Introduction 1
Paasuram 1 16
Paasuram 2 18
Paasuram 3 20
Paasuram 4 22
Paasuram 5 23
Paasuram 6 25
Paasuram 7 27
Paasuram 8 29
Paasuram 9 31
Paasuram 10 32
The Lord with SalihOthra Maharishi
The antharyAmi Brahmam, who rests in all of our heart lotuses decided to rest
in an external place and thus removes both the Aha IruLL and PuRa IruLL as
explained at the Pittsburgh conference by Sri RengarAjan. Thirumangai
experienced KimgruhEsan as “EvuuLL kidantha perumalai” (the great mountain
resting at ThiruevvuLL). The vimanam under which he rests came to be known
as VijayakOti vimAnam to associate it with the VijayarAghavan's amitha
parAkramam (unexcelled valor in battle).
In the room of that house (Vijaya kOti Vimanam) located in the forest known
as VeekshAraNyam, the Vijaya Sri of the Lord rests forever and led to this
kshEthram being called PuNyAvartha KshEthram.
hrutthapanAsini theertam
corollary is that He would be inaccessible to those, who have no visvAsam in
Him as Aapath Bandhu and AnAtha Rakshakan. Those who had dvEshti
(resentment and hatred) towards Him were pulverized by the Lord even if they
had great boons such as akhila Jagadh adhika Bhuja Balam (the greatest
prowess in all the worlds) granted by other demi-Gods. His anugraham even to
the enemy RaavaNan has been described by the MahA Kavi KaaLi Daasan this
way to invoke His dayA swarUpam (KaruNA Kaakuthsa svabhAvam). Not only
did the Lord send RaavaNan back to his palace overnight to rest from his
battle fatigue, but He also cut off RaavANA's ten heads next day in a very
special manner that caused him minimum suffering. Sriman Purisai
KrishNamAchArya Swami points out this anubhavam of KaaLi Daasa, who gave
us the illustrious Raghu Vamsa Kaavyam:
tEna manthra prayukthEna nimEshArthAth apAdhayath
sa RaavaNa sira: pankthim aj~nAthavruNa vethanAm
He is the most merciful Lord even to His sworn enemies. He therefore spared
the pain for RaavaNA by cutting all the ten heads in a fraction of a minute
instead of cutting those ten arrogant heads one by one and thereby letting
RavaNA feel the pain. KaaLidAsan reminds himself of the Lord's KaruNai this
lOkAdhArA ! SarvOpanishadh artha saara! bhaktha nidhE ! Jaanaki ManOharA !
Bhaktha ThyAgaraaja Hrudh nivAsA ! HarE! Idham Yaj~nam paripUraya! Idham
Yaj~nam paahi!
Sri Vaikunta nAtha! Raajeeva nayana! DandakAraNya Muni jana vandhitha PaadhA!
Raamachandra! PuNya Purusha! Padhmaju rANi naatha! ThiruveLLUr nelakonna
Raamabhadhraa! VeerarAghavaa! SaakEtha Naatha! SaraNyA! AagamAntha vihArA!
Sri NaathA !Hanumath hrudhi VaasA ! Sakala Vigna nivArakA! tappuloppulununna
dhAlimi jEsi yeppudu dayasEthanElukOvayAA ! KousalyA SupraJA! DaasarathE! tvath
paadharavindham saraNam gatha: Paahi idham Yajnam !
Vaarija NayanA ! Pathitha Paavana! VinathA sutha VaahanA !MaayAdhithA ! Mana
MohAnAkArA! Dharma seelA! Vandhanamu DasarathAthmajA! Vandhanamu
BhakthavathsalA! Vandhanamu Loka NaayakA! KodhandapANi! Jaya Jaya! Sakala
nighamAgama sEvitha mahA purushA! Kinnara Kimpurusha Siddha VidhyAdhara
gheeyamAna mahA keerthE! santhAna SoubhAghya dhana kanaka vahAnaashtaisvarya
divya Nagara nivAsa prabhO! Saracchandhra kOti sannibha Sesha TalpE sthitha Veera
rAghavA ! Idham Yajnam paahi! Maara kOti LaavaNyA! Idham Yajnam paahi! Sri
Vasumathi naathA! NaarayaNA! Paahi ! Paahi! Muni chinthitha
paadha sarOja Sri Hari ! Manju BhAshaNA ! Paahi ! Paahi ! AadhimulamE !
paripaalaya !
