Level 7 Technical Drawing Curriculum Guide
Level 7 Technical Drawing Curriculum Guide
Level 7 Technical Drawing Curriculum Guide
Technical Drawing is a universal graphic language. Technicians, engineers and draftsmen use lines, letters, numerals and diagrams as the principal means of communication.
Ask students to compile a folder on the changes in architectural design and motor vehicle design.
Ask students to state what technical Drawing is. Let students explain the difference between Technical Drawing and Art.
Area of Integration
Building Technology Mechanical Engineering Technology Electrical Technology Language Arts.
Technical Listening to Drawing explanations. Formulating answers to questions. Speaking and writing Standard English.
History of Compiling Technical and Drawing. presenting a report on the History of Technical Drawing.
The earliest known Using Technical Technical Drawing is the Drawing to communicate plan view of a fortress drawn ideas of a by Chaldean technical engineer nature. Gudea and engraved on stone tablet. The first written evidence of the use of Technical Drawing was in 30 B.C. when the Roman Architect Vitruvius wrote a treatise on architecture.
Ask students who Vitruvius was. Let students explain his link to Technical Drawing.
The types of Technical Drawing.
Identifying the types of Technical Drawing.
List the types of Technical Drawing -Engineering Drawing -Architectural Drawing -Technical Sketching -Descriptive Geometry.
Understanding Attitude
Explain the difference between the types of Technical Drawing. Appreciate the purpose served by each type of Technical Drawing.
The Types of Technical Drawing are:1.Engineering Drawings 2.Architectural Drawings 3.Technical Sketching 4.Descriptive Geometry Geometry forms the basis of foundation of Technical Drawing. Common drawing equipment and instruments are T-square, set square, scales, pencils, compasses, dividers, protractors, irregular curves, drawing clips, drawing paper, erasers.
Samples of the types of Technical Drawing.
Methods/ Strategies
Display examples of Technical Drawing. Discuss each type of drawing.
Let students give oral and written presentation s on the types of Technical Drawing.
Area of Integration
Building Technology Mechanical Engineering Technology Electrical Engineering Technology Mathematics (Geometry)
Identifying and listing drawing equipment and instruments. Manipulate drawing equipment and instruments to produce accurate drawings.
List the names of drawing equipment and instruments -T-square -Set square -Compass -Dividers -Protector -Scales -Pencils -Drawing clips -Eraser -Drawing paper -Drawing board.
Recognizes and appreciate the need for correct use of drawing equipment and instruments. Care and maintain drawing equipment and instruments.
Display drawing equipment and instruments. Let students list the names of each type of drawing equipment. Explain the correct use of drawing equipment and instruments. Demonstrate the correct use of each type of drawing equipment.
Let students draw chart to show 1.Drawing equipment and instruments 2.Names 3.Correct Uses.
Mathematics Let students label each type of drawing equipment and instrument. Ask students to explain the correct use of each type of drawing equipment and instrument.
Language Arts.
Letters and Numbers.
Form upright and/or sloping upper and lower case letters and numbers. Draw guide lines for lettering.
List the styles of letters and numbers used in Technical drawing -upright / vertical -sloping / slanting single strong 1)upper case 2)lower case Gothic style lettering.
Understanding Attitude
Explain the difference between upper case and lower case letters. Appreciate that simplicity and legibility are the keys to good lettering.
The styles for lettering:1.Upright / vertical 2.sloping / slanting In any style of lettering uniformity is essential. Guidelines for good lettering. Single stroke letters: i)Upper case ii)Lower case Gothic style in lettering. Layout of borders. Format for Title Block.
Chart showing styles of letters and numbers.
Methods/ Strategies
Display examples of styles of lettering. Demonstrate with emphasis on uniformity, shape, size, spacing and balance, styles of lettering. Practice by students.
Let students write sentences using the styles of lettering.
Area of Integration
Art Social Studies Integrated Science
State the types and intensity of lines used for the border and title block -light -bold.
Distinguish the difference between the bold border lines and the light lines in the title block.
Explain the importance of a Title Block. Demonstrate the drawing of border lines and the preparation of a Title Block.
Let students draw border lines and prepare title blocks on all paper used for drawing.
Lines used in Technical Drawing.
Identifying the types of lines used in Technical Drawing Drawing each type of line using different 1)Slope )Pencil 3)Direction 4)Intensity
List the names of the types of lines used in Technical Drawing Define line, straight line, curved line, horizontal, vertical, oblique, parallel, lines.
