Starting A Business Los Angeles
Starting A Business Los Angeles
Starting A Business Los Angeles
You dont want any big and adverse surprises, which may be
uninsurable as well as not reasonably foreseeable. Suppose, for
example, your employee while on an errand for your company
stopped for a couple of drinks en route, had a bad car accident
on his way back to your office while driving under the influence
(paralyzing the other driver, a 40 year old plastic surgeon) and
incurred a $30,000,000 judgment based on some calculation of
the present value of the doctors future lost earnings. The
drivers employer (you) would be personally liable on the
foregoing facts. Bottom Line: For the foregoing reason, in
all cases, I NEVER recommend the use of the sole
proprietorship option of business organization (i.e.,
operating your business individually, and not through a
viable liability-shielding entity). Its not worth the risk.
Question #2: Will you want to incentivize your
employees with equity? If so, a corporation (C or S) is
preferable to either an LP or an LLC because of the
availability of Incentive Stock Options (ISOs) which have
significant tax advantages for the recipients. While a Profits
Interest in an LLC or LP is not taxable upon receipt by an
employee, its considerably more complex, more difficult and
expensive (in terms of legal fees) to draft and understand,
much less frequently used as an equity incentive and for
the foregoing reasons, much less appreciated and much less
effective as an equity incentive than an ISO. Bottom Line:
If incentivizing employees is important, you will want
to organize as a C Corporation or S Corporation,
rather than a LP or an LLC.
Argument #2: An LLC is preferable to a C
Corporation because an LLC can make special allocations
of losses and expense items. The ability to make special
allocations of losses and expense items is possibly, but
not necessarily, a compelling consideration, because of
limitations on the extent to which passive investors can
utilize the benefit of loss pass-throughs.