IAS 27: Consolidated and
IAS 27: Consolidated and
IAS 27: Consolidated and
September 1987 Exposure Draft E30 Consolidated Financial Statements and Accounting for
Investments in Subsidiaries
April 1989 IAS 27 Consolidated Financial Statements and Accounting for Investments
in Subsidiaries
1 January 1990 Effective Date of IAS 27 (1989)
1994 IAS 27 was reformatted
December 1998 IAS 27 was amended by IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and
Measurement effective 1 January 2001
18 December 2003 Revised version of IAS 27 issued by the IASB
‘is to enhance the relevance, reliability and comparability of the
information that a parent entity provides in its separate FS and in
its consolidated FS’
• Preparation and presentation of consolidated FS for a
group of entities under the control of a parent; and
• Accounting for investments in subsidiaries, jointly controlled
entities, and associates when an entity elects, or is
required by local regulations, to present separate (non-
consolidated) FS.
• Should be applied in accounting for the preparation and
presentation of consolidated FS for a group of entities under the
control of a parent.
Formation of a joint venture
• Consolidated FS: are the FS of a group presented as those of a single
economic entity.
• Subsidiary: An entity, including an unincorporated entity such as a
partnership, that is controlled by another entity (known as the parent).
• Parent: An entity that has one or more subsidiaries.
• A group: is a parent and all its subsidiaries.
• Control: is the power to govern the financial and operating policies of an
entity so as to obtain benefits from its activities.
• Non-controlling interest: is the equity in a subsidiary not attributable,
directly or indirectly, to a parent.
• Separate FS: are those presented by a parent, an investor in an associate
or a venturer in a jointly controlled entity, in which the investments are
accounted for on the basis of the direct equity interest rather than on the
basis of the reported results and net assets of the investees.
Identification of Subsidiaries
• Control is presumed when the parent acquires more than half of
the voting rights (> 50%) of the enterprise.
• Even when > 50% is not acquired, control may be evidenced by
– over more than one half of the voting rights by virtue of an
agreement with other investors; or
– to govern the financial and operating policies of the other
enterprise under a statute or an agreement; or
– to appoint or remove the majority of the members of the board
of directors; or
– to cast the majority of votes at a meeting of the board of
Presentation of Consolidated FS
A parent, shall present consolidated FS in which it consolidates its investments in
– (b) the parent's debt or equity instruments are not traded in a public market;
– (c) the parent did not file, nor is it in the process of filing, its FS with a securities
commission or other regulatory organisation for the purpose of issuing any
class of instruments in a public market; and
– (d) the ultimate or any intermediate parent of the parent produces consolidated
FS available for public use that comply with IFRS.
Scope of Consolidated FS
Consolidated FS should include all (domestic & foreign) subsidiaries of the parent.
No exemption for:
• A subsidiary because the investor is a venture capital organisation, mutual fund, unit
trust or similar entity
• A subsidiary whose business is of a different nature from the parent's.
• A subsidiary that operates under severe long-term restrictions impairing the subsidiary's
ability to transfer funds to the parent (revised from earlier standard)
• A subsidiary that had previously been consolidated and that is now being held for sale.
The parent must continue to consolidate such a subsidiary until it is actually disposed of.
Special purpose entities (SPEs) should be consolidated where the substance of the
relationship indicates that the SPE is controlled by the reporting company. (still
applicable even where the activities of the SPE are predetermined or where the majority
of voting or equity are not held by the reporting company).
Consolidation Procedures
• Present Group as a single economic entity
• Combine Fs of P and S line by line (assets, liabilities, equity, income
and expenses).
• Eliminate Intragroup balances, transactions, income, and
expenses in full.
• Intragroup losses may indicate that an impairment loss on the related
asset should be recognised
• The FS of the parent and its subsidiaries used in preparing the
consolidated FS should all be prepared as of the same reporting
date If notadjust. And in no case may the difference be more
than three months.
• Consolidated FS must be prepared using uniform accounting policies
for like transactions and other events in similar circumstances.
Consolidation Procedures
• Include income and expenses of a subsidiary from the date of
acquisition (IFRS 3) Income and expenses of the subsidiary shall be
based on the values of the assets and liabilities recognised in the
parent's consolidated FS at the acquisition date.
• Include income and expenses of a subsidiary in the consolidated FS
until the date when the parent ceases to control the subsidiary.
