Hadith 6
Hadith 6
Hadith 6
Literal meaning:
•An Arabic word used for conversation. The literal meaning of word Hadith is
new, story, talk.
Technical meaning:
•The sayings, deeds and attitude of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and also saying
and action of the companions of prophet (s.a.w).
• The sayings, practices and silence of holy prophet(p.b.u.h) is known as
• Sunnah is the second source of Islam.
• difference between Hadith and Sunna
• Hadith Refers to the saying of the prophet (P.B.U.H) while Sunna is
action of holy prophet.
• The compilation was done under state supervision by caliph hazrat
umar bin Abdul Aziz in 99AH.
Kinds of hadeeth
Types of hadith as per attribution:
• Hadith e qudsi :
• Hadith Qudsi are the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (SWWS) as revealed to
him by the Almighty Allah.
• Marfooh:
• Refers to a narration attributed specifically to the Holy prophet (swws).
• Mauqoof:
• Refers to a narration attributed to the companion of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w),
whether a statement, action or otherwise specified.
• Maqtooh:
• Refers to a narration attributed to a taba’ee (the successor of the companion).
Types of hadith as per position:
• There are three types.
• 1-Hadees Quali: ()حديث قولى
• Hadith-e-Quali is the kind of Hadees in which the sayings of the Prophet
(SWWS) are mentioned.
• 2-Hadith-e-Faili:( )حديث فعلى
• Hadith-e-Faili is that kind of Hadees in which the deeds and lifestyle of the
holy prophet (SWWS) is mentioned.
• 3-Hadees Taqreeri:( )حديث تقريرى
• Hadees Taqreeri is the kind of Hadees in which the silence of the holy
Prophet (SWWS) is mentioned when his companion did something or said
something in His presence.
• Types of hadith as per number of narrators:
• Mutawatir:(successive)
• The hadith reported by ten or more narrators at each level in the chain of narration is called
mutawatir hadith.
• Ahaad :(singular)
• The hadith narrated by only on narrator is called Ahad hadith or Khabra Wahid.
Types of Ahaad:
•There are three sub classes.
1. Mashoor:
•The hadith conveyed by three or more narrators but not considered as mutawatir.
1. Aziz:
•The hadith conveyed by two narrators at any point in its isnad.
1. Gharib:
•The hadith conveyed by only one narrator.
Legal position:
•Hadith have been called "the backbone" of Islamic civilization and it is a
source of guidance after holy Quran.
٨َّمن ُي ِط ِع ٱل َّر ُسو َل َف َق ْد َأ َطا َع ٱل َّل َه ۖ َو َمن َت َو َّل ٰى َف َم ٓا َأ ْر َس ْل َن ٰـ َك َع َل ْي ِه ْم َح ِفي ًۭظ
٠He who obeys the Messenger has obeyed Allah; but those who turn away
- We have not sent you over them as a guardian. (Surah An-Nisa :80)
ٰۤی َا ُّی َها ا َّل ِذ ْی َن ٰا َم ُن ْۤوا َا ِط ْی ُعوا ال ّٰل َه َو َا ِط ْی ُعوا ال َّر ُس ْو َل
O you who believe, obey Allah and obey the Messenger of Allah
ِإْن ُه َو ِااَّل َو ْح ٌی ُّیْو ٰح ى، َو َم ا َیْنِطُق َعِن اْلَه ٰو ى.
And he does not speak from [his own] inclination. It is not but a revelation
revealed.(Quran 53:3-4)
This verse emphasizes that the Prophet Muhammad speaks only what has been
divinely revealed to him, not based on personal opinions.
. Terminologies related to hadith
1. Ravi (narrator)
2. Marvi / Riwayat (narration)
3. Sanad (chain of narrator)
4. Asnad (plural of Sanad)
5. Matan (text)
6. Sihah e sitta (the six correct books of hadith)
7. Asma u Rijal (biography of narrators)
Thank you