MultiRate in DS - CDMA
MultiRate in DS - CDMA
MultiRate in DS - CDMA
AbstractDifferent modulation schemes supporting multiple data rates in a Direct Sequence Code Division Multiple Access (DS/CDMA) system are studied. Both AWGN and multipath Rayleigh fading channels are considered. It is shown that the multi processing-gain scheme and the multi-channel scheme have almost the same performance. However, the multi-channel scheme has some advantages due to near-far resistance, easier code design and easier multi-user receiver construction. The drawback though, is the need for linear ampliers. A multi-modulation scheme is also possible, but the performance for the users with the high data rates is signicantly worse than for the other schemes.
more conventional way is to alter the processing-gain and spread all signals, independently of the bit rate, to the same bandwidth [3], [4], [5]. Furthermore, it is possible to alter the chip rate as in [4], or the modulation format [5], use parallel channels [5], [6], [7] or maybe combine several of these schemes. In this work we evaluate these and other schemes with respect to the multi-rate support capabilities in Additive White Gaussian Noise and multipath Rayleigh fading channels. II. SYSTEM MODELS A. Amplitude Modulated DS/CDMA Systems Usually BPSK is used as modulation in a DS/CDMA system. In spite of this, assume that all users, independently of the bit rate, use amplitude modulation (AM) and that the multi-rate CDMA system supports n different rates, or subsystems. The transmitted signal of user number k , in subsystem i , is then of the form s ik ( t ) = 2P i b ik ( t ) c ik ( t ) cos ( c t + ik ) (1)
I. INTRODUCTION In the last few years there has been much discussion on future Personal Communications Services (PCS) [1]. The existing mobile communication systems mainly support speech services. Also in future systems speech is expected to be the main service, but with higher quality than in the systems of today, and maybe in conjunction with video. Other expected services are image transmission (facsimile) with high resolution and color and moving pictures, e.g. video transmission. Moreover, easy ways to access and process information are important in our society. Hence, data transmission and wireless computing will be necessary services in many future systems. There have been some proposals for systems supporting PCS. They are known as Personal Communications Networks (PCN), Future Public Land Mobile Telecommunication Systems (FPLMTS) and Universal Mobile Telephone Systems (UMTS). The most discussed area is probably the access method, and the competitors seem to be Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA). However, in this paper we consider Direct Sequence CDMA (DS/CDMA) as access method and focus on how to support the services in PCS. As seen from the discussion above there are many different services to support and they have very different requests on data rate and quality of transmission. There are of course many ways to design a multi-rate system. In [2] repetition coding is used to support different rates, but this is of course only practical in supporting a few rates. A
where P i is the power of each user in the subsystem and b ik ( t ) is a pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) signal with a rectangular pulse shape of duration T i . Moreover, c ik ( t ) is the spreading code waveform, consisting of N i periodically repeated chips in a binary polar format with rectangular pulse shape of duration T c such that T i = N i T c , that is, short spreading codes are used. The modulator phases ik are modelled as independent random variables, uniformly distributed over [ 0, 2) . Using the assumption of an Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel and asynchronous transmission the received signal can be modelled as r ( t) = w ( t) +
sik ( t ik)
i=1 k=1
where w ( t ) is zero-mean white Gaussian noise, with doublesided spectral density N 0 2 , K i the number of users in subsystem i and ik are the delays, modelled as independent random variables, uniformly distributed over [ 0, T i ) . B. Quadrature Amplitude Modulated DS/CDMA Systems It is sometimes convenient to transmit information in quadrature format, to increase the data throughput. We can
This work was sponsored by the Swedish National Board of Industrial Technical Development, NUTEK. Project number 9303363-2.
therefore reformulate our model above such that the transmitted signal of user k in the subsystem i is s ik ( t ) = +
I I 2P i b ik ( t ) c ik ( t ) cos ( c t + ik ) Q 2P i b ik Q ( t ) c ik
( t ) sin ( c t + ik )
I Q where b ik ( t ) and b ik ( t ) are the In-phase and Quadraturephase PAM signals, each with a rectangular pulse shape of I duration T i . The spreading code waveforms, c ik ( t ) and Q ( t ) consist of N periodically repeated chips in binary c ik i polar format and rectangular pulse shapes of duration T c .
