Islam and Its Fundamental
Islam and Its Fundamental
Islam and Its Fundamental
At the end of the chapter, students should be able to do the following:
To comprehend the meaning of Iman and its importance in life. To comprehend the meaning of Islam and its fundamentals. To explore the beauties of Islam by understanding its characteristic. To comprehend the purpose of the creation of men on earth. To comprehend the roles of man in relation to Allah. To apply moderation our daily life.
Islam and its fundamentals. The meaning of Iman and its six fundamental articles The significant of Iman in our daily life. The meaning of Islam and its five pillars. The real concepts of Ibadah and its categories. The roles of man in relation to Allah The application of moderation in our daily life.
The word Iman is derived from Arabic word which means faith.
Literal meaning: to know to believe and to be convinced beyond the shadow of doubt (firm belief) (Al-Mawdudi, 1981). Terminology meaning: to know and repose unshakable belief in the Unity of Allah, the Messengers, the Angels, the Books, the last Day and the Timeless knowledge of Allah to plan & to execute the plan.
Faith in Allah Faith in His Messengers Faith in His Angels Faith in His Books. Faith in the last Day Faith in al-Qada and al-Qadr (the
timeless knowledge of Allah to plan & to execute the plan).
Belief in Angles Belief in Books Belief in Messengers Belief in Dooms day Belief in predestination
Belief in God
- Muslim have nothing with atheist and polytheism. Even the simplest and most primitive and uncultured man knows well one cannot be the creator for ones own. - The Arab word for one God is Allah which admits neither a feminine gender nor plural number. - Nothing moves without His knowledge and His permission.
The Angels According to Quran the celestial messenger who brought revelations to the prophet is call Jibrail In the al-Quran also termed as trustworthy (ruh alAmin). Prophet Muhammad did not see him at the same form. The prophet sometimes saw him like a being suspend in the air, sometimes in the shade of man, sometimes like being having wings. The way the revelation used to come to prophet Muhammad sometimes he heard sound like bell and he feel the weight of the great load
- If he happened to be on his camel the load oblige the animal to sit down. - One of Rasuls companion report: One day Prophet was sitting among his companion and his knee was lying on that one of his friends, then the revelation began. I felt such heavy load on my thigh, I would uttered cries of pain and removed his kneed to free myself. - As soon as revelation or communication of the Divine massage was terminated the prophet would return to his normal.
The Reveal Book - The revelation of God which constitute the reveal book. - There is 4 reveal books in Islam. al-Quran is revealed to Muhammad, The (Taurah) to Moses, The (zabur) to David and Gospel (Injil) to Jesus. - The Divine messages in all books are similar on fundamental truths, such as the Oneness of God the Demand for doing good abstaining from evil. The difference is on the rules of social conduct in accordance with social evolution.
The Quran has made express mention of certain prophets such Adam, Nuh, Ibrahim, Moses, Jesus,etc.. And Quran is explicit that Muhammad he is the seal and the last of the messengers of God.
Belief in Doomsday. - Man and woman will be resuscitated after his death and God will Judge him on the basic his deeds during the life of this world. - In order to reward his good actions and punish him for the evil ones. - One day, our universe will be destroyed by order of God and after the certain lapse of time. He would bring back us to life. - Paradise as a reward and Hell as a Punishment. - The prophet Muhammad said: In paradise there are things which no eye has ever seen nor ear ever heard, no human heart ever thought.
- Al-Quran has describe the joys of Paradise and the horrors of Hell. - The Paradise will be eternal once meriting it, there would no questions of being ejected from it. - Some would enter it forthwith, others would suffer longer or shorter periods of detention in Hell. Before meriting Paradise. - in Quranic verses, Allah said God may pardon every sin and every crime except disbelief in God.
- Similarly, if we declare man is free his acts, this would imply that God has neither power over nor knowledge of what man is going to do in his worldly life.
