Basic Dosimetric Principle
Basic Dosimetric Principle
Basic Dosimetric Principle
and Dosimeters
Vinay Desai
M.Sc Radiation Physics
1. Dosimetry
2. Hierarchy of Dosimetric regulation
3. Radiation Dosimeters
4. General properties of Radiation Dosimeters
5. Gas filled detectors
6. Free Air ionization chamber
7. Thimble ,Farmer and Parallel plate ionization chambers
8. Plane Parallel chamber
9. Extrapolation chamber
10. Proportional counter
11. Gieger-muller counter
12. Scintillation detector
13. Solid state detectors:
14. Thermo luminescent Detector
15. Personnel monitoring:
16. TLD Badge
17. Diode dosimetry
18. Semicondutor diode
19. Pocket dosimeter
20. Film dosimetry
21. Radiographic film
22. Radiochromic film.
• Radiation Dosimetry is a study in physics which deals with the
measurement of radiation which may include Exposure,
Absorbed dose etc.,
• Dosimetry is extensively used for radiation protection and is
routinely applied to radiation workers, where irradiation is
expected but regulatory levels must not be exceeded.
• Dosimetry contains required quantitative methods which are
used to determine the dose of radiation, which helps in,
1. Activity
2. Exposure
3. Absorbed dose
Spontaneous emission of certain unstable atomic nuclei with the emission of
certain radiations is called 'Radioactivity'.
Hierarchy of Dosimetric regulation
where dQ is the absolute value of total charge of ions of one sign produced in air
when all electrons (negatron's or positrons) liberated by photons in air of mass dm are
completely stopped by air.
The Absorbed dose (D), is the energy absorbed per unit mass. This
quantity is defined for all ionizing radiation (not only for EM radiation,
as in the case of the exposure) and for any material.
Energy imparted =(Energy incident)- (Energy leaving the mass)- (Energy released in nuclear transformations)
Types of radiation
There are two types of radiation,
2.Ionizing Radiation:
• Radiation that has sufficient energy to eject
orbital electrons from the medium it is passing
E.g. Alpha particles, neutrons, gamma rays and
Radiation Dosimeters
Radiation Dosimeters are the devices used for detection of the
radiation which directly or indirectly measures Exposure, Kerma,
Absorbed dose, Equivalent dose or other quantities.
The dosimeter along with its reader is referred to as a Dosimetry
Ionisation Proportional
chamber counters GM counters
Chamber wall
Central electrode
• When the radiation passes through the chamber the ions (-ve &
+ve) are produced in that air cavity.
• These ion are collected by the electrodes and it is measured by the
electrometer in terms of ‘ionization charge’ (Q) .
• Volume (V) of air must be known to calculate charge per unit mass.
• The Exposure (X) is given by,
( V )
• ρ is density of air.
Chamber characteristics
Q M No e
• Where ,
• Q- Total charge generated NO is Original no. Of ion pairs.
• E- electron charge. M-Multiplication factor of Gas.
Geiger-Muller Counter
Geiger-Muller Counter
• space charge close to the anode reduces the intense electric field
sufficiently that approaching electrons do not gain sufficient energy
to start new avalanches.
• The detector is then inoperative (dead) for the time required for the
ion sheath to migrate outward far enough for the field gradient to
recover above the avalanche threshold.
• The time required for recovery to a value high enough for a new
pulse to be generated and counted is called the "dead time" and is
of the order of 100 microseconds.
• GM counter significantly underestimate radiation level when used
to count radiation around pulsed machine such as accelerator.
Scintillation detector
Scintillation detector
• Scintillation detector works on principle of detection of ionizing
radiation by measuring the scintillation light produced by certain
materials like NaI, CsI, Cadmium tungstate ,amorphous silicon etc.,
• When the crystals absorb the energy the e- jump from ground state
to conduction band. The excited e- return to the valance band with
emission of photon.
• When photon interacts with the crystal photoelectrons are
produced within the crystals. These photoelectrons travel through
the crystal & they ionize the atoms of crystal, as a result Flashes of
UV or visible light are produced (Luminescence).
• Only small part of energy imparted is converted into light rest is
dissipated into form of heat.
Working of Scintillation detector
Energy of incident
Amount of Light
Photons in
Crystals reaches it
Energy absorbed
by Photons by
• TLD Badge:
• TLD Card is made up of high impact plastic.
• There are 3 filters in cassette corresponding to each disc namely
Cu+Al , perspex & open window.
• 1st disc is sandwiched between pair of filter combination of 1mm Al
and 0.9mm Cu.
• 2nd disc is sandwiched between pair of 1.5mm thick Plastic filters
(180 mg/cm2).
• 3rd disc is positioned under circular open window.
• Metallic filter- Gamma rays
• Plastic filter- Beta rays
• Open window- Alpha rays
Characteristics of TLD
OD log
It • Where,
• I0 - is the amount o f light collected without film
• It - amount of light transmitted through the film
Thank you.
Vinay Desai
M.Sc Radiation Physics
Radiation Physics Department