PankajAkshi nelakonnayanga yugamunaku raajeeva nayana ThyagarAja vinuthamaina
nee naama rUpamulaku nithya Jaya MangaLam.
I place at the Lotus feet of Sri Kanakavalli SamEtha Sri VeerarAghavan these
naama KusumAnjalis of Saint ThyagarAjA and other Bhaktha SirOnmaNis.
The NaalAyira Divya prabhandham has many passages saluting the glories of
Sri VeerarAghavan besides the specific paasurams on the Lord of ThiruveLLUr
I will provide below some excerpts for our anubhavam.
Kaliyan with Kumudavalli
ThiruvallikkENi: 2.3.7
ThiruvAli: 3.7.3
Thiru arimEya ViNNagaram : 3.10.6
ThiruvazhundUr: 7.8.7
" panthaNaintha Mel viralAL SeethaikkAhi--"
Thiruk kaNNapuram : 8.5.5 (
Yezhu maram tuLaipata--
Thirup pullANi: 9.4.5
Thiruvaimozhi: NammAzhwAr:7.5.1-2
"KaRpAr RaamapirAnai allaal maRRum kaRparO"
Other paasurams in Thiruvaimozhi.
I conclude this posting with the Paasura Vaakhyam of Thirumazhisai, who lived
next door to ThiruveLLUr. He had a special affection for the Lord's sevai as
Sesha saayee:
naahatthaNaik Kudanthai vehhA THIRUEVVULL naahatthaNai Arangam pRranbil,
-naahatth aNaip paaRRk kadal kidakkum aadhi nedumAl, aNaippAr karutthanAvAn
Here, Azhwar puts at the center ThiruveLLUr emperuman and sandwiches Him
between Emperumaans of Thiruk Kudanthai AarAvamudhan, Thiru vehhA"s
yathOktha kaari, Srirangam RanganAthan, Anbil Vadivazhahiya Nampi and
KsheerAbdhi Saayee. Here, As Sri Ram Gopalaswamy referred to in one of his
private notes, Param, Vibhavam, Archai and AntharyAmi sthithis are all
Let us meditate on this Parama Purushan at ThiruveLLUr on this Sudarsana
Jayanthi morning in the words of Thirumazhisai, where he explains as to how
he spent his time on earth and how he has MahA VisvAsam in the Lord as His
“Theritthezhudhi vaasitthum kEttum vaNangi vazhipattum poositthum pOkkinEn
I spent my time on His earth writing, reading and listening about His
charithrAmrutham and worshipping Him.
Thirumaal Talaikkonda Nangattkku, yEngE varum Tthee vinayE?
For us, who have accepted the supermacy/parathvam of Sriman NaarAyaNA,
how could any harm come our way ?
There are 8 kinds of Sayanam pose that the Lord blesses us with at these 27
sayana kshEthrams.
UdhyOga Sayanam
Darbha Sayanam
3. Sthala Sayanam (Thirukkadal Mallai),
Bhujanga Sayanam
1. Srirangam Ranganathan
2. ThiruevvuLL Veeraraghavan
3. Thiruvananthapuram Padmanaabhan
6. ThirukkarampanUr PurushOtthaman
7. Tiruk Kavitthalam Gajendra Varadhar
Sri RaamA stopped at ThiruppullANi and received a special bow from Adhi
JagannAthan (ArchA mUrthy) of that divya dEsam. There, He rested on
Darbha grass bed to seek the help of Samudhra Raajan to build the bridge
over the samudhram to cross over to LankhA to destroy RaavaNA.
Srirangarajan as Veeraraghavan in ThiruveLLUr
The reason why I refer to the behavior of Sri RaamA as “a Human being"
offering worship to ArchA mUrthys is to point out that He wanted the fellow
human beings to consider Him as a mere human being. He has said
"AathmAnam Maanusham manye Raaghavam DasarathAthmajam”.
That the Para Vaasudevan, Sriman NaarAyaNan resting at Srirangam took the
avathAram of Sri Raghuveeran of ThiruveLLUr is indicated by one of the
PaadhukhA sahasra SlOkams of Swami Sri Desikan :
Oh, PaadhukhE ! Lord RanganAthA incarnated as VeerarAghavan for
avathAram purposes and traveled to LankhA to kill all the RaakshasAs and
their king, RaavaNA, and then returned to AyOddhyA claim his hereditary
crown; thereafter, He returned His lotus feet back to you.
