Resonant&Buck Chopper
Resonant&Buck Chopper
Resonant&Buck Chopper
Resonant pulse
commutation circuit and
buck chopper.
Experiment Details
Branch - Year Semester
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Apparatus Required
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Circuit Diagram
Principle of Operation
In resonant pulse commutation the Capacitor C charges up in the dot as positive before a gate pulse is applied to the Transistor. When transistor is triggered, the resulting current has two components.
The constant load current I load flows through R - L load. This is ensured by the large
reactance in series with the load and the freewheeling diode clamping it.
A sinusoidal current flows through the resonant L-C circuit to charge-up C with the dot as negative at the end of the half cycle.
1.Open PSPICE software and open new file.
2.Enter the following programs
For the resonant pulse commutation circuit
VS 1 0 DC 12V ; Input DC voltage source
VG1 7 0 PULSE (0 10V 0.0ms 1us 1us 0.4ms 1ms )
VG2 8 0 PULSE (0 10V 0.4ms 1us 1us 0.4ms 1ms )
VG3 9 0 PULSE (0 10V 0.0ms 1us 1us 0.2ms 1ms )
L 5 6 5mH
L1 2 3 6.4uH
C 1 2 31.2uF IC=12V
VX 6 0 DC 0V ; Load battery voltage
VY 1 10 DC 0V
D1 4 1 DMOD
.MODEL DMOD D(IS=2.2E-15 BV=1200V TT=0 CJO=0)
For Buck Chopper
VS 1 0 DC 110V ; Input DC voltage source
VY 1 2 DC 0V ;Voltage source to measure the supply current
VG 7 3 PULSE (0 20V 0 0.1ns 0.1ns 27.28USus 50us) ;Ton=27.28US=(Va/Vs*T)
RB 7 6 250
LE 3 4 681.82UH
CE 4 0 8.33UF IC=60V
L 4 8 40.91UH
VX 5 0 DC 0V ; Load battery voltage
.MODEL DMOD D (IS=2.2E-15 BV=1800V TT=0) ; Diode modal parameters
Q1 2 6 3 QMOD ; Transistor modal parameters
.MODEL QMOD NPN (IS=6.734F BF=416.4 BR=.7371 CJC=3.638P
+ CJE=4.493P TR=239.5N TF=301.2P)
.TRAN 1US 1.6MS 1.5US 1US UIC ; Transient analysis
.PROBE ; Graphics post-processor
Enter the Program With out errors.
Waveforms should be noted without parallax error.
Don't forget to save the Program at the end of every line.
Observations(Resonant pulse
commutation )
Observations(Buck Chopper)
Various voltages across the capacitor, inductor and load has been
observed in resonant pulse commutation circuit and buck chopper
VIVA Questions
1. To design the buck converter, what are basic & essential information (parameters) we need to get
from the Customer?
Ans : We need the following inputs from the customer, Output Voltage VOUT, Input Voltage VIN,
Output Current (load current) IOUT Maximum Ripple voltage allowed at the output side,
Efficiency of the converter
2. What is the ouput voltage of buck chopper?
Ans: the output voltage of buck chopper is
Vo=DVin Where D is duty cycle
3.What is meant by delay angle?
Ans: The delay angle is defined as angle between zero crossing of the input voltage and the instant
the thyristor is fired.
4. What is meant by DC chopper?
Ans: a DC chopper is a high speed static switch used to obtaine the variable DC output volatge
from constant DC input voltage.
5. What are the two types of control strategies?
Ans: Time ratio control (TRC) and Current Limit Control Method (CLC)