Sex Maps

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Maps of Sexuality

-Rion Williams Bonus for Product Owners

Maps of Sexuality
Got a lot of anxiety about and around women? Does it seem like whatever you do there is always anxiety around hot women no matter what kind of advice or who you take it from? Done a lot of approaches and STILL ghting through the fear? Do women remain more of a fantasy than reality? Well.. Once you gure out what the CAUSE of all your frustration is, you can remove the effect of the anxiety and frustration. That should work right? It seems like with a subject this big that it just cant be THAT simple. This PDF will show you that it actually IS. And thats why this bonus complements Step 1 of Cure My Approach Anxiety. Its going to get you down to the CORE of removing your anxiety and well do the reconditioning work as well in the program and in your Steps 2 & 3 to become condent, fearless and free from all anxiety around women. Youve just never been able to pinpoint that true cause of your anxiety (and youre also going to see why the dating industry has never been able to pinpoint or clarify it as well I think). So yes, you know what its like to be frustrated about women..nothing works, youre pissed off, full of rage at times and the anxiety never ends.

You want to blame everything or nd something to pin it on and no matter what self help dating advice you use or actions you take the ANXIETY remains. General Anxiety is there for you to bask in and reemerges when there are good-looking women near you. You cant explain it nor CONTROL it, let alone get RID of it and its scaring away real women from relationships with you - especially when you approach. Its like when I was recently so frustrated that some pictures werent uploading to the server for a week and they were right there in the folder as I kept overwriting them but they just wouldnt show on the website (curemyaa). This nonsense created ANXIETY. It was right in front of me and not working (sound like some of your approaches?). Completely ILLOGICAL. Yet, once I knew the TRUE cause (no matter how ridiculous or small), the problem could be xed and the anxiety could be gone. Finally after several back and forths with the more experienced webhost support they gave 1 piece of advice. At that point, I knew what I HAD TO DO to x it (as I think youll discover in this program). See, I was taking a lot of action getting nowhere and nothing I did worked UNTIL I gured out what was really the cause of the problem and anxiety. THEN IT WAS EASY. The cause of anxiety was lezilla ftp was on ASCII transfer mode instead of binary (like I was supposed to know it would corrupt

image les!?). I was just pissed off at everything and it was completely nonsensical (maybe the way women behave around you when they dress so sexy). So pinpoint the cause and you can remove the effect of anxiety just on its own for smaller things. And I just got over the anxiety as fast as I could and accepted it..things were xed. And its the same process for curing your anxiety with communicating with women: Find the root CAUSE of your anxiety and you can remove the EFFECT. With this PDF youre going to be introduced to different maps of sexuality. In the Cure My Approach Anxiety program itself we cover the primary maps of sex but here is a more all-inclusive list. These maps of sex or attraction represent thought systems, beliefs, signs, values, instructions, directions, RESULTS and realities with women, dating, sex, chemistry and attraction. Ironically most of these maps do not lead to sex at all and instead create tremendous anxiety instead because you thought they DID. Some of them may actually start to seem ridiculous now that you have the birds eye view. These maps are the core of nearly all male anxiety with women. When you follow a map and its imprint or representation of reality, you get where youre going. Naturals with women arent better than you, their advantage is theyre just using a different map of sexuality and attraction. It affects all of their beliefs and communication. EVERYTHING. Theyre just following a map.

So, what if you had the WRONG MAP? What if the whole time you were thinking it was the RIGHT MAP? What if you had a map of Detroit when you were in Miami but you believed the misprinted cover because it said MIAMI? Wouldnt that create anxiety? Youd be driving everywhere unable to get a physical lock on any real location. Something so close could seem so far but all youre feeling is the anxiety because NOTHING makes any sense. And this is how it is with women. Look at people who follow Inner Game or the PUAs or even mainstream men how FRUSTRATED they are about something so close (women) that can be so eternally FAR away. Its because theyre using a different map of attraction/sex and they believe in that map; NEW maps of sex that were created and took over as their dominant belief system. That is why. Theyve simply got the directions for SOMETHING ELSE ENTIRELY so when it comes to approaching, meeting, connecting or even seducing real women there is this great anxiety because of following their map. Their map represents their beliefs, actions and results with dating, attraction, sexuality and their path to consenting adult sex itself (or at least they believe it does). So even if you nally knew you had the wrong map, the only thing is that your BODY will still believe in whatever map of sexuality it has... so if you have massive anxiety with women, youre just too many years into your current map.

Thats why Cure My Approach Anxiety is such a breakthrough program because we work on that reconditioning. Youve been conditioned and in some cases into the greatest lie ever told (that the fantasy of sex = sex) - to believe that its real. Like driving around town more on the wrong map, more work isnt the real answer despite seeming to be the only thing PUAs can do. I think youll nd this PDF extremely enlightening for you. Use it to gain clarity. Im not going to go through and explain things too much. ..hopefully just enough so that each map is clear for you. The goal was to keep this as SIMPLE, practical and profound as possible and for YOU to discover things by cross-referencing, exploring your experiences and coming back to it - to see the sources of your anxiety. RUN EVERYTHING BY THESE MAPS. See the real world examples in life and determine exactly which BELIEF system or Map they are coming from and how it is congruent with that map. When you see anything that is representing itself as sex or sexy in the modern world (including dating advice), run it by these maps to see what it really is and where it will get you. Another way to look at thing is to see all of your current results and behavior with women as an EFFECT of some cause. Causes which can be determined by looking at the different common maps of sex and which youve believed in and used (or at least your BODY did), thinking they led to real attraction. The maps are the causes which have created your effect with women, by and large.

With something big like physiological anxiety around women, your beliefs and energy have been conditioned for years because of following the map. These Sex Maps will help you get on track to SEE the cause of almost ALL of your anxiety all these years. From there, use it in tandem with Steps 2 & 3 to eradicate all of your anxiety and approach anxiety around women. The Maps work. Ive tried to present them as accurately as possible. They are legitimate, quite accurately representative of the very real belief systems themselves in the real world and lead to certain outcomes. Understand the raw simplicity and truth in this and you will SEE the causes of your anxiety with women. It should be clear as day and you should see how each MAP leads to certain consequences as well as where they come from and how strongly people believe them and how it effects all of their results with the opposite sex. Again, Maps are like belief systems that are used and put into action. See how youve used them and how theyve affected your beliefs, actions and results with women BECAUSE YOU FOLLOWED THAT MAP. You may have used more than 1 map. Not only should you see the source roots of your anxiety but you will be able to completely get on track with attraction by simply choosing to use a more accurate map (or the real and physical map of sex and

attraction which has been hidden and lost for years). A point that I should mention is that its not just about your thoughts but more importantly what your own sexual energy is associated to or conditioned into with these belief systems or maps. Keep that in mind and we do talk more about that in the program as well as the actual steps to cure your anxiety and x your nervous energy. Almost all other advice is coming from inaccurate maps of sexuality, which is why they never seem to work and only create more frustration and anxiety. This gets down to the core. Its taken me years to get to this point of clarifying these maps of sex and belief systems that have everything to do with your reality around women. You might want to ask yourself: Which maps have I used? Did I REALLY believe those beliefs? Can I see how it HAS affected & inuenced my behavior with women? Can I see how I can choose a different map? Change? Can I see that belief system for what it is and how people can believe in it?

Can I now see how being on this map of sex has created my anxiety? Can I see how others are stuck believing in maps that dont lead them to what theyre really wanting? Remember that you may have thought it was YOU because you were working so hard or just so frustrated but what IF you DID have the wrong map the whole time? You can have ANY kind of personality, its the map you use that matters (which is why losers often end up with hot women). What if your map of sexuality was mislabeled? You merely followed the map. Be open to the answers that YOU discover in this for your life. It may not really be your fault, you just have to be accountable so try and place your blame outside of yourself and the drama around your anxiety and place it on the cause. Consider these maps as indenitive (and possibly added to in the future or updated)...I will work on delivering the message even more clearly in the future. (Again, Ive tried to represent them fairly accurately to the actual belief systems but there may be some minor discrepancies or a little biased subjectivity). I think you will nd the SEX = ( ) part to be quite clarifying as well. Ill have a few more words at the outro but with that said, I present the maps.

Maps of Sexuality Summary

Sex Education Science Map Sex = Education Pregnancy/Reproductive Map Sex = Babies *Non-Physical Fantasy Sexploitation Map Sex = Masturbatory FANTASY Sex In Advertising Map Sex = Buy Our Product Courtship Dating Map Sex = After You Woo Her Religious Maps Sex = Immoral Sin PUA Guru Maps Sex = Follow My System *Physical/Natural Map Sex = Sex

The Polarity Map Sex = Enlightenment & Bliss The Game Map Sex = A Social (Outer) Game Personal (Inner Game) Map Sex = Ego Sluts Map Sex = Promiscuity Fame Map Sex <=> Fame Social Popularity Map Sex <=> Popularity Archetypal Seducer Maps Sex = Archetypal Modeling Rapport Map Sex <=> Interpersonal Rapport

Cause: Sex

Education Science Map

Sex = Education

Overview: Its the science class and objective bioLOGICAL explanation and talking about the natural process of attraction, mating, intercourse and especially REPRODUCTION. (Gee, that reproduction thing is kind of important). This is like salty peter. Its the anti-sexy sex but closer to representing the real thing as from a purely biological perspective as compared to some of the other maps which really have nothing to do with sex itself but seem like it. Beliefs: Sex is a natural and biological act that we can understand the science of reproduction and procreation. Watch together as the sperm cell enters the egg to create the zygote. Natural ViewPoint: Id rather makeout with the girl across the classroom.

My ViewPoint: Great for education and understanding but doesnt really help with real world attraction capability or physical connection. Signs: engorged, zygote, uterus, vagina, urethra, teen pregnancy, lm projector, classroom snickering, textbook diagrams, STDs, chlymdia Path of Attraction: Merely an accurate logical and scientic explanation of what occurs when there IS natural attraction never explaining how or why it happens. Really just focusing on the reproduction process that can result from attraction. Effect: Helps with your logical understanding of the reproductive mating process and how babies are made and born but despite its ACCURATE representation of the force of life potential especially AFTER sex, does little to actually empower physical attraction with you and women.

As you know that your FEELINGS and those of a woman are very different from a logical understanding of making babies - in fact often the opposite in the heat of the moment and you may want nothing to do with it if youre having casual sex. Its interesting to know the science, even the biochemistry of attraction for those that can explain it but that doesnt really help you in the real world to CREATE attraction. This understanding is completely devoid of any of the actual sensations that a man or woman goes through with chemistry and attraction. Also to note that for 1,000s of years and continually people DONT know whats going on and still have attraction and also make babies.


Pregnancy/Reproductive Map
Sex = Babies

Overview: Generally this is where sex is viewed PURELY as a reproductive or planned parenthood path more than a study into the biological science of reproduction. This is close to the life process effect itself with some human planning and inuence to try and control or harness it. Sex is viewed quite accurately to its original purpose of creating life but often as a means to an end: having children and sex is how to get there. Usually its with a heterosexual couple; a man and a woman married wanting to raise kids. There is also another Map off of this one you could say of women who are having problems getting pregnant and who are trying to get pregnant Beliefs: Lets raise a family. Lets have kids honey. Keep trying honey, well get there (I dont mind to keep trying).

Natural ViewPoint: Look...I just love sex but when Im ready for kids (that I know about), I know how to make them. Or from a female perspective closer to a biological urge to be a mother (instead of just having great sex) and the desire to raise kids to fulll her natural nurturing destiny. Thats why youll see actresses known for showing kid give in to their motherly urge or desires My ViewPoint: Comparing this to sexploitation fantasy, its like were talking about VERY different things. This one is based more in reality. Signs: Planned Parenthood, Gerber, motherly instinct, birth, adoption, birth control, biological clock, the pill, surrogacy, motherhood, menstruation, fatherhood, parenting, fertility, baby name books, the pill, vasectomy Path of Attraction: Where sex leans more toward planned between a couple in a long-term relationship and theyre trying to get to it vs. only being in the heat of the moment based off of raw physical attraction for sex only.

The conscious idea of sex with the idea of having kids where theyll still tap into the natural process to get heated up and have sex. Effect: Usually bouncing babies or more birth control to regulate how many kids they have.

Cause: Non-Physical

Fantasy Map

Sex = Masturbatory FANTASY Sexploitation = Sex Porn = Sex

Overview: Basically covering skin, porn, sexploitation as = sex. Id say that this is the greatest illusion and lie in our modern era. It does NOT lead to attraction or physical sex with any women yet people are extremely affected by the social fantasy and illusion of acting. Its not even involved with real women. It leads to corporate prots and masturbatory fantasy.

This is SUCH a huge belief system that I go over it in more detail in the Cure My AA program itself. This is not sexual behavior, it is social-adaptive behavior. Understand and learn this map as much as the physical one because its CRUCIAL to know. Its the exploitation and misassociation of the physical pleasure of sex. Beliefs: I just want to bang those hot-looking women and Id do anything. Id give my left nut to sleep with a model that hot. There is no doubt in my mind and body that porn = sex and that a womans skin = sex. If shes getting banged in front of me on screen or photo, that = sex and I believe its real. She is REALLY getting f*cked so it = sex. Natural ViewPoint: Damn those women sure look good and makes me want to just bang them but I inherently know that none of that ever leads to real PHYSICAL sex or bliss with a woman. Its all an illusional game and people are duped into it. I dont know why those women sell out but I like looking at them.

