any blockages. The quartz provides clarity and understanding.We have to learn how to re-open our spontaneous reactions, and verbal expressions to find our true creativity. To find the true you. The Third Eye Chakra The Brow or third eye chakra is situated in the middle of the forehead. On a physical level this chakra governs the pituitary glands, the skull, eyes, the brain and the nervous system. It also governs our senses, like sight, smell, taste and touch. The pituitary glands, nervous system and the brain govern the energy waves, that send messages to the rest of the body. The skull protects the brain from outside interference and the eyes give us the ability to see on the physical. - If this chakra is unbalanced, our physical state of existence can become confused. This can send our body into a state of disarray. Sickness is sometimes caused by the way we think. If the energy waves from our brain and pituitary does not flow in a positive and balanced direction we can suffer all sorts of mysterious aliments. We can also suffer a lot of headaches, sinus and nasal problems and dis-ease within the brain and the skull because we are not living in the physical sense, instead we are in the head always thinking and worrying about the future instead of living in the now. We can also suffer from different types of mental dis-orders that are caused through our nervous system. This is because the cord and energy that runs inside within the nervous system are blocked. This causes a build up of energy in certain areas. We become weak and lose co-ordination in our body because the body is not receiving the right messages. Our senses of smell and taste can also become unbalanced. Also our emotions can cause our sense of touching and communication through affection with others to become off as well. We can also suffer eye problems because we are refusing to see
the truth to some situation, or we fear seeing something in case it causes changes in our lives. When functioning positively, we have good co-ordination and reflexes. We feel at peace within ourselves and we function positively on the emotional and physical level. We suffer very little from sickness and stress because our organs that this chakra governs are healthy and flowing with a balanced amount of energy. They call this chakra the control panel for the entire mind, body and spirit. Here everything is processed before any actions or reactions take place. On an emotional level, this chakra governs discernment, knowledge, intuition and wisdom. When functioning positively, we are able to look at life from a balanced point of view. We are open to learning, which provides stimulus that makes our life more fulfilling. They say the brain governs our emotions. I do not entirely believe this scientific point of view, however, when the brain waves are dis- orientated it can cause us to suffer mental illnesses like depression, stress and worry. When functioning positively, we are clear in our thoughts and focused within or actions and we are able to be educated. We enjoy learning, and we take that knowledge and apply it to our everyday lives through action, ambition and energy. We are also able to deal with any emotional issues or dramas that may arise within our lives. Because our senses are functioning positively, we are able to use our senses to foretell any possible dramas and problems that we may face in the future. Our intuition is high and balanced and we are able to tell fact from fiction. This area also governs our dream state, our subconscious and our imagination. When these areas are functioning positively we sleep deeply and peacefully and we are open to dreams that educate us and send messages that foretell of future events. With our imagination we are able to focus on positive awake dreams that set up our future in the way that brings us happiness, healing and rewards. With our subconscious, we are able to program our minds o function in the way we want it too. We have full control of our bodies and our emotions. When functioning negatively, We are always in our heads. We constantly worry and suffer fears and phobias for the future. We can become critical and analytical always judging others. We suffer a lack of control over our lives and we can become stupid, refusing to listen and learn. We only focus on negative situations and in our imagination we create dramas. Our dream state can become filled with night mares. We can become too intellectual insisting on learning through books instead of experiencing the wisdom gained from life itself. We live only for the future instead of living life from the present. We allow ourselves to suffer from events in our past that hinders our growth for the present. - On the spiritual level this chakra governs our sixth sense of awareness. The third eye opens you up to other worlds, other beings and other senses like clairvoyance, which is the ability to see into the future. Clairaudience that is the ability to be able to hear spirit voices and other vibrational frequencies that cannot be heard by the normal ear. When functioning negatively, we tend to criticize any spiritual beliefs. We do not believe in the magic of life that is present in our universe. We can become critical, skeptical and harsh in the way we look at the world. When functioning positively, we trust in life and the universal process that governs our existence here on this plane. We are open to the realms and planes of consciousness that reside along side our world. We communicate to beings, we have an understanding of the soul. We are able to leave our bodies and venture into the past and the future to set up positive events and healing. We sense people and their thoughts and feelings through psychic waves of energies that flow through all living beings. We are open, spontaneous and alive with life force energy. We think thoughts, we dream dreams and
we set up programs that we know can create healing and well-being within our lives. We see beyond illusion. The colour that is associated with this energy centre is violet to purple. These colours vibrate an energy that opens up our intuition and imagination. These colours stimulate the brain to function in a balanced way that helps with education and learning. - There are many crystals that enhance this chakras energy. Lapis opens you up to the stars and beyond. Azurite and malachite enhance your psychic abilities. Amethyst quartz brings clarity, wisdom and enhances all your skills that are needed on all levels. - Meditation and gentle subliminal music help to keep this centre focused and balanced in times of stress and worry. Exercise like walking and swimming can also help a person to get out of their head and into their body. The saying "stop thinking and start feeling "is a good affirmation to do each day to help solve problems, fears and doubts. All is well with this chakra when you sleep well, think positively and have good dreams and goals for the future. You love to learn and you are open to different ideals about metaphysics. You can sense danger and have gut feelings and thoughts on future events. - The Third eye embraces wisdom that goes beyond illusion to awaken clarity that brings enlightenment. The Crown Chakra The Crown chakra is situated at the top of the head. This chakra governs part of the spinal cord, the stem of the brain, pain centre of the brain and part of the nerves. When people become sick and suffer a lot of pain that they cannot handle, it is because the energy flow is blocked to this chakra. A lot of people are able to control their pain fresh hold levels through focusing on this chakra and flowing energy through, to stop any pain that is inflicting them. A lot of ancient warriors in Japan were able to be beaten and not feel the pain. Different cultural people who use to walk on hot coals, beat themselves and stitch sharp objects into their bodies, could come away from these ceremonies without any physical burns, wounds and pain, through the focusing and belief in this centre, and it's role in understanding divine belief. This centre through special focusing and breathing can control all pain. This is because it governs the organs and nerve centres that control our pain. When not functioning properly on a physical level this chakra causes a loss of control over a person's ability to live and interact with the world. Some people suffer from dis-eases that cause them to lose movement. Some of the problems that come from this chakra are blindness, deafness, paraplegics. Loss of limbs and any disease that attacks the nervous system, brain stem and spinal cord. There is a loss of energy flow and more so belief, which causes this chakra to become unbalanced. This chakra is the chakra that can create miracles. If you believe and have hope, working with this chakra can bring about true healing on any level. When functioning positively on the physical level. You will feel alive and filled with spiritual energy. Your health is radiant and your are strong in mind, body and spirit. The Crown is at the very top of the body. As the base chakra connects us to Mother Earth, the crown chakra connects us to the heavens, to the stars and beyond. The sky and all the power and wisdom that belongs to our higher mind. This chakra is truly an amazing and life force energy channel for healing and spiritual awakening. This chakra governs the connection that we have to the Divine. This chakra embodies belief, unconditional love and beauty. When we believe, we are open to learning. When we learn we open ourselves to life's experiences that challenge us to grow and evolve into
better people. When we open ourselves to unconditional love, we allow ourselves to love and accept all beings. We are free from judgement and we are non racial to others and their beliefs. We embrace the concept that we are apart of every living thing that exists. If you believe in God, the Creator or Great spirit, you believe that these beings are apart of you. With unconditional love you are ready to accept other cultures and their beliefs. You embrace the concept of brother hood and sisterhood. Beauty is within. We are all beautiful. When we truly open our hearts and our eyes we see the beauty in all life. We are able to look at others who suffer from defects and scars with love and compassion instead of embarrassment and pity. We are able to focus on the beauty rather then the scaring. In fact a lot of us do not recognise afflictions on people unless pointed out to us. On a spiritual level, the Crown chakra is our connection to healing and life force energy. This centre is connected to your higher mind. Your higher mind is the part of you that knows all the answers. You are able to communicate to the trees, the animals and to mother earth herself. When you open this chakra up, you can channel through spirits from different planes, aliens and many more beings that communicate on this level. This chakra can also send healing energy down through to the others' chakras. Telepathy is a form of communicating messages to other people. If you find that you can sense a friend or family member trying to make contact with you, it is because your crown chakra is opened and you are using this centre to send out and receive messages. The Crown chakra is like a transmitter to the whole universe. If you send out thoughts and ideals, dreams and goals through this chakra you will be heard and a lot of the times your prayers are answered. However you must learn to use this chakra to do this. I found through doing Reiki I was able to send out healing and also set up positive outcomes to events in my life through using this chakra as a transmitter. It worked. Now I use it all the time to help myself, my friends and my family and most importantly Mother earth. There are two major colours that you can use with this chakra. One is purple and the other is white. White represents all the colours combined together. So all the energies that exist with all the colours flow and vibrate a powerful healing frequency through this chakra. White is divine, pure, honest and new. Through inner healing and deep meditation we are able to unlock our true potential. The clear quartz crystal is one of the most powerful crystals on earth. It promotes clarity and transmits energy that opens us up to all the wisdom of the universe. This crystal is very powerful when you focused it on the crown chakra. The Thymus Chakra We believe that there is a chakra that exists in between the heart chakra and the throat chakra. This chakra is a very powerful energy channel that links you to the earth and to the heavens. Uniting with this chakra brings about great awareness to your emotional and spiritual planes. We believe that when this chakra is recognised within the person and is functioning properly, you will become open to the truth of your existence. It is like accessing the sacred records. This chakra seems to bring belief and spiritual wisdom down from the heavens and connects us to the earthly plane. The higher mind meets the inner child. Learning to feel this chakra and bringing it back to awareness is said to bring about healing and wisdom on all levels. We believe that our bodies have been spiritually tampered with to stop us from properly evolving. That is why until know we have forgotten this chakra. By bringing this chakra back
into awareness we may actually be able to bring back total healing. This chakra governs the thymus itself. This takes the pressure off the heart chakra and evens out the energy. This creates an even balance for each of the chakras. By knocking gently on this centre each day we are able to access energy that will make us fell well and energised. When we meditate and bring our awareness to this centre we are able to activate our three bodies. The mind, the body and the soul. This unites us into one perfect being able to understand and function fully. We use the colours blue and green to encourage healing and growth with this chakra. Working with mediation and inner healing we are able to open this centre and learn more. Using Golden Calcite, Azurite, Lapis and Malachite will help bring the star beings down to help us explore this chakra more fully. Inner Healing Meditation and Chakras
What is Meditation? How do I meditate? The Base Chakra The Sacral Chakra The Solar (Plexus) Chakra The Heart Chakra The Throat Chakra The Third Eye Chakra The Crown Chakra The Thymus Chakra
What is Meditation? Meditation is when you allow the mind to rest and go quiet. When our bodies are worked really hard, we get aches and pains. We need to rest the body so it can recuperate from the stress and physical strain we have put onto it. If we don't our bodies can become ill which can lead to neck and back strain. When this happens we are forced to take it easy. We have a good night's sleep and in the morning we feel rested and relaxed. With our minds we are always thinking, even in sleep the mind is working because most of us dream while we are asleep. As you can see the mind never rests. However, with meditation we can slow the mind down and relax it to such a level that it gets the chance to have a good rest. After practice you will be able to stop the thoughts altogether for a short time. In times of stress and serious illness we are constantly worried, and that puts pressure on our mind and our bodies that is no good. These two factors can lead to even more illness and more stress. Just imagine if we rest our mind through meditation we are allowing whatever problem's that are present in our body to heal themselves without the added stress of constantly worrying about them. If you really think about it, it does make a lot of sense. Meditation is so easy that even young children can practise meditation. This would be beneficial to children who are going through problems at school. We are going to explore the power behind inner healing through meditation. For a few minutes I want you to sit quietly and try and shut down all your
thoughts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . How did you go? Where you able to silence your thoughts. Did any of you feel uncomfortable? Did you stop the thoughts from coming into your mind? . . No? Never mind. Was it a battle to try and concentrate on thinking of nothing? We have to learn how to slow the mind and her thinking down. When we can do this, we are able to instil within ourselves a sense of peace and harmony. We are also able to open our chakras and energy centres up properly, so that they function appropriately. When we learn to gain control of our mind, and her negative thoughts we are able to access our inner child and our higher mind completely. When we learn to do this, we can bring about total awareness and inner healing. For a minute I want you to sit still and try and stop yourself from thinking, but this time I want you to listen to the music. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . How did you go this time? Was it easy to stop the flow of your mind's thoughts? You would have noticed that this time you may have been more calmer and relaxed because you where given something that was on a frequency level that helped you to slow the mind down. You will also notice that with gentle soothing music you were able to totally relax. The mind is able to be slowed when we have something to focus on that helps us to distract itself. . . When we learn to slow our minds down and think of nothing without any help, we are able to bring ourselves into a state of total awareness. In this state 100% healing can take place. We are able to totally bring into us, our inner child and higher mind. With the use of soft or rhythmic music we are able to place our focus on something that does not need our intense concentration. Music has this ability to slow our thought process down. When we stop thinking, we start to truly listen to what is going on within ourselves. We are able to hear our higher mind and our inner child. We learn how to listen to our body and what she has to say. If something is off balance or not right, we are able to talk to our bodies and find out exactly what is the problem. Through meditation, we learn how to make true contact with ourselves. We learn to train our mind to function the way she was meant to. Instead of the mind controlling us, we control our mind. The soul becomes in charge once more. All our extra sensors become open and we are able to access all our hidden knowledge and gifts that are blocked from us because the mind is stopping them coming through. Meditation provides all of these powerful healing tools. . . Let us try again. . . Sit quietly and try and shut down your . . . . thoughts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Did you find that this time it was easier or harder? Did some of you feel uncomfortable as if you were fighting with someone or something? You probably were. There are many people around today that believe that our frequencies and channels have been shut down by beings who do not want us to evolve the way we should be. This may or may not be true. However, it is worth us thinking about since it does make some sense of all the crazy and horribly things that go on in this world today. Some believe that these beings feed off us. They use our fear, worry, pain and sorrow as food to make them powerful. We all know how powerful hatred and anger are on a physical level. There is a lot of forceful energy that comes from these feelings. That forceful energy can make a spirit being very powerful. Since most of the worlds' people experience pain, fear, anger, hatred and stress then these beings must be having a feeding frenzy. Well, we must all learn to say enough! We must learn not to hook into the negativity that is in our world. We must learn how to become open, loving and compassionate beings once more. They say that this
energy creates new worlds and universes. It also helps our world as well. Stop being food and start being creators. When you see a drama going on in your life. Think to yourself that you refuse to be food for a negative being. Start meditating and learn to bring back your awareness to yourself. Allow your inner frequencies to become open and alive. Allow love, joy and happiness to flow through you. Allow yourself to connect to mother earth and feel where you belong. Allow yourself to unite with the heavens and connect to your true destiny and purpose. Let us all learn how to get into the habit of meditating and learning to slow our minds down and open ourselves up to our inner awareness. We will learn how to tap into our bodies and to our higher mind and inner child. Here all our questions and solutions to our problems can be discovered and solved. Let us take back our power and use that power for good and not drama. Today let us learn how to truly meditate.
How do I meditate? Meditation is so easy that it only takes up a small part of your day, so it can be done first thing in the morning and last thing at night. You could be on a bus, in a park, or even at the office in your lunch hour. It does not matter where you are, if you have a spare 5 minutes you can meditate. Now we will look at doing a simple meditation first thing in the morning. When you wake up in the morning, take a few minutes to wake yourself up. Do this by giving yourself a good shake, then find somewhere, where you can sit without being disturbed. It can be on the floor with a couple of pillows or even sitting up in bed, out in the morning sun, in fact anywhere where you feel comfortable. You can have some soft music on, or if you prefer just have silence. When you are comfortable, I want you to focus on your body, starting with your feet, and focusing on your breathing, I want you to notice your breathing, slowing the breath, bring your awareness to your feet and travelling up your whole body from your knees to your hips, from your hips to your stomach, from your stomach to your heart. Now notice your heartbeats, breathing with the rhythm of the heartbeat, try to stay focused, but if you find that your mind wanders do not be alarmed, WITH TIME AND PRACTISE YOU WILL BE ABLE TO STOP THIS. Breathing with the heartbeat will help you to understand the rhythm of your body and this is the start of learning to listen to your natural body language. When you have mastered this art you will be able to read the warning signals in your body when something goes wrong. When you are ready bring your focus back to the body. Focusing on your shoulders, breathing slowly, bring your awareness to your neck, and then still breathing slowly bring your awareness to your head. When you have reached the head slowly bring your whole awareness to all of your body. Now take time to listen to your whole body, listen to the sounds coming from your body and breathe with those sounds. After you have done this bring yourself back to reality, slowly allow your mind to start its thinking process and your breathing to go back too normal. Now just sit for a few minutes and feel how calm and relaxed you are, when you are ready get up and start your day. You will notice by doing this morning meditation that your whole day will feel more peaceful and there will be less stress around you because you will have given your mind a rest. You can also use meditation to help you with any problems you may have in your life. Before you enter into your meditative state, focus on the problem and then ask your higher mind to help come up with answers. Go into your meditation and after you have finished, see if you receive any advice or
hidden insight that could help you. It may be that you will see the problems in a different perceptive. If you are after some emotional healing within yourself you can also focus on the issues that are causing you pain, grief or worry before you go into your meditative state. Ask that your inner child help you heal these situations. After the mediation, you may well find that you see your pain, fear and worries in a different light also. You never know until you give something a fair go.
