WSA Construction Risk Management
WSA Construction Risk Management
WSA Construction Risk Management
Presented by Greg Schmidt, CPCU, ARM For the WTBA Contractor-Engineer Conference January 2009
Safety Issues
Lowering Costs & Staying Pretty
Risk Management
Risk Management
Process Defined:
Risk Management
Risk Management
Commercial Insurance
the insurer, agrees - in exchange for the payment of a premium - to pay for specified losses the insured may suffer, up to specified amounts, under conditions specified in the insurance contract.
Commercial Insurance
Sample Insurance Portfolio for WTBA Members:
Workers Compensation General Liability Automobile Umbrella or Excess Liability Professional Liability (Design Build, Engineering Only Property/ Contractors Equipment Property/ Builders Risk EPLI/D&O/RRP/OCP/Pollution
Commercial Insurance
Workers Compensation Coverage:
Medical Expenses
Lost Wages
Death Benefits
Commercial Insurance
General Liability Coverages & Costs:
Third Party Damages Bodily Injury, Property Damage, Personal Injury Defense Expenses Settlements, Awards
Commercial Insurance
Automobile Coverages & Costs:
Third Party Damages Bodily Injury & Property Damage Liability Hired and Non-Owned Liability Medical Payments First Party Damages Uninsured and Underinsured Motorists Comprehensive and Collision Coverages Hired Physical Damage Premium = Vehicle Type, Usage and Cost x Rates x Experience
Commercial Insurance
Umbrella or Excess Liability Coverages & Costs:
Third Party Damages Extends Limits Over Underlying: General Liability Auto Liability Employers Liability
Premium = Limits Selected and Underlying Premiums x Rates
Commercial Insurance
Professional Liability Coverages & Costs:
Third Party Damages Professional Errors & Omissions Defense Expenses Settlements, Awards
Commercial Insurance
Contractors Equipment Coverages & Costs:
First Party Coverage Mobile Equipment At Shop On Job-sites In Transit Hired, Borrowed and Rented Crane Overload Installation Floater Materials
Premium = Value of Equipment X Rates X Experience
Commercial Insurance
Builders Risk Coverages & Costs:
Owners and Contractors Interests
Loss of Use
Materials In Transit
Material Onsite
Materials Off-site
Commercial Insurance
Experience (claim history) plays significant role in premium level Underwriters concerned with loss frequency issues Just as your workers compensation premium is adjusted via an experience rating factor, rates on other lines are debited (credited) according to claim history
Commercial Insurance
Marketplace Conditions: Repercussions for WTBA Members: Upward pressure on rates. The global recession will temper this pressure via lower demand Hard market and escalating rates are predicted to persist as new capital infusions into the industry are scarce due to frozen credit/capital markets* Expectations are that insurance-related costs will increase. In some cases, and on some lines, those increases will be significant. Stressed profit margins will face additional pressure
* Advisen, Dec. 20, 2008 17
Commercial Insurance
Concerns/Opportunities for WTBA Members: State budget issues Record projected deficit Revenue shrinkage due to business conditions Long-term infrastructure funding mechanisms need re-vamping Possible federal infrastructure stimulus bill forthcoming with new administration Depending on where dollars are distributed, out-of-state competition likely to increase With funding comes strings
Commercial Insurance
Federal-Level Funding Scenarios: With funding comes strings
Prequalification process and safety standards may be ramped up Workers compensation experience mod over 1.00 may disqualify your bid Some private owners require written procedures for pre-planning safety issues into each project OCIP safety requirements likely to become more stringent WisDOT use of OCIPs likely to become a matter of course on large mega corridor projects 19
Commercial Insurance
State of the Marketplace:
2008 Cat losses increased 50% over 2007 Financial market meltdown has eroded insurers balance sheets Reserve levels are being drawn down to pay for cat losses and to write off investments.
Last month Towers Perrin estimated 15% of industry reserves would disappear
Combined ratios (losses + expenses) are deteriorating and the industry is losing money on its underwriting
Construction Contracts
Specify the legal responsibilities and obligations between the project Owner and the Contractors.
Construction Contracts
Indemnification Agreements (Huge) Insurance Specifications Insurance Compliance/Certificates of Insurance Additional Insureds/Waivers of Subrogation Builders Risk (Who is responsible) Safety and Loss Control Programs (Discretion of Owner) OSHA Compliance
Construction Contracts
Indemnification Agreements:
Broad Form AVOID Pay any and all damages, costs, expenses - even for sole negligence of owner. Your insurance carrier would pay for claims caused by others.
Construction Contracts
Insurance Specifications:
Workers Compensation Statutory Benefits General Liability limits specified in contract Auto Liability limits specified in contract Umbrella/ XS Liability limits specified in contract Professional Liability limits specified in contract Builders Risk - $Project Cost, $Materials Onsite, Off-site and In Transit Additional Insureds, Waivers of Subrogation Certificates of Insurance
Construction Contracts
Insurance Compliance/ Certificates of Insurance:
Construction Contracts
Additional Insureds:
Waivers of Subrogation:
Construction Contracts
Construction Contracts
Construction Contracts
Builders Risk:
Named Insured Should Include Both The Owner, Contractor and Subcontractors
Safety Issues
OSHA/MSHA Purpose Establish minimum safe workplace standards Conduct workplace inspections for compliance 29 CFR 1926 Standard applies to road construction operations Table of Contents is nine pages long! 29 CFR 1910 applies to general construction OSHA Partnership program agreements exceed minimum safety standards Bottom line Safety issues demand your attention
Safety Issues
Accident Pyramid
Accident Potential Situations
1 30
Major Accident
3,000 30,000
Safety Issues
A successful safety program focuses its efforts on the bottom of the pyramid Reducing at-risk behaviors and near misses will result in lower claim frequency and severity rates over time Establish a corporate climate of eliminating at-risk behaviors Develop internal protocol to allow for site/project specificity safety procedures
Severity 1
Major Accident
Lost Time Injury First Aid Cases Near Misses At-Risk Behaviors
3,000 30,000
Safety Issues
Critical components of a successful safety program: Top management support and commitment Foreman/Supervisor involvement and accountability Recognition/Reward for meeting and exceeding expectations
Implementation will help ensure your firm is insurable regardless of market conditions
90-120 days out from insurance program renewal date is too late to pay adequate attention to the program structure Average insurance costs for road construction accounts run between 1% to 2.5% of revenue Make it your goal to be better than average