Sense and Nonsense
Sense and Nonsense
Sense and Nonsense
Chamont Wang .
a ,erla tldltMl by
D. B. Owen
of StatI8Ilca
Southern JlethodIaI Univnalty
DtIlla, TGtII
Nancy R. Mama
University of CtIIifornla at Loa Angelu
Loa Angelu, California
1. How to Tell the Liars from the Statisticians, Robert Hooke
2. Educated Guessing: How to Cope In an Uncertain World, Samuel Kotz
and Donna F. Stroup
3. The Statistical Exorcist: Dispelling Statistics Anxiety, Myles Hollander
and Frank Proschan
4. The Fascination of Statistics, edited by Richard J. Brook, Gregory C.
Amold, Thomas H. Hassard, and Robert M. Pringle
5. Misused Statistics: Straight Talk for Twisted Numbers, A. J. Jaffe and
Herbert F. Splrer
6. Sense and Nonsense of Statistical Inference: Controversy, Misuse, and
Subtlety, Chamont Wang
Sense and
. Nonsense
Controversy.lfisuse. and Subtlety
Chamont Wang
Department of Mathematics and StatIBtIcs
Tlflllton State College
Tlflllton, New .IeIwy
Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York - Basel- Hong Kong
Library of Conp-ess Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Wang, Cbamont.
Sense and nonsense of statistical inference : controversy, misuse,
and subtlety I Chamont Wang.
p. C1D. -- (Popular statistics ; 6)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-8247-8798-6 (aJk. paper)
1. Science--Statistical methods. 2. Science-Philosophy.
3. Mathematical statistics. I. Title. n. Series.
Q175.W276 1993
507.2-dc20 92-35539
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This book concerns the misuse of statistics in science. Before and during the
preparation of the manuscript, we witnessed a growing interest among the pub-
lic in the exposure of misused statistics in a variety of sources: news stories,
advertisements, editorials, federal reports, and academic research. This book
presents examples from these areas, but its primary focus is the abuse and
misconception of statistical inference in scientific journals and statistical litera-
Currently there are about 40,000 scientific journals being published regu-
larly (The New York Times, June 13, 1988). While it is often claimed that sci-
ence is self-correcting, this belief is not quite true when applied to the use of
statistical generalization, probabilistic reasoning, and causal inference in
scientific investigation. The examples of misused statistics in this book (most
of which were produced by prominent scientists or statisticians) show that a
large number of scientists, including statisticians, are unaware of, or unwilling
to challenge, the chaotic state of statistical practices.
The central theme of this book is that statistical inference, if used improp-
erly, can do more harm than good to the course of science. Accordingly, the
book is written for the following audiences:
1. Graduate students of probability and mathematical statistics who will
eventually teach and apply textbook statistics to real-life data. Many
vi Preface
scientists and statisticians stumble in their application of seemingly
innocuous statistical techniques. We hope that our students will not
have to carry these mistakes to the next generation.
2. Teachers of statistics who would like to understand better the limita-
tions of statistical inference and would like penetrating examples to
enrich their instruction. The examples in this book and the related dis-
cussions may well change the way they teach.
3. Empirical scientists who use statistical techniques to explore new fron-
tiers or to support their research findings. In certain scientific discip-
lines (such as economics, educational research, psychology, biomedical
research, and social science), researchers have been using sophisticated
statistical methods, encouraged in part by the reward systems in their
fields. Such researchers may find the discussions herein to be relevant
to their academic endeavors.
Two additional audiences for whom this book will be informative are:
1. Applied statisticians who enjoy reading intellectual debates and would
like to broaden their views on the foundation of statistical enterprise.
2. Theoretical statisticians who are curious about how their inventions
have been abused by applied statisticians, empirical scientists, and
other theoretical statisticians.
In recent years there is growing impatience on the part of competent
statisticians (like Professor David Freedman of the University of California at
Berkeley); with misused statistics in scientific and statistical literature. Indeed,
all empirical scientists and academic statisticians who plan to conduct their
business as usual now run some risk of rmding their publications under attack.
Since its early development in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, statis-
tics has generated waves of interest among empirical scientists. As a new
branch of science, statistics was intended to deal with the uncertainty in the
data. But, in many instances, statistical methods may actually create new kinds
of uncertainty in scientific investigation.
These incidents are, nevertheless, quite normal in any young discipline.
This book is thus an attempt to examine the "growing pains" of the statistical
profession. For this purpose, the book is organized around the abuse and
misconception of the following modes of statistical reasoning:
1. Tests of significance
2. Statistical generalization
3. Statistical causality
4. Subjective inference
Chapter 1 is devoted to the ubiquitous statistical tests. Testing of statistical
hypotheses, as it appears in the literature, is at the center of the teaching and
practice of statistical reasoning. However, in the empirical sciences, such tests
are often irrelevant, wrong-headed, or both. The examples in this section are
chosen from the biomedical sciences, economics, the behavioral sciences, and
the statistical literature itself.
Chapter 2 discusses conflicting views of randomization, which, according to
orthodox statisticians, is the very signature of statistical inference. In practice,
randomization has two functions: (i) generalization and (ii) causal inference.
Both functions have close connections with induction, a notorious topic in
epistemology (the philosophy of science). Part of Chapter 2 is thus devoted to
certain aspects of induction and epistemology, and also relates to the discus-
sion in Chapter 3, as well as to a variety of topics concerning subjective
knowledge and objective experimentation (Chapters 5-8).
Chapters 3 and 4 give examples of fallacious practices in statistical causal
inference. Special emphasis is placed on regression models and time-series
analysis, which are often used as instant formulas to draw causal relationships.
In addition, Chapter 4 complements a motto of which all users of statistics
should be aware: "No Causation without Manipulation" (Holland, 1987,
Chapters 5-8 are devoted to favorable accounts of observational studies in
soft sciences, and to human judgment in nonexperimental settings. Contrary to
a popular belief among scientists, sometimes subjective knowledge is more
reliable than "objective" experimentation. Collectively, these chapters advo-
cate the development of a critical eye and an appreciative mind toward subjec-
tive knowledge.
For many years, I felt cheated and frustrated by the application of so-called
statistical models and by the practice of applying hypothesis testing to nonex-
perimental data. I am now less hostile to those statistics, because if used skill-
fully they can be intellectually illuminating. This book presents, therefore, not
only criticism but also appreciation of uses of statistical inference.
To emphasize the constructive use of statistics, I have tried to include some
illustrative examples: a modem version of Fisher's puzzle; graphic presenta-
tion and time-series analysis of Old Faithful data; Shewhart control chart;
descriptive statistics; Bayesian analysis; chi-square test; parameter design in
quality control; random inputs to a feedback system; probabilistic algorithms
for global optimization; nonlinear modeling; spectral estimation; and quantum
probability. These examples are intended to illustrate that statistics is infinitely
rich in its subtlety and esoteric beauty.
Nevertheless, I believe that the practice of statistical inference has drifted
into nevernever land for too long. Therefore, this book concentrates on the
misuse rather than on the bright side of statistical inference. A theme running
through most of the examples is that the scientific community (and our society
viII Preface
as a whole) will be better off if we insist on quality statistics. Individuals who
share the same belief are urged to bring similar examples to light.
A good way to start is to have a critical mind when reading this book. Over
the years, I have learned that the best way to deal with one's mistakes is not to
hide them, but to laugh at them. For this reason, the author has admitted some
of his own blunders (in Chapters 1,2,3, S, 7, 8, and Intermission) for visible
So, although this book is about statistics, it is also about people, because
people are at the center of defending or unraveling the integrity of the statisti-
cal profession. With this in mind, we have tried to illustrate the human side of
statistical endeavor (whenever there is a fair prospect of fun) by providing
comments and examples from our own recollections and the recollections of
others. With all of these efforts and explanations, we hope that you can loosen
up and enjoy a journey that may surprise you with some unexpected twists.
Chamont Wang
The author is deeply indebted to Albert J. Dyer for his careful readina of the
early dndts of Chapters 1 8Ild 2 and parts of Chapters :I and 4. His criticisms
have substantially improved the final form of these ebapters. Helpful com-
ments were also provided by Pbillp Beardsley, YvODDe lCemp,. and Lee Har-
rod. Fmally, the author is most grateful to Herbert Spirer of the University of
Connecticut for many ofbis mggestions which led to substantial improvements
in the presentation.
1 Pads and Pallacies in Hypothesis Testing
I. Examples: The t-Test
n. A Two-Stage Test-of-8ignificance
m. More Examples: A Kolmogorov-8mimov Test
and Some Diagnostic Statistics for
Model Building
IV. Mechanical Application of Statistical Tests
V. Data Snooping
VI. An Appreciation of "Non-8ignificant" Results
vn. Type 1 and Type n Errors: Por Decision-Making
vm. Type 1 and Type n Errors: Por General Scientists
IX. Concluding Remarks
2 Quasi-Inferential Statistics
I. Randomness or Chaos?
II. Rume's Problem
m. Unobservables, Semi-Unobservables, and Grab Sets
IV. Is Statistics a Science?
xii Contents
V. Grab Sets and Quasi-Inferential Statistics 33
VI. Concluding Remarks: Quasi- and Pseudo-Inferential Statistics 37
3 Statistical Causality and Law-Like Relationships 40
I. Introduction 40
n. Sense and Nonsense in Causal Inference: Examples 41
m. Rubin's Model and Controlled Experiments 49
IV. Rubin's Model and Observational Studies 52
V. Causal Inference in Sample Survey and Other Observational Studies 57
VI. Causes, Indicators, and Latent Variables 63
4 Amoeba Regression and Time-Series Models 72
I. Discovering Causal Structure: Science Now Can Be Easily Cloned 72
n. Regression and Time-Series Analysis: Science or Lunacy? (part I) 78
m. Regression and Time-Series Analysis: Science or Lunacy? (part II) 80
IV. Regression and Time-Series Analysis: Science or Lunacy? (part HI) 8S
V. Statistical Correlation versus Physical Causation 87
Intermission 99 .
5 A Critical Eye and an Appreciative Mind toward Subjective
Knowledge 103
I. The Sorry State of Statistical Evaluation:
A Case Study in Educational Research 103
n. Modeling Interaction Effects:
A Case Study from the Social-Behavioral Sciences 117
6 On Objectivity, Subjectivity, and Probability 137
I. Statistical "Justification" of Scientific Knowledge
and Scientific Philosophy 138
n. Classical Probability, Common Sense, and a Strange View
of Nature 146
m. Intuition and Subjective Knowledge in Action:
The Bayes Theorem (and Its Misuse) 153
IV. Bayesian Time-Series Analysis and E. T. (Extra Time-Series)
V. A Pursuit of Information beyond the Data in Randomized
and Nonrandomized Studies 166
Contanta xlU
VI. Women and Love:
A Case Study in Qualitative/Quantitative Analysis 172
7 A Delicate Balance Between Order and Cbaos . 18S
L Objectivity versus Reliability 185
n. Older within Chaos: Heartbeats. Brainwaves, Simulated Annealing.
and dle FiddBng of a System 188
8 The Riddle of the Ublquitous Statistics 20S
I. lDformation and Misinformation 2C11
D. Statistical Quality Control and the Contlictinl Teachings
ofQ. C. Gums 212
Bpiloa! Toward a New Perapective on Statistical Inference 233
Index 239
Sense and
Inference .
Chapter 1
Fads and Fallacies in Hypothesis Testing
In an official journal of the American Heart Association, Qrculation, Glantz
(1980) presented a statistic on the misuse of statistics:
Approximately half the articles published in medical journals that use statistical
methods use them incorrectly.
Glantz's shocking article prompted the editors of Circulation to revise their
review mechanism to help assure proper use of statistical methods in papers
they publish. But it remains unknown whether other medical journals have
taken the same action. .
Most of the errors tabulated in the above study involved inappropriate use
of the Student t-test. It is ironic that on one hand research statisticians have
been meticulously using advanced mathematics (such as measure theory, topol-
ogy, functional analysis, stochastic processes) to consolidate the foundation of
statistical science; while on the other hand scientific articles still contain mas-
sive misuses of the Student t-test.
A further irony is that not only general scientists misapply statistical tests,
but so do professional statisticians. An example was the figure given for the
amount of time American students spent on their homework. According to the
Trenton nmes (November 1984, Trenton, New Jersey; and Bureau of Census,
1984), the statisticians at the Census Bureau reported that:
Chapter 1
For Blacks, the total was 5.6 hours per week, compared with 5.4 for Whites,
and concluded that:
the overall difference between White and Black students, while small (about 12
minutes) is statistically significant.
There are several pitfalls in this report: (1) Twelve minutes a week (about 2
minutes a day) is not significant in the ordinary sense. (2) The observed
significance level is a function of sample size. The sample size in the survey
was about 60,000. When the sample size is this big, even 12 seconds a week
may appear highly statistically significant. (3) The measurement of hours of
homework is based on students' self-report, which is not very reliable; even
professors cannot estimate with good accuracy the hours of their course
preparation. Worse than that, the students in'the survey, according to the
Bureau's report, were aged 3 to 34 years! Based on this group of siudents and
on the poor quality of the measurement, it is hard to imagine why the statisti-
cians at the Bureau had to tell the public that the difference (12 minutes per
week) was "statistically significant."
In sum, the Bureau's report relates to a typical confusion that equates "sta-
tistical significance" with "practical significance," a confusion that plagues
many branches of empirical sciences.
A case study is the burgeoning literature on a psychometric measurement
introduced in 1974 by Sandra Bern, then a psychologist at Stanford University.
Bern explored the concept of psychological androgyny for people who are both
masculine and feminine [andro: king; gyny: queen], both assertive and yield-
ing, both instrumental and expressive. Bern's paper opened a new field of
social psychological research. An impressive sequence of papers was written
on the subject Bern pioneered. Many of them were attempts to find associa-
tions between androgyny and a wide range of variables: psychological health,
personal adjustment, self-esteem, achievement, autonomy, and so on.
Bern's original idea was fruitful, and on the surface her paper appeared to
be a solid study backed by modern statistical tests. However, a close look at
the paper reveals that it contains disastrous misuses of statistical tests, such as
(1) using the t-test to classify a personality trait as masculine or feminine, and
(2) using the t-test to quantify the concept of androgyny as the absolute value
of the difference between the masculinity and femininity scores. [The t-test and
a number of related models will be used to illustrate a flat-Earth theory and
stone-age measurements in a psychometric study. See Chapter 5, Section n.]
As a matter of fact, Bern used "statistical significance," instead of "practi-
cal significance" to establish a psychometric measurement and thereby ran into
various problems. For example, both M and F scores contain respectively the
items "masculine" and "feminine," which measure biological androgyny, not
psychological androgyny.
Fads and Fallacies In Hypothesis Testing
I am somewhat sympathetic to Bem because most statistics books do not
differentiate ''practical significance" from "statistical significance." Bern is
only one of many victims. I
In 1975 Box and Tiao published a paper entitled "Intervention Analysis with
Applications to Economic and Environmental Problems." The paper is widely
considered as a milestone in the field of time-series analysis and has been fre-
quently cited in literature. One application of the intervention analysis was to
assess the impact of President Nixon's price controls. For this purpose, Box
and Tiao (1975) built the following statistical model (where SE's are the stand-
ard errors related to the estimated coefficients in the model):
= - .0022 * X
- .0007 * X2t + [( 1- .85B)/(1- B)] * 8t
SE: .0010.0009 .05
where Y
= the consumer price index at time t; X
and X
respectively, to phase I and phase IT of Nixon's price control, B is the back-
ward operator, and at is the random noise. To build this model, as one can
expect, we need intricate mathematical analysis and a relatively high-powered
From the model, the authors reported, ''The analysis suggests that a real
drop in the rate of the CPI (Consumer Price Index) is associated with phase I,
but the effect of phase II is less certain." To put it in statistical jargon, the
effect of phase I control is significant, while the effect of phase II is not.
In I presented this example to my students in a time-series class. I was
very proud that statistical tests were used to address important issues such as
Nixon's price control. However, several graduate students majoring in
economics commented that few (if any) in business schools would agree that
either phase I or phase II of Nixon's price control is significant.
The students were courteous enough not to embarrass their instructor. But I
felt stupid, and the event triggered a soul-searching for the nature of statistical
tests. After years of reflection, I believe that statistical users will be better off
if they take note of a two-stage test-of-significance as follows:
Step 1: Is the difference practically significant?
If the answer is NO, don't bother with the next step:
Step 2: Is the difference statistically significant?
This simple strategy certainly conflicts with the orthodox teaching: "Don't
look at the data before you test!" (see Section V, DATA SNOOPING).
Nevertheless it will serve statistics users in two ways: (1) Mistakes such as
Chapter 1
those made by the psychometricians and the Bureau of Census may be
avoided. (2) Resources will not be wasted on building useless models which
are not practically significant.
A question about this two-stage test-of-significance has been frequently
asked: How do we know if a difference is "practically significant?"
The answer is that you have to use subject-matter knowledge. In general,
there is no statistical formula that is readily applicable.
For instance, let X and Y be the price tags of something unknown, and
assume that Y - X = 15 cents. Is this difference practically significant? It
depends. If we are talking about the auto insurance premiums charged by two
different companies, then the difference is not significant. On the other hand, if
we are talking about the increment of the postage of an ordinary letter, then
the difference is highly significant.
In certain cases, the appreciation of the "practical significance" can be sub-
tle. Here is an example (Freedman, Pisani, and Purves, 1978):
In the 1960s and 1970s, there has been a slow but steady decline in the Scholastic
Aptitude Test scores (SAT). For the verbal test, the average in 1967 was about 465;
by 1974, the average was down to about 445. The SD, however, has remained
nearly constant at 100, and histograms for the scores follow the normal curve.
Now the question: Is the drop in SAT, 445 - 465 = - 20, practically
On the surface, a 20-point drop may not seem like much, but it has a large
effect on the tails of the distribution. For example, in 1967 and 1974 the per-
centages of students scoring over 600 was about 9% and 6%, respectively.
The difference here is 9% - 6% = 3%, which still does not seem like much.
But let's think about the percentage a little bit further. First, there are millions
of students taking the SAT each year. Suppose that there are four million stu-
dents. Three percent of them would translate into 120,000. That's a lot.
Second, students who score over 600 are more likely to be scientists,
engineers, managers, intellectuals, or future political leaders. If we lose 3 % of
such students every 7 years (1974 - 1967 = 7), a few decades later this
country will be in big trouble. Therefore, the drop in SAT scores, although
only 20 points on the average, is practically highly significant.
We now move back to the case of Nixon's price control. In an econometric
seminar at Princeton University, I met Professor Tiao and asked him
specifically if Nixon's price control was significant in the ordinary sense. Pro-
fessor Tiao looked stunned. It appeared that it was the first time somebody had
asked him this question. His response was quick and right on the mark,
though: he is only a statistician, so I should ask the question of people in busi-
ness schools.
In Fig. 1 we include a graphic display of the consumer price index from
January 1964 to December 1972.
Fads and Fallacies In Hypothesis Testing
x 10-3
Phase I in effect
8.0 I-
Phase II in effect
I. 01-
70 71
Figure 1 Consumer price index from January 1964-December 1972. Copyright
1987 by the American Statistical Association. Reprinted by permission.
Note that at the right end of the graph, the black dots (phase n control) are
running at about the same level as those before the phase I control. Therefore,
phase n control did not appear to have reduced the inflation rate. Phase I con-
trol, on the other hand, appears effective. But a question is: If phase I was
indeed effective, why was phase n needed? Further, if either control was
effective, why was neither used by later administrations?
A motivation behind the proposed two-stage test-of-significance was that
statistical methods usually take the place of a scientist's instinct and subject-
matter knowledge. The situation often gets worse if complicated statistical
models are used in empirical studies, where subject-matter knowledge is rela-
tively weak. An example is a statistical model called discriminant function.
The function is popular among behavioral scientists (e.g., Bem, 1979). This
model depends on complex multivariate analysis formulas that general scien-
tists are likely to have trouble understanding. Yet some researchers display a
fondness for the complicated model and the terms like discriminant power,
two-stage discriminant analysis, etc. (See an in-depth discussion of Bern's
study in Chapter S, Section n.) But a simple fact is that the statistical discrim-
inant function is a generalized version of the t-test-it concerns only "statisti-
Chapter 1
cal significance," not ''practical significance." When dealing with the problems
of classification, scientists should fully utilize their instinct and their
knowledge of the subject matter. Playing around with the discriminant analysis
appears to be a research fashion, but the classification based on such analysis
may well identify a biological trait as a psychological characteristic again.
In the tests of statistical hypotheses, an issue about P-value is very confusing.
For instance, Freedman, Pisani, and Purves (to be abbreviated as FPP, 1978,
A-19) wrote: "Moderate values of P can be taken as evidence for the null.,,2
This practice is common in regression and time-series analysis where
moderate P-values of diagnostic statistics are used as indicators for the ade-
quacy of model fitting.
To have a closer look at the issue of "moderate values of P," we first con-
sider the following example of the Kolmogorov- Smirnov test (Conover, 1980,
X = 7.6,8.4,8.6,8.7,9.3,9.9,10.1, 10.6, 11.2
Y = 5.2, 5.7, 5.9, 6.5, 6.8, 8.2, 9.1, 9.8, 10.8, 11.3, 11.5, 12.3, 12.5,
The null hypothesis is that the two populations have identical distribution func-
tions. The test statistic for the two-tail test is .40. Based on this test statistic,
Conover concluded: ''Therefore Ho is accepted at the .05 level." He further
worked out the P-value to be slightly larger than .20, which is moderate, and
thus can be taken, according to FPP, "as evidence for the null." However, a
graphic display of the data looks like that in Fig. 2.
Eyeball examination indicates that the two distributions have nearly the
same mean but quite different variances (Gideon, 1982). Shapiro-Wilk normal-
ity tests yield P-values of 92 % and 43 % for X and Y distributions, respec-
tively. Consider these P-values as evidence that the underlying distributions
are normal. Fisher's F-test therefore applies, and the end result (p = .0097)
rejects the null hypothesis that the two distributions have the same variances.
x xxx x x x x x
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
y yy y y y y y y yy y y y y
Figure 2 Graphical display of the data used in the Kolmogorov-Smimov test.
Fads and Fallacies In Hypothesis Testing 7
After these analyses, amazingly, one still may argue that Conover's conclu-
sion that "110 is accepted at .05 level" is not really wrong. The reasons are as
follows: (1) The conclusion means that there are not enough data to reject the
null hypothesis. (2) The fact that Fisher's F-test rejected the null hypothesis
doesn't make the previous conclusion wrong. This is because the F-test is a
more powerful test (if the nonnal-curve assumptions are correct). (3) The nor-
mality assumptions may not be valid, even if the Shapiro-Wilk tests yield P-
values of 93 % and 43 %, respectively, for X and Y distributions.
Such arguments are bewildering to general scientists. But unfortunately all
these arguments are correct. The following explanations may help. First,
Freedman's statement that "moderate values of P can be taken as evidence for
the null" is not quite true. In addition to a moderate value of P, one needs at
least two other conditions in order to accept a null hypothesis: (1) there is sub-
stantial knowledge about the subject matter, and (2) the sample size is rela-
tively large. To illustrate, consider the following example (FPP, 1978, p. 485):
The international Rice Research Institute in the Philippines is developing new lines
of rice which combine high yields with resistance to disease and insects. The tech-
nique involves crossing different lines to get a new line which has the most advanta-
geous combination of genes; detailed genetic modeling is required. One project
involved breeding new lines for resistance to an insect called "brown plant hopper;"
374 lines were raised, with the results shown below.
of lines
All plants resistant 97
All plants susceptible 93
Mixed 184
According to the IRRI model, the lines are independent; each line has a 25% chance
to be resistant, a 50% chance to be mixed, and a 25% chance to be susceptible. Are
the facts consistent with this model?
The answer according to FPP is that "chi-square = .3 with 2 degrees of free-
dom, (P == 90%,) a good fit."
In our opinion, this conclusion was correct, but the reasons for the "good
fit" offered by FPP were rather inadequate. For instance, if the numbers of
lines were 0, 2, 2 (instead of 97, 93, and 184), then the P-value of the chi-
square test would have been about 40%, and a "good fit" would have been
declared by the same logic. In the case of the original conclusion, hidden
behind the chi-square test is the feeling and the consensus among all scientists
involved in the project. In practice, the scientists would look at the expected
and the observed values:
E = Expected Value 0 = Observed Value 0 - E
Chapter 1
By the comparison of the differences (0 - E) 's in the last column, any rea-
sonable person would agree that the genetic model underlying the calculation
of the expected values is not far off from the reality. Another way to look at
the data is by the calculations of the percentages:
E 0 O-E (0 - E)/E
93.5 97 +3.5 +3.7%
187 184 -3.0 -1.6%
93.5 93 -0.5 -0.5%
Sum = 1.6%
The last column of the table shows that the differences between the observed
and the expected are relatively small, especially for the bottom two categories.
The plus and minus signs (albeit for only 3 values) also indicate that the
differences may well be due to chance variation inherent in the genetic model.
This chance variation can be formally quantified by the P-value of the chi-
square test. In this case, P = 90%, therefore the null hypothesis that the
model provides a good fit remains unchallenged.
A side note is that if nobody is bothered by the 3.7 % deviation in the first
category, then the chi-square test is not needed.
We now go back to Conover's non-parametric test which concluded that
"1Io is accepted at the .05 level." The statement certainly has nothing to do
with "practical significance. " But even on the issue of "statistical
significance," the null hypothesis has been accepted on a very shaky ground.
For instance, in Conover's book (p. 239) one ean find a squared-ranks test for
variances. The test is non-parametric, in the sense that it does not need the
normal-curve assumptions. This test, as one can expect from the graphic
display of the data, yields a P-value of .003. The null hypothesis is thus
rejected without any reasonable doubt.
To sum up, Conover's conclusion that "Ho is accepted at level" is not really
wrong, if one accepts the current statistical terminology. This terminology is a
typical case of "caveat emptor" (FPP, 1978, p. 350), i.e., the responsibility of
misinterpretation is on the consumer.
Fads and Fallacies In Hypothesis Testing 9
In the November 1984 issue of Science magazine, the chi-square test was
rated as one of the 20 discoveries (from 1900 to 1984) that changed our lives
(Hacking, 1984). The article depicts the chi-square test as a formula to mea-
sure the fit between theory and reality. As we have seen in the previous rice
example, this is too good to be true. To test the goodness-of-fit of a theory
against experimental data, a scientist has to rely in large measure on his
subject-matter knowledge, not only on a chi-square test (which concerns only
statistical, not practical, significance).
Another misleading device of goodness-of-fit is the so- called "diagnostic
checking" in regression or time-series modeling. Many statistical packages
offer stepwise regression or automatic time-series modeling. The procedures
are based on the search for the best choice of an array of diagnostic statistics.
In this kind of modeling, as hinted by promoters of the software packages, all
you have to do is enter the data and then the computer will take care of the
To the insiders, such practices are in fact using a shot-gun approach in
search of an essentially black box model which describes a very loose relation-
ship between the inputs and the outputs but sheds little light on the true
mechanism that generated the data. Statistical models of this sort, according to
Geisser (1986, Statistical Science), "represent a lower order of scientific
inquiry." Worse than that, such models may indeed stand on water.
To illustrate,let's cite a remarkable experiment from Freedman (1983). The
experiment mimics a common practice in regression analysis where the under-
lying mechanism is relatively unknown (see references in Freedman's article).
More precisely, a matrix was created with 100 rows (data points) and 51
columns (variables) so that all the entries in the matrix were pure noise (in this
case, all entries are independent, identically distributed, and normal). The last
column of the matrix was taken as the dependent variable Y in a regression
equation, and the rest as independent variables. Screening and refitting in two
successive multiple regressions yield the following results:
R2 = .36; P = 5 X 10-
14 coefficients were significant at the 25 % level
6 coefficients were significant at the 5 % level
Since the R-square and many coefficients in the regression equation are
significant, ihe end product is therefore a law-like relationship between noise
and noise.
The fact that such diagnostic tests may lead to a phantom relationship in
regression or time-series analysis is a profound issue that will be discussed in
more depth in Chapter 4 (and the related parts in Chapters 2,3, and 6).
At this moment, we intend to point out only one fact. When Fisher and
Neyman developed their theories for statistical testing, the test procedures
10 Chapter 1
required clearly-defined chance models (derived from substantial knowledge of
subject matter). This logical sequence-model first, tests next-is reversed in
"modern" diagnostic tests: the mechanism that generated the data is poorly
understood, therefore the investigators use statistical tests to search and justify
a model that might have described a relationship which never really existed.
In an article entitled "Nail Finders, Edifice, and Oz," Leo Breiman (1985) at
the University of California, Berkeley, put forth a disturbing statement:
"Many, if not most, statisticians in government and industry are poorly trained
with a narrow and inapplicable methodology that produces limited vision,
wizard-of- ozism, and edifice building." To the insiders of statistical practice,
Breiman's assertion is unfortunately correct.
Lousy statistics can be found almost everywhere. Many of them arise, in
our opinion, from mechanical use of statistical tests. The book Statistics by
Freedman, Pisani and Purves (1974, 1975, 1978, 1980) launched a great effort
to counteract such use. In the preface, they wrote,
Why does this book include so many exercises that cannot be solved by plugging
into a formula? The reason is that few real-life statistics problems can be solved that
With this in mind, we are compelled to include here a conversation between
DeGroot and Lehmann in Statistical Science. DeGroot (1986) said, ''Take a
simple example of a chi-square test. Why is it universally used? Well, it is a
simple procedure. You calculate it, and you don't have to think about it."
DeGroot might have been joking around with the mechanical ".05" chance
probability level. Nevertheless, most applied statistics books that we have seen
exhibit essentially the same attitude (the list of the authors includes prominent
statisticians at Chicago, Stanford, Harvard, Cornell, etc.).
The textbooks, as correctly pointed out by Kuhn (The Structure of Scientific
Revolution, 1970, p. 144), are products of the aftermath of a scientific revolu-
tion, and they establish "the bases for a new tradition of normal science."
In the statistical discipline, this new tradition (as reflected in many popular
textbooks) is the mechanical and mindless application of statistical methods.
The situation has been greatly improved by the philosophy (and some tech-
niques) of Tukey's BDA. But much remains to be done.
As an example of the chi-square test, a speaker at an econometrics seminar
at Princeton said that he used the chi-square test with sample size near half a
million (500,000) in a cross-sectional study for a big bank. It was interesting
to see that this scholar, who is so careful in every detail of the proof by Lebes-
Fads and Fallacies In Hypothesis Testing 11
gue integration and functional analysis, is the same scholar who used a "sim-
ple" chi-square test in such a fuzzy manner. It was equally amazing that
nobody except this author tried to point out that it was not right to do a chi-
square test this way. For example, if we increase the sample size 100 times,
the numerator in the chi-square test will increase about 10,000 times while the
denominator increases only 100 times. This leads to the rejection of any rea-
sonable null hypothesis.
In contrast to using the chi-square test without thinking about it, the follow-
ing statement by Lehmann is a wise suggestion for any statistics users
(DeGroot, 1986):
[Many] Statistical problems don't have unique answers. There are lots of different
ways of formulating problems and analyzing them, and there are different aspects
that one can emphasize.
This statement reveals an important aspect of scientific activities: the intuitive
'and unpredictable way scientists actually work. In a sense, the term "scientific
method" is misleading. It may suggest that there is a precisely formulated set
of procedures that, if followed, will lead automatically to scientific
discoveries.3.4 There is no such "scientific method" in that sense at all.
Many statistics textbooks we have come across are loaded with formulas and
statistical procedures about the so-called one-tail tests, two-tail tests, right-tail
tests, and left-tail tests. Statistics users who are more conscientious about the
validity of their results thus often ask this question: Which test should I use?
right-tail or left-tail? one-tail or two- tail?
The answer to this question is, surprisingly, not contained in most books. It
is like a professional secret prohibited to non-statisticians or to entry-level
statistics majors. The correct answer, I finally found out, was: It is up to the
users. This answer does not seem to provide much guidance. Further, it is
even more confusing that, according to the orthodox teaching of the Neyman-
Pearson school, one cannot look at the data before one sets up a one-tail or
two-tail test.
The orthodox teaching of "Don't look at the data before you test" has
something to do with the probabilities of the type I and type IT errors in
hypothesis testing. The probabilities are meaningful, according to the school of
Neyman and Pearson, only before the data are examined. This may sound
strange, but consider this example. A box contains 30 red and 70 blue mar-
bles. A marble is picked at random from the box. Before we look at the mar-
ble in hand, the probability that it is blue is 70%. But once we looked at it, the
probability is eitherO% (a red marble) or 100% (a blue marble), which means
probability theory does not apply anymore.
Chapter 1
Note that the orthodox teaching casts doubt on the legitimacy of the two-
stage test-of-significance and the calculations in many published results. There-
fore it is worthwhile to examine how statisticians in other schools think about
the issue.
Dempster (1983) mentioned that ''taken seriously, Neyman's theory sug-
gests that all the statistician's judgment and intelligence is exercised before the
data arrives, and afterwards it only remains to compute and report the result."
Since Dempster views reasoning in the presence of data to be the crux of data
analysis, he cannot "take the theory seriously either as an actual or normative
description of the practice of Confirmatory Data Analysis."
Huber (1985) adopted the orthodox teaching as a tool complementary to
visual analysis and mentioned that he always seems to get P-values in the
range .01 to .1 if the data are examined before the test. Huber's explanation of
this phenomenon is: if P-value is small (P < .01), then he seems to accept
uncritically the feature as real without bothering to test; on the other hand, if
P-value > .1, he would not see the feature and therefore would not test.
Freedman et al. (1978, p. 494) said, "Investigators often decide which
hypothesis to test, and how many tests to run, only after they have seen the
data." To Freedman, this is a "perfectly reasonable thing to do," but "the
investigators ought to test their conclusions on an independent batch of data."
On a related issue of whether to use one-tail or two-tail tests, FPP wrote:
"In fact, it doesn't matter very much whether an investigator makes a one-
tailed or a two-tailed z-test, as long as he tells you which it was. For instance,
if it was one- tailed, and you think it should have been two-tailed, just double
the P-value. "
Freedman's argument is intellectually persuasive and would certainly
benefit scientists in their data analyses. However, many Bayesians may raise a
wall against such practices (see, e.g., JASA, Vol. 82, pp. 106-139; also Berger
and Delampady, 1987). The issue at stake is very nasty, and scientists are
advised to stay away from this mess. After all, doubling the P-value is impli-
citly in good harmony with the Neyman-Pearson paradigm (see more explana-
tions near the end of Section VIII). Statistics users need not panic at the objec-
tions of radical Bayesians.
The original intention of statistical testing was to protect scientists from draw-
ing false conclusions in the face of chance effect. As apparent from the exam-
ples shown in this chapter, this cure often is worse than the disease.
Bewildered by statistical tests, scientists often underestimate the potential of
"'non-significant" results. This tendency is another disservice of our profession
to the course of science. Some examples are as follows.
Fads and Fallacies In Hypothesis Testing
In a survey of articles published in leading medical journals, Pocock et al.
(1987, p. 431) tabulated 221 results, of which 91 were reported significant and
130 non-significant. Pocock observed that abstracts of research publications
are very important in transmitting new knowledge to scientific community. But
-intimidated by the so-called "non-significant" statistical tests, scientists often
do not report in the abstract the findings that are associated with large P-
To see the extent of this consequence, Pocock noted that only 25 % of the
130 non-significant comparisons were included in the abstracts of the studies
(whereas 70% of the 91 significant comparisons were included). It is possible
that the remaining 75% of the results with large P-values are practically
significant, but were overlooked simply because they are not statistically
Pocock also observed that out of 45 clinical trials surveyed, only six (13%)
made use of confidence intervals. A cOnclusion was drawn by Pocock:
Because of the obsession with significance testing in the medical literature, authors
often give insufficient attention to estimating the magnitude of treatment differences.
This phenomenon is not unique in medical literature; the problem is also pre-
vailing in other empirical studies.
In a meta-analysis of psychological individualism, Archer and Waterman
(1988) surveyed 88 comparison tests, of which 65 (74%) reported no
significant differences. In another survey of 574 tests of association, Archer
and Waterman counted 247 non-significant and 327 significant outcomes. In
both studies, the actual magnitudes of differences and correlations were not
We suspect that many so-called "non-significant" results may in fact con-
tain important information if the investigators had looked at the magnitudes of
the differences. Lest statistical jargon lead researchers astray, it should be
made explicit that "statistical insignificance" simply means that noise
overwhelms the signal and that one needs a larger sample or better measure-
ments. In many cases, increasing sample size will eventually lead to a "statisti-
cally significant" result. In other cases, the noise/signal ratio is so large that
the investigators have to go back to the drawing boards.
We now summarize the discussions of significance tests in the tree diagram
shown in Fig. 3 (this is an extension of the two-stage test-of-significance). In
Fig. 3, scientists are advised not to give up the research in case the observed
difference is not significant but a strong theory says otherwise. The reason is
that many things can go wrong in the stages of data. collection and data
analysis. An example follows.
Modern astrophysicists conclude that our universe is filled with ultra-
smooth CBR (cosmic blackbody radiation). They also believe that CBR is the
remnant of thermal radiation from a condensed primordial universe-the hot
, Is the ,
practicall significant?
Chapter 1
______________ v ______________ __
v v
, Is the alrlerence , I Do not glve up
statistically significant? the research if
________ v ______ __
you have strong
feeling that the
difference is
more data -------------
Figure 3 Strategy for a multistage test of significance.
Big Bang. Theoretical physicists predict that primordial fluctuations in the
mass density, which later became the clusters of galaxies that we see today,
should have left bumpiness on the blackbody radiation. The prediction is of
great importance to the study of the Big Bang model and has thereby generated
numerous experiments and articles on the subject. (See references in Wilkin-
son, 1986.)
In order to test the theory, CBR has been measured with sophisticated
radiometers on the ground, in balloons, and in satellites. A statistical model of
the measurement can be described as follows:
XI' ... , Xn are i. i. d. (independent and identically distributed) normal with
mean 0 and variance f + e, where f is the strength of fluctuation and e corresponds
to the background noise.
One-sided 95 % confidence intervals (each equivalent to a family of hypothesis
testings) have been calculated to measure the amplitude (t). But none of the
estimated amplitudes has been proven to be statistically significant. The situa-
tion is rather disappointing because the best available technology has been
fully explored. A question then arises: "What can scientists do now? Abandon
the Big Bang theory?" No, not yet. The only thing which has been established
is that blackbody radiation is extremely smooth. No more, no less. As a matter
of fact, physicists dedicate themselves to a continual search for the fluctuation
and a deeper understanding of the blackbody radiation. Their activilies include
better calibration of the instruments, the reduction of the background noise,
and applications of sophisticated statistical methods, etc.
Fads and Fallacies In Hypothesis Testing
In one instance, some physicists attempted to capitalize on the findings in
the existing studies. They proposed intricate arguments (a combination of
Bayes Theorem, likelihood ratio, Legendre polynomiais, type I and type II
errors, etc.) to set upper limits for the amplitude of the model. Their argu-
ments are very intelligent but were dismissed by this author on the ground that
the prior distribution is sloppy and indeed, as they admitted, contradictory to
existing knowledge. After a series of failures, these physicists still have no
intention of giving up; they vowed that they will try other priors. They also
are thinking of going to the South Pole to get better measurement of blackbody
Physics has long been admired by many as the champion of "exact sci-
ence." In the field of astrophysics, however, this branch of the "exact science"
is not all that exact. Nevertheless, their relentless pursuit of good theory and
good measurement is highly respectable and is in sharp contrast to many
empirical studies that rely mainly on statistical tests of significance.
In a personal interview, Erich Lehmann (a la DeGroot, 1986, Statistical Sci-
ence) quipped about the mechanical application of the .05 significance level as
"obviously a silly thing to do." To avoid this silly practice, Lehmann
emphasized the importance of the power function and "a better balance
between the two kinds of errors," which are better known as the type I and
type II errors in hypothesis testing.
It is hardly an overstatement to say that the type I and type II errors are
dominant components of hypothesis testing in statistical literature. However,
scientists usually perform statistical tests based only on type I error and sel-
dom bother to check the type II error. This lack of adherence to the Neyman-
Pearson paradigm can also be found in the following books, where the lack of
adherence turned into the lack of respect.
Wonnacott and Wonnacott (1982) discussed some difficulties with the clas-
sical N-P (Neyman-Pearson) procedure and asked: "Why do we even bother to
discuss it?" They concluded that the N-P theory is of little use in practice. In
their book, FPP (1978) simply ignore the whole Neyman-Pearson theory. A
question to Freedman is: How can scientists perform statistical tests without
knowing type I and type II errors?
For this issue, consider the following example which I found successful in
convincing some skeptics and would-be scientists of the importance of type I
and type II errors. The issue is the safe usage level of a cheap but potentially
harmful farm chemical. Assume the safe level is 10 units or less. So the null
hypothesis is either (A) Ho: p. 10 or (B) Ho: p. 10. In case (A), the null
Chapter 1
hypothesis says that the chemical is at a safe level, while in (B) the null
hypothesis says that the chemical is at a dangerous level. Users are often con-
fused as to which null is more appropriate. Let's discuss this issue later. To set
up decision rules, we need sample size n, the probability of type I error, and
the estimated standard deviation (SO). Assume n = 25, SO = 4, and alpha =
.01. For case (A), the rejection region is X > 11.994. For case (B), the rejec-
tion region is X < 8.006. Now we can make a decision whenever x is avail-
able. If x = 11.0, then under (A) we conclude that Ho remains unchallenged
and that the chemical is safe; under (B) we also do not reject Ho and conclude
that the chemical is dangerous. If x = 8.5, we reach the same conclusion for
(A) or (B). The set-ups of the right-tail or left-tail null hypothesis thus give us
opposite conclusions!
To clarify the confusion, let's compare the type I errors. For case (A),
alpha is the error which farmers do not want to risk. For case (B), alpha is the
error which consumers do not want to risk. Therefore, to protect consumers,
we should choose the right-tail null hypothesis, even if the consumers have to
pay more for the farm products. Another reason is: If we save money today,
we may have to pay more to hospitals tomorrow. Hence (B) is the choice after
we analyze the nature of the type I errors.
Some of my colleagues and students enjoyed the above discussion of type I
errors and praised it as a "beautiful analysis." I then went further to discuss
the alternative hypotheses and the type n errors.
Two years after I introduced the previous example in the classroom, I
totally changed my mind. To highlight the point, let me quote a statement on
the calculus of variations from a classic book by Bellman and Dreyfus (1962,
After the initial development of the calculus of variations by Buler, Lagrange,
Weierstrass, Hilbert, Bolya, Bliss and others, the subject became, to a large extent,
more fit for the textbook than the laboratory.
This is what I now feel about the type I and type n errors advocated by Leh-
mann among others. None of the analysis in the above example is necessary if
we simply look at the 98% confidence interval (X 1.992). Whether x =
11.0 or 8.5, we cannot conclude that the chemical is at a safe level. For
decision-makers, a larger sample size and a confidence interval will certainly
solve this problem without any help from the analysis of type I or type n
Decision-making based on the analysis of type I and type n errors does
make sense in certain industrial quality control. But the practice is facing
increasing challenge from some QC experts who put more emphasis on "zero
defects" and the concept of "doing the things right at the beginning." (See
more in Chapter 8, Section n.) This in our observation, is gaining
Fads and Fallacies In Hypothesis Testing 17
ground, and the whole industry of OC curves (including Military STD 414,
105D, etc.) may become obsolete in the near future.
In some ways, enthusiastic statistics users are convinced that the analysis of
type I and type n errors are powerful tools for decision-making. For instance,
if you look at the freshman books in business statistics (which are supposed to
be relevant to real-life applications), you will often find several chapters on
"decision theory" that deal with type I and type n errors. Students, on the
other hand, regard these materials as part of "an unimportant, mechanical,
uninteresting, difficult but required subject" (Minton, 1983).6 We believe that
these students are quite smart. Only those who lose their sanity completely
would try to deal with type I and type n errors in any business setting.
In short, it is a grave mistake to confuse statistical decision theory with
ordinary decision theory, yet this is done all the time in business statistics
books. In an ASA (American Statistical Association) panel discussion on the
role of the textbook in shaping the business statistics curriculum, Hoyer (1987)
decried that:
The Neyman-Pearson decision theory is a logically indefensible and intellectually
bankrupt decision mechanism.
We applaud this conclusion and hope that someday those who produce busi-
ness statistics textbooks will take note and really ponder the true nature of the
Neyman-Pearson theory of statistical hypothesis testing.
The essence of the Neyman-Pearson theory is to provide criteria to evaluate
the sharpness of competing tests and then opt for the tests that perform best
(Lehmann, 1985). But this task is primarily a job belonging to theoretical sta-
tisticians, not practicing statisticians nor general scientists.
In fact, learned statisticians seldom compute type n error on a set of experi-
mental data. They simply calculate P-values (and confidence intervals), and the
conclusions are not less rigorous.
It is a common belief that type n error helps to determine the sample size in
the design of experiments. However, the procedure is cumbersome and very
artificial. An example can be found in a book called Design of Experiments: A
Realistic Approach by Anderson and McLean (1974, pp. 4-6). In this case, the
concern was the strength of two-different cement-stabilized base material. For
this simple comparison, the investigators enlisted a special scheme, and,
according to Anderson and McLean, "the sequential procedure recommended
here or by Stein (1945) must be followed" [emphasis supplied]. This so-called
sequential procedure, as one must be aware, has nothing to do with the actual
magnitude of the difference. Rather, it concerns only the number of additional
Chapter 1
specimens to take. The procedure is complicated and involves contrived selec-
tion of beta-values (i.e., the probabilities of making the type IT errors) that is
hard to pin down and hardly makes intellectual sense. As a matter of fact, the
width of a confidence interval can be used to determine the sample size, and it
is definitely not true that the sequential procedure must be followed.
In more complicated designs (such as multiple comparisons or two-way lay-
outs), the choices of sample size involve certain ingenious procedures
developed by mathematical statisticians. Such procedures are of great esoteric
interest to specialists but are seldom needed in data analysis. In our opinion,
interval estimation (such as Tukey, Sheff6, or Bonferroni simultaneous
confidence intervals) will not be less rigorous than the stopping rules based on
type I and type IT errors. In conjunction with the interval estimation, a
"sequential procedure" should proceed as follows:
1. Examine the actual magnitudes of the differences in a multiple compar-
2. Throw out the cases that are neither practically nor statistically
3. Conduct a trimmed multiple comparison
which by this moment may
be only a simple 2-population comparison.
This approach would apply to most statistical designs, such as
one-factor analysis
two-factor analysis
complete factorial experiments
incomplete factorial experiments
nested factorial designs
Latin square designs
Note that all these designs are special cases of regression models. The treat-
ment effects thus can be assessed by the estimation of linear combinations of
In certain statistical tests (such as chi-square test, normality test, and runs
tests) the use of the confidence interval is not appropriate; but do not expect
that the type I and type IT errors will help in the determination of the sample
size. In most cases, a learned statistics user simply follows his feeling, and
generally this works out better than many exotic designs which are based on
the type IT errors.
In our opinion, the accept-reject method is useful only for certain engineers
in quality control, but irrelevant to the data analyses in general science. How-
ever, the accept-reject method and the calculation of the power function are
repeatedly promoted in leading medical journals (see, e.g., Glantz, 1980; Der-
Simonion et aI, 1982; etc.). The reasons are given in Pocock et a1. (1987, p.
430) and can be summarized as follows.
Fads and Fallacies In Hypothesis Testing 19
First, data snooping may introduce bias in the study; hence the intended
size of a trial should be determined in advance. Second, it is ethically desirable
to stop the study early in case clear evidence of a treatment difference has been
found. Since repeated use of statistical testing increases the risks of a type I
error, some stopping rules based on power calculations are recommended to
researchers in biomedical science (see references in Pocock).
Pocock's reasons for power calculation in clinical trials are questionable for
both ethical and technical reasons. For ethical reasons, most multiple compari-
sons involving human beings indeed can be (and should be) trimmed to two-
population comparisons. Therefore interval estimation can be used to deter-
mine the sample size. Using human subjects in a complicated design only
results in a waste of valuable resources.
For technical reasons, Pocock's recommendation is a two- stage procedure
that requires testing to take place before the estimation of the contrast between
parameter values. However, it is known (see, e.g., Brown, 1967; Olshen,
1973; and Casella: and Hwang, 1991) that this two-stage procedure (testing
first, estimation next) can destroy the probability statement of a confidence
As shown in Olshen (1973), for a broad spectrum of experimental designs,
the conditional probability of simultaneous coverage (given that the F-test has
rejected the null hypothesis) is less than the unconditional probability of the
coverage. Further, it is impossible to assign precisely a conditional probability
of coverage, because that conditional probability depends on unknown parame-
In conclusion, after much effort, we fail to see any convincing case in
which the statistical scaffolding of power calculation is needed. At this
moment, we believe that the power calculation is only a weak and often
misleading procedure and that scientists may be better off to abandon the
accept-reject method altogether.
In an ASA panel discussion at the Chicago annual meeting 1986, John
Bailar (representing the New England Journal of Medicine and Bruce Dan
(representing the Journal of the American Medical Association) endorsed the
conventional .05 and type I, type IT errors. Bailar and Dan also disliked the
reporting of small P-values. Note that in scientific reporting, a statistical result
is often marked with one star if P < .05, and two stars if P < .01. Bailor and
Dan (1986) thus poked fun at the authors who reported small P-values of
.0003 or .000026 or any number "followed by 3 or 4 stars."
Nevertheless, in the Annals of Statistics, Diaconis and Efron (1985, p. 905)
reported a significance level of ''2 x 10-
, overwhelming proof against the
hypothesis of fairness," and in JASA, Ethier (1982) reported "an approximate
P-value of less than 2.3 X 10-
, a strong indication of one or more favorable
20 Chapter 1
Freedman et al. (1978, p. 494) discuss the historical origin of 5% and 1 %
in the chi-square table and conclude, "With modem calculators, this kind of
table is almost obsolete. So are the 5% and 1 % levels." Freedman et al. (p.
93) also reported "a minor miracle" for the appearance of an outlier five
standard deviations away from the average.
In short, it appears that the "official" 5 % and 1 % significance levels are not
held in high regard by some top-rated statisticians. Ordinary statistics users
may now wonder about the following question: "Should a scientist report
small P-values, to say 1O-
The answer is a definite YES. For example, in an experiment of paired
comparison (n = 100), an average of 6 grams was observed, and the
difference was important to the subject-matter experts. However, the P-value
is 4.9%, only slightly smaller than the 5% level. Assume that the scientist in
charge is diligent and decides to run the experiment one more time but under
better control (n = 100). The new average remains similar, yet the variability
in the data is drastically reduced and the P-value is now only 10-
After all
this work, the scientist would like to ask the gate-keepers of medical journals:
"Can I put five stars to this result?"
Furthermore, assume that other scientists repeat the experiment under simi-
lar conditions. The average and SD of the reported P-values are respectively
and 10-
Now should the scientific community simply report that the
result is significant at the 5% (or 1 %) level?
In practice, the reporting of P-value is superior to the accept-reject method
in the sense that it gives a useful measure of the credibility of Ho' This use of
P-values has strong flavor of Bayesianism, but an exact interpretation of this
measure is difficult and controversial. In a 1987 edition of JASA (Vol. 82, pp.
106-139; a whopping 34-page discussion), ten famous statisticians participated
in a heated debate on the reconciliability of P-values and Bayesian evidence;
and the conclusions were that a justification of P-value in terms of Bayesian
evidence was found and lost. The debate of those ten statisticians is intriguing,
and it appears that hardly any of those scholars came out of that mess com-
pletely clean.
For statistics users, the bad news is that a Bayesian calibration of P-value is
very difficult (or nearly impossible), but the good news is that P-values are
"reliable for the primary hypothesis in well-designed (for good power) experi-
ments, surveys, and observational studies" (Morris, 1987, p. 132). For
hypotheses of secondary interest, call a professional statistician.
Unlike the probabilities of type I and type II errors, P-value per se does not
bear a frequentist interpretation of the calculated probability value. As a result,
inference based on P-value alone is not grounded on probability theory, but
rather on "inductive reasoning"-a very powerful yet often misleading
scientific method (for more discussions of the merit and the problem of induc-
tive reasoning, see Chapter 2, "Quasi-Inferential Statistics. '')
Fads and Fallacies In Hypothesis Testing 21
In contrast to P-values, Neyman-Pearson's type I and type II errors concern
a statistical procedure rather than a simple statistic; and inference based on N-
P theory is deductive, not inductive. Berger and Delampady (1987) asserted
that in certain testing procedures "formal use of P-values should be aban-
doned." One of their reasons is that P-values do not have a valid frequentist
interpretation. This is true. But in practice, scientists usually compare P-values
. to 5 % or 1 % significance level. Inferences of this type then appear to be
deductive, not inductive. In brief, P-value enjoys the power of inductive rea-
soning and at the same time establishes its legitimacy upon the strength of the
theory of Neyman and Egon Pearson.
The above discussion appreciates an advantage of the N-P theory over
Fisher's fiducial probability. But this advantage of the N-P theory disappears
when scientists approach real-life data. Indeed, the tyranny of the N-P theory
in many branches of empirical science is detrimental, not advantageous, to the
course of science.
In practice a confidence interval corresponds to a family of hypothesis testings
and thus is a more useful method. To certain theoretical statisticians, however,
interval estimation is a rather simple procedure and has little intellectual
appeal. Such statisticians therefore lavishly invest their academic freedom in
the theory of hypothesis testing. Fortunately, this investment has generated
many beautiful theories on the power properties of statistical tests (see, e.g.,
LeCam's Third Lemma in Hajek and Sidak, 1965).
In addition, these theories were extended to the Hajek-LeCam inequality
and a new field of adaptive estimators that attain the lower bound of the ine-
quality and thus provide optimal estimation. On other fronts, test statistics are
used to construct new estimators. For instance, Wang (1986) derived, from
test statistics, a minimum distance estimator for first order autoregressive
For such reasons, the Neyman-Pearson theory remains an important topic
in mathematical statistics. But regretfully, the N-P theory is only a theory. It is
not a method, or at least not a method that cannot be replaced by better
In certain branches of academic disciplines, according to Lehmann (a al
DeGroot, 1986), ''hypothesis testing is what they do most." We believe this is
true, but it may not be a healthy phenomenon. In regard to the wide use of sta-
tistical tests, DeGroot (1986, p. 255) asked: "Why is it, and should it be?" In
fact, Morrison, Henkel et al. (1970) and many veterans of hypothesis testing
raised the controversy about the usefulness of statistical tests in behavioral sci-
ence. They concluded:
Chapter 1
Taken together, the questions present a strong case for vital reform in test use, if not
for their total abandonment in research.
Henkel (1976), then an associate professor of sociology at the University of
Maryland, further concluded that: "In the author's opinion, the tests are of lit-
tle or no value in social science research. "
In principle, we agree with Henkel and Morrison, although we believe that
P-value can be used as an easy and powerful check for the difference between
observed and expected values. Nevertheless, we deeply resent the way
Neyman-Pearson theory is taught and applied. Most applied statistics books we
find are loaded with "involuted procedures of hypothesis testing" (DeGroot,
1986, p. 255), as well as lengthy discussions of type n error which has little
bearing on scientific inquiry. On the surface, those applied books look
rigorous in their mathematics, but in fact they are neither mathematical nor
statistical, but only mechanical! No wonder empirical scientists are often
misled by statistical formulas and produce many results which earn little
respect from serious scientists (see the examples of psychometric research in
Chapter 1, Section I and Chapter 5, Section m.
As a comparison, literary criticism in history and good journalism, which
are relentlessly grounded on hard evidence and insightful analysis, may bear
more scientific spirit than many so-called "data analyses" carried out by
psychometricians and perhaps by many other empirical scientists, too.
We believe, despite such questioning, the test of significance is in all proba-
bility here to stay (especially the nonparametric and goodness-of-fit tests), but
its reappraisal for general scientists is also necessary. As long as leading statis-
ticians keep on ignoring the true nature of statistical tests and keep teaching
and writing introductory books for non-statistics students, the reappraisal is
almost impossible. This is a solemn appeal to statisticians to look at the issue
seriously, and this is the only way that the problem can receive the treatment it
1. Kruskal and Majors (1989) sampled 52 usages of "relative importance" from a
diversity of disciplines such as physics, chemical engineering, biology, medicine,
social sciences, and humanities. The sample was taken (by using a probability
method) from a frame of 500-odd papers having relative importance(s) or relative
injluence(s) in the title. Out of the 52 usages, about 20% judged relative impor-
tance by observed significance levels (P-values).
See also Problem #2 in a popular textbook (Hicks, 1982, p. 32). In this case,
the difference between the observed value and the expected value is highly
significant (z = 3.24, P < .0005), but practically inconsequential X - p.)/p. =
2.9/18470 = .00015).
Fads and Fallacies In Hypothesis Testing 23
2. Freedman et al. (1978) wrote: "P-value does not give the chance of the null
hypothesis being right." It is odd that FPP are crystal-clear throughout Chapters
26-29 but give us a loose statement on A-19. I am somewhat relieved to know that
Freedman, too, is a human being. The mistake, however, was corrected in Freed-
man, Pisani, Purves, and Adhikari (1991, 2nd edition, Norton).
3. "Systematic" application and evaluation of statistical methods are recommended.
Mechanical application of statistics are misleading and intellectually offensive. See
also Goldstein and Goldstein, 1978, p. 4.
4. A computer program, BACON (Langley, 1981), was used to rediscover Kepler's
third law with a combination of Kepler's methods and sophisticated heuristics.
BACON was also claimed to have rediscovered many other scientific laws. But the
program, to my knowledge, has not yet discovered any useful law. We are willing
to give BACON our best wishes, though.
5. Even the simple calculation of P-values (10% if i = 11 and 4% if :it = 8.5) will
make the discussions of the type I error in this example unnecessary.
6. Minton's discussion did not deal just with business statistics, but was more general
in nature.