My ViewPoint: The DEFINING POINT is that its ALWAYS IMPERSONAL fantasy. Youre never with a woman. In song, media, image, video or lm its using the idea of sex or sexploitation to inuence you without actually being about you and real women. Even when youre in da club with people who are acting like in music videos, that representation of sex isnt real or the natural path, thus it all remains a nonphysical fantasy. Understanding that this is NOT the path to physical attraction will save you a lifetime of singlehood frustration. Its all manipulative socially inuenced acting and the acting of an illusion which people believe is real and its being used to manipulate and redirect your energy to drive you to BUY. Sending all of your intense sexual desire towards the fantasy is going to attract more of the impersonal fantasy while scaring away physical women.

This is close to the OPPOSITE of the way actual physical attraction works. Its when your energy has been conditioned to the response of the stimulus of an image of sexploitation that you cant control yourself around real women. This map leads to fantasy and attracts more of the FANTASY of sex with women, not to physical reality in ANY way. It is engrained now in popular Western social culture and very very very inuential on millions of men. This isnt sex its ACTING and its sexploitation for prot and does NOT lead to real chemistry or attraction. And ALL of these signs are viewed as desirable and sexy by people who believe in the Map. These women have merely adapted to the SOCIAL behavior and Fantasy Map of Sex. Theyre SELLING something. Keep in mind that many women adapt to that hot social alpha look and it is normal for women to jump 2 whole points up the scale of hotness or beauty with all of the Fantasy tools of sex.

The problem is that people believe its REAL and = sex or sexy. It IS real because its right in front of you but it isnt sex nor the path to physical sex. It is the greatest ILLUSION. That you would believe these images = sex. Its merely conspicuous social behavior that naturals and the animal kingdom would look on and say WTF? Again, none of this leads to authentic, caring, free love sex. It leads to people buying into more of the fantasy of sex that is associated with products, commercialism, materialism. Crossing over with the Natural Map or signs is the only hope. Your belief in the Fantasy Map is what I would say generally is your greatest cause of anxiety. Your body BELIEVES the impersonal illusionist objectication = sex. Masturbating to porn is attracting more non physical fantasy and repelling real world women. MILLIONS of people believe in the Fantasy Map of relationships, attraction and sex. Even valuing this

CONsumerist extravaganza more than the real thing itself. That is why they have difculties in real life. The FANTASY has become greater than the real thing so much that millions have lost touch and have anxiety with real attraction including women. Signs: Teasing, Dismissiveness, Conspicuous behavior, social behavior disguised and dened as sexual, pussy on a pedestal, prizeability, money for my time or body, aloof, out of reach, buy me stuff to get near me, social attraction, gold-digging, bitchiness, women looking like soft porn clones, sexploitation, music videos, beauty, mens magazines, mens mag advice, models, fashion, glamour, pornography in any form, Hollywood, L.A., using sexploitation to sell anything, *pussy, tits, ass*, strip clubs, rap lyrics throwing $ at strippers, bling, ice, hos, the list is huge and ALL of its media is impersonal, objectifying, manipulative and separating you from the reality of being with women. Path of Attraction: Masturbate to the impersonal images pixels, porn, videos, photos, (while never actually being involved with a woman). > Have anxiety around all real women who youve fantasized about and

even ones who arent as hot. Women remain a built up, pent up sexual fantasy so you almost never get anywhere when you meet them in physical reality > Buy more products that you think are associated to attracting women sexually > repeat cycle of fantasy. Effect: It changes your physiological energy around women to that of undeserving and repels women because it was never the path of physical attraction. SEX SELLS. (not real physical, personal sex but the misrepresentation and association of the idea of sex) leads to BILLIONS of dollars in prot for corp-orations off of the misappropriation of your sexual energy and transmuting sexual energy into association with products and services, porn addiction, incessant masturbation, leaving women as fantasy never knowing how to approach, attract, meet, connect or escalate. A plethora of psychological issues with women. Taking your pent up frustration into different socio-economic fantasy outlets including more porn and fantasy

materialism. Even worse, the expectation of women to sell sex or sell their bodies in exchange for social value, money or materialism. Or to expect something material in return for their objectied bodies; to use men for money. Most importantly the physiological effect of very real ANXIETY.

Cause: Sex

In Advertising

Sex = Buy Our Product

Sex = Association with our brand or product Sex = Cool Image Sex = Our (mis)use and association of sexual energy to inuence you into buying our products which you think will get you sex Overview: Media and corporate brand use of sex, allusions and associations of sex and sexual energy to sell or brand consumer products. This is close to the Sexploitation Non-Physical Fantasy

Map itself with more of the advertising and consumerist use of sexual association itself (vs. outright fantasy porn). In a way its sneakier but the whole point is to SELL because theyre in business to make a prot and theyre using the idea of sex to associate to their brands in different ways. A strong focus on fantasy and materialism, none of which has been proven to actually get women into bed. Its all an illusion. Its materialistic and has NOTHING to do with sex. They are ONLY using the illusion of sex by manipulating it via association to sex and its pretty effective. They are associating new map denitions of sex to their products to get you thinking it will attract the opposite sex (and lead to sex). Beliefs: Products = Sex. Image = Sex. If I buy that product, Ill be cool and women will want me. It will help lead me to all the desires of sex (through association).

Sex = whatever this product is. Get this product > sex for you or you are worthy of this type of women that is in the advertisement. Their beliefs: If it sells, it must be good. Do what it takes to sell without being too explicit. Natural ViewPoint: Why are they posing in all those ads? They sure do doll them up and make them look pretty though. My ViewPoint: Sometimes questionable as far as morals and crossing the line just to sell and get noticed. My personal viewpoint is that some of it really is cool but you really have to have a grip on your relational mastery with the world because otherwise youre being inuenced... None of this leads to sex, it leads to buying products but when you consciously choose quality things which ACCENTUATE your own natural character and energy, you start becoming the total package for women while appealing to their sexy ideals brought about by the ad-

