Building A LED Flasher in Eagle
Building A LED Flasher in Eagle
Building A LED Flasher in Eagle
1. Starting Eagle
Open Eagle. Goto File>New>Schematic. (see below)
We are using a npn transistor with a SOT23 package. With the part selected hit ok.
The Add window will close and you will be back in the schematic window. A bright red transistor should now be attached to your mouse. Left click to drop a transistor in the schematic, when you drop it should turn dark red, this tells you that it has been added to the schematic. After dropping the first transistor notice that there is still a bright red transistor attached to the mouse. We need two transistors so left click to place another one in the schematic. With the transistors placed click on the Stop button to tell eagle you want to stop
placing parts. You must click Stop after you finish with an operation such as adding, moving, or copying a part otherwise the next time you click on a part Eagle will assume you are still performing that operation.
Next place two LEDs. We are using surface mount LEDs with 1206 package.
After placing the LEDs place the following parts. 2x surface mount capacitors (search CPOL-EU153CLV-1012) 4x surface mount resistors (search R-US_R1206) 1x 2 wire jumper (search JP1E)
Make sure you have all the parts in the image below.
they match the image below. Note: In order to make the both transistors face the right way you need to mirror one. Click the Mirror button and then click on the transistor. Dont forget to hit Stop
All of our parts are now laid out but none of them have labels to tell us what their values are. To label the value of a part right click it and select value from the menu.
Eagle will open up a new window with a blank area with all your parts in a corner next to a white outline.
Your parts are now represented by their package and are connect to each other with yellow lines. The yellow lines are called air wires and represent which pads are connected via the nets we made earlier.
tool place all of your parts inside the frame. The fewer air wires
that cross the better. You can use the Ratnest tool to have eagle redraw the air wires to the shortest distance. I found the below layout to work fairly well. You can experiment with your own layouts just keep in mind that the smaller the board the faster it can be cut out so try to keep things compact. Note: If one of your parts turns blue it has been moved to the bottom side of the board. We can only use one side so make sure everything is red.
With those setting chosen click ok. Eagle might cycle through a couple different traces as it tries to find a good match. My end board ended up looking like the one below. With that you are ready to cut out your board on the Modela.
The drill needs enough room to travel along the green lines.
Route tool you can right click to change what style traces to use. For best results use straight traces whenever possible. If you are having trouble laying out the traces you can add vias or a 0 ohm resistor to the schematic to act as a jumper.