969 Final Q
969 Final Q
969 Final Q
Lahore Pakistan
LHR PK Ref#lhr969
Revision 0
#ack $roun%: Client is seeking to progress in its waste water treatment facility, by assessing economical, tec nical an! en"ironmental benefits of implementing #al$e %ngineering tec nologies in or!er to& 1- Improve its efficiency 2- Improve its process 3- Reduce its operational cost 4- Reduction in results fluctuation 5- Reduce its environmental impact 6- Reduce its reliance on the Coagulation Chemicals - !implifying its operation Client & !'eing "nit(: 'o$n!e! in (arc 2000, initially a"ing a facility for wastewater treatment !esigne! by ))'C on *40 ( 3 per o$r to treat its li+$i! effl$ent b$t was impractical, for !esigne! flow !$e to $g poll$tion loa! i,e, *200ppm C-), so .%/0 obtaine! by re!$cing its infl$ent flow rate i,e, 70 (3 per o$r, 1n 2005 to get ri! from t is ea!ac e, ig er management !eci!e! to impro"e its capability i,e, 280(32 r t ro$g 31.451, 3int i a!!e! some e+$ipment 6 ci"il work to c ange its process for impro"ement in flow 6 res$lts, 7$t t ro$g t ese c anges, !esire! res$lts co$l!n8t ac ie"e!, besi!e poll$tion loa! as been increase! more i,e, 2000ppm C-), 9et :lant is a far away from .%/0, .ow 'actory management is willing to a!! new ci"il constr$ction wit o$t !emolis ing c$rrent facility, (anagement also compelling to re!$ce its operation cost by eliminates );'2 Coag$lation C emicals, .ow t e task is to !esign a plant a"ing capability to mange .%/0 for 350 ( 3 per o$r at ma<im$m poll$tion loa! 2000 ppm C-) an! c$rrent facility wo$l! be $tili=e in new planning2!esigning,
LHR PK Ref#lhr969
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4 43 8,8 0
4 43 8,8 *,2
lint"fluff # oil$ %rease inhi&it &iological activities# so Fine !creening re'uired for improvement Insufficient &alancing having great influence on (ffluent Results )ue to *+,# it may not -or. properly /ithout R,! it may not -or. properly detention is very lo-# 0esides in a&sences of ),F ,naero&ic !ystem may not -or. properly detention is very lo- for proper 0iological o1idation
LHR PK Ref#lhr969
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Pro2lems *, Lint, oil & Grease 2, Improper Equalization 3, Ineffective DAF Operation 4, Hig !emperature 5, "oor #iological o$i%ation ?, Hig !&& in Final Effluent 7, Ver' Har% to gro( &lu%ge 8, Hig )OD
Problem Causes
2,&sence of Fine screening# oil $ %rease removing system 2('uali3ation &asin is relatively small
24nder capacity cooling to-ers are ,dded 2lo-er detention# 5igh 6emperatures $ lint
LHR PK Ref#lhr969
Revision 0
6alue Engineering may assist yo$ to r$n c$rrent set$p, as well as in planning, )esigning, 7$!get assessments, e+$ipment selection 6 proc$rement, erection s$per"ision, commissioning, staff training 6 tro$bles ooting for new facility,