vertising industry. Female Viewpoint: Oooh I want this latest beauty product..I have to have those shoes. Its so popular, I want to be the it girl (and HOPE that this one product will attract the dream man) or on top of fashion. (They build up their ideal picture of the man they want off of ie. Cosmo articles and often get more caught up in the IDEA of relationships through media instead of in real life because theyre being sold the fantasy and associative image of sex). Signs: mainstream advertising industry, madison avenue, celebrity endorsements, celebrity product lines, axe, maxim, paris hilton burgers, cologne, perfume lines, beer commercials, cigarette ads, designer clothing labels, beauty products, fashion magazine advertising, image, style, Calvin Klein, product placements, Guess ads, Tom Ford ads, fashion, fashion week, Cosmo, Vogue, GQ, beauty industry, posing, acting, modeling Path of Attraction: Purchase. Shop. Window shop. Buy online. Impress your friends and others in a pseu-

do-non-physical illusion of attraction and relationships instead of feeling real attraction with another person. Problems meeting and attracting women so > buy even MORE things because thats what you believe will lead you to sex and connection. Effect: Buying a lot of cool things that lead to more of the consumer niche ideal of what = sexy but not necessarily attracting women or sex. Lots of money spent. Having consumer relationships associated with the ideas of sex, sexiness, attraction instead of physical, genuine attraction based relationships. Note: In some social cultures female nudity or au natural without exploitation is used in advertising (ie. Belgium, Germany)

Cause: Courtship


Sex = After you woo her Months or years down the road after youve wooed her enough, proven your love (nancially), she chooses you Overview: Ahh...courtship. The primary mainstream dating advice that still exists out there. This is holding millions of men and women back from not only being REAL but its wasting their time and patience. This is a strong SOCIAL map or program. If you FOLLOW IT, you will not succeed with the physical act of casual sex very much for one thing (shell sleep with someone on a different map is more likely). Beliefs: Ive got to buy her owers when I show up at the door. Im going to take her out to the best restaurant in town because shes so beautiful and I want to make a good impression. Tell her your feelings. Tell her how you really feel.

Natural ViewPoint: What on earth are they doing buying her all that crap when she comes back to sleep with me? Female Viewpoint: Theres no chemistry. Why is he courting me? I dont want to have such heavy expectations so early on. Ok, Ill let him buy me dinner again but I have to give him a hug at the end of the date..maybe he can help move my furniture but Ive got to get back to my secret lover after hes gone. My ViewPoint: David DeAngelo really helped to clarify this for me back in the day and kind of bitchslapped an awareness into a lot of guys of how counterproductive courtship dating is for women and men. Signs: mainstream dating, pay for her, delaying of sex, heavy expectations, dont really get to know each other, buying owers, Valentines Day, put your best foot forward (in other words act so you dont walk on egg shells), outdated and antiquated classy behavior Path of Attraction: Meet girl, put her on a pedestal, pay for her time, show her your affection by paying

for her and giving her gifts, delay sex, have false expectations, dont really get to know each other and spend 5 months walking on egg shells only having sex when youre well along, serious, committed or on the honeymoon Have women using you as more like a friend you keep spending money on dates to never get physical with them. Effect: Can massively interfere with your love or sex life and prevent relationships because you have all these expectations and are courting. Can actually be counter-productive to getting places with women. They keep using you as the good or nice guy because you keep buying them things and taking them out on traditional dates as if youre wooing them. Can = friendzone.


Religious Maps

Sex = Sin (premarital) Sex = Immoral (in some cases), shame Sex = Only within marriage for procreation & mutual pleasure with 1 lifelong partner Overview: Strong, dominant social environment growing up - inuenced beliefs on sexuality, relationships that can have a MASSIVE impact on how you relate with the opposite sex. Beliefs: Sex is a bad thing, even amoral to have it outside of marriage. Being too attracted when single isnt good and you should repress those desires. You should repress (and be ashamed of your sexual desires for they are bad). Sex can be perverted, immoral, sinful, Natural ViewPoint: Generally its suppressing sex and nature. Holding it back can actually do more harm than good. My ViewPoint: This is extremely inuential in the lives (sex lives) of many men. No comment other than

it can have all kinds of damaging side effects (such as 50 year old unwanted virgins who dont experience life). I generally agree with keeping commitment within a marriage. Female Viewpoint: This depends on her if religion is a big inuence in her life in which she will logically prevent anything from happening or be more conservative or discreet. Signs: *wait until marriage for sex, only choose 1 woman, dont date around, marriage, coming from the religious programs, codes, or conditioning - even from parents. Path of Attraction: Is actually in question because a lot of people dont know how to relate to the other sex and generally are withholding of that until after marriage. Usually conservative courtship dating. Effect: Religion can be a great source of inspiration and stronghold but for men who are still holding onto this map of sexuality as a path of attraction, it can cause quite a lot of stress and YEARS of inhibition and dry spells around women.

In other words, a religious map can very easily be holding you back from experiencing physical relationships. It can also create self-doubt, insecurity, guilt, shame even sexual violence or crimes against women. Putting right or wrong aside, it comes down to your perspective and map. Its not that youre amoralistic by not choosing this map necessarily, its just different values from a different map. If you only had this map and did things you would feel a lot of guilt and shame. Simply choosing a different map for your life may answer a lot of your questions. Also note that SOME religions are extremely OPPRESSIVE about sexuality which has very dynamic side products (oh including say DEATH or stoning). Other movements like Daoism and Tantra embrace sexuality instead of repress it.

Cause: PUA Guru


Sex = Follow my system Overview: Gurus who have the answer but unfortunately that answer doesnt include pure attraction and includes lots of work for you including more anxiety and is almost entirely their interpretation of seduction mixed with their own personal experiences that are egobased, interpersonal communication and almost always socio-culturally centric. Beliefs: Ive made it but it took a lot of work to get here now I want to help others. Natural ViewPoint: These guys get paid for this? I bet Id outclose him anyday. My ViewPoint: Basically all are coming from anything but the pure natural map because naturals arent out marketing, theyre enjoying women, have baby mama drama or end up married.

Follow this Map and it may make things more confusing because they have their own interpretation, made up their own rules or methods to something that is the simplest, purest function. Rocket science out of the simplicity of human interaction. *RELM is like rocket science but focuses on building your power, attraction capability and meeting women is natural and easy whereas they make a rocket science out of basic human interaction without awareness, power or capability. Signs: I used to suck with women but after years in the eld I learned how get good at the skill of meeting/seducing women, my 31 step method to getting a woman in bed, after these years this is how to attract women, inner game focus, personal experience and ego skewing the magic simplicity of nature, creating the powerful force of nature into a complicated ego-oftheir-own-based variation in todays world of how it really works

Path of Attraction: Varies with each different gurus own ego-based experience or map of sex - and YOUR experiences with women/attraction are not likely to match up to their ego-based system. Effect: Often becoming someone youre not. Never hitting the nail on the head with curing anxiety or feeling attraction. Inconsistency...wondering why attraction is still so difcult and why it has so many steps to be aware of. More confusion by following most all of their advice even completely contradicting messages based off of the different PUA guru maps that exist thus left trying to make SOME sense of it in your own ego-based interpretation of how seduction is. Not that their advice is bad but with most of them it will only make things more confusing. You can now judge their advice across your knowledge of the other maps and causality.