Notice that, since all users have the same signal-to-noise ratio per bit the transmitted powers will be different for different rates, resulting in near-far effects. Nevertheless, if all users should transmit at the same power, the performance for high rate users would degrade signicantly compared to low rate users, due to their low E b N 0 . B. Multi Processing-Gain Systems Assume a multi processing-gain system with all users using BPSK modulation and a constant chip period T c . Also, assume that the subsystems are ordered in descending bit rate order. That is, the bit rates are ordered as R 1 = 1 T 1 > R 2 = 1 T 2 > > R n = 1 T n with the processing-gains N i = B R i . In addition, assume that all bit rates are multiples of the lowest rate R n and that the powers P i are such that all users in all subsystems transmit at same signal-to-noise ratio per bit E b . Note that this assumption, as for the multi-modulation scheme, gives rise to near-far effects, because the powers from the different users are dependent on the bit rate. The performance of user k with rate R k in a BPSK modulated system may be expressed as [5] Pb N0 1 = Q -------- + -------- 2E b 3N i
III. SYSTEM ANALYSIS In all calculations we assume that the interference from the other users is Gaussian with zero mean. This approximation, rstly used in [8], has been proven to be accurate for high signal-to-noise ratios and many users, or alternatively for few users but with a high processing-gain [5], [9]. However, the approximation is slightly optimistic. Moreover, we assume that random code sequences are used throughout this paper. A more detailed analysis of the multi-rate schemes presented in this paper is found in [5]. IV. PERFORMANCE IN AWGN CHANNELS A. Multi-Modulation Systems Dene a multi-modulation system with n rates R 1 > R 2 > > R n , as a system where all users have the same symbol rate and processing-gain N = B Rn . Moreover, assume that all users have the same signal-to-noise ratio per bit. Here B is the system bandwidth and R n is the bit rate for the BPSK users. The bit error probability of user k in an Mary square lattice QAM-subsystem i is then [5] N0 4 ( M 1) M 1 P b ------------------- ------------------------ Q ------------- ------------------------3 log ( M ) E b log ( M ) ik M 2 + ------ 3N (4)
Rj ---- K j 1 Ri
1 / 2
Observe that the performance is the same as for the BPSK rates in a multi-modulation scheme if N i = N . If QPSK modulation is used instead of BPSK the processing-gain is doubled, resulting in less efciency. However, due to the fact that QPSK has slightly better performance, the performance would be about the same as for the BPSK scheme proposed above. C. Multi-Channel Systems As we shall see later, QPSK is the most efcient modulation scheme tested and even slightly more efcient than the BPSK modulation. A conclusion of this is that we could use many QPSK channels in parallel to achieve a high data rate. Construct a multi-channel system with constant processinggain N and chip period T c . Moreover, assume that the modulation is QPSK for all users and that all users transmit at the same signal-to-noise ratio per bit, which in this case does not give rise to near-far effects, because all channels transmit at the same power. The bit error probability [5] is given by Pb N0 2 = Q -------- + ------ 2E b 3N
Rj ---- K j 1 Ri
1 / 2
where R j is the bit rate of subsystem j , K j is the number of users in the j th subsystem and log ( ) is the logarithm of base 2. The modulation level, that is, the number of symbols in the signal space, is controlled by the bit rate and given by M = 2
( Ri Rn)
Rj ----- K j 1 R0
1 / 2
However, if the subsystem i is a BPSK system the bit error probability is Pb N0 1 = Q -------- + ------ 2E b 3N
Rj ---- K j 1 Ri
1 / 2
where R 0 is the bit rate for a single QPSK channel and N the processing-gain such that NR0 = B . The result of a practical multi-channel system would be slightly better than this, because the parallel channels of a user would be transmitted synchronously and, therefore, have good cross-correlation properties. But, in this analysis we use random codes and for these the performance of synchronous channels are worse [9].