- If they do something mistakes in this earth they will be punished according what they have done. - People have their choice, and they have to choose the right way.
Faith in Islam is a state of happiness acquired by virtue of positive action and constructive conceptions as well as dynamic and effective measures. ( Hamudah Abdalati, 1980) save mans dignity and honor. save man from the fear and despair. save man from guilt and confusion. In order to explain this, we should refer to the meaning of Islam.
The word Islam derived from Arabic word as la ma. Literal meaning: peace, save, clean, purity, submission and obedience. (Hamudah Abdalati, 1980). Terminology meaning: submission to the Will of Allah and obedience to His law or Shariah. ( Hamudah Abdalati, 1980).
Concept of Ibadah
Ibadah (worship) is an Arabic word derived from Abd which means a slave. The word Ibadah means submission.
It portrays that Allah is the Master and we are His slave whatever a slave does in obedience to and for the pleasure of his Master is Ibadah.
Meaning: Serve Allah, and join not any partners with Him (4:36) A Muslim, who believes in Allah, believes that Gods creation is meaningful and life has a purpose. The purpose of life is to worship Allah. Meaning: I only created Jinns and man, that they may serve Me. ( 51:56) But this does not simply mean that we have to spend our entire lives in absolute meditation such as going to the forest or living in a cave for the sake of meditation.
Instead, to worship Allah is to know Him, love Him, obey His commandments, enforce His law in every aspects of life, serve His cause by doing the rights and avoiding the evils and be just to Him, to ourselves, and to fellow human beings. It means that we have to perform our obligation or duty to Allah, to ourselves and toward the others. So if life has a purpose, and if man is created to serve that purpose, then he cannot escape the responsibility. He cannot deny his existence or ignore the roles he has to play.
When God charges entrusts man with any responsibility, he provides them with all the required assistance. For example, Allah gives them intelligence; the brain to think, the power to choose between right and wrong. Allah gives them eyes to see, ears to listen, nose to smell. In short, all these gift have certain functions to fully serve them in order to perform their duty Allah that is to worship Him. (Afzalur Rahman, 1995). Therefore, man are responsible to use all these gifts according to law of Allah. If they fail to do that or misuse their life, or neglect their duties, they shall be responsible to God for their misdeeds.
This verse explains that, belief in Allah is important. It will become strong only if it comes together with sincerity and earnest belief, love, fear, complete trust, and worship accompanied by firm determination to obey all His commands, return to Him, be patient and be thankful to Him. It is the best reminder to present day Muslims who lip- service to Islam and do not abide by its injunctions and prohibitions. Therefore this book is going to discuss the roles of man in relation to Allah in order to instill into the minds of people the real meaning and the right belief n Allah, His Messengers, His Books, His Angles, The Last Day and the timeless Knowledge for His power to Plan, and to execute His Plans.
Quran=Monotheistic Discourse
God created everything and takes care of everything, so you should commit yourselves to Him totally moreover, His are the real keys to heaven & earth. Quran 6:102, 39:62-63
Quran=Monotheistic Discourse
(6;102) (39;62) (63) : (keys to heaven is (keys to heaven and earth) : { }
Islamic Studies
- The primitive people worshiped the manifestations of the power and beneficence God, hoping thus to please him. - Some others believed in two separate God one of the good and one of the evil. ( Hindu and Buddha) - Some others believe in God with mysteries which mystify sometimes the person to understand the God. - And some others have felt the need of such symbols which hardly distinguish their theological conceptions from idolatry or polytheism.
Islamic Studies
Islamic Studies
Belief in Allah is human nature (fitra) The Prophet (sas) said: "Everyone is born on the fitra, but their parents turn them into Jews or Christians or Magians
Disbelief is a form of ignorance and a perversion of nature The atheists are the most primitive of people who actually follow their lusts and desires while believing they are following intelligence (mental ability).