ut+ut /ith e7isting setu+: )$e to ig poll$tion loa! 6 @ow !etention time it8s "ery ar! to ac ie"e .%/0 for 280 !"#Hr, Ait o$t any c ange in c$rrent process !esire! le"el of parameters may ac ie"e at 70 !"#Hr $%. 5owe"er wit some minor c anges we can r$n it 70 > *50 !"#Hr, e<act fig$res may not propose !$e to $nknown efficiency of its 7iost$ff, 7$t t e reason to r$n it on its ma<im$m ac ie"able flow to !esign a foolproof ne<t facility for t e same p$rpose, ;lrea!y yo$ are contin$ally paying f$ll operational cost B%lectricity, ;ci!, 'ertili=er, manpower etc,C wit o$t any o$tcomeD we wo$l! like to s ow yo$ o$r e<pertise on site practically, instea! of !emo on paper, 1t will be o$r pleas$re to ser"e yo$ in t is c allenging proEect,
*, 2, 3, 4, 5, ?, 7,
7int# oil $ %rease Improper ('uali3ation Ineffective ),F 8peration 5igh 6emperature *oor 0iological o1idation
5igh 6!! in Final (ffluent 2 9e- &igger Clarifier# 7amella may effective +ery 5ard to gro- !ludge 2,dd &igger pump for sludge recirculation
LHR PK Ref#lhr969
Revision 0
5igh C8)
$eneral !escri+tion o3 our *electe% +rocess to Treat Client9s /aste/ater (ostly 7-) consi!ere! as principle poll$tion loa! for process !esigning, 7$t in t is case we especially foc$se! on C-), 'irst of all we wo$l! like to !escribe Client8s %ffl$ent C-) fraction,
COD Fraction:
0ol$ble C-)F C-)0
0ol$ble Gea!ily 7io!egra!able C-)F ()*
C-)F P+'()*
:artic$late 0lowly 7io!egra!able
C-)F P&'()*
0ol$ble Hnbio!egra!able
C-)F &+'()*
Total C OD
CODp 35%
CODs 65%
LHR PK Ref#lhr969
Revision 0
"articulate )OD
ss&C8) 4 <
ps&C 8) >1<
su&C8) 3<
sr&C8) 5=<
pu&C 8) 1;<
Pressure .iltration Cooling *'stems < ,omogenising: Pressure Filtration: Aastewater lifting p$mps wo$l! $tili=e as a press$re so$rce to operate t e press$re filtration e+$ipment, 4 is filtration set$p is necessary to re!$ce lint, sl$!ge Bpro!$ce! after aci! fee!ingC, Cooling Systems: 4 an lifte! wastewater wo$l! enter in cross flow no==le less cooling towers to re!$ce its 4emperat$reK23>30CL, Homogenising: 4 is p ase of t e process is "ery simple b$t "ery important, as its aim to make t e fee!ing in t e o<i!ation p ase t e most constant possible wit reference to poll$ting parameters an! flow, 5ere t e mass wo$l! kept in constant mo"ement by means of a mi<t$re wit force! air t ro$g special eEectors, getting at t e meantime a pre o<i!ation of t e wastewater, 1n t is p ase, air is $se! to mo"e an! mi< t e w ole
LHR PK Ref#lhr969
Revision 0
wastewater as well as to a"oi! t e !e"elopment of anaerobic fermentation areas insi!e t e acc$m$lation $nit, w ic may pro!$ce ba! smell, 'ee!ing to biological p ase wo$l! reali=e! by means of a p$mping system t at transfers t e water ass$ring !$ring t e 24 o$rs to t e o<i!ation $nit, 4 is constant fee!ing permits to work non-stop in t e o<i!ation $nit, t $s fa"oring t e metabolic process, as t e c arge rate 7-)200 remains constant, (oreo"er, t e re+$ire! a"erage resi!ent time is respecte! in s$c a way to get efficiency s$fficient to grant t e respect of t e o$tp$t limits,
Pre-ano7ic >one?#iological !enitri3ication: 4 e flow t at will come from t e omogeni=ation p ase, it8s mi<e! wit acti"ate! sl$!ge G;0, 4 e sc eme of t e biological treatment is& pre!enitrification nitrificationo<i!ation, 4 e )enitrification it8s foreseen before t e o<i!ation treatment for remo"ing nitric nitrogen create! in t e o<i!ation p ase an! recycle! in a proper way, 1n t e )enitrification p ase it8s foreseen wit a w irling system w ic permits to create ano<ic con!itions for t e nitrates transformation in gaseo$s nitrogen, I.1* Bintegrate! fi<e!