Thus, it is more appropriate to assume that all channels are asynchronous. Notice that the performance is about the same as for the multi processing-gain scheme. D. Miscellaneous Multi-rate Schemes The use of spreading results in a privacy level to external interference dened by the processing-gain. In the use of a multi processing-gain system, this privacy level is not constant. Therefore, all users do not accomplish the same bandwidth efciency, since spreading is inherently inefcient. Another way to design a multi-rate system is to use a constant processing-gain, or privacy level, and let the bit rate change the chip-rate [4]. Hence a multi chip-rate system is obtained. This means that users with different rates have different bandwidths and therefore we can, by the use of Frequency Division Multiplex (FDM), squeeze many such subsystems within the system bandwidth. It has been shown [4] that this scheme outperforms the multi processing-gain scheme in a synchronous CDMA system. But, the condition of the comparison was no sidelobes in the spectrum of a subsystem, that is, ideal frequency compression of subsystems. Also, the comparison is done for an AWGN channel and consequently any diversity gain for wideband channels is neglected. It has in fact been shown that a wideband system performs better than a FDM combined narrowband system [10] due to the utilization of RAKE diversity on frequency selective channels. All things considered, the performance of the multi-chip scheme will signicantly degrade in a more realistic comparison and be comparable or even worse than the performance of the conventional scheme. Parallel Combinatory Spread Spectrum (PC/SS) [11] is a scheme where each user has a set of P sequences to choose from and uses k data bits to select r sequences and then BPSK modulates r bits onto these sequences. This gives the following expression P k = r + log r (9)
V. PERFORMANCE IN MULTIPATH RAYLEIGH FADING CHANNELS One of the advantages of DS/CDMA is the possibility to resolve and detect individual propagation paths. Moreover, the number of resolvable paths is proportional to the bandwidth. These paths can be combined in a suitable way using a RAKE receiver, resulting in a substantial diversity gain. The optimum solution for maximum signal-to-noise ratio at the output of the receiver is to combine the paths according to their complex (amplitude and phase) channel gains as in the maximum ratio combining (MRC). Hence, we have to estimate the channel. Selection combining (SC) means that only the best path, that is the path with the best signal-to-noise ratio of the received paths is chosen. Thus, the performance is worse than MRC. On the other hand the receiver only need to nd the path with the best signal-to-noise ratio, which yields a less complex receiver. The expressions and derivations for the bit error probabilities of the different multi-rates schemes, based on the assumption that the interference is Gaussian, are presented in [5]. VI. NUMERICAL RESULTS In the evaluation of a multi-modulation scheme, we rst calculate the performance of various modulations in a single rate system. The assumptions are random sequences and processing-gain N = 128 . The results are shown in Fig. 1. We see that QPSK is the most efcient modulation. This can be explained by the fact that DS/CDMA is a power constrained and not a bandwidth constrained access method which degrades by self interference between the different users, that is cross-talk. Moreover, we see, as earlier stated, that QPSK is
for the number of input bits. If, e.g., P = N = 128 and r = 2N 3 , we get k 1.56N and the system can transmit more bits than the sequence length. Disadvantages are the high complexity, due to the need of P matched lters for each user and that very few users and bit rates could be supported, because each user consumes many sequences. Another possibility is to transmit the information as Pulse Position Modulation (PPM) [12]. Assume, as earlier, that the sequence length is N and that there are several possible time slots to chose from. Hence, the system can transmit more than one bit per N chips. If the number of available slots vary with the bit rate we get a multi-rate scheme. However, a difculty is that this system is very sensitive to multipath propagation and can not utilize the frequency selective fading of a wideband signal in a RAKE receiver.
Pb 10
Fig. 1. Bit error probability of different single-rate modulation formats in an AWGN channel. The processing-gain is N = 128 , and K is the number of users in the system.
