Tah Bso
Tah Bso
Tah Bso
What Is TAH-BSO?
Subjective: Acute pain Short term: Establish rapport To gain trust Short term:
The patient may secondary to After 4 hours The patient’s pain
verbalized: surgical of nursing Monitor vital signs scale decreased
“My incision is hurts.” operation interventions, the To obtain baseline 8/10 to 4/10
patient’s pain scale will data
Provide comfort
decrease 8/10 to 4/10
Objective: measure
The patient manifested : To satisfy the
-irritability Long term:
Encourage deep confinement of Long term:
-impaired physical After 1 day of patient
breathing The patient’s pain
nursing interventions, To inhibit pain diminished and
mobility Provide safety
patient’s pain will performed activities
-disturbed sleep pattern diminish and perform measure
-diaphoresis Develop To prevent from like side movements
activities like side and leg bending
-restlessness movement and leg communication injury
-facial grimaces bending review To alter pain and
S > The patient may Sexual Dysfunction Short term: >Establish rapport >To gain trust Short term:
verbalized: related to altered After 4 hours of >Monitor vital signs >To obtain The patient
-problem such as body structure and nursing interventions maintenance data identified stressors
> Obtain sexual
loss of sexual desire function the patient will in lifestyle that
history including >To maximize
identify stressors in contributes to the
- inability to achieved usual patterns of communication and
lifestyle that may dysfunction
desired satisfaction functioning and level understanding
contribute to the
of desires
-conflicts involving dysfunction >Sexual concerns are
values > Be alert to often disguised as Long term:
Long term:
comments of client humor, sarcasm, or
O> the patient The patient
After 3 day of offhand remarks
manifested: verbalized
nursing interventions
> These factors may understanding of
-alteration in the patients will > identify current
be producing enough individual reasons
relationship with SO verbalize stressors in
anxiety to cause for sexual problems
understanding of individual situations
-Change of interest depression
individual reasons for
in self and others sexual problems > They do not help
> Avoid making the client
value judgments
>To promote
>Establish treatment and
therapeutic nurse- facilitate sharing of
client relationship sensitive information
Risk for infection Short term: >Establish rapport >To gain trust Short term:
O> the patient
manifested: secondary to
surgical incision After 4 hours of >Monitor V.S. >To obtain baseline The patient identified and
-Weakness nursing data demonstrated
interventions, the >Note signs and interventions to prevent
-Pallor patient shall symptoms of >To reduce risk of infection
identify and sepsis complication and
-with dry and demonstrate
intact dressing on monitor for infection
intervention to
the area. prevent infection >To reduce risk for
>Provide wound infection
-Pain over the healing such as
incision cleaning of wound
Long term: Long term:
-Irritability >To promote healing to
>Provide care, the incision The patient doesn’t
After 1 day of change dressing
-Presence of intact nursing experience infection
dressing as needed >To prevent infection to
interventions, the increase immune
patient will not >Encourage resistance
have infection increase intake of
Vitamin C >To increase healing of
>Encourage deep
breathing exercise
Assessment Nursing Planning Nursing Rationale Evaluation
Diagnosis Interventions
S > The patient may Risk for fluid Short term: Establish rapport To gain trust Short term:
verbalized: volume deficit After 4 hours of The patient
“I feel weak and nursing interventions Monitor vital signs To obtain identified risk
thirsty.” the patient will identify maintenance data factors and
risk factors and appropriate
O> the patient appropriate Encourage increase To replace loss fluids interventions
manifested: interventions oral fluid intake
-decrease urine output Prevents peak in
-sudden weight loss Long term: Provide fluid level Long term:
-decrease skin turgor After 3 day of nursing supplemental fluids The patient
-dry mucous interventions the as ordered demonstrated
membranes patients will To ensure accurate behaviors or lifestyle
-sunken eyeballs demonstrate behaviors Monitor intake and picture of fluid status changes to prevent
or lifestyle changes to output development of fluid
prevent development Confusion can lead volume deficit
of fluid volume deficit Provide safety to accidents
To replace loss
Encourage the use electrolyte.
of oresol