-film acti"ate! sl$!ge processC 7iological nitrification-o<i!ation 4reatment& 4 e wastewater may falls by gra"ity from t e )enitrification tank to t e nitrificationo<i!ation one, 1n t is p ase t e poll$tants are o<i!i=e! by t e integrate! fi<e!-film acti"ate! sl$!ge process t anks to t e o<ygen gi"en by t e blowers an! t$rn it to carbon !io<i!e, '$rt ermore in t is p ase t e nitrogeno$s s$bstances are t$rne! by t e biomass in nitrates, 1n t e acti"ate! sl$!ge tank a new biomass grows an! perio!ically m$st be e"ac$ate! an! t ey are calle! e<cess sl$!ge A;0, .ee%ing o3 Nutrients < Pol'electrol'te: 'ee!ing of n$trients B);: 6 HreaC 6 polyelectrolyte, w ic is in!ispensable to t e life of microorganisms in t e o<i!ation $nitD wo$l! reali=e! by an a$tomatic !osing system, so t at t e !ose of salts 6 polymer may a!E$st accor!ing to t e real !eman! of t e plant, *e%imentation: 4 e aim of t is p ase is to clarify t e effl$ent coming from t e o<i!ation tank, an! to allow t e settle! sl$!ge recirc$lation, 4 ro$g lamella Clarifier )esign water may !ep$rate in "ery little 7asin,
1n case of ig fl$ct$ations in poll$tion loa!, recirc$lation is relati"ely "ery e<cessi"e to minimi=e its infl$ence at t e en! res$lts of plant, 5ere are re+$ire! two types of recirc$lation to meet t e .%/0,
LHR PK Ref#lhr969
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LHR PK Ref#lhr969
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#st $io Contactor % 2n& $io Contactor : ;s per c$rrent state of knowle!ge ere are no nee! to any amen!ment e<cept a flow control !e"ice as like "al"e wo$l! be installe! at t e e<it point of 2n! 7io Contactor B%ntry point of ClarifierC to increase t e !etention times of all tanks by increasing t e water le"els, 1st *ettling: ;s per c$rrent state of knowle!ge ere are no nee!s to any amen!ment e<cept G;02A;0 p$mp K*50 !"#Hr, )n% *ettling: 5ere wo$l! install a self cleaning filtration system to !ecrease 400, 5ere installe! sl$!ge e<traction p$mps will p$s e<tracte! sl$!ge 6 water to 5omogeni=ation tank,
*ummar' o3 1men%ments:
0creening*40 >800 mes C ange of piping ro$t reception to );' ;ci! fee!ing piping for );' :iping from );' to 5omogeni=ation tank 'ine 0creening *0>5M before 5omogeni=ation :iping from 5omogeni=ation to Cooling 4ower (i<er in 5y!rolysis 4ank ;ir )iff$sion 0ystem in anaerobic 4ank 1mpro"e! aeration system to obtain )-K 2ppm for 1';0 (i<e! @i+$or piping an! air sip on 0l$!ge p$mp an! piping ;ir operate! self cleaning 'iltration system in 2n! settling 4ank %<tracte! sl$!ge piping from 2n! 0ettling to 5omogeni=ation 4ank,
:re-filtration 6 post-filtration is necessary to ac ie"e .%/0, res$lts of filtrate infl$ent may obser"e in $n!er gi"en grap , AS is s$spen!e! growt acti"ate! sl$!ge process, w ile "FAS is Bintegrate! fi<e!-film acti"ate! sl$!ge processC ybri! process Bs$bmerge! fi<e! film attac e! growt 6 s$spen!e! growt acti"ate! sl$!ge processCD an! "FAS # Filtration meant to 1';0 treatment wit post filtration process,
LHR PK Ref#lhr969
Revision 0
Influent COD
IF S !Filtration
6alue Engineering
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