Digital Video
Digital Video
Digital Video
Allow multiple copies to be made without any degradation in quality Allow the creation of special effects They simplify editing of all kinds, as well as permitting international exchange independent of the broadcast standard.
Drawbacks are
Prior signal compression is needed. Bit-rate is crucial.
Necessary to sample its value with a sampling frequency Fs of atleast twice the maximum frequency of this signal to keep its integrity (Shannon sampling theorem). avoid the negative aliasing effects of spectrum fall-back. sampling a signal creates two parasitic sidebands above and below the sampling frequency, which range from Fs Fmax to Fs+Fmax. signal to be digitized needs to be efficiently filtered in order to ensure that its bandwidth does not exceed Fmax = Fs/2.
Compression methods use general data compression algorithms applicable to any kind of data, and exploit the spatial redundancy and the specificities of visual perception for fixed pictures (JPEG), and the very high temporal redundancy between successive images in the case of moving pictures (MPEG).
When an information source emits successive message elements which can deliver relatively long series of identical elements it is advantageous to transmit the code of this element and the number of successive occurrences rather than to repeat the code of the element. This type of coding which does not lose any information is defined as reversible. Commonly employed for file compression related to disk storage or transmission by computers.
The goal of variable length coding (VLC), or entropy coding, is to approach, as near as is possible, the entropic bit-rate.
Coefficients on the horizontal axis represent increasing horizontal frequencies from left to right Coefficients on the vertical axis they represent increasing vertical frequencies from top to bottom First coefficient in the top left corner (coordinates: 0, 0) represents null horizontal and vertical frequencies, called the DC coefficient. The block size chosen is generally 88 pixels Depending on the number of details contained in the original block, the high frequency coefficients will be bigger or smaller, but generally the amplitude decreases rather quickly with the frequency.
DCT has the remarkable property Concentrates the energy of the block on a relatively low number of coefficients situated in the top left corner of the matrix. These coefficients are decorrelated from each other. Up to this point, there is no information loss DCT transform process is reversible. It is possible, without perceptible degradation of the picture quality, to eliminate the values below a certain threshold function of the frequency. Eliminated values are replaced by 0 (thresholding); this part of the process is not reversible, as some data are thrown away. Remaining coefficients are then quantized with an accuracy decreasing with the increasing spatial frequencies. Process is not reversible, but it has little effect on the perceived picture quality.
The thresholding and quantization parameters can be used dynamically to regulate the bit-rate required to transmit moving pictures. A serial bitstream is obtained by zig-zag reading of the coefficients. Allows relatively long series of null coefficients to be obtained as quickly as possible.
Zig-zag scan
the 63 AC coefficients are read using a zig-zag scan in order to transform the matrix into a flow of data best suited for the next coding steps.
The number of occurrences of zero is coded, followed by the next non-zero value, which reduces the amount of information to transmit. uses a conversion table in order to encode the most frequently occurring values with a short length, and the less frequent values with a longer one.
MPEG-1 system (ISO/IEC 11172-1): defines the MPEG1 multiplex structure MPEG-1 video (ISO/IEC 13818-2): defines MPEG-2 video coding MPEG-1 audio (ISO/IEC 13818-3): defines MPEG-2 audio coding.
Picture quality of MPEG-1 was not suitable for broadcast applications. It did not take into account the coding of interlaced pictures or evolution toward HDTV
As its predecessor, MPEG-2 is specified in three distinct parts, published in November 1994:
MPEG-2 system (ISO/IEC 13818-1): defines the MPEG2 streams MPEG-2 video (ISO/IEC 13818-2): defines MPEG-2 video coding; MPEG-2 audio (ISO/IEC 13818-3): defines MPEG-2 audio coding.
MPEG-2 is the source coding standard used by the European DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting) TV broadcasting system.
The different types of MPEG pictures MPEG defines three types of pictures
I (intra) pictures
coded without reference to other pictures. they contain all the information necessary for their reconstruction by the decoder. they are the essential entry point for access to a video sequence. compression rate is relatively low and comparable to a JPEG coded picture of a similar resolution.
P (predicted) pictures
coded from the preceding I or P picture using the techniques of motion-compensated prediction. used as the basis for next predicted pictures, not possible to extend the number of P pictures between two I pictures. compression rate is higher.
Depending on the complexity of the encoder used, it is possible to encode I only, I and P, or I, P, and B pictures Two parameters, M and N, describe the succession of I, P, and B pictures. M is the distance (in number of pictures) between two successive P pictures. N is the distance between two successive I pictures, defining a group of pictures (GOP). The parameters generally used are M = 3 and N = 12, in order to obtain a satisfactory video quality with an acceptable random access time (<0.5 s) within a bit-rate of 1.15 Mb/s.
Starting from the top level, the successive layers are: Sequence:
highest layer which defines the context valid for the whole sequence (basic video parameters, etc.). determines the random access to the sequence, which always starts with an I picture.
elementary display unit, which can be of one of the three types (I, P, or B).
layer for intra frame addressing and (re)synchronization, for instance for error recovery. defined as a suite of contiguous macroblocks. ensemble of the slices covers the whole picture without any overlap size of a slice range from one macroblock to the whole picture
layer used for movement estimation/compensation. macroblock has a size of 1616 pixels made up of four blocks of luminance and two blocks of chrominance (one Cr and one Cb) covering the same area
A picture is divided into blocks of 88 pixels. The block is the layer where the DCT takes place.
the low level corresponds to the SIF resolution used in MPEG-1 (up to 360288); the main level corresponds to standard 4:2:0 resolution (up to 720576); the high-1440 level is aimed at HDTV (resolution up to 14401152); the high level is optimized for wide screen HDTV (resolution up to 19201152).
Simple profile
defined in order to simplify the encoder and the decoder, at the expense of a higher bit-rate. use bi-directional prediction (B pictures
Main profile
best compromise between compression rate and cost today, uses all three image types (I, P, B) leads to a more complex encoder and decoder.
High profile