7. There are only two situations in which we believe the concept of type II errors is
really useful: (1) comparison of sensitivities of control charts, and (2) acceptance
sampling in quality control. However, the current trend in QC is a de-emphasis of
acceptance sampling.
8. An ingenious way to conduct a trimmed multiple comparison is the classical FFE
(fractional factorial experiment; see, e.g., Hicks, 1982). This is one of the greatest
contributions of statistics quality control. The procedure uses formal inferential
statistics. But FFE is different from the traditional methods such as Tukey's or
Scheffc's procedures: FFE is more a technique for exploratory data analysis, and
less a method for confirmatory analysis.
Anderson, V. L. and McLean, R. A. (1974). Design of Experiments, A Realistic
Approach. Marcel Dekker, New York.
Archer, S. L. and Waterman, A. S. (1988). Psychological Individualism: Gender
Differences or Gender Neutrality? Human Development, Vol. 31,65-81.
Bailar, J. and Dan, B. (1986). Interactions between Statisticians and Biomedical Journal
Editors: A Panel Discussion at ASA Annual Meeting.
Bellman, R. and Dreyfus, S. (1962). Applied Dynamic Programming. Princeton
University Press, Princeton, New Jersey.
Bern, S. L. (1974). The Measurement of Psychological Androgyny. J. of Consulting
and Clinical Psychology, Vol. 42,144-162.
Bem, S. L. (1979). Theory and Measurement of Androgyny: A Reply to the Pedhazur-
Tetenbaum and Locksley-Colten Critiques. J. of Personal and Social Psychology,
Vol. 37, 1047-1054.
Berger, J. and Delampady, M. (1987). Testing Precise Hypotheses. Statistical Science,
Vol. 2, 317-335.
24 Chapter 1
Box, G. E. P. and Tiao, G. C. (1975). Intervention Analysis with Applications to
Economic and Environmental Problems, JASA, Vol. 70, 70-79.
Breiman, L. (1985). Nail Finders, Edifice, and Oz. Proceedings of the Berkeley Confer-
ence in Honor of Jerzy Neyman and Jack Kiefer, Vol. 1,201-212, Wadsworth, Bel-
mont, California.
Brown, L. (1967). The Conditional Level of the t Test. Annals of Mathematical Statis-
tics, Vol. 38, 1068-1071.
Bureau of the Census (1984). Population Characteristics, Current Population Reports,
Series P-20, No. 394.
Casella, G. and Hwang, J.T. (1991). Comment to "On the Problem of Interactions in
the Analysis of Variance" by V. Fabian. JASA, Vol. 86,372-373.
Conover, W.J. (1980). Practical Nonparametric Statistics. Wiley, New York.
DeGroot, M.H. (1986). A Conversation with Erich L. Lehmann. Statistical Science,
Vol. 1, No.2, 243-258.
Dempster, A.P. (1983). Pwposes and Limitations of Data Analysis. Scientific Infer-
ence, Data Analysis, and Robustness, edited by G. E. P. Box, T. Leonard and C. F.
Wu. 117-133. Academic Press, New York.
DerSimonian, R.,Charette, L. J., McPeek, B., and Mosteller, F. (1982). Reporting on
Methods in Clinical Trials. The New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 306, No.
22, 1332-1337.
Diaconis, P. and Efron, B. (1985). Testing for Independence in a Two-way Table: New
Interpretations of the Chi-Square Statistic. Annals of Statistics, Vol. 13, No.3 845-
Ethier, S. N. (1982). Testing for Favorable Numbers on a Roulette Wheel. JASA,
Freedman, D. A. (1983). A Note on Screening Regression Equations. American Statis-
tician, Vol. 37,152-155.
Freedman, D. A., Pisani, R., and Purves, R. (1978). Statistics. Norton, New York.
Geisser, S. (1986). Opera Selecta Boxi. Statistical Science, Vol. 1, No.1, 106-113.
Gideon, R. (1982). Personal Communication at the Department of Mathematical Sci-
ences, University of Montana.
Glantz, S. A. (1980). Biostatistics: How to Detect, Correct and Prevent Errors in the
Medical Literature. Circulation, Vol. 61, 1-7.
Goldstein, M. and Goldstein, I. F. (1978). How We Know, an Exploration of the
Scientific Process. Plenum Press, New York.
Hlfjek, J. and Sidlik, Z. (1967). Theory of Rank Tests. Academic Press, New York.
Hacking, I. (1984). Trial by Number. Science.
Henkel, R. E. (1976). Tests of Significance. Sage, Beverly Hills, California.
Hicks, C. R. (1982). Fundamental Concepts in the Design of Experiments, 3rd ed.
Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, New York.
Hoyer, R. (1987). The Role of the Textbook in Shaping the Business Statistics Curricu-
lum. A preprint.
Huber, P. (1985). Data Analysis: In search of an Identity. Proceedings of the Berkeley
Conference in Honor of Jerzy Neyman and Jack Kiefer, Vol. 1,65-78, Wadsworth,
Belmont, California.
Fads and Fallacies In Hypothesis Testing 25
KruskaI, W. and Majors, R. (1989). Concepts of Relative Importance in Recent
Scientific Literature. American Statistician, Vol. 43, No. 1,2-6.
Kuhn, T. (1970/1962). The Structure 0/ Scientific Revolution, The University of Chi-
cago Press.
Langley, P. (1981). Data-driven Discovery of Physical Laws. Cognitive Science, Vol.
Lehmann, E. L. (1985). The Neyman-Pearson Theory after 50 Years. Proceedings 0/
the Berkeley Conference in Honor 0/ Jerzy Neymtm and Jack Kiefer, Vol. I, 1-14,
Wadsworth, Belmont, California.
Leonard, T. (1983). Some Philosophies of Inference and Modelling. Scientific Infer-
ence, Data Analysis and Robustness, edited by G. E. P. Box, T. Leonard, and C. F.
Wu. 9-23. Academic Press, New York.
Minton, P. D. (1983). The Visibility of Statistics as a Discipline. The American Statisti-
cian, Vol. 37, No.4, 284-289.
Morris, C. N. (1987). Comments to ''Reconciling Bayesian and Frequentist Evidence"
by Casella, G. and Berger, R. L., JASA, Vol. 82, 131-133.
Morrison, D.E. and Henkel, R.E. (ed.) (1970). The Significance Test Controversy.
Aldine, Chicago.
Olshen, R. (1973). The Conditional Level of the F-Test. JASA, Vol. 68, 692-698.
Pocock, S. J., Hughes, M. D., and Lee, R. J. (1987). Statistical Problems in the
Reporting of Clinical Trials. The New Enghmd Journal 0/ Medicine, Vol. 317,
Trenton TImes (1984). Survey: Kids do an Hour of Homework Daily.
Wang, C. W. H. (1986). A Minimum Distance Estimator for First- Order Autoregres-
sive Processes. Annals o/Statistics, Vol. 14, No.3, 1180-1193.
Wilkinson, D.T. (1986). Anisotropy of the Cosmic Blackbody Radiation. Science, Vol.
232, 1517-1522.
Wonnacott, T.H. and Wonnacott, R. J. (1982). Introductory Statistics, 4th edition,
Wiley, New York.
Chapter 2
Quasi-Inferential Statistics
It is interesting to see that many famous statisticians were involved in the dis-
cussion of randomness in the years 1985, 1986, and 1987. One lesson we
learned from their discussions is that the word ''random'' is probably the most
used and misused in statistical vocabulary.
In the March issue of Science, Kolata (1986) described some of Diaconis'
interesting work in randomness under the tide ''What does it mean to be ran-
dom?" One of Diaconis' conclusions is:
Most phenomena that are thought to be random are not so random after all.
For more discussions along this line, see Diaconis and Engel (1986), and
DeGroot (1986).
In statistical inference, if a phenomenon is not random, a man-made ran-
domization can be induced to achieve the randomness needed in a legitimate
calculation. But the procedure is not always applicable. Therefore opinions
often conflict with each other on the reporting of the "inferential statistics"
based on encountered data. For instance, Meier (1986, JASA) spelled out that
he does not quite share David Freedman's hard-line position against formal
statistical inference for observational data. The same attitude was exhibited in
Quasi-Inferential Statistics 27
Fienberg (1985), Dempster (1986a), Kadane and Seidenfeld (1987), and Patil
In a Neyman Lecture held in Chicago, Dempster (1986b) spent some 10
minutes on the following issues:
(A) chance mechanisms
(B) personal measures of uncertainty
and argued that
(A) C (B)
In the February issue Qf Statistical Science, Madansky (1986) commented on
Freedman's general quest which includes a never-wavering adherence to ran-
domization. In a conference held in New Jersey, April 1986, Freedman ques-
tioned a speaker: "Do you have randomization in your study?" The tone was
soft, but the message is serious. The following is a typical example of
Freedman's hard-line position (FPP, 1978, pp. 350-351):
A psychologist administers a test of passivity to 100 students in his class and finds
that 20 of them score over 50. He concludes that approximately 20% of all students
would score over 50 on this test. He recognizes that this estimate may be off a bit,
and he estimates the likely size of the error as follows:
SE for number scoring over 50 = .. hoo * 0.2 * 0.8 = 4
SE for percent = (4/100) * 100% = 4%
What does statistical theory say?
Freedman's answer to the above question is:
Theory says, watch out for this man. What population is he talking about? Why are
his students like a simple random sample from the population? Until he can answer
these questions, don't pay much attention to the calculations. He may be using them
just to pull the wool over your eyes.
As Cochran (1983) pointed out:
Experiments in behavioral psychology are often conducted using graduate students,
and other volunteer students (paid or unpaid) in a university's psychology depart-
ment. The target populations may be all young persons in a certain age range.
No wonder many statisticians, e.g., Madansky, Meier and Dempster,
expressed their dismay at Freedman's hard-line position. However, on what
grounds can the above psychologist calculate SE (Standard Error)? Some
attempts to justify the calculation of the standard error of observational data
can be found in Freedman and Lane (1983a, 1983b). See also Diaconis
(1985b) for a good survey of some theories of data description that do not
depend on assumptions such as random samples or stochastic errors.
28 Chapter 2
However, the theories developed by those authors cannot really answer the
following question: On what grounds can the above psychologist generalize
the result from the grab set to a certain population? This chapter is to provide
another view of the issue. For this purpose, we will first present a short dis-
cussion of epistemology (the philosophy of science).
Scientific thinking includes deductive and inductive reasoning. Deductive rea-
soning is epitomized by mathematics and logic; the latter deals mainly with
validity of arguments rather than the truth of our universe. Inductive reasoning
is making a general statement or a scientific law based on certain experimental
data. (Note that mathematical induction is neither inductive nor deductive. It is
Peano's fifth axiom. Using this axiom to prove theorems is deductive, not
inductive. However the mental process of formulating the theorem prior to a
formal proof is inductive, not deductive. The name "mathematical induction"
is somewhat misleading.)
The inductive principle was first systematically described by Francis Bacon
in 1620 and has long been seen as the hallmark of science. However, in 1739,
David Hume pointed out that no number of singular observation statements,
however large, could logically entail an unrestrictedly general statement. He
further argued that inductive reasoning is of psychology, not of logic. The
trouble with induction, which has been called "Hume's problem," has baffled
philosophers from his time to our own (see, e.g., Magee, 1973, pp. 12, 13;
Diaconis, 1985a; Russell, 1945; Weaver, 1963; Popper, 1963, 1935; etc.).
Carnap (1937) and many logical positivists proposed the degree of con-
firmation for scientific theory and thus tried to formulate an inductive logic.
This attempt appears sensible but proved to be exceptionally difficult. Indeed,
no inductive logic seemed capable of capturing man's intuitions about what
confirms a theory and what does not.
When a man cannot explain a certain natural phenomenon, he usually
creates new terminology to satisfy himself. According to Popper (1974, p.
1015), inductive logic is one of those terminologies-it is only an illusion; it
does not exist. Sir Karl Popper (1963) asserted that ''the way in which
knowledge progresses, and especially our scientific knowledge, is by
unjustified (and unjustifiable) anticipations, by guesses, by tentative solutions
to our problems, by conjectures." He also argued that those conjectures "can
neither be established as certainly true nor even as 'probable' (in the sense of
the probability calculus)."
Russell (1945, p. 674) wrote: "Induction is an independent logical princi-
ple, incapable of being inferred from either experience or from other logical
Quasllnferentlal Statistics 29
principle, and that without this principle science is impossible." It is some-
said that induction is the glory of science and the scandal of philosophy.
In his classic book Lady Luck, Warren Weaver (1963, p. 308) linked statis-
tics to inductive logic: "Francis Bacon was the first properly to emphasize
inductive methods as the basis of scientific procedure, but it was not until 1763
that the English clergyman Thomas Bayes gave the first mathematical basis to
this branch of logic " [emphasis supplied].
However, if induction is "a branch of logic," it must be a special kind of
"fuzzy logic. "I This ''fuzzy logic" includes cognition, theory formulation,
generalization, model fitting, and causal inference. Apparently the statistical
discipline has close ties and great contributions to inductive reasoning. How-
ever, the practice of statistical reasoning is not always so straight-forward as
presented in many popular textbooks. As a matter of fact, the whole notion of
"statistical inference" often is more of a plague and less of a blessing to
research workers.
In contrast to non-scientific statements (which are based on authority, tradi-
tion, emotion, etc.), scientific statements are induced or deduced from facts
and empirical evidences. A big problem is that many so-called "empirical evi-
dences" are not evidence at all. For example, see Figs. 1 and 2. (Luckiesh,
1965): In Fig. 1, both lines are of equal length. In Fig. 2 "twisted cords" are
indeed concentric circles. "Evidence" of this sort is plentiful in human reason-
ing, especially in causal inferences (and Bayesian analysis as well). For exam-
ples in this regard, see Chapters 3, 4, and 5.
Statistical inference, which generalizes results from a sample to a population,
is as confusing and scandalous as induction. In fact statistics is often classified
as a subcategory of lies (Moore, 1985). To earn our credit back, let's first con-
sider the following question: Is statistical inference deductive or inductive?
., ,
." ,
,/ ,
.. ] ..
.. ' ,
.' ,
" ,. ., .
. ."
Figure 1 Which line is longer? Copyright 1965 by Dover Publications, Inc.
Reprinted by permission.
30 Chapter 2
Figure 2 "Twisted cord." Copyright 1965 by Dover Publications, Inc. Reprinted
by permission.
Given a fixed population, the answer is simple: (1) If we don't have ran-
domization, then the generalization is inductive. (2) If we do have randomiza-
tion, then the inference is deductive.
In a sample survey, the very act of randomization (mixing the tickets in a
box) completely changes the nature of ''the unobserved." Indeed, after ran-
domization, "the unobserved" are only "semi-unobserved," because they have
been stirred by the act of randomization and certain characteristics of the
population units can now be estimated with desired accuracy. The generaliza-
tion is then based on Kolmogorov's probability theory, which is of logic, not
of psychology.
The summary statistics drawn from a grab set are of great value for
scientific endeavors, but they are descriptive, not inferential statistics. Many
people interpret the data of a grab set as a random sample from some
hypothetical universe composed of data elements like those at hand. Put
another way, the sample is used to define the population. Such a hypothetical
population is only conceptual-it may not exist (see Henkel, 1976, p. 85).2
To illustrate, let's look at an example on the scientific sampling of seat-belt
usage which recently became mandatory in New Jersey. In a small experiment,
this author took classroom polls to estimate the percentage of seat-belt usage in
New Jersey. The percentages from five different classes are as follows (the
polls were taken from April to June, 1986):3
Quasi-Inferential Statistics
Class 1
Class 2
Class 3
Class 4
Class 5
15/23 = 65%
10/20 = 50%
16119 = 84.2 %
9/9. = 100%
10/23 = 43.5%
In March, 1985, a college student who worked for a sociology professor
obtained 4571750 = 61 %; the sampling method used was by counting at one
entrance of the college. It is interesting to compare the results reported by two
local newspapers, the Princeton Packet and the Trenton Times. The Princeton
Packet (December 17, 1985) reported 40%; sample size and sampling method
were not indicated. The Trenton Times (December 8, 1985) reported 32.35%
for drivers aged 26 and under in New Jersey, but 19% in Pennsylvania where
seat-belt usage was not mandatory. The sampling method of the Trenton limes
was also not indicated. In March 23, 1986, the Trenton Times reported that
50% of people always wear seat belts in New Jersey and 67% of people wear
seat belts always or most of the time.
For cause-and-effect, the Trenton Times (December 17, 1985) reported that
a 30% drop in front-seat auto fatalities on New Jersey highways during
October 1985 is attributed to the seat-belt law. On the same issue, the Prince-
ton Packet reported a 10.6% decline from March to October. After compari-
sons of the above results, the students were asked:
1. Which of the above samples are drawn by scientific sampling?
2. Which of the above samples can be used to construct a 95 % confidence
interval of the true percentage?
Scientific results in respected journals and statistics books are expected to
be more reliable than ordinary newspaper results. However, this reliability is
often questionable. It is very difficult to stop people from calculting SE out of
grab sets once they have learned (or thought they had learned) the formulas.
The situation is even worse if they have easy access to computer packages
(SAS, SPSSX, MINITAB, etc.) which provide inferential statistics for any
grab set. In a book review I wrote for a publisher, I was surprised that two
prominent statistiCians were calculating inferential statistics from a grab set;
they didn't even bother to ASSUME the randomness of the data. With great
dismay, I wrote:
The authors' confidence (at 95% level) is based on their personal psychological
belief, not on statistical theory.
This psychological indulgence in calculating confidence intervals on grab sets
is not uncommon. Similar examples can be found almost everywhere. This
brings up a serious question.
32 Chapter 2
The answer is YES and NO. The deductive part of statistics (mathematical
statistics, probability) is exact science (in the sense that it is internally con-
sistent). Without this, applied statistics is only an act of personal belief. The
inductive part of statistics can be good science, but can also be pseudo-science
hiding behind a facade of irrelevant computations.
Sir Ronald A. Fisher (quoted by FPP, 1978, p.lO) once said:
That's not an experiment you have there, that's an experience.
Statisticians who are so casual in calculating 95 % confidence intervals from
grab sets should think twice about Fisher's advice. Freedman and Navidi
(1986, p. 39) wrote: "Like all academics, we insist on making a distinction."
It is this stand which is consistent with their training in statistical theory; and it
is this stand which qualifies some statisticians as truer scientists than those who
draw inference from any grab set.
In one example, Thomas Reider (1976, p. 73), an astrologist, calculated
probability and standard deviations to demonstrate "a startling correlation
between planetary circles and stock market patterns!" If we do not insist on
making a distinction, how can we tell a statistician from an astrologist?
The statistical enterprise is a complex and often erratic one. It includes
many diversified fields and a large number of people with different interests,
skills, and depths of understanding. Many respectable mathematical statisti-
cians devote their lives to the foundation of mathematical statistics and strictly
keep their hands off data. However, the majority of IMS (Institute of
Mathematical Statistics) and ASA (American Statistical Association) members
are involved in consulting, teaching, or writing statistics books. It is not a bad
thing to see theoretical statisticians working on applied problems. But a caveat
to those statisticians is this: There is often a big gap between statistical theory
and reality.
For instance, it is very difficult to construct a non-measurable set on the
real line (Royden, 1968), but in the real world many events are simply not
"measurable" or can only be poorly measured. For example, how is one going
to measure a student's progress in a philosophy course? Furthermore, assume
that there is a good measure for this purpose, can one apply the Kolmogorov
Extension Theorem (Chow and Teicher, 1978, pp. 185-186) to construct an
infinite sequence of i. i. d. (independent and identically distributed) random
variables and to establish a "scientific" measure of the student's progress?
The above "application" of measurable functions and of Kolmogorov
Extension Theorem may appear silly; but looking at the current state of
statistical practice, for instance a field called survival analysis, many applica-
tions of the theory are similarly far-fetched. In fact, in a semi-public setting, a
leading statistician asserted that "the whole survival analysis is ridiculous!"
We have no intention of endorsing such a statement at this moment, but we do
Quasi-Inferential Statistics 33
feel that many statisticians came to this field simply dumping their useless
research into scientific literature, and that a thorough review of the current
practice of survival analysis will help the reputation of our profession.
It is disheartening to see that many theoreticians totally lost their rigorous
training in the assumptions and solid proofs when they approached real-life
data. The principle of randomization is just one of the things they seem to for-
get or ignore. This attitude toward applying statistics is ethically questionable
and is in fact counterproductive to the goal of science. Freedman has long
been railing against this inattention. It is good to see that he is getting echoes
from different valleys.
Many social scientists have been using statistics intensively because their
discipline "has a problem legitimizing itself as a science" (Nell Smelser of
U.C. Berkeley; quoted from the New York Times, April 28, 1985, p. E7).
Sociologist William Sewell (1985, also in the New York Times, April 28, 1985,
p. E7) of the University of Wisconsin asserted that "the mainstream of sociol-
ogy is empirical and quantitative" and advocated large-scale computers and
large-sample surveys. Quantitative psychologists, biologists, medical research-
ers, and economists are all using statistics as often as sociologists. However, a
question is: "Are current practices of statistical methods scientific or not?"
Our answer is more on the negative side and the examples in this regard will
continue to unfold.
Freedman, as apparent from many of his writings, seems determined to
confront the gross misuse of statistical methods. Madansky (1986) and others
worry that Freedman's quest may put most statisticians out of business.
Madansky dubbed Freedman the "neturei karta" (a Hebrew phrase, meaning
the purist or the guardian of the city) of statistics, and concluded that if Freed-
man is successful, then "the State ofIsrael" (statistics) will cease to exist.
Like Madansky, we were once troubled by Freedman's hard-line position
until philosophy of science came to the rescue. In the following section, we
will try to explain this philosophy and to further popularize Freedman's posi-
To experienced data analysts, the characteristics of real-life data usually are
like this: non-normal, non-random, heavy prior, and small sample. Data of this
type are of great value for intellectual exploration. However, the whole prac-
tice of "statistical inference" based on this kind of data is problematic and in
many ways deceiving. This conclusion is not (see, e.g., Selvin, 1957 and
FPP, 1978), yet the practice remains dominant and fallacious in empirical sci-
As suggested in FPP (1978, p. 407), given a chunk of data scientists might
be better off to report only descriptive, not inferential, statistics. But this
34 Chapter 2
suggestion is too difficult to swallow for most statisticians and empirical scien-
tists. Perhaps, those reported standard errors should be called "Quasi- inferen-
tial statistics." This is a modification of Freedman's hard-line position: it is
intended to utilize those statistics as a supplement to Tukey's EDA (ExpI9ra-
tory Data Analysis); it is also intended to popularize Freedman's position-
i.e., to draw a sharp line between formal and casual statistics.
For example, Efron and Tibshirani (1986, p. 67) reported that the Pearson
correlation coefficient for 15 LSAT-GPA data points, each corresponding to an
American law school, is .776 with a bootstrap confidence interval (.587, .965).
This calculated confidence interval should not be taken literally as an inferen-
tial statistic for the following reasons: (1) Randomness of the data is question-
able. (2) Inference based on aggregated data, such as correlation of law school
data, is quite often misleading and may easily get into hidden traps (see exam-
ples in FPP, 1978, p. 14, pp. 141-142, etc.). In other words, from Efron and
Tibshirani's calculation, it appears that there is a correlation between LSAT
and GPA; however, to quantify this belief within the range (.587, .965) with
90% confidence is psychological, not statistical.
The calculated confidence interval or P-value should be billed "quasi-
inferential statistic" to serve another purpose in EDA: If the P-value or the
width of the confidence interval is significant, then the descriptive statistics are
useful for intellectual speculations, otherwise, a larger sample (or a prior dis-
tribution) may be needed. A similar interpretation was provided by Paul Meier
(1986): .
If the observed association would not be counted statistically significant had it arisen
from a randomized study, it could not be counted as persuasive, when even that
foundation is lacking. If the observed association is highly statistically significant,
however, the extent of its persuasiveness depends on many uncertain judgments
about background factors, and its persuasive value is not at all reflected in the
significance level itself.
The next example demonstrates the use of quasi-inferential statistics in a
chi-square test. In a clinical social science study, three groups of scientists
were asked to answer YES or NO on a specific question and yielded the fol-
lowing two-way table:
Group 1 68.8%
Group 2 91.3%
Group 3 80.65%
31.2% 100%
8.7% 100%
19.35% 100%
In comparison of 31.2% and 8.7% (the extreme values in the second column),
the difference seems practically significant. However, the computed P-value of
Quasi-Inferential Statistics 35
chi-square test (based on the original raw count) is .404, which is not
significant statistically. Because the original data are from a grab set, the cal-
culation of the P-value "does not make sense"-according to FPP (1978, p.
497). However, the P-value was obtained automatically from a handy software
package, and it makes perfect sense to tell a client that a larger sample or
some prior knowledge of the subject is needed in order to draw a more per-
suasive conclusion.
A harder problem is: If the above grab set is large enough to produce a
small P-value, then what should we say to that investigator who is desperate to
find a significant P-value to support his result? Should we reject the project in
the first place? The answer is NO. At least those "quasi-inferential statistics"
are useful for exploratory analysis. This assertion can be better illustrated by
the following example.
Jonathan has to reach the airport within 35 minutes. Suppose that in the past
he had tried two different routes. On the first pair of trials, he spent 32 minutes
on route 1 but less on route 2 (27 minutes). On the second pair of trials, the
time on route 1 increased to 32.25 minutes, while that on route 2 decreased to
19 minutes. The data can be summarized as follows.
First trial
Second trial
Route 1
Route 2
27 min
19 min
On the basis of this information, should Jonathan take route 1 or 2 in order to
catch the airplane within 35 minutes?
Given the data, many students in my class replied with the flat answer
"route 2," because it took less time. But if we assume the normality of the
data, then the P-values of the t-tests (Ho: p. 35) are 2.8 % for route 1 and
20.5 % for route 2, respectively. Therefore, it is route 1 which is significantly
preferable, not route 2. But this conclusion is against our intuition. Which one
should we trust: the mysterious statistical test or our intuition?
The 95%-confidence intervals work out (30.5, 33.7) for route 1 and
(-27.8, 73.8) for route 2, respectively; they provide convincing evidence that
route 1 would be a better bet.
But then some students challenged the instruc-
tor: "How can we have negative time for route 27"
The answer relates to the normality assumption of the travel times. Further,
why does route 2 have bigger variability than route I? The issue now narrows
down to the chance mechanism which generated the data.
The fact is that route 1 is highway drive while route 2 goes through down-
town traffic which is where the variability came from. The normality assump-
tion is reasonable for route 1 but not for route 2. One more reason for choos-
36 Chapter 2
ing route 1 is that one can speed up a little bit, to say 60 mph, but there is not
much one can do on route 2.s
The next example of quasi-inferential statistics was inspired by a regression
analysis in Larson (1982, p. 463):
X: 300,351,355,421,
Y: 2.00,2.70,2.72,2.69,
X: '422, 434,448,471,490, 528
Y: 2.98, 3.09, 2.71, 3.20, 2.94, 3.73
By standard calculation, A = .557, b = .00549. Since A is very large and b is
extremely small, a person without statistical training might reject 110: a =
and accept 110: b = 0. However, the 90% confidence intervals (Larson, p. 484)
are (- .364, 1.478) for a and (.00333, .00765) for b. Hence, statistically A is
not significantly different from 0, but b is. A conclusion from the above
quasi-inferential statistics is this: X and Y are strongly correlated, but the data
do not give a good estimate of the intercept of the regression line.
Data analysis can be more revealing if the background information is pro-
vided. In this case, X = entrance exam scores and Y = graduating GPA
scores for 10 recent graduates of a certain university. This piece of informa-
tion plus common sense and the high R-square value (the so-called percentage
of explained variability, which is 74% in this case) cast doubt on our previous
belief that the estimated b is reliable. A graphic display of the data is shown in
Fig. 3. Cover the two extreme points at X = 300 and 528 and then see what's
Figure 3 Grade-point average vs. entrance exam scores. Copyright 1982 by John
Wiley & Sons, Inc. Reprinted by permission.
Quasi-Inferential Statistics
left. If those two points are deleted, then the new estimation of b (b = .0024)
is barely significant (P = 12% and the Bayes factor = P.JnIlOO = 3.4%; see
Good, 1987). The decision to delete the two extreme points is also supported
by Cook's (1979) D statistics which are used to measure the influence of each
observation on the estimates:
X: 300, 351, 355, 421,
D: .515, .138, .124, .035,
X: 422,434,448,471,490, 528
D: .011, .024, .121, .006, .269, .550
Note that the D statistics are overwhelming at X = 300 and 528. After we
delete the outliers, the size of b (0.0024 vs. 0.00549, the original b) and the
R-square (35% vs. 74%, the original R-square) reinforce our common sense
that among average students in the same university, the entrance exam score
may be only weakly correlated with their GPA.
The demonstration of quasi-inferential statistics in the above examples is
intended to legalize the calculation of standard errors for any grab set. In cer-
tain situations, the quasi-inferential statistics serve surprisingly well. This hap-
pens when the target population is relatively homogeneous. However, the
belief in a homogeneous population is largely subjective. The basis of this
belief is extra-statistical, in the sense that it is inductive, not deductive.
The demarcation between genuine- and quasi-inferential statistics is a clearly
defined and well-justijied chance model. In many statistical applications (espe-
cially in sample survey and clinical trials), this means randomization. How-
ever, any scientific tool has its limitation; randomization is no exception (see
examples in FPP, 1978, p. 311-315). Furthermore, it is a simple fact that the
majority of data are taken under non-randomized conditions. In these kinds of
situations, a combination of EDA, quasi-inferential statistics, and a healthy
curiosity about data may help to shed light on many complicated problems.
But we have to spell out the limitations of the reported numbers, and the final
interpretation should be left to subject-matter experts.
It is important to note that without randomization, statistical inference can
easily go off the rails (see examples in FPP, 1978, Chapters 1, 2, 19, etc.).
When drawing a generalization from a grab set, the nature of population has to
be carefully examined. Otherwise, those quasi-inferential statistics will quickly
deteriorate into "pseudo-inferential statistics"-they fool both the general pub-
lic and the investigators as well.
38 Chapter 2
1. Some computer scientists use terms like "fuzzy logic," "fuzzy mathematics," etc.
(see, e.g., Shimura, 1975). In this article, the term "fuzzy logic" is used in a non-
fuzzy manner: it means "loose logic" which is not logic at all.
2. Freedman and Lane (1983a, pp. 185, 198-199) pointed out that the notion of this
hypothetical universe is due to R. A. Fisher and its first criticism is due to E. T.
3. Class 1: Junior and senior students (all aged 26 and under); class 2 and 5: mostly
sophomores and juniors; class 3: graduate students; class 4: faculty members.
4. Significance tests in this example are used only as a mathematical exercise. The
tests are redundant in this specific case.
5. This example is indeed a modem version of Fisher's puzzle (1934, pp. 123-124).
It is important to note that all the "quasi-inferential statistics" in this example do
not have the same solid footing as the ones in a randomized controlled experiment:
the calculated statistics in this travel problem can easily be overridden by other
background knowledge of the data.
Carnap, R. (1937). Testability and Meaning. Philosophy of Science, Vol. 3, 419-471,
and Vol. 4, 7-40.
Chow, Y. S. and Teicher, H. (1978). Probability Theory. Springer-Verlag, New York.
Cochran, W. (1983). Planning and Analysis of Observational Studies. Wiley, New
DeGroot, M. H. (1986). A Conversation with Persi Diaconis. Statistical Science, Vol.
1, No.3, 319-334.
Dempster, A. P. (1986a). Comment on Regression Models for Adjusting the 1980
Census. Statistical Science, Vol. 1, No.1, 21-23.
Dempster, A. P. (1986b). Employment Discrimination and Statistical Science, a Ney-
man Lecture in the ASA Annual Meeting in Chicago. In Statistical Science, 1988,
Vol. 3, No.2, 149-195.
Diaconis, P. (1985a). Bayesian Statistics as Honest Work. Proceedings of the Berkeley
Conference in Honor ofJerzy Neyman and Jack Kiefer, Vol. 1,53-64, Wadsworth,
Belmont, California.
Diaconis, P. (1985b). Theory of Data Analysis: From Magical Thinking Through Clas-
sical Statistics. Exploring Data Tables, Trends and Shapes, edited by D. Hoaglin, F.
Mosteller and J. Tukey. 1-36. Wiley, New York.
Diaconis, P. and Engel, E. (1986). Comment on Some Statistical Applications of
Poisson's Work. Statistical Science, Vol. 1, No.2, 171-174.
Efron, B. and Tibshirani, R. (1986). Bootstrap Methods for Standard Errors,
Confidence Intervals, and other Measures of Statistical Accuracy. Statistical Sci-
ence,. Vol. 1, No.1, 54-77.
Fienberg, S. E. (1985). Comments and Reactions to Freedman, Statistics and the
Scientific Method. Cohort Analysis in Social Research, edited by W. M. Mason and
S. E. Fienberg. Springer-Verlag, New York.
Quasi-Inferential Statistics 39
Fisher, R. A. (1934). Statistical Methods for Research Workers, 5th edition. Edin-
burgh, Oliver and Boyd.
Freedman, D. A. and Lane, D. (1983a). Significance Testing in a Non-stochastic Set-
ting. A Festschriftfor Erich L Lehmann, edited by P. J. Bickel, K. A. Docksum and
J. L. Hodges, Jr. 185-208. Wadsworth International Group, Wadsworth, Belmont,
Freedman, D. A. and Lane, D. (1983b). A Non-Stochastic Interpretation of Reported
Significance Levels. J. of Business and Economic Statistics, Vol. 1,292-298.
Freedman, D. A., Pisani, R., and Purves R. (1978, 1980). Statistics. Norton, New
Good, I. J. (1987). Comments to "Reconciling Bayesian and Frequentist Evidence" by
Casella, G. and Berger, R. L., JASA, Vol. 82, 125-128.
Henkel, R. E. (1976). Tests of Significance. Sage, Beverly Hills, California.
Kadane, J. and Seidenfeld, T. (1987) Randomization in a Bayesian Perspective.
Presented in "Foundations and Philosophy of Probability and Statistics," an Interna-
tional Symposium in Honor of I. J. Good, Blacksburg, Virginia.
Kolata, G. (1986). What does it Mean to be Random? Science, Vol. 231,1068-1070.
Larson, H.J. (1982). Introduction to Probability Theory and Statistical Inference, 3rd
edition. Wiley, New York.
Luchiesh, M. (1965). Visual Illusions. Dover, Mineola, New York.
Madansky, A. (1986). Comment on Regression Models for Adjusting 1980 Census.
Statistical Science, 28-30.
Magee, B. (1973). Karl Popper. Viking Press, New York.
Meier, P. (1986). Damned Liars and Expert Witness. JASA, Vol. 81, No. 394, 268-
Moore, D. S. (1985). Statistics: Conceptsand Controversies. W. H. Freeman and
Company, San Francisco, California.
Popper, K. R. (1935,1959). The Logic of Scientific Discovery. Harper and Row, New
Popper, K. R. (1963). Conjectures and Refutations: The Growth of Scientific
Knowledge. Harper and Row, New York.
Popper, K. R. (1974). Replies to My Critics. The Philosophy of Karl Popper, edited by
P. A. Schilpp. The Library of Living Philosophers, Open Court, La Salle, Illinois.
Reider, T. (1976). Astrological Warnings and the Stock Market. Pagurian Press,
Toronto, Canada.
Royden, H. L. (1968). Real Analysis, 2nd edition. Macmillan, New York.
Russell, B. (1945). The History of Western Philosophy. Simon and Schuster, New
Selvin, H. (1957). A Critique of Tests of Significance in Survey Research. American
Sociological Review, Vol. 22, 519-527.
Shimura, M. (1975). An Approach to Pattern Recognition and Associative Memories
using Fuzzy Logic. Fuzzy Sets and their Applications to Cognitive and Decision
Processes. Academic Press, New York.
Weaver, W. (1963). Lady Luck: The Theory of Probability, Doubleday, Garden City,
New York.
Chapter 3
Statistical Causality and Law-Uke
In empirical science and decision-making, inferences regarding cause-and-
effect occur all the time. Statistical tools, as one can expect, provide a big
boost to a causal argument. As a scientific tool, however, statistical reasoning
offers a mixed blessing to inferences about causes and effects. One reason is
that statistical causality toes a thin line between deduction and induction, and
often fuels confusion on the part of researchers and decision-makers.
This chapter is thus devoted to a discussion of the use and misuse of statis-
tics in causal inference. It begins, in Section n, with several examples of
abuses and compares orthodox statisticians' view with causal inferences drawn
by lay practioners.
In Sections m-IV, the chapter looks at some scholarly exchanges on the
subject of causality. Strictly speaking, the term "probabilistic causality" is
self-contradictory. As a consequence, debates on the foundation of probabilis-
tic causality are sporadic in the literature. Recently, in his paper entitled
"Statistics and Causal Inference," Holland (1987, lASA) formulated the "Fun-
damental Problem of Causal Inference" and stated the motto: "No Causation
without Manipulation." Holland's article has since drawn attention (and criti-
cism) from other respected authorities.
Statistical Causality and Law-Like Relationships
With Holland's motto in mind, the discussions in Sections m and IV del-
ineate the boundary between "controlled experiments" and "observational
studies," a distinction which seems obvious but is often hard to maintain. Sec-
tion V also discusses the problems of drawing causal inference in sample sur-
veys. (Certain portions of Sections m and IV are rather technical. Some
readers may prefer to skip these parts in their first reading.)
In sharp contrast to Holland's motto is the position taken in the book, Dis-
covering Causal Structures: Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy of Science, and
Statistical Modeling (Glymour et al., 1987). Glymour advocates the use of sta-
tistical models for nonexperimental science; the project was funded by three
National Science Foundation grants and will be briefly reviewed in Section VI.
A case study is presented in Chapter 4 to demonstrate the potential defects in
Glymour's ambitious program.
EXAMPLE 1 A Harvard study (The New York TImes and the Trenton TImes,
February 10, 1988), conducted by Dean K. Whitla, director of instructional
research and evaluation, concluded that Harvard students who took courses to
prepare themselves for the SAT (Scholastic Achievement Tests) scored lower
than students who did not take the classes. The study concluded that SAT
coaching provides no help, and that ''the coaching industry is playing on
parental anxiety" (Harvard University Admissions Director, W. Fitzsimmons).
The study was based on questionnaires distributed to Harvard freshmen in
Fall 1987. Of the 1409 participants, the 69% who had taken no coaching
classes scored an average of 649 on the verbal portion of the SAT and 685 on
the math. Students who had been coached (14% of the 1409 participants)
scored an average of 611 on the verbal and 660 on the math:
No coaching Coached Difference
To the uninitiated, the data definitely support the claims of the Harvard
officials. But on.the second look, the study was obviously flawed; you don't
need a statistician to figure out that good students do not need coaching and
will still score higher than poorer students who were coached. In a similar
situation, people who go to hospitals are in general less healthy than those who
42 Chapter 3
don't go to hospitals; but this fact does not imply that going to hospitals tends
to weaken a person's health condition.
It appears that the Harvard officials' original intention to discourage stu-
dents from going to coaching school is admirable. But the statistics they used
to promote their argument simply do not bear scrutiny.
EXAMPLE 2 In the fall of 1987, a study was conducted by the American
Council on Education and the Higher Education Research Institute at the
University of California, Los Angeles. The study involved 290,000 college
freshmen and found that a record number (75.6%) identified the goal of "being
very well off financially" over the goal of "developing a meaningful philoso-
phy of life" as "essential" to them, or ''very important." This is up from
73.2% one year earlier, 70.9% in 1985, and nearly double the level in 1970,
39.1 %. Fig. 1 shows the graphic representation of these numbers.
The survey was done scientifically. But how to interpret the findings? In a
news story, The New York Times (January 14, 1988) concluded that there is a
rising ''trend of materialism." This conclusion seems to be valid, but Professor
Merrill Young of Lawrence University argued otherwise (The New York
Times, February 19, 1988).
"v .. "
'67 '77
nll.IIIOIIIIIIIIIIII Develop life philosophy
_1_1_1 Be well-off financially
.... II II 1 Have administrative responsibility
Figure 1 College Student's Lifetime Goals. Responses of 290,000 college freshmen
asked to list, in order of priority, the following: developing a life philosophy; being
well off financially; baving administrative responsibility. (Source: UCLA. Survey con-
ducted annually among college freshmen since 1967.) Copyright 1992 by Higher
Education Research Institute, UCLA. Reprinted by permission.
Statistical Causality and Law-Like Relationships 43
According to Professor Young, money was of little concern to the students
before 1977, because they considered that if they graduated, they would find it
"practically lying in the street." In contrast, since 1977 Professor Young has
witnessed increasing doubt on the part of students about their chances of get-
ting jobs after graduation. He concluded that "the rising trend has not been in
materialism, but in pessimism. "
Professor Young also attributes most comments about the greed of today's
college students to the now middle-aged members of the censorious college
generation of the late 1960s and early 1970s. ''They spent their 20s scolding
their elders," the Professor complained. "Now they are spending their 40s lec-
turing the young."
Reading this penetrating analysis, one may speculate still further. First, why
does it have to be either materialism or pessimism? Isn't it possible that both
factors are responsible for the new trend, in a dynamic fashion? Second, what
happened in 19771 Can we learn something about this specific year and use the
information in a constructive way? So far no definitive answers to these ques-
tions appear to be available.
EXAMPLE 3 In an attempt to help people assess the quality of health care,
the U.S. Government issued data showing the mortality rate at nearly 6,000
hospitals (The New York Times, December 18, 1987). The new statistics, con-
tained in seven large books, were derived from data on 10 million hospital
admissions and 735,000 deaths among Medicare beneficiaries in 1986. The
lesson of the study was this: Watch out if the mortality rate of a hospital is
higher than expected.
But is mortality rate a relevant indicator? If one wants to know the quality
of health care, there are many obvious factors to be considered: the equipment
in a hospital, the staff, the environment, the infectious control program, and
the quality control procedures (nursing, pharmacy, standardization, etc.).
In addition mortality rates are deeply confounded by the fact that good hos-
pitals tend to attract the severely ill, who in turn inflate a hospital's mortality
rate. Also, hospitals are known to send people home to die to keep them off
the mortality list. Thus, an alternative conclusion might be: Watch out if the
mortality rate of a hospital is lower than expected.
EXAMPLE 4 In this example we discuss the effect of statistical training on
reasoning. It is believed by certain behavioral scientists that the teaching of
statistical rules in an abstract way, as it is normally done in statistics courses,
has an effect on the way people reason about problems in everyday life (Hol-
land, Holyook, Nisbett, and Thagard, 1987, p. 256). The scientists cited a
study by Fong et al. (1986; funded by Grants from NSF, SES, ONR, etc.). A
similar study by Fong et al. (1987) was published in Science and was cited in
Statistical Science as good evidence that "the study of statistics, as taught by
44 Chapter 3
psychologists, improves students' ability to deal with uncertainty and variabil-
ity in quite general settings" (Moore, 1988).
The Fong (1986) study examined four groups of subjects differing widely in
statistical training: (1) college students who had no statistical training at all,
(2) college students with one or more statistics courses, (3) graduate students
in psychology, most of whom had had two or more semesters of statistical
training, and (4) Ph.D.-level scientists who had had several years of training.
Subjects were presented with a problem about restaurant quality. There
were two versions: randomness and no randomness. Within each group tested,
half of the subjects received the cue and half did not.
In the no-randomness cue version, a traveling businesswoman often returns
to restaurants where she had an excellent meal on her first visit. However, she
is usually disapppointed because subsequent meals are rarely as good as the
first. Subjects were asked to explain, in writing, why this happened.
In the randomness cue version, an American businessman traveling in Japan
did not know how to read the menu; so he selected a meal by blindly dropping
a pencil on the menu and ordering the dish closest to it. As in the other ver-
sion, he is usually disappointed with his subsequent meals at restaurants he ori-
ginally thought were superb. Why is this?
Answers were coded into two categories: (1) nonstatistica1, if the subject
assumed that the initial good experience was a reliable indicator that the res-
taurant was truly outstanding, and attributed the later disappointment to a
definite cause (e.g., "Maybe the chef quit''); and (2) statistical, if the subject
suggested that meal quality on any single visit might not be a reliable indicator
of the restaurant's overall quality (e.g., "odds are that she was just lucky the
first time''). The results were summarized in Fig. 2 (where p = % of statisti-
cal responses). Fong (p. 277) concluded that
the chart demonstrates clearly that the frequency of statistical answers increased
dramatically with the level of statistical training, chi-square(6) = 35.5, p < .001.
[emphasis supplied].
As a statistics educator, I am unable to be so optimistic in the interpreta-
tions of the chart: (1) If group 1 "NO STATISTICS" is relabeled as "NO
COMPUTER SCmNCE," and groups 2-4 are reclassified accordingly, then
we get Fig. 3. A statement now can be drawn in parallel to Fong's conclusion:
the above chart demonstrates clearly that the frequency of statistical answers
increased dramatically with level of computer science training, chi-square(6)
= 35.5, P < .001. The same trick might work if we replace "computer sci-
ence training" with "art and humanity," or ''English and history," etc. In
other words, the chart proves nothing except that when one gets older, he or
she tends to be more aware of the variability in rea1life. (2) It is a shame that
80% of group 2 (who had had one or more statistics courses) and 60% of
group 3 (graduate students) failed to give statistical responses if they didn't
Statistical C8uaallty and Law-Like Relatlonahlps
loot !
Bot 1
60t 1
40% 1
20% 1 ..
I ..
Rgure 2 Pen:ent respouse cIaasified tbo levels of subJecu" ItatisticaI
trilining. R: Randomneas-. cue; ... No randomness
100% !
80% 1
60% 1
40% 1
20% 1 ..
I ..
Figure 3 Percent statistical l'eSpoDlC classified by the levels ()f suJ:Uects' COIllputer
training. No COMP = No oompoter science; caMP = computer science.
46 Chapter 3
receive the cue. (3) If the problem contained the randomness cue, there are
only tiny differences among groups I, 2, and 3. Also, members of group 1
(who received the probabilistic/cue) fare better than group 3 (without the cue):
50% vs. 40%. Evidently years of training on statistical formulas were wiped
out by a single cue. (4) Twenty percent of Ph.D. scientists failed to think sta-
tistically in this study, and the percentage may be much higher in everyday
Reasoning in everyday life is, in my observation, almost independent of (or
negatively correlated with) a person's academic achievement. On numerous
occasions I have witnessed academicians (myself included) drawing ludicrous
conclusions if the subject-matter is outside their technical focus. The situation
can easily turn ugly if ego, emotion, or self-interest set in. For example, when
students fail an exam, they tend to blame the instructor, and the instructor
(often a Ph.D.) tends to blame the students for their laziness, poor back-
grounds, etc. Causal inference of this sort has repeated itself since the Garden
of Eden.
In a more believable study, behavioral researchers at the University of
Pennsylvania found that people tend to judge decision-makers on the basis of
factors that have more to do with luck than ability (Baron and Hershey, 1988).
The researchers interviewed a group of students and asked them to rate
hypothetical decision-makers according to variable outcomes. For instance,
case 1 read as follows:
A 55-year-old man had a heart condition. He had to stop working because of chest
pain. He enjoyed his work and did not want to stop. His pain also interfered with
other things, such as travel and recreation.
A type of bypass operation would relieve his pain and increase his life expectancy
from age 65 to age 70. However, 8% of the people who have this operation die
from the operation itself. His physician decided to go ahead with the operation. The
operation succeeded.
Evaluate the physicians's decision to go ahead with the operation.
Case 2 was the same except that the operation failed and the man died.
In the face of uncertainty, it is obvious that good decisions can lead to bad
outcomes, and vice versa. Decision makers thus cannot infallibly be graded by
their results. However, in cases 1 and 2, the student ratings reflect the opposite
of this reasoning (n = 20 undergraduates at the University of Pennsylvania):
Case Outcome
1 Success
2 Failure
Statistical Causality and Law-Like Relationships 47
Out of 140 pairs of similar cases that differed only in success or failure, higher
ratings were given by students to the cases with success in 62 pairs and with
failure in 13 pairs. In sum, the study found that the students show an outcome
bias, even though they think they should not (or even though they think they
do not). The study also found that this tendency colors decisions in law, poli-
tics, regulation, institutions, and nearly every other facet of human life .
In certain branches of science, percentages (and statistical jargon) alone
appear to be enough to establish the credibility of a causal link. In such discip-
lines, nothing can be perfect (as argued by some), therefore everything goes.
To clean up certain confusions, the next two examples are designed to illus-
trate the origin and content of hard-line statisticians' views on statistical
causality. (This kind of statistician is becoming, in my judgment, an
endangered species.)
EXAMPLE 5 In the mid-1950s, the standard method for the treatment of
stomach ulcers involved surgery. In 1958, a researcher developed a new
method to treat stomach ulcers, not involving surgical intervention. He applied
the method to 24 patients, and all were reported cured. The success rate was
If your relatives or close friends had stomach ulcers, would you recom-
mend the new treatment? (In a recent class, all of my students answered yes.)
In order to draw a causal inference, an experienced statistician first consid-
ers how the data were generated. In this case, the technique used for treating
ulcers is called gastric freezing (FPP, 1978, p. 7). The procedure goes like
this: A balloon is placed in a patient's stomach, and coolant is pumped through
the balloon; this treatment freezes the stomach, stops the digestive process,
and the ulcer begins to heal.
After you know how the data were generated, do you still recommend the
new treatment? (At this point all of my students say no.)
In 1963, a double-blind randomized controlled experiment was conducted to
evaluate gastric freezing. There were 82 patients in the treatment group and 78
in the control group, assigned at random. The conclusion based on this con-
trolled experiment was that gastric freezing was worthless (see details in FPP,
p. 8). The balloon method eventually slipped into the black hole of history.
In scientific endeavors, the task of drawing conclusions about cause-and-
effect is often confounded by unexpected lurking variables. Powerful tech-
niques for ironing out the collective effect of confounding factors were
developed by Sir Ronald A. Fisher. The techniques were used by scientists in
the evaluation of gastric freezing and now are widely used in agriculture,
biomedical research, and engineering applications.
Chapter 3
The contribution of R. A. Fisher was the origin of a new branch of science,
now called statistics. The foundations of the Fisherian tradition are not only
mathematical formulas but also the physical act of randomization. This tradi-
tion thus advanced from medieval statistics (which was solely based on
enumeration) to a branch of modern science.
A big problem in statistical causal-inference is that randomization may not
be possible for physical or ethical reasons. A case study follows.
EXAMPLE 6 Since about 1920 there has been a dramatic increase in the rate
of lung cancer in men. This rise also corresponds to a great increase in
cigarette smoking in men. But can we conclude that cigarette smoking is a
cause of the increase in lung cancer?
To hard-pressed statisticians, randomization is not feasible for this instance,
and confounding factors (such as genetic defects) are always possible. Here is
an example (FPP, 1978, p. 10-11): "Does smoking cause cancer? Is smoking
the guilty factor? Smoking probably isn't good for you, but the verdict must
be: not proved." A very fine mathematician was anguished at this verdict.
"Given all the evidence how can FPP say this?" The mathematician worried
that FPP's verdict might spoil the young people and concluded: "One of these
three authors must be a smoker!"
Among certain statisticians, the issue of smoking and lung cancer was bitter
and unsettling. Its history can be traced back to R. A. Fisher's (1959) book,
Smoking. 'lhe Cancer Controversy. Tons of "evidence" were presented but
dismissed by hard-line statisticians (see, e.g., Eysenck, 1980) on the ground
that those studies were based on statistical correlation, not controlled experi-
For instance, some researchers pointed out that the mortality ratio of lung
cancer for smokers vs. nonsmokers is 10.8, seemingly strong evidence that
smoking does cause lung cancer. But other researchers quickly found a mortal-
ity ratio of 0.66 for colorectal cancer and a ratio of 0.26 for Parkinson's
disease. Another scientist also found that among 138 patients with Parkinson's
disease, only 70% had ever smoked, compared with 84% of 166 nonsmokers
who do not have Parkinson's disease (Eysenck, 1980, p. 17-18), a finding
which seems to suggest that smoking will reduce the rate of Parkinson's
For statisticians, it is established that many diseases are linked with smok-
ing. But it is troublesome if we take it for granted that lung cancer, heart
disease, and many other lethal illnesses are the direct consequence of smoking
In a private conversation in 1985, Freedman said that he had finally
accepted that smoking causes lung cancer, because tobacco smoke condensate
painted on the skin of mice produces skin cancers. (See also Freedman,
1987). This led a friend of mine to comment that "after all, the conclusions in
Fisher (1959) and FPP (1978) were wrong."
Statistical causality and Law-Like Relationships 49
However, the hard-nosed stand of Fisher and FPP on the issue is admirable
and is indeed out of necessity.
The reason is that in medical science the give-
or-take of statistical causal-inference can mean a difference between life and
death. Without this hard-edged stance, how are we going to characterize the
science of statistical inference? Is it simply Russian roulette?
Causal statements often take, explicitly or implicitly, the form "if-then-else," a
mode of reasoning similar to the deductive logic formulated by Aristotle in
about 400 B.C. However, it is easy to confuse "one thing causes another" with
"one thing follows another. "
As an example, Aristotle asserted that cabbages produce caterpillars
daily-a seemingly "logical" conclusion only to be refuted by controlled
experiments carried out by Francesco Redi in 1668.
Aristotle, often ridiculed for the causal analyses in his book Physics, might
have been saved from drawing erroneous conclusions if he had learned the fol-
lowing motto formulated by Rubin and Holland (see Holland, 1986):
This motto echoes Fisher's stand on the issue of smoking and lung cancer.
In addition, Holland (1986) went further to conclude that "examples of the
confusion between attributes and causes fill the social science literature" (p.
955), and that ''the causal model literature [in social science] has not been
careful in separating meaningful and meaningless causal statements and path
diagrams" (p. 958).
Glymour (1986) responded to Holland's assertion by saying that "there is
no need for this sort of care." Glymour's major argument is that probabilistic
causality (as advocated by Holland) is "counterfactual." The argument is quite
cute and has gained popularity among certain statisticians (e.g., Freedman,
1987; Hope, 1987; Holland, 1987, 1988). On the other hand, some statisticians
have found it too abstract to penetrate. According to Glymour, statistical
causalities are counterfactual, in the sense that
1. Counterfactuals can be logically false:
If X were the case then X and not X would be the case.
[For example, with 95% probability, event A will happen.]
2. Counterfactuals can logically entail one another:
"If X were the case then Y would be the case" entails "if X were the
case then Y or Z would be the case."
[For example, with 95% confidence, A causes B.]
50 Chapter 3
3. Counterfactuals have different entailment relations than do ordinary
material conditionals: [emphasis supplied]
[In probabilistic causality ,] "If X then Y" entails "If X and Z then Y."
But [in material conditionals,] "If X were the case then Y would be the
case" does not entail "If X were the case and Z were the case then Y
would be the case."
For example, "If I had struck the match just now it would have
lighted" is true, but "If I had struck the match just now and there had
been no oxygen in the room, it would have lighted" is false. (Glymour,
1986, p.964).
Simply put, counterfactuals are not logical; neither are probabilistic causali-
ties. An implication of Glymour's analysis is that Holland's accusation (that
statistical causality in social science often is meaningless) is itself meaningless.
Glymour (1987, p. 17) further asserted that
we do not assume that causal relations can be reduced to probabilistic relations of
any kind, but neither do we contradict such assumptions.
Counterfactual accounts of causality, according to Glymour (1986, p. 965),
"have the advantage that they seem to make it easy to understand how we can
have knowledge of causal relations, and equally, to ease our understanding of
the'bearing of statistics on causal inference." The disadvantage is that
they appeal to unobservables-to what would be true if ... , and to what goes on in
possible worlds we will never see. They, therefore, present us with a mystery as to
how we can know anything about causal relations.
Glymour's analysis of counterfactuals is not intended to discredit probabilistic
accounts of causality; instead, he attempts to dismiss Holland's motto and the
Fisherian tradition that correlations cannot all be taken as causations.
However, Glymour's arguments for such statistical anarchy are not accept-
able for the following reasons. First, his ''material conditionals" belong to the
category of "inductive logic," which simply is not logic (but indeed conterfac-
tual). When it comes to physics or chemistry (e.g., lighting a match), things
can be so stable that they mimic deductive logic. But no matter how many
times you have failed to light a match in a room without oxygen, no logic will
guarantee that you will fail again the next time.
In our physical world, stability exists, but there is no certainty. This asser-
tion does not mean that science is impossible or that our world is in chaos.
Rather, it means that a logical justification of scientific laws is impossible (see
Chapter 2, Section n, "Home's problem''). During the course of human his-
tory, physical laws that describe nature have proven stable and have thus pro-
vided a sound foundation for all sciences. Both "material conditionals" and
"probabilistic counterfactuals" rest on this same foundation, although they
may have different strengths.
Statistical Causality and Law-Like Relationships
My second objection to Glymour's anarchism is that his account of proba-
bility is inductive, not deductive. Here "inductive probability" means the
fiducial probability calculated from a batch of encountered data, and "deduc-
tive probability" means that we can deduce the logical consequences of a sta-
tistical procedure. For example, if a box contains a red marble and a blue mar-
ble, then the probability of getting a red marble is 50%. This is deductive, not
In real-world applications, of course, things are not so clear-cut. For
instance, a nationwide study shows that taking an aspirin every other day can
reduce the risk of a first heart attack by 47 percent (the New England Journal
of Medicine, January 28, 1988).
The study has been widely publicized. In hindsight, many people claim that
they knew the beneficial effect a long time ago. For example, Kevin Begos
(The New York 7imes, March 18, 1988) complained that in a 1966 Louisiana
medical journal a study had demonstrated the effect but it "was objected that
the study was not definitive. "
Undoubtedly the results in both studies are all counterfactuals. But why
does the scientific community favor one and discriminate against another? The
reason is that the new study utilized randomization and involved 22,071 physi-
cians. A box model containing red and blue marbles can thus be used for this
study, and the justification of the model is the physical act of randomization.