The Base Chakra The Base Chakra is the energy centre that controls our energy levels, our connection to the earth and our ambitions. The base chakra is positioned at the base of the spine, near the top of the legs. On a physical level this chakra governs the back, legs, hips, feet, spine and the circulation of the blood. When functioning negatively, this chakra causes aches, strains and loss of mobility to these organs. There is an old saying that we use when we are in trouble. That saying is, that we must get to the root of the problem so that we can heal the situation. This is true in the physical, mental and spiritual. The base chakra is the root of our manifestation, our existence. When we learn about our base or root chakra we come to understand that this centre is the base to past, in this life and our past lives. . . It is our connection to the earth and to the physical. . . The physical being what you can see, feel and hear - True reality. How we function on this level depends on how this centre is working. If we are tired, run down and lack ambition and drive, it is because this centre is not working or absorbing enough positive energy to help us sustain the high levels needed to think, feel, work and play. We need to reconnect to this centre and work with it on a daily basis. To do this, we have to invoke inner healing that comes from ourselves. This chakra needs to be flooded with positive energy and positive love. I know that we would all like to fly in the heavens, free from all worries, sickness and stress, but I believe that we can do this on our earthly existence. Our base chakra is the centre that can help us achieve health, grounded-ness and vitality. This chakra can also unlock our past - lives to help bring old talents and wisdom into this lifetime. This chakra can also remove any past- life negative patterns and pain that might be hindering our present life. In many old cultures they believe in the wheel of life. We believe that we go through cycles of birth, death and re-birth. Throughout one lifetime we experience these cycles many times. Each time we go through a death there is a chance to re-create our birth in a more healing and positive way. The base is our root, our connection to the earth, who we are as humans and how we live our lives in each birth and death cycle. When we heal this chakra and have it pulsating with positive healing energy we are able to heal our past, and we learn to function in a vibrant and alive way for the present and the future. Love comes from the heart centre and flows through the body and out through the aura. How others perceive us or react to us is because of the energy that we emanate from our auras. Love is an energy that is able to heal any sickness, emotional stress and fear that we have locked inside. On a physical level, this chakra can be the cause of back ache, leg aches, overweight, underweight, anaemia and so on. These problems arise as emotional baggage that we store in our back, spine and legs. . . When we have no energy and lack ambition and drive, it is because we have no connectivness to ourselves and our Mother earth. By learning to become connected to the physical we can eliminate many back, leg and circulation problems. These areas
become affected because we store in and hold onto our emotional baggage. With inner healing we can open ourselves up to any problems we have in this area. With creative visualisation we become open and exposed to the higher levels of consciousness that these chakras respond to positively. With the use of colours, we can expose ourselves to vitality, energy and healing that is activated when we wear certain colours and use them in our lives. Red represents life, fire, growth and the burning away of negativity and weakness. . . Red is the earth, the soil, the stones and trees. Red makes you wake up and feel alive. The colour red heals, regenerates and inspires enthusiasm and a will to live. Dancing, music, and drumming also opens up and brings in positive healing energy into our base chakra. We all have an eternal beat, that when we tap into, helps us to become open and alive once more. We sometimes become unbalanced due to the fact that we have lost our personal beat. Through song, dance and physical movement we can become aligned once more. The stone people are the oldest spirit clans alive on earth. These people are the earth and as such, hold the key to our evolution. They hold our secrets and our past - lives. Through the use of the stone people we are able to work with each chakra to unlock and heal any blockages that we are holding within our being. When we place them on our energy centres they activate and connect you back to the earth. Clear quartz is a good crystal that is good for healing with the base chakra. Clear quartz brings clarity and understanding. It will help you to unlock any past burdens, fears and baggage that you are holding onto. This crystal will also unlock wisdom and knowledge that you have also stored away. Through the use of animal awareness and their spiritual wisdom we can also heal our energy centres through spiritual contact with these animals. . . If you need to learn about groundedness and stability, you would call on the turtle and her ways. Any four legged animal would help you to reconnect in some special way.
The Sacral Chakra The Sacral chakra is the energy centre that controls your passions, your sexual needs, the abundance that you allow into your life for fulfilment of your desires. It also controls the bodies' organs like your lower sexual organs, your bladder, bowel and lower intestine. This centre is where you fund your creativity on the physical level. When functioning positively, it creates a sense of well-being that is your ability to feel good about yourself. When this chakra is aligned and balanced, your emotions are stable and you are able to express your true feelings to others without fear or exaggeration. When you learn about your personal expression you become more self confident, in yourself and your dealings with others. When functioning properly - you become open, expressive, creative and spontaneous. When negative and not functioning positively, you may have a low self esteem and may think that you are ugly and that you have nothing worth giving to others. You could have a low sex drive and find it hard to communicate and respond to your own, and the opposite sex. These kinds of people deny themselves pleasure and can become martyrs. They may also give of themselves and their bodies without any real emotion. This sets up patterns of self sacrifice. The Sacral is also about ourselves as men and woman. For a woman it is all about our femininity. For men their masculinity.
This energy centre has caused a lot of conflict and emotional pain for many people within this age of awareness. This is because it has been flooded with too much sexual responsibility. This centre is all about passion, freedom and personal expression that can sometimes be mistaken purely for sexuality. We have a right to express ourselves and our feelings, but we have to learn that sometimes passion is related to artistic and creative pursuits rather than sex, and relationships with others. We have focused all of our desires and passions onto others, and we have neglected to allow the energy to flow within ourselves. Even though this chakra is all about the physical love that we experience with others, it is much more. We have over focused on this area and shut down the other attributes that this energy centre has to offer. A lot of stomach dis-orders happen because this chakra is dysfunctional. . . This is because there are issues with others and how we relate and express emotions outside of ourselves. Sexual abuse also causes this chakra to become unbalanced. People who suffer sexual related diseases are caused through the chakra becoming exposed and vulnerable to negativity. When we flood this chakra with healing energy, we experience well - being, which is when we love and appreciate ourselves and our body. When we focus on this chakra and heal ourselves, we may find ourselves questioning our feelings towards our friends and lovers. The veil has lifted and we may find that once we have become healed, that these people in our lives are not giving to us enough. By recognising and working with unconditional love and healing we can recreate our friendships and relationships to way that our emotions and needs are met. We can heal our past and make way for our future. When working positively, we are able to experience more positive and fulfilling friendships and relationships. We are more open, understanding and compassionate. We learn to open our creative side and we become filled with a desire to learn about art, music, dance and spirituality. We are more open to nature and all her wisdom and beauty. Our creative talents open, and we begin to explore new horizons. The colour orange is a powerful colour that invokes passion, creativity and vibrancy. The more colourful and bright the orange the more avant-garde you feel. The more earthly and brown looking the orange the more connected to the earth and mother nature. Orange is a mixture of powerful red and wilful yellow. Power and will ignite together to create an explosion of strength self esteem and vitality. When you use this colour with your sacral chakra, you are able to invoke this energy into your body. This will create an effect of joy, self expression, freedom and fun. Music, song and dance that has a stimulating and passionate rhythm will also help to unlock your . . inner passions and your true personality. Painting, writing and drawing will also help you to learn how to express your inner feelings by allowing you to release any inhibitions that you may have hidden inside of you. By expressing this way, you are able to view your true feelings without any interference or conditioning from others. This chakra is also an earth connecting chakra like the base. Working on this chakra will also help you to remain focused and grounded. However, it will also help you with your ability to interact with all beings that reside upon the earth. . . This chakra is good for healing relationship issues, healing minor stomach and digestive orders and help your reproductive organs to function properly. The clear and rose quartz as well as blue lace agate, citrine and rutilated quartz all promote healing and balancing to this chakra. They help you to open up to your self expression. The rose provides
gentle loving energy. The blue lace inspires creativity and the citrine provides passion and energy. The rutilated inspires you to look beyond your present and the clear helps you to gain focus and clarity.
The Solar (Plexus) Chakra The Solar controls our will, our personal power. It also controls our upper intestines and upper back and spine. . . The say our true wisdom comes from the healthy workings of this chakra. It brings us our strength, our courage and our will to succeed, achieve and survive. The Solar chakra, when functioning negatively can cause a person to be very fearful. They suffer from a low self esteem. They have very little self worth. They may allow others to push them around and control them. They can become very indecisive, fearing to make any decisions or commitments to anyone or anything. Because the Solar governs the stomach, many ulcers and stomach dis-orders are caused by stress that is caused by excessive worry over the future. When this chakra is not functioning properly, we become very fearful. We carry many burdens and worries for the future and this can cause back problems as well. The old saying 'whose burdens are you carrying on your back' have a very symbolic meaning to this centre. You can become a slave to others needs and wants, which is common when you are within a relationship and have children. They may not do it deliberately, but others can take away your own power because theirs needs seem more important than yours at the time. This sets the pattern up for a person. They allow their energy to flow towards others instead of empowering themselves. We can give out a little of our power, but we get into to a routine where we become relied upon. We all like to be needed by others. It makes us feel good to have others that rely upon us, but we can get into the habit of giving all our power away and this is what causes us to become weakened. Some people go the opposite way with the power that comes from this centre. They like to control others to an extent that they become overbearing, controlling and manipulative. This is when they have recognised that their power may be stronger than others. They pray on people whose centres are not functioning positively and these people have become Co-dependent. . . This makes the person with too much power enjoy a sense of power and control over these types of people. Many people who are overbearing choose people in their lives that they can control because it hides their own lack of self worth. Many drug problems come from this centre, when not functioning positively. Also some overweight and underweight problems manifest because people cover themselves in protection to hide away their low self esteem. We are a race of people of different shapes and sizes, not all of us are built to be tall, slim and beautiful, but some people become so obsessed with their looks and their bodies because of their own lack of self worth. It is good to have pride in yourself and wear things and do things positively to your body, however we must do it for ourselves and not because of what others think of us. We have to learn to recognise what are our needs and wants, and not what others expect out of us. When functioning positively, we have a sense of our own self worth. We meet our own needs and then we give to others without giving our own personal power away. We do not compromise on our own values because others do not believe in our ways. We are neither controlling, manipulative,
hard or weak. We find an equal balance in ourselves that makes us feel secure. We make the right choices and decisions in a balanced and fair fashion. We associate with people who accept us for who we are. We are confident and are able to express ourselves with honesty and integrity. We fight for our rights and we also have a sense of what is wrong and what is right in life. We speak the truth and we share our wisdom with others without over shadowing another's view or life style. We are neither racial or judgmental. Many famous people who fight for the rights of others and try to make positive changes in our world use their Solar chakra in a positive and empowering way. We have all met people who, have in them, strength and a strong vibrant personality that makes us want to make changes in ourselves and our world. We are all capable of being like this too. Through inner healing, we are able to open up the repressed emotions and feelings that we have buried inside. We are all spiritual warriors. Inside us all is a strong, wise and loving individual that is capable of dealing with and healing any negative situation we are facing. If we need strength and courage to face the day, we do not look at others, instead we look into ourselves for this courage and wisdom. We must learn to accept responsibility for our own actions and in the way we deal with our lives. We have to face up to the weaknesses that we have allowed into our lives. If someone has done wrong to us or hurts us emotionally then it was because we gave out an energy that said 'hear I am hurt me' I know this sounds harsh but if you look deep into this you will see the truth behind it. We create our own actions and then others react to our actions Everybody in the world today has given away their personal power. This is why the world is in such a mess. It is time to take back our personal power and our own inner wisdom. This chakra is also an earth base chakra. Working on this chakra will help us to stay focused, strong and grounded to our beliefs, goals and dreams. This chakra gives us the courage and will to face each day. We must open this chakra to meditation. With the Solar, we must learn to go within and focus on our own needs and wants. Meditation slows the mind down and helps us to gain focus and clarity on our inner workings. This chakra responds to soft gentle music, sounds and movement, like walking and swimming. The solar responds to water because water has a cleansing and clearing effect. Also a healthy diet, with only little amounts of meat, but a lot of fruits, vegetables and pasta help keep this area cleansed. A good crystal to work with is the clear quartz crystal, fluorite, agate and chysophase. These crystals help to bring clarity, and purification, order and balancing to this chakra. They help to release any blockages and give you the wisdom behind why they had occurred. By wearing yellow or having this colour in our environment, helps you to show the world that you are at peace with yourself. This colour shows others that you are an individual who is strong in character, but gentle in spirit. The Lion represents leadership, control and self esteem. By focusing on this animal as your guide and protector you can invoke his spirit into your own.
The Heart Chakra The heart chakra is situated in and around the heart area of our physical body. The heart pumps the flow of blood that is needed to keep us alive. Without the heart we can not function on the physical plain. This one organ controls many other parts on the body. The blood rushes through our veins and feeds our body with nutrients to sustain our well-being. This area is what we call the main centre or control panel for our body. This area also governs the lungs. We need our lungs to breathe in the life
force energy of oxygen. Without air our physical bodies would die. On a physical level we have problems with our heart, blood, circulation and the vessels that carry the blood, also our lungs and how we breathe. We have ribs that protect these areas, these also become weakened when this centre is not functioning properly. On a mental level, the heart chakra functions on an emotional basis, our feelings and how we express them towards ourselves and to others. How we think gets turned into how we behave with our feelings on this level. When someone has acted badly towards us, the mind processes these actions and then sends these waves of information to our heart centre, who then in turns, sends them out as feelings of anger, fear or betrayal. When someone tells us that we are beautiful, our mind does the same. It sends these messages to the mind and the brain sends them to our heart centre and we experience feelings of love, joy and happiness, in return we emanate this energy out into our aura toward others. When we smile and radiate love outwards the whole world smiles back at us. It is the same when we are in a negative mood. The same energy comes outwards and lashes onto those around us. We have to learn just how powerful our feelings are, not only to ourselves, but to everyone we encounter. On a spiritual level this also causes an effect. When one person is negative and sends that negativity out, others who have vulnerable heart centres, and lets be honest I think we all suffer from a vulnerable heart centre, connects to this energy, and it feeds their soul and creates a global network of negativity. That is why the world is filled up with so much negativity, so much hatred and racism and also a lack of love and respect for our Mother Earth. How we think is how we become. It is our manifestation, our existence. How we feel is also apart of this story, for how we feel is how we react. Reactions are what caused good and bad changes in our lives today. There are two types of love that are created from this centre. The first is the love that we have for our children, our friends, outside family and our lovers. This love comes from a sense on wanting and needing these people in our lives. . . We love and cherish our children because they are apart of us, we created them and we want what is best for them. We want to cherish them and protect them from all evil. This is natural. However sometimes this energy becomes so conditional that we put too many expectations onto them. We smother them and over protect them. The love we feel for our children should have some conditions, but it should also be unconditional as well. The love we feel for our partners is a love as they say has captured our hearts. Each of us are separate planets. separate universes, when we meet another, these planets collide and one becomes two. Our ways and their ways are different and this causes dramas and pain. We expect too much from the other and they do the same to us as well. We have to learn to love and accept each other in our own separate ways We have to learn how to find a middle road when we are involved with another person emotionally. You cannot make this type of love unconditional, but through compassion, understanding and acceptance you can make it more fulfilling and whole. . . This centre governs and supports our feelings both negative and positive on the conditional love area. A lot of spiritual people have a hard time when they decide to become healers and spiritualist on the unconditional level. You can not mix unconditional love with conditional love. It is like mixing oil and water. We live in a society that has rules and regulations, as well as moral obligations. Conditional love was created from this society. We have based these ideals on the ways we were taught. It is very hard to make sudden changes from conditional too unconditional. Because we are evolving rather quickly spiritually, we think that this area will move
into the spirit at the same pace. This is wrong. We have to slowly and gently move. Our feelings are so sensitive that kid gloves are needed and when we try and push too hard, we fail and that failure leads us to walk away from the spirit. There is nothing that you can do, or any pills or healing that will help rush you. You have to find a middle road with these two loves. Allow them to take you to your own personal level of awareness. Give it time and they will emerge together to create a very powerful and uplifting experience, that will carry you on the wings of healing. Unconditional love is all about acceptance, joy, happiness, spiritual fulfilment, healing and wisdom. With unconditional love you do not control or take away from others, instead you give out positive, uplifting and healing love, to yourselves and to others. This love, when functioning properly will heal yourself, your family, friends and even the world. It will take away any pain, sickness or emotional trauma that you have had in your past and in your present. You future will come alive. When functioning on the negative this chakra makes it hard for us to feel any real emotions. You feel your lovers, children, family and friends will not offer any richness or reward in your life. When this centre is fragile it becomes vulnerable to pain, fear, sickness and a lack of life. We suffer from envy, jealousy, hatred and closed heartedness. We become dramatic and all turn into drama queens demanding attention but refusing to give out in return. . . The world owes me, but I owe the world nothing in return. When functioning in the positive, this centre offers us real love, real friendships and true joy for those that are apart of us. We become spontaneous with our emotions. Our hearts are full and we want to share that love with anyone who wishes to feel it's presence. We are kind, supportive, caring and understanding of others and their ways. We accept others and love them for who they really are. We lean to love and appreciate our Mother Earth and all of her creatures. Just as the ribs protect our hearts, on a spiritual level we want to place a protection around our world. Just as the lungs give us air to live we also long to provide a service that will allow others to breathe in the beauty and wonders of true love. We embrace the brotherhood and sisterhood of mankind, by accepting all beings and loving them the way they deserve to be loved and honoured. Love brings peace to the world and all the conflict that is going on in this time of awareness. Love brings harmony that stops all the conflicts that are raging at this time. . . Love brings about healing on all levels and in all areas of our life. The heart centre functions both in the physical and the spiritual levels. . . It belongs both on Mother Earth and in the havens. This centre loves and appreciates music, dance yoga, self expression and drumming. The drum is like a heart beat and this centre responds to the vibrations that come from the drum. It helps to realign your internal rhythm, making you strong and connected to your own self and to the earth we live upon. This centre also loves trees and anything that gives off a green energy. . . Trees hold the wisdom and healing knowledge of our wonderful earth. Our roots and our connections all come from the knowledge and healing that these beings have to offer. The colour green also allows you to have an earthly existence. This colour creates your identify and also heals you with its connections to the earth. Green is a powerful healing energy that helps you to release and heal in a way that you gain spiritual understanding. . . The colour Pink is also used to help you heal this centre when you need a gentle caring and nurturing energy. The stone people have also provided a very loving and powerful crystal called Rose Quartz. The rose quartz promotes a gentle healing energy for those who have a lot of emotional trauma and need a more softer and gentler approach to their pain. All these tools are
provided from the earth and from our creator. When we use them all combined together we create total healing, for ourselves and for the world.
