P.V.Srinivas M.SC., Medical Physics Level III RSO Certificate From BARC, Mumbai Medical Physicist Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital and Research Centre
P.V.Srinivas M.SC., Medical Physics Level III RSO Certificate From BARC, Mumbai Medical Physicist Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital and Research Centre
P.V.Srinivas M.SC., Medical Physics Level III RSO Certificate From BARC, Mumbai Medical Physicist Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital and Research Centre
, Medical Physics Level III RSO Certificate from BARC, Mumbai Medical Physicist Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital and Research Centre
Persons directly working with radiation sources such as X-ray units, radioisotopes etc.
Government Regulation:
Any Person involved in the operation of the machine
should be provided with a TLD Badge
What is Thermoluminescence ?
The emission of light when certain materials are heated after exposure to radiation
1. TLD card
3. TLD Badge
TLD Card:
TLD card consists of chemical 3 CaSO4 :Dy Teflon D1 TLD discs : 13.3 mm dia X 0.8 mm thick D2 Mechanically clipped over three symmetric circular holes each of diameter 12 mm, on a Nickel plated Aluminium card
Second disc :
Third disc :
Chest Badge: Used for estimation of the whole body dose, worn at chest level
Wrist badge:
Has a strip and has to be worn around the wrist. It is used to estimate the
dose to the fore arms when they are likely to be selectively exposed
Where to wear ?
If lead rubber apron is used TLD should be worn under the lead apron at chest level.
In special cases, additional wrist TLD badges can be worn in hands and fore arms if dose to hands and fore arms are expected to significantly higher than at the chest level.
i ) persons handling radio isotopes from close distances ii ) Radiologists / Doctors doing cardiac catheterisation, angiography etc.,
TLD cards shall not be used without being loaded in card holders
Whenever working in the radiation field, TLD badge should be always worn by the person.
TLD badge should be kept in radiation free area while leaving the premises of the institute.
TLD badge should not be taken outside the premises of the institute.
Ensure that your card is not left kept in radiation area or near hot plates, ovens, furnaces, Burners etc.,
Effective Dose ( whole body dose): Average 20 mSv / year in five year block. However in one calendar year dose should not exceed 30 mSv.
Over Exposure:
In case of any over exposure the intimation regarding the same is