The prediction accuracy from the model now can be controlled, and the statist-
ical procedure can be evaluated by precise mathematics.3,4
In short, there are two kinds of statistical causalities: physical causality
based on statistical manipulation (i.e., randomization), and psychological
causality based on enumeration from non-experimental data. The algebra for
both causalities is the same, but one follows the methodology of Francesco
Redi, the other of Aristotle.
In logic, a syllogism is called an "abduction" if the minor premise has no
proof. In the case of Glymour's anarchism, the masquerading of statistical
correlation as causation is neither deduction nor induction, but abduction (i.e.,
plain kidnapping).
Holland (1986) proposed Rubin's model as a way of dealing with the prob-
lem of causation. In literature, the complexity of Rubin's model keeps grow-
ing. However, one could argue that the model, if stripped down, is essentially
Fisher's randomized comparison model.
Holland was aware that the topic of causal inference is messy and
mischievous (p. 950-958). In addition, he formulates explicitly ''the Funda-
mental Problem of Causal Inference," which means that (strictly speaking) we
cannot observe the effect of a treatment on a population unit. This inability is,
at bottom, Hume's problem of induction.
Nevertheless, our knowledge of nature advances generation after genera-
tion. According to Holland there are two general solutions by which we can
52 Chapter 3
get around "the Fundamental Problem of Causal Inference": the scientific
solution and the statistical solution.
The scientific solution is to exploit various homogeneity or invariance assumptions.
The statistical solution is different and makes
use of the population U [and the
average causal effect over U, the universe] in a typically statistical way. (p. 947)
[emphasis supplied]
According to Holland (pp. 948-949), the statistical solution (or Rubin's model)
includes the following special cases: (1) unit homogeneity, (2) constant effect,
(3) temporal stability, and (4) causal transience. Apparently this framework
includes "the scientific solution" as a special case.
But this conclusion is misleading. In practice, scientists explore causal pat-
terns in nature. They also use established theories and mathematical tools
(e.g., differential equations) to expand the territory of human knowledge. It is
beyond me how Rubin's model can accommodate the rich techniques used by
general scientists. In particular, I don't know how Rubin's model can help
scientists to decipher a genetic code, to develop the mathematical equation for
a chemical reaction, or to pin down the cause of sunspot activities.
In statistics, the purpose of randomization is to achieve homogeneity in the
sample units. Further, randomization itself is independent of any statistical for-
mula. For these reasons, the physical act of randomization, in our opinion,
should be classified as a "scientific solution," rather than a "statistical solu-
tion. "
More importantly, it should be spelled out that stability and homogeneity
are the foundations of the statistical solution, not the other way around.
Here the stability assumption means that the contents in the statistical box-
model are as stable as marbles, an assumption stated in elementary statistics
books but seldom taken seriously by statistics users. The box models in many
"statistical analyses," as we shall see in the subsequent sections, contain not
marbles, but only cans of worms.
In order to survive, we all make causal inferences. Even animals make causal
inferences; just imagine how a mouse will run when he sees a cat.
When' drawing a causal inference, most of the time neither we nor the
mouse have a controlled experiment to rely on. Rubin and Holland's motto
"no causation without manipulation" then sounds impractical and in fact
untrue in numerous situations.
Here are some examples: (1) A few years ago, my life turned up-side-down
because of the death of a close friend-a cause I couldn't and wouldn't mani-
pulate. (2) A smart move by a competitor causes a businessman to panic. (3)
Statistical Causality and Law-Like Relationships
The meltdown of the stock market causes severe financial losses to some of
my acquaintances.
Examples like these are plentiful, and the causal links are undeniable. But
how far we can generalize and apply these facts to other parts of life is a
totally different story. The generalization issues can easily take us into Hume's
problem of induction.
Rubin and Holland are aware of the limitation of their motto. In an active
attempt to cover both experiments and observational studies under the single
umbrella of Rubin's model, they stress that the key element of their motto is
"the potential (regardless of whether it can be achieved in practice or not) for
exposing or not exposing each [population] unit to the action of a cause" (Hol-
land, p. 936). It appears that this interpretation might open the door to
numerous as-if experiments in social science studies. If so, then anyone could
draw illegitimate conclusions without guilt, and the motto might become much
ado about nothing.
Fortunately, Rubin and Holland are statisticians who wouldn't give up the
Fisherian tradition easily. In their attempt to enlarge Fisher's method to cover
observational studies, Rubin and Holland (and Rosenbaum, 1984, 1988;
Rosenbaum and Rubin, 1984a, 1984b) have tried very hard to maintain the
rigor of their model.
For instance, Rubin and Holland insist that a characteristic that cannot be
potentially manipulated is not a cause. Under this restriction, race and gender ,
for example, cannot be considered as causes (Holland, p. 946). Tapping the
same theme, Rosenbaum and Rubin (1984a, p. 26) insisted that
age and sex do not have causal effects because it is not meaningful to discuss the
consequences of altering these unalterable characteristics. [emphasis supplied]
It is interesting to see the reaction if you ask someone whether race, sex, and
age are causes of certain events. Prepare yourself. The answers may not be
trivial at all.
Among academicians too, opinions on race, sex, and age as causes are
unsettling. Here are some examples. Pratt and Schlaifer (1984) maintained that
sex and age can have a causal effect and that the effect of sex (in some cases)
can be consistently estimated because "sex is randomized" (p. 31).
Freedman, Pisani, and Purves (1978) accepted the notions of ''the effect of
race" (p. 16), "the effect of age" (p. 39), and "the psychological effect" (p. 8).
In a later work, Freedman (1988) again uses language like "aging affects meta-
bolic processes."
Clark Glymour (1986) expressed that he was not convinced that race and
gender should be excluded from the category of causes. He cited an example:
"My parents told me that if I had been a girl, I would have been named Olga,
instead of Clark. "
54 Chapter 3
Here are some other related observations: (1) In many institutions, a person
will be forced to retire when he is 65 years old. (2) In other places, the mes-
sage is quite clear: "People under 18 do not enter." (3) Auto insurance com-
panies also demand higher premiums from male drivers they are in a certain
age group.
In the above examples the logical links are crystal clear. But can those
examples establish age and sex to be causes? Not really. First, as scientists we
are talking about natural laws, not human laws. The difference is that natural
laws describe "the beings" of our universe, but human laws are the products
of human decision.
Consider the example of retirement. Why do people have to retire at age
65? One reason is that the institution wants to fill the vacancies with a younger
work force. But since younger people do not have working experience, what is
so good about them? Also, why can we not keep both? The answer may be
that the institution has budget constraints. But if money is the issue, other solu-
tions are possible. Why must they sacrifice a valuable human resource whose
experience is irreplaceable?
Questions like these can go on forever. But certainly the notion that age is
the cause of forced retirement cannot sustain any challenge.
Another line of argument about age is more sophisticated. The argument
invokes the Second Law of Thermodynamics which implies that our universe
and any isolated system in it will decay toward a state of increasing disorder.
A "logical" consequence of the Second Law is: Aging is inevitable, and death
is certain.
But is death certain? Not quite. In the case of a single-cell animal, multipli-
cation by fission is not death. And for more complex life forms, if we can keep
replacing sick parts, an animal is not bound to die, and the so-called "aging"
may never happen.
It should be noted that the causal mechanisms underlying an experiment or
an observational study are essentially the same. In other words, the difference
between experiment and observational study is largely a question of states of
This fact was promoted by Rubin, Holland, and Rosenbaum. Their stand on
the issue is summarized in Holland (1986, p. 970):
there is no difference in the conceptual framework that underlies both experiments
and observational studies-Rubin's model is such a framework.
The above announcement can mean a very important scientific breakthrough.
But how does the trick work? The key is a term called "strong ignorability" in
Holland (p. 949) and Rosenbaum (1984, etc.).
Statistical Causality and Law-Like Relationships 55
According to Rosenbaum (1984, p. 42), a treatment is strongly ignorable if
(1) the responses, reo), r(1), ... , reT), are conditionally independent of the
treatment assignment z given the observed covariates X, and (2) at each value
of X, there is a positive probability of receiving each treatment.
In mathematical notations, conditions (1) and (2) can be formulated as fol-
Pr[zIX, reo), r(1), ... ,ret)] = Pr[zIX],
0< Pr[z = tlX] < 1, for t = 0, ... ,T, for all X.
In plain English, "strong ignorability" means that the way treatments were
assigned to units can be ignored in statistical computation (if X is given). For
example, in a randomized comparison, X denotes the codes of different popu-
lations, and causal inference can be drawn straightforwardly by the use of sta-
tistical formulas.
In observational studies, the process by which treatments were assigned to
units often is poorly understood, and thus "strong ignorability" may not apply.
It would be wonderful if "strong ignorability" could be tested by certain
statistical formulas. Regarding this important task, Rosenbaum (1984, pp. 45)
If the causal mechanism is correct and, in particular, if
fU> = f(k) for some j, k
where f(j) is a function of (r(j), X), then rejection of the hypothesis of strong ignora-
bility given X is also rejection of the hypothesis that the unobserved covariates U
have the same distribution in the various treatment groups.
After all these intellectual investments in Rubin's model (or the Rubin-
Holland-Rosenbaum model), we deserve some reward.
EXAMPLE (Rosenbaum, 1984, p. 45-46). This example concerns the effect
of fallout from nuclear testing on childhood leukemia. It is a follow-up of a
study by Lyon et al. (1979).
From 1951 to 1958, at least 97 above-ground atomic devices were
detonated in the Nevada desert. Data on mortality rates in high-fallout counties
are shown as follows (n = the number of incidents, r = mortality rate per
100,000 person-year):
r = 2.1
Chapter 3
The data show that the mortality rate doubled from 2.1 to 4.4 and later set
back to 2.2. These results seems to indicate that the nuclear fallout caused
about 16 children to die of leukemia (other cancers aside). This conclusion is
compatible with laboratory experiments, in which the carcinogenic effects of
radiation are well established.
However, the issue becomes puzzling if we also look at the mortality rates
of low-fallout counties.
Low-exposure High-exposure Low-exposure
1944-1950 1951-1958 1959-1975
Low-fallout r = 4.0 3.9 3.6
High-fallout r = 2.1 4.4 2.2
From this table, the previous conclusion that nuclear fallout has an effect on
leukemia in high-fallout areas now appears illusory. And it becomes even
more puzzling if we compare the mortality rates of other cancers:
Low-exposure High-exposure Low-exposure
1944-1950 1951-1958 1959-1975
Low-fallout r = 4.6
4.2 3.4
High-fallout r = 6.4 2.9 3.3
Taken at face value, the data in the above table suggest that the mortality rate
was lowest (at 2.9) in high-fallout counties during the high-exposure period I
Lyon et al. (1979) offered several possible explanations for these numbers.
1. Migration: The residents of the high-fallout area might have migrated
to the low-fallout area.
2. Wind blow: Various weather conditions might have altered the fallout
to unmonitored areas.
3. Bad luck: A chance clustering of leukemia (or cancer) deaths might
have occurred in a short time.
The investigators (Lyon et al.) could not control these factors, nor did they
have data related to these issues.
Without collecting more data, can Rubin's model shed new light on the
problem? Rosenbaum (1984, p. 41) stated:
Statistical causality and Law-Like Relationships 57
If treatment assignment is strongly ignorable, then adjustment for observed covari-
ates is to produce consistent estimates of treatment effects in observational
studies. A general approach to testing this critical assumption is developed and
applied to a study of the effects of nuclear fallout on the risk of childhood leukemia.
[emphasis supplied]
This statement is quite a promise. And statistical methods may score another
triumph in a very difficult real-life application.
In order to understand thoroughly Rosenbaum's new analysis of a batch of
old data, one has to be familiar with the notation of strong ignorability. In
addition, one has to. understand the Poisson kernel of the log likelihood of the
raw counts. Also, the reader has to follow through a "log linear model on a
flat" (p. 46) for certain counts:
log (lDeyc) = log (Ney) + u + Uc(c)
The likelihood ratio chi-square statistic for testing the fit of the model is 13.6
for 6 degrees of freedom, with a significance level of .03. To obtain a better
fit, Rosenbaum considered another log linear model:
log (lDeyc) = log (Ney) + u + uY(y) + UE(e) + Uc(c) + UEC(oc)
This model provided a satisfactory fit, with a significance level of .50. Finally
Rosenbaum reached the following conclusions (p. 46):
1. there have been temporal changes in reported cancer mortality aside
from any effects of fallout, and
2. the high and low exposure counties had different mortality rates both
before and after the period of above-ground testing and, moreover,
these differences followed different patterns for leukemia and other
Well, after all the hard work, the results are not much different from common-
sense conclusions one might draw by simply looking at the tables. In other
words, it is hard to see the logical necessity of using Rubin's model to arrive
at these results (and, in my judgment, there is none).
In summary, in the attempt to derive causation from observational studies,
the so-called Rubin's model (a new rising star in the statistical literature) is
still in its infant stage, and it is highly probable that the model will remain so
In this section we will take up the issue of causal inference in sample surveys.
Specifically, we will discuss the problem of using sampling techniques to jus-
58 Chapter 3
tify a causal link in observational data. To begin with, let's examine a case his-
tory from Freedman, Pisani, and Purves (1978, pp. 38-41).
A drug study was funded by NIH (the National Institute of Health) to assess
the side effects of oral contraceptives, "the pill." One issue considered by the
study was the effect of the pill on blood pressure. About 17,500 women aged
17 to 58 in the study were classified as ''users'' and ''nonusers.''
Note that randomization was impossible in this case, and a direct compari-
son of the blood pressures of users and nonusers can be tricky. For instance,
about 3,500 women had to be excluded from the comparison, because they
were pregnant, post-partum, or taking hormonal medication other than the pill.
This action of throwing away data appears to go against the standard teaching
of "the Law of Large Numbers," but it brings us closer to the focus of the
Other controls for confounding factors are needed. For instance, about 70%
of the nonusers were older than thirty while only 48 % of the users were over
thirty. ''The effect of age is confounded with the effect of the pill," FPP wrote.
"And the two work in opposite directions."
As a result, it is necessary to make a separate comparison for each age
group. The following table exhibits the percentage of women with systolic
blood pressure higher than 140 millimeters.
17-24 25-34 35-44 45-58
The interpretations offered for the above percentages is as follows (FPP, p.
To see the effect of the pill on the blood pressures of women aged 17 to 24, it is a
matter of looking at the percents in the columns for users and nonusers in the age
group 17 to 24. To see the effect of age, look first at the nonusers column in each
age group and see how the percents shift toward the high blood pressures as age
goes up. Then do the same thing for the users. [emphasis supplied]
The "effects" can also be summarized in Figure 4. The chart indicates that age
and blood pressure are strongly correlated. But before we wrap up the whole
story, note that the chart is similar to Fig. 5 which was used (see Section II,
Example 4) by Fong and other scientists to establish "the effect of statistical
training" in everyday reasoning. Note that in Section II we have refuted Causality and Law-Uke RelationshIps
----+-------+-------+--------+---> age
17-24 25-34 45-58
Rgure' 4 The e1l'ect of __ on blood presaure. U: .: Nonuaem.
lOot !
80t 1
60", 1
40", +
20t 1 .
1 *
Figure 5 Percent II8dstical respoDIfe classiticcl by tho leveIe of subjeel.l' stadstk:al
R: epe; *: No rancfonmeu cue.
80 Chapter 3
Fong's study. On what ground can we now accept Freedman's conclusion?
Specifically, at least two questions should be asked:
1. What does one mean by ''the effect of age" on blood pressure?
2. Does the study under discussion establish ''the effect of the pill" on
blood pressure?
For instance, in a laboratory we can manipulate the amount of oral contracep-
tives, but how are we going to manipulate different levels of age? Under the
Rubin-HoIland-Rosenbaum doctrine (see Section IV) , expressions like ''the
effect of age" are smoke in logical eyes.
The second question appears easier to answer. ''The physiological mechan-
ism by which the pill affects blood pressure is well established," FPP wrote.
"The Drug Study data discussed here document the size of the effect." In other
words, this study does not establish the effect of the pill; rather, it gives rough
estimate of the size of a known effect.
But the logical foundation of this conclusion is still very shaky. Recall the
study about the effect of nuclear fallout on childhood leukemia (Section IV). In
one case, scientists obtained the following result (r = mortality rate per
100,000 person-year):
Low-exposure High-exposure Low-exposure
1944-1950 1951-1958 1959-1975
r = 2.1 4.4 2.2
This table is compatible with laboratory experiments, in which the carcino-
genic effects of radiation are well established. However, in another case, the
scientists obtained a conflicting result:
Low-exposure High-exposure Low-exposure
1944-1950 1951-1958 1959-1975
Low-fallout r = 4.6 4.2 3.4
High-fallout r = 6.4 2.9 3.3
which suggests that the mortality rate was lowest (at 2.9) in high-fallout coun-
ties during the high-exposure period.
Statistical Causality and Law-Like Relationships 61
As we can see now, Freedman's conclusion is not based on logic. Other-
wise, the same logic would apply to the effect of nuclear fallout.
Nevertheless, we must concede that -Freedman's conclusion is valid. The
reasons are that (1) it is based on a large study that involved 14,000 women,
and (2) the conclusion has not been challenged by other research findings.
The large sample in the drug study makes the result more convincing. But
more importantly, the result is consistent with existing knowledge. By con-
trast, in the nuclear-fallout example, earlier results conflict with later results.
Earth, as one may claim, is a very dirty laboratory, at least dirtier than human
In brief, this is how knowledge in observational studies progresses: a causal
statement (such as the effect of age) is formulated to describe a general charac-
teristic that is consistent with existing knowledge and is deemed useful for
other applications. Still, the causal statement is provisional and is subject to
further refutation. If other research findings conflict with the statement, then
the statement has to be reexamined or discarded. Otherwise, the statement will
be regarded as valid and useful.
This process of refutation is, in our opinion, the only way to justify a causaI
statement in observational study. Rubin's model or any other exotic statistical
schemes provide, in most cases, not help but confusion. Cross-tabulation,
regression models, and other statistical techniques are useful for the explora-
tion of causal relationships. But they too do not provide justification of a
causal statement.
Note that randomization is frequently used in sample surveys. But its func-
tion has nothing to do with causal inference. Rather, it is for the generalization
from the sample to the target population. For this reason, causal statements in
a randomized sample survey have to be classified as a subcategory of observa-
tional study.
In scientific inquiry, controlled experiments usually produce more reliable
causal conclusions than observational studies. But this is not a rule. There are
numerous exceptions.
For example, in astronomy we cannot manipulate any quantities whatever,
yet predictions in astronomy are often more accurate than those produced by
controlled experiments in clinical trials.
In a personal conversation at the 1987 ASA Annual Meeting, Holland
stunned me by saying that modern astronomers usually carry out a lot of
experiments before they draw conclusions. This keen observation unfor-
tunately does not apply to geology. For example, drilling for petroleum is an
enormous gamble. When a geological study indicates the place where
petroleum might have accumulated, there is less than a 10% chance that oil is
actually present; and there is only a 2 % chance that it is present in commer-
62 Chapter 3
cially useful amounts. (Professional drillers sometimes joke that "random dril-
ling may be better.")
The intrinsic unpredictability of many observational studies is beyond any
logic. The gap between prospective and retrospective analyses is also
unbridgeable. We therefore disagree with Holland's contention that Rubin's
model (or anybody's model) is a framework for both experiments and observa-
tional studies. Holland has also asserted that "the idea that Rubin's model is
somewhat incapable of accommodating time-series data is misleading." In my
opinion, it is Holland's statement that is misleading. For example, if Holland
hasn't forgotten his own motto, I hope he can tell us how he can literally mani-
pulate time-series data or any encountered data in geoscience.
For randomized experiments, causal inferences can be drawn straightfor-
wardly by statistical bulldozer. For observational studies, causal inferences
have to be assessed on a case-by-case basis; a generic approach like Rubin's
model may create more confusion than the clarity the model originally
For those who are serious about identifying the cause from encountered
data, a piece of advice from R. A. Fisher (quoted from Rosenbaum, 1984, p.
43) usually proves helpful: Make your theories elaborate.
This advice may be foreign to some statistics users. However, the practice
of the maxim is an integral part of process quality control, an orphan in tradi-
tional statistical training.
For instance, when problems emerge in a manufacturing process, how do
engineers set forth to find the cause and solve the problem? They explore
related scientific knowledge. More specifically, the techniques include brain-
storming, Ishikawa charts, Pareto diagrams, and statistical control charts.
Here is a beautiful example from Grant and Leavenworth (1980, p. 95). In
this case study, statistical control charts were maintained to monitor the quality
of specially treated steel castings. For a number of months, the final products
of castings did meet rigid requirements. But all of a sudden points on x-charts
went out of the control limits.
The supervisors in the production department were sure no changes had
been made in production methods and at one point attempted to blame on the
testing laboratory. Unfortunately, independent tests showed the points continu-
ing to fall out of the control limits.
Pressure mounted on production personnel, and they were forced to explore
potential causes further. This activity of finding the cause or causes usually is
very frustrating; but for competent scientists, it can also be as challenging (and
rewarding) as Sherlock Holmes' adventures.
To conclude this case study, finally somebody noted that a change in the
source of cooling water for heat treatment had been made just before the time
the points fell out of control charts. Nobody believed that a change of cooling
water could have created so much trouble. However, as a last resort, the origi-
Statistical Causality and Law-Like Relationships 63
nal source of quench water was restored. Immediately the points fell within the
control limits, and the process remained under control at the originallevel.
To sum up the whole story, the great detective had it all (Sherlock Holmes,
The Sign o/the Four):
How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, what-
ever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.
In social or behavioral sciences, unmeasured latent variables often are created
to account for a large portion of variability in the data. The statistical tech-
niques used to construct these latent variables are primarily principal com-
ponents and factor analysis (see, e.g., Morrison, 1976). In the case of factor
analysis, the trick goes like this. Let X
, , Xp be observable random
variables; next let Y I, Y 2, . , Y m (1 m < p) be unmeasured latent vari-
ables that will be used to construct a simpler structure to account for the corre-
lations among the Xs:
XI = all *Y
+ ... + alm*Ym + el
Xp = apl * Y m + ... + apm * Y m + ep
Occasionally one is lucky: m = 1. Some examples of latent variables are the
so-called "cognitive ability" or "socioeconomic status"; the latter is routinely
used in sociological studies as a latent variable that affects education, income,
occupation, and other observable variables (Glymour, 1987).
Latent variables of this sort appear to be outside the sphere of Rubin's
model. In numerous cases, these variables are useful constructs for policy- or
decision-making. But a nasty question has been haunting the research workers
in the field: Can the latent variables be considered "causes?"
To answer this question, some examples from natural science are worth
retelling. To begin with, let's consider the story of John Dalton, an English-
man who has been widely recognized as the father of modem chemistry (for
his contribution to the theory of the atom).
Greek philosophers (such as Democritus) are sometimes credited for their
invention of the notion of "atom." But Dalton's contribution (1803) was
different, because it was based on the laws of conservation of mass and
definite proportions-laws that had been derived from direct observation and
had been tested rigorously. The theory can be expressed by the following pos-
tulates (Brady and Humiston, 1982):
All elements are made up of atoms which cannot be destroyed, split, or
64 Chapter 3
All atoms of the same element are alike and differ from atoms of any
other element.
Different atoms combine in definite ratios to form molecules.
A chemical reaction merely consists of a reshuffling of atoms from one
set of combinations to another. The individual atoms remain, however,
Dalton's theory was wrong on numerous counts; but the theory proved suc-
cessful in explaining the laws of chemistry and was embraced by the scientific
community almost immediately. We now know that in one drop of water there
are more than 100 billion billion atoms. With a quantity this small, how did
Dalton manipulate an atom? Specifically, how did he gauge the weight of an
atom, or measure the distance between atoms in a crystal of salt? The answer
is that none of these tasks was accomplished by Dalton or his contemporaries.
As a matter of fact, the doubt of the very existence of atoms and molecules
did not rest completely until the systematic measurements of the sizes of atoms
were carried out in 1908 by J. B. Perrin (the winner of the 1926 Nobel Prize
for Physics). This confirmation occurred lOS years after Dalton's original pro-
Dalton's concept of atom was, in his time, an unmeasured latent factor; but
it was accepted as a fruitful working hypothesis by "reasonable" scientists.
Without Dalton's theory, modem chemistry and physics might have had to
wait until the next century.
The second example of a latent factor is related to the discovery of an
important elementary particle. In the subatomic world, protons (P) may
transmute into neutrons (n), and vice versa. The reactions are called beta-
decay, which involves the release of an electron (e) or antielectron (e):
A curious feature of beta-decay is that the emitted electrons or antielectrons
sometimes emerge with one energy and sometimes with another. This
phenomenon prompted some theorists to speculate on the failure of the conser-
vation law of energy. In 1931 Wolfgang Pauli proposed that an elementary
particle (now called "neutrino'') is the cause of the variability of the energy of
beta-rays. At the time there was no experimental evidence for the existence of
any extra particle in beta-decay, and Pauli's proposal was only an act offaith,
based on nothing but a firm belief in the conservation laws (Ohanian, 1987, p.
407). Experimental evidence for the existence of neutrinos was not available
until 19S3, 22 years after Pauli's original proposal.
A more spectacular example than Pauli's neutrino is Maxwell's electromag-
netic waves. Prior to Maxwell's work, Faraday found that moving a magnet
Statistical Causality and Law-Like Relationships
through a coil of copper wire caused an electric current to flow in the wire.
The discovery led to the development of electric generator and motor. In a
striking fashion, Maxwell used the experimental discoveries of Faraday to
arrive at a set of equations depicting the interaction of electric and magnetic
fields. On the basis of these equations, he predicted (in 1884) the existence of
electromagnetic waves that move through space with the speed of light. This
prediction was confirmed 23 years later by H. Hertz (World Book, 1982). In
his experiment, Hertz used a rapidly oscillating electric spark to produce
waves with ultra-high frequencies; he also showed that these waves cause
similar electrical oscillations in a distant wire loop. The manipulation of these
waves later led to the invention of radio, television, and radar.
In the above examples, the latent factors could not be directly measured or
manipulated when they were initially introduced to modem science. For this
reason, Rubin and Holland's motto, "no causation without manipulation" may
need a more flexible interpretation. In short, if a theory is sound and indirect
confirmations do exist, a man-made causal schema like Dalton's atomism
deserves the respect and attention of working scientists.
In social and behavioral sciences, the statistical techniques for extracting
latent variables have been a constant target of criticism. One of the most
famous rejections of latent variables came from B. F. Skinner (1976), the god-
father of behaviorism. Simply put, Skinner maintained that anything that can
be explained with latent variables can be explained without them (a la Gly-
mour, 1987).
In opposition to Skinner's and Holland's rejections of latent variables as
legitimate causes, Glymour (1987) responded that ''the natural sciences are
successful exactly because of their search for latent factors affecting the
phenomena to be explained or predicted." To substantiate this claim, Glymour
Newtonian dynamics and celestial mechanics, the theory of electricity and magne-
tism, optics, chemistry, genetics, and the whole of modem physics would not have
come to pass if natural scientists [had] behaved as the critics of latent variables
Gravitational force, electrical fluids and particles, electromagnetic fields, atoms and
molecules, genes and gravitational fields, none of them could be directly measured
or manipulated when they initially became part of modem science.
Glymour is quite right on this mark. But one might feel uncomfortable when
he extrapolates the success of latent factors in natural science to other branches
of science:
Critics may grant that the introduction of latent variables has been essential in the
natural sciences, but maintain that they are inappropriate in the social and
behavioral sciences. It is hard to think of any convincing reason for this view.
66 Chapter 3
Glymour is convinced that heuristic search, utilizing artificial intelligence and
statistical correlation matrices, could produce latent variables for important
scientific discoveries (Glymour, 1987, p. 23):
In Part n of this book we will show that linear causal models can explain in the
same fashion that, say, Daltonian atomism explained the law of definite propotions,
that Maxwell explained electromagnetic phenomena, or that Copernican theory
explained regularities of planetary motion. [emphasis supplied]
Scientific laws, as it appears, can now be easily cloned by statistical correla-
tion matrices. Figure 6 is a typical example of Glymour's search for a causal
structure about industrial and political development (p. 148). GNP is gross
national product, Energy is the logarithm of total energy consumption in
megawatt hours per capita, Labor is a labor force diversification index, Exec is
an index of executive functioning, Party is an index of political party organiza-
tion, Power is an index of power diversification, CI is the Cutright Index of
political representation, and the e's are the added error terms.
To shorten the notations, let 10 = industrial development and PO = politi-
cal development. Then the path from 10 to GNP and the path from 10 to
Energy, for example, are equivalent to the linear statistical equations:
GNP = al * 10 + el
Energy = a2 *10 +
A revised model (Fig. 7) can be achieved by adding more paths to the original
skeleton. The path regression for 10- > GNP and 10- > Exec read as fol-
GNP = al * 10 + el
Exec = a.. * 10 + b
*PO + e4
Note that in this model, 10 and PO are latent variables, while the rest are mea-
sured quantities. The last equation is thus a linear statistical law relating a
measured variable with two unmeasured variables.
e1 e2 e3 e4 eS e6 e7
Figure 6 Graph representation for industrial and political development. Copyright
1987 by Academic Press, Inc. Reprinted by permission.
Statistical Causality and Law-Like Relationships 67
e2 e3 e4 a5 a6 e7
Figure 7 Revised model for industrial and political development. Copyright 1987
by Academic Press, Inc. Reprinted by permission.
The fit of the revised model is marginal, with a P-value = .053 for a chi-
square test. Naturally one would look for alternatives or to improve the model
by adding further connections. With the aid of a computer program called
TETRAD (Glymour, p. 162),38 models were located and ordered by the pro-
bability of their chi-square statistic see Fig. 8). In this figure, TTR is a
TETRAD measure of the goodness-of-fit, which, according to Glymour, is
negatively correlated with the chi-square test. But one can easily detect the
inconsistency of these measures in the pairs of models such as (M2,M3),
(M4,M5), (M3,M37), etc.; where M2 stands for model 2.
In one of his concluding remarks, Glymour wrote,
To justify the assumptions of the [best] model, we need either substantive
knowledge or grounds for thinking that no other plausible model explains the data as
This conclusion certainly should be underlined many times by all statistics
users. But the bottom line is: "What is the causal structure of all these vari-
ables?" In Glymour's discussions of the computer outputs, we find nothing
clear except the following: (1) the substantive knowledge was weak, (2) the
measurements of the variables (such as Exec, an index of executive function-
ing) and the measures of goodness-of-fit are rough, (3) one may find infinitely
many other plausible models by adding more variables, more connections,
time-lag effect, and more sophisticated transformations.
In sum, one can hardly see any causal structure from these models. And
one will be better off if one does not take these models seriously as scientific
laws. To support this position, in Chapter 4, under the title of "Amoeba
Regression," we will present further examples to demonstrate the structureless
nature of such statistical models.
Similar observations about path analysis were made in Freedman (1985,
1987). After careful and interesting elaborations, Freedman rejected flatly the
idea that linear statistical laws in social science are at all comparable to
All Models Located with TETRAD
I Equations I
Explained p(X2)
1) en->po, en->ex, ID->po .686 10 0.6082
2) en->po, en->ex, ID->ex .686 10 0.6004
3) en->po, en->ex, gp->pa :1.70 5 0.5752
4) en->po, en->ex, pa->en .246 4 0.5680
5) en->po, en->ex .686 10 0.5504
6) en->po, en->ex, ci->la .251 4 0.5198
7) en->po, en->ex,la->pa .202 6 0.4792
8) en->>pa, po->ex .202 6 0.4085
9) ID->po, ID->ex. PD->en .560 5 0.2940
10) ID->po, en->ex, pa->en .328 5 0.1526
11) ex->en. en->po 0.1434
12) en->po. la->ex, pa->en .213 3 0.1234
13) ID->po, en->ex, ex->gp .358 5 0.1222
14) en->po. gp->ex, en->pa .220 6 0.1189
15) en->po, la->ex, ex->pa .223 5 0.1108
16) en->po, gp->ex. po->pa .220 6 0.1002
17) ID->po, po->en, ex->en l.670 8 0.0931
18) en->>ex, la->pa .222 5 0.0819
19) en->po, gp->ex,la->pa .146 7 0.0551
20) ID->ex, ID->po 1.149 11 0.0530
21) ID->ex, po->en. ex->en 1.364 8 0.0477
22) en->ex, pa->po,la->pa .272 5 0.0438
23) en->ex, po->en 0.0336
24) en->ex,la->po, pa->la .198 4 0.0246
25) en->ex. pa->po, en->pa .286 6 0.0211
26) en->ex,la->po. ci->la .198 4 0.0161
27) T->ex, T->en, T->po,
T->ID, T->PD .56S 8 0.0145
28) en->ex, gp->po, pa->en :1.37 4 0.0135
29) en->ex, gp->po,la->pa :1.06 5 0.0133
30) en->ex, gp->po, ci->en .237 4 0.0108
31) en->ex, pa->po, ex->pa .286 6 0.0096
32) T->ex, T->en, T->po 2.345 7 0.0015
33) ex C en, en C po, ex Cpo 2.345 7 0.0015
34) gp->ex. pa->po, en->pa .220 6 <0.001
35) ex->en, po->en <0.001
36) gp->ex, gp->po,la->pa .220 6 <0.001
37) gp->ex, gp->po, la->pa .209 6 <0.001
38) Skeleton 5.300 13 0.000
Figure 8 All models located with TETRAD. Copyright 1987 by Academic Press,
Inc. Reprinted by permission.
Statistical Causality and Law-Like Relationships
Maxwell's equations or Copernicus-Kepler astronomy. One reason is that the
stochastic assumptions embodied in path regression do not stand on water.
Another reason is that few investigators in social science do careful measure-
ment work. "Instead, they factor-analyze questionnaires. If the scale is not
reliable enough, they just add a few more items" (Freedman, 1985) .
. . .
In many observational studies, causal inferences are plain speculations. In
the history of science, such speculations have often turned out to be the seeds
of important discoveries. For this reason, we believe it is worthwhile to pro-
vide another motto:
This motto is a complement, not a rival, to Holland's motto. In short, specula-
tion breeds scientific theory, but the theory has to be tested rigorously against
reality. As any insider can testify, in the history of science, many beautiful
theories had been put together, only to be shot to pieces by a conflict with
experiment (see Will, 1986). Experimentation is often called ''the Queen of
Science." Certainly no exaggeration.
But a word of caution is that statistics users often equate the word "test"
with statistical testing. As an example, Granger (a towering figure in
econometric research) wrote (1986): "If causality can be equated with some
measurable quantity, then statisticians should be able to devise tests for causa-
tion " [emphasis supplied].
As a statistician, I feel honored that statistics users have this kind of
confidence in my profession. On the other hand, I am also deeply troubled,
because,in most cases a scientific theory of cause-and-effect has to be tested by
the scientists themselves, not by statisticians. Statisticians have indeed made
important contributions to numerous instances of scientific testing; but their
role is often blown out of proportion.
Consider this example about the effect of gravitational force on a falling
object (Scientific American, March 1988). Newton and Einstein both main-
tained that an object's gravitational acceleration is independent of its mass and
substance. New theories challenge this fundamental notion. But how can we
put the issue to a test? Can we do so by calling in a statistician to perform a
hypothesis testing? Not a chance.
Not only in physics and chemistry, but also in social science studies, statist-
ical methods alone yield no golden promise as Granger hopes. As an example,
sending people to school is often believed to increase their income. But how
can we measure the effect and "devise tests for causation" (a la Granger)? The
solution is not straightforward, if it exists at all. to
Chapter 3
1. Freedman, Pisani, Purves, and Adhikari (1991, p. 12, Statistics, Norton) con-
cluded that smoking causes heart attacks,lung cancer, and other diseases.
2. In fact, a recent study (Science News, June 4, 1988) provides evidence that an
absence of tumor-suppressor genes may lead to lung cancer.
3. Another study involving 5,000 British physicians failed to find any similar
benefits from daily aspirin intake (Science News, February 6, 1988). In compari-
son, the U.S. study involved more than 22,000 test subjects and three times as
many heart attacks. The law of large numbers gives the U.S. study a winning
4. The study does not provide information on the side effects of aspirin. For this
purpose, one needs other studies.
5. This definition of ''the statistical solution" to the problem of causal inference is
correct. But one has to be aware that ''the universe" of a typically randomized
study consists only a handful of subjects.
6. For instance, in a clinical trial, applications of a randomized study to new patients
rely on both the stability and homogeneity assumptions of our biological systems.
7. One may argue that the stability assumption can be (and should be) tested by sta-
tistical methods. This is true in cases that involve reliability theory and life test-
ing. In most applications, stability assumption is established by enumeration, and
does not involve any formal statistical inference.
8. The issues involving race and sex are more controversial, because in some cases
the notions that race and sex are causes do have a certain genetic basis.
9. Ingenious applications of this kind are plentiful. See, for example, Ott (1978),
Process Quality Control, Trouble-shooting and Interpretation of Data, pp. 2-6,
34-37,57-58,80-82,110,112-115,116-118,130-132, 146, and 171-173.
10. See Freedman (1987, pp. 103-104).
Baron, J. and Hershey, J. C. (1988). Outcome Bias in Decision Evaluation. J. of Per-
sonality and Social Psychology, Vol. 54, No.4, 569-579.
Brady, J. E. and Humiston, G. E. (1982). General Chemistry: Principle and Structure,
3rd edition. Wiley, New York.
Eysenck, H. J. (1980). The Causes and Effects of Smoking. Sage, Bervely Hills, Cali-
Fisher R. A. (1959). Smoking. The Cancer Controversy. Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh.
Fong, G. T., Krantz, D. H., and Nisbett, R. E. (1986). The Effect of Statistical Train-
ing on Thinking about Everyday Problems. Cognitive Psychology, Vol. 18, 253-
Freedman, D. A. (1985). Statistics and the Scientific Method. Cohort Analysis in Social
Research, edited by W. M. Mason and S. E. Fienberg. Springer-Verlag, New York,
pp.343-390 ..
Freedman, D. A. (1987). As Others See Us: A Case Study in Path Analysis. J. of Edu-
cational Statistics, Vol. 12, No.2, 101-128, 206-223 (with commentaries by 11
scholars, 129-205).
Statistical Causality and Law-Like Relationships 71
Freedman, D. A., Pisani, R., and Purves, R. (1978/1980). Statistics. Norton, New
Freedman, D. A. and Zeisel, H. (1988). Cancer Risk Assessment: From Mouse to
Man. Statistical Science, Vol. 3, No.1, 3-28,45-56, (with commentaries, 28-44).
Glymour, C. (1986). Statistics and Metaphysics. JASA, Vol. 81, No. 396,964-966.
Glymour, C., Scheines, R., Spirtes, P., and Kelly, K. (1987). Discovering Causal
Structure: Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy of Science, and Statistical Modeling.
Academic Press, New York.
Granger, C. (1986). Comment on "Statistics and Causal Inference," by P. W. Holland.
JASA, Vol. 81, No. 396, 967-968.
Grant, E. L. and Leavenworth, R. S. (1980). Statistical Quality Control. Fifth Edition.
McGraw-Hill, New York.
Holland, P. W. (1986). Statistics and Causal Inference, JASA, Vol. 81, No. 396, 945-
960 (with commentaries by D.B. Rubin, D.R. Cox, C. Glymour, and C. Granger,
Holland, P. W. (1988). Causal Inference in Salary Discrimination Studies. Presented at
the 1988 ASA Annual Meeting, New Orleans.
Holland, J. H., Holyoak, K. J., Nisbett, R. E., and Thagard, P. R. (1987). Induction.
MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Hope, K. (1987). Barren Theory or Petty Craft? A Response to Professor Freedman. J.
of Educational Statistics, Vol. 12, No.2, 129-147.
Lyon, J. L., Klauber, M. R., Gardner, J. W., and Udall, K. S. (1979). Childhood
Leukemias Associated with Fallout from Nuclear Testing. New England Journal of
Medicine, Vol. 300, No.8, 397-402.
Moore, D. (1988). Comment on ''The Teaching of Statistics," by H. Hotelling. Statisti-
cal Science, Vol. 3, No.1, 84-87.
Morrison, D. F. (1976). Multivariate Statistical Methods. McGraw-Hill, New York.
Ohanian, H. C. (1987). Modem Physics. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
Ott, E. R. (1975). Process Quality Control: Trouble-Shooting and Interpretation of
Data. McGraw-Hill, New York.
Pratt, J. W. and Schlaifer, R. (1984). On the Nature and Discovery of Structure. JASA,
Vol. 79, No. 385, 9-21, 29-33, (with commentaries, 22-28).
Rosenbaum, P. R. (1984). From Association to Causation in Observational Studies: the
Role of Tests of Strongly Ignorable Treatment Assignment, JASA, Vol. 79,41-48.
Rosenbaum, P. R. (1988). Detecting and Assessing Bias in Observational Studies.
Presented at the 1988 A8A Annual Meeting, New Orleans.
Rosenbaum, P. R. and Rubin, D. B. (1984a). Estimating the Effects Caused by Treat-
ments. JASA, Vol. 79, No. 385, 26-28.
Rosenbaum, P. R. and Rubin, D. B. (1984b). Reducing Bias in Observational Studies
Using Subclassification on the Propensity Score. JASA, Vol. 79, No. 387, 516-524.
Skinner, B. F. (1976). About Behaviorism. Vintage Books, New York.
Will, C. M. (1986). Was Einstein Right? Basic Books, New York.
Chapter 4
Amoeba Regression and Time-Series Models
In 1987, as we have mentioned in Chapter 3, Glymour and coworkers
(Scheines, Spirtes, and Kelly) published a book entitled Discovering Causal
Structure: Artijiciallntelligence, Philosophy of Science, and Statistical Model-
ing. This ambitious work was funded by three NSF grants. A major goal of
the book is to uncover causal structure. For this task, the group headed by
Glymour developed a computer program called TETRAD, which is purported
to generate scientific theory (p. 58) by peeking into a specific set of data where
substantive knowledge of the domain is whistling in the dark (Glymour, p. 7).
This attempt is admirable, but it is certainly in sharp contrast to a popular
belief (Albert Einstein, 1936) that ''theory cannot be fabricated out of the
results of observation, but that it can only be invented."
It is well known that experiments are not always practicable (or ethical) and
that even when they are, they may not answer the questions of interest. "Faced
both with urgent needs for all sorts of knowledge and with stringent limitations
on the scope of experimentation," Glymour (p. 3) wrote, ''we resort to statis-
tics. "
With great confidence in statistical modeling and TETRAD, Glymour (p.
13) asserted: "A TETRAD user can learn more in an afternoon about the
Amoeba Regression and Time-Serle. Models 73
existence and properties of alternative linear models for covariance data than
could an unaided researcher in months or even years of reflection and calcula-
Some scientists and statisticians oppose TETRAD or the like. Their argu-
ments and Glymour's forceful defense (see Glymour, 1987, pp. 9, IS-59,
234-246, etc.) constitute a lively debate, and the battles of different schools of
thoughts are likely to continue for years to come.
With the aid of Glymour's powerful computer package and his dazzling
arguments of epistemology (the theory of knowledge), such statistical models
may become a new fashion among certain researchers. But as a statistician, I
have mixed feelings about Glymour's ambitious program. On the one hand, I
am willing to accept the TETRAD activities under the new motto, "No causa-
tion without speculation." On the other hand, if TETRAD delivers only an
empty promise, the reputation of my discipline will suffer. For this reason, I
conducted an experiment to test Glymour's promise.
A set of triplets was created and given to the students in my regression
class: '
2 2.75 3.42
2 2.50 3.21
2 2.25 3.01
2 2.00 2.89
2 1.80 2.75
2 1.50 2.55
2 1.25 2.38
2 1.00 2.30
2 0.70 2.15
2 0.50 2.10
3 2.50 3.95
3 2.00 3.63
3 1.50 3.40
3 1.00 3.18
4 1.75 4.38
4 1.50 4.29
4 1.20 4.18
4 0.80 4.10
5 1.75 5.30
5 1.50 5.22
5 1.00 5.15
5 0.75 5.08
74 Chapter 4
I told the students that the background of the data would not be revealed and
that they were allowed to use any method to find an equation to fit the data. A
few hints were available: (1) Y is a function of XI and X
(2) There is no
serial correlation among the data; thus the Durbin-Watson test and time-series
modeling of residuals were not necessary.
The students were excited about the project; it was like a treasure hunt. To
begin with, they all plotted the data in scatter diagrams (see Fig. 1). The Pear-
son correlation coefficients are .9476 for (XI> Y) and 0.054 for (X2' y), with
corresponding P-values of .0001 and .810, respectively. Yet a possible rela-
tionship between X
and Y could not be rejected out of hand, because an
enhanced diagram reveals a certain pattern (see Fig. 2). The scatter diagrams
indicate that a simple algebraic function might suffice. Nevertheless, my stu-
dents tried different transformations of the variables. After elaborate screening
procedures, each student presented his/her best models. Here are some of
them (the null hypothesis for each P-value being that the coefficient is zero):
2 I
2 3 4 5
0 1 2 3
Figure 1 Scatter diagram for Y VS. XI and Y VS. X
Amoeba Regression and Tlme-8erles Models
2 3
Figure 2 Enhanced scatter diagram for Y VS. X
Model R-square
1. Y = (.199)xt + 96.36%
P: .0001 .0001
2. Y = (.897)X
+ 99.93%
P: .0001 .0001
3. log (Y) = (- .60) + (.9)..JX; + (.18)"2 98.29%
P: .0001 .0001 .0001
4. 10g(Y) = (.174) + (.2S)X
+ (.18)"2 98.17%
P: .0001.0001 .0001
5. 10g(Y) = (.282) + (.2S7)X. + (.057)"2 98.3%
P: .0001 .0001 .0001
6. Y = (.247) + (.914)X
+ (.0897).exp("2) 98.46%
P: .0001 .0001 .0001
7. Y = (.678) + (.867)X
+ (.659).log("2) 98.06%
P: .0001 .0001 .0001
8. 10g(I/(Y-l = (.70) + (-.36)X
+ (-.29)("2) 97.08%
P: .0001 .0001 .0001
9. Y = (1.03) + (.82)X
P: .0001 .0001
The students were required to perform a comprehensive diagnostic checking of
their models, which includes residual plots, stem- leaf and box-whisker plots,
normal probability plot, Shapiro-Wille normality test, Cook's influence
76 Chapter 4
statistics, correlation matrix of the estimated parameters, variance inflation
factors, cross-validation (D. M. Allen's PRESS procedure), etc.
These diagnostic statistics indicate that models 1-8 are all good models.
Further, the R-squares of these models are higher than 96%-a lot better
explanatory power than most models in social science studies. It appears that
any of these models should perform well, at least for the purpose of predic-
tion. "But what is the underlying mechanism that generated the data?" my stu-
dents asked.
Well, a few days before the assignment, I sat at home and drew 22 right tri-
angles like those in Fig. 3. The assignment the students received was to redis-
cover the Pythagorean theorem, and they all failed.
This experiment led me to coin a new term "amoeba regression," meaning
that the causal structures "discovered" by such regression techniques may be
as structureless as an amoeba. The experiment also forced me to ponder the
role of statistical modeling in social science research.
It was not an overstatement when someone said that "mathematics is the
mother of science." Without Greek mathematics (especially Euclidean
geometry), I cannot imagine what Newtonian mechanics would be. Without
Newtonian mechanics, I cannot imagine what modem physics and technology
would be. Moving back to the fundamentals, without the Pythagorean
Theorem, I cannot imagine what Euclidean geometry would be.
In short, if a
scientific discipline indulges in linear regression but lacks anything fundamen-
tal, the discipline may have serious problems.
The above experiment did not accommodate sophisticated transformations
(for example, the celebrated Box-Cox transformation). Out of curiosity, I con-
ducted another regression analysis, assuming that a fictitious investigator
squares the Y -variable and then fits the second order Taylor expansion:
Figure 3 One of the triangles used to generate the data for (Y, XI'
Amoeba Regression and Time-Series Models 77
y2 = _ .125 + (.12)X, + (.2S)X
+ (.99) xl + + (- .07)X, *
P: .SO .67 .46 .0001 .0001 .28
Note that only the quadratic terms are statistically significant. The investigator
then refits the data as follows:
y2 = (1.007)Xl +
P < .0001 .0001
SE: .0030S .01229
This model passes the scrutiny of diagnostic checking with an R-square of
99.99 %. The model almost recovers the Pythagorean formula.
But there are other profound troubles in using Taylor expansion and regres-
sion analysis to "discover" fundamental laws. First, by what criterion can we
be sure that the last model is better than the others? To my knowledge, current
technology provides no clear-cut solution. Second, If the' legs of the triangles
are not orthogonal, then
y2 = xl + - 2 *X
where 8 is the angle between the vectors X 1 and X
I think the chance that a
shotgun regression would rediscover this formula is minuscule.
Like many statistics users, I used to believe that if a model passed a
comprehensive diagnostic checking, the model should be useful, at least for
the purposes of prediction. The above amoeba regressions shake this belief.
The experiment indicates that regression models cannot all be taken as seri-
ously as scientific laws. Instead, they share similarities with the "common
sense" in our daily life: informative but error-prone, depending on the skills of
the users. Since statistics are often called "educated guesses," I propose to call
these regression models "educated common sense."
Glymour's TETRAD produces, at best, "descriptive models," which may
or may not be useful, depending on the model, the data, and what happens
next (Freedman, 1987, p. 220).
In brief, there are two kinds of regression models: (1) structural models
that represent a deep commitment to a theory about how data were generated
(Freedman, 1987); and (2) descriptive models, which are the mere refinements
of common sense. Although, as a statistician, I have a high respect for edu-
cated (and uneducated) common sense, I believe that it is profoundly mistaken
to put the two types of models in the same bag.
Glymour's effort to build TETRAD reminds me of a fabled Chinese, Sen
Nong (ft. between 3000 and 4000 B.C.), a physician who was reported to have
tried several hundred species of herbs on himself in order to find useful medi-
cine for the Chinese people.
Before modem medication was introduced to Asia, generations of Chinese
were saved (and perhaps in many cases poisoned) by Sen Nong's herbal medi-
78 Chapter 4
cines. Today some oriental medications remain valuable, and their functions
are still mysterious to western scientists. However, the real revolution (and the
real lifesaver) in oriental history is the adoption of western medication.
The main driving force behind modem science is the quest to understand
the underlying mechanisms. In medication, this means solid knowledge of
physiology, pathology, biochemistry, anatomy, etc., which were developed
mainly by substantive knowledge. Regression analysis certainly helps, but it is
used in highly focused subject matters, under tightly controlled experiments.
By contrast, in many branches of social, economic, and behavioral sciences,
solid theory and good measurement are both lacking. Research workers then
take statistics (and computers) as their last and best hope. Their desperation
and methodology were shared by ancient Chinese physicians. Such methods as
TETRAD are, in my opinion, legitimate and useful research tools; but their
roles have been greatly exaggerated. Indeed, I would be horrified if medical
researchers proposed linear statistical laws, instead of physiology and pathol-
ogy, as the foundation of medical practices.
As pointed out in Glymour et a1. (p. 16), some social scientists prefer to
avoid causal language. This attitude is highly recommended but was unfor-
tunately dismissed by Glymour.
A major benefit of scientific knowledge is prediction. Since the 1950s, regres-
sion and time-series analysis have been used for economic forecasting, which
is reportedly a 100-200 million dollar business. This new industry has an
impressive history, which even includes the prestige of Nobel Prizes.
In 1969 Norwegian economist Ragnar Frish (a professor in social economy
and statistics) won the first Nobel Prize in Economic Science, partly for his
contribution of introducing random disturbances to deterministic dynamic sys-
In 1980 Lawrence Klein won the Prize partly for pioneering the develop-
ment and use of econometric models to forecast economic trends in the United
States. The Klein-Goldberger (1955) model further gave rise to numerous
econometric research efforts that rely heavily on two-stage least squares,
three-stage least squares, and time-series analysis.
In 1989 Trygve Haavelmo also won the Nobel Prize "for his clarification of
the probability theory foundations of econometrics and his analyses of simul-
taneous economic structure" (the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences; Tren-
ton Times, October 12, 1989). According to Paul Samuelson, another Nobel
laureate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ,
The whole modem age in economics has tried to use statistics to test out different
theories. It was Haavelmo who made the great breakthrough, so we can know we're
Amoeba Regression and Time-Series Models 79
testing our particular theory and are not getting a spurious relationship. [emphasis
Today the models derived from Haavelmo's work "are widely used in predict-
ing the course of national economies and formulating government policies"
(The New York Times, October 12, 1989). But how good are these models?
And what are other experts' opinions of these models?
In a meta-analysis, Armstrong (198411978) provided interesting findings
related to the above questions. The study involved a survey of 21 experts from
some of the leading schools in econometrics (MIT, Harvard, Wharton, Michi-
gan State, etc.) and from well-known organizations that sell econometric fore-
The survey was designed to examine two popular beliefs:
1. Econometric models provide more accurate short-term forecasts than
do other methods; and
2. More complex econometric methods yield more accurate forecasts than
do simpler methods.
Of the 21 experts surveyed, 95% agreed with the first statement, and 72%
agreed with the second.
Respondents were asked how much confidence they had in their opinion on
accuracy. Confidence was rated on a scale from 1 ("no confidence") to 5
("extremely confident"). The average response was about 4. No one rated
confidence lower than 3.0 (p. 23).
The experts were also asked to rate their own professional competence.
Those who rated themselves as more expert felt that econometric methods
were more accurate.
To assess the reliability of the experts' opinions, Armstrong went through a
search of 30 studies from research journals, and the verdict on the first belief
is disheartening: "Econometric forecasts were not found to be more accurate"
(1984, p. 25).
Moving on to the second belief that more complex econometric methods
yield more accurate forecasts, empirical evidence gathered by Armstrong from
11 direct and 5 indirect studies contradicted the folklore. Armstrong's conclu-
sion also strengthens an argument by Milton Friedman, another Nobel laureate
(1951), that "the construction of additional models along the general lines [as
Klein's model] will, in due time, be judged a failure."
Many researchers have devoted their whole lives to complex econometric
models. But so far the forecast accuracy of these models is disappointing,
unless the projections are adjusted subjectively by the modelers. In many
cases, forecasts by simultaneous-equation (econometric) models ''were beaten
by those of a simple AR(4) model" (Granger, 1986). Moreover, such AR
models themselves do not outforecast naive extrapolation models (Makridakis
and Hibon, 1984). Makridakis's conclusion was drawn from an exhaustive
80 Chapter 4
comparison of the models on 111 time-series data; the study provides strong
evidence that naive extrapolation is all we need in economic forecasting. But
then it is natural to ask the next question: What is the difference between a
naive extrapolation model and no model at all?
In one study (Dreman, 1984), professors at Harvard and MIT kept track of
stock forecasts made by at least five or six analysts. The numbers of com-
panies monitored were 769 in 1977 and 1,246 in 1981. The conclusion was
that what forecasters had been touting simply did not payoff. The dismal per-
formance of forecasting models was well summarized by Dreman: "Astrology
might be better!"
This situation resembles the often aberrent predictions in geology. People
who are desperate for forecasting usually put blind faith into anything associ-
ated with sophisticated mathematical formulas. However, a lesson I have
learned during years of time-series modeling is this: Forecasting is too impor-
tant to leave to time-series analysts.
In short, current statistical forecasting simply does not live up to its catchy
title. The wholesaling of such techniques to general scientists or to ordinary
users will eventually result in mistrust of our profession. For example, I would
recommend for the reader's attention an article entitled "Statistical Forecasting
Made Simple, Almost" in The New York Times, C4, June 24, 1986. One of my
colleagues (an influential administrator) was excited about it and was planning
to purchase a site license so that we could predict student enrollments and plan
better for course offerings. The administrator called me in and asked how
many copies of the software we should buy. "Zero; the software is a dud," I
replied, showing him a demo-diskette that I had bought one year earlier. The
Times article was, in my judgment, an outrageous promotion of state-space
modeling. With great dismay, I crossed out the title of that article and replaced
it with the following: "Statistical Forecasting Made Simple? Never!"
An important distinction was proposed by Dempster (1983) to contrast techni-
cal statistics and functional statistics. Dempster made it clear that technical
statistics deals exclusively with tools and concepts that have been applied
widely across many professions and sciences, while functional statistics
requires blending adequate skill and depth in both technical statistics and sub-
stantive issues. The two sometimes overlap, but often technical statistics sim-
ply do not function.
Dempster, an eminent Harvard statistician, observed that formal analysis of
the connection between technical statistics and the real world is "almost
Amoeba Regression and Time-Series Models 81
nonexistent" and that "very little of this is taught to statisticians." But when
scientists need advice on data analysis, whom do they turn to? Further, when
research journals are littered with misleading statistics, is it the scientific com-
munity or the statistical community that should be held responsible?
EXAMPLE 1 In the spotlight here is a user's guide called SAS For Linear
Models (Freund and Littell, 1985/1981, pp. 92-100), a very popular "guide"
among industrial and academic statistics users. In this case, the authors used
the General Linear Model to analyze the test scores made by students in three
classes taught by three different teachers. The sample sizes of the three classes
were 6, 14, and 11. Randomness of the data was, as usual, not indicated. With
this kind of data, stem-and-leaf plots are about the only techniques that are
appropriate. Yet the authors spent 8 and 112 pages on lengthy discussions of
the technical statistics, which include the general linear model, the matrix
operations, the estimation of coefficients, the one-way design and balanced fac-
torial structure, the adjusted and unadjusted means, the uniqueness of the esti-
mates, and so on and so forth.
Nowadays statistics users are preoccupied with grinding instead of intellec-
tual reasoning. This kind of practice gives my profession a bad name, and
famed statistics educators like Freund and Littell owe us much explanation for
the misleading example they have presented to novice statistics users.
In a private conversation, a SAS sales representative defended the example
by saying that the authors were trying to show statistics users a valuable algo-
rithm, not a causal link. I responded: "If Freund and Littell are short of any
meaningful example, they should simply label the data sets as A, B, C, treating
them like pure digits." Statistical comparison is a powerful tool for data
analysis, but spending 8 and 112 pages on the printout of a General Linear
Model for students' test scores is both an abuse of statistics and an abuse of the
computer as well.