Cause: *Physical/Natural


Sex = Sex Sex = Only the real, physical thing with a woman and the natural (consenting adults) seduction process which gets there Overview: This is the closest thing throughout all of history to the real thing. Its near impossible to get to sexual intercourse without it (without money involved). This is the PROCESS in its simplest form (without interference, fantasy extrapolation or interruption) that leads to sex and reproduction and exists in the Animal Kingdom on an instinctual level. Its the force of life applied in the mating dance of heterosexual polarity and physical attraction escalation that ends up in sex. It is proven, weve just lost touch with it and its clarity. Naturals just believe in it more than any other map and thats their secret. (With the advent of birth control it opens up the door to experience the process intended without the byproduct of reproduction)

There can be any and all kinds of VARIATIONS that people can distort that they think or believe in leads to attraction and intercourse but there is only one true and pure path. Everything and anything else than this is just getting in the way. Other things can accentuate it like high social status but is still a uke with adherence to the natural process of seduction itself. Beliefs: Physical seduction. Consenting adults. I am a naturally condent man. My biological identity is more important than my inner game (ego) or social status when it comes to sexual attraction. *I understand the secret of women. I love women without shame. I respect women but I can also please them in the bedroom. I am the sexiest man alive. I love sleeping with women (consenting adults) and giving them pleasure (but said with a fake foreign accent). Good girls have to have fun too.

I value the real thing and the process of (enlightened) seduction and romance more than the illusion, exploitation or fantasy of it. Believes in physically connecting with real women and the mutually enjoyable seduction process. Anything that isnt the real thing or on the path of a personally experienced connection with physical women can easily be manipulated outside of the present to become unrealistic fantasy even used against him. Natural ViewPoint: This is how it is. This is what works. Everything else is an illusion. If Im not with a woman, its fantasy. Female Viewpoint: I dont know what it is about him...he just turns me on. I feel the sparks. My ViewPoint: This is the simplicity of nature. This is where its at. Leverage the force of life itself instead of letting all that other junk get in the way and you will be massively attractive. Its not that you have to apply it to be a player, instead you can have more natural magnetic power to keep sparks with 1 high quality woman as well.

The key is to adopt the natural map, condition it and let it build your natural identity (instead of personal or social) as well as your polarity. Leverage the truth. Believe in this map stronger than any other and you will be very successful with women and wanted by them. You value PHYSICAL relationships and the seduction of you and the woman involved. With this map, there is nothing wrong with sex or attraction because its based on interdependent coming together values of sharing and experiencing great sex or love together, physically. Signs: Attraction, irting, chemistry, connection, sparks, kissing, female sexual interest (and ALL only and ever in a PHYSICAL, subjectively experienced reality), bad boys, real players, naturals, lovers, physical seduction, casual sex, orgasm, condoms, alpha male, house parties, casanovas, wanted by women, don juans.

***Path of Attraction: (a.k.a. the physical process of seduction): Meet girl > irting > (follow-up) > kiss > make-out > foreplay > ngering > sexual intercourse It is NOTHING like explicit sex right up front with porn which is ONLY fantasy and in which youre NEVER involved with it or physically with a woman. Effect: Getting on track with the truth, cures your entire inner game issues when you get on the natural/ physical map of attraction. Sets you at ease with the world knowing youre not the problem. Creates consistent and real attraction success with women. Gives you the natural condence and lack of anxiety that women nd attractive. Builds your capability to create more physical attraction with high quality women.

Cause: *Polarity

Map of Sex

Sex = Empowerment, enlightenment, tantric, synergistic bliss, more attraction power Overview & My Thoughts: The conscious use and empowerment of the force of sexual energy to achieve higher levels of sexual attraction, chemistry, enlightenment, bliss, and with a woman, amazing insane connection and bliss THIS one is exciting because its generally our map which allows us to EMPOWER the process of physical attraction (on HYPERdrive) even seduction. It also allows us to positively USE and transmute heightened sexual energy in its simple polarity for all kinds of benets and purposes. As I now teach, I have been empowering and using sexual polarity to build my capability and create far more powerful attraction with women that other men cant explain. You have these same tools in the CuremyAA program and especially on my monthly Relational Mastery

power coaching. Beliefs: In the simplicity of masculine, feminine energy and that heterosexual balance of life. Its all you have to know and believe in because its this balance (your masculine) and her feminine that drives the force of life itself and all physical attraction. Empowers his masculinity because femininity is the equal and opposite creating stronger sexual magnetism. Is worthy to be with any woman sexually because he accepts he is the balance to her no matter how popular or beautiful she is. Path of Attraction: EMPOWERMENT. Sexual chemistry and attraction capability that is unexplainable to people on other maps > attraction from women everywhere you go > physical connections & escalation (even predictable) > women come back and want you even more Signs: shakti, polarity, energy, natural grounding, tantra, kama sutra, chakras, open polarity grounding, sexual healing, TOPGrounding (tantric open polarity), natural alpha, orgasmic use of energy, superhalo, ying/

yang, balance, chemistry, sexual attraction, masculine, feminine, sparks, physiological response, bliss, empowerment, incantations, chemicals, sexual communication, non-verbal, condence, palmy, kundalini, theres something about him, daoism, multi-orgasmic, sexual peak state conditioning, polarity conditioning, full body orgasm, etc. Effect: Miracles for your sex life, power, condence and personal growth change - absolute miracles compared to where youre at now. //Make sure youre on RELM to keep learning more about this NEW MAP & applying it to the real world.