Swami Desikan is referring here to the fact that VeerarAghavan did not wear
the PaadhukhAs during His vana Vaasam and LankhA vijayam because He had
given them to His brother BharathA for 14 years to rule over the Land. When
He returned triumphantly to AyOddhi after destroying RaavaNA, He had the
union with His beloved PaadhukhA.
Based on this slOkam, we can take the poetic liberty of recognizing that Sri
RanganaathA and Sri VeerarAghavan are one and their Bhujanga Sayanam pose
provides additional support for this view. The pattAbhishEkam before
Bhaavam, Raagam and Taalam (Bharatham) for the Divya Prabhandha sEvai and
taught that to his nephews, which later got established as arayar sEvai at
Srirangam and other divya desams. By the way, there will be an arayar sevai
for ThiruvELLUr paasurams of Thirumangai during the MahA SamprOkshaNa
uthsavam on Sri Naatha Muni's birthday. Deva Ghana PerumAL Arayar Sri
Raam aBharathi will take part in the Arayar Sevai tomorrow (July 4) in front
of the Divya Dampathis at ThiruveLLUr.
Holiness, SrimathE Sri Lakshmi Nrusimha Divya PaadhukhA Sevaka, SrivaNN
SatakOPa Sri NaarayaNa Yatheendhra MahA Desikan will be presiding over the
JeerNOtthAraNa MahA SamprOkshaNa Kaimkaryam. The 473 Kalasa
Thirumanjanam will take place during the MahA SamprOkshaNam.
Sri Raamachandran of all auspicous attributes and the embodiment of
dharamam is our Sarva Swami (NamperumAn). His guNams are all trustworthy
and hence He is our "nambavalla Nambi ". His words never prove to be in vain.
No body can find fault with Him for not fulfilling what He promised. He
destroyed the kingdom of RaavaNan, who hid himself under the ochre robe of
a SanyAsi and arrived quickly at the ParNasAlaa of Raman, when He was not
there and addressed Sitaa PirAtti with words full of Kaamam after identifying
himself as the mighty king of Lankaa (Kaasai aadai moodi Odi kaathalm
seythaan). Lord Ramachandra laid to waste the kingdom of Lankhaa and killed
RaavaNan for the Mahaa aparAdham of behaving inappropriately to SithA
PirAtti, who had sought refuge in Him (Kaathal seythAn avan Uhr naasamaaha
seythan). While the Lord strived to avoid any complaint about Him in
RaamaavathAram through His straitlaced acts, He was the object of frequent
complaints from beautiful gopis with slender shoulders reminding one of young
bamboos. The Gopis accused Him of stealing butter from their houses for His
enjoyment. That Lord, who took Raama-KrishNAvathArams is resting now at
Thiru YevuLL dhiya dEsam.
RaavaNan did not show the respect for SithA PirAtti as Para thAram (wife
of another Man) as well as PirAtti (The Empres sof the Universe) and paid for
it with his life in the battle field at Lankaa. Such is the matchless valour of
the Lord of Thiru YevvuLL.
For the sake of winning the hand of beautiful Nappinnai, the Lord resting
today at Thiru YevvuLL fought with and subdued the seven wild bulls (Paavai
tann KaaraNatthAl vemm thiRal yEzhu yERum venRa VEndhan). His fame
spread far and wide (viri puhazh sEr) as the son of NandagOpan (Nandhan
Maindhan) and as KalyANa guNa PoorNan and our Lord (Nambi,
NamperumAn). Now, He is giving His sevai at Thiru YevvuLL and is the Lord
of many generations of our kulam (Yenthai tanthai tamm PerumAn).