EXAMPLE 2 Ever since its early development, statistics has frequently been
called upon to answer causal questions in nonexperimental science. As pointed
out by Glymour (1987, p. 3):
Today, statistical methods are applied to every public issue of any factual kind. The
meetings of the American Statistical Association address almost every conceivable
matter of public policy, from the safety of nuclear reactors to the reliability of the
census. The attempt to extract causal information from statistical data with only
indirect help from experimentation goes on in nearly every academic subject and in
many nonacademic endeavors as well. Sociologists, political scientists, economists,
demographers, educators, psychologists, biologists, market researchers, policy mak-
ers, and occasionally even chemists and physicists use such methods. [emphasis sup-
Chapter 4
Glymour did the statistical community a good service in giving us a clear pic-
ture of how popular statistical causal-inferences are in nonexperimental sci-
ences. The popularity, however, does not by itself establish the soundness of
the applications of these methods. In the case of the safety of nuclear reactors,
the reader is urged to consult Breiman (1985, pp. 203-206) for an insider's
account of statisticians' failure on this issue. For the heated debate on the relia-
bility of the census, an illustrating source is Freedman and Navidi (1986).
It is interesting that Glymour cited the meetings of ASA (American Statisti-
cal Association) to support his advocacy of drawing causal inferences from
correlation data. S Anyone who frequents professional gatherings would testify
that the presentations in these meetings cannot all be taken as serious scientific
investigations. This phenomenon occurs not only in ASA meetings but also, I
suspect, across all academic disciplines.
In my observation, numerous applications presented in the ASA meetings
are like that of Freund and Littell in Example 1: the logical link between the
real-life data and the technical statistics presented is simply not there. A not-
able example is the crude application of statistical models in legal action
involving issues of gender and racial discrimination in salaries. In the case of
sex discrimination, the following variables are often used:
Y = salaries of the employees in a certain institution
G = 1, if the employee is male
= 0, otherwise
X = a vector of covariates such as educational background, seniority, etc.
e = error term.
A "direct" regression model of the discrimination is:
Y = a + b*G + c*X + e.
Some experts in the field also use the following "reverse" regression (see,
e.g., Conway and Roberts, 1986):
Sex discrimination is then alleged if the coefficient b in expression (1) or (2) is
significantly different from zero.
These practices are now common and recently drew criticism from hard-
line statisticians. In a special session of the ASA Annual Meeting, Holland
(1988) discussed the weakness of these models in the context of Rubin's model
and concluded that both direct regression and reverse regression provide only
sloppy analysis in the case of sex discrimination.
In a similar attack on the use of regression models for employment discrim-
ination, Fienberg (1988, Statistical Science) mentioned a case history involv-
ing hiring, compensation, and promotion:
Amoeba Regression and Time-Series Models 83
When the case went to trial, the centerpiece of the plaintiff's argument was the tes-
timony of a statistical expert who carried out multiple regressions galore.... She
concluded that the coefficient for gender was significantly different from zero and
proceeded to estimate the damages ...
To rebut this evidence the defendant put on the stand a statistical witness
who ... added a term ... to the models of the plaintiffs' expert and noted the extent
to which the estimated gender coefficient changed.
The judge, in his written opinion, stated that neither of the experts' regressions
had anything to do with the realities of the case, but ruled in favor of the
plaintiffs nonetheless.
Appalled by the statistical installations in this case study, Fienberg asked
the defense attorney:
. Why did the company's lawyers allow their expert to present such mindless regres-
sion analyses in response to the equally mindless ones of the plaintiff's expert?
The defense attorney responded:
You don't understand. If the plaintiffs' expert hadn't been busy running multiple
regressions she might have taken a closer look at the employee manual which
describes what in essence is a two-tiered job system ....
When our expert responded by running his own regressions, the lawyers were quite
pleased. They believed that the outcome would have been far worse if he had
explained to the court what we really do because then the judge could easily have
concluded that our system was discriminatory on its face.
As an expert in the field, Fienberg wrote,
Those of us with interests in the legal arena continue to look with horror on the
ways in which statistical ideas and methods are misused over and over again by
expert witnesses (often not statisticians or even those trained in statistics) or misin-
terpreted by judges and juries. [emphasis supplied]
In his resentful comment on the misuse of econometric models for employ-
ment discrimination, Fienberg concluded that a statistician will be better off
''to focus on employment process decisions and to learn about the input to
those decisions."
In the 1988 ASA Annual Meeting, Holland challenged the audience with
the following question: "Is sex a cause in salary discrimination?" Before he
gave his answer, Holland quipped: "Sex probably is the greatest of all
causes." But in the case of salary equity, Holland maintained that being a man
or a woman does not cause the salary inequalities, but that "it is discrimination
that is the cause." Bravo, Holland.
But how are we going to assess the magnitude of the discrimination?
Holland's answer is downright honest: ''I don't know.,,7
84 Chapter 4
EXAMPLE 3 The third example in this section is taken from a book entitled
Applied Time Series Analysis for the Social Sciences (McCleary and Hay,
1980, pp. 244-270). This example reflects very much the way statistical analy-
ses were performed by the expert witnesses in Fienberg's case study.
In an application of time series to population growth, McCleary and Hay
bent on a lavish investment of energy in technical statistics, which include
prewhitening, ACF (autocorrelation function), CCF (cross-correlation func-
tion), residual analysis, diagnostic statistics, and so on and so forth. Finally the
authors derived the following multivariate time-series model:
= (.23)(1 - .50B) f. _ [ (.23)(3.6)(1 - .50B) _ 952] h
PI 1 _ .62B I (1 - .62B)(1 - .44B) 1-1
+ 1-.26B
where PI is the annual Swedish popUlation; hI is the harvest index series; f, is
the fertility rate; a
is the white noise; and B is the backward operator.
After a 26-page Herculean effort to build the above "formidable model"
(quoted from McCleary and Hay, 1980), the authors devoted only two lines to
the model interpretation: "The model shows clearly that, during the 1750-
1849 century, the harvest had a profound influence on population growth."s
Naive statistics users often perceive number-crunching as the ultimate goal
of scientific inquiry. The above examples are only the tip of an iceberg. (The
reader will find more examples in Freedman, 1987.) As a rule of thumb, often
the more computer printouts empirical studies produce, the less' intellectual
content they have.
EXAMPLE 4 In the 1960s, London suffered a smoke episode that was
estimated to have claimed several thousand lives. Data from such episodes and
from persistently high smoke areas have been compiled over many years.
These data were available to U.S. health officials, who follow a routine pro-
cedure to calibrate the current standard of clean air. The procedure contains a
document that summarizes all available relevant information. The document
was submitted for review and written public comments, before it became final.
In this U. S. study, the British data were useless for an obvious reason: The
health effects observed took place at levels that were much higher than the
U. S. standard. Also, there is no reliable way to convert the British data into
United States measurement, because at that time scientists on the two sides of
the Atlantic used totally different methods to measure the amount of smoke in
the air.
Given this kind of data, no statistical magic can produce useful information.
But according to Breiman (1985, p. 208), the written public comments con-
sisted of over 200 pages. Well over half of this text was consumed by discus-
Amoeba Regression and Time-Series Models 85
sions of statistical techniques, such as the correct way to model with multiple
time series, transformation of variables, lags, standard errors, confidence inter-
vals, etc.
The technical statistics in these reviews were impressive but totally
irrelevant. Breiman refers to these statistics as an "edifice complex," denoting
the building of a large, elaborate, and many-layered statistical analysis that
covers up the simple and obvious. In this specific example, the edifice building
was, according to Breiman (1985), a less admirable product of "a number of
very eminent statisticians."
In 1912, an American statesman, Elihu Root, won the year's Nobel Peace
Prize. The Nobel laureate was also widely considered as one of the ablest
lawyers the United States has ever produced (the New York TImes). He once
About half the practice of a decent lawyer consists in telling would-be clients that
they are damned fools and should stop.
In my observation, many statisticians follow a completely different tactic:
They are enthusiastic about promoting the use of statistics and are often reluc-
tant to tell scientists (or would-be scientists) about the severe limitation of sta-
tistical inference. Many veteran statisticians are aware of this problem, but
they either are busy in producing esoteric articles or simply do not want to
rock the boat.
A prominent exception is Professor David Freedman of the University of
California at Berkeley. In a series of articles, Freedman (see the references at
the end of this chapter) mounts a full-ftedged attack on law-like statistical
models that rely on regression and/or time-series techniques. The models are
among the dominant research methodologies in econometrics and social sci-
ence research. One of the models under fire was the celebrated study by Blau
and Duncan (1967) on the American occupational structure (Freedman, 1983).
Blau and Duncan's classic work was cited by the National Academy of Sci-
ences (McCAdams et al., 1982) as an exemplary study in social science.
"Despite their popularity," Freedman (1987, p. 101) declared, "I do not
believe that they [the statistical models in question] have in fact created much
new understanding of the phenomena they are intended to illuminate. On the
whole, they may divert attention from the real issues, by purporting to do what
cannot be done-given the limits of our knowledge of the underlying
processes." Freedman (p. 102) also asserted: "If I am "right, it is better to
abandon a faulty research paradigm and go back to the drawing boards."
Chapter 4
Freedman (1987, p. 217) insists that multiple regression, as commonly
employed in social science, "does not license counterfactual claims." His
objections to these models can be summarized as follows. First, the models are
devoid of intellectual content. The investigators do not derive the models from
substantive knowledge; instead, the models are either data-driven or simply
assumed (1983, p. 345).
Second, nobody pays much attention to the stochastic assumptions of the
models. In most social-science applications, these assumptions do not hold
water. Neither do the resulting models (1985). Some investigators are aware"of
the problem of the stochastic assumptions in their models and therefore label
the computer outputs as merely descriptive statistics. ''This is a swindle,"
Freedman declared. "If the assumptions of the regression model do not hold,
the computer outputs do not describe anything" (1985, p. 353).
Third, statistics as a science must deal explicitly with uncertainty. But in
practice, complicated statistical models often are the dominant source of
uncertainty in a serious investigation (Freedman and Zeisel, 1988). Instead of
solving problems in real life, such models sweep the problems under the car-
Fourth, these models do not render meaningful predictions; they only invite
misinterpretations (1987). In comparison to natural science models (e.g.,
Newtonian mechanics and Mendelian genetics), social science models do not
capture the causal relationships being studied. In sharp contrast, the natural
science models work "not only by log likelihood criteria, but for real" (1987,
Freedman's unflattering attack (1987) on social-science statistical models
attracted the attention of 11 scholars. Some lent their support, while others
expressed their dismay. In response, Freedman wrote:
We have been modeling social science data since the 1930s, taking advantage of
modem data collection and computing resources. The bet may have been a reason-
able one, but it has not paid off. Indeed, I have never seen a structural regression
equation in economics or sociology or education or the psychology of drug addic-
tion, to name a few fields (not entirely at random). If the discussants have examples,
they have been too shy to disclose them.
Freedman's (1987) criticism of the poor performance of statistical models
in social (and economic) science is similar to that of Richard Feynman, a
famous physicist who placed much of nonexperimental science in the category
of "cargo cult science." After World War II was over, according to Feynman,
certain Pacific islanders wanted the carso planes to keep returning. So they
maintained runways, stationed a man with wooden headphones and bamboo
for antennas, lit some fires, and waited for the planes to land (The New York
Times, February 17, 1988).
Amoeba Regression and Time-Series Models 87
It is the same, Feynman said, with cargo cult scientists. "They follow all
the apparent precepts and forms of scientific investigation, but they are miss-
ing something essential because the planes don't land. "
Social science researchers may feel that physicists and hard-line statisticians
are too critical. But as a friend of mine (a psychologist) once told me, "In
natural science, people step on each other's shoulders. But in my field, we step
on each other's faces."
Despite all these negative comments, social science remains indispensable.
In such fields, there are plenty of informative studies (see examples in Freed-
man, 1987, p. 206; Freedman et al., 1978, pp. 41-43). But these useful studies
are based on good measurement, insightful analysis, and simple statistical
methods that emphasize the raw data. Sophisticated statistical models, by con-
trast, tend to overwhelm common sense (Freedman, 1987) and misdirect the
course of the research. Good design and measurement are needed in order to
develop good theory. "Pretending that data were collected as if by experiment
does not make it so." In conclusion, Freedman (1987) wrote:
Investigators need to think more about the underlying social processes, and look
more closely at the data, without the distorting prism of conventional (and largely
irrelevant) stochastic models.
Dempster (1983) suggested that although statistical model-building makes use
of formal probability calculations, the probabilities usually have no sharply
defined interpretation, so the whole model-building process is really a form of
exploratory analysis.
Dempster is quite right, and I think it will be healthier if we take away the
aura of these models and use them as just additional tools of Tukey's BDA.
(The reader will find a similar conclusion in Freedman, 1987, p. 220.) Some
researchers may feel insulted and fear a loss of prestige if their models are
labeled as BDA; but this is a hard reality they will have to swallow.
A popular conception is that BDA does not involve probability models or
complicated formulas. This is entirely mistaken. Consider Tukey's Fast
Fourier Transform. The transform is highly sophisticated and widely used in
scientific applications. But its main purpose is simply to hunt for hidden pat-
terns, a typical activity of BDA.
As is well known in the history of mathematics, algebra can often yield
more than one expects. Therefore, not all statistical modeling that involves
intricate algebraic manipulations should be considered useless.
Chapter 4
To illustrate, let's first consider the celebrated Wolfer sunspot numbers.
The plot of the sunspot data (from 1760-1970) is shown in Fig. 4. This plot
exhibits cycles ranging from 8 to 17 years, with an average of approximately
11 years.
An obvious approach to modeling the sunspot data is to fit a sum of sine
waves plus a series of random noise. This method follows the tradition of dis-
covering deterministic patterns that were contaminated by noise. The approach
is sensible, but it ends up estimating cycles with ''fixed frequencies," which
were simply not there.
After years of reflection, Yule (1927) abandoned the concept of determinis-
tic models. Instead, he proposed the following stochastic model to fit the sun-
spot data:
X(t) = 1.34X(t - 1) - .65X(t - 2) + e(t),
where X(t) is the sunspot number at time t, and e(t) represents white noise.
The model is called an AR(2), second-order autoregressive model. This model
contains no deterministic components and represents a major philosophical
departure from the old paradigm.
A question is: Is Yule's model reasonable? Or more fundamentally: how
can Yule's simple model explain the ll-year cycle of the sunspot data?
These questions can be answered by a technique called the spectral density
function (Priestley, 1981, pp. 282, 550). For Yule's model, the spectral density
function has a peak at
f = (1I2'1f') arccos (1.34/2.J:65) = .093
which translates into an average period of lIf, or 10.75 years. Yule's model
therefore faithfully indicates an ll-year cycle of Wolfer sunspot numbers.
It should be noted that Yule's model is far from perfect for at least two rea-
sons: (1) The model tells us nothing about physical reasons for the ll-year
cycle. In fact, the model is based on statistical correlations, not physical causa-
tion. Scientists have tried very hard to understand the mechanism of sunspots
Figure 4 Wolfer sunspot data.
Amoeba Regression and Time-Series Models 89
(see, e.g., Dicke, 1985; see also the long lists of references in Bray and
Loughbead, 1964). Yule's model is only a black box, concerned with smooth-
ing the curve, rather than gaining a true understanding of the underlying
mechanism. (2) The prediction of the sunspot numbers by Yule's model is very
poor. The forecast function is essentially a horizontal line with huge prediction
errors. Anybody with a ruler can do a better job, especially where the timeplot
direction has just turned from upward to downward, or vice versa. (For
another discussion of AR models for sunspot data, see Woodward and Gray,
Nevertheless, Yule's model remains popular among certain astrophysicists.
The model has further become a new research tradition under the name "Box-
Jenkins time-series analysis." Like any statistical tool, time-series analysis
delivers mixed blessings. It should not be blindly approved, but neither should
it be condemned out of hand. A favorable application of time-series models
will be shown in the following subsection .
In principle, a good understanding of the underlying mechanism is desir-
able. Yet in practice the understanding may not help for the prediction or plan-
ning. An interesting example in this regard involves the prediction of the
geyser eruption in Yellowstone National Park. Many visitors to the park
believe that Old Faithful erupts with time-clock regularity. But in reality Old
Faithful is not all that faithful: Eruptions may occur within time intervals rang-
ing from 33 minutes to as long as 148 minutes. Presented in Figs. 5(a)-(c) are
some frequency distributions of the intervals (Rinehart, 1980).
Upon close inspection, the histograms appear normal only occasionally (in
the years 1922, 1923, 1953); and a curious bimodal pattern seems to be the
characteristic of the geyser's behavior. Imagine that you are betting on the
average interval and that you will win $100 if the difference between the
predicted and actual values is less than 10 minutes. In 1923, the frequency of
winning would have been about 85%, but in 1963 it dropped to a miserable
Until 1938 all predictions of Old Faithful were based on the average inter-
val. An important discovery was made by ranger-naturalist H.M. Woodward
in 1938: There is a positive correlation between the duration of eruption (X)
and the length of interval between eruptions (Y). The striking relation between
X and Y can be seen in the time-order plots of Fig. 6 (Den,by and Pregibon,
1987). You may have noticed an odd pattern in Day 7. For a marvelous dis-
cussion of Day 7, see Denby and Pregibon (1987). Here we concentrate on the
seesaw of the timeplots, which reveals that long intervals alternate with short
intervals in a fairly regular fashion, a phenomenon closely related to the bimo-
dality in the distribution of Y.
A scatter diagram of Y versus X is shown in Fig. 7 (Denby and Pregibon,
Chapter 4
B 10
!: 5
MOJ -Sepl
Intervol Between Eruptions Iminl
Juno: Sepl
Figure 5 (a)-(c). Frequency distribution by year for intervals between eruptions of
Old Faithful. Copyright 1980 by Springer-Verlag. Reprinted by permission.
Amoeba Regression and Tlme-Serles Models
10 -
June - Sept
May Sept
Pre - Earthquake
Past- Earthquake
May -Aug 16
Aug 17 - Oct
1141 459
Intervol Between Eruptions (minI
Wlnler 1959 - 60
Dec -Apr
a 10
Figure 5 (Continued)
Moy - Sop!
W,nI., 1960-61
Ocl -Apr.
Interval Between Eruptions eminl
Chapter 4
,. A II
'0--- ,
, , , '\
'. 1\ f; \1\
...... ,,./. '0'
I.' , '
\ 1\./'-';'
/ \t
'Ie: 't
:-... f
::,,:,-.0" /0- ::.:t-"" j\ .....
'.--- ",. \. , I
o d
Dav3 Dav4
,'\ "
'\ I , I
\ \ I., I .
. ,.,' '\ /'v:' I!
'\ , '\ 0, 1
'\,' /: '.' l
\ I '\ til ,. I
o " '\ I
, '. 'ttl " ..
o J
f ....
0 0 :-'
0 , 0... ...... , ,
'\ I ,\,." '\ ,
'\ I' ,\' '\ , "
o 0
Figure 6 Time-order plot of duration and interval for each day. Copyright 1987 by
the American Statistical Association. Reprinted by permission.
g 8
i 7
4 3
7 3
3 8 38.
a. 8 2 , 4 2 l2,B:i
5, ".783., ,
8 116'7 75
5 14
, 4
'Z1 .,
1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Duration of Eruption
Figure 7 Enhanced scatterplot of interval vs. duration after adjustment and realign-
ment. The variable "day" is used as the plotting character in the plot. Copyright
@ 1987 by the American Statistical Association. Reprinted by permission.
Chapter 4
A regression model passes a line through the above scatterplot:
Y = 42.5 + 7.2.X
But what is the relevance of the equation to the geophysical theory of erup-
tions? A plausible argument (Rinehart, pp. 150- 151) is that a long play emp-
ties more of the underground tank than a short play, requiring a longer time
for the water rising in the tank to develop sufficient energy for the next erup-
tion. The argument also explains the bimodality of intervals between eruptions.
Note that statistical techniques can be taken beyond the above regression. In
equation (1), let e(i) be the residual of the i-th observation. A Durbin-Watson
test (d = 3.37) indicates that a serial correlation exists among {e(i)}. The data
thus can be refitted by the following model:
Y(i) = 38.9 + 8.26 .X(i) + e(i), (2)
e(i) = (- .5) .e(i - 1) + u(i),
where u's represent white noise (Denby and Pregibon, 1987). This model
yields better prediction than model (1) in the sense that the predicted residual
sum of squares is now smaller: 10665.4 for model (1), 5915.3 for model (2),
and 15984 for betting on the average.
The above model (2) makes use of the smoothing technique of Yule's
autoregressive model. But what is the physical foundation of this model?
Mathematically, model (2) entails the next model:
Y(i) =158.35 + 8.26.X(i) + 4.13 .X(i - 1)
-.5.Y(i -1) + u(i),
which implies that X(i - 1) and Y(i - 1) have a left-over effect on Y(i), a
very plausible conclusion.
In this example, scientists cannot manipulate any variables in the study.
Neither does model (3) actually describe the complexity of the underground
plumbing system of Old Faithful. Nevertheless, our ability to predict has been
greatly improved; and next time if you have to bet, you can lose less.
1. The Pythagorean regression was inspired by an example in FPP (1978, p. 195-
2. The Pythagorean Theorem is also the cornerstone of most statistical procedures:
The standard deviation of a batch of data is a generalization of the Pythagorean
Theorem; the standard deviation of the sum (or difference) of two independent ran-
dom variables is the Pythagorean Theorem in a vector space. Even in regression
analysis (and ANOV A, the analysis of variance), the Pythagorean Theorem
appears in the following statement: ''Total variation is the sum of explained varia-
tion and unexplained variation."
Amoeba Regression and Time-Series Models 95
3. The difference between the coefficients and unity are statistically significant (which
may be an indication that the original drawings of the triangles are not really
4. This example does not imply that SAS is a bad software package. Rather, the
moral is that even a good package may not provide a safety net for a poor study.
5. These meetings are vital to the professional growth both of the ASA and of indi-
vidual participants-no doubt about it.
6. This conclusion is obvious if one's common sense is not overwhelmed by the alge-
bra in the models.
7. As an example related to expert witnesses, Neufeld and Colman (1990, Scientific
American) criticized the use of DNA evidence in forensic testimony. In one case,
Lifecodes Corporation (one of the two major coriunercial forensic DNA labora-
tories in the U.S.) reported the odds of a random match between a bloodstain and
the suspect at 1 in 100 million. On the other hand, Eric Lander of Harvard Univer-
sity and MIT examined the same data and arrived at odds of 1124.
In laboratories, DNA analysis can be as reliable as a person's finger prints. Out-
side laboratories, however, it is hard to fathom the effects of environmental insults
(such as heat, humidity, and light) to samples of blood, hair, or semen.
As a matter of fact, a recent report by the National Academy of Sciences says
that the DNA evidence should not be allowed in court in the future unless a more
scientific basis is established (The New York Times, April, 14, 1992).
8. McCleary and Hay might argue that they simply wanted to demonstrate a statistical
algorithm. But perhaps then they would have to change the title of their book from
"Applied Time Series" to "Mechanical Time Series" or something of that order.
9. In at least two instances, the performance of statistical models appeared very suc-
cessful. The first example (Bayesian time-series model) is documented in Chapter
6, Section IV. The second example is an econometric forecasting equation
developed by Ray C. Fair, an economist at Yale University. In the last 19
presidential elections, the Fair equation made only three wrongs calls (prediction
errors = .9%, 1.7%, .5% in 1960, 1968, 1976, respectively). For the 1992 elec-
tion, the Fair equation predicts that Mr. Bush will win 57.2 percent of the popular
vote in November (The New York limes, March 21, 1992). But at the moment of
preparing this monograph (July, 1992), all polls indicate that Mr. Bush is slightly
lagging behind Bill Clinton (28% vs. 26%, CNN and lime, July 12, 1992; 42%
vs. 30%, Washington Post, July 15, 1992).
Armstrong, J. S. (1984/1978). Forecasting with Econometric Methods: Folklore versus
Fact. J. o/Business, Vol. 51, 565-593.
Blau, P. and Duncan, O. D. (1967). The American Occupational Structure. Wiley, New
Box, O. E. P. and Jenkins, O. M. (1976). Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Con-
trol. Holden-Day, San Francisco.
Bray, R. J. and Loughhead, R. E. (1964). Sunspots. Dover, Mineola, New York.
Breiman, L. (1985). Nail Finders, Edifice, and Oz. Proceedings o/the Berkeley Confer-
96 Chapter 4
ence in Honor of Jerzy Neyman and Jack Kiefer, Vol. 1,201-212, Wadsworth, Bel-
mont, California.
Conway, D. A. and Roberts, H. V. (1986). Regression Analysis in Bmployment
Discrimination Cases. In Statistics and the Law (M. H. DeGroot, S. B. Feinberg
and J. B. Kadane, eds.), 107-168. Wiley, New York.
Dempster, A. P. (1983). Purpose and Limitations of Data Analysis. In Scientific Infer-
ence, Data Analysis, and Robustness, edited by G. B. P. Box, T. Leonard, and C.F.
Wu. 117-133. Academic Press, New York.
Denby, L. and Pregibon, D. (1987). An Bxample of the Use of Graphics in Regression.
The American Statistician, Vol. 41, No. 1,33-38.
Dicke, R. (1985). The Clock in the Sun. Science.
Dreman, D. (1984). Astrology Might be Better. Forbes, March 26, pp. 242-243.
Feinberg, S.B. (1988). Comment on "Bmployment Discrimination and Statistical Sci-
ence," by A.P. Dempster. Statistical Science, Vol. 3, No.2, 190-191.
Freedman, D. A. (1981). Some Pitfalls in Large Econometric Models: A Case Study.
J. of Business, Vol. 54, No.3, 479-500.
Freedman, D. A. (1983). A Note on Screening Regression Equations. American Statis-
tician, Vol. 37,152-155.
Freedman, D. A. (1983). Structural-Equation Models: A Case Study. Tech. Report No.
22, U. C. Berkeley.
Freedman, D. A. (1983). Comments on a Paper by Markus. Technical Report No. 25,
U. C. Berkeley.
Freedman, D. A. (1985). Statistics and the Scientific Method. Cohort Analysis in Social
Research, edited by W.M. Mason and S.B. Fienberg, 343-390. Springer-Verlag,
New York.
Freedman, D.A. (1987). As Others See Us: A Case Study in Path Analysis. J. of Edu-
cational Statistics, Vol. 12, No.2, 101-128, 206-223; with commentaries by 11
scholars, 129-205.
Freedman, D. A. and Daggett, R. S. (1985). Econometrics and the Law: A Case Study
in the Proof of Antitrust Damages. Proceedings of the Berkeley Conference in
Honor of Jerr.y Neyman and Jack Kiefer, Vol. I, 123-172. Wadsworth, Belmont,
Freedman, D. A. and Navidi, W. C. (1986). Regression Models for Adjusting the 1980
Census. Statistical Science, Vol. I, No. 1,3-11, with commentaries 12-39.
Freedman, D. A., Navidi, W., and Peters, S. C. (1987). On the Impact of Variable
Selection in Fitting Regression Equations. Technical Report No. 87, U. C. Berke-
Freedman, D. A., Rothenberg, T., Sutch, R. (1982). A Review of a Residential Bnergy
Bnd Use Model. Technical Report No. 14, U. C. Berkeley.
Freund, R.I. and Littell, R.C. (198511981). SAS for linear Models: A Guide to the
ANOVA and GIM Procedures. SAS Institute.
Glymour, C., Scheines, R., Spirtes, P., and Kelly, K. (1987). Discovering Causal
Structure: Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy of Science, and Statistical Modeling.
Academic Press, New York.
Granger, C. (1986). Comment on "Forecasting Accuracy of Alternative Techniques: A
Comparison of U.S. Macroeconomic Forecasts," by S.K. McNees. J. of Business
and Economic Statistics, Vol. 4, No. I, 16-17.
Amoeba Regreaalon and Time-Series Models 97
Holland, P. W. (1987). Causal Inference and Path Analysis. Presented at the 1987 ASA
Annual Meeting, San Francisco.
Holland, P. W. (1988). Causal Inference in Salary Discrimination Studies. Presented at
the 1988 ASA Annual Meeting, New Orleans.
Klein, L. R. and Goldberger, A. S. (1955). An Econometric Model o/the United States,
1929-1952. North- Holland, Amsterdani.
McCAdams et aI. (1982; eel.) Behavioral and Social Science Research: A National
Resource. National Academy Press, Washington. D.C.
McCleary, R. and Hay, R. A. (1980). Applied 1ime Series Analysis for the Social Sci-
ences. Sage, Beverly Hills, California.
Makridakis, S. and Hibon, M. (1984/1979). Accuracy of Forecasting: An Empirical
Investigation (with Discussion). J. of Royal Statistical Society, Series A, Vol. 142,
Part 2, 97-145.
Priestley, M.B. (1981). Spectral Analysis and 1ime Series. Academic Press, New York.
Rinehart, J. S. (1980). Geysers and Geothermlll Energy. Springer-Verlag, New York.
Woodward, W. A. and Gray, H. L. (1978). New ARMA Models for Wolfer's sunspot
Data. Commun. Statist., B7, 97-115.
Yule, G. U. (1927/1971). On a Method of Investigating Periodicities in Disturbed
Series with Special Reference to Wolfer's Sunspot Numbers. In Statistical Papers 0/
George Undy Yule. Hafner Press, New York.
In the. history of science, the single most important breakthrough is probably
the publication of Newton's Principia (1687). This body of work marked the
birth of calculus and its applications to physics, astronomy, and to numerous
branches of natural sciences.
In the quest to develop "social physics" and "natural laws of society,"
researchers in the soft sciences have found that calculus is not readily applica-
ble. In addition, nowhere can a grand unification like Newton's theory be anti-
cipated. Researchers thus turn to a suspect area of mathematics that is con-
sidered as a "social calculus" (or ''psychology calculus'') but is more widely
known as statistics.
It is fair to say that researchers in non-experimental science are the major
consumers (and abusers) of statistical methods. In these branches of sciences,
often there is little theory in their inquiry. Therefore data compilation and sta-
tistical manipulation are the dominant components of their research "metho-
dology." In such fields, statistics are mass produced and frequently misinter-
preted. Worse, researchers in such fields often disapprove of subjective
knowledge as non-scientific." Such researchers are very adamant about the
"rigor" and the "objectivity" of their statistical results. To them, this is what
they have learned from statistics textbooks and from consultation with famous
statisticians. When pressed, these researchers often retreat to saying that
"social-science studies are very complicated, " implying that problems in
100 Intermission
natural science are cut-and-dried and easier to manage. This assertion is
definitely not true, and we will give living proofs from natural science to
discredit this belief.
It should be made explicit that we have no intention to look down at soft
sciences such as social, behavioral, and economic research. To clarify this
position, we would like to quote a study reported by the National Research
Council, an arm of the National Academy of Science. The report compared the
length of time doctoral candidates took to complete degrees that were awarded
in 1987. Here are the median years spent earning the diploma by doctorates in
some selected fields:
Field Median years
Engineering 5.8
Physical sciences 6.0
Social sciences 7.2
Education 7.9
Humanities 8.4
It is evident that social scientists in general spend more time pursuing their
advanced degrees. In principle, there is no reason their research findings
should deserve less respect than those in natural science. Nevertheless, one
often finds that the work of certain quantitative and "objective" social-
behavioral scientists is devoid of intellectual content. In sharp contrast, many
qualitative social scientists are walking encyclopedias in their own right, and it
is always an intellectual delight to consult with this kind of scholar.
In the second half of this book, we will try to restore the value of certain
traditional (and speculative) methods in social-behavioral research. We will
also provide a behind-the-scenes look at the statistical activities in many
branches of modem sciences, where the belief of "objective statistical
methods" has misguided investigators in otherwise illuminating investigations.
Further, we will put forth a synthesis of subjective and objective knowledge.
Several case studies will be brought about to support the necessity and the con-
tents of this synthesis.
The second half of this book is thus organized as follows. Chapter 5 con-
sists of two case studies. Section I provides a case study about the sorry state
of statistical evaluation in educational research. A conclusion is that anecdotal
evidence could be more convincing (and more revealing) than so-called "sta-
tistical evidence."
Section n paints a mixed picture of statistical modeling in a social-
behavioral study. On one hand, we pause in admiration of a qualitative
Intermission 101
analysis in a ground-breaking paper (Bem, 1974); on the other hand, we criti-
cize a host of simple- minded statistical models related to the Bem study. We
finally condemn a religious practice of statistical "reliability and validity" in
psychometric measurements.
In addition, Chapter 5 documents the mistakes, the growth, and the frustra-
tion of a mathematical statistician (this author) who wandered into the jungle
of statistical analysis in soft sciences. Statisticians who have to deal with soft
scientists may find the chapter relevant.
Chapter 6 is devoted to many aspects of objectivity, subjectivity, and proba-
bility. To this end, the chapter first criticizes the statistical justification of
"scientific philosophy." Ludicrous justifications of "objective knowledge" are
similar and abundant in the soft sciences. Such misconceptions of "objective
knowledge" are countered, in this chapter, by the Bayesian assessment of sub-
jective probability and subjective knowledge.
Chapter 7 presents scholarly debates over ad-hoc methods versus "sys-
tematic" applications of statistical procedures in non-experimental sciences. In
so doing, the chapter tries to maintain a balance between quantitative and qual-
itative analysis, and between order and chaos. Examples from the field of
dynamical systems are brought in to support this position.
Chapter 8 is concerned with the curious fact that while statistics appear
everywhere, the discipline of statistics lacks visibility and influence on our
society (Marquardt, 1987, JASA). The discussion of this curious fact is a
further attack on the misconceptions of "quantitative analysis" and further sup-
ports the synthesis of objective and subjective knowledge.
To enhance the status of the statistical discipline, many statisticians have
been tapping the concept of statistical quality control championed by Edwards
Deming, the most famous living statistician. Therefore, the second half of
Chapter 8 is devoted to discussion of the misconceptions of statistical quality
control and to the conflicting teachings of Q. C. gurus.
Finally, we try to put forth a new perspective on statistical inference. The
scientific landscape has long been littered with misused statistics. With effort
and luck, maybe we can reduce the misuse, 1 % per generation.
Chapter 5
A Critical Eye and an Appreciative Mind
Toward Subjective Knowledge
Since the 1970s there has been a steady decline in the number of doctorates in
mathematics, physics, and engineering awarded to Americans by U. S. col-
leges and universities. In mathematics alone, the number is less than
heartwarming. (See Fig. 1, Notices of American Mathematical Society,
November, 1986.) The shrinking number of American mathematicians worries
the mathematical community. A mathematician on the East Coast believes that
if we double the salaries of all mathematicians, then more students will come
in to the field of mathematics. On the contrary, famous mathematician Paul
Halmos is widely known to have said that we have too many mathematicians,
and should therefore cut their salaries by half.
Less controversial is the need for the improvement of mathematics and sci-
ence education among the young. Dozens of studies have shown the poor per-
formance of U. S. students in science and mathematics (AMSTAT News,
March, 1989). These studies include the widely known 1985 report, A Nation
at Risk, and Science for All Americans, a report by the American Association
for the Advancement of Science (1989). The latter report criticized the present
curricula in science and mathematics for being overstuffed and undernour-
ished. The report generated a milestone, project 2061-a long-term, three-
104 Chapter 5
1071- IOT8- 1074- 1071- 107.. l1i77- 107.. lOT... 1080- 1081- 1083- 1088- 1084- 1086-
IOTa 1074 1075 IOTII 1077 1078 1070 1080 1081 1083 1083 1084 108& 1088
Figure 1 Total number of doctorates in mathematics who are U.S. citizens. Copy-
right 1986 by the American Mathematical Society. Reprinted by permission.
phase AAAS initiative. One of the recommendations of the latest report is that
students should develop their thinking skills, memorize fewer details, and
focus on the connections between subject-matter areas instead of the boun-
Of special concern in this chapter is the teaching of calculus courses. To
informed academicians, calculus is, by any measure, one of the greatest
achievements of civilization. But how many of our students know
this? In this country a typical way of teaching calculus is for the instructor to
copy the formulas from the book to the blackboard, just making all the charac-
ters bigger. In brief, calculus is presumed to be cold, dreadful, mechanical,
and depersonalizing.
At the American Mathematical Society (AMS) centennial celebration in
1988, some mathematicians called the current approach to calculus instruction
"a national scandal." These mathematicians contended that if America wants
to compete effectively in the world, it is inadequate for just a relatively few
elite students to understand calculus. Millions of other students must also
comprehend it, so they can fill vital jobs in science, engineering, and technol-
ogy. The scholars observed that calculus teaching methods have failed to keep
up with changing times-which is ironic because calculus is mathematician's
primary tool for describing change (The Philadelphia Inquirer, November 6,
1988). In the hope of making calculus more appealing and more manageable
for students, the National Science Foundation awarded 2S grants in October
Subjective Knowledge
1988 as the start of a planned national campaign to revamp calculus instruc-
In January 1989 a mathematical educator at an east coast institution wrote
up a proposal for using computer (and graphic calculators) for teaching and
learning Calculus I and IT (both are required courses for 40% of students on
that campus). In the proposal statistical techniques are offered as methods to
test the validity of the project, and I was invited to be the statistical consultant
"to insure that the design of the experiment will be both valid and reliable."
The project included three instructors, and the design of experiment was
described as follows:
Each of the three faculty members will teach two sections of the calculus each
semester, MAT 227 Calculus I in the Fall semester, MAT 228 Calculus II in the
Spring semester. For each instructor one section (experimental group) will use a
computer approach, the other section (control group) the more traditional paper and
pencil approach.
Also, "students in the six sections involved in the project will be given pre-
and post tests to measure their growth, with the final examination each semes-
ter serving as the common post test."
This design looks like the two-sample comparisons in biomedical research.
However, there are pronounced differences: In biomedical research, randomi-
zation and double-blind control are used to iron out the collective effects of
confounding factors; while in this study such devices cannot be employed.
I told the educator about the potential problems of non-randomness,
Hawthorne effect, ceiling effect, the effect due to different hours of study, etc.;
but I believed that a careful analysis would give certain credibility to the
The statistics that will be coming out of the study are not like clinical trials
(where randomization and large samples are used); rather, they are like a med-
ical doctor's diagnosis (where a patient walks into his office and the doctor has
to make a judgment). In the latter case the doctor measures the patient's blood
pressure, height, weight, cholesterol level, blood sample, stool sample, etc.
Based on these numbers, the doctor finally develops a prescription (or certain
therapy) and hopes that the illness will be ameliorated.
It should be noted that the doctor cannot randomize the patient's blood in
order to take a "representative" sample. Nevertheless, he can be more trusted
to get a reliable sample and useful information than an apprentice who is
thrown into the task. For example, when the doctor is going to take a blood
sample, he might instruct the patient not to eat food that may confound the
In this calculus project, the statistical consultant cannot simply run a two-
sample comparison and then conclude that the computer group is doing better
than the paper-and-pencil group. Instead, he has to perform like the medical
106 Chapter 5
doctor who uses the best of his knowledge for the benefit of the patient. I con-
sidered this fact a big challenge to a mathematical statistician: A medical doc-
tor has many years of training and real life experience on a specfic disease
(e.g., an eye doctor won't attempt to treat a stomach ulcer); a statistician can-
not be an overnight expert on educational research. However, I truly believed
that computers would make a difference in the teaching and learning of cal-
culus and probability theory, and I thought if somebody had to look at the
statistics of this calculus project, I would be a good candidate.
In a hasty manner, I I told the educator some of my concern about the relia-
bility of the statistical evaluation. Nevertheless, I gave a nod to the two-sample
and agreed to serve as the statistical consultant Jo the project.
In May 1989 the proposal was fully funded ($25,000 from a state educa-
tional fund). Two weeks later I told the director of the project that there were
some problems with the statistical design, and that we needed to improve it
before the experiment started. In brief, the previous design (the two-sample
comparison) had three problems: (1) not scientific, (2) not ethical, and (3) not
effective. Other than that, everything was fine.
The director was shocked by my first written report. He said this design is
exactly what he had done in his doctoral dissertation at a prestigious univer-
sity. Furthermore, the design was recommended (and demanded) by a famous
statistician who served on his dissertation committee. The director emphasized
that the statistician is nationally known and that the two-sample design is used
in almost all educational studies.
It appears that the popularity of the method is by itself taken as evidence of
scientific merit. Because of this popularity, I sensed that I would have to fight
against a wall.
On the one hand, I don't really have a problem with the two- sample design
used by doctoral candidates in their dissertations. Most of those dissertations
are not funded (or poorly funded) for small-scale artificial studies. On the
other hand, this calculus project is different. It has full support from a state
government, and it is supposed to make a real and permanent change on that
campus. Further, research papers will be generated from this study and sub-
mitted for publication. IT the results are published, the findings may be cited
by proponents as "scientific evidence" for other projects, and by opponents as
examples of ludicrous statistics.
After getting feedback from various sources, I wrote a second report to the
experimenters. Below are the potential pitfalls of the two-sample design, as
well as some exchanges between the experimenters and the statistical consul-
A. Not Scientific
Before we get into detailed discussion, it should be noted that mathematicians
on that campus were sharply divided on the issues. At least one third of the
Subjective Knowledge 107
faculty worried that this computer approach would water down the course, and
that students would spend more time fooling around in the computer lab than
doing real mathematics. Also, they worried that the statistics coming out from
the study would be used to discredit the traditional method. Only one third of
the faculty were really convinced that this was the right direction to go, and
the rest were taking a wait-and-see attitude toward the debate. In short, no
honest mathematician can settle for ''push-button'' calculus, and it will be a
formidable task for the proponents of changes to maintain the old standard and
to convince the skeptics.
To begin with, skeptics could challenge the comparison on the ground that
experimenters are eager or forced ($25,000 at stake) to produce positive con-
clusions from the experiment. In other words, a major reason why people may
not trust the experiment is the instructor's enthusiasm for the new.
For example, students' scores can be easily skewed by (1) higher expecta-
tions (or simply a threat of a hard exam), (2) more homework and more hours
of study, (3) homework that is more related to test materials, (4) the eagerness
of success on the part of the instructors, etc.
An honest experimenter may be able to reduce this bias to a certain degree.
But he or she cannot change the fact that people tend to alter their performance
when they are under study. This phenomenon is known as the Hawthorne
effect (see, e.g., Deming, 1982, p. 109), and it is proportional to the
enthusiasm of the experimenters in social-behavioral studies.
Another confounding factor in this calculus project is that many students in
the control group may purchase graphic calculators (or computer software) for
To make the description more vivid, here is a comic version of what may
happen in the classrooms: In the first hour (experimental group), the instructor
demonstrates to his students the wonderful things that can happen when one is
using computer (or graphic calculators) to solve calculus problems; then in the
second hour (control group), he tries not to show these things to his students,
only to find out that the students are staring at him and that they all have
graphic calculators in their hands.
It should be noted that not all confounding factors work in favor of the
experimenters. For example, poor students may drop out of the pencil-and-
paper group. The dropouts may enhance a "ceiling effect" that usually goes
against the validity of the experiment. In other words, with better students and
capable instructors in the study, the test scores of both the control and the
experimental groups might be so close to the ceiling that any difference
between the two groups is of little or no importance, either practically or sta-
tistically. This means that even if you have strong evidence that students
benefit greatly from the use of computers, it is unlikely you can show it by the
statistical comparison of final-exam scores. (This kind of problem is serious in
many social-behavioral studies.)
108 Chapter 5
The mathematical assumptions behind the textbook two-sample comparison
are very simple:
1. XI' ... ' Xn are independent and identically distributed with a finite
2. Y
, Y
are independent and identically distributed with a finite
3. Xi and Y
are independent, for all i and j.
These assumptions are relatively easy to meet in biology, engineering, or
chemical sciences. In these disciplines population units are almost fixed and
rarely interact with each other-conditions hard to maintain in educational set-
tings. For example, how can we guarantee the independence assumptions
among Xi'S, Yj's, and between {Xi} and {Y
Worst of all is that the mathematical model of the two-sample comparison
does not deal with the randomness and the sources of the difference between X
and Y. The difference may be due to a large number of factors (Hawthorne
effect, more hours of study, SAT scores, college GPA, majors, you name it).
If randomization is employed at the beginning of the experiment, then we
should be able to iron out the effects of SAT, college GPA, etc. But in this
study, randomization cannot eliminate the Hawthorne effect, or the effects due
to more hours of study, more interaction among students, and between stu-
dents and teachers, etc. Also, we want students to interact. Don't we?
In this calculus project, randomization was not possible in that institution.
This fact makes a good design to control variables (that are not eliminated by
randomization) very difficult. For example, if the pretest scores are quite
different between treatment and control groups, then the adjustment of the
posttest scores can be very messy. To sum up, it is likely that one will end up
with a "control group" that cannot be controlled at all.
B. Not Ethical
If I were among the students (or parents of these students) in the control
groups, I might charge the experimenters with unethical conduct: We paid the
same tuition, so why don't we deserve the same education? The grounds of
this charge are as follows: (1) The experimenters in this project are positive
and enthusiastic about the new approach. You know it is better to use comput-
ers, why can't you do it in our class? (2) As discussed above, the comparisons
of test scores of experimental and control groups do not really have a sound
scientific ground. So why do you have to waste time on the comparison?
Also, if the exam is written so that it does not test "pencil and paper" abil-
ity, then the students in the standard method can charge that they did not have
a fair test. Further, students in the standard" group might charge that the faculty
wish to see the experimental group do better, and that therefore the faculty
have written a test biased for poor performance by the control group.
Subjective Knowledge 109
With these warnings in mind, the instructors have to prepare themselves to
meet with distrustful eyes or even uprisings in the classrooms.
After my first report, one experimenter wrote back: "I am not convinced
that computer software or calculators will yield superior results, and if not, so
be it." This statement sums up the instructors' responses to my charge of
potentially unethical conduct. With their neutral attitudes, it also appears that
they can escape the Hawthorne effect and produce results that have sound
scientific ground.
However, my guess is that if the funding agency had known their attitudes
in advance, they would not have had a chance to obtain this grant ($2.5,000,
equivalent to a 3-hour released time for a college professor for 20 semesters).
They have received a $25,000 grant. They have to make it work. Don't they?
As a matter of fact, in the proposal (p. 10) the principal investigator stated,
"It is clear that the use of computers in the classroom is not a 'passing fancy,'
but is the reality of the future." This does not sound like a neutral attitude at
The indication that the experimenters are not positive toward the experi-
ment is a bad sign for any scientific investigation. As far as I know, scientific
progress is strongly correlated with the obsession of the investigators in a
study. This is especially true for modem science. Can you imagine that a
group of scientists who are not convinced of the superiority of a new method
will make significant progress in the frontier of human knowledge? This ques-
tion leads to the next pitfall-that the design is not effective.
c. Not Effective
It should be noted that there is nothing wrong with being enthusiastic about
one's experiment-that is the driving force of all scientific progress. What
worries people is that one's enthusiasm may not yield a fair comparison.
In contrast to the experimenters, I am openly excited about the use of com-
puters in the teaching of calculus. In my probability course, computers were
used both in classroom demonstrations and in homework assignments. It was a
new experiment using a new book, a new software, and a new method. Yet
students' written evaluations are mostly positive, such as ''very interesting,"
"helps a great deal," "very useful," "fascinating," etc.
In summary, I strongly believe that computers can help to make a real
change in the teaching of calculus. But the experimenters have to find an
effective way to capitalize on the advantage of using computers in the class-
room. If the experimenters sacrifice this for the sake of statistical evaluation,
then they have gotten their priorities mixed up.
According to the original proposal, the instructors will teach Calculus I in
the fall, and then teach Calculus IT in the spring. In my judgment this is only a
waste of time, because in the classroom an instructor usually teaches better the
second time through. For this reason I made the following suggestion: Teach
Chapter 5
with the new methods to both Calculus I and n in the fall; then repeat and
improve the whole experiment in the spring. If you do only Calculus I in the
fall (and then Calculus n in the spring), you will miss out on many opportuni-
ties to explore the advantages and disadvantages of using computers in teach-
ing specific topics.
All great scientific results have been repeated over and over; many funda-
mental results in physics and chemistry are repeated even in high schools by
countless would-be scientists. Only certain social scientists do their experi-
ments once, calculate statistical P-values, and then conclude that their results
are "scientific.,,4
In summary, the use of the two-sample comparison as described in the pro-
posal is hard to defend morally or intellectually, and the investigators will be
better off to abandon it altogether.
D. A Method for Evaluation
One experimenter wrote, "if we eliminate all comparisons, then we can only
say we have a case-study, which will leave nothing to base an evaluation
upon." This is not true. The internal evaluation described, in the proposal has
little value, and is indeed harmful to this project and to the purpose of educa-
tion. For this reason I suggested a method of external evaluation: (i) Recruit
instructors (especially young, non-tenured professors) to teach calculus in the
spring, using the new methods and guidelines provided by the experimenters.
(ii) Collect the test results and written evaluations from these instructors and
students by the end of that semester.
If the majority of these instructors endorse the new approach, then the
experimenters can cheer and celebrate. Otherwise, few if any will believe their
results, no matter how good the test scores of the experimental groups look.
It should be noted that the investigators are lucky to have many colleagues
who are neutral or negative toward the calculus project. The experimenters
will have achieved a big victory if they win over the skeptics and neutralize
the stubborn critics.
More importantly, the extrinsic evaluation has the potential to carry on the
mission of this one-year project and make computers a permanent part of cal-
culus instruction on that campus.
Before we go on to other details, let's ask the following question: What is
the purpose of this experiment-to spend $25,000 on hardware, software, trav-
eling, and then unplug the whole project one year later?
Of course not. One of the missions of this project is to bring a new life to
the teaching of calculus. I believe this can be done, and in fact it has already
happened at many other institutions (see, e.g., Heid, 1988, or Sec. I.F. of this
chapter). Our experimenters cannot merely say, "I am not convinced that the
computer software or calculators will yield superior results, and if not, so be
it. "
Subjective Knowledge
E. Some Technical Details Regarding Statistical
A common final exam appears to be a useful benchmark for assessment, but
the question is: What should be the content of the exam? Here is a dilemma: If
the tests emphasize traditional skills, then the tests are biased against the com-
puter groups; on the other hand, if the tests emphasize computer skills, then
they are biased against the traditional groups.
Note that the traditional approach cannot be completely wrong. After all, it
is the traditional approach that produced all the scientists, engineers, and
mathematicians we have today. Thus it is the experimenters' job to identify the
strengths of the traditional method of teaching, and then devise measures for
A major weakness of the traditional approach to teaching is that students
are so overwhelmed by formulas that they seldom try to reason from basics. A
computer itself cannot solve this problem, and in many cases it may only
weaken students' ability to reason from basics. It is therefore another formid-
able job for the experimenters to correct these shortcomings and to devise
measurements for evaluation.
In his original proposal the Director wrote, "Algorithms not used on a con-
sistent basis are easily forgotten, while generalized problem-solving techniques
are retained for a much longer time." This conclusion is right on the mark, but
needs further elaboration and assessment. Follow-up studies are possible. For
example, one could give students a test in the following semester to evaluate
the retention of basic concepts in calculus.
To sum up, just like a medical doctor collecting a blood sample from a
patient, the investigators can collect sample statistics from the experimental
classes for evaluation-final exam, follow-up quizzes, measurements on
strength (and weaknesses) of computer and traditional methods, and question-
naires to measure students' interest, expectations, confidence, and appreciation
of calculus, etc. If instructors who use traditional methods are willing (or paid)
to collect similar statistics, then one can use them for comparison and thus
broaden the basis of assessment. All these steps can be carried out without the
naive two-sample comparison stated in textbooks'?
F. Anecdotal Evidence: A More Convincing Study
A point that has to be made explicitly is that in social-behavioral research,
anecdotal evidence can be more useful than so-called "statistical evidence." In
other words, statistical evidence is not more scientific than anecdotal
evidence-it only looks more scientific.
In fact, Heid (1988) conducted a study that is anecdotal in nature, but the
results are quite convincing. In this study the subjects were college students
enrolled in two sections of a first-semester applied calculus course at a large
112 Chapter 5
university. The investigator taught both sections, and used them as the experi-
mental group.
The materials used in these two classes were developed and revised by Heid
(instructor A) on the basis of a semester-long pilot study. This is a good start,
because the investigator had learned many lessons from the previous work.
The approach Heid developed in the teaching of this applied calculus course
was quite novel, and may shock most traditional mathematicians. During the
first 12 weeks of the course, the students and the instructor used the micro-
computer to perform most of the algorithms that were needed in problem-
solving; only during the last 3 weeks of the course did the instructor cover
traditional procedures (with little attention to applications or to problem-
On the other hand, the control group was a large lecture class taught by
another mathematics professor (instructor B). The emphasis in assignments
and tests in the control group was the execution of traditional skills, with a
small number of concept-oriented questions included on the tests for purposes
of comparison with the results from the experimental classes.
The experimental and the comparison classes sat for the same final exam,
which was designed by instructor B. Here are some statistics compiled from
the final exam:
Final Exam Scores
25th 75th
Class n Mean SD percentile Median percentile
Experimental section 1 18 105 43.6 87 105 147
Experimental section 2 17 115 40.9 107 127- 145
Comparison section 100 117 36.7 94 116 145
Percent Correct on Individual Final Examination Items
Experimental Experimental Control
Item Content section 1 section 2 group
1 Compute derivatives 49 53 53
2 Apply tangents 44 59 44
3 Properties of curves 39 35 37
4 Optimization 17 18 16
5 Exponential growth 50 71 70
6 Compute integrals 53 54 64
7 Area, volume 22 21 28
*8 Optimize f(x,y) 11 12 26
9 Lagrange multipliers 33 24 35
Subjective Knowledge
A major difference between the experimental sections and the comparison
group is in item 8 (11 % and 12% versus 26%). This item required the use of
the second derivative test, whose derivation was far beyond the scope of the
course. And the students in the experimental classes had been told that memor-
ization of the particulars of that test was not important. Other than item 8, the
overall difference between experimental and comparison groups is rather
small. The investigator did not report statistical tests, analysis of variance, or
type I and type n errors. And fortunately the editor of The Journal for
Research in Mathematics Education did not bother with the tests of
significance that are largely irrelevant, misleading, and over-elaborated in
many social-behavioral studies.
The above summary statistics indicate that the students in the experimental
and comparison groups performed rather similarly in a traditional test for a
calculus course. So what is so good about Heid's new approach?
First, her students spent only three weeks on the test material, while the
other students spent 15 weeks. Second, Heid provided a rich array of anecdo-
tal evidence to shed light on the issue under investigation. The evidence was
gathered from other sources, such as interviews, a questionnaire that addressed
perceptions and attitudes about learning mathematics and calculus, observa-
tions in the computer lab and the classroom, student-student interactions, etc.
The most interesting part is the interviews. The procedure was as follows:
According to their responses to a questionnaire at the beginning of the course, the
students were classified into the four categories reflecting their responses (high or
low on each) to questions aimed at assessing (a) their need for algorithms and (b)
their need for creative work. A stratified random sample of interviewees (stratified
on these categories) was selected from among volunteers. All but a few members of
the experimental classes and a large number of the comparison class members
volunteered for the interviews (monetary compensation was offered).
The interviewees from the experimental classes were similar to those from the
comparison class in their average scores on the ours final (experimental aver-
age: 137.3; comparison average: 139.8). Some of the interview results will
now be described.
1. According to Heid, the interviewees in the experimental classes gave a
broader array of appropriate associations when they were asked "What is a
derivative?" Also, the wording was often clearly their own:
A derivative is a way of looking at something .... Knowing the derivative is a rate
is something that tells me something intrinsic about the graph .... Now I can look at
a graph and say, "OK. The line is going up but how fast is it going up? And is it
going down at any point?" And look at just the whole change in the graph, and I can
see a lot more.
A derivative is a number of things. Mathematically it's a slope-but I think of it as a
rate of change-a description of change. In math, the symbolic language we've been
using, we've been working in two variables. The derivative is a description of the
114 Chapter 5
change in one versus the other-at a certain point-at a certain time-at a certain
Responses from the students in the comparison class, although not inaccurate,
were lacking in the detail provided by the students in the experimental classes:
The change in slope. Change of rate. First derivative. You know-things like that.
It has an explanation of that in the book. I couldn't tell you now exactly what it
is .... A derivative is useful to find a max or min. I don't know, really.
They explain it as being what the curve is doing-and I don't see the curves. I can
think of it as how fast the curve is going .... If it's postive, I keep thinking it's
definitely going somewhere-if it's zero, it's not-if it's negative, it's going the
wrong way.
2. There were occasions during the interviews when the students realized
that they had made misstatements about concepts. On many of these occasions,
on their own initiative, the students in the experimental classes reconstructed
facts about rate of change, concavity, and Riemann sums by returning to basic
principles governing the concepts of derivative and area. They frequently used
the basic concept of derivative to reason about other concepts: shape of a
curve, second derivatives, related changes, concavity, and applications of cal-
In contrast, when the students in the comparison class verbalized that they
had made erroneous statements about concepts, there was no evidence of
attempts to reason from basic principles. They often alluded to having been
taught the relevant material but being unable to recall what had been said in
3. The interviewees from the experimental classes constructed representa-
tions of the Riemann sum concept that differed in form from those presented in
class or in the text. One student, for example, who conjured up an appropriate
trapezoidal rule (not covered in class or in the text) spoke further about the
difference in error for upwardly concave and downwardly concave curves. No
instances of such constructions were found in the transcripts of the inter-
viewees from the comparison class.
4. The interviewees from the experimental classes verbalized connections
between the derivative concept and its mathematical definition, and one inter-
viewee used the proof of the fundamental theorem of calculus to correct a for-
mula he had forgotten. Such instances of using connections between concepts
were not found in the transcripts for the comparison group.8
The above results of interviews are intriguing. I know of no statistical
method that could similarly penetrate into the phenomenon. Further, as a
teacher I would be extremely delighted if some of my students (after only one
semester of study in calculus) could use the proof of the fundamental theorem
of calculus to correct a formula he had forgotten. I would also be elated if
Subjective Knowledge 115
some students could conjure up an appropriate trapezoidal rule that was not
covered in class or in the text. Isn't this what education is all about?