Game Map of Sex

Sex = A Social Game (of players, winners and losers) Sex = Skin & The Fantasy which I want to get from these high (social) value women Overview: Meeting women is a Game when you follow this map. And all games have rules. To ever get to sex youre going to play the game. Youll deal with approach anxiety and do 1,000s of approaches, memorize all these tricks, gimmicks, lines, routines to try and manipulate or coerce her into feeling attraction for you. This is the PUA Game Map and you could say there is also an African-American Map of Hustling, Macking or Playah Map (which can also be covered) Beliefs: Meeting women is a Game. You must game women to ever get to sex. I have to work on my game. It takes work to get good at game, gaming women and the skill of picking up women. Mystery and Neil Strauss are icons. Strippers = sexual value I have to trick women into liking me because theyre

so valued and wanted and Im nothing next to them. I have to get good at the skill of outer game because it takes skill to play any game. Being social is where its at. OUTER GAME = approaching & scoring women. Natural Viewpoint: Ridiculous. Approaching or meeeting women is easy, you just do it. I belong wherever I go, I dont need to work on game. Why are they making a science out of something so easy? My viewpoint: A strong focus on outer game and social dynamics. Both of which are non-sexual. Really this is just a collision of 2 Fantasy Maps of sex. Thats why they NEVER seem to get over their anxiety as its a perpetual cycle of non-sexual communication. The maps are just mislabeled and thats why things almost never work. Theyre playing a game of social dynamics. Sexuality is natural (see the natural map and PSP). Their entire belief map is founded upon disempowerment and social values. PUAs are playing a

social game and social dynamics trying to achieve the FANTASY of sex(ploitation). They are taking the VERY long route even just to get naturally condent which is where any consistent success will stem from anyways. A complete waste of time and can take you further away. It can really mess your mind up with their belief systems based on the map. Female viewpoint: Hes not what Im looking for. Why is he nervous around me and trying to impress me? This is kind of creepy so I have to nd a way to reject or dismiss him. If he was just condent and real, we might have a chance. Signs: OUTER GAME, PUA bootcamps, social dynamics, The Game, legions of international followers, macking, workshops, seminars and FORUMS where they further perpetuate their own MAP of sexuality, Mystery Method, Neil Strauss Style devotees, Rules of The Game, ashy dressed recovering nerds in nightclubs all over the world, overstating and explicit forum posters bragging about their exploits in dubious corners of the internet

[A lot of these maps will have their own belief support systems and programming which further conditions and convicts the belief in that reality of attraction or sex thus further affecting the results] Path of Attraction: Expect to approach 1,000s of women being in the trenches for years. Consciously memorize all these words, gimmicks, routines, lines, tricks and methods to hopefully control the interaction and game her. Its founded on conscious manipulation of a natural process so it all seems forced until you get enough experience to slowly and eventually get to getting numbers and day 2s. Myriad of multi-step processes you have to be aware of with many of the mPUA methods to coerce or trigger attraction and if 1 step goes wrong - combustion. Rarely leads to connection let alone sex and for so much work so you have to keep approaching to improve your game. Effect: Stress, unworthiness, shamefulness, some hope but a LOT of unnatural work, massive anxiety, blind-

ness on how to take it further until you memorize all those other steps - all in its best can help you to pick up women in clubs and bars after a lot of work but still never truly cures anxiety let alone. WORST case? Destruction. Even further away from reality with women because youre consistently failing and getting rejected. More inducted rage towards women wanting to get revenge by banging them. Terrible for long-term relationships and you may nd youre only attracted to a very limited type of women (hot looking club girls or strippers).

Cause: Personal (Inner Game) Map: Sex = After I x myself Sex = My Ego, My Fault Overview: This Map of sexuality puts all of the responsibility on the mans shoulders. It makes attraction and sex a thinking, ego-based and logical thing. Inner Game often creates even more trauma and anxiety because inner game can never be resolved (as its not the path of attraction in the rst place). A man is never worthy on the sexual level to a popular womans social status, both are irrelevant to sexual chemistry yet its the incessant focus on personality and fault that leaves men thinking their sex life is based on their ego. (Which comes down to believing in the different maps). Beliefs: Its me its my personality, my ego is responsible for succeeding with women, sex and attraction. try try again if it doesnt work. If women reject me its my fault. I have to convey my personality and be interesting or intriguing. I have to know the right things to say to cap-

tivate women fast. Inner game is everything. There is only inner and outer game. If women reject me, I must suck. If I dont succeed with women, theres something wrong with me so I have to x my thoughts and beliefs (personally) to be condent. Natural ViewPoint: Since when did sex ever become about a mans logic, mentality or ego? Theyre letting themselves get in the WAY of success. My ViewPoint: Inner Game is what is in the WAY of your sex life and success with attraction until you can control it. Only use my amazing personality and self development as supplemental or secondary to natural condence. An Inner Game or personal map of sexual communication is one of the greatest causes of anxiety because it takes something natural and tries to create it into male logic. Inner Game = Ego (check out my free online video @ breaking the limits of inner & outer game)

Female viewpoint: Why the hell is that guy so creepy and nervous around me? I can see it a mile away. He doesnt stand a chance. EEEeeeww. (In other words she doesnt care about you or your personality unless you are just condent around her and she feels natural sparks). Signs: The majority of the online dating industry and experts training, teaching, beliefs and thoughts. Lack of awareness that it takes two in a relationship. Personal fault for your success or failure. Self-doubt, anxiety, anguish, shame, talking himself out of things, making up things in his head, trying to see how the interaction would go in his head, making a mountain out of a mole hill (approach), building up anxiety, putting her further on the pedestal, talking himself out of things, too much damn thinking about it all making it logical. Personality focus, thought or personal self help style belief focus to attracting women. Afrmations. The focus is on self because women are out there outside of me.

Path of Attraction: Improve myself, x my issues I have with women and then try meeting them. Deal with anxiety because I cant ever resolve inner game or feel worthy of women. Long dry spells and self-doubt often settling for less in a woman, questioning your moves or having big inconsistencies. (Notice it doesnt even go into actually relating with women) Effect: An Inner Game Map can lead to great trauma, psychological issues, neverending anxiety in a loop or trap of unending dry spells with women. Women dont make sense even MORE. Unworthiness, frustration, and tremendous anxiety around everything to do with women. You cant gure out why youre not worthy. You could be worse off than you ever were before because you suck no matter what you do. Your energy is still out of control no matter how much work you do on yourself when you are around real beauties. You cant compare or be worthy to a popular, wanted

woman and everything you say seems like a lie. You probably have your own personal map of attraction and its not working very well.

Other Maps: Bitches/Sluts

& Manwhores map

Sex = Promiscuity Overview: This is kind of a semi-dangerous subsect of the male population that is quite natural but in a dirtier, disrespecting, physical way. They are almost always talking explicitly about sex and what they would do to women. This is a map that is very physical and not one that inner game men can just choose so easily because it has already strong and explicit beliefs of sexuality. Beliefs: All women are (secretly) sluts. Women are bitches so I treat them like bitches. They all want to be f*cked. Im just a manwhore and Ill leave women behind I dont care. Women are sluts and easy. Natural Viewpoint: (Some naturals ARE like this). A more centered natural doesnt go to this extreme or have to as he has more respect for women. Female Viewpoint: Most RUN (psychologically) away

from this. Lower class, drama queen or club rat women may dig the sex only dark vibe from a man like this who kind of treats her in a certain physical way where she trusts him to only have care-free fun. My Viewpoint: Yes its closer to the real thing RESULTS WISE when you view things physically but to me its an aberration and deance of interdependence. They dont really treat or respect women and usually end up using or abusing them. I cannot ever agree with this map myself nor is it necessary to have great strong attraction and amazing sex. Also they tend to attract drama and lower class women instead of high quality, love, relationships and so forth. Signs: Nightclub regulars. Expecting sex. Friends expecting you to hook them up and backstabbing you when youre not around. Drama. Madonna/Whore complex, Seedier gurus teaching that women are sluts or to manipulate her with sexplicit techniques Use and misuse of women. Filthy, explicit cussing and sexual language use, pussy. A lot of physical energy. Seediness. Doesnt give a damn. prosmiscuity

Path of Attraction: Often crass and direct in meeting women because of his belief in how things are. Will polarize response from women by verbalizing explicit things. Effect: Usually have more sex than most men but its with (usually) a certain type of woman that isnt very balanced or evolved. Very polarizing to be so direct so a lot of rejection.

