Five Languages of Love
Five Languages of Love
Five Languages of Love
We are relational creatures.
Positive Affirming relationships
Poor relationships
Consider our relationships
Relationships are dynamic creatures
There are 5 fundamental love languages.
Primary love language?
Why do I need to know these languages?
± To learn how to express love
± To enhance human relationships.
± To teach appreciation for what is done for us.
Need to understand the different love
languages to understand the meaning
behind the words and actions.
wove wanguage #1
Words of affirmation:
! ""
$! " !
# ! ! "
! !## !#$
± # !#
% # &#
'! ( ( ð
# !# # !#&
|ome gifts may:
± Only last a few hours/ days
± Be hand made or bought
± Come in any shape, size or colour
If the primary love language is gifts: what
is most important is the expression of love
attached to it
þ ## ! # #
Difficult for some
- hay offend some people.
- Therefore, before doing an act of service, ask.
- If it¶s not natural, its still a love language worth
acquiring. Therefore,
§ Ô
hartha¶s story
|uggestion for hartha
|peak the truth to yourself.
Find out what is going on inside hark
-What does he feel about the relationship?
-Does he have romantic feelings?
It is important for us to know our primary
love language.
When we learn to speak each other¶s love
language early in our relationships, we are
able to keep each other¶s love tanks full.
[uestions to think about
How freely you express acts of service to others?
What acts of service have you done for your family,
friend or someone with whom you have a dating
relationship the last three months?
Did your father speak the love language acts of
service similar to hartha¶s father? What about your
Would you be willing to set a goal of speaking the
love language acts of service at least once a week
to someone you care about?
wove wanguage #4
[uality Time
What is [uality Time?
Central aspect: Togetherness
± Undivided attention
± Feeling connected
[uality wistening
[uality Activities
[uality Conversations
Def: |haring experiences, thoughts,
feelings & desires in a friendly context.
± wistening sympathetically
± Desire to understand
± Communicate
± Get in touch with self ĺ verbalize
[uality wistening
Def: |ympathetic listening with the view to
understand the other person.
Guidelines to be a listener
Guidelines to be a Good wistener
1. haintain eye contact when listening
7. Mxpress understanding
NOT what you are doing, but on WHY you
are doing it
wove wanguage #5
Physical Touch
The 5 |enses
|ight = eyes
|mell = Nose
Hear = ears
Taste = mouth
wimited to 1 area
Not limited to 1 area
Head to toe- covered with receptors
|ensitivity varies
± Fingers = more
± Back = less
hake or break relationship
± love or hate
± Mx: shaking hands
Interpretation of touch
± Warm / cold
± Pain / pleasure
± woving / hateful
Kinds of Touches
Appropriate and inappropriate
± |ame sex and opposite sex
± Physical abuse and sexual harassment
Dialects of touch (hanner of touch)
Implicit and Mxplicit
Implicit and Mxplicit
Implicit Mxplicit
|ubtle Requires full attention
Takes only a moment hore time
Mx: a pat on the back Developing of
understanding ( time ,
money, energy)
Mx: back rub
Primary wove wanguage
Touches will speak much louder than
To touch your body is to touch you
Mx: a hug communicates love but a ³HUG´
shouts love
Withholding touch will isolate and raise
doubts about love
Touching someone takes much thought
Does not respond positively
|tiff / uneasy / withdraw
Invasion of personal space
Mmotionally uncomfortable
|carred / upbringing
Time of crisis, everyone needs to feel love
Unique opportunity to express love
Touch is a powerful communicator of love
Can¶t change events, but can survive it
Touch will be needed hORM THAN other
love languages
Touch will be remembered long after crisis
Failure to touch will never be forgotten
wearning to Touch
wearn by doing
The more often you do it, the more
comfortable it will feel
Will get a response
Case study : different love language ð
learning a new language ð building the
Timing Those Touches
Determined by mood and desire of other
Mx: Door
Observe body language
± Appropriate time: down / achievement
± Inappropriate time: angry
The |etting
Appropriate place for touching
Mx: Kid ð teen ( football league )
aries from place to place ( private and
public places)
Respecting the other person¶s desires
The hanner
Dialects: hugs, kisses, back rubs, pats,
massages, arm wrestling
Unique individuals, different preference
Mmotional climate
± |ame touch different context
|peak it
wearning to speak the other¶s ww is the
most effective way to love
Mnhance well-being of other person (not
satisfy own desires)
Can¶t force own dialect or own ww ( be
Just a note, there are those who speak
one love language but wish to receive in
another language.
This is only a brief summary
Hope this will help you learn how to:
± |peak all 5 love language where appropriate
± Be a better person in your relationships
± Have a positive impact in your daily life
wearning a new love language is not easy
± But person to feel genuinely loved ð must
speak in that person¶s primary love language
wet¶s put into use what you have learnt in
this workshop to show others that you love
|ome questions for you to consider
Which of your relationships are healthy loving
Which relationships would you like to see
improved? What steps will you take to
improve it?
Are you willing to invest time to learn how to
speak the 5 love languages?
Has there been someone speaking to you in
a love language that you did not recognize