TABLE I TEST SYSTEMS FOR MULTI-RATE EVALUATION. System SYSTEM I SYSTEM II Bandwidth B B Bit rates R 2 = R 0, R 1 = 2R 0 R 3 = R 0, R 2 = 2R 0, R 1 = 4R 0
slightly better than BPSK. To explain this, observe that in a BPSK system with K users each user is disturbed by K 1 users. However, in a QPSK system with the same throughput, that is K 2 users, each user quadrature phase (I and Q) is disturbed by ( K 2 1 ) 2 = K 2 quadrature phases. Hence, the interference is slightly lower in a QPSK system. These results indicate that a multi-modulation scheme is inefcient in achieving multi-rate. To compare the different multi-rate schemes we have constructed two test systems as shown in Table I. Firstly we present a result for SYSTEM II using the maximum processing-gain N 3 = 256 for the multi processing-gain and N = 256 for the multi-modulation scheme. For the multichannel scheme the processing-gain is N = 512 . In Fig. 2 we see that the multi processing-gain scheme and the multi-channel scheme have almost the same performance. The multimodulation scheme has much worse performance for the high level modulations, here 16-QAM. Observe, though, that the users using BPSK and QPSK have the same performance as the users in the other schemes with the same rates as for the BPSK and QPSK users. This means that only the users that
need higher bit rates than could be supported with QPSK in a multi-modulation scheme, are punished. In spite of this nice property we conclude that the multi-modulation scheme has a low multi-rate support. As stated, the performance of the multi processing-gain and the multi-channel scheme is about the same. Nonetheless, in a more realistic comparison we have to know the available system bandwidth and the amount of external interference in the frequency band to make a fair comparison. In addition, there is a dependence of the amount of intersymbol interference (ISI) in the system, which of course depends on the symbol rate. In a multi-channel scheme the symbol rate is low and therefore we can neglect the ISI, but for high bit rates in the multi processing-gain scheme, the ISI may degrade the performance signicantly. The performance on multipath fading channels depends mainly on the system bandwidth and the type of diversity used. In Fig. 3 the performance of the same system as in Fig. 2, but in a 3 path Rayleigh fading channel, MRC diversity and average power control, is shown. As seen the performance degrades signicantly in fading but the relations between the different multi-rate schemes remain the same. To investigate the difference between narrowband and wideband CDMA channels further, we assume a Rayleigh fading channel with 2 or 3 paths, representing a narrowband and wideband CDMA channel respectively. Furthermore, assume a RAKE receiver using MRC or SC. The performance is measured in terms of the number of supported high rate users K 1 given the number of low rate users K 2 for SYSTEM I. We only consider the multi processing-gain scheme since it has a more narrow bandwidth and therefore worse performance. The requirement
type 1 type 2
10 Eb /N0 (dB)
20 10
Fig. 2. Bit error probability of various multi-rate schemes for SYSTEM II in an AWGN channel. Observe that BPSK, QPSK, and 16-QAM denotes the performance of the different rate users of the multimodulation scheme. Further type 1, type 2 and type 3 denotes the multi processing-gain performance for bit rate R 1 , R 2 and R 3 respectively. There exist K 1 = 5 , K 2 = 10 and K 3 = 40 users in subsystem 1, 2, and 3, respectively.
Fig. 3. Bit error probability of various multi-rate schemes for SYSTEM II in a multipath Rayleigh fading channel with L = 3 paths and MRC diversity. Observe that BPSK and 16-QAM denotes the performance of the different rate users in the multi-modulation scheme. The QPSK user performance curve is almost on top of the BPSK curve. For an explanation of the notations see Fig. 2.