Islamic Studies
The word Tauhid means to make or to conceive or hold to be one. Tauhid of Allah means the oneness and the uniqueness of Allah Most High. Stated briefly, tauhid means oneness of God attributing beliefs and forms of worship to Allah and allowing none of these to be toward other than Allah, Most High.
Islamic Studies
Tauhid Ar-Ruboobiya
The exclusive uniqueness of Allah as omnipotent Lord. The one and the only one fully capable and in command in His creation. Stated another way: this form of tauhid pertains to the actions of Allah Most High in His creature. HE IS THE GREAT Islamic Studies CREATOR.
Tauhid At-Ruboobiya
Complete understanding of Tauhid ArRuboobiya is not sufficient to avoid Shirk (belief in many of God.)
Shirk Even in Tauhid Ar-Ruboobiya, for example we belief another people then Allah who give aid, earning and bounty.
Islamic Studies
Tauhid Al-Uloohiya
The exclusiveness uniqueness of Allah as deity. Allah is the only valid object of worship and no portion of any form of worship may be directed to other than Allah. Stated another way: this form of tauhid pertains to our actions.
Islamic Studies
Tauhid Al-Uloohiya
Types of Slavery
Universal and Involuntary Slavery (the suddenly reactions) This is the involuntary submission of every part of Allah's creation to His Decree and His Ordination of all things, actions and events. For example, The people in this world follows the circulation of Earth around the Sun. Special and Voluntary Slavery Allah chooses for this form of slavery those who Islamic wishes among His slaves. It Studies slaver which is a ennobles and raises man to a higher state.
The exclusiveness uniqueness of Allah with regard to His names and attributes as He told us in the Quran or commanded his Prophet (sas) to tell us in the hadith. For example Allah is the Most Knowledgeable, the Most Merciful and the Most Compassionate Stated another way: this form of tauhid pertains to complete acceptance of Allaha attributes and Islamic Studies names as they have been given to us.
Have you seen how God strikes the parable of a good and wholesome word? (That) it is like a good and wholesome tree, whose roots are firm and whose branches reach into the sky; thus does it provide its foodstuff on a regular basis by the permission of its Lordand the parable of the foul and wicked word is that of a foul and wicked tree which is uprooted from the earth and has no stabilityQuran 14:24-26
He is (mukmin)
: : {
(165) Yet there are men who take for worship others beside Allah as equal with Him, they love them as they should love Allah but these who believe are overflowing in their love fro Allah(165)
- Love of God follows naturally for obedient believers. - Those who obey the command of their lord gradually develop love and affection for Him. - In fact, worship without love and reverence is regarded as pointless. - And there is no virtue in observing Islamic rituals without the genuine inner live for the creator. - With that love and affection behind religious devotion is required and very importance.
O you who believe Enter into Islam wholehearthly and follow not the footsteps of the evil one, for he is to you an open enemy.
To obey and follow the comandments of god is an obligation upon all muslims. Obedience is also the integral part of ibadah Those who claim to be muslim and not obey god are not true muslims.
Thankful to Allah
(7) If you reject Allah Truly Allah has no need of you, He does not like ingratitude from His servant. if you gratitude He is please with you..(7)
- Man is under obligation to God for all His bounties, for which he should be thankful. - Allah said in surah Al-Nahl verse 78 It is He who brought you forth from the womb of your mother when you knew nothing, and He give you hearing and sight and intelligence and live that you may give thank to Him. 56
Web links: Reading References: Mushaf Al-Madinah Annabawiyyah, THE HOLY QURAN:English Translation of The meaning and Complementary, revised and audited by The presidency Islamic Researches,IFTA call and guidance. Al-Hamsi Dr. Muhammad Hassan, Al-Quranul Karim: Tafsir wa Bayan maa Ashabi Nuzul Lisayuthi maa faharis Kamilat lil Maududi Wal Alfaiz, Damsyik: Beirut.
Q&A session
Islamic Studies_ JAN 2008 59
Maan najah