Other Maps Social Maps: Fame


Sex = Fame

Overview: This is a very common held belief: Become famous and then that will get you a lot of sex and women. Beliefs: Fame = Sex Tommy Lee gets the chicks. If I were just like that. I want to be like that. When Im a rockstar, then Ill get the chicks. When Im famous, the chicks will be all over me. First I have to get famous and the best at what I do. Natural ViewPoint: Not even necessary to do all that. My ViewPoint: This is one of the GREATEST illusions or deceptions. One benet from this negative sexual transmutation is a great increase in creativity and inspiration at least. Heres some forms of it:

Rock Star = Sex Path of Attraction: Start a band, become famous (THEN Ill be worthy and get the chicks) > have afterparties > get girls or at least sleep with groupies > then they nd out its more about the image of sex and become even more frustrated putting more into their creative endeavors (Meatloaf?, Maroon 5) and maybe settling for the girl thats been there all along but not his dream girl Sports Star = Sex Path of Attraction: Make it to the top of my game, then Ill be famous and have girls come over like they did with Wilt Chamberlain. Thats what other heroes are doing, theyre getting the chicks and famous women. Actor = Sex Path of Attraction: Again, once Im famous then Ill be able to get chicks. And meanwhile theyre missing out on the REAL path of attraction or how to connect with women around them which creates more anxiety - especially when the path they choose isnt delivering as expected.

Other Maps: Social Cause: Social Popularity Map Sex = Social Status Popularity = Sex Cliquey image = Sex Cool = Sex

Those can all be different maps of what people believe = sex or leads to sex Overview: A strong focus on high school dynamics where it appears this is the way to get with women. Be popular and a leader of a group. This is not the actual process or path of attraction. This is social dynamics. This high school mentality of

these different social maps will lead to more anxiety especially if youre not part of them. Somehow people actually believe that being popular = sex or the path to attraction and sex but it isnt. This is social dynamics. Beliefs: Sex = Popularity or Social Status (via association). The way to get women is to be popular, part of a group and attract women within that group. I have to have a certain style that will get the chicks. Ill do whats cool or socially acceptable because thats how Ill get physical with women. Natural ViewPoint: I dont need to be a cliche to succeed with women, I connect with them on the sexual level anyways no matter what style or clique theyre in. My ViewPoint: I havent needed to be a cliche to succeed with women, I connect with them on the sexual level anyways no matter what style or clique theyve been in. Theres not anything wrong with identifying with a certain social subculture...I nd it interesting and fascinating how people do - as long as its really you and youre

not doing it just to impress or get chicks (of that type). Its a very high school and social oriented outlook on sex as part of the social group or tribe but does not represent the path of attraction and escalation that leads to sex itself. Path of Attraction: Become like a stereotype cliche which you think ts your closest personal self to t into a social group to attract those type of women. Climb the social hierarchy to get the top women. Signs: Myspace, high school, popularity, surfers, goths, punks, poseurs, new PUAs, etc.

Then on the lower side of the social scale (which has nothing to do with sex itself but appears that way) you have the

LOSER MAP = near hopeless to ever score so

keeps getting more involved in his rich fantasy world to transmute all of his frustrations. a.k.a. the Geo-Nymph Level 8 with majistar = better than sex Beliefs: Sex is only a fantasy. All women are out of my league except that 2 who is friends in our gaming group. The way Ill get with that online female player in dungeons of warcraft is to impress her with my high scoring majik acrobatics and then our virtual players can kiss and ill be happy because its the closest Ill get to the real thing. (not gonna put in a visual here, I think you can imagine) Note: 50 year old virgins are created because of their belief in their map. Period. Additional Map Bonuses: Other Maps

Parental Map of Sex

Sex = Finish your lima beans and dont ask anymore questions. When youre older youll know. HORRENDOUS...dont even go there yet countless people blindly follow their parents advice on sex and dating.

Archetypal Seducer Maps

Sex = Act or model one of these archetypal men These include the rake the seducer, the adventurer, etc. which are really just PERSONALITY trait cliches of how a certain type of men communicate with women. The effect is using a stereotype like Zan or Casanova and trying to be like them in personality and how you come across. Trying to t a personality-based cliche which is misleading because it covers up the natural pure process of sexual attraction in the rst place and turns it into social and interpersonal communication. Thus I see these maps as LIMITING. Especially when you are fooled into believing that there are just 4 archetypes or whatever. Look, theres the power of polarity and nature and then whoever you are on top of it. Theres millions of types.

______________________________ Cause: Rapport Based Personality Traits of Women as a Map to Sex Sex = Interpersonal Rapport (or matching with her unique personality type) Overview & My Thoughts: This is just a LOSING battle and there are products also on this in the dating market that I absolutely will not promote. You end up trying to match or calibrate what you think her personality type or trait is doing all this conscious work. Its manipulative, sneaky and not based on raw physical attraction. And you may be fooled into it by some movies where the guy secretly learns what her personal traits are to

get in with her Something About Mary, The Saint, etc. My experience is to stop judging women or trying to make interpersonal rapport or verbal rapport to her expectations or personality and instead work on your polarity and natural power to create chemistry (Step 2 in CuremyAA) on the physical/sexual level of nonverbal and energy communication. If you keep trying to please women or what they say they want in a man, this gets in the way of natural chemistry. Its like that scene in Employee of the Month where the Star employee tries to win the girl back by predicting what shell say at the end of each sentence. You can HAVE rapport or synergy on a personal level and thats great but unfortunately other gurus and mainstream advice are basing attraction off of it. Its not that bad of a thing but its really more of a longterm relationship focus in which sex is further down the road (after you have rapport apparently).