The Throat Chakra The throat chakra is situated in the neck area of the body. On a physical level this chakra governs the throat, thyroid, mouth, teeth, tongue, and jaw. The problems that we have on this level are, sore throats, over and under active thyroids that can lead to a lack of energy, vitality, overweight and underweight problems. This chakra governs what we place into our body with food and other substances. We use the throat to eat and drink. . . If we place unhealthy things into this centre, it can cause the rest of our body to become out of balance. . . On other levels like the emotional and spiritual this can cause confusement and blockages to our creativity and our emotions. Because this centre also governs our creativity, sometimes having a bad diet and abusing it with drugs and alcohol can cause problems in this area. However, when we place healthy substances into this area, we can create healing, which can enhance our verbal creativity. We come alive and vibrant in what we say and how we act. On an emotional level this chakra governs the aspects of communication, willpower, truthfulness and creativity. . . If we cannot express ourselves through our voice to others, we can become reclusive, shy and retreating in nature. On the other side we can become loud and overly verbal that can cause us to become aggressive, overbearing and deceitful. All these problems can cloud our self expression. . . This can make us hide our true selves away from others. This energy centre is very sensitive and can become unbalanced at an early age. As babies, the only way we could communicate our needs to our parents was through crying and screaming. We did not know how to communicate in any other way. If we were chastised and ignored, our needs were not met and this caused our throat chakra to start closing down. The cycle of conditioning had begun. . . Our true self expression was starting to become denied. As young children, we were loud and vocal, running around screaming and yelling and enjoying life without the restrictions that adults have. However, our parents and elders found us too loud and made us become quiet and this too caused our self expression to close down even more. . . Throughout our childhood we have had to suppress our true expression. Which shut down sections of our true creativity. As adults, we have been suppressed by all the conditions that were placed on us while we were growing up. . . We have become so conditioned not to express our true selves, that we no longer know who is the real person we truly are. . . We have to learn how to re-open our spontaneous reactions, and verbal expressions to find our true creativity. To find the true you. The positive attributes of this chakra on the emotional level are when we speak the truth, know the truth and act upon that truth. . . In a way, what we say can sometimes determine to the outside world what they think of us. Through our verbal actions we express our true being. Our personality shines outwards for the world to see through spoken communication. The throat chakra also governs our voice. Through our voice we can speak either truth or lies. When we speak in truth, we live in truth. When we speak in lies, we live in lies. . . When we act and communicate in a suppressed and negative state, our living environment lacks lustre and creativity. When we are open and
creative, our living environment becomes open and creative as well. . . On a spiritual level this chakra governs freedom and expression. This is a type of freedom where we are fully opened and can communicate with all beings and spirits. On a spiritual level the throat chakra governs the doorway to peace on earth. How? By communicating with all beings we learn the truth, and when we learn the truth, we live the truth. The colour that responds to this chakra is turquoise or pale blue. When we look up at the sky, we see a beautiful blue colour. The colour blue vibrates an energy through the body that embraces the ideals of openness and the unlimited freedom that is available to all us. Blue embodies a sense of self expression. Blue is the colour of wisdom, healing and freedom. We have been granted the gift of sound that comes from our vocal cords and up through the throat. This sound turns into words and singing. Through using the voice in song, we can create a vibration that travels through our whole body. This sound and rhythm enters into our soul and clears away negative energy blockages that accumulate when we are sick or under emotional stress. Through song, we are able to heal the body in a creative and inspiring way. Through the use of words that are creative and uplifting like poetry and story telling we are able to inspire ourselves and others. When the throat chakra is functioning in a positive manner, we are able to communicate words and verbal rhythms that send out loving and positive vibrations to the world. These vibrations and energies enter other beings and inspires them to feel positive and uplifted. Not only does song and poetry heal us, it can also heal the whole planet. It is important to recognise this energy centre as a major emotional and spiritual healing tool. We open our mouths to breathe in life giving air, we open our mouths to release out stale negative air. On a spiritual level we use a method of breathing for releasing any negative or emotional trauma, Breathe in life, breathe out death, breathe in love, breathe out hate. This chakra is vital for healing work that uses the release method. When we express ourselves in an honest, loving and creative way, we create a positive and uplifting enjoyment of our lives that enrich our whole being. We have a reason for living. That reason is to gain the most out of our lives. Through inner healing with creative visualisation we can learn to open this centre up to our true potential. With singing, and storytelling and poetry we can learn about our creativity. A good stone being that we can use on this chakra is agate, especially blue lace agate. You can also use the amethyst quartz to provide you with inspiration. Any crystal that has a blue in its body will enhance your self expression. The agate family provide you with the power to cleanse and clear out any blockages. The quartz provides clarity and understanding. As John Farnham sang, 'Were not going to live in silence, were not going to live in fear. Your the voice try and understand it. Make a noise and make it clear'.
The Third Eye Chakra The Brow or third eye chakra is situated in the middle of the forehead. On a physical level this chakra governs the pituitary glands, the skull, eyes, the brain and the nervous system. . . It also governs our senses, like sight, smell, taste and touch. The pituitary glands, nervous system and the brain . . govern the energy waves, that send messages to the rest of the body. . . The skull protects the brain from outside interference and the eyes give us the ability to see on the physical. If this chakra is
unbalanced, our physical state of existence can become confused. This can send our body into a state of disarray. Sickness is sometimes caused by the way we think. If the energy waves from our brain and pituitary does not flow in a positive and balanced direction we can suffer all sorts of mysterious aliments. . . We can also suffer a lot of headaches, sinus and nasal problems and dis-ease within the brain and the skull because we are not living in the physical sense, instead we are in the head always thinking and worrying about the future instead of living in the now. We can also suffer from different types of mental dis-orders that are caused through our nervous system. This is because the cord and energy that runs inside within the nervous system are blocked. This causes a build up of energy in certain areas. We become weak and lose co-ordination in our body because the body is not receiving the right messages. Our senses of smell and taste can also become unbalanced. Also our emotions can cause our sense of touching and communication through affection with others to become off as well. We can also suffer eye problems because we are refusing to see the truth to some situation, or we fear seeing something in case it causes changes in our lives. When functioning positively, we have good co-ordination and reflexes. We feel at peace within ourselves and we function positively on the emotional and physical level. . . We suffer very little from sickness and stress because our organs that this chakra governs are healthy and flowing with a balanced amount of energy. They call this chakra the control panel for the entire mind, body and spirit. Here everything is processed before any actions or reactions take place. On an emotional level, this chakra governs discernment, knowledge, intuition and wisdom. . . When functioning positively, we are able to look at life from a balanced point of view. We are open to learning, which provides stimulus that makes our life more fulfilling. . . They say the brain governs our emotions. I do not entirely believe this scientific point of view, however, when the brain waves are dis-orientated it can cause us to suffer mental illnesses like depression, stress and worry. When functioning positively, we are clear in our thoughts and focused within or actions and we are able to be educated. We enjoy learning, and we take that knowledge and apply it to our everyday lives through action, ambition and energy. We are also able to deal with any emotional issues or dramas that may arise within our lives. Because our senses are functioning positively, we are able to use our senses to foretell any possible dramas and problems that we may face in the future. Our intuition is high and balanced and we are able to tell fact from fiction. This area also governs our dream state, our subconscious and our imagination. When these areas are functioning positively we sleep deeply and peacefully and we are open to dreams that educate us and send messages that foretell of future events. With our imagination we are able to focus on positive awake dreams that set up our future in the way that brings us happiness, healing and rewards. With our subconscious, we are able to program our minds to function in the way we want it too. We have full control of our bodies and our emotions. When functioning negatively, We are always in our heads. We constantly worry and suffer fears and phobias for the future. We can become critical and analytical always judging others. We suffer a lack of control over our lives and we can become stupid, refusing to listen and learn. . . We only focus on negative situations and in our imagination we create dramas. Our dream state can become filled with night mares. We can become too intellectual insisting on learning through books instead of experiencing the wisdom gained from life itself. We live only for the future instead of living life from the present. We allow ourselves to suffer from events in our past that hinders our growth for the present.
On the spiritual level this chakra governs our sixth sense of awareness. The third eye opens you up to other worlds, other beings and other senses like clairvoyance, which is the ability to see into the future. Clairaudience that is the ability to be able to hear spirit voices and other vibrational frequencies that cannot be heard by the normal ear. When functioning negatively, we tend to criticise any spiritual beliefs. We do not believe in the magic of life that is present in our universe. We can become critical, sceptical and harsh in the way we look at the world. When functioning positively, we trust in life and the universal process that governs our existence here on this plane. We are open to the realms and planes of consciousness that reside along side our world. We communicate to beings, we have an understanding of the soul. We are able to leave our bodies and venture into the past and the future to set up positive events and healing. We sense people and their thoughts and feelings through psychic waves of energies that flow through all living beings. We are open, spontaneous and alive with life force energy. We think thoughts, we dream dreams and we set up programs that we know can create healing and well-being within our lives. We see beyond illusion. The colour that is associated with this energy centre is violet to purple. These colours vibrate an energy that opens up our intuition and imagination. These colours stimulate the brain to function in a balanced way that helps with education and learning. There are many crystals that enhance this chakras energy. Lapis opens you up to the stars and beyond. Azurite and malachite enhance your psychic abilities. . . Amethyst quartz brings clarity, wisdom and enhances all your skills that are needed on all levels. Meditation and gentle subliminal music help to keep this centre focused and balanced in times of stress and worry. Exercise like walking and swimming can also help a person to get out of their head and into their body. The saying 'stop thinking and start feeling 'is a good affirmation to do each day to help solve problems, fears and doubts. All is well with this chakra when you sleep well, think positively and have good dreams and goals for the future. You love to learn and you are open to different ideals about metaphysics. You can sense danger and have gut feelings and thoughts on future events. The Third eye embraces wisdom that goes beyond illusion to awaken clarity that brings enlightenment.
The Crown Chakra The Crown chakra is situated at the top of the head. This chakra governs part of the spinal cord, the stem of the brain, pain centre of the brain and part of the nerves. When people become sick and suffer a lot of pain that they cannot handle, it is because the energy flow is blocked to this chakra. . . A lot of people are able to control their pain fresh hold levels through focusing on this chakra and flowing energy through, to stop any pain that is inflicting them. A lot of ancient warriors in Japan were able to be beaten and not feel the pain. Different cultural people who use to walk on hot coals, beat themselves and stitch sharp objects into their bodies, could come away from these ceremonies without any physical burns, wounds and pain, through the focusing and belief in this centre, and it's role in understanding divine belief. . . This centre through special focusing and breathing can control all pain. This is because it governs the organs and nerve centres that control our pain. When not functioning properly on a physical level this chakra causes a loss of control over a person's ability to live and interact with the world. Some people suffer from dis-eases that cause them to lose movement. Some of the problems that come from this chakra are blindness, deafness, paraplegics. Loss of limbs and any disease that attacks the nervous system, brain stem and spinal cord. There is a
loss of energy flow and more so belief, which causes this chakra to become unbalanced. This chakra is the chakra that can create miracles. If you believe and have hope, working with this chakra can bring about true healing on any level. When functioning positively on the physical level. You will feel alive and filled with spiritual energy. Your health is radiant and your are strong in mind, body and spirit. The Crown is at the very top of the body. . . As the base chakra connects us to Mother Earth, the crown chakra connects us to the heavens, to the stars and beyond. The sky and all the power and wisdom that belongs to our higher mind. This chakra is truly an amazing and life force energy channel for healing and spiritual awakening. This chakra governs the connection that we have to the Divine. This chakra embodies belief, unconditional love and beauty. When we believe, we are open to learning. When we learn we open ourselves to life's experiences that challenge us to grow and evolve into better people. When we open ourselves to unconditional love, we allow ourselves to love and accept all beings. We are free from judgement and we are non racial to others and their beliefs. We embrace the concept that we are apart of every living thing that exists. If you believe in God, the Creator or Great spirit, you believe that these beings are apart of you. . . With unconditional love you are ready to accept other cultures and their beliefs. You embrace the concept of brother hood and sisterhood. Beauty is within. We are all beautiful. When we truly open our hearts and our eyes we see the beauty in all life. We are able to look at others who suffer from defects and scars with love and compassion instead of embarrassment and pity. We are able to focus on the beauty rather then the scaring. In fact a lot of us do not recognise afflictions on people unless pointed out to us. On a spiritual level, the Crown chakra is our connection to healing and life force energy. This centre is connected to your higher mind. Your higher mind is the part of you that knows all the answers. You are able to communicate to the trees, the animals and to mother earth herself. When you open this chakra up, you can channel through spirits from different planes, aliens and many more beings that communicate on this level. This chakra can also send healing energy down through to the others' chakras. Telepathy is a form of communicating messages to other people. If you find that you can sense a friend or family member trying to make contact with you, it is because your crown chakra is opened and you are using this centre to send out and receive messages. The Crown chakra is like a transmitter to the whole universe. If you send out thoughts and ideals, dreams and goals through this chakra you will be heard and a lot of the times your prayers are answered. However you must learn to use this chakra to do this. I found through doing Reiki I was able to send out healing and also set up positive outcomes to events in my life through using this chakra as a transmitter. It worked. Now I use it all the time to help myself, my friends and my family and most importantly Mother earth. There are two major colours that you can use with this chakra. One is purple and the other is white. White represents all the colours combined together. So all the energies that exist with all the colours flow and vibrate a powerful healing frequency through this chakra. White is divine, pure, honest and new. Through inner healing and deep meditation we are able to unlock our true potential. The clear quartz crystal is one of the most powerful crystals on earth. It promotes clarity and transmits energy that opens us up to all the wisdom of the universe. This crystal is very powerful when you focused it on the crown chakra.
