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O Acoustics is the interdisciplinary science that deals with the

study of all mechanical waves in gases, liquids, and solids including vibration, sound, ultrasound and infrasound. O The word acoustic is derived from the Greek word (akoustikos), meaning of or for hearing, ready to hear and that from (akoustos), heard, audible which in turn derives from the verb (akouo), I hear. O The application of acoustics can be seen in almost all aspects of modern society with the most obvious being the audio and noise control industries.

O Hearing is one of the most crucial means of survival in the animal world, and speech is one of the most distinctive characteristics of human development and culture. o So it is no surprise that the science of acoustics spreads across so many facets of our societymusic, medicine, architecture, industrial production, warfare and more. o Art, craft, science and technology have provoked one another to advance the whole, as in many other fields of knowledge. O The Latin synonym is "sonic", after which the term sonics used to be a synonym for acoustics and later a branch of acoustics. O Waves are produced by the vibrations of a sonorous body, which spread through the air, bringing to the tympanum of the ear a stimulus which the mind interprets as sound",


A disturbance or variation that transfers energy progressively from point to point in a medium and that may take the form of an elastic deformation or of a variation of pressure, electric or magnetic intensity, electric potential, or temperature.

O A Disturbance or variation which travels through a medium. O The

medium through which the wave travels may experience some local oscillations as the wave passes, but the particles in the medium to not travel with the wave.

O The disturbance may take any of a number of shapes, from

a finite width pulse to an infinitely long sine wave.

The word Sound is used to describe two different physical phenomena:
O Auditory sensation in ones ear(s) (ones brain?) O Disturbance in a physical medium (e.g. air, water a gas,

liquid, or solid) which propagates in that medium, which can cause an auditory sensation in ones ears. O Humans (and many other animal species) have developed ability to hear sounds, because sounds exist in the natural environment. O Two ears are minimum requirement for ability to locate the source of a sound evolutionarily an extremely beneficial capability.

Sound has two important qualities that can be quantified:
O Frequency - Also called Pitch" o Low pitch (hum) and High pitch (hiss) o Measured in Hertz" (Hz) or "cycles per second

o Related to "acoustic wavelength" or "wave size

O Level Also called Loudness" or Intensity"

o Low intensity (whisper) and High intensity (plane)

o Measured in "decibel" (dB) o Named after A.G. Bell


What are the dimensions of sound?
O Speed of sound: o 1100 feet per second at room temp. O Acoustic wavelength: o As

Frequency (pitch) goes higher, wavelength gets smaller. o At 100 hertz, wavelength is ~10 feet o At 1000 hertz, wavelength is ~1 feet o At 10,000 hertz (10kHz), wavelength is ~1 inch



Change in quality of speech and how it is heard. Direct sound from source is replicated through the


Background noise in the space can effect quality. Multiple reflections / late reflections can result in


Role of reverberation time is very critical.

O Sound is attenuated by absorption: o Historically, the primary focus of acoustics was the use of

O o

absorbing surfaces to control the reverberation times and loudness of spaces. Redirected by reflection: While absorptive surfaces are important, the acoustical palette consists of three ingredientsabsorption, reflection, and diffusion. Uniformly scattered by diffusion: Good architectural acoustic design requires an appropriate combination of absorptive, reflective and diffusive surfaces.


O The study of acoustics revolves around the generation,

propagation and reception of mechanical waves and vibrations.

O Frequencies above and below the audible range are called "ultrasonic" and "infrasonic", respectively. O The entire spectrum can be divided into three sections: audio, ultrasonic, and infrasonic. O The audio range falls between 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz. o This range is important because its frequencies can be detected by the human ear. o This range has a number of applications, including speech communication and music. O The ultrasonic range refers to the very high frequencies: 20,000 Hz and higher. O On the other end of the spectrum, the lowest frequencies are known as the infrasonic range.

Applications in Transport Industry 1.Rotor Stator interactions 2.Car Mufflers 3.Sonic Boom 4.Sonar 5.Interior Sound Transmission Applications in Room Acoustics 1.Anechoic and reverberation rooms 2.Basic Room Acoustic Treatments Applications in Psychoacoustics 1.Human Vocal Fold 2.Threshold of Hearing/Pain

Musical Acoustics Applications 1.How an Acoustic Guitar Works 2.Basic Acoustics of the Marimba 3.Bessel Functions and the Kettledrum 4.Acoustics in Violins 5.Microphone Technique 6.Microphone Design and Operation 7.Acoustic Loudspeaker 8.Sealed Box Subwoofer Design Miscellaneous Applications 1.Bass-Reflex Enclosure Design 2.Polymer-Film Acoustic Filters 3.Noise in Hydraulic Systems 4.Noise from Cooling Fans 5.Piezoelectric Transducers 6.Generation and Propagation of Thunder

O There are three basic categories of sound absorbers: o porous materials commonly formed of matted or spun fibers; o panel (membrane) absorbers having an impervious surface

mounted over an airspace; o and resonators created by holes or slots connected to an enclosed volume of trapped air. O The absorptivity of each type of sound absorber is dramatically (in some cases) influenced by the mounting method employed.