For stubborn critics, there are plenty of reasons not to buy into Heid's
story. For example, the sample size of the experimental group is relatively
small (n = 37); Heid might have had better students in the experimental sec-
tions; and her personal enthusiasm might have substantially swayed her stu-
dents toward the learning of calculus.
In order to judge Heid's results on a larger scale, I believe that her
approach has to go through a process of natural selection, or the survival of
the fittest. In other words, Heid's results will be more convincing if other
instructors follow a similar approach and report success (at least to certain
degree) in their classroom experiments. On the other hand, her work would
have to be deemed a failure if nobody were interested in this method and if
Heid herself abandoned the approach a few years after her original publica-
G. Large-Scale Evaluation: A Few Words from an
Some researchers in the field of educational evaluation dislike the process of
natural selection in that it is slow and wasteful (Gilbert and Mosteller, 1972).
Instead, they promote the use of true experiments by arguing their program-
matic advantages. Mosteller (1981), for example, has pointed out the value of
experimentation by demonstrating the frequency with which innovations tum
out to be not as effective as anticipated.
In order to test the treatment effect, a true experiment, according to ortho-
dox statisticians, has to be a randomized and double-blind controlled experi-
ment (Freedman, Pisani, and Purves, 1978, p. 6). But in educational evaluation
nobody can really achieve this key ingredient of a true experiment.
Regarding large-scale educational evaluation, let us consider a few words
from an expert (Boruch, 1982). Boruch' was the main author of a report sub-
mitted in 1980 to Congress and the U. S. Department of Education. The report
attempted to address issues surrounding the products of the Government's
$30-40 million annual investment in educational evaluation.
On the issue of experiments, the report made two recommendations. First,
it recommended that pilot studies be undertaken before new programs or new
variations are adopted. This recommendation sounds like an old cliche, but
"pilot testing is not yet a common practice" (Boruch, 1982).
Second, the report recommended that "higher quality evaluation designs,
especially randomized experiments, be authorized explicitly in law" for educa-
tion testing. By authorization, Boruch (1982) explained, "we mean explicit and
official We do not mean that such designs should be required uni-
Chapter 5
formly, for such a demand is absurd. Nor do we mean to imply that random-
ized tests are the only option in every setting."
Boruch also discussed certain problems in mounting randomized tests. For
instance, some 30 randomized tests for Head Start programs were initiated,
despite counsel for more pilot work; less than 10 succeeded. Some reasons for
failure are that the randomization is contaminated and that the treatments are
not delivered as advertised.
Other problems with statistical evaluation are that treatments are not
"fixed" in the same sense that treatments are fixed in the chemical sciences or
engineering, and that response variables are measured poorly or are irrelevant
to the treatment. Boruch also pointed out that "many educational and social
problems are chronic. They are resolved in small steps over a long period
despite innovative social programs dedicated to their elimination, and despite
inspirational rhetoric."
Boruch observed that there are certain forms of corruption of measurement
"that have not been well articulated in the orthodox literature on randomized
experiment." He maintained that these problems deserve much more attention
from the statistics community. But in my opinion there is no statistical formula
that can deal with the corruption of measurement. Scientists simply have to use
their subject-matter knowledge to develop better instruments and to collect
better data.
Boruch also recommended estimates based on a combination of a few
expensive randomized tests and a large group of cheaper nonrandomized tests.
But there are some geneml problems in this direction (Boruch, 1982):
It is not clear whether and how to design for sequential trials in which randomized
tests alternate with nonrandom tests.
It is not clear how one ought to design simultaneous randomized and nonrandomized
trials in anticipation of internal analyses that must ignore the randomization category
at least partly but that are also used to inform policy.
Nor is it clear how, when one is confronted with a set of ostensibly independent
randomized and nonrandomized field tests, to decide whether combining estimates
of effect is warranted or how to combine them.
Boruch finally appealed to the statistical community for vigorous participa-
tion in solving these problems. This appeal, albeit published in a popular jour-
nal, The American Statistician, has not been well received. The reasons are
simple: Boruch was asking for the impossible. Statistical formulas are blind to
whether a test was randomized or not randomized. It is a scientist's job to ran-
domize the treatment, and then to use professional judgment to draw infer-
ences from a set of randomized and nonrandomized tests. This professional
judgment is largely content-specific, and statistical formulas in general will not
help. A rare exception is the Bayes theorem. But first, scientists have to devise
Subjective Knowledge 117
a reliable measure of the quality of nonrandomized tests. Otherwise the Baye-
sian approach will produce more uncertainty in the study.
In summary, there is no easy way to conduct a credible randomized test in
an educational setting; there is no formula to measure the quality of nonran-
domized tests; and there is no sensible procedure to combine the information
obtained separately from randomized and nonrandomized tests. In other
words, it is a jungle out there. But if you are in a Tarzan mold, then this jun-
gle may well be the closest thing to heaven for you. This is because experi-
mentation is not the only way that knowledge is acquired. For example,
Darwin did not conduct randomized comparison in order to develop his theory
of evolution-he would never have succeeded if he had.
The field of evaluation research was dominated by statistical methodology
prior to the late 1970s. Now there are voices in opposition, and some research-
ers are advocating a qualitative approach with admirable vehemence (see, e.g.,
Patton, 1980). This new perspective uses subject-matter knowledge, expert
judgment, intellectual debates, and plain descriptive statistics. In sum, one has
to use his eyes and mind; textbook statistical formulas are far less useful tools.
Throughout this book we have been very critical of "quantitative analysis" in
the social, economic, and behavioral sciences. However, this criticism does
not mean that no research findings in these disciplines deserve respect. On the
contrary, in these disciplines many qualitative analyses are highly admirable,
and genuinely enhance our understanding of our society and ourselves.
A famous example is Sandra Bern's theory regarding masculinity and femi-
ninity. The theory was ground-breaking and touched off an avalanche of
research pUblications. The theory even made its way into a Presidential
Address of the American Statistical Association (Kruskal, 1988, JASA) on
"The Causal Assumption of Independence."
The traditional (and still popular) views of masculinity and femininity are
very narrow. For example, according to the Thorndike and Barnhart Diction-
ary, "masculine" simply means "manly," or having characteristics of that sort.
For another example, several recent studies showed that psychotherapy and
psychiatric diagnosis are often used to enforce conventional standards of mas-
culinity and femininity (The New York TImes, April 10, 1990). In such cases,
stereotypes about men and women subtly distort diagnosis and treatment: men
and women who deviate from traditional sex-roles are often seen as suffering a
mental illness.
Bern (1974) set out to challenge the traditional perspective about sex-roles
in our society. To do so, she first distributed questionnaire items to a group of
118 Chapter 5
Stanford University students (n = 100). The responses of these students
identified "masculine" as competitive, assertive, analytical, ambitious, willing
to take a stand, etc., and "feminine" as gentle, understanding, affectionate,
having concern for others, etc.
Bem's genius was that she recognized that psychological masculinity and
femininity are not opposite poles of a single dimension:
Rather, they are two orthogonal personality dimensions on which individuals
might vary independently:
.. M
According to Bem (1974), (i) it is conceivable that an individual may be
psychologically both masculine and feminine; and the existence of such in the
same person is then defined as androgyny (andro-king; gyny-queen); (li)
strongly sex-typed individuals might be seriously limited in the rarige of
behaviors available to them as they move from situation to situation, and there-
fore it is hypothesized that androgynous individuals are mentally healthier and
socially more effective.
The concept of psychological androgyny was completely new in 1974, and
soon became a major focus in social-psychological research. A burgeoning
literature grows to assess the above two hypotheses and to find associations
between androgyny and a wide range of variables (z): mental health, personal
adjustment, self- esteem, achievement, autonomy, and so on. (A computerized
reference search by Lipta (1985) yielded 432 research studies employing
Bern's sex-role inventory.) .
A. The Quantification of Psychological Androgyny
A predominant fact in "modem" social-behavioral sciences is that in order to
gain scholarly recognition, your theory has to be by statistical tests.
There are plenty of good reasons why this should be the case, but the problem
is that many quantitative analyses in behavioral research are misleading and
lacking in intellectual depth. In this section we will examine some of the sta-
tistical analyses carried out by Bem and her followers in their inquiries into
psychological androgyny.
Subjective Knowledge
First, from students' responses on a pool of 200 items, Bem used a statisti-
cal test to identify 20 items for M (masculinity) and 20 for F (femininity)
scales. Each item ranged from 1 (never or almost never true) to 7 (always or
almost always true). The resulting scales serve the foundation of almost all
later androgyny research. A critique of this foundation is given in Section fl.F.
of this chapter.
The central idea of Bern's theory is that many individuals might be "andro-
gynous." That is, they might be both masculine and feminine, both assertive
and yielding, both instrumental and expressive-depending on the situational
appropriateness of these various behaviors. Also, they are mentally healthier
and socially more effective than other people.
To test this hypothesis, it is desirable to have a measure of androgyny. To
this end, Bem (1974) proposed the following t-ratio as a measure of psycho-
logical androgyny:
t = (M - F)/SE(M - F), (1)
where the numerator, M - F, reflects the balance concept of psychological
androgyny, while SE(M - F) is the standard error of (M - F) of the popula-
tion under study. Subjects are classified as sex-typed if the androgyny t-ratio
reaches statistical significance (It I > 2.025, d.f. = 38, P < .05), and they are
classified as androgynous if I t I < 1. (Bern, 1974, p. 161).
According to formula (1), a balanced individual with (M,F) = (4,4) is
more androgynous than a sex-typed person with (M,F) = (7,1); thus the t-
ratio does capture the balance concept of Bern's theory. But there is a major
flaw: Subjects with low scores for both M and F (which are less socially desir-
able) are erroneously classified as androgynous. For instance, a person with
(M,F) = (1,1) would likely be perceived as a wimp, but he has the same
androgyny score as people with highly desirable (M,F) = (7,7). This internal
inconsistency finally led to the abandonment of the t-ratio as a measure of
Following the t-ratio, a median-split technique was used for classification
(Spence et al., 1975; Bern, 1977):
.high F sex-typed androgyny
low undifferentiated M sex-typed
... M-score
low high
120 ChapterS
This simple strategy makes a lot of sense and is very popular among research-
ers who use analysis of variance (ANOV A) to assess the relationships between
androgyny and a host of dependent variables (y).
The median-split method has, nevertheless, been viewed as unsatisfactory
because of the loss of information in using only four categories to classify the
whole population. As a result, different models have been proposed to con-
struct formulas for androgyny on a continuous scale.
Spence et a1. (1975) proposed the following additive model of androgyny:
A=M+F. (2)
The problem with the additive model is that it does not take into account the
possible interaction effect of M and F. Also, a balanced individual with (M,F)
= (4,4) is as androgynous as a sex-typed person with (M,F) = (7,1). Thus
formula (2) is a serious departure from Bem's original idea.
Lubinski et a1. (1981, 1983) argued for the inclusion of an interaction term
in the model, on the ground that the androgyny concept theorized by Bern was
interactive in nature. Moreover, to achieve the status of an empirically useful
concept, androgyny must have unique properties beyond those possessed by
masculinity and femininity.
B. Models for Interaction Effect: A Review
The simple multiplication of M and F
represents the symbolic form of Bern's balance concept (see Hall and Taylor,
1985, p. 431), and was one of the early models for the interaction effect.
Lubinski et al. (1981, 1983) advocated the following regression model
z = f(M,F) = a + bM + cF + dMF. (4)
The model, which combines additive and multiplicative terms, was used to
predict z (a dependent variable) by the main effects (M,P) and the M X F
interaction. This model is thus far the most popular model in the androgyny
literature. A critical review of the model is rather involved and is presented in
Section IT.C. of this chapter.
Bryan et al. (1981) proposed the following geometric-mean model:
A = (MF) 112 (5)
An interesting feature of this model is that the formula yields near-normal dis-
tributions (although theoretically it may produce imaginary numbers, assuming
that M and F are independent and normally distributed). This model can be
viewed as a special case of a family of models in formula (11), Section IT.E. of
this chapter.
Subjective Knowledge 121
Heilbrum and Schwartz (1976, 1979, and 1982) published at least three
articles on a hybrid model
A = (M + F) x I (M - F) I (6)
which incorporated the balance concept 1M - F I into the additive model
(M + F). But this formula is equivalent to 1M2 - F21, and suffers the same
problem as 1M - F I or the t-ratio in formula (1).
Karlin (1979) suggested (M + F) + 1M - FI as another measure of
androgyny. The motivation behind this model appears similar to that underly-
ing formula (6). The Karlin model is a special case of (7) below, which was
proposed by Hall and Taylor (1985).
Hall and Taylor (1985) discussed strengths and weaknesses of formulas
(2)-(4), and concluded with deep disappointment in those models. They
further explored the feasibility of using the following model:
z = f(M,F) = a + bM + cF + diM - F I (7)
which differs from the regression model [formula (4)] in the last' term. It was
found that this formula would provide a simple operational definition of the
balance concept only under highly restricted conditions, and thus failed to
serve as a general formula in a wide range of situations.
For future androgyny research, Hall and Taylor concluded that "an accu-
rate interpretation of interaction effects will be crucial." We accept this chal-
lenge, and will present new models after discussing the regression model and
the shape analysis of existing models.
c. A Misconception of Regression Model
A widespread confusion in regression analysis arises from the interpretation of
the cross term MF. This misconception has deep roots in the statistical litera-
ture. For instance, Neider (Statistical Science, 1986) attempted to use the cross
term to model the interaction effect.
It should be noted that this cross term is useful for testing the existence of
interaction effects. However, the equation
z = f(x,y) = a + bx + cy + dxy (8)
itself does not promise to give a good fit to the interaction. The reason is that
the surface of equation (8) is a horse saddle (See Fig. 2).
In 3-dimensional space, the shape of the function z = f(x,y) can be very
complicated. For instance, if
z=sin[(x2+y2)112] -5<x<5, -5<y<5,
then the shape of the function is a cowboy hat (see Fig. 3). On a farm, it
would be a joke to use a cowboy hat as a horse saddle; but in statistical model-
ing, it is done all the time.
122 Chapter 5
Figure 2 Graphical display of the regression model Z = a - 2.527 * X - 2.707
Y + .588 * X * Y.
In many branches of natural science, sophisticated differential equations are
often used to model interaction effects. Further, the modeling is mostly
content-specific, and there simply does not exist a catch-all formula that would
be applicable to all disciplines. In summary, one has to be careful not to con-
fuse ''testing'' with ''modeling.'' Unfortunately, the confusion has diffused
from statistical literature to many branches of empirical science. Let us con-
sider an example from the androgyny literature.
Let Z. be a measure of status concern and be a measure of impulsivity.
Anderson (1986, p. 273) found that (for males)
Z. = a. - 2.S27M - 2.707F + .S88MF, (9)
= a2 + 3.372M + 3.793F - .729MF, (10)
where a. and a2 are constants which were not reported in Anderson's paper.
Anderson (p. 274) interpreted the main effects M and F as follows: "Both high
M and high F are associated with lower status concern and greater impul-
sivity. " The interaction effects were interpreted: ''The two interactions indicate
that among men who are high in masculinity, femininity increases status con-
cern (Z.) and lowers impulsivity On the other hand, among men who
Subjective Knowledge 123
Figure 3 Graphical display of the equation Z = sin(.JX
+ yl) -5 < X < 5,
-5 < Y < 5.
are average to low in masculinity, femininity lowers status concern and
increases impulsivity. Both of these are opposite to the androgyny prediction."
The above interpretations of main effects and interaction effects are very
common and confusing. The surface of equation (9) is indeed the previous sad-
dle, with saddle point near (4,4). That is, an individual with (M,P) = (1,1) is
more androgynous than a person with (M,P) = (4,4). This does not appear to
make sense. In addition, the R-square (the so-called percent of explained varia-
bility) of equation (9) is only 1.8% (and 3.1 % for equation (10. This low
value of R-square indicates that neither equation (9) nor (10) really explains
much of the phenomenon.
D. Shape Analysis and the Rationale of New Models
It is a common belief that in the social-behavioral sciences nonlinear models
amount to overkill. But in androgyny research, qualitative analysis indicates
clearly that the phenomenon under study is nonlinear. If quantitative psycholo-
gists want to progress, an operational formula of a nonlinear nature is inevit-
Chapter 5
In this section we examine some mathematical properties of the differently
defined A's which have been implicitly assumed in the androgyny literature. It
is important to point out that some of these properties contradict each other
and that a careful analysis of these properties is the crux of the development of
new models.
In the following discussions of P1-P4, let (M1,F1) and (M2,F2) be the M
and F scores of any two individuals.
1. PI. Diagonal monotonicity: Assume that (M1 - F1) = (M2 - F2);
then M1 < M2 implies Al < A2.
2. P2. The balance property: If IM1 - F11 < 1M2 - F21, then Al >
P2-S. The semi-balance property: If M1 + F1 = M2 + F2 and I M1
- F11 < 1M2 - F21, then Al > A2.
P2-Q. The quasi-balance property: f(M,M) > f(M - u,F), for all 1 <
M < 7 and for all F, while 0 < u < 1.
3. P3. Additivity: If M1 + F1 < M2 + F2, then Al < A2.
P3-M. M-monotonicity: Assume that F1 = F2; then M1 < M2 implies
Al < A2.
P3-F. F-monotonicity: Assume that M1 = M2; then F1 < F2 implies
Al < A2.
4. P4. Normality: If M and F are normally distributed, then the distribu-
tion of A is normal or near normal.
Discussions of Pl- P4
Pi (diagonal monotonicity). Following the hypothesis implicitly assumed
in the median-split technique, PI represents a more precise mathematical for-
mulation of this hypothesis. Specifically, individuals located higher on the
main diagonal of the MF-space are expected to have a higher A score than
those located lower. The same property applies to the lines parallel to the main
diagonal. It is obvious that formulas (1), (6), (7), and (8) do not satisfy PI.
P2 (the balance property). This property is central to the original andro-
gyny concept (Bem, 1974). However, if a model satisfies P2, e.g., formulas
(1) and (6), then it is hard to satisfy other desirable properties. For this reason,
one has to look for less stringent conditions, e.g., P2-S and P2-Q.
P2-S (the semi-balance property). This property says that on a line per-
pendicular to the diagonal, the smaller the difference 1M - F I is, the larger A
should be. This property is relatively easy to achieve, in the sense that most
models considered in this chapter satisfy P2-8.
P2-Q (the quasi-balance property). Note that P2-Q is a special case of P2.
However, P2-Q is not shared by many popular models [e.g., formulas (2), (3),
(4), and (5)].
Subjective Knowledge
P3 (the additive property). The rationale behind P3 is that high M and
high F are socially desirable. However, mathematically P3 cannot coexist with
PZ. Furthermore, they contradict Bem's original idea that extreme degrees of
either M or F can become negative and even destructive. Indeed, many popu-
lar models [e.g., formulas (2), (3), (4), and (5)] are modeling P3, not PZ.
Note that P3-M and P3-F are special cases of P3, but P3-M and P3-F do
not imply P3. For example, if f(M,F) = (MF)II2, then f satisfies P3-M and
P3-F, but f(1,7) < f(2,4) and f(2,7) < f(4,4), violating P3.
P4 (the normality property). It is generally assumed in psychological
literature that certain measures of psychological functioning are normally dis-
tributed. Since all theories of androgyny assume close relationships between A
and z variables (e.g., mental health, flexibility), it follows that A is expected to
be normally distributed as well. It should be further pointed out that empirical
studies have shoWn the normality of M and F scores (this is expected because
each of these scores represents an average of ratings on a 7 -point scale for 20
items). A formidable challenge is to propose a formula which would satisfy P4
(the normality assumption) and at the same time catch the intrinsic complexity
of the interaction effect of M and F. For example, if M and F are i. i. d. Nor-
mal(4,1), and
A = lI[(M - F)2 + 1]112,
then A certainly satifies PZ (the balance property); but the distribution of A
looks like Fig. 4, which is far from being normal and may create difficulty in
relating A to certain y variables.
E. New Models for the Interaction Effect
We now present a formula to model the interaction effect of M and F:
A=rMF/[(M-F)2+ eMF]II2- a IM-FI; e>O; ra>O (11)
The rationale of this model is rather complicated and will be made available
upon request. The advantage of this model is that it satifies P1 and almost PZ
and P4.
A = f(M,F) = MF/[ (M - F)2 + eMF] 112 (12)
then the following results hold.
1. A satisfies P1 (the diagonal monotonicity property).
2. A satisfies PZ-S (the semi-balance property).
3. If e < u, then A satisfies PZ-Q (the quasi-balance property).
Proof. Available upon request.
* *
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Chapter 5
Figure 4 Frequency distribution of the random variable 1/.../ (M - F)2 + I, where M
and F are i.i.d. Normal (4,1).
Remark 1. In practice one may choose e to be less than or equal to .1. For
this choice of e, A almost satisfies P2, a major mission of the androgyny
modeling. If e = .1, some special values of A in (12) can be calculated as in
the table:
7 1.2 2.7 4.9 8.2 912.8 18.4 22.1
6 1.2 2.9 5.5 9.5 15.0 19.0 18.4
5 1.2 3.2 6.4 11.6 15.8 15.0 12.8
4 1.3 3.7 8.1 12.7 11.6 9.5 8.2
3 1.5 4.7 9.5 8.1 6.4 5.5 4.9
2 1.8 6.3 4.7 3.7 3.2 2.9 2.7
1 3.2 1.8 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The geometric shape of the table is shown in Fig. S.
Remark 2 (the normality assumption). If X and Y are independent normal
with zero means and standard deviations 0'1 and 0'2, then it can be proved
(Feller, 1971, Vol. 2, p. 64) that
is normal with standard deviation 0'3 such that 1/0'3 = 110'1 + 110'2' For this
Subjective Knowledge
Figure 5 Graphical display of the equation A = MF/..J(M - F)2 + .1 * M * F
case study, formula (12) yields only a near-normal distribution. But this is
close enough for most applications.
Remark 3. The regression model, equation (12) or (13), is a special case
of the Taylor expansion. If f(M,F) is smooth, mathematically one can approxi-
mate a nonlinear function by higher order Taylor polynomials (in a neighbor-
hood of a given point). A simulation study (see the following table) shows that
a portmanteau model utilizing Taylor polynomials can be far from satisfactory
(just compare the SSE's of the fitted models with the expected SSE).
Eq. Constant M F MF
M2 p2
1 2.5 305,944
2 148 -33.7 -34.6 10.4 232,507
3 1.3 .7 2.0 303,870
4 3.4 6.9 11.0 -4.9 -5.4 123,075
Expected SSE = 1,000
The simulation model is as in (II): r = 3, e = .03, a = 0, y = A + Z, Z is standard normal,
and n = 1000. The geometric-mean model has been used to fit the data, and the model yields a
SSE of 268,863. A third-order Taylor expansion has also been fitted to the data, and yields a SSE
of 130,775-a very poor fit.
128 Chapter 5
In contrast, nonlinear modeling performs better than linear modeling (if the
underlying mechanism is indeed nonlinear).
F. When Is a Science Not a Science: Flat-Earth Theory
and Stone-Age Measurements
The nonlinear model presented in Section H.E will be useless for androgyny
research, if it is not supported by empirical results. For this reason a
psychometrician was invited to participate in the testing of the nonlinear
The psychologist was swift to acquire a huge amount of data from one of
his colleagues. Earlier results (e.g., Watermann, 1984) that used the median-
split technique claimed to have lent support to Bem's balance concept of
androgyny. But in our test the data are best fitted by the simple additive model,
z = aM + bF. No interaction was detected by adding the M X F cross-term.
Hence there is no need to play with the nonlinear models.
In an effort to improve the analysis, we went back to the measurement
itself, which indeed contains serious problems in the selection of items for the
M and F scales. Specifically, Bem (1974) constructed the M and F scales in
the following manner: A personality characteristic was rated by 50 male and
50 female students; it was qualified as masculine "if it was independently
judged by both males and females in both samples to be significantly more
desirable for a man than for a woman (p < .05)."
This process represents a typical confusion between practical significance
and statistical significance. As a result, out of 20 items for femininity scores,
some (e.g., gullible and ftatterable) are not desirable, at least not in American
society. Also, both M and F scales contain, respectively, "masculine" and
"feminine" items, which measure biological androgyny, not psychological
androgyny. Because of such internal contradictions, Bern (1979) developed a
short BSRI (Bem Sex-Role Inventory) containing exactly half the number of
the original items.
We tried to test the interaction effect with the short BSRI. But there is a
problem: In the data set we borrowed, the 20 M-items had been averaged out
to the M score, and the original data had been thrown away. We looked at that
huge amount of data and were deeply disappointed.
The same situation occurred when we requested raw data that were used in
Anderson (1986): The scores for separate items are not available; they have
been added together. It appears that researchers and journal editors in psychol-
ogy are more familiar with the original BSRI than the short, improved BSRI.
It is often said that science is self-correcting. This is not quite true, at least not
in behavioral sciences. In this case study, researchers keep pumping out publi-
cations without a proper concern for the accuracy of the instrument used in
data collection.
Subjective Knowledge 129
Once I asked my students the following question: "How did a man measure
a piece of land 5,000 years ago?" They answered: "He walked and counted
the feet." I further asked: "How does an engineer measure the height of a
mountain today?" They answered: "He uses laser beams." In comparison to
engineering measurements, most modern-day psychometric instruments are
still in the stone age.
It is important to note that there is nothing to laugh about at these stone-age
instruments-they are quite natural and understandable to a young discipline.
At least these instruments are better than no instruments at all. What is trou-
bling is that journal editors and referees are so careless about the instruments
used in scientific investigation. Even if they do not keep up with the literature
on the short BSRI, simply by common sense one can smell the rot in the origi-
nal instrument.
Richard Feynman (a world-renowned physicist) once said in an interview
on the television program NOVA, "Social science is an example of science
that is not a science. They don't do scientific ... they follow the form ... or
you gather data, you do so and so and so forth" [sic]. From my experience
with the androgyny research, it appears that Feynman is not so far off.
Maybe "science" is too generous a word for this type of research.
Moving back to the issue of measurement, one can easily detect several
drawbacks in the short BSRI: (1) The criterion for item selection is based on
the loadings of factor analysis and item-total correlations. These statistical
tools somehow took the place of a scientist's instinct and subject-matter
knowledge. (2) By common sense there appear to be several redundant items:
for example, "defends own beliefs" and "willing to take a stand" in the M-
scale, "sympathetic" and "compassionate" in the F-scale. For each of those
pairs, Roget's Thesaurus classifies them as having the same or very similar
meanings. (3) Bem's adherence to having exactly 10 M-items and 10 F-items
might have excluded other good items from the inventory. ''Ten'' may be a
perfect number, but 10 items do not necessarily add up to a perfect scale. In
fact, unequal numbers of M and F items can easily be weighted to produce a
better instrument.
My co-worker later borrowed more data sets from other sources. But the
y-variables in these data sets are remotely correlated with the M-score and in
many cases independent of the F-score. Therefore no interaction effect was
Because of the overwhelming "evidence" that the interaction is not detect-
able, my co-worker felt that the balance concept of androgyny is not supported
by data, and that the additive model apparently represents the phenomenon
better. He maintained that we ought to trust the data, and that this is what
empiricism is all about.
I am a statistician, but I am not an empiricist who trusts everything that data
have shown. Let us summarize the reasons why the interaction effect should be
130 Chapter 5
there: (1) If we accept the additive model, A = M + F, then
A(4,4) = A(7,1). That is, a balanced individual with (M,F) = (4,4) is the
same as a highly sex-typed person with (M,F) = (7,1). This notion simply
does not make any sense. (2) Most psychometric measurements contain an
enormous amount of noise. Therefore one cannot take the results seriously
when this kind of measurement declares that the test of interaction is not sta-
tistically significant. (3) Most psychometric studies are based on samples of
college students, or simply the students in a Psychology 101 class. These stu-
dents usually have very similar backgrounds, and constitute only a tiny portion
of a huge population. It is then predictable that this type of data will produce
an additive model which has a fiat surface. As an analogy, suppose that a mil-
lion people measure their backyards, and none can detect the curvature of the
Earth. Can we take these one-million empirical studies as "evidence" and
claim that the Earth is fiat?
Unfortunately, these arguments did not convince my co-worker. He kept
citing leading researchers (e.g., Lubinski et ai., 1981, 1983) to buttress his
conclusion that there is little empirical support for the interaction of M and F.9
G. Reliability and Validity of Scientific
Measurements (Part I)
In order to test better the existence of an interaction effect, I told my co-
worker that we could not keep going after somebody's data sets that were
aimed at other research foci. Instead we had to find a good instrument, and
collect data relevant to our own project. A few weeks later I received a thick
package and a message from my co-worker that we were ready to collect our
own data (with the assistance of two psychology majors).
The instrument that would be used is called POI (Personal Orientation
Inventory). According to Shostrom (1980) there were more than 800 refer-
ences related to POI. This whopping list of pUblications is very impressive.
But a bitter lesson I have learned is that the quantity of publications cannot by
itself be taken as the foundation for further research. One has to know at least
what the instrument is trying to measure.
The inventory was created to gauge an interesting concept called "self-
actualization." Among scientists or academicians, many have gone through a
process of self-development through their professional activity (no matter how
narrow or esoteric it is). If well-explored, the concept of "self-actualization"
may reveal a fascinating world of our mental activities.
According to Shostrom (1980), a self-actualizing individual is seen as
"developing and utilizing all of his unique capabilities, or potentialities." Such
an individual is "free of the inhibitions and emotional turmoil of those less
self-actualizing. ,,10
Subjective Knowledge
The complete POI has 150 items (printed in 6 pages) for two basic scales
and 10 subscales, each of which measures a conceptually important element of
self-actualization. Some of the subscales are very interesting. For example,
"spontaneity" measures freedom to react spontaneously or to be oneself;
"existentiality" measures ability to react situationally without rigid adherence
to principles. In other words, people who get low scores on the Ex-scale
(existentiality) tend to hold values so rigidly that they may become compulsive
or dogmatic (Shostrom, 1980, p. 17).
These descriptions of "existentiality" make a lot of sense. But the
quantification of the descriptions is, ironically, extremely rigid. Here are five
items out of the first seven in the Ex-scale:
a. I am concerned with self-improvement at all times.
b. I am not concerned with self-improvement at all times.
a. I feel that I must strive for perfection in everything that I undertake.
b. I do not feel that I must strive for perfection in everything that I under-
a. I feel I must always tell the truth.
b. I do not always tell the truth.
a. I am bound by the principle of fairness.
b. I am not absolutely bound by the principle of fairness.
a. When a friend does me a favor, I feel that I must return it.
b. When a friend does me a favor, I do not feel that I must return it.
[emphases supplied]
Students are expected to select either (a) or (b) in each item. With wording so
rigid and absolute, it is hard to believe that these items will yield any useful
information. A scale that ranges from 0-4 or 1-5 might tell us more about an
individual. But my co-worker was against changing the scale of the measure-
ment. The reason is that it would affect the reliability and validity of the
This so-called ''reliability'' is used in the construction of almost all psycho-
logical instruments. For the case of POI, the reliability was calculated on the
basis of a sample of 48 undergraduate college students. The inventory was
administered twice, a week apart. Mathematically, let X I, . . . ,X
be the
scores of the first week, Y I, . , Y n be the scores of the second week, and the
Pearson correlation coefficient of X and Y is called the "test-retest reliability"
of a psychometric instrument. For POI, this correlation coefficient is about
.75. That is, the R-square of Y versus X is about 56%. In plain English, you
132 Chapter 5
give the same group of students the same test a second time. One week later
the test retains only S6 % of the original variability.
According to the manual (Shostrom, 1980), POI is a useful tool for practic-
ing counselors in psychological therapy; POI is also related to "actualizing
therapy: foundations for a scientific ethic" [emphasis supplied]. This scientific
foundation and the related 800 publications, in view of the POI's reliability,
are things the scientific community cannot be proud of.
POI is also depicted as a "standardized test" containing "objective words."
However, its reliability indicates that the instrument is quite arbitrary, and that
it should be used for exploratory purposes, instead of as a rigid "standardized
test." Finally, a better way to do exploratory analysis is to change the original
{O,I}-scale into {0,1,2,3,4}, I-S, or 1-10. But my co-worker was very reluc-
tant to temper with the scale. After a long debate, our collaboration dissolved,
and the nonlinear model of androgyny remained untested.
H. Reliability and Validity of Scientific Measures (Part II):
A Religious Icon In Behavioral Research
In this section we will discuss a case study in which psychometric reliability
and validity undermined an otherwise illuminating study.
A major task of our liberal-arts education is to teach our students how to
think independently, how to establish their own goals for their lives, and how
to make judgments that are best for themselves. If our citizens cannot think
independently and rationally, as some have argued, the foundation of our
democratic society will weaken. In professional disciplines, if our students are
trained to follow authorities blindly, then we will drain their creativity and
reduce their opportunities for improvement.
For these reasons, many studies are aimed at finding out how autonomous
our students really are. In one instance, an investigator attempted to use the
BSRI and another psychometric instrument for an autonomy study. The inves-
tigator also drew up some questions that were thought to be pertinent to the
study. The scale for each question ranged from zero to four. This scale makes
sense, because it is parallel to students' GPA and hence is likely to reflect stu-
dents' true feelings about each question.
Unfortunately, the investigator asked the opinion of a quantitative psycholo-
gist (an official statistical consultant in an academic institution). The consultant
told the investigator that BSRI is scaled 1-7, and thus the scaling of the last 40
items in the questionnaire had to be changed from 0-4 to 1-7.
The reason for my dissent is that the single most important thing in
scientific investigation is good measurement. If you don't have good measure-
ments, then no statistical mumbo-jumbo can save you. In this case, the ques-
tionnaire will be administered to students in numerous classes of various
(absent-minded) professors who are willing to help in collecting data. The stu-
dents are expected to answer the questions scaled 0-4 on the first two pages
Subjective Knowledge 133
and then change to 1-7 on another 40 questions. What will happen if they do
not notice the change of the scales?
In my own experience, I've found that students are very careless about
filling out questionnaires. And it is not a good thing to confuse students with
two different scales in the same questionnaire. Also, garbage in the original
BSRI should be trimmed away-a long questionnaire only creates more noise,
not more information. I I
The psychologist was not moved by my concern regarding measurement.
He insisted that these psychometric instruments are well-established and that if
we changed the scale then we would destroy the reliability and validity of the
instrument. To him the reliability and validity measures of psychometric
instruments are something from the Holy Bible that nobody should alter-
although he had worked on this instrument and knew how poor it was.
The test-retest reliability of BSRI was similar to that of POI. Based on the
Pearson correlation coefficients, Bem (1974) concluded: "All four scores [in
BSRI] proved to be highly reliable over the four-week interval (Masculinity
r = .90; Femininity r = .90; Androgyny r = .93; Social Desirability
r = .89)" [emphasis supplied].
Despite Bem's claim that BSRI is highly reliable and "internally consistent"
(p. 160), some intelligent psychometricians (e.g., Pedhazur, 1976) pointed out
serious problems in the BSRI: The whole Androgyny score and many items in
the Masculinity and Femininity scores simply do not make any sense. In fact,
Bem herself (1979) abandoned the Androgyny score completely, even though
it has an extremely high reliability (r = .93). She also reduced the items in
both Masculinity (r = .90) and Femininity (r = .90) to half. Thus it is
difficult to understand why the 1974 instrument is treated like the Ten Com-
mandments that one has to obey without any reservation.
As a comparison, let's see how reliability is established in engineering. For
example, how do we know that a Toyota is reliable? The Consumers Union
and Toyota Inc. keep extensive repair records of the automobiles, and the
engineers in charge constantly work on the reduction of the defects in their
automobiles. They do not merely calculate product-moment correlations and
then claim that the vehicle is highly reliable.
We also know that SAT scores are reliable to a certain extent. How is this
achieved? A group of researchers at ETS (Educational Testing Service) in
Princeton make life-time careers of debugging the test items. These people
have to guard the integrity of the SAT against unfair test-takers and frequent
charges of sex-bias in the tests. They do not achieve this by calculating a
product-moment correlation coefficient in 1974 and then using the test until
A defense that one should stick with the original scale may go like this: If
every investigator used the scales that he or she liked, then nobody would be
able to do a comparative study. This argument is in general acceptable; but it
134 Chapter 5
does not apply here. First, if one uses the scale 0-4, one can always use a sim-
ple formula (1 + 1.5X) to convert to the original scale 1-7. This conversion
may distort the instrument in some sUbtle ways. But this instrument is already
15 years old, and nothing can be more important than reducing students' con-
fusion in using two scales in one questionnaire. 12
Bern's 1974 paper was a breakthrough for its insight (i.e., qualitative
analysis); but the quantitative analysis in the paper was far less successful.
Researchers who want to use BSRI, POI, or similar instruments have to be
aware that the so-called test-retest reliability is at best a benchmark for cross-
validation. The investigators still need their eyes and minds when they use
these psychometric instruments.
1. I was given only one weekend to review the thick proposal.
2. That was stupid, but it was not the only stupid thing I have done in my life.
3. Similar mentality of this two-sample comparison can be found in a popular text-
book in the design of experiments (Hicks, 1982, p. 30, Example 2). The Hicks
study compared a group of 10 students before and after a six-week instruction
(t = 3.56, P < .005), and concluded that ''there has been an improvement" in
achievement. But important information was mostly missing in Hicks' report. For
instance, the differences in the test scores averaged only 2.5 (out of 100, maybe).
Even if the difference was practically significant, it might be due to the similarity
of the tests given before and after the instruction.
4. As a recent example, mathematician Serge Lang waged a war against the nomina-
tion of a Harvard political scientist to the American Academy of Science. The
Harvard scholar uses mathematical equations heavily in his publications in politi-
cal science. Fortunately, Lang won the battle.
5. If we have to bring down the whole house of educational statistics, so be it. In a
recent Journal of Educational Statistics (1987, Vol. 12, No.2), David Freedman
of University of California at Berkeley launched a devastating attack on the use of
multiple regression in social-science research. Freedman's article was commented
on by 11 eminent scholars. Although Freedman won the argument, I believe the
practice remains "business as usual. "
6. A major problem with external evaluation is that the budget was not built in the
original proposal. I suggested to the Director that they should purchase site
licensing of the software (instead of buying 100 copies for all the students). This
may save them $1,000 so that they can have money to recruit other instructors to
repeat the experiment in Spring 1990.
The director mentioned that there was another problem: he was bound to the
statements in the proposal and hence must include the control groups in the exper-
iment. Well, it is a conventional wisdom that you should consult a statistician
before you conduct an experiment. We now learned a further lesson from this
case study: consult your statistician before you write up your proposal. Also, give
your statistician plenty of time. One weekend is simply enough.
7. Later developments: After reading all of the above analysis, the director agreed to
Subjective Knowledge
reduce the three control groups to one in the Fall semester. But he asked a curi-
ous question: Why is the two-sample comparison not scientific?
I don't know if he was confused, or I was confused, or both of us were con-
fused. I hope that somewhere Neyman and Pearson had said that "the two-sample
test may not be appropriate in educational comparisons," so I can quote authority
and save all the trouble.
Ten days later, the director said they might increase the number of control
groups to two (in the Fall semester). I was too exhausted to ask for the reasons.
Like a medical doctor, I have given you my medicine. If you don't want to take
it, that's your problem, not mine.
8. Heid interviewed 20 students, 15 from the experimental classes and 5 from the
comparison class. This random sample is rather unfortunate. For a situation like
this, a nonrandom sample (with careful matching) would be better than a random
sample. At least Heid should have interviewed a more nearly equal number of
students from the comparison class.
9. Many researchers found that M and y (mental health, etc.) are highly correlated,
while the correlations between F and y variables are moderate or negligible (using
the original BSRI). This is because some undesirable items (gullible, ftatterable,
etc.) were hidden in the F-score. As a result, negligible correlation between F and
certain y variables undermines the interactive concept of androgyny and leads
many researchers to believe the additive model.
10. This description of a self-actualizing person does not seem consistent. We know
many geniuses are free of inhibitions (e.g., Beethoven, Van Gogh, etc.), but they
are famous for their severe emotional turmoil. Maybe these geniuses are statisti-
cal outliers beyond current quantitative psychology.
11. In some questionnaires, redundant questions are used for cross-validation. But this
is a different story.
12. If one insists on using the original scales (0-4 and 1-7), there are many ways to
include cautious notes to reduce the confusion. But such precautions never
entered the debate.
Anderson, K.L. (1986). "Androgyny, Flexibility, and Individualism," J. of Personality
Assessment, Vol. 50, 265-278.
Bem, S.L. (1974). ''The Measurement of Psychological Androgyny," J. of Consulting
and Clinical Psychology, Vol. 42,155-162.
Bem, S.L. (1977). "On the Utility of Alternate Procedures for Assessing Psychological
Androgyny," J. of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Vol. 45, 196-205.
Bem, S.L. (1979). ''Theory and Measurement of Androgyny: A reply to the Pedhazur-
Tetenbaum and Locksley-Colten critiques," J. of Personality and Social Psychol-
ogy, Vol. 37,1047-1054.
Boruch, R.F. (1982). Experimental Tests in Education: Recommendations from the
Holtzman Report. American Statistician, Vol. 36, No.1, 1-14.
Bryan, L., Coleman, M., and Ganong, L. (1981). "Geometric Mean as a Continuous
Measure of Androgyny," Psychological Reports, Vol. 48,691-694.
Chapter 5
Deming, W.E. (1982). Quality, Productivity, and Competitive Position. Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Center for Advanced Engineering Study.
Feller, W. (1971). An introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications, Vol. n,
second edition. Wiley, New York.
Freedman, D. A. (1987). As Others See Us: A Case Study in Path Analysis. J. of Edu-
cational Statistics, Vol. 12, No.2, 101-128, 206-223; with commentaries by 11
scholars, 129-205.
Gilbert, J.P. and Mosteller, F. (1972). The Urgent Need for Experimentation. On
Equality of Educational Opportunity, edited by F. Mosteller and D. Moynihan. Ran-
dom House, New York.
Hall, J.A., and Taylor, M.C. (1985). "Psychological Androgyny and the Masculinity X
Femininity Interaction," J. of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 49, 429-435.
Harrington, D.M., and Anderson, S.M. (1981). "Creativity, Masculinity, Femininity,
and Three Models of Psychological Androgyny," J. of Personality and Social
Psychology, Vol. 41, 744-757.
Heid, M.K. (1988). Resequencing Skills and Concepts in Applied Calculus Using the
Computer as a Tool. J. of Research in Math Ed., Vol. 19, No. 1,3-25.
Heilbrum, A.B., and Schwartz, H.L. (1982). "Sex-Gender Differences in Level of
androgyny," Sex Roles, Vol. 8,201-213.
Hicks, C.R. (1982). Fundamental Concepts in the Design of Experiments, 3rd ed. Holt,
Rinehart, and Winston, New York.
Kalin, R. (1979). "Method for Scoring Androgyny as a Continuous Variable," Psycho-
logical Reports, 44,1205-1206.
Kruskal, W. (1988). Miracles and Statistics: The Causal Assumption ofIndependence.
JASA, Vol. 83, No. 404, 929-940.
Lipta, R. (1985). "Review of Bem Sex-Role Inventory," Psychological Review, 176-
Lubinski, D., Tellegen, A., and Butcher, J.N. (1981). "Relationship between Andro-
gyny and Subjective Indicators of Emotional Well-being," J. of Personality and
Social Psychology, Vol. 40, 722-730.
Lubinski, D., Tellegen, A., and Butcher, J.N. (1983). ''Masculinity, Femininity, and
Androgyny Viewed and Assessed as Distinct Concepts," J. of Personality and
Social Psychology, Vol. 44, 428-439.
Marquardt, D.W. (1963). "An Algorithm for Least-Squares Estimation of Nonlinear
Parameters," J. for the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 11,
Mosteller, F. (1981). Innovation and Evaluation. Science, Vol. 211, 881-886.
Neider, J.A. (1986). "Comment to Hasti and Tibshirani's paper 'Generalized Additive
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Patton, M.Q. (1980). Qualitative Evaluation Methods. Sage, Beverly Hills.
Shostrom, E.L.(1980). Personal Orientation Inventory. Educational and Industrial Test-
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Spence, J.T., Helmreich, R.L., and Stapp, J. (1975). "Ratings of Self and Peers on
Sex-Role Attributes and their Relation to Self-Esteem and Conceptions of Masculin-
ity and Femininity," J. of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 32, 29-39.
Chapter 6
On Objectivity, Subjectivity, and Probability
In this chapter we will devote ourselves to certain aspects of objective science
and subjective knowledge. For this purpose, we begin with an appreciation of
the advantages and limitations of logic and mathematics-the unchallengeable
"objective science."
The first advantage of logic is that reasoning alone is capable of leading to
new discoveries-despite a coinrnon belief that deductive reasoning produces
no new knowledge. Here is an example of how scientists are able to reach for
new discoveries by manipulating abstract symbols.
According to Einstein's special theory of relativity, the energy of a particle
that has mass m and momentum p is given by
E2 = m
c + -iil-. (1)
If the momentum p is zero, the equation reduces to the well-known
E = mil-.
By taking the square root of the equation (1), mathematically we should have
E = mil- and E = -mil-.
Unfortunately, negative energy was considered as not supported by physical
reality and was dismissed by most physicists, Einstein included (Gribbin,
138 Chapter 6
In the late 1920s, Paul Dirac formulated a new wave equation for electrons,
which incorporated relativity into quantum mechanics. Dirac's equation is very
complicated, but it explains the spin of the electron as an angular momentum
arising from a circulating flow of energy and momentum within the electron
wave. His equation also predicts a relationship between the magnetic moment
and the spin of the electron (Ohanian, 1987). However, Dirac's monumental
work was considered by most physicists as marred by one "defect": he
attempted to explain the negative solution in his equation by the existence of
particles in a sea of negative-energy state.
Dirac's theory of negative-energy particles was born out of a conviction
that his complicated calculations were perfect in almost every aspect and thus
should not result in producing a nuisance negative number. Therefore he
invented negative-energy particles to account for an "imperfect feature" in his
equation. But his theory was completely anti-intuitive and no physicist could
take the idea seriously. In 1932, as a surprise to everybody, Carl Anderson
discovered the tracks of electronlike particles of positive charge in a cloud
chamber. Subsequent measurements concluded that the new particles have the
same mass, same spin, and same magnetic moment as electrons-they are
identical with electrons in every respect, except for their electric charge. The
new particle was later called the anti-electron. In the mid-1950s, the discovery
of anti-proton and anti-neutron further confirmed Dirac's original ideas that
were mainly based on the faith of mathematical perfection. (Anti-matters are
now routinely used in particle accelerators that gobble up billions of dollars of
federal money and involve hundreds of physicists.)
Dirac was known as a man whose only scholarly activity was playing with
mathematical equations. In 1933 he was honored with a Nobel Prize for his
equation and a bold idea that literally opened up a new universe for human-
kind. His story also indicates that fooling around with mathematical equations
may payoff in totally unexpected ways.
The second advantage of deductive reasoning is that if a theorem is proved
true, then the conclusion of the theorem will never change-it is an ultimate
truth. If one desires pure objective knowledge, then one has to re-examine
mathematics for its ability 0 to produce unbending knowledge. In the early part
of the 20th century, logical positivism did just that. The movement also strived
to develop the logic of science (Carnap, 1934) and to ''propagate a scientific
world view" (Schlick, 1928). A major goal of the movement was to establish a
"scientific philosophy," in contrast to the traditional "speculative philosophy"
of Plato, Socrates, Descartes, Hume, etc. (Reichenbach, 1951).
On Objectivity, Subjectivity, and Probability
The movement soon dominated the field of the philosophy of science. One
of their tasks was to reduce all objective knowledge to formal logic. A monu-
mental achievement in this direction was the publication of Principia
Mathematica, Volumes I-m (Russell and Whitehead, 1910-1913). Russell's
goal was to develop a symbolic logic and to show that all pure mathematics
can be reduced to formal logic. The attempt was driven by a desire to elim-
inate contradictions that threaten the foundations of set theory and other
branches of mathematics. It was believed that mathematics and logic are
inseparable, and that if we want to obtain purely objective knowledge, then
first we have to reconstruct mathematics as a body of knowledge that is
contradiction-free (Davis and Hersh, 1981).
Fig. 1 is an example of Russell's legendary work on how the arithmetic
proposition 1 + 1 = 2 is established (after 362 pages of elaboration). This
mammoth exercise is likely to be viewed by non-mathematicians as plain stupi-
dity. But it is an attempt (a praiseworthy attempt) to establish mathematics as a
*5442. 1-::aE2.:::>:.pCCY. !P.{H:Cf.==.{:JUoc
1-.*544. :::>I-::oc=,'xu,',.:::>:.
{:JC 01.:1 ! p. == :{:J=A. v . 13= ,'x . v .13=",. v .13=01: 3113:
[*24'5356.*51 161] = : {:J=,'x. v .13=",. v .13=01 (1)
1-. *5425. Transp. *5222.:::> I- :x=l=,.:::>. ,'xu ,',=1= ,'x. ,'xu ,',=1=,', :
[* 1312] :::> 1-: 01= ,'xu ,',.x=l=,.:::> . 01=1= ,'x .01=1=,', (2)
1-. (1). (2). :::> 1-:: oc=,'xu ,',.x=l=,.:::> :.
{:JCoc.3 !{:J.{:J=I=oc.= : {:J=,'x. v .13=",:
= : (3%). %EOC ./l=,'%:
1-. (3).*11'11'35. *541 01.:::> 1-. Prop
*5443. 1-:.OC./lE I.:::> :ocn{:J=A.= .ocu/lE2
= :/lu"oc (3)
I- .*5426.:::> I- :.oc=,'x.{:J=,',.:::> :ocu/lE2. = .x=l=,.
[*51'231] =.,'xn,',=A.
[*13'12] (I)
1-.(1).*1111'35.:::> .
I- :.(3x.,).oc=,'x./l="":::> :ocu/lE2 .51.ocn/l=A (2)
I- .(2).* 1154.*521.:::> 1-. Prop
From this proposition it will fl)lIuw. when arithmetical addition
has been ddined. that 1 + 1 = 2.
Figure 1 Copyright 1910 by Cambridge University Press. Reprinted by permis-
Chapter 6
model of absolute truth. The attempt was indeed a grand achievement of
axiomatic reasoning. It also inspired the great mathematician David Hilbert to
put forth a program that he claimed would banish all contradictory results in
mathematics. In retrospect, Hilbert's faith in this program was admirable:
"What we have experienced twice, first with the paradoxes of the infinitesimal
calculus and then with the paradoxes of set theory, cannot happen a third time
and will never happen again" (Regis, 1987).
In 1931, six years after Hilbert's manifesto, Kurt Godel proved, by the very
method of logic, that all consistent axiomatic formulations of number theory
include undecidable propositions. In plain English, the theorem showed that no
logical system, no matter how complicated, could account for the complexity
of the natural numbers: 0, 1,2,3,4, ... (Hofstadter, 1979). The theorem thus
puts an end to the search for logical foundations of mathematics initiated by
Russell and Hilbert.
After decades of elaboration on the logic of science and on ''the ultimate
meaning of scientific theories" (Schlick, 1931, p. 116), Russell (1948) finally
conceded that "all human knowledge is uncertain, inexact and partial. "I This
conclusion may be true, but the tone is too pessimistic. It may also lead to the
anarchism that nothing is knowable and therefore anything goes. For instance,
when a space shuttle blows up in the sky and kills all of the astronauts in it,
the scientists in charge cannot simply shrug off the event by saying that "all
human knowledge is uncertain, inexact and partial."
Moving back to mathematics and logic, although Godel had proved that log-
ical systems are intrinsically incomplete, he never proved that mathematics as
a branch of human knowledge is inconsistent or uncertain.
It should be spelled out that, outside the domain of pure mathematics, there
are two types of knowledge: local and global knowledge. While local
knowledge can be quite certain, global knowledge is in general partial and
hard to justify. For example, when Newton released an apple from his hand,
the apple dropped to the floor. That is certain. But what is the reason free
objects all drop to the ground? According to Aristotle, that is the fate of every-
thing. According to Newton, that is the result of gravity. According to
Einstein, that is the result of relativity .
Given the competing theories, a big question is, how do we know which
one is the best? Furthermore, a theory is a generalization of finitely many
observations. What is the scientific justification of this generalization? Accord-
ing to logical positivists, the answer is the assignment of a degree of con-
firmation to each scientific theory. This so-called "degree of confirmation,"
according to Reichenbach (and his Berlin school of philosophy), rests upon the
calculus of probability, which is the ''very nerve of scientific method." Also,
the notorious Hume's problem of induction "can thus be solved" (Reichen-
bach, 1951).
On ObJectivity, SubJectivity, and Probability 141
In addition, when conflicting theories are presented, probability and "induc-
tive logic" are used to settle the issue. More precisely, "the inductive infer-
ence is used to confer upon each of those theories a degree of probability, and
the most probable theory is then accepted" (Reichenbach, 1951). This consti-
tutes the core of the "scientific philosophy" advocated by Reichenbach and his
Berlin school of philosophy.
However, the justification of scientific knowledge is often not an easy
matter, let alone the justification of "scientific philosophy." For example, what
is the probability that a specific nuclear-power plant will fail? In such a tightly
controlled situation, if scientists cannot come up with a reliable probability,
then there is little hope of assigning a meaningful probability to each scientific
theory. As a matter of fact, many famous statisticians have plunged into the
problem of the nuclear-power plant only to retreat with disgrace. (See Brei-
man, 1985; Speed, 1985).
It is now clear that the "speculative philosophy" of Plato, Descartes, and
Hume contributed more to human knowledge than Reichenbach's voluminous
writings on the so-called "scientific philosophy."
Nevertheless, the influence of logical positivism has been enormous in
many branches of science in such distinctive manners as: (1) using mathemati-
cal probability to justify certain unjustifiable "scientific" results; (2)
masquerading "subjective knowledge" under the cover of "objective estima-
This kind of unfortunate influence poses less problem in the natural sci-
ences than in social-behavioral studies. One reason for this phenomenon is that
the natural sciences are usually built upon a solid foundation and investigators
are too busy to worry about philosophical debate on the nature of their
research conducts.
Social and behavioral scientists, on the other hand, are insecure about their
research findings. Therefore, they need like the one advocated
by Reichenbach. This justification, as we have seen in the previous chapters, is
misleading and is detrimental to their research efforts .
In general, it is easier to develop the scientific theories of nature than to
grasp the nature of scientific theories. But fortunately, Thomas Kuhn (1970), a
physicist, provided us with a better picture in this regard. According to Kuhn,
scientists work under different paradigms that are ''universally recognized
scientific achievements that for a time provide model problems and solutions
to a community of practitioners." Under a paradigm, a scientific community
devotes itself to solving problems that are narrowly focused or fragmented, or
even problems that apparently need not be solved.
142 Chapter 6
If you reflect upon it, isn't this exactly what we haye been trained to do and
have been happily doing throughout our professional lives?
Kuhn characterized the above state of problem-solving as the period of
"normal science." During this period, scientific investigations, albeit limited,
can be highly productive. Nevertheless, he maintained that the greatest
discoveries are not made during the period of normal science, but rather dur-
ing periods of paradigmatic revolutions.
Paradigmatic revolutions occur, according to Kuhn, when "anomalies"
accumulate. That is, when practitioners of a developed science find themselves
unable to solve a growing number of problems. This leads to crisis and in turn
provides the opportunity for the rise of a new paradigm.
Kuhn's insight was truly revolutionary and soon became a new paradigm
itself in the philosophy of science. There is no denying that much of what
Kuhn had described about scientists and scientific activities is true. It is also to
his credit that he put human beings back into a global picture of the scientific
enterprise. This is what it is and this is what it should be.
However, Kuhn went one step further to question the very methods of
scientific investigation. For instance, he wrote,
[During my year-long visit at the Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral
Sciences], I was struck by the number and extent of the overt disagreements
between social scientists about the nature of legitimate scientific problems and
methods. Both history and acquaintance made me doubt that practitioners of the
natural sciences possess firmer or more permanent answers to such questions than
their colleagues in social science. [emphasis supplied]
Furthermore, Kuhn maintained that there is no such thing as progress in sci-
ence. For instance, Kuhn (1970, pp. 206-207) wrote:
I do not doubt, for example, that Newton's mechanics improves on Aristotle's and
that Einstein's improves on Newton's as instruments for puzzle-solving. But I can
see in their succession no coherent direction of ontological development. On the
contrary, in some important respects, though by no means in all, Einstein's general
theory of relativity is closer to Aristotle's than either of them is to Newton's.
Such views on science run against the theme of this book. Therefore, we have
no other choice but to put forward our assessment of his conclusions. In the
case of Einstein's theory, we believe that he was using a half truth to advocate
a radical view that is often used by social scientists in the defense of their
sloppy statistical work. (See Freedman, 1987.)
The truth about "Einstein's theory" is that there are actually two theories:
the general theory and the special theory of relativity; one deals with gravity
while the other does not. Kuhn's assertion is that, from a paradigmatic point of
view, the general theory is "closer to Aristotle's than either of them is to
Newton's." The reasons, to my understanding, are as follows.
On ObJectivity, SubJectivity, and Probability 143
A distinctive feature of the Einstein paradigm is that many of the new
theories based upon general relativity are just "theories": they are not empiri-
cally testable, and the way theorists are pumping up suppositions is very much
in the manner Aristotle framed up his views of nature.
For instance, in order to test the super-string theory or certain Grand
Unified Theories, the particle accelerators would have to be light years across
in size. This is hardly in the spirit of Newtonian physics, whose trademark was
firmly established when Galileo started doing experiments to test Aristotle's
claims on falling objects. But now with these new theories about Grand
Unification, physicists are just sitting there thinking about exotic theories and
not doing experiments.
Another prominent feature of general relativity is that it is not a well-tested
theory itself, at least not until recent years. As a matter of fact, throughout his
life, Einstein saw only two confirmations of the general theory of relativity.
Both confirmations rely on observational data, not controlled experiments. In
addition, the confirmations are distinctively statistical. Together, the con-
firmations constitute two case studies about the troublesome nature of statisti-
cal analysis that are common in non-experimental sciences.