Understanding Attitude
Explain 1) The correct use of each type of line in Technical Drawing. 2)The importance of the correct application of the different types of line in Technical Drawing. Using the appropriate Technique for Drawing Lines.
A line can be defined as the path between two points. A straight line is the shortest distance between two points. Lines can either be straight or curved. Lines can be drawn in any position horizontal, vertical, oblique. Parallel lines are the same distance apart. The alphabet of lines. Table of the SI Metric System from millimeters to kilometers. Unit Symbols.
Chart showing the alphabet of lines.
Methods/ Strategies
Discuss the meaning of the word line. Let students formulate a definition of line. Discuss what a straight line is. Explain the different line positions and the alphabet of lines.
Students identify and label the types of lines from Engineering and Architectural Drawings.
Let students produce/ draw lines from given information.
Area of Integration
Mathematics Building Technology Mechanical Engineering Technology Electrical Technology.
Chart showing the conversion method from millimeters to kilometers the metric rule.
Explain and demonstrate how to measure in the various units of the SI system. Let students do practice exercises using the SI system of measurement.
Oral questions and answers on the conversion of millimeters to centimeters. Let students draw lines to given lengths using the SI system of measure ment.
Geometrical Constructions Bisecting a Straight Line.
Bisecting a straight line using a ruler, compass and pencil.
Define bisect and bisector List the steps in bisecting a straight line.
Understanding Attitude
Explain the words bisect and bisector. Working with speed accuracy and neatness.
To bisect is to divide into two equal parts. A line that divides another into two equal parts is called the bisector.
Drawing Instruments. Diagram showing bisected lines.
Methods / Strategies
Discuss the meaning of bisect and bisector. Let students form definitions of bisect and bisector List the steps in bisecting a line. Demonstrate the steps. Let students practice the steps in bisecting a line.
Projects Evaluation
Let students explain the procedure in bisecting a straight line. Exercises on the bisection of straight lines
Area of Integration
Mathematics Building Technology Mechanical Engineering Technology
Drawing a line perpendicular to a given line 1) from a point on the line 2) from a point above the line.
Define perpendicular List the steps in drawing a line perpendicular to a given line.
Perpendicular lines are lines which are at a right angle (90o) to each other.
Drawing instruments.
Diagram showing perpendicular Discuss the meaning of Lines. perpendicular lines. List the steps in drawing a line perpendicular to a given line. Demonstrate the steps. Let students practice the steps. Supervise and correct if necessary.
Let students explain the procedure in drawing a line perpendicular to a given line. Exercise on drawing perpendicular straight lines.
Geometrical Constructions Drawing A Straight line.
Measuring line segments using a ruler and a pair of compasses. Drawing line segments.
State the definition of a straight line.
Understanding Attitude
Drawing a straight line in a given direction. Working with speed accuracy and neatness.
A straight line is the shortest distance between two points. Procedure for drawing a straight line to a required length with ruler and compasses. Parallel lines are the same distance apart and they do not meet in either direction when produced. Distinction of horizontal, vertical and inclined lines. Methods for drawing parallel lines.
Ruler Compass Pencil Chart showing straight lines of different lengths.
Methods/ Strategies
Demonstrate how to draw a given straight line using ruler and compasses Let students practice given examples.
Let students draw, measure and record the lengths of various straight lines.
Area of Integration
Drawing parallel horizontal lines using T-square. Using set square and T-square to draw a)parallel vertical lines b)parallel inclined lines. Using two set squares to draw lines parallel to a given line.
Define parallel lines. Define horizontal lines. Define vertical lines. Define inclined line. List the steps to perform each skill.
Art Chart showing horizontal, vertical, inclined and parallel lines. Demonstrate how to draw horizontal parallel lines using the Tsquare. Explain why these lines are parallel. Demonstrate how to draw vertical parallel lines and inclined parallel lines. Give students practice. Let students show examples of parallel straight lines in various positions. Mathematics
Topic Geometrical constructions dividing a straight line into a given number of equal parts.
Skills Dividing a straight line into equal parts using, ruler a pair of compasses, set square and pencil.
Knowledge List the steps in dividing a straight line into a number of equal parts.
Understanding Attitude Using appropriate instruments to divide a straight line into equal parts. Working with speed accuracy and neatness.
A straight line Drawing instruments can be divided into any number of equal parts geometrically.