O Common porous absorbers include carpet, draperies,


spray-applied cellulose, aerated plaster, fibrous mineral wool and glass fiber, open-cell foam, and felted or cast porous ceiling tile. Generally, all of these materials allow air to flow into a cellular structure where sound energy is converted to heat. Porous absorbers are the most commonly used sound absorbing materials. Thickness plays an important role in sound absorption by porous materials. Fabric applied directly to a hard, massive substrate such as plaster or gypsum board does not make an efficient sound absorber due to the very thin layer of fiber. Thicker materials generally provide more bass sound absorption or damping.

O Typically, panel absorbers are non-rigid, non-porous

materials which are placed over an airspace that vibrates in a flexural mode in response to sound pressure exerted by adjacent air molecules. O Common panel (membrane) absorbers include thin wood paneling over framing, lightweight impervious ceilings and floors, glazing and other large surfaces capable of resonating in response to sound. O Panel absorbers are usually most efficient at absorbing low frequencies. O This fact has been learned repeatedly on orchestra platforms where thin wood paneling traps most of the bass sound, robbing the room of warmth.

O Resonators typically act to absorb sound in a narrow

frequency range. Resonators include some perforated materials and materials that have openings (holes and slots). The classic example of a resonator is the Helmholtz resonator, which has the shape of a bottle. The resonant frequency is governed by the size of the opening, the length of the neck and the volume of air trapped in the chamber. Typically, perforated materials only absorb the midfrequency range unless special care is taken in designing the facing to be as acoustically transparent as possible.

O The absorptive of a given material is frequency-dependent


and is affected by size, shape, location and the mounting method used. Porous insulative materials such as mineral wool or glass wool are effective sound absorbers compared with good conductors such as metals. Micro perforated plates, however, supply "hard" absorptive surfaces. Acoustic absorption is important in the analysis of sonar. The primary substance in seawater that is responsible for absorption is magnesium sulfate. The secondary substance is boric acid.

O Mineral wool, mineral fibers or

man-made mineral fibers are fibers made from natural or synthetic minerals or metal oxides. O The latter term is generally used to refer solely to synthetic materials including fiberglass, ceramic fibers and stone wool. O Industrial applications of mineral wool include thermal insulation (as both structural insulation and pipe insulation), filtration, soundproofing, and germination of seedlings.


O Glass wool (UK) or fiberglass insulation (US) is an

insulating material made from fiberglass, arranged into a texture similar to wool. O Glass wool is produced in rolls or in slabs, with different thermal and mechanical properties. O After the fusion of a mixture of natural sand and recycled glass at 1,450 C, the glass that is produced is converted into fibers. O It is typically produced in a method similar to making cotton candy, forced through a fine mesh by centripetal force, cooling on contact with the air.


O A Micro Perforated Plate (MPP) is a device used to

absorb sound, reducing its intensity. It consists of a thin flat plate, made from one of several different materials, with small holes punched in it. An MPP offers an alternative to traditional sound absorbers made from porous materials. O An MPP is normally 0.5 - 2 mm thick. The holes typically cover 0.5 to 2% of the plate, depending on the application and the environment in which the MPP is to be mounted. Hole diameter is usually less than 1 millimeter, typically 0.05 to 0.5 mm. They are usually made using the microperforation process. O A MPP works in almost the same way. When the oscillating air molecules penetrate the MPP, the friction between the air in motion and the surface of the MPP dissipates the acoustical energy.

O The main reason why Micro Perforates have become so popular among acousticians is that they have a good absorption performance but without the disadvantages of a porous material. Furthermore, an MPP is also preferable from an aesthetic point of view.


O Spray foam is a type of insulation that is

sprayed in place through a gun. O Polyurethane and Isocyanate foams are applied as two-component mixture that comes together at the tip of a gun, and forms an expanding foam. O Cementitious foam is applied in a similar manner but does not expand. O Spray foam insulation is sprayed onto concrete slabs, into wall cavities of an unfinished wall, against the interior side of sheathing, or through holes drilled in sheathing or drywall into the wall cavity of a finished wall.


O Wedge sound absorbers have a

profiled face which increases the surface area available for absorption. O Wedges can be an effective treatment for flutter echoes and standing waves which can be particularly problematic in rooms with hard parallel walls. O Dampening them with acoustic Wedge absorbers can significantly reduce these problems.


O Insulating Concrete Form (ICF) is a system of formwork

for concrete that stays in place as permanent building insulation for energy-efficient, cast-in-place, reinforced concrete walls, floors, and roofs. O The forms are interlocking modular units that are drystacked (without mortar) and filled with concrete. The forms lock together somewhat like Lego bricks and serve to create a form for the structural walls or floors of a building. O ICFs are currently manufactured from any of the following materials:

Polystyrene foam (expanded or extruded most common)

Polyurethane foam (including soybased)

O Rigid panel insulation is made from fibrous materials

(fiberglass, rock and slag wool) or from plastic foam.

Plastic Foam Rigid Panel


O Structural



insulated panels (SIPs), also called stressed-skin walls, use the same concept as in foam-core external doors, but extend the concept to the entire house. They can be used for ceilings, floors, walls, and roofs. The panels usually consist of plywood, oriented strand board, or drywall glued and sandwiched around a core consisting of expanded polystyrene, polyurethane, polyisocyanurate, compressed wheat straw, or epoxy. SIPs come in various thicknesses. When building a house, they are glued together and secured with lumber. They provide the structural support, rather than the studs used in traditional framing.


O Polyester

acoustical panels are made from polyester, which is comprised of long chains of synthetic carbon polymers. The product will not burn in its own right and achieves the highest rating when tested to ASTM E 84. Polyester acoustical panels are a lightweight, cost effective insulation material, which is safe and effective to use. They are a pure white bonded insulation material that will last a lifetime. Made from polyester fiber, it is a revolutionary, environmentally friendly material completely safe to human health and is also recyclable, semi-permanent and highly durable.

O Natural fiber insulations (similar to mineral fiber and


fiberglass insulation at 0.04 W/mk), treated as necessary with low toxicity fire and insect retardant. Natural fiber insulations can be used loose as granulates or formed into flexible or semi-rigid panels and rigid panels using a binder (mostly synthetic such as polyester, polyurethane or polyolefin). The binder material can be new or recycled. Examples include cork , cotton, recycled tissue/clothes, hemp, flax, coco, wool, lightweight wood fiber, cellulose, seaweed, etc. Similarly, many plant-based waste materials can be used as insulation such as nut shells, the cob of corns, most straws including lavender straw, recycled wine bottle corks (granulated), etc.

O Wood fiber insulation is available as loose fill, flexible batts

and rigid panels for all thermal and sound insulation uses. O It can be used as internal insulation : between studs, joists or ceiling rafters, under timber floors to reduce sound transmittance, against masonry walls or externally : using a rain screen cladding or roofing, or directly plastered/rendered over timber rafters or studs or masonry structures as external insulation to reduce thermal bridges. There are two manufacturing processes:

o a wet process similar to pulp mills in which the fibers are softened and under heat and pressure the ligin in the fibres is used to create boards. The boards are limited to approximately 25 mm thickness; thicker boards are made by gluing (with modified starch or PVA wood glue). Additives such as latex or bitumen are added to increase water resistance. o a dry process where a synthetic binder such as pet (polyester melted bond), polyolefin or polyurethane is added and the boards/batts pressed to different densities to make flexible batts or rigid boards.


O Superior Soundproofing Qualities O Class A Fire Retardant O No Fiberglass Non-Fibrous O Moisture Resistant Indoor O Impact Resistant O Water Resistant O Non-Abrasive Surface O Indoor/Outdoor O Tackable Surface O Bacteria and Fungi Resistant O Lightweight


O Medium-density



fibre board (MDF) is an engineered wood product formed by breaking down hardwood or softwood residuals into wood fibres, often in a defibrator, combining it with wax and a resin binder, and forming panels by applying high temperature and pressure. MDF is denser than plywood. It is made up of separated fibres, but can be used as a building material similar in application to plywood. It is stronger and much more dense than normal particle board. The name derives from the distinction in densities of fibreboard.

Medium Density Fibre Boards


O These have circular holes machined over the face of

the panel. O Perforated Wooden Acoustic Panels are consist of a laminate finished surface, base core board and black acoustic felt attached on the back. O The base core board is an 16mm or 18mm thick Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) sheet with a finish laminated to its front face and black acoustic felt adhered to its rear face.

Standard Unit Size 600 x 600mm 1200 x 600mm 1200 x 1200mm 2400 x 1200mm


O Wooden-Silk Acoustic Panel is made of wood fiber,

integrated with unique inorganic concrete bond, cranked out under high temperature and pressure finally. O It has perfect acoustic performance from low to high frequency sound, and it combines the advantages of both wood and concrete together: o As light as wood, as firm as concrete. O It can be cut easily and shaped with standard woodworking tools, and installed in standard grid systems or direct attached.

O Acoustic-Coat is a heavy bodied, water based flat latex


paint formulated with hollow ceramic microspheres, sound absorbing fillers and resins. Acoustic-Coat is for use on interior surfaces including ceilings and walls, plaster, primed metal and wood. The combination of a high loading of the Ceramic Microspheres with their vacuum centers and the absorbent pigment fillers reduces sound transmission and reflection by 30%. Echo within the room is reduced dramatically. This product is an easy to apply surface coating and an inexpensive solution for reducing sound transmission.


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