One confirmation of general relativity is about the peculiar movement of
Mercury, a strange phenomenon that cannot be explained by Newton's law of
gravity. Numerous proposals were put forward to account for the discrepancy.
But it was Einstein's framework that appeared to explain the movements of
Mercury and other planets in the most elegant fashion. Table 1 shows some
statistics in this respect (Marion, 1976, p. 294):
Table 1 Precessional Rate (in arcseconds per century)
Theoretical calculation
43.03 :I: 0.03
43.11 :I: 0.45
8.4:1: 4.8
5.0 :I: 1.2
But just like any statistical artifact in observational studies, the confirmation
was challenged by other observations. In 1966 Dicke and Goldenberg found
that the Sun is not a sphere and that the flatness of the Sun contributes about 3
arcseconds to Mercury's strange movement. This observation cast doubt on
general relativity and seemed to favor other competing theories such as the
Brans-Dicke theory. (For more details, see, e.g., Will, 1986.) But then others
soon pointed out that the Dicke-Goldenberg results might be due to the instrin-
sic solar brightness between poles and equator, instead of a true flatness of the
Sun. Debates surrounding these matters abounded in the scientific literature.
Today, scientists appear confident that the issue will eventually be resolved in
144 Chapter 6
favor of general relativity. But so far no decisive piece of evidence has been
Another confirmation of general relativity was the well-touted Eddington
expedition of 1919. The event has been argued by some (e.g., the British his-
torian Paul Johnson)2 as the beginning of the "modem era," in that the old
concepts of absolute space and absolute time were lost forever.
But the fact is that Eddington's confirmation is somewhat scandalous. Here
we will relate the story as appeared in Barman and Glymour (1980) and in
Fienberg (1985). We will also give some of our calculations and comments.
According to the general theory of relativity, starlight is bent by the gravi-
tational field of the Sun. Einstein's theory predicted a deflection of 1.74, as
opposed to the value of 0.87 predicted by Newtonian theory.3 To settle the
issue, Eddington organized a pair of expeditions to make appropriate measure-
ments during the eclipse of the sun. Three sets of data were collected (all mea-
surements are in arcseconds):
Data set Mean deflection Probable error
1 1.61
2 0.86
3 1.98
As anyone can tell, the second data set yielded a mean deflection that is almost
identical to the Newtonian value of 0.87. But this set of data was not reported
when Eddington returned to an extraordinary joint meeting of the Astronomi-
cal and Royal Societies. Einstein's prediction was thus "confirmed" and a
modem era of curved space and time was born.
In a critique of the Eddington expedition, Earman and Glymour (1980)
pointed out many troublesome features in the whole affair. To begin with, it is
very tricky (or error-prone) to measure what oUght to be measured during an
eclipse. For example, comparison photographs were taken at different times,
one set during the day and the other at night. Temperature changes, the reloca-
tion of the telescope, and slightest mechanical deviations in the machine could
have, in theory and in practice, significant impact on the measurements.
For another example, the first data set in the table were calculated from the
images of only two plates. Further, the images were so blurred that Eddington
disregarded the standard least-squares technique and expended extra effort to
derive a scale factor indirectly from other check plates. In addition, the rota-
tional displacement of the images was obtained by assuming the validity of
Einstein's predicted deflection.
Behind the stage, the way Eddington deleted or adjusted his data does not
appear to be a model of scientific conduct. Nevertheless, the Eddington "con-
On Objectivity, Subjectivity, and Probability 145
firmation" of Einstein's theory is, by any standard, a great success in media
and in the scientific community. The "confirmation" indeed made the name
Einstein a household word.
After the 1919 confirmation, there were other expeditions to test Einstein's
theory. The results varied, but most of them were a bit higher than the
deflection predicted by the general relativity. In their comments about these
confirmations, Barman and Glymour (1980) wrote, "It mattered very little.
The reputation of the general theory of relativity, established by the British
eclipse expeditions, was not to be undone." To support this position, Barman
and Glymour related the affair to the prediction of gravitational red shifts.
The red shift was the first of famous predictions based on the notion of
curved space-time. The prediction was made in 1907 by Einstein himself. The
confirmations of this prediction, however, had always been elusive. Before
1919, no one claimed to have obtained red shifts of the size predicted by the
theory. But within a year of the announcement of the Eddington results several
researchers reported finding the Einstein effect. According to Barman and
Glymour (1980),
there had always been a few spectral lines that could be regarded as shifted as much
as Einstein required; all that was necessary to establish the red shift prediction was
a willingness to throw out most of the evidence and the ingenuity to contrive argu-
ments that would justify doing so.
In addition, Earman and Glymour maintained:
The red shift was confirmed because reputable people agreed to throw out a good
part of the observations. They did so in part because they believed the theory; and
they believed the theory, again at least in part, because they believed that the British
eclipse expeditions had confirmed it.
Such criticisms, amazingly, have not eclipsed the fame or the "validity" of
general relativity. Modern observations, according to certain experts in the
field (see, e.g., Hawking, 1988, p. 32), have accurately confirmed certain
predictions; and the theory so far still holds the truth about space, time, and
gravity. But other physicists, such as Kuhn, may not be as convinced as these
We now turn to a comparison between general relativity and special rela-
tivity. First, special relativity deals specifically with physics in the situations
where gravitational force is negligible. In addition, unlike general relativity,
special relativity has been checked and rechecked and confiI'Illed time and time
again (by controlled experiments). Indeed the theory has been accepted by
physicists as a reality beyond any shadow of doubt. For instance, just by the
sheer power of the atomic bomb, you don't want to argue with the equation
E = mc
(Will, 1986).
146 Chapter 6
Second, special relativity gave rise to Dirac's theories about the spins of
elementary particles and about the existence of anti-matters, all of which have
been confirmed in tightly controlled experiments over and over again.
Third, special relativity also paved the way for the theory of quantum
electro-dynamics (QED), the most accurate theory in all of physics (Ohanian
1987, p. 444; Will, 1986).
Kuhn himself is an expert in physical science. It is thus a big surprise that
he did not credit the coherent progress in physical science exemplified in the
ontological development from Newtonian physics and special relativity to
Dirac's theory and the theory of quantum electro-dynamics.
Nevertheless, his brilliant observation about general relativity reinforced a
suspicion that in certain branches of non-experimental (and semi-experimental)
science, "progress," despite mountainous pUblications, might be less than it
In the previous section we discussed some advantages of deductive reasoning.
In this section we will further discuss another advantage, and later in this sec-
tion the limitations of logic and mathematics. The advantage is that mathemati-
cal reasoning often produces results that are contradictory to our intuition and
common sense. The clash of mathematics and intuition, to my knowledge,
always results in the surrender of intuition to mathematical reasoning-because
experiments always tum out on the side of logical reasoning. To illustrate this
point, consider the following example:
There are three fair dice whose 3 x 6 sides will be labelled from 1 to 18 by Mr. A
(a mathematician). After the dice are labelled, Mr. B (another mathematician)
chooses one of the dice. Finally Mr. A chooses another die from the remaining
ones. The two players roll their dice and the person with the larger number wins
In this game, our intuition says that in the long run Mr. B will have advantage
over Mr. A, because Mr. B has the first choice of die. Careful calculation says
that our intuition is wrong. For instance, if Mr. A arranges the 18 numbers as
follows: I = {18,10,9,8,7,5}, II = {17,16,15,4,3,2}, and m =
{14,13,12,1l,6,1}. Then
Pr[l > II] = (6 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3)/36 = 21136,
Pr[II > ill] = (6 + 6 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 1)/36 = 21136,
Pr[m > I] = (5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 1)/36 = 21136 > 50%.
In other words, die I is better than die II; die II is better than die ill; and die
ill is better than die I. Hence Mr. A will always beat Mr. B, no matter how
On ObJectivity, SubJectivity, and Probability
smart Mr. B isIs This may sound impossible. If you don't believe this conclu-
sion' we can go somewhere and bet.
The previous dice are capable of producing more surprises. For example,
E(I) = the mathematical expectation of rolling die I
= (18 + 10 + 9 + 8 + 7 + 5)/6 = 9.5 = E(II) = E(III).
That is, the expected values of the three dice are the same, even if we have
just concluded that the probability die I will beat II is larger than 50%.
If you have enjoyed the above example, the next will be equally fascinating:
Game 1: Flip a coin; the gambler will bet $1 on either head or tail (the probability
of winning is .5).
Game 2: the gambler will bet $1 either red or black on a roulette (the probability of
winning is 18/38, or .474).
Assume that in game 1 the gambler has $900 and his goal is $1,000,000 (one mil-
lion), and that in game 2 the gambler also has $900 but his goal is only $1,000 (one
thousand). In which game is the gambler more likely to reach his goal? Game 1 or
In graphic form, the above information can be summarized as follows:
Game 1: $900 $1,000,000 (p = .50)
Game 2: $900 $1,000 (p = .474 2! .50)
Intuitively, it is a long way to go from $900 to one million dollars. Therefore
it is more likely to reach the goal in Game 2 than Game 1. HGwever, if we let
h(K) = Pr[reaching the goal of $N, giving that the initial capital = $K],
then standard calculations of Markov absorption probabilities yield the follow-
ing formulas:
Game 1: h(K) = KIN, N = $1,000,000
. _ (q/p)"K - 1 _ _ $
Game 2. h(K) - (q/p)"N _ l' q - 1 p, N = 1000
If K = $900, we obtain the following probabilities:
Game 1: h(900) = .09%
Game 2: h(900) = .003 %
Note that .09/.003 = 30. This means that the gambler is 30 times more likely
to reach the goal in Game 1 than in Game 2, a conclusion quite contrary to
intuition for most people.
In their book, How to Gamble If You Must?, Dubins and Savage (1965)
mentioned a strategy that can be applied to the situation of Game 2: Bet $100
Chapter 6
the first time; if you lose, then bet $200 the second time, etc. Using this stra-
h(900) = P + pq + p(qA2) = 88%
1 - (pq)A2
In other words, if one uses the Dubins-Savage strategy in Game 2, then the
probability he will reach the goal is about 88 %. Without any strategy, the pro-
bability is .00003.
It now appears that the Dubins-Savage strategy is a sure way to win in the
long run. But this is not true. For instance, if we calculate the expected values,
the answer is -$20 with the strategy and -$899.97 without a strategy. These
negative values lead to a question: In the long run, which is better? to play
with or without using the Dubins-Savage strategy? To answer this question, we
m(K) = the expected time the gambler either reaches his goal or gets
Then for Game 2 (without strategy),
m(K) = 1 + p*m(K + 1) + q*m(K -1); K = 1,2, ... ,N -1;
m(O) = 0, m(N) = O.
The solution to these equations yields
m(K) = 22492 = 22,500.
This means that it will take about 22,500 spins of the roulette wheel for the
gambler (without strategy) to reach his goal or get ruined. On the other hand,
it takes, on the average, only 2 spins to end a game if one uses the Dubins-
Savage strategy. Recall that the expected gain of the Dubins-Savage strategy is
- $20. Therefore,
(-$20) * 22500 .spins = -$225,000
2 Spins
In other words, the gambler who uses the Dubins-Savage strategy repeatedly
will lose about $225,000 by the time the other gambler (without strategy) loses
Similar puzzles are plentiful in probability and many branches of mathemat-
ics (see, e.g., Coyle and Wang, 1993). These puzzles may appear "contradic-
tory" to novice students or amateur scientists. If well explained, these seem-
ingly contradictory results are consistent; more importantly, they are sup-
ported by experiment. In other words, the "paradox" is only a conflict
between reality and your feeling of what reality oUght to be. This is one of the
most valuable assets of mathematics over common-sense reasoning.
On ObJectivity, SubJectivity, and Probability 149
We now turn to the limitation of logic and mathematics. In human reason-
ing, the major problem with logic is that logic itself cannot check the assump-
tions in a chain of arguments. To illustrate, consider the following example:
A pencil has five sides, with only one side carved with a logo. If you toss the pencil,
what is the chance that the logo will come out on top?
So far almost all answers I have heard are the same: 115. The correct answer
is 0 or 2/5, depending on the definition of ''top.'' In this example. no amount
of logic or mathematical formulas can help to reach the correct answer unless
the investigator looks at the pencil in his hand and thinks about the pencil in
the stated problem.
The moral of this example is that a total reliance on logic is not enough.
This may sound like an old cliche, but isn't much of the activity of logical
positivism merely using logic to justify all human knowledge? The following
example is personal, but it is quite typical. A group of Ph.D. candidates from
Asia were involved in a debate on the political future of their country. After
heated exchange, a mathematics candidate who was trained in doing abstract
algebra lectured another anthropology candidate: "I am a mathematician. I am
trained in logic. So my conclusion is more scientific than your conclusion."
In my observation, many quantitative researchers are like that naive
mathematics candidate-they believe that pure logic (e.g., statistical formulas
ana electronic computers) will produce more scientific results than anectodal
evidence. Worse, they are very rigid about the "rigor" and the "objectivity" of
their statistical results. Since they have learned the wrong things too well, we
will put forth additional criticism of such mentality in Sections m, IV, and V
of this chapter.
In the previous example of tossing a pencil, the question can be more com-
Toss the pencil 100 times. What is the probability that the logo will show up at least
30 times?
In this case, one can first examine the shape of the pencil and then apply stand-
ard mathematics to solve the problem. However, in many scientific applica-
tions of the probability calculus, the phenomenon under study is not as easy as
the shape of a pencil. For example, the assumptions in a social-behavioral
regression often do not hold water, but researchers seldom hesitate to calculate
the P-values of the coefficients and declare that the equation is "scientific" and
"objective. "
Well, if you blindfold yourself, the statistics generated by a fixed procedure
are certainly "objective." But "objectivity" does not by itself guarantee "relia-
bility," as the five-sided pencil has taught us.
Chapter 6
In the next example, we will examine a case where the shape of the thing is
so uncertain that the very foundation of classical probability theory is chal-
lenged. In addition, this case study is intended to illustrate the fact that
mathematical statistics is such a rich field that it is capable of producing more
surprising results.
According to the standard theory, the conditional probability of event A to
happen, given that event B already happened is
P [AlB] = Pr[A and B] (3)
r Pr[B]
and the total probability of A can be split into two distinct parts:
Pr[A] = Pr[A and Bl] + Pr[A and B2], (4)
provided that {B .. is a partition of the sample space. By the ground rules
of formulas (3) and (4), it is straight-forward to derive the following:
Pr[AIC]=Pr[AIBlandC] *Pr[BIIC]+Pr[AIB2andC] *Pr[B2IC]. (5)
This Bayes formula looks very simple, but its implication is mind-blowing.
Consider the experiment shown in Fig. 2. In this set-up, the left-hand side of
formula (5) does not equal the right-hand side, because the former reveals the
wave property, while the latter corresponds to the particle property of the elec-
tron. On the left-hand side, Pr[A I C], we have no knowledge about whether the
electron passes through slit 1 ot 2. On the right-hand side, Pr[A I Bi and C]
indicates that we know the electron passes through slit i.
The two-slit experiments are most famous examples in modem physics,8
although most physics books do not discuss the Bayes formula in (5). Here are
some implications provided by Richard Feynman (1948): "(5) results from the
plate screen
slit 1
slit 2
(a) (e)
Figure 2 (a) The event that an electron falls in region R; (b) the event that the elec-
tron passes through slit i, i = I or 2; (c) the event corresponding to the energy level of
the electron.
On ObJectivity, SubJectivity, and Probability
statement that in each experiment, B had some value. The only way (5) could
be wrong is that the statement 'B had some value' must sometimes be mean-
ingless." In the Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probabil-
ity, Feynman (1951) further concluded: "It is not true that the electron passes
either through hole 1 or hole 2." But in reality, electrons always have the
same mass, same charge, same spin, and same magnetic moment. One-half
electrons do not exist.
This parodox is the kernel of the orthodox view on elementary particles. A
majority of physicists such as Feynman, Heisenberg, and Bohr all share this
view. Amused by this orthodox interpretation, a physicist in the Far East put a
sign on his office door: "Richard Feynman might have been here." .
In 1964, John Bell (a European physicist) discovered an inequality that
greatly strengthens the orthodox view. The inequality and its experimental
verifications are too lengthy to be reviewed here. (See, e.g., Shimony, 1988.)
But a theorem derived from the inequality is easy to state:
THEOREM (J. Bell, 1965)
There exist vectors a, b, c in the 3-dimensional Euclidean space for which it is not
possible to find 3 random variables S(a), S(b), S(c) on a probability space with
values in { + I, -I} such that their correlations are given by
E[S(x)S(y)] = xy,
for all x, y = a, b, c.
Bell's inequality and related theorems lend strong support to the following
orthodox views where truth seems stranger than fiction (Arcardi, 1985):
An electron is a wave packet which, when nobody looks at it, is virtually
everywhere in the space. (This is called the superposition state of elec-
However, as soon as somebody looks at it, the electron suddenly material-
izes in a region of a few microns. (This is part of a theory called collaps-
ing waves.)
No probability distribution can describe the wave packet before you look at
it. (This is called the non-locality of one electron.)
Before you look at them, two electrons interact with each other. There is no
way to tell them apart. (This is called the non-separability of two elec-
In 1935, Einstein and co-workers published a famous article against the popu-
lar interpretation of electron. His main argument is that the non-separability of
two electrons implies an instantaneous "communication" between two elec-
trons at a distance. This communication is faster than the speed of light and
thus violates a fundamental principle firmly established in physics.
Chapter 6
Einstein's article was intended to point out an impossibility, but it turned
out to be prophetic. Experiments (see, e.g., Shimony, 1988, Scientific Ameri-
can) appear to have strong evidence that two entities separated by many
meters can exhibit striking correlations in their behavior, so that a measure-
ment done on one of the entities seems instantaneously to affect the result of a
measurement on the other.
On another front, Schrodinger challenged the theory of "collapsing waves"
by a thought experiment now widely known as "Schrodinger's cat." The
example neady penetrates the weak spot of the orthodox view. Imagine that a
cat is sealed in a box, along with a Geiger counter, a small amount of radioac-
tive material, a hammer, and a bottle of poison (such as cyanide). The device
is arranged so that when an atom of the radioactive substance decays, the
Geiger counter discharges, causing the hammer to crush the bottle and release
the poison (Gribbin, 1984).
According to the orthodox interpretation, before we look inside the box,
nothing can be said about the radioactive sample-it is not true that the sample
either decayed or did not decay, because the wave function collapses only
when we look at it. But if the state of the radioactive sample is indeterminate
(before we look at it), so are the bottle of poison and the cat. In other words,
the radioactive sample has both decayed and not decayed, the bottle is both
broken and not broken, and the cat is both dead and alive.
This thought experiment (as well as other parodoxes in quantum mechanics)
has generated numerous scholarly acticles and Ph.D. dissertations. But the
whole issue is far from settled. Among the different proposals, the most
interesting ones are put forth by a group of Italiat) theorists who challenge
direcdy the validity of using standard probability theory in the micro-universe.
Specifically, they challenge the validity of the conditional probability in for-
mula (3) and thus the Bayes formula in (5). In doing so, they propose non-
Kolmogorovian probability model for micro phenomenon. The ground of their
proposal is that the very act of "looking at it" means an interference of light
(photons) with electrons. Therefore the Kolmogorovian model of probability
may not hold in the micro-universe. Here is one of the theorems in this new
THEOREM (L. Accardi, 1982)
Let p, q, r be real numbers in the open interval (0,1).
p= Q=
r 1 - r]
R= l-r r .
1. A Kolmogorovian model for P, Q, R exists if and only if
Ip + q - 11 < r < 1 - Ip - ql
On ObJectivity, SubJectivity, and Probability
2. A complex Hilbert space model for P, Q, R exists if and only if
3. A real Hilbert space model for P, Q, R exists if and only if
p+q+r-l =:1::1.
4. A quaternion Hilbert space model for P, Q, R exists if and only if a complex
Hilbert space model exists.
Accardi and his co-workers believe that Kolmogorovian model is not univer-
sally applicable, and that parodoxes created by orthodox views of quantum
mechanics may eventually be eliminated by Hilbert space models. Their works
are very interesting, but their conviction so far has not been widely accepted.
Historically, physics was part of philosophy. The two separated when
Galileo used experimental methods to test doubtful claims initiated by Aristo-
tle. By this standard, the rising non-Kolmogorovian models of quantum
mechanics have to be deemed philosophical. If the models are further
developed and tested by a rich array of experimental data, then the models
eventually may become part of physics.
To the insiders of academic endeavors, science is not always logical. It is
interesting to see how physicists live with all the uncertainties and parodoxes
surrounding the foundation of their discipline. Feynman, for instance, feels
perfectly comfortable with the uncertainty. He deserves it. His discipline is so
far the most solid and accurate among all natural sciences. Further, his QED
(quantum electrodynamics) stands as the most accurate theory in all physics. In
short, if your discipline has good theory, good measurement, and accurate
prediction, then you are entitled to be a little arrogant, like Richard Feynman.
One of the tasks of logical positivism is to outlaw all speculative statements as
meaningless. A consequence of this "scientific philosophy" is a disrespect of
intuitive and subjective knowledge. In statistics, this influence is reflected by
the strict teaching of the Neyman-Pearson school of statistical reasoning. In
social-behavioral sciences, this influence also "led to the declaration that con-
cepts like mind, intuition, instinct, and meaning were 'metaphysical' survivals
unworthy of study" (Harris, 1980, p. 15).
Under the shadow of both logical positivism and Neyman-Pearson's rigid
teaching, certain researchers are afraid of talking about subjective knowledge
(and anecdotal evidence). To them, next to the word "science," the most
sacred term may very well be "statistical test." (Beardsley, 1980, p. 75).
In this section we will try to point out that there are numerous examples
which show that human knowledge is not acquired by objective methods, let
154 Chapter 6
alone so-called statistical estimation. For example, how does a journal editor
decide to accept or reject a research paper in mathematics? Can he do so by
conducting a hypothesis testing on a batch of "objective" data? For another
example, how can a teacher be objective when he or she goes into a class-
room? Copy everything from the book to the blackboard? For yet another
example, how does a scientist select a research topic? Take a simple random
sample from all papers that have ever been published? Examples like these are
everywhere if one is willing to open up his mind.
It is interesting to note that although "objective" researchers do not believe
subjective knowledge, they do believe in mathematical formulas and statistical
procedures. Hence our next task is to use mathematical formulas to prove that
often intuition and subjective knowledge override a 100% objective estimation.
Readers who are application-oriented may skip the mathematical details in
Example 1.
EXAMPLE 1 Flip a coin 100 times. Assume that 99 heads are obtained. If
you ask a statistician, the response is likely to be: "It is a biased coin." But if
you ask a probabilist, he may say: "Wooow, what a rare event!,,9
My students usually push me to take a stand on this issue. They are accus-
tomed to cut-and-dried solutions, just like certain simple-minded quantitative
researchers. Here is my answer: If the coin came from K-Mart, I would tend
to stick with the belief that the coin is unbiased. But if the coin came from Las
Vegas, then it is a different story.
As a matter of fact, a Bayesian assessment indicates" that the coin (from K-
Mart) is only moderately biased. A formal analysis proceeds as follows. Let p
be the probability that the coin lands heads, and y be the number of heads in n
tosses. It is reasonable to assume that the prior of p is a symmetric Beta distri-
bution with parameter a. The Beta densities with a = 20 and 85 are shown in
Fig. 3. Note that if a is very large, then the prior will concentrate near .5. The
mathematical form of the Beta density is
f(p) oc pa-t(1 _ p)a-t.
E(p) = .5,
Var(p) = 1I{4(2a + In.
We further assume that most coins from the U. S. Mint will land heads with
probability p ranging from .4 to .6. This assumption implies that the standard
deviation of p is about .2/6. Therefore
a = 112.
Since the likelihood function of a coin tossing is binomial, standard calculation
On OblectMty, Sub,ectMty, and Probability
I '"
Figure3 Symmetric beta deDsitiea with parameters a = 20 and 85.
of tbe posterior of p yields another Beta density with parameters (y + a) and
(0 - y + a). Hence
B(ply) = (y + a)/(o + 2&), (6)
Var(ply) = B(ply)(o - y + a)/(o + la)(o + 2a + 1). (7)
Some applications of the formulas (6) and (7) are given in the following table.
n y
yIn <")
B(ply) ("). SD(ply) (")
30 29 96.7 SS.s 3.1
40 39 97.S 57:2 3
SO 49 98 59 3
100 99 99 6S 2.6
156 Chapter 6
For the case n = 30 in this table, the Bayesian estimation of the true p is only
55.5%, which is not significantly different from 50%; on the contrary, the
naive 95% confidence interval for p is about [9O%,l00%]-a quite misleading
conclusion if the coin indeed came from K-Mart. Even for the case where n =
100 and y = 99 (or the extreme case where y = n = 100), the Bayesian
assessment of the coin does not support the conclusion that the coin is severely
Remark 1 In this example, the coin-tossing is objective, but the Beta prior
density is not-it was chosen mainly for the sake of mathematical convenience.
Other densities may do as well.
Remark 2 The calculation of the parameter a is also based on another piece
of knowledge that is not objective at all: we assume that most coins will land
heads with probability ranging from .4 to .6. These numbers were pulled right
off my head; I don't have any hard data to justify these "objective" numbers.
Remark 3 If big capital is involved in the betting, then the possibility that the
coin is indeed severely biased may become a haunting nightmare. A frequen-
tist solution is available for this special instance: Flip the coin another 10,000
times; the data will eventually swamp the prior. In technical terms, this means
that E(ply), which equals (y + a)/(n + 2a), will approach the true p if n
goes to infinity.
EXAMPLE 2 Some empirical scientists may consider that the above example
of coin-tossing is a contrived example remote from real-world applications.
Therefore, the next example is chosen for its broad social implications in the
testing for AIDS, drugs, legal affairs (Scientific American, March, 1990), and
polygraph (lie detector) tests.
Assume that in an AIDS screening program, the reliability of a medical test
is 95%. That is, if a person has AIDS, the test will show positive results 95%
of time; if a person does not have AIDS, then the test will be negative 95% of
time. Now suppose a test on Johnny is positive, what is the chance that Johnny
has AIDS?
By common sense the probability that Johnny has AIDS is 95 %. But people
with good intuition and high respect for humanity may argue against the total
reliance on the objective medical test: Assume that there are 20,000 students in
a big university, and that there are 40 students who have AIDS. The error rate
of medical testing is 5%, so (20,000 - 40) x 5% = 998. This means that
998 students could be wrongly identified as having AIDS, which is equivalent
to a death sentence. How can "objective science" be so crude?
Such arguments have been used to combat the promotion of mass testings
for drug- use and AIDS (e.g., the editorial board of The New York nmes,
November 30, 1987). In most social issues, the disputes can only be settled by
On ObJectivity, SubJectivity, and Probability
a vote. But fortunately, in this case a mathematical analysis can be enlisted to
resolve the controversy.
Specifically, let's consider the probability tree in Fig. 4, where Pr[AIDS] =
a, Pr[No AIDS] = 1 - a, Pr[PositiveIAIDS] = .95, and Pr[NegativelNo
AIDS] = .95. By using formulas (1) and (2) in Section n, we can derive the
following Bayes formula:
Pr[AIDSIPositive] = .95a + _ a) , (8)
which is the probability that Johnny has AIDS, given the information that his
test result is positive. Note that if a = 112, then Pr[AIDS I Positive] = .95. In
other words, if a = 50%, then the common-sense conclusion that P[Johnny
has AIDS] = 95% is correct. However, if a is not .5, then the answer can be
quite different. For example, if a = 1110,000 (i.e., in the whole population,
out of 10,000 people, there is only one AIDS patient), then by formula (8),
P[AIDS I Positive] = 0.2 %. That is, the chance Johnny has AIDS is only
0.2%, not 95%. Even if Johnny is from a risk group where a = 2/1,000, the
probability calculated from formula (8) is only 3.7%, not 95%.
At this moment mathematics appears to support the argument against lnaSs
testing. However, this appearance will evaporate upon close examination. Note
that formula (8) can be applied recursively. For instance, if a = 1110,000, and
the medical test is positive, then by applying formula (8) once, P[Johnny has
AIDS] is about 0.2%. Now if an independent test on Johnny is still positive,
then we can use .2 % as the new prior probability (i.e., a) and formula (8) will
produce a probability of 3.7%. Repeating the same calculation 3 more times,
we can conclude that P[Johnny has AIDS, given 5 positive tests] = 99.6%.
This is another example showing that repeated experiments overwhelm the
prior. But repeated experiments are, in most cases, not available in soft sci-
ences; therefore one should always double-check calculations against one's
instincts. And if the two collide, then one should shelve the calculation. That
is, go with your instinct, or wait for more evidence.
__ Positive
.05 __ Negative
.95 --Negative
Figure 4 Tree diagram for the AIDS problem.
Chapter 6
A characteristic of the current academic world is that if a theorem has
found an application, then the theorem will find its way into almost all
branches of scientific disciplines. This characteristic is no exception to the
Bayes formula and its extensions. One use of the Bayes formula is to justify
"scientific philosophy" (Reichenbach, 1951, p. 233). The irony of this
justification is that according to this philosophy, only "objective things" are
real (Reichenbach, 1951, p. 261). But Bayesians who ponder the nature of pro-
bability almost unanimously deny the existence of "objective probability" (see,
e.g., Good, 1988, p. 410).
Also, in sharp contrast to the "scientific philosophers," Bayesians
encourage the use of subjective probability "even when estimating a physical
probability" (Good, 1988). Scientific knowledge is, after all, a guide for deci-
sion making. But "when trying to make a decision," James Berger (a prom-
inent Bayesian, 1980, p. 58) declared, "asking for objectivity is obviously
silly. We should use all the information at our disposal to make the best deci-
sion, even if the information is very personal."
To Bayesians, not only information, but even the philosophical foundation
of Bayesianism is personal. According to Professor Good, there are at least
46,656 varieties of Bayesians. Among them, it is doubtful that they all consent
to the existence of "objective philosophy."
The textbook definition of probability is "the limit of the relative frequency
of repeated events." To Bayesians, this definition is inadequate. For instance,
how are we going to apply this definition to events such as "the probability
there will be a nuclear war?" We certainly cannot afford to repeat this event
infinitely many times.
The interpretation of probability as the relative frequency in the long run is
useless and self-defeating ,in many social-science studies. This fact was well
summarized by Keynes: "In the long run, we' are all dead." Bayesian theory
that does not need the frequency justification of probability may provide new
tools for incorporating prior knowledge and anecdotal evidence into statistical
However, let the reader be cautioned. In general we encourage researchers
in the soft sciences to take into account experience and intuition in their
inquiries. But we do not encourage inexperienced' users to apply formal
mathematics of Bayesian calculation in conducting their research. The reason
is that using Bayesian analysis adds a new dimension (and new confusion) in
dealing with uncertainty. As a case in point, the following example shows the
confusion in the assignment of numerical probability to one's prior belief.
In 1987 James Berger (a leading figure of Bayesianism) launched a blister-
ing attack on the use of P-values statistical hypothesis testing. Berger's
papers were published in Statistical Science (1987a, with seven discussants)
On ObJectivity, SubJectivity, and Probability. 159
and in JASA (1987b, with eight discussants). The prominent status of the dis-
cussants (and the journals involved) made the discussion an unforgettable
event in statistical community. .
Berger's main thesis is that P-values overstate the evidence against the null
hypothesis. In a zealous attempt to discredit the current practice, his quest is
thus to "pound nails into the coffin of P-values." (Berger, 1987b, p. 135,.
JASA). This kind of statement is about the strongest language one can expect
in scholarly publications.
Berger's argument is that Bayesian evidence against a null hypothesis can
differ by an order of magnitude from P-values (1987b, p. 112):
For instanoe, data that yield a P-value of .05, when testing a normal mean, result in
a posterior probability of the null at at least .30 for any objective prior distribution.
("Objective" here means that equal prior weight is given the two hypotheses and
that the prior is symmetric and nonincreasing away from the null.) [emphasis origi-
As a good mathematician, Berger gave a solid justification to his claim (using
his "objective" priors). But upon further reflection, one may be curious why
equal probabilities are assigned to both hypotheses. Note that the null
hypothesis in Berger's derivation is
Ho:8 = 8
which represents a single point; while the alternative hypothesis is
:8 =1= 8
which represents two half lines containing infinitely many points. This assign-
ment of 50% probability to a point null reminds us of a mistake committed
frequently by freshman students in introductory statistics courses. For exam-
ple, you ask the students:s "What is the probability a fair coin will land
heads?" They will answer: "50%." So far this answer is correct. But why?
Many students will say that it is because there are two possible outcomes, so
the probability for each to happen oUght to be 50%. But this argument is sim-
ply not true. Further, if you ask them:
Flip a fair coin 100 times. What is the probability of getting 50 heads?
Most students would say 50%. But binomial formula (or a normal approxima-
tion) gives a probability of only 8 %. If the number of tosses approaches
infinity, then the probability it will land exactly half heads and half tails will
approach zero.
If we apply these elementary arguments to the testing of parameters in nor-
mal or binomial distributions, we cannot accept the probability of a point null
to be 50 %. But .this is precisely what Berger has used as one of the premises in
his mathematical derivations. Iii
Chapter 6
Berger's conclusion reveals a typical confusion of "statistical hypothesis"
and "scientific hypothesis." A statistical hypothesis describes a distinct feature
of a population that is narrowly defined-it is either defined for a population at
a specific time (e.g., sample survey), or for a highly focused situation (e.g.,
repeated measurements of microwave in a very small piece of the sky). This is
its limitation, but also its strength.
A scientific hypothesis, on the other hand, is something like Darwin's
theory of evolution or the Big Bang theory of our universe. This kind of
hypothesis does carry weight (or probability) for our belief. But a scientific
hypothesis is in most cases not tested by formal statistical inference. For
example, why does the scientific community accept evolution theory but reject
the religious creation theory? By setting up null and alternate hypotheses, and
then conducting a Neyman-Pearson (or Bayesian) hypothesis testing?
There are two different kinds of Bayesian statisticians: subjective Bayesians
and objective Bayesians. In this section we will first examine the content of an
"objective" Bayesian analysis in business forecast. We will then compare the
"scientific" philosophy of such "objective Bayesians" to other schools of sta-
tistical analysis.
In the late 1970s, a new type of Bayesian model for economic forecasting
was developed in the Research Department at the Federal Reserve Bank of
Minneapolis (Litterman, 1986a, 1986b, J. of Business and Economic Statis-
tics). The performance of these new models was very impressive (see Figs. 5
and 6), when compared to three professional forecasts (Chase Econometric
Associates, Wharton Econometric Forecasting Associates, and Data Resource,
Inc.): Both figures showed that the traditional forecasts deviated from
Litterman's, while the realized values were remarkably close to the predictions
made by the new method. The model that generated the previous forecast is
based on a time-series technique called vector autoregressive modeling, which
has been around for many years. The novelty of the new models is that the
investigators (see, e.g., Litterman, 1986a, 1986b) assign a Gaussian prior dis-
tribution to the autoregressive coefficients.
The modeler (Litterman, 1986b) emphasizes that his prior distribution is not
derived from any particular economic theory. The reason is that the modeler
does not find "a good deal of consensus on the economic structures involved."
Instead, the modeler decides to assign uniform prior (i.e., same standard devi-
ation) to the first lag of the dependent variables in the equations. He also
assigns dect;,eased standard deviations of further coefficients in the lag distribu-
tions in a harmonic manner (Litterman, 1986b, p. 30). Forecasts are generated
mechanically from the resulting Bayesian models.
---.. -
....... --..
- - - - Wharton
-_._._ .. Chase
_ - DR!
Figure 5 Comparison of unemployment rate: Forecasts as of 1981. Sources:
Actual-U.S. Dept. of Labor and Commerce; Commercial-Conference Board. Copy-
right 1986 by the American Statistical Association. Reprinted by permission.
$ Billion
1660 r-------------.......,
- - - - Wharton
.----. Chase
_ - DRI
Figure 6 Comparison of Real GNP: Forecasts as of Second Quarter 1981. Sources:
Actual-U .S. Dept. of Labor and Commerce, Commercial-Conference Board. Copy-
right 1986 by the American Statistical Association. Reprinted by permission.
162 Chapter 6
Another comparative study was carried out by McNees (1986). The study
contrasts the Bayesian forecasts to. six other professional forecasts during the
period from February 1980 to January 1985. Here are some results from
Tables 7 and 1 of McNees (1986):
Root Mean Squared Errors of Unemployment Rate Forecasts
Forecast horizon (early quarters only)
Forecaster 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Bayesian .4 .6 .9 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.5
Chase .4 .7 1.0 1.3 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.1
Wharton .3 .6 1.0 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.8 1.9
Root Mean Squared Errors of Implicit GNP Price Deflator Forecasts
Forecast horizon (early quarters only)
Forecaster 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Bayesian 2.1 2.4 2.9 3.3 3.7 4.0 4.1 4.1
Chase 1.4 1.4 1.6 1.7 2.0 2.1 2.3 2.4
Wharton 1.7 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.3 2.4
The summary of McNees's extensive comparison is as follows.
The Bayesian forecasts were generally the most accurate or among the most
accurate for real gross national product (GNP), the unemployment rate,
and real nonresidential fixed investment.
The Bayesian forecasts of the implicit price deflator were the least accurate,
especially for long horizons.
The Bayesian forecasts of the 9O-day Treasury Bill rate were among the
least accUrate, though by a very small margin.
The Bayesian GNP forecast results were mixed-generally among the least
accurate short term and among the most accurate long term.
McNees concluded that Bayesian forecasts can present a strong challenge to
conventional forecasts and serve as a powerful standard of comparison for
other forecasts. This is indeed a great contribution of statistical models to
non-experimental sciences.
Litterman (the developer of the Bayesian models), on the other hand, went
very far to emphasize the "objectivity" of the models and contended that con-
On Objectivity, Subjectivity, and Probability
ventional econometric methods rely significantly on human adjustment that
"essentially takes them [the conventional models] out of the realm of scientific
study" (1986b, emphasis mine). Bayesian models, according to Litterman,
"forecast well without judgmental adjustment;" thus they can be used ''to esti-
mate objectively the probabilities of future events" (1986a, emphasis mine).
Litterman maintained that ''the most important" distinct advantage of the
Bayesian approach over conventional models is that the Bayesian approach
"does not require judgmental adjustment." Thus "it is a scientific method that
can be evaluated on its own" (1986b, emphasis mine).
This stance on "scientific method" is not likely to be shared by most scho-
lars of the philosophy of science, nor by certain researchers in the field of
economic forecast. McNees (1986), for instance, contends that it is unclear
why the adjustment of a mechanically generated model-based forecast should
be regarded as inherently "unscientific" or necessarily more "subjective" than
the process in which macroeconomic models are specified and estimated.
McNees observed that the proponents of Bayesian time-series models have
charged that judgmental adjustments are ''unscientific'' and "subjective."
McNees wrote,
This charge seems to imply that scientists do not employ judgment in both the con-
struction of their tools (models and theories) and their application. The refusal to
adjust a mechanically generated forecast seems to amount to the assertion that all
information of predictive value can be found in the specific sample period data used
to fit the model and that the model has extracted all such information from this data
For the complicated task of modeling economy, McNees further asked,
Are all relevant factors quantifiable?
Do all future events that affect the economy have precedents in "the" sam-
ple period data?
McNees concludes that: "In my opinion, model users should be encouraged to
think of models as tools that can aid in informing their judgment, rather than
as substitutes for judgment that can best be employed mechanically. "
A common adjustment in business forecast is related to the Federal
Reserve's view of the economy and its power to manipulate interest rates,
which in turn affect the value of the securities the forecasters' clients trade.
Forecasters thus adjust their own evaluations of each new set of statistics
(released by Government) according to how they think the Fed will interpret
the data.
Is this adjustment less scientific than a mechanical procedure? Also, will the
adjustment improve the mechanical Bayesian forecasts generated by
Litterman's model? We believe these questions should be left to the reader's
164 Chapter 6
own judgment (especially to those who are going to bet their life savings in
Economic forecast is seldom an easy task. In a New York Times news
analysis 1, 1989), Uchitelle wrote, "Just one month ago, most
economic forecasters employed by banks and brokerage houses were warning
of an imminent recession; now they are celebrating continued growth.
Economic miracle? Hardly." Uchitelle wrote, "Such sudden shifts have more
to do with the nature of a forecaster's job than with what is actually happening
to the economy."
There are plenty of reasons why business forecast is so difficult. One of
them is, according to commercial forecasters, the so-called "bad numbers,"
which refer to the 30 or so government statistics released each month. Such
statistics are often incomplete and later revised. For instance, the August 1989
statistics showed unexpected strength in employment and retail sales-
contradictory to an earlier string of numbers indicating weakness in the econ-
omy. The new statistics spurred a swing in the forecast from mild recession to
continued growth. Explaining the cause of this swing, Michael Penjer (a senior
economist at the Bank of America) said, "We are making forecasts with bad
numbers, but the bad numbers are all we've got" (The New York Times, Sep-
tember 1, 1989).
Some forecasters thrive in this volatile environment. A key to success in the
profession of economic forecast is "conviction." That is, in front of the
clients, forecasters have to be as firm as stone.
In comparison, there are a lot of economists "back at university jobs or
driving trucks" because they "did not have the guts to stick their necks out and
make a forecast" (a la Uchitelle) .
In non-experimental (or semi-experimental) sciences, forecasting is not an
easy task. We have seen some examples from social-economic science. The
next example is taken from natural science.
In summer 1988, a sustained heat wave and drought provoked concern
among the public, legislators, and scientists about the global warming of our
planet. The issue is widely known as the "greenhouse effect," the feared heat-
ing of the earth's atmosphere by the burning of coal and oil.
In Scientific American, ecologists Houghton and Woodwell (1989) com-
pared historical data on the global temperature change and on levels of heat-
trapping gases. Based on such time-series data, they conclude that the world is
already in the grip of a warming trend and that "radical steps must be taken to
halt any further changes." In response to such "scientific" messages, certain
members of congress recommend costly measures such as developing safer
nuclear power plants, taxing gasoline, and increasing the fuel efficiency of
On ObJectivity, SubJectivity, and Probability 165
In sharp contrast, Solow (a statistician at Woods Hole Oceanographic Insti-
tution in Massachusetts) expressed his dissent in an article entitled "Pseudo-
Scientific Hot Air" (The New York December 28, 1988). Solow
observed that "the current warming started before the greenhouse effect could
have begun" and that "the current warming is consistent with a mild post-
glacial period, probably the aftermath of the so-called 'little ice age' that ended
during the 19th century." Solow's conclusion is that "the existing data show
no evidence of the greenhouse effect. "
A driving force behind the public and congressional attention to the issue is
a NASA climatologist, James Hansen (Director of the Goldard Institute). Han-
sen testified to a Senate subcommittee that he was 99% certain that heat wave
was due to the buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and not due to
natural variations in climate (the Trenton Times, February 22, 1989). Dr.
Hansen's "99% probability" was calculated from a computer projection of
climatic change. Such computer projections, according to Solow, are based on
models (i.e., large systems of equations) representing our understanding of cli-
mate processes. But since our understanding of earth climate is limited, the
models are thus of limited use. For example, these models have a hard time
reproducing current climate from current data. They cannot be expected to
predict future climate with any precision (Solow, 1988).
In contrast to Dr. Hansen, another NASA scientist, Albert Arking (Head of
the Climate and Radiation Branch; The New York Times, May 23, 1989),
observed that global "temperatures were decreasing or unvarying between
1940 and the late 1970's-although this period was one of strong growth in
world energy consumption and fossil-fuel burning." Arking also observed that
"the 50 years prior to that-from 1890 to 1940-was a period of significantly
less fossil-fuel burning, yet the Earth warmed up by more than 1 degree
Fahrenheit. That represents about twice the amount of the recent warming."
Arking's conclusion is that it is too early to judge the relative importance of
the increased greenhouse gases and it is premature to draw predictions about
the future.
It may be bewildering to the public (and some academicians) that working
scientists do not agree. But in any branch of non-experimental sciences, this is
a norm, not an exception. In such disciplines, quoting statistics such as "99%
probability" for a controversial event will hardly make it so. Dr. Hansen may
be lucky that the climate turns out the way he predicts, but there is no compel-
ling reason why his computer model is more scientific than others.
. W)J.en the scientific community is divided on certain issues related to public
interest, what kind of action should policy-makers take? One way is more
research and more debates. Another way is by taking a poll. If after a
thorough debate, a majority of people prefer living with the greenhouse effect
to new taxes on gasoline (and nuclear power plants), then no action should be
taken (but the voters have to bear the responsibility of their own decision). As
166 Chapter 6
a matter of fact, in a recent event, residents in Sacramento, California voted
53.4% to 46.6% in favor of the shut down of a publicly owned nuclear power
plant (The New York TImes, June 8, 1989). If that is what voters want, that
should be what they get.
In summary, there are limitations in any branch of sciences; and when
scientists are uncertain about natural laws, men have to rely on human laws.
To "objective" scientists, this may be wrong. But people do have the right to
be wrong.
Outside the arena of time-series forecasting, "subjective judgment vs. objec-
tive estimation" is also a continuing source of scholarly exchanges. For
instance, in a critique of the promotion of so-called "intelligent statistical
software and statistical expert system," Velleman (1985) maintains that a sta-
tistical expert system should serve "as an aide or a colleague to the data
analyst" rather than an independent "consultant" running everything by itself.
The reason is that "good data analysis rarely follows a simple path." Velleman
notes that often a scientist learns "more from the process of data analysis than
from the resulting model." He further proposes some imperatives to data
Recognize the need for expert subjective judgment. What makes subjective
sense will often be preferred to what fits best.
Recognize the need for real-world knowledge beyond the contents of the
No black box that takes data and problem description as input and produces
an analysis as output can fully promote the understanding that is the true
goal of most data analysis.
Velleman concludes that "the fundamental task of good science is not answer-
ing questions, but formulating the correct questions to ask" and that an "intel-
ligent" statistical system running by itself lacks the real-world common-sense
knowledge to raise many important questions.
Such appreciation of subjective knowledge and E. S. (extra statistical) judg-
ment has long been ignored (or pushed aside) by "objective" Bayesians and
certain quantitative social-behavioral scientists. In any event, the objectivity is
certainly a virtue that should be treasured. But such researchers should be
reminded that the use of statistical inference is inevitably subjective. For
example, in regression analysis, the decision to include a variable is not all
that objective. For another example, a university rejects students whose com-
bined SAT scores are below 1200 points. The procedure, usually executed by
On ObJectivity, SubJectivity, and Probability 167
a computer, is 100% objective. But why not 1300 or 1100 points? Is the deci-
sion to choose 1200 points as the cut-off all that objective? In addition, does
the SAT really measure what it ought to measure? Will a composite of several
measurements be more reliable than the "objective" SAT score?
Questions like these can go on forever. As a matter of fact, to counterbal-
ance the dominant and narrow-minded view of objectivity in statistical infer-
ence, subjective Bayesians have long advocated the following unpopular
that decision-making is always subjective (Good, 1988)
that there is much concealed subjectivity in the so-called "objective"
Neyman-Pearson hypothesis testing (Diaconis, 1985)
that "chance mechanisms" are part of "personal measures of uncertainty"
(Dempster, 1986/1988; Good, 1987)
that "the Fisher randomization test is not logically viable" (Basu, 1980),
that [objective] probability does not exist (de Finetti, 1974)-it's all in your
To sum up, some prominent Bayesians tried to restore the value of (and
respect for) subjective knowledge and thus went to great lengths to deny the
existence of "objective probability." General scientists may feel that subjective
Bayesians deny too much. But at the very least, scientists should learn this
from the radical Bayesians: a curiosity of the prior and a relentless pursuit of
information beyond the data.
By contrast, some statistics users (statisticians included) hold the deep con-
viction that we should let data speak for themselves .11 This conviction is the
kernel of naive empiricism that data collection and statistical analysis will
automatically lead to scientific discoveries. .
However, as well recognized by philosophers, facts are theory laden. For
instance, Popper (1965, p. 46) wrote:
The belief that we can start with pure observations alone, without anything in the
nature of a theory, is absurd.
This biting statement always stirs violent debates among my friends and stu-
dents. Some of them simply conclude that Popper's statement itself is absurd.
To this interesting issue, let's compare what Poincar6 (1952/1905, p. 143) had
written: "It is often said that experiments should be made without precon-
ceived ideas. That is impossible." For curve-fitting, Poincar6 (p. 146) wrote:
"We draw a continuous line as regularly as possible between the points given
by observation. Why do we avoid angular points and inflexions that are too
sharp? Why do we not make our curve describe the most capricious zigzags?
It is because we beforehand, or think we know, that the law we have to
express cannot be so complicated as all that."
Chapter 6
It is hard to describe the details of the heated debates between those for and
against Popper's statement. But many who opposed Popper turned silent after
they realized that theory and observation are like the question of which comes
first, the chicken or the egg, and that observations are always selective. In
other words, science does not begin with the gathering of data. Rather, it
begins with the belief that certain data should be collected in the first place.
Furthermore, Freedman (1985) observed that good measurements are criti-
cal to good science, and to make good measurements one needs good theory.
Here is another example that would further support Popper's position. The
example involves Dirac's theory and the discovery of the anti-electron as dis-
cussed in the introduction to Chapter 6. Before Dirac put forth his theory of
anti-matters, physicists had studied the tracks of subatomic particles for more
than 20 years. But the tracks of anti-matter had always been dismissed as sta-
tistical aberrations or things of that nature. It was Dirac's theory that guided
physicists to look at our universe from a totally different perspective (Gribbin,
By comparison, soft sciences usually lack good theories; research workers
therefore resort to data gathering and statistical manipulations as the goal of
science. But a safe bet is that, without a good theory, even if the data are
thrown in the face of a "data analyst," the chance that he will find anything
significant is next to zero.
In certain disciplines the reality is that measurements are rough, theories
are primitive, and randomization or controlled experiments are impossible. In
such cases, what can one do (other than data gathering and statistical manipu-
lation)? This is a question frequently asked by soft scientists.
A quick answer to this question is indeed another question: "Why don't you
use your common sense?"
EXAMPLE 1 In a University lecture, a speaker tried to use time-series
analysis to model the signal shown in Fig. 7.
A univariate ARIMA model certainly won't do; so he introduced a distribu-
tion to an autoregressive parameter. A ''Bayesian'' model then smoothed the
signal and the investigator was very happy with the result. The mathematical
constructs enlisted to attack the problem (such as Kalman filter and state-space
modeling) were truly impressive. But in this case, questions raised by
common-sense knowledge may be more revealing than the razzle-dazzle of the
mathematical manipulations. According to that speaker, the signal is an earth-
quake data. A good scientist would try to find out the cause of the extreme
variability in the signal; but the above statistician is satisfied if the data look
smoothed. 12
EXAMPLE 2 A couple who want a son have given birth to 4 girls in a row.
To the couple involved, having an extra child can be a big burden physically
On ObJectivity, SubJectivity, and Probability 169
Figure 7 Time signals in a seismological study.
and financially. However, if the chance of having a son is not low (e.g., not
less than 20%), then they are willing to give it a try. The issue is of much
gravity to this couple. Therefore, they asked the following questions: (1) What
is the probability of having 4 girls in a row? (2) What is the probability that
the couple's next child will be a boy?
Textbook answers to these questions are very straightforward: (1) S4 =
6.25%, which is not significant to reject the null hypothesis that p = .5; there-
fore the answer of (2) is 50%. And this is indeed the answer I got from a biol-
However, common sense indicates that sex-ratio may be associated with
many other factors, such as race, birth order, parental ages, etc. And this is
indeed the case. (See, e.g., Erickson, 1976.) Furthermore, a physical examina-
tion of the couple might reveal that the chance their next child is a-boy is one
in ten million, not 50 percent.
In other words, one has to recognize (1) that statistical inference homogen-
izes population units and hides their differences and (2) that statistical laws do
not apply to individuals. Therefore, in the process of making an important
decision, one has to search for other information that may be relevant to the
issue at hand. A useful technique to facilitate this process is "brain-storming"
(see, e.g., Evans and Lindsay, 1989, p. 441). This technique, however, is not
in the domain of statistical inference.
It is important to note that no data analysis should be accepted without a
healthy dose of skepticism about what the data might have concealed. In other
170 Chapter 6
words, if the data are not consistent with your common sense, check it out:
Your common sense may not be all wrong; the experiment might have been
biased or rigged; and the data might have been contaminated or deliberately
misinterpreted. After all, statistical truth is only 9S% truth, or 99% truth. A
measured skepticism thus may lead to useful information that was previously
EXAMPLE 3 A question hovers. What should you believe if your common
sense conflicts with "official statistics" reported by experts in the field? Here is
an example in this regard.
A federal air report ranked New Jersey 22nd nationally in the release of
toxic chemicals. The report was based on a comprehensive study sponsored by
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (the Trenton Times, March 24,-
1989). A spokesman for the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protec-
tion was very happy about the ranking: "It speaks well of our enforcement, we
feel." But New Jersey residents who have driven through northern New Jersey
and gotten choked may not feel so.
As a matter of fact, the statistics in this example didn't really lie, they only
got misinterpreted: New Jersey releases 38.6 million pounds of toxic chemi-
cals annually, well behind many other states. But New Jersey is a small state,
and its ranking jumped from 22nd to 4th when the tonnage release was divided
by square mileage.
EXAMPLE 4 In theory, if one has a random sample from a population, then
one can draw "scientific" inference based on standard formulas (assuming that
no bias has crept into the sampling procedure). On the surface, the information
in a random sample is "complete," and the estimated values of population
parameters are thus "objective," "deductive," and "scientific." However, a
pursuit of information beyond the randomized data may be very revealing.
For example, in a clinical trial, the investigator conducts a randomized
experiment, but finds that there are 3S males (out of 100 male patients) in the
treatment group, while the remaining 6S males are in the control group. Note
that this is 3 SE (standard error) from what one would expect about the
number of males in the experimental group. Also, with more males in the con-
trol, the study may give the investigator a substantial edge to "prove" the
effect of the treatment. In such an awkward situation, should an honest scien-
tist go ahead to do the experiment? Also, should a referee of a medical journal
accept the randomized study as "scientific?"
Throughout this book, we have been advocating the deductive nature and
the scientific advantages of randomized studies. The above discussion now
appears to be pulling the rug from under this stance.
An "easy" solution to this problem is to separate the patients into groups of
different gender, and do the randomization afterwards. But critics to randomi-
On Objectivity I Subjectivity I and Probability
zation may argue that age is another confounding factor and that the investiga-
tor has to separate the groups of the patients further. In order to satisfy the cri-
tics, the investigator also has to take into account race, health condition, family
background, and genetic differences, etc. A cruel reality is that there may exist
an infinite number of confounding factors. And pretty soon one would run out
of patients to perform a ''valid'' experiment.
But fortunately, Mother Nature has been kind to the investigators: there are
only a few factors that are important, and the rest would not affect the outcome
significantly. That is, only few factors are vital, and the rest are trivial. This
phenomenon-vital few, trivial many-is indeed omnipresent and is one of the
reasons why statistical method seems to work: If the experimental design cap-
tures the effects of major factors, then randomization will lead to the conclu-
sion whether the treatment is beneficial.
However, findings from such experiments are still incomplete in the follow-
ing sense. First, the legitimacy of the randomized experiment rests on the law
of large numbers; 13 i.e., the findings will have credibility only if they are con-
sistent with independent experiments. Otherwise, the earlier results may have
to be re-evaluated.
Second, the experiment by itself usually cannot determine
the side effects and optimum uses of the treatment.
For instance, a recent study concluded that new medicines approved by the
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) caused serious reactions that required
changes in warning labels or in a few cases withdrawal from the market
(Star-Ledger, Newark, New Jersey, May 28, 1990).
The study was conducted by the General Accounting Office (GAO), a
congressional investigating agency, which reported that 51 % or 102 of 198
drugs studied had "serious post-approval risks" that often were not detected or
disclosed by the FDA until several years after the drugs were on the market.
Such unsuspected adverse reactions included heart failure, birth defects, life-
threatening breathing difficulty, kidney and liver failure, blindness, and severe
blood disorders, etc.
In response to the GAO report, the spokesman of the Pharmaceutical
Manufacturers Association said that the report did not address the benefits of
using the drugs (including those with potential risks), and that some of the
drugs identified by the GAO are either the only available treatment or the best
available treatment.
The U. S. Department of Health and Human Services also took issue with
the GAO report. The department, in a formal reply to the GAO, objected to
the methodology and the soundness of the study and expressed concern that it
will ''unnecessarily alarm consumers, causing some to reject the use of life-
saving drugs out of fear of adverse events that might occur only in extremely
rare instances."
The general public may feel uncomfortable with the disagreement among
scientists. But the fact is that such episodes occur from time to time. Science,
172 Chapter 6
after all, does not claim certainty. Rather, it is an intellectual pursuit for a
better understanding and better description of nature. As history has witnessed,
when scientists think they understand everything, nature might very well give
us a few more surprises. Constant challenges to the scientific establishment, if
well-grounded, are thus the true spirit of science and will benefit us all.
In 1972 a behavioral researcher, Shere Hite, initiated a large-scale study of
female sexuality. The result was a monumental work considered by many the
third great landmark in sex research, after The Kinsey Report (1948, 1953) and
Human Sexual Responses (1966) by Masters and Johnson. In this section, we
will examine scholarly debates over Hite's work. In addition, we will discuss
the weakness of a common practice (used in Hite's work) that compares statist-
ical breakdowns between the sample and the target population.
A motivation behind Hite's project on female sexuality was that (Hite,
Women have never been asked how they felt about sex. Researchers, looking for
statistical "norms," have asked all the wrong questions for all the wrong reasons-
and all too often wound up telling women how they should feel rather than asking
them how they do feel.
The purpose of this project is to let women define their own sexuality-instead of
doctors or other (usually male) authorities. Women are the real experts on their sex-
uality; they know how they feel and what they experience, without needing anyone
to tell them.