Methods/ Strategies Demonstrate the division of straight lines into equal parts. Let students practice dividing lines into equal parts.
Evaluation Exercise on the division of straight lines of given lengths into equal parts.
Mathematics Building Technology Demonstrate drawing of angles in different positions. Discuss definition of angle, parts, unit of angular measurement. Let students practice drawing angles using the protractor. Let students draw and Mechanical label the Technology. parts of an angle. Exercises on drawing angles of given sizes.
Drawing angles using the protractor. Label the parts of an angle -vertex -arms
State the definition of an angle. List the parts of an angle. State the unit of angular measurement.
Working accurately in measuring and drawing The parts of an angle are angles. the arms and the vertex. The unit of angular measurement is the degree.
Kinds of angles.
Drawing the various kinds of angles.
Kinds of angles 1.Acute - less than 90o 2.Right 90o 3.Straight 180o 4.Obtuse greater than 90o less than 180o 5.Reflex greater than 180o less than 360o .
Diagram showing the kinds of angles.
Methods/ Strategies
Demonstrate the drawing of each kind of angle. Let students draw and label the kinds of angles.
Give several angles to be identified. Let students draw types of angles from a given list
Area of Integration
Mathematics Building Technology Mechanical Technology
Multiples of 60o and 120o and 180o. Working with accuracy speed and neatness. Drawing instruments. Let students construct angles of 60o, 120o and 180o after demonstration on the chalk board. Mathematics Let students explain the term multiple and give examples. Exercise on constructing 60o, 120o and 180o angles.
Bisecting an angle.
Bisecting an angle using ruler, a pair of compasses, and pencil.
State the definition of bisect.
Understanding Attitude
Selecting and using the correct instruments for bisecting various angles. Working with neatness, accuracy and speed.
An angle is bisected when it is divided into two equal angles.
Drawing instruments.
Methods/ Strategies
Explain the term bisect. Demonstrate steps in bisecting an angel. Let students practice each step.
Constructing Constructing angles. angles of 30o, 45o, 75o, 90o, 105o, 135o using ruler, compasses and pencil.
Recognize 1.How to produce a required angle 2.That an angle can be constructed if the correct combination of angles is found e.g. 90o + 15o =105o.
Drawing Construction instruments. of angles in multiples of 15o: 45o=30o+15o 75o=60o+15o 105o=90o+15o 135o=90o+45o
Mathematics Exercises in the construction of angles which are multiples of 15o. Building Technology Mechanical Technology.
Let students state the combination of angles that can be constructed Demonstrate the construction of angles stated. Set problems for practice.
Copying an angle
Manipulating compasses to draw arcs in copying an angle
List steps in copying an angle
Understanding Attitude
Recognize that an angle is copied when it is accurately reconstructed with the aid of instruments. Working accurately to copy various angles.
To copy a given angle ABC using compasses five steps are performed in sequence. ABC is the required angle.
Drawing instruments.
Methods / Strategies
Demonstrate each step Let students practice each step.
Exercise which require students to copy given angles.
Area of Integration
Building Technology Mechanical Engineering Technology Mathematics
A triangle is a plane figure bounded by three straight lines. The three angles add 180o. Each corner is called vertex. Parts of a triangle base, vertex, side, altitude, median.
Assist students to formulate the definition of triangles. Use chart to identify the parts of a triangle. Let students draw and label the parts of a triangle.
Oral and written definitions of a triangle and its parts. Exercises on drawing and labelling the parts of a triangle.
Types of Triangles .
Sketching and drawing the types of triangles - Equilateral - Isosceles - Scalene - Acute angled - Right angled - Obtuse angles.
List the types of triangles. State the definitions of acute angled, right angled, obtuse angled, scalene, isosceles and equilateral triangles. Identify each kind of angle.
Understanding Attitude
Differentiate between the types of triangles. Recognize the wide range of triangles and their uses. Using triangles for the construction of projects.
The types of Triangles: 1.Equilaterial three equal sides and angles 2.Isosceles two equal sides and angles 3.Scalene three unequal sides and angles 4.Acute angled three acute angles 5.Right angled one right angle 6.Obtuse angled one obtuse angle.
Diagram showing the types of triangles.
Methods/ Strategies
Display diagram Discuss the characteristi cs of each type of triangle. Let students draw each type of triangle write its name and character Istics.
Let students give oral or written characteristics of each triangle with an accompanying sketch or drawing.
