Police Crime Recording and Investigation Systems - A User's View
Police Crime Recording and Investigation Systems - A User's View
Police Crime Recording and Investigation Systems - A User's View
Article in Policing An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management March 2001
DOI: 10.1108/13639510110382287
24 1,015
2 authors, including:
Richard Adderley
University of Leicester
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All content following this page was uploaded by Richard Adderley on 30 July 2014.
A Users View
Forces, not just in general administration (e.g. payroll, personnel, e-mail, general
office suites etc.), but also as a tool to assist the core business activity of
policing (preventing and solving) crime. Increasing crime rates and the (greater
The objective of this paper is to provide an insight into the role software
systems are playing in Police Forces, primarily in the United Kingdom but also
in North America and Europe. Many of these systems are in-house developments
found in the academic literature. Some of the information contained within this
many of the details of specific systems are sketchy. It is hoped however, that this
paper will be of interest not only to those working on related systems but also to
those with a general interest in how advanced software technologies are being
Major crime consists of the high profile crimes such as murder, armed
robbery and non-date rape. These crimes can either be one-offs or serial. In the
case of serial crimes it is relatively easy to link crimes together due to clear
linking is possible due to the comparatively low volume of such crimes. Major
In contrast volume crimes such as burglary and shoplifting are far more
the offenders. This makes it difficult to link crimes together. Also a single
any point in time. Within the West Midlands Police area, in the last decade,
total crime has risen by 15.1% whereas police establishment has only risen
With a view to satisfying this demand Police Forces around the world
analysing crime trends and patterns, identifying links between crimes and
Most, if not all, of current systems both manual and computerised revolve
have been areas of active research for a number of years. These systems can be
used as tools for major or volume crime but their dedicated nature (i.e. a well
defined objective) lies outside the scope of the current review into crime
analysis. They are also covered well in the academic literature and the
information related to the particular crime, or series of crime. This data can
overwhelm any single individual. Partitioning the data between team members
may not help due to the partition obscuring possible links. This problem has
Bull, ICL, CGS UK Ltd., Unisys and MDIS each using its own proprietary
The West Midlands Police use the Bull system that has 54 different files,
Embedded within the system is the Status text processing program. HOLMES
uses a Bull utility, Transaction Processing System (TPS), to extract text from
the files and compile the Status database. To search for red Vauxhall the
HOLMES2 began its testing phase at the end of 1997 offering many
advantages over the existing system. It uses a Dynamic Reasoning Engine (DRE)
searching all incidents on the system with the facility of using natural
language searches. The results are a list of documents that are possibly linked to
Compatibly between different Police Forces is ensured as the system was
Interpol has been the centre of police co-operation for its 177 member
states for almost 75 years. Its computer system centralises data from members'
National Central Bureaux (NCBs) which amount to 100 000 new documents
annually. These are stored and archived in the main database in Lyon, France.
The project was launched in 1996 with the objective of integrating the
three diverse systems of the core criminal database, the Electronic Archive and
the Automated Search Facility. It was expected to roll out the system in late
1997 when there will be two copies of the integrated database: a master copy
for standard search facilities and a replicated copy supporting the use of more
complex crime analysis tools. The visualisation tool, i2 (see below for software
bank account numbers. Free text searching across the database will retrieve
information that is often received out of context and the ability to store very high
resolution colour images will assist in the tracking of stolen works of art, credit
card to the central system and it being made available to all member states
Violent Criminal Apprehension System. (VICAP)
trace the travelling criminal who is actively involved in major violent crime. The
types of cases examined by this system include: (i) solved or unsolved murders
where there is suspicion of foul play and (iii) unidentified dead bodies where
murder is suspected.
database. The output is a listing of the ten cases that most resemble the one being
investigation support (time lines, investigative matrix etc.) and facilitates crime
investigation training.
introduced the CGT system which was developed by one of their Officers, Dr.