for a sufcient performance is an upper bound of bit error probability P b 10 2 assuming that all users transmit at the same signal-to-noise ratio per bit E b N 0 = 10 dB. The results are shown in Fig. 4. Notice that if a 2 path channel is assumed there is not much to gain in using an MRC receiver, but if 3 paths is assumed, the MRC receiver has about twice the capacity of the SC receiver. The conclusion is therefore that the number of paths is very critical to achieve good performance with a RAKE receiver, and that there should be at least 3 paths to use the maximum ratio combining. Hence, a wideband system outperforms a narrowband system. VII. CONCLUSIONS We have investigated several multi-rate schemes for a DS/ CDMA system and found that the use of multi processinggain and multi-channel schemes give almost the same performance, both for AWGN and multipath fading channels. Moreover, we have seen that it is possible to use a multimodulation scheme, which only degrades the performance for the users with high data rates, that is, users that use higher level of modulation than QPSK. If a system is to support many and high data rates, a multi processing-gain system will only have a small processing-gain for the highest rates and a considerable amount of intersymbol interference will be present. Hence, the system is therefore sensitive to external interference. The multi-channel scheme, however, has the same processing-gain for all users, independent of their data rates. It may also be easier to design codes that have good properties and construct a multi-user receiver if only one processing-gain is used in the system. One disadvantage of the
20 18 K1 (number of type 1 users) 16 14 12 10 8
multi-channel scheme is the need for a linear amplier for users with high rates, because the sum of many parallel channels gives rise to large amplitude variations. Additionally, users with different rates have different powers, which increases the near-far problem for all schemes, but the multichannel scheme, because all channels have the same power. As for the other schemes mentioned, only the multi chip-rate system will be able to give the same multi-rate performance as the multi processing-gain and multi-channel schemes. VIII. FUTURE WORK In this paper we have only considered the performance of a single cell system without external interference. An interesting topic is to compare the capacity of the different multi-rate schemes in a cellular system, with or without external interference. It would also be interesting to nd efcient coding and multi-user detection algorithms [13] to further increase the capacity of the system. REFERENCES [1] R. H. Katz, Adaption and mobility in wireless information systems, IEEE Personal Commun., First Quarter 1994, pp. 6-17. [2] TIA/EIA/IS-95, Mobile station-base station standard for dual-mode wideband spread spectrum cellular system, Telecommunication Industry Association, July 1993. [3] A. Baier, U.C. Fiebig, W. Granzow, P. Teder, and J. Thielecke, Design study for a CDMA-based third-generation mobile radio system, IEEE J. Select. Areas Commun., vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 733-743, May 1994. [4] T. H. Wu, and E. Geraniotis, CDMA with multiple chip rates for multimedia communications, in Proc. Information Science and Systems, Princeton University, 1994, pp. 992-997. [5] T. Ottosson, and A. Svensson, Multi-rate performance in DS/CDMA systems, Tech. Report no. 14, ISSN 0283-1260, Dept. of Information Theory, Chalmers University of Technology, Gteborg, Sweden, March 1995. [6] N. Doi, T. Yano, and N. Kobayashi, DS/CDMA prototype system transmitting low bit-rate voice and high bit-rate ISDN signals, in Proc. IEEE VTC94, Stockholm, Sweden, June 8-10, 1994, pp. 51-55. [7] S. Tachikawa, Modulation in spread spectrum communication systems, IEICE Trans. Commun., Vol. E75-B, No. 6, pp. 445-452, June 1992. [8] M. B. Pursley, Performance evaluation for phase-coded spread-spectrum multiple-access communication-Part I: System analysis, IEEE Trans. Commun., Vol. COM-25, No. 8, pp. 795-799, Aug. 1977. [9] E. Geraniotis, and M. B. Pursley, Error probability for direct-sequence spread-spectrum multiple-access communications-Part II: Approximations, IEEE Trans. Commun., Vol. COM-30, No. 5, pp. 985-995, May 1982. [10] T. Eng, and L. B. Milstein, Comparison of hybrid FDMA/CDMA systems in frequency selective Rayleigh fading, IEEE J. Select. Areas Commun., vol. 12, No. 5, pp. 938-951, June 1994. [11] Jinkang Zhu, Gen Marubayashi, Properties and application of parallel combinatory SS communication system, in Proc. IEEE Int. Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications (ISSSTA92), Yokohama, Japan, 1992. [12] I. Okazaki, and T. Hasegawa, Spread spectrum pulse position modulation - A simple approach for Shannons limit, IEICE Trans. Commun., Vol. E76-B, No. 8, pp. 929-940, Aug 1993. [13] A. Johansson, and A. Svensson, Successive interference cancellation in multiple data rate DS/CDMA systems, in Proc. VTC95, Chicago, USA, July 26-28, 1995.
6 4 2 0 0 5
L=2 L=3
Fig. 4. Number of supported users in SYSTEM I for the multi processing-gain scheme. The maximum processinggain is N = 256 and the channel is a multipath Rayleigh fading channel with L = 2 or L = 3 paths. RAKE receiver diversity with maximum ratio combining (MRC) or selection combining (SC) is used. The signal-to-noise ratio for all users is E b N 0 = 10 dB and the upper bound of the bit error probability is P b 10 2 .