The Thymus Chakra We believe that there is a chakra that exists in between the heart chakra and the throat chakra. This chakra is a very powerful energy channel that links you to the earth and to the heavens. Uniting with this chakra brings about great awareness to your emotional and spiritual planes. We believe that when this chakra is recognised within the person and is functioning properly, you will become open to the truth of your existence. It is like accessing the sacred records. This chakra seems to bring belief and spiritual wisdom down from the heavens and connects us to the earthly plane. The higher mind meets the inner child. Learning to feel this chakra and bringing it back to awareness is said to bring about healing and wisdom on all levels. We believe that our bodies have been spiritually tampered with to stop us from properly evolving. That is why until know we have forgotten this chakra. . . By bringing this chakra back into awareness we may actually be able to bring back total healing. This chakra governs the thymus itself. This takes the pressure off the heart chakra and evens out the energy. This creates an even balance for each of the chakras. By knocking gently on this centre each day we are able to access energy that will make us fell well and energised. When we meditate and bring our awareness to this centre we are able to activate our three bodies. The mind, the body and the soul. This unites us into one perfect being able to understand and function fully. We use the colours blue and green to encourage healing and growth with this chakra. Working with mediation and inner healing we are able to open this centre and learn more. Using Golden Calcite, Azurite, Lapis and Malachite will help bring the star beings down to help us explore this chakra more fully. Chakra Points The 13th Chakra and the acceleration of healing...
Chakra Points & the 13th Chakra Many of us are familiar with the seven chakra points, the major energy centers of the body that run from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. These chakra points are represented by the seven colors in the visible light spectrum and seven notes of the diatonic scale, beginning with the color red and the note C and ending with the color purple and the note B. Fewer of us are aware that there are actually more chakras as well: two more above our head (8 and 9), one below our feet (10), one in the palm of each hand (11 and 12), and the 13th chakra, which is about arm's length from the body, slightly below the level of the heart. (There are more chakras - the 14th chakra is the gateway to the next dimension, but that is another story). The Heart chakra is represented by the color green; however, in some contexts it is referred to as having two colors - green and rose, or pink. Until I learned about the 13th chakra, this always confused me. How could pink be in there? How could a chakra have two colors? The answer is that the 13th chakra is outside the body, but the energy of it is experienced in the heart.
The energy of the 13th chakra is that of Unconditional Love. Unlike the seven major centers of the body, this one cannot become blocked. What can become blocked however, is our awareness of it. This center is like a beacon of love and light that is eternally shining on us, delivering to us bliss and well being at every moment of our existence. It is our interconnectedness to All That Is, to our Source. The 13th chakra has been symbolized in the image of a Rose. Throughout history, myth and religion, this symbol appears to represent the energy of Love, or God, or the Light (which are essentially all one and the same). If the Rose spoke, it would say one thing: "You are Loved." The truth contained in the awareness of this energy center is what everyone is looking for: it is simply, happiness. Buddha's famous last words were (allegedly), "There is no Way to Peace and Happiness - Peace and Happiness is the Way." These are profound words, and yet they are not the words we are taught to live by. Somehow we have swallowed the belief that happiness lies outside ourselves, that it is something to be pursued, purchased, found in a mall, a restaurant, a relationship, or a pill. And so we go from store to store, from person to person, or perhaps therapist to therapist, seeking the elusive Bliss that calls to us. We get lost in addictions that whisper lies to us about happiness. From Heroin to Sugar to Online Catalog Shopping, we answer that whisper and fall headlong into the temptation of the short-lived high, only to find ourselves on the desolate beach of the inevitable crash soon after. Lost at the mall. Our awareness of this Source of Unconditional Love is blocked on a personal, as well as cultural level. This has occurred for a number of reasons, the primary one being the Creation Myth that is known by nearly everyone in our culture whether they choose to subscribe to it or not. Put simply, we are the children of a couple that blew it (it was her fault) and we have been cast out of the Garden, separated from God, to suffer forever in the world of Duality. This story has, on a subtle level, defined the reality of our culture. Its basic message is that we are all guilty sinners living under a judgmental God. This belief instills in us a powerful message that we are not worthy of Bliss, Happiness, Joy, and Ecstasy. We are worthy of pursuing it, yes - in that shiny SUV, in that Beautiful House, in that Fit Body and all the other images that Madison Avenue holds up to us as Desirable. We are worthy of pursuing it in Food, Alcohol, Shopping, Sex and Busy-ness. But of finding it? Of truly finding it and choosing it and owning it? Of really living it? Well, living it, that's scary stuff. Because somewhere in this belief system there is this lurking thought that if we let ourselves feel too good, something terrible is going to happen. Therein lies the whole lie: this is where Unconditional Love becomes conditional love - "I can be happy if all of the conditions are right - when I am fit, rich and have the perfect mate," or whatever your personal conditions are. The thought that it is too scary to have all of these things that we think will make us happy because we might lose them all and then become unhappy keeps us in a cycle of perpetual unhappiness - it keeps us Stuck. The truth is, that while this is a world of suffering, it is merely an illusion and love is behind all of it. All of the seeming "tragedies" that "happen" to us are lessons laid with love before us so that we
may know Love, and are all essentially Maya, the mask of God. In truth, we have never really left the Garden - we are still connected. The 13th chakra is, was, and will always be there. (There is an interesting sideline here about the Goddess Tradition and the Number 13 and how it was stamped out by the Church of Rome and what all that means, but that, too, is another story.) Many people bog down in the healing process when it comes to truly and fully opening to this energy. Most people are so accustomed to feeling bad that feeling good is outside their comfort zone. We are programmed, especially through Television, to focus on the negative. Whatever one focuses on expands, and so we have expansive depression in our culture, and it is accepted as normal. In fact, we subscribe to the curious notion that depression is a result of being victim to hormones and body chemistry beyond our control, that it is a condition to be fixed with a pill. In fact, the entire notion that we need to be fixed is incorrect thinking. What we need to do is remove the blocks that stand between our essential nature and Unconditional Love. The first step in removing these blocks is identifying them. Any place where we experience "stuckness" is a place where we hold a false thought or belief about ourselves, a notion that limits us and disconnects us from our Authentic Selves. Much unhappiness comes from the fact that we are culturally programmed to be that way, because it is no great secret that this inherent dissatisfaction with life is what drives the ever-important Economy. The lie that happiness lies in the accumulation of stuff (especially expensive new stuff) and status keeps our consumer culture functioning. The hard truth is that we are all slaves to a system that seeks to rob us of our joy, our time with loved ones and our freedom, while all the while feeding us propaganda that we are free and rewarding us with shiny possessions for our sacrifices. A good starting point in identifying the sources of your unhappiness is to recognize that many of your own issues are holographic to the culture at large. You are part of something bigger than yourself, and were most likely educated within a school system that stamped the authenticity right out of you in order to make you easily manageable and able to fit nicely as another cog in the machine of commerce. (Today's children who do not fit nicely are labeled ADHD or something like that and drugged so that they do fit). This belief system frowns on the concept of "following your bliss" as irresponsible, selfish and foolish, so you have learned well to put aside the things that make you happy to the point where you may not even be sure what makes you happy. The price that you pay for this surrendering to the System is depression, addiction, rage, or apathy. Ultimately it becomes disease. The process of healing the planet is one of healing ourselves - of taking the time and the energy and the self-worth to re-establish our connection to the energy of the 13th chakra and discover the things that bring us joy. It has been noted that time seems to be speeding up - the rapid exchange of information has allowed the evolutionary process of all sorts of human systems to accelerate at an astounding speed. Technology is not the only factor that benefits from this process - the individual healing process is also speeding up. Issues that previously may have taken years to get through are now being healed within a matter of months, even weeks. It is as if time has speeded up - or more appropriately, our
beliefs have expanded to include a simple truth: we can heal ourselves, and so the process is not altered by false beliefs any longer. When your belief is geared to physical healing only, healing time will naturally be on a slower vibration (or physical vibration), thereby taking a longer time to heal oneself. As we begin to heal on the emotional and spiritual levels, our vibration and awareness expands and healing time becomes almost instantaneous. When we come to a place of spiritual healing, we see that all illness arises from places where we are not letting love in. Health or wellness then becomes a choice, becomes our own responsibility. This is where the awareness of the 13th chakra is such a profound tool for healing - in many cases the simple reconnection of our energies to this source of bliss can eliminate all kinds of mental, emotional and physical distress. As people become healed (unblocked) and in touch with the energy of Unconditional Love, they become liberated to do the job they came here to do. Freed from shoulds, from guilt, from depression, they are rising up to take their place among those who are working to restore balance, to create sustainability, to improve education, and to heal each other and the planet. They are reconnecting with their bliss, claiming their power, and answering their callings, and doing so at an increasingly rapid rate. It is in this way that lightworkers are also riding the powerful wave of change that is sweeping the planet. A good and simple way to begin to connect to this energy is through the use of color therapy. Pink is a color that many of us, especially men, tend to shun, or at the very least pay little attention to. Using it deliberately, therefore, has a powerful effect on our psyches. You can buy pink flowers, burn pink candles, wear pink underwear. You can visualize the color pink emanating from a location arm's length from the body just below the heart while meditating. It so happens that pink is a very "in" color this year, so it is very easy to find. Along with visualizing the color, associate it with the emotion of "unbridled bliss;" try to awaken that concept in your heart and your mind. A good metaphor for this is the image of a cup that is brimming, gently spilling over the top. Truly feeling this emotion doesn't come easily to most of us, but with practice it becomes much more so. It is important to note here that this isn't about being blissed out all the time. Life happens: pets die, neighbors do unneighborly things, the government does questionable things, and so we will feel and have every right to feel sad, or angry, or confused or any other emotion that people tend to label as unspiritual. The difference is that we are not afraid of these emotions - the undercurrent is one of trust that all things that rise up fall away and that ups and downs are part of life and that the ultimate ground of all of this perceived reality is Love. The energy of the 13th chakra acts as a rudder that keeps us on course and on keel regardless of what winds are blowing. The Chakras and Radiatory Healing A detailed discussion of the human chakras and the associated methods
of esoteric healing.
In traditional yoga philosophy, the chakras are subtle force centers that vitalize and control the physical body. The Sanskrit word chakra means "wheel", indicating that these force centers are wheels of energy. The following methods of esoteric healing are based upon the chakras. Pranic healing is one of the oldest and most widespread methods of treatment of physical illness. In this approach the healer uses a type of energy that is sometimes called prana, magnetism, or vitality. This energy can be consciously directed by the healer toward the patient, so that the healer's vitality replaces or reinforces that of the patient. The healer uses his chakras to assimilate prana, convert it into healing energy, and then distribute this energy. The patient's chakras receive the energy, which serves to vitalize his physical body and more especially his endocrine gland system, thereby bringing about physical health. Telepathic healing can be used either to transmit helpful ideas that may affect the patient's mental attitudes or to guide the patient's subconscious mind for healing his physical body. Several types of telepathic impulses can be sent: intuitional, mental or emotional. The healer's chakras are used to send these impulses, and the patient's chakras are used to register them. Radiatory healing can be accomplished when the healer is in alignment with his inner spiritual nature. The qualities resulting from this alignment can be radiated to the patient to calm his emotions, stimulate compassion, strengthen his mind, and bring him into alignment with his own spiritual nature. The healer's chakras radiate these qualities, and the patient's chakras register them. This article will discuss radiatory healing, but first it is necessary to understand certain terms and relationships regarding a person's inner constitution. A fundamental teaching of theosophy is that the solar system is sevenfold in its constitution. Whereas only the physical world can be perceived with the ordinary senses, it is said that there are also six higher worlds, of progressively subtler matter, that interpenetrate the physical. These worlds are called planes. Furthermore, each plane is divided into seven subplanes. For instance, the physical is the lowest plane, and it consists of the following subplanes: first ether, second ether, third ether, fourth ether, gaseous, liquid and solid. The three lowest subplanes - gaseous, liquid and solid - compose the dense world of matter and are perceptible with the five physical senses. The four highest subplanes represent the etheric region. Although imperceptible with normal faculties, these four ethers are considered as being part of the physical realm. Corresponding to the division of the physical plane into dense and etheric portions, a person's body has two portions: The dense physical body is composed of solids, liquids, and gases, including such parts as the bones, blood system, nervous system, brain and endocrine glands. The etheric body, sometimes called the vital body, is composed of the four ethers. It is referred to in the Bible as the "golden bowl" (Eccles. 12:6). The etheric body has the following functions: although
of a tenuous nature, it is the framework or foundation underlying every part of the dense physical body; it vitalizes or energizes the dense physical cells; it is a clearinghouse for all forces coming to the physical from higher dimensions, transmitting them through the nervous, endocrine and blood systems; and it is the transmitter and receiver of esoteric healing energies. The etheric body is below the threshold of consciousness and is generally recognized only in terms of vitality or lack of vitality. The chakras are force centers within the etheric body, and there are seven major chakras and 21 minor chakras. A major chakra evolves over time, moving from a sluggish semi-dormant state to an active fully-developed state. When a chakra develops, it gains the ability to work with additional forces and to perform additional functions. Following are some of the functions of each of the seven major chakras. The crown chakra vitalizes the cerebrum (or upper brain) and anchors the consciousness stream from the causal body (or soul), enabling a person to have self-awareness. When developed, it registers wisdom, insights and spiritual purpose. The brow chakra vitalizes the cerebellum (or lower brain) and central nervous system (which consists of nerve fibers within the brain stem and spinal cord). When developed, this chakra focuses wisdom, insights, and spiritual purpose (all received via the crown chakra), which then can be used to control the personality. The throat chakra vitalizes the lungs and vocal apparatus, and it also registers concrete thoughts from the mental body (received via the solar plexus chakra). When developed, the throat chakra responds to strength and clarity from the causal body (received via the brow chakra), enabling creativity to be expressed in thought, speech and writing. The heart chakra anchors the life stream, which governs the circulation of blood throughout the body. This chakra also controls the vagus nerve, the largest nerve in the parasympathetic nervous system (which activates involuntary muscles that restore the body's energy). When developed, it registers compassion, which is experienced as a sense of oneness with others. The solar plexus chakra vitalizes the sympathetic nervous system (which activates involuntary muscles that mobilize the body for action). This chakra is considered to be developed in an average or ordinary human being, in which case it registers emotions that can incorporate both feelings from the emotional body and concrete thoughts from the mental body. The sacral chakra vitalizes the sexual life and organs of reproduction. It is considered to be developed in a human being following birth. The basic chakra vitalizes the kidneys. This chakra also feeds the life-giving principle, the will to live, to all parts of the physical body, resulting in the fundamental instinct of self-preservation. According to Alice A. Bailey, the etheric body extends outside the dense physical body, and the chakras are part of that portion of the etheric body that lies outside.