Kim Rossmo [3]. This system investigates the probable spatial behaviour of an
dump sites.
criminal careers etc. to describe, understand and control criminal events. The
relationship between an offender's home and the crimes he or she commits is
the underlying theme of their work. Rossmo reverses this reasoning to predict
the relative probability that a given point is the residence or workplace of the
The system was initially validated on several solved crimes locating the
system has had a number of successes [4], in one notorious case the then
current investigative systems suggested that the killer could have lived within a
2,000 square kilometre area, Rossmo's software indicated that the search
should be restricted to a 10 square kilometre area. The offender, who lived within
that restricted area, was subsequently captured and convicted. It was also used
in a case where a 16-year-old girl was murdered and another left for dead. The
software suggested a search area of 1.5 square kilometres from a possible area
of 26 square kilometres. The offender who lived within that search area was
This system is now commercially produced under the name ORION [5].
Most crime is not major. Individual crimes are of a less serious nature to
society as a whole (although still serious to the victims). The shear volume of
such crimes creates different types of problems for the investigator. The high
degree of similarity between crimes and the lack of resources for detailed
crime and preventing similar future crimes. The challenge for advanced software
In the late 1980's the London Metropolitan Police conceived CRIS [6] as
a computerised system to replace the paper based crime reporting system with
a database covering the entire Metropolitan Police area. Various solutions were
tried but it was only in August 1994 when a contract was agreed with EDS Ltd.
based on new high performance computers and data networks that the vision
could be realised.
7600 central computers that mirrors all 63 Divisional databases and is updated
in real time [7]. Each Division has both a front-end and back-end processor
centrally. As the data is stored in real time any requests for information will
automatically include the most up to date results. The system has produced
information that has lead to many arrests, the first reported being related to car
crime [8]. Officers used the system to build up a picture of a car crime wave in
Surbitan, Southwest London and found that they followed a pattern of time,
location, method and type of car stolen. The Police established a decoy vehicle
and caught the offenders within two hours. This is an illustrative example of how
The West Midlands Police use CPAS which provides digital maps to display
all or specific types of crime that occur in a defined area. The system will analyse
the data and produce a coloured graphical overlay on the map to show the
extrapolate total crime figures for a series of dates and predict where crime will
occur 'tomorrow'.
The prediction is overlaid onto the map. This information can be used to
aid manpower planning and resource allocation. It is not currently used for
Information Management software, instances of crime onto an Ordinance Survey
map of the relevant area. The system will plot all/different types of crime and
indicating a single crime it is possible to plot all offenders that are associated to
that crime thereby indicating the distance travelled to commit the crime. By
indicating an offender it will plot all crimes associated with that person thereby
indicating the radius of criminal activity including date/time and type of crime
This system has the ability to plot crime corridors by placing all known
addresses (i.e. offenders and known associates) of an offender on the map and
then connecting them by drawing a line along the streets. It is then possible for
the system to create a 'buffer zone' (a polygon) around the street lines at a user
defined distance i.e. 100 meters. All of the crimes within the zone for which
the offender has been charged are then displayed followed by all similar
outstanding crimes. This will enable detectives to target the offender's activity
This is illustrated in the diagram below, the black squares representing the
All of the UK, Dutch, Swedish and New Zealand Police Forces, various
Australian Forces and USA legal departments (including the FBI) [9] utilise
the data visualisation suite of software, Analyst Notebook. There are four main
Link Analysis
Network Analysis
Network diagrams are used on large data sets to extend the link analysis
transfers and Internet traffic. The system will allow optical character reading
related links.
Event Sequence
This time line chart reveals how related events unfold. It is particularly
useful in visualising the cause and effect between events and sequence
The chart analyses the significant activity between subjects. It is particularly
money laundering.
The i2 software was used in the preparation for and during the Euro 96
Forces, many USA Police Departments and various UK and USA government
departments [11].
This operational intelligence tool has the ability to track and interpret data
from a wide range of sources by connecting to the source or importing the data,
Queries can be saved for later use or applied to different data sets. Using a
charts, links between data and/or events, hierarchies and transactions. The chart
displays are similar to those in i2. It will also generate activity timelines and
reports. The linking includes investigating networks of contacts, cashflow
information identifying and tagging records and objects then identifying their
tasks to specific people allowing SIO's to monitor the workflow and prioritise
extent that a document was processed, by who and when. It was last updated.