For this purpose, Hite believed that:
a multiple-choice questionnaire was out of the question, because it would have
implied preconceived categories of response, and thus, in a sense, would also have
''told'' the respondent that what the "allowable" or "normal" answers would be.
(Hite, 1987)
As a consequence, Hite decided to use essay questionnaires and claimed that
they "are not less 'scientific' than multiple-choice." By 1976, a book based on
3,000 women's responses to her essay questionnaires was published and soon
became a huge success in both sales volume and the candid revelations of how
women really feel about sex.
The study was replicated (and confirmed) in at least two other countries.
The book and her second volume on male sexuality have been translated into
13 languages, and are used in courses at universities in this country and
On ObJectivity, SubJectivity, and Probability 173
around the world. Because of her work, Hite was honored with a distinguished
service award from the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors
and Therapists.
An important revelation in Hite's 1976 report is that women had been com-
pelled to hide how they feel about lack of orgasm during intercourse. A
natural conclusion (Hite, 1976) is that the traditional definition of sex is sexist
and culturally linked:
Our whole society's definition of sex is sexist-sex for the overwhelming majority
of people consists of foreplay, eventually followed by vaginal penetration and then
by intercourse, ending eventually in male orgasm. This is a sexist definition of sex,
oriented around male orgasm and the needs of reproduction. This definition is cul-
tural, not biological.
In the early 1980s, Hite further sent out 100,000 questionnaires to explore
how women were suffering in their love relationships with men. The response
to this survey was a huge collection of anonymous letters from thousands of
women disillusioned with love and marriage, and complaints about painful and
infuriating attitudes on the part of men.
Hite's book, Women and Love (1987), thus provided a channel of release
for women who experienced frequent degradation and ridicule by men. The
book advocates another "cultural revolution" (instead of "sexual revolution'')
and was praised by some scholars:
The Hite report on Women and Love explodes the current myth of the "insecure
women" who seek out destructive relationships ... it documents a hidden, "socially
acceptable" pattern of behavior in relationships which puts women's needs last.
A massive autobiography of women today.
Naomi Weisstein, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
SUNY, Buffalo
Catherine R. Stimpson
Dean of Graduate School
Rutgers University
The Hite Report trilogy will long be regarded as a landmark in the literature of
human behavior ... respect will continue to grow for these works in years to come.
Richard,P. Halgin, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology
University of Massachusetts
The most important work on men and women since Simone de Beauvoir's The
Second Sex.
Albert Ellis, Ph.D.
174 Chapter 6
A distinguished report with scientific and scholarly authority.
Dr. Tore Haakinson
Wenner-Oren Center
By reading these reviews, one may conclude that the third Hite Report must be
a masterpiece with unquestionable authority. But in fact the findings and the
methodology used in the book received a thunderous rebuttal from statisti-
cians, sociologists, public opinion pollsters, and psychologists (Time, October
12, 1987; Newsweek, November 23, 1987). In the following discussions, we
will quote and discuss conflicting views on the Hite methodology.
When the first Hite Report (1976) was published, a medical writer for The
New York 7imes critized the report as a "non-scientific survey." To fend off
such criticisms, Hite (1987) enlisted a score of scholars to address the issue of
scientific methods. Here is a representative sample of supports for the Hite
The Hite studies ... represent "good" science, a model for future studies of natural
human experience .... Hite is a serious, reliabie scholar.
Gerald M. Phillips, Ph.D.
Pennsylvania State University
Editor, Communications
Quarterly Journal
Hite elicits from the populations she not only reliable scientific data, but also
a wide spectrum of attitudes and beliefs about sex, love and who people are.
Jesse Lemisch
Professor, Department of History
SUNY, Buffalo
Hite has not generalized in a non-scholarly way. Many of the natural sciences worry
a lot less about random samples ... And most of the work in the social sciences is
not based on random samples either.
John L. Sullivan, Ph.D.
Professor of Political Science
University of Minnesota
Co-editor, American
Journal of Political Science
Editor, Quantitative Applications
in the Social Sciences
It has been one of Hite's contributions to devise an excellent methodology. Hite's
work has been erroneously criticized ... as being "unscientific" because her respon-
dents, though numerous, are not a "random sample." Hite has matched her sample
On ObJectivity, SubJectivity, and Probability 175
carefully to the U. S. population at large; the demographic breakdown of the sample
population corresponds quite closely to that of the general U.S. population.
Gladys Engel Lang
Professor of Communications,
Political Science and Sociology
University of Washington, Seattle
Hite herself was also confident about the methodology (1987, p. 777):
Sufficient effort was put into the various forms of distribution that the final statistical
breakdown of those participating according to age, occupation, religion, and other
variables known for the U. S. population at large in most cases quite closely mirrors
that of the U. S. female population.
For instance, here are some comparisons between the study population and the
U. S. female population:
Study U.S.
Income population population Difference
under $2,000 19 % 18.3% +0.7%
$2,000-$4,000 12 % 13.2% -1.2%
$4,000-$6,000 12.5% 12.2% +0.3%
$6,000-$8,000 10 % 9.7% +0.3%
$8,000-$10,000 7 % 7.4% -0.4%
$10,000-$12,500 8 % 8.8% -0.8%
$12,500-$15,000 5 % 6.2% -1.2%
$15,000-$20,000 10 % 9.8% +0.2%
$20,000-$25,000 8 % 6.4% +1.6%
$25,000 and over 8.5% 8.2% +0.3%
Study U.S.
Type of area population population Difference
Large citylurban 60% 62% -2%
Rural 27% 26% +1%
Small town 13% 12% +1%
Geographic Study U.S.
region population population Difference
Northeast 21% 22% -1%
North Central 27% 26% +1%
South 31% 33% -2%
West 21,% 19% +2%
176 Chapter 6
Study U.S.
Race population population Difference
White 82.5% 83 % -0.5%
Black 13 % 12 % +1.0%
Hispanic 1.8% 1.5% +0.3%
Asian 1.8% 2 % -0.2%
Middle-Eastern 0.3% 0.5% -0.2%
American Indian 0.9% 1 % -0.1%
By looking at these comparisons, it is tempting to conclude that the study
population represents well the U.S. population. But this is not the case, and
unfortunately this is the position taken by Hite and by those who praised her
work as a scientific survey.
For example, Hite was confident enough to refute both the percentage and
methodology of The Kinsey Report:
In 1953, Alfred Kinsey found that 26 percent of women were having sex outside of
their marriages. In this study, 70 percent of women married five years or more are
having sex outside their marriage. This is an enormous increase. Women's rate of
extramarital sex has almost tripled in thirty-five years. Kinsey's figures were just
rather low because he was conducting face to face interviews .... This may have in-
hibited reporting on the part of some interviewees. The present study is based on
anonymous questionnaires, so that women would have had no reason to conceal
But Time (1987) pointed out that "more recent studies, including the Redbook
poll, have shown little change [in the infidelity rates]" from Kinsey's original
26%. Another random sample of 2,000 people (Patterson and Kim, 1991)
shows that 31 % of married people are having or have had an affair, drastically
different from Rite's 70% figure.
In one chapter entitled ''Ten Women Describe Their Marriages," Hite
(1987, p. 346) wrote: ''The women in this chapter represent the more than
2,000 married women participating in this study. Their responses were chosen
because they represent well the thoughts and feelings of other married
women." And her conclusion about marriage is as follows:
Feminists have raised a cry against the many injustices of marriage-exploitation of
women financially, physically, sexually, and emotionally. This outcry has been just
and accurate.
However, a 1987 Harris poll of 3,000 people found that family life is a source
of great satisfaction to both men and women, with 89 % saying their relation-
ship with their partner is satisfying. IS
On Objectivity, Subjectivity, and Probability 177
Some of the questions in Hite's survey appeared to solicit men-bashing. For
instance, 69 % of women in her study say that men seem confused by falling in
love, and 87% say it is difficult to meet men they admire and respect. Such
findings, although true in certain cases, are at odds with the Harris poll men-
tioned above.
In another instance, Hite reported that 98 % of women want to make basic
changes in their relationships. Well, everybody would agree that things in love
relationships cannot be 100% perfect. But as warned by Tom Smith of the
National Opinion Research Center: "Any question you asked that got 98% is
either a wrong question or wrongly phrased" (Time, October 12, 1987).
Some scholars asserted that the Hite survey was designed to support her
preconceived feminist notions. And perhaps the most hard-edged comment was
from Ellen Goodman, a Pulitzer-prize-winning columnist: "She goes in with a
prejudice and comes out with a statistic" (Time, October 12, 1987).
Note that the sample size in Hite's report was 4,500, a lot larger than most
of the Gallup Polls. So what went wrong? For one thing, the response rate of
Hite's survey is 4.5%. Just by common sense, one may wonder about the other
95.5 %. Those women may not have a problem with men and thus did not
botJter to respond. According to chairman Donald Rubin of the Harvard statis-
tics department (Newsweek, November 23, 1987), one should look for a
response rate of 70 to 80 percent in order to draw valid conclusions in this
type of study.
Upon further reflection, one may wonder about the reasons of those who
chose not to respond. Here are some possible answers: It is hopeless to try to
change the way men treat women; it is time-consuming to answer a long ques-
tionnaire; "I" am only one of millions who suffer, and it won't make any
difference if "I" do not respond.
We believe that the actual number of women disillusioned with marriage
and love would be a lot higher than the 4.5% who responded to the Hite sur-
vey. Assume that there are 70 million women in this country and only 10%
are so unlucky as to have chosen the "wrong man," then there would be 7 mil-
lion people involved in the study, more than the number of patients of any sin-
gle disease in modem society.
For this reason, in this subsection, we will tum our discussion to the insight
and the contribution of the Hite Reports. After all, her first report was
ground-breaking and deserves a place in history. Her third report, although
seriously muddled, addresses issues tied to real and pressing needs of human
In the third Hite Report (Women and Love, 1987, p. 246), a woman wrote
with self-awareness and great passion:
Chapter 6
Love relationships with men aren't fair; but so what, I still want one. I just want to
know what I have to do to get one to work.
We believe that many women share the same attitude for love. In public, every
educated person would agree human beings are created equal; but in personal
relationships, many women still assume (or are forced to assume) the role of
"caretakers," while men remain the "taker" (Hite, 1987, p. 771). With
increasing numbers of women entering the work force and sharing the finan-
cial burden of modem life, it is expected that more women must balance hus-
band, children, and career. It is also expected that fairness and equality are
only in many relationships.
The third Hite Report, Women and Love, is in many ways a moving tale of
repression and humiliation. Page after page, one is struck by the despair, alie-
nation, and rage that certainly exist in many comers of our society. Professor
Joseph Fell of Bucknell University summarized what has been revealed in
Hite's books: "I find in the Hite Reports a massive cry of the human heart, a
cry for the open recognition of the fundamental needs."
But such open recognition was seldom revealed in depth by the traditional
methods that use random sample and multiple-choice questionnaires. This fact
is complimented by scholars who are tired of dominant "objective" statistical
methods (Hite, 1987):
[Hite's survey used] questionnaires diat invited long and detailed replies rather than
brief, easily codable ones .... And from these responses, presented in rich, raw
detail, deep truths emerge-truths which, in many cases were probably never
revealed to anyone else before.
Robert L. Carneiro, Ph.D.
Curator of Anthropology,
The American Museum of
Natural History, New York
Statistical representativeness is only one criterion for assessing the adequacy of
empirical data ... other criteria are particularly pertinent when looking at qualitative
data. This is primarily the situation with Hite's research.
Robert M. Emerson, Ph.D.
Professor of Sociology, UCLA
Editor, Urban life: A Journal
of Ethnographic Research
Hite's research, as with all research dealing with thoughts and feelings, cannot be
expected to be analyzed with the same techniques as those that tell us what doses of
what drugs give what results in what kinds of patients .... We are a scientifically
illiterate people, and honest scientists such as Hite are bound to suffer as a result.
Mary S. Calderone, M.D., MPH
Founder, Sex Education and
Information Council of the U.S.
On ObJectivity, SubJectivity, and Probability 179
The Hite Reports are part of an international trend in the social sciences expressing
dissatisfaction with the adequacy of simple quantitative methods as a way of explor-
ing people's attitudes.
Jesse Lemisch
Professor, Department of History
SUNY, Buffalo
We basically agree with these scholars' support of the Hite methodology in
that her methods are excellent instruments to penetrate into profound realities
that had been previously unexplored. Much of the behavioral research we have
come across (see, e.g., Chap. 1, Sec. I, Chap. 3, Sec. I, and Chap. S, Sec. II)
is loaded with statistical analysis but exhibits little intellectual content. Hite's
approach, albeit naive in statistical methods, produced a landmark report and
revealed much of the dark side of male-female relationships.
Nevertheless, we are appalled that the "Hite methodology" was used (and
praised) in her statistical generalization from a sample to a population. We
believe that what Hite should have done is a two-step procedure: (1) use essay
questionnaires to explore depth and variety of responses, and (2) use a
random-sample (and multiple-choice questions) to confirm statistical issues
unearthed by BDA
(exploratory data analysis) in step (1).
This second step is called CDA (confirmatory data analysis) in statistical
literature. In Hite's case, the CDA can be easily done by hiring a pollster to
confirm or refute the original findings.
For instance, 76% of the single women in Hite's study say that they fre-
quently have sex on their "first date." The opposite of this number (by which
we mean 24 %) would be more likely, and a random sample should be con-
ducted to assess the accuracy of the finding.
Hite (1987) reported that "to go from essay statements to mixed
quantitative/qualitative data is a long and intricate process." She estimated that
"in this study, there were over 40,000 woman-hours involved in analyzing the
answers, plus at least 20,000 put in by the women who answered the question-
naire. This of course does not include the time and effort needed to tum the
resulting compilation of data into a book."
However, more woman-hours do not automatically lead to a more scientific
conclusion, and the two-step procedure might have reduced the 40,000 hours
Hite used to analyze the answers to 30,000 or less. '
In sum, BDA often gives us more insights; but findings from BDA can also
give us less than they seem to. Research workers who are not equipped to tell
the difference between BDA and CDA may soon find themselves laughing
stocks just like Hite (and scholars who praised Hite's "scientific" results) .
An interesting fact is that Hite used the same methodology to produce three
books (female sexuality, male sexuality, and women and love), but only the
180 Chapter 6
third book received a glare of public scrutiny (and ridicUle). In her first report,
Hite correctly pointed out that the traditional definition of female sexuality is
cultural, not biological. Her findings on female orgasm, however, are biologi-
cal, not cultural. The main point here is that many biological phenomena (such
as h,unger, thirst, and desire) are relatively universal. Without randomization,
Hite's sample incidentally matched the population at large.
The third Hite Report (Women and Love), however, deals with attitudes and
emotions, which are not all that universal any more. Without a random sam-
ple, generalization from a sample to a population can result in a collapse of
credibility .
As an analogy to the first and the third Hite Reports, assume that you want
one cup of homogenized milk and one cup of orange juice from two big bottles
of both. For the cup of milk, you just pour it from the big bottle. But for the
cup of orange juice, you have to shake the bottle.
Professor John Sullivan at the University of Minnesota (and editor of two
academic journals) pointed out that "most of the work in the social sciences is
not based on random samples." He further wrote (see Hite, 1987):
in fact, many if not most of the articles in psychology journals are based on data
from college students, and then generalized. Interestingly, they are not criticized in
the same way Hite has been.
This is true. And this is why most findings in psychology journals (and other
soft sciences as well) have to be looked at with caution. Otherwise, these so-
called "scientific" findings may be a source of more riddles than clues.
1. To the dismay of logical positivists, the statement is logically self-contradictory.
2. See Will, 1986, p. 65.
3. The Newtonian value of .87" can be obtained (1) by assuming that light is a parti-
cle undergoing the same gravitational attraction as a material particle, or (2) by
using the equivalence principle of relativity theory without taking into account the
curvature of space.
4. Upon close inspection of the table, we find that the second data set (SD = .48, P
= 7%) did not pose serious threat to Einstein's theory. Furthermore, one can cal-
culate a weighted average of the mean deflections in the table. Specifically, let
G = 8* X + b. Y + (1 - a - b) Z.
Then a standard procedure is to choose (a,b) that minimizes the variance of G.
Simple calculation yields the following results:
a = V2 V3 b = VI V3
VI .V2 + V2.V3 + V3.Vl, VI .V2 + V2.V3 + V3.Vl,
On Objectivity, Subjectivity, and Probability
where VI = Var(X), V2 = Var(Y), and V3 = VarCl). With these choices of a
and b, the weighted mean deflection is 1.815, with an SD = .1562, which is
clearly in support of Einstein's theory. There is no need to throw out the second
data set, as Eddington did.
5. This example was called to my attention by Peter Lakner, currently at New York
University. Bradly Efron has developed a similar example that uses four dice.
6. This example was called to my attention by Moon-Chan Han, currently at the
University of California, Berkeley. For further development of this example and
other related issues, see Coyle and Wang (1993).
7. The spirit of the Dubins-Savage strategy is Bayesian, in that it deals with events
that will not be repeated over and over again. See the subsequent sections for
further discussions of Bayesian probability.
8. The two-slit experiments have never been actually performed. The results of the
experiments are known by extrapolation from other real experiments.
9. This example was called to my attention by Professor David Boliver at Trenton
State College, New Jersey.
10. Note that a statistical test (e.g., a P-value) provides only a quick benchmark to
assess the parameter of a population. After this quick check (or without this quick
check), one still has to report the confidence interval in assessing a normal mean.
Berger (1987a) proposed to use both confidence interval and a Bayes factor
hinged on the likelihood principle in scientific reports. This is an interesting pro-
posal. Nevertheless, there is no compelling reason why everybody has to sub-
scribe to the likelihood principle.
See also Chapter I, Section H (or Olshen, 1973) for the difficulty in the cal-
culation of the conditional probability of simultaneous coverage, given that statist-
ical test has rejected the null hypothesis.
11. This is exactly what I was told by a statistician in his demonstration of AUTOBJ,
a software package that produces Box-Jenkins forecasts automatically. The statis-
tician has an advanced degree from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. The
guy literally believes that a user will be better off if he or she has no background
knowledge of the data.
12. Non-mathematicians usually do not understand the utility and the esoteric beauty
of mathematics. In self-defense and self-promotion, certain mathematical statisti-
cians are in the habit of applying sophisticated techniques to data that has no con-
nection with the techniques.
13. The rockbottom of hard sciences (such as physics and chemistry) are results that
have been challenged, revised and repeated over and over again.
14. For example, it is well known that a random sample may not be a representative
sample of the whole population. Adjustment of the results according to the census
data may substantially improve the accuracy of the sample data. Examples of this
type are "ratio estimation" in Gallup Polls or in the estimation of unemployment
rates (Freedman, Pisani, and Purves, 1978, pp. 314, 363).
15. However, in the Patterson-Kim 1991 survey, 47% aren't sure they would marry
the same person if they had to do it over again.
16. Here we include Hite's QEA (qualitative exploratory analysis) as a subcategory of
EDA, although QEA involves only primitive data analysis.
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Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
Popper, K. (1965/1963). Conjectures and Refutations: The Growth of Scientific
Knowledge. Harper and Row, New York.
Poincare, H. (195211905). Science and Hypothesis. Dover, Mineola, New York.
Regis, E. (1987). Who Got Einstein's Office? Eccentricity and Genius at the Institute
for Advanced Study. Addison Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts.
Reichenbach, H. (1951). The Rise of Scientific Philosophy. University of California
Press, Berkeley.
Russell, B. (1948). Human Knowledge, its Scope and its Limits. Simon and Schuster,
New York.
Russell, B. and Whitehead, A.N. (1910). Principia Mathematica. Cambridge Univer-
sity Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Scblick, M. (1931). De Future of Phllo8ophy. Oxford.
Shimony, A. (1981). The ae.Hty of the Quantum World. SclsntJjic Amttiam. Vol. 2SI,
Nb. 1.46-53.
Speed. T.P. (191S). Pmbabi1istic: Risk ill the Nuclear blustry: Wuh-l400
and &yond. hoctJinp of the Bmceley Cortforence in 1Itror of Jm:, Nqmon and
JIIdr. Kiefor. Vol. 1. 173-200. Wadsworth, Belmont. California.
VeDemao. P.F. (1985). Comment to "More lDteDigent Statistical Software 8Dd Statisti-
cal Expert Systems; Fubtte Directioos" by OJ. Hahn. AnIe1ic4n Vol.
39. No.1; 10-11.
Will. C.M. (1986).W4I' EiMtein Right? Basic Boob, New York.
Chapter 7
A Delicate Balance Between Order
and Chaos
Objective procedures have long been the essence of science. Strong proponents
of objectivity can be traced back to Francis Bacon, who proposed that data
gathering be carried out by illiterate assistants with no interest in whether an
experiment turned out one way or another (Harris, 1980). Bacon's proposal
was fortunately ignored by scientists. Nevertheless, science is commonlyasso-
ciated with objective knowledge, while subjective judgment is equated with
wishful thinking that should have no place in scientific endeavors.
The pursuit of objectivity in scientific reports is certainly a virtue that
should be treasured. But here is a note of caution: in soft science, "objec-
tivity" does not entail ''reliability,'' and "objective" methods may be far from
"effective. "
This is especially important for studies in which the measurements are
rough, the theoretical foundation is weak, and statistical computations replace
intellectual reasoning. Unfortunately, the belief in objective procedures among
semi-experimental scientists has been running so deep that it defies easy com-
munication. Here are some cases in point.
EXAMPLE 1 Suppose that a person sues for health damage (e.g., cancer)
caused by a certain chemical product, and that direct evidence from experi-
186 Chapter 7
ments on human beings is lacking. What kind of evidence should be used in
settling the law suit?
A conventional procedure involves experiments on mice, following which a
dose-response model is used in numerical extrapolation from animals to
humans. One dose-response model is called the one-hit model, and can be de-
scribed as follows:
P(d) = P(O) + [1 - P(O)] * (1 - e-
where P(d) is the total chance of cancer, at dose d, due to the exposure and to
all other causes; and k is the potency parameter. Freedman and Zeisel (1988)
discussed the one-hit model, as well as the multi-hit and Weibull models com-
monly used in risk assessment.
Freedman attacked the routine risk-assessment approach on the grounds that
(1) the dose-response models are far removed from biological reality; (2)
different models give substantially different risk estimates; (3) generalization
from animals to humans is not statistically justifiable; and (4) extrapolation
from high doses to low doses is not scientifically possible.
Freedman contends that it may be advisable to give up the pretense of a
scientific foundation where none exists, and that there is little hope for pro-
gress in risk assessment until the biology of cancer is better understood.
Statistics as a science is to quantify uncertainty, not unknown. But equations
in risk-assessment appear to do the opposite. Given the weak foundation of the
dose-response models, Freedman concluded that
we see no evidence that regulatory modeling leads to better decisions than informal
argument, and find the latter more appealing because it brings the uncertainty into
the open. [emphasis supplied]
To some, this is a call for uprisings. Outraged by this conclusion, J. K. Hase-
man (a Research Mathematical Statistician at the National Institute of Environ-
mental Health Sciences) complained that
When scientific evaluations of possible human risk are replaced by a lawyer's debat-
ing skills, and regulatory decisions determined solely by who is able to "informally
argue" their position more persuasively, then the ultimate loser may be our nation's
public health. [a la Freedman]
Future studies may prove that Freedman is wrong, similar to the case of
smoking and lung cancer (see Chap. m, Sec. ll; or Freedman, Pisani, and
Purves, 1978, p. 11). But given the weak foundation of the risk assessment,
we don't see why informal arguments are less scientific than the dose-response
It is instructive to note that statistics used to be a branch of political science
(before its full development for randomized experiments). And it may be
healthier to regard statistics as a subdomain of political science or psychology,
A Delicate Balance Between Order and Chaos 187
in the cases that experimental (or semi-experimental) results are stretched
beyond their credential. This view of statistics may look retrogressive, but it is
in accord with a great tradition of western civilization that respects both sci-
ence and democracy. Thus, when an issue cannot be resolved by scientific
methods, then we have to rely on subjective judgment, experts' opinions
(although they often conflict each other), group discussion, and finally a vote.
What can be more scientific?
EXAMPLE 2 In their book Discovering Causal Structure: Artificial Intelli-
gence, Philosophy of Science, and Statistical Modeling, Glymour et al. (1987)
quoted a study by Paul Meehl (1954) which compared predictions obtained by
psychologists using clinical interviews with those obtained by simple linear
regression of the predicted attribute on any statistically relevant features of the
population. Meehl's study found that on the average the predictions obtained
by linear regression were never worse, and were usually better, than those
made by clinicians.
According to Glymour, Meehl's conclusion is one of the best replicated
results in psychology. Glymour then concluded that
if the issue is selecting police officers who will perform their task satisfactorily, or
graduate students who will do well in their studies, or felons who will not commit
new crimes when paroled, a simple statistical algorithm will generally do better
than a panel of Ph.Ds. [emphasis supplied]
Glymour further observed that
Results of this sort are not confined to clinical psychologists. A growing literature
on "behavioral decision theory" has found that people, even those trained in proba-
bility and statistics, perform well below the ideal in a variety of circumstances in
which judgments of probability are called for. [Kahreman, Siovic, Tversky, 1982]
Glymour's analysis appears to support the common belief that the objective
approach is better than human judgment. His arguments sound very convinc-
ing, at least on the surface. But let's consider his example of the recruitment of
graduate students. Many people may be able to live with the idea of using a
simple statistical algorithm for the recruitment of graduate students. But how
about the search for a faculty member? a Dean? the President of a large
university? In such instances, the screening of the candidates is very subjec-
tive, although it may be part of a systematic procedure. And it will be absurd
to replace the human judgment in these cases by a simple statistical algorithm. I
The irony in this example is that the search for a faculty member is much
more important than the recruitment of a graduate student. Yet we use a lot
more subjective judgment in the faculty search than in student recruitment.
Does this fact ring a bell for the quantitative researchers who are so afraid of
subjective judgment?
188 Chapter 7
EXAMPLE 3 In the 1987 ASA (American Statistical Association) annual
meeting, a conference room was packed with statisticians and econometricians
who were curious about the question, "How Good Are Econometric Models?"
The theme session was organized by David Freedman of the University of
California at Berkeley. Scholars who presented their papers or participated in
the discussion included Lincoln Moses of Stanford University, Dan McFadden
of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Thomas Sargert of the Univer-
sity of Minnesota, and Stephen McNees of the Federal Reserve Bank of Bos-
The mood in the room was a healthy skepticism about the statistical models
used in econometric research, and there was a sense that human judgment
might give us better insight into a complicated phenomenon.
One of the speakers was against this mood. His argument was that a sys-
tematic approach is in the long run better than ad hoc treatments. This argu-
ment met no challenge from the audience; but silence does not mean con-
sensus. Instead, it usually means that opponents are short of ammunition (and
rhetoric) at that specific moment.
In principle we believe that effective management relies on objective and
systematic methods, and that ad hoc treatment is a poor man's short-sighted
solution. But is it correct to equate systematic approach with econometric
research? Or is it correct to equate a management philosophy with statistical
data analysis? Readers might recall the heated debates over Bayesian time-
series in particular (Chap: 6, Sec. IV), and the dismal performance of
econometric research in general (Chap. 4, Sec. m. It is now up to you to
choose a side.
In soft science, debates on the issues of "systematic (or objective)" approach
can go on forever, because many researchers have trouble with "informal
arguments" that are deemed "merely" philosophical and do not have the pres-
tige of mathematical equations. For this very reason we will present some
examples from the science of chaos and dynamical systems (a new branch of
mathematics). The discussions will also take us to another level of understand-
EXAMPLE 1 Consider the following graphs of heart-rate time series (Fig.
1). The first heart-rate time series is somewhat chaotic, while the second is
almost perfectly predictable. Which time series do you prefer to be associated
with your own heart?
A Delicate Balance Between Order and Chaos
e 120
ti 80
II: 60
= 80
II: 80
5 40
:z: 20
7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16
TIME (min)
o I 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 1\ 12 13 14 15 18
TIME (min)
Figure 1 (a) Healthy subjects show considerable beat-to-beat activity. (b) Heart rate
time series for patient with severe congestive heart failure. Copyright 1988 by Bir-
khauser. Reprinted by permission.
This question was presented (without the graphs) to three biology profes-
sors (two of them have extensive experience with BeG, the electro-
cardiographic data). They all responded that the predictable heart-rate time
series is associated with a healthy heart, while a chaotic heartbeat is likely to
presage sudden death. Not true, at least not for the above times series.
Goldberger and co-workers (1984, 1985, 1987, 1988, 1989, etc.) have com-
pleted a series of investigations of the nonlinear dynamics in heart failure.
They found that the time intervals between beats of a healthy heart constantly
vary by smaIl amounts, and that these variations are completely unpredictable.
They conclude that a healthy heart must beat somewhat chaotically rather than
in a perfectly predictable pattern.
In a study of 30 dying patients, Goldberger found that a few hours before
death, the intervals between beats tend to lose their natural variation and
become practically identical. Goldberger concluded: ''The healthy heart
dances, while the dying organ can merely march" (quoted from 1he New York
Times, January 17, 1989). Another interpretation is that a healthy heart
responds well to a changing environment, while a dying heart loses its ability
to adjust for natural variation Gust like certain quantitative researchers who do
everything mechanically).
190 Chapter 7
Figure 2 is the Fast Fourier Transform of the time series in Fig. 1(b) (the
patient had a severe congestive heart failure), where the sharp peak at about
.03 Hertz is an indication of periodic behavior. In contrast, the frequency
spectrum of the healthy heart-rate time series (Fig. l(a looks like that shown
in Fig. 3.
If one plots the logarithms of both x (frequency) and y (amplitude) in Fig-
ure 3, then one gets the so-called inverse power-law (llf-like) spectrum (Fig.
4), where the slope of the regression line is about -1.005. This Ilf spectrum
is omnipresent in such physical systems: in almost all electronic components
from simple carbon resistors to vacuum tubes and all semiconducting devices;
in all time standards from the most accurate atomic clocks and quartz oscilla-
tors to the ancient hour-glass; in ocean flows and the changes in yearly flood
levels of the river Nile as recorded by the ancient Egyptians; in the small vol-
tages measurable across nerve membranes due to sodium and potassium flow;
and even in the flow of automobilies on an expressway (Voss, 1988, p. 39; and
Bale and Chen, 1991, p. 48).
Figure 5 compares the white noise (i.e., pure random noise), lIf noise, and
lIf2 noise (Brownian motion, or random walk).
An excellent illustration of these three kinds of noise is by the parallel types
of computer-simulated "fractal" music (Fig. 6). These analyses indicate that
nature favors a delicate harmony between order and chaos. Moreover, a rea-
sonable measure of this harmony is the lIf-spectrum.
Further appreciation of this lIf-like distribution can be gained from Figs.
7(a)-(c), which shows the heart-rate time series of three patients and the
corresponding spectrums. A common feature among the sick hearts is the fact
that their frequency cannot be fitted well to a lIf-like distribution.
g 0..
S 0.5
o D2 .04 .0' .08 .10
Figure 2 Oscillatory pattern with a sharp spectral peak at about 0.03 Hz. Copyright
1988 by Birkhauser. Reprinted by permission.
A Delicate Balance Between Order and Chaoe
:::i 0.5
o 0.2 0.4
0,8 1.0
Figure 3 Fnlquency spectiUIll of. healthy heart-l'Ilte time series. Copyriabt @ 1988
by Birthausor. Reprinted by permission.
10-4 ,.e I
10- 10 10- 10
Flgur& 4 Invene power law (llf-like) spectrum.
Chapter 7
white noise
Brownian motion or 1/,2 noise
Figure 5 Comparison of white noise, lIf noise and lIf2 noise. Copyright 1988 by
Springer-Verlag. Reprinted by permission.
As a further illustration, Figure 8 shows the brain waves (BEG, electro-
encephalogram) of two individuals. The top wave looks ugly and irregular.
The bottom one looks extremely regular: nice round wave is followed by a
sharp wave, another round wave is followed by another sharp wave. Garfinkel
(1989, NOVA #1603: the Strange New Science of Chaos) asked: "Which one
would you rather have?" In my experience, some psychometricians would
probably choose the bottom one (see Chap. 4, Sec. II, "A Religious Icon in
Behavioral Research',). These researchers have been trained to do everything
"objectively" and "systematically." Perhaps their brainwaves resemble the
bottom, regular BEG.
Here is the answer from Garfinkel: The upper one, the ugly irregular one,
is a normal adult BEG; the bottom one is a spike wave complex of an epileptic
seizure, which is a very dangerous and pathological condition.
A Delicate Balance Between Order and Chaos
kfJ;I' J J J ff JLt=ildpt;1W.J .J ifj
.J I. J.J II II J J i NJ !'!;;J:bg
kf;w; J, rt:.J J r J piI (a)
J' J' J' J' J'..LJ:
Figure 6 (a) ''White'' noise is too random; (b) "lIf" noise is closest to actual music
(and most pleasing); (c) "Brown" music is too correlated. Copyright 1988 by
Springer-Verlag. Reprinted by permission.
Scientists are now using sophisticated mathematics to shed new light on
phenomena that are usually called chaos. Some surprising conclusions from
this new branch of science are that (1) often there is order in chaos, and (2)
some control systems can function successfully only by introducing noise (a
chaotic component) into the system. The first conclusion is referred to the 1If-
distribution and Gleick (1987), while the second conclusion will be illustrated
by the following examples.
EXAMPLE 2 Scientists often want to minimize an objective function over a
configuration space in which parameters are not continuous and elements are
factorially large (so that they cannot be explored exhaustively). Traditional
algorithms for finding the minimum may go from the starting point immedi-
I aD
!r 20
0123" 15. '8 .101111131416.
1.0 TIME (min)
g 0.6
j ,0.5
::& 0.4
o .02.04 .De .oe .10
TIME (fIIln)
(b) 0.02.04 D6 DB JO 0.02 .04 .0& .08 .10
Figure 7 (ar(c) Heart-rate time series of 3 patients and their comapouding power
spectra. Copyright @ 1988 by BirkhauIer. Reprinted by permission.
A Delicate Balance Between Order and Chaos
o I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16
TIME (min)
1.0 1.0
0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7
Q6 Q6
0.5 0.5 Q5
0.4 0.4
C( 0.3 .03 0.3
0.2 Q2 'l2
0.1 0.1 0.1
0 .02 .04 .06 .08 JO 0 .02 .04 .0& .08 .10 0 .02 D4 .06 .os
ately to a quick nearby solution (see Figure 9 for the l-dimensional case). In
the N-dimensional case, conventional algorithms usually settle for a local, but
not a global, minimum. Surprising improvements came after the observation
that computers cannot do all we might want if we demand perfection. Instead,
if we allow computers to make mistakes-as humans do-we might be able to
get them to do better (Kolata, 1984).
To implement these ideas, numerical analysts (Press et al., 1987) add a gen-
erator of random changes to the system configuration, so that the system will
sometimes make the ''mistake'' of going uphill and subsequently move on to
another minimum energy state.
This probabilistic algorithm is slower than conventional algorithms that
look for a quick payoff; but there is an analogy in nature. For instance, at high
temperatures the molecules of a liquid move freely with respect to one
another. If the liquid is cooled slowly, thermal mobility is lost, and the atoms
are often able to line themselves up and form a pure crystal that is completely
ordered in all directions. (A crystal is the state of minimum energy for this
system.) The amazing fact is that, for a slowly cooled system, nature is able to
196 Chapter 7
Rgure B Brain waves of two individuals. <a> Normal adult BEG; (b) spike wave
complex of an epileptic seizure. Original data are not available. The graphs are repro-
duced from a TV screen and may be a little different from the exact pictures.
* global minimum
a starting point
a local minimum
(nearby solution)
--------------------------------------------------------> x
Rgure 9 A search for the global minimum.
A Delicate Balance Between Order and Chaos
find this minimum energy state. On the other hand, if a liquid metal is cooled
quickly or "quenched," it does not reach this state but rather ends up in a
polycrystalline state having somewhat higher energy (Press et al., 1987).
The probabilistic law that governs the thermal equilibrium at temperature T
is the so-called Boltzmann probability distribution:
Prob(E) oc exp (-EIkT),
where E is an energy state, and k is Boltzmann's constant. According to this
probability law, sometimes nature does make the "mistake" of being in a high
energy state. But in the process of slow cooling, there is a good chance for the
system to get out of a local minimum in favor of finding the real minimum.
EXAMPLE 3 In certain engineering applications, a technique called'
"artificial dither" is often applied for the purpose of smoothing the nonlinear-
ity in a feedback system, as shown in Figure 10. "Dither," according to the
Webster's dictionary, means a confused and excited condition, a prohibited
word to certain quantitative social scientists. But in engineering applications, a
calculated dither can be profitably employed in the compensation of nonlinear
control system, often for the purpose of linearizing the highly nonlinear force-
velocity effects due to friction. Applications of dither have a very long history.
Some examples are: coulomb friction, threshold, the controlling of small
guided missiles by spoilers, position servo incorporating a photocell error
detector, extremal control, adaptive control, signal stabilization, etc. (Gelb and
Vander Velde, 1968).
Certain dither techniques use a random, nonlinear input that can be de-
scribed as follows (Gelb and Vander Velde, 1968, p. 320):
x(t) = B + r(t) + A*sin(wt + 8),
where r(t) is a stationary Gaussian process; theta is a random variable having a
uniform distribution over an interval of 211" radians; and B, A, and ware deter-
ministic parameters. By careful calculation, this type of input may yield a
linear approximator that produces a power density spectrum at its output equal
to that of the nonlinearity it approximates. In other words, the intentional
injection of random noise is indeed a fostering of restrained chaos in the sys-
x(t) ----- yet) ----- c(t)
------1-------------->1 1 --------->1 L 1 --------1-------->
Figure 10 Feedback system in "artificial dither." x(t): input; c(t): control variable;
N: nonlinear part; y(t): output; t: time; L: linear part.
198 Chapter 7
tem. As a result, the random noise has the stabilizing effect of smoothing non-
linearities and consequently suppressing certain undesired periodic behavior.
The morals of Examples 2 and 3 are that "mistakes" and tempering of a
system are not always bad, and that perturbation by random inputs should not
be outlawed altogether.
EXAMPLE 4 Rapp and co-workers (1986) examined the brainwave of a
human resting [(Fig. l1(a)] to that of the same person who was instructed to
count backwards from 300 in steps of 7 [Fig. 11(b)]. The two time series
appear quite different: one is relatively smooth, while the other is chaotic. The
power spectra of these two different series, however, are quite similar (Fig.
12). According to the ordinary practice (see examples in Chap. 1, Sec. VI),
one might declare that the difference between the two series is not significant.
Instead, Rapp and co-workers calculated the fractal dimensions (D's) of the
series (Fig. 13), where C
is the correlation integral (see details in Rapp et al.,
1986). The fractal dimension associated with mental arithmetic is indeed
higher than that associated with a human resting.
To draw a further contrast,
Rapp and co-workers plotted the Poincare maps shown in Fig. 14, which show
a remarkable difference between the two brain-waves. In recent studies, Rapp
(February, 1990, quoted in Omni, pp. 43-48) found that the greater the mental
challenge, the more chaotic the activity of the subject's brain. In other words,
chaotic activity may be an asset in problem solving.
"You want to be able to scan as wide a range of solutions as possible and
avoid locking on to a suboptimal solution early on," Rapp explained. "One
way to do that is to have a certain amount of disorderliness, or turbulence, in
your search. " This strategy has indeed been implemented in numerical
analysis, as we have seen in the example of "simulated annealing."
Another potential application of the above analysis is the design of
electrode-studded headware for air traffic controllers, nuclear plant operators,
radar monitors, and other professionals whose unwavering vigilance is critical
to the safety of a large sector of the public (Rapp, 1990). In such cases, a loss
of healthy variability in neural activity may be used as an indication of the loss
of mental alertness. Alarms or electrical shocks may be needed to wake up the
operators and avoid catastrophic accidents.'
In another line of research, Garfinkel examined tremors and EMGs (elec-
tromyograms) of victims of stroke and Parkinson's disease. Tremors, accord-
ing to Garfinkel (1989, NOVA #1603), "may look random to the untutored
eye, but in fact, if you look at it, they're in fact quite periodic." In subsequent
studies, Garfinkel (February, 1990, quoted in Omni, pp. 43-48) concluded that
patients with normal motor control had nerves that pulsed in a chaotic fashion,
whereas .the EMGs of spastic patients demonstrated much more regular bursts
of electrical activity.
A Delicate Belance Between Order and Chaos
a ... ,...
Figure 11 <a> Brain wave of a person at rest; (b) brain wave of same person counting
baCkwards from 300 in steps of 7. Copyright 1986 by Springer-Verlag. Reprinted by
200 Chapter 7
Rgure 12 .(a) Power spectra of a person at rest; (b) Power spectra of same peI'8OIl
counting backwards from 300 in steps of 7. Copyright @ 1986 by Springer-Verlag.
Reprinted by permission.
A Delicate Balance Between Order and Chaos
t l: ..
LOG (Cn)
... .,.. ,.
., .
. ...... : .... ...
.".1 t..
LOG (Cn)
Figure 13 Slope VI. the logaritJun of the coaeIation integral. Copyright @ 1986 by
Springer-Verlag. Reprinted hy permission.
, ... r .... :
. .
-IODD ..
.. . ..
t. "
Chapter 7
__ __________
-Iaaa -IGOO 0 lGOO
__ ____ _
-ISClQ.ISOO _a. -SOD 0-
____ ____
-Iaaa -IGOO 0 a GOO
Figure 14 Delay maps (lag = 5 and 10) for the brain waves of the same person in
two different situations. Copyright 1986 by Springer-Verlag. Reprinted by permis-
"Contrary to intuition," says Garfinkel, ''you need desynchronized firing of
nerve cells in order to achieve smooth movement." He draws an analogy to a
platoon of soldiers crossing a bridge. To prevent destructive vibrations from
collapsing the bridge, the soldiers break rank.
At this point, some readers may jump to the conclusion that chaos is always
beneficial in neural systems. That's not the case. As an example, chaotic varia-
tion in brain dopamine levels could result in neural control failures of
Parkinson's disease and in the unstable mental behaviors that are characteris-
tics of schizophrenia. (Rapp, et al., 1986).
To sum up, instead of charging into disorder, scientists are looking for con-
strained randomness, or a harmony between order and chaos. After all, the
reason why science works is because there is order in nature.
1. Bven in the recruitment of graduate students, there are much concealed human
judgments in the construction of the linear regression.
2. The BCG's one usually sees in a hospital exhibit a P-Q-R-S-T pattern. The time
series we discuss here is obtained by measuring the length of consecutive R-peaks.
A Delicate Balance Between Order and Chaos
3. In certain engineering applications, (e.g., in the transmission of electical signals),
noise cannot be brought into harmony with signals.
4. The standard errors of the D's are respectively .2 and .3, estimated by eyeball
examination (Rapp et al., 1986). If we assume that the D's are normally distri-
buted, then z = 1.67 and P = 5 %, an indication that chance variation may be at
Note that the statistical properties of such estimates, to my knowledge, have not
been rigorously examined. Efforts along the line of Cutler and Dawson (1990, The
Annals of Probability) may yield more satisfactory answers than those currently
reported in scientific literature.
5. A similar device may also be used to prevent a driver from becoming a traffic
statistic. As reported by the U. S. Department of Transportation, at least 40,000
traffic accidents a year may be sleep related. Further, more than 20% of all drivers
have fallen asleep behind the wheel at least once (the New York Times, May 15,
Bak, P. and Chen K. (1991). Self-Organized Criticality. Scientific American, Vol. 264,
Cutler, C.D. and Dawson, D.A. (1990). Nearest-Neighbor Analysis of a Family of
Fractal Distributions. Annals of Probability, Vol. 18, No.1, 256-271.
Freedman, D.A. and Zeisel, H. (1988). Cancer Risk Assessment: From Mouse to Man.
Statistical Science, Vol. 3, 3-56.
Gelb, A. and Vander Velde, W.E. (1968). Multiple-Input Describing Functions and
Nonlinear System Design. McGraw Hill, New York.
Gleick, J. (1987). CHAOS: Making a New Science. Viking; New York.
Glymour, C., Scheines, R., Spirtes, P., and Kelly, K. (1987). Discovering Causal
Structure: Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy of Science, and Statistical Modeling.
Academic Press, New York.
Goldberger, A.L., Findley, L.J., Blackburn, M.R., and Mandell A.J. (1984). Nonlinear
Dynamics in Heart Failure: Implications of Long-Wavelength Cardiopulmonary
Oscillations. American Heart Journal, Vol. 107, No.3, 612-615.
Goldberger, A.L., Bhargava, V., West, B.J., and Mandell A.J. (1985). Nonlinear
Dynamics of the Heartbeat. Physica, 17D, 207-214. North-Holland, Amsterdam.
Goldberger, A.L., Bhargava, V., West, B.J., and Mandell A.J. (1986). Some Observa-
tions on the Question: Is Ventricular Fibrillation "Chaos"? Physica, 19D, 282-289.
North-Holland, Amsterdam.
Goldberger, A.L. and West, B.J. (1987). Applications of Nonlinear Dynamics to Clini-
cal Cardiology. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 504, 195-212.
Goldberger, A.L., Rigney, D.R., Mietus, J. Antman, E.M., and Greenwald, S. (1988).
Nonlinear Dynamics in Sudden Cardiac Death Syndrome: Heartrate Oscillations and
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Harris, M.(1980). Cultural Materialism: The Struggle for a Science of Culture. Vin-
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Kolata, G. (1984). Order out of Chaos in Computers. Science, Vol. 223, 917-919.
Chapter 7
Preas, W.H.. FlamIery, B.P., TeutolUy, S.A., and VetterHna, W;T. (1987). NruneriCtll
RM:lpes: 71te Art oj Sclentijic Computing. Cambridge Press, Cambridge.
Rapp, P.R Zimmerman,I.D., Albano. A.M'
deGuzman, O.C OreenbaDn, N.H., and
Basbote. T.R. (1986). Bxperimental Studies of Chaotic Neural Behavior: Cellular
Activity and Electroencephalographic Signals. NonlinBar Oscillations in BloltJgy and
CkmI."", edited by R.O. Otbmer. SpriDger-VerIag, New York.
VOI8, R.F. (1988). Frac:raJs in Nature: From Characterizatio to Simulation. 77Ie Sci-
ence of FracttII lmogfl. edibld by R.O. Peitgen and D. Saupe. Springer-Verlag,
New York, pp. 21-70.
Chapter 8
The Riddle of the Ubiquitous Statistics
In 1980 the National Science Foundation (NSF) published a projection of job
openings in science and engineering in the years 1978-1990. The projection
estimated job openings for statisticians at 19,000, with a supply shortage of
11,000 over a 12-year period. As a comparison, the job openings for
mathematicians were estimated at 3,000, with an oversupply of 126,000.
This NSF publication has cited in Amstat News (1981), The American
Statistician (1983), JASA (1982, p. 5), and in a variety of promotional materi-
als that are aimed at luring students into the statistical profession. The promo-
tional efforts are in general accompanied by an optimistic assumption that
statistics is useful in every part of our lives, and that it is beneficial for stu-
dents to study statistics or enter the profession of statistics.
An example of
this rosy description of statistics is the following (Anderson and Sclove, 1986):
Statistics enters into almost every phase of life in some way. A daily news broadcast
may start with a weather forecast and end with an analysis of the stock market. In a
newspaper at hand we see in the first five pages stories on an increase in the whole-
sale price index, an increase in the number of habeas corpus petitions filed, new
findings on mothers who smoke, the urgent need for timber laws, a state board plan
for evaluation of teachers, popularity of new commuting buses, a desegregation
plan, and sex bias. Each article reports some information, proposal, or conclusion
based on the organization and analysis of numerical data. [emphasis supplied]
206 Chapter 8
That is, statistics is everywhere. But a curious fact is that the discipline of
statistics lacks visibility and influence, as pointed out in an ASA Presidential
Address, ''The Importance of Statistics" (Marquardt, 1987, JASA). Marquardt
maintains that "the actual content of many jobs throughout society has more to
do with statistics than with any other single subject matter field." In this job
market, Marquardt observed, there are many competitors (as opposed to statis-
engineers (industrial, electrical, mechanical, electronic, chemical, etc.)
business professionals, such as those with M.B.A. degrees
operations researchers
social scientists
computer specialists
One may wonder why these people are classified as "competitors" to statisti-
cians. According to Marquardt,
They do such things as deciding what data are needed for a specific problem and
how to collect the data. They summarize the data in tabular and graphical form.
They analyze the data. They develop predictive models from the data. They derive
conclusions and recommend courses of action, all based largely on the data.
"What are they doing on the job?" Marquardt asked. "They are doing statis-
tics for a large proportion of their time." Marquardt complained, "if statistical
tools and functions are the primary components of many jobs, why can't peo-
ple trained in statistics hold some of those jobs?"
Marquardt's view of statistics is similar to that of Hahn and Boardman, two
leading figures in statistical quality control. According to Hahn and Boardman
(1987), making decisions needs data, and data means statistical methods?
To concerned statisticians, the promotional efforts of Marquardt, Hahn, etc.
are well-intended, highly admirable, and should be put forward with even
greater force. Nevertheless, the facts that statistics is here and that
statistics as a discipline lacks visibility and influence are hard xplain. After
years of confusion I finally came to realize that the noun "data' in statistics is
not equivalent to the noun "data" in other contexts. For example, in computer
science, "data base," "data structure," and "data-base management" all con-
tain the noun "data," but in a sense that is foreign to most statisticians. For
another example, a telephone book contains a mass of data that are useful for
many decisions, but statistical inference plays no role in it.
In Section I of this chapter, we will take pains to re-examine certain
misconceptions about the ubiquitous statistics. Nevertheless, an optimistic
prediction for the future of statistics will be provided at the end of that Sec-
The Riddle of the Ubiquitous Statistics
First there is a great divide between measurements and statistics. When we
examine the whole spectrum of statistical applications, on one end we find that
the measurements in social, behavioral, or economic sciences are very rough,
and the researchers call all numerical values "statistics," as if the name itself
will enhance the accuracy of a poor measurement. On the other end of the
spectrum, physicists, engineers, and chemists, who keep improving their
instruments, call all experimental readings "data," but they seldom need to
perform a complicated statistical test.
To further illustrate the situation, consider the wisdom of a famous statisti-
cian, C. R. Rao (from DeGroot, 1987):
I don't think we are very successful with statistical methods in psychology or even
in economics. Possibly what is wrong with the economists is that they are not trying
to measure new variables which cause economic changes. That is far more impor-
tant than dabbling with whatever data are available and trying to make predictions
based on them. [emphasis supplied]
Rao's message is that one has to pour more concrete into the foundations of
one's statistical models. The concrete is subject-matter knowledge and quality
Note that the two most important (and reliable) methodologies in statistics
are randomized experiments and sample surveys. Also, randomization has to
do with the quality of data (i.e., quality of measurement), not with the text-
book statistical formulas. Outside the textbooks, most data are not obtained by
randomized experiments or sample surveys. Given this kind of data, a person
who is rich in subject-matter knowledge (or street smarts) is likely to see more
than a mathematical statistician who is thrown into the situation. For this rea-
son we contend (as opposed to Marquardt) that many business or industrial
jobs should be held by people in these fields (not by statisticians), even if a job
requires that a large portion of time be spent doing data reduction and graphic
The following examples are chosen to illustrate further the relationship
between statistics and the real world. The examples may help one to under-
stand why statistics is everywhere but statisticians are not.
EXAMPLE 1 If one is fond of data, one should take up accounting. In this
area the data are very rich and important: They show financial records such as
what cash and equipment an organization has, what debts it owes, etc. This
type of data provides information to executives and government officials so
that they can make sound decisions. These decisions, with no exaggeration,
"affect the welfare of all citizens" (Statistical Science, 1989). But formal sta-
tistical inference is completely useless in this context.
208 Chapter 8
In recent years statistical methods have been brought to bear in an attempt
to help the analysis of audit data (which is concerned with examing and
reviewing accounting information to determine whether it is reasonably accu-
rate and presented in an understandable fashion). According to a report by the
Panel on Non-Standard Mixtures of Distributions (Tamura, 1989), the existing
models for auditing data include the three-parameter gamma distribution, the
geometric distribution, parametric Bayesian models, non-parametric Bayesian
models, etc.
Despite such heavy machinery, the real progress is dismal. The report also
points out that one-sided confidence intervals are more appropriate in the
analysis of audit data than two-sided confidence intervals. This conclusion, in
my opinion, further casts doubt on the accuracy and value of the estimation.
In summary, accounting data defy easy analysis along the lines of standard
(or nonstandard) statistical inference. At this writing the statistical community
still cannot claim the vast territory of financial records and auditing data.
EXAMPLE 2 Statistics is often perceived as being capable of providing use-
ful tools for sound decision-making. Innumerable books have been written,
and thus yield an impression that there must be something in "statistical deci-
sion theory" that one can use in real-life applications.
The kernel of truth is that statistical decision theory does not deal with ordi-
nary decisions. Rather, it deals mainly with the properties of Bayesian estima-
tors for the population average under certain loss functions.
Suppose that you are going to buy a car or a house-certainly a big decision
that you don't want to regret soon afterward. Try any book on Bayesian deci-
sion theory; it is guaranteed that none of the books will heip you in buying a
car or a house.
In short, "statistical decision theory" is totally different from "ordinary
decision theory." Statistical decision theory is a body of esoteric knowledge
that is of interest mainly to academicians. Just like certain intricate equations
in modern physics, statistical decision theory in its current state belongs in an
ivory tower that has little rooting in the rest of the world.
EXAMPLE 3 In recent years, the ivory-tower "statistical decision theory"
has transcended its traditional concern, linking up with research effort in
artificial intelligence (AI) and expert systems. As much of the world knows by
now, the goal of Ai is to aid decision makers in all areas of human endeavor.
Even if only part of the goal of AI materializes in specific areas (such as medi-
cine, public policy, business, military affairs), the payoff of the ivory-tower
activities would rival the discoveries of Dirac or Einstein.
The Riddle of the Ubiquitous Statistics 209
On the surface decision-making involves data and uncertainty; thus statistics
and probability theory ought to play a vital part in the field of artificial intelli-
gence. But as pointed out by the editor of Statistical Sdence (February, 1987),
"such has not proved to be the case." For instance, if one looks through the
three-volume Handbook of Artificial Intelligence (Barr and Feigenbaum, 1981,
1982; Cohen and Feigenbaum, 1982), one can barely find such things as sta-
tistical learning, probability reasoning, uncertainty in representation of
knowledge, and the like.
In the late 70s and early 80s, the emerging field of artificial intelligence
stood out like a king. However, in private, some computer scientists have
commented that the emperor really has no clothes. These comments were not
made out of jealousy, but rather were rooted in a deep understanding that
decision-making is a highly conditioned activity, prey to the effects of many
factors that cannot be controlled by any mechanical procedures and cannot be
predicted by any mathematical formula.
Instead of the oversweeping goal of AI in modeling everyday reasoning,
expert systems that are designed for specific fields are more realistic. Develop-
ments have proved to be successful in certain medical diagnoses. But as
Spiegelhalter (1987) wrote, "the development of expert systems in medicine
has generally been accompanied by a rejection of formal probabilistic methods
for handling uncertainty."
New developments that use Bayesian methodology or belief function are
underway. Some general obstacles have been pointed out by Shafer (1987):
Probability judgment in expert systems is very much like probability judg-
ment everywhere else.
Almost always, probability judgment involves not only individual numerical
judgments but also judgments about how those can be put together.
[If progress is ever made in using probability in expert systems], these sys-
tems will be intensely interactive. They will depend on the human user to
design the probability argument for the evidence at hand.
[emphasis supplied]
Shafer maintains that it is neccessary to implement heuristic probability judg-
ments assigned by human users, despite the fact that such heuristics often lead
to systematic mistakes or biases. In defense of this position, he observes that
when we face up to the AI problems, ''we see that the heuristics are really all
we have."
Shafer's honest assessment of probability judgments is a clear indication
that the academic version of "decision-making" is far from the real-world ver-
sion. This is good news for researchers in the field, but it is bad news for those
who believe that decision-making needs data, and data is equivalent to statisti-
cal methods.
Chapter 8
Despite the discussion in the previous examples, it is not our stance that
statistics is utterly useless. On the contrary, we have tried to include construc-
tive uses of statistics in such examples as
a modern version of Fisher's puzzle (Chap. 2, Sec. V),
graphic presentation and time-series analysis of Old Faithful data (Chap. 4,
Sec. V)
Shewhart control chart (Chap. 3, Sec. IV)
parameter design in quality control (Chap. 8, Sec. n)
descriptive statistics (Chap. 5, Sec. I.F.)
Bayesian analysis (Chap. 6, Secs. ill and IV)
chi-square test (Chap. 2, Sec. V)
non-linear modeling (Chap. 5, Sec. n.E)
spectral estimation (Chap. 4, Sec. V and Chap. 7, Secs. I and m and
quantum probability (Chap. 6, Sec. m.
These examples are intended to illustrate that statistics as a discipline is
infinitely rich in its subtlety and esoteric beauty.
For the readers who want to know more about authentic applications of
statistics in science, a good source is Statistics by Freedman, Pisani, and
Purves (1978). For those who want to learn about ingenious applications of
statistics in industry and quality control, an excellent book is Process Quality
Control: Troubleshooting and Interpretation of Data by Ott (1976).
Good examples of statistics in everyday life are also plentiful. For instance,
according Deming (1978), in Japan the whole month of October is a season of
statistical observance. Here are some specific examples:
Children in their lessons in October describe their activities for the day in tenns of
numbers: passed by, on the way to school, so many automobiles of a certain type;
walked to school in an observed number of minutes; her mother spent so many
hours with her last night, of which a certain proportion were spent concerning arith-
metic, another proportion on geography, another proportion on hiragana (Chinese
For example, Deming (1978) mentioned that in Japan a national prize
was given to five 7-year-olds for a graph creation titled "Mom, play with us
more often." The work was the result of a survey of 32 classmates about the
frequency with which mothers play with their offspring and the reasons given
for not doing so. The most often heard excuse: "I'm just too busy."
