Priorities For Facilitating Trade in Agriculture: (A Nepalese Perspective)
Priorities For Facilitating Trade in Agriculture: (A Nepalese Perspective)
Priorities For Facilitating Trade in Agriculture: (A Nepalese Perspective)
(A Nepalese Perspective)
Purushottam Ojha
Secretary Ministry of Commerce and Supplies Government of Nepal
Paper presented in the High Level Consultation on Facilitating Agricultural Trade in Asia and the Pacific 25-26 January 2011 UNESCAP, Bangkok
Agriculture in the Nepalese Economy Issues Related to Growth of Agriculture Sector
Trade of Agricultural Commodities Priorities for Facilitating Trade in Agriculture The Way Forward
Food insecurity is a major development challenge for all South Asian countries, including Nepal. While increasing production/productivity of agriculture sector is necessary for longterm sustained food security; promotion of agricultural trade is equally important. Thus the GoN emphasized on development of agriculture sector as well as trade facilitation of agricultural products.
Similarly, the 2003-04 Nepal Living Standard Survey (NLSS) data reveal that paddy, wheat and maize crops accounted for 66 percent of total gross crop output, down from 72 percent in 1995-96.
Afghanistan Bangladesh Bhutan India Nepal Pakistan SriLanka
103.919 847.266 4.89333 2649.018 120.834 992.736 29.099
201.554 1619.12 8.325 1351.741 151.065 800.784 215.2273
708.639 2078.89 13.183 3659.151 257.962 1195.89 389.077
824.99 2706.83 6.339 4190.592 135.267 1449.75 354.751
722.815 3611.82 5.859 8974.276 200.323 1697.7 398.91
Country Afghanistan Bangladesh Bhutan India Nepal Pakistan SriLanka Cereal NA 613509 2676 2938739 83549 1267348 292116 Potato 752 2,953 349 10,991 6,784 20,863 13,677 Meat 14,696 586 1 897,461 284 27,631 6,954 Fruits 2381 29592 2227 159962 23212 83726 14875
Priorities for Facilitating Trade in Agriculture The priorities of Nepal Government for trade promotion and facilitation are reflected in:
A. Trade Policy 2009, and B. Nepal Trade Integration Strategy 2010 (NTIS) C. Three Year Plan (2010-13)
NTIS 2010
NTIS 2010, the most recent strategic document, is a critical building block in the GoNs effort to strengthen its ability to coordinate and manage TRTAs and AfT by implementing the mechanisms of the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF). The four strategic objectives of NTIS are: (i) Ensuring proper market access, which will require from Nepali negotiators to address issues related to Non-Tariff-Barriers (NTBs) and related regulatory and business environment issues that may affect Nepalese exports in importing markets. (ii) Building domestic support institutions that can create a more friendly business environment and help Nepalese exporters address the challenges of NTBs; (iii)Taking steps to strengthen the supply capacity of exporters especially in selected sector (The NTIS 2010 identifies 19 priority sectors, which includes 7 agro-based products, 5 industrial and manufacturing products and 7 services sectors), where they can build a competitive advantage, be it in terms of production costs, quality of products, and/or productivity; and (iv) Mobilizing Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) to assist in developing pertinent capacity.
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