Watson was used in a notorious UK murder case (the Naomi Smith case
[10] ) by linking into HOLMES data producing data links between people,
vehicles, crime scenes etc. could be visually displayed (e.g. question: "was
there any relationship between Mr X and Mr Y"). In this way a large number
of attributes were matched at one time. While detectives were utilising this
that resulted in the undertaking that all males between 15 and 28 years old would
males to be initially tested and, during the testing process, the offender's DNA
Suspect Prioritization System (SPS)
service. This was developed based on well documented academic research which
history was entered into the system and continues to be expanded by the entering
The system although not yet in general use was used to by the originator of
the system who had property stolen from his car. The crime was profiled by the
system, the top five suspects were investigated and the offender was found to
Charlottesville along with their local Police departments for use by crime
analysts [13]. ReCAP uses a GIS with statistical analysis and machine learning
to examine a corporate database that is used by the City and County Police
Forces as well as the University. This subsequently allows the rule based
enabling spatial and temporal crime analysis together with forecasting in an
system was deployed to the crime analysts during the latter part of 1997. Its
One area of volume crime that has attracted the particular attention for
possess special challenges because there are a large number of offences, the same
offender is more than likely to commit a series of such crimes and it is rare to
During 1985 a pilot system for detecting domestic burglary offences was
and in six sections: - the disposition of the dwelling before and during the
offence, the method of entry, how the burglary was executed, the method used
to remove stolen items, the items stolen and any special peculiarities.
through the data entry form by ticking nodes from root to leaf. An example
being: -
[door , front , ground , secure , lock , forced , bodily_pressure]
entered into the system. The rule base comprised two main components 'detect'
and 'extract'. The former used the entire MO set for a crime and constructed
prolog terms that constituted effective search branches with the objective to
searching against solved crimes. The latter took the created MO and printed a
list of criminals whose MO matched various aspects and on what branches the
matches were made. The criminals were not ranked in any order but listed in
the order in which they were found. The developers established that a
The system was used for three weeks in November 1985 during which
data. The rule base was also enhanced to include the calculation of
During the live trial no arrests were made for a burglary offence, however,
from the tests made by the developers, indications were that the system had
The system was subsequently developed further for the Baltimore County
ranked order, messages to aid investigators, MO's that identify suspects
because of some unique behavioural pattern. If, during the matching process,
no match was found or the scale scores too low, the system provided a general
The Devon and Cornwall system never extended beyond the alpha testing
stage [16] as the concepts could not be proved. Poor data capture was an issue
that was often demonstrated as there were, at that time, insurmountable problems
with the amount and type of data collected. A simplistic crime reporting
system was installed in the Force between mid 1988 to the end of
1989 abandoning the expert system concept. The ReBES system was also
dropped from usage. Reasons given include high turnover in users, new users
During 1992 and in conjunction with the National Research Council, the
investigation of residential break & enter incidents that will illustrate the potential for
3. provide the investigator with easy access to:- case parameters, other
incidents in the vicinity, similar cases, patrol officer report narrative, witness
4. identify the MO of suspects and cleared cases
verified and inputted by an analyst. The latter, a rule based CrystalTM expert
Alpha testing took place during the end of 1993 with beta testing
beginning in July 1994. During the former stage an analyst identified five
offences which occurred in the south of the city which had a high probability of
being committed by the same person. An offender was arrested and subsequently
This system is now being used by a number of the Canadian Police Forces
Cleveland Constabulary
time; date; victim's age; sex; house style etc. There are in excess of 250 such
Cantor [18] in his psychological profiling of criminals, is used to take all of the
crime variables and correlate each against the others thereby discovering
similarity ratings.
occupied carried
Intruders tool at
scene Invaders
climbed no search
damage prepare drawn
Can there ever be an ideal single system? The individual systems within this
paper have each been designed for a variety of uses within its field.
searches on an on-line transaction processing computer will only slow the system and
detract from its operational effectiveness, therefore, it is good practice for all data to
environment it will be possible to amalgamate data from disparate sources i.e. Crime,
Command and Control, Custody, Courts etc.; enhance the data by creating new fields
based on one or more existing features i.e. banding the time of day that a crime
occurred etc.; and to provide a consistency of data items across the disparate systems
Desirable features
It has been shown how investigation systems are being developed to harness to
power of the computer as a tool to aid the solution of both major and volume crimes.
The characteristics of those two categories of crime require different treatments. In the
case of a major crime series it is necessary to search for connections in two or more
crimes when there is a strong prior belief that the same individual(s) committed them.