In the previous Paasuram, Kaliyan saluted the Lord of Thiru YevvuLL as the
Sarva Swami of Nappinai and resting next to Her in the bridal chambers; in
this Paasuram, Kaliyan visualizes the Lord as VaDapathra Saayee, who rested
on the leaf of a pupil tree as He floated on the waters of PraLaya kaalam. Our
Lord swallowed and kept safely all the seven worlds in a small portion of His
stomach (PaNDu yEzh Jn~Alam uNDu). If one attempts to visualize this
wonderous child that performed such a miracle, it would
be impossible to reconstruct in one's mind. He took the form of an infant,
swallowed all the worlds and rested on the precarious floating leaf for the
entire time of deluge. Such an incredulous Lord with eyes beautiful like the
just blossomed red lotus is resting today at Thiru YevvuLL surrounded by cool
fields and verdant forests. Azhwar's anubhavam of the small inocent looking
sOththanambiyenRu thoNdamiriNdiththodarnthazaikkum
Aththan nimbi sengkaN nimbi yAgilum dEvarkkellAm
mUththa nimbi mukkaNnambi yenRu munivarthozuthu
Eththum nimbi yemperumAn - evvuL kidanthAnE
The Lord engaging in Yoga Nidhraa at Thiru YevvuL is the eldest of all
devathais (Devarkku yellAm Moottha Nambi); He is the primordial Being. He
is worshipped and eulogized by the three eyed Siva and the Maharishis at all
times (MukkaNN Nambi, Munivar yenRum thozhuthu yEtthum
Nambi). He recieves anjali from the assembly of devotees, who are
ParamaikAnthis (those who will not look at any other gods); they perform
AarAdhanam for Him and salute Him as the most trust worthy, dependable
KalyANa GuNa PoorNan. That Lotus eyed is also the Lord for us and is resting
at Thiru YevvuLL.
All paasurams except the Phala Sruthi (10th) Paasuram of Thirumangai
ends with the refrain of "YevvuLL KidanthAnE". There is an astonishment in
the voice of Thiru Mangai to recall tha tthe Lord who distinguished Himself in
so many ways is now easily accessible to all of us in His sayana ThirukkOlam as
Archaa Moorthy at Thiru YevvuLL. In this paasuram, Thirumangais' sense of
celebration of the Lord reaches a cresendo as witnessed by his addressing the
Lord as "Nambi" six times: (1) "ThoNDar miNDi thodarnthu Nambi
sOttham" (the bhakthAs who do not look at any other gods join together and
fold their hands with anjali mudhra and salute Him as Parama kalyANa guNa
poorNan/Nambi), (2) "azhaikkum Aattha Nambi" (One who is hailed as the
most trust worthy Nambi), (3) "Semm KaNN Nambi" (the GuNa PoorNan with
the lotus soft eyes), (4) "DEvarkku yellAm Moottha Nambi" (the eldest of
the DEvAs), (5) “MukkaNN nambi"
(The KalyANa GuNa PoorNan, who is the antharyAmi Brahman inside Sivan and
who destroys the worlds during Mahaa PraLayam with His third eye), (6)
“Munivar yenRum thozhuthu yEtthum Nambi" (The Nambi, who is hailed
always by the Maharishis). Such a Nambi is our EmperumAn and He is
reclining on Aadhi Seshan at Thiru YevvuLL.
Yenthai (My Father), EmperumAn (Sarva Swami) is YevuuLL kidantha
Moorthy. He is easy of access (Bhaktha sulabhan) to those who seek His
rakshaNam (AasrithAL). He is delectable to enjoy for His adiyArs (Tann
adiyArkku iniyan) He is far away from those who do not seek His rakshaNam
(DhUrAth dhUratara:). He is "ViNNavar kOnn" (the Lord of the DEvAs:
AmararkaL adhipathy) ; He is "PuNNiyan" (sakala dharama savroopi, the
most auspicious) ; He is "ANNal" (Sarva vidha Swami). He is the NiyanthA
(Commander) ; He is "Poovai VaNNan" (KaayAmpoo VaNNan/having the most
beautiful blue hue like KaayAm Poo). He is "Vedam viritthuraittha
Punithan" (Parama Parisuddhan /dharma-adharma vivEki, who is the HayagrIva
avathAran instructing Brahma dEvan on Vedams). "thAnn sEyan Oruvan
aahilum, Taniyan" (Although He blesses the muktha janangaL with His
The Lord at ThiruvaLLUr is the Lord
