( 1979-1989)
The soviet attacks Afghanistan on December 27, 1979 after the death of
afghans PM/minister of defense.
Before the war, afghan government had turned to the soviets in order to
stabilize their economy. However, due to the soviets determination to
spread communism.
Proxy War
The Soviet-Afghan war was a example of proxy war. The
two great powers were the Soviet Union and the United
States of America. The US played an indirect (third party)
part of the war effort supporting the Afghan Mujahidin. By
supplying them with artillery and other weapons of
destructions. The US and the Soviet Union were two
rivalling powers who believed into two different types of
Power. Democracy Vs. Communism. Therefore the reason
the US got involved in the war was to help Afghanistan
fight and win the battle between the Soviet Union.
The end result was accomplish because it had push the Soviet and
stop their invasion and able to damage their economic resources,
losing support of their country by their citizens and their death in the
battle. While the Afghan Mujahideen was a group of country, who
donate a lot of financial support from the six country and military
training for mostly United State and Pakistan.
The events leading to this foremost war were concerning to the Saur Revolution and Democratic
Republic of Afghanistan.
During the Saur revolution, Mohammad Zahir Shah succeeded to the throne and control from 1933 to
1973. His cousin, Mohammad Daoud Khan, served as Prime Minister (1853 to 1963). The Marxist
PDPA (People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan) party was credited for significant growth during
these years. In 1967, the PDPA split into two rival faction groups, the khalq (Masses) faction headed
by Nur Muhammad Taraki and Hafizullah Amin against the Parcham (Banner) faction led by Babrak
Through charges of corruption and poor economic conditions, the former Prime Minister Daoud took
power in a practically violent-less military coup in 1973. Daoud ended the monarchy but wasnt
successful in the economic and social reforms to benefit the country. Daouds regime caused serious
opposition from the factions because of the authoritarianism brought on them. The PDPA joined
together again to end Daouds rule over them.
In 1978, the PDPA overthrew and executed Daoud along with the members of his family. Nur
Muhammad Taraki, Secretary General of the PDPA, became both the president of the Revolutionary
Council and Prime Minister of the newly formed Democratic Republic of Afghanistan.
During the Democratic Republic of Afghanistans power, the government was practically divided
along follower lines, with President Taraki and Deputy Prime Minister Hafizullah Amin of the Khalq
faction against Parcham leaders such as Babrak Karmal and Mohammad Najibullah. Conflicts resulted
in things like exiles, purges, and executions within the PDPA. Also, the PDPA applied a Marxist-style
program of reforms. It settled forth changes in marriage customs and land reforms that werent
supported by an exceedingly population believing in Islam.
Mid 1978, a rebellion began in the Nuristan region of eastern Afghanistan and civil war spread
throughout the country. In 1979, Deputy Prime Minister of Afghanistan Hafizullah Amin seized power
after a palace shootout that ended in the death of President Taraki. Unsteadiness overwhelmed Amins
regime as he moved against his opponents in the PDPA and the growing rebellion.
Fruit = consequences
of the problem
The Afghan resistance movement during the mid 1980s was assisted by
the U.S., U.K., China, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and others, that contributed
to the Moscows high military costs and stressed international relations. In
result, Afghan guerrillas were armed, funded, and trained mostly by the
U.S. and Pakistan. Plus, the donation of American-created FIM-92 Stinger
anti-aircraft missile systems increased the losses of the Soviet Air Force.
The Fishbone
The Fishbone
5. The end