In particular, she states that the crown chakra is "just above the top of the head", the brow chakra is "just in front of the eyes and forehead"; and the five spinal chakras (throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral and basic) are positioned in the "etheric counterpart of the spinal column", which is behind the dense physical body. (1) In addition, she says that these spinal centers are at least two inches away from the dense physical spine for an undeveloped person and are even further away for an average person. (2) It is possible to give a precise definition for chakra development. Bailey states that each major chakra is separated from the one above it and the one below it by an interlaced protective web of etheric substance. She says that there are four circular webs lying between the five major chakras in the etheric spine and that there are two additional webs in the head. When intact, these six webs prevent the free movement of energies in the etheric body. (3) These webs become dissipated slowly, normally, and automatically, as the person purifies his life, disciplines his emotions, and practises meditation. When a particular web is dissipated, the corresponding chakra is defined as being developed, and the person has attained a higher state of consciousness. The lowest etheric web is between the basic and sacral chakras. When this web is dissipated, the sacral chakra is defined as being developed. Because this dissipation occurs around the time of birth, the sacral chakra is always developed for all persons following birth. For an average or ordinary human being, the etheric web between the sacral and solar plexus chakras has generally been dissipated, in which case the solar plexus chakra is developed and the person can express emotional sensitivity. When the web between the solar plexus chakra and the heart chakra is dissipated, the heart chakra is developed, and the person has attained the first spiritual initiation called Birth at Bethlehem. When the web between the heart chakra and the throat chakra is dissipated, the throat chakra is developed, and the person has attained the second initiation called Baptism in Jordan. When the web between the throat chakra and brow chakra is dissipated, the brow chakra is developed, and the person has attained the third initiation called Transfiguration. And when the web between the brow chakra and the crown chakra is dissipated, the crown chakra is developed, and the person has attained the fourth initiation called Crucifixion. It is possible to give Buddhist and Hindu names for these expansions of consciousness. Meditation can be defined as an effort to evoke a quality associated with a state of consciousness higher than one's normal state, with the result of increasing the activity of a chakra that has not yet been developed. Having a regular daily period of meditation is a fruitful approach for developing the chakras and raising one's state of consciousness. Without meditation a person will still experience glimpses of qualities associated with higher states, but the purpose of meditation is to prolong and deepen those glimpses. A person's meditation practice usually will evolve as his chakras develop, so that there will be a
different approach for each state of consciousness that he attains. For instance, he may progress from bhakti yoga, to raja yoga, and then to agni yoga. A chakra can be thought of as being an oscillator with a particular natural frequency. An oscillator can be described as any object that moves in a regular periodic manner, such as a violin string or a pendulum. Two oscillators having the same natural frequency can develop sympathetic resonance, which means that the vibrations of one oscillator can reinforce those of the other. For example, if a string in one violin is played while a second violin lies on a table, then the corresponding string in that second violin will begin to vibrate. In this case, vibratory waves are passed through the air from one violin to the other. In the same way, if several pendulum clocks are hung on the same wall, so that the pendulums are of the same length but are out of phase, after a while all clocks will be in phase. Here, vibratory waves are passed through the wall from one clock to another. Radiatory healing can be understood as a process of establishing sympathetic resonance between corresponding chakras in healer and patient. In this case, vibratory waves are transferred over the etheric subplanes, enabling 'synchronization' to occur between the healer's and patient's chakras. (4) Vibratory waves from the healer's crown chakra, via the brow chakra, can aid the patient in becoming aligned with his own spiritual purpose. Waves from the healer's heart chakra can convey a sense of compassion or oneness with others. Waves from the healer's throat chakra can aid the patient in strengthening and clarifying his mind. And waves from the healer's solar plexus chakra can convey inner peace and calm the patient's emotions. Both healer and patient should fulfill certain conditions in order for radiatory healing to be successful. The healer must be able to experience the various qualities within himself and then be able to radiate the corresponding vibrations. This process requires that certain of his chakras be developed. In particular, the healer needs to have his brow chakra developed to radiate the quality of spiritual purpose from that chakra. (5) His heart chakra should be developed to radiate the quality of compassion. (6) His throat chakra should be active to radiate the quality of mental clarity. And his heart chakra should be active and solar plexus chakra developed to radiate the quality of inner peace from the solar plexus chakra. For proper registration, the patient should have some of his chakras active plus a willingness to register the radiated energies - the word willingness is used because his experience is subject to his own free choice. In particular, if the patient is "highly developed", then his crown chakra would be sufficiently active to register the vibrations of spiritual purpose, and his heart chakra would be sufficiently active to register compassion. If he is "an ordinary and average advanced person", then his throat chakra would be sufficiently active to register mental clarity. But even if the patient is "quite undeveloped and relatively a low grade human being", then his solar plexus chakra would still be sufficiently active to register inner peace. (7) Although this article has focused on radiatory work in terms of the chakras, technical knowledge about the chakras is not necessary. A person's intention automatically controls the activity of his chakras, which generally operate below the threshold of consciousness. A practitioner can transmit various qualities to a patient without understanding which centers send or receive the
corresponding vibrations. After first experiencing those qualities within himself, a healer can radiate them merely by intending to do so, which causes the requisite activity of his chakras to occur automatically. Nevertheless, technical knowledge about the chakras can be useful for several reasons. First, this knowledge provides a coherent theory of the healing process and a basis for a student to learn the art of healing, such as by using visualization. Second, this knowledge can predict the limitations of the healer to heal and of the patient to respond to healing. Third, knowledge of the chakras can improve the effectiveness of the healing work, such as by properly utilizing the hands. And fourth, this knowledge can explain some of the experiences that both the healer and the patient undergo. References: 1. A.A.Bailey, Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle (Lucis Publishing Co, NY 1975), p146. 2. A.A.Bailey, Esoteric Healing (Lucis Publishing Co, NY, 1977) p461. 3. Idem, p186-187; and A.A.Bailey, A Treatise on White Magic (Lucis Publishing Co, NY, 1974) p591592. The second reference describes seven etheric webs. In addition to the six webs discussed in the article, there is a web on top of the head which separates the etheric crown chakra from its counterpart on the emotional plane. 4. A.A.Bailey, Esoteric Healing, pp604-605. 5. A.A.Bailey, The Rays and the Initiations (Lucis Publishing Co, NY, 1976) pp689-691. 6. A.A.Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 2 (Lucis Publishing Co, NY, 1972) p244. 7. A.A.Bailey, Esoteric Healing, p551. The Crown Chakra & Spiritual Enlightenment Find out more about your Crown Chakra & Spiritual Enlightenment here...
The Crown Chakra and Spiritual Enlightenment In ancient times there were mystery schools dedicated to helping initiates explore the mysteries of life. These schools flourished in places such as Egypt, Tibet, and Persia, and were believed to have their roots in Atlantis. It was here that seekers of truth were taught to develop their psychic and spiritual abilities through special techniques, exercises and initiations. One of the most important initiations, or rites, from thousands of years ago still exists today. It was called the First Initiation Rite, or Great Initiation Rite, by the ancient Egyptians and involved the toning of special chants or sounds. The high priest of the respective ancient mystery school performed this wonderful rite with newly enrolled students. This ritual took place at midnight in various locations such as the Sacred Lake at Karnak or in a secret chamber that existed below the Great Sphinx. The results of this initiation were profound and lasting for all that took part in it.
More than three thousand years ago, a beautiful man made lake existed amongst the temples of Karnak in Egypt. This was the Sacred Lake just mentioned. References to ancient Egyptian rituals and ceremonies can be found in books such as Egypts Ancient Heritage, Herbak: the Initiate and The Symbolic Prophecy of the Great Pyramid. All are published by the Rosicrucian (AMORC) Brotherhood in San Jose, California. In my book Ancient Teachings for Beginners, this initiation is explained in detail along with a history of the ancient mystery schools. As the author, I recognize the value of this ancient rite and have employed it many times on myself and countless others. Many individuals on a spiritual path have experimented with this ritual on their own, as well. The effects have been beneficial for everyone. One of the chants associated with the First Initiation Rite affects the crown chakra greatly and the third eye charka, or energy center, to a lesser degree. The crown chakra, of course, is located at the top of the head and is linked on a physical level to the pituitary gland. The third eye chakra is situated in the middle of the forehead and is connected to the pineal gland on a physical level. When intoned properly, this special chant or sound will send a vibration deep within the head where both the pineal and pituitary glands are situated. This causes these glands to vibrate, which in turn stimulates them and the surrounding areas of the brain. As this happens, the crown chakra will become activated and open up. The third eye chakra will also be activated slightly at the same time. This allows higher vibrations of energy to enter into the crown chakra, the third eye chakra, the body and the human energy field or aura. This energy is connected to the Godsource, or heavenly fields above, and exists all around you. It is in the air that you breathe and the water that you drink. This energy is also referred to as chi, universal energy, prana, and spirit energy. Although this high vibration of energy was explored and discussed in the ancient mystery schools by the Egyptians, it was known simply as spirit. When the crown chakra is activated fully and the third eye chakra to a lesser degree, the universal energy enters into the auric field, thereby letting several things happen. The aura will become cleaner and brighter. The seven main charkas, or energy centers, will receive this high vibration and become more balanced. This will allow healing energy to flow into the body. The stimulation and activation of both of these glands will affect the hypothalamus region of the brain resulting in the release of some endorphins into the body. This in turn will help someone to feel better. This in itself is particularly beneficial for anyone suffering with mood swings. Also, the neo cortex of the brain becomes stimulated and results in neurons firing into many areas of the brain. This allows you to use more of your brains potential, including the awakening of latent psychic abilities. This special chant slows down the aging process as well, because the endocrine glandular system becomes more balanced and in harmony. This is due to the fact that the pineal gland and pituitary gland when activated will influence the other glands of the endocrine system in a very positive way. A brief description of this chanting exercise follows. The sound to use is May, as in the month. Before you begin, take a deep breath in and hold it for about five seconds. Then exhale slowly and evenly through your mouth or nose. This is your choice. Repeat this breathing technique two more times. It is important that the deep breathing is done a total of three times. This allows some of the chi or universal energy to be absorbed into the lungs and ultimately the whole body via the circulatory system. This ensures that the brain waves slow down, your auric field around you
expands and brightens, and you feel more relaxed. This is necessary in order to receive the full benefits of performing the May chant. This chant is done in a mid C musical note. For those of you who are not musically oriented, follow this general rule. When you chant, make sure that your voice is in a mid-range, not too high and not too low. You can also experiment with the range and find the exact level that works best for you. Now, take in another deep breath and hold it for a few seconds. Then, as you exhale, intone the sound M-A-A-A-Y-Y-Y until all your breath has been expelled. Let the pitch of your voice rise and fall a little as you do this. Take in a second deep breath, hold it once more for a bit and then repeat the chant. Intone the chant a third and final time. Once completed, just relax for a few moments. Some of you may start to notice certain physiological things happening during or just upon completion of this Crown Chakra Exercise. For others, the results may be slow at first and less significant. In these cases, the results will be subtle but effective even though you may not be fully aware of it. In Ancient Teachings for Beginners, I explain the effects of performing this chant along with other chants and exercises in great detail. Another of the physiological effects of this exercise is a feeling of tingles on the top of the head where the crown chakra is located. This is a sign that the crown energy center is opening up. It is starting to receive higher vibrations of universal energy from the heavenly fields above, as mentioned earlier. Also, it is an indication that neurons are firing in the cerebrum of the brain, creating new pathways to other areas within. The cerebrum is the major mass of the human brain. Some of your psychic abilities are stored within this part of your brain. As these pathways open up, universal energy and electrical stimulation are sent to dormant cells of the cerebrum that contain some of your psychic gifts and abilities. These cells will then be activated, allowing you to begin using some of these untapped abilities. The pituitary gland has many physical purposes. It also has a psychic and spiritual purpose. When it is stimulated, it begins to work as a receiver of psychic information and spiritual impressions. The potential of working with your angels and spirit guides becomes available. For those of you who already communicate with these wise beings, your abilities will become enhanced. As stated, the stimulation of the cerebrum, pineal and pituitary releases endorphins into the bloodstream. Seratonin is one of the hormonal secretions released through this chant. This helps to give you a natural high. Obviously, people who suffer from depression and low seratonin levels can find this exercise beneficial in alleviating this condition. Once the pituitary gland has been activated on a physical level, and the crown chakra has been opened on a psychic level, more psychic and spiritual gifts will unfold. Some of these gifts are as follows: intuition increased, creativity expanded, clairvoyant abilities (to see beyond the norm) developed or enhanced, and empathic abilities developed or enhanced. For many of you, these gifts will allow you to become aura readers, energy healers, spiritual mediums and medical intuitives. If you are already engaged in any of these pursuits, these attributes
will be increased. Spiritual enlightenment is a goal that everyone should seek. A spiritually developed or enlightened person affects the world around them in wondrous ways. When you become enlightened, your soul within will become a beautiful light to others. Enjoy your spiritual journey! 'The husbandman deals with land; physicians and trainers with the body; the wise man with his own Mind.' From The Golden Sayings of Epictetus Seven Chakras Find out more about your seven chakras here... Root Chakra / Base Chakra Find out more about your Root Chakra here...
Root Chakra (Muladhara) My student Anne recently called me to schedule a private yoga session. A few months ago, she'd moved from Georgia to the Bay Area for her husband's work, and she was having difficulty finding a new job as a graphic designer. While she felt good about their relocation, her house was unfamiliar, she missed her relatives in Atlanta, she worried about finding work, and she was feeling tired and worried about coming down with a cold. If Anne had consulted a job counselor, a therapist, and a doctor, each of her problems might have been treated as separateand certainly she could successfully tackle them in this way. But because for years I have looked at life using the lens of the chakra system, a way of understanding human life that is woven into both yoga and traditional Indian medicine, I was able to see the common ground in all of Anne's issues. Even more important, I was able to suggest yoga poses and other practices I was fairly sure would support her in facing each of her challenges. Anne's symptoms sounded to me like a first chakra deficiency. That was hardly surprising, as the recent changes in her life presented her with classic first chakra challenges. Centered at the perineum and the base of the spine and called Muladhara Chakra (Root Chakra), this energy vortex is involved in tending to our survival needs, establishing a healthy sense of groundedness, taking good basic care of the body, and purging the body of wastes. The associated body parts include the base of the spine, the legs, feet, and the large intestine. Circumstances that pull up our roots and cause a first chakra deficiency (like Anne's) include traveling, relocation, feeling fearful, and big changes in our body, family, finances, and business. Some people, often those with busy minds and active imaginations, don't need special
challenges to become deficient in this chakra; they feel ungrounded most of the time, living more in the head than in the body. We experience deficiencies in this chakra as "survival crises." However mild or severewhether you've been evicted, gone bankrupt, or just have the flu-these crises usually demand a lot of immediate attention. On the other hand, signs of excessiveness in the first chakra include greed, hoarding of possessions or money, or attempting to ground yourself by gaining a lot of excess weight. There are many yoga poses that correct first chakra imbalances, bringing us back to our body and the earth and helping us experience safety, security, and stillness. Muladhara Chakra is associated with the element earth, representing physical and emotional grounding, and with the color red, which has a slower vibration than the colors that symbolize the other chakras. To help her ground, Anne and I began by focusing on her feet, for all poses that stretch and strengthen the legs and feet help the first chakra. She rolled a tennis ball underneath one foot and then the other, pressing into it to help awaken the soles (a mini acupressure treatment) and open the "doors" of the feet. To stimulate the toes and encourage them to spread for standing poses, she sat cross-legged and laced her fingers in between her toes, reaching from the sole to the top of the foot. Then she knelt, curled her toes under, and sat on them for a minute. Following these warm-ups, we did an hour of calf openers, hamstring stretches, and standing poses to help her open and strengthen her lower body and root her attention downward. When our hamstrings are tight, the contraction creates a sense that we're constantly prepared to run away. As Anne slowly stretched the backs of her legs in Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend) and Janu Sirsasana (Head-to-Knee Pose), she received some of the gifts of the first chakra: calmness, patience, and a willingness to slow down and stay in one place. As she strengthened her quadriceps and opened her hamstrings, she renewed her confidence and commitment to the next steps on her life's journey. Her fears eased as she allowed herself to trust the earth and her body. Anne and I ended our session with peaceful restorative poses, like Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclining Bound Angle Pose), Salamba Savasana (Supported Corpse Pose), and Salamba Balasana (Supported Child's Pose), all of which settle an overactive mind and encourage us to surrender to gravity. By the end of our session, she no longer felt so worried. At home in her body, she was more prepared for the challenges she faced Your Root Chakra: Balanced Foundation. Located in the energy field at the base of your tailbone, it provides the firm foundation necessary to living, establishes personal access to everything needed in order to survive and grow, and offers a basic sense of security and safety. Your first chakra's main role is to help you meet your basic needs for survival-smoothly, certainly, and with grace. It focuses attention on your daily needs and
stimulates your ability to fulfill them. The result is confidence - in yourself and the Universe and connection, a true sense of spiritual heritage and community kinship. Root Chakra Facts: The first chakra governs eating, the need for shelter, warmth, and comfort and the desire to feel protected. A well-balanced root chakra results in a feeling of calm and an aura of quiet strength and confidence. In your body, the first chakra governs the bones, blood, immune system, colon, rectum, legs, and feet. An apt image for the first chakra is a plant or tree rooted firmly in Mother Earth. The root chakra vibrates with the color red. The root chakra's mission statement is: I want, I need. Maintaining a balanced foundation is an ongoing and sometimes challenging process. Life is ever changing, and you must be able to go with the flow, bending like the branches of a tree in an unpredictable wind. Because it is impossible to control your external environment, you must concentrate on creating an inner environment that is both solid and flexible. Second Chakra / Sacral Chakra Find out more about your second Chakra here...
Second Chakra (Svadisthana, Hips, Sacrum, Genitals) In Sanskrit, the second chakra is called Svadisthana, which translates as "one's own place or base," indicating just how crucial this chakra is in our lives. A student who is facing second chakra issues would experience very different concerns than Anne. Getting things in order was the work of the first chakra. The tasks of the second chakra include allowing for emotional and sensual movement in our life, opening to pleasure, and learning how to "go with the flow." Associated with the hips, sacrum, lower back, genitals, womb, bladder, and kidneys, this chakra is involved with sensuality, sexuality, emotions, intimacy, and desire. All watery things about us have to do with this chakra: circulation, urination, menstruation, orgasm, tears. Water flows, moves, and changes, and a healthy second chakra allows us to do so too. Trying to influence the outer world is not the province of the second chakra. Instead of demanding that our body or a relationship be different, the second chakra encourages us to feel the feelings that arise as we open to life just as it is. As we allow ourselves to accept what is, we taste the sweetness (and bittersweetness) of life. When we relax our resistance to life, our hips let go, our reproductive organs become less tense, and we're open to experiencing our sensuality and sexuality.