Area of Integration
Building Technology Mechanical Engineering Technology Mathematics Integrated Science
List data for the construction of triangles three sides, sizes of angles, altitude.
Formulate the procedures for the accurate construction of triangles. Recognize the importance of adequate data to make the construction of a given triangle possible.
Construction of a triangle: 1.Equilateral given the length of the side. 2.Isosceles given side lengths. 3.Given two angles and the included side. 4.Isossceles given base and altitude 5.Given two sides and the included angle. 6.Scalene given the lengths of three sides.
Drawing Instruments.
State the problem clearly. Assist students to find what is given and what is required. Discuss possible solutions Demonstrate solutions. Give students practice in drawing solutions.
Quadrilaterals: Definition and Parts.
Drawing or sketching a quadrilateral labeling the parts of a quadrilateral.
A quadrilateral is a plane figure which has four sides. It has four angles and four vertices. The sum of the angles is 360. The lines joining the opposite vertices are diagonals. The perpendicular distance between parallel sides is the altitude Quadrilaterals may be regular or irregular.
Methods/ Strategies
Let students state the definition of quadrilateral and draw examples of quadrilaterals.
Area of Integration
Mathematics Building Technology Mechanical Engineering Technology
Chart Display chart showing a and discuss quadrilateral basic features of quadrilaterals Identify parts of a quadrilateral. Let students give definition and name parts of a quadrilaterial.
List the types of quadrilateral Identify properties of various quadrilaterals.
Understanding Attitude
Outline the similarities and difference in properties of quadrilaterals. Analyze definitions for clarity of meanings.
Types of quadrilaterals are: 1.Square four equal sides and four right angles 2.Rectangle opposite sides equal and parallel. Angles are right angles. 3. Parallelogram (trapezoid) opposite sides equal and parallel, opposite angles equal 4.Rhombus all sides equal. Opposite sides parallel, opposite angles equal 5. Trapezium one pair sides parallel 6. Trapezium (kite) pairs of adjacent sides equal.
Diagram showing types of quadrilaterals.
Methods / Strategies
Display diagram and list quadrilaterals discuss the properties of each quadrilateral Let students draw each quadrilateral.
Projects Evaluation
Let students state the properties of each quadrilateral.
Area of Integration
Mathematics Building Technology
Construct ion of Quadri laterals.
Construting quadri laterals from given data.
List data which must be supplied in order to construct a required quadrilateral length of sides, included angle, diagonals, altitude.
Formulate the procedures for the accurate construction of quadrilaterals.
Analytical and critical thinking in the solution of problems.
Construction of: 1.Square given the length of the sides 2.Square given the length of the diagonal 3.Rectangle given the length of adjacent sides 4.Rectangle given the diagonal and one side 5.Parallelogram given the length of adjacent sides and included angle 6.Rhombus given adjacent sides and included angle.
Drawing instruments
Methods/ Strategies
State the problem on construction of a quadrilateral Assist students to analyze data and state the requirements. Demonstrate each step of the construction of the quadrilateral give a similar problem for practice.
Exercises in construction of quadrilateral s with data provided.
Areas of Integration
Mathematics Building Technology Mechanical Engineering Technology.
Circles: Definition and parts.
Sketching and drawing circles Labelling parts of a circle -Arc -Radius -Diameter -Chord -Quadrant -Sector -Semicircle -Segment -Tangent -Normal
State the definition of a circle. List the parts of a circle Identify what are concentric and eccentric circles.
Recognize the similarities and differences between parts of a circle.
Working with neatness and accuracy in drawing and sketching circles.
A circle is a plane figure bounded by a curved line called the circumference on which every point is equidistant from a fixed point called the center. Parts of a circle arc, radius, diameter, chord, quadrant, sector, semicircle, segment, tangent, normal Concentric circles e Eccentric circles Drawing circles using compasses a) given radius b) given diameter Concentric circles have common center and different radii Eccentric circles have different centers.
Chart showing parts of a circle.
Methods/ Strategies
Students explain their understandin g of what a circle is Assist students to formulate the definition of a circle Draw a circle and label its parts.
Exercises requiring students it define a circle, draw / sketch and label its parts.
Areas of Integration
Mathematics Building Technology Mechanical Engineering Technology
Drawing Circles.
List the steps in drawing a circle when given the radius or diameter.
Recognize the differences between concentric and eccentric circles and their uses.
Drawing Instruments