This document provides pricing and descriptions for software modules that perform electrical grid analysis. The base software allows for load flow analysis, fault analysis, and equipment evaluation. Additional modules provide functions like protective device coordination, arc flash analysis, transient motor starting simulation, harmonic analysis, and reliability analysis. Module prices range from $1000 to $10,995 depending on the number of buses supported and specific functions included.
This document provides pricing and descriptions for software modules that perform electrical grid analysis. The base software allows for load flow analysis, fault analysis, and equipment evaluation. Additional modules provide functions like protective device coordination, arc flash analysis, transient motor starting simulation, harmonic analysis, and reliability analysis. Module prices range from $1000 to $10,995 depending on the number of buses supported and specific functions included.
This document provides pricing and descriptions for software modules that perform electrical grid analysis. The base software allows for load flow analysis, fault analysis, and equipment evaluation. Additional modules provide functions like protective device coordination, arc flash analysis, transient motor starting simulation, harmonic analysis, and reliability analysis. Module prices range from $1000 to $10,995 depending on the number of buses supported and specific functions included.
This document provides pricing and descriptions for software modules that perform electrical grid analysis. The base software allows for load flow analysis, fault analysis, and equipment evaluation. Additional modules provide functions like protective device coordination, arc flash analysis, transient motor starting simulation, harmonic analysis, and reliability analysis. Module prices range from $1000 to $10,995 depending on the number of buses supported and specific functions included.
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For Windows
PTW Program Modules with
Add-On Options BASE PRICE Maximum Component$ per ProJect Baseline (One-fine lnterfece) DAPPER Study Modules CAPTOR Protective Coordlnalfon Arc Aash Evaluation A... FAULT ANSI C37 Fault Analysis IEC FAULT 909 or IEC_FAULT 363 Equipment Evaluation lEE Wiring Regulation Sizing TMS Tnmslent Motor Starting HI WAVE Harmonic Analysis 1SIM Transient Stability UnbAlanced Three-Phase/Single-Phase Distribution Reliability DC Systems Analysis Tnlnamlaalon Une Impedance Cales Motor Parameter Estimation Data Import I Export Scenario Manager ADDmONAL PROGRAMS PTW VIewer (2000 Buses) PTW Vlower (5000 BU$08) Ground Mat CABLE-30 ArcCelo PTW-LT 50 Buses $2,495 150 Included Demand Load and Faull Analysis Only Included $2000 $1000 SIOOOeaah $1000 SIOOO $2000 $2500 $5000 $1500 Requires DAPPER $3995 $5000 lndude<l lnduCIOd Included Included S995 S1995 $3995 $1000 S995 DAPPER DAPPER DAPPER DAPPER DAPPER 50 Buses 100 Buses 300 Buses 1000 Buses 2000 Buses $1,500 $2,995 $3,995 $5,995 $7,995 unlimited unllmltod unffmltod unllmltod unlimltod Included Included Included lndudod Included fnclucled Included lncludod $2000 $2000 $2500 $2500 $2000 $2000 $2000 $1000 $1000 $1500 $1500 $1500 SIOOOeach $1000oach SISCO each $1500each St50Qeach $1000 $1000 $1500 $1500 $1500 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $2000 $2000 $2000 $2000 $2500 $2500 $3000 $3000 55000 $5000 $5000 $5()()() $1500 $200() $3000 53000 $3995 $3995 $3995 $3995 $5000 $5000 $5000 $5()()() lnduded lndudod lnWded tnciUdod Included indudad lndudod Included Included Included lndudod Included lndudod lncluOOd Included lndudod Included lnc:IWod DAPPER Study Modules lndudo: Domand I Design Load Analysis Feeder I Transformer Sizing Panol. MCC, SWBD Schodulcs Comprehensive Faun Analysis Load Row I Vollage Drop lrnpact Motor Starting 12.000 Bus Modtlos are aJso available. Pleass conract SKM tor pricing. DAPPER CAPTOR 5000 Buses 1000 Buses $10,995 $3,495 unllmilod un"mlted Included Included lndudod Sao CAPPER $2500 Included $20(}() S2000 Roqutres Fault Study $1500 $1500 $1500cach St500each $1500 $1500 $1000 $1000 $2000 $P.OOO $3000 $3()(]() $5()()() $5()()() $3000 $3000 