Signs:, eharmony, compatibility tests, the 4 personality traits of women to (try and) match and get her into bed, seduce her by knowing her personality type ahead of time and doing these things unique to her character trait, matching her checklist of what she wants in the perfect man, connecting on a conversational level, rapport, language, connecting via language, nding out you have certain things in common with a woman, focus on personality, hobbies, personal preferences, expectations, similarities, differences Effect: Im her TYPE. We have all this in common but she doesnt like me because of this or I dont like her because of this one thing. Or We had a GREAT conversation but she felt there wasnt any chemistry yet we had all this stuff in common?! Even the compatability matchmaking test we took said we were a match.

Interpersonal Rapport

So there we go. Those were the major maps of sexuality and attraction that exist. Look over these and truly ask yourself: Which of these did I truly believe in that led to attraction and sex with women? Can I see how continuing on that same map will probably not get me to where I was thinking (of real, physical attraction and connection)? Can I see how your own beliefs of women, sex and attraction have been INFLUENCED? Most likely its from these causes of some of these maps of attraction and sex. Can you now see where your anxiety has come from? From expecting one thing but it doesnt =EQUAL= what you actually thought. Its a different map! By being inuenced by some of the maps, you may now believe as an effect that (all) women are just out of your league or reality because of your causes or like Beavis & Butt-Head

that, Im never gonna score Maybe your experiences with women have COME FROM believing in one of the maps and that dened the effect you had with women. Women just ARE above you with the PUA Game Map and its social value theyre chasing and trying to communicate but they believe it = sex. Theres no way out of it within the same map. The only answer is to have a different map entirely. Remember that people REALLY BELIEVE in a lot of these maps. Some are CONVICTED of their belief in their map. That conviction affects and inuences all of their ACTIONS and results with attraction, chemistry, connection and escalation. Theyre just attracting the effect that the map gave them. Just take a look back into the map and your experiences in life and others you know and youll see it to be true. Maybe youve been using several of the wrong or different maps and didnt know it until now. Now you have the power to see and choose your map of sexuality and attraction. Most dont even lead to attraction or sex at all.

Look at each map as a cause that creates an effect or result with women. These causes lead to a predictable effect and is not only where your anxiety has come from with women but your humiliation, angst, depression, failure, resentment and lack of physical success. These are in effect like geographical maps. They exist, you can believe in them and use them to reach a certain destination. Again, the values, signs, paths and directions of each map lead to a certain outcome. Having the wrong map and believing its something else will not get you where you want to be. Its what creates all of the anxiety. So why would you keep using the wrong map? Using any map you can only get to where it leads: its own set of physical results. And maybe youll see the maps youve been using have been very good at getting you to certain results and its because that is what that map was for. Most likely you misinterpreted it as something else (attraction or sex) or it was mislabeled in the rst place. Try and remove the blame from yourself with this clarity, and just understand that youve likely been given a map of

sex that was mislabeled. Be thankful that you have this clarity because the anxiety will continue for millions of other men. They will continue to believe in maps which do not end up in physical attraction, chemistry and blissful sex. A religious map for example may lead to a certain type of relationship for the long-term based on expectations which may or may not be fullling and although approved logically by a certain sect of people, it may actually repress or prevent physical relationships. You could live your whole life believing pornography = sex and that belief would prevent most physical relationships from happening but youd never know it. You would be in the reality that the map presented: a lonely one of masturbatory fantasy. If you didnt know that you were only following that map, well no wonder you were frustrated. Look over the Sex = ( ) portions of each Map. That is a simple clarication for you and you can see how that believe system does hold true. Feel free to send me your own breakthroughs or feedback to

Its your life, you can choose the maps you want to create win/win relationships with women, even deserve and attract the love of your life. Again, just understanding these should clear most of your anxiety away. Let your emotions out whatever they are. More than likely your denition of sex and your sexual energy has been manipulated for decades against your will because of belief in a Map of Attraction and Sex..safely let out those emotions as fast as possible (when no one is around) so you can move on. So after reviewing these maps you want to choose 1 or 2 and empower them. Find a way to believe in them and make them reality. So this PDF really covers and supplements a lot of Step 1 in Cure My AA which is about nding the root cause of your anxiety and then getting on a (natural/physical) path that DOES lead to real, physical attraction with women while dissipating your anxiety. Its not the approaching thats the issue, its what is causing your anxiety at the core even when you approach. Remove that and then when you do approaches you wont have the effect of anxiety around women anymore. Its MUCH more productive and youll have FAR higher at-

traction, interest and close ratios than PUAs or someone who still has anxiety because of an inaccurate belief system of sex and attraction - especially when youre on that natural, physical map of attraction and its path. With Step 2 in the program (make the polarity conditioning of Natural Grounding a habit) you are enforcing and empowering that Natural belief system into your nervous sytem and physiology. With a natural cause that is ALIGNED with the truth of physical sexual attraction, the effect is you arent thrown off by fantasy ever again (which is nothing like what has created your anxiety). It will key you in to the actual, physical and sexual dynamic of communication and that which leads to the good stuff for you and women. You can approach the most beautiful women without anxiety because you believe in the Natural/Physical or (better yet) Polarity Map of sexuality. You ARE worthy simply by bearing manhood. And it all comes down to the belief in your Map of Attraction and Sexuality. Empower that map. Make it physical. I help you to do it

in the program and we effectively get rid of your anxiety around beautiful women. So with that, make sure you check out the full Cure My Approach Anxiety program. Its where we go deep into everything and give you the 3 steps to cure you anxiety with women. If you dont have Cure My Approach Anxiety yet, you can go to here ..even just to nd out more about it.

-Rion Williams
p.s. For more ongoing training, make sure youre on our Relational Mastery Monthly & forum.

Images Copyright of their respective owners and used under Fair Use Copyright Law and cultural critique. PDF eBook Copyright Dreamcore Productions, Ltd. 2010

Maps of Sexuality Summary

Sex Education Science Map Sex = Education Pregnancy/Reproductive Map Sex = Babies *Non-Physical Fantasy Sexploitation Map Sex = Masturbatory FANTASY Sex In Advertising Map Sex = Buy Our Product Courtship Dating Map Sex = After You Woo Her Religious Maps Sex = Immoral Sin PUA Guru Maps Sex = Follow My System *Physical/Natural Map Sex = Sex

The Polarity Map Sex = Enlightenment & Bliss The Game Map Sex = A Social (Outer) Game Personal (Inner Game) Map Sex = Ego Sluts Map Sex = Promiscuity Fame Map Sex <=> Fame Social Popularity Map Sex <=> Popularity Archetypal Seducer Maps Sex = Archetypal Modeling Rapport Map Sex <=> Interpersonal Rapport
Unauthorized reproduction prohibited Copyright Dreamcore Productions, Ltd. 2010

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