In addition to these beautiful examples, I would like to share an anecdote
from my own experience. When I started my teaching career, I used to feel
heart-broken during the grading of midterm or final exams. In the middle of
the grading, I railed against the poor performance of the students. "What the
Hell? This problem is merely a simple application of the Central Limit
The Riddle of the Ubiquitous Statistics 211
Theorem. Why can't they do it?" Such complaints ran throughout the whole
session of grading. But a few minutes later, I graphed the test scores in a
stem-leaf plot:
40 + 41,44
50 + 51,55,56,57
60 + 60,63,64,64,68,68
70 + 71,72,72,74,76,76,79
80 + 82,83,83,86,88
90 + 91,94,97
As the graph revealed, the overall performance of this class was as normal as
that of other classes taught by myself or by other professors. There was simply
no need to feel bitter at all.
This is a case where the psychological involvement of a teacher
overwhelmed his judgment. And a statistical artifact was the best rescue. Simi-
lar examples can be found in every walk of life. For example, when we have
bitter feeling about our family members or our work environment, a frequency
distribution of related events may easily diffuse a potential conflict.
At this juncture, one may argue that statistics are indeed ubiquitous. Our
response to this conclusion is as follows. First, statistics are in fact every-
where, but valid statistical inference is not. As we have taken pains to explain,
statistical inference applies only to well-defined chance models. In everyday
life, such models are seldom appropriate.
Second, everyday statistics (or elementary "descriptive statistics''} rely on a
person's subject-matter knowledge. The hard part of getting such statistics
depends on the skill and instinct of the person collecting the data. Putting the
data in a statistical graph is easy; it requires only the brain power of a 7-year-
In the Preface we mentioned that there are about 40,000 scientific journals
currently being published regularly (The New York TImes, June 13, 1988).
Assume that 20% of journal articles involve data collection and statistical
analysis. Also assume that on the average one out of three submitted papers is
accepted for publication (this ratio is substantially lower than one-third in pres-
tigious journals). Putting these numbers together, we believe that the scientific
212 Chapter 8
community would need an army of competent statisticians to ensure the vali-
dity of statistical analysis in research publications.
In addition to this service, statisticians possess a wealth of techniques for
exploratory data analysis (BOA) which includes Tukey's classic BOA (1977),
a new generation of techniques for exploring data tables, trends, and shapes
(Hoaglin, Mosteller, and Tukey, 1985), advanced descriptive statistics, and
quasi-inferential statistics discussed in Chapter 2. Skillful applications of these
techniques may help to uncover important patterns and causal links in
scientific investigations or industrial applications.
With the techniques in both BOA and COA (confirmatory data analysis),
we don't understand why the discipline of statistics lacks visibility and
influence as lamented by Marquardt (1987, JASA).
Perhaps the reason is that the teaching and practice of statistics (by statisti-
cians!) are both too much and too litde. It is too much, because statistics has
been equated with "data" and has been touted as ubiquitous-but in fact it is
neither. This tendency stretches the limitation of statistical analysis beyond its
possibility .
It is too little, because statisticians themselves do not pay enough attention
to the stochastic assumptions in their data analyses (see examples in Chapters
2-4). As a consequence, scientists from all disciplines (in academics and in
industry) learned this attitude and are using over-the-counter statistics in every
corner of their research activity without feeling the need of a statistician.
In conclusion, we believe that statistics is a scientific discipline that should
(and will) gain influence and visibility, but statisticians first have to divorce
themselves from the current practice of statistics in soft sciences. The practice
is self-delusive and indeed is a disservice to the discipline of statistics. This
divorce, in our opinion, is the first step necessary to restore statistics as a
scientific discipline.
Something alarming has happened to the United States of America since the
1970s: Her worldwide market has dropped by 50% in the areas of automo-
biles, medical equipment, computer chips, and consumer goods such as color
TVs, cameras, stereos, microwave ovens, etc.
A portion of this drop is usually attributed to the Japanese for their aggres-
sive market strategy and the superior quality of their products. But other fac-
tors may contribute as well. For instance, the United States ranked number
one in her productivity as compared to other industrial countries in 1950 (here
the productivity is defined as the average annual growth in manufacturing out-
put per hour):
The Riddle of the Ubiquitous Statistics 213
Rank Country
1 .United States
2 Belgium
3 West Germany
4 Ftance
5 Norway
6 Canada
7 Sweden
8 Italy
9 United Kingdom
10 Denmark
11 Japan
If you ask an average American (or American student) to rank the productivity
of the USA in 1987, the answer is likely to be 2 or 3, right after Japan andlor
Germany. But the correct answer is more disappointing than that:
Rank Country
1 Japan
2 West Germany
3 Italy
4 Fr.ance
5 Norway
6 Belgium
7 Denmark
8 Sweden
9 United Kingdom
10 Canada
11 United States
The fact that the productivity and the quality of American goods are trailing
behind other industrial nations worries the political and business leaders of dlis
country. Some initiatives were taken to raise the awareness of the problem and
to implement potential solutions (such as using statistical methods in the battle
against poor quality). In one instance the famed statistician, Dr. Edwards
Deming, was awarded a National Medal from the President of the United
States ''for his forceful promotion of statistical methodology, for his contribu-
Chapter 8
tion to sampling theory and for his advocacy to corporations" (The New York
Times, June 26, 1987).
Deming is a statistician whose early books such as Sampling Theory (1953,
Wiley) and Statistical Adjustment of Data (1938, 1943, 1964) are recognized
as classic works. In 1950 Deming was recruited by General McArthur in the
effort to rebuild Japan from the rubble of the war. In Japan Deming taught ele-
mentary statistical techniques and Shewhart control charts to Japanese
engineers and managers at all levels. Deming's lectures were received with
overwhelming enthusiasm. A national Statistics Day was established by the
Japanese, and has been observed by Japanese yearly ever since.
As much of the world knows by now, the Japanese have performed a mira-
cle by keeping the quality of their consumer products at a superior level.
According to Deming (1982, pp. 99-102), this miracle was due to the follow-
ing four factors: (1) Japan's statisticians, (2) the Union of Japanese Science
and Engineering, (3) the teaching of techniques, and (4) conferences with top
management. (This analysis is different from mine. See footnote 5.)
Deming enjoys (and deserves) the great honor he received when the
Japanese established the Deming prizes for high achievement in quality
improvement. His teachings had long been ignored by his countrymen from
the 1950s to the early 1970s. Later, with the enormous success of Japanese
quality associated with his name, his return to his homeland was cheered by
the zealots full of unrealistic expectations about the role of statistical methods
and statisticians in quality control.
It is sad to note that these unrealistic expectations were initiated by Deming
and his fanatic followers such as Joiner (1985). For instance, Deming con-
tended that a strong "statistical leadership" is essential in any company or
organization, and recommended that "there will be in each division a statisti-
cian whose job (it) is to find problems in that division, and to work on them"
(Deming, 1982, p. 354). With regard to the focus of this statistical leadership,
Deming (p. 355) suggested the following schematic plan for "statistical organi-
zation" indicated in Fig. 1. Deming wrote, "it is clear that no plan will
work ... without competence and confidence in the statistical leadership, and
without people in the divisions that have a burning desire to improve their sta-
tistical work." Furthermore, ''The advantages of the plan recommended here
cannot be questioned. It works."
Deming's writings on quality control, if judged fairly, contain much useful
information and numerous sparks of wisdom. For instance, he considered the
difference between theoretical statisticians and practical statisticians, and con-
cludes that the latter are the real hazard, citing Thomas Huxley's famous
quote, "The practical man practices the errors of his forefathers."
Nevertheless, his preaching of so-called "statistical leadership" does not
seem to have won the hearts of certain statisticians. Pointing to the worst
The Riddle of the Ubiquitous Statistics
Pres ident
leader ship
-- -- /' ,
-- ......./ "-
-- ...... """ /' , "-
-- - /' , "-
-- -- /'
Mf; I I I MfO 2 I I MfO 3 I I Assembly
Work with
suppl iers
Serv ice and
,/ /
;I' /
/' /
Ins t ruments
Payroll I I Personnel
Des ion of
Tronsporta -
t ion
Figure 1 Schematic plan for statistical organization. Source: W. E. Deming (1982).
Quality, Productivity, and Competitive Position.
scenario, Godfrey (1985) wrote, "I shudder at the thought of my statistics col-
leagues running into executive offices and telling the managers how to run the
company." Godfrey maintains that
We as statisticians should focus our efforts on what we know best. We do have
much to give ... [but] we must stick to our areas of expertise.
This conclusion and the related examples in Godfrey's article are the real food
for thought to applied statisticians (or would-be applied statisticians) who are
excited or confused by the so-called "statistical leadership." Note that "our
areas of expertise" include many technical advances such as:
Robust parameter design
Improved Taguchi's on-line quality control
More efficient method for estimating SNR (signal-to-noise ratio)
Factorial experiments with nearly orthogonal arrays and small runs
Nonlinear estimation
Regression analysis applied to artificial neural networks
Wavelet transform and its applications in statistics
Chapter 8
It should be pointed out that "statistical control charts," strictly speaking,
are not our areas of expertise. The reason can be highlighted by H. F. Dodge's
statement that "statistical quality control is 90% engineering and only 10%
statistics" (Grant and Leavenworth, 1980, p. 88).6 In other words, an effective
use of the statistical control charts requires one's knowledge of physics,
engineering, and the subject matter.
As a result, a statistician's areas of exper-
tise are most useful in the Department of Research and Development, not in
the production lines or in the executive offices.
I would like to make one more observation on the role of the statistician in
decision-making. It is interesting to review the position Deming took on this
issue back in the 1960s. In a special address to the Institute of Mathematical
Statistics, Deming (1965) strongly suggested a nonadvocacy role for a consult-
ing statistician:
The statistician should not recommend to the client that he take any specific admin-
istrative action or policy .... The statistician, if he were to make recommendations
for decision, would cease to be a statistician.
Some statisticians comment in private that Deming is now only a salesman, not
a statistician. This comment may not be fair, and certainly it will not (and
should not) affect Deming's place in history. But Deming's followers, who
exaggerate the role of statistics, should think twice before they blow their
horns again.
-Most experts on quality control do appreciate statistical methods as useful
tools in this field. But very few of them exhibit the same zeal for statistics as
do Deming and his followers. In this section we will discuss some of the
conflicting teachings of the QC experts. Among the experts who will be quoted
here are (1) Juran, (2) Crosby, (3) Ishikawa, and (4) Deming. This discussion
is not meant to disparage these QC gurus; rather, it is a comparative study that
promotes a skeptical eye and an appreciative mind toward different schools of
thought. The moral is that one has to be careful in subscribing to any specific
philosophy of management quality control. .
We begin with Dr. Joseph Juran, the person who coined the phrase, "Pareto
principle," to capture a universal phenomenon-vital few, trivial many-in
quality control (and in many other areas too). He is also the first person to
have asked his audience (top managers, engineers) this beautiful question:
"Does better quality cost more or less?" From most people the response would
be an irrefutable "Morel" Juran's genius was to point out that there are two
The Riddle of the Ubiquitous Statistics 217
different notions of quality: quality of design and quality of conformance. If
one is talking about quality of design, then it is certain that better quality costs
more. But if one is talking about quality of conformance, then better quality
will cost less (Juran, 1979).
Juran made his first visit to Japan in 1954, at the request of the Union of
Japanese Science and Engineering. His influence on quality control can be
seen in his massive Quality Control Handbook (195111979; three inches thick).
In one place Juran uses a mathematical model to illustrate a certain aspect of
the cost of quality (see Fig. 2). This model makes perfect sense to any "rea-
sonable" mind. But one becomes puzzled reading Philip Crosby's book.
Crosby is the president of the Crosby's Quality College in Winter Park,
Florida (Crosby, 1984). The College has attracted more than 15,000 execu-
tives since it began in 1979. Prior to 1979 Crosby was corporate vice-
president of ITT (International Telephone and Telegraph Company). He has
had 34 years of first-hand experience in quality improvement, and was respon-
sible (while at ITT) for worldwide quality operations for 14 years. Unlike
Deming, Juran, or Ishikawa, who have strong academic backgrounds, Crosby
worked his way up from line inspector. His writings on quality control are the
most colorful and eye-opening among those of all QC gurus.
According to Crosby it is a mistake to talk about the economics of qUality.
To him the cost of quality is the expense of nonconformance-the cost of
doing things wrong. He emphasizes that quality means quality of conformance.
Figure 2 Model for optimum quality costs. Copyright 1979 by McGraw-Hill Book
Company. Reprinted by permission.
Chapter 8
No more, no less. Quality is not elegance, not quality of design. Quality means
that you set up specifications, and do it right at the beginning. Finally, the
standard of performance is "zero defects." Nothing else is acceptable. His
insistence on "zero defects" has won him the nickname "quality fascist."
Crosby has a very rich array of arguments and examples to support his
zero-defect philosophy. For instance, he maintains that "companies try all
kinds of ways to help their people not meet the requirements" (Crosby, 1984,
p. 75; emphasis supplied). Here is how they do it:
Acceptable quality level (AQL, 1 %, 2.5%, etc.): This is established for
suppliers as the acceptance plan for inspection or test people.
Shipped-product quality level (SPQL): This means a certain number of
errors are planned. Refrigerators have perhaps three or four, computers
eight or more, TV sets three or more.
On another front, it is common sense that motivation of the employees is
important in quality improvement (Juran, 1979, Chapter 18). The motivation
programs are now a multimillion-dollar business. The techniques include rais-
ing workers' self-esteem and making them more independent and assertive. In
sharp contrast, Crosby emphasizes "demotivation" (1984, pp. 14-35). He
asks: "Why do we need a special program to motivate our people? Didn't we
hire motivated employees?" He continues, "If you think about it, they were
well motivated when they came to work. That first day, when they reported in,
there were nothing but smiles." Crosby maintains that in quality control one
has to look for long-term solutions. The motivation programs are stimulants
that get your employees excited. After a while, the employees are numb, and
no real improvement would occur anymore. The real solution, according to
Crosby, is inculcating the philosophy and the techniques of ''zero defects."
Critics of Crosby maintain that the zero-defect (ZD) movement is nothing
but chasing a ghost. Perhaps with this criticism in mind, Crosby wrote: "the
only people who utilized the concept for what it was were the Japanese
Management Association. In cooperation with Nippon Electric Company, they
established the concept in Japan. (When I went to Tokyo in 1980 they had a
party for me to celebrate sixteen years of ZD in Japan.)"
We now compare the different views of Ishikawa on this issue. Dr. Ishi-
kawa is the inventor of the famous "fishbone chari" in quality control, and was
a Professor of Engineering at the Science University of Tokyo and the Univer-
sity of Tokyo. He is now almost the spokesman for Japanese quality control.
His book, What is Total Quality Control? The Japanese Way (198111985) is a
best seller in Japan.
Ishikawa (1985, p. 151) observes that the ZD movement was initiated by
the U. S. Department of Defense in the 1960s. He maintains that the ZD
movement could not succeed, and that the QC community should not repeat
The Riddle of the Ubiquitous Statistics 219
the same mistakes. He wrote, "in some quarters, the United States has been
strongly influenced by the so-called Taylor method. Engineers create work
standards and specifications. Workers merely follow. The trouble with this
approach is that the workers are regarded as machines. Their humanity is
ignored." He maintains that
Standards and regulations are always inadequate. Even if they are strictly followed,
defects and flaws will appear. It is experience and skill that make up for inadequa-
cies in standards and regulations. (p. 66) [emphasis supplied]
Ishikawa emphasizes that a respect for humanity is needed as part of manage-
ment philosophy:
Employees must be able to feel comfortable and happy with the company, and be
able to make use of his capabilities and realize his potential.
This may sound like Utopia. But Ishikawa is confident that there are at least
two ways to enhance humanity in a manufacturing environment: (1) recogni-
tion of and awards for achievements, and (2) the implementation of QC cir-
A QC circle, to put it in a capsule, is a small group of people who perform
quality control activities within the same workshop. The idea of such group
activity is hardly new. As a matter of fact, workers in other countries have
similar arrangements to solve problems of defects or poor quality. But this
simple idea, pushed by Ishikawa in 1962, evolves into a unique Japanese
phenomenon that no one expected. For instance, projects completed by QC
circles during its first decade (1962-1972) accumulated to about five million
projects, with money saved at about $5,000 per project. The impact of the QC
circle movement on Japanese quality has been simply phenomenal.
In the early 1970s the concepts of QC circle were brought to the United
States and began to blossom soon after. In 1977, the International Association
of Quality Circles (lAQC) was formed in the United States. Membership grew
steadily in six years from 200 to 6,000. Conference attendance also grew, in
the same time period, from 150 to 2700.
Ishikawa places great confidence in QC circles. He wrote (1985): "Where
there are no QC circle activities, there can be no Total Quality Control activi-
ties." However, Deming observed that the implementation of QC circles is
mostly a management fad in the United States. Each year hundreds of
businesses in this country experiment with QC circles. Most of them fail
immediately. A few reported success at an early stage, but burned out soon
after. This is "a rediscovery of the Hawthorne effect," as well put by Deming
(1982, p. 109). In fact, Deming maintains that "QC circles are a raging disease
in America, and even worse in some other countries."
In Japan, QC circles are voluntary activities that are rooted in their tradition
of teamwork and striving for perfection. In America, according to Deming, the
220 Chapter 8
same tool is used by managers as a quick cure-all, and is viewed by workers
as a managerial gimmick that merely attempts to get them to work harder.
Deming, on the other hand, emphasizes a top-to-bottom reform. This philo-
sophy goes against a common perception that poor quality is mainly the result
of a poor work force. For instance, when it comes to the responsibility for
poor quality, Deming believes that 85 % of problems are related to the system,
not the workers. This philosophy believes that an overall change in corporate
culture and managerial approach is needed to regain the competitive edge of
any quality-troubled organization. To implement this philosophy, Deming pro-
posed.his famous 14 points as a guideline for creating a new managerial cli-
'. This philosophy, however, is quite different from that of Crosby, who also
proposed his own 14 points for reshaping corporate culture and attitudes. In
some cases (see e.g., Inc. Magazine, May, 1985), we believe that it is
Crosby's (rather than Deming's) philosophy that turned around a quality-
troubled company. Nevertheless, we have no evidence that this will in general
be the case.
In recent years, a Japanese engineer, Genichi Taguchi, proposed a new phi-
losophy for quality problem solving, which emphasizes mathematical con-
structs of loss function and the design of experiments.
In this subsection we will discuss certain aspects of the Taguchi techniques
and philosophy. One of these techniques is called parameter design, which
includes many beautiful applications that are fascinating in their own right. To
illustrate the basic principles of parameter design, we will discuss the follow-
ing investigation conducted by Dr. Hilario Oh and Dr. K. Y. 1m (1991) at
General Motors Corporation, Warren, Michigan.
The study focused on the "snap-fit" fasteners that are used abundantly in
cars. Of central concern here is the excessive variability in retentions (R) of a
special type of fasteners:
2.29,3.37,3.86,5.15,5.24,5.33,5.77,5.77,7.18, 7.33, 8.10, 8.29, 8.29,
8.61,9.44,9.57,10.73 (n = 17, mean = 6.72, SD = 2.37).
To reduce the variability in R, traditionally an engineer would tighten the
tolerance of the diameter of the fastener (W), the diameter of the mating hole
(D), and other related parts. But in this case, that option is not available
because the variabilities of these parts have already been minimized to the lev-
els that current technology would allow.
Instead of surrender, Drs. Oh and 1m attacked the problem from a different
angle. To begin with, they noticed that
The Riddle of the Ubiquitous Statistics 221
where K = the stiffness of the fastener and I = (W - D )/2 = the interference
between the fastener and its mating part.
The nonlinear nature of R (as a function of K and 1) provides the possibility
for parameter design. Note that if K is fixed, then R is a linear function of I
(Fig. 3). The shaded area on the R-axis represents the tolerance region of R.
Theoretically, if one picks the middle of the tolerance region, then one could
identify the I-value as follows (Fig. 4). However, in mass production, there
are variabilities in both I and K (Fig. 5). Therefore the resulting values of R
will be all over the place. To achieve a tighter control of R, there are two
different approaches. The first approach is to manipulate the parameters K and
I. In graphic form, this approach is equivalent to moving the wedge and the
base I-value in Fig. 5 (Oh and 1m, 1991).
The second approach is to conduct a mathematical analysis as this author
has done below: Let 81 and 82 be the standard deviations of I and K, respec-
Figure 3 The linear relationship between R and J for the nonlinear function
Figure 4 Identification of the J value from the middle of the tolerance region.
222 Chapter 8
Figure 5 Graphic representation of manipulating parameters K and J.
tively, and Rl and R2 be the R-values indicated by the horizontal lines in the
previous diagram. By formula (1), we have
Rl = (K - 2 * S2) * (1 - 2 * SI)
= K*1-2*(K*SI+1*S2)+4*ShS2
R2 = (K + 2*S2) *(1 + 2*SI)
= K*1 + 2*(K*SI + hS2) + 4*SI *S2
R2 - Rl = 4* (K*SI f hS2).
Let m be the target value of R, and note that K *1 = R = m.
Therefore, we have
R2 - Rl = 4*(m*S1I1 + hS2),
By equation (2), one can minimize (R2 - Rl) by choosing
1 = "m*SlIS2
In this case, m = 6, 81 = .06 and 82 = S.09. Hence J = .27 and
(R2 - Rl) = 10.83, smaller than the original R2 - Rl, which is 12.59. This
constitutes the first phase of the parameter design in this case study.
The second phase of this parameter design (Oh and 1m, 1991) rests on the
following mathematical formula:
K = (Bl6) * w *tl (4)
where E is a constant (related to a special modulus), and the remaining vari-
ables are nominal dimensions depicted in Fig. 6. Raw data of 17 sets of
fasteners are shown in the following table.
The Riddle of the Ubiquitous Statistics 223
Dimensions of Retainer and Slot (nun) Estimated Values
No. b w L D W J K(N/nun) P-Force(N)
1 0.33 0.42 3.10 4.38 5.98 6.70 0.36 19.38 8.29
2 0.33 0.42 3.35 4.29 6.00 7.00 0.51 20.14 8.61
3 0.25 0.42 3.20 4.17 6.01 7.00 0.51 9.02 3.86
4 0.33 0.42 3.40 4.38 5.98 6.90 0.46 19.38 8.29
5 0.33 0.38 3.20 4.29 5.98 6.60 0.31 22.38 9.57
6 0.33 0.50 3.20 4.29 5.98 6.70 0.36 16.79 7.18
7 0.25 0.46 3.10 4.25 5.98 6.70 0.36 7.88 3.37
8 0.21 0.38 3.30 4.33 5.98 6.85 0.43 5.36 2.29
9 0.29 0.46 3.20 4.33 5.98 6.80 0.41 12.03 5.15
10 0.38 0.46 3.20 4.38 6.00 6.75 0.38 25.09 10.73
11 0.30 0.38 3.15 4.20 5.98 6.90 0.46 17.04 7.33
12 0.30 0.49 3.20 4.32 6.00 6.95 0.48 12.39 5.33
13 0.36 0.52 3.10 4.13 5.98 7.00 0.51 21.96 9.44
14 0.30 0.45 3.25 4.32 5.98 6.95 0.48 13.42 5.77
15 0.34 0.49 3.15 4.18 6.00 6.95 0.48 18.84 8.10
16 0.30 0.45 3.15 4.32 6.00 6.75 0.38 13.42 5.77
17 0.30 0.50 3.20 4.30 6.00 6.85 0.43 12.19 5.24
Avg 0.31 0.45 3.20 4.28 5.99 6.84 0.43 15.69 6.72
Std 0.04 0.04 0.08
0,07 0,01
0.12 0.06 5.54 2.37
Roof Panel
J = 0.5 x (W-DI
Retainer _
v __
Figure 6 Graphical display of the "snap-fit" fastener. (Reprinted from Oh and 1m,
Robust Design, A Need and an Opportunity, 1991, presented in the 218th Meeting of
the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. Courtesy of Oh and 1m.)
224 Chapter 8
A hierarchy of the attribution of the variabilities in R, K, and J is shown in
Fig. 7.
In the upper-left corner, the graph indicates that every millimeter error in
thickness t will result in 170 (N/mm) error in stiffness. Since the process for
producing thickness is already at its best, further tightening of the stiffness
variation has to be achieved through formula (4). Note that there are four
independent variables in the formula, tangled in a highly nonlinear fashion. An
analytic approach like formulas (2) and (3) would involve the 16 K-variables
K(i) = (E/6) * (w + .16) * (t :I:: .08)3 * (b :I:: .08)-1 * (L :I:: .14)-2;
i = 1, 2, ... ,16; plus signs throughout in K(1);
and the search for the minimal values of
K(1) - K(i); i = 2,3, ... ,16.
Such a task is strenuous (if not forbidden). A numerical approach to find the
global minimum to desired accuracy is possible (see, e.g., Breiman and Cutler,
1989) but will be reported elsewhere.
A different approach is to examine the functional form of K(t,b,w,L) when
some of the independent variables are fixed. For instance, if t = .31 (its mean
value), b = .45, and w = 3.2, then K has an inverse-square relationship with
L (see Fig. 8). From the graph, apparently a larger value of L will result in
smaller variability in K.
In any event, by trial-and-error and smart guessing, Oh and 1m chose a
combination of nominal values of (t,b,w,L) and achieved the reduction of vari-
ations in K and R (Fig. 9). This constitutes the second phase of parameter
In the third phase, this author repeatedly applied formulas (1)-(3) as fol-
lows. Note that the original target value of R is 6 N-units, which is designed to
prevent R from being less than 2 N-units (on the assumption that the SO of R
is 2 N-units). But by phases I and IT of the parameter design, the SO of R has
been substantially reduced, therefore the target value of R can be set to be less
than 6 N-units.
For instance, if the target value of R is 5 N-units, then J = ../5 * .06/3.33 =
.30, where 3.33 is the new SO of K. Hence (R2 - Rl) = 4 * (5 * .06/.30 +
.30 * 3.33) = 8.00. Here is a summary of different values of (R2 - R1)B:
Original value: 12.59
After phase I design: 10.83
After phase m design: 8.00
Note that this whole process of reducing variability in R is achieved without
managerial intervention such as buying new machines, hiring and training a
new work force, or things of that order. It's just mathematics.
The Riddle of the Ubiquitous Statistics 225
0.1 0.2 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.8
0.2 0.4 0.8 0.8 1 1.2
o 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.8 4
6 J
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
0.2 0.3 0.4" 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
:LK =lK
1 10
o 0
o 8.2 8.8 7 7.4 7.8 5.85 5.97 &.99 8.01 8.03
Figure 7 Hierarchy of the attribution of the variabilities in R, K, and J. (Reprinted
from Oh and 1m, Robust Design, A Need and an Opportunity, 1991, presented in the
218th Meeting of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. Courtesy of Oh and 1m.)
226 Chapter 8
Figure 8 Exploitation of the inverse-square relationship in K vs. L .
In addition to parameter design, the Taguchi school suggests other tools
such as system design, tolerance design, and other subskills including analysis
of variance, orthogonal array, and loss function.
Taguchi (1981) defines quality as ''the losses a product imparts to the
society from the time the product is shipped." This definition is drastically
different from the definition as regards "quality of conformance":
Nominal USL
LSL = Lower specification limit
USL = Upper specification limit
This diagram resembles the football goalposts. Therefore some authors (see,
e.g., Ross, 1988) label this type of thinking in QC as "goalpost philosophy."
For instance, assume that the specifications for a special kind of metal bolt are
2.00 ::c .02. According to the goalpost philosophy, a bolt with diameter 2.02
will be accepted while a bolt with diameter 2.021will be rejected. But accord-
ing to Taguchi's definition of quality, there is probably little practical or func-
tional difference between these two bolts.
In addition, bolts with diameters 2.02 and 2.01 are considered, by the
goalpost philosophy, equally good in their quality. But in reality, the 2.01 bolt
is likely to impart less loss to the customer and the manufacturer as well. 10
In the example of Oh and 1m's fasteners, a goalposter might conclude that
"there is nothing we can do about it," because variations in t,b,w,L,D,W have
been reduced to the lowest levels current technology would allow. But as
The Riddle of the UblqultoU8 Statistics 227
10 t!\
8 I I
4 , I
2 I \
0.2 OA 0.8 0.8
b 1\
, ,
, ,
0.2 0.4 0.8 0.8 1 1.2
3 /'
2 I
1 I \
2.4 2.8 3.2 3.8 4
2 " II
0.32 K
o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
- Current
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.8
:lK =lK
1 w
o 0
o 8.4 8.8 7 7.2 7.8 6.86 6.87 &.98 8.01 03
Figure 9 Reduction of variations in K and R. (Reprinted from Oh and 1m, Robust
Design,.A. Need and an Opportunity, 1991, presented in the 218th Meeting of the Insti-
tute of Mathematical Statistics. Courtesy of Oh and 1m.)
228 Chapter 8
shown in the previous discussion, by the applications of mathematical analysis,
one may be able to do better.
In Ross (1988), Crosby was criticized for the support of the goalpost syn-
drome. According to Ross, the syndrome embraces print specifications, but
ignores customer's requirements. In our opinion, this criticism is not well
founded and indeed creates more confusion. Taguchi's techniques address
issues related to engineering and design of product quality. Crosby's teaching,
on the other hand, concerns a management philosophy that attempts to deal
with a laid-back attitude toward poor quality. In other words, one deals with
machines, while the other with people.
For instance, Crosby (1984) maintained that a major characteristic of a
quality-troubled company is that:
Management does not provide a clear performance standard or definition of quality ,
so the employees each develop their own.
In such an environment, the employees are accustomed to a situation where
nonconformance is the norm: "Our services and/or products normally contain
waivers and deviations" (Crosby, 1984). To highlight, Crosby wrote: "One
insurance company I know of still misspells clients' names 24 percent of the
time. The employees giggle about that."
As a result of high nonconformity, extra steps are installed to meet custo-
mer satisfaction, and the employees constantly engage in re-work and correc-
tive actions. For instance, hotels install "hot lines" so that when the staff fails,
a guest can call an assistant manager who overrides the system and produces
extra towels or whatever. (Crosby, 1984).
All these phenomena lead Crosby to believe that in the against poor
quality, one has to redefine the measurement of quality as "the price of non-
conformance." The spirit of this definition is essentially the same as that of
Taguchi's loss function.
During mass production (e.g., several thousand components per hour), the
goalposts are indeed a necessity: Once the engineers have set up the
specifications, all measurements inside 'the limits are considered equal in their
quality. Altering the process (either by loss function or by "careful attention"
to machine adjustment) will result in nonproductive labor, reduced production,
and increased variability of output. Examples in this regard can be found in
Grant and Leavenworth (1980, p. 107) and Evans and Lindsay (1989, p. 328-
In sum, we don't see a conflict between Taguchi's techniques and Crosby's
philosophy, although some authors are trying to have us believe so. However,
this conclusion is not an endorsement of the whole of Crosby's writings.11 His
teaching, for instance, may not provide much help to the Japanese or to com-
panies that already strive for excellence and perfection.
The Riddle of the Ubiquitous Statistics 229
Among all philosophies we have discussed so far, we haven't found any of
them to be perfect. But the reader may query: Whose philosophy will produce
the best result? Deming's or Crosby's? Or Ishikawa's? Our response to this
question is statistical: You will probably never know for certain.
This answer may appear not to have said much, but it is certainly in accord
with what Deming taught us in 1965: If a statistician was to make recommen-
dations on administrative policy or decisions, he would cease to be a statisti-
1. All projections were for bachelor's and master's degree students.
2. Deep in our hearts, all statisticians would hope the NSF projection is true.
Twelve years have passed since the projection was made. There has been no
follow-up study from NSF, and it seems evident that the projection was well off
the mark.
3. Here is the exact quote: "Quality improvement means change. The rational basis
for change is data. Data means statistical methods." This "paradigm," as Hahn
and Boardman wrote, was from Bill Hunter.
I talked to Hahn in a conference, and have read many of his writings. I per-
sonally hold high regard for his work and for his understanding of data, decision
making, and statistics. Nevertheless, he made a statement that is misleading,
therefore he deserves the criticism.
4. It has been proved (Diaconis and Freedman, 1988) that current nonparametric
Bayesian models lead to inconsistent estimators. That means the greater the
amount of data that are coming in, the more a Bayesian statistician will believe a
wrong result.
5. If Deming's "analysis is correct, other countries (or large corporations) should be
able to replicate the "Japanese miracle." But so far most efforts in this direction
have failed. My analysis boils down to two factors behind this "miracle": (1) the
effective use of scientific methods, and (2) an almost "total commitment" of all
parties involved in the battle against poor quality. This total commitment is in
large part due to a unique Japanese culture that values education, a close link to
self-esteem, and most importantly an unbelievable desire for perfection. This
desire may be a result of the Samurai tradition that considered life to have only
two meanings: It is either perfect or zero!
6. This 10%, albeit only a small portion, is crucial. As an analogy, consider a carton
of orange juice, in which 90% (or more) is water. Without the remaining 10%,
the orange juice would not be orange juice.
7. Deming was a physicist-turned-statistician. I doubt that most "applied statisti-
cians" have a strong science background like Deming.
8. Theoretically, formulas (1-3) can be used an infinite number of times. But in
ity, the process converges rapidly.
9. In some cases, the calculated range (Rl,R2) may not fall within the tolerance
region of R. If this is so, then other mathematical analysis will be needed.
Chapter 8
Technically speaking, since K and J are both normally distributed, R = K * J
cannot be normal. But this is a relatively minor issue in this case study and will
not further discussed.
10. See also Taguchi (1981, pp. 10-14) for an insightful (but more technical) discus-
sion of his loss function.
11. In his effort to demonstrate that the goal of zero-defects is attainable, Crosby (p.
75) wrote, ''payroll doesn't make mistakes." The reason was that people wouldn't
put up with it. Crosby's statement unfortunately is not true. For instance, in
October 1988 the Central Payroll Office of the New Jersey State Government
made a big mistake by giving every employee a double paycheck. The Office later
corrected the error, but caused enormous problems for some of the employees.
Anderson, T.W. and Sclove, S.L. (1986). The Statistical Analysis of Data, 2nd edition.
The Scientific Press, South San Francisco.
Breiman, L. and Cutler, A. (1989). A Deterministic Algorithm for Global Optimiza-
tion. Technical Report 111.24, University of California, Berkeley.
Crosby, P.B. (1984). Quality without Tears: the Art of Hassle-Free Management.
McGraw-Hill, New York.
DeGroot, M.H. (1987). A Conversation with C.R. Rao. Statistical Science, Vol. 2, No.
Deming, W.E. (1960). Sample Design in Business Research. Wiley, New York.
Deming, W.E. (1938, 1943, 1964). Statistical Adjustment of Data. Dover, Mineola,
New York.
Deming, W.E. (1965). Principles of Professional Statistical Practice. Annals of Math.
Stat., Vol. 36, 1883-1900.
Deming, W.E. (1978). Statistics Day in Japan. American Statistician, Vol. 32, No.4, p.
Deming, W.E. (1982). Quality, Productivity, and Competitive Position. Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Center for Advanced Engineering Study.
Evans J.R. and Lindsay, W.M. (1989). The Management and Control of Quality. West
Publishing Company, Saint Paul, MN.
Godfrey, A.B. (1985). Comment on "The Key Role of Statisticians in the Transforma-
tion of North American Industry" by B.L. Joiner. American Statistician, Vol. 39,
No. 3,231-232.
Grant, E.L. and Leavenworth, R.S. (1980). Statistical Quality Control, 5th edition.
McGraw-Hill, New York.
Hahn and Boardman (1987). The Statistician's Role in Quality Improvement. AMSTAT
News, March, 5-8.
Hoaglin, D.C., Mosteller, F., and Tukey, J.W. (1985, ed.). Exploring Data Tables,
Trends, and Shapes. Wiley, New York.
Ishikawa, K. (1985). What is Total Quality Control? The Japanese Way. Prentice Hall,
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
Joiner, B.L. (1985). The Key Role of Statisticians in the Transformation of North
American Industry. American Statistician, Vol. 39, no. 3,224-234.
The Riddle of the Ubiquitous Statistics
Juran, J.M. (19SlIl979). QuIlUty Control Handbook, 3rd edition. McGraW-Hill, New
Marquardt, D.W. (1987). The Importance of Statisticians. JAM, Vol. 82, No. 397, 1-
Ob, H.L. and 1m, K.Y. (1991). Robust Design. a Need and An Opportunity. Paper
presented to 218th Meeting of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Philadelphia.
Ross. Pl. (1988). Taguchi Techniques for Quality Engineering. McGraw-Hill, New
Shafer, O. (1987). Probability Judgment in Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems.
Statistical Science, Vol. 2. No.1, 3-16.
Spiegelbalter, D.J. (1987). Probabilistic Expert Systems in Medicine: Practical Issues
in Handling Uncertainty. Statistical Science, Vol. 2, No. 1,25-30.
Taguchi, 0.(1981). On-Une Quality Control during Produclioll. Published by Japanese
Standards Association.
Tamura, M. (1989). Statistical Models and Analysis in Auditing. St4tistical Science.
Vol. 4. No. 1,2-33.
Tukey, J.W. (1977). Exploratory Data Analysis. Addison-Wesley. Reading, Mas-
Epilog: Toward a New Perspective on
Statistical Inference
Sometimes one may wonder: "What is statistics really about?" If you pose this
question to researchers from different fields, very likely you will get different
answers. A quantitative behavioral scientist may tell you that without a statisti-
cal test you won't be able to get your papers published. On the other hand, an
engineer may say, "Statistics? There is nothing in itl,,1
Among statisticians, it is widely held that statistics is a science that relates
to experiments and the quantification of uncertainty and thus provides guiding
light for research workers and decision-makers. This is true. However, Brad-
ley (1982, JASA) observed a disheartening fact. In a centennial issue of Sci-
ence (1980), where scholarly discussions ranged from "Present and Future
Frontiers of the Science," to ''The Interaction of Science and Technology with
Societal Problems," nowhere did Science magazine mention statistics as a dis-
cipline of science.
In brief, statistics is a discipline that is neglected by certain hard scientists
but at the same time overused (and misused) by quantitative researchers in soft
sciences such as economics, earth science, psychology, education, and social
science. No wonder the discipline is perceived by some as a backwater of
scholarly activity. To restore self-respect to this troubled discipline, the statist-
ical community has a long way to go. It must, for example, stamp out the
misuse of statistics in soft sciences (and in statistical literature as well). After
all, a big portion of misused statistics happen simply because statisticians
allow them to happen.
234 Epilog
In addition, we should tell the statistics users that essentially there are only
four components in statistics that are deductive in their nature:
1. randomized experiments,
2. randomized sample surveys,
3. mathematical statistics and probability, and
4. regression analysis where the functional form of the model is dictated
by strong theory or by a controlled experiment.
Anything else in statistical inference is inductive and can be highly specula-
Inductive (i.e., speculative) methods of statistical inference consist of a
large variety of techniques. Here is a short list:
1. regression analysis in non-experimental sciences,
2. P-values and confidence intervals for non-randomized data sets,
3. time-series models, and
4. Bayesian analysis.
Such methods sometimes rival those in randomized studies, because often,
"Nature has done the randomization for us" (Fisher, 1974).
But more often, such methods are the source of corrupt statistics, because,
"Nature was not in the habit of doing the randomization" (Hinkeley, 1980). In
fact, much statistics in this area share a common characteristic: they look like
math but are not math; they look like science but are not science. .
To avoid self-deception, Oiaconis (1985) proposed seven remedies that can
be used to deal with problems posed by such analyses. The first remedy is
"Publish without P-values," and if confirmatory and speculative analyses
appear in the same documenf, ''the two efforts should be clearly dis-
tinguished. ,,2
There is another group of statistical techniques that are known as descrip-
tive statistics and BOA (explOltatory data analysis). Such techniques do not
assume probability models in the inference. But in numerous cases, as noted in
Diaconis (1985), BOA has proven more effective than classical techniques that
rely on probabilistic assumptions.
Again some notes of caution: (1) the nature
of BOA is speculative; and (2) its interpretation and the related decision-
making are quite personal and subjective.
It is important to note that there is nothing wrong with subjective
knowledge, as long as one knows what one is doing. In the fields of non-
experimental (or semi-experimental) sciences, most knowledge is speculative
in its nature. This does not mean subjective knowledge is not useful. On the
contrary, for most decision-makers, knowledge from social science and
psychology (and even from philosophy) will be more useful than that from
hard sciences (e.g., quantum mechanics).
Soft scientists (such as psychologists, educators, or social scientists) often
complain that they are looked down upon by mathematicians and mathematical
statisticians. This is true, but the main reason is not that soft scientists are soft
in mathematics. Rather, it is because soft scientists often use statistical
methods in a religious fashion, and drape their SUbjective knowledge under the
cover of "objective science." In this type of "science," research workers have
been taught (see examples in Chapter 4) to follow procedures that are "totally
objective" but indeed utterly mindless.
A reason that statistics users are so ignorant is that the nature of "data
analysis" is seldom made clear in popular textbooks-as in old-fashioned capi-
talism, they leave the responsibility to the consumers. For such reasons, we
unabashedly volunteer to provide a new perspective toward statistical inference
in science and decision-making. To begin with, let's consider the Venn
diagram (Fig. 1).
For statistics users, the good news is that the same statistical formulas work
for A, B, and C in Fig. 1; but the bad news is that these formulas do not tell a
user anything about whether he is located in A, B, or C.
In order to be in category A, a statistical analysis has to be preceded by
randomization or a controlled experiment. In soft sciences, such justifications
are not possible. Then one has to assess
1. the randomness of the data,
2. the stability of the phenomenon under study, and
3. the homogeneity of the population.
A: scientifIC
B: intellectual
Figure 1 Venn diagram for different aspects of statistical inference.
The majority of "statistical justifications" in soft sciences (such as t-test or
ANOV A) do not meet these requirements and have to be looked at with reser-
vations, or, in our opinion, be thrown out of category A altogether.
Nevertheless, research findings in soft sciences can be valuable for intellec-
tual exploration (category B) and also for decision making (category C). In
these categories, statistical inference has been used extensively; and it is not a
statistician's business to condemn such use. On the contrary, promotion of sta-
tistical methods in these areas would help the statistical community and our
society as a whole. Further, if statisticians are willing to take the soft sciences
to heart, then the borrowed strength from other disciplines would enrich the
teaching and the practice of statistical methods.
Category B is an intellectual territory that has no limit. In this territory, an
investigator should allow his imagination to run wild without the fear that his
beautiful theory may one day be ridiculed by an ugly experiment. In this
regard, mathematical statistics and probability (especially stochastic processes)
can be powerful vehicles for theory development, as shown in the frontiers of
hard sciences such as quantum mechanics, astrophysics, engineering, biomedi-
cal science, and in the new field of chaos, dynamical systems, and wavelet
transform. Such mathematical constructs are infinitely rich in their subtleties
and esoteric beauty, a trademark of the statistical profession.
By contrast, in soft sciences and in decision-making, formal statistical infer-
ences are surprisingly irrelevant to most data one usually encounters. The rea-
son is that in these disciplines, measurements are primitive (or necessarily
primitive), hence "facts" are tentative, fragile, and easily crushed. In such
cases, the investigator has to use his subject-matter knowledge to improve
upon his measurements, dabbling with inferential statistics is not likely to help.
Within the intersection of categories Band C lies the majority of statistical
analyses generated by soft scientists. In this intersection, we believe that sub-
jective knowledge is often better than no knowledge. We also believe that one
should not be afraid to come up with his own interpretation of the statistical
artifacts. In fact, if you allow yourself the leeway to laugh at these "quasi-
inferential statistics" (see examples in Chapter 2), you also open yourself up to
the possibilities when interesting findings take you by surprise.
Note that in most cases decision-making (category C) is a personal and sub-
jective activity. In such cases, issues have to be addressed in different contexts
and in different ways. For this purpose, simple descriptive statistics are of
great value. But such statistics are best collected and interpreted by subject-
matter experts, not by statisticians.
As a sidenote, a body of knowledge that is called "statistical decision
theory" (see, e.g., Berger, 1980) is often classified as a member of category C
(decision-making). This is a mistake. The thing simply does not belong there.
Rather, it belongs to the upper-right corner of category B (intellectural
exploration) .
It should be pointed out that statisticians do contribute immensely to
decision-makers. But this contribution is accomplished (1) by providing reli-
able information (the intersection of A and C) through randomized experi-
ments or sample surveys, (2) by weeding out shoddy statistics that, if taken at
their face values, would lead to disaster, and (3) by providing quasi-inferential
statistics to decision-makers when better alternatives do not exist.
In non-experimental sciences, adding numbers allows easy judgment. But in
order to earn nods from hard-line statisticians, a Bayesian spirit is needed.
Here by Bayesian spirit we mean a relentless pursuit of prior knowledge other
than that revealed by the data in hand. This intellectual pursuit includes brain-
storming, scholarly exchanges, and non-emotional debates.
Some scholars may feel uncomfortable with sharp language in heated
debates that may touch the soft spots of personality. But it is precisely this
uncomfortable state in which oysters produce pearls.
Another reservation regarding debates is that debates may be full of anec-
dotal evidence and personal opinions. But so what? Anecdotal evidence
appears foolish only to fools.
By all accounts, academicians are among the most reasonable human
beings. Given a host of information, they usually know what is scientific (or at
'least what is not), provided that a thorough debate has taken place.
We believe that if there were more scholarly exchanges among academi-
cians, there would not exist so much shoddy statistics masquerading as
scientific evidence.
Finally, we would like to complement a statement put together by Dr. Bar-
bara Bailar, executive director of the American Statistical Association,
Statistics affect all aspects of our lives. Government economic statistics affect wages
for workers; medical care is affected by health statistics. There really isn't a part of
our lives that's not affected by statistics. (The New York Times, August 7, 1989)
This is certainly true. But in keeping up with the theme of this book, let's rem-
ind statistics users that our society and our lives are affected by both correct
and corrupt statistics.
In addition, it is not only our responsibility to point out the misuse of statis-
tics, but also it is a thrill when you (or your students) uncover a professional
slip committed by a famous scientist (or statistician). The true spirit of science
is self-correcting, and there can never be too much of it.
1. This is exactly what I have heard from some engineers.
2. For instance, in a two-sample comparison, one can report means, standard devia-
tions, and sample sizes, but not standard errors or P-values.
238 Epilog
3. If one does not rule out probability models from EDA (as Tukey originally
intended), then one may also put regression and time-series models in a sub-
category of exploratory data analysis.
4. Some empirical scientists are hostile to theorists. But the history of science has
demonstrated this point over and over again: In order to make progress, any
scientific discipline needs people who conduct "desk research" on seemingly use-
less problems. A prominent example in this category is the breakthrough via
Dirac's equation in quantum-relativity theory (see the Introduction to Chap. 6).
Another example is the Cantor set that had long been perceived as ''pathologiCal''
in measure theory but is now widely used by chaoticians in physics and other
scientific disciplines.
5. This is a paraphrase of a statement in Deming (1982, p. 99): ''Wisdom sounds
foolish to fools. "
Berger, 1.0. (1980). Statistical Decision Theory: Fountltltions, Concepts, and Methods,
Springer-Verlag, New York.
Bradley, R. (1982). The Future of Statistics as a Discipline (Presidential Address).
JASA, Vol. 77, No. 377,1-10.
Deming, W.E. (1982). QUilUty, Productivity, and Competitive Position. Massachusetts
Institute of Technology. Center for Advanced Engineering Study.
Diaconis. P. (1985). Theories of Data analysis: From Magical Thinking Through Clas-
sical Statistics, in Exploring Data Tables, Trends, and Shopes. edited by D.C.
Hoaglin, F. MosterUer, and 1.W. Tukey. Wiley, New York.
Fisher, R.A. (1974). Collected Papers of R.A. Fisher. Adelaide, Australia, University
of Adelaide.
Hinkeley, D.V. (1980). Comment to "Randomization Analysis of Experimental Data:
The Fisher Randomization Test" by D. Basu. JASA. Vol. 75, No. 371, 582-584.
Abduction. SI (ses also Induction and
Analysis of variance, 94(0), 113,
Androgyny, 118
biological, 2, 128
psychological, 2, 118-130
additive model, 120, 129-130
analysis of variance, 120
geometrio-mcan model. 120
near-normal distribution, 120
regression model, 120
t-ratio, 119
Artific.ial inteUigence, 72, 208-209
Astrology, 32, 80 .
Astrophysics, 13, 89
sunspot numbers, 88-89
AutoregresSive model
first order, 21
fourth order, 79
secood order, 86, 88
vector, 160
BackwaRI operator, 3,84
analysis, 12, IS, 29, 116, ISO, IS2,
for audit data, 208
assessment of subjed.ive knowledge,
business forecast, 160-163
evidence, 20
factor, 37, 181(n)
objective. 160. 166
subjective, 160, 162-163, 161
timHeries analysis. 160-163, 168
Bimodal pattern, 89
Old Faitbful data, 89-92
Calculus,99, 104
push-button, 107
Causal inference, 40-41
fundamental problem of, 51 (see also
Hume's problem)
scientific solution, 51
statistical solution, 51 (see also
Rubin's model)
counterfactural account of, 50
physical, 51
psychological, 51
statistical, 47, 49, 51, 82 (see also
Chaos and dynamic systems, 188-202
Conditional probability, 150
of simultaneous coverage, 19
validity of, 152
Confinnation, 143
degree of, 28, 140
Cook's D statistics, 37, 75
test-retest reliability, 131-134
cross-validation, 134
redundant questions, 135(n)
test-retest reliability, 134
Data analysis
confinnatory, 12, 179,212,234
exploratory, 10, 34, 87, 132, 179,
regression, 238(n)
time-series analysis, 238(n)
Data snooping, 11, 19
Decision, 46-47,83, 166, 186
making, 15-17,63, 158, 167, 169,
artificial intelligence, 208-209
theory, 187, 208
first advantage, 137
second advantage, 138
third advantage, 146
Design of experiment, 17, 19, 61, 105,
134(n), 170-171, 207
control group, 105, 108, 112, 134(n),
experimental group, 105, 108, 112,
pre- and post-test, 105
two-sample comparison, 105
mathematical assumptions, 108
naive, 111
noteftective, 106, 109-110
not ethical, 106, 108-109
not scientific, 106-108, 135(n)
Diagnostic checking, 9, 75,84
box-whisker plot, 75
Cook's influence statistics, 75
correWion matrix of the estimated
parameters, 76
cross-validation, 76
nonnal probability plot, 75
residual analysis, 75, 84, 94
Shapiro-Wilk nonnality test, 75
stem-leaf plot, 75
variance inflation factor, 76
Discriminant function, 5
Durbin-Watson test, 74, 94
Dubins-Savage strategy, 147-148
Dynamic system, 101, 188-202
detenninistic, 78
Econometrics, 3, 76, 83, 85, 160-164,
meta-analysis, 79
Educational statistics, 81, 103-111,
115-117, 134(n)
of age, 53, 58, 60 (see also second
of thennodynamics)
ceiling, 105, 107
left-over, 94
psychological, 53
of race, 53
of sex, 53
on the tails of the distribution, 4
treatment, 115
Empiricism, 129
naive, 167
Estimation, 2
inconsistent, 229(n)
objective, 141, 166
educational, 115-117
annual investment, 115
chronic, 116
external, 110
internal, 110
statistical, 103-111, 116-117
anecdotal, 111-115, 149, 153, 158,
Bayesian, 20
psychological, 31
scientific, 106
statistical, 31, 106, 111
Factor analysis, 63, 129
Fisher's F-test, 6
Fisher's puzzle, 38(n)
Geological studies, 61
Grab set, 31-32, 37
Hawthorne effect, 105, 107-109,219
Hurne's problem, 28, 51, 140
Induction (see also
Abduction and Hurne's problem)
and deduction, 28-30, 32, 37, 51,
Interaction effect, 129-130
differential equations, 122
main effect, 122-123
modeling, 120-128
testing and, 121-122
R-square, 123
Intervention analysis
Nixon's price control 3-5
X2 test, 7-11, 18,34,44,67
likelihood ratio, 57
anecdotal, 100
objective, 100, 137, 139, 141, 185
scientific justification of, 141
subjective, 99-100, 103, 137, 141,
Bayes assessment of, 101
Kolmogorov extension theorem, 32 (see
also Nonmeasurement set)
Kolmogorovian model
non-Kolmogorovian model, 152-153
of probability, 152-153
Kolmogorov-8mimov test, 6
Latent variable, 63-66
Law of large numbers, 58, 70(n)
Least-squares (see also Regression)
general relativity, 143
tbree-stage, 78
two-stage, 78
Logical positivism, 28, 138-141, 149,
Log-linear model, 57
Markov absorption probability, 147-148
Material conditionals, 49-50
Measurement, 144, ISS, 200
corruption of, 116
psychometric, 2, 130, 134
quality of, 2
stOllCHlge, 2, 129
econometrics, 79
psychological individualism, 13
Mortality rate, 43, 48, 55-57
Multiple comparison, 18-19
trimmed, 18, 23(n)
Multivariate analysis, 5
Neyman-Pearson theory, 153
essence of, 17
Noise, 130
injection of, 107
random, 3
stabilizing effect, 108
white, 84, 88, 94
Nonlinear model, 123-128, 197,221
Nonmeasurable set, 32
Nonnality, 229
assumption, 35, 126
test, 6, 18
Null hypothesis, 8
Bayesian evidence, 159
versus scientific hypothesis, 160
Observational data
formal statistical inference for, 26
standard error of, 27
Observational studies, 143
causal inference in, 57, 62, 69
causal statements in randomized
sample survey, 61
[Observational studies]
consistent estimates of treatment
effects in, 57
justify a causal statement in, 61
Rubin's model and, 52
unpredictability of, 62
OC curve, 17
Paradigm, 141-142
Population growth, 84
Power function, 15, 18
Prior knowledge, 35, 237
Psychometrics, 2, 4, 21-22, 33, 81,
117, 128, 130-134, 192
reliability and validity, 100, 131-134,
R-square, 131
stone-age measurement, 129
P-value, 6-7, 12,20,35,44,74, 237(n)
attack on, 158-159
large, 13
Quality control, 16, 18, 101, 214-229
acceptance sampling, 23(n)
goalpost philosophy, 226, 228
loss function, 226
motivation, 218
parameter design, 220-227
first phase, 220-222
second phase, 222-224
third phase, 224-226
Pareto principle, 216
process, 62, 70(n)
QC circle, 219-220
raging disease of, 219
respect for humanity, 219
sensitivities of control charts, 23(n)
statistical leadership, 214-216
RandODl, 26-27, 30-31, 34, 37,47, 52,
57,81, 105, 116, 198
contaminated, 116
double-blind controlled experiInent,
47, 115
DJatch, 95(n)
injection of, 107
stabilizing effect .. 108
sample, 108
stratified, 113
unfortunate, 135(n)
Regression, 6, 18, 36, 73, 81, 94, 120,
149, 187, 190
concealed hunum judgInCnt, 202(n)
cross-tetm, 121-123, 128
educated CODlDlon sense, 77
in legal action, 82
Dlisconception of cross-tetm, 121-123,
Dlultiple, 9, 83, 128
Pythagorean, 94(n)
reverse, 82
shotgun, 77
general, 143
confinnation, 143-146
least-squares technique, 144
observational study, 143
specUd, 137-138, 145-146
Reliability, 70(n), 82, 100
test-retest, 131-134
Risk asscsSDlent, dose-response Dlodel,
186 .
R-square, 9, 36, 75-76, 123, 131
Rubin's Dlodel, 52, 54-57, 62
Runs test, 18
Sample size, 2, 10-11, 31, 177
in design of experiInents, 17
[Sample size]
detennination, 18-19
Dlultiple coDlparison, 18
Sample survey, 2, 42, 172-179, 207,
causal inference in, 57
large-scale, 33
nonresponse rate, 177
scientific, 30, 176 (see also Grab set)
nonscientific, 174
Scatter diagraDl, 74
enhanced, 75
Scholastic achievCInent test, 41
cargo cult, 86-87
logic of, 138
objective, 156
philosophy of, 139, 142, 163
soft, 168, 212, 236
Second law of thetmodynarnics, 54
SequentUd procedure, 17, 116
level, 2, 22 (see also P-value)
Dlultistage test of, 14
practical,2-5,8, 13, 18,34, 107, 128
statistical 2-5, 8, 18, 34, 77, 107,
119, 128, 130
two-stage test of, 3-4, 12
SiDlultaneous confidence interval, 18
SocUd behavioral study, 107, 111, 113,
118, 123, 141-142, 153, 166,
172-180 (see also Social science)
Hite reports, 172-180
insight and contribution of, 177-179
nonlinear Dlodel, 123
sex research, 172-180
SocUd science, 2, 21, 33,49,78, 81,
178-180,206,234 (see also
Cargo cult science)
Dlultiple regression, 134(n)
qualitative, 100, 117
quantitative, 100, 117-118, 233
Spectral density function, 88, 190-192,
Squared-ranks test, for variance, 8
Standard error, 3
State space modeling, SO, 168
Statisdcal expert system. 166
COJIIDlOIl-sense knowledge, 166
descriptive, 33, 86, 117,211
stem-leaf plot. 75, 210
genuine. 7
ludicrous, 106
statistics day. 214
technical, SO, 84
rule, 18, 19
Survival analysis, 32
Taylor expansion
portmanteau model, 127
second otder, 76
tbiId order, 127
left-tail, 11
one-tail. 11-12
rigbt-tail, 11
statistical. 2-3, 69, 113
Time-series analysis, 3. 6, 9. 62. 78, 80,
164, 168, 188-196
Bayesian, 160-163, 168
Box-Jentm.,89, 181(n)
cross-correlati function, 84
fractal dimension, 198,201
multiple, 84-8S
prewhitening, 84
of residuals, 74
Transformation, 8S
Box-Cox, 76
fast Fourier, 87, 190-192. 194, 195
T-test. 1-2.5. 35, 119, 236
Type I and type n errors, 11, 17-18.21.
for c:Iecision-maJd. 15-17
importance. 15
witness, statistieal, 83
Zero defecls, 16, 218, 230(n)