Type of Sunnah
Type of Sunnah
Type of Sunnah
Definition of Sunnah:
The author of Lisaan al-Arab defined it to mean: "The way, the method, the regular habits, the nature". These various lingual definitions seem to require a form of continuation to the act so that it be considered a Sunnah. In other words, based on this definition, acts that are done for some time then stopped are not called Sunnah. Also, it is important to note that the term can apply on anyone and is not restricted to the Prophet ( .) So, we can say the Sunnah of life, the Sunnah of X and Y, the Sunnah of Son of Adam, the Sunnah of Muslims and etc. However, if this term was used to refer to the Prophet ( ) then an additional meaning is offered here and the context differ.
Sunan A'daat:
These are habits and customs that no texts states a virtue or reward for them. Also, no texts encourage acting upon them. This is like clothes, walking, talking and etc.
It is every command of the Prophet that cannot be found any other text prove that such command was said to mean preferable. Such like: "do not backbite each other".
It is every command of the Prophet that have another proof that shows the command came to mean preferable. Such like: " Pray as you see me pray" then in another hadeeth only certain acts were mentioned so that one's Salaat can be accepted
Sunnah particular: