Introduction To Acoustics
Introduction To Acoustics
Introduction To Acoustics
6.1 Definition 6.1.2 Sound
6.1 Definitions
6.1.1 Acoustics Sound is the human ear’s response
to pressure fluctuations in the air
6.2 Nature of Sound Acoustics is a science which deals caused by vibrating objects. For
with the production, control, example, a tap on the wall produces
6.3 Acoustical transmission, reception and effects sound because the tap makes a wall
Concerns in of sound in an enclosed space. vibrate. The vibrating wall produces
pressure fluctuations in the air.
6.4 Principal
Acoustical Defects
of Rooms Sound travels in space by a
phenomenon called wave motion.
Wave motion in air is similar to the
motion of a ripple produced by
dropping a pebble into a water pond.
6.2 Nature of Sound
6.1 Definitions
6.2.1 Types of Sound 6.2.2 Physical Quantities
of Sound
6.2 Nature of Sound 1. Speech
1. FREQUENCY (f) – the
6.3 Acoustical 2. Music number of sound ripples
Concerns in generated in unit time.
3. Noise
6.4 Principal
Acoustical Defects The number of cycles that the
of Rooms air particles move back and forth
in one second in a sound wave
is called the frequency of the
wave. Its unit is cycles per
second (c/s) which is also
termed Hertz (Hz) after the
Austrian physicist Heinrich Hertz
6.1 Definitions 6.2.2 Physical Quantities
of Sound
6.2 Nature of Sound
6.3 Acoustical Eight frequency bands, or octaves, are considered in room acoustics
Concerns in with the following center frequencies: 63 Hz, 125 Hz, 250 Hz, 500 Hz,
Architecture 1 kHz, 2 kHz, 4 kHz and 8 kHz.
6.4 Principal
Acoustical Defects
of Rooms
6.1 Definitions 6.2.2 Physical Quantities Frequency range for speech and
of Sound music:
6.2 Nature of Sound
6.3 Acoustical
Concerns in
6.4 Principal
Acoustical Defects
of Rooms
6.1 Definitions 6.2.2 Physical Quantities
of Sound
6.2 Nature of Sound
2. SPEED (c) – The speed of 3. WAVELENGTH (λ) – The
6.3 Acoustical sound in air has been wavelength and the
Concerns in measured as 344 m/sec frequency of sound are
Architecture (1,130 ft/sec). This related to each other as
corresponds to 1,240 km/hr shown in the equation
6.4 Principal
(770 mi/hr) which is below.
Acoustical Defects
of Rooms extremely small as compared
to the speed of light (300,000
km/sec). c=fλ
The speed of sound in air does
not vary with the frequency of c = speed in meters per time
sound or its loudness. Sounds f = frequency in cycles per time
at all audible frequencies, λ = meters
regardless of their loudness,
travel at the same speed.
6.1 Definitions 6.2.2 Physical Quantities
of Sound
6.2 Nature of Sound
The wavelength of sound corresponding to the center
6.3 Acoustical frequencies are as shown below:
Concerns in
6.4 Principal (ft) (m)
Acoustical Defects
of Rooms 63 18.0 5.46
125 9.0 2.75
250 4.5 1.38
500 2.3 0.69
1,000 1.1 0.34
2,000 0.6 0.17
4,000 0.3 0.09
8,000 0.15 0.04
6.1 Definitions 6.2.2 Physical Quantities
of Sound
6.2 Nature of Sound
4. INTENSITY - is defined as the amount of sound power falling
6.3 Acoustical on (or passing through, or crossing) a unit area. Since the unit
Concerns in of power is watt (W), the unit of sound intensity is watt per
Architecture square meter (W/m2).
6.4 Principal
Acoustical Defects The sound intensity which is just audible, called the threshold of
of Rooms audibility, has been determined to be 10-12 W/m2 , and the intensity
that corresponds to the sensation of pain in the human ear is
approximately 10 W/m2.
6.2.3 Characteristics of
1. LOUDNESS – is a measure
Sound of the intensity of sound and
is expressed in decibels
6.1 Definitions
(dB). It is a quantity called
6.2 Nature of Sound the sound intensity level (IL).
6.3 Acoustical
Concerns in
6.4 Principal
Acoustical Defects
of Rooms
6.2.3 Characteristics of
6.1 Definitions
6.2 Nature of Sound 2. PITCH – is the frequency of sound wave perceived by the human
ear. A high-pitched sound means that it has a high frequency. The
6.3 Acoustical
female voice is slightly higher pitched than the male voice.
Concerns in
6.4 Principal
Acoustical Defects
of Rooms
6.3 Acoustical Concerns in
6.1 Definitions 6.3.2 Noise Control
6.2 Nature of Sound
This involves the following
6.3 Acoustical activities:
Concerns in
Architecture •the control of air-borne noise
through the insulation of sound or
6.4 Principal the shutting-out of unwanted
Acoustical Defects sounds from the outside. This
of Rooms requires a study of the sound
insulating values of walls, partitions,
doors and windows and a study of
the ventilating systems to provide a
basis for the reduction of the
transfer of unwanted sound from
one room to another;