• Non controlling interests (minority interests) shall be presented in BS
separately from equity of the owners of the parent.
• Non controlling interests in the Group Income Statement should also
be separately presented.
Consolidation Procedures
When a partially-owned subsidiary incurs losses, these are
to be allocated to both controlling and non-controlling
interests, even if those losses exceed the non-controlling
interest in the equity of the subsidiary.
Consolidation Procedures
• Changes in parent’s ownership that do not result in a
loss of control are accounted as equity transactions
between the owners.
• Carrying amounts of controlling and non controlling
interests shall be adjusted to reflect the ownership
level changes .
• Any difference between amount of adjustment of non
controlling interests and FV of consideration paid or
received recognise directly in equity attributable to
the controlling interest.
Loss of control
• Control of a subsidiary may be lost as the result of a parent’s decision to sell its controlling
interest in the subsidiary to another party.
• Control can be lost as a result of a subsidiary issuing its shares to others.
• Control can be lost with or without a change in absolute or relative ownership levels.
Government, court, regulator.
• A Parent might lose control of a subsidiary in two or more arrangements (transactions).
One or more of the following may indicate that the parent should account for the multiple
arrangements as a single transaction:
– (a) They are entered into at the same time or in contemplation of each other.
– (b) They form a single transaction designed to achieve an overall commercial effect.
– (c) The occurrence of one arrangement is dependent on the occurrence of at least one
other arrangement.
– (d) One arrangement considered on its own is not economically justified, but it is
economically justified when considered together with other arrangements.
– E.g one disposal of shares is priced below market and is compensated for by a
subsequent disposal priced above market.
Loss of Control
• derecognise the carrying amount of assets (including goodwill), liabilities
and non-controlling interests on the date control is lost
• recognise the fair value of consideration received;
• recognise any distribution of shares to owners;
• recognise the fair value of any residual interest;
• reclassify to profit or loss any amounts (i.e. the entire amount, not a
proportion) relating to the subsidiary’s assets and liabilities previously
recognised in other comprehensive income as if the assets and liabilities
had been disposed of directly; and
• recognise any resulting difference as a gain or loss in profit or loss
attributable to the parent.
Calculation of Gain or Loss on
Partial Disposal of an Investment in a
The accounting depends on whether control is retained or
• Partial disposal of an investment in a subsidiary while
control is retained. This is accounted for as an equity
transaction with owners, and gain or loss is not recognised.
• Partial disposal of an investment in a subsidiary that
results in loss of control. Loss of control triggers re-
measurement of the residual holding to fair value. Any
difference between fair value and carrying amount is a gain
or loss on the disposal, recognised in profit or loss.
Thereafter, apply IAS 28, IAS 31, or IAS 39, as
appropriate, to the remaining holding.
Acquiring Additional Shares in the
Subsidiary After Control Is Obtained
• Acquiring additional shares in the
subsidiary after control was obtained is
accounted for as an equity transaction
with owners (like acquisition of 'treasury
• Goodwill is not re-measured.
Accounting for investments in subsidiaries,
jointly controlled entities and associates in
separate financial statements
• When separate FS are prepared:
– investments in subsidiaries,
– jointly controlled entities
– associates
That are not classified as held for sale per IFRS 5 shall
be accounted for either:
• (a) at cost, or
• (b) in accordance with IAS 39.
Disclosures (Consolidated FS)
if control of a subsidiary is lost, the parent shall disclose
the gain or loss, if any, and:
• (i) the portion of that gain or loss attributable to
recognising any investment retained in the former
subsidiary at its fair value at the date when control is lost;
Disclosures (Separate FS)
• If a parent elects not to prepare consolidated FS, those separate FA shall
• (a) the fact that the financial statements are separate financial statements;
that the exemption from consolidation has been used; the name and
country of incorporation or residence of the entity whose consolidated
financial statements that comply with IFRS have been produced for public
use; and the address where those consolidated financial statements are
• (b) a list of significant investments in subsidiaries, jointly controlled
entities and associates, including the name, country of incorporation or
residence, proportion of ownership interest and, if different, proportion of
voting power held; and
• (c) a description of the method used to account for the investments listed
under (b).
Effective Date & Transition
• Applicable for periods beginning on or
after 1 July 2009.
• Earlier adoption is permitted, although
they may not be applied to periods
beginning prior to 30 June 2007.
• If early adoption is elected, both IFRS 3R
and IAS 27R must be applied at the same