Along with the second chakra at the pelvis, the other even-numbered chakras (the fourth, at the heart, and the sixth, at the third eye) are concerned with the "feminine" qualities of relaxation and openness. These chakras exercise our rights to feel, to love, and to see. Oddnumbered chakras, found in the legs and feet, solar plexus, throat, and crown of the head, are concerned with the "masculine" endeavor of applying our will in the world, asserting our rights to have, to ask, to speak, and to know. The odd-numbered, masculine chakras tend to move energy through our systems, pushing it out into the world and creating warmth and heat. The even-numbered, feminine chakras cool things down, attracting energy inward. In the modern world, the masculine and feminine principles of life are out of balance: The masculine energy of action and expression too often overrules the feminine energy of wisdom and acceptance, causing increased stress in our lives. So many people have taken on an imbalanced work ethic that scoffs at pleasure and affords little time for enjoyment or relaxation. After focusing on her second chakra in a recent workshop, a student confided to me how hard it was to allow pleasure in her workaholic life. We created a plan for her to give herself 20 minutes each day devoted just to the healing power of pleasure: listening to music, doing gentle yoga, getting a massage. Our lives give us plenty of opportunities to express ourselves and be active; in our yoga practice and elsewhere, we need to make sure we complement this with relaxation and receptivity. Harmony requires balance. In yoga, that means creating a practice that combines strength and flexibility, effort and surrender. Any imbalance in your yoga practice will be mirrored in your chakras. In a culture as confused as ours is about sexuality, pleasure, and emotional expression, there are an infinite number of pathways to an imbalanced second chakra. For example, people who were raised in an environment where emotions were repressed or pleasure denied will be more likely to lack energy in the second chakra. Symptoms of a second chakra deficiency include fear of pleasure, being out of touch with feelings, and resistance to change. Sexual problems and discomfort in the lower back, hips, and reproductive organs can also signify that this chakra needs some kind attention. Sexual abuse during childhood can lead to feeling closed down in this chakra or may result in making sexual energy the most dominant part of the personality. An excessively charged second chakra may reveal itself through overly emotional behavior, sexual addiction, or poor boundaries. Excessiveness may also result from a family environment where there's a constant need for pleasurable stimulation (entertainment, partying) or frequent emotional drama. Your Second Chakra: Balanced Vitality Second Chakra Facts: The second chakra creates your passion for life, celebrating good times, good sex and good food. A well-balanced second chakra will result in a satisfied appetite for life, physical gratification, emotional fulfillment and creative expression. In your body, the second chakra governs the sexual and reproductive organs, the bladder, and part of the lower intestine. An apt image for the second chakra is a warm, exciting fireplace in your belly.
The second chakra vibrates with the color orange. The second chakra's mission statement is: I feel, I sense, I discover. When your second chakra is unbalanced, you might have the tendency of avoiding, controlling or ignoring your feelings. Or you might even disconnect from the sensual altogether, severing yourself from your sense and your feelings, and living your life in your head. If the imbalance is great enough, you could experience self-denial, self-rejection, and self-deprivation. Shadows can envelope your life, putting to an end all spontaneity, pleasure, and joy. At its very worst, an imbalanced second chakra can lead to anorexia, bulimia, addiction, sexual dysfunction and depression. Solar Plexus Chakra Find out more about your Solar Plexus Chakra here...
Solar Plexus Chakra (Navel, Manipura) Located in the area of the solar plexus, navel, and the digestive system, the fiery third chakra is called Manipura, the lustrous gem. Associated with the color yellow, this chakra is involved in self-esteem, warrior energy, and the power of transformation; it also governs digestion and metabolism. A healthy, spirited third chakra supports us in overcoming inertia, jump-starting our get-up-and-go attitude so that we can take risks, assert our will, and assume responsibility for our life. This chakra is also the place of our deep belly laughter, warmth, ease, and the vitality we receive from performing selfless service. Sensible risk-taking is one way of gaining confidence and flexing your third chakra power muscles. For some people, a risk is dropping back from Tadasana (Mountain Pose) into Urdhva Dhanurasana (Upward Bow Pose); for others, it might simply be getting to their first yoga class. Risks may involve confrontation, setting limits, or asking for what we needall ways of reclaiming our power. Digestive problems, eating disorders, feeling like a victim, or experiencing low self-esteem can all be indications of a deficient third chakra. When you feel disempowered or in need of reenergizing, third chakra poses fan the flames of your inner fire and restore vitality so that you can move from the strength of your core. Practice Suryanamaskar (Sun Salutation), abdominal strengtheners like Navasana (Boat Pose), Ardha Navasana (Half Boat Pose), and Urdhva Prasarita Padasana (Leg Lifts), Warrior poses, twists, and Bhastrika Pranayama (Bellows Breath or Breath of Fire). Perfectionism, anger, hatred, and too much emphasis on power, status, and recognition reveal an excessive third chakra. In addition, taking in more of anything than you can assimilate and use also indicates excessiveness. Restorative, passive backbends that cool off the bellys fire act as calming agents for third chakra excess. We live in a time where there is little encouragement for paying attention to our bodys natural energy levels and giving it what it needs. So often when we are really tired, we ignore our longing for rest and manipulate our bodies with caffeine, sugar, and other stimulants to create a false sense of energy. When were overstimulated and want to relax or draw inward, many people turn to overeating, alcohol, or drugs to slow down. Yoga offers us a different choice: to listen to what our body requires and to truly nourish ourselves, using appropriate asanas and pranayama practices to create more energy or relaxation. Once weve done that, we can get a taste of our true personal power. Your Sloar Plexus Chakra: Balanced Sovereignty The solar plexus chakra-located in your solar plexus, halfway between your navel and ribcage-is the domain of your inner adult. It is the center of your intellect and personal power, giving you the ability to stay true to your course in life. Courage, integrity, and choice are the backbone of personal sovereignty. Solar Plexus Chakra Facts:
The third chakra rules your self-direction, self-control, personal will and physical energy. A well-balanced third chakra results in high self-esteem and the ability to accept responsibility for yourself, while assuming personal authority over your life. In your body, the third chakra governs the stomach, pancreas, upper intestines, gallbladder, liver, and lower back. An apt image for the third chakra is the bright sun. The solar plexus chakra vibrates with the color yellow. The solar plexus chakra's mission statement is: I choose, I intend, I will. Physically, an imbalanced solar plexus chakra can result in digestive problems, ulcers, irritable colon, gallbladder problems, excessive weight around your middle and loss of appetite. Spiritually, you can fail to live your own truth and to be who you are really meant to be. Codependency-making decisions or taking actions based on the belief that pleasing others is more important than pleasing yourself-is among the negative emotional consequences of imbalanced personal sovereignty. So are fear of rejection, disapproval or abandonment, as well as depression, addiction, and suppressed anger. The solar plexus chakra can also be imbalanced in the other direction: You can have too much sovereignty. When that happens, you can become narrow-minded, relentless and unyielding. Extremely overcompensating people can be intimidating, overbearing, and insensitive. Although society actually honors some of these aggressive qualities, they produce workaholism, strained relationships and the inability to slow down or relax.
Heart Chakra Find out more about your Heart Chakra here...
Heart Chakra (Anahata) The fourth chakra, the heart chakra,rests in the center of the chakra system, at the core of our spirit. Its physical location is the heart, upper chest, and upper back. The fourth is the balance point, integrating the world of matter (the lower three chakras) with the world of spirit (the upper three chakras). Through the heart chakra, we open to and connect with harmony and peace. The health of our heart center registers the quality and power of love in our life. In Sanskrit, the heart chakra is called Anahata, which means unstruck or unhurt. Its name implies that deep beneath our personal stories of brokenness and the pain in our heart, wholeness, boundless love, and a wellspring of compassion reside. This chakras element is air. Air spreads and energizes. Like water, air assumes the shape of whatever it fills, yet it is less subject to gravity than water. When you feel swept up in love, you often need to replant your first chakra in order to stay grounded. Air permeates breath, so pranayama practice helps balance and tone this chakra. All forms of pranayama can help
you use more air, more prana, thereby increasing your vitality and enthusiasm for life. If you notice that you are sitting with your head forward, shoulders rounded and your chest collapsed, its a good time to start practicing fourth chakra poses to give your heart some breathing space. When we lead with our head and not with the heart, we may be overly focused on thought and tend to cut ourselves off from the emotions and the body. When the heart chakra is deficient, you may experience feelings of shyness and loneliness, an inability to forgive, or a lack of empathy. Physical symptoms can include shallow breathing, asthma, and other lung diseases. Asanas that enliven the heart chakra include passive chest openers in which we arch gently over a blanket or bolster, shoulder stretches such as the arm positions of Gomukhasana and Garudasana (Eagle Pose), and backbends. Being an even-numbered, feminine chakra, the heart center naturally yearns to release and let go. Doing backbends develops the trust and surrender we need to open the heart fully. When we feel fearful, there is no room for love, and our bodies show contraction. When we choose love, the fear melts away, and our practice takes on a joyful quality. In many backbending poses, the heart is positioned higher than the head. It's wonderfully refreshing to let the mind drop away from the top position and instead lead with the heart. Some signs that the heart chakra is overpowering your life can include co-dependency, possessiveness, jealousy, heart disease, and high blood pressure. For these symptoms, forward bends are the best antidote, because they are grounding and foster introspection. While people with deficient heart chakras need to open to receive love more fully, those with excessive heart chakras find healing by slowing down to discover inside themselves the nourishment they have been seeking from others. The most powerful way to open, energize, and balance not just the heart chakra but all of our chakras is to love ourselves and others. Love is the greatest healer. In our hatha yoga practice, remembering what we love and appreciate as we practice fourth chakra asanas enhances the power of the poses and our general well-being. Your Heart Chakra: Balanced Heart Located near your heart, in the very center of your chest, your fourth chakra is the domain of human intimacy. It is essential to affection, warmth, nurturing, friendship and familiarity. Your fourth chakra is the seat of your ability to feel joy, unity, laughter and especially, love-the very highest power in your life. It expands your capacity to be generous, sensitive, forgiving and tolerant. With a balanced fourth chakra, the circulation of your blood is healthy and smooth, your heart rhythm is regular and your arteries are clear from blockage. The fourth chakra is generally considered the most important energy center in your psyche, because it is from this chakra that love emanates. It is naturally associated with family,
partners, friends, spiritual family members and animals. When it is balanced, you care about how you affect others. You want to touch them in a positive, nurturing way. You want to reveal to them the power of love. Heart Chakra Facts: The heart chakra rules your compassion, forgiveness, generosity and love. A well-balanced fourth chakra will result in stimulating your highest ideals and desires, and leave you feeling positive and nurturing. In your body, the fourth chakra governs the heart, circulation, breasts, and arteries. An apt image for the fourth chakra is an open doorway. The heart chakra vibrates with the color green. The heart chakra's mission statement is: I give, I care, I love. When your heart chakra is balanced, you non-judgmentally accept yourself and others. You recognize beauty-in yourself and in everyone-while overlooking weaknesses. It is because of a balanced fourth chakra that you are kind and forgiving, as well as quick to pardon. You are also tolerant, optimistic, resourceful and humorous. If your heart chakra is off balance or shut down, you might have a tendency to run away from intimacy. You might even intentionally push otherwise loving and lovable people away from you. Without this sense of connection, you become critical, suspicious and defensive. Paranoia becomes a real possibility. If your heart center shuts down completely, you may be inclined toward secrecy, betrayal and addictions. By closing your heart, you continue to push people away, who in response reject you again, seemingly validating your initial etermination to seal yourself off. Again and again you pull back. Again and again you're pushed away. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. Your heart becomes more closed and you become more isolated. A heart chakra imbalanced in the opposite direction-too wide open-causes problems too. You can become too empathic, too easily picking up on the anger or depression of others. You live at the mercy of the moods and feelings of those around you. This can be psychically and physically draining. Throat Chakra Find out more about your Throat Chakra here...
Throat Chakra (Visuddha) Since the heart chakra is the bridge between the lower, more physical energy centers and the upper, more metaphysical ones, as we ascend through the chakras, the fifth is the first primarily focused on the spiritual plane. The throat chakra, Visuddha, is associated with the
color turquoise blue and with the elements sound and ether, the field of subtle vibrations ancient Indians believed pervaded the universe. Located in the neck, throat, jaw, and mouth, the Visuddha chakra resonates with our inner truth and helps us find a personal way to convey our voice to the outside world. The rhythm of music, creativity of dance, the vibration of singing, and the communication we make through writing and speaking are all fifth chakra ways to express ourselves. Visuddha means "pure" or "purification." Purification of the body through attention to diet, yoga, meditation, and exercise opens us to experience the subtler aspects of the upper chakras. Some yogis notice that drinking more water and letting go of products such as tobacco and dairy helps to loosen up the neck and shoulders and clear the voice. In addition, sound itself is purifying. If you think of the way you feel after chanting Indian kirtans, reading poetry aloud, or simply singing along with your favorite music, you'll recognize how the vibrations and rhythms positively affect your body, right down to the cellular level. Deficient energy in this chakra leads to neck stiffness, shoulder tension, teeth grinding, jaw disorders, throat ailments, an underactive thyroid, and a fear of speaking. Excessive talking, an inability to listen, hearing difficulties, stuttering, and an overactive thyroid are all related to excessiveness in this chakra. Your Throat Chakra: Balanced Expression Also known as the throat chakra, your fifth energy center is located at the back of your neck. It includes your entire jaw. On an energy level, it is the center of your personal expression and the messenger of your spirit. The throat chakra is located where food, drink, drugs, smoke and other external substances enter your body. That's why it is extremely important that you make a conscious choice to ingest healthy, wholesome substances instead of those that can poison your spirit. Throat Chakra Facts: The fifth chakra rules your communication, creativity, connection and personal intention. A well-balanced fifth chakra awakens in you the truth that your life is built on your words, thoughts, beliefs and ideas. In your body, the fifth chakra governs throat, thyroid, trachea, esophagus, neck, mouth, teeth, and ears. An apt image for the fifth chakra is a chimney. The throat chakra vibrates with a sky-blue color. The throat chakra's mission statement is: I express, I listen, I communicate. A well-balanced throat chakra enables your expression to act as a three-way psychic radio. The first band, which activates your speaking and listening abilities, also governs all forms of creativity and awakens your ability to connect with others. The second band establishes mental and telepathic rapport with others, sending and receiving thoughts and feelings,
especially from those who are on the same wavelength as you. Finally, the third band tunes in to your own inner voice, allowing you to pick up on your intention and to ask for and receive direction from the Divine Spirit. When your expression is imbalanced, you many times suppress what you are really feeling. You block input from others by building walls around yourself. This can result in heightened levels of anxiety, secrecy, frustration and anger. Your joyful and creative spirit is damaged and when you finally begin to speak-as you eventually will-it will be in the voice of your wounded inner child. He or she will be angry and will lash out, either outwardly against others or inwardly through destructive or addictive behaviors. Severe imbalances might result in speech or auditory difficulties. Another common imbalance is refraining from expressing your needs or establishing boundaries because you might offend someone. Learning to speak your mind can be difficult, especially when trying to convey anger. We are often taught that being angry and expressing it is a bad thing. However, remember that there is nothing inappropriate about having feelings and expressing them. The throat chakra, too, can be out of balance in the opposite direction. You can express yourself too much, too recklessly. By using non-stop talking as a means of distancing yourself and avoiding intimate connections with others, you just as effectively drive people from your life. Third Eye Chakra Find out more about your Third Eye Chakra here...
Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) Can you recall last night's dream? Can you imagine how you would like your body to feel tomorrow? These imaginative abilitiesvisualizing the past, creating positive pictures of the future, and fantasizingare all aspects of the third eye Chakra, whose Sanskrit name (Ajna) means both "the perception center" and "the command center." Associated with the element light and the color indigo blue, the sixth chakra is located between and just above the physical eyes, creating the spiritual third eye. While our two eyes see the material world, our sixth chakra sees beyond the physical. This vision includes clairvoyance, telepathy, intuition, dreaming, imagination, and visualization. The Third Eye Chakra is involved in both the creation and perception of art and in the recognition that what we see has a powerful impact on us. Even when we're not aware of it, we're all sensitive to the images we find in our environment. I remember growing up in Los Angeles as a teen and seeing hoards of billboards advertising liquor and cigarettes. Looking at them didn't make me feel healthy or happy; instead, it gave me the message that I
needed drugs to feel complete. Then I went to Thailand as a high school foreign-exchange student. I saw Buddha statues on the streets instead of billboards, and those serene, majestic figures awakened my connection to inner peace. When the third eye is excessively abuzz with energy, we experience headaches, hallucinations, nightmares, and difficulty concentrating. When this chakra is deficient, we have a poor memory, experience eye problems, have difficulty recognizing patterns, and can't visualize well. As a yoga teacher, I occasionally like to work with this chakra by having my students wear blindfolds during an entire class. Temporarily deprived of sight, which provides such a huge percentage of our sensory input, students have a very fresh experience of yoga. They can't be distracted by the room, by other students, or by looking critically at their own bodies. Instead, they experience pratyahara, the drawing inward of the senses. After these classes, students have shared with me profound insights about their bodies and lives that came up because their vision was directed more deeply inside themselves. Another yogic approach to supporting the health of the Third Eye Chakra is to do supported forward bends, adding an extra bolster or blanket to press upon and stimulate the third eye area. Also, creating positive images and visualizations is a practice that helps create a healthy sixth chakra. Such affirmative visions act as natural magnets, drawing the imagined situation into your life. Mental and Emotional Issues: Self-evaluation, truth, intellectual abilities, feelings of adequacy, openness to ideas of others, ability to learn from experiences, emotional intelligence, clairvoyance, intuition and insight. Traits When Overactive: Egotism, cynicism, proud, manipulative, religiously dogmatic, authoritarian. Traits When Under-functioning or Off-balance: Difficulty imagining, overly intellectual (only able to deal with concrete concepts), overly linear or rational thinking. Lack of concentration, tension, headaches, eye problems, bad dreams, and being overly detached from the world. Organs: Brain, nervous system, eyes, ears, nose, pineal gland, pituitary gland. Physical Dysfunctions: Brain tumor/hemorrhage/stroke, neurological disturbances, blindness/deafness, full spinal difficulties, learning disabilities, seizures, schizophrenia. Foods: Lecithin, wheat germ, barley, vitamin E, alfalfa, chamomile, water, water, water.
Activities to Balance Third Eye Chakra: Meditate, visualizing an indigo blue flame or blue pearl. Some will also use crystals or a small pyramid, placed at the third eye, during meditation. Crown Chakra Find out more about your Crown Chakra here...
Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) The Sanskrit name of the seventh or crown chakra is Sahasrara, which means "thousandfold." Although this chakra is represented by a thousand-petaled lotus (the symbol of purity and spirituality), the number 1000 is not meant literally; instead, it implies the infinite nature of this chakra, which provides us with our most direct connection with the Divine. Although some teachers associate this chakra with the color violet, it is usually associated with white, a combination of all colors, just as this chakra synthesizes all the other chakras. The crown chakra is located at the crown of the head and serves as the crown of the chakra system, symbolizing the highest state of enlightenment and facilitating our spiritual development. The seventh chakra is like a halo atop the head. In art, Christ is often depicted with a golden light surrounding his head, and the Buddha shown with a lofty projection on the top of his head. In both cases, these images represent the awakened spirituality of the Sahasrara Chakra. The element of the crown chakra is thought, and this chakra is associated with the highest functions of the mind. Even though the mind cannot be seen or felt concretely, it creates the belief systems that control our thoughts and actions. To give one small example, my student George had a bad fall out of a bunk bed when he was a child. Now a fit, athletic man in his 40s, he is still frightened to do inversions. His early trauma helped create the belief that being upside down was always dangerous. Even though he now has the ability to safely and easily learn inversions, his fear paralyzes him and his belief becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. As the mind thinks, so we create our lives. Excessiveness in this chakra appears as being overly intellectual or feeling yourself to be a member of a spiritual or intellectual elite. Deficient energy manifests as difficulty thinking for yourself, apathy, spiritual skepticism, and materialism. Meditation is the yogic practice best suited for bringing this chakra into balance. Just as our body needs a shower frequently, the busy mind filled with so many thoughts and concerns also needs a cleansing. Why tackle today's problems with yesterday's muddled mind? Furthermore, the energy of this chakra helps us to experience the Divine, to open to a higher or deeper power. All the various forms of meditation, including both concentration
and insight practices, allow the mind to become more present, clear, and insightful. The ancient Hindus associated the chakras with the sleeping serpent goddess, Kundalini. She coils around the base of the first chakra and, when awakened, spirals up the energy channels (nadis) and pierces each chakra, bringing successively higher states of awareness that culminate in enlightenment at the crown chakra. Focused on transcendence, many people seeking higher consciousness have disregarded the importance of the lower chakras. Yet we all need strong and solid support of our base chakras in order to open to the spiritual in a healthy and integrated way. The lower chakras focus on details such as our home, familiy, and feelings, while the upper chakras develop synthesizing views and wisdom that help us understand the grander order of things. All of our chakras affect one another and ultimately work together. As we learn to use this ancient Indian system to understand our lives, we can gain insight into personal issues that require our attentionand we can use the techniques of hatha yoga to bring our chakras and lives back into harmony. Mental and Emotional Issues: Faith, connection to the higher powers; ability to trust life, values, ethics, and courage; humanitarianism, selflessness, ability to see larger pattern, faith and inspiration, spirituality and devotion. Traits When Overactive: Depression, migraine headaches, constant frustration, psychoses, manic-depressive, unable to process energy. Traits When Under-functioning or Off-balance: Lack of inspiration, confusion, depression, alienation from The Divine, hesitation to serve, senility, the detriment of the already mentioned above positive qualities and lessons. Organs: Muscular system, skeletal system, skin. Physical Dysfunctions: Paralysis, genetic disorders, lupus, bone cancer, multiple sclerosis, amyorophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), chronic fatigue, sensitivity to light and sound. Foods: None. (Simply energy) Activities to Balance Crown Chakra: Meditation, guided visualizations, visiting peaceful and quiet surroundings.
The Seven Chakras Here is a channeled message about your seven chakras..
Apart from the physical body a human being consists of a spiritual body, and this spiritual body is composed of vibrations of light which are structured in a way so that they create different centres. These centres are each structured in a beautiful pattern, and they are located as follows: The Root Or Base Chakra The root chakra, or the centre at the end of the spine by the loins, is the centre which radiates a white, divine light, when seen from the highest spiritual level. This centre is the centre for the material life, it is the centre that roots the subtle divine consciousness in the material life. Consequently it is the basis for human existence in this physical world, and if it is blocked, you will have a human being that feels rootless in both his spiritual and his physical existence. Every human being has a joint physical and spiritual existence. The karmic development causes an oscillation between the spiritual and the physical dimensions, and when this process goes of positively, then you feel equally at home in both places, and feel that you are able to do what you have to do in both places. The root chakra makes you able to manifest your existence wherever you are, and its delicate white light emits vibrations that has to do with mother's love. In mother's love the physical and the spiritual existence is united in a sublime way. In this form of love, where you e.g. can imagine a woman nursing her baby, the demands of the physical world are united with the highest form of spiritual love. That is why this event is so important for human beings, and therefore it is important that the period of nursing is not shortened, for in this period both the mother and the child will have stimulated, developed, and cleansed their root chakras, and this gives the newborn child the possibility for a basic development, which is far beyond any other educational means. When the mother nurses her child, the lights from their root chakras are united, and their energies are mixed together; thereby the bond, which the child needs to have to the Earth, to the material life, is strengthened, making the seperation from the spiritual realms, from which it recently has left, easier. If the period of nursing is shortened unnessarily, or if it is completely omitted, then what can happen is, that the child cannot accept that it had to part from the spiritual realms, and it may become restless. Many children today suffer from what is called hyperactivity, and this is due to a restlessness, which originates from this.
When the energies or vibrations from two people's chakras are mixed, the following takes place: the lightwaves from the one chakra affects the lightwaves from the other chakra, and depending of the purity of the chakras, these lightwaves are mixed in a way, so they create different figures. If you look at two people, e.g. a mother and a child, who have the lights from their root chakras mixed, you may see delicate figures which looks like white flowers or white crystals. If the contact is positive - if e.g. the mother is nursing her child with love, or at least with a positive will to feed the child - then beautiful figures may appear, and the figures created by the lightwaves from the chakras become more beautiful, the more love there is between the parties. This was some more general information about the mixing of vibrations from two chakras. But now to the other main chakras. The Hara Chakra The hara chakra radiates a purple light, when seen from the highest level. Purple is a vivid pink, or red-violet, bright red-violet, color. When this chakra is clean, then the person think only positive thoughts, then no impure thoughts or feelings can penetrate. With impure feelings and thoughts I mean egoistic and malicious. When we from the spiritual dimensions talk about the concepts pure or impure, this is what we mean, and nothing else. But because it is the sex chakra that stands for purity and the pure purple light, and because there has been a lot of taboos about sex, then things have been mixed up, and it has been said, that sex in itself is impure. It is by no means, sex is only impure, if it is practised for solely egoistic reasons, and/or by hurting others. Sadism and masochism are impure varieties of sexual behaviour, here one is hurting others to satisfy oneself, or one forces others to hurt oneself, thereby forcing a karmic burden upon someone else. When two people make love, then the lights from their sex chakras are mixed, and the purple lightwaves are creating figures, whose beauty also in this case depends on the love between the parties. Two people, who really love each other, create a fantastic aura around them when making love - it can be compared to a purple forest of fairytale trees, whose flowers and leaves create an arc above the lovers, which has so powerful vibrations, that a lot of negative karma can be burned away. In other words, just by loving another person and showing it by sexual behaviour which pleases and satisfies, one can develop very much personally and in the end thereby also spiritually. But all this implies, that there is love between the two, and it implies that there is a will to give instead of demanding - that they both at any time are prepared to give up egoistic demands in favour of giving to the other. The purity that is reflected in ones consciousness when the sex chakra is clean means, that one lives a positive life, a life without complaining and reproaching to others, a life where one lives in accordance with the truth of life: that one is creating ones own consciousness either as a positive or a negative impression of the world that one lives in.
The Solar Plexus Chakra This chakra is radiating a blue-violet light, and also a golden light. When the solar plexus is pure, then one is at peace with others, then one lives a life without conflicts, where all relations are positive, and all conflicts are stopped and transformed into exiting confrontations, where one is learning instead of fighting. When e.g. two people are quarreling, then the blue-violet light from the solar plexus chakra is turning dark, and the way that the lights from the two chakras are mixed is characterized by negativity. Different figures can be seen here, e.g. it is common to see small blue-violet ogres over people who are quarreling. The darker the blue-violet ligth is, the more hate is there between the two, and when it turns dark enough, it turns into black, and a blockage may arise in the solar plexus centre in one or both of them. I will point out the difference between a quarrel and a confrontation, for also within this area some rather confusing conceptions has slipped in, which have had some quite important consequences for the people here on Earth. To quarrel means to make war, which means that one attacks, feels ill-treat, complains, attack again etc.. But a conflict may also result in a confrontation, where you do not quarrel, but where each of the parties from their own point of view explains what they feel about the actual conflict or disagreement, what they mean about the situation, but without attacking the other part. In different kinds of therapy confrontations in a cultivated form are being used, and I can mention, that here the talk is about "I" and "you" messages. I-messages are those that are used in a pure confrontation, while youmessages are used in quarrelings, in verbal wars. If one restricts oneself to point out where one stands oneself, humbly and prepared to solve the conflict, then one has expressed ones love, and the whole thing can be lead into a direction where the parties come to an agreement, because they both are willing to solve the conflict without attacking one another. Over the years things has got mixed up, actually in a completely similar way as they have within the sexual area, and any kind of confrontation has been taboo, which has been very detrimental to one and all. If you have a conflict with another person, then you do not solve it by simply denying it. I must be worked through in a confrontation, where first of all the energies from the solar plexus centre are activated, and first then the problem is repealed and solved. Unsolved problems in our relations to other people manifests as muscle tensions, or as blockages in many different areas, this is quite an individual matter. Within many kinds of group-therapy, e.g. within the different branches of [gestalt?] therapy, there is emphasis on finishing events between people in a correct way. The Heart Chakra This chakra is the most important of them all, because it contains the seed for the ability to feel divine, pure love for everyone and everything. Pure love is love that is devoid of egoism, of calculation, of any kind of demand. When two people who love each other purely are together, then figures quite beyond description are
created above them, e.g. like a rose-pink rainbow, shining in al the most beautiful rose-pink colors, and rose-pink flowers of all shades can be seen, as rose-pink is the color of this chakra. Pure love is the most important quality in a human being, anything else is subordinate. Any intellectual knowledge about this or that is completely subordinate the ability to feel love. Love is what God demands his children to learn, and it is the only real demand for spiritual development. Any technique, any kind of control, any intellectual knowledge is subordinated the law of love. God is pure love, and the most principal duty for his children on their journey back to him/her is to learn to feel this pure love for others. Because love is also the creative aspect in life, many negative things has happened in those societies, where there have been an emphasis on the intellectual and academical knowledge. Here much has been lost, and countless people have had their development amputated, because their creativity has been stifled in the years of growth, and thereby their ability to love. To work creatively does not only mean to paint or to write, there are lots of ways in which to work creatively. Common to them all is that one uses ones ability to create - the power that manifests through ones hands or mouth - and that one has opportunities for development of this discharge of energy. The educational system in the socalled civilized countries on Earth has been amputated though the demands for intellectual effectivity, and thereby many a heart chakra has been blocked over the years. Now when talking so much about blockages in the chakras here in the first chapter, I will hurry to add, that there is no reason to despair because of this, for life is arranged so suitable, that one begins to clear and cleanse all the blockages one has developed, as soon as one makes the decision that one wants to be cleansed. One can then do different things in order to ease the process, like meditating, or practising yoga or other bodily techniques. One can even get rid of many blockages by swimming regularly, because water has healing powers. Therefore: if you want to get rid of the blockage in your heart chakra, then do not despair; of course it will take some time before your prayer will be granted, but it will happen sooner or later as you wish, especially because it is a positive wish, and because you will receive help from the spiritual dimensions to have your wish fulfilled. In a later chapter I will delve deeper into different methods for cleansing yourself. The Throat Chakra This chakra radiates a blue light, when seen from the highest level - a clear blue color, not light blue, but a clear blue color, like the sky on a clear summerday. When the throath chakra is clean, then one feels an inner, completely unshakable peace;
one feels strong, no matter the circumstances. Not a strength that has to do with power, but a strength that springs from resting in oneself, a resting in ones higher, or divine self. When two people mix the energies from their throath chakras, they talk together actively and intensely. If one or both is trying to dominate, then the joint blue color turns dark, and figures appears which looks like small ogres or witches, and also power-symbols, like weapon of all kinds, may appear. When two people mix the energies from their throath chakras, without the desire for dominating each other, then the most beautiful blue color appears, and within this color symbols for strength and solidarity, like e.g. a beautiful sword which protects the two against the dark forces, may appear. Also humorous figures, like laughing fairies, can be seen, for when there are no dark manifestations of power in the contact with another persons throath chakra, then there is humour. Humour is one of the most important of Gods qualities, and he/she likes to see, that his/hers children really understand this and live in accordance with it. Within most religions the higher spiritual doctrines and textbooks are devoid of humour, this is simply an error, and this is also going to be corrected now. Of course it may be a bit difficult to bring humour into the highest wisdom, but it is actually dangerous not to, for humour can to some degree protect against the kind of darkness, which tries to gain power through the contact with human beings' throath chakras. Therefore: a good joke, when the conversation becomes a bit unpleasant, that is a good idea. This is what is meant when we say that humour is disarming. The Third-Eye Or Brow Chakra This chakra, which is also called the third eye, is located right between the eyebrows on the forehead. It is the centre for clairvoyance, visions, and transcendence of time and space in thinking. It radiates a clear, green light, and people who have begun to develop the ability so see more than most people, have a shining ball located in the area of this chakra. This ball protects, and draws energy into the brain. When two people mix the energies from their third-eye chakras, then it may happen, that their clairvoyance increases. If they both are relatively pure in this centre, their understanding of different things will be increased considerably, and figures appear around them, which are shining green and beautiful. With very clear people there may e.g. be seen a ring showing the whole story of creation, with a deep understanding of what has happened to him and the other within the whole dimension of time, all at once. It can be seen directly here from the spiritual dimensions, what the one or the other understands of all this. If one or both have an unclean third-eye chakra, then the green color turns dark and muddy, and misconceptions and limitations in time and space appear, and also these can be seen from the spiritual dimensions. It is quite a lot we here from the spiritual dimensions can see, when two people meet. All this means, that especially third-eye problems are very easily mutually intensified, and that means, that if two people are married, and the one has a very unclean third-eye chakra, then the other must be careful not to be affected by all the