In the case of volume crime it is very hard for even the most sophisticated computer
characteristics in volume crime where there are no clear suspects is quite difficult due
to specific series of crimes being lost in the morass of all reported crimes.
From the stance of investigating crime, there is a set of features that would be
most desirable in any computer system, the foremost of which is the ability to
address or person.
there are a number of commercially available packages that excel in this area, it is felt
The ability to use natural language for queries and the facility for any
submitted query having the capability of searching through all tables in the database
without the requirement to establish relationship links. This would bring complex
searching into the domain of the untrained user. It would also require a complex
When data is entered into the system a useful facility would be the automatic
criteria. Examples being the entry of current burglary offences; the system could
match similar offences based on the MO, geographical area and property stolen and
matching robbery offences by offender description and geographical area. The closest
matches being displayed with a user defined cut off level. The user may require a
90% match on domestic burglaries but be satisfied with a 85% match on robbery
offender descriptions.
The table below offers a comparison of the desirable features associated with
take in Table 1.
being fuzzy logic controllers and neural network pattern recognition. Similar
major and volume crime. The majority of current systems are designed to be used in
the investigation of either one of these categories but not both, with the exceptions of
i2 and Watson, and have been written to specifically target a niche market. Each
system performs well when judged against its intended use. However, the systems
mainly rely on users asking specific questions to assist in the investigation process.
Specifically within volume crime, the user may not know which question is relevant
In both categories of crime it is left to the human investigator to ask the right
increasing sophistication and specialisation to obtain the best results from the software
and gain confidence in the procedures. However, this is often difficult to achieve in
major crimes due to the relative infrequent occurrence and the voluminous data
therefore the honing of such skills is difficult to accomplish. To achieve best results,
most UK Forces utilise specialist teams of detective Officers who are supported by
trained Civilian Support Staff including trained crime analysts. Such specialism takes
time to develop and may vary in the degree of ability with different aspects of crime.
Future systems should now exploit AI techniques that will enable the
systems have been viewed with a great deal of scepticism within the Police Force.
This is partly due to a general lack of computer literacy and also due to systems
requiring a substantial amount of hand crafted knowledge with which users may
[1] Sales Literature, Dynamic Reasoning Engine Technology Overview, Cambridge Neurodynamics
[2] Mansell-Lewis (1997), Shared Intelligence, IBM Police & Justice, pp. 31-32.
[3] Rossmo, K. (1985), Place, Space, and Police Investigations: Hunting Serial Violent Criminals, in
Eck, J. E. and Weisburd, D (Ed.) Crime and Place, Criminal Justice Press, pp. 217-235.
[4] Glaskin, M. (1996) Software tracks down serial killers, Sunday Times, 23rd June 1996.
[5] Atkinson, B. (1996) Cyber cops make house calls, The Globe and Mail, Science and Criminology
[6] CRIS Sales Promotion Literature, Crime report Information System, Department of Technology,
[7] Personal interview with Mr. Ian Holden, CRIS Service Manager, Metropolitan Police, 1600 hours
[8] Daily Telegraph (1996), Computer Feeling Collars, Daily Telegraph, Tuesday 8th October 1996.
[9] Sales Promotion Literature, Changing the Face of Investigations Around the World i2, Cambridge,
England 1997.
[10] Matthews, R. (1997), Resistance is Futile, Sluth City, New Scientist Supplement, 4th October
1997 pp 20-23.
[11] Sales Promotion Literature, Watson, intelligence analysis, Watson, Cambridge, England 1997.
[12] House, J.C. (1996), Towards a Practical Application of Offender Profiling: The RNCs Criminal
[13] Charles, J. (1998), AI and Law Enforcement, IEEE Intelligent Systems, January/February 1998,
pp 77-80.
[14] Lucas, R (1986), An Expert System to Detect Burglars using a Logic Language and a Relational
[15] Ratledge, E.C. and Jacoby, J.E. (1989), Handbook on Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems in
[16] Personal interview with Mr. Paul Lee, Information Systems, Devon and Cornwall Constabulary
[17]Brahan, J.W. Valcour, L. Shevel, R. (1993), The Investigator's Notebook, Unknown source, pp