of the slender fingered Mahaa
Lakshmi, whose abode is the cool
Lotus (Panthu irukkum Paavai Pani
MalarAL). She leaves that abode
to stay permanently at the broad
chest of Her Lord (Pani MalarAL
vanthu irukkum Maarvan). He is like a
blue gem in hue (Neelam mEni MaNi
VaNNan). He is the Lord of even
Indhran, who is the king of all
celestials (antharatthil vaazhum
VaanOr NaayakanAi amaintha
IndhiraRkkum TammperumAn). That
Sarva Swamy (Tamm PerumAn) rests
on His soft bed of Aadhi Seshan at
Thiru YevvuLL dhivya dEsam. vAnOr nAyagan
PAASURAM 2.2.10:
This Paasuram is a celebration of Lord VeerarAghavan as the grantor of all
desired pahalans in this and the other world (Ihikaamushmika phalans). In
Vibhava avathAram as Lord Raamachandran, He was the Emperor and was not
easy to get close to by ordinary citizens but during His archAvathAram as
Veera Raaghavan, He becomes Sarva Sulabhan. He is Vaidhya VeerarAghavan
and hence treats the variety of illness that chEthanams have by being close to
them. At THiru YevvuLL, His devotees approach Him with flower garlands
in hand and eulogize Him ("ThoNDar iNDai koNDu YevvuLL kidanthAnai
yEttha"). This dhivya dEsam has extraordinary beauty and is known for its
verdant groves, where the honey bees are enjoying the fragrant flowers
(VaNDu Paadum PaimpuRavil); the dhvirEpams (Bramarams/VaNDu) are
performing Hari Naama sankeerthanams at Thiru YevvuLL. Thirumangai
Mannan enjoyed the anantha kalyANa guNams of the EmperumAn of Thiru
YevvuLL and created the ear pleasing ten Paasurams as SamarpaNam for the
Lord (Mangayar kOnn Kaliyan koNDa seerAl Tamizh sey Maalai yeer einthum).
Kaliyan instructs us that those of us, who are adept in reciting these ten
paasurams will rule this world (Maalai yeer Indhum vallAr aNdam AaLvathu
AaNai); if ruling this world is not what they relish (anDam AaLvathu AaNai
anREl), then they are destined to enjoy ParipoorNa BrahmAnandham in Sri
The sacred feet of many Azhagiya Singars have adorned the Thiruveethis of
ThiruveLLUr. Many were born here, many carried this divya desa EmperumAn's
name or have their BrindhAvanams here at ThiruveLLUr. It is no wonder
therefore that the Vaidhika Sri is shining brightly today at this divya desam.
The other Azhagiya Singars who carried with reverence the name of the
ThiruveLLUr EmperumAn and adorned the peetam of Ahobila Matam are :
(3) Seventeenth Pattam
Many other Azhagiya Singars, who adorned the peetam of Ahobila Matam
were born in or around the divya desam of ThiruveLLUr and as such had great
reverence for Sri Veeraraghavan of VeekshAraNya KshEthram. For instance,
the Sixth Azhagiya Singar, H.H. Shashta ParAnkusa Yatheendhra Mahaa
Desikan was born in Karalapaakkam, a famous agrahAram close to ThiruveLLUr.
This is the great AchAryA, who settled new agrahaarams like Injimedu,
ThayyAr, Purisai near ThiruveLLUr with Ubhaya VedAntha Simhams. These
villages housed stalwarts of Sri Bahgavadh RaamAnuja SiddhAntham. Some of
their descendants adorned the AchArya Peetam later.
The other Ahobila Matam Azhagiya Singars, who were born in villages around
ThiruveLLUr are: H.H. the 15 th Jeeyar (YesanUr Tattai). My grandfather
belongs to the Tattai Vamsam and settled later at Poundarikapuram and moved
on to Oppiliappan Koil afterwards.
H.H. the 17th Jeeyar born at SohatthUr. H.H. the 18th Jeeyar born at
ThiruveLLUr (Veeravalli Vamsam). H.H. the 20th Jeeyar at PiLLaippAkkam of
Tattai Vamsam, H.H. the 21st Jeeyar at ThyaaRu of Vangipuram Vamsam, H.H.
the 34th Jeeyar (Atthipattu Azhagiya Singar), H.H. the 37th Jeeyar
(PiLLaippAkkam Azhagiya Singar), H.H. the 42nd Jeeyar ( Injimedu Azhagiya
Singar). Other villages that blessed us with other Azhagiya Singars like
ParanthUr, KaLatthUr, Parutthippattu also are not too far from ThiruveLLUr-
Kanchipuram arc.