things that comes from there. Therefore problems with the third-eye chakra are very often the reason for divorces, because this is intuitively felt by the one with the cleanest third-eye chakra. I am not saying this to invite people to get divorced, but I will add, that if ones chakras are relatively clean, and one is somewhat aware that one is on the way to spiritual enlightening, then one also knows how to protect oneself against unwanted influence. This is very simple, as one simply asks God for protection - if necessary one can ask for a more permanent ring of protection, and if one is expecially concerned about ones third-eye chakra, then one can ask for a special protection of this area. The Crown Chakra This chakra is the chakra that is the most penetrable for light, and its color is yellow and golden. It represents wisdom, a deep and all-embracing wisdom. When this chakra is clean, then one knows everything, understands everything - nothing is obscure concerning life, Gods will, and creation. When two people mix the energies from their crowm chakras, the throath chakra is often involved because they talk together, and this means, that the light from the crown chakra and the throath chakra are often mixed. But if the crown chakras are clean, then it is relatively unimportant if they have a verbal dialogue, for then the yellow light will reach the other telepathically, i.e. a silent transference of wisdom from the one to the other will take place, and no words will be necessary. Many will probably know this all too well from personal experiences, where they understand another person completely, without words. But wisdom can also be transferred from the one to the other e.g. through the eyes. When a person has a very clean crown chakra, the yellow light turns into a soft, golden light, which wraps the person in an aura, that has a most beautiful and excellent influence on others. Because the crown chakra is the chakra that is the most penetrable for light, it is very important to cleanse it, and that can be done in different ways, which I will go into details with later. When two people talk together, and their crown chakras are blocked, a very unpleasant color, a muddy, dark curry color appears, which is very easy to percept for sensitive people. A tingling and prickling sensation is felt in the crown, ones head feels uncomfortable, and therefore it is important to protect oneself, when being together with people, whose crown chakras radiates these energies. When two people whose crown chakras are unclean unite, then all kinds of misconceptions appear that has to do with limitations, limitations in time and space, the conception that one only live once, then one is wiped out, and whatever is connected with these concepts. It is certainly not amusing here from the spiritual dimensions to watch all the things that appear, when e.g. a group of people are gathered in a circle, and their crown chakras run amock and create all these misconceptions and the most grotesque symbols of limitation. But now that I have just talked about humour, then I will add, that it sometimes can be quite comical to see some divine, eternal beings, sit and use a lot of time to convince each other
that the only live once, that 70 years on Earth is their measured time, and then no more. It is an incredible amount of energy that sometimes is wasted this way. The Relations Between The Chakras In the information given above the 7 main chakras are described seperately, but when two people meet, then obviously certain energy connections will appear, which has to do with their special relationship, their karmic connections, their mutual blockages, and the mutual harmony and love between them. The energy from the 7 chakras do however run through certain patterns, which I will try to explain in the following. Each chakra consists as I said of a bunch of light, a concentration of vibrations, and when two people meet, then these vibrations often follow this pattern: it starts with that the energies from the throath chakras are mixed, but often a contact is first established between the crown chakras via eye-contact. The energy then flows between them, and if there is a basis for further contact, then the light from these two chakras activate both the heart and the solar plexus chakras. From the spiritual dimensions two people look like shining rainbows, where the colors are changing and circling around in many different ways, and when they meet then the colors from their chakras are mixed, and when the first two colors are mixed then they move further on, often to the heart chakra, where the rose-pink light then either is increased or decreased, according to the course of the events, and then the energy is activated in solar plexes, then in the sex chakra, and finally in the root chakra. Consequently, when two people meet, the energy often travels from the crown chakra and then down through the chakras, and when a full contact is established, the united energy will begin to behave in a very beautiful manner. It will begin to form a unit between the two, which it does by circulating through both people's chakras in a way, so that it travels in and out of the chakras with their different colors, then the colors are mixed to form a white light, which, if it can circulate somewhat unhindered, will begin to circulate round through all the chakras in a larger movement in a figure of eight: from one persons root chakra and up through the chakras, and then down to the others persons root chakra and up through the chakras, and so on. Both within the single individual, and within both people in their mutual contact, there are vibrations, or light from their chakras, with the color of the individual chakras, and then, when the light is mixed, turning into white or bright and appearing as a superior energy flow either around the individual or both of them. All of this may be a bit difficult to imagine, and actually it is quite a lot that happens in the individual and between the two parties in close contact with each other, when seen from the spiritual dimensions but this description should give you an idea of what happens when people meet. Tune Up Your Chakras & Move Into Higher Love Find out more about how to tune up your chakras
Hello, fellow Masters of Creation! As you become aware of your true cosmic identity, you reclaim the understanding of how you exist throughout this entire universe and every universe it is connected to. Yes, this can feel exciting, and it can also feel scary and lonely sometimes. Please remember that you are not alone -- you are never alone! Through every feeling of love you have and have ever had, you are connected to All That Is. You can feel and sometimes see cords of love bridging the time and space between you and everyone and everything you love -- leaping out from your auric field to span the gulf between you and the auric fields of all you care about. These colorful cords of love weave themselves together in an energy web of life in such a way that everyone and everything is interconnected. What you perceive and how you feel therefore affects everything on Earth, throughout this universe, and throughout the multiverse. As you uplift your thoughts and feelings, you help raise consciousness everywhere.
Through auric connections of love between you and all you care about, you are in constant communication and contact with much more than you could ever be consciously aware of. Your love shines forth from you like radiant beams of light, and these beams of light pour forth such love that they can sustain life. You can feel this connection between yourself and beloved pets, friends, and family. Sometimes these cords powerfully attract you to others, which is reflected in colloquial English expressions such as, "she pulled on my heartstrings". These bonds of love can transfer healing to those in need, exactly when they need it, and can provide you with intimate information about how your beloved ones are feeling. These connections of love energy also exist between you and those you have long forgotten, for they are the Energy Web of Life that binds us all together. Like a nervous system, they carry information from one point of consciousness to another. When any one of us becomes more conscious of our ability to change the way we perceive in order to change the world, it uplifts us all in the web of life. LET YOUR CHAKRAS BE YOUR GUIDES Now is the time to shake off the drowsiness of slumber, and awaken to your true superhuman nature. Just as you have more than five basic senses of smell, touch, taste, sight and hearing; you also are not limited by death (it is merely a gateway to another form of consciousness) nor are you confined anywhere in space and time. You have the power to transform your awareness when you let your chakras be your guides. You have the power to slow and even stop time -- to bring things into being which were previously absent, and to move things across time and space. Your chakras are spinning, vibrating vortices. The word chakra came from Sanskrit, in which
it means "wheel" or "spinning wheel", but the true nature of the chakra has more in common with a vortex (or more accurately, a system of vortices) than a wheel. Each chakra has its own unique perspective and intelligence. When your chakras are fully active, energized, and cleared, they can transform you into a time and space traveling, realityshifting being of light! You need not seek special vortices or gateways in order to brighten this planet with love -- because when your chakras are tuned up, they are all you need to access everything. The brightly colored, spinning chakras in your energy body behave a lot like engines in an airplane or car. You depend on them to be running smoothly in order for you to get where you need to go in your life. You also depend on their functionality for your good health, ability to clearly perceive and communicate what is happening to you and around you, and even your ability to perform amazing psychic and psychokinetic feats. For your chakras to function well, they need to be tuned and energized. TUNE YOUR CHAKRAS You can clear and tune your chakras by seeing an energy specialist who can help you (in much the same way that you take your car in to a mechanic for a tune-up), or you can learn some basic skills for self-tuning your chakras. You don't need any special drugs to enhance your chakra system, since most drugs will cause damage to your energy body even as they may provide you with short-term effects. You also don't need any special equipment, nor do you need to go to a certain location. Everything you require in order to self-tune your chakras you have within you right now. Since chakras are vibrational in nature, they respond quite well to both color and sound therapy. Each of your seven basic chakras resonates in tune with a specific color and a specific musical tone, and by visualizing the colors and tones of each chakra one by one, you can effectively restore your chakras to their original brightness, clarity, and vitality. It definitely helps to request Spirit assistance in this process, so that your chakras will be tuned to their point of maximal balance and strength. You need your chakras to be open (but not too open), spinning smoothly (but not too fast or slow), and shining brightly. As with most things in life, balance is the key to good health in your energy body, and you can best achieve this by intending it to be so and behaving accordingly. This self-tuning method requires use of colors and musical tones. You can either visualize the colors and hum or sing the tones, which are familiar to anyone who ever sang along with Julie Andrews in the 1965 movie "The Sound of Music" to the song, "Do-Re-Mi". If you prefer, you can also find pictures of the seven primary colors in a rainbow, and prerecorded versions of the musical tones. If you wish additional assistance with the sound healing portion of your chakra tuning, you may play a chakra healing song, such as Stephen Halpern's "Chakra Balancing" song on his "Music for Sound Healing" CD... or you can make your own recorded tape beforehand for playing during your chakra tuning. As you tune each chakra, take several minutes to focus your attention entirely on that given chakra together with its
color and tone. FIRST CHAKRA Your first chakra is located at the very base of your spine, and is known as the kundalini chakra. This is your grounding chakra -- the chakra that connects you to the Earth below your feet. It is connected to the secondary chakras in your feet, and is associated with the adrenal glands. Basic survival and sexual energy is handled in the first chakra, and it can give you sudden bursts of strength and energy when you need it. Tune your root or base chakra by playing or humming the musical note "C" (the "Do" part of the "Do-Re-Mi" song), while visualizing the color red. SECOND CHAKRA Your second chakra is situated just below your navel. It's known as the hara chakra, and is associated with the gonads. This chakra is identified with your center of emotions, and with gender identity. It is sometimes referred to as the Dan Tien in Chinese medicine. This is the place where you may find yourself feeling what others are feeling, or inadvertantly picking up other people's issues. Most healers need to keep a close eye on the second chakra, because it is so easy to accidentally accumulate other peoples' "stuff" there. Tune your second chakra by visualizing the color orange and humming, singing, or listening to the musical note "D", or "Re". THIRD CHAKRA Your third chakra is located at your solar plexus, between your navel and sternum -- just below your lower ribs. This chakra is associated with the pancreas. This is a powerful chakra, which can control and manipulate any incoming energy. This is also the energy center in your body which aligns your physical body with your spirit and intellect, and is your center for selfesteem. Tune your solar plexus chakra by visualizing a sunny yellow color, and humming or singing or listening to the musical note "E", or "Mi". FOURTH CHAKRA Your fourth chakra is located at your heart, and is associated with the thymus gland. This chakra connects your spirit to your physical body, and allows you to channel love energy both inside your body and out into the world. A compassionate sense of humor is a sign of a very healthy heart chakra -- you can see this in people who laugh at their own foibles with good-natured love. A healthy heart chakra allows one to keep healthy perspective even in the most troubling situations. Tune your heart chakra by visualizing the color emerald green and humming, singing, or listening to the musical note "F" or "Fa". FIFTH CHAKRA Your throat chakra corresponds to the thyroid gland, and is the center for expressive communication and making and keeping commitments. This chakra is the center for
receiving clairaudient information (hearing voices), which allows people to hear psychic truths from seemingly mundane sources. You can tune your throat chakra by humming or singing the musical note "G" or "Sol", and visualizing the color of sapphire blue. SIXTH CHAKRA Your third eye chakra is related to your higher mental and intuitive abilities. It is also associated with the pituitary gland, and it is responsible for providing tremendous amounts of psychic information in a naturally clairvoyant manner. A healthy sixth chakra can ensure that you are on path and constantly finding support and valuable information in the most unusual and off-beat places. You can tune your sixth chakra by visualizing the color indigo, and humming or singing the musical note "A" or "La" (about 440 Hertz). SEVENTH CHAKRA Slightly above the top of your head is your seventh or crown chakra. This is the chakra which connects your energy body to Spirit, and is where you receive information about your life purpose and spiritual path. The crown chakra is associated with the pineal gland, and it provides you with the highest level of spiritual knowledge -- and a deep understanding of who and what you truly are. You can tune your crown chakra by visualizing the color violet and humming or singing the musical note "B" or "Ti". ENERGIZE YOUR CHAKRAS So how do you energize your chakras? There are many ways and many schools of thought which provide tips on how to do this. You can start with basic energy exercises such as meditation, prayer, yoga, and chi kung to help you familiarize yourself with storing and moving energy through your energy centers. I practice a combination of some yoga, some chi kung, some meditation and some prayer, because I find valuable aspects to a variety of energetic practices. There are many excellent books on these subjects, which you can request that your local library purchase and stock -- or which you can order online or from your local book store. You can also try out classes to get a first-hand sense of what advantages each technique has to offer you. Whichever method(s) you select, it is important to stick with it as a regular, daily part of your routine, since you will likely notice effects after several days or weeks of daily practice. Wonderful results can come from the seemingly simplest techniques -- such as meditation and/or prayer. The most proficient and skilled energy workers have been keeping a daily energizing practice for years or even decades! SHIFT INTO HIGHER LOVE When I finish tuning and energizing my chakras, I become more aware of their true nature as the power centers in my energy and physical body. Keeping them clean and clear is every bit as important to me as keeping my car running well, for my quality of life depends on them completely. Just as you might keep a schedule for your car to keep it tuned, and as you keep regular dental appointments, consider remembering to make time for yourself on a regular
basis for chakra tuning. It doesn't have to cost you any money at all, and you'll find the benefits to be an excellent investment of your time and effort! What can you expect to change after you've gone through a basic chakra tuning session? You will find yourself moving more easily both through the three-dimensional world of consensus reality, and through other times and spaces that you can view in dreams and astral travel. You will also notice that you are much more attuned to everyone and everything around you, and that what you think and feel becomes reality much more readily. You will have a deeper understanding of who you are and what your purpose on Earth is right now. You will clearly see your path in life and will have strong intuitive hunches which prove invaluable at bringing you to the right place at exactly the right time. With time and practice, you will gain the ability to slow or stop time, to change the past and select between possible futures, and gaze into remote places. Most of all, you will be helping to raise consciousness everywhere as you raise your own level of clarity and brightness. The cords of light that connect between you and everything and everyone else will be brighter, and clearer.
The Seven Chakras The following is a general summary of my current understanding of the physical locations and elements associated with each chakra. Over the years I have noticed some minor discrepancies between how different people "define" each chakra, (particularly the second and third chakras) but the differences have only been minor. Certainly the colors and locations of the chakras have always been consistent. The base chakra extends down and the crown chakra extends up...the chakras in between have vortexes both to the front of the body and to the back. The first chakra is located at the base of the spine and is associated with red. It is the chakra that governs our physical existence, our bodies and our health. The second chakra is located in the area of the womb (or thereabouts for men) and is associated with the color orange. This chakra governs creativity, and some say emotion. (I associate emotion with the heart chakra). The third chakra is located at the solar plexus and is associated with the color gold (yellow). It is associated with the will or desire. The fourth chakra (the middle chakra in the chain of seven) is the heart chakra and is associated with the color green, and also the color rose, which is the "color of love." This chakra is connected with emotion and human love. The fifth chakra is located at the throat and is a bright blue. It governs communication and personal magnetism. It is the chakra that most influences intercommunication and our "personas." It is also the link between emotion and thought. The sixth chakra is located at the third eye (mid-forehead) and is indigo (deep purply/blue). This chakra is associated with thought (though some say the third chakra governs thought) and with vision, particularly psychic vision. It is also the chakra of spiritual love and connection. The seventh chakra is at the crown of the head, and is violet fading to white further away from the body. This chakra is our connection to our "higher selves" and to the "divine." It is associated with wisdom and integration of our eternal selves with our current physical selves. It is like our umbilical cord to "God." When all the chakras are "whirling," open, bright and clean, then our chakra system is balanced. When a chakra becomes blocked, damaged, or muddied with residual energy, then our physical and emotional health can be affected. Often this occurs habitually as the result of negative or incomplete belief systems. The effects of our habits, feelings, beliefs, thoughts, fears and desires can be found in our chakras. For example, if you eat poorly (alot of processed food, for instance) and don't exercise, chances are your root (red) chakra is going to become sluggish, darkened and dull. If you "close off" your emotions because they're painful or overwhelming, your heart chakra is likely to become tight and closed and block emotional energy. If you, on the other hand, are extremely centered in your intellect, you may have a bulging and bright third eye chakra but a disproportionately small heart
chakra or root chakra or womb chakra. Or perhaps you're cerebrally focused on finding answers to deep questions about "reality." (as I was for a while). In the West we tend to value the upper chakras over the lower chakras. This probably has it's roots in our ancestors' religious aversion to the "flesh" and their focus on the rewards of "heaven." The goal is a strong, clear, balanced energy system. The more open, clear and balanced the chakras, the more energy can flow through your system. This energy is essential for vitality, health, and continued growth on all levels.