Assessment of A Newborn
Assessment of A Newborn
Assessment of A Newborn
Andre Carlo C. de Veyra
Vital Statistics
B. Height- 48 cm- 53 cm
Vital Signs
Physiologic Function
A. Cardiovascular System
* during the first 24 hours circulation is sluggish
Blood values:
* Blood volume: 80-110 ml/kg body wt. or about 300 ml
* Erythrocyte: ^ million/ cubic mm
* Hemoglobin: 17-18 g/100 ml
* WBC: 15,000-30,000 cell/ cubic mm
B. Respiratory System
D. Urinary System
*passes out pink or dusky colored urine during the 1st 24
hrs. of life.
* no urine for the 1st 24 hrs. indicative of urethral
stenosis or absent kidney or ureter.
* Normal- Male: small projected arc
Female: steady stream
* Single voiding: 15 ml
* 1st-2nd day total: 30-60 ml
* specific gravity: 1.008-1.010
* with traces of protein
1. Blink reflex
2. Rooting reflex- when a finger is brushed or stroked
near the corner of the mouth, the child will turn the
head in that direction.
- disappears during the 6th week
3. Sucking reflex- diminishes at 6 months of age
4. Swallowing, gag, and sneezing reflex
5. Extrusion reflex- extrudes any substance that is placed
on the anterior portion of the tongue; prevents
swallowing of inedible substances.
- disappears at 4 months of age.
11. Moro (startle) reflex- when startled with a loud sound or when
held supine and head is allowed to drop for an inch or so, the
baby will abduct and extend his arms and legs.
- fingers assume a typical C position then
arms into an embrace position and pull up
their legs against the abdomen (adduction)
- very strong during the 1st 8 weeks.
- fades at the end of the 4th or 5th month.
12. Babinski reflex: fans toes
Normal: Positive (+) Babinski up to 3 months
13. Magnet reflex- pressure applied on the sole of the foot the baby
pushes against the pressure.
- used to check the spinal cord integrity.
14. Crossed extension reflex- one leg is extended and irritated the
other leg will raise and extend.
15. Trunk incurvation reflex
A. Hearing
B. Vision- cannot follow past midline of vision, able to
focus on black and white at a distance of 9-12 inches.
C. Touch
D. Taste
E. Smell- 5th day can recognize the smell of the mother.
Pale color- may be indicative of CNS damage
Gray color- infection
1. Hemangiomas- vascular tumors of the skin
1a. Nevus flammeus- macular purple or dark red lesion (port-wine stain)
- commonly found on the face and the thighs
- does not blanch on pressure and does not fade.
1b. Strawberry hemangioma- elevated areas formed by immature capillaries and
endothelial cells.
- not present in preterm babies.
- caused by increased estrogen level.
- will shrink in size after a year.
1c. Cavernous hemangioma- dilated vascular space, usually raised similar to
strawberry hemangioma.
- dilated capillaries in entire dermal and subdermal
- can be removed through surgery.
Mongolian spots
Vernix caseosa- white, cream cheese-like substance
Observe the color: yellow (bilirubin) green (meconium)
Lanugo- fine, downy hair that covers the newborns shoulders, back, and
upper arms sometimes the forehead and the ears.
37th-39th week of gestation more lanugo is present
40th week less is present
42nd (post mature)- rarely present.
- disappears at 2 wks of age
Desquamation- extremely dry skin may be present during the 1st 24 hrs. of
Dry skin with leathery texture is found among post term infants
and those who suffered from interutero malnutrition.
Milia- pinpoint white papule, disappears by the 2nd-4th week of age.
Erythema toxicum
Craniotabes- localized softening of the cranial bone.