In these notes we give a brief introduction to the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse, a generalization of the inverse of a matrix. The Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse is dened for any matrix and is unique. Moreover, as is shown in what follows, it brings great notational and conceptual clarity to the study of solutions to arbitrary systems of linear equations and linear least squares problems.
We consider the case of A IRmn . Every A IRmn has a pseudoinverse and, moreover, r r the pseudoinverse, denoted A+ IRnm , is unique. A purely algebraic characterization of r A+ is given in the next theorem proved by Penrose in 1956. Theorem: Let A IRmn . Then G = A+ if and only if r (P1) AGA = A (P2) GAG = G (P3) (AG)T = AG (P4) (GA)T = GA Furthermore, A+ always exists and is unique. Note that the above theorem is not constructive. But it does provide a checkable criterion, i.e., given a matrix G that purports to be the pseudoinverse of A, one need simply verify the four Penrose conditions (P1)(P4) above. This verication is often relatively straightforward. Example: Consider A = inverses (for example, AL 1 . Verify directly that A+ = [ 1 , 2 ]. Note that other left 5 5 2 = [3 , 1]) satisfy properties (P1), (P2), and (P4) but not (P3).
Still another characterization of A+ is given in the following theorem whose proof can be found on p. 19 in Albert, A., Regression and the Moore-Penrose Pseudoinverse, Academic Press, New York, 1972. We refer to this as the limit denition of the pseudoinverse. Theorem: Let A IRmn . Then r A+ = lim (AT A + 2 I)
0 0 1
(1) (2)
= lim AT (AAT + 2 I)
Each of the following can be derived or veried by using the above theorems or characterizations. Example 1: A+ = AT (AAT ) invertible) Example 2: A+ = (AT A) invertible)
1 1
1 if = 0 0 if = 0
vT vT v
if v = 0 if v = 0
1 0 1 0 = 0 0 0 0 This example was computed via the limit denition of the pseudoinverse. + 1 1 1 1 Example 6: = 4 4 1 1 1 1 4 4 This example was computed via the limit denition of the pseudoinverse. Example 5:
Some Properties
Theorem: Let A IRmn and suppose U IRmm , V IRnn are orthogonal (M is orthogonal if M T = M 1 ). Then (U AV )+ = V T A+ U T . Proof: Simply verify that the expression above does indeed satisfy each of the four Penrose conditions. Theorem: Let S IRnn be symmetric with U T SU = D, where U is orthogonal and D is diagonal. Then S + = U D+ U T where D+ is again a diagonal matrix whose diagonal elements are determined according to Example 3. Theorem: For all A IRmn , 1. A+ = (AT A) AT = AT (AAT ) 2. (AT ) = (A+ )
+ T + +
Both of the above two results can be proved using the limit denition of the pseudoinverse. The proof of the rst result is not particularly easy nor does it have the virtue of being especially illuminating. The interested reader can consult the proof in Albert, p. 27. The proof of the second result is as follows: (AT )
= lim (AAT + 2 I)
0 0
1 T
] ]
1 T
= (A+ )
Note now that by combining the last two theorems we can, in theory at least, compute the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse of any matrix (since AAT and AT A are symmetric). Alternatively, we could compute the pseudoinverse by rst computing the SVD of A as A = U V T and then by the rst theorem of this section A+ = V + U T where S 1 0 + = . This is the way its done in Matlab; the command is called mpp. 0 0
Additional useful properties of pseudoinverses: 1. (A+ ) = A 2. (AT A) = A+ (AT ) , (AAT ) = (AT ) A+ 3. R(A+ ) = R(AT ) = R(A+ A) = R(AT A) 4. N (A+ ) = N (AA+ ) = N ((AAT ) ) = N (AAT ) = N (AT ) 5. If A is normal then Ak A+ = A+ Ak for all k > 0, and (Ak ) = (A+ ) for all k > 0. Note: Recall that A IRnn is normal if AAT = AT A. Thus if A is symmetric, skewsymmetric, or orthogonal, for example, it is normal. However, a matrix can be none of the preceding but still be normal such as A= 1 1 1 1 .
+ k + + + + + +
The rst theorem is fundamental to using pseudoinverses eectively for studying the solution of arbitrary systems of linear equations. 3
Theorem: Suppose A IRmn , b IRm . Then R(b) R(A) if and only if AA+ b = b. Proof: Suppose R(b) R(A). Take arbitrary IR so that b R(b) R(A). Then there exists a vector v IRn such that Av = b. Thus we have b = Av = AA+ Av = AA+ b where one of the Penrose properties is used above. Since IR was arbitrary, we have shown that b = AA+ b. To prove the converse, assume now that AA+ b = b. Then it is clear that b R(b) and hence b = AA+ b R(A) .
We close with some of the principal results concerning existence and uniqueness of solutions to the general matrix linear system Ax = b, i.e., the solution of m equations in n unknowns.
has a solution if and only if R(b) R(A); equivalently, there is a solution to these m equations in n unknowns if and only if AA+ b = b. Proof: The subspace inclusion criterion follows essentially from the denition of the range of a matrix. The matrix criterion is from the previous theorem.
Theorem: (Solution) Let A IRmn , B IRm and suppose that AA+ b = b. Then any vector of the form x = A+ b + (I A+ A)y is a solution of Ax = b. Furthermore, all solutions of (5) are of this form. Proof: To verify that (4) is a solution, pre-multiply by A: Ax = AA+ b + A(I A+ A)y = b + (A AA+ A)y = b since AA+ A by hypothesis = A by the rst Penrose condition. (5) where y IRn is arbitrary (4)
That all solutions are of this form can be seen as follows. Let z be an arbitrary solution of (5), i.e., Az = b. Then we can write z A+ Az + (I A+ A)z = A+ b + (I A+ A)z 4
Remark: When A is square and nonsingular, A+ = A1 and so (I A+ A) = 0. Thus, there is no arbitrary component, leaving only the unique solution x = A1 b.
is unique if and only if A+ A = I; equivalently, there is a unique solution if and only if N (A) = 0. Proof: The rst equivalence is immediate from the form of the general solution in (4). The second follows by noting that the n n matrix A+ A = I only if r = n where r = rank(A) (recall r n). But rank(A) = n if and only if A is 1-1 or N (A) = 0.
EXERCISES: 1. Use the limit denition of the pseudoinverse to compute the pseudoinverse of 2. If x, y IRn , show that (xy T ) = (xT x) (y T y) yxT . 3. For A IRmn , prove that R(A) = R(AAT ) using only denitions and elementary properties of the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse. 4. For A IRmn , prove that R(A+ ) = R(AT ).
+ + +
1 1 . 2 2