Roqulrea DAPPER $3995 $3995 $5000 $5()()() lnCIU<lod lncludoO lncluCIOd Included lndudod lnduded Included Included PubUa'-<1 J111uary 2011 All Prleea Subjoello CMnge 1\< Phone(310)698-4700 Fu (310) 698-4708 For Windows Integrated Electrical Analysis Software Comprehensive Three Phase Short-Circuit Studies, Load Flow Study, Demand Load Study, Feeder and Transformer Sizing Study, Impact Motor Starting Study, and Load Schedules. (Unbalanced Studies also available) CAPTOR* Tlme-Overcurrent Coordination Graphical Tlme-Overcurrent Coordination. Integrates with one-lines, short-circuit modules, Equipment Evaluation, and Arc Flash. Comprehensive protective device library. ARC FLASH EVALUATION Calculates the Incident energy and arc flash boundary for each bus in the system. Trip times are automatically determined from the protective device settings and arcing fault current values. Incident energy and arc flash boundaries are calculated based on accumulated fault values. Clothing requirements are specified from a user-defined clothing library. Clearing limes can be reduced based on current-limiting capabilities. Complies with OSHA, NFPA 70E, NEC 110. 16, and IEEE 1584 requi rements. Generates custom labels and work permits. Also available as ArcCalc, a simplified stand-alone Arc Flash calculator. A FAULT ANSI Short-Circuit Study Three Phase Short .Circuit based on the ANSVIEEE C37 Standards. Separate solutions for low, medium and high voltage systems and for symmetrical, momentary and interrupting calculations. (Unbalanced Studies also available) I EC _FAULT IEC Short-Circuit Study 909 !2! 363 Three Phase Short-Circuit Study based on the IEC 60909 or IEC 61363 Standards. (Unbalanced Studies also available) EQUIPMENT EVALUATION Equipment Evaluation Report Automatically compares short-circuit ratings, withstand ratings. Applies de-rating adjustments and user defined pass/ marginaVfailed criteria. Includes error checking for input data and topology. lEE WIRING REGULATION SIZING Integrates the rules and data tables from the lEE Wi ring Regulation to size cables based on the design loads of the power system. Automalfcally select the correct table from the lEE Wiring Regulation and pick the proper cable size. TMS Transient Motor Starting Simulation Time-based motor starting simulation with graphical output. Includes reduced voltage and capacitor starting, graphical motor and load models. HI_ WAVE Harmonic Investigation and Filter Design Frequency Scan, Harmonic Current, Voltage Distortion, Harmonic Load Flow and Interactive Filter Design. 1 Sl M Dynamic Simulation and Transient Stability Dynamic Response to Power System Electro-Mechanical Disturbances, Generator Sizing and Stability, Flux Level Machine Representation. User Defined Graphical Models for Exciter, Turbine Governor. PSS, and other controllers. UNBALANCED/SINGLE PHASE STUDIES Load flow, short-circuit, demand load analysis, sizing, and load schedules. Reports single-phase loads and unbalanced operating conditions including phase and sequence currents and voltages. DISTRIBUTION RELIABILITY Reliability Analysis Calculates the reliability indices of individual load points and the overall distribution systems wi th elther radial or loop configuration. Includes Load Point MTIF, FailureNear, MTIR, Annual Outage, EENS, ECOST, and other IEEE indices. Cost-related factors and aging factors are included in the analysis to compare alternative designs. DC SYSTEMS ANALYSIS Battery Sizing, Load Flow, & Short Ci rcuit Analysis. Evaluate all loading conditions for DC duty cycle loads and AC emergency loads. Complies with IEEE std. 485, 1115, 399, 946, and IEC std. 61660. PTWVIEWER Read-only version of PTW for displaying, printing, and exporting all study results. Create or expand one-lines and apply datablocks. View Time-Current Curves. View and create customized Arc Flash Labels and Work Permits. GROUND MAT Substation Ground Grid Design and Analysis Optimizes grid design using general purpose finite element algorithm for potential analysis and graphical facilities to validate groundi ng systems efficiency. CABLE-3D Solves complex three-dimensional cable pulling tension and sidewall pressure calculations.